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I will be wait for you语法对还是I will be waiting for you对 为什么?


I will be wait for you语法对还是I will be waiting for you对 为什么?


I will be wait for you语法对还是I will be waiting for you对 为什么?


英语语法问题-请问cause 和 trigger有什么区别吗?

cause 是因为,后面接原因trigger是激发,引起的意思,后面接事情的结果


句子给错了 应该是is this all there is to be loved?这是一个定语从句 all 后面省略了关系代词that完整的说法为is this all that there is to be loved?主句为主系表结构 this为主语 表语就是all 而there is to be loved是主句当中的定语 由于它是由一个完整的句子来充当 所以叫作定语从句 至于从句也是一个主系表结构(见附注) 其中that充当了从句当中的表语 在口语中经常省略 to be loved 是不定式一般式的被动语态 在从句当中修饰了表语 充当了定语的成分【附注】首先 了解英语当中的五大句型 其中有一类叫做主系表结构 在这种观点里 there be 句型被认为是被倒装的主系表结构 也有的人认为应该有六种句型 这种观点中 there be句型被单独列为一种句型 我们通常采用前一种观点 追加:如果原书当中采用了to being loved的说法 则要另加考虑 因为在这种情况下 的确会如你所说 to是一个介词 而不再是构成不定式的符号 这个时候being loved是一个名词性短语(用来做to的宾语)介词to在这里翻译成“对于” 这句话就可以理解为:对于“被爱”这个词来说 难道这就是它全部的内涵吗???当然 由于上下文的不同 可以将它翻译成不同内涵的句子 仁者见仁 智者见智 这是文学作品中的常见现象 有时你甚至会发现用语法根本解释不通的地方 很正常 语法本身并不是万能的 比如{moonlight shadow}:the last that ever she saw him,carried away by a moonlight shadow.

看《peppa pig》学语法:s101

《muddy puddles》Alright, run along you two:可以啊,你们两个快去吧。run along: 1. 走开 2. 延伸,贯穿I must check if it"s safe for you:我必须确认它对你来说是否安全 If it"s safe for you 是作为谓语check的宾语从句。 这里要注意: 只有宾语从句才可以用 if 引导。 Guess what we"ve been doing:猜猜我们刚才在做什么? guess 放置句首,是口语表达形式。have been doing是现在完成进行时:表示一直在做,表示动作从过去某一时间开始,一直持续到现在,也可也表示某种经历。在这里表示peppa 和 geroge刚才一直在玩。goodness me: 天哪。 为一种口语表达方式,And look at the mess you"re in:看看你们有多脏。mess:杂乱,脏乱;脏东西;不整洁 in a mess:又脏又乱在这里,you"re in 为宾语mess的补足语。 ———————————————————


有错误,本句话改为强调句如下:It is the ship that take you to England.


Nowadays, in people"s daily life, bad diet habit、the lacks of exercise and the neglect of their own weight, obesity becomes a hidden danger to people, therefore the purpose of this electronic body scale is to facilitate the people to weigh weight, usiong weight sensing and fixed position sensing through the AD transform and simulate data, with the processor operate and judge, then obtained surpassed the standard body weight. At last, it displays the results through LCD. At this time the users are able to have an certain understanding of their weight healthy. This paper proposes an Electronic body scale using embedded technical with the S3C44BOX ARM Ship which is the product of Samsung company.

it is likely a robbery gone wrong 有语法错误吗

it is likely a robbery gone wrong 有语法错误吗这里的gone有问题,应该是:it is likely a robbery went wrong。或:it is likely a robbery has gone wrong。意思是:可能有个抢劫案搞错了(信息)。理由:过去分词在独立句子中通常不单独存在,需要有be或have质量之类的助动词一起;而动词过去式则没有这个问题。


语法没错。give sth to sb为固定搭配。gave是give的过去式。“the”表特指。


1、仅带动名词作宾语的动词为:admit appreciate avoid delay enjoy escape prevent finish imagine mind practise resist risk suggest stand forgive keep allow advise permit forbid 等, 注意:1)但如果在 allow advise permit forbid 后提到有关的人,就只能用不定式作宾补。2)在动词 want, need, require, demand 等词后加动名词作宾语时表示被动意义,也可以用 to be done。2、除了祈使句必须用动词原形,to后面+动词用原形外,还有很多情况要用动词原形,比如助动词后也要用动词原形,另外还有:1)but/except前面的句子中有动词do的形式出现时,but/except后用动词原形,如: I have nothing to do but wait.2)有些动词后面用动词原形,即不带to的不定式作宾补,如let,make,see,hear,observe,feel,watch等。


【篇一】2021年上半年英语四级语法用法辨析   摘要:burst forth 突然出现,突然爆发出,突然喊出。   1. be bursting to do sth 急于要做某事。如:   He was bursting to tell her the news. 他急于要告诉她这条消息。   2. burst forth 突然出现,突然爆发出,突然喊出。如:   A broad smile burst forth on his face. 他顿时笑容满面。   A cry of horror burst forth from the crowd. 人群中突然发出恐惧的叫喊声。   "Why don"t you behave? " he burst forth. “你为什么不放规矩一点呢? ”他大声喊。   3. burst into   (1) 突然闯入。如:   Don"t burst into my bedroom without knocking. 请不要不敲而贸然闯入我的卧室。   (2) 突然……起来。如:   She burst into tears (laughter, song). 她突然哭(笑, 唱)起来。   The entire hall burst into thunderous cheers. 全场发出了雷鸣般的欢呼。   注:这样用的 burst into 后通常接具有动作意义的名词。burst的用法   4. burst out   (1) 大声叫喊。如:   "I don"t believe it", he burst out. “我不相信”,他大声说道。   注:这样用的 burst out 与 burst forth 同义。   (2) 突然……起来。如:   She burst out crying (laughing, singing). 她突然哭(笑,唱)起来。   注:这样用的 burst out 后通常接动名词。 【篇二】2021年上半年英语四级语法用法辨析   (1) 用于习语:between ourselves [you and me] 仅你我知道的秘密。   I"ll phone you between lunch and three o"clock. 我将在午餐后三点钟以前给你打电话。   He felt something between laughter and anger. 他既觉得好笑,又感到气愤。   (2) 由于……和……(表示原因)。如:   Between the noise outside and lack of sleep, he couldn"t   concentrate. 由于外面的噪音加上睡眠不足,他无法专心。   注:between...and 不仅可连接两者,也可连接三者。如:   Luxemburg lies between France, Germany and Belgium. 卢森堡位于法国、德国和比利时之间。   Between cooking, writing and running the farm he was kept very busy. 他又是做饭,又是写作,还要打理农场,忙得不可开交。   (3) 用于习语:between ourselves [you and me] 仅你我知道的秘密。如:   Between ourselves, I don"t think he will live much longer. 咱们私下说说,他活不久了。   Between you and me, he"s not very reliable. 这是只有你我之间才说,他不是很可靠。 【篇三】2021年上半年英语四级语法用法辨析   some 的用法   some 一些,某些,某个。可代替名词和形容词。常用于肯定句。在句子中用作主语、宾语、定语。作定语时,它可以修饰单数可数名词和复数可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。   1. 用于肯定句   Ask some boys to help you.(修饰复数可数名词)   叫些男孩来帮助你。   Please bring some coffee.(修饰不可数名词)   请拿些咖啡来。   Ask some girl to come here.(修饰单数可数名词)   叫(某)个女孩来这儿。   2. some 用于疑问句时表示“请求、邀请或希望得到肯定的回答”。   Would you like some coffee?(表示请求、邀请)   请喝咖啡。   Have you some stamps?(希望得到肯定的回答)   你有邮票吧?   any 的用法   any 一些,任何。可代替名词和形容词。常用于否定句或疑问句,也可以用于条件状语从句。作定语时,它可以修饰复数形式的可数名词和不可数名词。   1. 用于疑问句或否定句   Are there any cows in the fields?(修饰复数形式的可数名词)   田里有一些牛吗?   There won"t be any trouble.(修饰不可数名词)   没有任何麻烦。   2. 用于条件状语从句   If there is any trouble, let me know.   如果有什么麻烦,要让我知道。   3. any 用于肯定句时,通常要重读,修饰单数可数名词和不可数名词。   Any time you want me, just send for me.   什么时候你需要我,随时叫我来。   Come any day you like.   只要你喜欢,随时可以来。   

no answer is the best answer这句话有语法错误吗

I don"t know which the best answer is. 宾语从句要用陈述句的语序来回答



today is very hot的语法正确吗?

不正确,一般说天气咋样都是It"s...,今天很热应该是It"s very hot today.


在构式语法作为一种理论方法正式诞生以前,语言学著作中已经有构式语法某些方面的思想萌芽。构式主义把构式当作符号,而符号不但有其形式,还有自身的意义。古希腊的语法理论中已有语言是“心理过程的符号性反应”的思想,语言单位被认为是形式-意义的对应。(Robins 1951:25-26)Saussure在《普通语言学教程》中更深入地论证了语言符号是声音形象(sound -image)和概念(concept)的结合体,后来他正式把声音形象和概念分别称为“能指”和“所指”。(Saussure 1999:66-67) 声音形象和概念的结合体实际上就是形式和意义的结合体。 到Bloomfield时,已经有了类似于构式语法主张的观点,他说:“不过,即使我们能够知道一种语言的整个词汇(lexicon),而且也相当准确地了解每一个义素,我们可能仍然不了解该语言的各种形式。每一段话语都包含了词汇所概括不了的某些重要的特征。”(Bloomfield 2002:170),Hockett的《现代语言学教程》也阐述了类似的意思。(Hockett 1958:164)。Hockett 甚至说,“同理,最终成分相同,层次配列相同的一对句子,它们的意义差别是由于结构(construction)的不同引起的。”(Bloomfield 2002:165)两位结构主义大师所说的construction并不完全等于构式语法的构式,但是,有一点是很明确的:他们注意并强调了结构体是有意义的,并且是独立于各个组成单位(词语)之外的。当然,他们的思想并不是构式语法的直接来源,构式语法学家自己也并没有声明他们的思想来源于结构主义的这些观点。在构式语法正式出现以前,流行包括生成语法在内的语法范式所支持的句义组合理论(compositional theories of sentence meaning),根据该观点,词的意义和语法要求被用来预测一个以该词为中心词的短语的语义和句法类型,就是说,组成格式的词汇的意义组合决定了格式的全部意义。句子意义投射观(projection-based view)是句义组合理论之一种,Michaelis(2006:73)说这种观点可以概括为一句话:“句子有意义,而句子格式没有意义。”构式语法是对这种投射模式的反动,实际上也是对生成语法的部分反动,其直接的来源为Fillmore的诞生于60年代末的格语法(Case Grammar)和后来的框架语义学(frame semantics)、Lakoff的格式塔语法(Gestalt Grammar,即生成语义学)、Langacker的认知语法(Cognitive Grammar)以及中心语驱动短语结构语法(HPSG)。构式语法思想的最早阐述见于1977年,即Lakoff(1977年)"的关于语言格式塔(Linguistic Gestalts)的论文。该文在尚未建立起构式语法理论体系的背景下,已指出:整体的意义并非各组成部分意义的聚集组合;相反,结构体(构式)本身必有意义。Langacker(1987、1991)的《认知语法基础》 呼吁重视语言的特异性、倾向于基于使用的模式、反对简化主义,这些是认知语法的理念,后来也都成了构式语法的基本观点,他还提出了“语法构式”的概念:“语法涉及语素和更大的成分的组合,从而逐次形成更为复杂的符号结构(symbolic constructures )。Lakoff(1987)推出认知语法的经典《女人,火及危险事物》,其中的《“There-构式”》是构式语法的拓荒之作。作者在“语法构式”概念的基础上进一步提出了“语法构式理论”(the theory of grammatical construction)的概念(第467页),并形成了构式的形式-意义配对的思想。(第467页)不过,他当时仍是在认知语法的框架内讨论语法构式,还没有提出“构式语法”的概念。Langacker和Lakoff可以被称为构式语法的先驱。Fillmore、Kay和O"connor 于1988年发表《语法构式中的规则化和习语化:以let alone为例》,这是构式语法的奠基之作,标志着构式语法的诞生。文章以习语let alone为例子,说明习语的“不规则”(irregular)现象和习语性特征不能用“例外”来解释。作者说:“我们认为一个富有解释性的语法模式将包括一套原则,藉此原则,一种语言能够把语义、语用解释原则跟句法构型单位(configurations)联系起来,这样的单位比单一的句法结构规则方式所能确定的单位更大、更复杂。”(Fillmore et al 1988:501)。这个“单位”就是构式,该文已经提出了“构式语法”(Construction Grammar,注意首字母是大写的)的概念,依作者的观点,构式在4个方面与生成理论的关于结构规则认可的树形图不同:1. 构式的范围比生成语法的树形图所涵盖的范围更广,可以跨越“句子树”(the sentential tree);2. 构式所确定(specify)的不只是语法信息,还有词汇的、语义的以及语用的信息;3. 至少在许多个例中,词汇项(lexical items)本身可以被看作构式;4.构式可以是习语形式的,因为一个大的构式所确认的意义(以及/或者语用义)可能不同于用以构成该构式的较小构式的系列意义组合所能推测出的意义(以及/或者语用义)。以这样明确的主张,正式奠定了构式语法理论的基石。


有人帮下没 我快期末考试了

关于当志愿者volunteer的英语作文 不要有语法错误哒

How time flies! Three years has passed since the last Olympic Games in 2004. The most exciting time for Chinese is coming, because the 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. It shows that our country is becoming stronger and stronger, and it will attract a number of foreigners to our country. It is not only a chance to show the great changes in China to the world, but also a great challenge for our country.Everyone in China is trying his best to get ready for the most important event in the near future. Look, there is an old man who is listening to the radio. Believe it or not, he is learning English instead of listening to his favorite play. As a student in a middle school, what should we do before the Olympic Games? The answer is: “Being a volunteer is great!” First of all, doing something useful to keep our environment clean is necessary. We can help the cleaners clean up the streets, parks,rivers and so on. We can also tell the little children to throw rubbish into the dustbin. Second, we must follow the traffic rules. Wait till the traffic lights turn green. Don"t jump the line when waiting for buses.Third, we should learn to be polite and friendly to others. Have you ever offered your seat to a woman with a baby? Have you ever helped an old man carry his heavy bag? And have you ever given a hand to a disabled person? Help those who are in trouble, and our society will become more and more beautiful.Finally, Learning English well is helpful. China is a great country with an old history and it has a lot of things attracting foreigners. In 2008, we can use English to help people all over the world understand more about China.The 2008 Olympic Games is the pride of us. If everyone makes his or her contribution, it will be more successful. So get ready and join us!附中文时间过得真快!自从在2004奥运会上已经三年了.中国人最激动人心的时刻的到来,因为2008奥运会将在北京举行.它表明,我们的国家越来越强大,它将吸引许多外国人来我们国家.它不仅是一个机会来展示中国巨大变化的世界,而且对我们国家也是一个巨大的挑战.在中国每个人都尽力准备在不久的未来最重要的事件.看,有一个老人正在听收音机.信不信由你,他是不是听他最喜欢玩的英语学习.作为一个中学生,在奥运会之前我们应该做什么?答案是:“做志愿者很伟大!“首先,做一些有助于保持环境干净是必要的.我们可以帮助清洁工打扫街道,公园,河流等.我们还可以告诉孩子们要把垃圾扔进垃圾桶.第二,我们必须遵守交通规则.直到交通灯转绿等.不要跳线时,等候公共汽车.第三,我们应该学会有礼貌和友好的人.你有没有给你的座位给一位妇女抱着一个婴儿?你曾经帮助一位老人带着他的沉重的袋子吗?你有没有得到手的残疾的人吗?帮助那些有困难的人,和我们的社会将变得越来越美丽.最后,学好英语是很有帮助的.中国是一个历史的伟大国家,它有许多事情吸引外国人.2008,我们可以用英语来帮助全世界人民对中国的了解.2008奥运会是我们的骄傲.如果每个人都是他或她的贡献,它会更成功.所以准备好加入我们!On every morning I went to park to help clean the park. I usually go to children‘s hospital to tell stories to children. My friends and I always bought some gifts to gave children. I think the children need help and love,so we did that. On summer holiday, I went to the old people"s home. That made me feel very happy. They are kind and friendly. I find it happy to volunteer others.Let"s help others ! 每天早晨我到公园去帮忙打扫公园.我通常去儿童医院给孩子们讲故事.我的朋友和我总是买一些礼物给孩子们.我认为孩子们需要帮助和爱,所以我们做的.在暑假,我去老人之家.这使我感到非常高兴.他们是善良和友好的.我很高兴志愿者的人.让我们帮助别人!

英语语法:当分词作表语时,如何选择正确的分词填空? 例如:I am sleeping. I am tired.

sleeping 和前面的am 构成现在进行时,而tired是过去分词用作形容词表示“累的”,做表语。


第一句里的tightening existing sanctions不是保留宾语,这个介系词at是动词aim所要求的,意思是:“新措施的目标是严厉现有的处罚。”第二句里的to you是动词leave和owe所要求的,前者意思是“留给或遗留”,后者表示“归因于”,即“我把这个留给你”或“我把这个归因于你。”take for granted和keep in mind是固定词组,所以要把它作为一个整体来记,又称为成语动词,所以这两句的意思是:“你不把……认为是理所当然的。”或“请记住。”希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。




《高中英语语法-put词组练习》由liuxue86.com我整理。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 put词组练习 put 词组 1. We put _____ the tools before we leave the workshop. 2. All the medical workers in the region helped to put _____ the influenza epidemic(流感). 3. Never put _____ until tomorrow what you can do today. 4. We are putting the play _____ again next week owing to(由于) its success. 5. The fire man soon put the fire _____. 6. The doctor told me to put _____ my tongue. 7. Itu2019s time that we put _____ the Christmas decorations(装饰物) in the living room. 8. Drop your weapons and put your hands _____. 9. Another supermarket has been put _____ near our house. 10. I canu2019t put _____ _____ a lot of noisy people when I am working. 11. 使进入,输入 12. 全神贯注于u2026u2026之中 key: 1. put away 放好,受起来 2. put down 扑灭,平息,镇压 3. put off 延期,拖延 4. put on 上演,穿戴 5. put out 熄灭,扑灭,使u2026u2026停止燃烧 6. put out 伸出,拿出 7. put up 挂起,张贴 8. put up 举起,抬起 9. put up 建造,搭起 10. put up with 忍受,容忍 11. put into 12. put oneu2019s heart into 12. keep up with 跟上 13. keep watch 守望,值班,放哨 《高中英语语法-put词组练习》由liuxue86.com我整理

they never become submissive like dogs and houres。语法分析

这句话的主句是they never become submissive(顺从的,驯服的),意思:他们从来没有变的驯服like 不是动词,只起连接作用,算作连词,和as的意思查不多,大意是他们从没像狗或马(?)那样变得驯服。

一道2017年的英语专四语法题 不懂为什么选择B?


Everyday gets better有没有语法错误?

it gets better everydayeveryday不能做主语,应该是副词




把逗号去掉。was改成 am


语法没有问题,第一个worrying短语是现在分词作定语,修饰前面的名词male leaders;第二个abandoning短语可以看成动名词,做about的宾语,前面的their women 可以看成是动名词的复合结构,即动名词的逻辑主语。


Review of Unit 1-6 I. language goals (语言目标) 1. Talk about how often you do things 谈论做事情的频率。 2. Talk about your health. Make suggestions. 谈论健康话题以及提出建议。 3. Talk about future plans. 谈论未来的计划/打算。 4. Talk about how to get to places. 谈论到达某地的方式。 5. Learn to make invitations, say yes to invitations and say no to invitations and give reasons. 学会发出,接受和拒绝邀请并说出原因。 6. Learn to talk about personal traits and how to compare people. 学会谈论个人品质以及如何比较人们。 II. Key Phrases (重点短语): 1. how often 多长时间一次 2. junk food 垃圾食品 3. a lot of 许多 4. hardly ever 很少 5. start with 以…开始 6. try to do sth. 试着去做某事 7. look after 照料 8. be kind of unhealthy 有点不健康 9. once a day 一天一次 10. twice a month 一个月两次 11. be good for 对…有好处 12. once in a while 偶尔 13. see a doctor / dentist 看病/看牙医 14. get a cold / fever 感冒/发烧 15. have a stomachache 肚子疼 16. have a toothache 牙疼 17. have a sore throat 嗓子疼 18. lie down and rest 躺下休息 19. drink hot tea with honey 喝加蜂蜜的热茶 20. be stressed out 紧张 21. listen to … 听… 22. get tired 变的疲劳 23. keep healthy 保持健康 24. at the moment 此刻;目前 25. watch TV 看电视 26. play basketball 打篮球 27. babysit her sister 照看她的妹妹 28. visit my friend 拜访我的朋友 29. relax at home 在家放松 30. sports camp 运动野营 31. something interesting 32. go hiking / camping / fishing / shopping / sightseeing 去徒步旅行/野营/钓鱼/购物/观光 33. go away 离开 34. get back to school 返回学校 35. stay for a week 呆一个星期 36. go bike riding 骑自行车兜风 37. takes walks 散步 38. rent videos 租录像带 39. sleep a lot 睡得多 40. think about 考虑 41. take the subway / bus / boat / plane 乘地铁/公共车/小船/飞机 42. get to 到达 43. go by bus / plane / boat 乘公共车/飞机/小船 44. train / subway / bus station 火车/地铁/公共车站 45. bus ride 乘公共车的旅行 46. ride a bike 骑自行车 47. bus stop 公共汽车站 48. on foot 步行 49. leave for 离开去… 50. school bus 学校班车 51. the early bus 早班车 52. be different from 与…不同 53. half past six 六点半 54. in North America 在北美洲 55. a quick breakfast 快捷的早餐 56. need to do 需要做… 57. more than 多于 58. play soccer 踢足球 59. baseball game 棒球比赛 60. school team 校队 61. come over to 过来到… 62. the day after tomorrow 后天 63. be good at 擅长于… 64. two years ago 两年前 65. be outgoing 外向的 66. all the time 一直 67. in some ways 在一些方面 68. look the same 看起来一样 69. talk to everyone 与大家谈话 70. make me laugh 使我笑 III. Key Sentence Structures 重要句型: Unit 1: 1. -What do you usually do on weekends? -I usually go to the movies. 2. -What does he sometimes do on weekends? -He sometimes surfs the Internet. 3. How often do you exercise? I exercise once a week. 4. How often does she eat vegetables? She eats vegetables three times a day. 5. Most of the students go to the beach every year. 6. It makes a big difference to my grades. 7. My eating habits are pretty good. Unit 2: 1. What"s the matter? What"s wrong? What"s the trouble? 2. I"m not feeling well. I have a cold / fever/ stomachache / sore throat. /I have a lot of headaches. 3. Maybe you should see the doctor / dentist. You should drink some hot tea with honey. 4. You shouldn"t eat anything for 24 hours. 5. Don"t get stressed out. It will make you sick. 6. I"m sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. Unit 3 1. -What is she doing for vacation? -She is babysitting her little sister. -That sounds nice / interesting. 2. -When are you going? -I"m going on Monday. 3. -Where are they going? -They are going to Tibet. 4. -Who is she going with? -She is going with her parents. 5. -How long is he staying. -He is staying for a week. 6. -How is the weather there? -I"m hoping the weather will be nice. 7. He is leaving for Hong Kong the first week in June. 8. Have a good time. Unit 4: 1. -How do you get to school? -I get to school by bus. 2. -How does he go to work? -He usually walks to school. 3. -How long does it take? -It takes about twenty minutes. 4. -How far is it from his home to school? -It"s three miles. 5. What do you think of the transportation in your town? Unit 5: 1. -Can you come to my party on Wednesday? -Sure, I"d love to. / I"m sorry, I have to have a piano lesson. 2. -Can she go to the movies on Saturday? -No, she can"t. She has to help her mom. 3. -Can you go to the concert on Monday? -When is it? -It"s at four o"clock on Friday. 4. Thanks a lot for the invitation. 5. I"m going to study for a test this evening. 6. What"s the date today? 初中英语知识总结--短语、词组和重点句型归纳 She used to be a Chinese teacher. 她过去是一位汉语老师。 [用法] used to + 动词原形,表示过去经常性的动作或存在的状态,含有现在不再如此之意。 初二语法复习 1. so+谓语+主语:…也一样. 谓语:be动词/助动词/情态动词 2. so+主语+谓语:的确如此,真的这样. 3. help yourself/yurselves to...请随便吃点... 4. 发现sb做sth : find sb doing sth 5. 不完全同意I don"t really agree. 完全不同意I really don"t agree. 6. 或者..或者...either…or…..就近原则 既不..也不..neither…nor….就近原则 既....又...both…and….谓语用复数 7. 看起来,似乎It seems/seemed that….. 8. 由于...而闻名be famous for…. 更详细的语法可以看这里:)

初中常用英语语法:与in the past连用的时态

以下是 英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的《初中常用英语语法:与in the past连用的时态》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站 写作翻译 频道。 与in the past连用的时态   介词短语 in the past 在句中用时间状语时,既可以连用一般过去时,也可以连和现在完成时,两者的区别是:用一般过去时,客观地叙述过去的情况;用现在完成时,强调持续到现在的状态或对现在影响。   一、与一般过去时连用   In the past, people had fewer expectations. 过去,人们的希求要少一些。   The capital of England is London. In the past it was Winchester. 英国现在的首都是伦敦,过去是温切斯特。   In the past he had to read by candlelight. 过去他只得在烛光下攻读。   In the past, people thought it was their religious duty to give alms to the poor. 过去,人们认为给穷人施舍是他们的宗教义务。   In the past, bear-baiting was a common form of entertainment in Britain. 过去,纵狗逗熊是英国人的一种常见娱乐方式。   In the past, a woman needed to be chaste to make a good marriage. 过去,女子要想有个好的婚姻就得守贞洁。   In the past, navigation depended on a knowledge of the positions of the stars. 过去,航行依靠人们对星星位置知识的了解。   In the past, navigation depended largely on the positions of the stars. 过去,航行在很大程度上依靠星星的位置。   Today, people are much more concerned about their health than they were in the past. 现在人们比过去更关注自己的健康。   二、与现在完成时连用   The two sides will have to be better and tougher than either has beenin the past. 双方都必须比过去更好一些、更强硬一些。   They have been so feather-bedded in the past that they can"t cope with hardship now. 他们一直娇生惯养,所以现在过不了苦日子。   In the past this process of transition has often proved difficult. 过去这种过渡过程常证明是困难的。   In the past they"ve tended to turn a deaf ear to such requests. 过去他们对这样的请求从来都是置若罔闻的。   We have achieved much in the past, and we may hope to achieve even more in the future. 过去我们已取得很大成绩,将来我们希望取得更大的成绩。


第一题,你说的不错对已发生的过去情况的推测,若陈述句谓语部分有“must have done”,而且有表示过去的时间状语,问句部分用didn"t;若没有表示过去的时间状语,问句部分用haven"t或hasn"t。如: 1)They must have gone there last night,didn"t they? 2)They must have arrived by now,haven"t they?(根据by now来判断) 3)They must have been to the Great Wall,haven"t they?第二题因为是 the33 miners are trapped,所以要be动词表示被动过去式不直接表示被动第三题的one和a是一个概念。这里不是特指,是表示数量的“一”


any other 后接单数 意思是;其他任何一个any other 后接复数 意思是;任何其他这里的意思是指该农舍距离任何建筑物都很远的意思

人教 新目标英语 七下 语法归纳

一. 词汇 ⑴ 单词 1. 介词:in, on, under, behind, near, at, of 1). in表示"在……中", "在……内"。例如: in our class 在我们班上 in my bag 在我的书包里 in the desk 在桌子里 in the classroom 在教室里 2). on 表示"在……上"。例如: on the wall 在墙上 on the desk 在桌子上 on the blackboard 在黑板上 3). under表示"在……下"。例如: under the tree 在树下 under the chair 在椅子下 under the bed 在床下 4). behind表示"在……后面"。例如: behind the door 在门后 behind the tree 在树后 5). near表示"在……附近"。例如: near the teacher"s desk 在讲桌附近 near the bed 在床附近 6). at表示"在……处"。例如: at school 在学校 at home 在家 at the door 在门口 7). of 表示"……的"。例如: a picture of our classroom 我们教室的一幅画 a map of China 一张中国地图 2. 冠词 a / an / the: 冠词一般位于所限定的名词前,用来署名名词所指的人或事物。冠词有不定冠词和定冠词两种。不定冠词有两个形式,即a和an。a用在以辅音音素开头的词前,如a book; an用在以元音音素开头的字母前,如an apple. a或an与可数名词单数连用,泛指某类人或某物中的一个。 This is a cat. 这是一只猫。 It"s an English book. 这是一本英语书。 His father is a worker. 他的爸爸是个工人。 the既可以用在可数名词前,也可以用在不可数名词前,表示某个或某些特定的人或事物,也可以指上文提到过的人或事物。 Who"s the boy in the hat? 戴帽子的男孩是谁呀? ------ What can you see in the classroom? ------ I can see a bag. ------ Where"s the bag? ------ It"s on the desk. ------- 你能在教室里看到什么呀? ------ 我能看见一个书包。 ------ 书包在哪呀? ------ 在桌子上。 3.some和any ①在肯定句中用some.例如: There are some books on the desk.桌子上有一些书。 Lucy has some good books露西有一些好书。 ②在疑问句和否定句中用any。例如: Is there any ink in your pen?你的钢笔里有墨水吗? Do you have any brothers and sisters?你有兄弟姐妹吗? There isn"t any water in the glass.杯子里没有水。 ⑵记住它们的特殊用法。 ①some亦可用于表示盼望得到对方肯定的答复或表示建议、委婉请求的疑问句中,这一点我们不久就会学到。例如: Would you like to have some apples?你想吃苹果吗? ②any也可用于肯定句中,表示"任何的"。例如: Any one of us can do this.我们当中任何一个都能做这个。 some 和any的用法是经常出现的考点,希望大家能准确地掌握它们的用法。 4.family family看作为一个整体时,意思是"家庭",后面的谓语动词be用单数形式 is ;如把family看作为家庭成员时,应理解为复数,后面的谓语动词be应用are。 My family is a big family. 我的家庭是个大家庭。 My family are all at home now. 我的家人现在都在家。 Family强调由家人组成的一个集体或强调这个集体中的成员。home指个人出生、被抚养长大的环境和居住地点。 house指"家"、"房屋",侧重居住的建筑本身。 His family are all workers. 他的家人都是工人。 My home is in Beijing. 我的家在北京。 He isn"t at home now. 他现在不在家。 It"s a picture of my family. 这是一张我全家的照片。 5. little的用法 a little dog 一只小狗,a little boy 一个小男孩。little常用来修饰有生命的名词。 *但little还可表示否定意义,意为"少的",加不可数名词。 There is little time. 几乎没时间了。 There is little water in the cup. 杯中水很少。 ⑵ 词组 on the desk 在桌子上 behind the chair 在椅子后 under the chair 在椅子下面 in her pencil-box 在她的铅笔盒中 near the door 在门附近 a picture of a classroom 一个教室的图片 look at the picture 看这张图片 the teacher"s desk 讲桌 a map of China 一张中国地图 family tree 家谱 have a seat 坐下,就坐 this way 这边走 二. 日常用语 1. Come and meet my family. 2. Go and see. I think it"s Li Lei. 3. Glad to meet you. 4. What can you see in the picture? I can see a clock / some books. 5. Can you see an orange? Yes, I can. / No, I can"t. 6. Where"s Shenzhen? It"s near Hong Kong. 7. Let me see.(口语)让我想想看。 see 在这是"明白、懂了",不可译作"看见"。例如: 8. Please have a seat. seat表示"座位",是个名词。have a seat表示"就坐",也可以说take a seat, 和sit down的意思相同。 三. 语法 1. 名词所有格 名词如要表示与后面名词的所有关系,通常用名词所有格的形式,意为"……的"。一般有以下几种形式: (1). 一般情况下在词尾加""s"。例如: Kate"s father Kate的爸爸 my mother"s friend 我妈妈的朋友 (2). 如果复数名词以s结尾,只加"""。例如: Teachers" Day 教师节 The boys" game 男孩们的游戏 (3). 如果复数名词不以s结尾,仍加""s"。例如: Children"s Day 儿童节 Women"s Day 妇女节 (4). 表示两个或几个共有时,所有格应加在后一个名词上。例如: Lucy and Lily"s room Lucy 和Lily的房间 Kate and Jim"s father Kate 和Jim的爸爸 动物和无生命事物的名词的所有格一般不在词尾加""s",而常常用介词of的短语来表示。 a map of China 一幅中国地图 the name of her cat 她的猫的名字 a picture of my family 我的家庭的一张照片 the door of the bedroom 卧室的门 2. 祈使句 祈使句主要用来表示说话人的请求、命令、建议、叮嘱等意图。祈使句一般不用主语,读时用降调。为使语气委婉、礼貌,常在句首或句尾加please 。在句尾时,please前多用逗号。 (1). 祈使句肯定形式的谓语动词一律用动词原形。 Go and see. 去看看。 Come in, please. 请进。 (2). 祈使句的否定形式常用don"t于句首。 Don"t look at your books. 不要看书。 Don"t play on the road. 不要在马路上玩。 3. There be 的句子结构 There be是一个"存在"句型,表示"有"的意思, 肯定句的形式为:There be + 名词(单数或复数)+地点状语或时间状语。 be动词单复数的确定,看be后边第一个名词,当所接主语为单数或不可数名词时,be动词形式为is;当所接主语为复数名词时,be动词为are;当be动词后接两个以上主语时,be动词与最临近主语保持数上的一致。意思为"某地有某人或某物"。如: There is an eraser and two pens on the desk. 桌子上有一块橡皮和两支钢笔。 There are two pens and an eraser on the desk. 桌上有两支钢笔和一块橡皮。 (1)there be的否定句,即在be的后面加上not。 否定形式为:There be + not + (any) + 名词+地点状语。 There is not any cat in the room. 房间里没猫。 There aren"t any books on the desk. 桌子上没书。 (2)there be句型的疑问句就是将be提到句首:Be there + (any) +名词+地点状语?肯定回答:Yes, there is / are. 否定回答:No, there isn"t / aren"t. ---Is there a dog in the picture? 画上有一只狗吗? ---Yes, there is. 有。 ---Are there any boats in the river? 河里有船吗? ---No, there aren"t. 没有。 (3)特殊疑问句:How many . . . are there (+地点状语)?"某地有多少人或物?"回答用There be . . . There"s one. / There are two / three / some . . . 有时直接就用数字来回答。One. / Two . . . ---How many students are there in the classroom? 教室里有多少学生? ---There"s only one. / There are nine. 只有一个。/有九个。 (4)如果名词是不可数名词,用:How much + 不可数名词 + is there + 地点状语? How much water is there in the cup? 杯中有多少水? How much food is there in the bowl? 碗里有多少食物?我看了这个以后,英语考了96


1.Having子句后面要跟布尔类型的表达 2.别名branch_avg后的(branch_name,avgbalance)也是多余的。修改后: select branch_name,avgbalance from (select branch_name,avg(balance) as avgbalance from account_table group by branch_name) as branch_avg group by branch_name having max(avgbalance) = sum(avgbalance) 也可以这样写:将平均balance降序排序,第一行就是最大的。 select top 1 branch_name,avgbalance from (select branch_name,avg(balance) as avgbalance from account_table group by branch_name) as branch_avg order by avgbalance desc


1.英文句子语法成分分析帮忙分析句子语法~像这样:Mr 瓦恨乃~!2根Dunhill嘞!主语【】谓语动词〖〗宾语「」状语〔〕定语〔〕补语表语{}同位语『』1.【And the only reliable way to make their case】 〖is〗,surely,{to conduct a proper study},〔with children randomly allocated to teachers 〔who use computers) and teachers (who use other methods,including the cheapest of all:chalk and talk).〕2.〔With someone to polish his shoes,make his bed and stoke the fire in his spacious rooms,〕【Charles Darwin】 〖enjoyed〗 「the sort of pampered university life 〔that 【today"s debt-laden British students】 can only 〖dream about〗〕」.3.〔Two hundred years after his birth〕,【academics】 have 〖uncovered〗 「new details 〔of his comfortable existence〕 〔at the University of Cambridge〕〔 before 【he】〖 embarked on〗 「the 〔grueling five-year〕 voyage 〔that would transform science"s view of the world〕.」〕」4.【Darwin scholar Dr John van Wyhe】,(of the University of Cambridge),〖said〗「 little was known about the scientist"s student life 〔【before his outgoings】〖 were found〗〔 in the mainly hand-written ledgers (detailing students" finances.)〕〕」5.【It】〖is〗 {far from clear} 【that the gas-efficient or gas-free cars 】(the auto makers are promoting) will 〖lure〗 「consumers」〈 away from their large rides〉.6.【A report】 (released Thursday by Boston Consulting Group )〖cast〗「 doubt」〔 on the mass appeal〕( of electric vehicles) 『〔unless there is a major breakthrough in battery technology〕,(【which】 still 〖costs〗 too much 〔to make such vehicles widely affordable〕).』7.〔For the technique to work〕,【the patient】 must still 〖have〗 「some functioning ganglion cells」 - 『nerve cells』 (that transmit visual information from the retinal cells to the optic nerve) - as well as a 「fully-functioning optic nerve.」8.〔At the beginning〕,【it】 〖was〗{ like seeing assembled dots }「"now it"s much more than that,"」〖 says〗 【Terry Bryant】,(aged 58,【who】 〖received〗 「the implant」〔 in 2002 after 13 years of blindness〕)9.〔If the trial is successful〕,【the new device】 may 〖be〗 {available} commercially 〔by 2009〕,(priced around $30,000) - {similar to a cochlear implant,} 〈【Humayun】 〖says〗〉.10.〔In light of all this〕,【a sweltering public】 must have 〖been〗 {convinced} at 〔last 『that it"s time to do something 〔to cool off the overheated planet〕』〕,{right}?11.【More than $13 million】 has 〖been〗 {spent} 〔on ads 〔to block ratification〕 (of the treaty) (by the U.S.Senate)〕.12.〔Only last week〕,【Clinton】 〖moved〗 〈for Kyoto treaty changes〉 (that environmental groups see as industry-pleasing loopholes)No but,I need my credit seriously!。 2.【请帮我修改一下英文句子语法等等的也可以帮我加些句子让这篇小文 加括号的地方为改动地方,I (believe that) I"m a good listener,because I always pay attention to (listening to) the person who is talking to me.I don"t interrupt (anyone) when (he or she) is talking,(only) sit quietly (to be a good listener).Sometimes I use my face or body (languages) to show that I (am truly interested in and understand ) what the person is (talking about).(In addition),I may ask some (special questions) to make the person feel that I (am really interested) (his or her) topic.(Sometimes),If I"m not (interested) the topic that the person (is) trying to tell me ,I (will) stilllisten until the person finish (his or her) talking.I show her/him my respect and (friendship) ,Idon"t want to make the people feel that I"m a bad (and impolite) listener.As the teacher said ,communication skills is very important (to be a good educator),especially to listen the other person is saying.To be a educator ,we willhave to listen to the (parents" ) saying and (get) the (messeges) from them In the future ,I will do my best to listen and understand (what) the other (persons are) saying.。 3.翻译英文句子,并做语法分析 第一个句子你肯定抄错了,需要注意的语法是主语从句,what we are going to do这个从句作为句子的主语。 第二句的意思是,请大家注意了。这是一个惯用表达,更简单的说就是attention, please. 第三句的意思是“但是瞧瞧眼下的叛逆吧,似乎年轻人们总是用同样的方法来证明他们与自己的父母格格不入,而不是大胆地去闯出自己的一片天地。需要注意的是词组take a look at sth.看,瞧什么it seems that,看上去,似乎,后跟宾语从句;the way of doing sth.做某事的方法;disagree with sb.不同意某人;instead of,相反,而不是;strike out 词组,搞出,闯出,做成的意思。 4.请帮我分析以下两个英文句子的语法结构 1、however,是状语the way是主语后面是定语从句in which是带介词的关系代词 引导定语从句 并在定从中 作方式状语they是定从中的主语take care of是定从中的谓语these needs是定从中的宾语depends on是主句的谓语 the culture是宾语后面是定语从句in which是带介词的关系代词 引导定语从句 并在定从中 作地点状语they是定从中的主语grow up是定从中的谓语.2、we 是主语feel是谓语in our hearts是状语后面是 宾语从句that是引导宾从的连接词the way是宾从中的主语后面是定语从句that是关系副词=in which 引导定语从句 并作定从中的方式状语we是定从中的主语 do是定从中的谓语things是定从中的宾语is是宾从中的 系动词the only right way是宾从中的表语to do them是不定式作定语 修饰the only right way.。 5.英语句子语法分析 这道题大部分人的分析与你的都是错的,不是双动词,也不过去公词。 这里考的语法是动词的一种:不完全不及物动词,keep就是,这样的动词后可以接宾语,但即使接了宾语句子意思仍不完整,要接宾语补足语来使整个句子的意思完整。 我先举个简单的例子: please keep the classroom clean.翻译:请保持教室清洁。 keep接了宾语,保证教室,很明显意思不完整,就接了形容词clean使句子意思完整。下面我们回到这个句子: 1.首先看到is kept就知道中被动语态。 我还原一下这个句子,加个主语你就看明白这种动词的用法了。加主语HE he keep neatly the lawn cut he keep 副词 the room clean 对应一下,看明白了吗?cut 就是形容词做补足语,而原句多了个副词是修饰动词keep的。 把它变成被动你应该会吧 The lawn is kept neatly cut. ok 哈哈哈要做好这方面的句子分析,我建议你好好学一下动词的五种形式:1.完全及物动词2.不完全及物动词 3.完全不及物动词4.不完全不及物动词 5.授予动词你懂了这五种动词之后就会发现这样的句子太简单了。加分,我要加分,哈哈!。

int day,month,year,sum,leap; 提示说语法错误,有不有高手指点一下啊



不对吧,语法对的,是主谓宾形式,但是用法不对,应该用you do a good job更好,be good job没有这种说法

No he is lie to me有语法问题吗?

高兴为你回答No he is lie to me.这句话有语法问题, be动词不能和动词原形一起用, 如果你想表达, 不, 他没对我撒谎, 应该说 No, he isn"t lying (to me).这是现在进行时, be动词+动词ing形式(动词的现在分词), 因为主语是he 第三人称单数, 所以be动词也要用三单is,或 No, he didn"t lie to me.这是一般过去时, 表示动作发生在过去,否定形式 didn"t + 动词原形, 撒谎, 动词原形是 lie, 现在分词是lying.请采纳!


Grammar fill in the blank用语法知识填写空白。


But when being invited to parties, British and Americans are usually late for 10 minutesThey, according to sane legal system, do business and cope with daily routine. In American and Chinese culture, it means permissions.


语法点是分词形式, 主动用现在分词, 被动用过去分词。 这里的主动或者被动指的是这个动词的动作的发起人或者物。 比如FILL,是指充满, 这里是泪水充满了眼睛, 动作的主语是泪水,泪水是主动充满了眼睛, 而不是被动的,所以用现在分词表示主动。



问两道SAT 语法题IE题。谢谢

that were once.因为前面的主语是CHARACTERISTICS.注意OF前面的名词才是句子的主语TO accept.注意LEAVE FOR 是从什么地方出发到什么地方去。to 是为了怎么样。语义是为了接受诺贝尔奖


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2017年中考英语难点语法详解:ahead of与go ahead的用法

1. ahead of   (1) 表示时间或空间,意为:在……之前。如:   He left one day ahead of me. 他比我早走一天。   A new life lay ahead of him. 新的生活展现在他面前。   (2) 表示能力、水平、地位或先进性等方面,意为:比……强或高(主要用作表语)。如:   He"s ahead of us in English. 他的英语比我们强。   He is two classes ahead of me. 他比我高两班。   (3) 用于 ahead of time (schedule),意为:提前、提早。如:   To my surprise he came ahead of time. 使我吃惊的是,他提前来了。   The work was done ahead of schedule. 工作提前完成了。   2. go ahead   (1) 表示同意或允许,意为:说吧、做吧。如:   A:Can I borrow your dictionary? 你可以用你的词典吗?   B:Yes, go ahead. 可以。   A:Do you mind my smoking here? 我在这儿抽烟可以吗?   B:No, go ahead. 没关系,你抽吧。   (2) 表示继续做某事,意为:继续……吧。如:   Go ahead, we are all listening. 继续讲吧,我们都在听呢!   Go ahead, what happened next? 说吧,下步怎么办?


是make sb do sth

i never count on anyone love me有语法错误吗

是的。count on sb to do sth 是习惯说法I never count on anyone to love me.

英语语法blow off

off the ocean


  英语语法在句子中代表着很多种意义,你学会了多少呢?来试试我为你准备的2019年大学英语四级考试语法模拟题吧,希望能帮助到大家考试顺利。 2019年大学英语四级考试语法模拟题(1)   1. Ever since Picasso"s painting went on exhibit, there large crowds at the museum every day.   A) is B) have been C) has been D) are being   2. This is the second time he Mr. Smith.   A) had seen B) has seen C) sees D) saw   3. By the end of this month, we surely a satisfactory solution to the problem.   A) have found B) will be finding   C) will have found D) are finding   4. Before the first non-stop flight was made in 1949, it necessary for all planes for refueling.   A) would be B) has been   C) had been D) would have been   5. If the whole operation beforehand, a great deal of time and money would have been lost.   A) was not planned B) has not been planned   C) had not been planned D) were not planned   6. “You are very selfish. It"s high time you that you are not the most important person in the world,” Tom said to his boss angrily.   A) have realized B) should realize C) realize D) realized   7. It is essential that these application forms back as early as possible.   A) must be sent B) will be sent C) are sent D) be sent   8. In some countries, is called “ equality ”does not really mean equal rights for all people.   A) which B) what C) that D) one   9. There are signs restaurants are becoming more popular with families.   A) that B) which C) in which D) whose   10. Although many people view conflict as bad, conflict is sometimes useful it forces people to test the relative merits of their attitudes and behaviors.   A) by which B) to which C) in that D) so that   答案: 1.B 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.C 6.D 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.C 2019年大学英语四级考试语法模拟题(2)   1. difficulties we may come across, we"ll help one another to overcome them.   A) However B) Whenever C) Wherever D) Whatever   2. you are leaving tomorrow, we can have dinner together tonight.   A) For B) Since C) Before D) While   3. We"ll visit Europe next year we have enough money.   A) provided B) unless C) until D) lest   4. The few points the president stressed in his report are very important.   A) which B) who C) as D) where   5. All is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life.   A) what is needed B) for our needs   C) the thing needed D) that is needed   6. The day will come soon China will become a modern, powerful, socialist country.   A) when B) before C) since D) as   7. The village I once worked has taken on a new look.   A) which B) where C) when D) that   8. We need a chairman .   A) for whom everyone has confidence B) in whom everyone has confidence   C) who everyone has confidence of D) whom everyone has confidence on   9. Helen was much kinder to her youngest child than she was to the others, ____ of course, made the others jealous.   A) who B) that C) what D) which   10.She wanted to go .   A) and so her brother did B) and so did her brother   C) and too her brother D) and did her brother ,too   答案:1.D 2.B 3.A 4. A 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.D 10.B


  英语语法知识:It be time +(that)从句   在英语里,“It be time +(that)从句”是一个较为常用的句型,它表示“该做……的时候了”的意思。该句型属于主从复合句的一种;其主句部分为"It be time",从句部分的连词that可以省略。以下从三个方面简要谈谈这一句型。    一、time前面的修饰语   句型“It be time +(that)从句”通常暗示“有点迟了”,为了强调这一含义,可以在time的前面加形容词high.例如:   It"s high time we started.   It is high time that more women ran the arts.   为了使语气得到进一步的加强,还可以在high的前面加certainly, more than等副词或词组:   It is certainly high time that we ordered dinner.   形容词full也可以加在time的前面,用来加强语气。例如:   It"s full time you had a nice day.   It is full time that boy went to herding.   time前面还可以加about,这时句型所表达的意思是“早该……”。例如:   It"s about time we started.   It"s about time I settled down.   上面两例中的about可以用getting来代替,句意不变;这可以视为句型“It be time +(that)从句”的一种变体。    二、从句中的动词形式   在“(that)从句”中,动词形式通常是一般过去时。这是一种奇特而有趣的语言现象,即用假设的过去时来代替实际的将来时。从英语史的角度来看,从句中的动词形式用过去时原是属虚拟语气;但从语言发展的观点来看,目前这种动词形式视为陈述语气比较合适。   著名语言学家夸克(R. Quirk)教授等人在1985年出版的《英语语法大全》一书中认为,“(that)从句”的动词形式一定要用“假设的`过去时”。他们举了一例:It"s time I was in bed.其实,动词形式除常用过去时外,也可以用其他时态和语态(用何种形式应视情况而定)。正如著名语言学家周海中教授在1988年发表的《探讨“It be time (that)…”句型》一文中所言:在现代英语里,“(that)从句”中的动词形式一般用过去时,这是基本规则;有时也可以用其他的动词形式,但应视为特殊用法。他在其文中列举了大量实例,用于论证和说明。   1.用were型虚拟语气。例如:   It"s high time I were hence. (W. Shakespeare)   It"s time I were gone. (A. Tennyson)   由于英语的发展,虚拟语气与陈述语气之间的区别正在逐渐消失。基于这种情况,虚拟语气的were也正在逐渐地代替陈述语气的was.   2.用be型虚拟语气。例如:   You reckon I be found anywhere with him, time he start belle ring. (W. Faulkner)   It is time that more of the research dollars now devoted to cure be diverted to finding new and more humane ways of curing that will make a cancer patient"s remaining years happier, more comfortable, and more productive. (Science, 1984, Vol. 5, No.7)   动词形式用be型虚拟语气是古英语的用法。目前,这一用法在英国英语中已“日薄西山”,而在美国英语中却有“东山再起”之势,但主要见于正式文体。   3.借助情态动词should   It"s time this heart should be unmoved. (G. Byron)   It may be time that I should meet with some misfortune; but I hope it is not this. (C. Dickens)   上面用法主要见于文学作品,尤其是英国人写的。   4.用过去进行时。例如:   It"s time we were leaving. (H. Maclnnes)   It"s time we were getting home. (E. O"Neil)   上面用法通常是一些表示位置转移的动作动词。   5.用一般现在时。例如:   It is high time that the U. S. realizes it cannot continue to hide its head in the sand, for the sand has started to blow. (Newsweek, Oct. 15, 1979)   “It is time that the burden of Reaganomics is shared by those in the upper-income groups,” 0"Neill declared. (Time, Jun. 20, 1983)   上面用法主要见于美国英语,尤其在新闻文体里。这是一种值得关注的语言现象。   6.用完成时。例如:   It"s time that reduction in force has finally hit the federal government also. (U. S. News and World Report, Mar. 15, 1982)   Fooleries! Pshaw! It"s time you"d done with fooleries. (G. Eliot)   上面用法也是一种值得关注的语言现象。    三、句型中的省略现象   在口语中,可以把句型“It be time +(that)从句”中的"It be"省略。例如:   High time we left. (J. Linsay)   Time we were going. (M. Hammonds)   在一定的上下语境中,也可以把句型中的“(that)从句”省略。例如:   This program goes in that direction, and I believe it"s time. (T. Wicker)   在特定的语境里,甚至还可以把句型中的"It be"和“(that)从句”都省掉,意义仍然是显豁的;不过,这时time前面要用high来修饰,其后面常跟副词too,该词只是用来加强语气,并无具体意义。例如:   He"s gone back to work.—— High time, too! (Longman Dictionary of English Idioms)   顺带一提,句型“It be the +序数词+ time +(that)从句”与句型“It be time +(that)从句”在结构上有点相似,但它们在句意上是完全不同的。前者也是主从复合句,当其主句的be用一般现在时,从句的动词形式通常为现在完成时,it可以用this来代替;当其主句的be用一般过去时,从句的动词形式通常为过去完成时,it可以用that 来代替。例如:   It/This is the first time (that) I have seen him.   It/That was the third time (that) I had been there.


初中英语动名词的语法    第五节 动名词    1.动名词的形式:   动名词是由动词原形+ing构成(如writing),有完成时态和被动语态(如having written,being written)。    2.动名词的用法   动名词通常在句中作主语和宾语。    1)动名词作主语   Going to the college is the little boy"s dream.   Keeping studying hard will make you pass the exam.    2)动名词作宾语   有些动词后面只能带动名词作宾语,不能带不定式作宾语。此类动词常见的有:admit,acknowledge,anticipate,appreciate,avoid,consider,contemplate,defer,delay,deny,detest,dislike,ensure,enjoy,escape,excuse,evade,facilitate,fancy,favour,finish,forbid,imagine,include,keep,mind, miss,postpone,practise,resent,resist,risk,suggest,quit,worth等。例如:   1.John was considering buying a new car.   2.I hope you didn"t contemplate coming with us on this trip.   3.The witness denied having seen the accused man.   4.I would appreciate your keeping it a secret.    3)某些短语后面只能接动名词,不能接不定式。   此类短语常见的有:be (get) used to, be accustomed to, be dedicated to, be devoted to,be busy,be committed to,be suject to,cannot help, cannot resist,cannot stand,confess to,feel like,give up,have trouble(in), have difficulty(in),have a good/hard time(in),have fun(in),have an objection to,it is no good/use,keep on,insist on,look forward to,object to,pay attention to,put off,resort to,succeed in等。例如:   1.I cannot stand getting up early in the morning.   2.I have no difficulty (in) reaching the top of the mountain.   3.There is no use staying on.   4.I cannot resist (his) bargaining.   5.Although punctual himself,the professor was quite used to students"being late for his lecture.    4)动词或短语后面也可以接动名词的被动形式 。用主动形式还是被动形式,要根据句子的意思而定。例如:   a.Carlos just missed being caught.   b.That person wore dark glasses to avoid being recognized.   c.I object to being treated like a child.    3.另一类动词后面可以带动名词做宾语,也可以带不定式作宾语 。这类动词又可以分为两种:    1)带动名词作宾语与带不定式作宾语而意义无多大区别的动词    a) 在begin,cannot bear,cease,continue,dread,like,love,neglect,omit,prefer,propose等动词之后,如表一般的行为,用动名词作宾语为多;如表示特定的或具体的动作,则用不定式结构作宾语为多。例如:   1.I don"t like swimming.   2.I don"t like to swim this afternoon.   3.John prefers doing it his way.   4.John prefers to go outing tomorrow.    b) 在begin, start等动词之后,如表示有意的动作,用动名词结构为多;如表示无意的动作,用不定式结构为多。例如:   1.After some hesitation,he began speaking out his own opinion.   2.It has already begun to rain.    c) 在attempt,intend,plan等动词之后,用不定式结构与用动名词结构意义相同,但以用不定式较为常见。例如:   1.He intended to buy a new car.   2.He intended travelling abroad next summer.    d) 在encourage,permit,allow,recommend,advise,authorise等动词之后,一般用动名词作宾语,或者用不定式作宾语补足语。即:   encourage/permit/allow/recommend/advise/authorise+doing,或encourage/permit/allow/recommend/advise/authorise+somebody+to do。例如:   1.He advised going out for a walk.   2.He advised us to go out for a walk.    e) 在agree,decide等动词之后,可以直接跟不定式结构,但如果跟动名词,则动词后必须加适当的介词。例如:   1.He agreed to do me a favor.= He agreed on doing me a favor.   2.In the end the manager decided to double the advertising budget.=   3.In the end the manager decided on doubling the advertising budget.    f) 在need,want,require, deserve等动词之后,可以用动名词的主动形式表示被动意义,这相当于用不定式的被动形式。例如:   1.The house needs repairing. = The house needs to be repaired.   2.The disabled deserve respecting. = The disabled deserve to be respected. 2)带动名词作宾语与带不定式作宾语而意义不同的动词 a) 动词remember,forget后可以跟不定式或动名词,但意义有明显区别:跟动名词,其动作发生在“记得”或“忘记”的动作之前;跟不定式,其动作发生在“记得”或“忘记”的动作之后。试比较:   1.I remember posting this letter.我记得这封信已经寄出了。   2.I remember to post this letter in the afternoon. 我记得下午要将这封信寄走。    b) 动词regret后可以跟不定式或动名词,但意义有明显区别:   regret doing:为做过的事感到抱歉   regret to do:为即将要做的事感到抱歉   试比较:I regret to say that I can not go with you after school.   I regret having criticized you seriously in class.    c) 动词try,mean,can not help,used to后跟不定式还是动名词,取决于这些动词本身的含义。例如:   1.You should try to answer the questions by yourself.(try to do:设法或努力去做)   2.We try using this new method.(try doing:试着做某事)   3.I meant to go to the exhibition but I forgot. (mean to do:is算做某事)   4.Success means working very,very hard.(mean doing:意味着做某事)   5.I can"t help apologizing. (can not help doing:忍不住做某事)   6.I can"t help to apologize for him. (can not help to do:不能帮助做某事)   7.Mr.Smith used to jog in the morning,but now he has stopped.(used to do:过去经常或总是干某事)   8.Inland canals are used to ship farm and factory goods to nearby towns.(be used to do:被用来干某事)   9.I am not used to getting up early in the morning.(be/get used to doing: 习惯于干某事)    d) 动词stop,continue,go on,leaveoff之后,通常用动名词结构作宾语;如果用不定式结构,则不是宾语而是目的状语,相当于in order to。试比较:   1.They stopped working.他们停止工作(来做其他事)。   2.They stopped to work。他们停止(做其他事)来工作。   3.The students went on reciting the text.学生们继续背诵课文。   4.The students went on to recite the text.学生们停下其他事,继续背诵课文。   5.She let off doing the housework.她停止做家务(去干其他事)。   6.She let off to do the housework.她停止(干其他事)来做家务。   动名词的逻辑主语问题   动名词,顾名思义,具有名词的.特点,即可以加物主代词和名词的属格来表示其逻辑 (这时动名词的逻辑主语与句子主语不一致)。如果动名词的逻辑主语就是句子主语,不用加物主代词或名词的属格。例如:   1.The watchman reported finding the door open.=   2.The watchman reported that he had found the door open.   此处,finding的主语与主句主语一致,都是the watchman,所以finding前不加物主代词。   I appreciated very much your helping me through the tough period.   此处,helping的主语是you,而主句的主语是I,两者不一致,所以helping前的物主代词your不能省略。   一般说来,能带动名词作宾语的动词都可以根据语义意图在动名词之前加上或略去主语。但有些动词,如excuse,forgive,pardon等,其后的动名词结构总是带有逻辑主语。这些逻辑主语通常由名词或代词宾格表示,也可由名词属格或形容词性物主代词表示。   1.I do mind people smoking in public places.(名词宾格作逻辑主语)   2.We don"t understand him needing so much money.(代词宾格作逻辑主语)   3.I will never forgive his betraying me by breaking his promise.(物主代词作逻辑主语)   1.Mary excused the boy"s upsetting the ink.(名词属格作逻辑主语) ;

there be 句型的语法原则





短语动词(Phrasal Verb)、动词短语(Verbal Phrase) 如何区别动词短语与短语动词? 这里有一个便捷的方法可以检验,即看在定语从句中可不可以拆开,可以拆开的是动词短语,不能拆开的便是短语动词。请看下面的例句: (1) This is the girl who/whom I learn the news from.可以把这个句子改成:This is the girl from whom I learn the news . (2) This is the book that/ which you can refer to.可以改成 This is the book to which you can refer. 以上两句中,learn from 和refer to 中的介词 from 与 to 分别可移至关系代词 whom 与 which 之前,即定语从句中的先行词 the girl 与 the book 分别作了这两个介词的宾语,由此可以判定learn from 和refer to 是动词短语而非短语动词。 这里有篇文章专门讲这个的,请看看: http://www.xf4hs.com/ArticleView/2005-11-11/Article_View_769.Htm




我知道是The aerial transport bill of lading airplane will take off later to be able to attain,Now the airplane has not flown,How can have the bill of lading?Next time you if will want speech,Please the afternoon which takes off in the airplane can attain! ! !Please did not have to urge such anxiously,Urges uselessly is anxiously also!!

what a beautiful day in shanghai today语法对吗?

"What a beautiful day in Shanghai today" 的语法是正确的。这是一个完整的句子,包含主语、谓语和宾语。其中,主语是 "day",谓语是 "is"(省略了),宾语是 "beautiful"。句子用感叹句的形式表达了今天上海的美好天气。




1.regardless of 是介词,因此不用打逗号2.former是形容词“之前的”的意思,但显然你像表示的是过去,改成past更好

You is kind, you is smart 这是电影字幕,请解释语法



在英语中,当名词有多个形容词修饰时,就有它们的先后顺序。下面的口诀可帮你记住这一先后顺序,也是解题的关键。 限定描绘大长高, 形状年龄和新老; 颜色国籍跟材料, 作用类别往后靠; 其中,“限定词”包括:冠词、物主代词、指示代词、或数词,它位于各类形容词前。它本身分为三位,即:前、中、后。前位限定词有all、half、both、分数和倍数;中位限定词有冠词、指示代词、物主代词等;后位限定词有基数词和序数词,但序数词位于基数词前。如:both my hands、all half his income等。“描绘”性形容词如:beautiful、bad、cold、great等。“大长高”表示大小、长短、高低等一些词。表示“形状”的词如:round square等。“国籍”指一个国家或地区的词。“材料”的词如:wooden, woolen, stone,silk等。“作用类别”的词如:medical, college,writing desk,police car等。


你好!fish 当名词时是鱼的意思,当动词时是捕鱼的意思.go fishing 是去钓鱼的意思当谓语,可直接加在名词后面.

a fish fishing a fish fishing a fish这句话语法对吗





Yesterday I received the letter is a friend of mine sent it. (

I like fish .和 I like fishing.分别什么意思,语法上对吗?

asked she, turning them full upon him


【 #四六级考试# 导语】把工作当事业,把备考当工作考核,认真,是一种态度,这样便不愁拿证了。为了帮助大家成为备考小能手, 考 网! 【篇一】2020年6月英语六级语法常考知识点   有些以-ly结尾的词是形容词,通常不是副词,常见的例子有:brotherly, costly, cowardly, deadly, fatherly, friendly, lively, lonely, lovely, manly, motherly, silly, sisterly, ugly, unfriendly, unlikely, womanly 等。   1. brotherly   The older boy gave the newcomer some brotherly advice. 那个年龄大一点的男孩给新来的孩子一些亲兄弟似的忠告。   Brotherly love is based on the experience that we all are one. 手足情爱建立在我们大家心连心、团结如一人这种经历的基础上。   2. costly   It would be too costly to repair the car. 修理这辆汽车要花很多钱。   The castle will undergo extensive and costly renovations. 那城堡要用巨资进行全面整修。   The long and costly strike proved to be the last nail in the company"s coffin. 长期罢工损失巨大致使该公司一蹶不振。   3. cowardly   It was cowardly of you not to admit your mistake. 你不承认错误就不是好样儿的。   Sending anonymous letters is a cowardly act. 寄匿名信是懦夫的行为。   She accused the government of a cowardly surrender to big-business interests. 她指责政府畏首畏尾屈从于大企业的利益。   4. deadly   Cyanide is a deadly poison. 氰化物是一种致命的毒药。   She uses wit with deadly effect. 她聪明机智,使人难以招架。   The conference was deadly dull. 会议开得死气沉沉的。   5. elderly   He"s very active for an elderly man. 按老年人来说, 他非常活跃。   He"s caring for his elderly parents. 他正照顾着年迈的父母。   It was gracious of the Queen to speak to the elderly patients. 女王和蔼可亲地慰问年老的病人。   6. fatherly   He is a fatherly old doctor. 他是个慈祥的老大夫。   Suddenly Jack smiled and slipped back into his fatherly role. 杰克突然微微一笑,又摆起了慈父的姿态。   7. friendly   He"s a very talkative, friendly man. 他是一个非常健谈、和善的人。   They spoke to one another in a very friendly manner. 他们态度十分和善地彼此交谈。   The people were friendly wherever we went. 不管走到哪儿,人们都对我们很友好。   8. lively   She"s twice as lively as her sister. 她比她姐姐活跃一倍。   The band played a lively tune. 乐队演奏了一支轻快的乐曲。   He"s not very friendly towards newcomers. 他对新来的人不太友好。   9. lonely   You can be alone without being lonely. 你可以独处而不感到寂寞。   He has so few friends that his life is lonely. 他的朋友很少,因此他的生活非常孤单。   She avoids lonely streets. She is afraid of being mugged. 她避免在没人的马路上行走。她怕遭抢劫。   10. lovely   It"s a lovely day indeed. 天气的确很好啊。   Spring is a lovely season. 春天是怡人的季节。   This is a lovely party, but we have to go because of the baby-sitter. 这个晚会真好,但因为要替换那临时看孩子的人。我们必须回去。   11. manly   Football is a manly sport. 足球是一项激烈的体育运动。   He looks very manly in his uniform. 他穿着制 服十分精神。   12. motherly   Her motherly kindness attaches us all to her. 她像母亲一般仁慈,我们大家都很依恋她。   Natalie, silent, regarded them both with a satirical motherly look. 娜塔丽默默地用讽刺,但是慈祥的目光望着他们两人。   13. silly   It sounds silly. 这话听起来很愚蠢。   It was silly to believe him. 相信他的话是愚蠢的。   That"s rather a silly question. 那是个相当愚蠢的问题。   14. sisterly   She had a true sisterly feeling for her brother. 她对兄长怀有真正的骨肉之情。   The sisterly chat between the two of them lasted till midnight. 她们俩之间的亲密交谈一直继续到半夜。   15. ugly   The baby"s less ugly than you. 这孩子不像你那么丑。   The ugly frog became a handsome prince. 丑陋的青蛙变成了英俊的王子。   You aren"t rich;still you could do something to help him. 你虽然不富有,但你仍可以给予他帮助。   16. unfriendly   I felt that she wets unfriendly. 我觉得她不友好。   Tom is very unfriendly to me as well. 汤姆对我也很不友善。   I find her very aloof and unfriendly. 我觉得她非常冷淡,不好相处。   Do not think that Americans are in such a hurry that they are unfriendly. 不要认为美国人如此匆忙是不友善的。   17. unlikely   Seeing that he"s ill, he"s unlikely to come. 他既然有病,那就不大可能来了。   The job is unlikely to be finished inside of a year. 这工作一年之内不见得能完成。   They are unlikely to stay in power after the next election. 下次选举之后他们不太可能继续执政。   18. womanly   They give away the fact that they haven"t the instincts of a womanly woman. 她们泄露了一个事实,那就是她们不具有女性的本能。   She went, with her neat figure, and her sober womanly step, down the dark street. 她顺着黑暗的街道走去,显出利落匀称的身材,迈着端庄的女人的步子。 【篇二】2020年6月英语六级语法常考知识点   1)不定代词有   all , both, every, each, either, neither, more, little, few, much, many, another, other, some, any , one, no 以及some, something, anything, everything, somebody, someone, anybody, anyone, nothing , nobody, no one, none, everybody, everyone.等。   2) 不定代词的功能与用法   a. 除every 和no外不定代词既可用作名词,也可用作形容词。every和no在句中只能作定语。   I have no idea about it.   b. all 都,指三者以上。   all 的主谓一致:all的单复数由它所修饰或指代的名词的单复数决定。   All goes well.  一切进展得很好。   all 通常不与可数名词单数连用,如:不说 all the book,而说 the whole book。   但all可与表时间的可数名词单数连用,如 all day,all night,all the year; 但习惯上不说 all hour,all century。   all还可以与一些特殊的单数名词连用,如 all China, all the city, all my life, all the way   3)  both 都,指两者   a. both 与复数动词连用,但 both… and…可与单数名词连用。   b. both, all 都可作同位语,其位置在行为动词前, be 动词之后。如果助动词或情态动词后面的实义动词省 去,则位于助动词或情态动词之前。   Who can speak Japanese?  We both (all) can.   4) neither 两者都不   a. neither作主语时,谓语动词用单数。   b. 作定语与单数名词连用,但neither… nor 用作并列连词,可与复数名词连用。其谓语采用就近原则。   c. 可用于下列句型,避免重复。   She can‘t sing,neither (can) he.   neither 与nor   d. 如前句是否定式从句,则主句用neither,而不用 nor。   If you don‘t do it,neither should I. 如果你不干,我也不干。   e. 如后连续有几个否定句式,则用nor,不用neither。   He can‘t sing,nor dance,nor skate. 【篇三】2020年6月英语六级语法常考知识点   一、英语中构成疑问句(除对主语或主语之定语提问的特殊疑问句外),通常须使用倒装结构,这是语法结构的需要。例如:   1.When are we going to drink to your happiness?   我们什么时候喝你们的喜酒?   2.Have you seen the film?   你看了那部电影吗?   3.Have you anything like that?   在美国英语中常见:Do you have anything like that?   你有那样的东西吗?   二、以副词here,there,off,out,away等开头的句子,主要是表示感叹语气的句子,当其主语为名词时,通常要使用倒装。例如:   4. Here comes our teacher! 你们的老师来了!   5.Away went the boy to the school! 那男孩子到学校里去了!   6.Off goes the woman! 那个女人走了!   三、当构成关联从属连词so...that的so位于句首时,往往要使用倒装结构。例如:   7.So loudly did the students read that people could hear them out in the street.   同学们大声读书,人们在街上都听得见(他们的读书声)。   8.So small were the words that he could hardly see them.   字那么小,他几乎看不见。   四、以引导词there开头的句子,须使用倒装结构。例如:   (A) 表示“……有……”之概念的“There+ be +主语” 结构:   9. There are three books on the desk. 桌上有三本书。   10.There were something in the box. 箱子里有东西。   (B) 用于正式文体,特别是文学作品中的 "there+不及物动词十主语" 结构,当主语不明确而又是一个很长的名词短语时,往往使用这种结构:   11.There entered a strange little man.   走进来一个奇怪而身材又矮小的人。   12. Once there lived an old fisherman in a village by the sea.   从前,海边的一个村子里住着一位老渔夫。   在叙述性和描绘性的书面语中,这种结构若带有地点状语,而且把这种状语放在句首时,可以用省略there的倒装结构。如:   13.In the cottage lives a family of six.   在这幢小茅舍里住着一家六口。   五、当平时一般不放在句首的状语,为了强调起见而放在句首时,使用倒装结构。例如:   14. Near the bridge was an old cottage.   在桥的附近有一幢古老的小茅舍。   15.Well do I remember the day I saw a wild tiger.   见到一只猛虎的那一天,我记得很清楚。   六、当直接引语的一部分或者全部位于句首时,引述分句的主语又是名词或名词短语,该引述分句常用倒装结构。例如:   16. "What shall we do?" said the teacher."   “我们怎么呢?”老师说。   17、 "Great!" said my father." "I‘ll go there."   "好极了!" 我父亲说。“我将到那里去。”   七、某些让步状语从句往往把表语提到主语前面或放在句首,以构成倒装结构。例如:   18. No matter how interesting the book is,he doesn‘t like to read it.   (语序是:No matter how+表语十主语十系动词be)   不管这本书多有趣,他都不想看。   19.However hard a solid may be,we can change its shape.   (语序是: However+表语+主语+系动词be)不管一个固体有多硬,我们都可以改变其形状。   20.Young as he is, he knows some of the family secrets.   (语序是:表语十as+代词作主语十系动词be)尽管他年纪小,他却知道家里的一些秘密。   21.Difficult as the work was (或:Difficult as was the work),it was finished in time.   (语序是:表语十as十名词作主语十系动词be,或:表语+as+系动词be+名词作主语)工作虽然困难,还是及时完成了。   注1) 用as引导的让步状语从句,表语应放在as之前(例20和例21);如果主语是代词,主语就要放在系动词be之前。例20;如果主语是名词,则主语可以放在系动词be之前或后,如例21。   (2) 用as引导的让步状语从句中,如果谓语是“助动词+主要动词原形”,则应把主要动词原形放在as之前,其语序为:主要动词原形+as+主语十助动词。例如:   22. Try as I might, I could not lift the stone.   尽管我用尽力气,我还是举不起这块石头。   八、有些表示“感叹、祝愿”等语气的句子,也可使用倒装结构。例如:   23.Isn‘t it cold!   天气真冷!   24.Was I surprised!   我真感到惊奇!   25.May "both be happy!"   祝你们两位幸福!   总之,使用倒装结构的情况比较复杂,不可能在有限的篇幅内作出详尽的介绍与论述。究竟何时使用倒装结构,归结起来不外两点:一是语法结构需要时用;二是表示强调时用。

“it appears to be”是什么语法?

首先,appear to be 没有任何问题,是“表现出是...”,最强面的it是形式主语,真正的主语在be的后面。当然,appears to在句中只是插入语的成分,可以去掉。你把它去掉之后就会发现,it appears to be的本质就是it is 句型,核心意思是“xx是xx”there appears to be把appears to去掉就是there be句型,核心意思是“哪里有什么”


第一道题如果用introduced to必须加宾语,也就是介绍给谁。用brought to 时不加宾语,因为是短语的习惯用法in a word 总而言之in other words 也就是说用join in表示参加活动wine后面应该加个is最后一句语法上没错,但建议把take you to travel around改成show you around更简洁。“周末”的三种用法都对。in the end of the week强调一个时间段。at the end of the week 强调这个事件的时间点位于周末。by the end of the week 强调截止周末。

it appears to be 是什么语法

和it seems to be 一样的用法“似乎是”。

非递归预测分析程序实现语法分析 源代码

越哥,我来答啦,分给我吧O(∩_∩)O哈哈~/* 1 E →TE′ 2 E′ →+TE` 3 E′ →ε 4 T → FT′ 5 T′ → * FT′ 6 T′ →ε 7 F →(E) 8 F →id FIRST(E) = FIRST(T) = FIRST(F) = { ( , id }FIRST(E′) = {+, ε}FRIST(T′) = {*, ε}FOLLOW(E) = FOLLOW(E′) = { ), $}FOLLOW(T) = FOLLOW (T′) = { +, ), $}FOLLOW(F) = {+, *, ), $} */#include <stdio.h>#include <tchar.h>#include <string.h>int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ char syn[15]; //语法栈 int top; //栈顶指针 char lookahead; //当前单词 char exp[50]; //表达式区 int m =0; //表达式指针 char s[4][5]={"id","+","*","("}; //表中有空白的符号 char string[3]={"E","T","F"}; //表中有同步记号的的非终结符 int ll1[7][6]={ {1,0,0,1,9,9}, //LL(1)分析表,9表示同步记号,第6行是#,第7行是) {0,2,0,0,3,3}, {4,9,0,4,9,9}, {0,6,5,0,6,6}, {8,9,9,7,9,9}, {12,12,12,12,12,10}, {13,13,13,13,11,13}}; int i,j; //表行和列 int code; //表项 printf("******************语法分析器******************** "); printf("please input your expression: "); scanf("%s",exp); top=1; lookahead=exp[m++]; syn[0]="#"; syn[1]="E"; while(1) { switch(syn[top]) //行 { case "E":i=0;break; case "e":i=1;break; case "T":i=2;break; case "t":i=3;break; case "F":i=4;break; case "#":i=5;break; case ")":i=6;break; } switch(lookahead) //列 { case "i":j=0;break; case "+":j=1;break; case "*":j=2;break; case "(":j=3;break; case ")":j=4;break; case "#":j=5;break; } code=ll1[i][j]; if(code==10) { printf("语法分析结束 "); break;} else { switch(code) { case 0: { printf("出错,用户多输入了%s,跳过%s ",s[j],s[j]); if(j==0) {lookahead=exp[m++];<br> lookahead=exp[m++];} else lookahead=exp[m++]; break; } case 1:{printf("E →TE′ ");syn[top]="e";syn[top+1]="T";top++;break;} case 2:{printf("E′ →+TE` ");syn[top+1]="T";top++;lookahead=exp[m++];break;} case 3:{printf("E′ →ε ");syn[top]="";top--;break;} case 4:{printf("T → FT′ ");syn[top]="t";syn[top+1]="F";top++;break;} case 5:{printf("T′ → * FT′ ");syn[top+1]="F";top++;lookahead=exp[m++];break;} case 6:{printf("T′ →ε ");syn[top]="";top--;break;} case 7:{printf("F →(E) ");syn[top]=")";syn[top+1]="E";top++;lookahead=exp[m++];break;} case 8:{printf("F →id ");syn[top]="";top--;lookahead=exp[m++];lookahead=exp[m++];break;} case 9:{printf("弹栈,弹出非终结符%c,用户少输入了一个id ",string[i/2]);syn[top]="";top--;break;} case 11:{syn[top]="";top--;lookahead=exp[m++];break;} case 13:{printf("弹栈,弹出终结符 ) ,用户少输入了一个右括号 ");syn[top]="";top--;break;} } } } return 0;}


可以用LR分析法分析的文法可以称为LR分析法。LR文法( Knuth ,1963)是最大的、可以构造出相应移入- 归约语法分析器的文法类。 LR(k)分析,需要向前查看k个输入符号的LR分析,k=0 和 k=1 这两种情况具有实践意义,当省略(k)时,表示k=1。而在LR(k)这样的名称中,k代表的是分析时所需前瞻符号(lookahead symbol)的数量,也就是除了当前处理到的输入符号之外,还得再向右引用几个符号之意;省略 (k)时即视为LR(1),而非LR(0)。 作为对比这里列出LL(1)文法的含义: 问:自底向上分析的关键问题是什么? 答:如何正确地识别句柄,句柄是逐步形成的,用“状态”表示句柄识别的进展程度。例如在 自底向上分析概述 中所提及到句柄识别错误的例子,通过状态跟下一个输入符号就可以判断出应该做出哪一个动作,而状态相当于一种记忆功能记录当前句柄识别到什么程度。 与移入分析器不同的是LR分析器多了一个与符号栈平行的状态栈。 之后的分析过程与上图类似,直至到如下状态,分析成功。可见分析时进行什么动作是由栈状态栈栈顶的状态和下一个输入符号决定。 输入:串w和LR语法分析表,该表描述了文法G的ACTION函数和GOTO函数。 输出:如果w在L(G)中,则输出w的自底向上语法分析过程中的归约步骤;否则给出一个错误指示。 方法:初始时,语法分析器栈中的内容为初始状态s0 ,输入缓冲区中的内容为w$。然后,语法分析器执行下面的程序: 先了解LR(0)项目和增广文法这两个概念 右部某位置标有圆点的产生式称为相应文法的一个LR(0)项目(简称为项目):A → α1·α2 文法开始符号S表示的是语言中的最大成分。如下图当b出现时可以将它移入到分析栈中。b移进栈后我们期待归约出B。当归约出B时我们还期待再归约一个B。 如果G是一个以S为开始符号的文法,则G的增广文法G"就是在G中加上新开始符号S"和产生式S"→S而得到的文法 引入这个新的开始产生式的目的是使得文法开始符号仅出现在一个产生式的左边,从而使得分析器只有一个接受状态。 项目可以分为以下几类: 上图中S"对应的第一个项目称为初始项目,而S"对应的最后一个项目称之为接收项目在此状态下文法的开始符号已经被归约出来,因此可以接收了故称为接收项目。红色方框中的项目则被称为归约项目。 项目集闭包(Closure of Item Sets) 可以把等价的项目组成一个项目集(I),称为项目集闭包,每个项目集闭包对应着自动机的一个状态。 先了解CLOSURE和GOTO这两个函数 项目集I的闭包的数学定义: 返回项目集I对应于文法符号X的后继项目集闭包 规范LR(0)项集族(Canonical LR(0) Collection) 说明: 该自动机的初始状态就是文法的初始项目的项目集闭包,其终止状态集合只有一个状态就是文法的接收项目的项目集闭包。 如果LR(0)分析表中没有语法分析动作冲突,那么给定的文法就称为LR(0)。不是所有CFG都能用LR(0)方法进行分析,也就是说,CFG不总是LR(0)文法。 为了解决移进/归约冲突和归约/归约冲突需要使用到 SLR分析法 和 LR(1)分析法 。 问: 为什么没有移进/移进冲突? 答: 首先只有在移进状态和待约状态下的项目才会有使用到移进操作。在0状态时所有项目都是移进状态根据LL文法显然不会产生移进/移进操作,因为每个产生式左部的SELECT集是没有交集的。而在其他具有待约状态项目的状态中,所有集合都是等价的。假若在某状态下输入终结符y时发生移进/移进冲突,即存在两个这样的项目A0→α0·yβ0,A1→α1·yβ1,但显然这两个项目是不等价的显然与同一状态下所有项目等价相矛盾,因此这种移进/移进冲突是不存在的。假若在某状态下输入非终结符X时发生移进/移进冲突,即存在两个这样的项目A0→α0·Xβ0,A1→α1·Xβ1,而A0与A1在同一状态下是等价的则两项目要么是A0→α0·Xβ0与X→.Xβ1(原项目A1变为X,α1变为ε)要么是A1→α1·Xβ1与X→.Xβ0(原项目A0变为X,α0变为ε)。显然X→Xβ0|Xβ1(左递归)是不符合LL文法的因此这种情况也是不可能出现。 综上移进/移进冲突在LR分析下是不存在的。

not until 语法问题

答:He did not appear until 9 p.m.译1. (直译:)他没出现(这个状态)一直(延续)到晚上9点。--》他直到晚上9点都没有出现。译2.(意译:)他直到晚上9点才出现。析:until这个词,可以作介词后跟时间点,也可以作连词后跟一个从句。表示某个延续的动作或情况一直延续到这个时间为止。这个动作或状态在这个时间点变成另一种相应的状态,如工作--》不工作(休息),不出现(状态)--》出现。你的汉语句子是同一英语句子的另一种不常见的翻译版本。

英语语法 not...until 的用法


英语语法this is painting by the spanish artist .picasso,consider?

e considered to be 被认为是 这里去掉了is 原因是,这不是谓语而是过去分词短语做后置定语 这幅画是有西班牙艺术家毕加索画的.毕加索被认为是西方最伟大的艺术家,3,这里considered to be the greatest western artist 用来解释说明picasso.毕加索是被人们认为是最伟大的西方艺术家,必须用被动的形式。,2,considered在这里是一个过去分词,在句子中做picasso的后置定语,可以看做省略了which is,即this is painting by the spanish artist .picasso,(which is)considered to be the greatest western artist of …,1,to be the greatest western artist of …是不定式短语作 considered 的宾语,如果用宾语从句来写: considered that he is the greatest western artist of… , 在 简化为不定式短语时,不但要去掉“that he”,而且还要将 is 换成它的不定式形式“to be”,这就成了现在句子...,1,英语语法 this is painting by the spanish artist .picasso,considered to be the greatest western artist of …为什么是considered to be..to be?


这是一个漫长的一天。法官们选择了14雕塑展。他们希望十五分之一,他们想回家。他们研究了两个多件。一个是男子的头部。他们不喜欢它。另一个是一个广场,现代作品。法官们选择了现代的作品。然后他们回家。 第二天,画家收到了一封信。它说,法官们选择了他的雕塑。但是,当他看到这个展览,他无法看到他的雕塑地方。 "在哪里可以呢? "他说。 "它必须是在这里! 最后,他看到了他的姓名。这是他的基地面积雕塑。但顶端部分,头部,是不存在。 "它必须是一个错误!他说。 法官坚持认为它没有一个错误。他们喜欢在自己的基地,但他们认为,头部被可怕。 教训55胡闹 美国的一些科学家已经表明,猴子可以相当聪明的钱。在一项研究中,给出的猴子银"硬币" ,并教他们使用的资金。他们得到的想法非常快。猴子可以"买"件件苹果或香蕉。当一块苹果费用一样一块香蕉,猴子购买每个水果相同数量的时间。但是,当苹果件去"出售" ,猴子失去兴趣香蕉。他们选择苹果,因为他们获得更多的水果同钱。 当件黄瓜以及提供了一组猴子做了有趣的。他们没有吃的黄瓜片。他们看到了黄瓜片大小相同的银币。他们藏在金银纪念币,并试图利用黄瓜片的钱。 科学家们非常感兴趣,但他们也有点担心。他们发现,猴子可以成为热心赌徒也!

used to do属于英语语法中的哪一类

usedtodosth.意思是“过去常常做某事”,表示过去经常做或一直做而现在不做,它只用于过去时态。  (一)肯定句式:  主语+usedto+动词原形……  例如:Iusedtogotothecinema,butIneverhavetimenow.我过去经常去看电影,但现在没有时间了。  Heusedtolistentopopmusicbutnowhelikesrockmusic.他过去总听流行音乐,但现在喜欢摇滚了。  (二)否定句式:  A)主语+didnotuseto+动词原形……  B)主语+usednotto+动词原形……  第一种否定句型,就是把used当做实义动词来看,所以变否定句要用助动词did;第二种否定句是把used当做情态动词,变否定句直接在used后面加not即可,usednot可以缩写成usedn"t或usen"t。美式英语通常用A种形式,英式英语常用B种形式。例如:  Youdidn"tusetodrink.你过去不喝酒。  Theshopusedn"ttoopenonSundays.过去这家商店星期天不营业。  (三)一般疑问句式:  A)Did+主语+useto+动词原形……?  B)Used+主语+to+动词原形……?  美式英语通常用A种形式,英式英语用B种形式。例如:Didyouusetogoswimmingintheriverwhenyouwereyoung?你小时候经常在河里游泳吗?  Usedhegotoschoolbybike?他过去骑车上学吗?  (四)usedto用于省略句时,肯定式保留to,否定式不保留to。例如:  ——Usedyouplaybasketball?  ——你过去常打篮球吗?  ——Yes,Iusedto.(No,Iusedn"t.)  ——是的,经常打。(不,不常打。)  Idon"twritetohimnow,butIusedto.我现在不给他写信了,但过去经常写。

语法问题 His father have caught on quickly 为什么要加HAVE呢?? 解释详细点呗~


Noting succeeds without a strong will 120词作文,简单点,好背的,语法不要有问

Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will It is universally acknowledged that people cannot succeed or achieve their targets without a strong will and persistence. One of the most typical examples is that in the present-day society, a growingnumber of people give up or fail to quit smoking just because of their poor willpower during the process.A variety of factors may account for this phenomenon as follows. For one thing, no one can deny the fact that persistence is the key point in accomplishing one" s task. It is of importance for people to stick to their original aim. A great number of dragsters would stop smoking a couple of days after they have made their determination, but only a few of them may succeed in the end. For another, the people who cannot quit smoking may easily be affected by his circumstance and surroundings. In that case, people tend to fail to resist various temptations around them. From what has been discussed above, we may safely come to the conclusion that only by concentrating on the object and strong self-discipline can we obtain our goals successfully in the future.


传统的布局,都是基于盒模型,display,float,position,有的时候感觉它做出来的界面缺少一些灵活性,这时候我们就可以使用Flex布局,是Flexible Box的缩写,意为"弹性布局",它可以让你界面有很大的灵活性。但是你得了解Flex的语法,好了,不多说了,直接上干货!!! 1. 主轴方向:左到右(默认) | 右到左 | 上到下 | 下到上 flex-direction: row | row-reverse | column | column-reverse 2. 换行:不换行(默认) | 换行 | 换行并第一行在下方 flex-wrap: nowrap | wrap | wrap-reverse 3.主轴方向和换行简写 flex-flow: <flex-direction> || <flex-wrap> 4.主轴对齐方式:左对齐(默认) | 右对齐 | 居中对齐 | 两端对齐 | 平均分布 justify-content: flex-start | flex-end | center | space-between | space-around 5.交叉轴对齐方式:顶部对齐 | 底部对齐 | 居中对齐 | 文本基线对齐 | 如果项目未设置高度或设为auto,将占满整个容器的高度。(默认) align-items: flex-start | flex-end | center | baseline | stretch 6.多主轴对齐:顶部对齐 | 底部对齐 | 居中对齐 | 上下对齐并铺满 | 轴线占满整个交叉轴。(默认) align-content: flex-start | flex-end | center | space-between | space-around | stretch 1. 排序:数值越小,越排前,默认为0 order: <integer> 2.放大:默认0(即如果有剩余空间也不放大,值为1则放大,2是1的双倍大小(约等),以此类推) flex-grow: <number>; /* default 0 */ 3.缩小:如果所有项目的flex-shrink属性都为1,当空间不足时,都将等比例缩小。如果一个项目的flex-shrink属性为0,其他项目都为1,则空间不足时,前者不缩小。 负值对该属性无效。) flex-shrink: <number>; /* default 1 */ 4.固定大小:默认为0,可以设置px值,也可以设置百分比大小 flex-basis: <length> | auto; /* default auto */ 5.flex-grow, flex-shrink 和 flex-basis的简写,默认值为0 1 auto flex: none | [ <"flex-grow"> <"flex-shrink">? || <"flex-basis"> ] 6.单独对齐方式:自动(默认) | 顶部对齐 | 底部对齐 | 居中对齐 | 文本基线对齐 | 上下对齐并铺满 align-self: auto | flex-start | flex-end | center | baseline | stretch 这写的很乱,我看着都乱凑合看吧!!!
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