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如果谈论计算机操作命令的grep, 语法与操作系统有关,对于 unix, linux 则是grep 命令用于查找文件里符合条件的字符串。grep 指令用于查找内容包含指定的范本样式的文件,如果发现某文件的内容符合所指定的范本样式,预设 grep 指令会把含有范本样式的那一列显示出来。若不指定任何文件名称,或是所给予的文件名为 -,则 grep 指令会从标准输入设备读取数据。语法: grep [-abcEFGhHilLnqrsvVwxy][-A<显示行数>][-B<显示列数>][-C<显示列数>][-d<进行动作>][-e<范本样式>][-f<范本文件>][--help][范本样式][文件或目录...]详细语法可查系统帮助文件,这里写不下。例子: grep -i apple fruitlist.txt 意思是从文件水果表里,把词苹果找出来。

形式发票里面,“Door as attached”这样写有没有语法错误?


下面这句话中picture attached替换为attached picture有语法错误吗?

两个应该都可以吧,取决于个人喜好。如果硬要说区别的话,那么email with a pic attached句子的重点放在email上,而email with an attached pic感觉pic的重要性比email高些。


bring with是动介词组 相当于一个及物动词 后面的宾语具有抽象含义 原句中bring直接跟 宾语 应该是 具体的东西 而the Aramaic script 不是具体的东西 而是一种书写方式 所以 应该用 bring with 选项D 是 正确的 it是宾语 the Aramaic script是it的同位语 用it是为了强调,后面是非限制性定语从句 from which引导定从 并作定从中 的状语 从句是倒装句 derive这里 是不及物动词 作从句中的谓语 both the nothern and the southern Indian alphabets是从句中的主语 是复数 故谓语用derive句子意思 就是 the alphabets derive from the Aramaic script这些字母源自亚拉姆语的书写




More freedom or less to college student Today, we talked about the freedom to the college student, we had different opinions .some of us thought the college student should have more freedom than before, but someone else don"t agree it. Some people thought that the college student should have more freedom than before, because the freedom is very important for students. They have to study many different things everyday .They have to learn how to manage their time, their work, and so on. And the students are the master of the country in future, they should concern the future of the country, they have to learn how to express a reasonable opinion, how to monitor government. And it can help the students how to build the more hopeful country in future. And the other thought that the students should have less freedom than before, because they think the students are too free. They waste too much time to other things rather than learning .and it is harmful to students. The students" mission are learning, and they should spend more time on it. I agree the students should have more freedom than before, because they are so young, they should learn how to build the hopeful country .how to help the other. And this is very important for a man. 这是改过的了。


这位同学,在进入讨论之前,有一点一定要牢记,就是:遇见长句子,一定要先找出谓语,找准谓语了再找与之配套的主语。Declaring that one country is better than another in the way that it treats more than half its citizens means relying on broad strokes and generalities. 这里谓语有3个:is , treats, means;分别在几个不同层次的句子里:【Declaring [宾语从句that one country is better than another] in the way [定语从句that it treats more than half its citizens]】 【means主句谓语动词】 relying on broad strokes and generalities.第二句,也是先找 谓语动词:it 【includes 谓语】 [not only the large gardens 宾语1] (built as entertainment venues for royal family 过去分词后置做定语,修饰 large gardens),but also [the private gardens 宾语 2] ( built as secluded retreats for scholars 过去分词后置做定语)。谓语是includes,及物动词,后面的宾语有两个,一个是large gardens, 第二个是the private gardens , 而两处built是过去分词短语后置做两处gardens 的定语,原理相当于一个完整的定语从句:garderns which were built ..... ,只是英语为了简练而把 关系代词与be 动词一起省略了。


虚拟语气 1) 概念 虚拟语气用来表示说话人的主观愿望或假想,所说的是一个条件,不一定是事实,或与事实相反。 2) 在条件句中的应用 条件句可分为两类,一类为真实条件句,一类为非真实条件句。非真实条件句表示的是假设的或实际可能性不大的情况,故采用虚拟语气。 1.真实条件句 真实条件句用于陈述语气,假设的情况可能发生,其中 if 是如果的意思。 时态关系 句型:条件从句 主句 一般现在时shall/will + 动词原形 If he comes, he will bring his violin. 典型例题 The volleyball match will be put off if it ___. A. will rain B. rains C. rained D. is rained 答案B。真实条件句主句为将来时,从句用一般现在时。 注意: 1) 在真实条件句中,主句不能用be going to表示将来,该用shall, will. (错) If you leave now, you are never going to regret it. (对) If you leave now, you will never regret it. 2) 表示真理时,主句谓语动词便不用shall (will) +动词原形,而直接用一般现在时的动词形式。 2.非真实条件句 1)时态:可以表示过去,现在和将来的情况。它的基本特点是时态退后。 a. 同现在事实相反的假设。 句型 : 条件从句 主句 一般过去时 should( would) +动词原形 If they were here, they would help you. b. 表示于过去事实相反的假设。 句型: 条件从句 主句 过去完成时 should(would) have+ 过去分词 If she had worked harder, she would have succeeded. The rice would not have been burnt if you had been more careful. If my lawyer had been here last Saturday, he would have prevented me from going. If he had come yesterday, I should / would have told him about it. 含义:He did not come yesterday, so I did not tell him about it. If he had not been ill and missed many classes, he would have made greater progress. 含义: He was ill and missed many lessons, so he did not make greater progress. c. 表示对将来的假想 句型: 条件从句 主句 一般过去时 should+ 动词原形 were+ 不定式 would + 动词原形 should+ 动词原形 If you succeeded, everything would be all right. If you should succeed, everything would be all right. If you were to succeed, everything would be all right. 3.混合条件句 主句与从句的动作发生在不同的时间,这时主,从句谓语动词的虚拟语气形式因时间不同而不同,这叫做混合条件句。 If you had asked him yesterday, you would know what to do now. (从句与过去事实相反,主句与现在事实相反。) If it had rained last night (过去), it would be very cold today (现在). 4.虚拟条件句的倒装 虚拟条件句的从句部分如果含有were, should, 或had, 可将if省略,再把were, should或had 移到从句句首,实行倒装。 Were they here now, they could help us. =If they were here now, they could help us. Had you come earlier, you would have met him =If you had come earlier, you would have met him. Should it rain, the crops would be saved. =Were it to rain, the crops would be saved. 注意: 在虚拟语气的从句中,动词"be"的过去时态一律用"were",不用was, 即在从句中be用were代替。 If I were you, I would go to look for him. 如果我是你,就会去找他。 If he were here, everything would be all right. 如果他在这儿,一切都会好的。 典型例题 _____ to do the work, I should do it some other day. A. If were IB. I were C. Were I D. Was I 答案C. 在虚拟条件状语中如果有were, should, had这三个词,通常将if省略,主语提前, 变成 were, should, had +主语的形式。但要注意,在虚拟条件状语从句中,省略连词的倒装形式的句首不能用动词的缩略形式。如我们可说 Were I not to do., 而不能说 Weren"t I to do. 5特殊的虚拟语气词:should 1) It is demanded / necessary / a pity + that…结构中的主语从句的谓语动词要用should 加动词原形, should 可省略。 句型: (1)suggested It is (2)important that…+ (should) do (3) a pity (1)suggested, ordered, proposed, required, demanded, requested, insisted; + (should) do (2)important, necessary, natural, strange a pity, a shame, no wonder 例:It is suggested that we (should) hold a meeting next week. It is necessary that he (should) come to our meeting tomorrow. 2)在宾语从句中的应用 在表示命令、建议、要求等一类动词后面的从句中。 order, suggest, propose, require, demand, request, insist, command, insist + (should) do I suggest that we (should) hold a meeting next week. He insisted that he (should ) be sent there. 注意: 如suggest, insist不表示"建议" 或"坚持要某人做某事时",即它们用于其本意"暗示、表明"、"坚持认为"时,宾语从句用陈述语气。 The guard at gate insisted that everybody obey the rules. 判断改错: (错) You pale face suggests that you (should) be ill. (对) Your pale face suggests that you are ill. (错) I insisted that you ( should) be wrong. (对) I insisted that you were wrong. 3)在表语从句,同位语从句中的应用 在suggestion, proposal, idea, plan, order, advice等名词后面的表语从句、同位语从句中要用虚拟语气,即(should)+动词原形。 My idea is that we (should) get more people to attend the conference. I make a proposal that we (should) hold a meeting next week. 6.wish的用法 1)用于wish后面的从句,表示与事实相反的情况,或表示将来不太可能实现的愿望。其宾语从句的动词形式为: 真实状况 wish后 从句动作先于主句动词动作 过去时 过去完成时 (be的过去式为 were) 从句动作与主句动作同时发生 现在时 过去时 (had + 过去分词) 将来不大可能实现的愿望 将来时 would/could + 动词原形 I wish I were as tall as you. 我希望和你一样高。 He wished he hadn"t said that. 他希望他没讲那样的话。 I wish it would rain tomorrow. 我希望明天下雨就好了。 2)Wish to do表达法。 Wish sb / sth to do I wish to see the manager. = I want to see the manager. I wish the manager to be informed at once. (= I want the manager to be informed at once.) 7.比较if only与only if only if表示"只有";if only则表示"如果……就好了"。If only也可用于陈述语气。 I wake up only if the alarm clock rings. 只有闹钟响了,我才会醒。 If only the alarm clock had rung. 当时闹钟响了,就好了。 If only he comes early. 但愿他早点回来。 8.It is (high) time that It is (high) time that 后面的从句谓语动词要用过去式或用should加动词原形,但should不可省略。 It is time that the children went to bed. It is high time that the children should go to bed. 9 need "不必做"和"本不该做" didn"t need to do表示: 过去不必做某事, 事实上也没做。. needn"t have done表示: 过去不必做某事, 但事实上做了。 John went to the station with the car to meet Mary, so she didn"t need to walk back home. 约翰开车去车站接玛丽,所以她不必步行回家了。 John went to the station with the car to meet Mary, so she needn"t have walked back home. 约翰开车去车站接玛丽,所以她本不必步行回家了。 (Mary步行回家,没有遇上John的车。)

我想知道put on与wear的语法

put on 是“穿上”,表示一个动作,即把衣服穿到身上。例句:It"s cold outside. Put on your haevy coat. 外面很冷,把你的厚大衣穿上吧。wear 是“穿着”,表示一个状态,即已经穿上了某件衣服。例句:Every time I see him, he always wears his old jacket. 我每次见到他时,他都穿着那件旧夹克衫。注意:这两个动词的宾语也可以是帽子、围巾、项链等,所以有时要分别翻译成“戴上”和“戴着”。

英语语法和翻译问题 例如我想描述 昨天吃完饭后我开始学习。 可否这样说 After I fini

用after时,因为其意已经指出动作的先后,故后面的从句即可以用完成时也可用一般时:After I have finished / finish it, I will go back.After he left / had left, I went home.


rain[英] [reu026an] [美] [ren] n. 雨;(热带地区的)雨季,雨天;雨点般降落的东西;<俚>电子流vt.&vi. (雨)降下,(使)降落;大量地给,(使)大量落下词形变化过去式:rained过去分词:rained现在分词:raining第三人称单数:rains同反义词同义词n.1."雨,降雨"释义下的同义词shower precipitate drizzle 其他释义下的同义词moisture precipitate water 反义词shine 相关例句1.thesteadydrummingofthe rain onthetinroof雨点打在铁皮屋顶上发出的有节奏的嗒嗒声2.Theheavy rain hascausedfloodsinmanypartsofthecountry.大雨使全国许多地方泛滥成灾。3.Shelookedsoforlorn,standingthereinthe rain.她站在雨中,显得孤苦伶仃。4.I"mfuckingsickofthisfucking rain!这该死的雨真他妈的让我心烦!5.1.14inchesof rain felllastnight.昨晚的降雨量为1.14英寸。6.The rain lashedatthewindows.雨点猛烈地打在窗户上。7.Youspentthewholeweekendinatentinthe rain?That"smasochism!下着雨,你就在帐篷里度过了整个周末?真是自讨苦吃!


初中英语让步状语从句语法    【—让步状语从句】在使用让步状语从句的过程中使用though, although时,后面的从句不可以与but连用。   初中英语语法大全:让步状语从句   though, although   注意: 当有though, although时,后面的从句不能有but,但是 though 和yet可连用   Although it"s raining, they are still working in the field.   虽然在下雨,但他们仍在地里干活。   He is very old, but he still works very hard.   虽然他很老,但仍然努力地工作。   Though the sore be healed, yet a scar may remain.   伤口虽愈合,但伤疤留下了。 (谚语)    典型例题   1) ___she is young, she knows quite a lot.   A. When B. However C. Although D. Unless   答案:C。意为虽然她很年轻,却知道许多。   2) as, though 引导的倒装句   as / though引导的让步从句必须表语或状语提前(形容词、副词、分词、实义动词提前)。   Child as /though he was, he knew what was the right thing to do.   = Though he was a small child, he knew what was the right thing to do.   注意: a. 句首名词不能带任何冠词。   b. 句首是实义动词,其他助动词放在主语后。如果实义动词有宾语和状语,随实义动词一起放在主语之前。   Try hard as he will, he never seems able to do the work satisfactorily.   = Though he tries hard, he never seems…   虽然他尽了努力,但他的工作总做的不尽人意。   3) ever if, even though. 即使   We"ll make a trip even though the weather is bad.   4) whether…or- 不管……都   Whether you believe it or not, it is true.   5) "no matter +疑问词" 或"疑问词+后缀ever"   No matter what happened, he would not mind.   Whatever happened, he would not mind.   替换:no matter what = whatever   no matter who = whoever   no matter when = whenever   no matter where = wherever   no matter which = whichever   no matter how = however   注意:no matter 不能引导主语从句和宾语从句。   (错)No matter what you say is of no use now.   (对)Whatever you say is of no use now.   你现在说什么也没用了。(Whatever you say是主语从句)   (错)Prisoners have to eat no matter what they"re given,   (对)Prisoners have to eat whatever they"re given. 囚犯们只能给什么吃什么。   让步状语从句也是我们经常遇到的,包括考试中经常会出现让步状语从句这种句式,所以希望同学们要好好的掌握。    初一英语完成句子提升训练及答案四   【—初一英语完成句子提升训练及答案四】同学们,在海岸旁有许多小村庄大家知道该怎么翻译吗,下面老师就为大家总结一些完成句子提升训练及答案,一起来看看吧。详情请看   完成句子提升训练   16. There are ____ ___small villages __ the coast.   在海岸旁有许多小村庄   17. ___ _______ there are usually fireworks.   在午夜通常有火焰   18. __ ____ ____ ___England _____ ___ some lakes and low mountains.   在英国的北方有一些湖和低的山。   19. There ____ ___ ___ ______ in spring and autumn.   春天和秋天在这里是坏天气   20. There ____ __ _____ ____ and strong winds.   这里将会有大雨和强风。    答案   16. There are lots of small villages on the coast.   17. At midnight there are usually fireworks.   18. In the north of England there are some lakes and low mountains.   19. There will be bad weather in spring and autumn.   20. There will be heavy rain and strong winds.    初中英语学习方法关于“烦恼”的英语单词辨析总结   【—关于“烦恼”的英语单词辨析总结】worry, brood, care, fret都有“烦恼”意思。下文是老师为同学们带来的关于“烦恼”的英语单词辨析的介绍,供同学们学习参考。希望对同学们有帮助。   worry, brood, care, fret   这些动词均有“烦恼、担忧”之意。   worry : 普通用词,着重使人焦虑、烦恼或深深不安。   brood语气比worry强,多指沉思、沮丧或忧郁。   care : 多指极强烈的关心和忧虑。常带纯客观的意味。   fret : 通常指因悲哀、焦虑或忧愁等所困扰的"心理状态。   关于上述“烦恼”的英语单词的辨析介绍,希望同学们要好好掌握哦!不懂的可以参考哦!    初二英语作文:A park near my home   There was a park near my home. But I didn"t go there very often. Many people said there was nothing special. One afternoon I went into the park and found it was really small. I walked quickly because there wasn"t much to see. I found that the two ways were different from each other.The left one was wide and clean.   Though the flowers weren"t so beautiful, they made me feel good. I decided to take this path. But wait! I looked at the right one. The path didn"t look nice. It looked like it had not been cleaned for months. Grass grew everywhere. I couldn"t make up my mind for a long time.   Ah! There was a small garden there. It was beautiful, perhaps the most beautiful garden I had ever seen. Many people told me that there was nothing much to see in the park. Now I"d like to tell them that if they had followed the right way, they would have felt different. But when I told them about what I had seen in the park, they just smiled at me without saying a word. I knew they didn"t believe me. They couldn"t even remember that path because it was so small.   My trip to the park that day made me understand something about life. Don"t be afraid to choose a different path. You may get a big surprise!   初中语法大全之may和might   may和might的用法比较   1) 表示允许或请求;表示没有把握的推测;may 放在句首,表示祝愿。   May God bless you!   He might be at home。   注意: might 表示推测时,不表示时态。只是可能性比may 小。   2) 成语: may/might as well,后面接不带to 的不定式,意为"不妨"。   If that is the case, we may as well try。   典型例题   Peter ___come with us tonight, but he isn"t very sure yet。   A. must B. may C. can D. will   答案B. 表可能性只能用may. 此句意可从后半句推出。   初中英语动名词的语法大全    【—动名词的】动名词通常可以作主语、宾语和表语这几种的结构语句。下面是老师为大家带来的具体介绍。   6. 动名词   6.1 动名词作主语、宾语和表语   1)作主语   Fighting broke out between the South and the North.南方与北方开战了。   2)作宾语   a. 动词后加动名词doing作宾语 V. + doing sth   admit 承认 appreciate 感激,赞赏 avoid 避免   complete 完成 consider 认为 delay 耽误 deny 否认 detest 讨厌 endure 忍受 enjoy 喜欢 escape 逃脱 prevent阻止   fancy 想象 finish 完成 imagine 想象 mind 介意 miss 想念 postpone 推迟 practise 训练 recall 回忆 resent 讨厌 resist 抵抗 resume 继续 risk 冒险   suggest 建议 face 面对 include 包括 stand 忍受 understand 理解 forgive 宽恕 keep 继续   举例:   (1) Would you mind turning down your radio a little, please?   (2) The squirrel was lucky that it just missed being caught.   b. 词组后接doing   admit to prefer…to be used to lead to devote oneself to object to stick to busy look forward to(to为介词)   no good, no use, It"s worth…, as well as,   can"t help, It"s no use /good be tired of   be fond of be capable of be afraid of   be proud of think of / about hold off   put off keep on insist on count on / upon   set about be successful in good at take up   give up burst out prevent … from…   3)作表语   Her job is washing,cleaning and taking care of the children.   动名词我们在英语中几乎是随处都是可见的,那么希望同学们再再次遇到的时候,要懂得怎么去做哦!   and还是or    一、在否定句中的用法比较   在通常情况下,在肯定句中用and,相应的否定句中则用 or。如:   He has brothers and sisters. 他有兄弟姐妹。   He has no brothers or sisters. 他既没有兄弟也没有姐妹。   They sang and danced. 他们既唱歌又跳舞(即载歌载舞)。   They didn"t sing or dance. 他们既没有唱歌也没有跳舞。   但是,在某些特殊情况下,即使是否定句也得用and。如:   Drivers must not drink and drive. 司机不准酒后驾车。   若将此句中的 and 改为 or,反而不合理了:   Drivers must not drink or drive. 司机不准开车或饮酒。   又如,汉语中有个成语叫“鱼和熊掌不可兼得”,译成是 can"t have one"s cake and eat it,在该否定结构中也应用 and,不用 or,否则不合情理:   You want a regular income but don"t want to work. Don"t forget: you can"t have your cake and eat it! 你既想有稳定的收入,又不想。别忘了,鱼和熊掌不可兼得呀!    二、在祈使句中的用法比较   and 和 or 均可用于祈使句后表示结果(即暗示后面的陈述句为前面祈使句的结果),注意两者意思不同:and 意为“那么”,or 意为“否则”。如:   Study hard, and you will pass the exam. 努力,你会及格的。   Study hard, or you will fail the exam. 努力学习,否则你考试会不及格。   这类结构通常可转换成含条件状语从句的复合句,如上面两句可改写成:   If you study hard, you will pass the exam. 你若努力学习,考试会及格的。   If you don"t study hard, you will fail the exam. 你若不努力学习,考试会不及格。   注意,由于 or 的意思是“否则”,所以当它前面的祈使句改写成条件状语从句时,谓语动词要用否定式。又如:   Hurry up, or you"ll be late. 快点,否则你就要迟到了。   =If you don"t hurry, you"ll be late. 你若不快点,你就要迟到了。 ;

初二英语语法1.There are three windows____the wall.A.on B.in C.at D?

1 window是在墙里面嵌着的,所以用in 2 这个空用这两种方法都没有错误 第一种方式 find 后面跟了一个宾语从句 省略了that 第二种方式 find sth +形容词 sth 做find 的宾语 形容词做了宾语补足语. 只不过是语法解释起来不同而已,但是表达的效果是一样的,3,1.我也认为是A,可以说the picture on the wall 2.the story very interesting 因为有句型find+it/sth+adj. find已经是动词了,2,1. 因为窗户是镶进墙里的,所以用in,in是在里面,on是在外面. 2. 译为the story was very interesting 后者少了WAS,没了谓语.,2,1. 用in,像楼上说的,窗户是镶进墙里的. 2. 有区别. the story was very interesting found后面就是一个宾语从句. the story very interesting found后面就是一个复合形式.story 是宾语,interesting是形容词做宾补.一般口语上用后者就可以了.,0,第一题选B因为窗户是嵌在墙里的,所以用in 第二题应该都可以,因为前者为从句,省略了that,后者是find sth + 形容词的句型,0,1.B 2.the story very interesting 两者的区别是:前者是宾语从句,后者是宾语的补足语. 我认为后者的答案多佳.,0,1.B 窗户是嵌入墙中,用IN 2.B.前者多系词.,0,据情况而定,一般而言,窗户是嵌于墙中,所以用in,所以选B the story was very interesting,是宾语从句,前为主句, the story very interesting是一个病句,无动词,0,初二英语语法 1.There are three windows____the wall. A.on B.in C.at D.over (答案上写B,但我觉得应该选A.) 2.All of us found_________(故事非常有趣). (应该译为the story was very interesting,还是the story very interesting?两者有何区别?)

"the story of us"这句话有语法错误吗?为什么不直接说成是"our story"呢?谢谢!

我同意前面“使色色”的回答,我已经投了他的赞同票。请选他的答案。理由:你手边有“新概念英语”第二册的话,请翻开到第50页,见(b)的解释。这里不多叙了。我的意见应当是用正统英语 "the story of ours" 。


及物动词要加宾语:understand the question.


understand 是动词,意思是:理解,了解,领会,闻知 相关词形变化:: 形容词 understandable 副词 understandably 名词 understandability 动词过去式understood 过去分词 understood 现在分词 understanding 第三人称单数 understands 例句与用法: 1.If you can"t do it,I will understand. 如果你不会做这件事的话,我可以理解. 2.I don"t understand what you are saying. 我不知道你在说什么. 3.I don"t understand why he came. 我不明白他为什么来. 4.I"m not sure that I fully understand (you). 我不敢说我已完全听懂了(你的话). 5.Do you understand the difficulty of my position? 你了解我处境的困难吗?

do our best要掌握什么语法

do our best=try our best do ones best=try ones best努力做好事

猫王的歌《love me tender》的语法问题

这个很正常啊,你看play it cooldo it good不过正式书面语最好不要这么用哦。

歌词语法: “love me tender,love me long ”




i have seen amazing things 文中的语法点

have seen 现在完成时I 主语have seen 谓语 amazing things 宾语amazing是形容词修饰things希望对你有帮助

译林英语七年级下册,第五课Amazing things 的语法点 不少于5点

一般过去时典型标志:1:yesterday(morning、afternoon。。。) 2:last Tuesday、month 3:this morning 4:in+过去年份、just now 5:the day before yesterday,。。。ago读法:轻轻,浊浊,元后浊变为过去时的注意要点:1.直接加ed 2.以e结尾的单词,直接加d 3.辅音字母加y结尾的,去y加ied 4.双写尾字母加ed词组:1.take photos拍照片 2.come back to回到 3.tell sb. about sth.告诉某人关于某事 4.learn about了解,关于 5.live on the earth住在地球上很乐意帮助你,下次也可以问我,我会好好答得



这两句话语法上有什么区别?when is the film start?与when does the film star?

前一个似乎应该写成 when is the film started? 这样就好从语法理解两句的区别了.,1,When is the film starting? When does the film start?,2,第一句话估计是你杜撰的,语法没有错,但文理不通; 第二句话,OK,1,第一句根本不对,0,这两句话语法上有什么区别? when is the film start?与when does the film start?

our class phot 有什么涉及到的英语语法知识点?

你恐怕写错了,phot 是照明单位,应该是 our class photo(我们的全班合影)。这是一个名词短语,our 是物主代词,名词 class 是修饰 photo 的定语,表示 photo 的属性。

"Today is a sunny day."有语法错误么

没有语法错误~~~1.Today is a sunny day. 今天天气晴朗!2.What"s the weather like today? Today is a sunny day. 今天是什么天气?今天是晴天。


不能。可以改成they were the first men landed on the moon. 这是一个定语从句,前面时态是一般过去时,后面要一致,不是进行时态


1、As 就是关系代词,指代后面的句子honesty is the bestpolicy。2、As an oldsaying goes 是前置的非限制性定语从句,其结构如下:主语:an old saying谓语动词:goes【此处的 go 是及物动词,相当于 say 的意思】宾语:as3、As 也可以用下面宾语从句代替来理解:An old saying goes that "honesty is the best policy".(= An old saying says that"honesty is the best policy")4、As指代后面要提到的或前面已经提到的一个句子,用来引导的定语从句,在从句中充当宾语、主语或表语。另如:As you can see, we"re still working. 如你所见,我们仍在工作。【as 指代 we"re stillworking,在从句中作宾语,等于含有宾语从句的 you can see that we"re still working 所表述的意思】We were sitting, as I remember, in a riverside restaurant. 我记得我们当时是坐在一个河畔的餐馆里。【= as 指代 we were sitting in a riverside restaurant,在从句中作宾语,等于含有宾语从句的I remember that we were sitting in a riverside restaurant 所表述的意思】The statement reads in full as follows: … 声明全文如下:…… 【as 指代 the statementreads in full,在从句中做主语,等于含有主语从句的 That the statement reads in full follows … (全文) 所表述的意思】We"re busy enough as it is. 我们实际上很忙。【as 指代we"re busy enough,在从句中作表语,等于含有表语从句的 It is that we"re busy enough 所表述的意思】打字不易,如满意,望采纳。

what dose he look like?He is of medium height.什么意思啊,这句有什么语法吗?


在飞机上看到这样一行字:Life vest under your seat.请问这句话有语法错误吗?不缺少谓语吗?

Life vest under your seat意思是“救生衣在座位下”。是名词后跟介词短语做定语,整个短语还是名词短语。在指示牌中只用名词短语表明意思就可以了,而不需要用句子。当然就不能有谓语。希望能帮助你。

United, there is little we cannot do; divided, there is little we can do. 语法错误吗?

United, there is little we cannot do; divided, there is little we can do. 句子语法正确无误,因为这是1961年,美国被刺总统,John F. Kennedy 约翰 F 肯尼迪在就职典礼上其中的两句演讲词,非常著名。 意思很显浅,就是: 团结,很少事情会办不到;分列,很少事情可办得到。 很希望我的回答会对你有帮助。如有不明白,可以再追问,若满意请采纳,谢谢你。

SAT 语法题

,而且device才是DEVISE的名词形式,用devising就不如名词好,应为在SAT中动你好我SAT writing当年考了750还是因为写作太差了,语法题只错了一题,希望

COOPERATION 这篇文章有没有语法错误,请帮改之

比起语法错误,这篇文章还有好多问题.作为立论的文章,它缺乏论据.作者给了3个分论点,可是却没有证据去证明它们."As a saying goes ,One tree can not make a forest ,one flower can not make a spring"这句不是英文谚语吧? "But the most important means showing love for others It is love that turns the earth "这跟cooperation有啥关系?最后说一句,标点符号很重要.不知道是不是因为拈贴过来的缘故,第一段的标点看起来都是句号,很可怕呀.


faith: 语气较强,强调完全相信;有时也能仅凭感觉产生的相信。confidence: 指对某人某事有充分信心,断定不会使人失望,因而给予信任。


experience 既是可数名词又是不可数名词。指“经验”时,是不可数名词。指“经历”时是可数名词。例:He had many interesting experiences when he was in America.当他在美国时,他有许多有趣的经历。He has no experience in teaching English.他在教英语方面没有经验。希望能帮到你!


1.依照你的个人情况来定,不过一般用一般现在时都是代表真理,用过去时是语法需要,因为前面你用的是talked。2.是"主从复合句",主从复合句由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句构成。主句为句子的主体,从句只用作句子的一个次要成分,不能独立成为一个句子。从句通常由关联词引导,并由关联词将从句和主句联系在一起。如:While the grandparents love the children, they are strict with them.(爷爷奶奶们很爱孩子,同时对他们也严格要求。) / It seemed as if the meeting would never end.(看起来会议没完没了。) / Hurry up, or (else) you"ll be late.(快点, 要不然就来不及了。) / However I cook eggs, the child still refuses to eat them.(不管我用什么方法煮鸡蛋,小孩还是不肯吃。)在百度主页输入"主从复合句"就会出来,百度百科中有很详尽的解释。3.That records take some beating. 这项记录是不易打破的;She will take some beating.It will be difficult to do better than her. 超越她是不易的(要做得比她好绝非易事)。仿照这两个例句你应该就明白了。4.众所周知,英语的被动语态是由be+及物动词的过去分词构成。有人认为似乎所有的及物动词都可转换成相应的被动语。其实不然,至少在某种意义上,有些及物动词不能用于被动语态。来源:www.examda.com 一、当句子的谓语是表示“拥有”、“容纳”、“缺少”概念的及物动词时。例如: 1.The millionaire possesses great wealth.这位百万富翁拥有大量的财富。 不能说:Great wealth is possessed by the millionaire. 2.The newly-constructed reservoir holds a lot of water.新水库蓄水量很大。 不能说:A lot of water is held by the newly-constructed reser-voir. 3.The house comprises five rooms.这幢房子有五个房间。 不能说:Five rooms are comprised by the house. 4,John Smith always lacks confidence.约翰·史密斯总是缺乏自信心。 不能说:Confidence is always lacked by John Smith. 二、当句子的谓语是表示“适合”的及物动词,如suit,become,fit等时,没有相应的被动语态。 1.The blue skirt becomes Mary very well.这条蓝裙子玛丽穿上去很合适。 不能说:Mary is become very well by the blue skirt. 2.Will the date suit you?这个日子对你合适吗? 不能说:Will you be suited by the date? 3.We should fit our deeds to our words.我们应该言行一致。 不能说:Our deeds should be fitted to our words by us. 三、当句子的谓语是表示“相互作用”的及物动词,如:equal,mean,resemble等时。 1.No one equals him in intelligence.他的智力是无与伦比的。 不能说:He is equaled by no one in intelligence. 2.Revolution means liberating productive force.革命就是解放生产力。 不能说:Liberating productive force is meant by revolution. 3.The two boys resemble each other in appearance.这两个男孩长得相似。 不能说:Each other is resembled by the two boys in appearance. 四、当句子的谓语是表示“明白”意义的及物动词,如:get,catch,take时,也没有相应的被动语态。 1.The boy said,“I didn"t catch the last two words.”这个男孩说:“我没听清楚最后两个词。” 不能说:The boy said,“The last two words weren"t caught by me.” 2.I don"t take you at all.你说的我一点也不懂。 不能说:You aren"t taken by me at all. 五、动词have作“有、接受、度过、吃、经历”解时,没有被动语态。 1.I have five good dictionaries.我有五本好词典。 不能说:Five good dictionaries are had by me. 2.I had three letters from Mr.Green.我收到过格林先生三封信。 不能说:Three letters were had by me from Mr.Green. 3.We shall have a good Spring Festival.我们将过一个愉快的春节。 不能说:A good Spring Festival will be had by us. 5.(这条我记得不太清了)turn red是变红,而turn into 表示 拐入;进入;(使)变成;(使)成为,所以一般应该是turn sth into5.relative单用是"相对的"意思,relative to是"有关,涉及"的意思,你说的这句话里面是用做后置定语了。6.你说得对,介词提前就必须用which,或者有时可把把介词+which变为when,where等。为人的时候应该不会有如果有介词提前就用whom(who的宾格)。因为介词后面跟的是宾格。7.这个我不太清楚。。。8.die of 1死于(疾病、过度悲伤等) People are dying of cancer more and more often. 死于癌症的人越来越多了。 My grandmother died of grief soon after her husband"s death. 祖父去世不久, 祖母就因悲伤过度而死了。 2强烈地感受到… I am dying of hunger. 我的肚子饿极了。 The children are dying of curiosity to see what"s in the parcel. 孩子们出于好奇, 迫不及待地想看看包裹中是什么东西。 die from 死于(某种原因, 不包括疾病、过度悲伤等) In a severe winter, wild animals can die from lack of food. 在寒冷的冬天, 野兽可能因为缺乏食物而饿死。 即(1) 若死因存在于人体之上或之内(主要指疾病、衰老等自身的原因),一般用介词 of。如:die of illness (heart trouble, cancer, a fever, etc) 死于疾病 (心脏病,癌症,发烧等)(2) 若死因不是存在人体之内或之上,而是由环境造成的(主要指事故等方面的外部原因),一般用介词 from。如:die from an earthquake (a traffic accident, a lightning, a stroke, etc) 死于地震(交通事故,雷击等)(3) 若死因是环境影响到体内,即两方面共有的原因,则可用 of, from 均可。如:die of [from] a drink ( a wound, overwork, starvation, hunger and cold, etc) 死于饮酒(受伤,劳累过度,饥饿,饥寒等)但是在实际运用中,两者混用的情况较多。


do harm to


七、-ING分词作定语   -ING分词可以单独作定语,也可以构成合成词作定语,但在更多情况下是分词短语作定语,包括限定性和非限定性(用逗号与其他部分分开),在意义上相当于一个定语从句(包括限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句)   32) Jacob Lawrence executed many cycles of paintings significant social themes.   [A] expressed [B] expressing [C] express [D] expression of   33) The name Nebraska comes from the Oto Indian word "nebrathka", flat water.   [A] to mean [B] meaning [C] it means [D] by meanig   34) The production of tin ore in the United States is relatively insignificant, less than one hundred tons annually.   [A] amounting to [B] in the amount [C] amounts to it [D] to the amount of   八、-ING的完成时、被动语态与否定形式   1. 如果-ING分词表示的是一般性动作,(即不指明是现在、过去或将来)不表示动作的先后或与谓语所表示的动作同时或几乎同时发生,这时要用-ING的一般形式   35) Revolution means the productive forces.   [A] to liberate [B] to have liberated [C] liberating [D] having been liberated   36) It is a simple matter [A] to have found [B] the density of a gas [C] from its formula [D] .   2. 但如果-ING分词所表示的动作先于句子谓语发生,就要用"(not)having+-ED分词"表示完成时   37) by the journey, he went to bed immediately after he came back home.   [A] Being exhausted [B] To have exhausted [C] Having exhausted [D] Having been exhausted   38) with an accedent, he arrived at the station ten minutes late.   [A] Having met [B] To have met [C] Meeting [D] Having been met   3. 当非限定性动词-ING的逻辑主语是-ING所表示的动作对象时要用-ING的被动形式,包括其一般形式"(not)being + -ED分词和完成形式"(not)having been +-ED分词"   39) Solids, liquids, and gases at rest all have a tendency to resist in motion.   [A] setting[B] to set[C] being set[D] to be set   40) Upon questioning [A] he denied having killed [B] the old woman with [C] the home-made [D] gun.   4. -ING的否定形式是把not加在-ING的前边   41) of the change in the meeting time, Mike arrived late.   [A] Not having notified[B] Not notifying[C] Not to notify[D] Not having been notified   42) I regret hard at school.   [A] not to have worked[B] not having worked[C] not have worked[D] having not worked   九、-ING分词的逻辑主语   1. -ING分词除了具有动词的特点以外,它还有名词的特点,即可以加物主代词(如my,your,his等)和名词的属格(如Wang Qing"s等)来表示其逻辑主语(这时-ING的逻辑主语和句子主语不一致)   43) I suggest on an excursion this Sunday.   [A] we are going [B] to go [C] us going [D] our going   44) on a clear day, far from the city crowds, the mountains give him a sense of infinite peace.   [A] If walking [B] While walking [C] Walking [D] When one is walking   45) Marta [A] being chosen [B] as the most outstanding [C] student on her campus made her parents [D] very happy.   2. 还有一种-ING分词的逻辑主语与句子主语不一致的情况,这时直接可用"-ING分词的主语+-ING"来表示,这样的-ING分词短语可由介词引导。这种结构叫独立结构   46) A new technique , the yields as a whole increased by 20 percent.   [A] to have been worked out [B] having worked out   [C] working out [D] having been worked out   47) Walter offered us a lift when he was leaving the office, but our work , we declined the offer.   [A] not being finished[B] not having finished[C] had not been finished[D] was not finished   3. 如果逻辑主语已和句子主语一致,那么其逻辑主语就可省略(在使用这种用法时要注意:-ING分词所表示的动作[ZZ(]一定[ZZ)]是主语所发出的,也就是说-ING分词的逻辑主语[ZZ(]一定[ZZ)]是主句的主语。试比较下列句子)   Getting into the room, I smelled a terrible smell.(getting 是 I 的动作)   Getting into the room, it give a terrible smell. (错误)   Walking through the forest, we found many strange animals. (walking 是 we 发出的)   Walking through the forest, a lot of animals are there. (错误)   Looking out of the window of our hotel room, we saw zigzag mountains. (Looking的使动者是we)   Looking out of the window of our hotel room, there were zigzag mountians.(错误)   48) Never attempting to be a literary stylist, in her novels.   [A] she considered the plot the most important element   [B] the most important element considered to be the plot   [C] considering the plot the most important element   [D] the plot was considered to be the most important element   49) with the new method, the material does not break up easily.   [A] To have treated [B] Having treated [C] Being treated [D] Having been treated   50) Attempting to reach his home before the storm, .   [A] the bicycle of John broke down[B] it happened that John"s bike broke down   [C] the storm caught John[D] John had an accident on his bicycle   4. -ING分词的主语可以与做主语的名词或代词(即代词的主格)一致,放在-ING前边,与   -ING分词构成逻辑上的"主谓"关系。但是,-ING分词(还有-ED分词)短语作状语时,也可以有自己独立的逻辑上的"主语"。这种结构与主句不发生句法上的联系,叫做独立结构。在很多情况下它都相当于各种形式的状语,表示一种伴随的动作或情况   51) Weather , we"ll go sightseeing.   [A] permitted[B] is permitted[C] permitting[D] is permitting   52) There are four factories in our institute, .   [A] each to have over 100 workers[B] each having over 100 worders   [C] which there are over 100 workers[D] with each that has over 100 workers   53) We went to [A] the World Park, Xiao Wang act [B] as guide for [C] he had been there several times [D].

求 八年级下册浙教版英语 里面的语法点,详细一点!1



八年级下 Unit1 1. make predictions 做预测2免费 be free 空闲时间 free time 3. 活到200岁 live to be 200 years old 4.在人们家中 in people"s home5.在家通过电脑学习 study at home on computers6.一百年之后 in 100 years7.一张纸 a piece of paper8. 更少的污染 less pollution 9. 更少地使用地铁 use the subway less 10. 更多/少的高楼 more/fewer tall buildings 11. 十年后 in ten years 12使用某物做某事 use sth to do13在上小学 be in elementary/primary school14. 住的地方 places to live 15. 住在太空站 live on the space station16乘坐火箭到月球 fly rockets to the moon 17. 住在公寓 live in an apartment 18爱上…fall in love with…19. 一个人住 live alone/by oneself 感到孤独feel lonely20 keep pets 养宠物能够做某事 be able to do sth21. 去滑冰 go skating 世界杯 the World Cup22到月球度假 fly to the moon for vacation 23. 看起来很时髦 look smart 24.有朝一日 one day25. 穿着随意 dress casually26去香港度假 go to Hong Kong on vacation 27. 实现 come true 为我自己工作 work for myself28预言未来 predict the future最大的电影公司之一 one of the biggest companies29. 在未来 in the future 30看见某人(正在)做某事 see sb doing/do sth.31工作面试 job interview32.拥有某人自己的机器人 have one"s own robot 33.科幻小说 science fiction movies34.帮助某人做家务 help with the housework 数以百计的 hundreds of尽力做某事try to do sth.35. 与…做同样的事 do the same things as sb look like 看上去长的像…看起来更像 look more like36.叫醒某人 wake up 37.与…交朋友 make friends with sb 38.某地有某人正在做某事 there be sb/sth doing sth +sp. 39. 在工厂工作 work in factories40.一遍又一遍地 over and over again 做这样的/简单的工作do such/simple jobs变厌倦的 get bored不同的形状 different shapes41.有更少的工作去做 have less work to do 42.做某事有趣 be fun to do 43. 花费某人一段时间做某事It takes sb some time to do sth44.似乎不可能seem impossible45.使某人做某事 make sb do sth在 25 年到 50 年之后 in 25 to 50 years自己总结的 祝你学习进步


第一个问题:在单词后面加ment 和tion 和不加之间有什么关系比如:entertain 和 entertainment operate 和 operation你所说的“单词后面加ment 和tion”,是名词词尾,是英语构词法中的内容;所列两组词,前者entertain、operate 为动词原形,后者entertainment、operation为该词源(即基本词意不变,词性不同)的名词形式第二个问题 be是做什么用的 什么样的句子里要用到be? 1. 连系动词am, is, are的动词原形; 2. 助动词。帮助构成时态语态。具体用法太多,没办法详述。比如,will be done, to be …第三个问题 been是做什么用的 什么样的句子里要用到been? been为be的过去分词形式。通常帮助构成特殊时态,例如:have been to; 完成进行时态,即have been doing, had been doing同学,你太缺乏英语的语法基础了。语法,是词法与句法的总和。词:读音,拼写,词义,词性,用法。句法:句子成分,句子类型,句子结构,词与句子成分的关系,词在句子中的顺序问题。



用英语写一篇作文,话题是关于body language的,用60-80字描述,初三水平,不要过难的语法点。结构严谨,

body language includes facial expressions.vocal cues, eye contact, gesture, posture, touch, odour physical appeaance, dress, silence, and the use of space, time and objects.body language often reveals true feelings because it is hard to control.Becoming a good communicator takes practice, concentration and sensitivity to others.Body movement can affect the message; Eye contact is considered the most powerful.

have you ever seen immortals fight 语法对吗?

建议将fight改成fighting: Have you even seen immortals fighting?

请问operate的语法是什么?for my idea和in my opinion有什么不同?

operate一般指动手术或是运作。operate for+病,指动手术治病operate on+sb,指为某人动手术如果指运作、经营等,就相当于run,比如说They operate a factory in Shanghai.In my opinion指的是我的意见是。。。或我的想法是。。。通常在居首使用,表达某人的意见。通常这个词组比for my idea更常用。


because of 不接句子,不能表达复杂意思,在这道题里的原因是很复杂的。排除A B。C owing to not idiomaticD volcanic activity不是并列原因的一个。 而且 reach for inidiomaticE best choice

定语从句什么时候用用whom 什么时候用who,详细解释下定语从句的语法



1.不是啦。last May就是最近的一个五月,至今为止,最后的一个五月,就是今年5月拉。2.need是实意动词也是情态动词。前面的need是情态动词,所以直接用needn"t,不然就要用don"t need to 了;而后面的need是实意动词,就要加to


If you are going to make a journey, you


小学英语网权威发布小学三年级英语语法【五篇】,更多小学三年级英语语法【五篇】相关信息请访问小学英语网。 【导语】芬芳袭人花枝俏,喜气盈门捷报到。心花怒放看通知,梦想实现今日事,喜笑颜开忆往昔,勤学苦读最美丽。在学习中学会复习,在运用中培养能力,在总结中不断提高。以下是大范文网为大家整理的《小学三年级英语语法【五篇】》 供您查阅。 【第一篇】 1. Nice to see you.    Nice to see you, too.   2. This is my new friend, Amy.   3. Where are you from?    I"m from America.   4. Good morning, boys and girls.    We have a new friend today.   5. Good afternoon.   6. Good evening.   7. Goodbye. See you.   8. Watch out! Look out!   9. Come in, please.   10. I"m sorry.    It"s OK.   11.Wait a minute. Wait a moment.   12. Have some tea, Mom.    Thanks.   13. Happy Women"s Day! Miss White!    Thank you!   14. Boy or Girl?   15. Hi! My name is… 【第二篇】 1. Well done!   2. Come on!   3. Who"s that manoy?    He"s …   4. Who"s this womangirl?    She"s…   5. Let"s watch TV.    Great!   6. Really?   7. Wow, how funny!   8. Is she your sister?    Yes. No, my mom.   9.What a big fish!   10. She"s beautiful. 【第三篇】 1. How many kites can you see?    I can see 12.   2. Let"s fly a kite!    OK!   3. How many crayons do you have?    I have 16.   4. Line up!   5. Count from 1 to 15.   6. Look at my new crayons!    Oh, how nice!   7. Open it and see.   8. That"s right.   9. Wow, so many apples!   10. Let"s have a race.    Good idea!   11. Who are you?    I"m the Easter Bunny.   12. Guess! 【第四篇】 1. Do you like pears?    Yes, I do. No, I don"t.   2. Have some juice.    Thanks.   3. What about…?    Oh, I like hem very much!   4. Hmm…It tastes good!   5. Can I have an apple, please?    Certainly!   6. Have some more?    Yes, please. No, thank you.   7. I want some…   8. No way!   9. I"m full. I"m hungry.   10. Oh, I see. 【第五篇】 1. Where is my plane?    It"s on the desk.   2. Excuse me. Can I use your pencil?    No problem.   3. Are you ready?    Yes! No!   4. Where are you?    Haha! I"m behind you.   5. Are you in the toy box?   6. I can"t find you.   7. Happy Children"s Day!    Thank you!   8. This is for you!    Unit 6   1. Look at the elephant.    They"re so cute!    How lovely!    It"s so big!   2. The giraffe is tall.    The deer is short.   3. The monkey has a long tail.   4.I have big eyes and small ears.   5. You"re tall. I"m short.    You"re right.   6. I have a rabbit.    It has long ears.   7. How many animals do you know?    I know all the animals.   8. Oops!

in the room ,at the room ,at room 有什么区别,语法哪里错误?

个人感觉room这个词前面的介词是固定的in,一般都说in the room,at home。

SAT语法 -ing一类题 求解

OC,OG上的题~~~这些问题我以前都问过,我综合了几种人的回答,给你如下:①:参考资料:http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/184043433.html 是我当时问的。 我个人解释: 情况一:意思就是说,Wandering in the street, Tom found a shop. 这里的TOM很明显是Wandering的发出者 所以反过来Tom found a shop wandering in the street.是错的 存在一个错位修饰语的错误。 逻辑主语情况二:而对于 Societies make the rules stating which acts are illegal. 这里stating的主语不可能是societies,因为社会不会说话。 这里是对于societies make the rules这个动作的一个修饰 这个行为stating表明了对于题目:When he began to excavate the ruins, he unearthed artifacts indicating a 500-year occupation by indigenous people. 这里indicating是对的。这里的indicating a 500-year occupation并不是he为动作发出者,而是he unearthed artifacts这个动作的修饰,即情况二!!!我自己写的题目:He kissed the girl indicating his love to her.√He kissed the girl embracing her on the playground.×改成Embracing her on the playground, he kissed the girl√如有漏洞,请大虾补足~~自己领悟吧~~~②:你见过现在分词表将来动作的么? 这里的soon是提示将来的意思,becoming即不能表示状态,伴随,正在 所以错 做语法不能只看新东方的知识点,要进一步理解意思,掌握英语内核化的 理解,这是600分与700分的差距。③:很难说清,总之这里的stop和await是并列关系 请大虾说~~~④: 说个感觉吧,reported过去式,are having现在时 而且更过分的还是现在进行时。⑤:分开分析吧 情况一:就近修饰,逻辑主语,即只能指mail,错误 情况二:修饰状态,什么状态呢?The PE was a system,这怎么修饰嘛,逻辑~~~~而且having done的用法好像大多用在逻辑主语里面,~TIPs: 大多数情况下修饰状态的词如:indicting, stating,suggest......⑥: OC上的题?好像是making the varsity soccer team as a freshman的修饰不对,而且不平。以前这些问题自己都去问过~~~望个人理解有用,如有不足请补充。考个好成绩吧~

i have signed the offer letter有没有语法的错误

不能用完成时吧。用过去式比较贴切些。即:I signed the offer letter

下面这句话中的介词短语“up to twenty ...”做什么语法成分呢?

句中up to twenty times修饰的是larger, brighter and hotter等形容词的比较级,所以应当是作状语,表程度。判断一句话中的介词短语的成分,应该理解该介词的含义和该介词修饰的内容来判断。


What better word to describe the way in which we have been forced to live? What sadder reflection on all that we have become in this new and pazzling time?reflection的含义是比我明,反射

跪求一篇200字左右的英语作文 题目为my dream place ,四级左右水平,不要有语法错误,谢谢!

你下星期是不是要上Morning report?

问几道高中英语的语法题 需详解。谢谢




Does it ever snow in Greece 意思已经知道了,语法不懂.

does,是do的第三人称,作为助动词,在问句中通常是在主语之前.这里的it是主语,在天气状况的表示中通常是以这种结构,it rains.或者it"s rainy.这里使用前者.ever是个副词,表示从来或者有时,本文中的意思是之前下过雪吗,...


be动词+动词过去式,表示“被……”的意思。was是过去式,此处表示:曾被……,已被……。was qualified 被认定有资格,获得……资格,胜任……等等。

miss you 的语法有错吗



Demand 需求 需要可做动词和名次Decide 是决定,decide to do sth(从几个选择中做出决定)Determine 决定(表示决心做一件事)


主系表是一种基本结构,为主语+系语+表语。主语为句子描述的对象,表语描述主语的性质、状况、属性等,系动词起连接主语和表语的连词的作用。一个典型的主系表结构:I+am+xxx,表示“我是...”,其中I是主语,xxx是描述I的性质的表语,be动词am是系语。表语的xxx既可以是名词也可以是形容词。如:I am a student. 我是学生。 I am tired. 我很累。系动词除最基本的be动词外,还包括感官系动词等。如feel、smell、sound等。例:The dish smells dilicious. 这盘菜闻起来很香。 此句也为主系表结构,其中The dish为主语,smells为系动词,意为“闻起来”。dilicious是形容词表语,描述主语The dish性质。


  小学英语语法知识归纳   英语的词通常分为十大类   1)名词(noun,缩写为n.)是人和事物的名称:pen(钢笔),English(英语),life(生活)。   2)代词(pronoun,缩写为pron.)是用来代替名词的词:we(我们),his(他的),all(全部)。   3)形容词(adjective,缩写为adj.)用形容名词的词:great,honest,difficult   4)数词(numeral,缩写为num.)表示   5)动词(verb,缩写为v)表示动作和状态,如write(写),walk(行走),think(想)。   及物动词:能直接接宾语; He wrote a letter不及物动词:不能直接接宾语;He works hard. 系动词:联系主语和表语的动词;He looks handsome   6)副词(adverb,缩写为。adv.)是修饰动词、形容词和副词的词,如quickly,often,very。   7)介词(preposition,缩写为prep.)表示名词(或代词)与其它名词的关系,如from,in,between。   8)冠词(article,缩写为art.)放在名词的前面,说明名词特指还是泛指的,a,an,the。   9)连词(conjunction,缩写为conj.)是连接词、短语、从句和句子的词,如and,because,if。   10)感叹词(interjection,缩写为int.)表示感情,如。oh(噢),aha(啊哈),hush(嘘)。   [注一]属于前六类(名、代、形、数、动、副等词)的词都有实义,叫做实词(notional word)。属于后四类(冠、介、连、感等词)的词没有实义,叫做虚词(form word)。   小学英语语法知识总结   1)主语(subject)它是句子所要说明的人或事物,是一句的主体:   I study English. He was killed. The book is interesting   2)谓语动词(predicate verb)它是说明主语的动作或状态的:I study English.I wrote a letter.   3)宾语(object)它是及物动词动作的对象的:I study English   介词后面的名词或代词,叫做介词的宾语:They don"t work on Sunday   4)表语(predicative)表明主语是什么或者怎么样的语言,系动词 + 表语 = 谓语   I am a student. Our classroom is clean. He is in the room .He is very excited.   5)定语(attribute)限定或修饰名词或代词:有三种形式,①形容词 ②短语 ③定语从句 I know the man wearing a white shirt. The man who/whom he saw just now is my brother.   6)状语(adverbial)修饰动词:有三种形式   ①副词 ②短语③状语从句   He worksHe is teaching in a high school now. When I entered ,e was watching TV.   7)补语(complement)补充说明宾语或主语:   小学英语语法知识要点   (1)指示代词分单数和复数两种形式,既可作限定词又可做代词,例如:   单数复数   限定词:This girl is Mary. Those men are my teachers.   代词:This is Mary. Those are my teachers.   (2)指示代词的句法功能;   a.作主语   This is the way to do it.   这事儿就该这样做。   b.作宾语   I like this better than that.   我喜欢这个甚至那个。   c.作主语补语   My point is this.   我的观点就是如此。   d.作介词宾语   I dont say no to that.   我并未拒绝那个。   There is no fear of that.   那并不可怕。   小学英语语法知识点   1:“first”是序数词,与“the”相连,解释为第一。   2:像“first,term,world”作为词组出现时前面要加“the”。   3:“all”所有;后面的"可数名词用复数形式,be动词用“are”。   4:“any”一些;用在否定句和一般疑问句中,与“some”同义。“some”用在肯定句中。   5:there be+数词,采用“就近原则”。   6:a map of China 与 a map of the world 要牢记。   7:要用“on the wall”,不能用“in the wall”。门、窗在墙上才能用“in the wall”。   8:can 后+动词原形。   9:play+the+乐器; play+球类;   10:like的用法   11:动词变动名词形式方法:   A--直接在动词后面+ing形式(大多数)。   B--以不发音的“e”结尾的,要去掉e后再+ing,比如:dancing,making,riding。   C--重读be音节,末尾只有一个辅音,须双写末尾的字母后再+ing,如:running,swimming,sitting,putting。   12:现在进行时的构成:be动词+动词ing形式。标志:now、look、listen、it"s time to。   13:现在进行时的一般疑问句 /问--be动词+人称+时态(动词ing)   答--Yes,he/She/it is/am/are. No,he/She/it isn"t/aren"t/am not.   14:用Are you...? Yes,I am/ we are. No,I"m not/We aren"t.   15:动词后+人称宾格形式.   16:一般现在时的构成:第三人称单数(三单)。要注意:后面的动词+s或es。   特例:have→has、do→dose、go→goes;标志:often,usually。   17:有些名词变动词时要变形式,例如:teacher→teach;driver→drive.

在英语语法中有许多语法名称请问用英语怎么说?如虚拟语气是subjunctive mood

其实百度百科都有 而且比较全面 呵呵~~ LZ,为啥不自己去看呢~~~



英语语法: predicative 是什么谓语,详细的解释一下,谢谢!!!




英语语法求助.this book is hard to read,this book is hard to be rea

this book is hard to read,这个是主动表被动的一种类型,相关知识点:在“be +形容词+to do”的结构中,即不定式在作表语的形容词后充当状语,同时,主语是不定式结构的逻辑宾语,此时习惯上以主动形式表示被动意义.这些形容词通常有difficult, hard, cheap, expensive, enough, sure, fit, nice, dangerous, fortable, exciting, good, important等.例如: The text is easy to understand.这篇课文容易理解. That article is difficult to write.那篇文章难写. The chair is very fortable to sit on.这椅子坐起来很舒服. 一般说来,表示被动意义要用被动结构,但是,英语中也有以下几种情况是用主动形式表达被动意义的: 某些连系动词如look, sound, *** ell, taste, prove, feel等,习惯以主动语态形式表示被动的意义.例如: The flower *** ells sweet.这花闻起来香. Good medicine tastes bitter.良药苦口. The silk feels soft.丝绸摸起来很软. 但是,当上述动词不用作系动词时,则不具有这种用法.例如:His heart was felt still beating.他的心脏仍在跳动. Pepper can be tasted in the soup.汤里有胡椒粉的味道. 当open, close, shut, lock, move, read, write, wash, sell, clean, cook, burn, draw, cut, wear, begin, start, finish, end, keep等词用作不及物动词表示主语的某种属性、特征或所处状态(常与easily, quickly, well等副词连用),而非强调动作本身时,通常用主动形式表示被动意义.例如: The table can"t move.这桌子移不动. The door is easily locked.这门容易锁上. The poem reads *** oothly.这诗读起来很流畅.When does the concert begin? 音乐会什么时候开始? The peaches don"t keep well.这些桃子不容易保存. 但是,有的时候也要看具体情况而定,例如:This book sells well. So far, 200 books have been sold out.这种书卖得很好,到目前,已经卖出了两百本. The sentence was read clearly by her.这个句子她读得很清楚. 3. 在be worth doing, need / want / require doing (to be done)结构中,其后的动名词一定是以主动语态的形式表示被动意义.例如:The book is worth reading.这本书值得读.The plant needs watering twice a week.这种花一星期要浇两次. The baby wants looking after.这个小孩需要照看. 4. 不定式to blame, to let, to seek用做表语时,通常用主动表被动意义.例如:Who is to blame? 该怪谁呢? She was in no way to blame.决不应该责备她. A better way is yet to seek..还得找一种更好的办法. 5. 在“be +形容词+to do”的结构中,即不定式在作表语的形容词后充当状语,同时,主语是不定式结构的逻辑宾语,此时习惯上以主动形式表示被动意义.这些形容词通常有difficult, hard, cheap, expensive, enough, sure, fit, nice, dangerous, fortable, exciting, good, important等.例如: The text is easy to understand.这篇课文容易理解. That article is difficult to write.那篇文章难写. The chair is very fortable to sit on.这椅子坐起来很舒服. 6. 不定式作定语修饰名词或代词时(此时不定式与其所修饰的名词或代词之间存在动宾关系),如果句子中的另一名词或代词(就是句子的主语)可以充当不定式的逻辑主语,即与该不定式之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系,则此时不定式用主动形式表示被动意义.例如:I have a meeting to attend.我有一个会议要参加.(其中I是不定式to attend的逻辑主语) Have you a letter to send?你要去寄信吗?(you是to send的逻辑主语). 但是,当不定式的逻辑主语与句子的主语不一致时,则不定式就需要用被动语态.例如:Have you a letter to be sent? 你有信要我去寄吗? (该句中不定式to be sent与主句主语you之间不存在逻辑上的主谓关系.) 7.在“疑问词what/which/whom+不定式”结构中,有时以主动形式表被动意义.例如:The question is which to choose.问题是挑选哪一个. He will advise you what to do.他会建议你们做什么. 8. 在“too...to...”结构中,用主动形式表示被动意思,此时不定式前面可以加逻辑主语.例如: The box is too heavy (for me) to carry.这盒子太重了,搬不动. The room is not enough (for us) to have a meeting in.这个房间不是大到足够能在里面开会.

请解释语法。were likely to be thought to be unfaithful

Were to be thought 很可能,被动语态词组,likely是副词,to be unfaithful可理解为主语补语。可能会被认为对某人某事不忠。

请大家帮看看这个英语语法谢谢! So as to 这里的so 是副词,as 是介词为什么这三个词

so as to是个固定短语,也就是我们说的固定搭配,尤其固定的意思,合不合逻辑,英国人、美国人都用了好多年了,需要纠结吗?有必要分那么细吗?语言这个东西,注意他的使用习惯就可以了,千万不要处处纠结,否则,我们很累的。


does 改成doing吧,现在分词短语做主语,否则就没有主语了。


【1】have to 是不得不,必须的意思,后面接动词原型。 所以一定是have to do the dishes. 没有have to doing the dishes的用法。【2】help 是帮助的意思,后面可以直接跟帮助的对象。 help with 是短语后面跟名词。 所以一般是help me 和 help with my English【3】look like 是看起来像的意思。 look 后面加s呢 是时态问题了。一般现在时的情况下,主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词要做出变化,通常就是+s。like在这里不是谓语动词,只是个副词,表示像的意思。所以不用变化。【4】be important to do sth 其实是:it is +形容词+(for sb.)+ to do sth 表示做什么怎么样。固定搭配。

due to 的语法是什么样的

due to 由于?,归因于?;预定?由于?,归因于?;预定? 英英解释 (usually followed by to") able to be assigned or credited tox0dx0a[同] due to, imputable, ascribable, referablex0dx0a[例] punctuation errors ascribable to careless proofreading the cancellation of the concert was due to the rain the oversight was not imputable to him decide to which of these motives such extraordinaryHe explained that his lameness was due to an accident. x0dx0a他解释他的跛脚是意外造成的。 They are due to arrive in Seattle on March the second. x0dx0a货预定在3月2日送达西雅图. His failure is due to his carelessness. x0dx0a他的失败是由于粗心 My passport is due to expire. x0dx0a我的护照要到期了。 His success was due to his industry. x0dx0a他由于勤劳而获得成功。 It "s due to arrive at 12:10. x0dx0a按规定是12点10分到 The accident was allegedly due to negligence. x0dx0a这场事故据说是由于疏忽造成的。 He excused his delay as due to the weather. x0dx0a他解释说因天气不好所以耽搁了


英语语法介绍:词类和句子成分   导语:在句子中,词与词之间有一定的组合关系,按照不同的关系,可以把句子分为不同的组成成分。下面我讲解英语语法中的词类和句子成分,欢迎参考!   一、词类   能够自由运用的最小语言单位叫词。根据词的形式、意义及其在句中的作用所作的分类叫词类(parts of speech)。   英语的词通常分为十大类,即名词、冠词、代词、数词、形容词、副词、动词、介词、连词和感叹词。   现分别叙述如下:   (一)名词   名词(noun)是表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称。例如:   foreigner外国人 soap 肥皂 Newton牛顿   law 法律 freedom自由 peace 和平   英语名词可分为两大类:   1。普通名词(common noun)是某一类人、事物、某种物质或抽象概念的名称。例如:   teacher 教师 market市场 rice 大米   magazine杂志 sound 声音 production生产   2。专有名词(proper noun)是特定的某人、地方或机构的名称。专有名词的第一个字母必须   大写。例如:   Hemingway海明威 Russia 俄罗斯   New York 纽约 United Nations联合国   名词又可分为可数名词(countable noun)与不可数名词(uncountable noun)两种。可数名词有单、复数之分。绝大多数名词的复数形式的构成是在单数名词的后面加-s或-es。例如:   shopu2192shops商店 busu2192buses 公共汽车 libraryu2192libraries图书馆   toyu2192toys 玩具 leafu2192leaves树叶   英语中有一些名词的复数形式是不规则的。例如:   manu2192men男人 toothu2192teeth牙齿 datumu2192data数据   有关名词复数形式构成的具体规则,请参阅有关的英语语法书。   (二)冠词   冠词(article)放在名词之前,帮助说明该名词所指的对象。冠词分为不定冠词(indefinite article)和定冠词(definite article)两种。   不定冠词为a/an,用在单数名词之前,表示某一类人或事物的“一个”。a用在以辅音开头的名词之前,an用在以元音开头的名词之前。例如:   a hotel 一家旅馆 a chance 一次机会   a double room一个双人间 a useful book 一本有用的书   an exhibition一次展览 an honest man一个诚实的人   冠词只有一个,既the,表示某一类人或事物中特定的一个或一些。可用于单数或复数名词前,也可用于不可数名词前。例如:   the TV programs 那些电视节目 the house那座房子   the Olympic Games奥运会   (三)代词   代词(pronoun)是用来指代人或事物的词。代词包括:   1、人称代词,如:I, you, they, it等;   2、物主代词,如:my, his, their, our, mine, hers等;   3、反身代词,如:myself, yourself, itself, ourselves, oneself等;   4、相互代词,如:each other, one another等;   5、指示代词,如:this, that, these, those, such, same等;   6、疑问代词,如:who, whom, whose, which, what等;   7、关系代词,如:who, whom, whose, which, that等;   8、不定代词,如:some, any, no, all, one, every, many, a little, someone, anything等;   (四)数词   数词(numeral)是表示“数量”和“顺序”的词。前者称为基数词,例如:one(一),twenty   (二十),thirty-five(三十五),one hundred and ninety-five(一百九十五)等;后者称为序数词,例如:first(第一),twentieth(第二十),fifty-first(第五十一等。   (五)形容词   形容词(adjective)是用来修饰名词,表示名词属性的词。例如:yellow(黄色的),wonderful(惊人的),strong(强大的)。形容词一般放在它所修饰的名词之前,例如:busy streets(繁华的街道),public relations(公共关系),young men(年轻人)等。   形容词的比较等级可分为三种,既原级、比较级和最高级。原级,既未变化的形容词原形,例如:great, big, difficult等;比较级,既形容词+后缀-er或more+形容词,例如:greater, bigger, more difficult等;最高级,既形容词+后缀-est或most+形容词,例如:greatest, biggest, most difficult等。   (六)副词   副词可分为四种,包括:   1、普通副词,例如:together(一起),well(好),carefully(仔细地)等;   2、疑问副词,例如:when(何时),where(何地),how(如何),why(为什么)等;   3、连接副词,例如:therefor(因此),then(然后),however(然而),otherwise(否则)等;   4、关系副词,例如:where, when, why等。   副词的比较等级的构成和形容词一样。   (七)动词   动词(verb)是表示动作或状态的词,例如:sign(签字),support(支持),have(有),exist(存在)等。   动词根据起意义和作用可分为实义动词、系动词、情态动词和助动词。   实义动词有完全的词义,并能独立作谓语,例如:explain(解释),stay(停留),have(有)等。系动词作谓语时,后面需接表语。常见英语系动词有:be(是),seem(似乎),look(看起来),become(变成),appear(显得),get(变得),feel(感到),turn(变成),remain(仍然是)等。   情态动词表示能力、义务、必要、猜测等说话人的语气和情感。情态动词只能和原行动词一起构成谓语动词。英语情态动词主要有can(能够),may(可以,也许),must(必须)及其过去形式could, might等。   助动词常和主要动词一起构成各种时态、语态、语气等动词形式,以及用于否定和疑问等结构中。英语助动词主要有shall, will, have, be, should, would, do等。   实义动词还可根据是否需要宾语分为及物动词和不及物动词。   及物动词(transitive verb)后面要跟宾语,意义才完整。例如:   You muxt consider the matter carefully.   你一定要仔细考虑这件事。(the matter是及物动词consider的宾语)   Have you received the letter?   你受到了那封信吗?(the letter是及物动词receive的宾语)   不及物动词(intransitive verb)本身意义完整,后面不需跟宾语,例如:   The old man walked very slowly.   这老人走的很慢。(walked是不及物动词)   He didn"t sleep well last night.   他昨晚睡的不好。(sleep是不及物动词)   动词有四中基本形式,即动词原形、过去式、过去分词和现在分词。例如:   原形 过去式 过去分词 现在分词   live lived lived living   build built built building   have had had having   动词过去式和过去分词的构成有规则和不规则两种。规则动词(regular verb)的过去式和过去分词,在原形动词后面加词尾-ed或-d构成。不规则动词(irregular verb)的过去式和过去分词的形式是不规则的,如eat, ate, eaten。这些动词数量虽不多,但都是比较常用的,必须熟记。   现在分词在动词原形后面加-ing构成。关于动词原形加-ed和-ing的方法和读音以及不规则动词的变化,请参阅相关词典或语法书。   (八)介词   介词(preposition)又叫前置词,放在名词、代词或相当于名词的词前面,表示它后面的词与句子中其它成分之间的关系。   介词在句中一般不重读,也不能单独作句子成分。   介词根据其构成,可分为简单介词,如:in, at, for, since等;复合介词,如:into(进入), as for(至于), out of(出自);二重介词,如:until after(直至...之后), from among(从...当中);短语介词,如:according to(根据), because of(因为), in front of(在...之前), in the event of(如果);分词介词,如:regarding(关于), considering(考虑到), including(包括)。   介词后面的名词或代词叫做介词宾语。介词和介词宾语合称为介词短语(prepositional phrase)。   (九)连词   连词(conjunction)是连接词、短语、从句或句子的词。连词是虚词,在句中一般不重读,也不能在句中单独作句子成分。   根据连词本身的含义及其所连接的成分的性质,可分为并列连词和从属连词。   并列连词是连接并列关系的词、短语、从句或句子的连词,例如:and(和), or(或者、否则), but(但是), for(因为), not only...but also(不仅...而且), neither...nor(即不...也不)。从属连词是连接主从复合句的主句和从句的连词,例如:that, if(如果), whether(是否), when(当...时候), although(虽然), because(因为), so that(结果)。   从连词本身的结构形式看,又可分为:简单连词,如:but, because, if;关联连词,如:not only...but also, as...as(和...一样);分词连词,如:supposing(假如), provided(倘若);短语连词,如:as if(好象), as soon as(一旦...就), in order that(以便)。   (十)感叹词   感叹词(interjection)是表示喜怒哀乐等感情的词,例如:oh, well, why, hello等。   上述十大词类中,名词、代词、形容词、副词、动词、数词等都有实义,故称为实词(notioal word);而介词、冠词、连词、感叹词等没有实义,故称为虚词(form word)。   不少词可以属于几个词类,例如:smoke(名词) (烟尘),(动词) (吸烟);own(形容词) (自己的),(动词) (拥有);just(副词) (刚才),(形容词) (正义的);key(名词) (钥匙),(形容词) (主要的),等。   二、句子成分   由不同词类的单词,按照一定的"语法规则组合在一起,能表达一个完整意思的语言单位叫做句子。一个句子由各个功能不同的部分构成,这些部分叫做句子成分(members of the sentence)。英语的句子成分有八种:主语、谓语动词、表语、宾语、定语、状语、主语补足语和宾语补足语。现分述如下:   (一)主语   主语(subject)是句子所要说明的人或事物,是句子的主体。主语的位置通常在句首,一般不省略。可以担当主语的有名词、代词、数词、动词不定式、动名词和主语从句。例如:   Walls have ears.   隔墙有耳。(名词做主语)   He will take you to the hospital.   他会带你去医院。(代词做主语)   Three plus four equals seven.   三加四等于七。(数词做主语)   To see is to believe.   眼见为实。(动词不定式做主语)   Smoking is not allowed in public places.   公共场所不允许吸烟。(动名词做主语)   Whether or not they will come depends on the weather.   他们来不来取决与天气。(从句做主语)   (二)谓语动词   谓语动词(predicate verb)是说明主语的动作或状态的句子成分。谓语动词的位置一般在主语之后。谓语动词由实义动词或系动词担任。助动词或情态动词加其他动词的适当形式也构成谓语动词。例如:   Action speaks louder than words.   百说不如一干。   The chance may never come again.   这样的机会恐怕不会再来。   Tom was very sick at heart.   汤姆心里非常难过。   Mary has been working at the dress shop since 1994.   自1994年以来,玛丽一直在那家服装店工作。   (三)表语   表语(predicative)是用来说明主语的身份、特征和状态的,它的位置在系动词之后。可作表语的有名词、代词、形容词与分词、数词、动词不定式、介词短语、副词以及表语从句等。例如:   My father is a professor.   我父亲是一位教授。(名词作表语)   Who"s that? It"s me.   是谁呀?是我。(代词作表语)   Everything here is dear to her.   这里的一切她都感到亲切。(形容词作表语)   The match became very exciting.   比赛变得很紧张。(分词作表语)   The story of my life may be of help to others.   我的生活经历对别人可能有帮助。(介词短语作表语)   Three times five is fifteen.   三乘五等于十五。(数词作表语)   His plan is to seek work in the city.   他的计划是在城里找工作。(动词不等式作表语)   My first idea was that you should hide your feelings.   我最初的想法是你应当掩饰你的感情。(从句作表语)   (四)宾语   宾语(object)表示动作的对象,是动作的承受者。宾语一般放在及物动词之后。英语介词后也会跟宾语。可作宾语的有名词、数词、代词、动名词等。不定式也可作及物动词的宾语。例如:   she covered her face with her hands.   她用双手蒙住脸。(名词短语作宾语)   We haven"t seen her for a long time.   我们好长时间没看到她了。(代词作宾语)   Do you mind opening the window?   打开窗户你介意吗?(动名词作宾语)   Give me four please.   请给我四个。(数词作宾语)   He wants to dream a nice dream.   他想做一个好梦。(动词不定式短语作宾语)   We need to know what others are doing.   我们需要了解其他人都在干什么。(从句作宾语)   I lived in Japan in 1986.   我1986 年住在日本。(名词和数词作介词的宾语)   (五)定语   定语(attribute)是修饰名词或代词的词、短语或句子。单词作定语时通常放在它所修饰的名词之前;短语和从句作定语时则放在它所修饰的名词之后。作定语的有名词、形容词、数词、分词及其短语、不等式及其短语、介词短语以及定语从句等。例如:   They are woman workers.   她们是女工。(名词作定语)   Tom"s father didn"t write home until yesterday.   汤姆的父亲直到昨天才给家里写信。(所有格名词作定语)   Equal pay for equal work should be introduced.   应当实行同工同酬。(形容词作定语)   The play has three acts.   这出戏有三幕。(数词作定语)   This is her first trip to Europe.   这是她首次欧洲之行。(代词、数词和介词短语作定语)   China is a developing country.   中国是一个发展中国家。(分词作定语)   You haven"t kept your promise to write us often.   你没有遵守给我们经常写信的诺言。(动词不定式短语作定语)   My cat has a good nose for milk.   我的猫对牛奶嗅觉灵敏。(介词短语作定语)   Those who want to go to Tibet are to sign their names here.   想去西藏的人须在此签名。(从句作定语)   (六)状语   状语(adverbial)是修饰动词、形容词、副词等的句子成分。状语表示地点、时间、原因、目的、结果、条件、让步、程度、方式、伴随情况等。作状语的有副词、名词、介词短语、分词及其短语、动词不定式及其短语、状语从句等。例如:   These products are selling quickly.   这些产品现在十分畅销。(副词作状语)   He is knee deep in snow.   他踩在齐膝深的雪里。(名词作状语)   The best fish swim near the bottom.   好鱼居水底。(有价值的东西不能轻易得到。)(介词短语作状语)   She sat there doing nothing.   她坐在那里无所事事。(分词短语作状语)   We"ll send a car over to fetch you.   我们将派一辆车去接你。(动词不定式短语作状语)   She was slow to make up her mind.   她迟迟不能下决心。(动词不定式短语作状语)   Strike while the iron is hot.   趁热打铁。(从句作状语)   There is no such a word in English so far as I know.   据我所知,英语里没有这样一个词。(从句作状语)   (七)宾语补足语和主语补足语   英语有些及物动词,除了要有宾语之外,还要加上宾语补足语(object complement),才能使句子的意义完整。宾语和宾语补足语一起构成复合宾语。如果上述结构变成被动语态,原宾语成为主语,原宾语补足语相应地变为主语补足语(subject complement)。可以担当补足语的有名词、形容词、介词短语、动词不定式、分词等。例如:   They elected me captain of the team. 他们选我当队长。(名词短语作宾语补足语)   He made me ashamed of myself. 他使我感到惭愧。(形容词短语作宾语补足语)   We found everything there in good order. 我们发现那里的一切井井有条。(介词短语作宾语补足语)   I should advise you not to miss the chance. 我劝你不要错过机会。(不定式短语作宾语补足语)   I could feel my heart beating fast. 我可以感觉出自己的心跳得很快。(分词短语作宾语补足语)   Some goods are left unsold. 有些货物剩下未出售。(分词做主语补足语)   She was elected director of public relations. 她被选为公关部主任。(名词短语做主语补足语)   词类与句子成分既有区别又有联系。词类是孤立的单词的分类;而句子成分则指单词、词组、短语或从句在句中的作用。句子的各种成分总是由属于一定词类的单词(或词组、短语、从句)来担当的。因此在词类和句子成分之间存在着某种对应关系。   动词中的实义动词和系动词可以担当谓语。动词不定式、分词和动名词形式不能独立担当谓语。介词是虚词的一种,不能独立担当句子成分,但介词加上其后的宾语所构成的介词短语,可在句中担当多种成分。 ;

listen close有无语法错误?和listen closely区别在哪

listen close 是错误的,后者正确,表示密切地听,也就是认真听,closely作副词指的是抽象意义上的近,而close是指具体的距离的近


herself 改成 she

英语语法高手请进 句子成分与词性的解释与用法


英语初中相关语法知识 句子成分主要是怎么判断的 都有哪些固定短语 特殊疑问句一般疑问句如何区分



《高中英语语法-常考词语的固定搭配2》由英语我整理,更多请访问:https://www.liuxue86.com/english/。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 常考词语的固定搭配2 take one"s time 不急不忙,从容进行 keep in touch 保持联系 keep track 通晓事态,注意动向 lose track 失去联系 make use of 利用 put to use 使用,利用 give way 让路,让步 lead the way 带路,引路 make one"s way 前进,进行 make way 让路,开路 keep one"s word 遵守诺言 第十七组 act on 作用 appeal to 呼吁,要求 attempt at 企图,努力 attitude to/towards 态度,看法 a great/good deal of 大量(的),许多(的) influence on 影响 interference in 干涉 interference with 妨碍,打扰 第十八组 introduce to 介绍 a lot (of) 许多(的),大量(的) lots of 大量,很多 fall in love with 相爱,爱上 a matter of (关于u2026u2026)的问题 a number of 若干,许多 reply to 回答,答复 a series of 一系列,一连串 其他固定搭配 第十九组 trolley bus 无轨电车 I.D. card 身份证 credit card 信用卡 no doubt 无疑,必定 next door 隔壁 out of doors 在户外 face to face 面对面地 as a matter of fact 实际情况,真相 a few 有些,几个 quite a few 还不少,有相当数目的 a little 一点,稍微,一些,少许 little by little 逐渐地 quite a little 相当多,不少 no matter 无论 the moment (that) 一u2026u2026就 no more 不再 第二十组 fair play 公平竞赛;公平对待 in demand 有需要,销路好 rest room 厕所,盥洗室 primary school 小学 side by side 肩并肩,一个挨一个 heart and soul 全心全意 step by step 逐步 ahead of time 提前 all the time 一直,始终 once upon a time 从前 once in a while 偶尔,有时 no wonder 难怪,怪不得 word for word 逐字地 decline with thanks 婉言谢绝 (二)动词的固定搭配 动词+介词形式 第二十一组 account for 说明(原因等) aim at 瞄准,针对 allow for 考虑到 appeal to 呼吁,要求 arrive at 达成,得出 ask after 询问,问候 ask for 请求,要求 attach to 附属于,隶属于 begin with 从开始 break into 闯入 break off 断绝,结束 break through 突破 break up 中止,结束;打碎,折断 bring about 带来,造成 bring down 打倒,挫伤;降低 bring forth 产生,提上 第二十二组 bring forward 提出 bring out 使出现;公布;出版 bring up 教育,培养,使成长 build up 积累;堵塞;树立,逐步建立;增进;锻炼 call for 邀请;要求;需求 call forth 唤起,引起;振作起,鼓起 call off 放弃,取消 catch at 抓住(东西) call on/upon 访问,拜访;号召,呼吁 call up 召集,动员;打电话 care for 照管,关心;喜欢,意欲 carry off 夺去 carry on 继续下去;从事,经营 carry out 贯彻,执行;实现 come to 总计,达到;苏醒,复原 count on 依靠;期待,指望 count up 把u2026u2026相加 第二十三组 cover up 掩饰,掩盖 cut across 走捷径,抄近路 deal with 处理,对付,安排 do without 没有u2026u2026也行 fill in/out 填充,填写 get at 得到,接近;意思是 get into 进入,陷入 go after 追求 go into 进入;研究,调查 go for 竭力想取得;喜爱;支持,拥护 go through 经历,经受;详细检查 go with 伴随,与u2026u2026协调 go without 没有u2026u2026也行 improve on 改进 keep to 保持,坚持 lie in 在于 live up to 不辜负 第二十四组 live on/by 靠u2026u2026生活,以u2026u2026为食 live through 度过,经受过 look after 照管,照料 look at 看望,注视 look for 寻找,寻求 look into 调查,观察,过问;窥视 look over 检查,查看,调查 look through 仔细查看,浏览,温习 make for 走向,驶向;有助于 occur to 被想到,被想起 play with 以u2026u2026为消遣,玩弄 refer to 参考,查阅,涉及,提到 run for 竞选 run into 撞上,偶然碰见 see to 注意,负责,照料,修理 send for 派人去请,召唤;索取 第二十五组 send in 呈报,递交,送来 serve as 作为,用作 set aside 挑出,拨出,留出;拒绝 sit for 参加 stand by 支持,帮助;袖手旁观 stand for 代替,代表,意味着 stand against 反抗,抵抗 stick to 坚持,忠于,信守 take after 与u2026u2026相像 take for 把u2026u2026认为是,把u2026u2026看成是 take in 接受,吸收;了解,理解 take to 喜欢,亲近 touch on 关系到,涉及 turn into 变成 turn to 变成;求助于,借助于 turn off 关上;出产;解雇 动词+副词形式 第二十六组 break down 损坏,分解,瓦解 break in 闯入;打断,插嘴 break out 逃出;突然发生,爆发 bring to 使恢复知觉 burn out 烧掉 burn up 烧起来,旺起来;烧完 catch on 理解,明白 check in 办理登记手续 check out 结账后离开;检验,核查 check up (on) 校对,检查,检验 cheer up 使高兴,使振奋 clear away 扫除,收拾 clear up 收拾;澄清;放晴 make it clear that 弄清楚 come off 实现,成功,奏效 come on 请,来吧,快点;开始,出场,上演 come out 出版;出现,显露;结果是 第二十七组 come round (around) 来访,前来;苏醒,复原 come through 经历,脱险 come up 走近,上来;发生,被提出 cross out 删去,取消 cut back 削减,减少 cut down 削减,降低 cut in (汽车)抢道;插嘴,打断 cut off 切断;删去;停止 cut out 删除 cut short 突然停止 die down 渐渐消失,平息 die out 消失,灭绝 draw in (火车、汽车)到站 draw up 写上,画上;草拟;停住 dress up 穿上盛装,打扮得很漂亮 drop by/in 顺便来访 dry out 干透,使干 dry up 干涸,枯竭 第二十八组 drop off 减弱,减少 drop out 退出,离队 fall behind 落后 fall out 争吵;结果是 fall through 落空,失败 feed in 输入 find out 查明 get across 解释清楚,使人了解 get around/round 走动,旅行;(消息)传开 get away 逃脱,离开 get by 通过,经过 get down 从u2026u2026下来;写下 get in 进入;收获,收集 get off 从u2026u2026下来;离开,动身,开始 get over 克服;(从病中)恢复过来 get through 结束,完成;接通电话 have got to (do) 不得不,必须 第二十九组 get together 集合,聚集 get up 起床;增加,增强 give away 泄露;分送 give back 送还,恢复 give in 交上;投降,屈服 give off 放出,释放 give out 分发,放出 give up 停止,放弃 go ahead 开始,前进;领先 go by 过去 go down 下降,降低;被载入,传下去 go off 爆炸,发射;动身,离开 go out 外出;熄灭 go over 检查,审查;复习,重温 go round/around 足够分配 go under 下沉,沉没;失败;破产 go through 通过,审查,完成 第三十组 go up 上升,增加;建起 hand down 流传下来,传给,往下传 hand in 交上,递交 hand on 传下来,依次传递 hand out 分发,散发,发给 hand over 交出,移交,让与 hang about 闲荡,徘徊,逗留 hang back 犹豫,踌躇,畏缩 hang on 抓紧不放;继续下去 hang up 挂断(电话) have back 要回,收回 have on 穿着,戴着 hold back 踌躇,退缩;阻止,抑制 hold on 继续,握住不放 hold out 维持,支持;坚持,不屈服 hold up 举起,阻挡,使停止;抢劫 第三十一组 hurry up (使)赶快,迅速完成 keep back 阻止,阻挡;隐瞒,保留 keep down 控制,压制,镇压;压低 keep off 不接近,避开 keep up 保持,维持;继续,坚持 let down 放下,降低;使失望 let in 让u2026u2026进入,放u2026u2026进来 let off 放(烟,烟火),开(枪) let out 放掉,放出,发出 line up 排队,使排成一行 look back 回顾,回头看 look out 留神,注意,提防,警惕 look on 旁观,观看;看待,视作 look up 查阅,查考;寻找(某人) look in 顺便看望 make out 辨认,区分;理解,了解 make out of 用u2026u2026做,从u2026u2026得出 第三十二组 《高中英语语法-常考词语的固定搭配2》由英语我整理,更多请访问:https://www.liuxue86.com/english/
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