barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-23 21:27:01


一般情况下,每一个句子都有一个动词:i am eating a cake. eat就是这句话的动词,也就是谓语。


例如:我喜欢游泳。 动词:喜欢 主语:我 宾语:游泳。 i like swimming

表语:表语是用来说明主语的性质, 身份, 特征和状态。





1。修饰动词的词语就是副词,如beat it heavily中的“heavily”就是副词,修饰“beat”,狠狠地打击。

2。还有的副词是修饰形容词的,常常表示程度。如extremely beautiful中的“extremely”修饰形容词“beautiful”,极其漂亮的



如“Fortunately,I managed it in time"中的fortunately。幸运的,我最后及时的完成了(那件事情)



1、 时间和频度副词:

now,then,often,always,usually,early,today, lately, next,last,already,generally,frequently, seldom,ever,never,yet,soon,too, immediately, hardly,finally,shortly, before, ago,sometimes, yesterday.

2、 地点副词:

here, there, everywhere, anywhere, in, out, inside, outside, above, below, down, back, forward, home, upstairs, downstairs, across, along, round , around, near, off, past, up, away, on.


carefully, properly, anxiously, suddenly, normally, fast, well, calmly, politely, proudly, softly, warmly

4、 程度副词,放在被修饰词之前:

much,little, very,rather,so,too,still, quite, perfectly, enough, extremely, entirely,almost, slightly.

5、 疑问副词,一般放在句首:

how, when, where, why.


when, where, why.


how, when, where, why, whether.







2023-07-23 17:29:091


没有否定形式形容词,作形容词时意思是“焦虑的;担忧的;渴望的;急切的”。 anxious变化形式:比较级:more anxious最高级:most anxious副词: anxiously名词: anxiousness。
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怎么区别主谓宾状和主谓宾补--要看宾语后边的句子成份是跟主语有关系还是跟宾语有关系,举例来说:I ask him to answer the question(我要求他回答问题)主语I,谓语ask,宾语him,to answer the question是不宾式作宾补,因为作“answer the question”这个动作的主体是him, him和 answer the question构成一种逻辑上的主谓关系,所以to answer the question是宾补。I asked him anxiously.(我急切地问他.)主语I,谓语ask,宾语him, anxiously副词作状语。anxiously这个词修饰的是ask这个动作,做ask这个动作的主体是I,所以anxiously是状语。I hope to see you as soon as possible.主语是I,谓语是hope,宾语是不定式短语to see you as soon as possible,其中不定式短语中的to是引导词,see是不定式短语的非谓语动词,you是非谓语动词see的宾语,as soon as possible是状语修饰see,也就是说as soon as possible是不定式短语中的状语,而不是整个句子的状语。
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many villagers had waited anxiously句子却成分吗?

句子主干成分都有了。主语many villagers,谓语had waited,此处wait为不及物动词,anxiously是状语,句子意思也通顺,即,“村民们已经焦急地等待了。” 因此这句话没毛病。当然为了表意更清晰,要添一些成分也是可以的,如,many villagers had waited anxiously for him for a long time before he came.这里添加了宾语,时间状语等,这样意思更完整喽,“在他到来之前,村民们已经焦急地等了他好长时间了。”希望对你有帮助哈。
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He will be watching her anxiously.帮分析一下句子成分谢谢

he s.will be watching v.her o.anxiously ?状语
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请问:单词anxiously 中字母x,i,o,u,s,l,y每个字母对应的发音是什么?

X:k u0283i:u0259o,u:u0259 u 合起来拼就是u0259u 和u0259发音很近,所以整体发音省略了ou的发音s:sl:ly:i
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Tomorrow he will be watching her anxiously as she swims the long distance to England

1、will be+doing 是将来进行时,更生动。2、anxiously 放在 watching可以,he will be anxiously watching……3、英语的副词一般放动词后,学时最好看例句。 4、as 表原因。
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As he works in a remote area, he visits his parents only ____. A.occasionally B.anxiously .

A 试题分析:考查副词辨析。A偶然地;B焦虑地;C实用地;D紧急地;句意:当他在偏远地区工作的时候,他只是偶尔地会见看望父母。根据句意说明A正确。点评:把相似、相近的词语或结构放在一起作为干扰选项,若我们基础知识掌握不牢就难于区分。解答这类题目,关键是理解题干意思以及各选项副词的意思,可以像数学中的代入法一样,依次把各个选项意思放入句子中进行比较,不难选出正确答案。
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1. The power of smiles微笑的力量 2. The meaning of life人生的意义 3. Value every minute珍惜每一分(秒) 4.Never give up永不放弃 5.The greatest pain in life人生最大的悲痛 6.Shake it off and step up重整旗鼓向前进 7.Nothing to fear无所畏惧 8.Yesterday, today and tomorrow昨天,今天和明天 9 Love is understanding爱就是理解 10.Grandma"s vase/grandpa"s chair/mom"s gloves/dad"s bike 外婆的花瓶/爷爷的椅子/母亲的手套/父亲的自行车 提问者:RBilly - 助理 二级 : 选了十个题目.你可试写一两个.平时多下手写写感想.多思考些日常小事, 其实就是把你平时的一些想法,或是注意到一些现象,整理一下.加点个人想法,就会是一篇很好的文章了.只要是发自内心的声音都会是动听的.考试时你也会下笔如神了.懂吗? 祝好! 随便写点什么,可是一些感想,也可以是一小段描写,总之你能中文写的东西也要尝试着用英语写,这样时间久了就好了.求采纳为满意回答。
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副词可分为:时间副词、频率副词、地点副词、方式副词、程度副词、疑问副词、连接副词、关系副词、表顺序、表完成的副词。时间频率副词now,then,often,always,usually,next,lastday,already(已经),generally(一般地),frequently(频繁),seldom/hardly(很少地),ever,never,yet,soon,too, immediately(立即),finally,shortly(很快), before, ago,sometimes, yesterday. once,twice,lately,recently,personally,today……yet地点副词here, there, everywhere, anywhere,somewhere, in, out, inside, outside,above, below, up,down, back, forward(向前地), home,upstairs(楼上地), downstairs, across, along, round , around,near, off, past, up, away, on.……方式副词carefully, properly(适当地), anxiously(焦虑地), suddenly, normally(正常地),fast, well, calmly(冷静地), politely(有礼貌地), proudly(自豪地), softly,warmly ,slowly,badly,hard,bravely……程度副词much,little, very,rather(相当),so,too,still, quite, perfectly(完美地),enough, extremely(非常), entirely(整个),almost, slightly(细小地), hardly.……疑问副词how, when, where, why……关系副词when, where, why……连接副词therefore(因此),moreover(此外),however,otherwise(另外的),then,when ,where,how,why……表顺序的副词first,then,next,finally,afterwards,primarily……完成时的副词already,ever,just,never,since,yet,recently……
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1.按照你说的做。 空里应该填意思为”按照“的词,但是what和that都是指把do做为一个及物动词来用,即"做的事"是你说的,而偏离了"按照"这一意思.2.anxious要转为副词anxiously修饰动词3.好像只有说 as the result of的, 意思是 ....的结果4.Almost 几乎.而nearly意思更偏向与具体可以量化的事物如距离,大小 等等 能源. source意为源头,这里句意是很多国家在提高他们对天然气风能和其他形式能源的利用率,因此选energy 能源
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【考点】考察故事类完型填空【文章大意】本文讲述了一个生命的奇迹的故事,Simon和Joe一起攀登安第斯山脉的Siula Grande,Joe摔倒了腿,最后摔进了冰裂缝,最后他顽强地爬回到了几英里之外的营地。这是生命的奇迹,只要我们不放弃,一切都有可能。21. 【答案】C 【试题解析】考察副词辨析及上下文串联。A匆忙地;B细心地;C成功地;D早;根据on their way back在回来的路上,说明他们都成功地登上了Siula Grande。故C项正确。22. 【答案】A 【试题解析】考察形容词辨析及上下文理解。A困难的;B相似的;C特别的;D正常的;根据26空the weather got worse天气更糟糕了,说明在他们返回的路上情况变得很糟糕,很困难了。故A正确。23. 【答案】D 【试题解析】考察动词词义辨析及语境理解。A攀登;B工作,起作用;C休息;D继续;Joe摔断了腿。如果Simon独自一人继续返回,他会安全到达营地。但是如果他想带着Joe一起回去,可能谁都无法安全返回。根据句义说明D正确。24. 【答案】B 【试题解析】考察副词词义辨析及预计理解。A不愿意地;B安全地;C慢慢地;D遗憾地;如果Simon独自一人继续返回,他会安全到达营地。故B正确。25. 【答案】D 【试题解析】考察名词辨析和上下文串联。从下文他帮助Joe一起回去,可知他冒着失去生命的危险,用登山绳帮助Joe下山。故D正确。26. 【答案】C 【试题解析】考察动词短语辨析。Lie down躺下;settle down定居,解决;go down下降;look down看不起;向下看;当他们两个人从山顶上向下返回的时候,天气变得更为糟糕了。27. 【答案】D 【试题解析】考察名词词义辨析及语境理解。A破坏;B暴风雨;C改变;D麻烦事;根据下一句They couldn"t see or hear each other本来Joe受伤了,已经是一件很麻烦的事情了。他们相互之间看不件对方,对于他们来说这又是一件麻烦的事情。故D项正确。28. 【答案】A 【试题解析】考察介词短语辨析及语境理解。A错误地;B偶然地;D侥幸;根据下一句Simon lowered his friend over the edge of a precipice可知Simon错误地把Joe送到了峭壁边上。主要是因为他们看不见对方而导致的错误。29. 【答案】D 【试题解析】考察形容词词义辨析及上下文串联。A不必要地;B实用的;C重要的;D不可能;因为Joe的腿已经断了,所以他不可能自己爬上来。Simon根本看不见Joe也不可能会把他拉上来的。所以使用D项符合上下文串联。30. 【答案】B 【试题解析】考察名词词义辨析及上下文串联。A高度;B体重;C力气;D设备;根据pulling Simon slowly towards the precipice.可知Simon也被拉着向峭壁这边过来了,主要是因为Joe的体重。因为他们两个人系在一根绳子上,所以Joe拉着Simon向峭壁过去了。31. 【答案】A 【试题解析】考察副词词义辨析及上下文串联。A最后,终于;B耐心地;C确切地;D迅速地;最后在黑暗里斗争了一个多小时以后,Simon不得不做出了一个艰难的决定,砍断绳索。如果不砍断绳索,两个人都会死去。故A项符合上下文串联。32. 【答案】C 【试题解析】考察短语辨析及语境理解。A避开;B休息;C做出决定;D坚持,别挂断;Simon不得不做出了一个艰难的决定,砍断绳索。如果不砍断绳索,两个人都会死去。33. 【答案】B 【试题解析】考察动词词义辨析及上下文串联。A跳跃;B摔倒,跌倒;C逃脱;D支持;流着眼泪,Simon砍断了绳索,Joe摔倒在下面的冰上一个巨大的裂缝中。34. 【答案】A 【试题解析】考察动词词义辨析及语境理解。A设法;管理;B计划;C等待;D希望;Joe没有食物也没有水而且浑身疼痛。他无法步行,但是他设法从裂缝了爬了出来。开始朝着营地的方向移动着。35. 【答案】C 【试题解析】考察动词词义辨析及语境串联。A奔跑;B滑冰;C移动;D行军;前进;从上文可知Joe已经摔断了腿,所以他不可能是奔跑,滑冰或者行军前进,他只能是在地上爬着前进。36. 【答案】B 【试题解析】考察副词词义辨析及语境串联。A大约,四处;B在远处,离开;C在上面;D成行,沿着;他只能是在地上爬着前进。朝着大约10英里之外的营地爬过去。Away和具体的表示距离的名词连用,表示….之外的地方。37. 【答案】D 【试题解析】考察动词短语辨析及语境串联。A朝…过去;B旅游;C出发去某地;D返回;Simon把Joe丢下以后,他自己很快就回到了营地。根据句义说明D项正确。38. 【答案】A 【试题解析】考察形容词辨析及上下文串联。A死的;B受伤的;C虚弱的;D迟的,晚的;因为Joe摔倒了腿,而且又掉进来冰裂缝了,所以Simon认为他肯定无法幸存下来了。所以使用A正确。39. 【答案】C 【试题解析】考察副词词义辨析及语境理解。A秘密地;B疲惫地;C立刻,马上;D焦虑地;虽然他认为Joe肯定死了,但是他也不想立刻就离开这个营地,就又在营地里住了下来。40. 【答案】B 【试题解析】考察动词词义辨析及上下文串联。A发现;B相信,认为;C生成,制作;D接受;三天以后在半夜里,当他听见Joe的声音的是,他无法相信这竟然是真的,Joe竟然活了下来。【长难句解析】1.They both knew that if Simon continued alone, he would probably get back safely.【翻译】他们都知道如果Simon独自一人继续回家,他很可能会安全到达营地。【分析】本句中的动词knew后面含有一个that引导的宾语从句,在这个宾语从句中有一个条件句if Simon continued alone,所以动词knew后面的that不能省略。2. He thought that Joe must be dead, but he didn"t want to leave immediately.【翻译】他以为Joe一定会死了,但是他不想立刻就离开。【分析】本句中的must be dead,是情态动词must表示推测的用法,must通常表示有把握的肯定推测。有把握的否定推测使用can"t,而不是mustn"t。but是一个表示转折关系 的并列连词。
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1. I like any game of chance, but I enjoy taking part in a lottery. 2. Notwithstanding the importance of the written language and of symbolism and gestural systems of meaning transfer, the primary form of language is speech. 4. The mythopoetic power of the movies has given the movies a quasi-religious status and a radical structure that differs from any other literary or theatrical genre. 7. It was not a house, not even a squatter"s hut. He thought every body lived far too elaborately, expensively, anxiously, well. What is a house? No one needs privacy: natural acts are not shameful. 8. Most of the problems in physics can"t be solved exactly in closed form. Therefore we have to learn technology for making clever approximations, such as power series expansions, saddle point integration, and small (or large ) perturbations. 9. Analytic geometry is the marriage of algebra with geometry. Beometric objects such as conic sections, planes and spheres are studied by the means of algebraic equations. Vectors in Cartesian, polar and spherical coordinates are introduced.
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2023-07-23 17:33:095

Lesson36 Across the Channel 横渡海峡

Guinness World Record:吉尼斯世界纪录 record strong strong verb:不规则动词 weak verb:规则动词 swimmer n. 游泳运动员 good / strong swimmer:游泳健将 swim:n. / v. swim - swam - swum go for a swim swimming:n.(特指游泳这项运动) succeed **train ** anxiously adv. 焦虑不安地 anxious:adj. anxious about:对 … 感到焦虑,担心 anxious to do sth.:急切希望做某事 anxiety:n. intend v. 打算 intend to do sth.:计划,打算 it is intended that …:按计划 It is intended that all the students will take the exam. tend:v. tend to do sth.:易于,往往会,经常会(不好的事) solid at five o"clock in the morning be going to do:is / am / are going to 所表示的“对将来的预测”往往暗示与“现在”有紧密联系,在说话后不久即将发生,根据明显迹象做出的预测。 Look at the time, I"m going to miss the bus. Hold me! I"m going to fall! will 说话人认为某事将要发生,语气相对正式 在某种条件之下某事才会发生,在带有条件或时间状语从句的主句中,用will. You will enjoy yourself if you travel by sea. set up a new world record = make a new world record be sure to do be sure that:确定 he will be watching …:将来进行时 as she swims …:当 … 的时候,as引导时间状语从句 watch & look at & see watch TV / a game / a play … I was watching a basketball game last night when suddenly I saw a spider crawling down the wall! Look at the screen. see - 看见 look at - 看的动作 watch - 持续时间通常比look at要长,观看(正在发生的事) solid & firm & stable solid:相对液体或气体而言,不流动的 firm:稳固的,不松动的 We must maintain a firm attitude. stable:(抽象)工作稳定,人的性格坚定 Debbie"s mother will be among them … 方便使用定语从句 - … Debbie"s mother, who swam … 将来(将要 ... ,打算 ...) 一般将来时:be going to do / will / shall intend to do sth. mean to do sth. will be doing *Do you think he intends to sell his car? He certainly does. He"s going to sell it tomorrow. Do you think they intend to leave? They certainly do. They"re going to leave tomorrow. Do you think she intends to ask for an explanation? She certainly does.She"s going to ask for an explanation tomorrow. Do you think he intends to persuade his father? He certainly does.He"s going to persuade his father tomorrow.* The man on the raft saw the boat so he tried to send a signal. He took off his shirt and waved it but the men on the boat neither saw nor heard him. No good work is ever done while the heart is hot and anxious and fretted. fretted /"fretid/ adj. 焦躁的,
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副词(Adverb)是指在句子中表示行为或状态特征的词,用以修饰动词、形容词、其他副词或全句,表示时间、地点、程度、方式等概念。副词可分为:时间副词、频率副词、地点副词、方式副词、程度副词、疑问副词、连接副词、关系副词、表顺序的副词。时间频率副词now,then,often,always,usually,next,lastday,already(已经),generally(一般地),frequently(频繁),seldom(很少地),ever,never,yet,soon,too, immediately(立即),finally,shortly(很快), before, ago,sometimes, yesterday. once,twice,lately,recently,personally,today……yet地点副词here, there, everywhere, anywhere,somewhere, in, out, inside, outside,above, below, up,down, back, forward(向前地), home,upstairs(楼上地), downstairs, across, along, round , around,near, off, past, up, away, on.……方式副词carefully, properly(适当地), anxiously(焦虑地), suddenly, normally(正常地),fast, well, calmly(冷静地), politely(有礼貌地), proudly(自豪地), softly,warmly ,slowly,badly,hard,bravely……程度副词much,little, very,rather(相当),so,too,still, quite, perfectly(完美地),enough, extremely(非常), entirely(整个),almost, slightly(细小地), hardly.……疑问副词how, when, where, why……关系副词when, where, why……连接副词therefore(因此),moreover(此外),however,otherwise(另外的),then,when ,where,how,why……表顺序的副词first,then,next,finally,afterwards,primarily……完成时的副词already,ever,just,never,since,yet,recently……
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干着急而没有办法 成语出处: 路遥《平凡的世界》第一卷第26章:“等他们知道了,水 已经 到了咱们村,他们也只能 干瞪眼 !” 成语例句: 高阳《胡 雪岩 全传·平步 青云 》中册:“ 到时候 叫你 干瞪眼 。” 注音: ㄍㄢˋ ㄉㄥˋ ㄧㄢˇ 干瞪眼的近义词: 干着急 非常着急但又没有办法,无可奈何他在家里担心她的安危,但只能干着急 成语语法: 作谓语、状语、宾语;指着急而没有办法 常用程度: 常用成语 感情.色彩: 中性成语 成语结构: 偏正式成语 产生年代: 当代成语 英语翻译: stand up anxiously,unable to help <look on in despair> 日语翻译: 目をみはるばかりでどうにもならない 其他翻译: <法>rester ahuri <désemparé> 成语谜语: 癞蛤蟆过壕沟
2023-07-23 17:33:471

英语美文:善意的眼神(Eyes of Kindness)

  It was a bitter cold evening in northern Virginia many years ago. The old man"s beard was glazed by winter"s frost while he waited for a ride across the river. The wait seemed endless. His body became numb and stiff from the frigid north wind.   多年前,在北弗吉尼亚的一个寒冷夜晚,一位老人正等着有人把他带过河,他的胡子已经被这冬日的严寒冻得像块玻璃了。这种等待好像遥遥无期。他的身体在这寒冷的北风中被冻得麻木而僵硬。   He heard the faint, steady rhythm of approaching hooves galloping along the frozen path. Anxiously, he watched as several horsemen rounded the bend. He let the first one passed by without any effort to get his attention, then another passed by, and another. Finally, the last rider neared the spot where the old man sat like a snow statue. As this one draw near, the old man caught the rider"s eye and said, “sir, would you mind giving an old man a ride to the other side? There doesn"t appear to be a passage way by foot.”   他听到了一阵模糊而又持续的、有节奏的马蹄声正从上冻的小路上缓缓传来。他焦虑地注视着几个骑马者转过路弯。当他们一个一个过去时,老人没有做任何努力来引起他们的注意。最终,最后一个骑马者驶近,老人站在那里已经成了一个雪雕。当骑手慢慢接近时,老人看到了骑马人的眼神,他说:“先生,你能把我带过河吗?这里没有可以步行的路了。”   Reining his horse, the rider replied, “sure thing. Hop aboard.” Seeing the old man was unable to lift his half-frozen body from the ground, the horseman dismounted and helped the old man onto the horse. The horseman took the old man not just across the river, but to his destination, which was just a few miles away.   骑马人拉住缰绳,回答说:“可以,上来吧。”看到老人不能移动他冻僵的身体,骑马人下马帮老人骑上马。骑马者不但把老人带过了河,还把他送到了几英里以外的目的地。   As they neared the tiny but cozy cottage, the horseman"s curiosity caused him to inquire, “sir, I notice you let several other riders pass by without making an effort to secure a ride. Then I came up and you immediately asked me for a ride. I am curious why, on such a bitter night, you would wait and ask the last rider. What if I had refused and left you here?”   当他们接近了一个很小、但很舒适的村舍时,骑马者好奇地问老人:“先生,我注意到您让那几个骑马者过去了,却没有请他们带你过河。而我来到时,您立刻向我寻求帮助。我很好奇这是为什么,在这个寒冷的夜晚,您宁愿等待着去向最后一个寻求帮助。如果我拒绝了,把您留在那里,您怎么办?”   The old man lowered himself slowly down from the horse, looked the rider straight in the eyes, and replied, “I have been around these here parts for some time. I reckon I know people pretty good.” The old-timer continued, “I looked into the eyes of the other riders and immediately saw there was no concern for my situation. It would have been useless even to ask them for a ride. But when I looked into your eyes, that your gentle spirit would welcome the opportunity to give me assistance in my time of need.”   老人缓慢地下了马,目光直视着骑马人,回答道:“我徘徊在那里很久了。我看人是很准的。”老人又继续说道,“我望着他们的眼睛,立刻看出他们对我的处境没有丝毫关心。就算寻求他们的帮助,也只是徒劳。但望着你的眼睛,我看到了明显的善良和怜悯。当时我就知道,你仁慈的心灵会给予我所需要的帮助。”   Those heart-warming comments touched the horseman deeply. “I"m so grateful for what you have said,” he told the old man. “May I never get too busy in my own affairs that I fail to respond to the needs of others with kindness and compassion.”   这些感人肺腑的话深深触动了骑马人的心。“我很感谢您所说的话。”他告诉老人,“我绝不会再因为事务繁忙而放弃给别人提供善良和怜悯的帮助。”   With that, Thomas Jefferson turned his horse around and made his way back to the White House.   随即,托马斯·杰斐逊调转马头,奔向白宫。
2023-07-23 17:34:091


通常的副词: often 时常 ; 常常 ; usually 通常地 ; 正常地 ; already 已经; generally 普遍地 ; 广泛地 ; frequently 频繁地 ; seldom 不常 ; 很少 ; hardly 几乎不 ; 几乎没有 ; soon 很快 ; 马上 ; immediately 立即 ; 马上 扩展资料   不同类别副词   时间频率副词   主要表示“什么时候”“经常与否”形容动作所做的次数或频繁程度”   now,then,often,always,usually,next,after,lastday,already(已经),generally(一般地),   frequently(频繁),seldom/hardly(很少的),ever,never,yet,soon,too, immediately(立即),   finally,shortly(很快), before, ago,sometimes, yesterday. once,twice,   lately,recently,personally,todayyet   地点副词   表示地点与位置关系的副词,用来说明动作是在什么地方发生的。   here, there, everywhere, anywhere,somewhere, in, out, inside, outside,   above, below, up,down, back, forward(向前的), home,   upstairs(楼上的`), downstairs, across, along, round , around,   near, off, past, up, away, on   方式副词   carefully, properly(适当地), anxiously(焦虑地), suddenly, normally(正常地),   fast, well, calmly(冷静地), politely(有礼貌地), proudly(自豪地), softly,   warmly ,slowly,badly,hard,bravely   程度副词   much,little, very,rather(相当),so,too,still, quite, perfectly(完美地),   enough, extremely(非常), entirely(整个),almost, slightly(细小地), hardly   疑问副词   how, when, where, why   关系副词   when, where, why   连接副词   therefore(因此),moreover(此外),however,otherwise(另外的),   then,when ,where,how,why   表顺序的副词   first,then,next,finally,afterwards,primarily   完成时的副词   already,ever,just,never,since,yet,recently
2023-07-23 17:34:161

anxiously 形容词

anxious 焦急的
2023-07-23 17:34:431

We are anxiously awaiting the _____ of their discussion.

2023-07-23 17:34:591

We are anxiously awaiting the _____ of their discussion.

2023-07-23 17:35:061


副词的种类可分为:时间副词、频率副词、地点副词、方式副词、程度副词、疑问副词、连接副词、关系副词、表顺序的副词以及表完成的副词等。 扩展资料   不同类别副词:   时间频率副词:   主要表示“什么时候”“经常与否”形容动作所做的次数或频繁程度”   now,then,often,always,usually,next,after,lastday,already(已经),generally(一般地),frequently(频繁),seldom/hardly(很少的),ever,never,yet,soon,too, immediately(立即),finally,shortly(很快), before, ago,sometimes, yesterday. once,twice,lately,recently,personally,today……yet   地点副词:   表示地点与位置关系的副词,用来说明动作是在什么地方发生的。   here, there, everywhere, anywhere,somewhere, in, out, inside, outside,above, below, up,down, back, forward(向前的), home,upstairs(楼上的), downstairs, across, along, round , around,near, off, past, up, away, on.……   方式副词:   carefully, properly(适当地), anxiously(焦虑地), suddenly, normally(正常地),fast, well, calmly(冷静地), politely(有礼貌地), proudly(自豪地), softly,warmly ,slowly,badly,hard,bravely……   程度副词:   much,little, very,rather(相当),so,too,still, quite, perfectly(完美地),enough, extremely(非常), entirely(整个),almost, slightly(细小地), hardly.……   疑问副词:   how, when, where, why……   关系副词:   when, where, why……   连接副词:   therefore(因此),moreover(此外),however,otherwise(另外的.),then,when ,where,how,why……   表顺序的副词:   first,then,next,finally,afterwards,primarily……   完成时的副词   already,ever,just,never,since,yet,recently…
2023-07-23 17:35:321


2023-07-23 17:35:472


时间频率副词now,then,often,always,usually,next,lastday,already(已经),generally(一般地),frequently(频繁),seldom/hardly(很少地),ever,never,yet,soon,too, immediately(立即),finally,shortly(很快), before, ago,sometimes, yesterday. once,twice,lately,recently,personally,today……yet地点副词here, there, everywhere, anywhere,somewhere, in, out, inside, outside,above, below, up,down, back, forward(向前地), home,upstairs(楼上地), downstairs, across, along, round , around,near, off, past, up, away, on.……方式副词carefully, properly(适当地), anxiously(焦虑地), suddenly, normally(正常地),fast, well, calmly(冷静地), politely(有礼貌地), proudly(自豪地), softly,warmly ,slowly,badly,hard,bravely……程度副词much,little, very,rather(相当),so,too,still, quite, perfectly(完美地),enough, extremely(非常), entirely(整个),almost, slightly(细小地), hardly.……连接副词therefore(因此),moreover(此外),however,otherwise(另外的),then,when ,where,how,why……扩展资料1、多数副词放在动词后面,或者放在be动词、助动词或情态动词之后,实义动词之前。 如果实义动词后有宾语,则放于宾语之后。I am also Bush.我也是布什。I can also do that.我也可以这样做。I also want to play that games.我也想玩这游戏。I get up early in the morning every day.每一天的早晨我都起得很早。2)、副词修饰形容词时,一般放在被修饰词之前,但enough除外。It"s rather easy, I can do it.这很容易,我能做到。He did it quite well.他做得相当好。It"s rather difficult to tell who is right.很难说谁是对的。He didn"t run fast enough to catch the train.他的奔跑速度不足以快到能够追上火车。3、频度副词可放在实义动词的前面,情态动词和助动词的后面。I often help him these days.这些日子我经常帮助他。I always remember the day when I first came to this school.我常常记得我第一次来学校的那一天。You mustn"t always help me.你不能老是帮助我。We usually go shopping once a week.我们通常一周买一次东西。The new students don"t always go to dance.新学生并不时常去跳舞。参考资料:百度百科——副词
2023-07-23 17:35:551

He will be watching her anxiously ( )she swims the long distance to England.为什么可以填while.

2023-07-23 17:36:096


常见的地点副词如下:here,在这里;向这里;到这里;这是;现在;在这一点上。there,在那里;往那里;那里;那个;在那一点上;关于那一点。up,成直立姿势;起床;向上;向北;在北部;完全地;彻底地。down,向下;在下面;往南。away,远处;离开。nearby,附近地。home,家。ahead,在某人或某事物的前面。abroad,在国外;到国外。indoors,在室内;往室内。overseas,在/向海外;在/向国外。halfway,半途;中间。upstairs,在楼上;往楼上。downstairs,在楼下。其它副词分类:1、时间和频度副词now,then,often,always,usually,early,today,lately,next,last,already,generally,frequently, seldom,ever,never,yet,soon,too,immediately,hardly,finally,shortly,before, ago,sometimes,yesterday.2、方式副词carefully,properly,anxiously,suddenly,normally,fast,well,calmly,politely,proudly,softly, warmly.3、程度副词,放在被修饰词之前much,little,very,rather,so,too,still,quite,perfectly,enough,extremely,entirely,almost, slightly.4、疑问副词,一般放在句首how,when,where,why.5、关系副词,一般放在句首when,where,why.6、连接副词how,when,where,why,whether.
2023-07-23 17:36:231

单词里有 l y x 最好是按顺序的u301cu301c

luxury 奢华的
2023-07-23 17:36:392


形容词一般修饰名次,也可以修饰代词。副词一般修饰动词、形容词或者其他副词。宾语补足语是对宾语情况的补充与说明。比如:I asked him to do it. 中, to do it就是宾语him的补足语。建议找本薄薄的语法书看看。打字不易,如满意,望采纳。
2023-07-23 17:36:483


quickly slowly carefully, properly, anxiously, suddenly, normally, fast, well, calmly, politely, proudly, softly, warmly
2023-07-23 17:37:091


时间频率副词now,then,often,always,usually,next,lastday,already(已经),generally(一般地),frequently(频繁),seldom/hardly(很少地),ever,never,yet,soon,too, immediately(立即),finally,shortly(很快), before, ago,sometimes, yesterday. once,twice,lately,recently,personally,today??yet地点副词here, there, everywhere, anywhere,somewhere, in, out, inside, outside,above, below, up,down, back, forward(向前地), home,upstairs(楼上地), downstairs, across, along, round , around,near, off, past, up, away, on.??方式副词carefully, properly(适当地), anxiously(焦虑地), suddenly, normally(正常地),fast, well, calmly(冷静地), politely(有礼貌地), proudly(自豪地), softly,warmly ,slowly,badly,hard,bravely??程度副词much,little, very,rather(相当),so,too,still, quite, perfectly(完美地),enough, extremely(非常), entirely(整个),almost, slightly(细小地), hardly.??连接副词therefore(因此),moreover(此外),however,otherwise(另外的),then,when ,where,how,why??扩展资料1、多数副词放在动词后面,或者放在be动词、助动词或情态动词之后,实义动词之前。 如果实义动词后有宾语,则放于宾语之后。I am also Bush.我也是布什。I can also do that.我也可以这样做。I also want to play that games.我也想玩这游戏。I get up early in the morning every day.每一天的早晨我都起得很早。2)、副词修饰形容词时,一般放在被修饰词之前,但enough除外。It"s rather easy, I can do it.这很容易,我能做到。He did it quite well.他做得相当好。It"s rather difficult to tell who is right.很难说谁是对的。He didn"t run fast enough to catch the train.他的奔跑速度不足以快到能够追上火车。3、频度副词可放在实义动词的前面,情态动词和助动词的后面。I often help him these days.这些日子我经常帮助他。I always remember the day when I first came to this school.我常常记得我第一次来学校的那一天。You mustn"t always help me.你不能老是帮助我。We usually go shopping once a week.我们通常一周买一次东西。The new students don"t always go to dance.新学生并不时常去跳舞。参考资料:百度百科——副词
2023-07-23 17:37:314


2023-07-23 17:38:031


2023-07-23 17:38:335


我知道是The aerial transport bill of lading airplane will take off later to be able to attain,Now the airplane has not flown,How can have the bill of lading?Next time you if will want speech,Please the afternoon which takes off in the airplane can attain! ! !Please did not have to urge such anxiously,Urges uselessly is anxiously also!!
2023-07-23 17:39:024


It was a bitter cold evening in northern Virginia many years ago. The old man"s beard was glazed by winter"s frost while he waited for a ride across the river. The wait seemed endless. His body became numb and stiff from the frigid north wind. 多年前,在北弗吉尼亚的一个寒冷夜晚,一位老人正等着有人把他带过河,他的胡子已经被这冬日的严寒冻得像块玻璃了。这种等待好像遥遥无期。他的身体在这寒冷的北风中被冻得麻木而僵硬。 He heard the faint, steady rhythm of approaching hooves galloping along the frozen path. Anxiously, he watched as several horsemen rounded the bend. He let the first one passed by without any effort to get his attention, then another passed by, and another. Finally, the last rider neared the spot where the old man sat like a snow statue. As this one draw near, the old man caught the rider"s eye and said, “sir, would you mind giving an old man a ride to the other side? There doesn"t appear to be a passage way by foot.” 他听到了一阵模糊而又持续的、有节奏的马蹄声正从上冻的小路上缓缓传来。他焦虑地注视着几个骑马者转过路弯。当他们一个一个过去时,老人没有做任何努力来引起他们的注意。最终,最后一个骑马者驶近,老人站在那里已经成了一个雪雕。当骑手慢慢接近时,老人看到了骑马人的眼神,他说:“先生,你能把我带过河吗?这里没有可以步行的路了。” Reining his horse, the rider replied, “sure thing. Hop aboard.” Seeing the old man was unable to lift his half-frozen body from the ground, the horseman dismounted and helped the old man onto the horse. The horseman took the old man not just across the river, but to his destination, which was just a few miles away. 骑马人拉住缰绳,回答说:“可以,上来吧。”看到老人不能移动他冻僵的身体,骑马人下马帮老人骑上马。骑马者不但把老人带过了河,还把他送到了几英里以外的目的地。 As they neared the tiny but cozy cottage, the horseman"s curiosity caused him to inquire, “sir, I notice you let several other riders pass by without making an effort to secure a ride. Then I came up and you immediately asked me for a ride. I am curious why, on such a bitter night, you would wait and ask the last rider. What if I had refused and left you here?” 当他们接近了一个很小、但很舒适的村舍时,骑马者好奇地问老人:“先生,我注意到您让那几个骑马者过去了,却没有请他们带你过河。而我来到时,您立刻向我寻求帮助。我很好奇这是为什么,在这个寒冷的夜晚,您宁愿等待着去向最后一个寻求帮助。如果我拒绝了,把您留在那里,您怎么办?” The old man lowered himself slowly down from the horse, looked the rider straight in the eyes, and replied, “I have been around these here parts for some time. I reckon I know people pretty good.” The old-timer continued, “I looked into the eyes of the other riders and immediately saw there was no concern for my situation. It would have been useless even to ask them for a ride. But when I looked into your eyes, that your gentle spirit would welcome the opportunity to give me assistance in my time of need.” 老人缓慢地下了马,目光直视着骑马人,回答道:“我徘徊在那里很久了。我看人是很准的。”老人又继续说道,“我望着他们的眼睛,立刻看出他们对我的处境没有丝毫关心。就算寻求他们的帮助,也只是徒劳。但望着你的眼睛,我看到了明显的善良和怜悯。当时我就知道,你仁慈的心灵会给予我所需要的帮助。” Those heart-warming comments touched the horseman deeply. “I"m so grateful for what you have said,” he told the old man. “May I never get too busy in my own affairs that I fail to respond to the needs of others with kindness and compassion.” 这些感人肺腑的话深深触动了骑马人的心。“我很感谢您所说的话。”他告诉老人,“我绝不会再因为事务繁忙而放弃给别人提供善良和怜悯的帮助。” With that, Thomas Jefferson turned his horse around and made his way back to the White House. 随即,托马斯·杰斐逊调转马头,奔向白宫。
2023-07-23 17:39:201


01 副词 adv.是Adverb的简称,是英语中的副词。是指在句子中表示行为或状态特征的词,用以修饰动词、形容词、其他副词或全句,表示时间、地点、程度、方式等概念。副词可分为:时间副词、频率副词、地点副词、方式副词、程度副词、疑问副词、连接副词、关系副词、表顺序的副词以及表完成的副词。 副词Adverb 简称adv.是指在句子中表示行为或状态特征的词,用以修饰动词、形容词、其他副词或全句,表示时间、地点、程度、方式等概念。 副词连用顺序 程度副词+地点副词+方式副词+时间副词。 功能:可以起到修饰或限制动词或形容词作用、表程度或范围的词语。 不同类别副词 一、时间频率副词:主要表示“什么时候”“经常与否”形容动作所做的次数或频繁程度” now,then,often,always,usually,next,lastday,already(已经),generally(一般地),frequently(频繁),seldom/hardly(很少的),ever,never,yet,soon,too, immediately(立即),finally,shortly(很快), before, ago,sometimes, yesterday. once,twice,lately,recently,personally,todayu2026u2026yet 二、地点副词:表示地点与位置关系的副词,用来说明动作是在什么地方发生的。 here, there, everywhere, anywhere,somewhere, in, out, inside, outside,above, below, up,down, back, forward(向前的), home,upstairs(楼上的), downstairs, across, along, round , around,near, off, past, up, away, on.u2026u2026 三、方式副词 carefully, properly(适当地), anxiously(焦虑地), suddenly, normally(正常地),fast, well, calmly(冷静地), politely(有礼貌地), proudly(自豪地), softly,warmly ,slowly,badly,hard,bravelyu2026u2026 四、程度副词 much,little, very,rather(相当),so,too,still, quite, perfectly(完美地),enough, extremely(非常), entirely(整个),almost, slightly(细小地), hardly.u2026u2026 五、疑问副词 how, when, where, whyu2026u2026 六、关系副词 when, where, whyu2026u2026 七:连接副词 therefore(因此),moreover(此外),however,otherwise(另外的), then,when ,where,how,whyu2026u2026 八、表顺序的副词 first,then,next,finally,afterwards,primarilyu2026u2026 九、完成时的副词 already,ever,just,never,since,yet,recentlyu2026u2026 副词的用法: 一、副词在句中可作状语,表语,补语,定语。 1、He works hard.(作状语) 他努力工作。 2、Does she stay home? (作表语) 她呆在家吗? [she stays home是主系表结构,stay 此处是系动词, home是副词] 3、Let"s be out. (作表语) 让我们出去吧。 4、Food here is hard to get. (here作状语,hard作表语) 补全句子Food( in )here is hard to get.所以主干是food is hard(in here作状语,对地点的限制,hard作表语,to get作补语) 这儿很难弄到食物。 5、Let him out!(作补语) 让他出去! 二、修饰名词的副词放在被修饰词之后 a. The villagers there are busy getting in wheat. 位置 1) 多数副词放在动词后面,或者放在be动词、助动词或情态动词之后,实义动词之前。 如果实义动词后有宾语,则放于宾语之后。 I am also Bush. 我也是布什。 I can also do that. 我也可以这样做。 2) 副词修饰形容词时,一般放在被修饰词之前,但enough除外。 It"s rather easy, I can do it. 这很容易,我能做到。 He did it quite well. 他做得相当好。 3) 频度副词可放在实义动词的前面,情态动词和助动词的后面。 I often help him these days. 这些日子我经常帮助他。 I always remember the day when I first came to this school. 我常常记得我第一次来学校的那一天。 4) 疑问副词,连接副词,关系副词以及修饰整个句子的副词,通常放在句子或从句的前面。 When do you study everyday? 你每天什么时间学习? Can you tell me how you did it? 你能告诉我你如何做的吗? First, let me ask you some questions. 先让我来问几个问题。 5) 时间副词和地点副词在一个句中, 地点副词在前面,时间副词在后面。 We went shopping in the supermarket at 9 o"clock yesterday. 昨天九点钟我们到超市买东西了. What were you doing in the classroom yesterday afternoon? 昨天下午你在教室里干什么?
2023-07-23 17:39:282


几乎一瞬间ABBCDCC 仅供参考
2023-07-23 17:39:383

爱丽丝梦游仙境 英文 要英文的...记得带序号 带下句号

act, a sort of mixed flavour of cherry-tart, custard, pine-apple, roast turkey, toffee, and hot buttered toast,) she very soon finished it off. `What a curious feeling!" said Alice; `I must be shutting up like a telescope." And so it was indeed: she was now only ten inches high, and her face brightened up at the thought that she was now the right size for going through the little door into that lovely garden. First, however, she waited for a few minutes to see if she was going to shrink any further: she felt a little nervous about this; `for it might end, you know," said Alice to herself, `in my going out altogether, like a candle. I wonder what I should be like then?" And she tried to fancy what the flame of a candle is like after the candle is blown out, for she could not remember ever having seen such a thing. After a while, finding that nothing more happened, she decided on going into the garden at once; but, alas for poor Alice! when she got to the door, she found she had forgotten the little golden key, and when she went back to the table for it, she found she could not possibly reach it: she could see it quite plainly through the glass, and she tried her best to climb up one of the legs of the table, but it was too slippery; and when she had tired herself out with trying, the poor little thing sat down and cried. Come, there"s no use in crying like that!" said Alice to herself, rather sharply; `I advise you to leave off this minute!" She generally gave herself very good advice, (though she very seldom followed it), and sometimes she scolded herself so severely as to bring tears into her eyes; and once she remembered trying to box her own ears for having cheated herself in a game of croquet she was playing against herself, for this curious child was very fond of pretending to be two people. `But it"s no use now," thought poor Alice, `to pretend to be two people! Why, there"s hardly enough of me left to make ONE respectable person!" Soon her eye fell on a little glass box that was lying under the table: she opened it, and found in it a very small cake, on which the words `EAT ME" were beautifully marked in currants. `Well, I"ll eat it," said Alice, `and if it makes me grow larger, I can reach the key; and if it makes me grow smaller, I can creep under the door; so either way I"ll get into the garden, and I don"t care which happens!" She ate a little bit, and said anxiously to herself, `Which way? Which way?", holding her hand on the top of her head to feel which way it was growing, and she was quite surprised to find that she remained the same size: to be sure, this generally happens when one eats cake, but Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way. So she set to work, and very soon finished off the cake.
2023-07-23 17:39:461


1.He spent almost one moth to learn how to drive2.To have time to pratice spoken English,he always gets up early3.Is there a risk of fire?4.It rained every day,and the crops have been flooded5.He went to Shanhai anxiously6.It"s time for us to study indusriously7.She was amazing that he was still so lazy at such time 8.The fire ended through 3 hours" effort9.Nobody will ever believe what you say!10.We have not much money,but we can handle the matter11.I"ve never thought about giving up my research from that moment on!12.She finally own found the work after 2 month-long effott13.He is an artist with talent14.He studied so hard that he has made great progress.15.It"s important for you to clam down when you are extremely excited.我人工翻译地好辛苦~!(一定要给我分啊!)有拼写错误请指正!
2023-07-23 17:39:563


2023-07-23 17:40:042


题库内容:企盼的解释[anxiously expect] 盼望 ; 希望 企盼 未来 详细解释 盼望。 白蕉 《袁世凯与 中华民国 》 :“ 唐使 南来,国民咸以 平和 有望……企盼尤殷。” 词语分解 企的解释 企 ǐ 踮着脚看,今用为盼望的意思:企盼。企足而待。企及(盼望达到,希望赶上)。企图(图谋)。 开启。 姓。 部首 :人; 盼的解释 盼 à 希望,想望:盼望。切盼。 看,引申为看待:流盼。 左顾右盼 。 眼睛 白黑分明:盼倩。 部首:目。
2023-07-23 17:40:101

Tomorrow he will be watching her anxiously as she swims the long distance 为什么从句用swim?

不能改为“as she is swimming----" 整个句子表示猜测,所以从句只是一般陈述原因:明天他可能会怀着不安的心情看着她,因为她要漂洋过海去英国了。
2023-07-23 17:40:192


方式副词修饰动词程度副词修饰形容词或者其他的副词。主要看它修饰的是动词?还是修饰的形容词,副词。比如run quckly.方式副词pretty well. pretty 程度副词。
2023-07-23 17:40:415


Falls in love with person"s 8 omen 1., when you are being busy, is actually operating the handset, is waiting for her/his short note. You already fell in love with her/his 2., if you like with her/his two people strolling alone. You already fell in love with her/his 3., when you and her/he when together, you will disguise not to pay attention to him, but when she will open your line of sight to/him, you anxiously will be seeking for her/him…You already fell in love with her 4., when her/he is injured or falls ill, you very much will care about her, worries for her/him. You already fell in love with his 5., when her/he and others are friends with, you will feel that will eat does not know its taste…You already fell in love with her 6., when you saw when her/he that delightful smiling, your corners of the mouth can raise a self-satisfied smiling. You already fell in love with her/his ........................................ 7., when you saw when this article, thinks of somebody 8. at heart, when you saw after this article, will not return pastes nobody to love for a lifetime, nobody will hurt, nobody will accompany, nobody care
2023-07-23 17:41:035


2023-07-23 17:41:205


  “百年伉俪,一旦分张,覆水再收,拳拳盼望。”下面就由我为大家带来关于盼望的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。   关于盼望的相关短语   殷切盼望 be anxious for   急切盼望 expect eagerly   盼望着 look forward to   凡事盼望 hopes all things   取得盼望 make headway   盼望永生 Who Wants to Live Forever   盼望期待 look forward to   关于盼望的相关短句   hope for success;   盼望成功   long for home;   盼望回家   long for your good voice;   盼望佳音   The children are longing for the holidays.   孩子们盼望着假期。   关于盼望的相关例句   1. Most of my patients welcome the coming of summer.   我的大部分病人盼望着夏天的到来。   2. We won"t pretend we savour the prospect of a month in prison.   我们不会装作我们满心盼望着在监狱中度过一个月。   3. Roll on the day someone develops an effective vaccine against malaria.   盼望有一天有人会研制出一种能有效预防疟疾的疫苗。   4. They expected house prices to rise.   他们盼望着房价上升。   5. He relished the idea of getting some cash.   他盼望得到一些现金。   6. We are hoping for good weather on Sunday.   我们盼望着星期天天气好。   7. the birth of a longed-for baby   一个盼望已久的婴儿的出生   8. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.   我盼望着不久收到你的信.   9. We want to raise our children to be decent men and women.   我们盼望把孩子们培养成优秀人才.   10. My father seems to promise himself his first journey abroad.   我父亲好像盼望他的第一次海外旅行.   11. It"s terrible to hunger for news when the family"s letters don"t arrive!   盼望音信而家书却不到,那滋味可真是难受 啊 !   12. We are in momentary expectation of the arrival of you.   我们无时无刻不在盼望你的到来.   13. The old woman was anxiously awaiting the return of her relatives.   老妇人望眼欲穿地盼望亲人归来.   14. We look forward to your reture on an early day.   我们盼望你早日归队.   15. I"II expect you for supper at six o"clock sharp.   我盼望你6点整来吃晚饭.   关于盼望的双语例句   我们原来盼望著下星期放假--看样子走不了了。   We were hoping to have a holiday next week as it is, we may not be able to get away.   我原来一直盼望著能收到她送的礼物,所以因得不到而失望。   I was expecting a present from her, so I was disappointed I didn"t receive one.   我盼望著能自己一人在这所房子。   I look forward to being alone in the house.   我盼望她很快会恢复健康。   I trust (that) she"ll recover soon.   及时付款正是我们所盼望的。   What we expected is nothing less than a timely payment.   我正盼望去访问欧洲。   I"m hoping to visit Europe.   一晚上我一直在盼望这个节目。   I have been looking forward to it all evening.   盼望您能加入我们的行列,共同为新一代建造美好生命。   We hope you can join us in shaping radiant lives in the new generation.
2023-07-23 17:42:041