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这篇文章我给大家汇总了初二的重要语法和初二下册英语单词表,方便大家复习背诵初二的英语单词。 初二下册英语单词 Unit 1 matter n.问题;事情 What"s the matter ? ;怎么了? 出什么事了? have a cold ;感冒;伤风 stomachache ;胃痛;腹痛 have a stomachache 胃痛 foot n.足;脚 neck n.颈;脖子 stomach n.胃;腹部 throat n.咽喉;喉咙 fever n.发烧 lie v.躺;平躺 lie down 躺下 rest v.&n.放松;休息 cough n.&v.咳嗽 X-ray n.X射线;X光 toothache n.牙痛 take one"s temperature 量体温 headache 头痛 have a fever 发烧 break n. 间歇;休息 take breaks (take a break) 休息 hurt n.(使)疼痛;受伤 passenger n. 乘客;旅客 off adv.离开(某处);不工作;从……去掉 get off 下车 to one"s surprise 使……惊讶的;出乎……意料 onto prep. 向;朝 trouble n. 问题;苦恼 hit (hit) v.(用手或器具)击;打 right away 立即;马上 get into 陷入;参与 herself pron. (she的反身代词)她自己 bandage . 绷带 v.用绷带包扎 sick adj.生病的;有病的 knee n.膝盖,膝 nosebleed n. 鼻出血 breathe v.呼吸 sunburned adj.晒伤的 ourselves prob.(we的反身代词)我们自己 climber n.登山者;攀登者 be used to 习惯于……;适应于…… risk n&v.危险;风险 take risks(take a risk)冒险 accident n.(交通)事故;意外遭遇 situation n.情况,状况 kilo (=kilogram) n.千克 rock n.岩石 run out (of) 耗尽 knife n.(pl.knives) 刀 cut off 切除 blood n. 血 mean v.意思是,打算,意欲 get out of 离开,从……出来 importance n.重要性,重要 decision n.决定,抉择 control n.﹠v.限制,约束,管理 be in control of 掌管,管理 spirit n.勇气,意志 death n.死,死亡 give up 放弃 nurse n.护士 Unit 2 clean up ;打扫(或清除)干净 cheer; v.欢呼,喝彩 cheer up; (使)变得更高兴,振奋起来 give out; 分发,散发 volunteer, v.义务做,自愿做 n.志愿者 notice, n.公告牌,通告,布告 used to ,曾经……,过去…… lonely, adj.孤独的,寂寞的 several, pron. 几个,数个,一些 feeling ,n.感觉,感触 satisfaction, n.满足,满意,舒服 joy n.高兴,愉快 owner n.物主,主人 journey n.(尤指长途)旅行,行程 sign n.标志,信号 madam n.夫人;女士 raise v.募集,征集 alone adv.独自,单独 repair v.修理,修补 fix v.安装,使固定 give away 赠送,捐赠 wheel n.车轮,轮子 letter n.信,函 Miss n.女士,小姐 set up 建起,设立 make a difference 影响,有作用 blind adj.瞎的,失明的 deaf adj.聋的 imagine v.﹠n.想象,设想 difficulty n.困难,难题 open v.开,打开 door n.门 carry v.拿,提,扛 train v.训练,培训 excited adj.激动的,兴奋的 training n.训练,培训 kindness n.仁慈,善良 clever adj.聪明的,聪 understand v.理解,领会 change v.变化 disabled adj.丧失能力的,有残疾的 strong adj.强壮的,强健的 sir n.先生 come up with想出; 提出(主意、计划、回答等) put off推迟 hand out分发 call up打电话给(某人); 征召 care for照顾; 非常喜欢 try out参加......选拔; 试用 fix up修理; 装饰 take after(外貌或行为)看上去像 Unit 3 rubbish n.垃圾;废弃物 take out the rubbish 倒垃圾 fold 英[fu0259u028ald] 美[fou028ald] v.折叠;对折 sweep (pt.swept) v.扫;打扫 floor n. 地板 mess 英[mes] 美[mu025bs] n.杂乱;不整洁 throw (pt.threw) v.扔;掷 all the time 频繁;反复 neither adv.也不 shirt n.衬衫 as soon as 一...就 pass v.给;递;走过;通过 borrow 英[u02c8bu0252ru0259u028a] 美[u02c8bɑ:rou028a] v.借;借用 lend (pt.lent) v.借给;借出 finger n.手指 hate v.厌恶;讨厌 while conj.在……期间;当……的时候 snack n.点心;小吃;快餐 chore 英[tu0283u0254:(r)] 美[tu0283u0254:r] n.杂务;乏味无聊的工作 stress 英[stres] 美[stru025bs] n.精神压力;心理负担 waste 英[weu026ast] 美[west] n.浪费;滥用 in order to 目的是;为了 provide v.提供;供应 anyway adv.而且;加之 depend on 依靠;信赖 develop v.发展;壮大 fairness n.公平性;公平合理性 since conj.从……以后;自……以来 neighbor (=neighbour) n.邻居 result n.后果;结果 ill adj.有病;不舒服 drop v.落下;掉下 independence n.独立 independent adj.独立的;自主的 take care of 照料;爱护 fair adj. 合理的;适当的 unfair adj. 不合理的;不公正的 Unit 4 allow v.允许;准许 wrong adj.错误的,不对的 guess v.猜测;估计 deal n.协议;交易 work out解决 get on with和睦相处;关系良好 relation n.关系;联系;交往 communication n.交流;沟通 argue v.争吵;争论 cloud n.云;云朵 elder adj.年纪较长的 instead adv.代替;反而;却 whatever pron.任何;每一 nervous adj.焦虑的;担忧的 offer 主动提出;自愿给予 proper adv.正确地;恰当地 secondly adv.第二;其次 communicate v.交流;沟通 explain v.解释;说明 clear adj.清楚易懂;晴朗的 copy v.复制;复印 return v.回来;回去 member n.成员;分子 pressure n.压力 compete v.竞争,对抗 opinion n.意见;想法;看法 skill n.技艺;技巧 typical adj.典型的 football n.足球;(美式)橄榄球 cut out 删去;删除 continue v.持续;继续存在 compare v.比较 compare…with… 比较;对比 crazy adj.不理智的;疯狂的 push v.推动;移动 development n.发展;发育;成长 cause v.造成;引起 usual adj.通常的;寻常的 perhaps adv.可能;大概;也许 quick adj.快的;迅速的;时间短暂的 in one"s opinion 依...看 What" s wrong? 怎么了? look through快速查看; 浏览 big deal重要的事 anymore v. (常用于否定句和疑问末)再也(不); (不)再 Unit 5 alarm n.go off(闹钟)发出响声 pick up (=pick up the phone)接电话 wind n.风 light n.光;光线;光亮 wood n.木;木头 window n.窗;窗户 beat v.敲打;锤砸 rise v.增加;提高;增强 apart adv.分离;分开 pupil n.学生 bright adj.明亮的;光线充足的 completely adv.彻底地;完全地 recently adv.不久前; 最近 terrorist n.恐怖主义者;恐怖分子 date n.日期;日子 tower n.塔;塔楼 at first 首先;最初 truth n.实情;事实 begin (pt.began) 开始 heavily adv. 在很大程度上; 大量地 fallen adj. 倒下的; 落下的 have a look 看一看 icy adj. 覆盖着冰的; 冰冷的 kid v. 开玩笑; 欺骗 make one" s way 前往; 费力地前进 shocked adj. 惊愕的; 受震惊的 take down 拆除; 往下拽; 记录 Unit 6 shoot v.(pt.shot)射击;发射 stone n.石头 weak adj.虚弱的;无力的 god n.神;上帝 remind v.提醒;使想起 bit n.有点;稍微 a little bit 有点儿 silly adj.愚蠢的;不明事理的 instead of 代替;反而 turn...into变成 object n.物品;物体 hide v(hid).隐藏;隐蔽 tail n.尾;尾巴 magic ady.有魔力的;有神奇力量的 stick n.棍;条 excite v.使激动;使兴奋 Western adj.西方的 once upon a time 从前 stepsister n.继姐(妹) prince n.王子 fall in love 爱上;喜欢上 fit v.适合;合身 couple n.夫妻;两人;两件事物 smile v.笑;微笑 marry v.结婚 get married 结婚 gold 金子 emperor n.国王 silk n.丝绸;丝织物 underwear n.内衣 nobody pron.没有人 n.小人物 stupid adj.愚蠢的 cheat v.欺骗;蒙骗 n.骗子 stepmother n.继母 wife n.太太 husband n.丈夫 whole adj.全部的;整体的 scene n.(戏剧或歌剧的)场;场景 moonlight n.月光 shine v.(pt.shone) 发光;照耀 bright adv.光亮地;明亮地 adj.明亮的;光线充足的 ground n.地;地面 lead v.(pt.led) 带路;领路 voice n.声音 brave adj.勇敢的;无畏的 Unit 7 square n.平方;正方形 meter (=metre) n.米;公尺 deep adj.深的;纵深的 desert n.沙漠 population n.人口;人口数量 Asia n.亚洲 feel free (可以)随便(做某事) tour n.&v.旅行;旅游 tourist n.旅行者;观光者 wall n.墙 amazing adj.令人大为惊奇的;令人惊喜(或惊叹)的 ancient adj.古代的;古老的 protect v.保护;防护 wide adj.宽的;宽阔的 as far as I know 就我所知 man-made adj.人造的 achievement n.成就;成绩 southwestern adj.西南的;西南方向的 thick adj.厚的;浓的 include v.包括;包含 freezing adj.冻冰的;结冰的 condition n.条件;状况 take in 吸入;吞入(体内) succeed v.实现目标;成功 challenge v.挑战;考验 in the face of面对(问题、困难等) achieve v.达到;完成;成功 force n.力;力量 nature n. 自然界;大自然 ocean n.大海;海洋 the Pacific Ocean 太平洋 cm (=centimeter/centimetre) 厘米 weigh v.重量是……;称……的重量 birth n.出生;诞生 at birth 出生时 up to 到达(某数量、程度等);至多有;不多于 adult adj.成年的;成人的 n.成人;成年动物 bamboo n.竹;竹子 research n.&v.研究;调查(用作名词时,重音可以放在第一个音节) awake adj.醒着 excitement n.激动;兴奋 walk into 走路时撞着 fall over 绊倒 or so 大约 illness n.疾病;病 wild adj.野生的 government n.政府;内阁 whale n.鲸 oil n.油;食用油;石油 protection n.保护;保卫huge adj.大的;极多的 even though (=even if) 即使; 虽然 endangered adj. 濒危的 keeper n. 饲养员 remaining adj. 遗留的; 剩余 Unit 8 treasure n. 珠宝;财富 island n.岛 full of 满是……的;(有)大量的;(有)丰富的 classic n. 经典作品;名著 page n. (书刊或纸张的)页,面,张 hurry v.匆忙;赶快 hurry up 赶快;急忙(做某事) due adj.预期;预定 ship n.船 tool n.工具 gun n.枪;炮 sand n.沙滩;沙 mark n.迹象;记号;分数 land n.陆地;大地 fiction n.小说 French n.法语 pop n.流行音乐;流行乐曲 rock n.摇滚音乐 forever adv.永远 abroad adv.在国外;到国外 actually adv.真实地;事实上 fan n.迷;狂热爱好者 southern adj.南方的 modern adj.现代的; success n.成功 belong v.属于;归属 beauty n.美;美丽 record n.唱片;记录 v.录制;录(音) line n.行;排 laughter n. 笑; 笑声 Unit 9 amusement n.娱乐;游戏 amusement park 游乐场 somewhere adv.在某处;到某处 camera.照相机; 摄影机; 摄像机 invention n.发明;发明物 invent v.发明;创造 unbelievable adj.难以置信的;不真实的 progress v. 进步;进展 rapid adj. 迅速的;快速的 unusual adj. 特别的;不寻常的 toilet n.坐便器;厕所 encourage v.鼓励 social adj.社会的 peaceful adj.和平的;安宁的 tea art 茶艺 performance n.表演;演出 perfect adj.完美的;完全的 tea set 茶具 itself pron.(it的反身代词)它自己;自己 collect v.收集;采集 a couple of 两个;一对;几个 German adj.德国的;德语的;德国人的 n.德语;德国人 theme n.主题 ride n.供乘骑的游乐设施;短途旅程 province n.省份 thousand num.一千 thousands of 数以千计的;许许多多的 on the one hand… on the other hand … 一方面……另一方面…… safe adj.安全的;无危险的 simply adv.仅仅;只;不过 fear v.害怕;惧怕 whether conj.不管……(还是);或者……(或者) Indian adj.印度的;印度人 Japanese adj.日本的;日本人的;日语的 n.日本人;日语 fox n.狐狸 all year round 全年 equator n.赤道 whenever conj.在任何……时候;无论何时 spring n. 春天 mostly adv.主要地;通常 location n. 地点;位置 Unit 10 yard sale 庭院拍卖会 sweet adj.甜蜜的;甜的;含糖的 memory 记忆;回忆 cent n.分;分币 toy n.玩具 bear n.熊 maker n.生产者;制造者 bread maker 面包机 scarf n.围巾;披巾;头巾 soft adj.软的;柔软的 soft toy 软体玩具;布绒玩具 check v.检查;审查 check out 察看;观察 board n.板;木板 board game棋牌游戏 junior adj.地位(或职位、级别)低下的 junior high school 初级中学 clear v.清理;清除 clear out 清理;丢掉 bedroom n.卧室 no longer 不再;不复 own v.拥有;有 railway n.铁路;铁道 part v.离开;分开 n.部分 part with 放弃、交出(尤指不舍得的东西) certain adj.某种;某事;某人 as for 至于;关于 honest adj.诚实的;老实的(注意:要使用时前面用冠词an) to be honest 说实在的,实在的(动词) while n.一段时间;一会儿 truthful adj.诚实的;真实的 hometown n.家乡;故乡 nowadays adv.现今;现在;目前 search v.&n.搜索;搜查 among prep.在(其)中;……之一 crayon n.彩色铅笔(或粉笔、蜡笔) shame.羞耻;羞愧;惭愧 regard v.将……认为;将……视为 count v.数数 century n.百年;世纪 according to 依据;按照 opposite prep.与……相对;在……对面 especially adv.尤其;特别;格外 childhood n.童年;幼年 consider v.注视;仔细考虑 close to 几乎;接近 hold v.拥有;抓住 初二下册英语重要语法 情态动词should的用法 1.should为情态动词,意为“应该;应当”,否定式为shouldn"t,其后接动词原形,无人称和数的变化。常用来表示征询意见、建议、劝告、要求或义务等。 You should drink more water. 你应该多喝水。 He should put his head back. 他应该把头后仰。 We should try our best to help him. 我们应当尽力去帮助他。 You shouldn‘t watch TV. 你不应该看电视。 2.should用于主语为第一人称的疑问句,表示征询意见。 Should I put some medicine on it? 我应当给它敷上药吗? Should we tell her about it? 我们应该告诉她这件事吗? 3.在英语中,表示建议的说法有很多,而且都是中考考查的重点。主要结构有: ①Would you like (to do) sth?你想要/愿意(做)某事吗? Would you like to play basketball with me? 你想要和我一起打篮球吗? ②Shall I/we do sth? 我/我们做某事好吗? Shall we go to the zoo tomorrow? 明天我们去动物园,好吗? ③Why not do sth? 为什么不......呢? Why not join us?为什么不加入到我们当中来呢? ④How/What about doing sth? 做某事怎么样? How about going swimming? 去游泳怎么样? ⑤Let"s do sth. 让我们做......吧。 ⑥You"d better (not) do sth 你最好(不)要做某事。 You"d better not go there alone. 你最好不要一个人去那儿。

The gift that I had never got,符合语法吗?

这句话的语法是正确的,但是表达上可能不太准确。"The gift that I had never got"的意思是"我从未得到的礼物",但是更常用的表达方式是"I"ve never received the gift"或"I"ve never gotten the gift"。


第一句主要是 so barren it supports only lichens as ground cover 中, so barren后省略了 that, 完整句子应该是so barren that it supports only lichens as ground cover, "这里的土壤是纯的二氧化硅, 如此的贫瘠以致于它只能支持苔类作为地表覆盖"第二句你最后多打了the soil两个词, 原句是 It does, however, sustain a sand-swimming lizard that cannot live where there is moisture or plant matter.主要4点点:1. 强调句, do + verb. 表强调, 具体参具"强调句_百度百科":http://baike.baidu.com/view/190776.htm#32. however 用在句中表(强)转折, 这个是很常见的用法, 直接翻译成句首"然而"3. lizard that cannot live - 最普通的that 引导的定语从句4. where there is moisture or plant matter 作名词性从句, 意思是 "潮湿或有植物的地方", 关于句词性从句的具体用法参见"名词性从句_百度百科": http://baike.baidu.com/view/414544.htm#7整句意思是 "然而, 这种土壤支持着一种在潮湿或有植物地方无法生存的sand-swimming的蜥蜴"

Where amazing happens是什么语法现象?麻烦解释清楚点”



“构式”(construction)的本义是“建筑”、“构筑”,即把两个或多个部件组构到一起成为一个更大的单位,后来有了“构造”的意思。传统语法著作借用这个词描写语言结构,这一用法见于此后的许多英语语法著作,例如,Quirk et al的《当代英语语法》(A Grammar of Contemporary English)、Jespersen的主要著作、Chomsky的《句法结构》等著作都使用了这一词。这些著作里的construction主要指具体的结构体,这个词的意义保留了本义的一个重要方面:其所指的语言结构必定是两个或多个成分的组合。不过,在大部分的这些著作中,它并非一个专门的术语,从所举例子看,是指句法上的结构(体),一般不指词和语素这样的结构单位。美国结构主义语言学家使用的construction 是一个有特定意义的术语,其所指在传统意义上有所扩大。例如,Bloomfield的《语言论》中大量使用这个术语。Bloomfield(2002:177)的construction这一概念是指抽象意义上的构造形式,他还使用了grammatical construction的概念。认知语法出现以后,construction的概念意义又有了变化。Lakoff在1980年代末使用的“语法构式”(grammatical construction)已经是构式语法的概念,不过体现的是其萌芽时期的意义。 他对“语法构式”的定义(Lakoff 1987:467)已经包含了构式是形式和意义配对的思想。但是,他尚未直接道明构式是形式-意义的配对,而是间接地表明的,即认为是形成形式和意义的条件的配对。然而,这种理解已经接近了后来的Goldberg(1995)的经典定义。目前,构式语法所指的“构式”以Goldberg的定义最流行:C is a CONSTRUCTION iff def C is a form-meaning pair <Fi, Si> such that some aspects of Fi or some aspects of Si is not strictly predictable from C"s components parts or from other previously established constructions. (当且仅当C是一个形式—意义的配对<Fi, Si>,且形式Fi的某些方面或意义Si的某些方面不能从C的构成成分或从其他已有的构式中得到严格意义上的预测,C便是一个构式。)(Goldberg1995:4)这个定义体现了两个关键点:一是构式是形式和意义的配对;二是从构成成分不能预测整个构式的意义。后来Goldberg在1995年定义的基础上进行了重新定义,内容有所变化,她说:“任何格式,只要其形式或功能的某一方面不能通过其构成成分或其他已确认存在的构式预知,就被确认为一个构式。”(Goldberg 2006:5)目前这一修订的定义是“构式”概念的最新的构式主义阐释。在构式语法里,“构式”的范围很广。根据Goldberg(2003)的构式示例,可以从语言单位层级的角度将构式分为4大类型:语素、词(含单纯词和复合词)、习语(含完全固定的和部分固定的)和格式(大致相当于句型)。后来她的构式范围进一步扩大,可以包含成句的习语。(Goldberg 2006)Ostman(2005)还提出了语篇构式(discourse construction)的观点。(袁野2011、2012)


hungry 为一般用语, 指“饥饿的”、“显出饥饿样子的”, 如:The boy had a hungry look.那孩子显出饥饿的样子。


Have you got a table for two, please?请问您有两个人的桌子吗?Have you booked a table?您预定餐桌了吗?Have you made a reservation?您预定了吗?smoking or non-smoking?吸烟区还是非吸烟区?Would you like something to drink?您想喝什么?Would you like to see the menu?您需要看菜单吗? 点菜就餐的典型次序是:找一张桌子坐下——看菜单-—点菜——就餐-—付钱-—离开。英语语言的表达基本上也是依照次顺序。“订餐”在英文中有两种说法,即to book a table和&make a reservation。在英国以及其它很多国家,餐厅一般划分为吸烟区和非吸烟区。一进餐厅,服务员会主动征询客人的意见,然后引领客人前往所选择的区域就餐。 在西餐厅就餐,菜单一般由三类不同的菜别组成。the first course 或者 starters 是指第一道菜,往往是汤、一小碟色拉或其它小吃。第二道菜是主菜,fish and chips 是鱼和炸土豆条,它同“roast beef and york shir pudding——牛肉布丁”、“shepherd spie——牧羊人馅饼”一样,都是典型的英国传统菜肴。最后一道是甜食——或冷或热,但都是甜的。西方饮食习惯是先吃咸的,后吃甜的。西餐菜单名目繁多,有时不易读懂。遇到这种情况,可以请服务员解释一下。Conversation In A Restaurant餐厅里的对话Hugh is ordering a meal in a restaurant休正在餐厅点餐a few moments later (过了一会儿)Emma: one sparkling water埃玛:一份带汽的矿泉水。Hugh: Thanks very much休:谢谢!Emma: Are you ready to order?埃玛:您现在可以点菜吗?Hugh: Yeah I think I am actually. Could I just have the soup to start please.休:是的,可以。请先给我来一份例汤,好吗——今日的例汤是什么?Emma: That"s minestrone, is that all right sir?埃玛:是意大利蔬菜汤,可以吗?Hugh: Yeah, that"s fine, and for the main course could I have the chicken please?休:可以。好的…至于主菜,请给我一份鸡肉,好吗?Emma: Chicken.埃玛:…鸡肉…Hugh: And just some vegetables and some boiled potatoes please休:再来一点蔬菜和煮土豆。Emma: Boiled potatoes, OK?埃玛:…煮土豆。好的。Hugh: Thanks very much.休:谢谢!Emma: OK.埃玛:好的。



i will buy a bag for her语法对吗?

I will buy a bag for her . 语法对的。buy sth. for / to sb. 买某物为/给某人或者: buy sb. sth .句译:我将买个包给她 (为她)。

You are welecome to join the party这句话在语法上有错吗

应该是welcomed 被动形式

So tired i am和So tired am i哪句语法有问题 请详解



其实这个很容易 的,只有几种情况,稍微总结一下,不用死机的,太麻烦

So tired i am和So tired am i哪句语法有问题 请详解

so tied am i 有语法问题,谓语放在主语前面是疑问句中的通常用法,而这显然不是疑问句,so+形容词+谓语+主语,这是一个表示强调的句型,主语置前以肯定的语气更能起到强调的作用,你多读几遍应该能发现前一句读起来比后一句更有气势

跪求Die所有语法拜托了各位 谢谢

die /da/ DJ /da/ KK verb Irregular: dies; dying; died; died to stop living 死;死亡;凋谢 ~ (of/from sth) ~ (for sth) to stop existing; to disappear 消失;消亡;灭亡 V of a machine 机器 to stop working 停止运转 V Idiom: be dying for something/to do something informal to want something or want to do something very much 渴望;极想 Idiom: die a/the death British English, informal to fail completely 彻底失败;完全消失 Idiom: die in your bed to die of old age or illness 善终;寿终正寝 Idiom: die laughing to find something extremely funny 可笑极了;笑死人 Idiom: old habits, traditions, etc. die hard used to say that things change very slowly (旧习惯、传统等)难以改变,根深蒂固 Idiom: to die for informal if you think something is to die for, you really want it, and would do anything to get it 就是去死也要;不管怎么样都要 See also: cross my heart and (hope to die); die/fall/drop like flies; never say die Phrasal: die away to become gradually weaker or fainter and finally disappear 逐渐减弱;逐渐模糊;逐渐消失 Phrasal: die back if a plant dies back, it loses its leaves but remains alive (植物)叶凋而不死 Phrasal: die down to become gradually less strong, loud, noticeable, etc. 逐渐变弱;逐渐平息;逐渐暗淡 Phrasal: die off to die one after the other until there are none left 相继死去;先后死去 Phrasal: die out to stop existing 灭绝;消失 noun a block of metal with a special shape or with a pattern cut into it, that is used for shaping other pieces of metal such as coins, or for making patterns on paper or leather 模具;冲模;压模 dice Synonym especially American English Idiom: the die is cast saying used to say that an event has happened or a decision has been made that cannot be changed 事已成定局;木已成舟 英语字典 die The cubical part of a pedestal between the base and the cornice; a dado or plinth A device for cutting or molding metal into a particular shape An engraved device for stamping a design on coins or medals相关短语 dice 1 . 骰子;色子 2 . 掷骰游戏;掷骰赌博 3 .将(肉、菜等)切成小方块;将…切成丁 die casting 压铸 die from 因...而死 die like a dog 悲惨地死去 die of 因...而死 die of/from 因...而死 die-hard 1 . 抵抗到底的 2 . 死硬派 cross my heart (and hope to die) 我发誓(否则不得好死) die a/the death 彻底失败;完全消失 die in your bed 善终;寿终正寝


intelligence 是名词。意思是:智力;情报工作;情报机关;理解力;才智,智慧;天分。intelligence 本身没有其它形态。是不可数名词。所以也没有复数形式。在语法填空时可以填写intelligence 原形。此外应该注意固定用法。希望可以帮助您。有具体的题可以探讨。加油

as are reasonable是什么语法结构?整句如下

such as..


I"ll just say you couldn"t understand the language, I won"t speak, can you understand my action, my body language? I was so hope with you together happy game, happy life. Devotion to you, to you of dependence on your favorite, were you able to understand these? 1, this simple game, let you highly-detailed, if I can, I would like to play with you so for a lifetime. 2, you the whole heart trust me, I give back to you, in addition to trust, a smile. 3 and I could be your mount, chairs, back cushion, etc, etc. As long as you want. Because I love you. 4, you to the world of curious, easing I started living panic. So, accompany you grow up. 5, in my world, is the stupidest hello your first embrace me. 6 and I watch, it is to can make you quiet sleep, the whole world was silent. 7, every prone on the window edge wait you back, is my day is happiest moment. 8, wait you to grow up, will put such a sweet kiss to? And then, I again in where? 9, I climbed up your shoulders, fan on your eyebrow eye, from now on, indulge in your beauty. 10 and I have enough patience, listen to you all, by the world ignored little secret. 11, you carefully blossom smile, fragile and good, let me not fortification into you. I just like you, you bring me home, give me a warm home, let me may not stay outside stray, hungry belly, no place to sleep, or don"t know where intermittently tortured. So, I just like you, thank you, take me home, I wish to accompany grow old with you together, is my life the most romantic thing. Dear friends, if you accidentally also get a and I like the small pets, you must treat it, because it will and I do like you!


With the popularity of computer networks, development of network technology, as well as consumers" concept of upgrading the online shopping is becoming a major mode of the daily lives of people shopping, e-commerce will rise.As e-commerce model in C2C mode, is a major platform for online shopping, because of asymmetric information, online payment security, and e-commerce supply chain caused by the after-sales service rights and responsibilities are not clear and other reasons, caused by the buyerC2C online shopping and the seller between a crisis of confidence from the surface of the development of C2C e-commerce model, the study of effective methods and measures to mitigate this mistrust has important practical significance.


1. 构式语法的建构与解构 郭氏提出的构式语法(Construction Grammar),俪合了认知语义学和类型学,使两个本来对句法讨论一直失声的语言学分区首度实现跨域合作,有力冲击句法界的生成派传统。 各种版本的生成派假定造句原子是造句的基础筑材,这一意念很符合直觉或曰自然认知,继承了语文学的思维方式和审美情趣,却经不起构式语法那分析哲学般的致密推敲。构式语法认为,造句单位的原子性(即不可分性)是从构式中获得的,没有整个构造就没有单个构件。这种“离开整体,部分便不复存在”的观点乃结构主义一大立场。 这样,构式语法便消解了“句法关系”这个学界一直执持却从不质疑的概念(亦即生成论者集体潜意识下的概念),指出句法关系本来就不存在。这可以说是解构主义的语言学示范。既然“句法关系” 是虚有的,那么生成派终日冥思苦想的关于所谓句法关系的问题自然成为伪问题,乔姆斯基对造句原子间关系的公式化的格物致知自然也丧失意义。句法层这个障幕被抽去以后,音系层和语义层之间便建立起直接的映射,形义得以直接合一。 亲们表去学神马名不副实的语言哲学了,那不过是真值语义学的纯粹理性意淫,单是探尝构式派就顿觉哲味深浓。 2. 意义的几何结构:构式主义的形态学示范 立足语义来考量语形是构式语法的基本精神。音系学的特征几何理论指出特征的组合不是随机、线性的,而是有序、有等级的;郭指,动词变位诸参数(体、时、式)的地位也是不同的,因此,和音系特征一样,意义亦呈现出几何结构。 惯用论(Usage-based Model)的主创裴琼(Joan Bybee)排列出动词变位的各种语法范畴的语义等级:体 < 时< 式,这一排序表明体、时、式三者改变动词意义的程度是不同的,其中,体的最大,式的最少。因此,其他参数不变的情况下,同一动词的虚拟式和陈述式的意义差异要小于其一般体和完成体的意义差异,比如 He works 和 I demand that he work 的两个work变形,它们的意义区别要大于 He works 和He is working 的两个work变形。郭进一步画出变位参数的意义等级树,但该树图只涉及了时和式,其实可以扩充到体: 郭指,从一个变位到另一变位经过的树枝数愈多,两个变位的意义差别越大。他还从惯论推出这一结论:同一个词的两个变位的意义愈近同,则它们的发音愈相似。从 works到work经过4条树枝,从works到is working经过8条。的确,work的发音比is working更接近works(因为is working=is+work+ing,works=work+s)。太神妙了。 3. 模块音系学:构式语法向音系学的进军 不得不慨叹郭氏的气魄。在句法界凭构式语法向生成语法予以致命一击后,他最近又继而在音系领域推出模块音系学(Templatic Phonology),向音段音系学(Segmental Phonology)宣战,似要肃清生成派在音系界的残余势力。其实“模块”和“构式”理念是相同的,模块音系学的核心思想就是:音段的区分是透过其在词(词就是“模块”)中的位置所实现的,所以词在音系中是基元的,具有第一性,音段是衍生的,属第二性。 可以预见,已是类型学家、句法学家、认知语言学家的郭氏将被冠以音系学家之名。其实他头衔众多也很自然,因为他探究语言问题本来就是从全局的视域综合 考察的:探寻语言共性,他放眼全球众语;研究语言知识的人脑表征,他整体关怀音系、形态句法、语义语用;思考语言本质、习得与变化,他博纳认知心理学、社会学、历史语言学、天演论。的确,他的思维方式也是“构式”的。

求 雅思写作基本语法,最基本要掌握的。

你好,很高兴为你解答! 雅思写作应注意一下几点: 1、注重写好文章的框架我曾经问过我们世纪雅思的外教老师, 外国人看文章最注重的是什么, 他告诉我说是文章的framework. 即一篇文章好不好, 首先看的不是他的句型, 词汇, 或是论点等。 而是段落之间的衔接一定要十分清楚,我们不能老是采用大三段的形式-开头,经过, 结尾。我们可以多用用连接词, 例如:first of all, morever, secondly, lastly等,另外可以多分自然段, 给考官一目了然的感觉。还有我们可以多看看国外的文章, 看看他们的写作模式, 我当初写文章的时候, 用的就是我看到一篇国外文章的模式,我觉得可以套用, 我最后介绍给大家。 2、句型的多样化如果一篇文章, 从头到尾, 永远用的只有一种句型, 那么这篇文章一定拿不到高分,我们可以适当的改换一下句型, 我给大家一定建议,希望给大家有点帮助。 3、基本句型包括 Ⅰ.主谓句;Ⅱ. There be;Ⅲ. 主系表结构的句子;Ⅳ. 被动语态(我看到一张帖字说, 不要用被动, 我不这样认为, 国外的文章, 用被动的也比比皆是。) 4、复杂句型  包括 Ⅰ. 并列句;Ⅱ. 从句(定语,状语,名词性,非谓语) 5.词汇的Variety说实话做到这点真的很难, 首先你要有庞大的词汇量,第二你要用的恰当,不出错误。我自认做不到这点,所以我用的词汇有时候会重复。当然大家可以累计一些固定搭配的词汇,例如:激烈的竞争 fierce competition等 6、多举EXAMPLE(重要)大家不要小看这点, 我认为对于写作基础不是很好的考生来说, 这点是最重要的。一篇文章如果让你从头到尾都在讲道理, 你有这么多话要说吗?而且有时候还不一定说的清楚。那么这时候你就用例子来表明你的观点。我认识一个朋友, 可以说她的英语基础很差, 但她的文章也拿了6分, 我问她怎么写的, 她告诉我说就是拼命的举例子。就这点我也曾问过外教老师, 他曾是IELTS的考官, 他说考官欢迎考生多举例子。 7、建议:1)、写文章最关键的就是审题千万不要出错误, 不然就前功尽弃了。2)例如我积累的句子:Cultivate independenceDevelop a strong sense of responsibilityEnhance social awarenessBuild up one"s confidence and offer one"s a sense of achievement—realize ones value and capacityWiden one"s horizon and sharp one"s character这些句子比较常用, 而且在口语考试中也可以派上用处。最后给大家介绍一种写作模式,我觉得很不错:With unprecedented advances in medical technology, a debate has developed over whether or not a person on life support has the right to die. On one side of the debate are those who say that...... On the other side is the view that...... In my mind, I completely agree/disagree the later .There is no denying that ......has many positive effects. To begin with,......Secondly, ...... Finally, ......However, every coin has its two sides. ......is no exception. Many opponents say that ......To conclude, ..... 祝你取得理想雅思成绩!!!如果你需要雅思学习资料和雅思备考资料可以在百度HI里和我沟通,我传给你~~

SAT语法题2道 求速解!!!!

1. 把正确答案带入:The Pacific Northewest averages 4000 wildfires a year; most are caused by lighting.这样构成了两个句子。其谓语分别是:averages和are caused 。符合语境,符合于法要求。太平洋西北平均每年发生4000起(森林)野火。他们大部分是由闪电引起的。如果填入D:The Pacific Northewest (with an average of 4000 wildfires a year), caused mostly by lighting.这样的话:The Pacific Northewest是主语。caused是谓语。不知所云。 2. such as finding of the shortest path to a food source ,应该理解为:诸如对食物来源捷径的发现。 such as finding the shortest path to a food source,应该理解为:诸如发现了食物来源的捷径。这两句话的侧重点是不一样的。finding of 是个of名词词组,强调状态,表示一种静止的结果。finging 是个动名词结构,强调动作,表示动态的结果。你好,切真无语!满意吗?如果不满意可以追问。满意的话请采纳。

英语语法 the British这句是做什么成分?

逗号前面是一个完整的句子,逗号后面的部分是独立主格结构,the British做了后句话中的逻辑主语~~

you get the fuck off,这语法对吗



fuck off vt. 犯错误(离开);滚蛋 shut the fuck up 闭上鸟嘴;他妈的给我闭嘴 fuck all 一点儿也没有;绝无You betrayed us, you fuck.你他妈背叛了我们。“Just another fuck"n deal, ” one of my former colleagues once complained to me.“他妈的又是一例案子。” 我的一位前同事某次对我抱怨道。So – and this is by no means an exhaustive list – the word "smurf" can mean "vomit" or "hell" or "fuck" or "ditch" or "blow" or "fart" or "shit".所以- 这决不是一个详尽的清单- 这个词“蓝精灵“可能意味着“吐“或“地狱”或“他妈的“或”沟“或“打击“或“屁“或”狗屎“。adj.fucking 他妈的;难完成的;非常的;低劣的v.fucking 欺骗;利用;诅咒(fuck的ing形式)

you get the fuck off!这语法对吗?



代做Assignment时如何使用高级语法?How to use advanced grammar when doing assignments?

以下 的 几道 英语语法题 是试卷的真题, 但 不是太明白 。。因为 错得太多了,希望能讲解以下。。谢谢

1.have passed表示本句的时态是现在完成时,四个选项中只有 since 可以接一般过去时做现在完成时的时间状语。3.根据句意理解:知道现在空闲渐渐被理解为浪费时间。4.little是否定意义的词,否定意义的词位于句首,动词要倒装。使用助动词+主语5.bill指的是账单,charge 指的是小费。吃完饭后,人们应该向服务员要账单。6.这是一个定语从句,point是一个名词,表示雨滴集中的地点所以应该使用where引导。8.rain 是不可数名词,所以应该用 has +动词的过去分词。11.and连接的词语前后形式要一致。可以理解为越富有、越有文化的文化的人。12.根据句意,无论你做什么提议,他都充耳不闻。Whatever是无论什么的意思;however是然而的意思13.主谓一致原则,主语其实是Mr Johnson,所以用is14.specific的意思是具体的,details是名词,细节17.根据句意理解,less than是少于的意思;没有little than这个词组18.根据句意:他因为视力不好而被军队拒绝了。Stop 的意思是停止24.根据句意:这些店主要经营古董,而不是现代商品。25.what引导的是宾语从句,不是定语从句。26.句意理解:政府通过民意点擦很了解人们对于社会问题的看法。Issue是问题的意思;subject是学科、主题的意思。27.句意理解:她的爸爸从未忽略任何一个令她取得集大成就的事情。Omit是忽略的的意思,thought是想的意思。28.出现问题:应该是arisen,但是,aroused是唤醒的意思。这可能是因为单词意思不理解而造成的。我觉得做题的时候,不要过快地选择,多斟酌一下答案,这样会令准确率更高。Wish I can help you.





She found her bike lost 这句话按照语法对吗?用lost是做什么成分的呢?

对的,这个句子是主谓宾加宾补结构,lost做her bike 的补足语. 宾语补足语:某些及物动词的宾语后面还需要有一个补足语,意思才完整,宾语和它的补足语构成复合宾语.而复合宾语的第一部分通常由名词或代词充当,第二部分表示第一部分的名词或代词发出的动作或身份、特征等,称为宾语补足语. 能够充当宾补的大致还有:不定式,现在分词,过去分词,形容词,副词,介宾短语等. 一般情况下,宾补通常紧跟在宾语之后. 比如: I find learning English difficult.(difficult是形容词做宾补) I saw the kite up and down. (up and down是副词做宾补) Tom made the girl cry. (cry是省略不定式符号to的动词不定式) *常跟复合宾语的动词有:call,name,make,think,find,leave,keep,nominate(任命),choose,elect(选举),define(定义),regard(认为), see, recognize(认出),treat, take,consider(考虑), look up, refer to(提到), accept(接受), acknowledge(承认),describe,depict(描述),represent(表现出),declare(宣称),denounce(指责), employ(雇佣), use, show, organize, express(表达)


除了你已分析过的外,as effective 是表语,about 副词作状语,修饰as effective ,as brushing dirty under a carpet 比较状语

I have got a cell phone ,email and voice mail.But why am i so lonely?的翻译、语法、解析

have got 指有的意思,老外经常使用。I have a cell phone=I have got a cell phone.


你好,很高兴可以来回答你的问题:recognize 及物动词,意思是认识、认出、辨别出、赞成、接受,在这里可以翻译为“承认”,“认可”,“见证”。本句句子的意思是:在这里见证Motor Trend和Auto Club的新合作关系我非常激动。希望以上我的回答能够对你有所帮助哦!!!!

英语翻译 句子准确 没有语法错误

2003年,卫生局从花莲和台东县县获准进行研究PHNs 。在台湾的32个县中,这两个被选定用于这项研究,这是基于对其上级人口统计中代表台湾的农村居民。所有265 PHNs工作在这些县的卫生站都被邀请自愿参加和库存的研究。邮寄问卷运送期间为2004年1月到3月。共有231问卷( 87.2 % )被送回和分析。



if you jump,i jump,too这个句子语法对么?


分析这句话的语法知识,given 后面做什么成分?

因为?貌似那个等于because of?



if you jump,i jump,too这个句子语法对么?

很高兴为你解答。if 引导的条件状语从句一般从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时。所以该句可改为:If you jump, I will jump, too.希望能帮到你,祝你成功。

You jump,I jump.有语法错误吗




有分!请专业英语翻译。art is rooted in life while reflect it 有没有语法错误

Art is rooted in life while reflecting it.While art reflects life, it is also rooted in it.



英语语法 经常看到given(开头什么什么信息,然后干什么。 用giving开头行吗

你能给个实例吗?1. 用作 give 的过去分词,引出过去分词短语作状语,意为“如果有……”,“假定……”等义,此时要注意其逻辑主语与句子主语保持一致,句子谓语是否用虚拟语气,要视句子的具体含义而定。如:Given time, they"ll probably agree. 给以时间的话,他们可能会同意。(=If we give them time…或If they are given time…)Given more attention, the trees could have grown better. 要是对这些树多加注意,它们会长得更好。(=If the trees had been given more attention, they could be grown better.)2. 在现代英语中可用作介词,后接名词或代词,意为“考虑到”或“鉴于”。如:Given their inexperience, they"ve done a good job. 考虑到他们缺乏经验,这工作他们已干得很不错了。Given her interest in children, I"m sure teaching is the right career for her. 鉴于她对小孩的兴趣,我敢肯定教书是她最适合的职业。


【 #英语资源# 导语】 !   含if的八种省略结构   类型一:if + 形容词   这类结构通常可视为在if与形容词之间省略了“主语+动词be的适当形式”。如:   Send the goods now if ready.= Send the goods now if they are ready. 货物如已备好,请即送来。   If true, this will cause us a lot of trouble.= If it is true, this will cause us a lot of trouble. 这事若是事实,它将给我们造成许多麻烦。   注:这类省略结构中有的已构成相对固定的搭配,if necessary (如果需要),if possible (如果可能)等。如:   If necessary, ring me at home. 如果必要,可往我家里打电话。   If possible, let me know beforehand. 如果可能,可在事前通知我。   类型二:if + 过去分词   其中的过去分词可视为是被省略的被动结构,即在if与形容词之间省略了主语和助动词be。如:   He will come if asked.= He will come if he is asked. 他如被邀就会来。   The medicine is quite effective if taken in time.=The medicine is quite effective if it is taken in time. 这药要是能按时服用,效果是很好的。   类型三:if + 不定代词   这类省略通常要根据具体的上下文来理解。如:   If anyone, he knows. 如果有人知道,那就是他了。   There are few people nowadays, if any, who remember him. 当今记得他的人,如有的话,也不多了。   He seems to have little, if anything, to do with this. 若要说他和这事有什么相关的话,那也似乎是很少的。   类型四:if + 介词短语   这类结构往往要根据具体的语境来理解,但有些经常搭配的惯用结构也值得注意,如if in doubt, if at all, if by any chance等。如:   If in doubt, ask your doctor. He can give you further information. 你若有疑问,可以问问医生. 他会向你作进一步的说明。   Their policies have changed little, if at all, since the last election. 自上次选举以来,他们的政策就算是有所变化,也变得很少。   If by any chance you can"t manage dinner tonight, perhaps we can at least have a drink together. 就算你今晚不吃晚饭,也许我们至少可以一起喝一杯。   类型五:if + ever   if ever 可视为习语,它通常与seldom连用,表示“极少”“难得”。如:   She seldom, if ever, goes to the cinema. 她难得看*。   He seldom if ever travels abroad. 他到国外旅行,即使有过,也是极少的。   注:有时ever后面还修饰有其他词语。如:   The island is seldom if ever visited by ships. 这个岛难得有船停靠。   另外,它有时还可引出一个句子。如:   If ever you"re in Cambridge, do give me a ring. 万一你来剑桥,一定要给我打电话。   类型六:if + not   if not 可视为一个否定的条件状语从句省略。如:   I might see you tomorrow. If not, then it"ll be Saturday. 我可能明天去看你。如果不是明天,那就在周六。   Ask her if it is a convenient time. If not, can she suggest another possible time? 问问她那个时间方便不方便。要是不方便,那她可不可以提出一个可行的时间-?   注:有时not还可修饰另一个词语。如:   If not today, tomorrow I"m sure you"ll get an answer. 如果今天得不到回信,明天准能得到。   This is one of the oldest buildings in town, if not the oldest. 这是城里最古老的房屋之一,如果不是最古老的话。   Usually, if not always, we write “cannot” as one word. 我们即使不总是如此,也通常是把cannot作为一个词来拼写的。   类型七:if + so   if so的意思是“如果是那样的话”。如:   I may be free this evening. If so, I"ll come round and see you. 今晚我可能有空。要是有空我会过来看你。   They must decide if such a plan can be implemented and if so, when. 他必须决定这样的计划是否能实施,而且要是能实施的话,又得决定何时实施。   注意以下if so与if not连用的情形:   He may be busy. If so, I"ll call later. If not, can I see him now? 他可能忙,如是这样,我以后再来拜访。他如不忙,我现在可以见他吗?   Will you be staying another night? If so, we can give you a better room. If not, could you be out of your room by 12:00? 您要再往一晚吗? 如果是这样,我们可以给您提供条件更好一点的房间。如果不是,您能在12点前离开这房间吗?   类型八:if need be 如果需要   if need be为习语,其含义相当于if it is necessary (如果有必要的话)。如:   I will come if need be. 如有必要我会来。   I"ll work at night if need be. 如果有必要我可以晚上工作。   If need be we can always bring another car. 如果有必要的话我们还可以再开一辆车来。




宾语补足语。类似的有:You should speak louder that you heard




442. 额,也想请教下A的en 代替的是什么?444. 额,确定答案是A ? - - 不是 se fier à qn. 滴么?446. comme表示 由于,因为;既然的时候,后面只能跟从句吧,相当于étant donné que 448. 是中性代词le 代替形容词452. si ...que 表让步,尽管 时,用虚拟式461. aucun 多用在有范围的时候,vos raisons pas un 没有复数,和auncun,nul 用法相似464. 额,反义疑问,certain que 是接直陈式 可是,这句话是什么意思啊? = =471. 固定搭配 dans 是表示在。。。里476. 主有代词用阳性复数表示亲近者,家人 是特殊用法443. jeter un coup doeil sur是瞥一眼 固定的过去分词的是与动词有关,要看se是做直宾还是间宾

go doing 语法结构

go doing中的doing是动名词,只限于一些表示娱乐活动或运动的动名词,已经构成一些固定搭配,如: go bowling 去打保龄球; go picnicking 去野餐; go fishing 去钓鱼; go hiking 去健行 扩展资料   He has too much work on hand to go picnicking with us.   他手头的工作太多了,不能跟我们去野餐。   I go bowling for relaxation.   我打保龄球是为了消遣。   Let"s go fishing this weekend.   咱们这个周末去钓鱼吧。

语法填空解答:开头:we often think of future.wo often wonder....

We often think of future. We often wonder what the world would be like in a hundred years" time.Think of space, perhaps a permanent(永久的) station on the moon will have been set up. Perhaps people will be able to visit the moon as tourists. Cheap rockets for space travel will have been developed,permitting long journeys throughout the solar system(太阳系). When that time comes, people will be taking holidays in space and visiting other planets. Great progress will have been made in medicine, too. Perhaps a cure will have been discovered for the most terrible of all diseases—cancer. Pollution is a problem we must solve. In hundred"s years" time it will have been controlled.All the world will have been developed — even Antarctica. There will be large cities in Antarctica. We already have supersonic(超音速的) flight, but in a hundred years" time we will have supersonic land travel as well.We will have used up most of earth"s land to build our cities, so floating cities will have been built. The Japanese already have plans for cities of this kind. And there will be cities under the sea. The first of these will have been completed.1.what 2.of 3.will be 4.tourists 5.permitting 6.other 7.in 8.all 9.so 10.under


Words fail me when I try to express my sincere gratitude to you for your kind consideration of my recommend. 我觉得这样改会不会好一点。

thank you for your considering有语法错误吗

你好,为你解答,正确答案为:Thank you for your consideration.把 considering 改为 consideration~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢




这里的主语是Executives and federal officials, 因为是复数,所以后面用say 的原型。 后面的workers, (significantly compounding )the effects of drug and alcohol abuse是三个并列的词组,前面有个among修饰不是?among的意思是三个或三个以上的事物之间。 which是修饰that后面那一整个从句的。


1所有的词类2 各种时态、语态3 it的用法4 主谓一致5 倒装6 非谓语动词7 虚拟语气8 句子的种类和句子成份差不多就这些吧。

语法填空 kwame is our odopted

下文供参考As you well know, Kwame is our adopted son from Africa. He is really timid and loves to be by himself a lot of the time.One thing I do know about Kwame, is that he has a very creative mind, so he often daydreams. Once he reads from a book or a novel, he goes off into his own fantasy world. Unfortunately, he has not been able to put such creativity into his studies in school. He says the subjects in school are boring and quite hard to understand.I used FAST(in) in my marriage and now the goal was to introduce it to the entire family. I needed to know what Kwame was considering as important and how we would use FAST(in) to solve it.When I got to Kwame"s room, I saw him lying down on his bed, looking at the ceiling, lost in his fantasy world."Kwame, everyone is down stairs, why don"t you come and join us?" I said calmly."I don"t want to see anyone, I just want to be by myself," Kwame said in a low and sad tone."Kwame, I know you love to be by yourself, but I can tell something is wrong. A real man must learn how to share his concerns with others and find ways to solve them. Most men don"t do that. You are not most men Kwame, you are different and special," I said. On hearing that, Kwame sat up and told me what had happened in school; how he tried to impress a certain girl ( Evelyn Richardson) and how he ended up embarrassing himself.I did my best to pay attention to Kwame because he was explaining it to me with the utmost level of importance. I didn"t want to say Kwame was paying attention to the wrong thing and he should forget about girls now and simply concentrate on his books. However, I know what it means for a dad not to pay attention to what his young son finds important.I was a victim of that, because my dad did that to me. When I needed someone to talk to about my life as a teenager, he was always busy and never had my time. When my father did have my time, he only made fun of me and said I wasn"t paying attention to the serious things in life. It really shocked me.This caused me to resolve never to talk to my father about my personal issues again. It resulted in me joining bad gangs and taking drugs with them. I promised myself I wasn"t going to do that with any of my children.Unfortunately, Chuk became a victim as well from me. I needed to make amends, so Kwame was my second chance."Kwame, what do the students know Evelyn for?" I asked."Well, She is pretty and popular." he replied.Is that all there is to Evelyn? I asked again."I"m sure there is more, I just don"t know yet. I guess it is because I"m not close to her," he replied."Ok, Kwame, I know you have a creative mind; how many students know you have a creative mind?" I asked further."I don"t know, people seem to concentrate more on what I wear than what I can do," he said."If I gave you something that could cause people to know you have a very creative mind, will you take it?" I asked."Of course," he replied."Ok son, let me tell you what we are going to do."So, I explained what Fast(in) was and how I used it to improve my relationship with my wife. I said we would find a way for him to use Fast(in) in school to put his creative mind into use."Does that mean I would have a method of learning in a creative way?" he asked inquisitively."Hmmm, I like the sound of that," he said.I said, Let"s call it "THE FAST(IN) METHOD OF LEARNING""Cool !!!!!!!!" Kwame said, as he stood up and began to jump on his bed."So, will this help me to get close to Evelyn?"I laughed at Kwame, and said by the time we are done with it, Evelyn would be the least of his worries."Dad, are you sure?" Kwame said laughing."Let"s go downstairs and get something to eat, I"m hungry," I said."Me too," he replied.And so, we headed downstairs to meet the others to have a wonderful dinner."Mission accomplished," I whispered in the ear of my wife, as we stood back and watched the children talking with each other and laughing while they all sat at the dinner table.They were all at peace again. Fast(in) had just been introduced into their lives and our fingers were crossed with the hope that it would bring the change they all desperately desired and needed.


however, people must admit that on - line shopping more convenient and cost - effectiveness of online shopping it should abide by the principle of certain commodities can be bought on the internet, some goods cannot. If you know this principle, you will not be any loss. Online shopping is sometimes really convenient. People can buy things at any time, there is no need to worry about the weather is good or not. With the vigorous development of the Internet business become more and more advanced, but Cyberspace is not entirely shopping paradise. Although the condition has improved, It cannot overlook the negative effect of internet shopping. In order to avoid the buyer privacy and security problems in on - line shopping. In fact, I believe that we can combine traditional shopping choice of rational selection of Network Products Chinese book retailer Amazon.com Inc. as the world"s largest, and one of the largest online shopping, unremittingly focus on the customer experience, to provide cheap prices, convenience, and a wide selection of merchandise, customer demand as the priority, providing a full range of services. According to customer needs in different stages, take all kinds of network marketing methods, such as e - mail marketing, viral marketing network marketing techniques to improve the efficiency of marketing, establish marketing function and utilization of network marketing transformation more marketing strategy, improve the enterprise"s marketing mode to promote the rapid development of enterprises, as success in the B2C e - commerce operators, and has high - quality resources, logistics, service conditions, to Become E - business representatives of large - scale shopping website, the outstanding network marketing has played an important role in e - commerce company. In the future, the Amazon from e - commerce network marketing mode of consumption psychological trends and characteristics and current consumption psychological factors restricting the development of the network marketing analysis, discussion on the modern enterprise in the face of network consumers" specific mental, to break through the traditional operating limitations, native marketing strategy of reform, marketing, brand new operation mechanism construction for enterprises to meet the needs of our customers, better selling products, are recognized by consumers.


One good/a good. 都行,good在这里就是一个量词。(例子:一个苹果:an apple。苹果:apples)




比如int main(){int a=1;flag: a=2;if(a<2)goto flag;}大概这样,不过逻辑有问题的,示例罢了,定义一个标志然后跳到那里去,一般不推荐使用goto


a:......goto a;就这。。。前面a:理解为做个标记。。。下边goto a;执行后跳转到标记处。。。建议不要用,,,。


 2019年12月大学英语四级语法用法辨析汇总  英语四级语法用法辨析:necessary的用法  1. 在系表结构后接不定式时,不能按汉语意思用“人”作主语,而用形式主语it。  如:  他有必要同我们一走去。  误:He"s necessary to go with us.  正:It"s necessary for him to go with us.  正:It"s necessary that he (should) go with us.  在以上后接 that 从句的句型中,从句谓语通常要用虚拟语气。  又如:  It"s necessary that he (should) buy a computer.  他有必要买台电脑。  It"s necessary that we (should) ask for her advice.  我们有必要去征求一下她的意见。  2. 表示“对……有必要”,其后可接介词 to 或 for。  如:  Food is necessary for [to] life.  食物对生命是必要的。  Sleep is necessary to [for] one"s health.  睡眠对健康是必不可少的。  当后接不定式的复合结构时,引导不定式逻辑主语的介词通常只用for而不用 to。  如:  It"s necessary for us learn a foreign language.  我们有必要学习一门外语。  3. 可与 if, when, where, as, whenever, wherever, although等连词构成省略句(可以看成是其中省略了it is)。  如:  If necessary, ring me at home.  如果必要,可往我家里打电话。  Tell him all about it when necessary.  在必须的时候把一切都告诉他。  Where necessary, improvements will be made.  哪儿需要,就在哪儿改进。  They believed in the application of force wherever necessary.  凡属必要的地方他们都主张使用武力。  另外,注意习语as necessary(按需要,根据需要),than necessary(比需要的更)。  如:  We"ll be adding more workers as necessary. 我们会按需要增加更多的工人。  I drove ten miles farther than necessary. 我开车开过了10英里。


首先是形式主语 it 替代实际主语 to imagine... 的一长串,is是谓语,possible 是表语。in which 引导出定语从句修饰 society。


1. C. thorough 形容词不能修饰动词present2. E. 因为是 She is determined to make a name for herself.....。 所以作为状语用determined而不是determining没错啊。3.A. C和D可以看作是正确的。因为that use water efficiently可以看作是products and practices 的定语。而name sb. for sth.才是提名。就算有name of,用their也是不对的。应用its指代agency


人们长期以来都喜欢引用缺乏专业术语的用语,用以表达诸如关于树木、动物等的一些概念,尽管其实我们是能够从一张品种和物种的清单上找到这些(组成概念所必要的)词句。se plaire a... 喜欢做...乐于做....citer 引用,援引ou后面引导的是一个关系从句,les termes manquent 表示缺乏术语pour 表达的是目的 bien que 尽管,虽然

英语语法问题 帮看下 非常感谢!!

1.是why i am injuryed

高考英语语法:高中英语语法-Greek gift 别有用心的礼物

《高中英语语法-Greek gift 别有用心的礼物》由留学liuxue86.com我整理。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 Greek gift 别有用心的礼物 汉语中有句俗语“黄鼠狼给鸡拜年,没安好心”,仔细一想,倒与英语中的Greek gift(存心害人的礼物)颇有异曲同工之处。 Greek gift直译为“希腊人的礼物”,源于著名的the battle for Troy(特洛伊战争)。因这场“美人战”,流传下来的短语还真不少,先是an apple of discord(不和之因)埋下战争祸根,再之Helen of Troy成了“倾国倾城”甚或“害人精”的代名词,而后the Trojan Horse(木马计)被看做“奸细”的同义语,而Greek gift实质上指的就是这只“攻破特洛伊的u2018希腊木马u2019”。 希腊人攻特洛伊久攻不下,最后使出“木马计”——由20名希腊勇士藏进木马里,全体希腊将士随后伪装撤退,木马则被置于特洛伊城外。特洛伊人误认为希腊人已经败退,大开城门,看到城外的巨大木马,以为这是希腊人敬神的“祭品”,就把它当作战利品拖进城来。不想,到半夜,木马里的希腊人与城外大军里应外合,一举摧毁了特洛伊城。 看到这儿,您该明白了,Greek gift(希腊人的礼物)确实不是什么好东西。看来,收礼物时,可真得堤防那些“存心害人的礼物”! 看下面一个例句:He is always buying you expensive clothes,Iu2019m afraid they are Greek gifts for you.(他总是给你买昂贵的衣服,我怕他别有用心。) 中国日报网站 《高中英语语法-Greek gift 别有用心的礼物》由留学liuxue86.com我整理

英语语法 为什么希腊人 the Greek 不加s

一楼回答正确,就像the Chinese 在没有上下文的情况下是统称中国人一样。

英语语法 | in addition 与 in addition to 的用法

in addition 与 in addition to 都是比较常见的英语短语,而且都有“除了”的意思,但是在实际运用上呢,词性和用法是不一样的,请看详解哦! in addition 在语法上相当于一个副词,可用于句首,或者句末,但是意思上稍微不同: 1、位于两个句子中间,放在从句的句首,后面接完整的句子;表示“另外”; You need money and time, in addition, you need diligence. 你需要金钱和时间,此外你还需要努力。 2、In addition位于句末,相当于 “as well” ; We met some friends and other people in addition. 我们遇见几位朋友,还遇见其他人。in addition to 1、这整个词组相当于一个介词,所以to后接动词作宾语时要用动名词; In addition to giving me some advice, he gave me some money. 他不仅给我提了些忠告,而且还给了我一些钱。 2、当主语后跟有in addition to引出的介词短语时,谓语动词仍与其前的主语保持一致(就远原则) The teacher, in addition to his students, was interested in the book. 老师和他的学生都对这本书感兴趣。英语语法 | in addition 与 in addition to 的用法【 春喜外语 】供稿!春喜外语,学英语告别复读模式,与 真人外教一对一 面对面交谈,不管帅哥还是美女都任你选择。 在线英语培训 ,只要有网络就可以轻松进入学习状态,老师、上课时间、地点你说了算。5年时间12000名学员的共同选择,欲了解更多详情,欢迎咨询在线客服! 此文章首发于 春喜外语 官网


nobody knows what will come after darkness, often tears alone in the darkness, because I"m afraid, afraid of nothing will be the same again in the next second,wish time would stop at the afternoon I spend with my dearestbut all of these are illusive and impossible

帮我找找这篇短文的语法点·~~谢谢; 了

语法1:that his store and home would be burned 是threats and warnings 的同位语从句。语法2:might have done 的形式,可能已经做过某事。语法3:in Kentucky ,where he kept a log of his beatings:35,105 stripes with the whip.好像是非限制性定语从句。


已阅,总体感觉不错,不过还是有些不足之处,大体有三: 一,时态没有完全保持一致,很多地方该用过去时的都成了一般现在时.1.倒数第十段的run应为ran;2.倒数第八段的run同样应为ran;3.倒数第四段的bee应为became(根据你后文的lived来看) 二,句子连结过渡间还有些生硬.1.第一段第三个逗号可以去掉,有点累赘;2.第五段第一个逗号应该为句号,因为前后句子讲的是两件事了;3.第六段“The third day”前因该加一个“in”;第七段“a cry of fear”前面最好加一个“letting out”,我懂你是说前面的scream是一个cry of fear,但直接在动作后面加名词会让人看不懂的,用letting out这个延续性的连接能够顺利过渡;4.倒数第八段“the following days”前面还是应该有个“in”. 三,词汇运用不准确.这应该是因为你学英语还没多久,词汇选择少造成的吧.1.倒数第八段的“sunk”最好换成“was buried”.sink意为“沉没”有主动意味,bury是“掩埋”,用被动语态更合适;2.还是那一段,“almost couldn"t”可以考虑换为“could hardly”意思差不多只是读起来更上口. 这些就是比较明显的错误了,其实最大的不足是没有太多文采,直接表现在句式单调,全文没看到一个从句.很多句子如果用从句会更漂亮的.我也不为难你了哈,改了你看不懂也是白搭.等你把从句学过了,掌握好了自然就知道如何改了. 加油吧.,3,写得不错,稍做改动如下 Friends Once upon a time, in a far-away place, there was a big beautiful ranch, at the foot of a mountain. A boy named Jed worked in it. He was interested in different kinds of ho...,2,1.Once upon a time, in a far away(away 去掉) place 2.often went up to(went to) the mountains nearby to capture them. 3.it was the(a) blackest and biggest horse that he had never seen 4.So h...,2,worked in it 改为worked there he liked horses and often captured them. it rained改为 it was raining run down改为 ran down after a while, some terrible things happened改为suddenly run to it with worry改为 ran to it worriedly bee改为became the best friends your heart he or she,2,我写了一篇英文短文,觉的哪些表达不地道,有语法错误的都要提出来有, Friends Once upon a time,in a far away place,there was a big beautiful ranch,at the foot of a mountain.A boy named Jed worked in it.He was interested in different kinds of horses and often went up to the mountains nearby to capture them. It was a fine day,the sun was shining brightly.Jed climbed to the top of the mountain,then he saw a horse,it was the blackest and biggest horse that he had never seen.He liked it so much..So he followed the horse in the after two days.The third day,the weather changed a lot,suddenly it rained heavily,the sky was full of black clouds.The horse screamed loudly,a cry of fear.Then,it run down to the mountain,after a while,some terrible things happened; tons of big rocks fell down from the mountain… The black horse sunk in the mud,and almost couldn"t move.Jed run to it with worry.The following days,he stayed with the horse,and tried his best to help it get out of the mud.His hands were torn,face was tired,and clothes were dirty… Everything es to him who waits[功夫不负有心人].At last,he saved the horse,they bee best friends,and they lived happily ever after… Through the story,I found that if you want to make friends with others,you need to send you heart to your friends first,even he or her is not an out-going person; he or she will be moved by you. 呵呵,请大家最好把我错的理由该出来下,因为我水平比较不是很好,


你好!这句英文翻译成中文意思为:我们必须改变我们的观念来适应现在的工作环境!本句英文的语法详解:to the changed conditions做thinking的目的状语!希望对你有所帮助!祝你学业有成!

good morning, new day是不是语法有问题

在特定的情景下,Good for morning,翻译成“早晨吃好”,没错.但要翻译成“充满希望的一天”,就不行了. 在英文里,good for 常用来表达:对XX好处/有益,类似于我们常说的:It"s good for you.这对你有益/好.

刚写的英语短文,求纠正语法错误。 Hello sir,last week you told us

啊啦,同一个问题问了两遍啊……好像挺急的呢~问题蛮大的。我直接在原文上面改了啊。Hello Mr. XXX,Last week you assigned us to point out/ write down/ demonstrate/ briefly illustrate three wishes we have about the new books, how we want to learn English in the new semester, and about your teaching methods. I"ve been exploring, and now I believe I"ve got my answer.First of all, about the new book. I hope I can finish reading all the fantastic stories and memorizing all those fancy words/ learn how to apply those wonderful words to my daily life. Secondly, I"m working really hard on grammar, for I"m not as talented in grammar as many other students are. I need your help. I really do. I"ve been dreaming to stand up and answer your questions in class loudly, with confidence and pride.Last but not least, I"d like to say a big thank you to you. I love your voice, and as a result I found your classes really interesting. I"m always hooked in what you"re talking about. I would never have a chance to make such an improvement in English without you. I can"t appreciate you more!Yours sincerely,/ Yours faithfully,(这个是比较正式的)Yours,/ Warm regards, (这个是比较亲近的)XXX不懂问我,希望对您有帮助,南无地藏菩萨!

the man lying on the road是什么语法?

lying在这里表示现在进行和主动语态的含义。非谓语动词包含四种形式,即不定式、动名词、现在分词和过去分词。1.不定式①基本形式:to do(表示主动,并且一般表示将来)②被动式:to be done(表示被动,并且一般表示将来)③进行式:to be doing (表示主动和进行)④完成时:to have done(表示主动和完成)⑤完成被动式:to have been done(表示被动和完成)⑥完成进行式:to have been doing (表示主动和完成进行)The teacher told us to do morning exercises.老师让我们做早操。The car to be bought is for his sister.要买的这辆车是给他的姐姐的。She pretended to be reading when the teacher came into the classroom.老师进来时,她假装正在读书。The thief is said to have escaped.据说小偷已经逃跑了。The thief is said to have been arrested.据说小偷已经被抓住了。She is said to have been working in the factory over the last 20 years.据说在过去的20年里,她一直在这家工厂工作。2. 动名词 ①基本形式:doing (表示主动) Travelling in space by ordinary people will be common in the future.在未来,普通人在太空旅行将会是普遍的事情。②被动式:being done(表示被动) Freddy and his band could go nowhere without being followed by their fans.Freddy和他的乐队到哪里都被他们的粉丝跟着。③完成式:having done(表示主动和完成)I have no idea of his having done such a thing against you.我不知道他做过这样一件违背你的事情。 ④完成被动式:having been done(表示被动和完成)Many customers complain of having been given short weight at that shop.很多顾客抱怨在那家商店被缺斤少两过。3. 现在分词 ①基本形式:doing (表示主动和进行) He sat there,reading a newspaper.他坐在那里,读着一张报纸。②被动式:being done(表示被动和进行)The area being studied may be rich in coal.这个正在被研究的地方可能富含煤。 ③完成式:having done(表示主动和完成)Having finished my homework,I began to watch TV.完成作业后,我开始看电视。 ④完成被动式:having been done(表示被动和完成)Having been told many times,she still can"t remember it.已经被告诉了很多次,她仍然记不住。4. 过去分词:done及物动词的过去分词表示被动或完成;不及物动词的过去分词表示主动或完成。polluted river 被污染的河流;fallen leaves 落叶注意:非谓语动词本身不能表示时态意义。即不表示现在和过去等时态。非谓语动词表示进行、将来和完成时是相对于谓语动作来说的。和谓语动作同时发生表示进行;发生在谓语动作之后表示将来;发生在谓语动作之前表示完成。



麻烦帮我看下这个句子的语法The Attachment here is the Additional pictures about XXX


小学英语不规则和规则是什么?有那个英语高手叫我语法啊我语法很菜 除了语法其他都OK的

语法是最简单的 因为是死的 就那么几点 慢慢积累 多留心就好
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