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2个翻译各有千秋,现在丁当张同志的版本上补充几点我的看法:第一段media 的复数是medium/theater加复数s/enter不用加into第二段consume加s第三段representative of……/Bunraku is a Japanese theatre/spend a long time第四段According to a number of economists" studies/But television also(has) many (disadvantages). For example, it……请注意单复数哦,最后一段和此版本不明处参照Angel的


第一题有点迷惑性。D项的特指没有错误,错误应该出在后面的while if, while是个连接词,while引导的while if substituted for more traditional fertilizers就需要有自己的谓语,需要是完整的句子。 所以要while if they are substituted for more traditional fertilizers才算完整而且正确。只有A是最合适的,并列成分,A选项对应的很工整。第二题:这个题确实也很容易错。by which是借助。。。而under which 这里可以理解为"在。。。的管理下", under有"在。。。的帮助下,遵守。。。"之意。 你可以找一下用到under which 和 by which 的例句,比较一下两者的微妙差别。

英语语法,TO BE 的用法该如何用?

to be:非谓语,不定式表目的;或者惯用法being:主谓结构中非谓语形式;举例: (有50个学生参加钢琴比赛,其中最小的一个__是__7岁的小女孩。)1.There are 50 students for this piano competition,and the youngest is to be a girl of 7.如果句中有and连结两个句子,后面就填is.因为连词连结句子,就是说连词两边都是一个完整的句子。2. There are 50 students for this piano competition,the youngest being a girl of 7.题目当中没有and连结,而且前句中的are已经是谓语动词,一个句子当中不能同时出现两个谓语动词,可见后半句的be动词不是谓语动词只能是非谓语动词。再看,最年轻的的是一个7岁的女孩。说明be动词的结构是主谓结构,即要用being的形式;如果是动宾结构就用被动形式。


貌似没有什么比较独特的语法吧 句子跟普通话的排列都差不多就一些特殊的词排列相反 比如客人是人客 台风是风台等特殊的是一些短句的读法语调 有时候一个句子能解释出N种意思 有时一个闽南语的音可以翻译成N个字或词 比如闽南语扣可以翻译成苦也可以是浓稠

TO BE是什么语法结构?

To be 是不规则动词 它的用途主要有: 1. 系动词,相当于“是” 例如:The flower is red . 2. 表存在, 例如:China is in Asia . 3. 表判断(是/否), 例如:Are you there ? Yes , I am .

to be的语法知识有哪些?

to be是不定式的一种特殊形式;这种特殊形式一般后面在的是形容词,语法介绍如下所示。一、作主语句型结构,It + be + adj+ for(of) +sb + to do sth。语法描述,不定式作主语时,往往用it作形式主语,而把不定式放在谓语动词之后。It is impolite of you to say that to your mother。你对妈妈说那样的话是不礼貌的。二、作宾语句型结构,S + V + to do sth。语法描述,某些动词只能带动词不定式作宾语,不定式所表示的动作往往在这些动词所表示的动作之后发生。

Who knows?这句语法有错吗?


who knows是不是“谁知道”的意思,语法有没有错?

是“鬼知道”“天晓得”的意思 反正就是没人知道的意思 没语法错误 当别人问你些根本无法知道的事,就可以直接回答

who knows是不是“谁知道”的意思,语法有没有错?


英语高手请进 关于else的语法问题


求助:英语语法中的no body和nobody用法有什么不同啊

很少见no body这个用法平常都只用nobody,指没人no body应该是指“没有身体”

英语高手请进 关于else的语法问题

someone/somebody/something,anyone/anydy/anything,noone/nobody/nothing,everyone/everybody/everything以及副词somewhere,anywhere,nowhere,everywhere后面都可跟else:someone else/somebody else=some other person别的什么人 anyone else/anybody else=any other person任何别的人 no one else/nobody else=no other person没有他人 everyone else/everybody else=every other person其他所有的人something else=some other thing别的什么东西 例句如: —I"m afraid I can"t help you.You"ll have to ask someone else. —There isn"t anyone else./There"s no one else to ask. —恐怕我帮不了你的忙,你得另找别人. —没有别的什么人./没有别人可找了. else与副词连用: somewhere else=in/at/to some other place在/到另外一个地方 anywhere else=in/at to any other place在/到别的什么地方 nowhere else=in/at/to no other place没在/没到别的地方 Are you going anywhere else? 你还要到别的地方去吗? B someone/somebody,anyone/anybody,no one/nobody+else都可以有所有格形式: I took someone else"s coat. 我拿了别人的上衣. Was anyone else"s luggage opened? 还有别的什么人的行李给打开了吗? No one else"s luggage was opened. 没有别的人的行李被打开了. 所以选D


Neil Armstrong 在月球上说的句子没有语法错误。即便是人们认为他说的,也不是语法“错误”,而是语义表达与语义理解的问题。与语法无关!他后来强调自己说的是“That"s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind”。但人们听到的却是“That"s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”。有谁能完全否定这不是由于信号传递可能造成的呢?



  SELECT语句基本的语法结构如下:  SELECT [表名.]字段名列表  FROM <表名或查询名>[,<表名或查询名>]u201e [WHERE <条件表达式>]  [ORDER BY <列名>[ASC|DESC]]  其中:方括号([ ])内的内容是可选的,尖括号(< >)内的内容是必须出现的。 (1)SELECT子句:用于指定要查询的字段数据,只有指定的字段才能在查询中出现。如果希望检索到表中的所有字段信息,那么可以使用星号(*)来代替列出的所有字段的名称,而列出的字段顺序与表定义的字段顺序相同。  (2)FROM子句:用于指出要查询的数据来自哪个或哪些表(也可以是视图),可以对单个表或多个表进行查询。  (3) WHERE子句:用于给出查询的条件,只有与这些选择条件匹配的记录才能出现在查询结果中。在WHERE后可以跟条件表达式,还可以使用IN、BETWEEN、LIKE表示字段的取值范围。  (4) ORDER BY子句: ASC表示升序,DESC表示降序,默认为ASC升序排序。


demanding是形容词,要求苛刻的,可以指人也可以指物。It"s a demanding job.He is a demanding teacher.


  SELECT语句基本的语法结构如下:  SELECT[表名.]字段名列表  FROM<表名或查询名>[,<表名或查询名>]u201e[WHERE<条件表达式>]  [ORDERBY<列名>[ASC|DESC]]  其中:方括号([])内的内容是可选的,尖括号(<>)内的内容是必须出现的。(1)SELECT子句:用于指定要查询的字段数据,只有指定的字段才能在查询中出现。如果希望检索到表中的所有字段信息,那么可以使用星号(*)来代替列出的所有字段的名称,而列出的字段顺序与表定义的字段顺序相同。  (2)FROM子句:用于指出要查询的数据来自哪个或哪些表(也可以是视图),可以对单个表或多个表进行查询。  (3)WHERE子句:用于给出查询的条件,只有与这些选择条件匹配的记录才能出现在查询结果中。在WHERE后可以跟条件表达式,还可以使用IN、BETWEEN、LIKE表示字段的取值范围。  (4)ORDERBY子句:ASC表示升序,DESC表示降序,默认为ASC升序排序。

【急需】France 的资料 要英语的,尽量避免太多语法问题


英语 I want to be with you 这里为什么是to be 具体的语法能解释下吗

因为动词不定式to后面必须接动词原形,但是with是介词,to后面不能直接接介词with,于是 中间就需要添加一个既能接在动词不定式后面的动词,后面又能接介词with.最常用的就是 be动词了其实这里还可以把be换成stay但是和be也有些不同,be动词表达的是状态,而且 意义比stay更广泛,stay只表示待者这个动作.

英语 I want to be with you 这里为什么是to be 具体的语法能解释下吗

因为动词不定式to后面必须接动词原形,但是with是介词,to后面不能直接接介词with,于是 中间就需要添加一个既能接在动词不定式后面的动词,后面又能接介词with.最常用的就是 be动词了其实这里还可以把be换成stay但是和be也有些不同,be动词表达的是状态,而且 意义比stay更广泛,stay只表示待者这个动作.




修改为:We hope that Canada enterprises would make good use of its ....

表达“只想和你在一起”用just to be with you和just be with you在语法上都是对的吗?





(1)这个句子的主干是The Internet electronic communication cannot replace face-to-face contact.The Internet electronic communication 主语cannot replace 谓语face-to-face contact 宾语这已经是个结构完整的句子了,那中间插入的结构就不能再含有另外一个谓语动词 utilize,而要用到现在分词,过去分词等非谓语动形式词来修饰,people是主动使用Internet electronic communication的,所以要用现在分词utilizingThe Internet electronic communication,although a growing number of people utilizing it, cannot replace face-to-face contact.(2)若是用到了谓语动词原形utilize,那这句话就出现了两个谓语动词,应该用连词although把两个句子连接起来。Although a growing number of people are utilizing the Internet electronic communication, it cannot replace face-to-face contact. =The Internet electronic communication cannot replace face-to-face contact although a growing number of people are utilizing it.这里的it就是指the Internet electronic communication,然后用连词although连接了两个结构独立的句子,所以两个句子中的谓语都可以用动词原形。以上皆为个人意见。。。


高中英语语法中vary的简单介绍:1、vary 用作及物动词1)翻译为“使不同;改变,变更;修改”例句:I can vary the speed at will.我可以随意改变速度。2). 翻译为“使有变化;使多样化”例句:to vary one"s style of writing使写作的风格有所变化2、vary 用作不及物动词1)翻译为“变化;有不同,相异”例句:People vary very much in their ideas.人们的意见大不相同。2). 翻译为“相应变化,随着其他变化而变化”例句:The demand varies with the season.需求随季节而变化。3)翻译为“违背;偏离”,常常与from 连用。例句:to vary from the norm违背准则3 注意它与不同介词的搭配。It varies from the original. 它与原作不同。Stars vary in brightness. 星星的光亮度不同。Opinions vary on this point. 对这一点看法各异。Prices vary with the seasons. 物价随季节而变动。The temperature varied throughout the day. 气温一整天都在变化着。Courses vary according to the needs of the students. 课程根据学生的需要而有所不同。注意事项:尤其要注意 vary from…to…这类表达。例句:The weather varies from day to day. 天气一天天变化。Attitudes towards (drugs) vary from person to person.人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异.

you is to me what water is to fish 的语法有错误吗

特殊句型,不能去套clause正:You are to me what water is to fish


今天教务老师给大家收集整理了自考本科英语现代语法教材,自考本科英语教材电子版的相关问题解答,还有免费的自考历年真题及自考复习重点资料下载哦,以下是全国我们为自考生们整理的一些回答,希望对你考试有帮助!自考本科英语教材到底是哪本啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊英语=英语上册+英语下册自考本科英语的教材是分上、下册的,一般考英语上、下册都会考到,不过考试时上册考的内容很少,只是考一些简单的语法,所以上册要不要对考试都没有多大的影响,一般自考的考生都不怎么看上册的,自考班的导师也不会给考生定上册的教材,只是稍稍讲一下涉及的语法,这些语法在初高中都有学到过的,看其他语法书也可以的。而下册才是考试的重点,下册的内容考得比较细,把重点放在下册,要通过英语不会难。上册要不要都无所谓了,如果你英语语法学得还好,我建议你就不必购买上册的英语书,要是想复习一下语法,看一般的语法书就可以了。自考教材00831 0831现代英语语法大家有看过自考教材 00831 0831 现代英语语法吗?下面是我给大家整理的自考教材 00831 0831 现代英语语法,供大家参阅!自考教材 00831 0831 现代英语语法【书名】:现代英语语法【组编】:全国高等教育自学考试指导委员会【主编】:李基安 王望妮【版次】:2015年5月第1版【出版】:外语教学与研究出版社【代码】:00831【定价】:46.00元自考教材 00831 0831 现代英语语法课程内容Chapter1 The structure of the English sentenceChapter2 Sentence TypesChapter3 Noun and Noun Phrase(1):Noun and NumberChapter4 Noun and Noun Phrase(2):Determiner and GenitiveChapter5 Verb and Verb Phrase(1):Tense,Aspect and FutureChapter6 Verb and Verb Phrase(2):Passive Voice and Subjunctive MoodChapter7 Verb and Verb Phrase(3):Modal AuxiliariesChapter8 Verb and Verb Phrase(4):Non-finite VerbsChapter9 Adjective Phrase and ComparisonChapter10 Preposition and Preposition PhraseChapter11 Coordination and SubordinationChapter12 Relative ClauseChapter13 AdverbialsChapter14 ConcordChapter15 Information Structure and EmphasisChapter16 CohesionAppendix I NOUN+PrepositionAppendix II Preposition+NounAppendix III Verb+PrepositionAppendix IV Adjective+PrepositionBibliography自考教材 00831 0831 现代英语语法命题实施一、命题的指导思想本门课程的命题应以全日制高校相同层次相同课程的同等水平为标准,从课程的特点出发,考核应试者能否熟练掌握现代英语语法的基本理论概念,掌握词的形态变化和用词造句的规则,以及简单的组句成篇的一般形式规律。二、命题的工作步骤1、第一阶段,命题教师学习、研究和分析本课程考试大纲的内容,以及大纲中规定的试题题型,统一命题要求,进行命题分工。2、第二阶段,命题教师分头按接受的命题任务进行命题。3、第三阶段,组成4套左右试卷。每次统考所用的试卷由自考办在其中随机抽取1套使用。三、命题要求1、命题教师应根据本门课程的考试大纲和教材,按照命题任务所分配的题型和题量进行命题。需要重点考查的内容,可以采用不同题型或从不同侧面提出问题,但不得出偏题、怪题。试题可以只考一个考核点,也可综合考核不同语言技能的多个考核点。2、试题编制的质量要求所编试题要做到:A:题意清楚,文字准确,内容完整,措词严密;B:所给的条件科学、恰当;C:标点符号正确,无拼写错误;D:答案简明、准确、评分标准合理;E:每题编制一张试题卡片。3、题型编制规范(1)单项选择题领会能力层次试题可选自教材,但措辞避免与原教材雷同;简单应用层次试题选自教材外,长度和难度与考纲例题相当。(2)多项选择填空题领会能力层次试题内容可参考教材,但措辞避免与原教材雷同;简单应用层次试题选自教材外,长度和难度与考纲例题相当。(3)填空题领会能力层次试题可选自教材,但措辞避免与原教材雷同;简单应用层次试题选自教材外,长度和难度与考纲例题相当。(4)判断改错题试题选自教材外,每题只含一个错误。改正时,可改写或增加或删除一个单词。(5)简答题简答题的问题选自教材,但措辞避免与原教材雷同。(6)名词解释题名词解释题的问题选自教材。(7)改写句子题选自教材外句子,长度和难度与考纲例题相当。四、注意事项编制单项选择题型试题时必须做到:①应有4个备选答案,且其中只能有一个正确答案;②题干文字简练,表述清楚,题意明确,备选答案的共同用语应尽可能置于题干之中;备选答案必须是题干所提问题,各个备选答案之间应避免互为依据或相互包含;④错误答案应具有迷惑性,或者是平常学习时易于混淆的内容;⑤正确答案的顺序应按随机原则排列,备选答案的题序号以A、B、……示列。编制多项选择填空题型试题时,题型1:每题应有6个备选项,要求将其分为a, b两组;题型2和3:每题应有5至6个备选答案,且其中只能有2个正确答案,要求分别填入两个空格处。五、组卷要求1、试卷内容既要全面覆盖,又要保证突出重点。2、每套试题均应相互独立,对某一试题的解答不得给另一试题以任何提示。3、每套试卷均应能明显区分应试者及格或不及格两大层次。4、题型分值结构(1) 单项选择题20分(每小题1分)(2)多项选择填空题16分(每小题2分)(3)填空题20分(每小题1分)(4)判断改错题8分(每小题1分)(5)简答题6分(每小题2分)(6)名(7) 词解释题4分(每小题2分)(8)改写句子题26分(每小题2分)六、其他上海市自考委受全国考委委托,负责组织本门课程的命题工作,其有关事项均按国家教委(92)第22号《高等教育自学考试命题工作规定》执行。自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:https://www.87dh.com/xl/


conflicts n. 矛盾; 冲突( conflict的名词复数 ); 战斗; 相互干扰;Conflicts with others是句子主语

英语语法问题 today is the first day 这个句子里为什么要加the?

序数词 ------ first, third, 101th, ... 前面都要加 the.但如果前面已经有了 my, her, your 等名词所有格,就省去 the ---- She is my first love.

英语语法:rather和would rather用法有什么区别?

说would 语气更委婉礼貌文气一点。实际意思一样,我宁愿如何如何

英语语法would rather 的用法。

would rather dowould rather not dowhat would ……rather dowould…… rather do……or……




send 是原形sent 是send的过去式和过去分词当事情是过去发生的,或者需要用被动表达时,则用sent~


1.send ( 动词原形,用于一般现在时) 发送,寄,派遣,打发; You"d better send the letter by air. 2.sent sent是send的过去式和过去分词,有两种用法. (1) 是该用send的地方,过去时态里就改为sent了. I sent out the letter yesterday. (2) 是 be sent 表示被寄出 This letter must be sent out by tomorrow. 这信明天前必须寄出.




【 #小升初# 导语】主谓一致是小学英语考试重要考点之一,下面 考 网为大家汇总的是主谓一致英语语法解析,希望对同学们英语考试有帮助!   主语谓语数一致,就近语法和意义   就近一致   故事:就近有一只猫和三百只老鼠在玩耍,在我看来,或者猫或者老鼠是要死的,可实际上,猫既没有把老鼠吃掉,老鼠也没有把猫整死,在长期的进化中,不仅是猫而且老鼠也知道了友善,他们彼此和谐相处了。不是猫,而是老鼠认为世界该变一变了。   译文:There is a cat and three mice playing in the yard.   解析:there be 句子是倒装结构,其中be的数的变化取决于最临近的一个主语。例如:   Is there a banana and seven apples on the table?   译文:In my view, either cat or mice are to die in the stuggle.   解析:either…or…或者…或者…,连接两个主语时,谓语动词的数随就近的一个。例如:   Either he or I am to be responsible for the accident.   译文:But , to my surprise, neither mice nor cat dies.   解析:neither…nor…既不…也不…,连接两个主语时,谓语动词的数随就近的一个。例如:   Neither his parents nor he is interested in swimming.   译文:In the long run, they have become friendly to each other. Not cat but mice believe the world should change.   解析:not…but….不是…而是…. ,连接两个主语时,谓语动词的数随就近的`一个。例如:   Neither the students nor the teacher runs away in the earthquake.   (符合就近原则的结构有there be, not…but…, not only…but also…, or…or…, neither…nor…)   记忆:   就近有个人在叫卖,不是老头而是老太;   不仅卖瓜而且卖菜,或者现钱或者放债,   既没有车也不用秤,只要你笑她就白送。   语法一致   故事:三国时候有一套马车金壁辉煌,它的美吸引了每一个国王,每一个国王,还有他的大臣们不止一次地想拥有这套马车,很多种方法都被他们尝试过了,但艰苦努力都是徒劳,当时有99%的人口都反对把车让给国王,因为只有勇士张飞,才是有资格拥有这辆马车的人。只要这辆马车一跑,就会趟起大量的尘土。   译文:There was a cart and horse in the Three Kingdom Period, which was very splendid.   解析:   由and连接两个名词做主语,不是指同一个人、同一物或同一概念时,谓语动词一般用复数。当and连接两个表示同一个人,同一物或同一概念时,谓语动词常用单数形式,如果名词前要加冠词,往往在第一个名词前才用,第二个名词前不用冠词修饰。常见的有bread and butter, war and peace, a knife and fork, a cart and horse等。如:   (1)Fire and water don"t agree.   (2) The singer and dancer is popular with the young people.   ( 3 ) Bread and butter is what they usually have for breakfast.   译文:Every king was attracted by its beauty.   解析:   两个并列名词分别由every,each, many a, no等修饰,做主语时,谓语动词用第三人称单数。如:   (4)Each boy and each girl has an English dictionary.   (5)Many a boy and many girl made the same mistake in the exercise.   (6) No man and no animal is on the moon.   译文:The king, together with his ministers wanted more than once to own the horse and cart.   解析:   主语后面接有with, along with, together with, as well as, rather than, in addition to, like , except, but, including, besides等词构成的短语修饰时,谓语动词的数与前面的主语保持一致。如:   (7)Professor Brown with a group of students was doing experiments at that time.   (8)Our head teacher, along with his students is going to play football this weekend.   译文:Many a way was tried by them.   解析:   “more than one + 单数名词(不止一个……)”,“many a(许多)”虽然表示复数含义,但谓语动词与单数名词保持一致,习惯上用单数。如:   (9)More than one person was present at the meeting.   (10)Many a student has passed the exam.   译文:But hard working was in vain.   解析:   不定式(短语)、动名词(短语)或从句做主语,谓语动词用单数。   (11)Seeing is believing. =To see is to believe.   (12)When we"ll go out for an outing has been decided.   译文:99% of the population were against the king"s ownership of the cart and horse.   解析:   百分数(或分数) + of + 可数名词单数(或不可数名词),谓语用单数;百分数 (或分数) + of +名词复数,谓语用复数。   (13)Twenty percent of the workers in the factory are women.   (14) More than 70 percent of the surface of the earth is covered by water.   译文:Zhang Fei was the only one of the people who had the right to own the cart and horse.   解析:   在定语从句中关系代词做主语时,从句谓语动词要与先行词的数保持一致。在先行词前有one of修饰时,从句谓语动词与复数名词保持一致;在先行词前有the only one of, the very one of 等修饰时,从句谓语动词与one保持一致,用第三人称单数形式。如:   (15)The man who wants to see you is waiting for you at the gate.   (16)He was one of the men in the office who were invited to the ball.   (17)He was the only one of the men in the office who was invited to the ball.   译文:Huge quantities of dirt were raised by the cart as long as the horse ran.   large amounts of 和 huge quantities of 后即使跟的是不可数名词,谓语动词也要用复数形式。   (18)Huge quantities of good earth has been blown away in this area.   意义一致   故事:受伤的人们都戴着眼镜,正在看《一千零一夜》的故事,这时,从远处来了一群牛,牛背上驮着家具,这些家具值3万美元,这可是一大笔钱啊。   译文:The wounded were wearing glasses.   解析:   “the + 形容词或过去分词”,如:the rich, the poor, the blind, the old, the injured, the wounded做主语时,表示具体的某类人或事,谓语动词常常用复数形式。如:   The rich make the poor slaves.   The wounded were sent to the hospital at once.   .表示由两部分构成的东西,如:glasses (眼镜) trousers, clothes,pincers, tongs 夹钳 shears,sessiors 剪子。使用这些词做主语时,谓语应该用复数。   若表达具体数目,要借助数量词 pair(对,双); suit(套); a pair of glasses; two pairs of trousers,这时,谓语动词应该用单数。   A pair of glasses is necessary to the near-sighted.眼镜对近视眼患者很有必要。   译文:They are reading “the Arabian Nights”.   解析:   以s结尾,仍为单数的名词,用在句子中做主语时,谓语动词用单数。如:   a. maths,politics,physics等学科名词,为不可数名词,是单数。   b. news 是不可数名词。   c.国家名称the United States,the United Nations,应视为单数。   The United Nations was organized in 1945. 联合国是1945年组建起来的。   d. 以复数形式出现的书名,剧名,报纸,杂志名,也可视为单数。   "The Arabian Nights" is a very interesting story-book.   <<一千零一夜>>是一本非常有趣的故事书。   “New York Times” is a very influencial paper.纽约时报是一份很有影响的报纸。   译文:Just then, a herd of cattle came from the distance, with furniture on their backs, which was worth 30"000 dollars.   解析:   集体名词,以单数形式出现,但实为复数。   如:people police cattle audience jewellery clothing   等本身就是复数,不能说 a people,a police,a cattle,   英文中还有些单词,可以看作是一个整体,这时是单数,也可以看作是很多个体,这时表复数的概念。例如:class(班;全班同学), team(队;全体队员), family(家庭;全家人)等。   My class often wins first in the competition.   My class are all girl students.   The family lives happily.   The family all like potatoes and tomatoes.   以下一些词是不可数名词,在句子中当单数处理。furniture equipment   译文:30"000 dollars is a big sum of money.   解析:   表示时间、距离、金钱、重量等的复数名词或短语做主语时,常常看作一个整体,谓语动词用第三人称单。如   (1)Another three years has passed.   (2) Thirty-six thousand francs is a big sum for the couple to pay off.


lion dance? is that “dragon dance”??


我来给你一篇,比较权威的,情节, 观后感, 分析都有了,如下: Ten-year-old Chihiro and her parents are moving to a new town, much to Chihiro"s displeasure. While driving, they get lost and her father decides to take a shortcut down a mysterious forested pathway. After a short but bumpy drive, the family comes to a stop at what seems to be an abandoned theme park. Curious, the father leads his family through a tunnel and explores the park, finding a deserted town and a stall full of freshly-cooked food. The parents greedily help themselves while Chihiro refuses to eat. As Chihiro"s parents are eating, she wanders off and meets a boy named Haku. Haku seems to be familiar with Chihiro and warns her to escape with her parents; she returns to find they have turned into pigs, and that the way back has become a deep river. Spirits appear and go about the park. Haku secretly takes Chihiro to a large bathhouse to avoid alerting the spirits to her presence. Haku then tells her that she must get a job from the boiler man, Kamajii until he can help her recover her parents and escape. With the help of the six-armed boiler room master Kamajii and a bathhouse servant girl named Lin,[2] Chihiro is able to convince Yubaba, the elderly Witch and owner of the bath house, to give her a job; in exchange, Chihiro is forced to give up her name so that Yubaba may keep her in service for eternity. Yubaba gives her new servant the name "Sen(千)," which is derived from "Chihiro(千寻)" by removing the second character and using the alternate reading of the first. Chihiro eventually learns that Haku is similarly indebted to Yubaba. Chihiro is put to work alongside Lin, helping to bathe and serve the most difficult spirits in the bathhouse. Chihiro is able to successfully bathe a "stink spirit" (later revealed to be a river spirit who had been heavily polluted), who rewards Chihiro for her service with a magic medicine made from special herbs. Chihiro discovers Haku"s true form, a dragon, and he is later attacked in this form by shikigami in the form of paper birds controlled by Zeniba, Yubaba"s twin sister. Haku had stolen and swallowed Zeniba"s seal under orders from Yubaba, which has a spell on it that gave Haku internal bleeding and lacerations. Chihiro tries to help Haku recover from his injuries using the medicine given to her by the river spirit, which acts as an emetic to the dragon, causing him to vomit, and thus recovering Zeniba"s sigil and squashing a peculiar black slug that had been attached to it. Haku remains comatose, so Chihiro decides to travel to Zeniba"s home to return the seal, hoping to break her curse over Haku. Chihiro sets out on a train ride across the spirit world, along with a wraith-like spirit called No-Face, who terrorized the bathhouse and tried to earn the affection of Chihiro, Yubaba"s pet raven (who has been turned into a small, fly-like creature by Zeniba), and Boh, Yubaba"s gigantic infant son whom Zeniba had transformed into a mouse. The group arrives at Zeniba"s house to find that Zeniba is friendlier than expected. She explains that the seal spell has been broken by Chihiro"s love and caring and that the black slug Chihiro has squashed was a curse placed on Haku by Yubaba to control him. Zeniba and Chihiro"s friends make Chihiro a special hairband to show her that her friends are with her, as well as for protection, and No-Face is offered to stay at Zeniba"s home as her assistant. Haku, now recovered, shows up to return Chihiro to the bathhouse, explaining that Yubaba will return Chihiro"s parents to normal and allow all three of them to leave in exchange for returning Boh. As they travel on Haku"s dragon form, Chihiro realizes that Haku is the same river spirit that saved her as a small child when she fell into the Kohaku River, and the realization helps to break Yubaba"s control on Haku completely. At the bathhouse, Yubaba reveals that Chihiro must pass one more task as part of Haku"s deal: identify which pigs in the huge herd are her parents. Chihiro passes the test, as she states that none of them are her parents, and Yubaba is forced to let her and her family go. Haku escorts her to the entrance of the spirit world, telling her that her parents are waiting on the other side, but not to look back or else the deal will be broken. Chihiro rejoins her parents, and the family returns to their car (now dusty and covered with fallen leaves and branches, looking as though a long time has passed) and continues to their new home. Zeniba"s hair band is still in Chihiro"s hair, proving her adventure to be true. In the English adaptation, the film ends as Chihiro"s parents tell her that they understand her worry, to which she replies that she thinks she"ll do fine. This is a change from the Japanese original, which leaves Chihiro in silent thought as the car drives away, reflecting on her adventure.



英语语法问题 halfway

halfway advhome n是的 海词典典里查不到相关用法




系统功能语言学(system-functional linguistics)为英国著名的语言学家韩礼德(Halliday)创立。系统语言学不仅研究语言的性质、语言过程和语言的共同特点等根本性问题,而且探讨语言学的应用问题。形成背景:1、马林诺夫斯基(BronislawMalinowski, 1884-1942年)+《社会学渊源》马林诺夫斯基(Malinowski)以研究土著文化著称,是“人类学功能学派” 的创始人。他对语言理论最重要的贡献莫过于强调语言的功能,强调语境研究的重要性。他使用“情景语境”探讨语义,认为话语应放在全部的生活方式情景中去理解,话语的意义实质上就是当时当地正在发生的人的活动。2、弗斯(J.R.Firth, 1890-1960)弗斯在语言学研究中所持观点有四:⑴语言学的中心是研究意义和语境;⑵英国的语言学家应讨论语言学史;⑶应当研究音系学,特别是他本人发展了“音韵分析”(prosodic analysis)的模式;⑷应当研究和描写印度和南亚诸语言,特别是拼字法和音系学。3、弗斯→韩礼德对弗斯的评价:关于弗斯的语言理论,英国学家刚特·克利斯(GuntherKress)曾提出两条中肯的批评意见。第一,弗斯从来没有全面的、系统的阐述过自己的理论,他的论文之间缺少一种有机的联系,所以人们很难找出其理论模式之间的相互关系。第二,弗斯没有提出一套完整的术语或范畴来使各个层次上的描写联系起来。继承和发展了弗斯的基本理论并把它系统化地表述清楚了的是当代著名语言学家韩礼德。韩礼德从弗斯那继承了两条基本原则。第一是“语言环境”(context of situation),认为语言与典型的社会情境有密切联系,并受其影响。韩礼德进一步发展了“语言环境”学说,从社会学角度研究语言,提出语言学中的社会符号学。第二是“系统”(system)概念。但他重新规定了“系统”意义,创造了一套完整的范畴。也就是说韩礼德避免了弗斯的缺点,把自己的理论阐述的清楚明了,提出了一个完整的理论模式,准确定义了术语的含义及各种关系,正因为这样,他的系统语言学影响较大。

下面这句话中“at a sight of ...”做什么语法成分呢?

an enormous dead beetle?(当看到蜘蛛扑向一只苍蝇时,一队蚂蚁抬着一只巨大的死甲虫凯旋归时,谁能不感到敬畏呢?)——《新概念英语》



解释一下“Unlimited Blade Works”的语法

这个属于纯翻译了 不带语境的 可以理解为 无限的利剑为我所用So as I pray, Unlimited Blade Works还有送你一句话 全世界只有中国最讲究语法 语法不对都是错错错


When I first contacted with numbers, I was deeply attracted by this subject. Without any shadow of doubt, I would choose mathematics as a degree. I always feel excited when I am trying to solve challenging mathematics problems.That time when I was a member of "Mathematical Olympiad" class in my primary and secondary school is the most wonderful memory in my life. Talking about mathematical questions with other members all the day, playing mathematics games, practising solving maths problems. As a little boy I would rather spend all the time discussing mathematical topic with my father than play games.



I know not only hammers but you语法对吗?

I not only know the hammer but also how to use it.

my smoking 译为“我的抽烟吗” 感觉好像不通呀 这个语法应该如何用呢


is this handbag hers 的语法结构是啥?





你好,I"m sneezing, Mom.我的鼻子很痒。My nose is ticklish.这也许是因为花粉的关系。It"s probably because of the pollen

Come with me跟follow me语法有什么区别



前半句没错。後半句的中英说法均可写清楚些。前半句:They not only need to learn how to help the disabled ( =disabled person(s) )...他们除了(不仅) 学习怎样帮助残疾人士之外,後半句原文:...but also learn the importance of cooperating with other people to fulfill their aims in life. ..., 还要学习在生活中与他人合作实现目标的重要性。(改1) ...but also (learn 前半句已有,故可省略) the cooperations with (other 删去) people to fulfill their aims in life. ..., 还有与人合作实现人生目标。(改2) ...but also recognise the importance of cooperating with people to fulfill their aims in life. ..., 还要认识与人合作实现人生目标的重要性。


1、2题正确。3题:the children gazed at the monkeys hanging by their tails from the branches. hanging...是分词短语做后置定语4.it is 改为it was 5.who前面加逗号,这里是非限制性定语从句。

在语法中 formulaic subjunctive和madative subjunctive是什么意思

formulaic subjunctive 这个我没有找到该怎么译成汉语好,formulaic是 公式的 的意思,subjunctive是虚拟语气的意思。不过formulaic subjunctive指的是用动词原形做谓语,动词不和主语保持一致来表示虚拟,这是一种古老的英语的虚拟语气的表示方法。例如God be with you. 而不是God is with you.又如God save the Queen.而不是God saves the Queen.madative subjunctive应该是Mandative subjunctive,具体也不知道该怎么译成汉语。这种虚拟语气是指在表示建议,命令,要求等动词的后面的从句要用should+动词原形来表示虚拟(should可省略),例如I suggest [that he leave].


each had a written charter that set forth its form of government and the rights of the colonists.这里set forth的主语不就是that前面的名词a writtern charter么。。。前面用了had,所以这里就像1楼说的set是过去式。本来定语从句that就是修饰前面的一个名词。而在GMAT语法中,定语从句就算是用which引导的,99%也只修饰逗号前面的名词,而不会修饰逗号前面的整个句子。例如:The coat is very expensive, which costs me 1000 yuan. 这种非限定性定语从句,从句逗号隔开的两个句子如果单拿出来会分别是两个句意完整的独立句子;但如果是限定性主句和从句分开则不是完整的句子。例如:The coat is a birthday present which my mother sends.

高中英语语法填空 为什么填hanging, 主语不应该是我们吗?可是逻辑主语不是life吗?为什么

go through 是谓语


楼主可以这样理解,这个句子可以还原成这样,with the key which is hanging around their necks ,然后省略which is 另外楼主要注意一点,with +名词+分词(过去分词或者现在分词,或者形容词)这是一个固定用法,hanging 就是一个动名词形式


It is very informative piece of work by O. Henry.=by前有动词 written by I chose this book because this"s a very moving story. this is 改成it is I read this book because I"m interested in knowing more about the end of the story。(interested in doing sth后面要用ing)(story endings 的话是很多个结局,所以最好是用end of the story.) I have been interested in O.Henry"s writing for a long time. (i have long been 听着有些奇怪,呵呵) And it"s about the book tells of strongbox"s robber=it tells the story of a strongbox"s robber. 这样看起来比较简洁 The book first talks about 这个有点像中式英语。。。最好是用at the beginning of the book... the hero was safebreaker again=the hero continues his career as a thief again after his imprisonment Then he got emotionally involved with the girl after turn over a new leaf=then he fell in love with a girl and decided to start a new life. for the purpose of save the child=要用saving,后面是动名词 child 前面的the改成a So he did reveal his identity at that time . =identity在此有些多余。用reveal himeslf就可以了。 But the policeman let him off =这个but 与前面的句子搭配有些不好。 用fortunately the policeman let him off. The setting of the book is in beginning of this century I think this is the author just released from prison at this time.=这个句子有些模糊不清the story happended at the beginning of this century, the time when the author was released from prison. Obviously, the author wrote his own experiences because he had been prisoned before getting his fame. Not only interesting but also helpful=这个要写整句。it is not only interesting book but also helpful 跟前一句用becasue 来连接上 The book struck deep into the minds of mine=the book strikes my mind deeply. Especially of the hero didn"t want to bend to fate. = especially when the hero didn"t want to bend to fate. Although it has taken forever to read this book.=although 用的话后面的but就是多余的可。though it took me a long time to finish reading it, i still think it is a good book worth reading. I like the story because it was truly a significant book=把book 用one 来代替避免重复 he has a heart of gold=这个表达有些奇怪,he is honest and respectful I think The policeman didn"t let the hero off. But I conjecture is totally wrong. So the book concluded happily。 =这个表达不清楚 contrary to my expectation, the policeman dosen"t catch the hero and gives the story a happy ending. This book rates with the first-class books。一流的书时用first class book 游学不恰当。it is an excellent book. I have learnt a lot from the book=把book 换成it避免重复 For example, I was emulous of the policeman"s kind-hearted. And the hero"s valor. I also learn to forgive others is lofty moral character. So I can warmly recommend it to my friends. That is the end of my presentation. Thank you.=such as , the policeman"s kind heart, the hero"s courage and so on.用for example 的话后面只跟一个例子。 i also leanred the importance of forgiving others. I have introduced the book to my fellow friends truthfully. and thank you for your listening 这是我最后的发言在英语里不常见。最后表达下谢意就好。 hope my editing may help you Best wishes!


个人觉得while 后面省略了 I was

【语法,翻译】Nowhere has the world seen such enthusiasm for learning as in our country.

一个名词,一个形容词。前面有such 了

求~~~~帮我翻译一下(用英语 无语法错误 词不要太生僻 谢谢啦!)




英语题 语法填空 看图

1 on2 confused3 finding4 tendence5 to talk6 a7 to8 with9 annoyed10 arguement


as it is 跟在tendency后面引导的让步从句,表示“尽管”。从句必须是倒装的形式,倒装的形式是:1)提前表语(单数可数名词做表语时要省略冠词)2)提前状语3)提前动词原形,这里是提前了表语。可译为,“尽管这是一个不健康的文化倾向。”


as it is 跟在tendency后面引导的让步从句,表示“尽管”。从句必须是倒装的形式,倒装的形式是:1)提前表语(单数可数名词做表语时要省略冠词)2)提前状语3)提前动词原形,这里是提前了表语。可译为,“尽管这是一个不健康的文化倾向。”




下载新浪大的uc 里面有聊天室 有英语角的 进去和外国人侃就行啊

i miss you much有语法错误吗


miss you much 的语法怎么不对了?









链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1LYKVN4h0DIwzXR9olOfQKQ 提取码:2uivsam老师的超级自然拼读。Sam老师从教小学、初中英语教学8年之久。坚持用年轻的心不断创新,用高效且有效的方式来学习英语。通过相对应的练习让学生充分掌握知识点,提高的不只是英语学习的兴趣还有成绩,深受广大小学生和家长的认可和信赖。1.最会讲故事的英语老师Sam老师通过生动有趣的动漫故事幽默授课,利用右脑图像记忆配合记忆曲线复习,给学生最妙趣横生的英语课堂体验。2.最符合英语学习规律的方法英语本身是拼音文字,发音和拼写存在对应关系,利用发音就可以写出单词,利用朗读就可以在语境中理解意思,朗读和阅读才是最正确的英语学习方法。3.最高效的英语课堂37节课解决所有单词拼读技巧。小学、初中高中甚至大学的单词都可以达到按音标朗读正确发音,按照超级拼读理论快速拆分多音节单词并快速记忆。这些不可能在Sam老师的英语课堂都成为了可能。课程目录Sam 超级自然拼读 发音训练10_卧底.MP4Sam 超级自然拼读 发音训练11_发型师r.MP4Sam 超级自然拼读 发音训练12_双元音加r.MP4Sam 超级自然拼读 发音训练13_六大组合.MP4Sam 超级自然拼读 发音训练14_高级1复习课.MP4......


链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1LYKVN4h0DIwzXR9olOfQKQ 提取码:2uivsam老师的超级自然拼读。Sam老师从教小学、初中英语教学8年之久。坚持用年轻的心不断创新,用高效且有效的方式来学习英语。通过相对应的练习让学生充分掌握知识点,提高的不只是英语学习的兴趣还有成绩,深受广大小学生和家长的认可和信赖。1.最会讲故事的英语老师Sam老师通过生动有趣的动漫故事幽默授课,利用右脑图像记忆配合记忆曲线复习,给学生最妙趣横生的英语课堂体验。2.最符合英语学习规律的方法英语本身是拼音文字,发音和拼写存在对应关系,利用发音就可以写出单词,利用朗读就可以在语境中理解意思,朗读和阅读才是最正确的英语学习方法。3.最高效的英语课堂37节课解决所有单词拼读技巧。小学、初中高中甚至大学的单词都可以达到按音标朗读正确发音,按照超级拼读理论快速拆分多音节单词并快速记忆。这些不可能在Sam老师的英语课堂都成为了可能。课程目录Sam 超级自然拼读 发音训练10_卧底.MP4Sam 超级自然拼读 发音训练11_发型师r.MP4Sam 超级自然拼读 发音训练12_双元音加r.MP4Sam 超级自然拼读 发音训练13_六大组合.MP4Sam 超级自然拼读 发音训练14_高级1复习课.MP4......






一、基本用法   1. (表否定)没有,无,不需。如:   The letter was posted without a stamp. 那封信没贴邮票就寄出去了。   We got there without any trouble. 我们到了那儿,一路上没遇到任何麻烦。   You"ll get wet if you go out in the rain without an umbrella. 雨天外出不带伞会淋湿的。   I suddenly realized I"d come out without any money. 我突然意识到,一点儿钱也没带就出来了。   2. (用在no, not, never等否定副词之后,强调肯定)没有……不,没有……则不能……,每……必定……。如:   You can"t get rich without taking risks. 人不冒险不富。   The old man cannot walk without a stick. 那位老先生离开手杖就走不了路。   Don"t go out without a coat: you"ll catch your death. 别不穿外套出去,会得重感冒的。   I never see this picture without thinking of him. 每次看到这张照片,我都会想起他。   3. (与-ing形式连用)不,无,没。如:   She entered the room without knocking. 她没敲门就进了房间。   It goes without saying that health is above wealth. 健康胜于财富这个道理是无需多说的。   They had to stand for hours without changing position. 他们得一动不动地站几个小时。   It wasn"t very polite of you to serve yourself without asking. 你也不问一声就自己吃起来是不太礼貌的。   4. (表条件)若无,若非。如:   I don"t like to go to a country without knowing something of the language. 我要是不懂得一点那个国家的语言,就不想到那个国家去。   Without water, we cannot live. 没有水,我们就活不了。   Can you see without your glasses? 你不戴眼镜能看得清东西吗?   二、作表语的用法   without引出的介词短语通常用作状语,但有时也可用作表语。如:   She is completely without shame. 她恬不知耻。   My investigations were without result. 我的调查毫无结果。   The houses in this village are without water. 这个村子里家家户户都没有自来水。   We were without electricity for three hours but it"s on again now. 我们的电停了3小时,现在又有了。   三、后接复合宾语的用法   without后接复合宾语的常用结构如下:   1. without+宾语+副词   I"d be lost without you here. 没有你在这儿,我会一筹莫展。   I"m very near-sighted without my glasses on. 我要是不戴眼镜十分近视。   2. without+宾语+介词短语   We"d be better off without them as neighbors. 要是没有这些邻居,我们就过得更愉快了。   I don"t like sweet coffee; I like it better without sugar in it. 我不喜欢加糖的咖啡,里边不加糖我更喜欢。   3. without+宾语+动名词   Without anyone noticing, he slipped through the window. 无人注意,他从窗户溜了出去。   They debated for hours without a decision being taken. 他们争论了几个小时,也没作出决定。   4. without+宾语+不定式   Without anyone to help, how can we go on? 没有人帮忙,我们怎么能进行下去?   It was boring to sit there without anything to do. 无所事事地坐在那里太无聊了。   5. without+宾语+过去分词   Without another word exchanged, they started off. 没有再交谈一句,他们就出发了。
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