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简单英语语法知识    there be句式有时可以与情态动词连用    ■与 can / could 连用   There can be no doubt about that.   那是毫无疑问的。   Without heavy industry there can be no economic advance.   没有重工业,就没有经济的发展。   If the police hadn"t closed the road there could have been a bad accident.   要不是警方关闭了道路,本来会发生严重车祸的。    ■与may / might 连用   There might still be hope.   可能还有希望。   There may be a letter for me.   大概有我一封信。   There may be a storm tomorrow.   明天可能有风暴。   At the end there may be an index.   结尾处可能有索引。   There might be drinks if you wait for a bit.   如果你等一会儿,可能会有饮料。   There may be more importance in it than would seem.   它的重要意义可能要比看上去大。    ■与must 连用   There must be a mistake.   一定是弄错了。   He felt there must be something wrong.   他感到准有什么问题。   There must be somebody at home—ring again.   家里肯定有人——再按一下铃。   There must be some book which could help.   一定有那么本书可以帮我们的忙。   That can"t be the only way. There must be other ways of solving the problem.   那不是解决问题的唯一办法,肯定有另外的办法。    ■与 should 连用   There shouldn"t be any doubt about it.   对此不应有什么怀疑。   It is important that there should be afire escape.   要有一个太平梯,这很重要。   The widow begged that there should be no reprisals.   遗孀祈求不要去搞复仇。    ■与 ought to 连用   There ought to be a comma here.   这儿应有一个逗号。   There shouldn"t be any doubt about it.   对此不应有什么怀疑。   There ought to be traffic lights at this crossroads.   这个十字路口应该有红绿灯。   There ought to be enough of a fire left up there.   上面那儿残留的火势该够大了。   There oughtn"t to have been any difficulty about it   此事本不应有什么困难。    ■与 used to 连用   There used to be a small park just around the corner.   以前在那个拐角就有一个小公园。   There are more flowers than there used to he.   现在比过去花儿更多了。   There used to be a cinema here, didn"t there?   过去这儿是有一家电影院的,是吗?   There used to be a hospital here.   原来这里有家医院。   There used to be four cinemas in the town, now there is only one.   过去这座城市有四家电影院。现在只有一家了。    从零开始学语法:情态动词can与may的用法    can 的用法    一、表能力,有“能,会,能够”的意思。例如:   -Can you drive a car? 你会开车吗?   -Yes, I can. 我会。/ No, I can"t. 我不会。    二、表允许,在口语中代替may,有“可以”的意思。   (见下面 may 的用法第四点)    三、表示可能性,常用于否定句和疑问句。例如:   Can it be true? 那会是真的吗?   Today is Sunday. He can"t be at school. 今天是星期天,他不可能在学校里。   很多同学都不太清楚 can 与 be able to 的异同吧,赶快来学习一下吧>>    may 的用法    一、表示许可或征求对方的许可,有“可以”的意思。例如:   You may go now. 你可以走了。   May I use your computer? 我用一下你的电脑可以吗?    二、回答以 may 开头的疑问句有如下表达法:   -May I smoke here? 我可以在这儿抽烟吗?   -Yes, you may. / Yes, please. 请抽吧。   -No, you can"t. / No, you mustn"t. / No, you"d better not. 请不要抽烟。    三、表示猜测,通常只用于陈述句。例如:   You may be right. 你可能是对的。   四、在口语中 can 可以代替 may 表示许可,但 can 较随便,may 更正式。例:   Can I use your bike, John? 约翰,我可以用一下你的自行车吗?   May I have a look at your license please, sir? 先生,我可以看一下你的执照吗?   从零开始学语法:情态动词must与have to的用法    must 的用法    一、表义务,“必须”。例如:   You must talk to them about their study. 你必须同他们谈谈关于他们学习的事。    二、在否定结构中表不许。例如:   You mustn"t leave here. 你不能离开这儿。    三、表推测,暗含有很大的可能性。例如:   He must be ill. He looks so pale. 他肯定是病了。他的脸色那么苍白。   注意:之前我们说过 may 也可以表猜测,但是 may 暗含的可能性较小,must 暗含的可能性较大。另外否定的猜测是用can"t。例如:   The baby can"t be ill. He is so active. 那宝宝不大可能是病了。他那么活跃。    四、表不可避免,“必然要,必定会”。例如:   All men must die. 人总有一死。    五、表主张,“坚持要,一定要”。例如:   If you must go, at least wait till the rain stops. 如果你坚持要走,至少也要等雨停了再走。    六、关于 must 的简短回答:   -Must I clean the dining room at once? 我必须马上打扫膳厅吗?   -Yes, you must. 是的。   -No, you needn"t. / No, you don"t have to. 不必马上打扫。    have to 的用法   一、have to 表客观的需要和义务,must 表主观的`认识。例如:   I missed the train, so I had to take a taxi. 我没搭上火车,所以我只得打的。(客观上需要打的)   I must study hard. 我必须努力学习。(主观上认为应该努力学习)   二、在疑问句和否定句中,have to 多用助动词 do 构成,must 则直接提前或加not。例如:   Did he have to do it? = Must he do it? 他得做那件事吗?   而且在否定句中,have to 表不需要,must 表不允许:   You don"t have to go there. 你不需要去那儿。   You mustn"t go there? 你不可去那儿。    2014高考英语抓分训练:情态动词与虚拟语气、非谓语动词、复合句(含答案解析)    一、情态动词与虚拟语气考点   I am a middle school student. I have many dreams. If there 1.________ (be) not so much homework, I would have more time to do what I like to do. How I wish I 2.________ (listen) to my favourite music for an hour a day and 3.________ (play) table tennis for an hour in the morning. It"s my desire that we 4.________ (hold) evening parties or 5.________ (organize) some interesting activities at weekend. I suggest that t here 6.________ (be) not so many tests. You can imagine what life 7.________ (will) be if I8.________ (realize) my dream. But I must face the exams. Without good marks, I 9.________ (will) not enter my ideal university. Anyway, it"s high time that I 10.________ (encourage) myself and worked hard from now on.    二、不定式考点   Dear Editors,   My name is Adam Rouse. I"m 19 years old and I used 1.________ (be) a heavy smoker. I first started 2.________ (smoke) when I was only 15 alt hough I know it is very harmful 3.________ (smoke) at any time.   I read your magazine and know that there are some organizations 4.________ (help)people stop smoking.Participants learn 5.________ (recognise) smoking triggers and they try 6.________ (set) a date in the future when they will stop 7.________ (smoke)on purpose.Now, I am looking for some ideas 8.________ (help) myself 9.________ (give) up smoking and I expect myself 10.________ (accept) as a member of your organizations.   Yours sincerely,   Li Lei    三、分词考点   Many years ago, a young foreigner 1.________ (call) Marco Polo travelled all the way from Italy to China. From then on a window to the east has been 2.________ (open) for westerners.   Two kinds of gold coins once 3.________ (make) by Europeans showed their respects to the great explorer.   Marco Polo was 4.________ (bear) in 1254. He l ived in Venice, a rich city in Italy. Marco"s father and uncle were merchants. They had travelled to the east. So when Marco was young, he enjoyed 5.________ (listen) to the stories about the places 6.________ (visit) by his father. His father decided 7.________ (take) him on a trip. When Marco Polo was just 17, he left his country for China. They were among the first to go along the silk road. They had a lot of trouble in 8.________(explore). So it was a hard trip for Marco Polo, but he was very brave. After about four years, Marco met Kublai Khan who gave him a job. Marco spent 17 years 9.________ (work) for him. He visited most parts of China. He learned lots of 10.________ (interest) things about Chinese life. When he returned home, he let others know about things like coal and paper money. He wrote about his trip in a famous book.    四、动名词考点   Everyone needs friends. There is an old 1.________ (say): friends are God"s way of 2.________ (take) care of us. But how do you find real friendship and keep it?   The Care and Keeping of Friends by American author Sally Seamans tells young students some smart ways of 3.________ (find) friends. Sally says 4.________ (arrive) at friendship is just like 5.________ (plant) a tree. You plant the seed and take care of it to make it grow. First, you should choose a friend. What makes a good friend? It is not because a person has money or good looks. A good friend should be kind and patient. For example, if you have a hard day, a good friend should l isten to your complaints and do their best 6.________ (help). To make a friend, you cannot be too shy. You should make each other happy and share your life. But things can"t always be happy. Even the best friends have fights. What should you do when you have a fight with your friends? You have to talk to them. When there is no one around, have an honest talk. If he or she doesn"t want 7.________ (talk), you could write a letter.   Sally says there are three steps to 8.________ (be) friends again. Tell him or her how you are feeling, say what your friend has done wrong, and explain why you did this or that. The book also has advice on some small but important things like 9.________ (celebrate) your friends" success. Even if you haven"t had a real friend before, you will start 10.________ (think) of having one if you read this book, because the book tells that friendship is the most important thing in your life.    五、名词性从句考点   Three years had passed and things were even worse than before. One can hardly imagine 1.________ the poor people suffered. Most of the workers lost their jobs and in order to provide for their families they sold everything 2.________ they had in their houses. They could neither get food nor clot hing. Many of them fell ill and died.   Now they began to understand 3.________ the factory owners were their enemies. But they believed that 4.________ the government knew 5.________ hard their conditions were, they would give them some help . In a meeting they decided 6.________ they should send some of their men to London to tell the government of the truth. Jackson was chosen to be one of them to go to the capital. He felt proud 7.________ he could do something for his friends.   A few days later, when Jackson came back from London and was asked to tell about 8.________ had happened there, he replied in a low voice, “I will never forget 9.________ we workers were treated there, and I will never forgive those who refused to hear us. Friends, let us do all we can to struggle against the capitalists and the government 10.________ supports them.”    六、定语从句考点   Some day, if you are lucky, you may see a bongo. But the only way 1.________ most people will see it is in a zoo. They are found in Africa, 2.________ they lived deep in forests. Even in Africa, very few people ever get to see a bongo. The bongo does not come out of the forest very often. It is an animal 3.________ keeps to itself.   The bongo has beautiful colouring. Its hair is bright brown mixed with orange and red. Down its back an d across its sides the bongo has yellowwhite strips. Animals 4.________ look for food at night usually have big eyes. This helps them see better at night. The forests in 5.________ bongos live are very dark. The eyes of bongos are very big. So, they have not trouble in living in the darkness.   Bongos in zoos do not like to go outside on bright days. They only go outside on those days when it is dark or very cloudy.    七、状语从句考点   Two travelling angels stopped to spend the night in the home of a wealthy family. The family was rude and refused to let the angels stay in the mansion"s guestroom. Instead the angels were given a small space in the cold basement. 1.________ they made their bed on the hard floor, the older angel saw a hole in the wall and repaired it. When the younger angel asked 2.________, the older angel replied, “Things aren"t always 3.________they seem.”   The next night the pair came to rest at the house of a very poor, 4.________ very hospitable farmer and his wife. After sharing what little food they had,the couple let the angels sleep in their bed 5.________ they could have a good night"s rest. 6.________ the sun came up the next morning the angels found the farmer and his wife in tears. Their only cow, 7.________milk had been their sole income, lay dead in the field. The younger angel was infuriated and asked the older angel, “How could you have let this happen?” “The first man had everything, yet you helped him,” she accused. “The second family had little 8.________ was willing to share everything and you let the cow die.”   “Things aren"t always what they seem, ” the older angel replied.“9.________ we stayed in the basement of the mansion, I noticed there was gold stored in the hole in the wall. 10.________ the owner was so obsessed with greed and unwilling to share his good fortune, I sealed the wall and he wouldn"t find it. Then last night as we slept in the farmer"s bed, the angel of death came to his wife. I asked God if the angel could take the cow instead.”    八、复合句考点   Gandhi was honoured as the father of the Indian nation. He has been respected and beloved by the Indians with the belief 1.________ he is an Indian national hero. He was born in India in 1869. 2.________ is recorded, he got married at the age of 13, following the local custom. In 1888 he sailed to England, 3.________ he studied law for three years and became a lawyer. 4.________ his return to India, he was sent to South Africa to work on a law case. In South Africa he was surprised to find 5.___




in face of 没有the an emotional strength 句中的which 指的是love这个句子挺好的


你好!afforestation和forestation是各自由动词afforest和forest变形而来的名词,都是造林的意思,它们相当于是同义词。区别是,afforest用于动词的频率比forest要高一些,所以afforestation相应地比forestation更常见。forest一般当名词使用,如They don"t see the forest for the trees. 他们见树不见林(意思是因小失大,只注重细节,没有弄明白或者忽略了主要内容)。

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高考英语语法填空题型中常见的词语变形 (一)动词/形容词转换 1.以ment为结尾的名词 Improve-----improvement 改善,改进, argue---argument (注意没有e)争论 Achieve---achievement  成就      appoint---appointment  任命,约会 adjust-adjustment n. 调整; 适应 advertise-----advertisement 广告 develop-development n. 发展 manage—management encourage-encouragement n. 鼓励 agree-agreement n.(意见或看法)一致;协定 employ-employment  就业; 雇用 unemployment  失业 2. 以-ion, -ation, -ition结尾的名词 possess----possession 拥有;持有attract---attraction 吸引力;吸引人之物 organize-organization  组织  机构 hesitate------ hesitation  犹豫 compete-competition n. 竟争 appreciate-appreciation n. 感激  欣赏 devote- devotion  深爱,奉献        explain-explanation  解释; 理由 conclude-conclusion  结论 congratulate-congratulation  祝 贺 decide-decision  决定 describe------- description  描写; 形容 express-expression  表达 I表情impress------impression  印象;感想 introduce-introduction  采用; 引进 invite---Invitation  邀请 operate-operation  手术; 运转 educate--------education  教育 permit-permission  准许; 许可 pollute---------pollution  污染 prepare----------preparation  准备; 预备  protect-----protection  保护 satisfy----satisfaction  满足满意suggest-suggestion  建议;意见 considerate------consideration  仔细考虑;考虑周到 communicate------communication  交流 3.以-ance,-ence结尾的名词 accept-acceptance n. 接受 appear------appearance  外表; 出现 differ-----difference 不同 exist--------existence  存在 depend---------dependence n, 依赖; 依靠distant-------distance  距离 absent------absence n. 缺席 patient------- patience  耐 心 4.以-dom结尾的名词 Free----freedom  自由  wise-----wisdom  智慧 5.以 ity,-ty结尾的名词 Similar-------similarity n. 相似之处 difficult---------difficulty 困 难 responsible------responsibility  责任; 责任心 6.以-th结尾的名词 Warm----warmth  温暖  wide---width  .宽度  (注意名词没有e) Long----length  长度  grow---growth  生长    7. 以 ure结尾的名词 fail-failure n. 失败; 衰竭    press---pressure压力 8. 其他 Approve------approval n, 赞成; 批准 fluent-fluency n. 流利 angry-------anger  怒气 (二)其他词类转换为形容词 1. 以-able,-ible结尾的形容词 comfort-comfortable adj. 舒服  value---valuable  有价值的 reason----reasonable adj, 合理的  change---changeable  容易改变的 afford----affordable支付得起的 2. 以-al结尾的形容词 environment-environmental adj. 环境的  tradition---traditional  传统的 culture-cultural adj, 文化的  nature---natural  自然的,天然的 benefit--------Beneficial adj. 有利 的 3. 以-ful结尾的形容词 use- --useful adj, 有用的  success---successful  成功的 help ----helpful adj. 有帮助的 hope---hopeful  抱有希望的 peace-----peaceful a 和平的  power-- powerful  强大的 care-----careful adj. 细心的  pain---painful  痛苦的 forget-forgetful adj. 健忘的 harm—harmful  有危害的 beauty·----- beautiful adj, 美丽的 skill—skillful  技术好的,熟练的 wonder->-wonderful adj. 精彩的; 绝妙 4 以-less结尾的形容词 end-endless adj. 无尽的  aim---aimless  没有目标的 power----powerless  .无能为力的  hope—hopeless  绝望的 care---careless  粗心的  harm –harmless  无害的 use-----useless adj. 无用的  breath-----breathless  气喘吁吁的 5.以-tive结尾的形容词 product->-productive adj. 多产的  attract---attractive  吸引人的 effect -----effective adj, 有效的  create---creative  有创造力的 6以-y结尾的形容词 Fog---foggy    adj. 有雾的  greed—greedy 贪婪的 wealth. wealthy adj. 富有的  health---healthy  健康的 7.以-ous结尾的形容词 curiosity- curious  好奇的  danger---dangerous  危险的 variety- various 各种各样的 8.以-ly结尾的形容词 love-lovely adj. 可爱的  week-weekly adj. 每周的 like---likely 有可能的 (likely为形容词) friend---friendly  友好的 高考英语语法填空常见形容词、副词汇总 一. 以al 结尾的形容词和副词的变化 1. nation→national→nationally national heroes 民族英雄 a nationally known hero 一位全国著名的英雄 2.  nature→natural→naturally     natural resources 自然资源 3.  culture→cultural→culturally     different cultural backgrounds 不同的文化背景 4. profession→professional→professionally professional knowledge 专业知识 5. intonation(国际)→international→ internationally    international comedy characters 国际喜剧演员 6. person→personal→personally 个人地 7. practice→practical→practically 实际地 8. occasion→occasional→occasionally偶尔地,有时地 二.以ful 结尾的形容词和副词的变化 1.  care→careful→carefully 细心地 2.  grate→grateful→gratefully感激地   thank→thankful→thankfully   be thankful/grateful→to sb for sth 由于某事而感激某人 3. forget→forgetful→forgetfully 健忘地 三. 以able 结尾的形容词和副词的变化 1. rely→reliable→reliably 可依靠地 rely on sb 2. admire→admirable→reliably 羡慕地 3. reason→reasonable→admirably 合情合理地 4. accept→acceptable→acceptably 可接受地 5. advise→advisable→advisably 建议地 6. comfort→comfortable→comfortably 舒适地 7. forget→forgettable→forgettably→unforgettably 难忘地 8. change→changeable→changeably→unchangeable 不可改变地 9. believe→believable→believably→unchangeable 难以置信地 10. favor→favorable→favorably→unfavorably 不利地 11. bear→bearable→bearably→unbearably 不能忍受地 四. 以le结尾的形容词和副词的变化 simple→simply  possible→possibly 可能地 probable→probably 可能地 五. 以y结尾的形容词和副词的变化 easy→easily    busy→busily be busy with sth  be busy in doing sth happy→happily  healthy→healthily 健康地 六. 直接加ly的形容词 wide→widely 广泛地      actual→actually事实上 part→partly 部分地      particular→particularly 特别地 especial→especially 尤其地  regular→regularly 定期地 extreme→extremely 特别地  precious→preciously 宝贵地 purely 完全地  frequently 经常地  gradually 逐渐地 (形)lovely→livelily 可爱的        lively→livelily 活跃地 生动的  friendly→friendlily 友好的 equally 相等地  frankly 坦率地  swiftly 迅速地 (形)likely 可能的  constantly 不断地  accurately 准确地     casually随意地  efficiently 有意义地  privately 机密地     locally 本地地  absolutely 绝对地  normally 正常地     usually 通常地  tastelessly 无味地  breathlessly 屏息地  七. 以some结尾的形容词  trouble→troublesome  令人麻烦的    tiresome 讨厌的 fearsome 有点吓人的    awesome 敬畏的



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1. To be able to choose the number of children and when you starthaving children, so that has dramatically changed the way people live in manycountries.目的状语:To be able to choose the numberof children and when you start having children是(为了能够决定孩子数并决定你什么时候开始要孩子)  【动词不定式】To be able to choose  【choose 的并列宾语】——      — the number of children      — and when you start having children主句:so that has dramatically changedthe way people live in many countries (上面提到的情况已经戏剧性地改变了居住在许多国家人们的生活方式).  【评注性状语】so 如此看来/那么  【主语】that  【谓语动词】:has dramatically changed  【宾语】the way  【同位语从句】people live in many countries  参考译文:为了能够决定生几个孩子以及你什么时候开始要孩子,那么这种情况已经明显地改变了居住在许多国家人们的生活方式。2.The funds are eyeing an annual return of about 20%。  of 和 about 都是介词,这种用法是介词叠用。两个介词叠用的情况很多,比如 run from behind the door(从门背后跑出来)go to in front of the house(走到房子的前面),add up to about 100(总计100个左右)。  这句话的意思是 “这笔存款正关切着每年大约20%的利润回报”  about two months 中 about是介词,two months是介词宾语。  as good as.....第一个as是副词,副词是用来修饰动词、形容词或另一个副词的词类,此处就是修饰形容词good,意思是“同样地好”。第二个as 是连词,表示“如同/像…”。整个短语表示“实际上相当于”、“与…差不多”或“几乎等于”。  far from here 中,from 是介词,here 作介词宾语的名词;far 是副词,修饰表示处所的副词性介词短语 from here,意思是 “离开这里很远的地方” 或 “远离这里”3. make medical care more accessible and affordable to people。  句中的 make 是使役动词,medicalcare 是宾语,more accessible and affordable to people 是宾语补足语,意思是 “使得医疗更能为人所获得,人们更能承受得起”。  此处是more + adj. 是多音节形容词的比较级。  to people是状语,后置修饰形容词比较级more accessible andaffordable,即“对人们而言,更容易获得,更能承担得起”。4. bank deposits rates are lower than the pace of inflation,meaningsavers effectively pay banks for the privilege of handling their money。主句:bank deposits rates are lowerthan the pace of inflation,银行储蓄率低于通货膨胀的速率伴随状语:meaning savers effectively paybanks for the privilege of handling their money (这一点)意味着储蓄者实际上赋予银行处理他们存款的特权。  分词 meaning 用作伴随状语用以补充说明“银行储蓄率低于通货膨胀的速率”5. frontier: the edge of land where people live and have builttowns, beyond which the country is wild and unknown.  Beyond which 是 “介词 + 关系代词” 引导的定语从句,等于 beyond the edge。意思是 “国境:人们居住并建造了城市的领土边界,在这个边界远处,其国土是未被开发的并没有确定归属的地方”。

这句话中vehicle前面是否要加冠词,另外的is also matter 表示也很重要 有没有语法错误?

And for us, protecting the environment in our daily life such as using bicycle to replace vehicle, reduce the times of using air conditioner is also matter.有几处改了一下,你看一下:And for us, protect the environment in our daily life such as using bicycles to replace vehicles, reducing the time/times of using air conditioners and so on.1 此句的句子结构不完整,只好把protecting 改成protect形成祈使句了。2 英语中单数可数名词不能单独使用,要么在前面加限制词,要么在后加复数,这儿采用后者把bicycle 和vehicle 和conditioners 改成复数,表类别。3 从句子结构和意思来看,“使用自行车”和“减少空调使用次数/时间”都是用来说明前面的主题如何保护环境的,using…… 和reducing…… ,应该是并列的两个短语,都在such as(介词)的宾语,所以它们的形式应该是一样的,应该都用-ing 形式。4 time 有“时间(不可数名词),次数(可数名词)”的意思,在这儿“减少空调使用次数/时间”两个意思似乎都可以,但我更倾向于用“时间”之意,所以不加复数为好,就看你的意见了。5 such as 是列举项目,后面跟词语,不跟句子,所以“ is also matter”最好去掉。6 such as可以是不完全列举,可以在后面加and so on"等等"使句意更完整;或者在reducing前加and也可以,形成完全列举。如:And for us, protect the environment in our daily life such as using bicycles to replace vehicles, and reducing the time of using air conditioners.7 最后谈一下matter,它是动词(=be important),若要用它,前面不要加be动词,即:……reducing the time of using air conditioners also matters=……reducing the time of using air conditioners is also important.当然在上段话中经修改后是不需要matter所在的句子的。


surprise 惊喜surprised 令人惊喜的surprising 处于惊喜状态to one"s surprise (固定短语)令某人惊喜的是...


不知道你的语法书是什么情况,rely我只见过rely on,从来没有听说过rely with或者rely in。。。


翻译先:如果是这样的话,那么依赖电刺激的神经系统将最有可能受到影响。第二句就用了个非限定性定语从句 which后面的部分修饰the nervous system

求问英语语法——代词something的用法. something后面的动词用什么时态呢?

something 代词 pron. 1.某物,某事 Have you lost something? 你丢了什么东西吧? I have something important to tell you. 我有些重要的事要告诉你. 2.重要的事物[人],有一定意义的事物 He thinks he"s really something. 他认为自己是个了不起的人. Money is something,but it is not everything. 钱很重要,但钱并不是一切. 名词 n. 1.(表示不确切的描述或数量)大致,左右




一般是done或者being done,特殊的句子再另外看待。



英语语法:you will be curious what a poor guy i am. 请问 what引导的从句是什么从句 作句子的什么c成分

是宾语从句,且句子中curious 后面是必须加about的,be curious about sth.,what 引导的是宾语从句。


In general, the British drama after Shakespeare has been in decline. Today, the drama is still there, but the playwrightalmost No. Moreover, drama and position in the literature and people"s life is not worth mentioning. Of course, the decline of British drama is not only a phenomenon unique to. To investigate the drama from the world, we will find that France, Germany and the Nordic countries have experienced a similar process, although in these countriesnever reached the British drama that height, of course,have not been as in England that award. Although China in 13- fourteenth Century ushered in the first climax of drama, but this is because after the imperial examination at the official obstruction, recovery, the traditional intellectualsreturned to the orthodox poetry the four books in the.Despite centuries later Qing Dynasty emperor, the Empress Dowager and the ministers are very like the theatre, but by the mainstream culture of Chinese society values influence,poetry teaching and light opera, drama status has not beengenerally recognized accepted literary circles, is still notmainstream culture. In the history of Chinese literature,people can not find a like Shakespeare of the national language, literature, culture, thinking mode, cause tremendous effect dramatist. Therefore, in the world history of drama, such as British drama situation is unique.But, is such a wonderful drama but later decline. So, what iscausing the former so brilliant British drama has declined inthe later? What is the deep-seated reasons for it?






  下面是我整理的一些关于 affect与effect的用法,希望对大家有帮助。   1."by/in contrast"和"on the contrary"的用法   By contrast / In contrast   我经常在短 作文 和长作文里使用这2个 短语 。他们的用法完全相同。和however、on the other hand相似,它们用于介绍相反的观点或进行比较。By/In contrast可以用于句首,后面要加逗号。   Example   例如:   Unemployment rose in the UK. By contrast, the number of unemployed people in Canada fell.   On the contrary   I"ve never used this phrase in any of my IELTS lessons. It doesn"t mean the same thing as "by / in contrast". We use "on the contrary" to deny that something is true, and to explain that the opposite is true.   我从未在我的雅思课中用过这个短语。它和by / in contrast的意思不同。我们用on the contrary来否定某事,并解释与之相反的事是真实的。   Example   例如:   - Person 1: "You had some problems with your hotel, didn"t you?"   - Person 2: "On the contrary, the hotel was great, but the airline lost my suitcase."   2. affect和effect的用法   "Affect" is a verb. Don"t write "affect on".   Affect是动词。不要用affect on。   Smoking affects your health. (错误:smoking affects on your health)   The Internet is affecting our way of life.   Children are affected by what they see on television.   "Effect" is a noun. Do write "have an effect on".   Effect是名词。可以用have an effect on。   Smoking has a harmful effect on your health.   The Internet is having a significant effect on our way of life.   Television can have a negative effect on children.

英语语法状语从句 问题,高手进

affecting 的逻辑主语应当是a blue light continuously flashing on their consoles这个事,可以改为which affects。应当是结果状语,但是是a blue light continuously flashing on their consoles的结果状语。再如: He has won the award five times in a row(连续),making him very popular with the girls. making是结果状语,可以换为which makes,看来逻辑主语应当是前面所说的事情。这种情况很多,下面是摘自高中英语语法通霸2014版73页的一点内容,都是高考真题,你再体会一下。非谓语做结果状语:现在分词作结果状语时,表示一种自然的结果;动词不定式作结果状语,表示一种出乎意料的结果。1. 【2010天津】Itrained heavily in the south, ______ serious flooding in several provinces. A. caused B. havingcaused C. causing D.to cause2. 【2009上海】Asmall plane crashed into a hillside five miles east of the city, ______ allfour people on board.A. killed B. killing C.kills D. to kill3. 【2011陕西】More highways have beenbuilt in China, ______ it much easier for people totravel from one place to another. A. making B. madeC. to make D. havingmade4. 【2010江苏】Theretired man donated most of his savings to the school damaged by the earthquakein Yushu, ______ the students to return to their classrooms. A. enabling B. having enabledC. to enable D. to haveenabled5. 【2012山东】Georgereturned after the war, only ______ tha this wife had left him. A. to be told B. tellingC. being told D. told6. 【2012四川】Tomtook a taxi to the airport, only ______ his plane high up in the sky.A. finding B. to findC. being found D. to havefoundC B A A A B

英语语法问题 麻烦看下 非常感谢!!

1.affecting作为前面句子的谓语,前面是are形式,所以要用ing。2。even作为副词形式后面形容词。curtailed。。。find sth. done.3.low-wage形容词。even修饰的词性。作为复合词需要根据在词中的意思来甄别,再就是有些复合词在词典里也能查出来的。4.even副词修饰more。或者是even more修饰do.什么词性需要你根据前后语句或者是前后的修饰词来分别,千万不能太笼统的写出几个单词就说是什么词。5.应该是补语。是前面一句的解释而已。(不是很确定)。 come of age=coming age;形容词的accelerating。后面一个问题迎刃而解了,因为前面是形容词


.Her study of 62 formerly inactive women who began exercising three times a week for six months was published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.句子主干成份:Her study was published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 她的研究被发表在体育运动方面的医学科学期刊上。of 62 formerly inactive women 是定语,修饰study,她的研究,是什么研究?是关于62个不活跃的妇女。who began exercising three times a week for six months 是定语从句,修饰women,这62个妇女,是开始每个星期锻炼3次,连续坚持了6个月的那62个妇女,而不是其他女人。Iron deficiency is very common among women in general, affecting one in four female teenagers and one in five women aged 18 to 45, respectively.句子主干:Iron deficiency is very common among women in general缺铁在妇女中是非常普遍的。affecting one in four female teenagers and one in five women aged 18 to 45, respectively. 分词短语做结果状语。(缺铁)影响了四分之一的未成年女性和五分之一18到45岁的成年女性。And because women often restrict their diet in an effort to control weight, they may not consume enough iron-rich food, and are liable to experience a deficiency.主句是: they may not consume enough iron-rich food, and are liable to experience a deficiency.她们没有摄入足够的富含铁食物,所以就容易导致缺铁(症状发生)。because women often restrict their diet in an effort to control weight,这是原因状语从句,解释主句没有摄入足够富含铁食物的原因。因为妇女们经常限制她们的饮食来控制自己的体重,


我会尝试用中文回答:“accident” 是名词;意思是意外事故,常常表示车祸的意思, 但是可以表示其他类型的事故。一个常见的用法是 have + an + accidentMy mom just called to say she had an accident. (大概是车祸,但是有一点不清楚)I had an accident this morning on the way to work. (肯定是车祸)The little boy had an accident in the bathroom. (尿湿裤子了!)Don"t talk on your cell phone while you"re driving. You don"t want to have an accident.在 "accident"的前面, 我们可以加另外一个词来说明是什么羊的事故:My grandmother had a car accident yesterday.Japan had a big nuclear accident after the earthquake.He was hurt in an industrial accident.另外一种用法是 "the accident" 或者 "an accident"。All the drivers slowed down to look at the accident. (路边的车祸)Sorry I"m late. There was a big accident on the highway. (别人的车祸,不是我的)Sorry for bumping into you; it was an accident! (表示我撞到你是不小心的。)我们也常常用 "accidentally" 这个副词在动词前面:I accidentally left my purse at home.He accidentally spilled coffee on my report.My mom accidentally locked her keys in the car.我希望这是有益的!如果我中文写得不对,很抱歉!

They can go to big cities go sihgtseeing有语法错误吗?

不对,后面是to go sightseeing

from afar 语法怎么解释

从远方 例句:有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎 译句:How happy we are,to meet friends from afar!

from afar 语法怎么解释

from a far从一个远的例句:from afar city从遥远的城市

语法问题 帮看下 感谢 thanks!!

long-drawn-out本来就是表示持久的长久的意思。所以你们翻译成胡子工程就是找含义相同的而已green covering就是用法搭配没有什么原因unit通常是指单元或者栋,一个楼transfor of 也是搭配因为你为了句子结构需要,这种东西没法解释,因为会讲非常多的内容从基本上of用法到固定搭配the用不用就看你是强调你想说的,可能这句话前面的the是特指的某种精神,后面的就是知识,maybe是任何知识接下来的就是固定搭配,没什么可说的明明science 和technology是两个词你怎么能看成整体。这个句子表达的意思是不能用are来替换constitutetoo far就是形容词,开头第一个大写这个没什么可说,还有就是特指的,比如书本名字,人名,还是就是独一无二的in which 的in 来自于词组后面 play a role in,因为句子结构所以你要把in提前面成为in which,主语从句问题,知识点太多自己去看相关语法问题5.不是每个单词都是那么的能够体现中文意思,很多东西是不能完全翻译互通的,所以我们需要用很多修辞方式来表示接下来就是of的问题,你需要仔细去看关于of的用法即搭配



enjoy sth.属于英语中的短语还是语法?



从语法看,二者都可用。为什么这里是seemed to be enjoying 而不用seemed to enjoy?用前者更形象,栩栩如生地描述了发言人的“正陶醉其中”的形象,用后者则叙述同一事实但表达效果却平淡很多




improvevt.改善;改进;提高vi.变得更好;改进用作及物动词 (vt.)Your work will get by, but try to improve it.你的工作勉强通过了,但要设法改善它。He offered a suggestion to improve the plan.他提出一个建议,以改进那项计划。用作不及物动词 (vi.)Wine improves with age.酒存放得越久越醇。I hope the weather will improve before Friday.我希望星期五之前天气会好转。improve跟improve upon的区别:前者指的的是“在好或不好的基础上进行修改,改进”,而后者则是指“在好的基础再更进一步”。This poem cannot be improved.这首诗太好或太坏,以致于不能修改了。This poem cannot be improved upon.这首诗好得不能再好了。improve跟better的区别:前者指的是大方面的,或是人物内在的提高,以及比较抽象的事物的提高,如improve one"s health。后者指的是人的地位,物质或经济条件上的提高,如better the conditions of the workers(工人生活条件的提高);在使用improved同improving时要特别注意,避免误用improved而形成被动语态。v.(动词)improve的基本意思为“改善,提高”,可指健康状况、环境、形势等,也可指具体事物,还可间或指人。强调部分地或某种程度上对客体加以修补改正,以提高到较高水平或使其更受欢迎。本词不用于坏的事物变好,也不用于变得十分完美,无以复加。improve用作及物动词时可接名词或代词作宾语,但不用于被动结构; 用作不及物动词时主动形式常含有被动意义。improve后常接反身代词表示“在知识或学问上有进步”,其后常接介词in。用作动词 (v.)~+名词improve conditions 改善条件improve English 提高英语水平improve every moment 珍惜每一刻光阴improve farm tool 改进农具improve health 增进健康improve image 提高形象improve intonation 改进语调improve leisure by studying利用空闲时间学习improve living standard 提高生活水平improve occasion 利用机会improve opportunity 利用机会improve plan 改进计划improve pronunciation 改进发音improve properties 改进性能improve quality 提高质量improve scores 提高分数improve service 提高服务质量improve shining hour 利用机会improve situation 改善不利条件improve vocabulary 扩大词汇量~+副词improve hardly 无可改进improve aggressively 盛气凌人地改进improve beneficently 有益地改进improve blindly 盲目地改进improve boldly 大胆改进improve bravely 勇敢地改进improve casually 非正式地改进improve cautiously 谨慎地改进improve completely 彻底改进improve consciously 有意识地改进improve constantly 不断地改进improve courteously 谦恭地改进improve creatively 创造性地改进improve educationally 教育改进improve erratically 不规律地改进improve eventually 最终改进improve greatly 大大地改进improve immediately 立即改进improve magnanimously 大度地改进improve provisionally 暂且改进improve quietly 悄悄地改进improve radically 激进地改进improve rapidly 迅速改进improve readily 欣然改进improve reasonably 明智地改进improve recklessly 轻率地改进improve reluctantly 勉强改进improve scarcely 很少改进improve simultaneously 同时改进improve sincerely 诚恳地改进improve skeptically 心存怀疑地改进improve slavishly 盲从地改进improve slightly 稍稍好转improve slowly 缓慢地改进improve speedily 加快速度改进improve steadily 不断提高improve temperately 适度地改进improve timidly 胆怯地改进improve unexpectedly 出乎意外地改进improve unhesitatingly 即刻改进improve universally 普遍改进improve unwisely 不明智地改进improve vigorously 有力改进improve warily 谨慎地改进improve wholly 完全改进~+介词improve in 在…方面有起色,有进步improve in health 健康状况有所改善improve sth into an excuse利用某事作为借口improve on〔upon〕 生产出improve on the first book 写出比第一本更好的书improve on the performance表演出更好的节目

I am deeply impressing with his classes这句话有没有语法错误?

应该是deeply impressed吧 这里要用被动词

there are many good movies impress me a lot有语法错误吗

可以改成:There are manygood movies impressing me a lot.

[英语语法] It"s time we protested.


Genius always be alone . 语法上有错误吗

1.不知道为什么没有任何提示,助动词或情态动词的情况下要用be2.genius 这个词做天才.天赋说时不可数 注重的某种品质(usually great intelligence,skill,or artistic ability) 比如the genius of Shakespeare莎士比亚的天才 但做天才人物说就可数了 比如Einstein was a mathematical genius.3.always 这个词一般置于be动词之后所以这个句子可以改成 Geniuses are always alone.

it is worth being owning 有语法错误么 如上 值得拥有,对么

worth的固定搭配如下: be worth of being done be worth doing 所以应该是: It is worth of being owned. It is worth owning.

it is worth being owning 有语法错误么

worth的固定搭配如下:be worth of being donebe worth doing所以应该是:It is worth of being owned.It is worth owning.

How long 语法问题。


Home is home, be it ever so homely.是什么意思? 是什么语法????


英语问题 Truer truth 是什么意思 有语法错误吗 我需要专业的如题 谢谢了


问一个很二的英语语法问题。you are determined to be jolly ,后面的t


请教老师英语语法。To what

to what extent 来源于的介词短语to some extent,起状语作用,它后面紧跟的是主语,不过这个主语是个完整句子罢了,即主语从句。而全句综合来看是主系表结构。主语从句: competition determines the composition of a community and the density of particular species表语部分的系动词:has been表语核心词:the source of considerable controversy



语法问题 :They were the loudest for sure!

for sure 固定词组,一般放在句尾意思是无疑、准保、肯定

i m for sure通顺吗?语法。

语法上是通的,但不完整,for sure是对其后面的东西的肯定,如果你想说“我肯定“,那就是i am sure

knowing how to use 为什么knowing要加ing,麻烦你回答语法后,再举个例

knowing how to use .知道如何使用的意思 。know 加 ing 后,由动词变为名词,是知道的意思,泛指人(包括你,我,他等人称代词的)知道。再如:Knowing how to read 知道如何阅读 。供参考。

英语语法even if

even if 有转折的意思,但是后面一般接句子。而even 本身就有“即使”的意思,when只是连接后面的句子。原句应该是even when he was exhausted,the young actor continued to perform energetically.when做时间状语时,当主句的主语和从句的主语一致时,可以把从句的主语和谓语动词省略。即he和was.希望你能满意。


Knowing 现在分词 做状语,后接 表语it


Knowing it was impossible to be accpeted in that profession if she did not speak correct English, Knowing.correct English这个结构是原因状语,相当于Because she knew it was... 不能用known,因为known是过去分词,表示被动的.而这里的knowing是现在分词,表示主动的. she asked professor Higgins to give her lessons. 译文: 由于她知道如果她说不好英语,要得到那个职业是不可能的,所以,她要求Higgins教授给她上课.



there rose a red sun什么语法结构?

There rose a red sun.红红的太阳升起来了本句是副词there引导的倒装句。运用了"there+动词+主语"的结构。谓语动词是rise的过去式rose。表示过去的状态。主语是a red sun。


句子结构为:what引导的疑问句。其中分解为advocate of goal-setting(目标制订倡导者),think of(认为),A" research分别是句中的组成成分。希望可以帮到你!

高手分析这句话语法关系对吗?尤其是of 后面的doing!还是这句话有省略其他内容?还是错的?


在英语语法中,result 和 cause 的用法?


在英语语法中,result 和 cause 的用法?

结果;导致;产生;结果;成绩;答案 原因;事业;目标;引起;使遭受 result in导致 result from因.产生 cause sb to do sth 引起某人做某事 亲:每天都开心V_V! thanks(thx)!



英语语法 caught a sight of 和 caught sight of 的用法?

caught sight of 突然看到 瞥见 caught a sight of 发现,看见, 没有强调突然的意思,这种用法不常见,也不属于考试规范用法 EG:I caught a sight of a little lonely cat when I went shopping yesterday.昨天下午购物的时候我看见了一只小流浪猫 通常是caught a 什么 sight of 比如,caught a good sight of /caught a brief sight of

He advice you go there tomorrow,语法正确吗?

答案C根据if 引导的条件状语从句,主句为一般将来时,从句用一般现在时来代替将来时,又因为前者是否定句,因而,后文的倒装句用neither来引导,同时主语与上文不一致,故用完全倒装,故选C



catch 英语什么意思?有什么语法吗

vt.赶上;接住;引起;看见vt.& vi.(使)被钩住,(使)被卡住n.抓;隐情;捕获量;挂钩vi.锁住;着火;[棒球]当接球手adj.迷惑人的;令人容易上当的;引人注目的;令人感兴趣的词组:catch on变得流行;<非正>理解;投合心意 catch out揭露; 恰遇某人不在;将…难住;使怀孕 catch up追上;吹起;打断;把…缠住 catch up with追上;赶上;对…产生坏影响;查出来并抓获

关于advise的语法都写出来,准确性... 例如: advise sb.to do sth.

do 很简单啊 主要用于一般疑问句 比如一个疑问句有be动词的It is my cat.改为一般疑问句是Is it your cat?当没有be动词时要加个助动词do例如I like apples改:DO you like apple? do就好比把be动词替换了(没有be动词的情况下)当有三单形式时助动词要加个es 形容词也要加S例如: He likes apples.改:Does he like apples?

关于advise的语法都写出来,准确性...例如:advise sb.to do sth.

advise 几种常见用法归纳如下. 1. advise + 名词 / 代词 例如: Li Ming advised a swim after school. 李明建议放学以后去游泳. She will advise you about the right thing to do. 她会帮你出主意该怎么办. What would you advise ? 你有什么建议? 2. advise + sb. + 不定式短语 在这个句式中,不定式短语作 advise 的宾语补足语.例如: He often advised people to use their brains . 他常常劝人多用脑子. His wife advised him to give up smoking , but he wouldn"t. 他妻子劝他把烟戒了,但他不肯. We strongly advised him not to do such a thing . 我们竭力劝他不要这样做. 3. advise + sb. + 特殊疑问词 + 不定式短语 在这个句式中,“特殊疑问词 + 不定式短语”作 advise 的宾语补足语.例如: She advised them how to solve the problem . 她给他们出主意怎样解决这个问题. He advised her what to do with family problems. 他建议她该怎样处理家庭纠纷. Will you advise me which one to buy ? 请你能否告诉我该买哪一个? 4. advise + 动名词 例如: I advised holding a meeting to discuss the matter. 我建议开一个会来讨论这件事情. He advised her paying attention to her pronunciation. 他建议她注意发音. We advised them starting out at once. 我们建议他们立即启程. 5. advise on sth. 或 advise sb. on sth. 例如: He often advises on this project. 他经常就此项工程提出建议. Will you advise on the plan ? 关于这项计划,请你提提意见好吗? They often advise us on our work . ( =They often give us some advice on our work. )他们经常就我们的工作给我们提建议. 6. advise + sb. +against + doing sth. 例如: The lawyers have advised us against signing the contract. ( =The lawyers have advised us not to sign the contract. )律师建议我们不要签订这个合同. The teacher advised the student against dropping out of school . ( =The teacher advised the student not to drop out of school. )老师劝那个学生不要退学. 7. advise + 宾语从句 advise 后面接宾语从句时,从句中的谓语动词应为虚拟语气,即用“ should + 动词原形”, should 可以省略.例如: I advise that you (should) do it right away . 我建议你马上就做这件事情. Please advise me whether I (should) accept the suggestion . 请你告诉我是否应该接受这项建议.


c. flat 经常去河边捡些平整的石头投到河面上,看他们像燕子一样点水。c. made 他分不清那个是真正的赞扬那个是出去迎合他为目的的奉承。D in a five-year 他们想在五年内使在落后教育条件下学习的学生也享受到有创造力的,丰富的教育。c would seem 过去六年来航空技术的变化,19世纪初即使最前沿的科学家严重是完全不可能的。B be assigned 或 shuld be assigned 我觉得他不应该被推荐担任这个工作,因为他在这方面毫无经验。

英语语法it is advisable to当中的to是介词还是动词

it is advisable for sb. to do sth. 某人做某事是合理的/明德的。其中的to 是动词不定式的标志。不是介词。

trying to do有语法问题吗

没有的,只不过trying to do 是不能单独使用的,否则句子就缺少了谓语动词,需要在trying前面添加be动词trying to do 中的trying是动词的现在分词,现在分词单独使用是不能充当谓语动词的,它是非谓语动词,需要搭配be动词或者助动词使用才能充当谓语动词。谓语是对主语动作或状态的陈述或说明,指出“做什么”do what,“是什么”what is this或是“怎么样”how。谓语动词的位置一般在主语之后,经常用动词和形容词搭配然后用来充当谓语动词。其种类主要有动词谓语、形容词谓语、名词谓语

英语语法问题 trying

这里trying是正在进行时,trying本身是adj 或者verb 并不矛盾

He and his staff began throwing furniture out of the window.这句话语法成分的分析



牛用这个表示twenty head of cattle

can you skipping的语法对吗?

不对,把skipping 换成skip


因为这里的grown up不是动词,是形容词,意思是“成熟的,成人的”,这是一个系表结构。

what"s growing here这句话中的grow为什么要加ing? 不加的话语法对吗?




比较级 ,翻译语法问题呢。

1 I more than you three booksI have three more books than you (do)I have three books more than you (do)To see someone say so, these two statements, is it right? Can?The two translation methods, if you can,The function of more, the first sentence is it right? Adjectives,adverbs is second more?2 I am less than you 3 apples.I have three fewer apples than you.I have three apples fewer than you.Fewer position exactly where to?Is there a way can be two,Then, the two inside the first sentence of the fewer should be the adjective few, comparative?Second fewer here is to do adverb? Thank you3 [I have more books than you] / [my books] less than youCan say is it right?:I have more books than you / I have fewer books than youI have boos more than you / I have books fewer than you4 [him a few more books than you? ] / [he less than you some books? ]1我比你的三本书我的书比你的多三(做)我有三本书比你(做)看到有人这样说,这两种说法,是吧?可以吗?这两种翻译方法,如果你可以,更多的功能,第一句是正确的?形容词,副词是二更?2我的比你的少3个苹果。我有三个苹果比你的少。我有三个苹果比你的少。更少的位置在哪里?有没有一种方法可以是两个,然后,在较少的第一句的两个应该是形容词,比较?第二少在这里是做副词?谢谢3【我比你] / [书]少我的书比你的多可以说这是正确的?:我的书比你的多/我的书比你的少我嘘声超过你/我的书比你的少4 [他的书比你的多一些?] / [他比你少一些书吗?]


1、全句意思是:然而,光说是解决不了问题的。这里的alone你既可以视为形容词也可以视为副词。这就是为什么它一个词可以有2种词性。(1)如果理解成形容词,就是words的后置定语,相当于only/just the words 或words only;(2)如果理解成副词,你就最好把它调一下语序,如:words, however, will not solve the problem alone.这时候alone也可以放在solve这个动词的前面。2、全句的意思是:这周他们单独地开了三次会。这里的alone就是我上面说的第(2)种情况,alone是“单独地、没有其他人在场地”的意思。估计你学英语还不久,跟你说2个要点:(1)一个词究竟修饰、限制、说明的是哪个词是要根句子结构(或主干)和成份来划分的,不是说一个词在某个词的后面就一定修饰前面的词,反之亦然,要看它起什么功能、做什么句子成份(主、谓、宾、定、状、补、表)。(2)英语中副词、不定式、分词、介宾短语都是非常灵活的,可以放前面,也可以方后面,还可以放中间。之所以能有这么多种用法,主要是由于它们所作的句子成份是易于辨别的,因而也就不会产生歧义。有了位置的多样性后,句式就可以千变万化而不显得单调和呆板,相应地,新手学起来就难度大一些。更多英语方面的学习心得,请看我的百度“心软博客”和“尽享社区”网站,欢迎讨论和交流。






英语常用语法的名称的说法   句法 syntax   词法 morphology   结构 structure   层次 rank   词类 part of speech   实词 notional word   虚词 structrural word   名词 noun   专有名词 proper noun   普通名词 common noun   可数名词 countable noun   不可数名词 uncountable noun   抽象名词 abstract noun   具体名词 concret moun   物质名词 material noun   集体名词 collective noun   个体名词 inpidual noun   介词 preposition   连词 conjunction   动词 verb   主动词 main verb   及物动词 transitive verb   不及物动词 intransitive verb   系动词 link verb   助动词 auxiliary verb   情态动词 modal verb   规则动词 regular verb   不规则动词 irregular verb   短语动词 phrasal verb   限定动词 finite verb   非限定动词 infinite verb   使役动词 causative verb   感官动词 verb of senses   动态动词 event verb   静态动词 state verb感叹词 exclamation   副词 adverb   方式副词 adverb of manner   程度副词 adverb of degree   时间副词 adverb of time   地点副词 adverb of place   修饰性副词 adjunct   连接性副词 conjunct   疑问副词 interogative adverb   关系副词 relative adverb   代词 pronoun   人称代词 personal pronoun   物主代词 possesive pronoun   反身代词 reflexive pronoun   相互代词 reciprocal pronoun   指示代词 demonstrative pronoun   疑问代词 interrogative pronoun   关系代词 relative pronoun   不定代词 indefinite pronoun   物主代词 possecive pronoun   名词性物主代词 nominal possesive prnoun   形容词性物主代词 adjectival possesive pronoun   冠词 article   定冠词 definite article   不定冠词 indefinite article   数词 numeral   基数词 cardinal numeral   序数词 ordinal numeral   分数词 fractional numeral   形式 form   单数形式 singular form   复数形式 plural form   限定动词 finite verb form   非限定动词 non-finite verb form   原形 base form   从句 clause   从属句 subordinate clause   并列句 coordinate clause   名词从句 nominal clause   定语从句 attributive clause   状语从句 adverbial clause   宾语从句 object clause   主语从句 subject clause   同位语从句 appositive clause   时间状语从句 adverbial clause of time   地点状语从句 adverbial clause of place   方式状语从句 adverbial clause of manner   让步状语从句 adverbial clause of concession   原因状语从句 adverbial clause of cause   结果状语从句 adverbial clause of result   目的状语从句 adverbial clause of purpose   条件状语从句 adverbial clause of condition   真实条件状语从句 adverbial clause of real condition   非真实条件状语从句 adverbial clause of unreal condition   含蓄条件句 adverbial clause of implied condition   错综条件句 adverbial clause of mixed condition   句子 sentence   简单句 simple sentence   并列句 compound sentence   复合句 complex sentence   并列复合句 compound complex sentence   陈述句 declarative sentence   疑问句 interrogative sentence   一般疑问句 general question   特殊疑问句 special question   选择疑问句 alternative question   附加疑问句 tag question   反义疑问句 disjunctive question   修辞疑问句 rhetorical question   感叹疑问句 exclamatory question   存在句 existential sentence   肯定句 positive sentwence ;
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