barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-29 07:41:57
TAG: 语法


3题:the children gazed at the monkeys hanging by their tails from the branches. hanging...是分词短语做后置定语 is 改为it was




2023-06-29 00:47:412


2023-06-29 00:47:491


  hang这个英语单词我们都学过了,那么你知道hang的现在分词是什么吗?下面是我为你整理的hang的现在分词的相关资料,希望对你有所帮助!   hang的现在分词   现在分词: hanging   n.绞死; 绞刑; (墙上装饰用的)帘子; 帷幔   adj.应处以死刑的; 量刑偏重的;   v.悬( hang的现在分词 ); (被)绞死; 贴; 逗留   hang   vt.悬挂; (被)绞死; 贴,装饰; 使悬而未决   vi.悬垂; 被吊死; 附属,依靠; 悬而未决   n.悬挂的样子; (动作的)暂停; 〈口〉大意,要点; 〈口〉做法,诀窍   hang现在分词hanging的造句   1. In the present climate, owners are hanging on to old ships.   在目前的形势下,船东们都不愿淘汰掉旧船。   2. People are still hanging out drinking beer, maybe shooting some pool.   人们仍聚在那里喝啤酒,可能还会打会儿台球。   3. I found his jacket, which was hanging up in the hallway.   我找到了他那件夹克衫,就在门厅里挂着。   4. He got sick of hanging around waiting for me.   他等我都等烦了。   5. He was still hanging around, swigging the Coke out of the can.   他还在闲逛,拿着一罐可乐大口大口地喝着。   6. Scoop the blanket weed out and use it to line hanging baskets.   把那些丝状水藻捞出来,垫在吊篮里。   7. Keegan announced he was hanging up his boots for good.   基冈宣布自己将挂靴,永远退出足坛。   8. I"m just going to be hanging around twiddling my thumbs.   我只会闲呆着,什么事也不做。   9. His breath was hanging in the air before him.   他的哈气悬浮在自己面前。   10. She would spend the day hanging round street corners.   她会整天在街角附近游荡.   hang的用法   用作动词   You may hang your coat on the hook.   你可以把外套挂在钩子上。   I"ll hang the pictures as high as I can.   我将尽可能把这些画挂得高。   All the shirts hang together in the same wardrobe.   所有的衬衫都挂在同一个衣橱里。   Her hair hung long in the back.   她的头发长长地披在身后。   Cigarette smoke hung in the air.   香烟烟雾在空气中缭绕。   The notion hung in his mind for days.   几天来他老是在转这个念头。   He was hanged for murder.   他因犯谋杀罪而被处以绞刑。   用作名词   The hang of the curtain shows that somebody is standing behind it.   窗帘悬挂的样子表明有人站在后面。   She was condemned to hang for killing her husband.   她因杀害亲夫被处以绞刑。
2023-06-29 00:48:541


2023-06-29 00:49:011

hanging 是什么意思?

不一定非拘泥于字典的意思嘛~~hanging就是挂着,怎么用都行,绞刑的意思是一种。比容freinds里有一集,快结婚的罗斯对瑞秋说 U just hanging there.就是挂着没着落的意思吧~~毕竟是语言,不断会有新用法的
2023-06-29 00:49:113


2023-06-29 00:49:291

a hanging课文翻译是什么意思?

a hanging绞刑
2023-06-29 00:49:372


The coat hanging outside is Tom"s.
2023-06-29 00:50:142


2023-06-29 00:50:291

The clothe is hanging in the window.为什么用hanging,不用hung?赶快的加分

hanging 是现在进行时,表示衣服正在挂着hung 是hang的过去式
2023-06-29 00:50:372

挂房帐 用英文怎么说

hang mosquito netting
2023-06-29 00:50:456

Sterling Knight的《Hanging》 歌词

歌曲名:Hanging歌手:Sterling Knight专辑:Sonny with a Chance (soundtrack)Sterling Knight – Hanging LyricsHow "bout a little bit of soul, some integrity.I"m not talkin" about no fake kinda feelingBut the girl in my dreams will beFor real without a doubt soI don"t know who you are but find your way to meUh, in no rush to seeBaby, I"m hanging, hanging on for you(I"m hanging) That"s where it is, go "bout my businessHanging, hanging on for youAnd you"ll be mine in future timeIt"s true ooh oohOoh ooh ooh ooh ooh oohHow "bout we wait a couple years till you do it rightI gotta a little game leftSoon I"mma hang up in a play and share this lineAnd you can do the same yesCause this horizon soon will focus into view, yeahUh, in no rush to seeBaby, I"m hanging, hanging on for you(I"m hanging) That"s where it is, go "bout my businessHanging, hanging on for youAnd you"ll be mine in future timeIt"s true ooh oohOoh ooh ooh ooh ooh oohThere"s no rush, we will touchAnd it will be a whole other level girlJust one kiss, yes this isThe heaven that will conquer the devil"s worldUh, in no rush to seeBaby, I"m hanging, hanging on for you(I"m hanging) That"s where it is, go "bout my businessHanging, hanging on for youAnd you"ll be mine in future timeHanging, hanging on for you(I"m hanging) That"s where it is, go "bout my businessHanging, hanging on for youAnd you"ll be mine in future timeIt"s true ooh oohOoh ooh ooh ooh ooh oohHanging, hanging on for you(I"m hanging) That"s where it is, go "bout my businessHanging, hanging on for youAnd you"ll be mine in future timeIt"s true
2023-06-29 00:51:341


可以答which are hanging,当然hanging也是对的
2023-06-29 00:51:425


A. hung 是“悬挂”的过去分词,作定语的话表示被动含义。B. hanging是“悬挂”的现在分词,作定语表示主动含义。C. hanged是“绞死,吊死”的过去分词,表被动,在这里形容picture很显然不合适了。D. being hung 是“悬挂”的现在分词的被动语态,表示“正在被挂”。解释:本句意思是:墙上挂着的小猫的画栩栩如生,我很喜欢。 这幅画就在墙上挂着,是状态,而且是主动的啊。所以用hanging作定语。
2023-06-29 00:52:073


2023-06-29 00:52:153

hanging on the lines

2023-06-29 00:52:221


1.强调的是被挂:一快被挂上遮住窗户的布料(强调被挂上,所以用被动的hung)2。被挂在:所以汉语是“被挂在”,似乎是被动,但是这里强调的是挂的延续动作,即一直(被)挂在布满尘土的窗户前。所以用的现在分词。 主要看强调的动作是什么来决定用什么形式。多读就有语感了。
2023-06-29 00:52:302

吊着的 英语怎么说

2023-06-29 00:52:584


1.不论主语是人或物,hang 都用主动形式;2. 当强调正挂在。。。时,用现在进行时;以上全解了
2023-06-29 00:53:081

There are some pictures ____(hang) on the door. 答案是:hanging, 我想说的是为什么不用

我想应该是being hung是表示被动语态,而hanging表示一种状态。这里应该用hanging表示照片是悬挂在门上的状态,而不是被悬挂在门上、这个可能要看语境吧....
2023-06-29 00:53:353

hanging out什么意思

2023-06-29 00:53:455

Hanging out with friends…这句话为什么hanging要加ing?

hang是动词,它会随着在句子扮演的成分的改变而改变。例如做状语Hanging out with her , I see sexy dog.作谓语I was hanging out with her.用ING的情况如下:动名词是非限定动词的一种形式,由动词原形+ing构成。它既有动词的特征,又有名词的特征,故称。动名词作主语、宾语和表语1)作主语。例如:Fighting broke out between the South and the North. 南方与北方开战了。2)作宾语Would you mind turning down your radio a little, please?你把收音机音量调小一点,好吗?The squirrel was lucky that it just missed being caught. 这松鼠幸运得很,刚逃避了被逮住的厄运。3)作表语,对主语说明、解释。例如:Her job is washing, cleaning and taking care of the children.她的工作是洗刷、清扫和照顾孩子。4)作定语,一般表示所修饰名词事物的用途。例如:a writing desk=a desk for writing 写字台a swimming pool=a pool swimming 游泳池分词作定语We can see the rising sun. 我们可以看到东升的旭日There was a girl sitting there.有个女孩坐在那里There is nothing interesting. 没有有趣的东西分词作状语Not receiving any letter from him, I gave him a call.由于没有收到他的信,我给他打了个电话。连词+分词(短语)While waiting there, he saw two pretty girls come out of the building.分词作补语通常在感官动词和使役动词之后。例如:I found my car missing.我发现我的车不见了。分词作表语表示主语的状态等。例如:She looked tired with cooking.她由于忙着做饭,看上去有些疲倦。He remained standing beside the table.他依然站在桌旁。
2023-06-29 00:54:081


2023-06-29 00:54:213


2023-06-29 00:55:081


hang, vt. 悬挂,垂下;装饰;绞死;使悬而未决 vi. 悬着,垂下;被绞死;悬而不决 n. 悬挂;暂停,中止 第三人称单数 hangs 现在分词 hanging 过去式 hung或hanged 过去分词 hung或hanged. 扩展资料   hang的用法:   hang的用法1:hang的"基本意思是“悬”“挂”,一般指把某物悬挂在高处或线上,由此下垂并能够摆动,引申可表示某物依赖于他物的状态; 某物缠在或贴在他物之上的状态以及一切能使人由悬挂的情景联想到的事物或状态。hang还可作“吊死,绞死”解。   hang的用法2:hang在口语中常用于事物,意思是“见鬼”,指人作诅咒语,表示愤怒,不赞成等。   hang的用法3:hang可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,主动形式含有被动意义。   hang的用法4:在正式英语中, hang作“绞死”解时,其过去式和过去分词为hanged, hanged; 作其他意义解时,其过去式和过去分词为hung, hung。
2023-06-29 00:55:161


这是表示the clothe的状态---正搭在窗子上,并没有强调被动的意思,所以用现在进行时.
2023-06-29 00:55:231


be hanging主语是物,hang用作不及物动词.不能用be hung 或者be hanged. hang 有过去式hanged和hung,hanged为绞死 吊死的意思.
2023-06-29 00:55:291

there is a sweater_____(hang) on the clothes line. 横线处应该填hung还是hanging?

hanging there be 句型
2023-06-29 00:55:495


2023-06-29 00:56:042

英语选择题 高二

C吗, 可以说是be said to ???
2023-06-29 00:56:206

a hanging是什么意思 a hanging的中文翻译、读音、例句?

a hanging的中文解释是”行刑”,还有行刑的意思,单词读音音标为[ahanging],a hanging在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到28个与a hanging相关的近义词和例句a hanging的翻译1.行刑例句:”hanging between the trees,翻译:“其悬于树梢兮”自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:
2023-06-29 00:56:351


楼主可以这样理解,这个句子可以还原成这样,with the key which is hanging around their necks ,然后省略which is 另外楼主要注意一点,with +名词+分词(过去分词或者现在分词,或者形容词)这是一个固定用法,hanging 就是一个动名词形式
2023-06-29 00:56:454

hanging cab是什么意思

hanging cab悬挂座舱真情为您解答,敬请采纳,如对本题还有疑问可追问,Good luck!
2023-06-29 00:56:532

the photo ( hanging ) on the wall was taken by my father 此处hanging 为什么不用被动语态

2023-06-29 00:56:592


2023-06-29 00:57:513


hang: 挂 hang something on the tree.熟练运用:getting the hang of something. hang around, hanging out :在某个地方逛。hang on: 抓紧 hang on to the apple for me,等一下 hang on, I"m almost done,hang out: 走得近,I"m hanging out with Ann for a few days. 去某个地方逛:Want to hang out at my place?以上大多口语。Hang 的 词典网站:
2023-06-29 00:58:002

"hanging out"是甚么意思?

hanging是挂起、吊起 out是外 外出 合起来使用就成了所谓的phrasal verb 也就是一组有特定组合特定意义的词汇 hanging out的意思是"出外"、"出街玩"、"出去浦" 也可以是"居住"的意思 例:...hanging out with friends...跟朋友出外 在不是phrasal verb的场合下 可以把他分折成hang和out两部份 也就是"伸出"、"挂出" 例:...hang out the flag...挂起那面旗 类似的phrasal verb还有 hang around hang about 如果是指男女关系 通常hanging out 即 约会 或 拍拖. Joke Answer: 窗口出面晾衫 Real Answer: 同.... 一齐 如果是会话,hanging out可以是 一齐外出去街的意思。 例如 I wanna hang out with you this Saturday. 悬挂 外界
2023-06-29 00:58:071

the curtain hanging over the window is made of cotton.为什么用hanging而不是hung

2023-06-29 00:58:153

高中英语语法填空 为什么填hanging, 主语不应该是我们吗?可是逻辑主语不是life吗?为什么

go through 是谓语
2023-06-29 00:58:253

这个句子为什么不用high 来形容修饰hanging?

因为他是新的月亮啊, 另外个问题不明白, 他不是说HANGING HIGH 吗
2023-06-29 00:58:564

hang 的被动及现在分词

2023-06-29 00:59:414


mother, this thirty cabbage
2023-06-29 00:59:483

单词hang的变化形式 加ing的和它的过去式过去分词

hanging 过去式、过去分词 hanged hanged (上吊;绞死) hung hung(悬挂)
2023-06-29 01:00:061

hanging out, 在口语中什么意思

2023-06-29 01:00:343

hanging out with friends为什么hang要加ing?

2023-06-29 01:00:423


Hanging out with friends, I... 是 As/ When I was hanging out with friends, I... 的省略形式,As/ When I was hanging out with friends, I... 是一个含有时间状语从句的复合句,而Hanging out with friends, I... 是一个用现在分词短语作状语的简单句,两个句子的句意完全相同。 又如:When I was playing coomputer games at home, I heard a knock on the door.Playing coomputer games at home, I heard a knock on the door.
2023-06-29 01:00:492


hanging in the balance挂在天平上
2023-06-29 01:00:595

hang out with sb为什么放入句子中hang就变hanging?

2023-06-29 01:01:174


2023-06-29 01:01:257

hang on 和 hang up 的区别是什么

hang up挂断,挂断电话She hung up on me.她不等我说完便挂了电话.2.搁置The peace talks were hung up.和谈中断了.hang-up名词 n.hang on1.continue listening on a telephone继续听电话;不要挂断Please hang on a second;I"ll look for the manager and tell him you are on the phone for him.请稍等片刻,不要挂掉,我去找经理并告诉他你在电话里等他.2.lean or support oneself upon倚;靠Her head hanging on her mother"s arm,the girl fell asleep.这女孩倚在她妈妈怀里,睡着了.3.persevere;continue doing sth.坚持;坚忍;继续做It is a hard task,but if you hang on,you will succeed in the end.任务虽然艰巨,但如果你坚持下去,你最终是会成功的.4.cling to;hold on to sth.tightly抓住;握紧The climber almost fell off the cliff,but managed to hang on until help came.登山者差点掉下悬崖,但他设法抓住崖边直到有人救他.5.depend on;wait on 取决于;依赖于;有待于Everything hangs on his decision.一切取决于他的决定.It all hangs on whether he is willing to cooperate with us.一切都取决于他是否愿意和我们合作.6.listen with fascination听得着迷;注意听The students hung on his every word.学生们全神贯注地听着他的每一句话.Everyone was hanging on his answer,but he kept silent.大家都在注意听他怎么回答,但他却一直不吭声.7.continue to sound;continue to cause suffering继续响着;继续存在(疾病)The concert had come to an end,but the strains of music seemed to hang on in our ears.音乐会已经结束,但乐曲声似乎仍在我们耳边回荡.My cold has hung on for weeks,I just can"t shake it off.我感冒已经好几个星期,就是好不了.hang on 有一种坚持的感觉
2023-06-29 01:01:401