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2023-06-29 08:17:02
TAG: 语法

When I first contacted with numbers, I(加was) deeply attracted by this subject. Without any shadow of (去掉前两个词)doubt, I would choose mathematics as a degree. I am(去掉前一个词) always feel exciting when I am trying to solve challenging mathematics problems. The most wonderful memory in my life is when I was a member of Olympics mathematics challenge team in my school in primary and secondary school.(这应该用逗号,后面的动词用小写) Talking about mathematical questions with other members all day, playing mathematics games,(改为and) practising solving maths problems. As a little boy I would rather spend all day discussing mathematical topic with my father than playing(改为play) games with playmates.




When I first contacted with numbers, I was deeply attracted by this subject. Without any shadow of doubt, I would choose mathematics as a degree. I always feel excited when I am trying to solve challenging mathematics problems.That time when I was a member of "Mathematical Olympiad" class in my primary and secondary school is the most wonderful memory in my life. Talking about mathematical questions with other members all the day, playing mathematics games, practising solving maths problems. As a little boy I would rather spend all the time discussing mathematical topic with my father than play games.


和.....玩 的英文翻译

2023-06-29 06:31:042


问题一:小伙伴用英语怎么说 little panions little buddy little friends playmates 问题二:"我的小伙伴们"用英文怎么说? My friends 问题三:<小伙伴>的英文翻译? little mates 问题四:我的小伙伴用英文怎么说,缩写又是什么呢? 缩写是MLGB 问题五:伙伴用英文怎么说? buddy pal bro...是非常口语的说法。 friend 也可以,但显然很正式。 问题六:“伙伴们”用英语怎么说 fellows ,folks ,常用的是guys 问题七:伙伴的英文翻译有几种? 伙伴: partisan Relative explainations: Examples: 1. 他拒绝和他的伙伴们合作。 He refused to concert with his partners. 2. 他有个很能干的伙伴,替他把一切弄得井井有条。 He has a practical partner who organizes everything for him. 3. 伙伴, 该你叫牌了. It"s your call, partner. 4. 他和伙伴势不两立. He and his partner are at daggers drawn. 5. 伙伴, 该你先打. It"s your honour, partner. To be the partner of. 成为…的伙伴 A partner, panion, or friend. 搭档、伙伴或朋友 A person with whom one shares sleeping quarters. 睡在一块的伙伴 He and his partner are at daggers drawn. 他和伙伴势不两立. They are my mates. 他们是我的伙伴。 Australian term for a pal. 称呼伙伴的澳大利亚用语。 politics makes strange bedfellows. 政治产生了奇怪的伙伴。 his loved panion of many years. 他多年的亲爱的伙伴。 问题八:我的小伙伴用英文怎么说,缩写又是什么 我的小伙伴 [网络] my little ones; my partner [例句]失去了我的小伙伴,我应该怎么办? Lost my partner! What"ll I do? 问题九:「问」"我的小伙伴们"用英文怎么说 My buddies and me are shockd!在语言习惯和礼貌上,一般把自己放在后面,不要死板得按顺序翻译我和我们,比如说《我和你》翻译成《You and Me》。shock也比较常用,有震惊、震动、休克的意思,对震惊表达得更深切。 问题十:伙伴的英语怎么说? 伙伴 partner 同伴 panion
2023-06-29 06:31:221


shall we play with them
2023-06-29 06:31:324


1. 青梅竹马、两小无猜 “青梅竹马”和“两小无猜”都表示天真、纯洁的感情长远深厚,所以常常把这两个成语放在一起使用哦。 它们出自李白《长干行》之一:“郎骑竹马来,绕床弄青梅。同居长干里 ,两小无嫌猜。” 按照这个意思,可以翻译为: ①childhood sweethearts sweetheart的意思是甜心,宝贝儿;恋人,心上人。 She eventually married her childhood sweetheart. 她最后嫁给了她儿时的心上人。 ②be innocent playmates in childhood innocent表示阅历浅的; 天真的,比如: They seemed so young and innocent. 他们看上去如此少不更事。 而playmate就是玩伴的意思: We were childhood playmates. 我们小时候是一起玩耍的伙伴。 2. 初恋,你还记得吗? 英语里的初恋多翻译为puppy love或者是calf love。 Puppy love is what most people remember. 初恋是大多数人都终生难忘的。 puppy的意思是小狗,幼犬,calf的意思是小牛,牛犊。 不是每个人都有轰轰烈烈的爱情,默默的暗恋也挺美好的。 暗恋的英语可以是:have a secret crush on,而暗恋对象就是secret crush。 3. 我只喜欢你 怎么用英语形容爱到神魂颠倒的疯狂呢?来看这些词: ①one and only 的 You have always been my one and only true love. 你一向是我的真正的爱人。 ②head over heels (in love) 坠入爱河 I fell head over heels in love with her the moment I saw her. 我第一眼就不顾一切地爱上了她。 ③be smitten with someone 神魂颠倒 They were totally smitten with each other. 他们完全被对方迷得神魂颠倒。 ④heart and soul 完全地,全心全意地 She loves those children heart and soul. 她全心全意地爱着那些孩子。 ⑤only have eyes for sb 只关注某人;只对某人感兴趣 You"ve no need to be jealous. I only have eyes for you. 你没必要吃醋。我只爱你一个人。
2023-06-29 06:31:391


《Playmates》(Parker, Robert B.)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: uki7书名:Playmates作者:Parker, Robert B.出版社:Berkley Pub Group出版年份:1990-3页数:272内容简介:Spenser, America"s favorite iron-pumping, gourmet-cooking private eye, smells corruption in college town. Taft University"s hottest basketball star is shaving points for quick cash, and if Spenser doesn"t watch his own footwork, the guilty parties will shave a few years off his life.
2023-06-29 06:31:461


“游戏玩伴”英语“Game playmates”
2023-06-29 06:32:171


play with
2023-06-29 06:32:2813


A few days ago on the road, I met a childhood playmates, when we recognize each other, these are very surprised at the changes in each other. Ah, Suansuan 10 years. This Ouyu will be brought back memories of my childhood time. As parents work in a foreign country because of my grandmother and Laoye live together. Home is far from the urban area, on a hillside. Where the neighbors are very simple, rest breaks, men will fight playing poker at the gate, Fengnianguojie, everyone will come up with good food from home, sitting on the square, Bianchi Bian chat. At that time, I have not read kindergartens, day playing on the street. You remember the summer, ran outside in the day, back home, the grandmother will come up with Bingzhen watermelon. At this time, I will touch Chouhan full of clothes, light a small window on buttocks eat, the heart while also惦记Zaiwan point out what. Previously, we do not have a wide variety of toys, therefore, in the face with an item, we will come up with a few small partner of a variety of novelty玩法. For example, the entrance of the large flower beds, while we jumped from place to dwarf, while jumping from a high place, or a few people competition to see who speed, In short, we enjoy it. I have occasionally sad time. At that time, to see the street children have parents holding hands, like the look of happiness. I will also be very keen. In the window to see much of the cake, in fact, very much to heart, but I can only swallow Yankou Shui, the grandmother said: "The grandmother, I see, do not buy." Whether happy or sad, all this has passed. In retrospect, when the days are really very simple. Now, I have to adult, no longer has the innocence of childhood, but I will always retain the simplicity of memory, forever.
2023-06-29 06:33:154


2023-06-29 06:33:246


How did your child start connecting with other people? Making friends? It all began with you. As a parent, you are your child"s first playmate – the first one to laugh at his antics and respond to his babbled "conversations." With your help (and reassurance), he"s learned how to interact with others and discovered how easy and fun it is to get them to smile, make faces, maybe even make "raspberry" noises back at him. 你的孩子是如何和别人开始交往的?如何交朋友的?这一切都始于你自己。作为父母,你是你孩子的第一个玩伴——是第一个嘲笑他滑稽动作的人,是第一个对他含混不清的“对话”有反应的人。在你的帮助和安慰下,他学会了如何和其他人进行互动,学会了让别人微笑是多么地容易和有趣,学会了做鬼脸,甚至学会了怎么做,会让别人对他报以喝倒彩的嘘声。 For the next two years, he"ll build on these first experiences, learning to play games, hold conversations, make friends, and delight relatives. Learning to socialize is a lifelong process, one that your toddler is now discovering firsthand. 在接下来的两年里,他将以这些早期经历体验为基础,学习玩游戏、交谈、交朋友,以及让亲戚们高兴。学习社交是一个终身的过程,你的孩子现在正在亲身体验这个过程。 During the first year, your toddler focused mainly on developing physical skills such as grabbing and picking up objects and learning to walk. She enjoyed short bursts of playtime with others, such as Grandma and Grandpa, but she preferred you and perhaps a beloved babysitter or caregiver. 在出生以后第一年,你的孩子主要集中发展运动方面的技能,如抓东西,拣东西和学走路。她/他喜欢和别人玩一小会儿,比如和爷爷奶奶,但她/他更喜欢和你一起玩,或许和她/他深爱着的保姆,看护者一起玩。 It"s a different story now that she"s a toddler. She"s increasingly interested in the world around her, though she still sees everything in terms of how it relates to her. As your child learns to talk and communicate, she"s discovering other people and how fun it is to try to elicit reactions from them. (Toddlers love to flirt.) 现在,她/他已经个蹒跚学步的孩子了,情况就不一样了。尽管孩子仍然从自我为中心的角度来看待万事万物,但孩子开始对周围的世界越来越感兴趣了。当你的孩子学会说话和交流的时候,就会发现其他人的存在,发现试着引起别人的互动是多么有趣的事情。(蹒跚学步的孩子们喜欢挑逗别人。) Of course, this is also the peak of many toddlers" separation anxiety, so your toddler may be unusually clingy and timid at times. Don"t worry, this usually begins to diminish after 18 months. 当然,这段时期,也是很多孩子产生分离焦虑的高峰期,所以你的孩子有时可能会特别地粘人和羞怯。别担心,这种情况通常在孩子月龄满18个月以后开始减少。 Now is when your toddler will start to really enjoy the company of other kids, both her age and older. You may notice, though, that she and her pals engage primarily in "parallel play" – that is, they sit near each other but play on their own. Older toddlers (around 18 months old) start interacting more with their playmates but are fiercely protective of their toys. 现在是你的孩子开始真正享受有同龄人或稍大点的孩子陪伴的时候了。不过,你可能会注意到,孩子和小伙伴们主要玩的是“平行游戏”——也就是说,他们坐在一起,但是各玩各的。大一点的幼儿(大约18个月)开始和他们的玩伴有更多的互动,但他们对自己的玩具有强烈的保护欲。 Kids this age may act like mini Count Draculas, biting their friends, but that"s usually related to their exploration of what they can do with their teeth and their inability to communicate what they need. Biting and other forms of aggression such as pulling hair or kicking usually disappear as your child learns to express her feelings through words. 12到18个月龄的孩子可能会像小德古拉伯爵(译者:动画片里面的吸血鬼)一样咬他们的朋友,但这通常是因为他们还无法用语言表达需求,用牙齿,是他们在探索能做点儿什么。当你的孩子学会如何用语言来表达自己的感受时,撕咬、揪头发、踢腿,这些攻击行为通常会自动消失。 Around the time he turns 2, your toddler will start to actively reach out to other children. But as with any other skill, he learns how to socialize by trial and error. Right now, he"s unable to share his things. That"s because he lives in the moment and can"t envision anything beyond it, so the concept of taking turns – of waiting to play with a toy until after his friend has a chance – is meaningless to him. 大约在接近两岁的时候,你的孩子会开始主动地和其他孩子们接触。但和其它技能一样,孩子是通过试错来学习如何社交的。这个时期,孩子还不能分享他的东西。这是因为这个年龄的孩子是“活在当下”的,他们无法想象超出当下的未来会发生什么,所以,轮流玩玩具的概念——等别的小朋友玩过了再玩——对这个年龄的孩子来说,毫无意义。 Your almost-2-year-old may also be skittish around adults. While some toddlers are quite outgoing and tell anyone who will listen about their newest toy, many kids this age are intimidated by unfamiliar people. And why shouldn"t they be? Grownups are much taller, louder, and more assertive than your toddler and his peers. 快2岁的孩子在大人面前可能也会有点易受惊吓。虽然有些孩子很外向,会把自己新玩具的事告诉任何愿意听的人,但很多这个年龄的孩子,容易被陌生人吓着。为什么不会呢?成年人比孩子们要高得多,说话也大声得多,也显得更自信。 When you host a party at home, for example, your child may bury his face behind your skirt and say nothing to your guests, or he may even cry and run out of the room. If he doesn"t seem sociable, he"s not testing you and being impolite, he"s merely exercising his toddler right to take things slowly. Although feeling comfortable around older people is a good skill for your toddler to develop, there"s no hurry. Your child will let you know when he"s ready to sit on his auntie"s lap or chat with your best friend. 比如,当你在家里举办聚会派对时,你的孩子可能会把脸埋在你裙子后面,什么也不肯和你的客人说,甚至可能会哭着跑出房间。如果他看起来不善于交际,他并不是在考验你,也不是不礼貌,他只是在施行作为孩子需要慢慢来的权利。和大人在一起并感到舒适,是你的孩子应该发展的一项很好的技能,但请你不要着急。你的孩子会让你知道他什么时候准备好了,可以坐在姑妈的腿上了,或者什么时候可以与你最好的朋友聊天了。 Kids tend to become even more self-centered between the ages of 2 and 3. They don"t yet have the emotional maturity to be able to put themselves in other people"s shoes, and they assume that everyone feels the way they do. 孩子们在2到3岁之间会变得更加以自我为中心。他们的情绪能力还没有成熟到能够设身处地为别人着想的程度,他们认为每个人的感受都和他们自己一样。 As your child gains experience around other children, she starts to get the hang of sharing and taking turns. She may not be generous all the time, but she can learn to let her playmates go before her on the slide, for example, or take the first cookie. But her attempts are still tentative, and she just as easily asserts her dominance the next minute. 当你的孩子从周围小伙伴们的身上获得经验时,她开始学会分享和轮流玩这些事情。她可能不会总是慷慨大方,但她可以学着让她的玩伴排在她前面滑滑梯、或者拿第一块饼干。但她的尝试仍然是试探性的,她很可能在下一分钟就会彰显自己的控制权。 At this age, your toddler also may start to single out one or two friends she cherishes. When you watch her with them she may not seem particularly fond of them – she may even spend much of her time howling – but she probably mentions these friends at home, says goodnight to them out loud, and recognizes them with glee when she sees photos of them. It"s her way of letting you know that these are the children who have made an impact on her. They"re her best buddies – at least as much as toddlers can be to each other. 在这个年龄,你的孩子也可能开始挑选一两个珍爱的朋友。虽然当你看到她和他们在一起的时候可能看起来并不是特别喜欢他们——甚至可能大部分时间是在大喊大叫——但她可能会在家里提到这些朋友,大声向他们道晚安,当她看到他们的照片时,会高兴地认出他们。这就是你孩子的方式,从而让你知道这些孩子对她产生了影响。他们是她最好的朋友——至少从同龄孩子之间相处的方式来说。 While it may seem like a lost cause to try to teach a 2-year-old manners, your toddler is starting to learn the importance of social niceties. She may refuse to say "hello" to your neighbors when you introduce her, or forget to say "thank you" when her uncle gives her a toy for her birthday. But then again, she may run back a few minutes later and say "hi" or give her uncle a giant hug. 去教一个两岁大的孩子社交礼仪可能是徒劳的,但你的孩子已经开始学习社交礼仪的重要性了。当你向邻居介绍她时,她可能拒绝说“你好”,或者当她的叔叔送一件玩具作为生日礼物给她时,她忘记了说“谢谢”。但话又说回来,她可能会在几分钟后跑回来说“嗨”,或者给她叔叔一个大大的拥抱。 There"s nothing wrong with her behavior – she"ll pick up these rules of polite society gradually over the next couple of years. If you continue to treat her with respect, she"ll learn how to treat others the same way. 她的行为没有错——在接下来的几年里,她会逐渐学会这些文明社会的规则。如果你继续尊重她,她就会学会如何以同样的方式对待别人。 Ever catch your little one deep in conversation with a pretend friend? Don"t worry – imaginary friends are normal at this age and pave the way for making real friends. He"s learning how to form deep attachments with someone besides you, something you"ll want to encourage. 你有没有注意到你的小家伙自言自语,和一个假想的朋友深入交谈?别担心——在这个年龄想象中的朋友是正常现象,这为孩子以后结交真正的朋友铺平了道路。他正在学习如何与你之外的人,建立深厚的感情,这是你想要鼓励的。 At this age, your toddler is fine-tuning his relationships with real friends, as well as imaginary ones. He"s becoming more in tune with others, especially you. He senses when you"re feeling disappointed, for example, and will point out that "Mommy"s sad." 在这个年龄,你的孩子正在调整他与真实朋友、与想象中朋友的关系。他和别人,尤其是和你,越来越合拍。例如,当你感到失望时,他会指出“妈妈很伤心”。 But he"s not very good at it yet. He may laugh when he sees his playmate trip on the sidewalk or won"t want to console his brother when he cries. That"s because he has yet to fully develop the cognitive skills necessary to be put himself in another person"s shoes, the foundation of empathy. But that doesn"t mean you can"t model kind, empathetic behavior. You"re his best teacher. 但他还不太擅长。当他看到玩伴在人行道上摔倒时,他可能会笑,或者当他的弟弟哭的时候,他并不想去安慰弟弟。这是因为他还没有完全发展出换位思考所必需的认知能力,而换位思考是同理心的基础。但你应该在他面前示范善良、善解人意的行为,你就是他最好的老师。 Some of your lessons in manners may sink in before his third birthday. If you"ve been modeling considerate behavior all along, he"s likely to show glimmers of it now, when his mind has begun to grasp the importance of being kind to others. But it"s still unpredictable, because he"s still a changeable, evolving toddler. 在孩子三岁生日之前,你做出的一些礼仪示范,可能就会被他理解。如果你一直在示范善解人意的行为,当他开始意识到善待他人的重要性时,他很可能会表现出体贴他人的曙光。但这仍然是不可预测的,因为他仍然是一个易变的、不断地发展的孩子。 Around age 3, when your child moves from toddler-hood to the preschool years, she"ll turn another corner, becoming more confident, independent, and reasonable (at least for the most part). Preschoolers, while still needing your guidance, love, and attention, are better able to communicate their needs and wants, reducing tantrums. Your child"s curiosity will rev up too, as she tries to figure out how everything works – from the toaster to her pet rabbit. 3岁左右,当你的孩子从幼儿期过渡到到学前期的时候,她会有一个新的转变,变得更加自信、独立和理性(至少在大部分情况下)。学前儿童仍然需要你的指导和关爱,但他们已经能够更好地表达自己的需求和愿望,发脾气的情况会减少。孩子的好奇心会加快发展,因为她会试图弄清楚一切事物是如何运作的——从烤面包机到她的宠物兔子。 Kids naturally love and gravitate toward other people, especially other children. As your child grows, she"ll learn how to respond to others in social situations, and her enjoyment of their company will likely grow. Children this age learn a tremendous amount from watching and interacting with others. When your child understands how to empathize with other children and appreciates how much fun it is to have playmates, she"ll develop truer, more lasting friendships. 孩子们天生喜欢他人并被他人吸引,尤其是被其他孩子们吸引。随着孩子的成长,她将学会如何在社交场合对他人做出反应,她对其他孩子们的陪伴也会越来越感到开心。这个年龄的的孩子从观察别人、和别人的互动中学到了很多。当你的孩子懂得如何和其他孩子们共情,懂得有玩伴是多么有趣的一件事时,她就会发展出更真实、更持久的友谊。 If your toddler (1 to 3 years old) seems overly aggressive and is incapable of spending time with other children without biting, hitting, or pushing them, you may want to discuss these behaviors with his pediatrician. These responses often arise out of fears or insecurities, such as when a parent is absent or a move is imminent. While all kids can become unfriendly to others, especially when they"re fighting over toys or are overly tired, it"s unusual for them to be aggressive all the time. 如果你的孩子(1到3岁)看起来过于好斗:和其他孩子在一起时,没办法不咬、不打,不推别人,那么你或许应该和儿科医生讨论这些行为。这些反应通常来自恐惧感或不安全感,比如当父母缺位,或者即将搬家时。虽然所有的孩子都可能变得对别人不友好,尤其是当他们为玩具争吵,或者当他们过度疲劳时,但是如果孩子总是表现出攻击性,那就是不同寻常,家长应该投以关切了。 ------------- 译者:吴和平
2023-06-29 06:33:491


The boy and girl are innocent playmates
2023-06-29 06:33:583


  写作在英语学习中是培养和提高语言能力的有效手段,它有助于巩固和掌握所学词汇、语法等语言知识,有助于训练直接用所学语言进行思维,有利于提高驾驭语言的能力。下面是我为大家整理的英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助。   中学生英语作文 篇1   I have a dream from the first time I sit in a car—I want to drive. Driving is the most meaningful way to meet human being"s desire of “faster”. What"s more, driving a car can take me to any place I want whether it rains, snows, blows or not. A smooth ride in a good car is enjoyable. With rows of trees moving backward rapidly, music played, breeze blowing, my soul flies in the air. I love this feeling very much   中学生英语作文 篇2   There are many kinds of sports that I enjoy, such as swimming, running, and dancing. However, the sport that I like most is basketball. When I was in junior high, I started to play basketball in school. At that time, I found I had loved deeply this sport. Now, I would like to watch basketball games as much as I can. The basketball games have given me the most wonderful time in my life.   中学生英语作文 篇3   Which is more important, wealth or health? Different people have different opinions.   Some people prefer wealth, holding that money can not bring everything, but without it, one can do nothing. In order to get more money they can do anything. However, other people regard health as more important. Once health is lost, it is no use having a lot of money.   As far as I am concerned, I love wealth, but I value health more. Everybody wants to live a happy life. So they try their best to earn money which they can ensure they lead a comfortable life, but if happiness and comfort are achieved at the cost of their health, how can they be happy Without health money becomes meaningless.   In my opinion, no one agrees that a wealthy person without good health can be happy. So, just do our best and keep fit.   中学生英语作文 篇4   English is always my favorite subject and I am good at English. I would like to share 4 good studying habits with you.   First, remember 20 new words, and never give up. Second, go over grammar points I have learnt in English class regularly. Third, read an English article in China Daily every day. Fourth, write an English composition every week and ask teacher to revise that for me to improve the writing level.   If you do things above, I am sure your English will also be improved.   中学生英语作文 篇5   Spring festival is the most important festival for Chinese people. Many people will prepare many things for the spring festival. Now this is my plan for the spring festival. The first, I will visit my friends and my relatives. The second, I will make a big snow man with my daughter and my wife. The third, I will stay with my parents, because I have no more time to stay with them at peacetime. This is my plan for the spring festival. I hope all of you have a good time in the spring festival.   中学生英语作文 篇6   Everybody knows that there is serious problem of water pollution on the earth. Yes, water pollution is increasing.   Look! The water in the river is getting dirtier and dirtier. Most of fish in the water have died, and we can"t swim in the water.   My grandfather says, when he was very little, the water in the river was very clean. He often swam in the river with his friends.   That was before, but now we can"t see such clean rivers. Let"s protect the water from pollution, because we can"t live without water. The water is really important to us all.   中学生英语作文 篇7   I have many hobbies, such as sports, singing, playing the violin and keeping a diary.   I like sports very much. I go running at five o"clock in the morning. After classes in the afternoon, I play table-tennis with my friends. These sports have kept me healthy.   At home, I like to sing and play the violin. I practice singing and playing the violin every day. Busy as I am, I am quite happy.   Of all my hobbies I like reading books best. In my bedroom there are nearly six hundred books. There are story books, textbooks, magazines, and others. All these books have enriched my knowledge.   中学生英语作文 篇8   There are seven people in my family. They"re my grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, my two younger brothers and I. My father is a businessman. He"s busy working everyday. My mother is a housewife. She cooks meals, washes clothes, and teaches us lessons everyday. One of my younger brothers is a junior high school student, and we go to the same school. My grandparents help my parents look after the youngest brother every day. We go to the movies every Sunday. How"s your family?   中学生英语作文 篇9   The longing summer vacation is approaching, it is the best part of the school year for me. I cannot let the holidays elapse (逝去) meaninglessly, my vacation should be a phase (时期、阶段) of harvest. The events in my plan should give me a sense of infinite potential.   The following plan may reveal the intensity of my desire to travel, work and study in this vacation. In the first few days I want to climb Mount Hua Shan with several friends to refresh ourselves. Then I tend to visit relatives, senior school teachers and former classmates(老同学). Besides, to find out the best ways to cultivate my abilities, I will find a part time job and conduct some social investigation.   In short, I want to do interesting things in the summer vacation. Whatever I do, the goal is the same: to get necessary experience, acquire knowledge and broaden my horizons. Though the six week vacation will pass away at lightning speed, its influence is bound to last long.   中学生英语作文 篇10   It is impossible to recall all the past, but I can assure you that my childhood is a pleasant one to me.   When I was in kindergarten, I was very popular with my playmates because of my naughtiness. Once I made an arrow, with which I hurt one of my playmates and received scolding from my mother afterwards.   When I grew up, my father and mother dare not allow me to play outside. But sometimes when we had time they would bring me to the parks, movies and went swimming.   I liked swimming very much. Thank them for teaching me swimming. I liked to play with my play games because I was only a boy. My mother often scolded me when I didn"t get home after school but never too severely.   I love my parents. I do think it is one of the best years in my whole life.   中学生英语作文 篇11   Hello everyone. My name is Amy. Glad to meet you.   My bedroom is very butiful. My desk near the window. My bookshelf near the desk. My books in the bookshelf. My bed is very nice. My chest between the desk and bed.   I have a fish and a bird. Every morning, this bird Says,”Good morning” to the fish.isn"t that fun? Do you have a fish? Do you have a bird?   Welcome my house!   中学生英语作文 篇12   I have a very beautiful cat. Its colour is white and yellow. Its name is Haahua. I think it is my favourite cat.   我有一只非常漂亮的猫猫。它的颜色是黄白相间的。它叫Haahua。我觉得它是我最爱的一只猫猫。   She likes playing with the bell. She loves catching mice. Though it is a kind of animals, I treat it as my friend. Sometimes I give her some fish or pork to eat. She looks like a fool when she meows. Wherever I am walking, she follows me.   她喜欢玩铃铛。她爱抓老鼠。尽管它是动物,我把它当成我的朋友。有时候,我会给她吃一些鱼肉或猪肉。当她“喵喵”叫时,她看上去傻乎乎的。无论我在哪里散步,她总是跟着我。   How happy I am! How nice my friend is! I love her more and more.   多开心的我呀!多棒的朋友呀!我越来越爱她了。   中学生英语作文 篇13   Once I was in Beijing, I went shopping in the Front Gate Walking Street, for I wanted to buy some souvenirs for my friends.   有一次我在北京,我去步行街购物,因为我想买些纪念品给我的朋友。   There were so many things on sale that I didn"t know what to buy. Suddenly, I saw two statues which looked so beautiful. I decided to buy them. So I asked the price. “It"s twenty yuan each," said the boss. I tried to make a bargain with him. He refused at first, but when I was going to leave, he stopped me and said," OK, you can have both of them at ten yuan." Therefore, I bought both of them home at last.   卖有很多东西,我不知道要买什么了。突然,我看到两个雕像,看起来非常漂亮。我决定买它们。所以我问价格。“每个二十元,”老板说。我试图与他讲价。一开始的时候他拒绝了,但是当我要离开时,他拦住了我,说,“好吧,两个十元。因此,我最后买了两人回家。   I was very happy on that day, because it was the first time that I had made a bargain with a businessman so successfully.   那天我很开心,因为那是第一次我与商人讲价结果是如此成功的。   中学生英语作文 篇14   春节是我国最主要的传统节日,很多人都会放下繁忙的工作,回到家,举家欢庆,庆祝团圆。每个地方的过年习俗都是不同的。下面我带来的是春节中学生英语作文,希望对你有帮助。   On the eve of the new year"s Eve, the last day of the lunar calendar, we have an exciting day, that is, February 10th, the Spring Festival.   Early in the morning, I was a Hongleiguaner like firecrackers to wake up. They are busy wearing clothes, ready to give their parents an early age, and there is a goal, haha... Children, you know! Yes, that is, you want to have a year of money! My mom and dad to give thanks to the early years, they took out his wallet, took a red ticket, said: "to you!" I immediately knocked a few heads to them, haha! The money is mine! I"m so happy!   Ready money, I ran downstairs, looked at lit firecrackers, I saw sparks, after "Pilipala, Pilipala" lit firecrackers! We immediately covered our ears and watched "joy" erupt. Each of us is filled with unspeakable joy and joy, and it is impossible to describe the excitement of our excitement at this moment. Everyone firecrackers, couplets, busy doing year, returned to the family worship in his early years, and we can get the children gift money! Can wear new clothes, standing in front of the mirror ". The adults were busy cooking, and in a little while the kitchen sounded a melodious "Symphony". A share of the aroma from the kitchen floats out, wow! Delicious! This can not help but smell our appetite Gou, greedy we shed a slobber, nose has been followed by the aroma smell, the whole person seems to float up. But this delicious meal, I can"t let it go, and miss such a good "time"! Well, I have to call it a Petals drop and waters flow! But on such a good morning, I can"t let it run away from my hands in vain...   Oh, at last it"s time to have lunch! Look at me, gobbled up! Ah ah ah ah, are delicious, happy dead me! I love what I love most, and I don"t like it very much. Such as potato silk, chicken and potato, fried lotus root, tomato fried egg, spinach with golden needle mushroom, lotus root cake, braised fish... Anyway, these are all I love most! And I don"t care about my eating, but I"m hungry, I"m full.   Wow, it"s really delicious! Ha-ha!   By the end of the night, I could not be busy. I am busy with the blessing of short message, and this is the blessing of short message, but I am busy dying. And mom is making dumplings. I"ll try it too, uh... The dumplings wrapped up are the dumplings. After all, I was the first, is the first time in 2013! Look at the dumplings I pack, it can be said to be "different and different". Some fat even "stand up" are in trouble, some even have only a thin meat stuffing, only a dumpling skin, there are actually "fat"...... This is killing me! But this is the result of my work, too. I"ve been contented anyway.   The fragrant dumplings are out of the pot! Smell, wow! Sweet! Look at the dumplings like a treasure, in addition to my bag. Well... It"s time to watch the Spring Festival Gala!   Listen to what others say, the Spring Festival is very nice, I watch the Spring Festival Gala is sesame - jiejiegao, a minor than a wonderful, beautiful!   Looking at the show of the spring and evening, I gradually fell asleep, completely immersed in my dream. Look at me, and smacked his mouth, like a small baby no worries, I only know that eating or sleeping. Oh, I had lunch in my dream, well, it was delicious...   中学生英语作文 篇15   My favourite festival is the Spring Festival. Why? Because I have lots of fun at the Spring Festival.   The Spring Festival is a popular holiday in our country. It is in January or February. Our family get together. We have a big dinner at my grandparents" home. I always eat a lot of delicious food. My cousin and me both get red packets from our grandparents. My parents usually go shopping with me. We buy some nice clothes for ourselves. We often watch TV at home and sometimes read books or surf the Internet. Sometimes, we greet other people on the phone.   I"m always happy at the Spring Festival. Which is your favourite festival?   中学生英语作文 篇16   I want to be a teacher because I think they are great. If I become a teacher,I will work hard to teach my students. I will work with the children. I love children very much,so I will be happy every day. I will also be able to work outside sometimes. but I will work hard every day,sometimes I will be tired. I can also get more job from my job. I think I will be a good teacher.   Many people have favorite places they like to go to when they are feeling sad or bored.I,too,have favorite places that I go to as often as I can.   Here are the three places that I like most.First of all,I like the zoo.The animals are amazing because some are so cute and some are so ugly!I like to pet them,feed them and watch them perform.Museums are cool places,too.They have good exhibits and fascinating displays.I like the works of art there.Some museumsteach me a lot about history and science.From dinosaus to robots,I love it all.Finally,theme parks are a blast.I love to go on the wild rides.I think the roller coasters are the best.It"s fun to scream and get scared.   These places always cheer me up.I tyr to go to each of my favorite places once a year.I am g
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求翻译高手 我读不懂的英文短文 读的脑子都疼拉 多少遍就是看不懂啊

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2023-06-29 06:34:572

play with japan和play against japan什么区别

play with Japan: 和日本一起玩 (合作性质的)play against Japan: 和日本竞赛 (带有竞争意味)
2023-06-29 06:35:161

大学体验英语(Experiencing English)综合教程.第4册.答案

2023-06-29 06:35:231

nanana。 t-thugs 歌词

Singers: T thugs Lyrics NANANA eyes closed and a childhood passedKazakhstan NANANA eyes open do not have a closure in this life over Kazakhstan Born in 2090 in this age of Mom and Dad say I look a bit odd at the time A child"s doll collection is still At the time, indeed for a little bit concerned about the loss Small we can all look forward to growing up Has been the idea that has its own Found no change or the end of the day This is not simply about childhood Six of the cartoons now have not forgotten Things are not always their cry A child"s dream is to quickly grow up Now grown up when they discovered how terrible Suddenly find themselves no longer his playmates Friends are married or are still working overtime Beloved toys are replaced with high-end technology When we can return to a simple NANANA eyes closed and a childhood passed Kazakhstan NANANA eyes open do not have a closure in this life over Kazakhstan You must listen to the children a good mother, then Can you grow up like me and afraid of Do not discharge to the girls Because your character is not so easily We must remember that not too early into adult Things adults will waste a lot of time Would also like to recall the thinking of his mother and grandmother A lot of time every day to go home the next morning exercise Family members do not find it too long-winded for you These words may change your life Why do you want to ask a friend to listen to this song You have to tell him because I will become a unique Starchaser to remember not to blindly Grow up you might trip over, he Way to school to bring your Walkman Thugs singing the song let you into the elite hey do you go? is not aware of it to you? They told me to go Fenghuangshan Fenghuangshan it? How to ah What do you eat the food it Within months to play with us you will not go back to eat in the bar (line) I am sure that our family my ah ah want to talk about a good play to me? TU then you go talk about our large group of people waiting for it is not excessive and I do not want to go Or let me tell you I do not want to bother to go to Let me tell you I bought a delicious I do not want to eat it you want?you have? hahahaha歌手:T thugs歌词NANANA眼睛一闭又一睁童年就过去了 哈 NANANA眼睛一闭又没睁这辈子过去了 哈 九零年出生来到这个年代 爸妈说我当时样子有点奇怪 小时候的玩偶现在还在收藏 对于那时的关心确实有点彷徨 小的时候我们都能期待长大 一直都觉得有自己的想法 到头来还是发现没有变化 这就是童年 单纯没有牵挂 六点的动画片现在还没忘记 得不到的东西总是自己哭泣 小时候的梦想是要快快长大 现在才发现长大时多么可怕 突然发现自己身边再也没有玩伴 朋友都结婚了 或者 还在加班 挚爱的玩具 也都换成科技高端 什么时候 我们再能回到简单 NANANA眼睛一闭又一睁童年就过去了 哈 NANANA眼睛一闭又没睁这辈子过去了 哈 小朋友你一定要听妈好好话 等你长大也可以像我一样黑怕 千万不要向女生放电 因为你的性格没有那么随便 要记得 不能太早步入成年 大人的事情 会浪费很多时间 还要记得 妈妈和外婆的挂念 每天按时回家 早晨多多锻炼 不要嫌弃家人对你的啰嗦 可能这些话能改变你的生活 朋友要问你为什么听这首歌 你要告诉他因为我会变的独特 要记得 不要盲目追星 长大后的你 也许可能比他还行 去学校的路上 带上你的随身听 唱thugs 的歌 让你变成精英 哎 你干啥去? 不知道呢 你干啥去? 他们叫我去凤凰山呢 凤凰山?干啥去多远啊 你吃饭了么 没吃呢 内个你跟我们玩会去吧回来再吃吧 不中(行) 我们家肯定说我 那咋办啊 要不好好说说 咋说啊 我说玩去? 恩呢 你都说说去吧 咱们一大帮人都等着呢 不是我也不忒想去 要不我帮你说说去吧 我懒得去 去吧 不想去 去吧我跟你说我买好吃的了 我不想吃东西 那你想吃啥? 有妞子么? 哈哈哈哈
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1. C. to bring2. C. Taking3. A. Working ; Having4. A. join5. C. Terrible6. C. sits7. B. 15-meter-tall8. D. didn"t1. C2. D3. A4. A5. C
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常用词组1. 两败俱伤 liǎngbài-jùshāng2. 两半 liǎngbàn3. 两边 liǎngbiān4. 两边倒 liǎngbiāndǎo5. 两便 liǎngbiàn6. 两曹 liǎngcáo7. 两重 liǎngchóng8. 两次 liǎngcì9. 两抵 liǎngdǐ10. 两都 liǎngdū11. 两个时候 liǎng gè shíhòu12. 两广 Liǎng-Guǎng13. 两汉 Liǎng-Hàn14. 两湖 Liǎng-Hú15. 两虎相斗 liǎnghǔ-xiāngdòu16. 两回事 liǎng huí shì[17. 两极 liǎngjí18. 两极分化 liǎngjí-fēnhuà19. 两脚规 liǎngjiǎoguī20. 两节棍 liǎngjiégùn21. 两截门 liǎngjiémén[22. 两可 liǎngkě23. 两口子 liǎngkǒuzi24. 两立 liǎnglì25. 两利 liǎnglì26. 两码事 liǎngmǎshì27. 两面 liǎngmiàn28. 两面光 liǎngmiànguāng29. 两面派 liǎngmiànpài32. 两难 liǎngnán(33. 两旁 liǎngpáng[both sides;either side] 两侧街道两旁34. 两栖动物,两栖植物 liǎngqī dòngwù,liǎngqī zhíwù[amphibian; amphibious animal; amphiphyte; amphibious plant] 习惯于或适应于在陆地和在水中两处都能生活的动物(如某些蛇)或植物 35. 两讫 liǎngqì[the goods are delivered and the bill is cleared] 商业用语,指卖方货已付清,买方款已付清36. 两清 liǎngqīng[accounts cleared between two parties] 借贷或买卖双方款物已经结清,手续已经办完37. 两情两愿 liǎngqíng-liǎngyuàn[mutual consent] [北方口语]∶两相情愿他们是两情两愿38. 两全 liǎngquán[be satisfactory to both parties;have regard for both demands] 顾全双方;成全两个方面 两全其美两全的办法39. 两全其美 liǎngquánqíměi[eat one"s cake and have it;satisfy both sides;satisfy rival claims; to the satisfaction of both parties] 做事照顾到双方,成全两个方面,使两方都满意 与他个两全其美,出去便出去,还与他肚里生下一个根儿。——《西游记》40. 两手空空 liǎngshǒu-kōngkōng(1) [hold the bag]∶在分配某物时一无所得(2) [empty-handed;nothing]∶意谓手头一点钱也没有41. 两头,两头儿 liǎngtóu,liǎngtóur(1) [both ends;either end]∶两端甘蔗没有两头甜(2) [both parties;both sides]∶两方面我招谁惹谁了,弄得个两头受气42. 两下里 liǎngxiàli(1) [both parties;both sides] 两头;双方面两下里都牵挂(2) 也说“两下”43. 两下子 liǎngxiàzi(1) [a couple of times]∶[动作]重复进行她佯做恼怒,打了我两下子(2) [a few tricks of the trade]∶指较高的技艺看不出,你小小年纪,还真有两下子44. 两厢 liǎngxiāng(1) [two wings of a building;wing-rooms on either side of a one story house]∶正房两边的厢房 (2) [both sides; two parties]∶两旁站立两厢45. 两小无猜 liǎngxiǎo-wúcāi[two innocent playmates;a boy and a girl grow up together] 指幼年男女天真无邪,相处融洽时皆八九岁,两小无猜,日共嬉戏。——清· 蒲松龄《江城》46. 两性 liǎngxìng(1) [of two sexes;sexual;heterosexual]∶雄性和雌性;男性和女性(2) [amphiprotic;amphoteric]∶具有两种性质氨基酸既有酸性也有碱性,它是两性的47. 两性动物,两性花 liǎngxìng dòngwù,liǎngxìnghuā[hermaphrodite] 正常情况下具有雄性和雌性两种生殖器官的动物或植物48. 两袖清风 liǎngxiù-qīngfēng[have clean hands;remain uncorrupted; have unsoiled hands] 原指人迎风潇洒,飘飘欲仙之态。后比喻为官清廉。现也指家贫,一无所有父亲零落鬓如丝,两袖清风一束诗。——元· 魏初《送杨季海》49. 两眼发黑 liǎngyǎn fāhēi[black out] 由于大脑血液循环暂时减弱而形成的短暂迟钝或失去视觉或知觉50. 两眼一抹黑 liǎngyǎn yīmāhēi[be utterly unfamiliar with one"s surroundings] 对周围情况一无所知
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2023-06-29 06:36:472


好听的英语儿歌15首   儿歌的传播在很大程度上是通过游戏方式来实现的",所以要求其作品适宜诵唱,并能与游戏过程相配合,必须呈现出鲜明的音乐性和节奏感。下面是我整理的一些英语儿歌歌词,希望大家喜欢。   1.HAPPY BIRTHDAY 生日快乐   Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday Dear, Happy Birthday to you.   Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday Dear, Happy Birthday to you.   2.BRAMS LULLABYE 安眠曲(布拉姆斯)   Lullaby and goodnight, thereu2019s roses delight. With lilies bedecked, is babyu2019s wee bed. Lay thee down now and rest. May the slumber be blest. Lay thee down now and rest. May the slumber be blest.   Lullaby and goodnight, the motheru2019s delight. Bright angels around my darling shall stand. They will guard thee from harm. Thou shalt wake in my arms. They will guard thee from harm . Thu shalt wake in my arms.   3.POLLY , PUT THE KETTLE ON 宝丽烧开水   Polly put the kettle on. Polly put the kettle on. Polly put the kettle on. Letu2019s all have tea. Sukey take it off again. Sukey take it off again. Sukey take it off again. Theyu2019ve all gone away.   4.TO MARKET 上市场   To market, to market to buy a gat pig. Home again, home again, jiggeddig jig. To market, to market , to buy a fat pig. Home again, home again, jiggeddig jig.   5.ARE YOU SLEEPING? 你还在睡觉吗?   Are you sleeping ? Are you sleeping ? Brother John, Brother John. Morning bells are ringing. Morning bells are ringing. Ding ding dong. Ding ding dong.   6.JINGLE BELLS 铃儿响叮当   Dashing through the snow. In a one-horse open sleigh. Ou2019ver the fields we go, laughing all the way. Bells on bobtail ring. Making spirits bright. Oh, What fun it is to ride(and sing a sleighing song tonight) in a one-horse open sleigh, Hey! Jingle bells ! Jingle bells ! Jingle all the way! Oh, What fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh, Hey!   jingle all the way! Oh, What fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh!   7.I HAVE TWO HANDS 我有两只手   I have two hands, the left and the right. Hold them up high, so clean and bright. Clap them softly One ,two, three. Clean little hands are good to see. My face is bright, my teeth all white. My dress is clean and all of me. So dear playmates follow me. So that our mother will be happy.   8.TEDDY BEAR 玩具熊   Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn around. Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch the ground. Teddy bear, teddy bear, show your shoe. Teddy bear, teddy bear, that will do. Teddy bear, teddy bear, go upstairs. Teddy bear, teddy bear, say your prayers. Teddy bear, teddy bear, switch off the light. Teddy bear, teddy bear, say goodnight.   9.Rockabaye Baby 睡吧, 小宝宝   Rockabye baby on the tree top. When the wind blows, the cradle will rock. When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall. And down will come baby, cradle and all.   10. HEAD, SHOULDER, KNEES AND TOES 头、肩、膝和脚趾   Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes. Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes. And eyes and ears and mouth and nose. Oh, head , shoulders, knees, and toes.   11. BINGO 小冰高   There was a farmer had a dog and Bingo was his name oh. B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, And Bingo was his name oh.   2. u2026I-N-G-O, I-N-G-O, I-N-G-O, I-N-G-O, I-N-G-O, I-N-G-Ou2026n3. u2026-N-G-O ,-N-G-O, N-G-O, N-G-O, N-G-O, N-G-O, N-G-Ou2026n4. u2026G-O, G-O, G-O, G-O, G-O, G-Ou2026n5. u2026O, O, O, O, O, Ou2026nThere was a farmer had a dog and Bingo was his name oh. And Bingo was his name oh.   12. WHO IS AFRAID OF BIG BAG WOLF 谁害怕大恶狼   Whou2019s afraid of the big bad wolf , big bad wolf, big bad wolf. Whou2019s afraid of the big bad wolf, Tra la la la la.   13.MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB 玛丽有只小羊羔   Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb. Mary had a little lamb. Its fleece was white as snow.   Everywhere that Mary went, Mary went, Mary went. Everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go.   14.TWO LITTLE DICKY BIRD 两只小鸟   Are you ready to play two little dicky birds ?   Two little dicky birds sitting on a wall. One named Peter, one named Paul. Fly away, Peter, fly away. Paul. Come back, Peter, come back, Paul.   I enjoy that, letu2019s do it again. Ready, one, two, three, four. Two little dicky birds sitting on a wall. One named Peter, one named Paul. Fly away, Peter, fly away. Paul. Come back, Peter, come back, Paul.   15.MY LITTLE PONY 我的小马驹   Hop, hop, hop, go and never stop. Where itu2019s smooth and where itu2019s stony. Trot along my little pony,. Go and never stop.   Hop, hop, hop, hop , hop. Hey, hey, hey, go along I say. Do not kick and never stumble. Do not turn and never crumble. Go along I say, Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Jump, jump, jump, do not hit that stump. Never will I cease to ride you till I farther. Yet Iu2019ve tried you. Shanu2019t I say that stump. Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump. ;
2023-06-29 06:36:541


  外国的 英语诗歌 语言优美,用富有节奏感韵律美的语言和分行排列的形式来抒发思想情感,十分值得我们一读。下面我为大家带来外国经典优美诗歌,欢迎大家阅读!外国经典优美诗歌:四轮马车   Because I could not stop for Death--   He kindly stopped for me--   The Carriage held but just Ourselves-   And Immortality.   因为我不能停下来等待死神   他和善地停下来等我——   那辆车只能容我们两个——   还有不朽。   We slowly drove--He knew no haste   And I had put away   My labor and my Leisure too,   For His Civility--   我们慢慢驱车——他不慌不忙   我也把我的劳与闲   统统丢掉一边,   为了他的礼让——   We passed the School, where Children strove   At Recess--in the Ring--   We passed the Fields of Gazing Grain--   We passed the Setting Sun--   我们走过校园,孩子们你推我搡,   在休息时间,在圆形广场——   我们走过在田间凝眸的麦杆——   我们走过落日旁——   Or rather--He passed Us--   The Dews drew quivering and chill--   For only Gossamer, my Gown--   My Tippet--only Tulle--   或毋宁说,他走过我们身旁    寒露 降,身子冻得打颤——   因为我的长衫落纱般——   我的披肩如丝网——   We paused before a House that seemed   A Swelling of the Ground--   The Roof was scarcely visible--   he Coraice--in the Ground--   我们停步在一所房子前,   那似乎是隆起的土地一片   屋顶几乎看不见——   屋檐在地里面——   Since then--u2019tis Centuries--and yet   Feels shorter than the Day   I first surmised the Horsesu2019Heads   Were toward Eternity--   离那时已是几个世纪   过了还不到一天,   我首次猜测到,马头   在朝向永恒奔窜。   外国经典优美诗歌:最后的买卖   "COME and hire me," I cried, while in the morning I was walking on the stone-paved road.   早晨,我在石铺的路上走时,我叫道:“谁来雇用我呀。”   Sword in hand, the King came in his chariot.   皇帝坐着马车,手里拿着剑走来。   He held my hand and said, "I will hire you with my power."   他拉着我的手,说道:“我要用权力来雇用你。”   But his power counted for nought, and he went away in his chariot.   但是他的权力算不了什么,他坐着马车走了。   In the heat of the midday the houses stood with shut doors.   正午炎热的时候,家家户户的门都闭着。   I wandered along the crooked lane.   我沿着屈曲的小巷走去。   An old man came out with his bag of gold.   一个老人带着一袋金钱走出来。   He pondered and said, "I will hire you with my money."   他斟酌了一下,说道:“我要用金钱来雇用你。”   He weighed his coins one by one, but I turned away.   他一个一个地数着他的钱,但我却转身离去了。   It was evening. The garden hedge was all aflower.   黄昏了,花园的篱上满开着花。   The fair maid came out and said, "I will hire you with a smile."   美人走出来,说道:“我要用微笑来雇用你。”   Her smile paled and melted into tears, and she went back alone into the dark.   她的微笑黯淡了,化成泪容了,她孤寂地回身走进黑暗里去。   The sun glistened on the sand, and the sea waves broke waywardly.   太阳照耀在沙地上,海波任性地浪花四溅。   A child sat playing with shells.   一个小孩坐在那里玩贝壳。   He raised his head and seemed to know me, and said, "I hire you with nothing."   他抬起头来,好像认识我似的,说道:“我雇你不用什么东西。”   From thenceforward that bargain struck in child"s play made me a free man.   从此以后,在这个小孩的游戏中做成的买卖,使我成了一个自由的人。   外国经典优美诗歌:孩子天使   THEY clamour and fight, they doubt and despair, they know no end to their wranglings.   他们喧哗争斗,他们怀疑失望,他们 辩论 而没有结果。   Let your life come amongst them like a flame of light, my child, unflickering and pure, anddelight them into silence.   我的孩子,让你的生命到他们当中去,如一线镇定而纯洁之光,使他们愉悦而沉默。   They are cruel in their greed and their envy, their words are like hidden knives thirsting forblood.   他们的贪心和妒忌是残忍的;他们的话,好像暗藏的刀,渴欲饮血。   Go and stand amidst their scowling hearts, my child, and let your gentle eyes fall upon themlike the forgiving peace of the evening over the strife of the day.   我的孩子,去,去站在他们愤懑的心中,把你的和善的眼光落在它们上面,好像那傍晚的宽洪大量的和平,覆盖着日间的骚扰一样。   Let them see your face, my child, and thus know the meaning of all things; let them love youand thus love each other.   我的孩子,让他们望着你的脸,因此能够知道一切事物的意义;让他们爱你,因此他们能够相爱。   Come and take your seat in the bosom of the limitless, my child. At sunrise open and raise yourheart like a blossoming flower, and at sunset bend your head and in silence complete theworship of the day.   来,坐在无垠的胸膛上,我的孩子。朝阳出来时,开放而且抬起你的心,像一朵盛开的花;夕阳落下时,低下你的头,默默地做完这一天的礼拜。   外国经典优美诗歌:我的歌   THIS song of mine will wind its music around you, my child, like the fond arms of love.   我的孩子,我这一只歌将扬起它的乐声围绕你的身旁,好像那爱情的热恋的手臂一样。   This song of mine will touch your forehead like a kiss of blessing.   我这一只歌将触着你的前额,好像那祝福的接吻一样。   When you are alone it will sit by your side and whisper in your ear, when you are in the crowdit will fence you about with aloofness.   当你只是一个人的时候,它将坐在你的身旁,在你耳边微语着;当你在人群中的时候,它将围住你,使你超然物外。   My song will be like a pair of wings to your dreams, it will transport your heart to the verge ofthe unknown.   我的歌将成为你的梦的翼翅,它将把你的心移送到不可知的岸边。   It will be like the faithful star overhead when dark night is over your road.   当黑夜覆盖在你路上的时候,它又将成为那照临在你头上的忠实的星光。   My song will sit inthe pupils of your eyes, and will carry your sight into the heart of things.   我的歌又将坐在你眼睛的瞳仁里,将你的视线带入万物的心里。   And when my voice is silent in death, my song will speak in your living heart.   当我的声音因死亡而沉寂时,我的歌仍将在我活泼泼的心中唱着。   外国经典优美诗歌:赠品   I WANT to give you something, my child, for we are drifting in the stream of the world.   我要送些东西给你,我的孩子,因为我们同是漂泊在世界的溪流中的。   Our lives will be carried apart, and our love forgotten.   我们的生命将被分开,我们的爱也将被忘记。   But I am not so foolish as to hope that I could buy your heart with my gifts.   但我却没有那样傻,希望能用我的赠品来买你的心。   Young is your life, your path long, and you drink the love we bring you at one draught and turnand run away from us.   你的生命正是青青,你的道路也长着呢,你一口气饮尽了我们带给你的爱,便回身离开我们跑了。   You have your play and your playmates. What harm is there if you have no time or thought forus.   你有你的游戏,有你的游伴。如果你没有时间同我们在一起,如果你想不到我们,那有什么害处呢?   We, indeed, have leisure enough in old age to count the days that are past, to cherish in ourhearts what our hands have lost for ever.   我们呢,自然的,在老年时,会有许多闲暇的时间,去计算那过去的日子,把我们手里永久失了的东西,在心里爱抚着。   The river runs swift with a song, breaking through all barriers. But the mountain stays andremembers, and follows her with his love.
2023-06-29 06:37:061


单位B,G / F,二期,彩星工业大厦,号1,N.T香港屯门天后路
2023-06-29 06:37:323


Shall I compare thee to a summer"s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate. -- Sonnet 18, By William Shakespeare 或许我可用夏日将你作比方, 但你比夏日更可爱也更温良。 -- 莎士比亚《十四行诗》
2023-06-29 06:37:392

求泰戈尔的《礼物》全诗。 不是《情人的礼物》。谢谢

礼物我想送些东西给你,因为我们是在世界的溪流上漂浮。我们的生命会被分离,我们的爱会被遗忘。但我并没有愚蠢到那种地步,以为能够用礼物收买你的心。你的生命正年轻,你的路正长,你将我们带给你的爱一饮而尽,转身离去。你有你所玩的游戏和你的玩伴。如果你没有时间或者没有心思放在我们身上,又有什么害处呢?的确,在年老的时光里,我们有足够的闲遐来历数过去的日子,在心里面爱抚我们手中永远失去的一切。河水唱着歌,冲破所有的阻拦,奔流向前。而山峦却驻留在那儿,回忆着,让他的爱追随她而去。THE GIFTI WANT to give you something, my child, for we are drifting in the stream of the world.Our lives will be carried apart, and our love forgotten.But I am not so foolish as to hope that I could buy your heart with my gifts.Young is your life, your path long, and you drink the love we bring you at one draught and turn and run away from us.You have your play and your playmates. What harm is there if you have no time or thought for us.We, indeed, have leisure enough in old age to count the days that are past, to cherish in our hearts what our hands have lost for ever.The river runs swift with a song, breaking through all barriers. But the mountain stays and remembers, and follows her with his love.(中英文,希望楼主采纳)
2023-06-29 06:37:491

play with the balloon的中文含义是什么?义

2023-06-29 06:37:571


《Playmates》(Robert B. Parker)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码:86gl书名:Playmates作者:Robert B. Parker出版社:Berkley Trade出版年份:2003-1-7页数:272
2023-06-29 06:38:151


i have two hands, the left and the right 我有两只手,左手和右手hold them up high, so clean and bright 将他们举得高高的,很干净也很明亮clap them softly one, two, three 轻轻地拍拍手,1,2, 3clean little hands are good to see 洗洗小手看了真舒服。my face is bright, my teeth all white 我的脸是明亮的,我的牙齿是白的。my dress is clean and all of me 我的连衣裙是干净的,我整个人都干净。so dear playmates follow me 所以亲爱的玩伴跟我来。so that our mother will be happy 那样我们的妈妈就会很开心。
2023-06-29 06:38:283


2023-06-29 06:38:361

求 Playboy playmates unwrapped轻解罗衣(1)(2)(1)(8)这部影片自己找
2023-06-29 06:39:001


2023-06-29 06:39:061


两小无猜的解释 [two innocent playmates;a boy and a girl grow up together] 指幼年男女 天真 无邪,相处融洽 时皆 * 岁,两小无猜,日共嬉戏。——清· 蒲松龄《江城》 详细解释 唐 李白 《长干行》 之一 :“郎骑 竹马 来,遶牀弄青梅,同居 长干里 ,两小无嫌嫌。”后因以“两小无猜”。谓男孩女孩天真无邪,一起玩耍,没有嫌猜。 清 蒲松龄 《 聊斋 志异·江城》 :“翁有女,小字 江城 ,与生同甲,时皆 * 岁,两小无猜,日共嬉戏。” 陈 登科 《 赤龙 与丹凤》 二三:“她想起 跬逵 ,他和她两小无猜,终日形影不离。” 词语分解 两的解释 两 (两) ǎ 数目,二。一般 用于 量词和“个、半、千、万、亿”前:两个 黄鹂 。两本书。 双方:两可。两边。两便(客套用语, 彼此 方便 )。两旁。两侧。两袖清风。两败俱伤。 中国 市制重量单位:十两(一市斤。旧 无猜的解释 没有猜忌;不 顾虑 无猜 的感情详细解释没有疑虑;不避 嫌疑 。《 左传 ·僖公九年》:“公家之利,知无不为,忠也。送往事居,耦俱无猜,贞也。” 晋 陶潜 《与子俨等疏》:“ 鲍叔 、 管仲 ,分财无猜。”
2023-06-29 06:39:131


两小无猜的解释 [two innocent playmates;a boy and a girl grow up together] 指幼年男女 天真 无邪,相处融洽 时皆 * 岁,两小无猜,日共嬉戏。——清· 蒲松龄《江城》 详细解释 唐 李白 《长干行》 之一 :“郎骑 竹马 来,遶牀弄青梅,同居 长干里 ,两小无嫌嫌。”后因以“两小无猜”。谓男孩女孩天真无邪,一起玩耍,没有嫌猜。 清 蒲松龄 《 聊斋 志异·江城》 :“翁有女,小字 江城 ,与生同甲,时皆 * 岁,两小无猜,日共嬉戏。” 陈 登科 《 赤龙 与丹凤》 二三:“她想起 跬逵 ,他和她两小无猜,终日形影不离。” 词语分解 两的解释 两 (两) ǎ 数目,二。一般 用于 量词和“个、半、千、万、亿”前:两个 黄鹂 。两本书。 双方:两可。两边。两便(客套用语, 彼此 方便 )。两旁。两侧。两袖清风。两败俱伤。 中国 市制重量单位:十两(一市斤。旧 无猜的解释 没有猜忌;不 顾虑 无猜 的感情详细解释没有疑虑;不避 嫌疑 。《 左传 ·僖公九年》:“公家之利,知无不为,忠也。送往事居,耦俱无猜,贞也。” 晋 陶潜 《与子俨等疏》:“ 鲍叔 、 管仲 ,分财无猜。”
2023-06-29 06:39:191

five years ago,I was____。I played_____.I had____.Today,I am____.I play___.I have___.

Five years ago, I was only three. I played toys most of time with my playmates. I had lots of fun.Today, I am 8 years old, I play basketball with my teammates. I have learned how to cooperate with others.请采纳
2023-06-29 06:39:371

play with sb. play with sth. 翻译并造句?

回答和翻译如下:和某人玩耍,和某事玩耍。Play with sb,play with sth.(英语词组翻译)
2023-06-29 06:39:513

play with的中文

你好!play with[词典] 同…一起玩; 玩弄…; (不太认真地) 考虑; 逗; [例句]The young girl loved to play with her playmates.这个小女孩喜欢和她的伙伴一起玩。
2023-06-29 06:40:042


  Hometown Love  Can not escape is the nostalgia.  "I was in the mountains a glimpse of my hometown; Come home can not forget, can never forget!"  Home for displaced people, will always be a cherished place. Many years ago, was born in rural areas, poor helpless I wanted to go home; college entrance examination failure, resolutely enlist, secretly resolved to never look back, a great "warrior gone," ambition. "His military years, stand by knowing"! Few back home; parents died young, suffered minor ordeal, became a lingering shadow, and now still often think of weird smells, one taste insight. Escape back home; after I do not know what to say back, to give the key to his hometown to do something. Fear back home; sincere Tuibeihuanzhan really powerless. But home is not let go of. Love worth mentioning, unhappy worth mentioning, after all, is to give the place of my life. home. Never had with the passage of time, but will be in the memory of the disappeared; on the contrary, the outline of the home, streets, buildings, mountains and rivers, playmates and other children when occasionally appear in the dream, home sometimes become very clear, real and warm. Cut, tangled, honesty, I was not really getting old?  Change must happen slowly, but in the busy lift the head, notes that changes in the home when, become very surprised! This spring to study in the way back home into the bypass in the apprehension, the way Zhizhang "left home boss back, same accent mane bad; Children meet strangers, asked the passengers where to laugh" emerging , worried that they will be embarrassed; but take an instant car, the platform of the smiling faces immediately infected me, although not seen for years, but the feeling remains. At this point, I found that no matter you go further away, home is a place you will never forget!
2023-06-29 06:40:131


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内容提要: Uncle Tom, a slave on the Shelby plantation, is loved by his owners, their son, and every slave on the property. He lives contentedly with his wife and children in their own cabin until Mr. Shelby, deeply in debt to a slave trader named Haley, agrees to sell Tom and Harry, the child of his wife"s servant Eliza. Tom is devastated but vows that he will not run away, as he believes that to do so would plunge his master so far into debt that he would be forced to sell every slave. Just before Tom is taken away, Mrs. Shelby promises him that she will buy him back as soon as she can gather the funds. Tom is sold to Haley, who eventually sells him to a kindly master named Mr. St. Clare. Eliza, however, cannot bear to part with her son and escapes the night before he is to be taken from her. She escapes successfully and makes her way to a Quaker village, with a family that harbors slaves. There, she is reunited with her husband George, who lived on a neighboring plantation and has also escaped to flee his master"s cruelty. The couple and their son spend a night with the Quaker family before returning to the underground railroad. Tom befriends his new master and especially his young daughter Eva, who shares Tom"s deep religious faith and devotion. Eva abhors cruelty and eventually is so overcome with grief over slavery that when she becomes ill, she accepts her impending death peacefully and tells her family and their servants that she is happy knowing that she is going to heaven, where such cruelty does not exist. St. Clare begins to confront the realization that he believes slavery is evil, and he promises Tom that he will fill out forms guaranteeing his freedom in the event of St. Clare"s death.
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2023-06-29 06:41:511

高分求申请美国大学diversity statement范文

威斯康辛麦迪逊分校申请Essay范文7:Value of DiversityA range of academic interests, personal perspectives, and life experiences adds much to the educational mix. Given your personal background, describe an experience that illustrates what you would bring to the diversity in a college community, or an encounter that demonstrated the importance of diversity to you.There simply was no solution. With tears of frustration in my eyes I went through the options for the hundredth time. I had come face to face with one of life"s many brutal truths: no one can build a sand-castle by herself. About to give up in despair, I spied something that made my heart leap. There, between the little red slide and the big-kid swings, sat another five-year old girl. It did not matter that as a native of the country I was visiting, she only spoke German.All too soon we were casting long shadows in the fading sunlight, and I had to say goodbye to my architectural partner. I knew nothing but her name, which I have long since forgotten. After all, this was simply one of many such encounters.By the time I realized how lucky I was to do so, I had traveled to most of Europe and some of Asia. My father"s job dragged our family from country to country. We lived for a few months in Israel one year, a few months in Switzerland the next. If I were to go back to any one of the many countries to which I have traveled, I would naturally be drawn to the famous monuments, historic landmarks, and local museums. But the memories of my international playmates are some of the most valuable souvenirs I could bring home from my travels. With their help, I learned to both respect and appreciate others" differences.At times this respect came with difficulty, particularly when the culture in question clashed with my own. When I was twelve my father was invited to teach a class in South Korea, and so off we went. One day we visited a small art museum, where we met the only curator, a small, hospitable woman who spoke no English. I responded politely when she welcomed us to the museum, and then not quite so politely when she started running her hands through my long, curly hair. I stood rooted to the spot by shock and horror as she neatly braided my hair. After a few minutes I was released, and with a great sigh of relief I set off to explore. I had hardly reached the door when, to my dismay, the hair-braider returned – brandishing a comb. Gathering my dignity, I suffered her ministrations. The result was a breathtaking French braid, shaming me for resenting the curator"s lack of respect for my personal space. Never again did I hold other cultures to my own standards.In Belize, I saw that other cultures have different economic as well as personal standards. My family and I stayed in the small village of Armenia, a town built for refugees from the surrounding countries of Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. Most residents made their living as hired hands at the local grapefruit orchards or selling handmade souvenirs to the tourists. The wealthier townspeople owned horses for transportation or pack animals, but most simply walked.At first I pitied the locals for their poverty. As I spent more time with them, I began to see that they did not consider themselves poor, nor lament their lack of luxury. The concept of wealth meant something completely different in Armenia, something that had less to do with possessions and more to do with family. While I appreciate the comfort in which I live, the Armenians make me thankful for the little things in life, the beautiful days and loyal friends that no amount of money could replace.To this day I value diversity. Many of my friends speak imperfect English; for most it is their second language. Few are citizens of the United States. As I make the transition from high school to college, I hope to meet students from a variety of different cultures and backgrounds with whom I can share my unique experiences. Though I have traveled in four continents and met people of numerous cultures, I have not yet been to college, and sometimes the thought makes me apprehensive. That said, I know that if I approach my college years with the same open-minded curiosity I learned from my family"s wanderings, I will be amazed.成功申请耶鲁大学的Essay范文8:The Power of DiversityA range of academic interests, personal perspectives, and life experiences adds much to the educational mix. Given your personal background, describe an experience that illustrates what you would bring to the diversity in a college community, or an encounter that demonstrated the importance of diversity to you.The doorbell rang incessantly. The rest of the NASA Sharpies (as we like to call ourselves) and I in the room looked at each other in confusion - the door was already wide open. Glancing over, we saw Kennedy walk in with a curious look on his face. "Why does it make that sound when I press that?" he asked us. We all responded by letting out a heartfelt chuckle. I explained to him that pressing that little button is usually used to signal to the residents living inside that there is a visitor waiting to be greeted. "Ah, that"s tight!" he replied while smiling. He had never seen such a device in his hometown of Tafuna, American Samoa. Although it may have seemed to be just a trivial difference in the two cultures, it was one of many moments at NASA SHARP that allowed me to experience firsthand the richness of diversity.Twenty of us flew into LAX, everyone from a different part of the United States or one of its outlying territories. The first night, we played a game where each of us was asked questions ranging from favorite sports teams to professional goals. I participated intently in the game, asking as many questions as I could to learn more about everyone. It became quite clear that although there were differences in our backgrounds and ethnicities, we had many interests in common. I began to realize that the disparities between us were not barriers but catalysts for meaningful interaction.I learned something different from each sharpie. Fozoh taught me how to solve a Rubik"s cube. Tiffany lent me some CDs that they listened to down in Mobile (properly pronounced "Mobeeeele"), Alabama. Andrea described life on a Navajo reservation and debunked many myths that I had. Kennedy told stories of how he could string thirty coconuts together back in Samoa. Jasmine even allowed me to try one of her special Puerto Rican fruits. I, personally, cooked authentic Chinese fried rice for the others and explained many times that we say "pop" instead of "soda" in the Midwest.Together, we would often stay up at late at night. Over chips and salsa, we discussed issues that we felt were pertinent. My views often clashed with others" as we debated topics ranging from politics to movies. It was lighthearted and fun at the time, but now I look back with a sense of nostalgia. The environment that existed at NASA SHARP broadened my point of view and made me reevaluate my stance on certain issues. The beauty of our differences is that it allows us to have such different perspectives and intellectually stimulate others.Over the eight weeks, I developed a deep respect for the eclectic community that surrounded me. Coming from a homogenous suburb in the Midwest, I was in awe as we bonded. It is this desire to connect that I hope to bring to Yale - perhaps not by cooking fried rice for everyone, but by having an open mind and an avid determination to embrace the power of diversity.
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游戏作弊码,password 里面输入的东西。 其中"D" 在 pc版里面改成 "A"Password notes:Use the following key when entering the passwords. Note: The codeshave no effect in tournament mode.L: LeonardoM: MichaelangeloD: DonatelloR: RaphaelS: ShredderSelf Recovery:Enter DRMSRLR as a password. Your character will slowly regain HP.(慢速恢复HP)Health:Enter DSRDMRM as a password. Your character will always have fullhealth.(一直满血)Mighty Turtle:Enter LSDRRDR as a password. Your characters will no longer be hurt by damage.(无敌??)Squeaking:Enter MLDSRDM as a password. Alternate sounds will play when objects are hit. (当物体被攻击时,声音XXX ???)Pizza Paradise:Enter MRLMRMR as a password. All health items will be replaced byfull HP pizzas.(所有含有食物的箱子,里面都变成皮萨)Toddling:Enter SSSMRDD as a password. There will be strange sounds when your character walks.(当你走路的时候会有奇怪的声音)Super-Tough:Enter RDSRMRL as a password. All enemies will have their defensedoubled.(敌人防御加倍)Nightmare:Enter SLSDRDL as a password. All enemies will have their attacksdoubled.(敌人攻击加倍)Super Offense Power:Enter SDLSRLL as a password. Your attacks will be doubled.(我放供给加倍)Super Defense Power:Enter LDRMRLM as a password. Your defense will be doubled.(我放防御加倍)Infinite Shuriken:Enter RSRLRSM as a password.(无限飞镖)Lose Shuriken:Enter RLMRDSL as a password. You will not be able to use shuriken.(禁止使用飞镖)***以下为特殊装束*****New Nexus outfit for Donatello:Enter DSLRDRM as a password.New Nexus outfit for Leonardo:Enter LMRMDRD as a password.New Nexus outfit for Michelangelo:Enter MLMRDRM as a password.New Nexus outfit for Raphael:Enter RMSRMDR as a password.******装束部分结束*******Playmates unlocked in bonus materials:Enter SRMLDDR as a password.(我没看明白....)Fatal Blow:Enter LRSRDRD as a password. Enemies have one hit kill ability.(敌人有一击杀的能力)Abyss:Enter SDSDRLD as a password. You will lose all health after falling.(直接摔死.....够狠)Poison:Enter DRSLLSR as a password. Your character will slowly lose HP.(中毒,慢慢少血)Challenge Mode Endurance:Enter MRMDRMD as a password. Stamina restore will no longer beavailable.(精力恢复不能??)Play as Splinter:Successfully complete level 11-7. Alternately, Splinter is unlockedten days after a saved game file is created; you can change thesystem date to do this. Splinter replaces Donatello.(成功完成leve11-7后,可以使用老鼠)Play as Casey Jones:Win the Open Brawl Tournament. Alternately, Casey Jones is unlocked(比赛模式开启,可以使用Jones)five days after a saved game file is created; you can change thesystem date to do this. Casey Jones replaces Raphael.(创建存档5天后,你可以通过修改 系统日期来实现这个功能??????)Play as Slashuur:Win the Battle Nexus Tournament. Alternately, Slashuur is unlockedforty five days after a saved game file is created; you can changethe system date to do this. Slashuur replaces Leonardo.(通过Nexus的比赛模式,可以使用Slashuur,后者等待存档后45天........)Play as Karai:Defeat Karai in the Foot Fight Tournament in less than 150 seconds.Alternately, Karai is unlocked thirty five days after a saved gamefile is created; you can change the system date to do this. Karaireplaces Michaelangelo.(在 Foot Fight比赛中,150秒内干掉Karai,可以使用Karai,后者35天后.......)Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles arcade game:Got to level 9-1 and get the hidden Antique. Do this by going downone of the alleyways. There will be a pile of crates and a brokendown bus. Jump on the crate and onto the bus. From the bus, jumponto the building . There should be two crates here, containingPizza and the Antique. Then, complete the level and defeat all thePurple Dragons, Foot, and Mobsters. Next, go to the " 2nd TimeAround". If you look through the different objects in the "NY"section, you will see the image of an arcade. Select the arcade tosee information on it. When you exit out of the information, themessage "Classic Arcade Mode Unlocked" will appear, and that option is now on the main menu at the title screen. Note: Do not worry if the screen remains black, or the arcade main screen takes a long time to load; this is normal.(Arc模式:9-1关,在一个小巷里有个破的公交车,通过他上到房顶,打开两个箱子,吃到宝箱,通关后,回到家里,看"2nd Time"模式,里面有张卡片,上面画着一个街机,看介绍后推出,屏幕上会出现“Classic Arcade Mode Unlocked",然后退到主画面,出现街机模式.)*****后面由于没弄出街机模式,所以没有测试***In the arcade game, press Circle to get more lives instead ofquarters. The joystick and certain buttons including the pausefeature do not work. The character selection is just like thearcade. Each controller controls a different turtle. You cannotwhich turtle to assign to a controller. Controller one is Leonardo,controller two is Michaelangelo, controller three is Donatello, andController four is Raphael.Glitch: Character"s feet pass through wall:Whenever you do a wall-jump, look very carefully to see that yourcharacter"s toes (or sometimes even their feet) are passing throughthe wall.ARC模式我没有弄出来,可能还需要什么条件,这里面所说的方法我试过了,没有成功
2023-06-29 06:42:202

Fat and shy, Ben Saunders was the last kid in his class picked for any sports team. “Football, ..

小题1:B小题2:D小题3:A 试题分析:这篇文章主要讲的是Saunders本来是一个完全不擅长体育的学生,15岁生日时收到的一辆山地车改变了他,慢慢成长成一个运动健将,并且已经成为了独自滑雪到达北极的最年轻的人。小题1:细节题。由第二段第一句It was a mountain bike he received for his 15 th birthday that changed him.15岁生日时收到的一辆山地自行车改变了他。由此可知,答案选B.小题2:细节题。由第四段第一句In 2001, after becoming a skillful skier, Saunders started his first long—distance expedition (探险) towards the North Pole.2001年,在成为一名熟练的滑雪者之后,Saunders开始了他的第一次滑向北极的长途探险。由此可知,答案选B.小题3:主旨题。这篇文章主要讲的是Saunders如何由一个完全不擅长体育的学生变成了一个滑雪健将,并且已经成为了独自滑雪到达北极的最年轻的的人。由此可知,答案选A. 点评:文章叙事详细,对于此类讲述一个人物的经历的文章,答题技巧需要掌握文章的时间、人物、情节。其中情节更为重要,本文应抓住故事发生的时间顺序,结合题目所问的问题,在文章中找到相对应的出处,然后仔细对比,重在理解作者所讲述了本来一个不擅长运动的人,通过自己的努力而成功的改变了自己,实现了成功。
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