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粉妆玉琢翻译成英语怎么翻译 啊? 语法应一定要对。意思差不多也可以

。(of the landscape) to give the illusion of a silver-and-powder world.2。the silvery sight of snow and ice-covered land3。molded in jade and silver4。be decorated with white powder and carved out of jade;5 snow landscape; 6 YuZhuo makeup will


Nowadays, more and more 【people prefer】eating fast food 【,】such as McDonald"s, KFC burger king and some other snack bar. Because of the development of【 our 】society, 【busy work lets some people choose to eat fast food to solve their hunger problems.这句话太中国化了改为: some people choose to eat fast food to save their time in such a busy world】 The greatest benefit of fast food is convenient. you 【are ordering 改为order陈述这件事用一般现在时】fast food【 to 】save【 your你的时间 用主格】 more time or people who work long hours can pick up phone and order takeaway. In addition, delicious taste【 of表所属】 fast food is recognized by everybody. You can enjoy the yummy food for any suitable situation. However,fast food also has the obvious disadvantage【s】.【 We know fast food 这几个单词改为which 更好 引导非限制定语从句 不过不改也不错】is unhealthy for our body. If we eat more and more junk food【,】 maybe we will get fat. We can guess many materials are not fresh in the process. And then, some people choose to add some chemicals to make food keep for a long time. On the other hand, the packaging is non-biodegradable which must damages environment. 【Always eat fastfood is expensive by consumer这句话有问题 看不懂你要表达的意思。如果你想要表达:对于消费者来说 经常吃快餐是很昂贵的 的话用这个句型更好:it is expensive for consumer to eat fastfood everyday】. In general, fast food is a good 【solution 改为way】for those who have no time to cook, but we should care about our health and try to eat fast food as 【little改为few】 as possible.

新概念第一册词汇语法第55课:The Sawyer family索耶一家人

Lesson 55 The Sawyer family索耶一家人 The Sawyer live at 87 King Street. In the morning, Mr. Sawyer goes to work and the children go to school. Mrs. Sawyer stays at home every day. She does the housework. She always eats her lunch at noon. In the afternoon, she usually sees her friends. They often drink tea together. In the evening, the children come home from school. They arrive home early. Mr. Sawyer comes home from work. He arrives home late. At night, the children always do their homework. Then they go to bed. Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper, but sometimes he and his wife watch television. 索耶一家住在国王街87号。 早上,索耶先生去上班,孩子们去上学。父亲每天送孩子们去上学。 索耶夫人每天呆在家里。她料理家务。 她总是在正午吃午饭。 下午,她总是会见她的朋友。她们经常在一起喝茶。 傍晚,孩子们放学回家。他们到家很早。 索耶先生下班回家。他到家很晚。 晚上,孩子们总是做作业,然后去睡觉。索耶先生总是读报纸,但有时和他的妻子一起看电视。1.go to work, 上班。 由动词 go引导的短语课文中还有:go to school(上学), go to bed(上床睡觉)。请注意 work, school以及 bed之前不带任何冠词。 2.stay at home, 呆在家里。 与 stay home在意思上相差无几。前者中的 home是名词,后者中的home是副词。 3.do the housework, 料理家务。 housework是不可数名词。请比较:do the homework(做作业)。 4.at night, 在夜里。 如果说某日夜里,则用介词 on: on the night of June 2 在6月2日的夜里一般现在时(2) (请参见 Lessons 47~48语法部分。) 一般现在时用于表示一个习惯动作、有规律的行为以及永恒的现象。一般与时间频度副词和时间短语连用。这些时间短语有: every day/week/month/year 每日/周/月/年 in the morning/afternoon/evening 在上午/下午/晚上 at noon/night 在正午/夜里 第3人称单数的谓语动词需加以变位,这可分为几种情况: (1)直接加 -s,如: come----comes arrive----arrives (2)以 -sh, -ch, -o 以及 -s结尾的动词加 -es,如: wash----washes go----goes watch----watches do----does (3)以辅音加 -y结尾的动词,把 -y改成 -i,再加 -es;而元音加 -y结尾的动词,只加 -s即可: hurry----hurries carry----carries play----plays stay----stays1.arrive v. (1)到达;到来: We arrived home early. 我们很早就到家了。 The train is expected to arrive in London at 8. 20 p. m. 火车预计在晚上8点20分抵达伦敦。 (2)(时间等)来临;(婴儿)出生: At last the day of graduation arrived. 毕业的那一天终于来临。 Elizabeth"s baby arrived at midnight. 伊丽莎白的婴儿是在午夜时分降生的。 2.live v. (1)居住;生活: Frank lives in Paris. 弗兰克居住在巴黎。 Where do you live? 你住在哪儿? (2)活;生存: Fish can"t live long out of water. 鱼离开水活不了多久。 My grandmother lived until she was 94. 我祖母活到了94岁。 (3)过生活;享受生活乐趣: At 40 he was just beginning to live. 他到40岁才刚刚开始过上富有意义的生活。 You haven"t lived till you"ve been to Paris. 你没到过巴黎就算不上享受过生活。 (4)靠……生活(by/on): He lives by playing the violin. 他靠拉小提琴为生。 He lives on the fortune left to him by his father. 他靠他父亲给他留下的财产生活。 3.stay v. (1)呆在,停留: Mrs. White stays at home every day. 怀特太太每天都呆在家中。 (2)逗留;暂住: We were staying at the same hotel. 我们住在同一家饭店。 (3)持续;保留: The house has to stay exactly as it was. 这所房子必须完全保持原来的样子。


餐厅常用 英语 一百句 1、早上好(午安、晚安) Good morning.(afternoon evening) 2、您好! How are you? How do you do? Welcome to golden city restaurant. 3、再见,欢迎下次再来! Good-bye! Come again next time, you are Welcome. 4、慢走,感谢您的光临。 Mind your step and thank you for coming. 5、请稍等。 Please wait a moment. Just a moment. Just a minute. 6、请原谅。 Excuse me. 7、对不起,让您久等了。 Sorry to have kept you waiting so long. 8、请问您有几位? For how many? 9、请跟我来,请这边走。 Come with me, please. follow me, please. 10、请问您贵姓? May I have your fist name? 11、请问您喝什么茶? What kinds of tea would you like to drink? 12 、请稍候,我们马上给您安排。 Just a moment, please. we will arrange, it for you right away. 13、请问您有预订吗? Do you have a reservation? 14、您看坐在这里可以吗? Would you mind sitting here? 15、祝您旅途愉快! Have a pleasant journey! 16、对不起,那边的桌子已给预订了。 I"m sorry that table is already reserved. 17、不用谢,很乐意为您服务。 Not at all, I"m glad to serve you. 18、这是菜单,请问现在可以点菜了吗? Here is menu, Are you ready to order mow? 19、您想吃中餐还是西餐。 Would you like to have Chinese food or European food? 20、今天的特别介绍是粉蒸甲鱼和蒜茸开边大虾。 The recommendation of the day is. 21、我们有葡萄酒、白酒、啤酒和各式软饮料。 We have got port, white wine beer and different kinds of soft beverages. 22、请问您想喝点什么。 What would you like to drink, please. 23、请问需要加冰块吗? Do you need any ice-blocks, please? 24、请问需要冷饮还是热饮。 Would you like to have a cold-drinks or hot drinks? 25、请用茶。 Have a cup of tea, please! 26、请用香巾。 Have a piece of napkin, please! 27、我们的菜式有广东风味、北京风味、四川风味,您喜欢哪一种? We provide Cantonese BeiJing Sichuan food which style do you like. 28、祝您午餐(晚餐)愉快! Please enjoy your lunch (dinner)! 29、打拢了,请问现在可以上菜吗? I"m sorry to disturb you. Shall I bring in your food now? 30、对不起,我能把这个盘子撤走吗? I"m sorry, Can I take this plate away?31、对不起,我把它换成小盘子好吗? I"m sorry, May I have it changed the small plate? 32、您想试一下本地的特色吗? Would you like to try local speciality? 33、请问您喝什么茶? What kinds of tea would you like to drink? 34、您先来杯啤酒好吗? Would you like to start with a glass of beer? 35、如果您感时间的话,我给您安排一些快餐好吗? If you"re hurry I"ll arrange some fast foods for you-Can I arrange a snack for you if time is pressing for you. 36、对不起,这个品种刚刚售完。 I"m sorry, the variety is just out of stood(there aren"t any left) 37、对不起,您是否介意与那位先生同坐一桌? I"m sorry, would you mind sitting the table with that gentleman. 38、对不起,现在已经客满了。 I"m sorry the restaurant is full now. 39、对不起,现在已经没有厅房了。 I"m sorry the banqueting hall is full now. 40、如果您不介意,坐在那边角落里好吗? Would you mind sitting over there in the corner. 41、如果您愿意,可以先到大堂休息一下,一有空位我马上通告您。 You may have a rest in the lounge if you like. 42、我们的早餐券包括一碗稀饭、二笼包子、一碟小菜。 Our breakfast coupon includes a bowl of rice gruel two portions of steamed stuffed buns and a plate of dish. 43、很抱歉,我们立即采取措施,使您满意。 I"m sorry we"ll take measures at once Be satisfied you. 44、先生您喜欢用筷子还是刀叉。 Would you like to use chopsticks or knife and forks, sir? 45、服务员我想买单。 Waiter I want to pay my bill. 46、请给我一杯可乐。 Please give me a can of coca-cola. 47、请问卫生间在哪里? Where is the toilet? 48、先生(女士)这是您的帐单吗? Here is your bill, sir(lady)? 49、一共是128元,请问您付现金还是信用卡? The total amount is 128 yuan, Do you pay the bill by cash , o credit card? 50、我们这儿不收小费,但是我仍很感谢您。 We don"t accept tips But I"m very grateful to you. 51、请稍等,我马上来收拾。 Just a moment, please I"m clear it right away. 52、小姐,我想订一个明晚的厅房。 Miss I want to reserve a banqueting hall for tomorrow evening. 53、请问需要大厅房还是小厅房? Do you need a big banqueting hall or small one? 54、服务员,您们的早餐都有什么? Waiter , what has your breakfast got? 55、我们的早餐主要供应粤式早茶。 Our breakfast supply Cantonese early morning cup of tea. 56、先生请问您的牛肉要几份熟的? How would you like your beef? Rare, medium or well-done, sir? 57、先生您的菜已经上齐了。 Your dish is all here, sir. 58、还要点水果和甜品吗? Would you like fruit and dessert, else? 59、对不起,我到厨房给您催一下。 Sorry, I tell the cooker to hurry. 60、哦!很抱歉这个菜的烹饪时间较长。 Oh, very sorry, It takes quite some time for this dish to prepare. 61、小姐,我想要一个二人的餐桌。 Lady I want to reserve a table for two. 62、请问需要主食吗? Do you need any staple food? 63、请问您对今天的菜肴有何意见? What do your opinion of today"s order? 64、对不起,我们这没有生力啤酒。 Sorry, we haven"t San Miguel beer. 65、您试一下百威啤酒好吗? Would you like to try Budweiser beer? 66、当然可以。 Of course. 67、谢谢您提出的宝贵意见。 Thanks for your precious opinions. 68、我们将努力改进。 We"ll try our best to improve. 69、对不起,那是整瓶卖的。 Sorry, It"s sold by the bottle. 70、请问您对菜肴有什么特殊要求吗? Anything special you"d like to have on the menu? 71、这是发票和找头,请收好。 Here"s the receipt and change, keep it, please. 72、好的,我一定尽快给您做好。 All right , I"ll have it for you as soon as possible.73、隆中是我们襄樊的名胜古迹。LongZhong is a place of historical interest in our XF.74、好的,我去拿来。Ok, I"ll get it for you.75、我们这有清茶、菊花茶、八宝茶。 We have green tea, chrysanthemurn tea eight treasures tea.76、先生,傣式烤牛肉很不错,我建议您们点一个。Sir, Roast beef in “Thailand” style is very good. I suggest you to order one.77、请问土豆做咸泥、烤的还是煮的?Is the potato roast or boiled? 78、先生,有什么需要我帮忙的吗?What can I do for you, sir?79、先生,请问您是找人吗?Are you come to see anyone, sir?80、小姐,请问您们的酒吧在哪里?Where are your bar, lady?81、哦,在大堂,我带您去好吗?Oh At the lobby, Shall I show you to go?82、先生,请问是用餐吗?Will you have dinner, sir?83、这瓶酒多少钱?How much is this bottle?84、这瓶葡萄酒每瓶98元。The wine is 98 yuan a bottle.85、不要了,谢谢。No thanks.86、对不起,请再重复一遍。I beg your pardon?87、服务员,您会讲 英语 吗?Can you speak English, waiter?88、会一点点。Yes, a little.89、我可以签单吗?May I sign the bill?90、哦,很抱歉,请付现款。Oh I"m sorry, cash only please.91、请告诉我您的房间号码。Can you tell me your room number?92、我是1002房,给我送一份牛肉粒,葱花炒饭。The room is 1002 give me a portion of fried rice with beef.93、好的,我们马上送到您的房间。All right we"ll send it to your room right away.94、我们的蔬菜有土豆、窝笋、黄瓜、大白菜、姜豆等等。Our vegetable have potato, lettuce cucumber, peking cabbage, string bean.95、海鲜类有基围虾、毛蟹、带子、桂花鱼等等。The various sea-food have prawn, shrimp scallop perch.96、主食类有水饺、汤面、炒面、炒饭等等。The staple food has boil dumplings, noodles in soup, fried noodles, fried rice.97、先生(女士)这个水果盘是我们餐厅奉送的,祝您午餐愉快。This fruit plate is offered as a gift in our Restaurant. Please enjoy you lunch.



English has become used around the world.语法对吗?

正确的表达是:English has become useful around the world.用 useful 而不是use 的过去分词.




英语动词时态的变化,只需要了解两种状态:简单式与完成式。 首先,在现代语法中,时间(time)和状态(aspect)是分开处理的。时间观念(现在、过去、未来)非常简单,状态的观念就比较麻烦,如果再把主动、被动语态(voice)加进来,变化就更多了。 以简驭繁的方法是: 把be动词当做动词,其后的分词则视为形容词补语。 动词短语长的时候,里面一定会有be动词,如果把be动词抽离出来当做动词看待,那就只剩下用be动词写的简单式,以及用have been写的完成式两种状态。 分词则可视为形容词补语,不放在动词短语里面,如此一来整个时态的问题就会简单化,我们只需要弄清楚什么是简单式,什么是完成式就可以了。 简单式的动词可以清楚交代此动作是发生于哪个时段。而与它搭配的时间副词通常会明确标示出一个时段。也就是说:简单式的时间是括弧的形状,我们可以用括弧把简单式的时间括起来。 例:The U.S. <u>established</u> diplomatic relations with the P.R.C. <u>in 1979</u>. 此句中,以in 1979来修饰动词establish(建立)的时间,这个括弧在now的左边,属于过去时间,所以动词用established,是过去时间的简单式。 例:The movable print <u>was</u> introduced to England <u>in 1485.</u> 此句中把be动词当动词看。时间发生在now左边,同样是过去时间的简单式,所以动词是was。过去分词introduced当作形容词补语看待, 过去分词词尾 -ed视为一个表达被动意味的形容词字尾。 be动词是一个没有意义的连缀动词,用来连接主语“活版印刷”和补语“被引进(到英国)”。be动词虽然没有意义,不需要翻译,可是它是动词,必须以它来决定时态,所以用was的过去简单式出现。 例:I <u>was</u> visiting clients <u>the whole day yesterday</u>. 同样把be动词视为动词。 时间副词the whole day yesterday与in 1979相同:都是一个过去时间的括弧。 所以,动词时态都用过去简单式:was。 be动词后面visiting clients这个部分可视为一个现在分词的短语,作为形容词补语来形容主语。 现在分词表示一种持续性,相当于中文的“现在”、“一直” be动词是没有意义的连缀动词,连接主语“我”和补语“一直在拜访客户”。 be动词只要负责交代时态就好,过去时间用was,也就是过去简单式。 例:I <u>was</u> watching TV <u>when I heard the doorbell</u>. 时间副词“我听到门铃响的时候”是很短的一瞬间,动词仍然要用简单式。将be动词当做动词看待,要用过去简单式was。 而那时候“我”“正在看电视”。主语与补语watching TV之间用be动词连起来,将watching TV视为形容词短语。 例:The witness <u>was</u> being questioned in court <u>when he had a heart attack</u>. 此句中,时间副词when he had a heart attack指的是他心脏病突发的瞬间,是一个最小的括弧。 而had表示这个时间是过去的时间,所以be动词用was来表示过去简单式。 主语是“证人”,be动词后面的部分当形容词补语看待,有being和questioned两个分词,都视为形容词。 be动词是没有意义的,所以being的存在主要意义不在be,而在字尾 -ing。这个字尾表示“正在”,所以being只要解释为“正在”就可以了。 过去分词questioned也当形容词看,可是过去分词字尾 -ed表示被动,配合question就解释为“被质询”/ 所以,being questioned解释为“正在被质询”,用来作为主语“证人”的补语。 动词was还是简单过去式。 如果时间副词是now,或是以now为中心的或大或小的括弧,就要用现在时间的简单式。 只有在以now为中心的括弧,可以大到涵盖过去未来,才可以用来表示不变的真理。 例:Huang <u>pitches</u> a fast ball. Li <u>swings</u>. It <u>looks</u> like a hit. The shortstop <u>fails</u> to stop it. It<u>"s</u> a double! 播报运动比赛时,每一句都是现在发生的,也就是now。播报员所播报的一直是现在这一刻所发生的事情,所以就是now这一瞬间,也就是最小的括弧。只要是括弧就是简单式,所以是现在简单式。 例:Bush <u>is</u> the U.S. President. Bush是现任美国总统,几年前和几年后都不再是。这个句子的时间是一个以now为中心的括弧,所以用现在简单式。 例:All mothers <u>love</u> their children. 天下的妈妈没有不爱小孩的。这是古今皆然,以后也不会改变,所以这是以now为中心的一个极大的括弧。无论大小,只要可以用括弧表示,就是简单式,所以动词用现在简单式的love。 例:7-SEVEN <u>is</u> selling big cokes at a discount this month. 把be动词当做动词看,时间副词this month是以now为核心的一个括弧,所以用现代简单式is。 可乐打折,是正在持续中的活动,所以用selling big cokes,以现在分词片词做补语来强调持续性。 例:According to the NASA survey, the ozone layer <u>is</u> being depleted. 这是一个以now为中心的较大的括弧,所以动词用现在简单式is 而being depleted当做补语看待。 being只有词尾 -ing有意义,解释“正在……” depleted中过去分词的词尾 -ed有被动的意思,所以解释为“被消耗”。 两词合在一起,being depleted就是“正在被消耗”当形容词补语看待,形容主语“臭氧层”。 现在简单式的动词is则不需要翻译。 未来时间的简单式,只是把括弧放在now的右边,其他的原理则完全相同。至于里面会有一些牵涉到语气问题的变化,会在第九章做详细说明。 例:There <u>will be</u> a major election <u>in March</u>. 时间副词in March是一个未来时间的括弧,只要可以括出时间来就是简单式。未来的事情还没发生,尚未确定,所以要加一个助动词will在前面,意思是“到时候会”。 例:Don"t call me at six tomorrow. I<u>"ll</u> still <u>be</u> sleeping <u>then</u>. 明天六点整那一刻,所以是一个最小的括弧,因为是now的右边,所以要用未来简单式。 把be动词当做动词看,未来简单式will be后面的sleeping就要当形容词补语。而词尾 -ing表示持续性。所以sleeping是“在睡觉”,用来形容主语“我”。 动词will be当中,连缀动词be没有意义,只要解释will部分“会”即可。 例:The building <u>will be</u> razed <u>next month</u>. 时间副词next month是一个未来时间的括弧,所以动词用未来简单式:will be。后面的razed(被拆除)是过去分词,当形容词补语看待,形容主语“房子”。 相对于简单式用括弧形状来表达时间,完成式则是以箭头形状来表达时间,表示动作的截止时间。 从功能上来看,简单式是交代动作发生的时段,而完成式并不对动作发生的时段作明确的交代,只表示“曾经”、“做过”的意思。 例:I"m sure I have seen this face somewhere. 主要从句I"m sure的动词am表示是现在时间,除此之外,没有时间副词交代是什么时候“看到”这张脸的,只知道一定有见过。也就是说,“看到”的动作没有明确括出来是哪一个时段发生的,只有一个箭头的形状,表示截止时间是现在。在这一刻以前看到过都算数,以后才要去看则不算数。这就是现在时间完成式的条件,所以用have seen(看过)。 例:We <u>have been</u> working overtime <u>for a week</u> to fill your order. 把be动词当做动词看,这里用完成式,因为时间副词for a week重点在于“算到现在已经有……了”,所以强调的是截止时间,是箭头形状的时间,动词用have been。后面的补语working是现在分词,表示持续性,也就是“一直在加班”。 例:The house <u>has been</u> redecorated twice <u>since they moved in</u>. 这个句子的时间副词since they moved in虽然是表示开始计算的时间,可是语气的重点是“算到现在是多久”,所以仍然用完成式has been。补语部分redecorated是过去分词,要加上被动的解释,成为“被装修”,来形容主语“房子”。 如果没有特别交代,“有……过”就是“到现在有……过”,所以都是现在完成式。用过去完成式时则要有一个过去的截止时间,也就是箭头指在一个过去时间,在那之前“有……过”。 例:Many soldiers <u>had died</u> from pneumonia <u>before the discovery of penicillin</u>. 时间副词是before the discovery of penicillin,是一个以1928年为截止时间的箭头形状,所以要用过去时间的完成式had died。 例:I <u>had been</u> smoking three packs of cigarettes a day <u>before I decided to quit</u>. decided是过去时间,而时间副词before I decided是“在我决定之前”,是箭头,以decided为截止时间。使用had been。补语smoking three packs是一个形容词短语, -ing表示持续性。 例:Japan <u>had not been</u> defeated yet <u>by the time Germany surrendered</u> unconditionally. 时间副词“算到德国投降为止”,是一个到过去时间截止的箭头,使用过去完成式。补语部分defeated是过去分词,表示被动的形容词,“被打败”形容主语“日本”。 未来时间的完成式,只是把箭头所指的截止时间移到未来的一个点。观念上与现在、过去时间的完成式完全一样。在写法上,因为是未来时间,所以动词前面加一个will就可以了。 例:<u>Next April</u>, I <u>will have worked</u> here <u>for 20 years</u>. 这个句子有括出时间next April,还有另外一个时间副词for 20 years,是一个箭头,next April只是一个截止时间,表示“算到四月为止有20年”来修饰动词,所以要用完成式。前面加上will,表示到现在还没有,要到四月才“会”做满20年,也就是未来时间的完成式。 例:Come back <u>at 5:00</u>. Your car <u>will have been</u> fixed <u>by then</u>. 这句话表示五点以前就一定修好了,等你来拿。截止时间在未来,所以用未来完成式will have been。 例:<u>In two more minutes</u>, she <u>will have been</u> talking on the phone <u>for three hours</u>! “再过两分钟”是未来的一个截止点,所以是完成式的箭头形时间,要用未来完成式的动词will have been。 重要观念 :

I miss you very much at the moment 这句语法 对吗

对的 不过一般说miss you so much比较多




选d matter是动词



i miss you so bad 有没有语法错误




i miss you 和 i am missing you的区别请从语法角度分析



  从句是高三英语语法学习的重点,也是英语写作中不可缺少的一个点。下面是我给大家整理的高三英语语法,供大家参阅!   高三英语语法:表语从句   来充作宾语的句子叫做宾语从句。如:   He asked what you were doing last night. 他问你昨天夜晚在干什么。   I didnu2019t know that he was wounded in the accident. 我原来不知道他在那事故中受了伤。   Can you explain why he didnu2019t come to the party last Sunday? 你能解释上周星期日他为什么没有来参加聚会吗?   在宾语从句中须注意:   1. that 在口语中常被省略,但在正式的文体中,不能省;并且它一般不能引导介词的宾语从句,但可引导except, but, in 等少数介词的宾语从句。如:   I didnu2019t know (that) he was Li Lei. 我不知道他就是李蕾。   I will do anything I can to help you except that Iu2019m ill. 只要我身体舒服,我愿做任何事情来帮助你。   2. 宾语从句之后带有补足语成分时,一般须用it作形式宾语,把宾语从句放到句末,此时的that不能省。如:   The boy has made it clear that they canu2019t play with his toys. 那个男孩已清楚的表明他们不能玩弄他的玩具。   3. 动词advise, ask, demand, desire, insist(坚决主张), order, propose, request, suggest(建议)等代的宾语从句须用虚拟语气,即:(should) do的形式。   He asked that we (should) get there before nine ou2019clock. 他要求我们在九点钟之前赶到那儿。   The teacher advised us that we (should) not waste our time. 老师劝告我们不要浪费时间了。   4. 宾语从句的时态与主句的时态须呼应。   1)当主句谓语动词的时态是现在时或将来时,从句的谓语动词可用任何所需要的时态表示。如:   He always says that he is our good friend. 他总是说他是我们的好朋友。   When the teacher knows what we have done, he will say that we have done a good deed. 当老师知道我们所干的事情时,他会说我们做了一件好事。   2)当主句谓语动词的时态为过去时,从句的谓语动词须用响应的过去时。如:   He didnu2019t tell us he came from Shanghai. 他没有告诉我们他来自上海。   He said he had read the book. 他说他读过这本书。   3)但当从句的内容是客观真理或客观事实,而不受时间的限制时,即使主句谓语动词为过去时,从句仍用一般现在时。如   Chairman Mao said that all the imperialists are paper tigers. 毛主席说一切帝国主义者都是纸老虎。   When we were children, we were told that China is in the east of the world. 我们还是小孩子的时候,人们就告诉我们说中国在世界的东方。   高三英语语法:表语从句   用来作主语的句子叫做主语从句。如:   (1)When he was born is unknown. 他生于何时还不知道。   (2)What he did last night is being investigated. 他昨天晚上干了些什么正在调查之中。   在主语从句中须注意:   1. 主语从句一般用it作形式主语,放在句首,而将主语从句放到句末。如:   (1)It is possible that he has stolen the car. 很可能他偷了小车。   (2)Isnu2019t it strange that he should not have passed the test? 他测试没有通过,难道不奇怪吗?   2. if引导主语从句时,只能用it作形式主语,放在句首,而将if引导的主语从句放到句末。如:   It is uncertain if he will leave for Beijing tomorrow. 明天他是否去北京还不敢肯定。   3. that引导主语从句放在句首时,that不可省,但在句末口语中可省。如:   That he was ill yesterday is known now. 大家都已知道他昨天生了病。   4. 连接代词引导主语从句只能放在句首。如;   (1)Who has broken the glass is unknown. 谁打破了玻璃现在还不知道。   (2)What he wants is all here. 他所要的东西都在这里。   5. 主语从句中主句的谓语动词一般用第三人称单数形式,但what引导主语从句的主句谓语动词的形式须根据句子的意思来判断。如   (1)How he worked it out is still a secret. 他是如何把它做出来的还是一个秘密   (2)What they makes in this factory are TV sets. 他们在工厂里所做的东西就是电视机。   高三英语语法:名词性从句   一、概说   名词性从句,即指性质相当于名词的从句,它包括主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。从高考的考查的实际情况来看,名词性从句考得最多的是宾语从句,其次是主语从句,再次是表语从句,而同位语从句则很少考查。   二、名词性从句的一般引导词   1. 连接词 that 引导名词性从句时,只起连接作用,没有任何意思,也不充当句子成分,在宾语从句中可省略,但引导其他名词性从句时通常不省略。如:   I hope (that) you enjoy your holiday. 希望你假期过得好。   That he likes you is very obvious. 很显然他喜欢你。   2. 连接词 whether 引导名词性从句也不充当句子成分,但有自己的意思,表示“是否”;引导宾语从句时,可换成 if,但引导其他名词性从句时不能换成 if。如(from www.yygrammar.com):   He asked whether [if] I would show him the way. 他问我是否可以给他带路。   Whether it will do us harm remains to be seen. 是否对我们有害还要看一看。(引导主语从句,不能用 if 代替 whether)   3. 连接代词 who(m), whose, which, what 等引导名词性从句时,均有各自的意义,在从句中作主语、宾语、定语等。如:   Thatu2019s why she wanted to leave. 这就是她想离开的原因。   When we arrive doesn"t matter. 什么时候到没有关系。   Tell me which one you like best. 告诉我你最喜欢哪一个。   4. 连接副词 when, where, why, how 等引导名词性从句,也各自有自己的意义,在从句中作状语。如:   The question is how we should carry out the plan. 问题是怎样执行这个计划。   When sheu2019ll be back depends much on the weather. 她什么时候回来在很大程度上要看天气。   Why he did it will remain a puzzle forever. 他为什么这样做将永远是一个谜。   三、名词性从句的重要引导词   1. what 用于引导名词性从句是一个十分重要的引导词,它可引导主语从句、宾语从句和表语从句,但不用于引导同位语从句。它引导的名词性从句有两个意思是:一是表示“什么”,带有疑问意味;二是表示“u2026所u2026的”,相当于一个先行词后接一个关系代词。如:   I donu2019t know what you want. 我不知道你想要什么。   I donu2019t know what you want is this. 我不知道你所想要的是这个。   2. what 引导名词性从句时可用作限定词,其后修饰名词。如:   I gave him what books I had. 我把我所有的书都给他了。   He gave me what money he had about him. 他把身边带有的钱全给了我。   注:what 后的名词可以是复数名词或不可数名词,但通常不能是单数可数名词,并且后接不可数名词时,有时可有little修饰,两者的区别是:what+不可数名词=所有的都,what little+不可数名词=虽少但全部。如:   What friends she has are out of the country. 她有的那些朋友全在国外。   We gave him what (little) help we could. 我们给了他我们力所能及的帮助。   3. whoever, whatever, whichever 等也可引导名词性从句,其意分别为“所u2026的一切事或东西”、“任何u2026的人”、““u2026的任可人或物”等。如:   Whoever wants the book may have it. 任何人要这书都可拿去。   Iu2019ll do whatever I can to help him. 我们将尽我们所能来挽救他。   Buy whichever is cheapest. 买最便宜的。   注意以下受汉语意思影响而弄错的句子:   任何人来都欢迎(from www.yygrammar.com)。   误:Who comes will be welcome. / Anyone comes will be welcome.   正:Whoever comes will be welcome. / Anyone who comes will be welcome.   另外,它们也可引导让步状语从句,其意为“无论u2026”、“不管u2026”,其意相当于 no matter who [what, which]。如:   Whatever happens, you must be calm. 不管发生什么情况,你都必须镇静。(whatever = no matter what)   He won"t eat you, whoever he is. 不管他是谁,他也不能把你吃掉。(whoever = no matter who)   注:whoever 引导名词性从句时既用作主格也用作宾语;作宾语时不宜用 whomever,因为在现代英语中 whomever 这个已几乎废弃不用。   4. why 与 because 的用法区别。两者均可引导表语从句,但前者强调结果,后者强调的原因。如:   I had a cold. Thatu2019s why I didn"t come. 我感冒了,因此我没来。   I didnu2019t come. Thatu2019s because I had a cold. 我没有来,那是因为我感冒了。   五、名词性从句的语序   名词性从句的词序与陈述句语序相同,尤其注意那些由连接代词who(m), whose, which, what 和连接副词 when, where, why 等引导的名词性从句,不要受它们在特殊疑问句中用法的影响而误用疑问句词序。如:   Why was she crying? 她为什么在哭?   I donu2019t know why he was crying. 我不知道她为什么哭。   六、名词性从句的时态问题   1. 当主句的谓语动词是过去式时,宾语从句若不是一个客观事实或真理,其谓语动词也必须用某种过去时态。如:   She said that she didn"t want to know. 她说她不想知道。   I asked her whether she would agree. 我问她是否会同意   2. when, if 这两个词既可引导名词性从句,也可引导状语从句。当它们引导名词性从句且表示将来意义时,要直接使用将来时态;但当它们引导状语从句且表示将来意义时,则必须用一般现在时表示将来意义。如:   I donu2019t know when he will come, but when he comes, Iu2019ll call you. 我不知道他什么时候,但当他来的时候,我会打电话给你。   句中第一个when 引导的是宾语从句,故用将来时态表示将来意义;第二个when 引导的是时间状语从句,故用一般现在时表示将来意义。   


Unit 9易混词语精练与点拨一、 study, learn1. We must _____ from each other.2. I always ___________ for the test before I take the test.3. The scientists are _________ how to solve this problem.【答案】1. learn 2. study 3. studying【点拨】study 与learn都有学习的意思,有时候可以互换。但它们仍有区别。 study侧重学习的过程,而learn侧重学习的结果,强调“学会,学到”的意思。 study常用于较高深或研究,而learn则多用于初级阶段的学习或模仿等。此外learn还有“知道,了解,听说”等意思。“向某人学习”只能用learn sth. from sb.。二、 pay, spend, take,cost1. It _________ me half an hour to do homework every day.2. This T-shirt __________me fifty yuan.3. They _________ two days playing in the countryside.4. I _________ five yuan for the potatoes.【答案】1. takes 2. cost 3. spent 4. paid【点拨】 pay, spend, take, cost都有“花费”的意思。 pay的主语是人,意思是“花费金钱”。常构成句型:Sb. pays some money for sth. 某人在某物上花了多少钱。此外pay for还可以作“赔偿”的意思。 spend的主语是人,意思是“花费,度过”。常构成句型:Sb. spends some time/ some money on sth./(in) doing sth. 某人在某物/某事上花费多少时间/多少钱。 take的主语是it,意思是“花费”。常构成句型:It takes sb. some time to do sth. 花费某人多长时间做某事。 cost的主语是物,意思是“花费”。常构成句型:Sth. costs sb. some money. 某物花费某人多少钱。三、 a little, little, a few, few1. I have __________ money. I can help you.2. There is ___________ rice at home. We must get some. 3. I"m new here, so I have _________ friends.4. She is outgoing, so she has ________ friends.【答案】1. a little 2. little 3. few 4. a few【点拨】a little, little 作形容词时修饰不可数名词。其中a little表肯定意义,意思是“一点,一些”。little表否定意义,意思是“几乎没有”。 a few, few修饰可数名词复数。其中a few表肯定意义,意思是“几个,一些”。few表否定意义,意思是“几乎没有”。第9单元疑难问答1. How was your weekend? 你的周末过得怎样?【问】 how有哪些用法?【答】how是疑问副词,可以对程度,方式方法,身体状况提问。如:How do you go to school? 你怎样上学的?How are you? 你好吗?How is your English? 你的英语怎样? 此外how还可以和其它词一起构成疑问词短语提问。如:how much对价格或数量提问, how many对数量提问, how often对频率提问, how long对时间段或长度提问, how far对距离提问, how old对年龄提问, how soon对多久以后提问2. I practiced my guitar. 我练习弹吉他了。 【问】句中的practice的用法是什么? 【答】practice的意思是“练习”。如果practice的后面接动词,则需要加上ing,构成“practice doing sth.练习做某事”的意思。类似用法的动词还有:keep doing sth. , finish doing sth., mind doing sth., enjoy doing sth., like doing sth.。3. Old Henry looked for his dog.老亨利到处找狗。 【问】 句中look for可以换成find吗? 【答】 不能。两者都有“找”的意思。look for强调找的过程,意思是“寻找”find强调找的结果,意思是“找到”。 4. I saw an interesting talk show. 我看了一场有趣的脱口秀。 【问】 句中show通常有哪些用法? 【答】 show在本句中作名词,意思是“展览,演出”。 show还可以作动词,意思是“把……拿给……看,展示”。后面可以带双宾语,即show sb. sth. 或show sth. to sb.。类似用法的动词还有:give sth. to sb. = give sb. sth.; pass sth. to sb. = pass sb. sth.; sell sth. to sb. = sell sb. sth.; buy sth. for sb. =buy sb. sth.; make sth. for sb. =make sb. sth. Unit10易混词语精练与点拨一、 think of, think about, think over1. What do you ___________ the movie?2. I"d like more time to _________ it _______.3. Let"s ____________ where to go.【答案】1. think of 2. think over 3. think about【点拨】think of 意思是“认为”,用来询问对人或物的看法。 think about的意思是“考虑”,也有“回想,想起”的意思。 think over的意思是“仔细思考”,如果是代词,则应该放在think与over之间。二、 like, enjoy1. I _____________ reading English stories.2. Tina _________ going to the party.3. They __________ to go shopping.【答案】1. like/enjoy 2. likes/enjoys 3. enjoy【点拨】 like与enjoy都有“喜欢”的意思,通常情况下可以互换,但二者侧重点有不同。 like“喜欢,爱好”,表示对某人,某事发生兴趣,并积极参加。like后还可以接动词不定式,构成like to do sth. enjoy“喜欢”,后面接动名词或名词,侧重“欣赏,享受”的意思。还有enjoy oneself“玩得高兴”的意思。三、find, find out, look for1. I can"t _________ my dog.2. Let"s __________ how many people come from the U.S.A.3. I"m __________ my key everywhere, but I can"t __________ it.【答案】1. find 2. find out 3. looking for, find【点拨】find 意思是“找到”,强调找的结果,find还有“发现”的意思,但通常指的是偶然的发现。 find out的意思是“了解,查明,弄清楚”,指通过一定的努力,经过观察,探索而发现事实的真相等。 look for的意思是“寻找”,指找的过程。第10单元疑难问答1. Today it rained, so we went to a museum. 今天天下雨,所以我去了博物馆。【问】 此句可以用because表达吗?【答】可以,但不能直接替换。because引导表示原因的句子,引导表示结果的句子。此句子可以改写为:Because today it rained, we went to a museum. 值得注意的是,because和so不能同时使用,这点与汉语不一样。2. I found a small boy crying in the corner. 我发现一个小孩在拐角处哭。 【问】句中的crying可以用to cry吗? 【答】不能。 在短语find sb. doing sth.中,非谓语动词只能用doing形式,不用不定式。又如: I found nobody swimming in the river. 我没有发现任何人在河里游泳。 The old man found a thief running over the wall. 这个老人看见小偷在翻墙。3. That made me feel happy. 那让我感到高兴。 【问】 应用made时,要注意些什么? 【答】 made是make的过去式。make通常有两种用法:1. make sb./sth. +adj “让某人(某物)处于……状态” 如:Please make our school clean. 请保持我们学校的卫生。The rain makes me unhappy. 这场雨使我不高兴。2. make sb. do sth. “使某人作某事”The teacher always makes us do lots of homework. 这教师总是让我们做大量的家庭作业。4. Today the weather was cool, so we decided to play tennis. 今天天气很凉爽, 所以我们决定去打网球。 【问】decide后除接动词不定式外,还可以接名词或动名词吗? 【答】 可以。不过不能直接接名词或动名词,需要借助于介词on, 构成“decide on sth./doing sth.”结构。 I wanted to go hiking, but at last I decided on going fishing. 开始我想去爬山,但最终我决定去钓鱼。 They didn"t want to go to Japan, they decided on the USA. 他们不想去 日本,就决定去美国了




  英语学习在我国已轰轰烈烈地开展了几十年。英语学习书籍各种各样。从小学,初中,高中到大学不断贯彻英语教学,可以说英语学习已成为一个热门话题。我整理了英语短文语法填空题带答案,欢迎阅读!   英语短文语法填空题带答案篇一   Nowadays, millions 31 lonely singles are now going online instead. 32 World Wide Web is quickly becoming the worldu2019s most popular matchmaker(媒人).   Singles are flocking(涌向) to the Internet 33 because their busy lifestyles leave them little time to look for a significant other. Using dating sites(约会网址) is quick and convenient. Many singles say the regular dating scene 34 (just lead) them from one bad experience to 35 and are ready to try something else. Dating sites also make 36 easy to avoid someone 37 you are not interested in. In the real world, 38 however, ignoring someone you donu2019t like can be difficult.   Despite all the advantages, online dating also presents its own set of problems. People arenu2019t always those who they declare to be in their online 39 (describe). Safety is another concern. You are just 40 (like) to find a criminal online as you are Mr. Or Miss Right.   答案:31. of 32. The 33. mainly 34. has just led 35. another 36. it 37. who / whom 38. however 39. description 40. likely   英语短文语法填空题带答案篇二   Exercise is good for you, but most people really know very little about __31___ to exercise properly. So when you try, you 32_ __ run into trouble.   Many people believe that when specific muscles are exercised, the fat in the neighbouring area is “burned up”. Yet the truth is 33 ___ exercise burns fat from all over the body.   Studies show muscles which are not exercised lose their strength very quickly. To regain it 34__ (need) 48-72 hours and exercise every other day will keep a normal level of physical strength.   To lose weight you should always “work up a good sweat” when 35__ _ (exercise). Sweating only reduces body temperature to prevent heating. This is nothing 36_ __ water loss.   Walking is the best and easy-to-do exercise. 37_ helps the circulation of blood throughout the body, and has a direct effect 38_ _ your overall feeling of health. Experience says that 20 minutesu2019 exercise 39_ __ day is minimum amount. But if your breathing doesnu2019t return to normal state within minutes 40___ you finish exercising, youu2019ve done too much.   答案: 31. how 32. may/can/will 33. that 34. needs 35. exercising 36. but 37. It 38. on 39. a/per 40. After   英语短文语法填空题带答案篇三   Poor student behaviour seems to be an ____31____ (increase) widespread problem and I think that modern lifestyles are probably responsible for this.   In many countries, the birth rate is decreasing so that families are smaller with ____ 32 ____ children. These children are often spoilt, not in terms of love and attention because ____ 33 ____ (work) parents do not have the time for this, ____ 34 ____ in more material ways. They are allowed to have ____ 35 ____ they want, regardless of price, and to behave as they please. This means that the children grow up ____ 36 ____ consideration for others and without any understanding of ____ 37 ____ their standard of living comes from.   When they get to school age they have not learnt any self control or discipline. Teachers continually complain ____ 38 ____ this problem and measures ____ 39 ____ (take) to combat the situation. But I think the situation to the problem lies with the families, ____40 ____ need to be more aware of the future consequences of spoiling their children.   答案: 31. increasingly 32. fewer 33. working 34. but 35. whatever 36. without 37. where 38. about 39. should be taken 40. who

高考英语语法:according as和according to的用法区别【2】

《according as和according to的用法区别【2】》由英语我整理,更多请访问:https://www.liuxue86.com/english/。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 according as,according to 这两个词组虽然相似,但它们的结构和使用场合并不相同。according to表示“根据”、“按照”;而according as表示“视乎”,有depending及according to whether的意味。 According as是连词词组,其后接从句;according to 是介词短语,其后接名词。例: The thermometer rises or falls according to the high or low temperature. 寒暑表根据气温的高低而升降。 They will be praised or blamed according as their work is good or bad. 给他们的赏罚将视乎他们工作的好坏来决定。 应当在此指出,在现代英语中,according as的句型结构已很少有人使用,正如 Bergen Evans和 Cornelia Evans在A Dictionary of Contemporary American Usage 中指出的那样:“This construction is not often heard today”。 下面是according to的例句: According to the weather report,we shall have cold weather next week. 根据天气报告,下星期天气将要转冷。 You should act according to circumstances.你们要随机应变。 According to有个同义短语,即 in accordance with,但它们的涵义有细微的区别,前者强调“根据u2026所言”,后者则强调“与u2026要一致”。另外 in accordance with多用于正式场合,例如表示与一些原则、规律一致。例: According to police report,five luxury cars were stolen in Kowloon yesterday. 根据警方报告,昨天在九龙有五辆豪华汽车失窃。 We must proceed in accordance with the rules. 我们必须按照规章办事。 That sentence is not in accordance with the rules of grammar. 那个句子不符合语法规则。 请注意,in accordance with 既可引导 adverbial phrase,又可引导adjectival phrase作verb“to be”的补语(见上面 in accordance with的第一和第二个例句);according to则不能。例如,我们不能说: The news is according to Hong Kong"s broadcasting station.(错) 另一点需要补充说明的是,in accord with 和 in accordance with同义,它们可以互换使用,但前者远不及后者用得普遍。英国学者F.T.Wood认为,我们最好在强凋“与u2026一致”(agreement)的时候,用in accord with;在强调“服从”或“遵照执行”(obeying or following)的涵义时,用 in accordance with。例如: What he has done is not in accord with your instructions. In accordance with your instructions we have suspended work on the heating apparatus. 《according as和according to的用法区别【2】》由英语我整理,更多请访问:https://www.liuxue86.com/english/



是feel happy还是 feel happiness?请从语法角度解释,谢谢!

feel seem sound taste look smell 是联系动词,后接形容词。因此:feel happy

get into the bed语法正确吗?



warn sb. of似乎没见过加to的情况...warn sb. never to do


1.We(主语) had been wanting(谓语) to expand our children"s horizons by taking them to a place that (从句部分的主语)was unlike anything (从句部分的介词宾语)we(主语)"d been (谓语)exposed to (表语+介词)during our travels in Europe and the United States.----定语从句 + 定语从句2.They were at a good age to spend time wandering the labyrinth of the Spice Bazaar, where (从句部分的地点状语)shops(主语) display (谓语)mounds of pungent herbs in sacks.(宾语) 定语从句3.No guides(主语) were (谓语)available (表语)so it was do-it-yourself, using our guidebook, which (从句部分的主语)cheated (谓语)us(宾语) of (介词)a lot of interesting history and anecdotes (介词宾语)that (从句部分的宾语)a professional guide (主语)could provide.(谓语)定语从句 +定语从句4.For us two, whose buying experience consisted of department stores and shopping mall boutiques, it was amazing to discover that you could bargain over price and perhaps end up with two of something for the price of one.定语从句 + 宾语从句5.The last required a bit of explanation that we would have happily lef~to a learned third party定语从句




首先,at the risk of ... risk是名词在一句话中所有动词都要满足主谓一致。如果是过去式,主句所有谓语动词要保持一致。


1、正确语法是:promote sb to do sth, 促使某人做某事,后者是错误语法结构。 Authorities eventually promoted the rebel to seat on the table for stopping fire.2、其它常见语法还有:promote sb from A_sth to B_sth 把某人从 A 提升到 B。 He"s in the end promoted from debuty manager to the manager of the department.



这句英文中“, according to local authorities.”用的是什么语法?

据……,做插入语,就像by the way等。


前两个小时,现在是三个小时——这是当局建议人们出现在国内航班上的时间,至少在美国一些安检队伍越来越密集的主要机场是这样。First two hours, now three hours状—this主 is系 (how far in advance authorities are recommending people show up to catch a domestic flight, at least at some major U.S. airports with increasingly massive security lines表语从句).(how far in advance状语) (authorities主)( are recommending谓语) (people show up to catch a domestic flight, at least at some major U.S. airports with increasingly massive security lines宾语从句)people主 (show up谓语:省略should的)( to catch a domestic flight目的状语), (at least at some major U.S. airports with increasingly massive security lines状语)宾语从句


修饰的she,可以通过对整句话的翻译,tat后边的句子主语是she,句子翻译是Lucretia Mottd的影响如此大以至于曾一度被一些官方认为她是美国的女权运动的创始人


Germany 9 end of the month has annexed after Poland in 1939, NaziGermany domestic concentrates them with Austria"s Jew in Poland"sinterior, is called "the ordinary government" area. In December, 1941,Germany constructed 6 murders in Poland the concentration camps.Middle place including Auschwitz and special thunder card.These places the reason which chooses are because they all are therailroad junction sink, and they all are not in the military theimportant place. Therefore, the Nazi party may secretly carry on thismurder plan. When allied armies liberated Poland when at the beginningof 1945, they discovered these murders the concentration camp. In theentire World War II, the about 5.8 million ohms lineages Jews arekilled by Nazi Germany, is European Jew population second three. NaziGermany also has the system to kill Europe Gypsy, the homosexual, theEuropean east line enemy troop and other different sees the publicfigure.

1道sat 语法题

leave for spl 是去什么地方的意思这里是to accept是接受某物的意思


1. 把for 改成of (这个我是凭语感的)2.pressing 在句子找不到逻辑主语。所以要改成个句子:when a button was pressed/ 3.that指代不可数名词,这里要指代 visitors .所以改成those of...4.to insist ..是主语,所以 To insist... is to ignore...5.uncertain 是形容词。这整个句子找不到谓语。而前面一部分表原因,所以改成原因状语从句。6.是leaving B.. to accept 表目的。7.指这个人和后面那两个人任何一个进行比较。所以要用比较级。more prolific than8. 这里meet 是做谓语的,所以 will meet9.limit..to ,to 是介词,后面当然要ing 啦。10. 这个地方做谓语。flew low.逗号后面是独立主格结构累死我了


  可以发现自己听到的许多英文歌曲,有很多我们平时会忽略掉的语法。下面是我给大家整理了带有英语语法的英文歌曲推荐,供大家参阅!  带有语法的英文歌曲推荐   Hey Stephen ——Talor Swift   white horse ——Talor Swift   you make me want to ——Luke Bryan   Vincent——王若琳   I"m outta time——Oasis   Violet Hill—— 酷玩   I Won"t Disagree ——Kate Voegele   通过英语歌曲看语法   下面把这首歌中出现的英语语法现象逐一进行分析:   When I wasyoung, (when做连词,引导时间状语从句,此处引出一般过去时态以及be动词的过去式中第一人称单数的形式)   注释:when常与以下结构连用: 1.be doing+ when表示“正在做某事。。。突然。。。” Iwas doing my homework when the light went out. 我正在写作业突然停电了。 2.be about to do sth+ when表示“正要做某事。。。突然。。。” I was avout to go out when the telephone rang. 我正外出电话就响了。 3.had done +when表示“刚做完某事。。。突然。。。” I had just entered the house when it began to rain. 我刚进门就下雨了。   Iu2019d listen to the radio, (would做助动词的用法,表示过去的习惯性动作或倾向)waiting for my favorite songs. (现在分词waiting做状语,表示对动词listen的伴随;wait for sth. 短语 动词搭配)When they played Iu2019d sing along. (1) (同第一句,出现一般过去时态动词变化的一般形式;along做副词小品词的用法)It made me smile. (It指代前面谈到的情况的用法;make做使役动词的用法:make sb.do)Those were such happy times, (Those代表前面提到的复数名词的用法;be动词的过去式中复数人称的形式出现;指示代词such修饰名词的用法,times做可数名词的用法)   注释:so与such都有“如此、这么、那么”的意思,可进行同义改写,但用法不同。   1. so是副词,修饰形容词和副词;而such是形容词,修饰名词。它们后面接单数可数名词时,词序不同。   so的词序为:so+ adj. + a(an) + n.   such的词序为:such +a(an) +adj. + n.   它们可以表达同样的意思,因此它们可以进行同义改写。   so nice a coat =such a nice coat 这么漂亮的一件外套   so interesting a book = such an interesting book 那么有趣的一本书   补给站:后面接复数名词或不可数名词时,只能用such,而不能用so.如:   such beautiful flowers 这么美丽的花   such clever children 如此聪明的孩子   但是,复数名词或不可数名词前有many,few,much,little修饰时,只能用so而不能用such,这是一种固定用法。如:   so many books 这么多书   so few people 这么少的人   so much money 那么多的钱   so little milk 那么少的牛奶   2. 和“that”连用时,意思基本一样,但句型结构不同。“sou201ethatu201e”句型结构为:   so + adj. (adv.) +thatu201e   so + adj. +a(an)+单数n. +thatu201e   so +many(few)+复数n. +thatu201e   so +much(little)+不可数n. +thatu201e如:   This book is so interesting that I have read it three times. 这本书如此有趣,我已经看了三遍。   He spoke so fast that we couldnu2018t understand him. 他说得太快,我们都未能听懂他的话。   It was so hot a day that nobody wanted to do anything. 天气很热,谁都不想干活。   There were so many people that we could hardly move on. 这么多人,我们简直无法继续往前走。   “suchu201ethatu201e”句型结构为:   such + a (an)+adj. +单数n. +thatu201e   such + adj. +复数n. +thatu201e   such +adj. +不可数n. +thatu201e   She is such a pretty girl that everyone likes her. 她是个很可爱的小姑娘,大家都喜欢她。   They are such delicious cakes that I want to eat another two. 这么可口的 蛋糕 ,我还想再吃两块。   It is such sweet milk that we all want to drink it. 这么香的牛奶,我们都想喝。   补给站:由于so 和such后跟单数可数名词时,可以换用,同样“sou201ethatu201e”   与“suchu201ethatu201e”也可以进行同义句改写。如上文中:This book is so   interesting that I have read it three times. 可改写成:This is such   an interesting book that I have read it three times.   It was so hot a day that nobody wanted to do anything. 可改写成:It was such a hot day that nobody wanted to do anything.   3. so与that可以直接构成词组“so that”,引导目的和结果状语从句,表示“以便、以致”的意思。如:   He worked hard so that he could pass the exams. 为了能通过考试,他学习很认真。(但such没有这种用法)   time 1,次数为可数名词 four times   2,时间 为不可数名词 what`s the time?   3 times在作“时代”意义的时候本身就是复数的形式   and not so longago. (2) (并列句的省略用法;副词so修饰形容词的用法)   How I wondered where theyu2019d gone. How引导的感叹句做主句   注释:感叹句通常有what, how引导,表示赞美、惊叹、喜 悦、等感情。   what修饰名词,how 修饰形容词,副词或动词,感叹句结构主要有以下几种:   掌握它的搭配,即掌握了感叹句的重点。   How +形容词+ a +名词+ 陈述语序   How+形容词或副词+ 陈述语序   What +名词+ 陈述语序   What+a+形容词+名词+ 陈述语序   What+ 形容词+复数名词+ 陈述语序   What+ 形容词+不可数名词+ 陈述语序   How clever a boy he is!   How lovely the baby is!   What noise they are making!   What a clever boy he is!   where theyu2019d gone为连接副词where引导的宾语从句,做主句动词wonder的宾语;此句还有hadgone过去完成时态的用法)   通过英文歌目录学语法   (时态、名词性从句、虚拟语气、状语从句、定语从句) 英语时态:   现在进行时:declan galbraith - walking in the air - 童声 现在完成进行时:way back into love   现在完成时:queen - we are the champions - 皇后乐队 我们是 冠军   过去时现在完成时:george strait - i saw god today 过去完成时:疑问句 have you ever   一般过去时:yesterday once more   一般将来时:Right Here Waiting   名词性从句:   as long as you love me   don mclean - vincent   you make me wanna   that"s why you go away   虚拟语气:   Beyonce Knowles - If i were boy   claude kelly - if i had you   el condor pasa - if i could   m2m-mirror mirror   vince gill - i will always love you   西城男孩 - soledad - 西域男孩 紫藤花   英文经典情歌 because i love you   状语从句:   时间状语从句-you make me wanna   地点状语从句-西城男孩 - soledad - 西域男孩 紫藤花英文版 条件状语从句-as long as you love me   让步状语从句-boyzone - no matter what - 男孩地带、小红莓 - when you"re gone - 卡百利 乐团   比较状语从句-英文经典老歌 - more than i can say - 爱你在心口难开   定语从句:   关系副词when省略-m2m-the day you went away   省略that-小野丽莎 - every breath you take   leona lewis - Bleeding love   Cara dillon - Craigie hill   Keren Ann - End of may   Xandria - Eversleeping   My chemical romance - Famous last words   Rihanna - Good goril gone bad   My chemical romance - Helena   Evanescence - Hello   Christina aguilera - Hurt   Hanson - I will come to you   Laura Pausini - Itu2018s not goodbye   Dido - life for rent   Club 8 - Love in december   Alex Parks - Mad world   Joey Moe - My last serenade   Groove coverage - November night   Tori amos - Silent all these years Lauren christy - The color of night Faber Drive - Tongue tied   语法歌:   Sinead O"Connor的a perfect indian   Sarah McLachlan的angel   Gareth Gates的anyone of us   Shakin Stevens的because i love you   Matthew Lien的bressanone   Vanessa Williams的colors of the wind Simon & Garfunkel的el condor pasa   The Police的every breath you take   Michael Jackson的heal the world   Kenny Rogers 的i swear   Nana的lonely   westlife的my love   Boyzone的no matter what   Trade Mark的only love   B.J.Thomas的raindrops keep falling on my head Christina Aguilera的reflection   Simon & Garfunkel的scarborough fair   Westlife的seasons in the sun   Simon & Garfunkel的Simon & Garfunkel Harry Nilsson的without you   Carpenters的yesterday once more   Michael Jackson的you are not alone


这里面有些语法点:http://www.kaoshi.ws/html/2005/0430/199778.html初二语法复习1. so+谓语+主语:…也一样. 谓语:be动词/助动词/情态动词2. so+主语+谓语:的确如此,真的这样.3. help yourself/yurselves to...请随便吃点...4. 发现sb做sth : find sb doing sth5. 不完全同意I don"t really agree.完全不同意I really don"t agree.6. 或者..或者...either…or…..就近原则既不..也不..neither…nor….就近原则既....又...both…and….谓语用复数7. 看起来,似乎It seems/seemed that…..8. 由于...而闻名be famous for….更详细的语法可以看这里:)http://www.52en.com/whbm/grammar/index.htm


comparing,首先主动(主语不是the high mountain,而是一个虚拟的we),其次when comparing.....这是状语。表状态。一般现在时态就行。when (it is) completed,不是时态问题,是被动。这是省略结构原句是,the sign given was that ..........,given是修饰the sign的。

note与 remarks的 语法

note 表示补充或解释,如对文章的某一各词语、句子或段落的注释。remark 表示评论,如对一篇文章发表的个人的简短意见或作出某种简短解释。

joy 与hsppy英语,语法区别

n.(名词)joy的基本意思是“欢乐,高兴”,多指在拥有、获得或期待那些美好或极欲得到的事物时的愉快心情,尤适于表达根深蒂固、几乎疯狂的喜悦之情,是抽象名词,不可数。joy还可作“令人高兴的人或事”解,此时是可数名词,有单复数形式。joy在非正式英语中有“成功”的意思,一般用于否定句或疑问句中。例如:I tried to get her on the telephone, but I didn"t have any joy.我总想和她通个电话,但是找不到她。adj.(形容词)happy的基本意思是“幸福的”“快乐的”,指人在各种状态(如事事顺利)下的愉快、快乐或满足的心理状态。happy在句中可用作定语、表语,必须以人作主语,不用于以it充当形式主语的结构中。happy表示“乐意的”作表语时,其后可接动词不定式、现在分词短语、过去分词短语或that从句表示原因。happy后还常接about, at,in,with等引导的介词短语表示“因…而高兴,对…满意”。happy在句中还可用作宾语补足语。






patient and cheerful of companions


创建表(Create table)语法详解1. ORACLE常用的字段类型ORACLE常用的字段类型有VARCHAR2 (size) 可变长度的字符串, 必须规定长度CHAR(size) 固定长度的字符串, 不规定长度默认值为1NUMBER(p,s) 数字型p是位数总长度, s是小数的长度, 可存负数最长38位. 不够位时会四舍五入.DATE 日期和时间类型LOB 超长字符, 最大可达4GCLOB 超长文本字符串BLOB 超长二进制字符串BFILE 超长二进制字符串, 保存在数据库外的文件里是只读的.数字字段类型位数及其四舍五入的结果原始数值1234567.89数字字段类型位数 存储的值Number 1234567.89Number(8) 12345678Number(6) 错Number(9,1) 1234567.9Number(9,3) 错Number(7,2) 错Number(5,-2) 1234600Number(5,-4) 1230000Number(*,1) 1234567.92. 创建表时给字段加默认值 和约束条件创建表时可以给字段加上默认值例如 : 日期字段 DEFAULT SYSDATE这样每次插入和修改时, 不用程序操作这个字段都能得到动作的时间创建表时可以给字段加上约束条件例如: 非空 NOT NULL不允许重复 UNIQUE关键字 PRIMARY KEY按条件检查 CHECK (条件)外键 REFERENCES 表名(字段名)3. 创建表的例子CREATE TABLE DEPT(EPTNO NUMBER(2) CONSTRAINT PK_DEPT PRIMARY KEY,DNAME VARCHAR2(14),LOC VARCHAR2(13)) ;CREATE TABLE region(ID number(2) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,postcode number(6) default "0" NOT NULL,areaname varchar2(30) default " " NOT NULL);4. 创建表时的命名规则和注意事项1)表名和字段名的命名规则:必须以字母开头,可以含符号A-Z,a-z,0-9,_,$,#2)大小写不区分3)不用SQL里的保留字, 一定要用时可用双引号把字符串括起来.4)用和实体或属性相关的英文符号长度有一定的限制注意事项:1)建表时可以用中文的字段名, 但最好还是用英文的字段名2)创建表时要把较小的不为空的字段放在前面, 可能为空的字段放在后面3)建表时如果有唯一关键字或者唯一的约束条件,建表时自动建了索引4)一个表的最多字段个数也是有限制的,254个.


the WTO主语,aims to ensure 谓语, a stable economic environment宾语established on January 1,1995定语,修饰the WTO其实就是省略了which was


  first,firstly  这两个词的意义很近似,又都有“首先”、“第一”之意,但使用场合不尽一致。  First的使用范围较大,可以作名词、形容词和副词,有时还可以代替firstly使用;firstly的运用范围较小,只能作副词,用于列举事实或理由的场合。  汉语里的“首先”、“第一”,在英语中是firstly、firstofall、inthefirstplace或干脆说first;但汉语中的“最后一点”,英语里却不说last,而是说lastly或lastofall,这是应当记住的。  下面是first和firstly通用的例句:  First(orFirstly),wedicetheporkandmarinateitand,second(orsecondly),wepreparethedoughforthepie.  首先,把猪肉切成肉丁并加腌料;其次是预备做馅饼的麦粉。  但在下列场合里,first却不可以和firstly替换使用:  Wefirst(不能用firstly)gotoShenzhen,andthentoBeijing.  我们先到深圳,然后上北京。  Hewhowouldeatthenutmustfirst(不能用firstly)cracktheshell.  要吃核果,必须先破壳。  下面是first作名词和形容词的例句:  ThefirstofMayisInternationalLabourDay.  五月一日是国际劳动节。  ThefirstquestioniswhethertheGovernmentiswillingtoimproveelementaryeducation.  第一个问题是:政府是否愿意改造小学教育。  通过上列的一些例句,我们可以看到,firstly只能用作副词,并只能用于列举事物和理由的场合。在现代英语中,firstly不如first用得普遍,许多人在列举事物时都是说:First,…;secondly,…;thirdly,…。

What a fuck day与what a fucking day哪个语法是对的

你好,还是第二个句子好,这个句子是典型的感叹句.what 引导的感叹句,一般英语中有How 和what 引导感叹,强调事情的突出及非常情况.2.根据句子意思直接翻译,他妈的一天.3.句意意译这样比较恰当:真是非常糟糕的一天.



i take a bus to go to scholl语法对吗

在英语中,要遵循一个句子只能够有一个谓语,如果同时出现几个动词时,要把握好主动动词,其他动词则可使用非谓语形式(动词的-ing形式或者采用不定式,这要依情况而定 ),另外,也可用从句形式或者通过连词连接. I go to school take a bus .这是个病句,两个动词了. I take a bus to school.和 I go to school by bus.是正确的,它们的使用,要看情况、语境来定.I take a bus to school.强调的是交通工具,而I go to school by bus.则是强调去学校的这件事. 从英语的细微之处着手,会更好的理解、掌握相关知识. 希望给你带去收获.

What a fuck day与what a fucking day哪个语法是对的

第二个喽 day前面应该是形容词的呀 fuck是动词

What a fuck day与what a fucking day哪个语法是对的?

what a fucking day是正确的语法。正确表达:What a fucking day (it is)!这是一句由感叹词what引导的感叹句。fucking作为形容词具有“该死的、讨厌的、非常的”的意思。在口语中,感叹句的主语和谓语常常省略。如: What a nice present!(省略it is)具体的句型结构:What+a(an)+(形容词)+单数可数名词+主语+谓语!What+名词词组+主语+谓语!如: What a fine day it is!这是多么愉快的一天啊!2、 What+(形容词)+可数名词复数或不可数名词+主语+谓语!如: What kind women they are!他们是一群多么好心的妇女啊!What nice music it is!这是多么美妙的一首歌啊!how与what引导的感叹句中的第一种格式(单数名词)一般情况下可以相互转换,转换后意义不变。如: What an interesting story it is! = How interesting the story is!What a beautiful building it is! = How beautiful the building is!扩展资料:由How引导的感叹句。(how用来修饰形容词、副词或动词。)1、How+形容词(副词)+主语+谓语!如: How hard the workers are working!这些工人们正在多么努力地工作啊!How clever the girl is!这个女孩是多么聪明啊!How quickly the boy is writing!这个男孩正在多么飞快地写作啊!2、 How+主语+谓语!如:How time flies! 时光飞逝!how与what引导的感叹句中的第一种格式(单数名词)一般情况下可以相互转换,转换后意义不变。如: What an interesting story it is! = How interesting the story is!What a beautiful building it is! = How beautiful the building is!


Gears are among the most common mechanical equipment and components, it will directly affect the operation of the equipment. The paper summarizes and analyzes the mechanism and gear fault vibration characteristics, detailed introduces the gear vibration signal analysis and fault diagnosis method, and application of the wavelet packet de-noising to deal with gear fault vibration signal.Gear fault vibration signals are stationary signal, with conventional Fourier analysis method to reach the good effect. Wavelet analysis method can also from both in time domain and frequency domain analysis of signal, very suitable for gear fault diagnosis.Wavelet packet analysis in recent years is rapid development of a fault diagnosis method, the signal in image processing and communication and geophysical research achievements have been made in application of success. Wavelet packet transform is wavelet transform, the promotion was composed of wavelet analysis. This paper around the wavelet transform and wavelet packet transform in gearbox fault diagnosis in theory and experiment, the wavelet packet analysis method is applied to the gear fault diagnosis. Main content as follows:1 from the theory of fault signal characteristics and diagnosis of the fault signal wavelet packet analysis is the inherent requirement of diagnosis,2. Secondly, studied wavelet analysis and wavelet packet analysis based on the theory of noise principle and model analysis,3 studied wavelet packet analysis in signal de-noising in actual application of the signal, wavelet packet decomposition and de-noising and achieved good results,4 studied wavelet packet decomposition in frequency feature extraction in the practical application, through the analysis that the method can be very good characteristics extracted information, carries on the diagnosis malfunction,Based on wavelet packet of signal decomposition and reconstruction of high resolution capability, the signal is decomposed into different frequency band, and then choose effective fault signal reconstruction, isolate the fault information. Through the gear fault signal de-noising and decomposition, shows that this method can effectively remove the noise interference, extract fault feature of signal, the gear fault diagnosis.


句子成分 英语的句子成分一般包括主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语、补语、同位语等。 1.主语(Subject) 主语是句子的主体,是句子所要说明的人或事物。主语通常是一些代表事物性或实 体性的问语。如: Bookkeeping is all essential accounting tool. 簿记是会计的基本工具。 除了名词可担任主语外,还有代词、数词、动词不定式、动名词、从句均可作主语,如He works in a big company. 他在一家大公司工作。To drive car needs some knowledge of its performance. 要开汽车须对其性能有所了解。Advertising is a way of bringing information to the public for the purpose of selling a product. 广告是一种给公众提供信息的方式,目的在于推销产品。Whatever was said hear must be kept secret. 在这里所谈的一切都要保密。2.谓语(Predicate)谓语说明主语“做什么”、“是什么”或“怎么样”。I have read "Romance of the West Chamber". 我看过《西厢记》Silent words of love acre passing between us. 无声的情话在我们之间交流。We should promote our friendship on such a basis. 我们应该在这样的基础上促进我们的友谊。They are dancing. 他们在跳舞。3.宾语(Object)宾语表示动作的对象,是主语的动作的承受者,有宾语的动词称为及物动词,宾语一般在及物动词之后,作宾语的词有名词,代词宾格,数词、动词不定式、动名词、复合结构、从句等,如:Trust the students. 相信学生们吧。Don"t have anything more to do with him. 别再和他来往了。How many do you need? We need ten. 你需要多少?十个。They are planning to see the sights of Chongqing tomorrow. 他们打算明天游览重庆的名胜。He dreamt of meeting and falling in love with a beautiful woman. 他梦想遇上并爱上美丽的女人。You will find the pain easing up in a few hours. 几个小时以后你就会发觉疼痛慢慢减轻了。We must find out ] who signed the contract. 我们要找出是谁签的合同。4.定语 (Attribute)定语是用来修饰名词或代词的。如:A small business may employ only one bookkeeper. 小企业可以只雇用一个簿记员。除形容词之外,数词、名词所有格、动词不定式、介词短语、分词短语、动名词、副词、从句等,都可作定语。There is some exciting news on the newspaper today. 今天报上有令人兴奋的消息。Every Saturday Mr. Black goes to the supermarket to do shopping. 每星期六,布莱克先生都去超级市场购物。See the statement above. 见上文。The faded flowers covered the ground. 地上满是凋谢的花朵。It"s a firm that specializes in hand-made furniture. 那是一家专门经营手工家具的公司。5.状语 (Adverbial)状语是用来修饰动词、形容词、副词的,表示时间、地点、原因、方式、程度等。作状语的词有副词或相当于副词的其它词、短语、从句。如:Accounting is one of the fastest growing fields in modern business world. 会计是现代商业领域中发展最快的部门之一。To explain the difference briefly, the accountant sets up a bookkeeping system. 为了简洁地解释差异现象,会计师建立起簿记系统。Personally, I hope you will make a holiday tour with me. 就我个人而言,我希望你能和我一起作一次假日旅游。He was disappointed because his love of her was unrequited. 他感到失望,因为他对她的爱没有得到报答。Seeing this, they became very worried. 看到这种情况,他们心里很着急。Taken in time, the medicine will be quite effective. 如果吃得及时,这药是很有效的。6.同位语(Appositive)同位语用来对一个词或词的内容加以补充和说明。它通常位于其说明的词或词组之后。We Americans are hard-working. 我们美国人是勤劳的。You two are very lazy. 你们两个很懒。Winston Churchill, Britain"s Prime Minister during the Second World War, died in 1965. 第二次世界大战中的英国首相温斯顿•邱吉尔死于1965年。Shanghai, once the paradise for adventurers, is now the largest industrial base in China. 曾经是冒险家乐园的上海,现在是中国最大的工业基地。7.补语 (Complement)(1)英语中有些及物动词虽然有了宾语,但句子的意思仍不完整,还需要在宾语之后增加一个成分以补足其意义,这种成分叫宾语补语。能作宾语补语的有名词、形容词、介词短语、副词、动词不定式、分词。They appointed him head of the department. 他们任命他当部门主任。They painted the wall blue. 他们把墙刷成蓝色。People regard the sun as the chief source of heat and light. 人们认为太阳是主要的热源和光源。(2)当带有宾语的句子变成被动语态,句子原来的宾语就成了主语,而原来的宾补也就随之成了主补。试比较:They appointed him head of the department.He was appointed head of the department.They painted the wall blue.The wall was painted blue.People regard the sun as the chief source of heat and light.The sun is regarded as the chief source of heat and light.


句子成分 英语的句子成分一般包括主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语、补语、同位语等。 1.主语(Subject) 主语是句子的主体,是句子所要说明的人或事物。主语通常是一些代表事物性或实 体性的问语。如: Bookkeeping is all essential accounting tool. 簿记是会计的基本工具。 除了名词可担任主语外,还有代词、数词、动词不定式、动名词、从句均可作主语,如He works in a big company. 他在一家大公司工作。To drive car needs some knowledge of its performance. 要开汽车须对其性能有所了解。Advertising is a way of bringing information to the public for the purpose of selling a product. 广告是一种给公众提供信息的方式,目的在于推销产品。Whatever was said hear must be kept secret. 在这里所谈的一切都要保密。2.谓语(Predicate)谓语说明主语“做什么”、“是什么”或“怎么样”。I have read "Romance of the West Chamber". 我看过《西厢记》Silent words of love acre passing between us. 无声的情话在我们之间交流。We should promote our friendship on such a basis. 我们应该在这样的基础上促进我们的友谊。They are dancing. 他们在跳舞。3.宾语(Object)宾语表示动作的对象,是主语的动作的承受者,有宾语的动词称为及物动词,宾语一般在及物动词之后,作宾语的词有名词,代词宾格,数词、动词不定式、动名词、复合结构、从句等,如:Trust the students. 相信学生们吧。Don"t have anything more to do with him. 别再和他来往了。How many do you need? We need ten. 你需要多少?十个。They are planning to see the sights of Chongqing tomorrow. 他们打算明天游览重庆的名胜。He dreamt of meeting and falling in love with a beautiful woman. 他梦想遇上并爱上美丽的女人。You will find the pain easing up in a few hours. 几个小时以后你就会发觉疼痛慢慢减轻了。We must find out ] who signed the contract. 我们要找出是谁签的合同。4.定语 (Attribute)定语是用来修饰名词或代词的。如:A small business may employ only one bookkeeper. 小企业可以只雇用一个簿记员。除形容词之外,数词、名词所有格、动词不定式、介词短语、分词短语、动名词、副词、从句等,都可作定语。There is some exciting news on the newspaper today. 今天报上有令人兴奋的消息。Every Saturday Mr. Black goes to the supermarket to do shopping. 每星期六,布莱克先生都去超级市场购物。See the statement above. 见上文。The faded flowers covered the ground. 地上满是凋谢的花朵。It"s a firm that specializes in hand-made furniture. 那是一家专门经营手工家具的公司。5.状语 (Adverbial)状语是用来修饰动词、形容词、副词的,表示时间、地点、原因、方式、程度等。作状语的词有副词或相当于副词的其它词、短语、从句。如:Accounting is one of the fastest growing fields in modern business world. 会计是现代商业领域中发展最快的部门之一。To explain the difference briefly, the accountant sets up a bookkeeping system. 为了简洁地解释差异现象,会计师建立起簿记系统。Personally, I hope you will make a holiday tour with me. 就我个人而言,我希望你能和我一起作一次假日旅游。He was disappointed because his love of her was unrequited. 他感到失望,因为他对她的爱没有得到报答。Seeing this, they became very worried. 看到这种情况,他们心里很着急。Taken in time, the medicine will be quite effective. 如果吃得及时,这药是很有效的。6.同位语(Appositive)同位语用来对一个词或词的内容加以补充和说明。它通常位于其说明的词或词组之后。We Americans are hard-working. 我们美国人是勤劳的。You two are very lazy. 你们两个很懒。Winston Churchill, Britain"s Prime Minister during the Second World War, died in 1965. 第二次世界大战中的英国首相温斯顿u2022邱吉尔死于1965年。Shanghai, once the paradise for adventurers, is now the largest industrial base in China. 曾经是冒险家乐园的上海,现在是中国最大的工业基地。7.补语 (Complement)(1)英语中有些及物动词虽然有了宾语,但句子的意思仍不完整,还需要在宾语之后增加一个成分以补足其意义,这种成分叫宾语补语。能作宾语补语的有名词、形容词、介词短语、副词、动词不定式、分词。They appointed him head of the department. 他们任命他当部门主任。They painted the wall blue. 他们把墙刷成蓝色。People regard the sun as the chief source of heat and light. 人们认为太阳是主要的热源和光源。(2)当带有宾语的句子变成被动语态,句子原来的宾语就成了主语,而原来的宾补也就随之成了主补。试比较:They appointed him head of the department.He was appointed head of the department.They painted the wall blue.The wall was painted blue.People regard the sun as the chief source of heat and light.The sun is regarded as the chief source of heat and light.

Enclosed are our catalogue and price list covering all the products. 语法结构

Enclosed are our catalogue and price list covering all the products. 该句采用了倒装,不倒装的是这样的: our catalogue and price list covering all the products are Enclosed.也就是说,表语Enclosed放到了句首。主语:our catalogue and price list covering all the products. coverring all the products 现在分词短语做定语修饰 price list.谓语:are如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助


是主系表结构,conservation主语名词,of our environment是主语定语


第一题的答案本人认为应该是C, 前一空用现在完成时态表达,这种认为对整个人类历史((包括现在来说)的事实影响很大,后一空用一般现在时态,强调在人类历史长河中,这种认识是一个普通存在的观点,也就是通常所说的普遍事实问题的表述第二题是动宾宾补结构的被动变体结构,也就是make sb sick的被动变体sb is made sick, 答案从CD进行选择,前后两个句子之间产生因果关联,因此,强调前一事实对后一事实的影响,用完成时态表达更贴切。因此,答案选D


lie作为 动词有"躺着""放置于"的意思,比如: The book lies on the desk.(书正放在桌子上.)此时,lie是不及物动词,也就是说后面不能跟随名词或者代词.lie作为动词还有"撒谎"的意思,比如: Yuki lies a lie..(Yuki说了一个谎话.)lie作为名词 只有 "撒谎"的意思.例句如上.lying可以作为动词lie的ing形式.

求解这篇语法填空6~10题的解析,谢谢 。

高兴为你回答这是一篇短文, 括号里给出了一些词, 根据上下文和句意, 填这些词的适当形式, 有的词要变换一下形式, 希采纳!They were also asked about theirexercise habits and were able to choose from 75 diverse physicalactivities. they指代participants, 这项研究的参与者, they were able tochoose from diverse activities.他们可以从众多体育活动中选择, choose from 固定搭配, 从...中选,所以这里填介词from.people who exercised regularyfelt bad for an average of 35 daysper year. 研究人员发现经常锻炼的那些人一年中平均有35天状态不好, an average of ... 短语, 平均, 后面跟名词, 事物, 这里填不定冠词an,常锻炼的人觉得难过的时候要少得多.所以下面得出结论, Getting enough exercise is of necessity .得到充足的锻炼是必须, 这里的用法是of加上抽象名词, 等于它的形容词, of necessity = necessary 必须的, of importance = important 重要的.接着说道 The ideal amount Seemsto be three to five sessions per week,lasting .. minutes each.理想的运动量是一周三到五次, 每次持续时间是30到60分钟。因为前面有谓语 seems to be, 所以后面用现在分词形式做非谓语, 表示主动, 即 sessions lasting ... minutes each.All types of exercise are associatedwith a lower mental health burden than not exercising研究人员解释道, 相比不锻炼, 所有种类的锻炼都和低心理负担有关, 也就是常锻炼的人, 心理问题会更少短语 be associated with sth/sb和某物/某人有关联, 关系, 因为句子主语是all types of exercise, 是第三人称复数, 所以be动词用are, 研究员说的是客观事实, 不以时态改变,所以用are比were 好

just now用什么语法?


高中英语语法:There is no limit..........(有两种句型,一个是加to sth,还有一种是什么)

c that 后面跟的是一个句子

there is no one else for her to turn ,is there?这句话对不,有没有语法错误,为什么

这句话不对 for her to turn(to) “for+宾语+不定式”有很多用法,这里用作定语 为啥turn to,因为他是词组,他是整体,他的涵义就相当于do的一个动词,表示:求助的意思 ==== 当然这句话也可以定语从句做 there is no one else(who,that)she can turn to 从句中she 为主语,can turn to为谓语动词.who/that 为宾语,可省略

I have no money语法对吗?为什么

不对应该是I have don"t money.

印尼语语法 后缀kan

kan 在中文意思是 “吗”例子 :ini kan = 这个吗


Unit 1 Where"s your pen pal from一、词组be from= come form 来自...pen pal=pen friend 笔友like and dislike 好恶;爱憎live in….在...居住speak English 讲英语play sports 做体育运动a little French 一些法语go to the movies 去看电影an action movie 一部动作片on weekends 在周末Excuse me 对不起,打扰get to 到达、抵达beginning of 在...开始的时候at the end of 在...结束的时候arrive at /二、句型(1)、Where主 +be+主语+from主语+be+from+地点.(2)、Where do/does+主语+live主语+live/lives in…(3)、What language do/does +主语+speak主语+speak/speaks….(4)、主语+like/likes+doing…Unit 2 Where"s the post office一、词组post office 邮局pay phone 投币式公用电话next to 在...隔壁across from 在...对面in front of 在...前面between…and… 在...和...之间on a street 在街上in the neighborhood 在附近on the right/left 在右边/在左边on one"s right/left 在某人的右边/左边turn right/left 向右/左转take a walk 散步have fun 玩得开心the way to …去...的路take a taxi 打的/乘出租车go down(along)…沿着...走go through...穿过...have a good trip 旅途愉快Unit 3 Why do you like koalas一、词组want to do sth .想要做某事want sb to do sth 想要某做某事want sth 想要某物Let sb do sth 让某人做某事kind of 有几分种类a kind of 一种……years old …年龄 如:ten years old 十岁like to do sth 喜欢做某事like doing sth play with … 与...一起玩be quiet 安静during the day 在白天at night 在夜间have a look at.. 看...one…the other 一个...另一个...二、句型(1)、-why do you like pandas-Because they"re very cure.(2)、-Why dose he like koalas-Because they are kind of interesting.(3)、-Where are lions from-Lions are from South Africa.(4)、-What animals do you like-I like elephants.Unit 4 I want to be an actor.一、词组want to be+职业 想要成为。。。shop assistant 店员bank clerk 银行职员work with 与。。。一起工作work hard 努力工作work for 为。。。而工作work as 作为。。而工作get.. from…从。。。获得。。。give sth.to.sb /give.sb.sth 把某物给某人正确的表示:give it/them to sb. 错误的表示:give sb.it/themin the day 在白天at night 在夜间talk to /with 与…讲话go out to dinners 外出吃饭in a hospital 在医院newspaper reporter 报社记者movie actor 电影演员二、句型(1)-What do/does+某人+do例:-What do you do-I"m a student.-What dose he do He"s a teacher.(2)-What do/does+某人+want to be例:What do you want to be-I want to be a teacher.-What does she want to be She want to be a nuser.(3)-Where does your sister work-She works in a hospital.(4)-Does he work in the hospiatYes.he does/No,he doesn"t(5)-Does she work late-Yes,she does/No.she doesn"t(6)-英语中询问职业的几种表达方式:What do/does …doWhat is… What is your fatherWhat"s one"s job例:What"s your father"s jobUnit 5 I"m watching TV.一、词组do homework 做家庭作业watch TV 看电视eat dinner 吃饭;就餐clean the room 打扫房间read newspaper/a book 看报纸/看书go to the movies 看电影write a letter 写信wait for 等待;等候talk about 谈论。。。。play basketball/soccer/ 打篮球/踢足球take photos 拍照TV show 电视节目Some of。。。 。。。中的一些a photo of my family 我的家庭照at school 在学校be with 和。。。一起in the tree 在树上二、句型(1)-What+be+主语+doing ….正在做什么?-主语+be+doing。。。 …正在做某事。例: -what are you doing-I"m doing my homework.(2)-Thanks for … 为。。。而感谢例:Thanks for your letter.(3)-Here are/is…例:Here are some of my photos.Here is a photo of my family.(4)-That sounds good.(5)-This TV show is boring.1)现在在进行时的形式是:助动词be(am,is,are)+动词-ing形式(也叫现在分词),表示现在(说话的瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作。2)现在进行时的肯定句形式主语+be(am,is,are)+动词现在分词+其他I"m watching TV.3)现在进行时的否定句形式主语+be(am,is,are)+not+动词现在分词+其他They are not playing soccer.4)现在进行时的一般疑问句形式及回答:Is(am,are)+主语+动词现在分词+其他Yes,主语+is/am/are. No,主语+isn"t/aren"t/am not.Are you reading Yes,I am. No,I am not.5) 现在进行时的特殊疑问句形式:特殊疑问词+is/am/are+主语+现在分词+其他例:What is your brother doing6) 动词+ing形式(现在分词)的构成.1一般情况下在动词词结尾加-ing.如: eat--eating, do—doing,clean—cleaning,play—playing,2以不发音的元音字母e结尾的动词,先去掉e再加-ing.如:take--taking,write—writing,have-havingcome—coming.dance--dancing3词尾如果是以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节词.应该先双写这个辅音字母,再加-ing.如:run—runing,sit—sitting ,swim—swimming.Shop—shopping.put—putting,sit—sittingUnit 6 It"s raning!一、词组Around The World 世界各地On vacation 度假Take photos 拍照On the beach 在海边a group of people 一群人play beach volleyball 打沙滩排球be surprised 惊讶的be surprised at sth./sb.对某人或某人感到惊讶in this heat 在酷暑中be relaxed 放松have a good time 玩得很痛快in different kind of weather 在不同的天气里Thank sb for(doing)sth由于(做)某事而感谢某人How"s it going 近况如何Some…others…一些…另一些…Look like..看起来像。。。二、句型/日常交际用语(1)-How"s the weather(+地点) –It"s raining(2)-What"s the weather like—It"s sunny./It"s cold and snowing. (3)-How"s it going –Great./Not bad.(4)Thanks you for joining CCTV"s Around The World show(5)-Is Aunt Wang there –Yes,she is/No,she isn"tUnit 7 What dose he look like一、词组look like 看起来像....curly /short/straight/long hair 卷/短/直发medium height/build 中等高度/身体a little bit 一点儿…a pop singer 一位流行歌手play的用法。wear glasses 戴眼镜have a new look 呈现新面貌go shopping 去购物the captain of the basketball team 篮球队队长Nobody knows me 没有人认识我二、句型1) --What does he look like--He"s really short.He has short hair.2) --She has beautiful,long black hair.3) --I don"t think he"s so great .4) --What do you look like I"m tall.I"m thin.5) --What do they look like---They are medium height.6) --She never stops talking.--Stop doing(sth)表示停止正在干的事.如:He stop listening--stop to do (sth)表示停下来去做某事如:He stops to listen.7)I can go shopping and nobody knows me.Unit 8 I"d like some noodles.1.词组would like 想要a large/medium/small bowl 大碗/中碗/小碗what size 什么尺寸orange juice 桔汁green tea 绿茶phone number 电话号码as well as 而且what kind of 表示….的种类a kind of 一种…some kind of 许多种…a bowl of rice 一碗米饭a bottle fo orange juice 一瓶桔子汁three oranges 三个桔子(可数)a bottle fo orange j 一瓶桔子汁(不可数)some chicken 一些鸡肉(不可数)three chickens 三只小鸡(可数)二句型1)What kind of … would you like 你想要…EG:--What kind of noodles would you like--Beef and tomato noodles. please.2)We have lare ,medium,and small bowls.3)I like dumplings,I don"t lkee noodles.Unit 9 How was your weekend一、词组do one"s homework 做某人的家庭作业如:do my homework 做我的家庭作业play +运动或棋类如:play soccer 踢足球 play chess 下棋play +乐器 如:play the guitar 弹吉他go to the movies 去看电影do some reading 阅读study for the (math) test 准备(数学)考试stay at home 呆家里go to summer camp 去夏令营go to the mountains 去爬山visit sb 拜访某人go shopping 去购物last month 上个月three days ago 三天前yesterday 昨天look for 寻找go for a walk 散步in the morning/afternoon/evening 在早上/在下午/在晚上play computer games 玩电脑游戏It was time to do sth 该。。。的时候了二、句型(1)I visited my aunt last weekend.(2)-- How was your weekend --It was great./OK(3)—It was time to go home.一般过去时态一般过去时态表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态,动词通常用一般过去式来表示,除动词be的过去式was/were有人称变化,其他都没人称的变化.过去式的构成(1) 一般情况下在动词词尾加-ed.如: stay—stayed help—helped visit-visited(2) 词尾是e的动词加-d.如:like—liked live—lived(3) 以一个元音字母加一个辅音结尾的重读闭章节应双写该辅音字母,再加-ed.如:stop—stopped plan—planned(4) 以辅音字母+y结尾的动词,要将y改为i再加-ed.如: study—studied worry—worried(5) 不规则动词的过去am/is—was are—were have-hadgo—went find—found do—did see-sawUnit 10 Where did you go on vacation一、词组ptetty good 相当好;不错in the conner 在角落kind of boring 有点无聊be lost 迷路feel happy 感到高兴be fun 很有趣on vacation 在度假Central Park 中央公园the Great Wall 长城the Palace Museum 故宫Tian"an Men Square 天安门广场二、句型(1)—Where did you go on vacation--I went to the breach.(2)—How was the weather--It was hot and humid.(3)--It was kind of boring(4)—That made me feel very happy.(5)--We had great fun playing in the water.--have great fun doing sth表示“愉快地做某事”,“做某事很有趣”(6)I helped him find his father.That made me feel very happy.help sb.(to)do.sth.帮助某人做某事(to可省)make sb.do.sth. 使某人做某事let sb.do.sth.Let me help you carry(搬动) it.(7)I found a small boy crying in the conner.find sb.doing sth.发现某人正在做某事。find sb.do.sth.发现某人做某事(整个过程)Unit 11 What do you think of game shows一、词组talk show 谈话节目soap opera 肥皂剧sports show 体育节目game show 比赛节目think of 认为how about… …怎么样?=what about…in fact 事实上a thirteen-year-old boy 一个十三岁的男孩= The boy is thirteen years oldtalk to(with)… 跟 …谈话thanks for… 为…感谢each student 每个学生key ring 钥匙链baseball cap 棒球帽the school magazine 校刊can"t stand 不能忍受don"t mind 不介意/无所谓/不在乎二、句型(1)—What do you think of situation comedy-- I love them (2)—I asked students about fashion.(3)—This is what I think.(4)--I don"t mind what young people think of me!(5)—Can you please put my letter in next month"s magazineUnit 12 Don"t eat in class.一、词组school rules 学校规章制度break the rules 违反规章制度in the hallways 在过道listen to music 听音乐in the music room 在音乐教室里in the dining hall 在餐厅sports shoes 运动鞋gym class 体育课after school 放学后have to do 不得不做too many 太多get up 起床by ten o"clock 十点之前make dinner 做饭the children"s palace 少年宫二、句型(1)—Don"t arrive late for class.(2)—We can"t listen to music in the hallways,but we can listen to it outside.(3)—What else do you have to do-- We have to clean the classroom.(4)--Can we wear hats in school--Yes,we can/ No,we can"t.(5)-Do you have to wear a uniform at school -Yes,we do /No,we don"t.重难点精析祈使句通常用来表示命令、请求、禁止、建议、警告等语气。它的主语you(听话人)通常省略。其构成通常有以下几种形式。1)Be型(即系动词原型be+表语+其他)。如:Be quiet,please.否定句Don"t + be+表语+其他。如:Don"t be angry.2)Do型(即系动词原形+宾语+其他)。如:Open you books,please.否定句Don"t +实义动词原形+宾语+其他。如:Don"t eat in the classroom.3)Let型(即Let+宾语+动词原形+其他)如:Let me help you.Let"s go at six o"clock.否定句一般在宾语后加not。如:Let" not watch TV.4)No+V-ing型(此种形式通常用于公共场合的提示语中,意为“禁止做某事“)如:No smoking! 严禁吸烟!No talking! 不许交谈!No passing! 禁止通行!No parking! 不许停车 答案...


关于语法的基础英语知识   学英语,最基础的当然是语法了,下面是关于语法的基础英语知识,希望对大家有帮助。    名词:名词单复数,名词的格   (一)名词单复数   1.一般情况,直接加-s,如:book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds   2.以s. x. sh. ch结尾,加-es,如:bus-buses, box-boxes, brush-brushes, watch-watches   3.以―辅音字母+y‖结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:family-families, strawberry-strawberries   4.以―f或fe‖结尾,变f或fe为v, 再加-es,如:knife-knives   5.不规则名词复数:   man-men,   woman-women,   policeman-policemen,   policewoman-policewomen, mouse-mice   child-children,   foot-feet,   tooth-teeth,   fish-fish,   people-people,   Chinese-Chinese,   Japanese-Japanese   不可数名词的复数就是原型: paper, juice, water, milk, rice, tea   (二)名词的格   1.有生命的东西的名词所有格:   (1) 单数后加 ‘s 如: Lucy‘s ruler my father‘s shirt   (2)以s 结尾的复数名词后加 ‘如: his friends‘ bags   (3)不以s 结尾的复数后加 ‘s children‘s shoes   并列名词中,如果把 ‘s加在最后一个名词后,表示共有;   如:Tom and Mike‘s car 汤姆和迈克共有的小汽车   表示所有物不是共有的,应分别在并列名词后加‘s.   如:Tom‘s and Mike‘s cars 汤姆和麦克各自的小汽车   2.表示无生命东西的名词通常用― of +名词‖来表示所有关系:   如:a picture of the classroom a map of China    冠词:不定冠词,定冠词种类   (一) 不定冠词:a / an   元音读音开头的"可数名词前用an :   an egg / an apple / an orange / an eraser / an answer / an ID card / an alarm clock / an actor / an actress / an e-mail / an address / an event / an example / an opera / an hour an old man / an interesting book / an exciting sport / an action movie / an art lesson /   (二)定冠词:the   定冠词的用法:   1.特指某(些)人或某(些)物: The ruler is on the desk.   2.复述上文提到的人或物:He has a sweater. The sweater is new.   3.谈话双方都知道的人或物:The boys aren‘t at school.   4.在序数词前: John‘s birthday is February the second.   5.用于固定词组中: in the morning / afternoon / evening 不用冠词的情况:   (1)专有名词前:China is a big country.   (2)名词前有定语:this , that , my , your , some, any , no 等:   This is my baseball.   (3)复数名词表示一类人和事:Monkeys can‘t swim. They are teachers.   (4)在节日,日期,月份,季节前:Today is Christmas Day. It‘s Sunday.   (5)一日三餐前:We have breakfast at 6:30.   (6)球类 棋类运动前:They often play football after class. He plays chess at home. * 但乐器前要用定冠词:I play the guitar very well.   (7)学科名称前:My favorite subject is music.   (8)在称呼或头衔的名词前:This is Mr Li.   (9)固定词组中:at noon at night by bus    形容词、副词:比较级,最高级   (一)、形容词的比较级   1、形容词比较级在句子中的运用:两个事物或人的比较用比较级,比较级后面一般带有单词than。比较级前面可以用more, a little来修饰表示程度。than后的人称代词用主格(口语中可用宾格)。   2.形容词加er的规则:   ⑴ 一般在词尾加er ;   ⑵ 以字母e 结尾,加r ;   ⑶ 以一个元音字母和一个辅音字母结尾,应双写末尾的辅音字母,再加er ;   ⑷ 以―辅音字母+y‖结尾,先把y变i,再加er 。   3.不规则形容词比较级:   good-better, beautiful-more beautiful   (二)副词的比较级   1.形容词与副词的区别 (有be用形,有形用be;有动用副,有副用动) ⑴在句子中形容词一般处于名词之前或be动词之后 ⑵副词在句子中最常见的是处于实义动词之后   2.副词比较级的变化规则基本与形容词比较级相同 (不规则变化:well-better, far-farther)    数词:基数词,序数词   (一)基数词   1.1-20   one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,eleven,twelve,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen, sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen,twenty   2.21-99   先说―几十‖,再说―几‖,中间加连字符。   23→twenty-three,34→thirty-four,45→forty—five,56→fifty-six,67→sixty-seven,78→seventy-eight,89→eighty-nine,91→ninety-one   3.101—999   先说―几百‖,再加and,再加末两位数或末位数;   586→five hundred and eighty-six,803→eight hundred and three   4.l,000以上,先从右往左数,每三位数加一个―,‖,第一个―,‖前为thousand.第二个―,‖前为million,第三个―,‖前为billion 1,001→one thousand and one   18,423→eighteen thousand,four hundred and twenty-three   6,260,309→six million two hundred and sixty thousand three hundred and nine 750,000,000,000→seven hundred and fifty billion   (二)序数词   1.一般在基数词后加th   eg.four→fourth,thirteen→thirteenth   2.不规则变化   one→first,two→second,three→third,five→fifth,eight→eighth,nine→ninth,twelve—twelfth   3.以y结尾的十位整数,变y为ie再加th   twenty→twentieth, forty→fortieth, ninety→ninetieth   4.从二十一后的―几十几‖直至―几百几十几‖或―几千几百几十几‖只将个位的基数词变为序数词。   twenty-first,two hundred and forty-fifth 基数词转为序数词的口诀: 基变序,有规律,词尾加上-th.   一,二,三,特殊记,词尾字母t,d,d. 八去t,九去e, ve要用f替。 ty将y变成i,th前面有个e.   若是碰到几十几,前用基来后用序。    介词:常用介词:in, on, at, behind等   (一).at表示时间概念的某一个点。(在某时刻、时间、阶段等)。   at 1:00(dawn,midnight,noon)在一点钟(黎明、午夜、中午)   (二).on表示具体日期。   注:(1)关于"在周末"的几种表示法:   at(on)the weekend在周末---特指   at(on)weekends在周末---泛指   over the weekend在整个周末   during the weekend在周末期间   (2)在圣诞节,应说at Christmas而不说on Christmas   (3)在(刚……)的时候。   On reaching the city he called up his parents. 一到城里他就给父母打了一个电话。   (三).in.表示"时段"、"时期",在多数情况下可以和during互换,前者强调对比,后者强调持续。 in(during)1988(December,the 20th century)在一九八八年(十二月、二十世纪)    动词:   动词的四种时态:   (一)一般现在时:   一般现在时的构成   1.be动词:主语+be(am, is, are)+其它。如: I am a boy. 我是一个男孩。   2. 行为动词:主语+行为动词(+其它)。 如: We study English. 我们学习英语。 当主语为第三人称单数(he, she, it)时,要在动词后加"-s"或"-es"。如:Mary likes Chinese.玛丽喜欢汉语。 动词+s的变化规则   (1)一般情况下,直接加-s,如:cook-cooks, milk-milks   (2)以s. x. sh. ch. o结尾,加-es,如:guess-guesses, wash-washes, watch-watches, go-goes 3.以―辅音字母+y‖结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:study-studies   (二)一般过去时:   动词过去式详解 动词的过去式的构成规则有:   1.、规则动词   ① 一般直接在动词的后面加ed:如 worked , learned , cleaned , visited   ② 以e结尾的动词直接加d:如 lived , danced , used   ③ 以辅音字母加y结尾的动词要改y为i再加ed(此类动词较少)如 study – studied carry   – carried worry – worried (注意play、stay不是辅音字母加y,所以不属于此类)   ④ 双写最后一个字母(此类动词较少)如 stopped B、不规则动词(此类词并无规则,须熟记)小学阶段要记住以下动词的原形和过去式:sing – sang , eat – ate ,   see – saw , have – had , do – did , go – went , take – took , buy – bought , get – got , read – read ,fly – flew , am/is – was ,   are – were , say – said , leave – left , swim – swam , tell – told , draw – drew , come – came , lose – lost , find – found , drink – drank , hurt – hurt , feel – felt   (三)一般将来时: 基本结构:   ①be going to + do;   ②will+ do. be going to = will I am going to go swimming tomorrow(明天). = I will go swimming tomorrow.   (四)现在进行时: am,is,are+动词现在分词   动词现在分词详解 动词的ing形式的构成规则:   ① 一般的直接在后面加上ing , 如doing , going , working , singing , eating   ② 以e 结尾的动词,要先去e再加ing ,如having , writing   ③ 双写最后一个字母的(此类动词极少)有:running , swimming , sitting , getting ;


A)、名词的数 我们知道名词可以分为可数名词和不可数名词,而不可数名词它没有复数形式,但可数名词却有单数和复数之分,复数的构成如下: 一)在后面加s。如:fathers, books, Americans, Germans, apples, bananas 二)x, sh, ch, s, tch后加es。如:boxes, glasses, dresses, watches, wishes, faxes 三)1)以辅音字母加y结尾的变y为i再加es 如:baby-babies, family-families, duty-duties, comedy-comedies, documentary-documentaries, story-stories 2)以元音字母加y结尾的直接加s。如:day-days, boy-boys, toy-toys, key-keys, ways 四)以o结尾加s(外来词)。如:radios, photos, 但如是辅音加o的加es:如: tomatoes西红柿, potatoes马铃薯 五)以f或fe结尾的变f为v再加es(s)。如:knife-knives, wife-wives, half-halves, shelf-shelves, leaf-leaves, yourself-yourselves 六)单复数相同(不变的)有:fish, sheep, deer鹿子, Chinese, Japanese 七)一般只有复数,没有单数的有:people,pants, shorts, shoes, glasses, gloves, clothes, socks 八)单词形式不变,既可以是单数也可以是复数的有:police警察局,警察, class班,同学, family家,家庭成员 九)合成的复数一般只加主要名词,多数为后一个单词。如:action movie-action movies, pen pal-pen pals; 但如果是由man或woman所组成的合成词的复数则同时为复数。如:man doctor-men doctors, woman teacher-women teachers 十)有的单复数意思不同。如:fish鱼 fishes鱼的种类, paper纸 papers报纸,卷子,论文, work工作 works作品,工厂, glass玻璃 glasses玻璃杯,眼镜, orange桔子水 oranges橙子, light光线 lights灯, people人 peoples民族, time时间 times时代, 次数, chicken 鸡肉 chickens 小鸡 十一) 单个字母的复数可以有两种形式直接加s或"s。如:Is (I"s), Ks (K"s)。但如是缩略词则只加s。如:IDs, VCDs, SARs 十二) 特殊形式的有:child-children, man-men, woman-women, foot-feet, mouse-mice, policeman-policemen, Englishman-Englishmen B)名词的格 当我们要表示某人的什么东西或人时,我们就要使用所有格形式。构成如下: 一)单数在后面加"s。如:brother"s, Mike"s, teacher"s 二)复数以s结尾的直接在s后加",如果不是以s结尾的与单数一样处理。如:Teachers" Day教师节, classmates"; Children"s Day六一节, Women"s Day三八节 三)由and并列的名词所有时,如果是共同所有同一人或物时,只加最后一个"s,但分别拥有时却分别按单数形式处理。如:Mike and Ben"s room迈克和本的房间(共住一间),Mike"s and Ben"s rooms迈克和本的房间(各自的房间) 2、代词 项目 人称代词 物主代词 指示代词 反身代词 人称 主格 宾格 形容词 名词性 第一人称 单数 I me my mine myself 复数 we us our ours ourselves 第二人称 单数 you you your yours yourself 复数 you you your yours yourselves 第三人称 单数 she her her hers herself he him his his himself it it its its this that itself 复数 they them their theirs these those themselves 3、动词 A) 第三人称单数 当动词是第三人称单数时,动词应该像名词的单数变动词那样加s,如下: 一)一般在词后加s。如:comes, spells, waits, talks, sees, dances, trains 二)在x, sh, ch, s, tch后加es。如:watches, washes, wishes, finishes 三)1)以辅音字母加y结尾的变y为i再加es。如:study-studies, hurry-hurries, try-tries 2)以元音字母加y结尾的直接加s。如:plays, says, stays, enjoys, buys 四)以o结尾加es。如:does, goes 五)特殊的有:are-is, have-has B) 现在分词 当我们说某人正在做什么事时,动词要使用分词形式,不能用原形,构成如下: 一)一般在后加ing。如:spell-spelling, sing-singing, see-seeing, train-training, play-playing, hurry-hurrying, watch-watching, go-going, do-doing 二)以不发音e的结尾的去掉e再加ing。如:dance-dancing, wake-waking, take-taking, practice-practicing, write-writing, have-having 三)以重读闭音节结尾且一个元音字母+一个辅音字母(注意除开字母组合如show –showing, draw-drawing)要双写最后的辅音字母再加ing。如:put-putting, run-running, get-getting, let-letting, begin-beginning 四)以ie结尾的变ie为y再加ing。如:tie-tying系 die-dying死 lie-lying 位于 4、形容词的级 我们在对两个或以上的人或物进行对比时,则要使用比较或最高级形式。构成如下: 一) 一般在词后加er或est(如果是以e结尾则直接加r或st)。如:greater-greatest, shorter –shortest, taller –tallest, longer –longest, nicer- nicest, larger -largest 二)以重读闭音节结尾且1个元音字母+1个辅音字母(字母组合除外,如few-fewer fewest)结尾的双写结尾的辅音再加er /est。如:big-bigger biggest, red-redder reddest, hot-hotter hottest 三) 以辅音字母+y结尾的变y为i加er/est。如:happy-happier happiest, sorry-sorrier sorriest, friendly-friendlier friendliest(more friendly most friendly), busy-busier busiest, easy-easier easiest 四)特殊情况:(两好多坏,一少老远) good/well - better best many/much - more most bad/ill – worse worst little- less least old- older/elder oldest/eldest far- farther/further farthest/furthest 5、数词 (基变序,有规则;一、二、三,自己背;五、八、九、十二;其它后接th;y结尾,变为i, eth跟上去。) first, second, third; fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth; seventh, tenth, thirteenth, hundredth; twenty-twentieth, forty-fortieth, ninety-ninetieth二、句式 1.陈述句 肯定陈述句 a) This is a book. (be动词) b) He looks very young. (连系动词) c) I want a sweat like this. (实义动词) d) I can bring some things to school. (情态动词) e) There"s a computer on my desk. (There be结构) 否定陈述句 a) These aren"t their books. b) They don"t look nice. c) Kate doesn"t go to No. 4 Middle School. d) Kate can"t find her doll.e) There isn"t a cat here. (=There"s no cat here.) 2. 祈使句 肯定祈使句 a) Please go and ask the man. b) Let"s learn English! c) Come in, please. 否定祈使句a) Don"t be late. b) Don"t hurry. 3. 疑问句 1) 一般疑问句 a) Is Jim a student? b) Can I help you? c) Does she like salad? d) Do they watch TV? e) Is she reading? 肯定回答: a) Yes, he is. b) Yes, you can. c) Yes, she does. d) Yes, they do. e) Yes, she is. 否定回答: a) No, he isn"t. b) No, you can"t. c) No, she doesn"t. d) No, they don"t. e) No, she isn"t. 2) 选择疑问句 Is the table big or small? 回答 It"s big./ It"s small. 3) 特殊疑问句 ① 问年龄 How old is Lucy? She is twelve. ② 问种类 What kind of movies do you like? I like action movies and comedies. ③ 问身体状况 How is your uncle? He is well/fine. ④ 问方式 How do/can you spell it? L-double O-K. How do we contact you? My e-mail address is cindyjones@163.com. ⑤ 问原因 Why do you want to join the club? ⑥ 问时间 What"s the time? (=What time is it?) It"s a quarter to ten a.m.. What time do you usually get up, Rick? At five o"clock. When do you want to go? Let"s go at 7:00. ⑦ 问地方 Where"s my backpack? It"s under the table. ⑧ 问颜色 What color are they? They are light blue. What"s your favourite color? It"s black. ⑨ 问人物 Who"s that? It"s my sister. Who is the boy in blue? My brother. Who isn"t at school? Peter and Emma. Who are Lisa and Tim talking to? ⑩ 问东西 What"s this/that (in English)? It"s a pencil case. What else can you see in the picture? I can see some broccoli, strawberries and hamburgers. 11问姓名 What"s your aunt"s name? Her name is Helen./She"s Helen. What"s your first name? My first name"s Ben. What"s your family name? My family name"s Smith. 12 问哪一个 Which do you like? I like one in the box. 13 问字母 What letter is it? It"s big D/small f. 14 问价格 How much are these pants? They"re 15 dollars. 15 问电话号码 What"s your phone number? It"s 576-8349. 16 问谓语(动作) What"s he doing? He"s watching TV. 17 问职业(身份) What do you do? I"m a teacher. What"s your father? He"s a doctor. 三、时态 1、一般现在时 表示普遍、经常性的或长期性的动作时使用一般现在时,它有: Be 动词:She"s a worker. Is she a worker? She isn"t a worker. 情态动词:I can play the piano. Can you play the piano? I can"t play the piano. 行为动词:They want to eat some tomatoes. Do they want to eat any tomatoes? They don"t want to eat any tomatoes. Gina has a nice watch. Does Gina have a nice watch? Gina doesn"t have a watch. 2、现在进行时 表示动词在此时正在发生或进行就使用进行时态,结构为sb be v-ing sth + 其它. I"m playing baseball. Are you playing baseball? I"m not playing baseball. Nancy is writing a letter. Is Nancy writing a letter? Nancy isn"t writing a letter. They"re listening to the pop music. Are they listening the pop music? They aren"t listening to the pop music.






EOF (filenumber)必要的 filenumber 参数是一个 Integer,包含任何有效的文件号。说明使用EOF是为了避免因试图在文件结尾处进行输入而产生的错误。从输入流读取数据,如果到达文件末尾(遇到文件结束符),eof函数值为非零值(表示真),否则为0(表示假)。直到到达文件的结尾,EOF 函数都返回 False。对于为访问 Random 或 Binary 而打开的文件,直到最后一次执行的 Get 语句无法读出完整的记录时EOF都返回 False。对于为访问 Binary 而打开的文件,在EOF函数返回 True 之前,试图使用 Input 函数读出整个文件的任何尝试都会导致错误发生。在用 Input 函数读出二进制文件时,要用 LOF 和 Loc 函数来替换EOF函数,或者将 Get 函数与EOF函数配合使用。对于为 Output 打开的文件,EOF总是返回 True。

英语语法问题seems to be doing sth





目前,性别歧视定义为对另一个人的敌意,如果那个人是另一个性别就不会出现这种敌意。后面的句子“which would not have occurred had the person been of another sex”是对adverse action的修饰,这个修饰句子后面包含一个假设从句 had the person been of another sex,这个从句意思是 ”假设那个人是另一个性别“。


这个、、、currenly修饰的是谓语play,至于lab 和curiosity嘛,也许是个专有名词,或是省略形式吧,语法书我没有,不过推荐你个网站(www.ask.com),有问题那儿估计都能解答,但是是英文版的

初三英语语法 connect sth with sth与connect to sth 区别 麻烦用英语句举个例句

connect with是和……有关,和……有联系 的意思.如:He is connected with the murder.那件谋杀案和他有关.也可以这样用:connect sth./sb with sb./sth.connect to 的意思是 把……连接到……如:Please connect the c...




Assign是文本文件用的,文本文件又称为正文文件或行文文件,可以直接阅读,是人机通信的基本数据形式之一。文本文件的内容由ASCII字符集中的字符组成,因此文本文件也称ASCII码文件。文本文件具体是由一系列行组成,每一行可以包括0个或多个字符型成分,并以行结束符结尾。文本文件可用文字编辑程序(如Free Pascal的编辑窗口中或记事本中)直接建立、阅读和修改, 也可以由Pascal程序在运行过程中建立。 一、文本文件的定义  文本文件的类型为text,它是由ASCII字符组成的,是Pascal提供的标准文件之一。标准文件text已由Pascal说明如下:type text=file of char;因此,同标准类型integer、real等一样可以直接用于变量说明之中,无需再由用户说明。 例如:  var f1,f2:text;  这里定义了两个文本文件变量f1和f2。二、文本文件的建立  文本文件的建立有两种方法:一是直接用Free Pascal的Edit建立原始数据文件;二是用程序的方式建立中间数据或结果数据文件。例如将下表中的数据存入名为A.dat的文件中。  3 4  29 30 50 60  80 90 70 75  60 50 70 45  操作步骤:进入Free Pascal的编辑状态;输入数据;存盘,文件名取A.dat。  此时,已将数据存入文本文件A.dat中。文本文件也可用记事本等文本编辑器在windows下建立。  如果用程序的方式建立文件,操作步骤为:  1、定义文本文件变量;  2、把一外部文件名赋于文本文件变量,使该文本文件与相应外部文件相关联;  命令格式:assign(f,name)  f为定义的文本文件变量,name为实际文件文件名  如:assign(f1,"filein.in") {相对路径}  或:assign(f1,"d:pasfileout.out") {绝对路径}  这样在程序中对文本文件变量f1的操作,也就是对外部实际文件"filein.in"或"fileout.out"的操作。上例中文件"filein.in"是存贮在当前目录中,而文件"fileout.out"则是存贮在d:pas子目录中。  3、打开文本文件,写准备;  命令格式:rewrite(f)  功能:创建并打开新文件准备写,若已有同名文件则删除再创建。  4、对文件进行写操作;  命令格式:write(f,<项目名>)或:writeln(f,<项目名>)  功能:将项目内容写入文件f中  5、文件操作完毕后,关闭文件。  命令格式:close(f)例11.1 从键盘输入下列数据,然后用程序写入名为B.dat的文件中。3 4  29 30 50 60  80 90 70 75  60 50 70 45program exp11_1;var i,j,n,m,x:integer;f:text;beginwrite("n,m=");readln(n,m);assign(f,"b.dat");rewrite(f);writeln(f,n," ",m);for i:=1 to n dobeginfor j:=1 to m dobeginread(x);write(f,x," ");end;readln;writeln(f);end;close(f);end. 三、读取文本文件   文本文件内容读取操作步骤:  1、定义文本文件变量;  2、用assign(f,name)命令,将内部文件f与实际文件name联系起来;  3、打开文本文件,读准备;  命令格式:reset(f)  功能:打开一个已经存在的磁盘文件,该文件只能读,指向文件元素的指针指向第一个元素。4、对文件进行读操作;  命令格式:read(f,<变量名表>) 或readln(f,<变量名表>)  功能:读文件f中指针指向的数据于变量中。  5、文件操作完毕,用close(f)命令关闭文件。例11.2 读出例1生成的文本文件B.dat中的内容,并输出到屏幕。program exp11_2;var i,j,n,m,x:integer;f:text;beginassign(f,"b.dat");reset(f);read(f,n,m);writeln(n," ",m);for i:=1 to n dobeginfor j:=1 to m dobeginread(f,x);write(x," ");end;writeln;end;close(f);readlnend.由于文本文件是以ASCII码的方式存储,故查看文本文件的内容是极为方便,在windows状态可使用记事本等软件进行查看,在Free Pascal中可以象取程序一样取出文件进行查看。


1.含义:据传言,20多本关于神造论与进化论的书籍已由出版商们付投诸生产.rumor has it :据传言 后面的都是这三个词的从句.in the pipeline:在生产中第二句掌握的不好,就不妖言惑众了



英语语法:as much as 的用法解析

as much a part of our lives as are our meals,第一个as是副词修饰形容词muchas much是形容词修饰名词a part本句as much a part是表语of our lives是定语 。我们生活中很重要的一部分第二个as是关系代词 引导定语从句 修饰much a part of our livesas在从句中作表语 are是从句中的系动词 our meals是从句中的主语从句是倒装句意思是 与一日三餐同等重要的生活中的一部分
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