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I feel my heart break是否存在语法错误?



1.C 改为smells 。整个句子的主语是the food ,应用系动词smell 的一般现在式。翻译:麦克正在做的食物闻起来很美味。…爪机无能啊!能帮一点是一点吧


您好亲! "be + increasingly + polite" 语法结构正确。在这个结构中, "be" 是助动词,表示动作或状态的存在。 "Increasingly" 是副词,表示程度逐渐增加的意思。 "Polite" 是形容词,用来描述一个人的态度或举止。这个结构可以用来描述某个人的行为或态度变化,表明他们的礼貌程度逐渐增加。比如说:He"s been increasingly polite towards his co-workers lately.She"s always been polite, but she"s becoming increasingly so as she gains more experience in her career.总之, "be + increasingly + polite" 是一个合乎语法规则的结构,可以用来描述人的礼貌程度上升的情况。希望能够帮到您,谢谢!

You naughty boy.这句话语法是?





1. Nice to meet ( see) you.见到你很高兴 2. It"s time to do sth.某人做某事的时间到了 =It"s time for sb. to do sth. =It"s time for sth. 3. Welcome to sp.欢迎到某地 4. Welcome back to sp. 欢迎回某地 5. Let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 6. May I do sth.?我可以做某事吗? 7. like doing sth.喜欢做某事 8. call sb. ( sth.)把某人/物叫 。。。 9. Would like sb. to do sth.愿意叫某人做某事 10. Why don"t you do sth.为何不做某事 11. Why not do sth. 12. help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事 =help sb. ( to ) do sth. 13. It is hard ( easy) to do 某事难/易做 14. Shall we do sth?咱们做某事。。。好吗? =Let"s do sth…, shall we? 15. What about sth?做某事。。。如何? =What about doing sth? 16. like better /like best更喜欢/最喜欢 17. have a good time过的愉快 =enjoy oneself 18. be good at擅长 =do well in 19. love to do sth.爱好做某事 20. keep sth +adj.使某物保持… 21. had better (not) do sth.最好做某事 22. be good ( bad ) for sth对某事有好/坏处 23. be late for sth….迟到 24. be away不在此 =be not there 25. have sth for breakfast ( lunch, supper)(早、午、晚)上吃。。。 26. enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事 27. want to do sth.想做某事 28. on one"s way to sp.在去某地的路上 29. be out不在家,出去了 =be not in=be not at home 30. ask sb. to do sth.叫某人做某事 31. how do ( does , did) sb. do sth.某人怎样做某事 32. need to do sth需要做某事 33. be different from与。。。不同 34. start ( begin ) to do sth开始做某事 35. get ready for sth为某事做准备 =be ready for sth. 36. like A better than B 与B相比,更喜欢A 37. learn to do sth.学做某事 38. forget to do sth.忘了做某事 39. would love to do sth特别愿意做某事 40. thank sb. for ( doing ) sth.为或做某事而感谢某人=Thanks for doing 41. There"s no ( little, a little, much, a lot of) time to do sth.(没有,几乎没有,有点或有许多)时间做某事 42. so+ be ( have, 助动词或情态动词) + 主语 “表示前面情况也适合后面情况” 43. get… back取回 44. be far from sp.离某地很远 45. go for a walk散步 =take a walk 46. must be一定是 47. worry about sb.( sth)为某人/事担忧 48. may be 可能是 49. be pleased高兴 =be glad 50. It"s +adj. + doing sth做某事很… 51. be in sp. to do sth.来某地做某事 52. not… until直到。。。才 53. every+ time 每隔。。。时间 54. look over仔细检查 55. There"s something wrong with sb.某人/物出了毛病 56. keep sth. + adj.保持某物 57. take sb. to sb ( sth)带某人去见某人或去某地 58. do nothing to do sth.无能为力 59. take sb. to do sth带某人做某事 60. look +adj.看起来 61. 比较级+and +比较级 越来越。。。 62. stop doing sth.停止做某事 63. stop to do sth.停下去做某事 64. take care of照顾 =look after 65. make sb. do sth.迫使某人做某事 66. tell sb. to do sth.告诉某人做某事 67. best wishes for sb. ( sth )向某人或某事致以良好的祝愿 68. catch up with sb赶上某人 69. go on doing sth.继续做某事 70. neck and neck齐头并进 71. congratulations to do sb.祝贺某人 72. like doing sth喜欢做某事 73. as ( so ) …as…与。。。一样 74. prefer A to B. 比起B来, 还是A 好 75. find sth + adj. to do sth.发现某事很。。。 76. try to do sth. 试做某事 77. be angry with sth生。。。的气 78. hear sb. ( sth.) doing sth听见某人/某物正在做某事 79. It"s really ( very ) nice ( kind) of you ( to do sth )!你真的太好了! 80. do with sth处理某事=deal with 81. lend sth. To sb.把某物借给某人 82. borrow sth from sb.向某人借来某物 83. cut sth. Into…把某物切割成。。。 84. join sth. Together.把某物融合在一起 85. do one"s best尽力 86. be strong/weak in sth在。。。强 /弱 87. send sb.away from sp.把某人从某地送走 88. take sb. out out of sp.从某地走某人 89. teach sb. to do sth教某人做某事 90. find sb.+职业或身份 发现某人是 91. try out 尝试,实验 92. be/become interested in 对某事产生兴趣 93. What…for为什么 94. send for sb.派人去请某人 95. as quickly as尽快地 96. as soon as possible 97. operate on sb.为某人动手术 98. be saved得救了 99. hate doing sth不愿做某事 100. be busy doing sth忙于做某事 101. cover sth. With用。。。盖 102. fill sth with..用。。。装满 103. too…to do sth太。。。而不能 104. get on well with sb与某人相处很好 105. decide to do sth决定做某事 106. No hurry别着急 107. take one"s time 108. use sth. For doing sth.用。。。做某事 109. be made of/ be made from 由。。。构成 110. either …or..或。。。或。。。 111. neither …nor…既不。。。也不。。。 112. tie A to B把。。。绑起来 113. knock sth. Into. Sp.把某物插入某地 114. be covered by sth.被某物覆盖 115. stop…from doing sth.阻止。。。做某事 116. the+比较级, the + 比较级 越。。。越。。。 117. thanks to sb ( sth. )多亏了。。。 118. copy one"s example照搬。。。的模样 119. so…that…如此。。。以至。。。 120. keep ( on ) doing sth.不断做某事 121. A play against B 在比赛中A 对B 122. be ( feel ) afraid of sth. ( sb)害怕某人做某事 123. It takes sb. st. to do sth.做某事花费某人。。。时间 124. sb. spend ( money) on sth某人花费钱做某事 125. sb. spend st. ( in ) doing sth.某人花费时间做某事 126. sth. Cost sb. st. ( some money)某人花费。。。时间或金钱在某事上 127. in one"s +序数词+year+ 某学校 在某校。。。年级


1。 sympathy名词。同情have sympathy for sb.同情、怜悯....人。come out in sympathy 举行同情罢工, 罢工声援express sympathy for (对...表示)慰问feel sympathy for (=have sympathy for) 同情in sympathy with 同情; 赞成; 和...一致out of sympathy with 对...不同情; 不赞成; 对...没有同感, 和...不一致win sympathy of 博得...的同情 ...展开1。 sympathy名词。同情have sympathy for sb.同情、怜悯....人。come out in sympathy 举行同情罢工, 罢工声援express sympathy for (对...表示)慰问feel sympathy for (=have sympathy for) 同情in sympathy with 同情; 赞成; 和...一致out of sympathy with 对...不同情; 不赞成; 对...没有同感, 和...不一致win sympathy of 博得...的同情2。be at a loss what to do 不知道要干什么。be at a loss 指不知道的意思,后面接一个宾语从句。have sympathy for sb 同情某人have sympathy with 支持某事in sympathy with sth 因...而出现,相继发生eg:Share prices slipped in sympathy with the German market.受德国市场影响,股票价格出现下跌。out of sympathy with sb/sth 不赞成,不支持(某人或事物)


这里是一个定语从句这句话的主干为 A possible first step would be to stop referring her as "Mrs. G."此处的with which to analyze the works of the 19-century writer EG 作为 先行词:a nonexist vocabulary 的定语从句。此句中有一个重要的结构analyze the works with a nonexist vocabulary如果把nonexis vocabulary 提出来作为先行词,因为 a nonexist vocabulary 是物,可以用关系代词which 或that, 又因为a nonexist vocabulary 是介词短语中的名词,所以只能选which.并且由于介词短语跟名词是一体的,所以把a nonexist vocabulary 作为先行词时,连接代词which连带着原来介词宾语中的介词一起放到先行词后了: a nonexist vocabulary with which to analyze the works of the 19-century...

英语语法: 时间单位(two months )看作整体 ? 本人马上中考 不要乱打 凭良心 3Q



时间状语从句after Shakespeare wrote Hamlet, 过去分词短语结构inpired by the English dramatist"s characters and poetic powers 做状语表原因。 不知道你是不是打错了,chosen 不应该是这种形式,否则句子没有谓语动词。




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do you know what an oxen is?有语法错误吗?

貌似没有 what引导宾语从句,其中what作为宾语从句中的宾语




A thinks后面省略了that,that引导表语从句A no wonder 难怪

球下面段落的英语 语法。。







虽然有点多,希望楼主看完我写的东西,这样很多英语句子就迎刃而解了。首先要说明一个问题,就是英语的一句话中只能有一个谓语动词,分词(ing, ed)都不叫谓语动词。但是ed有两种,一种是谓语动词过去式(当然是谓语动词),一种是过去分词做伴随状语,要根据语义确定是哪种。所以你给出的句子中,was是句子的谓语动词,所以connect就不能是connected(谓语动词)了,而应该是connecting或者connected(过去分词作状语)。ing是主动,ed是被动,显然It connect是主动,所以就用Ing形式。

关于somewhere interesting语法

somewhere interesting


Of course,a truck bomb would intensify national nervousness by making things that are ubiquitous—trucks—seem ominous.当然,一辆货车炸弹使得随处可见的东西——也就是货车一一看上去是个不祥之物,也由此加重了全国的紧张气氛。个人理解供参考:trucks这里和things是等同的。可以忽略—trucks—先不看。that are ubiquitous为定语从句,做things的定语。making things ominous为动名词短语,作介词by的宾语,by短语在句中作方式状语。









英语语法中reporting statements的中文解释



is 前后形成主系表结构,that引导定语从句修饰限定finacial statement。whether引导省略句起补充说明作用

求助:英语语法中的“reported statements”是怎么翻译?

reported statements间接引语


这句话确实很不通顺啊,意思是想说,我们已经展示给你的所有的陈述是非常简单的?这么说来却是多余啊,换成is 就可以了么

purchase buy 的语法

都可以啊~buy/purchase sth. for sb.buy sb. sth.purchase sth. with./for sth.(money or others)e.g. I purchased the house with loans.这房我是贷款买的。She purchased her first house with the money.from【牛津高阶英汉双解词典】They purchased the land for $1 million.from【牛津高阶英语词典】 buy sth for $10/£200 etce.g.Dan bought the car for $2000.It"s much cheaper to buy in bulk (=buy large quantities of something).from【朗文当代英语词典】

英语高手 请过来看下 是关于 英语语法的问题~~ 在线跪求中!!! 我哭~~

opt out是个短语,是决定退出、撤退的意思


固定搭配啊 亲


教你一个方法:contain的主语是“容器”,具体的和抽象的“容器”,具体好理解:桶能contain 水,会堂能contain人抽象的海水contains 盐,书contains 文章、课文、章节等等。include 是的主语(或逻辑主语)是“全体”,include可理解为“其中包括了”。。。比如我今天从书店里买回来【10本书】,including (其中包括了)两本词典。本题句中的the book就相当于一个抽象的容器。contain表示“含有”,译作“有”译:那本其中有两章讲语法的书用作我们的英语教科书。


In this sentence, “containing” is a gerund, an adjective to describe more about the letter.




这句话就一个主句。先找主句谓语动词means,再找主语(Making sure these core values... these是省略了that的从句)和Mars后面是省略了that的宾语从句。你这句话是不是给错了,中间不是is而是its?这么一大段分析打字一点点说累死了。你就重点找出这些其他应该就好分析了?


被动,主谓宾结构,真正的句子应该是(this is the only question) should be emphasized.,但是英文为了美观和语法,一般主语不会用句子,显得头重脚轻,所以用it代指括号里的句子


问题 1 My new glasses cost me___C__the last pair that I bought. three times three times larger than three times as much as as much three times as 问题 2 1 分 保存 The hotel ___A__ we stayed was both cheap and comfortable. at which wherever which in that 问题 3 1 分 保存 This was the place __C___. about that I was telling you where I was telling you about which I was telling you that I was telling you 问题 4 1 分 保存 Unlike children, adults are capable of__D___their lives outside their homes. controlling leading making handling 问题 5 1 分 保存 Why were you so late for work today? --____C__to the office was very slow this morning because of the traffic accident. Drive Drove Driving That driving 问题 6 1 分 保存 The two countries have ___B__ friendly relations for many years. refused maintained accomplished motivated 问题 7 1 分 保存 I had to work hard to __B___the other students. keep away from keep up with keep back keep out 问题 8 1 分 保存 When the teacher __D__ the classroom, all the students stood up. came appeared arrived entered 问题 9 1 分 保存 In order to __A___ your goals, you must work hard. achieve make develop grow 问题 10 1 分 保存 He didn"t tell me where he had spent his holidays. __B___ to know. Neither I cared Not did I care I didn"t care Neither did I care 问题 11 1 分 保存 The teacher didn"t tell me ___A__ to read after class. what that but as 问题 12 1 分 保存 The reason _B____we should learn a foreign language is very clear. when why which where 问题 13 1 分 保存 The girl was fined (罚款)$20 for failing to keep her dog __A___. under control in mind in addition in store 问题 14 1 分 保存 The family gathered together to __B___the holiday meals. divide share receive smell 问题 15 1 分 保存 They asked so many questions that they__C___me. wondered hurt confused gained 问题 16 1 分 保存 Jenny __A___to pass her driving test on the fifth attempt. managed controlled handled regulated 问题 17 1 分 保存 Helen asked me __D__ the film called "Star War". have I seen had I seen whether I have seen if I had seen 问题 18 1 分 保存 She told me that her sister ___D__ to the market when I arrived. has just gone just went had just been going had just gone

英语语法加s或es选maintain和be maintained,have maintained和be maintaining 选哪个?请求高人指导!

名词 加s或es 变复数1)一般情况 加 -s 清辅音后读/s/ map-maps 浊辅音和元音后读 /z/ bag-bags /car-cars 2) 以s, sh, ch, x等结尾 加 -es 读 /iz/ bus-buses/ watch-watches 3) 以ce, se, ze,等结尾 加 -s 读 /iz/ license-licenses 4) 以辅音字母+y结尾 变y 为i再加es 读 /z/ baby---babies 二. 其它名词复数的规则变化 1) 以y结尾的专有名词,或元音字母+y 结尾的名词变复数时,直接加s变复数。例如:   two Marys     the Henrys monkey---monkeys  holiday---holidays   2) 以o 结尾的名词,变复数时: a. 加s,(一般无生命的或外来词)如: photo---photos   piano---pianos radio---radios   zoo---zoos; b. 加es,(一般是有生命的)如:potato--potatoes  tomato--tomatoes c. 上述a和b两种方法均可,如zero---zeros / zeroes。  3) 以f或fe 结尾的名词变复数时: a. 加s,如: belief---beliefs  roof---roofs safe---safes  gulf---gulfs; b. 去f,fe 加ves,如:half---halves   knife---knives leaf---leaves  wolf---wolves wife---wives  life---lives  thief---thieves; c. 上述a和b两种方法均可,如handkerchief: handkerchiefs / handkerchieves。 三. 名词复数的不规则变化 1) child---children  foot---feet  tooth---teeth mouse---mice    man---men  woman---women  注意:由一个词加 man 或 woman构成的合成词,其复数形式也是 -men 和-women,如an Englishman,two Englishmen。但German不是合成词,故复数形式为Germans;Bowman是姓,其复数是the Bowmans。 2) 单复同形,如deer,sheep,fish,Chinese,Japanese ,li,jin,yuan,two li,three mu,four jin等。但除人民币的元、角、分外,美元、英镑、法郎等都有复数形式。如:a dollar, two dollars; a meter, two meters。 3)集体名词,以单数形式出现,但实为复数。例如: people police cattle 等本身就是复数,不能说 a people,a police,a cattle,但可以说a person,a policeman,a head of cattle, the English,the British,the French,the Chinese,the Japanese,the Swiss 等名词,表示国民总称时,作复数用,如The Chinese are industries and brave. 中国人民是勤劳勇敢的。 4) 以s结尾,仍为单数的名词,如: a. maths,politics,physics等学科名词,一般是不可数名词,为单数。 b. news 为不可数名词。 c. the United States,the United Nations 应视为单数。 The United Nations was organized in 1945. 联合国是1945年组建起来的。d. 以复数形式出现的书名,剧名,报纸,杂志名,也可视为单数。例如: "The Arabian Nights" is a very interesting story-book. 《一千零一夜》是一本非常有趣的故事书。 5) 表示由两部分构成的东西,如:glasses (眼镜) trousers, clothes等,若表达具体数目,要借助数量词 pair(对,双); suit(套); a pair of glasses; two pairs of trousers等。 6) 另外还有一些名词,其复数形式有时可表示特别意思,如:goods货物,waters水域,fishes(各种)鱼。 maintain是及物动词 应该选be maintained

i wish god bless这句话语法正确吗

**保佑,有固定用法:God bless you!

God bless和God blessed 的区别 语法

god bless 上帝保佑 在一定语境中 会说god blessed 譬如:我成功了, 老天真的保佑我了I succeeded, god really blessed me.


  command后接宾语从句谓语用should be done ,should 可以省略。


There"s an emotional reaction with a personalized mobile device that you don"t get with a mouse and a keyboard.这个句子是There be 句型,它的特点是there只是一个牵引性质的形式主语,并不是真正的主语。 真正的主语是 an emotional reaction 你说的为什么不能放置mobile device , 我觉得作者这个时候想要强调的是 an emotional reaction .如果作者想要强调 mobile device, 也可以在同样的位置放置 mobile device.


1 that 后面是定语从句;限定stick2 that 后面是定语从句;限定idea 整句的翻译为 他得益于另外一个想法使他几年内异军突起;他已经成为领军世界500强企业的最年轻的人物.3 他想这没准是他躲避高中的很不错的主意.out of the way 使不挡道4a personalized letter 私人信笺5 定做的


高中英语必修5短语、重点句子Unit 1 Great scientistsI. Phrases 1. put forward 提出 2. draw a conclusion 得出结论 3. be/get under control 在……控制下 be/get out of control失去控制,不能操纵 4. be absorbed in 专心 5. be to blame 应该受责备(用主动形式表示被动) blame sb. for sth. 因某事责备某人 6. in addition 也,另外,此外 7. link...to... 将…和…连接或联系起来 8. die of 因…而死亡(内因) die from 因…而死亡(外因) 9. lead to 导致,通向 10. make sense 有意义,说得通 11. apart from 除…之外,此外 12. contribute to 为…作贡献或捐款,导致,有助于 13. be enthusiastic about 对…热情 14. be curious about 对…好奇 15. cure sb. of illness 治好某人…病 16. point of view 态度,观点,看法 17.(be)strict with sb. 对某人要求严格 II. Sentences1. John Snow was a well-known doctor in London – so famous, indeed, that he attended Queen Victoria to ease the birth of her babies.约翰·斯诺曾经是伦敦一位著名的医生――他的确太负盛名了,所以维多利亚女皇生孩子时都是他去照料,帮助她顺利分娩。2. But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera.但当他一想到要帮助患病的普通老百姓,特别是那些得了霍乱的患者时,他就感到很振奋。3. Neither its cause, nor its cure was understood.人们既不知道它的病源,也不了解它的治疗方法。4. He knew it would never be controlled until its cause was found.他知道,在找到病源之前,疫情是无法控制的。5. He got interested in two theories explaining how cholera killed people.霍乱之所以能致人于死,当时有两种看法,斯诺对这两种推测都很感兴趣。6. The second suggested that people absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals.第二种看法是在吃饭的时候人们把这种病毒引入体内的。7. He believed in the second theory but needed to prove he was correct.他相信第二种说法,但是需要证明他是正确的。8. It seemed that the water was to blame.看来要归罪于饮用水了。9. Immediately John Snow told the astonished people in Broad Street to remove the handle from the water pump so it could not be used.约翰·斯诺马上叫宽街上惊惶失措的老百姓拆掉水泵的把手,这样水泵就用不成了。10. Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.只有当你把太阳放在中心位置上,天空中其它行星的运动才能说得清楚。11. But only his new theory could do that.看是只有他的新理论才能作出解释。12. Yet Copernicus" theory is now the base on which all our ideas of the universe are built.然而哥白尼的理论却是我们宇宙赖以建立的基础。Unit 2 The United KingdomI. Phrases1. consist of 由……组成 2. divide…into… 把……分成 3. at war (with…) (与……)交战中 4. break away ( from… ) 挣托(束缚);脱离 5. educational / legal system 教育 / 立法制度 6. have a good / bad influence on … 对……有好/ 坏影响 7. take the place of 代替 8. break down (机器)破坏,损坏;(人)身体出毛病;(计划等)受挫,失败 9. make an error 出错 10. leave out 省去;遗漏;不考虑 11. puzzle over / about 为…烦恼,困扰 12. debate sth. with sb. 与某人讨论、争辩 13. at your convenience 在你方便的时候 14. in / with relation to (介)关于……;和……相关 15. under construction 在建设中 II. Sentences:1. There is no need to debate any more why different words are used to describe the four countries.对于用来描述这四个国家的词语,现在已经没有争辩的必要了。2. To their surprise, the three countries found themselves united peacefully instead of by war.这三个国家惊奇地发现他们是和平地而没有通过战争联合起来了。3. You must keep your eyes open if you are going to make your trip to the United Kingdom worthwhile.如果你想要使你的英国之旅不虚此行,你就必须把眼睛睁得大大的。4. Worried about the time available, Zhang Pingyu had made a list of the sites she wanted to see in London .由于担心时间不够,张萍玉早就把她想在伦敦参观的地点列了一张单子。5. It looked splendid when first built. 刚建成的时候,它看起来真是金碧辉煌。6. What interested her most was the longitude line. 她最感兴趣的是那条经线。7. Come and see me whenever it is convenient to you. 只要你方便,随时都可以来。Unit 3 Life in the FutureI. Phrases1. make a deep/strong impression on sb. 给某人留下深刻印象impress sb. with sth.= impress sth. on sb.使人记住某事2. take up 拿起/占用/接受/开始/从事/继续/选修speed up 加速sweep up 打扫 / 横扫 /掠过 use up 用光come up 过来eat up 吃光sit up 熬夜 / 坐正 turn up 出现 / 开大(音/水量) 3. remind sb. of sth. 使某人回想起某事 /提醒某人某事remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人去做某事remind sb. that … 提醒某人…… 4. as a result (of…) 结果 5. suffer from 遭受 6. be similar to 和…相似 7. keep doing sth. 一直做某事 8. the six of us 我们六人(共六人) 9. by/ for /through +( the / a ) lack of… 由于……的缺乏be lacking in 缺乏(品质 /特点)lack for …(否定句) 缺乏…… 10. in no time 很快,立刻 11. on one"s feet (从病痛或挫折中)复原 12. in all directions 四面八方 13. Sb. lose / catch sight of …. 看不见 / 看见Sb. / Sth. be in / out of sight 看得见 / 看不见at first sight 第一眼at the sight of… 一看见……就…… 14. provided A with B 向A提供B 15. plenty of + [u] / [c] 许多 16. be previous to … 早于…… 17. compare A with Bcompare A to B 把A与B作比较,把A比喻作B 18. for health reasons 出于健康原因 19. bend the rules 变通,放宽 20. on earth 究竟,到底 21. be under repair 在维修中 22. search for … 寻找 II. Sentences:1. Think about how many changes there have been in the last one thousand years .想想近一千年来有多少变化。2. What problems do you think people in the future will have overcome?你认为,未来的人将已克服了什么问题?3.The air seemed thin as though its combination of gases had little oxygen left.空气似乎很稀薄,好像在混合的气体中剩下的氧气很少。4. Why not sit down and rest? = Why don"t you sit down and rest? 为什么不坐下休息呢?5. What three visits would you ask to go on if you were Li Qiang ?如果你是李强,你想去哪三个地方看看?6. Neither of these creatures is easy to talk to . 这两种生物都不容易与之交谈。7. The dimpods have so many arms and legs that you can"t tell which is which.“丁波兹”有这么多的臂和腿,以致你无法区分哪些是手臂哪些是腿。8. Everyone will get twice as much personal space as in flats on land. 每个人都将得到陆上公寓两倍的个人空间。Unit 4 Making the NewsI. Phrases1. be curious about 对……感到好奇 2.be to do 必将 / 将要 / 应该3.go out on a story 外出采访 4. on one"s own 独自,*自己 of one"s own 自己的…… 5. concentrate on 集中精力于…… 6. be of interest = be interesting 有趣的 7. bring …with … 随身携带 8. have a nose for… 对……非常敏感 9. depend on 依赖 10. a trick of the trade 职业诀窍 11. accuse sb. of sth.= charge sb. with sth. 指控某人做某事 12. so as to do sth.(句中) 为了…… 13. be supposed to have done 理应当 / 被认为做过某事 14. look forward to (doing) sth. 盼望做某事 15. be eager to do sth. /for sth. 渴望做……/…… 16. get the wrong end of the stick 完全搞错了 17. tell the whole truth 说出全部真相 18. ahead of 在……前头 19. set (out)to do/ set about doing 着手做某事 20. pass… on to… 把……传递给……21. make an appointment with sb. 与某人约会,预约22. polish the style 润色语言风格23. be / get absorbed in 专心于,集中精力于 24. in turn 依次,逐个地 25. defend…against… 为某人辩护 26. note down 记下 27.cover sth. / interview sb.报道某事 / 采访某人28. do some research on… 对……做调查 29. work on 从事 30. last of all 最后31. on purpose / by accident 故意地 / 偶然,意外地32. arrange an interview (with sb. )安排采访33. stick to 坚持34. A rather than B A而不是B35. account for 解释36. through sb."s analysis 通过某人的分析 II. Sentences:1. (倒装)Never will ZY forget his first assignment at the office of China Daily.周阳永不会忘记他在《中国日报》报社当记者的首次任务。 2.(倒装)Only when you have seen what he or she does, can you cover a story by yourself.3. ( There"s ) No need for a camera ! 没必要带相机。4.(倒装)Not only am I interested in photography, but I took a course at university, so it"s actually of special interest to me.对摄影我不仅感兴趣,在大学我还专修过摄影,因此,我的确对摄影特别感兴趣。5.This is how the story goes. 事情是这样的。 6.Have you ever had a case where somebody accused your reporters of getting the wrong end of the stick?你是否有这样的情况:有人控告你手下的记者的报道完全失实?Unit 5 First aidI.Phrases1. give / offer / do first aid to sb perform / carry out first aid on sb. 对某人实施急救 2. fall ill 生病 3. get injured / infected / burned 受伤 / 感染 / 烧伤 4. save one"s life 挽救某人的生命 5. sense of touch 触觉 6. electric shock 触电;电休克 7. take off 脱下;(飞机)起飞 8. squeeze out 榨出;挤出 9. over and over again 反复;多次 10. in place 在适当的位置;适当 11. put one"s hands on 找到 12. present sb. with sth. present sth. to sb. 赠予/ 给予某人某物 13. a piece of jewellery 一件珠宝 14. cause / do damage to…. 使……受到危害/ 损害 15. a number of +n. (pl. ) 若干;许多 16. stick sth. to… 贴在…….上 17. make a difference 区别 II. Sentences:1. Burns are called first degree, second degree or third degree burns depending on which layers of the skins are burnt.根据皮肤烧伤的层次而有一度烧伤、二度烧伤和三度烧伤。 2. John was studying in his room when he heard screaming.约翰正在房里学习,突然听到一声尖叫。3. She was lying in her front garden bleeding very heavily 她躺在前花园的地上,流血不止。4. There is no doubt that Jon"s quick thinking and the first aid skills he learned at school saved Ms Slade"s life.毫无疑问,是敏捷的思维和在学校学到的急救技术,使得斯莱德女士的生命得救了。5. It shows that a knowledge of first aid can make a real difference .这说明了急救知识的确能发挥重要的作用。6. If burns are on arms or legs, keep them higher than the heart, if possible.如果烧伤的部位在臂部或腿部,可能的话,就要把他们抬高到高于心脏的位置。23. assist sb. in /with sth. = assist sb. in doing sth. = assist sb. to do sth. 帮忙,协助某人去做某事24. go soft 变软 25. speak in whisper 低声地说 26. be optimistic about … 对……乐观 27. switch on / off the power 开 /关电源 28.explain to sb. sth.= explain sth. to sb. 向某人解释某事 29. give off 发出(光/热等) 30. get / be caught in … 被困在……中 31. require sb. to do sth.=require that sb. (should ) do sth.要求某人做某事Sth. require doing / to be done 某物需要被 32. be supposed to do 应该 33. be equipped with … 装备有…… 34. be essential for / to … 对……是必要的


  初三英语重要的语法知识点是什么,还没积累语法的考生看过来?想了解的小伙伴看过来,下面由我为你精心准备了“初三英语语法知识点大全”仅供参考,持续关注本站将可以持续获取更多的资讯! 初三英语语法知识点大全   英语语法知识点总结大全一   一、过去完成时的结构特点   概念:过去完成时表示在过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成了的动作,即“过去的过去( past-in-the-past )”。   过去完成时 过去时 现在进行时   构成:过去完成时由“助动词 had + 过去分词”构成,其中 had 通用于各种人称。   They had already had breakfast before they arrived at the hotel. She had finished writing the composition by 10 :00 this morning.   二、过去完成时的判断依据   1. 由时间状语来判定   一般说来,各种时态都有特定的时间状语。与过去完成时连用的时间状语有:   ( 1 ) by + 过去的时间点。如:   I had finished reading the novel by nine o"clock last night.   ( 2 ) by the end of + 过去的时间点。如:   We had learned over two thousand English words by the end of last term.   ( 3 ) before + 过去的时间点。如:   They had planted six hundred trees before last Wednesday.   2. 由“过去的过去”来判定。过去完成时表示“过去的过去”,是指过去某一动作之前已经发生或完成的动作,即动作有先后关系,动作在前的用过去完成时,在后的用一般过去时。这种用法常出现在:   ( 1 )宾语从句中,当宾语从句的主句为一般过去时,且从句的动作先于主句的动作时,从句要用过去完成时。在told, said, knew, heard, thought等动词后的宾语从句。   如: She said that she had seen the film before.   ( 2 )状语从句中,在时间、条件、原因、方式等状语从句中,主、从句的动作发生有先后关系,动作在前的,要用过去完成时,动作在后的要用一般过去时。   如: When I got to the station, the train had already left. After he had finished his homework, he went to bed.   注意: before, after ,as soon as引导的时间状语从句中,由于 before 和 after 本身已表达了动作的先后关系,若主、从句表示的动作紧密相连,则主、从句都用一般过去时。如:   Where did you study before you came here?   After he closed the door, he left the classroom.   (3)表示意向的动词,如hope, wish, expect, think, intend, mean, suppose等,用过去完成时表示"原本…,未能…"   We had hoped that you would come, but you didn"t. 3. 根据上、下文来判定。   I met Wang Tao in the street yesterday. We hadn"t seen each other since he went to Beijing.   三、过去完成时的主要用法   1. 过去完成时表示一个动作或状态在过去某一时间或动作之前已经完成或结束,即发生在“过去的过去”。如:   When I woke up, it had stopped raining. 我醒来时,雨已经停了。(主句的动作发生在“过去的过去”)   2. 过去完成时是一个相对的时态,表示的是“过去的过去”,只有和过去某一时间或某一动作相比较时才使用它。如:   He told me that he had written a new book. (had written 发生在 told 之前 )   3. 过去完成时需要与一个表示过去的时间状语连用,它不能离开过去时间而独立存在。   英语语法知识点总结大全二   相互代词   1)相互代词只有each other和one another两个词组   他们表示句中动词所叙述的动作或感觉在涉及的各个对象之间是相互存在的   例如:   It is easy to see that the people of different cultures have always copied each other.   显而易见,不同文化的人总是相互借鉴的   2) 相互代词的句法功能:   a. 作动词宾语;   People should love one another. 人们应当彼此相爱。   b. 可作介词宾语;   Does bark, cocks crow, frogs croak to each other. 吠、鸡鸣、蛙儿对唱。   说明:传统语法认为,相互关系存在于两个人或物之间用each other, 存在于两个以上人和物之间用one another。现代英语中,两组词交替使用的实例也很多,例如:   He put all the books beside each other.   他把所有书并列摆放起来。   He put all the books beside one another.   他把所有书并列摆放起来。   Usually these small groups were independent of each other.   这些小团体通常是相互独立的。   c. 相互代词可加-"s构成所有格,例如:   The students borrowed each other"s notes.   学生们互借笔记。   物主代词   1)物主代词既有表示所属的作用又有指代作用   例如:   John had cut his finger; apparently there was a broken glass on his desk.   约翰割破了手指,显而易见,他桌子上有个破玻璃杯。   物主代词有形容词性(my, your等)和名词性(mine, yours等)两种,形容词性的物主代词属于限定词。   名词性的物主代词在用法上相当于省略了中心名词的 --"s属格结构,例如:   Jack"s cap 意为 The cap is Jack"s.   His cap 意为 The cap is his.   2) 名词性物主代词的句法功能   a. 作主语,例如:   May I use your pen? Yours works better.   我可以用一用你的钢笔吗? 你的比我的好用。   b. 作宾语,例如:   I love my motherland as much as you love yours.   我爱我的祖国就像你爱你的祖国一样深。   c. 作介词宾语,例如:   Your should interpret what I said in my sense of the word, not in yours.   你应当按我所用的词义去解释我说的话,而不能按你自己的意义去解释。   d. 作主语补语,例如:   The life I have is yours. It"s yours. It"s yours. 我的生命属于你,属于你,属于你。   反身代词   1) 列表   I-myself   we-ourselves   you-yourself   you-yourselves   she-herself   he-himself   they-themselves   2)做宾语   a. 有些动词需有反身代词   absent, bathe, amuse, blame, dry, cut, enjoy, hurt, introduce, behave   We enjoyed ourselves very much last night.   我们昨晚玩得很开心   Please help yourself to some fish.   请你随便吃点鱼   b. 用于及物动词+宾语+介词   take pride in, be annoyed with, help oneself to sth.   I could not dress (myself) up at that time.   那个时候我不能打扮我自己   注:有些动词后不跟反身代词, get up, sit-down, stand up, wake up等。   Please sit down.   请坐   3) 作表语; 同位语   be oneself: I am not myself today.   我今天不舒服   The thing itself is not important.   事情本身并不重要   4) 在不强调的情况下,but, except, for 等介词后宾语用反身代词或人称代词宾格均可   如:   No one but myself (me) is hurt.   注意:   a. 反身代词本身不能单独作主语。   (错) Myself drove the car.   (对) I myself drove the car. 我自己开车。   b. 但在and, or, nor连接的并列主语中,第二个主语可用反身代词,特别是myself 作主语。   Charles and myself saw it.   初中英语不好怎么补救   1、初中英语要学好,单词记忆是关键。在记忆单词的时候,同学们也不要死记硬背,可以通过一些好的单词记忆的方法,或是通过单词的读音,或是通过单词的字母,总而言之,是运用自己的大脑,用最为方便的方式来记忆单词。   2、初中英语的学习,语法基础要打好。许多问初中英语不好怎么办的同学,大部分都难在语法上,初中英语是为同学们以后英语的学习打基础的,初中英语的语法学好了,同学们日后英语的学习就会十分轻松。而且初中英语之中,同学们学习较多的就是词法,掌握单词的词性之后,同学们才能够合理的编排单词在句子之中的位置,才能够造出完整没有语法错误的句子。   3、学习词法也是非常的简单,同学们只要能够认真听讲,做几道典型的例题,就能够完全掌握英语之中的词法。   4、英语学习需要练习。除了单词记忆和打好语法基础,平时的训练也不可缺少,大家要有针对性的做一些习题训练。可以参考巨微英语《中考英语四轮复习》,书里对于语法词汇各类题型都有详细的讲解,还有习题的专项训练,可以帮你补充自己的薄弱项,可以说是英语复习路上的好帮手了,基础不好的同学可以试一下!   拓展阅读:如何训练初中英语完形填空   首先,必须熟练掌握所学课本上的词汇.完形填空主要是从词汇上来考察学生掌握程度的.词汇包括单词的拼写,词组的搭配,句型等.   其次,一定要注意整篇文章所采用的时态.时态对动词的影响是巨大的,不可弄错.例如文章采用的是一般过去时,那动词要相应地变成过去式.当然这里面也有特例,如果所用的句子是经常性的状态或客观事实、规律,或者引用直接引语,那就要采用一般现在时.   第三,在具体做题时,不要一上来就边看边选答案,二是要先把文章通读一遍,弄清文章大意,在通读时有些固定搭配直接就能发现了.通读全文后再边读边选答案,一定要注意上下文和前后句,往往很多内容是前文白给了,后文去考察,或者正相反.要注意连词.当所给横线的前面或后面有连词时,要看连词另一边所给单词的词性和时态,那么横线所填单词一定要与所给单词保持词性和时态一致,例如都是过去分词、动名词、形容词的比较级等.另外,如果横线前是动词,那横线要选副词,因为副词总是位于动词之后来修饰动词的;反之,若横线后是副词,那横线上就是动词.还要注意横线前面的句子末尾是逗号还是句号,因为这影响到所选单词首字母的大小写问题.还要注意句子里是否含有few,little,never,none等否定词,这将决定句子的含义是肯定还是否定.   第四,当你做完完形填空题后,还要再次把全文顺读一遍,看是否顺畅.只要有别扭和不知所云之处,往往就是选错的地方.   最后,建议你集中做完形填空专项练习.我辅导过很多学生,都是带领学生做专项练习,每次都是先让学生按照我上述方法先独自做完一篇,记下所用时间,然后我给学生逐空分析讲解,分析学生产生错误的原因,用红笔在题旁注明,例如词组、句型、时态等,并记录下此篇的得分率,用百分数表示.接下来让学生再做一篇完形填空,做完后还像刚才所说的那样去认真分析,记录所用时间和得分的百分数.往往经过半天的训练,学生就能达到每篇15个填空错误不超过3个,学生的做题技巧和自信心都大大增强了.当然,所有这些都是要有坚实的基础做后盾的.只要课本词汇完全掌握,课本能熟读熟听,那你就会有很好的语感,做完形填空题也好,单项选择也好,甚至连阅读理解和书面表达也都不在话下了.


discovered 是动词 后面接的是宾语从句 in order to remain in exstence 直接看成是 to remain in exstence就等于是非谓语开头, 视作状语in the long run 从长远的角度看来 时间状语简化成,a proft-making organization must produce sth. consumers consider useful or desirable.sth. 后面省略了 定语从句引导词 that 此处that 做后面 consider的宾格 所以可以省略 详细吧 以后有问题直接问老师好了 效率又高 加油


1、hope that(正常宾语从句)2、hope to do sth.3、in the hope of 怀着······的希望(貌似也可以说in the hope that)4、hope sb.do sth.(千万不能说hope sb.to do sth.这一点要与help的用法区分开:help sb.(to)do sth.)5、经典用法:I hope so/not.(我希望如此/我希望不是这样)关于hope的常见用法就这么多,还有一些零碎的知识需要楼主自己去归纳了,毕竟,学英语归根结底是自己的事情。1、wish后的虚拟语气:a、和现在的事实相反:wish that(that可省)后面跟did/were(were较常用,但不能排除以后你见不到用was的情况)b、和过去的事实相反:wish后跟had done或could/would have donec、和将来的事实相反:wish后跟would/could/might/should do2、wish sb. n. 例:I wish you joy and happiness.3、wish on/upon 向······祈求4、wish for 希望得到5、如果我没记错的话,wish所表示的希望实现的可能性好像比较小。That"s all.

(英语语法)高中 i wish he would 的would是什么用法

虚拟语气的用法. wish后面的宾语从句,如果是对将来动作的假设,则从句使用would do sth结构. 再如:I wish that I would go to Beijing University next year. 我希望我明年能考取北京大学. 其实该变化形式就是给从句的正常时态加上一个过去的变化即可,也就是说本来是will do sth,加上过去就变成了would do sth. 这种变化类似于直接引语变间接引语时,主句为一般过去时候引语的时态变化规则. 如:I said, "I will go to Beijing tomorrow." 变成:I said that I would go to Beijing the next day.如果对你有所帮助,请点击我回答下面的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!

后半句中的in which怎么理解?(英语语法



小米的工具拿去刷魅族?魅族没有自己的线刷工具么? 话说你解锁BL了么? 没解锁瞎刷什么

…who has what he described…中what的语法作用

what 做describe这个动词的宾语。句子的类型包括:主+谓;主+谓+宾等等及物动词后面一定要接宾语,记住,从句也是句子,成分也必须完整,这里相当于who has 后面加了一个宾语从句,从句的主语是he, 谓语是described, 又因为describe是及物动词,后面要加sth做宾语,没有sth,所以用what代替,这里what相当于连接词,故放到主语he前面。举个同类型的句子:I couldn"t understand what you said just now.希望能帮到你~ 望采纳哟! 精~~~~~~锐





请问句子中at odds......be described这部分的语法,还有最后半句是同位语吗?

Lin isnu2019t Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant.


答案没有错.这个句子是 Of all states represented at the conference, Missouri was the only one whose governor presented plans for enforcing the new regulations.句中后半部分是句子主要部分.前半部分只是主语的限定部分. 限定部分是Of all states 所以句子的主语必须是某一state而不能是某一governor.所以原句以governor作为主语,显然是不对的. 在这一句子中只有一个谓语动词,那就是was.而presented.是the only one 的不定式定语.至于逗号前面的represented我在前面已经讲了,那根本就不是句子.那是用来修饰states的.用分词修饰这很常见.前为的意思是:"在到会的各州中,".回答者:王三乎


favorite 可以做为名词,表示“最喜欢的人或事物” 也可以做为形容词,表示“最喜欢的”后接名词你这2句话里都是名词,表最喜欢的事物,因为书和苹果都是复数,所以favorite也加了-s,它本身是一个可数名词,比如 He is a favorite of his teacher"s.他是老师的一个宠儿。作为形容词:English is my favorite subject.


摘要:学英语要掌握大量的词汇,而掌握好词缀,是提高词汇量的有效途径。比如, 在某些动词后面加上象“-er, -or, etc.”就可以构成名词,表示“从事某种职业的 人”或者“某一类的人”。仔细观察一下,会发现其略有不同。下面,将表示“人”的词缀加以分类总结。一、从社会层次、地位、工作职务上来看:1、加“-er ”可表示“人”,这类词多数情况下表示的人物社会地位较低,或从历史上看较低。例:beginner初学者/新手, driver司机,teacher教师,labourer劳动者,runner跑步者/信使,skier滑雪者,swimmer游泳者,observer 观测者/观察员, murderer杀人犯passenger旅客, traveller旅游者,learner学习者/初学者, lover爱好者,worker工人, researcher研究员,printer印刷工,gardener园艺工, owner 主人,wrestler摔交者等2、加“-or ”可表示“人”,这类词多数情况下表示的人物社会地位较高,或从历史上看较高。例:doctor博士或医生, tutor(大学)指导教师/ 助教/ 监护人,director主任compositor排版师,collector收藏家, instructor教员/指导者3、加“-ist ”/ “-an”可表示“人”,这类词多数情况下表示事业有成就或较为特殊的人,例: artist艺术家, scientist科学家, physicist 物理学家, journalist新闻记者dentist 牙医, instrumentalist乐器演奏家/ 乐器家, meteorologist气象学家historian 历史学家 , technician技术员, 技师,vegetarian 食素者也有个别例外,象cyclist骑脚踏车的人, motorcyclist乘机车者二、从性别上来看:通常加“-er / -or ” 多为“男性”, 加“-ess”多为女性waiter男招待 waitress女服务员steward(轮船, 飞机等)乘务员, 干事 stewardess (轮船, 飞机等)女乘务员actor 男演员 actress女演员instructor男教员,男指导 instructress女教师, 女指导lawyer律师 lawyeress女律师三、从主动、被动上来看, 加“-er - or”为主动,加“-ee ”为被动examiner 主考人、监考员 examinee 参加考试者、受试人(被监考者)employer 雇主(雇佣别人) employee雇员(被雇佣)interviewer会见者 interviewee.被接见者, 被访问者 定冠词the的用法:定冠词the与指示代词this,that同源,有“那(这)个”的意思,但较弱,可以和一个名词连用,来表示某个或某些特定的人或东西。(1)特指双方都明白的人或物Take the medicine. 把药吃了。(2)上文提到过的人或事He bought a house. 他买了幢房子。I"ve been to the house. 我去过那幢房子。(3)指世界上独一无二的事物the sun, the sky, the moon, the earth(4)单数名词连用表示一类事物the dollar 美元the fox 狐狸或与形容词或分词连用,表示一类人the rich 富人the living 生者(5)用在序数词和形容词最高级,及形容词 等前面Where do you live? 你住在哪?I live on the second floor. 我住在二楼。That"s the very thing I"ve been looking for. 那正是我要找的东西。(6)与复数名词连用,指整个群体They are the teachers of this school. (指全体教师)They are teachers of this school. (指部分教师)(7)表示所有,相当于物主代词,用在表示身体部位的名词前She caught me by the arm. 她抓住了我的手臂。(8)用在某些有普通名词构成的国家名称,机关团体,阶级等专有名词前the People"s Republic of China 中华人民共和国the United States 美国(9)用在表示乐器的名词前She plays the piano. 她会弹钢琴。(10)用在姓氏的复数名词之前,表示一家人the Greens 格林一家人(或格林夫妇)(11)用在惯用语中in the day, in the morning...the day before yesterday, the next morning...in the sky...in the dark...in the end...on the whole, by the way...参考资料:书上写的跟网上找的没什么区别,至少上海交大的教材上就是这么写的

英语语法 参加的用法

take part in



在js编程中出现 this.items= [ ]; 怎么在语法上解释呢?

这是定义一个 数组或者 json格式的对象。 可以往对象里面添加数据json格式 比如是 {name:"jacky",password:"34234"} ,js提供了对应的方法的。这钟格式和传统的 String int 是不一样的 具体可看下 json相关的资料


The red light representing danger,the green light safty, this signal system is quite simple.是这样的吗?我觉得理论上可以,但一时找不到实际的例句。中间要不要加and存疑。仅供参考吧。


自己做吧 你对着答案做作业一辈子也做不明白


第三行It is of great importance ….of 改成a 倒数第三行 spare no efforts efforts 去掉S 发现两处小错


这是一个倒装句, 因为Not only 位于句首,故前半句要用部分倒装.还原为: This longtime fan of service and volunteering is not only winning recognition for he(应为her) work in the community, ... 其中: This longtime fan of service and volunteering为主语部分, 中心词为fan,用This很好呀!若换成She,无论从语法上还是意思上都讲不通. 有说she longtime fan of...的吗? 绝对要不得. volunteering在介词of之后作介宾,因此要用其动名词形式, 即:ing形式.is winning是谓语动词recognition是宾语for her work in the community 是原因状语not only与后半句中的but also构成并列连词:not only...but also... 若有不懂的,可再追问.



语法问题 what you looking for 和what are you looking for ????



, or have lived, in the shadow of death bring a mellow sweetness to everything they


Identifying similar words是状语, linguists 是主语,come up with是谓语,what引导的从句为宾语, spoken until 3500 to 2000 B.C.过去分词短语作补足语。


its 它的,形容词性物主代词.表示"谁的"后面+名词. 比如说:Its leg was hurt. its还可以当名词性物主代词.等于 形容词性物主代词+名词.也解释成“它的” 比如说:The house is its. it`s=it is解释成“它是” 比如说:It`s a dog.

语法we are close to winning

close to:表示“接近” 意思是我们快要成功了或我们离成功不远了“。


  第一篇American English has its own idioms. Let" s say you buysomething in a shop. And 41 you pay for it, you say: This cost 42 an arm and a leg! What do you really mean by 43 (say) so? Do you have to give them your arm and your leg? I hope not. Let" s listen to anAmerican English conversation 44 (see) if we can find out what this means.A: Did you buy that new computer?B: Yeah, I did. But I 45 have bought it.A: Why do you say so? Is there anything wrong with it?B: Not exactly, but, as a matter of fact, it cost the way more than I 46 (expect) it to be.A: 47 did you pay for it?B: Let me just tell you it cost an arm and a leg!Whenyou say in American English that something costs an arm and a leg, it actually means that 48 price is very, very high, much 49 (high) than we can accept. If you use this 50 in the United States, everyone therewill understand you. But this is an informal phrase, so don" t use it in a formal business setting.答案:41. when/after42. me 43. saying 44. to see/and see 45. shouldn"t/oughtn"tto 46. expected/had expected 47. How much 48. the 49. higher 50. phrase/idiom/expression解析:41. when/after 在你付钱的时候/在你付钱之后,你会说…….是when或after引导的时间状语从句.42. me 这些东西花了我很多钱.cost sb. sth. 让某人付出了……、花费了某人的…….43. saying 你这么说是什么意思呢?介词by后跟v-ing形式,by doing sth.44. to see/and see 让我们听一段美国人的对话来看一下他们的意思吧.第一用不定式to see作状语表示目的;第二用并列连词and连接listen to和see两个并列动作.45. shouldn"t/oughtn"t to 是的,我买了.可是我不应该买它的.shouldn"t have done sth. 过去不应该做某事.46. expected/had expected 事实上我花的钱比我原先预期的要多.在购买它之前我期望/预期会花多少钱,expected或had expected47. How much 那你花了多少钱呢?讯问对方购买某物花了多少钱,要用how much.48. the 这句话的意思是某物花了一大笔钱.特指你购买商品的价格,要用定冠词the.49. higher 价格要比我们能接受的价格高出很多很多.表示价格高要用形容词high.50. phrase/idiom/expression 如果你在美国使用这个短语/这个表达方式.此处指的是it cost me an arm and a leg这个短语第二篇Tom: Have you heard the local newspaper The Times is closing down in three months" time?Mary: Then that" s good news. That newspaper is terrible. I won" t miss it.Tom: 61do you mean? The Times is the best newspaper in the city. If that 62 ( close) down , we" ll only have The Pioneer and the City Journal, which is too bad.Mary: You only like The Times 63 it takes up to 20 pages every day with sports. The City Journal is a great paper. And you don" t like it because it devotes less than 5 pages every day 64 baseball results.Tom: This is a baseball city. We" ve got a great team. Why shouldn" t we read about it? Where are we going to get the results now?Mary: I think a newspaper needs to meet all the 65 (need) of its readers, not just that of those 66 like sports.Tom:Then what about the Job Section in The Times? That was one of the most 67 (use) parts of it. Every business, every store in the city knows if they want to get someone 68 (work) for them, they have to putsome ads in The Times. How are all these people going to get work now?This will 69 ( absolute) destroy the local economy.Mary: Destroy the local economy, will it? I admit the Job Section was pretty good in The Times, 70 either one of the other two newspapers will just get the ads instead. That" s how things work.答案:61. What 62. closes/is closed 63. because 64. to 65. needs66. who 67. useful 68. to work 69. absolutely 70. but解析:[语篇解读]本文为一则对话.双方就《泰晤士》报该不该停刊展开讨论.61. What   What do you mean? 你什么意思?62. closes/is closed   close表示“停业,关闭,倒闭” 之意时,既可以作及物动词,也可以作不及物动词.63. because  下文And you don" t like it because…给出了提示.64. to   devote sth to sth是固定短语,意为“把…用于” .65. needs   to meet all the needs of its readers意为“满足所有读者的需求” ,need作名词,表示“需要的事物” 时,是可数名词,且常用复数.66. who   who引导定语从句修饰先行词those(指人).67. useful  形容词修饰名词,故应说the most useful parts of it.68. to work  表示“让某人做某事” 应说get sb to do sth,故应使用to work作get的宾语补足语.69. absolutely  副词修饰动词.70. but  上下文之间存在转折关系,故用but连接并列句第三篇阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式.David and Jack are talking about cyber-relationships in their dorm.David: Jack, you spend a lot of time on the Internet everyday. What do you most frequently use it for?Jack: I usually surf  61  net, read news and anything I am interested in, check emails or chat with other people. Sometimes I order online too. Maybe I can find a girlfriend online like a fairy tale.David: Well, I see. That"s  62  you are so stuck to it.Jack: I know dozens of websites provide dating service. Curiosity and the need for companionship make them a sure-fire business. I recommend that you  63  (try) Baihe.com.David: To be  64  , I really can"t understand how  65  people depend on that way to make friends. It"s kind of risky.Jack: Yes, but it"s also one of the easiest and fastest ways to meet new people.David:Sounds good. But it is full of traps on the Internet, and some people have really  66  (please) experience about online dating.Jack: It"s true, but some people did find their better-half through online dating.David:  67  , I won"t try that way to make my girlfriend.Jack: Don"t be so sure. If you  68  (happen) meet a girl online who is intelligent, kind, honest, and you get a good feeling of her, won"t you have the desire to get to know her  69  person?David: I won"t have such a chance in the first place, for I never enter the chatroom.Jack: Maybe  70  man"s meat is another"s poison.David: That"s right.第四篇Alice: Hi, Peter! I saw you on the 7 o" clock news last night.Peter: Oh, yeah.Alice: So tell us what happened?Peter: I 61 (walk) alone on the beach when I heard someone _62 (call)outfor help. I looked up and there on the headland was a little kid. He had climbed up the cliff(悬崖)and was stuck.Alice: What did you do then?Peter:My first thought was to run and get help, but the boy was crying. He looked as though he would fall at 63 moment. So I climbed up to get him down. The rocks were very loose. and I almost 64 (slip)a couple of times. I was beginning to think 65 wasn" t a good idea to climb up there alone and that I 66 (get)help first. Then I reached the boy.  67 , I couldn" t get him down. We were both stuck!Alice: And then what did you do?Peter:I shouted for help. Pretty soon there came _68 small crowd on the beach. One of them called the Coast Rescue Service. About five minutes 69 there appeared a helicopter overhead, and we _70 (rescue)8.【答案解析】难易度: 中等答案:61. was walking 62. calling 63. any 64. slipped 65. it 66. should have got 67. However 68. a 69. later 70. were rescued解析:[语篇解读]本文为一段人物对话.Peter向Alice讲述自己见义勇为的事迹.61. was walking when I heard…是短动作,且发生在walk这个长动作过程中,这个长动作要用过去进行时态.62. calling 我听见有人正在大声呼救.现在分词calling引导的短语作heard的宾语补足语,强调动作正在进行中.hear sb doing sth表示“听见某人正在做某事” .63. any 他看起来仿佛随时(at any moment)都会掉下去.64. slipped 有几次我险些滑倒.65. it and 连接了think的两个宾语从句,第一个从句省略了that,其中it作形式主语,不定式短语to climb up there alone是真正的主语.66. should have got 根据上文语境,说话人语气中包含自责,故应使用should have done结构表示“本该做某事(而没做)” .67. However 上下文之间存在转折关系,且67空与下文之间有逗号隔开,故应使用副词however承上启下.68. a 很快,沙滩上出现了一小群人(a small crowd).69. later 大约5分钟后(about five minutes later),头顶上出现了一架直升飞机.“一段时间+later” 表示“…之后” .70. were rescued we和rescue之间为被动关系,故应使用一般过去时的被动语态.  参考:http://www.zybang.com/question/cb8f22309ebc9046c3f6aaf033dd80af.html


翻译:在一些国家,一些组织机构被设立来帮助人们移居美国语法解释:In some countries 地点状语organizations 主语were formed 过去时的被动语态,作谓语to 介词,表目的to后面的就是目的整句的主要结构是:Organizations were formed.其他的都是解释辅助成分

请把这一段英语所有的语法难点句子结构给差分 完后解释一下为什么这样差分并解释应该怎么样理解这些难点

第一句是一个复合句,Groundwater是主语,Groundwater is the word是一个句子。used to 。describe water修饰word,是定语;saturates the ground是修饰water的定语。filling all the available space是同位语。第二句是一个正常的句子。第三句是一个复合句。circulates as part of the water cycle修饰groundwater。第四句依然是一个复合句,has soaked以后的内容全是修饰第二个water。第五句是一个正常的句子,before后面是同位语从句。最后一句是主语后置,it指代的是there can be enough space in the "solid" ground underfoot to hold all this water。纯分析,望采纳,谢谢!!!


这里是because of ,做介词,不能单看because,因为because和because of用法不一样,because of +短语组成原因状语。简析because because ofbecause 和because of 都可以用来表原因(引出从句或者短语做原因状语)但在用法上两者不一样:A: because 是从属连词, 后接原因状语从句如:1. He didn"t go to school yesterday because it was raining.由于下雨,他昨天没上学。2. John didn"t attend the meeting because he was ill. 约翰没有出席会议, 因为他病了。 比较:B:because of 是个短语介词,不可以引导原因状语从句,而应该接名词,代词等如:1. He didn"t go to school yesterday because of the rain.由于下雨,他昨天没上学。


which修饰的应该是skill,dexterity和judgement,with which引导的是定语从句,但是在这个从句里面是状语的成分。seem 的主语是the greatest improvements 和 the greater part,用have been 是表示对劳动力的分配已经形成了影响。至于it指代啥,咱也弄不明白,会不会和上下文联系起来读读会比较好懂?






1. He is very clever at Maths. 他擅长数学。(P4)(1)clever是形容词,意为“聪明的,伶俐的”,同义词为bright,反义词为stupid。(2)be clever at…意为“擅长于……”,相当于be good at。例如:Jack is clever at English.=Jack is good at English. 杰克英语学得好。be clever at与be good at后面跟动词时,必须用其ing形式。例如:Tom is clever at / is good at playing basketball. 汤姆篮球打得好。2. He"s in the school basketball team.他是学校篮球队的队员。(P4)I"m in the Reading Club.我在阅读兴趣小组。(P4)句中的“be in + 团队组织”意为“be a member of …”。因此He"s in the school basketball team.= He"s a member of the school basketball team.例如:Mike is in the Country Football Team.迈克是国家足球队的队员。Many students in our class are in the Swimming Club.我们班许多学生参加了游泳兴趣小组。3. You can call me Simon. (P4)call意为“叫、称呼”,call sb. /sth. + 名称,意为“叫某人(某物)为……”。例如:You can call him Tom. 你可以叫他汤姆。What do you call it in English? 你们用英语怎么称呼它?call还有“打电话”、“叫、喊”之意。例如:Who is calling? This is Helen speaking. 谁在打电话?是我,海伦。Listen, someone is calling you. 听,有人在叫你。call也可作为名词,意为“电话”。如:a telephone call 一通电话。4. My parents come from Shanghai.我父母是上海人。(P4)come from意为“来自……(地方),是……(地方)人”。come from=be fromMy parents come from Shanghai.=My parents are from Shanghai.例如:Jim comes from America.= Jim is from America.吉姆来自美国。5. I was born there but we live in Beijing now.我出生在那儿但我们现住在北京。(P4)be born意为“出生”。例如:Simon was born in Shanghai. 西蒙出生在上海。(P5)He was born on July 27th.他出生于七月二十七日。My sister and I were born in Beijing.我和我妹妹出生在北京。6. I play football at school. 我在学校踢足球。(P4)at school可以表示“在学校”,也可以表示“上学”的概念。school表示抽象概念,而不是指具体场所时,school前不加冠词,也不用复数形式。例如:Daniel, do you play tennis after school? 丹尼尔,你放学后打网球吗?(P9)


一. 词汇 ⑴ 单词 1. 介词:in, on, under, behind, near, at, of 1). in表示"在……中", "在……内"。例如: in our class 在我们班上 in my bag 在我的书包里 in the desk 在桌子里 in the classroom 在教室里 2). on 表示"在……上"。例如: on the wall 在墙上 on the desk 在桌子上 on the blackboard 在黑板上 3). under表示"在……下"。例如: under the tree 在树下 under the chair 在椅子下 under the bed 在床下 4). behind表示"在……后面"。例如: behind the door 在门后 behind the tree 在树后 5). near表示"在……附近"。例如: near the teacher"s desk 在讲桌附近 near the bed 在床附近 6). at表示"在……处"。例如: at school 在学校 at home 在家 at the door 在门口 7). of 表示"……的"。例如: a picture of our classroom 我们教室的一幅画 a map of China 一张中国地图 2. 冠词 a / an / the: 冠词一般位于所限定的名词前,用来署名名词所指的人或事物。冠词有不定冠词和定冠词两种。不定冠词有两个形式,即a和an。a用在以辅音音素开头的词前,如a book; an用在以元音音素开头的字母前,如an apple. a或an与可数名词单数连用,泛指某类人或某物中的一个。 This is a cat. 这是一只猫。 It"s an English book. 这是一本英语书。 His father is a worker. 他的爸爸是个工人。 the既可以用在可数名词前,也可以用在不可数名词前,表示某个或某些特定的人或事物,也可以指上文提到过的人或事物。 Who"s the boy in the hat? 戴帽子的男孩是谁呀? ------ What can you see in the classroom? ------ I can see a bag. ------ Where"s the bag? ------ It"s on the desk. ------- 你能在教室里看到什么呀? ------ 我能看见一个书包。 ------ 书包在哪呀? ------ 在桌子上。 3.some和any ①在肯定句中用some.例如: There are some books on the desk.桌子上有一些书。 Lucy has some good books露西有一些好书。 ②在疑问句和否定句中用any。例如: Is there any ink in your pen?你的钢笔里有墨水吗? Do you have any brothers and sisters?你有兄弟姐妹吗? There isn"t any water in the glass.杯子里没有水。 ⑵记住它们的特殊用法。 ①some亦可用于表示盼望得到对方肯定的答复或表示建议、委婉请求的疑问句中,这一点我们不久就会学到。例如: Would you like to have some apples?你想吃苹果吗? ②any也可用于肯定句中,表示"任何的"。例如: Any one of us can do this.我们当中任何一个都能做这个。 some 和any的用法是经常出现的考点,希望大家能准确地掌握它们的用法。 4.family family看作为一个整体时,意思是"家庭",后面的谓语动词be用单数形式 is ;如把family看作为家庭成员时,应理解为复数,后面的谓语动词be应用are。 My family is a big family. 我的家庭是个大家庭。 My family are all at home now. 我的家人现在都在家。 Family强调由家人组成的一个集体或强调这个集体中的成员。home指个人出生、被抚养长大的环境和居住地点。 house指"家"、"房屋",侧重居住的建筑本身。 His family are all workers. 他的家人都是工人。 My home is in Beijing. 我的家在北京。 He isn"t at home now. 他现在不在家。 It"s a picture of my family. 这是一张我全家的照片。 5. little的用法 a little dog 一只小狗,a little boy 一个小男孩。little常用来修饰有生命的名词。 *但little还可表示否定意义,意为"少的",加不可数名词。 There is little time. 几乎没时间了。 There is little water in the cup. 杯中水很少。 ⑵ 词组 on the desk 在桌子上 behind the chair 在椅子后 under the chair 在椅子下面 in her pencil-box 在她的铅笔盒中 near the door 在门附近 a picture of a classroom 一个教室的图片 look at the picture 看这张图片 the teacher"s desk 讲桌 a map of China 一张中国地图 family tree 家谱 have a seat 坐下,就坐 this way 这边走 二. 日常用语 1. Come and meet my family. 2. Go and see. I think it"s Li Lei. 3. Glad to meet you. 4. What can you see in the picture? I can see a clock / some books. 5. Can you see an orange? Yes, I can. / No, I can"t. 6. Where"s Shenzhen? It"s near Hong Kong. 7. Let me see.(口语)让我想想看。 see 在这是"明白、懂了",不可译作"看见"。例如: 8. Please have a seat. seat表示"座位",是个名词。have a seat表示"就坐",也可以说take a seat, 和sit down的意思相同。 三. 语法 1. 名词所有格 名词如要表示与后面名词的所有关系,通常用名词所有格的形式,意为"……的"。一般有以下几种形式: (1). 一般情况下在词尾加""s"。例如: Kate"s father Kate的爸爸 my mother"s friend 我妈妈的朋友 (2). 如果复数名词以s结尾,只加"""。例如: Teachers" Day 教师节 The boys" game 男孩们的游戏 (3). 如果复数名词不以s结尾,仍加""s"。例如: Children"s Day 儿童节 Women"s Day 妇女节 (4). 表示两个或几个共有时,所有格应加在后一个名词上。例如: Lucy and Lily"s room Lucy 和Lily的房间 Kate and Jim"s father Kate 和Jim的爸爸 动物和无生命事物的名词的所有格一般不在词尾加""s",而常常用介词of的短语来表示。 a map of China 一幅中国地图 the name of her cat 她的猫的名字 a picture of my family 我的家庭的一张照片 the door of the bedroom 卧室的门 2. 祈使句 祈使句主要用来表示说话人的请求、命令、建议、叮嘱等意图。祈使句一般不用主语,读时用降调。为使语气委婉、礼貌,常在句首或句尾加please 。在句尾时,please前多用逗号。 (1). 祈使句肯定形式的谓语动词一律用动词原形。 Go and see. 去看看。 Come in, please. 请进。 (2). 祈使句的否定形式常用don"t于句首。 Don"t look at your books. 不要看书。 Don"t play on the road. 不要在马路上玩。 3. There be 的句子结构 There be是一个"存在"句型,表示"有"的意思, 肯定句的形式为:There be + 名词(单数或复数)+地点状语或时间状语。 be动词单复数的确定,看be后边第一个名词,当所接主语为单数或不可数名词时,be动词形式为is;当所接主语为复数名词时,be动词为are;当be动词后接两个以上主语时,be动词与最临近主语保持数上的一致。意思为"某地有某人或某物"。如: There is an eraser and two pens on the desk. 桌子上有一块橡皮和两支钢笔。 There are two pens and an eraser on the desk. 桌上有两支钢笔和一块橡皮。 (1)there be的否定句,即在be的后面加上not。 否定形式为:There be + not + (any) + 名词+地点状语。 There is not any cat in the room. 房间里没猫。 There aren"t any books on the desk. 桌子上没书。 (2)there be句型的疑问句就是将be提到句首:Be there + (any) +名词+地点状语?肯定回答:Yes, there is / are. 否定回答:No, there isn"t / aren"t. ---Is there a dog in the picture? 画上有一只狗吗? ---Yes, there is. 有。 ---Are there any boats in the river? 河里有船吗? ---No, there aren"t. 没有。 (3)特殊疑问句:How many . . . are there (+地点状语)?"某地有多少人或物?"回答用There be . . . There"s one. / There are two / three / some . . . 有时直接就用数字来回答。One. / Two . . . ---How many students are there in the classroom? 教室里有多少学生? ---There"s only one. / There are nine. 只有一个。/有九个。 (4)如果名词是不可数名词,用:How much + 不可数名词 + is there + 地点状语? How much water is there in the cup? 杯中有多少水? How much food is there in the bowl? 碗里有多少食物?
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