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译林英语七年级下册,第五课Amazing things 的语法点 不少于5点

2023-07-21 18:09:16
2:last Tuesday、month
3:this morning
4:in+过去年份、just now
5:the day before yesterday,。。。ago
词组:1.take photos拍照片
2.come back to回到
3.tell sb. about sth.告诉某人关于某事
4.learn about了解,关于 on the earth住在地球上


amazing things作文50

令人惊讶的事(Amazing Things) The world is full of amazing things. Today, I"m going to talk about something amazing. We have lots of things to do every day, so many of us will be tired after a busy day. They all choose sleeping to have a rest. But it"s surprising to know that sleeping can consume many calories. The energy consumed is even more than watching TV. If you want to have a good health, I think you can"t sleep too much. Do you like animals? There are a lot of surprising things they can do. Goldfish are lovely kind of fish. Most goldfish have quite a short life——only 6 to 7 years. Once, the goldfish called Freb had a very long life. It lived up to 41 years. It was the oldest goldfish in the world. Now, people take good care of the goldfish, and they can live more than 10 years. Animals are our friends, we should know more about them and give them a good home. Do you have any interesting stories about amazing things? If so, tell us. Let"s share them together.
2023-07-21 16:25:491

七年级作文:amazing things(100词)

2023-07-21 16:26:014


2023-07-21 16:26:271

英语作文 amazing things

Pigs are much more intelligent than what many people give them credit for! Professor Stanley Curtis and Dr. Sarah Boysen of Penn State University in a study found that pigs are much smarter than dogs. Pigs are capable of abstract representation and are able to hold an icon in mind and remember it at a later date. Pigs did better at video games than some primates. Pigs communicate constantly with one another and more tha 20 of their oinks have been identified for different situations, from wooing their mates to saying "I"m hungry". They have temperature preferences and can learn through trial and error how to turn on the heat in a cold barn and turn it off again when it is too warm. Pigs have even saved the lives of their owner by dragging her free from a muddy bog.
2023-07-21 16:26:372

以"amazing things"为题写一篇初一水平的英语作文70词左右

2023-07-21 16:26:472

英语短文Amazing things怎么写?

2023-07-21 16:26:552

帮偶写一篇关于Amazing things的英语小短文

Amazing Things You Might Not Know About Television The world"s first colour television transmission occurred in John Logie Bairds English studio back in 1928. This transmission showed some blue and red scarves and a UK policeman"s headgear. Also viewed was a mixed bunch of flowers, a gent poking his tongue out and the glowing end of a cigarette. The 1st TV commercial in history lasted twenty seconds and was for a product mass produced by a corporation called Bulova. This company also manufactured the 1st watch that went into space. The advert was seen in July 1941 and went out during a game being played by the Brooklyn Dodgers and the Philadelphia Phillies. The first toy ever advertised on tv was the "Mr potato head" product. He was brought to the focus of millions of American TV viewers and even now can be viewed in the ever popular "Toy story" animated adventures. Way back in 1950 only 10 percent of American households had a television in their possession. By 1960 this had changed to an unbeleivable 90 percent whilst in todays world it is ninety nine percent with 54 percent of American kids having one in their bedroom. Now more of us own tv"s than we do a phone. The highest known annual earnings for a TV actor were given to U.S. comedy star Jerry Seinfeld. He was paid an unbelievable $1000000 for each episode. The series lasted 8 years and although this fee came into play in about 1997 this still makes Jerry the highest paid TV actor so far. The highest ever fee paid to play a television add was $2,000,000 per 30 seconds of time. This was given by advertisers to show their adds during the very last U.S screening of the hit comedy show friends. The show was aired by American TV corporation NBC on May 6 2004 and lasted for a whole hour.
2023-07-21 16:27:043

急 ~~ 英语作文 amazing things

2023-07-21 16:27:295

谁有关于amazing things的小故事

The world is full of amazing things.Today,I"m going to talk about something amazing.We have lots of things to do every day,so many of us will be tired after a busy day.They all choose sleeping to have a rest.But it"s surprising to know that sleeping can consume many calories.The energy consumed is even more than watching TV.If you want to have a good health,I think you can"t sleep too much.Do you like animals?There are a lot of surprising things they can do.Goldfish are lovely kind of fish.Most goldfish have quite a short life——only 6 to 7 years.Once,the goldfish called Freb had a very long life.It lived up to 41 years.It was the oldest goldfish in the world.Now,people take good care of the goldfish,and they can live more than 10 years.Animals are our friends,we should know more about them and give them a good home.. Do you have any interesting stories about amazing things?If so,tell us.Let"s share the翻译:世界是充满了令人惊叹的事情.今天,我要谈谈惊人.我们有很多事情要做,每天我们如此多的国家将疲惫忙碌的一天之后.他们都选择了睡觉休息.但是,令人惊讶地知道,睡眠会消耗很多热量.能源消费量更是超过了看电视.如果你想有一个良好的健康,我想你不能入睡太多.你喜欢动物?有很多令人吃惊的事情可以做.金鱼是可爱的种鱼.最金鱼已相当短的生命-只有6至7年.曾几何时,金鱼要求Freb了很长的寿命.它辜负41年.这是最古老的金鱼在世界上.现在,人们照顾好金鱼,他们可以活10年以上.动物是我们的朋友,我们应该更多地了解他们,给他们一个良好的家园..你有什么有趣的故事,令人惊叹的事情?如果是这样的话,请告诉我们.让我们一起分享这些.
2023-07-21 16:27:452

amazing things at home为题写一篇作文?

The world is full of amazing things. Today, I"m going to talk about something amazing. We have lots of things to do every day, so many of us will be tired after a busy day. They all choose sleeping to have a rest. But it"s surprising to know that sleeping can consume many calories. The energy consumed is even more than watching TV. If you want to have a good health, I think you can"t sleep too much. Do you like animals? There are a lot of surprising things they can do. Goldfish are lovely kind of fish. Most goldfish have quite a short life——only 6 to 7 years. Once, the goldfish called Freb had a very long life. It lived up to 41 years. It was the oldest goldfish in the world. Now, people take good care of the goldfish, and they can live more than 10 years. Animals are our friends, we should know more about them and give them a good home.
2023-07-21 16:28:052

amazing things 英语

2023-07-21 16:28:212

有什么amazing things??

1.Goldfish can only remember things for three seconds. They don"t know what happened to them three seconds ago2.We eat about 27000 kilos of food during our lives . That"s the weight of about six eleplants.
2023-07-21 16:28:292

有什么amazing things

fish sleep with their eyes open
2023-07-21 16:28:362

英语amazing things手抄报 英语英语手抄报

覀5班英语手抄报作品欣赏my favourite thingsi love english秀小三年级五六班英语手抄报上线啦英语手抄报简单又漂亮手抄报黑板报零二七艺考覀5班英语手抄报作品欣赏my favourite things覀5班英语手抄报作品欣赏my favourite things手抄报英语手抄报图片简单又漂亮english 5068儿童网初二级部举行英语手抄报和思维导图展示活动覀5班英语手抄报作品欣赏my favourite thingsenglish newspaper英语手抄报图片资料手抄报图片手抄报内容暑假英语手抄报my favorite english song.优秀作品展一美的享受英语手抄报样板 英语手抄报图片内容amazing world手抄报 word手抄报school things 小学生英语手抄报作品欣赏英语手抄报 5068儿童网i love english秀小三年级五六班英语手抄报上线啦手抄报英语手抄报英语手抄报图片英语手抄报内容英语手抄报版面设计图
2023-07-21 16:28:421

课文“I have seen amazing things"全篇译文

我看到了奇妙的东西 我首先参观的是一个太空站,这个站被认为是太空中最现代化的地方。太空站像一个巨大的圆盘,在太空中缓缓的旋转,以仿照出地球地球中心的引力。太空站里展现出了31世纪一些最前沿的发明。有个导游带领我们站在一条移动的传送带上到处参观。 导游:从2008年来访的朋友们,早上好。首先我们将考察一种太空居民中最新的交流方式。再也没有打字员在打字机或电脑上工作!不需邮资或邮政编码!现在我们可以通过一个“思想簿”来发送信息。你把金属带放在头上,整理思路,按下发送按钮,刹那间信息就发出去了。它被存储在接收者的“思想簿”上。它快捷、高效而且环保。唯一的局限是如果它的使用者没有清晰的梳理他/她要发送的信息的话,一条模糊的信息就会被发送出去。但我们不能将使用者的这一过错归咎于工具本身,不是吗? 在导游解说之际,我看了看桌上这副被称为“思想簿”的小东西。它们看起来就像金属丝带。如此普通有如此神通广大!当我在观察它们的时候,小路又载着我们移动起来。 导游:女士们,先生们,现在我们到了“环境区”。人们过去常将废物收集在垃圾箱内。接下来垃圾会被掩埋或焚烧,对不对?(我们点头。)那么现在,有一种垃圾分解系统,采用了生态系统。一个巨形机器,总是贪得无厌的吞下所有可得到的垃圾。垃圾被转化为几种有用的垃圾。如用于耕地的“肥料”和用于沙漠的“土壤”。没有任何浪费,并且一切垃圾甚至像塑料袋也都可以循环利用。绝妙的创意,不是吗? 我目不转睛的看着这台转动的垃圾机器模型。被它的高效所吸引。但是我们又继续前进了。 导游:我们的第三站展示了发生在生产实践中的变化。制造业不再在地球上,而是在这样的太空站上进行。一组工程师设计的机器人在太空中执行任务。机器人生产货物,如药品、服装、家具、气垫车等等。没有浪费、污染,没有对环境的危害!然而,各公司不得不训练他们的代表来空间站生活、工作。他们得监控这些机器人及其生产。当货物生产出来,他们被工业宇宙飞船运回至地球。 我的思绪开始游移起来。我能做些什么工作呢?当我想到未来世界的美好前景时,我产生了更浓厚的兴趣。
2023-07-21 16:28:501

an amazing thing作文 70 字

the world is full of amazing things. today, i"m going to talk about something amazing. we have lots of things to do every day, so many of us will be tired after a busy day. they all choose sleeping to have a rest. but it"s surprising to know that sleeping can consume many calories. the energy consumed is even more than watching tv. if you want to have a good health, i think you can"t sleep too much. do you like animals? there are a lot of surprising things they can do. goldfish are lovely kind of fish. most goldfish have quite a short life——only 6 to 7 years. once, the goldfish called freb had a very long life. it lived up to 41 years. it was the oldest goldfish in the world. now, people take good care of the goldfish, and they can live more than 10 years. animals are our friends, we should know more about them and give them a good home. do you have any interesting stories about amazing things? if so, tell us. let"s share them together.
2023-07-21 16:29:002

急需关于amazing things的文章!!要短文

Pigs are more intelligent than dogs! 猪比狗还要聪明! Pigs are much more intelligent than what many people give them credit for! Professor Stanley Curtis and Dr. Sarah Boysen of Penn State University in a study found that pigs are much smarter than dogs. Pigs are capable of abstract representation and are able to hold an icon in mind and remember it at a later date. Pigs did better at video games than some primates. Pigs communicate constantly with one another and more tha 20 of their oinks have been identified for different situations, from wooing their mates to saying "I"m hungry". They have temperature preferences and can learn through trial and error how to turn on the heat in a cold barn and turn it off again when it is too warm. Pigs have even saved the lives of their owner by dragging her free from a muddy bog.
2023-07-21 16:29:072

关于Amazing things的故事,急用,谢谢

The world is full of amazing things. Today, I"m going to talk about something amazing. We have lots of things to do every day, so many of us will be tired after a busy day. They all choose sleeping to have a rest. But it"s surprising to know that sleeping can consume many calories. The energy consumed is even more than watching TV. If you want to have a good health, I think you can"t sleep too much. Do you like animals? There are a lot of surprising things they can do. Goldfish are lovely kind of fish. Most goldfish have quite a short life——only 6 to 7 years. Once, the goldfish called Freb had a very long life. It lived up to 41 years. It was the oldest goldfish in the world. Now, people take good care of the goldfish, and they can live more than 10 years. Animals are our friends, we should know more about them and give them a good home. . Do you have any interesting stories about amazing things? If so, tell us. Let"s share the翻译:世界是充满了令人惊叹的事情。今天,我要谈谈惊人。 我们有很多事情要做,每天我们如此多的国家将疲惫忙碌的一天之后。他们都选择了睡觉休息。但是,令人惊讶地知道,睡眠会消耗很多热量。能源消费量更是超过了看电视。如果你想有一个良好的健康,我想你不能入睡太多。 你喜欢动物?有很多令人吃惊的事情可以做。金鱼是可爱的种鱼。最金鱼已相当短的生命-只有6至7年。曾几何时,金鱼要求Freb了很长的寿命。它辜负41年。这是最古老的金鱼在世界上。现在,人们照顾好金鱼,他们可以活10年以上。 动物是我们的朋友,我们应该更多地了解他们,给他们一个良好的家园。 。 你有什么有趣的故事,令人惊叹的事情?如果是这样的话,请告诉我们。让我们一起分享这些。望采纳~~~
2023-07-21 16:29:561

关于Amazing things

2023-07-21 16:30:152

急!!!!!!!!!关于AMAZING THINGS的资料

Elephant are the biggest living animals on land.They can eat 100 to 1000 pounds of grass in a day.They can live 60-70 years.There are no bones in the back of elephants" feet.Is it amazing?Elephants walk on tiptoe,they can walk in the mud easily.Elephants are big but they can move quietly.Pigs are much more intelligent than what many people give them credit for! Professor Stanley Curtis and Dr. Sarah Boysen of Penn State University in a study found that pigs are much smarter than dogs. Pigs are capable of abstract representation and are able to hold an icon in mind and remember it at a later date. Pigs did better at video games than some primates. Pigs communicate constantly with one another and more tha 20 of their oinks have been identified for different situations, from wooing their mates to saying "I"m hungry". They have temperature preferences and can learn through trial and error how to turn on the heat in a cold barn and turn it off again when it is too warm. Pigs have even saved the lives of their owner by dragging her free from a muddy bog.Are the amazing?
2023-07-21 16:30:234

amazing things素材

Elephant are the biggest living animals on land.They can eat 100 to 1000 pounds of grass in a day.They can live 60-70 years.There are no bones in the back of elephants\" feet.Is it amazing?Elephants walk on tiptoe,they can walk in the mud easily.Elephants are big but they can move quietly.They grow large teeth,we call them \"tusk\". 1,Assuming that all the offspring survived,190,000,000,000,000,000,000 flies could be produced in four months by the offspring of a single pair of flies. 假定其所有后代都能成活,一对苍蝇在4个月内可繁殖出1,900 亿亿只苍蝇来. 2,Honey is the only food that does not spoil. Honey found in the tombs of Egyptian pharaoh-s has been tasted by archaeologists and found edible. 蜂蜜是唯一不会坏的食物.考古学家尝了在埃及法老坟墓中的蜂蜜,发现仍能食用.
2023-07-21 16:30:321


2023-07-21 16:30:392

关于Amazing things

Amazing Things You Might Not Know About Television The world"s first colour television transmission occurred in John Logie Bairds English studio back in 1928. This transmission showed some blue and red scarves and a UK policeman"s headgear. Also viewed was a mixed bunch of flowers, a gent poking his tongue out and the glowing end of a cigarette. The 1st TV commercial in history lasted twenty seconds and was for a product mass produced by a corporation called Bulova. This company also manufactured the 1st watch that went into space. The advert was seen in July 1941 and went out during a game being played by the Brooklyn Dodgers and the Philadelphia Phillies. The first toy ever advertised on tv was the "Mr potato head" product. He was brought to the focus of millions of American TV viewers and even now can be viewed in the ever popular "Toy story" animated adventures. Way back in 1950 only 10 percent of American households had a television in their possession. By 1960 this had changed to an unbeleivable 90 percent whilst in todays world it is ninety nine percent with 54 percent of American kids having one in their bedroom. Now more of us own tv"s than we do a phone. The highest known annual earnings for a TV actor were given to U.S. comedy star Jerry Seinfeld. He was paid an unbelievable $1000000 for each episode. The series lasted 8 years and although this fee came into play in about 1997 this still makes Jerry the highest paid TV actor so far. The highest ever fee paid to play a television add was $2,000,000 per 30 seconds of time. This was given by advertisers to show their adds during the very last U.S screening of the hit comedy show friends. The show was aired by American TV corporation NBC on May 6 2004 and lasted for a whole hour.
2023-07-21 16:30:471

谁能翻译这一篇amazing things

2023-07-21 16:30:543

初一英语作文关于amazing things

Amazing ThingsThe world is full of amazing things. Today, I"m going to talk about something amazing. We have lots of things to do every day, so many of us will be tired after a busy day. They all choose sleeping to have a rest. But it"s surprising to know that sleeping can consume many calories. The energy consumed is even more than watching TV. If you want to have a good health, I think you can"t sleep too much. Do you like animals? There are a lot of surprising things they can do. Goldfish are lovely kind of fish. Most goldfish have quite a short life——only 6 to 7 years. Once, the goldfish called Freb had a very long life. It lived up to 41 years. It was the oldest goldfish in the world. Now, people take good care of the goldfish, and they can live more than 10 years. Animals are our friends, we should know more about them and give them a good home.
2023-07-21 16:31:041

amazing things作文

Amazing Things You Might Not Know About Television The world"s first colour television tr back in 1928. it showed some blue and red scarves and a UK policeman"s headgear.The 1st TV commercial in history lasted twenty seconds and was for a product mass produced by a corporation called Bulova. This company also manufactured the 1st watch that went into space. The advert was seen in July 1941 and went out during a game being played by the Brooklyn Dodgers and the Philadelphia Phillies. The first toy ever advertised on tv was the "Mr potato head" product. He was brought to the focus of millions of American TV viewers and even now can be viewed in the ever popular "Toy story" animated adventures.
2023-07-21 16:31:131

amazing things 文章

The world"s first colour television transmission occurred in John Logie Bairds English studio back in 1928. This transmission showed some blue and red scarves and a UK policeman"s headgear. Also viewed was a mixed bunch of flowers, a gent poking his tongue out and the glowing end of a cigarette.
2023-07-21 16:31:202

初一 英语 明天要考试英语初一下第四单元amazing things 请详细解答,谢谢! (16 19:34:15)

1. What a __________(love) present you have! 2. Very ___________(quiet), he opened the door for the dog. 3. I think my room is cleaner than _________(she). 4. “What shall I do?” he said to ___________(he). 5. We are __________ in the ___________ books now.(interest) 6. Air is so important for us. We canu2019t live ____________(with) it. 7. She often makes a lot of mistakes. She is not __________ (care) at all. 8. A monkey can use __________(it) tail to hang down from the tree. 9. Millie was ___________(surprise) to hear the _________(amaze) news. 10. My father told me a _________(fun) story and laughed a lot. 11. She was busy _________(chat) with her friend. 12. Beijing is one of the ____________(big) __________(city) in China. 13. We were all __________ to hear the _________ news. (excite) 14. His father _________ last year. His __________ made his family very sad.(die) 15. The poor dog is ________(die) soon. Look! Thereu2019s a __________(die) dog _________(lie) on the ground.
2023-07-21 16:31:292

我们英语老师让我们收集Amazing things(令人惊奇的事)。请各位给,英语和汉语都要、急~~~

1.Snacks smell things with their tongues.2.A snail can sleep without eating for three yeas.3.A man in Mexico was 560 kilos heavy.4.The biggest book has 60.3 kilos.5.A snack can eat an animal which is larger than itseif.6.Pigs are smart than dogs.7.Dolphins sleep with their one eye open .海豚 够吗?
2023-07-21 16:31:472

令人吃惊的事:amazing things

oh my goodness,Lebron James"s dunk are amazing!What a spectacular dunk!
2023-07-21 16:31:552

以Amazing things为题写篇作文。。60字!

Amazing thingseverytime that someting happened aroud us,unbelievable things,amazing things.I heard a things that a man in Henan loved eating glass as snacks since he got the ill at the years of ten.It is hard to imagine how he did it.He kept doing that for many years and died at the age of 75.Amazings always happen in the perseverance of people,Just do what you like,amazing one day will come to you 我语法老错 你看着自己改改
2023-07-21 16:32:051

I read an interesting book last Sunday. It _______ there’re lots of amazing things in the world.

2023-07-21 16:32:122

关于Amazing things的事,有翻译的,谢谢

Elephant are the biggest living animals on land.They can eat 100 to 1000 pounds of grass in a day.They can live 60-70 years.There are no bones in the back of elephants" feet.Is it amazing?Elephants walk on tiptoe,they can walk in the mud easily.Elephants are big but they can move quietly.They grow large teeth,we call them "tusk".
2023-07-21 16:32:191

amazing things的事

2023-07-21 16:32:262

求一篇有关动物的amazing things的英语作文

Amazing animals Animals are interesting,like the blue whale,the orangutan,the roach,and many more.First we will take about the blue whale.The blue whale is the largest creature ever lived on earth.It can weigh up to 170 pounds,and it"s largest blood vessels can easily let a grown up human swim in it.The orangutan is interesting too.It is said that about 50 percent of orangutans have broken bones,because they kept on falling off trees.And the roach,there"s some very interesting facts about it.It can live without it"s head for nine days!How interesting!够不够?说了三样动物:蓝鲸,猩猩,和蟑螂.
2023-07-21 16:32:351

请以"Amazing things"为题写一篇70左右的文章

Pigs are much more intelligent than what many people give them credit for! Professor Stanley Curtis and Dr. Sarah Boysen of Penn State University in a study found that pigs are much smarter than dogs. Pigs are capable of abstract representation and are able to hold an icon in mind and remember it at a later date. Pigs did better at video games than some primates. Pigs communicate constantly with one another and more tha 20 of their oinks have been identified for different situations, from wooing their mates to saying "I"m hungry". They have temperature preferences and can learn through trial and error how to turn on the heat in a cold barn and turn it off again when it is too warm. Pigs have even saved the lives of their owner by dragging her free from a muddy bog.
2023-07-21 16:32:431

急 英语作文 amazing things 不要太长 简单一点就可以了

"Amazing Things"In a world full of wonders and marvels, there are countless amazing things that captivate our imagination and leave us in awe. From the majestic beauty of nature to the extraordinary feats of human ingenuity, the possibilities for amazement are endless. Let us embark on a journey to explore some of the most incredible and inspiring phenomena that make our world a truly remarkable place.One of the most astounding natural wonders is the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Stretching over 2,300 kilometers, it is the largest coral reef system on Earth. Its vibrant colors and intricate coral formations create an underwater paradise, teeming with an abundance of marine life. Snorkeling or diving in these crystal-clear waters allows you to witness the kaleidoscope of colors, as tropical fish, turtles, and dolphins swim gracefully around you. It serves as a stark reminder of the incredible biodiversity our planet holds.Moving from the depths of the ocean to the heights of the sky, we encounter the mesmerizing Northern Lights, also known as the Aurora Borealis. These ethereal light displays occur in the polar regions and are caused by the interaction between charged particles from the sun and the Earth"s magnetic field. The result is a spectacular dance of swirling colors, with vibrant greens, blues, and purples illuminating the night sky. Witnessing this celestial phenomenon is a truly awe-inspiring experience that leaves onlookers spellbound.Shifting our focus to the realm of human achievements, the Great Wall of China stands as a testament to human ingenuity and perseverance. Spanning over 21,000 kilometers, it is one of the most remarkable architectural marvels ever constructed. Built over centuries, the wall served as a formidable defense system and a symbol of China"s rich history and culture. Walking along its ancient pathways, one can"t help but marvel at the sheer scale and complexity of this engineering feat.In the world of technology, the advent of the internet has revolutionized the way we connect and share information. With just a few clicks, we can access a vast repository of knowledge, connect with people from different corners of the globe, and explore diverse cultures and perspectives. This incredible network has brought about tremendous advancements in fields such as medicine, education, and communication, transforming the world in ways unimaginable just a few decades ago.The resilience and indomitable spirit of the human race are evident in the face of adversity. From stories of individuals overcoming personal challenges to collective efforts in times of crisis, we witness acts of heroism and selflessness that inspire us all. Whether it"s the dedication of healthcare workers saving lives, the bravery of firefighters battling raging infernos, or the kindness of strangers lending a helping hand, these acts of compassion and courage remind us of the incredible potential we possess as humans.In conclusion, our world is filled with amazing things that spark wonder and ignite our curiosity. From the awe-inspiring wonders of nature to the remarkable achievements of humanity, we are surrounded by a tapestry of marvels. Let us cherish and protect these amazing things, for they remind us of the beauty and boundless possibilities that exist within our world.Regenerate response
2023-07-21 16:33:122

Amazing Things 歌词

歌曲名:Amazing Things歌手:Runrig专辑:Amazing ThingsAmazing ThingsSarah BlaskoWhat The Sea Wants, The Sea Will HaveFallen like a soldier, tragically you are at warYou think youre notCaught within a fragment of yourselfDo you think youre something you are not?You look like a loverYou feel like a nervous wreckIt cuts in the nightIt hurts like an oversightYou long to feel the most amazing thingsBut youre come undone cause you have held it inYour eyes have seen the most amazing thingsFalling like a rock into an oceanThere is something you forgotOnly you decided that you had to go and fightUntil you lostYou look like a fighterYou couldnt recognise yourselfNow youre cursing the nightYoure watching the seconds dieYou long to feel the most amazing thingsBut yove come undone cause you have held it inAnd your eyes have seen the most amazing thingsAnd this love you fear is such a precious thingTonightTonightTonightTonightYou long to feel the most amazing thingsBut youre come undone cause you have held it inAnd your eyes have seen the most amazing thingsAnd soAnd so
2023-07-21 16:33:191

amazing things(100词)

The world is full of amazing things.Today,I"m going to talk about something amazing. We have lots of things to do every day,so many of us will be tired after a busy day.They all choose sleeping to have a rest.But it"s surprising to know that sleeping can consume many calories.The energy consumed is even more than watching TV.If you want to have a good health,I think you can"t sleep too much. Do you like animals?There are a lot of surprising things they can do.Goldfish are lovely kind of fish.Most goldfish have quite a short life——only 6 to 7 years.Once,the goldfish called Freb had a very long life.It lived up to 41 years.It was the oldest goldfish in the world.Now,people take good care of the goldfish,and they can live more than 10 years. Animals are our friends,we should know more about them and give them a good home. Do you have any interesting stories about amazing things?If so,tell us.Let"s share them together.
2023-07-21 16:33:261

Amazing Things 歌词

歌曲名:Amazing Things歌手:Sarah Blasko专辑:What The Sea Wants, The Sea Will HaveAmazing ThingsSarah BlaskoWhat The Sea Wants, The Sea Will HaveFallen like a soldier, tragically you are at warYou think youre notCaught within a fragment of yourselfDo you think youre something you are not?You look like a loverYou feel like a nervous wreckIt cuts in the nightIt hurts like an oversightYou long to feel the most amazing thingsBut youre come undone cause you have held it inYour eyes have seen the most amazing thingsFalling like a rock into an oceanThere is something you forgotOnly you decided that you had to go and fightUntil you lostYou look like a fighterYou couldnt recognise yourselfNow youre cursing the nightYoure watching the seconds dieYou long to feel the most amazing thingsBut yove come undone cause you have held it inAnd your eyes have seen the most amazing thingsAnd this love you fear is such a precious thingTonightTonightTonightTonightYou long to feel the most amazing thingsBut youre come undone cause you have held it inAnd your eyes have seen the most amazing thingsAnd soAnd so
2023-07-21 16:33:331

Amazing things素材(要闻所未闻的)

Assuming that all the offspring survived,190,000,000,000,000,000,000 flies could be produced in four months by the offspring of a single pair of flies. 假定其所有后代都能成活,一对苍蝇在4个月内可繁殖出1,900 亿亿只苍蝇来Pigs are more intelligent than dogs! 猪比狗还要聪明! Honey is the only food that does not spoil. Honey found in the tombs of Egyptian pharaoh-s has been tasted by archaeologists and found edible. 蜂蜜是唯一不会坏的食物.考古学家尝了在埃及法老坟墓中的蜂蜜,发现仍能食用.
2023-07-21 16:33:432

请问谁有关于amazing things的小故事?越多越好,最好还有翻译,字数不限!

The world is full of amazing things.Today,I"m going to talk about something amazing.We have lots of things to do every day,so many of us will be tired after a busy day.They all choose sleeping to have...
2023-07-21 16:33:491

amazing things

You will do Amazing Things With the choice each new day brings And with every step you take Bless the progress that you make The reason you live Is found in every gift you give Love your life – love your dreams You will do Amazing Things Amazing…Amazing… you will do Amazing Things Amazing…Amazing…you will do Amazing Things Oh the places you will go And the people you will know Don"t worry when or where or how You don"t have to know right now You"re on the right track No need to look ahead or back Just enjoy what this day brings You will do Amazing Things Amazing…Amazing…You will do Amazing Things You don"t have to work it out Just stay in the here and now Let your mind rest for a little while Sometimes deepest answers come When you"re out there having fun So close your eyes and take a breath and smile Amazing…Amazing… you will do Amazing things You"re here to do Amazing Things 2、Pigs are more intelligent than dogs! 猪比狗还要聪明! Pigs are much more intelligent than what many people give them credit for! Professor Stanley Curtis and Dr. Sarah Boysen of Penn State University in a study found that pigs are much smarter than dogs. Pigs are capable of abstract representation and are able to hold an icon in mind and remember it at a later date. Pigs did better at video games than some primates. Pigs communicate constantly with one another and more tha 20 of their oinks have been identified for different situations, from wooing their mates to saying "I"m hungry". They have temperature preferences and can learn through trial and error how to turn on the heat in a cold barn and turn it off again when it is too warm. Pigs have even saved the lives of their owner by dragging her free from a muddy bog.
2023-07-21 16:34:003

初一水平,英语作文 :Amazing things

In the beauty of nature, there are many lovely animals, animal, and I like most elephants. An elephant"s very large, even lions and tigers are afraid of it. Its limbs heavy, slow, but it runs up long nose, then it can be something heavy lift, the ear shout, like two huge stalk, fan but cool, elephant leg like four pillars and long tail of a bit rough, and like a thick rope. Elephants can be interesting when sleeping, it is sleep standing up, this is because of its nose very delicate. It"s like worms fear into the nostrils etc, therefore, when it when sleeping, and always put the nose for high, sometimes simply put the nose gently with. Elephants eat, first off a string from the tree, and then put the banana yellow in your mouth, slowly. Strange is: elephants are noses, how I wished to drink water at once an elephant! like elephants, more like nature, I hope to remain forever in the nature of beauty in the world. 在美丽的大自然里,有许多可爱的小动物和大动物,其中,我最喜欢大象。  大象的体形非常巨大,连狮子和老虎也怕它。它四肢笨重,跑起来很慢,可它鼻子很长,再重的东西它都能举起来,那宽大的耳杂,好似两把巨大的蒲扇,扇起来可凉快了,大象的腿像四支又长又大的柱子,尾巴有点粗,像条粗大的绳子。  大象睡觉时可有趣了,它是站着睡觉的,这是由于它的鼻子十分娇嫩的缘故。它最怕蚊蝇等小虫子钻进鼻孔里,因此,当它睡觉时,总是把鼻子举得高高的,有时索性把鼻子轻轻地含着。大象吃东西时,先从树上摘下一串金黄色的香蕉,然后放到嘴巴里,慢慢享用。奇怪的是:大象却能用鼻子喝水,我多么想亲眼看一次大象喝水呀!  我喜欢大象,更喜欢大自然,我希望大自然能永远留在这个好美的世界上。
2023-07-21 16:34:241

帮忙写一篇初一的英语作文 题目为Amazing things

The world is full of amazing things. Today, I"m going to talk about something amazing. We have lots of things to do every day, so many of us will be tired after a busy day. They all choose sleeping to have a rest. But it"s surprising to know that sleeping can consume many calories. The energy consumed is even more than watching TV. If you want to have a good health, I think you can"t sleep too much. Do you like animals? There are a lot of surprising things they can do. Goldfish are lovely kind of fish. Most goldfish have quite a short life——only 6 to 7 years. Once, the goldfish called Freb had a very long life. It lived up to 41 years. It was the oldest goldfish in the world. Now, people take good care of the goldfish, and they can live more than 10 years. Animals are our friends, we should know more about them and give them a good home. . Do you have any interesting stories about amazing things? If so, tell us. Let"s share the 翻译:世界是充满了令人惊叹的事情.今天,我要谈谈惊人. 我们有很多事情要做,每天我们如此多的国家将疲惫忙碌的一天之后.他们都选择了睡觉休息.但是,令人惊讶地知道,睡眠会消耗很多热量.能源消费量更是超过了看电视.如果你想有一个良好的健康,我想你不能入睡太多. 你喜欢动物?有很多令人吃惊的事情可以做.金鱼是可爱的种鱼.最金鱼已相当短的生命-只有6至7年.曾几何时,金鱼要求Freb了很长的寿命.它辜负41年.这是最古老的金鱼在世界上.现在,人们照顾好金鱼,他们可以活10年以上. 动物是我们的朋友,我们应该更多地了解他们,给他们一个良好的家园. . 你有什么有趣的故事,令人惊叹的事情?如果是这样的话,请告诉我们.让我们一起分享这些.
2023-07-21 16:34:441

有什么amazing things? 英文,不用多,4-6行够了,两件! 是自然世界中的!

1,Assuming that all the offspring survived,190,000,000,000,000,000,000 flies could be produced in four months by the offspring of a single pair of flies.假定其所有后代都能成活,一对苍蝇在4个月内可繁殖出1,900 亿亿只苍蝇来. 2,Honey is the only food that does not spoil.Honey found in the tombs of Egyptian pharaoh-s has been tasted by archaeologists and found edible.蜂蜜是唯一不会坏的食物.考古学家尝了在埃及法老坟墓中的蜂蜜,发现仍能食用.
2023-07-21 16:34:501

翻译高二英语必修5,22页课文:I have seen amazing things

2023-07-21 16:35:015

有什么amazing things? 英文,不用多,4-6行够了,两件! 是自然世界中的!

1,Assuming that all the offspring survived,190,000,000,000,000,000,000 flies could be produced in four months by the offspring of a single pair of flies.假定其所有后代都能成活,一对苍蝇在4个月内可繁殖出1,900 亿亿只苍蝇来. 2,Honey is the only food that does not spoil.Honey found in the tombs of Egyptian pharaoh-s has been tasted by archaeologists and found edible.蜂蜜是唯一不会坏的食物.考古学家尝了在埃及法老坟墓中的蜂蜜,发现仍能食用.
2023-07-21 16:35:171

Some amazing things.要有中文翻译

Pigs are more intelligent than dogs!猪比狗还要聪明! Assuming that all the offspring survived,190,000,000,000,000,000,000 flies could be produced in four months by the offspring of a single pair of flies.假定其所有后代都能成活,一对苍蝇在4个月内可繁殖出1,900 亿亿只苍蝇来. Honey is the only food that does not spoil.Honey found in the tombs of Egyptian pharaoh-s has been tasted by archaeologists and found edible.蜂蜜是唯一不会坏的食物.考古学家尝了在埃及法老坟墓中的蜂蜜,发现仍能食用.
2023-07-21 16:35:241

我们英语老师让我们收集Amazing things(令人惊奇的事).英语和汉语都要、急~

1、Amazing Things You will do Amazing Things With the choice each new day brings And with every step you take Bless the progress that you make The reason you live Is found in every gift you give Love your life – love your dreams You will do Amazing Things Amazing…Amazing… you will do Amazing Things Amazing…Amazing…you will do Amazing Things Oh the places you will go And the people you will know Don"t worry when or where or how You don"t have to know right now You"re on the right track No need to look ahead or back Just enjoy what this day brings You will do Amazing Things Amazing…Amazing…You will do Amazing Things You don"t have to work it out Just stay in the here and now Let your mind rest for a little while Sometimes deepest answers come When you"re out there having fun So close your eyes and take a breath and smile Amazing…Amazing… you will do Amazing things You"re here to do Amazing Things 2、Pigs are more intelligent than dogs! 猪比狗还要聪明! Pigs are much more intelligent than what many people give them credit for! Professor Stanley Curtis and Dr. Sarah Boysen of Penn State University in a study found that pigs are much smarter than dogs. Pigs are capable of abstract representation and are able to hold an icon in mind and remember it at a later date. Pigs did better at video games than some primates. Pigs communicate constantly with one another and more tha 20 of their oinks have been identified for different situations, from wooing their mates to saying "I"m hungry". They have temperature preferences and can learn through trial and error how to turn on the heat in a cold barn and turn it off again when it is too warm. Pigs have even saved the lives of their owner by dragging her free from a muddy bog. 请采纳~谢谢
2023-07-21 16:35:301