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这么难的 没分谁回答

请问 这两句话中,语法小问题。谢谢

1,2, wrong就是宾补N词,错事3. did和do重复了,应该改成Do i have anything wrong?


巧记各国人复数口诀 中日不变,英、法变(a变e),其余s加后面。 (Chinese与Japanese单复数同形,Englishman和Frenchman变复数时把a变成e;其他各国人变复数时全都在词尾加-s) 巧记-f(e)结尾的名词复数 妻子(wife)持刀(knife)去宰狼(wolf),小偷(thief)吓得发了慌;躲在架(shelf)后保己(self)命(life),半(half)片树叶(leaf)遮目光。 这9个名词变复数时,都要改-f(e)为v,再加-es,其他的以-f(e)结尾的名词则直接加-s变复数。 规则动词过去式构成方法口诀 过去式构成有方法,一般词尾把-ed加。 如果词尾有个e,直接加d就可以。 “辅音字母+y”在词尾,变y为i加ed。 “一辅重闭”作尾巴,双写之后-ed加。 过去式之歌 标准过去式加-ed,少量不规则分别记, am和is对was,二人称复数are变were, have和has用had,do和does变did。 现在分词构成口诀 现在分词用途多,进行时态不可缺。 它的构成很好记,动词后缀ing。 词尾若有哑音e,去e再加没问题。 一辅重读闭音节,这个字母要双写。 还有一点要注意,改ie为y再加ing。 祈使句用法 祈使句,祈使句,请求、命令或建议。 主语是you常省去,动词原形开头记。 否定形式要注意,句首要把Don"t加。 要讲客气用please,句首句末没关系。 比较等级变化规律口诀 比较级要变化,一般词尾加-er。 词尾若有哑音e,直接加r就可以。 重读闭音节,单个辅音字母要双写。 辅音字母加y,要把y改i。 最高级加-est,前面加the莫忘记。 形容词若是多音节,只把more, most前面写。 比较等级口诀 比较等级三兄弟,so, as, very跟原级; than, a little和much,一前二后比较级; 碰上“老鹰(in)”或“饿虎(of)”,定与它们见高低。 need用法歌诀 ·实义动词表“需要”,后接名代、不定式。 need后接动名词,主动形式被动意思。 ·情态动词表“需要”,没有时态数人称。 身后直接跟动词,多用于疑问和否定。 ·名词need表“需要”,初中用得比较少。 need词性共三种,用时千万要慎重。 巧记enough在句中的位置 修饰名词很自由,可以置前也可后。 若是修饰形或副,一定后置要记住。 一般将来时用法歌诀 一般将来时,将要发生事。 谓语不一般,will加动原(动词原形)。 要变疑问句,will放在主语前。 否定句,也不难,will后面not添。 过去进行时用法歌诀 主语在句首,was, were跟其后, 现在分词跟着走,其他成分不可丢。 表示过去动作正进行, 句中应有过去时间点。 一般问句,把be提句前, 否定句式也简单,be后只把not添。 英语语法口诀 秋意无限 发表于2009年09月12日 10:34 阅读(1) 评论(0) 分类: 个人日记 举报 语法中有些动词跟不定式作宾语补足语时省去了to,其中诀是:一感二听三让四观看。 一感:feel 二听:hear、listen to 三让:let、have、make 四观看:observe、see、watch、look at some time , sometime , sometimes , 和 some times 的用法口诀 分开“一段时间”, some time表示“一段时间”; 相聚“在某一时”,sometime表示“在某一时”; “有时”相聚加s,sometimes表示“有时,不时”; “几次”分开带s,some times表示“几次,次数”。 直引若是一般问,变间 if , whether 连。语序变为陈述式,时态人称相应变。 直引若是特殊问,疑问词连接记心间。其余问题挺简单,一切只当一般问。 直引若是祈使句,谓语动词挺要紧. told ; asked ; ordered , 根据口气来选定 。告诉人、请人、 命令人 , 后跟to do sth.。若是否定祈使句,not to do后边行。 die of , die by , die from 的用法口诀 die of,die of,饥老病冷毒。 君可见die by,弱伤劳过度。 浮生真若梦,一刀便成空。 (注:“浮若梦”即from;“一刀便成空”指死于意外。 只能接-ing分词作宾语的动词: 建议冒险去献身,忍受期待不停顿; 放弃延期悔失去,坚持欣赏实践成; 注意原谅避反对,考虑要求不自禁; 允许习惯不介意,价值开始想动名。 如:建议:advise,suggest,冒险:risk,献身:devote oneself to 定冠词用法小结口诀 1.有水无湖:海、洋、海湾、河等,都用the;单个湖不用the,(但多个湖用the); the Red Sea,the Pacific Ocean,the Persian Gulf, the Yangtze River The Great Lakes(五大湖);Lake Erie(伊利湖) 2.有球无星:地球,月亮用the;行星不用the: Mars,Venus; 3.有山无峰:The Huangshan Mountains(黄山);Mount Everest(珠穆朗玛峰); Mount(or Mt.) Tai(泰山). 4.有独无欧(偶):独一无二的,the earth,the moon,the sun用the; 欧洲等七大洲不用the. Europe,Africa,Asia,North America,South America,Antarctica,Oceania 5.有(足)族无球(运动):种族用the:the Indians(印第安人);球类运动 baseball,basketball 6.有文无章:历史性的文件用the;小说等的章节不用the The Constitution(宪法); chapter one 7.学而不专:学校放在词组的前面时用the;专有名词放在词组的前面时不用the; The University of Fudan; Fudan University 倒装口诀 副词开头要例装,人称代词则如常。 only修饰副介状,位于句首半倒装。 否定意义副连词,“既不…也不”须倒装。 表语前置主语长,衔接自然常倒装。 such代词做表语,引起主谓要倒装。 Not only开头句,前一分句须倒装。 had,were,should虚拟句,省略if半倒装。 省略口诀: 回答问题要简洁,并列重复须省略。 祁使主语必省略,比较than后须省略。 宾从表从that省略,主从that勿省略。 前后出现同一词,惯用习语常省略。 名词前修饰语的顺序: 定会长大成壮年,红区才用站前排. 定,指限定词;会,指描绘性的形容词;长,指长短;大,指大小;壮,指形状;年,指新旧;区, 指地区;才,指材料;用,指用途;站前排,即依次排列。 be 的用法口诀 我用am,你用are,is连着他,她,它; 单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。 变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。 变否定,更容易,be后not莫忘记。 疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑。 时间名词前所用介词的速记歌 年月周前要用in,日子前面却不行。 遇到几号要用on,上午下午又是in。 要说某日上下午,用on换in才能行。 午夜黄昏须用at,黎明用它也不错。 at也用在明分前,说“差”可要用上to, 说“过”只可使用past,多说多练牢牢记, 莫让岁月空蹉跎。 非谓语动词的一些特殊用法后只接不定式作宾语的一些常用特殊谓语动词 动词后,不定式,want, hope和wish, agree, decide, mean, manage, promise, expect, pretend,且说两位算在此, 要记牢,要记住,掌握它们靠自己。 分词做定语的位置及其它 “定分”位置有二条,词前词后定分晓。 单个分词在词前,有时此规有颠倒。 分词短语在词后,“定从”和它互对照。 “现分”动作进行时,“过分”动作完成了。 (注:“定分”:做定语的分词;“定从”:定语从句;“现分”:现在分词;“过分”:过去分词。) 分词做状语在句子中所表示的意义 分词做状语,概有七意义。“ 时间”和“原因”,“结果”与“目的”。 “方式”加“伴随”,“条件”常出席。 且谈其主语,谓语头前的*。 欲要记住它,必须常练习。(*指句子的主语) 独立主格结构 独立结构要认清:名、代之后副或形。 或是分词或“介短”,with结构不可轻, 名代二词是其“主”,句子结构必分明。 独立结构好掌握 句中作用只一个: 千变万化皆做“状”,其中意义也不多。 “时间”“条件”和“原因”,“方式”“伴随”没别的。 “状从”和其前三个,可以互变不难学 英语分数巧记 英语分数不费事,“母序子基”四个字。 分子若是大于一,分母还须加-s 巧记英文信封的写法 A.可以记住汉字“尖”字,先写小地名,再写大地名。 B.将竖式汉文写法的信封,按顺时针方向旋至水平位置。这样,地址的排列顺序恰巧是英文信封的书写格式。 巧记lie和lay 躺 lie,lay,lain, Lie in bed again; 撒谎 lie,lied,lied, Don"t be a liar; 产蛋 lay,laid,laid, A hen laid an egg; 放置 A loy picked it up,and laid it in the bag 基数词变序数词歌 基变序,有规律 词尾加上-ed(fourth,sixth) 一、二、三,特殊例, 结尾字母t,d,d(first,second,third) 八去t,九去e,(eighth,ninth) ve要用 f替;(fifth,twelfth) ty将y改成i, th前面有个e。 若是碰到几十几, 前用基来后用序。 巧记以-o结尾加-es的词 A.“两人两菜”(hero,negro,potato,tomato) B.一句话 Negroes and heroes like to eat potatoes and tomatoes C。有生命的加Es,无生命的加-s. 加-ing要双写的常见动词 一个m,两个d和g (swim) (nod,rid) (dig,beg) 三n,四p,十个t (run,win,begin) (dip,drop,mop,stop) (sit,hit,fit,set,get,let,put,regret,forget,pat) (下加线的词,构成过去式、过去分词时,也须双写尾字母) 五种基本句型歌 英语句子万万千,五大句型把线牵。 句型种类为动词,后接什么是关键; 系词后面接表语;vi独身无牵连; vt又可分三类,单宾双宾最常见, 还有宾语补足语;各种搭配记心间。 对划线部分提问的程序 一代(用疑问词代替划线部分), 二移(把疑问词移至句首) 三倒(颠倒主谓语,但对主语或其定语提问时除外) 四抄(照抄其它部分) 多个词修饰名词的顺序: 限冠形龄色国材 限:限定词 冠:冠词 形:形容词 龄:年龄 色:颜色 国:国家 材:材料 名词前形容词的排列顺序: 限数描大形,新色国材名 限:限制性词语the,this,my, etc. 数:数量词 描:描写性用词 大;大小,多少 形:形状 新;新旧,老少 色:颜色 国:国籍 材:材料 名:名词做定语 The two expensive small round new yellow Chinese plastic garden tables are in my room 巧记不规则名词单变复 man-men; woman-women; foot-feet; tooth-teeth; goose-geese; mouse-mice; louse-lice. out of question和out of the question 无the“无问题”,(毫无疑问) 有the“有问题”,(不可能) long before 和before long long 在前(long before),“很久前”, long在后(before long),“不久后”。

英语高手~~~ 请过来帮忙我吧~~~~~ 关于语法的!!!!!

of its own accord,自然地,自然而然地interpret,解释阐明with confidence,满怀信心的,有信心的extent,程度as opposed to 与。。截然相反,对照我觉得没有什么语法难点,只是你个别的短语意思没明白。

用于指示牌上的「Gardez votre ville propre.」是否有语法错误?法语


【The child nodded,apparently content with the promise. 省略语法求赐教】


red hat vim 语法高亮 输入syntax on无效果

一般正在编辑的文件确实是一个程序的源码时,高亮才可能正常工作。普通文本文件是没有语法的。另外语法高亮是 vim 的增加功能,vi 是没有的。请确认使用的是 vim。方法是在 vim 里输入:version并且带有 +syntax 的功能(如果是 -syntax 就表示不支持语法高亮,需要安装其它版本),如图:如果还不行,可能是 vim 没有正确安装。重新安装也许可以解决。

the love gone with the wind 有没有语法错误?

你这句话不完整,应该:the love has gone with the wind



imprint 和 seal 指的是图片哪一部分?(英语语法

您好,很高兴回答这个问题:imprint指的是图片中印到纸上红色的字seal则即指纸上红色的字(与imprint区别是seal的印鉴比imprint 更正式些,而imprint则通常指印到纸上或任何表面的印记或标记,不一定是印章),又可以指实物印章。希望以上回答能帮到您!


《中考英语语法while的用法》由留学liuxue86.com我整理。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 一、while用作名词时,意为“一段时间,一会儿”。例如: I stayed there for a short while. (我在那儿呆了一小会儿。) The postman came a shortwhileago. (邮递员刚刚来过。) 二、while用作连词时,有以下几种含义: 1.意为“当u2026u2026时候,和u2026u2026同时”,引导时间状语从句。例如: While I was watching TV,the bell rang. (我看电视时,铃响了。) Meimei watched TV while she ate her supper. (梅梅边吃晚饭边看电视。) 2.意为“虽然,尽管”,引导让步状语从句。例如: While it was late,he went on working. (虽然很晚了,但他还在继续工作。) While he is in poor health,he works hard. (虽然他身体不好,但他还是努力工作。) 3.连接两个并列句子,表示“对比”关系。例如: He went out for a walk,while I stayed at home. (他出去散步了,而我却呆在家里。) I like singing while she likes dancing. (我喜欢唱歌,而她喜欢跳舞。) You like sports,while I prefer music. (你喜欢体育,而我更喜欢音乐。) 三、while引导状语从句时,应注意以下几点: 1.while引导的时间状语从句既可放在句首,也可放在句末;而while引导的让步状语从句一般放在句首,不放在句末。另外,也可以从意义上加以区分。例如: While he was tired,he went on working. (虽然他累了,但他还是继续工作。) (while引导让步状语从句) While he was tired,he would have a rest. (他累了就休息一会儿。) (while引导时间状语从句) 2.while引导让步状语从句时,如果从句的主语和主句的主语相同,那么从句的主语和谓语动词be都可以省略。例如: While he was ill,he went there.(=While ill,he went there.) (虽然他有病,但他还是去那里了。) 3.while和when都可以引导时间状语从句,但应注意:while引导的时间状语从句中的谓语动词必须是延续性的动词;而when引导的时间状语从句中的谓语动词既可以是延续性动词,也可以是非延续性动词。当时间状语从句中的谓语动词是延续性动词时,while和when可以互相替换。例如: While we were talking,the teacher came in. (我们正在谈话时,老师进来了。) The bus had lef twhen we arrived at the bus stop. (当我们到达车站时,公共汽车已经开走了。) (arrive是非延续性动词,因此,此句中的when不能用while替换。) When/While we were having a meeting,our teacher came in. (我们正在开会时,老师走了进来。) (have是延续性动词,因此,句中的when可以用while替换。) 4.while引导的状语从句还可以表示“某个动作正在进行的同时,另一个动作也在进行之中”。例如: While the teacher was speaking,the students were listening. (老师讲课时,学生们在听。) While he was writing,I was reading. (他写字时,我在看书。) 《中考英语语法while的用法》由留学liuxue86.com我整理


while的用法可从下述几点理解与运用。 一、while意为"当......时候",指一段时间,不能用来表示一个时间点。 While the discussion was still going on, George came in. 当讨论还在进行时,乔治走了进来。 二、while意为"而;然而",表示转折。 There"re plenty of rain in the southeast, while there"s little in the northeast. 东南部雨量充足,而西北部则很少下雨。 三、while意为"虽然;尽管",表示让步。 While I admit his good points, I can see his shortcomings. 尽管我承认他的优点,但我还是能看到他的缺点。 四、while意为"只要",表示条件。 We can surely overcome these difficulties while we are closely united. 只要我们紧密地团结一致,一定能克服这些困难。 五、while从句中的省略。 当while从句中的主语与主句的主语一致,且含有be的某种形式时,从句中的主语连同be可同时省略。 While listening to the radio, she fell asleep. 她在听收音机时睡着了。 While in London, he studied music and painting. 在伦敦时,他学习音乐和绘画。 六、while可用作名词,意为"一会儿;一段时间"。 作名词用时,主要用于短语中: after a while "过了一会儿"; all the while "一直,始终"; a short / little while ago "刚才"; once in a while "偶尔,间或"; wait / rest(for) a while "等 / 休息一会儿"。 I haven"t seen her for a long while.我好久没有看见她了。 Where have you been all this while?这一阵子你到哪去了? He usually goes to work by bike, but once in a while he goes by bus. 他通常骑自行车上班,但偶尔也乘公共汽车。 I looked everywhere for the letter, but it was in my pocket all the while. 我到处找那封信,却不知它一直在我口袋里。 七、while与when以及as之间的区别。 1. 当从句中的谓语动词是持续性的动作时,我们可以用while, when或as。 While / When / As I was walking down the street, I noticed a police car in front of the bank.我顺着马路往前走时,发现银行门前停着一辆警车。 2. 当从句中的谓语动词表示瞬间动作时,不可用while。 He was on the point of leaving when someone knocked at the door. 他正要走,这时有人敲门。 3. 如果谈论两个长动作,最常用的是while。 While John was sitting biting his nails, I was working out a plan to get us home. 约翰坐在那里咬指甲时,我想出了一个回家的办法。 不过, as是可以用来说明两种正在发展或变化的情况的,这时as引导一个持续性的动作,主句中的动作与之同时进行。 As we talked on, he got more and more excited. 我们继续往下谈的时候,他越来越兴奋。 4. 如果表示两个短动作或事件同时发生,最常用的是as或just as,也可用when。 Just as he caught the ball, there was a tearing sound. 当他抓住球的时候,有一种撕裂的声音。 I thought of it just when you opened your mouth. 就在你要说话的时候,我也想到了。


一、while用作名词时,意为“一段时间,一会儿”。例如:   I stayed there for a short while.   (我在那儿呆了一小会儿。)   The postman came a shortwhileago.   (邮递员刚刚来过。)   二、while用作连词时,有以下几种含义:   1.意为“当……时候,和……同时”,引导时间状语从句。例如:   While I was watching TV,the bell rang.   (我看电视时,铃响了。)   Meimei watched TV while she ate her supper.   (梅梅边吃晚饭边看电视。)   2.意为“虽然,尽管”,引导让步状语从句。例如:   While it was late,he went on working.   (虽然很晚了,但他还在继续工作。)   While he is in poor health,he works hard.   (虽然他身体不好,但他还是努力工作。)   3.连接两个并列句子,表示“对比”关系。例如:   He went out for a walk,while I stayed at home.   (他出去散步了,而我却呆在家里。)   I like singing while she likes dancing.   (我喜欢唱歌,而她喜欢跳舞。)   You like sports,while I prefer music.   (你喜欢体育,而我更喜欢音乐。)   三、while引导状语从句时,应注意以下几点:   1.while引导的时间状语从句既可放在句首,也可放在句末;而while引导的让步状语从句一般放在句首,不放在句末。另外,也可以从意义上加以区分。例如:   While he was tired,he went on working.   (虽然他累了,但他还是继续工作。)   (while引导让步状语从句)   While he was tired,he would have a rest.   (他累了就休息一会儿。)   (while引导时间状语从句)   2.while引导让步状语从句时,如果从句的主语和主句的主语相同,那么从句的主语和谓语动词be都可以省略。例如:   While he was ill,he went there.(=While ill,he went there.)   (虽然他有病,但他还是去那里了。)   3.while和when都可以引导时间状语从句,但应注意:while引导的时间状语从句中的谓语动词必须是延续性的动词;而when引导的时间状语从句中的谓语动词既可以是延续性动词,也可以是非延续性动词。当时间状语从句中的谓语动词是延续性动词时,while和when可以互相替换。例如:   While we were talking,the teacher came in.   (我们正在谈话时,老师进来了。)   The bus had lef twhen we arrived at the bus stop.   (当我们到达车站时,公共汽车已经开走了。)   (arrive是非延续性动词,因此,此句中的when不能用while替换。)   When/While we were having a meeting,our teacher came in.   (我们正在开会时,老师走了进来。)   (have是延续性动词,因此,句中的when可以用while替换。)   4.while引导的状语从句还可以表示“某个动作正在进行的同时,另一个动作也在进行之中”。例如:   While the teacher was speaking,the students were listening.   (老师讲课时,学生们在听。)   While he was writing,I was reading.

"Hope he can give one more chance you"我希望他能再给你一次机会 是不是语法错误!!!我跟别人争论

give sth to sb 或者 give sb sth应该是Hope he can give one more chance (to) you


两句话从语法上讲都是正确的。1.只要把第一句的语法结构搞清楚了,相信题主关于为什么在is后紧接了一个that的疑问就解决了。其语法结构如下:主语:the underlying idea谓语:is表语(从句):(that)forcing…time,其中forcing…life是表语从句的主语(这其中totally unrelated…life作words的后置定语),is是其谓语,后面的not only…but also…部分是该表语从句的表语。2.第二句语法结构是:主语:the underlying…life,其中(that) forcing…life作idea的后置定语;谓语:is;表语:not only…time.3.从逻辑上来说,第二句是存在问题的。为了说明这一点,先来看两句话的译文。第一句:基础理论/想法是,强迫学生去记忆那些与其生活毫不相干的词汇不仅是效率低的,更是浪费时间。第二句:强迫学生记忆与其生活毫不相干的词汇这个基础想法不仅是效率低的,更是浪费时间。从第二句译文明显可见,谈“想法/理论 是低效率或浪费时间”是讲不通的!idea谈不上是effective还是not effective,也谈不上是否是a waste of time!


因为这是一个主系表结构的句子。主语是the cost of ...., 谓语是助动词is, 表语是two thousands dollars, 而inclusive是修饰表语的,表语是名词当然要用形容词啦~希望可以帮助你

高中新概念英语语法when, while, as区别

1. “主短从长”型:即主句是一个短暂性的动作,而从句是一个持续性动作,此时三者都可用。如: Jim hurt his arm while [when, as] he was playing tennis. 吉姆打网球时把手臂扭了。 As [When, While] she was waiting for the train, she became very impatient. 她在等火车时,变得很不耐烦。 注意:as用于引出一个持续性动词表示“在……期间”时,其谓语通常只能是那些含有动作和发展意味的动词,一般不能是那些不用于进行时态的动词,所以下面一句中的while不能换为as: A:I"m going to the post office. 我要去邮局。 B:While you are there, can you get me some stamps? 当你在邮局时,能帮我买几张邮票吗? 2. “主长从长”型:即主句和从句为两个同时进行的动作或存在的状态,且强调主句动作或状态延续到从句所指的整个时间,此时通常要用while。如: I always listen to the radio while I"m driving. 我总是一边开车一边听收音机。 He didn"t ask me in; he kept me standing at the door while he read the message. 他没有让我进去,他只顾看那张条子,让我站在门口等着。 但是,若主句和从句所表示的两个同时进行的动作含有“一边……一边”之意时,则习惯上要用as。如: He swung his arms as he walked. 他走路时摆动着手臂。 I couldn"t remember a story to tell the children, so I made one up as I went along. 我想不出有什么故事可给孩子讲了,只好现编现讲。 3. “主长从短”型:即主句是一个持续性动作,而从句是一个短暂性动作,此时可以用as或when,但不能用while。如: It was raining hard when [as] we arrived. 我们到达时正下着大雨。 When [As] he came in, I was listening to the radio. 他进来时,我在听收音机。 二、根据主句与从句动作是否同时发生来区分 1. 若主句与从句表示的是两个同时发生的短暂性动作,含有类似汉语“一……就”的意思,英语一般要用as 。如: The ice cracked as [when] I stepped onto it. 我一踩冰就裂了。 He jumped to his feet as the boss came in. 老板一进来他立刻站了起来。 但是,在hardly [scarcely]…when…句式中,不能将when换成as。如: Scarcely had we arrived, when it began to rain. 我们刚一到就下起雨来了。 2. 若主句与从句表示的是两个几乎同时发生的短暂性动作,含有类似汉语“刚要……就”“正要……却”的意思,英语一般要用as,且此时通常连用副词just。如: I caught him just when [as] he was leaving the building. 他正要离开大楼的时候,我把他截住了。 Just as [when] the two men were leaving, a message arrived. 就在这两个人要离开的时候,突然有了消息。 三、根据是否具有伴随变化来区分 若要表示主句动作伴随从句动作同时发展变化,有类似汉语“随着”的意思,英语习惯上要用as,而不用when或while。如: The room grew colder as the fire burnt down. 随着炉火逐渐减弱,房间越来越冷。 As time goes by my memory seems to get worse. 随着时间的流逝,我的记忆力似乎越来越差。 注:若不是引导从句,而是引出一个短语,则用with,不用as。如: With winter coming on, it"s time to buy warm clothes. 随着冬天到来,该买暖和衣裳了。 The shadows lengthened with the approach of sunset. 随着太阳下落,影子也逐渐伸长。 四、根据从句动作的规律性来区分 若暗示一种规律性,表示“每当……的时候”,英语一般要用when。如: It"s cold when it snows. 下雪时天冷。 He smiles when you praise him. 你夸奖他时他总是笑笑。 五、根据主从句动作的先后顺序来区分 若主句与从句所表示的动作不是同时发生,而是有先后顺序时,一般要用when。如: When he arrives he"ll tell us all about the match. 等他到了,他会好好给我们讲讲那场比赛的情况。 When she had finished she waited as though for a reply. 她讲完之后等了等,仿佛是在等候回答似的。 六、根据是否具有“趁机”意味来区分 1. 若从句所表示的“当……的时候”具有“趁机”的意味,则通常用while。如: Strike while the iron is hot. 趁热打铁。 I tried to slip the note to him while the teacher wasn"t looking. 我想趁老师不注意时把条子偷偷递给他。 有时也用when。如: He stole the money when no one was by. 他趁旁边无人时把钱偷走了。 The boy looks at her repeatedly when she"s not looking. 那男孩趁她没看他的时候不断地盯着她看。 七、根据是否用作并列连词来区分 when可用作并列连词,表示“这时”;while也可以用作并列连词,表示“而”“却”;但as则没有类似用法。如: I was just about to go to bed when I heard a knock on the door. 我正要睡觉,听见有人敲门。 One person may like to spend his vacation at the seashore, while another may prefer the mountains. 一个人会喜欢在海滨度假,而另一个人会喜欢在山里度假。 八、根据所引出的省略句来区分 1. as和when之后均可直接跟一个名词,构成省略句;但是while一般不这样用。如: As [When] a boy, he lived in Japan. 他小时候在日本。 As [When] still a student, he wrote a novel. 当他还是个学生的时候,他就写了一本小说。 2. when和while之后可接现在分词、介词短语、形容词等构成省略句,但as一般不这样用。如: When [While] reading, he fell asleep. 他看书时睡着了。 When [While] in trouble, ask her for help. 遇到麻烦的时候你就去找她帮忙。 You must study hard while young, or you will regret when old. 你趁年轻时必须努力学习,不然到老了你会后悔的。

英语四级语法辨析:when, while与as的用法区别

英语四级语法用法辨析:when, while与as的用法区别1. 根据从句动作的持续性来区分若是“主短从长”型,即主句是一个短暂性的动作,而从句是一个持续性动作,此时三者都可用。如:As [When, While] she was waiting for the train, she became very impatient. 她在等火车时,变得很不耐烦。若是“主长从长”型,即主句和从句为两个同时进行的动作或存在的状态,且强调主句动作或状态延续到从句所指的整个时间,此时通常要用while。如:I always listen to the radio while I"m driving. 我总是一边开车一边听收音机。但是,若主句和从句所表示的两个同时进行的动作含有“一边u2026u2026一边”之意时,则习惯上要用as。如:He swung his arms as he walked. 他走路时摆动着手臂。若是“主长从短”型,即主句是一个持续性动作,而从句是一个短暂性动作,此时可以用as或when,但不能用while。如:It was raining hard when [as] we arrived. 我们到达时正下着大雨。2. 根据主句与从句动作是否同时发生来区分若主句与从句表示的是两个同时发生的短暂性动作,含有类似汉语“一u2026u2026就”的意思,英语一般要用as (也可用when)。如:The ice cracked as [when] I stepped onto it. 我一踩冰就裂了。He jumped to his feet as the boss came in. 老板一进来他立刻站了起来。若主句与从句表示的是两个几乎同时发生的短暂性动作,含有类似汉语“刚要u2026u2026就”“正要u2026u2026却”的意思,英语一般要用as(也可用when),且此时通常连用副词just。如:Just as [when] the two men were leaving, a message arrived. 就在这两个人要离开的时候,突然有了消息。3. 根据是否具有伴随变化来区分若要表示主句动作伴随从句动作同时发展变化,有类似汉语“随着”的意思,英语习惯上要用as,而不用when或while。如:The room grew colder as the fire burnt down. 随着炉火逐渐减弱,房间越来越冷。As time goes by my memory seems to get worse. 随着时间的流逝,我的记忆力似乎越来越差。若不是引导从句,而是引出一个短语,则用with,不用as。如:With winter coming on, it"s time to buy warm clothes. 随着冬天到来,该买暖和衣裳了。The shadows lengthened with the approach of sunset. 随着太阳下落,影子也逐渐伸长。4. 根据从句动作的规律性来区分若暗示一种规律性,表示“每当u2026u2026的时候”,英语一般要用when。如:He smiles when you praise him. 你夸奖他时他总是笑笑。5. 根据主从句动作的先后顺序来区分若主句与从句所表示的动作不是同时发生,而是有先后顺序时,一般要用when。如:When he arrives he"ll tell us all about the match. 等他到了,他会好好给我们讲讲那场比赛的情况。When she had finished she waited as though for a reply. 她讲完之后等了等,仿佛是在等候回答似的。以上就是关于英语四级语法辨析的分享,希望对想要考四级的小伙伴们有做帮助,想要了解更多相关内容,欢迎及时关注本平台!

winnt.h//error C2059:语法错误:“;”报错怎么回事

一日遇到C2059错误,google搜索发现C2059的错误表现有多种。这里整理一些以及自己遇到的情况,供大家借鉴解决。第一种:int main ) { } 它会引起C2059错误,错误信息:error C2059: syntax error : ) 第二种:#include #define TESTint main(int argc, char* argv[]){#ifdef TEST printf( TEST defined %d, TEST);#else printf( TEST not defined); #endif return 0;}它也会引起C2059错误,错误信息:error C2059: syntax error : ) 另外一种:struct ag_type { int a; float b; }; void func(ag_type arg = {5, 7.0}); 它也会引起C2059错误,错误信息:error C2059: syntax error : ) 还会附带error C2143:。第三种,也是本人遇到的,刚开始,比较怪异,现象:1 使用openssl库,在另一个工程里,ok,没问题。2 在出问题工程里,不在.h文件出现 #include *.h> ,ok,正常。3 在出问题工程里,在.h文件出现 #include *.h> 立即出现C2059错误。此时,在openssl路径配置正确情况下,在某一.h文件只写入#include pkcs12.h>会出现error C2059: syntax error : constant 错误。解决:经仔细研究,对比,试验,发现,openssl的头文件有顺序之分。加入下面句子,即正常。#include buffer.h>#include err.h>#include rand.h>#include conf.h>#include bio.h>#include objects.h>#include asn1.h>#include pem.h>#include evp.h>#include x509.h>#include x509v3.h>#include pkcs12.h>根据经验,这是一例头文件互耦比较严重的问题,遇到此种情况,需调整.h文件出现序列即可解决此类C2059问题。

i am feeling good语法有错吗

good改为 well I"m feeling well.我感到很舒服。

i feeling good有语法错误吗

i am feeling good

英语语法 what的用法 具体详细 要例子加上简单讲解,不要讲什麼後面加定语这些枯燥的废话




英语语法 what的用法 具体详细 要例子加上简单讲解,不要讲什麼後面加定语这些枯燥的废话


submitted to, 和 submit 的联系,以及意思和语法

submit to 意思是 顺从,服从; 甘受,忍受 submit 意思是 使服从,使顺从; 提交,呈送; 主张,建议 submitted to 是被动语态例子:Mrs. Jones submitted to an operation on her right knee to relieve the pain.琼斯夫人同意在其右膝上做手术以减轻疼痛。submit 的例子:Please submit your reports before 5 o"clock today.请在今天5点之前提交你们的报告.如果还有疑问请追问


That experiences influence subsequent behaviour 主语从句,从句内是主谓宾形式,意思是“经历影响后续行为”。 is 主句的系动词。 evidence of an obvious but nevertheless remarkable activity called remembering. 表语部分,其中的核心词是 evidence,后面的 of 介词短语作定语修饰 evidence,指“......的证据”。called remembering 是过去分词作定语修饰 activity,“被叫作记忆的活动”。 全句中文翻译对我来说也有难度,暂时这样翻译:“经历影响后续行为是一种被叫做记忆的明显又出色的活动的证据。”


你这个是西班牙教科书里的吧,不就是结构分析吗.那个SN 是sintagma nominal很简单.自己看下书就明白了A castilla y a León Construcion Preposional (CCl conplemento circunstancial de lugar)nuevos reinos: sujeto (SN)dió colón。Predicdo (SV)

to at in into的语法讲解 急!!在线等!!!

to 1. PREP 介词(表示方向、目的地)向,朝,往,到 2. PREP 介词去(参加) If you go to an event, you go where it is taking place. We went to a party at the leisure centre... 我们去休闲活动中心参加了一个聚会。3. PREP 介词(表示位置)在,位于 You use to when indicating the position of something. For example, if something is to your left, it is nearer your left side than your right side. Hemingway"s studio is to the right... 海明威的工作室在右面。You will see the chapel on the hill to your left… 你会看见那座小教堂在你左侧的山上。4 介词(表示动作或情感的对象)对,于 You use to to indicate who or what an action or a feeling is directed towards. 【搭配模式】:adj/n PREP nMarcus has been most unkind to me today... 马库斯今天对我非常无礼。…troops loyal to the government. 忠于政府的军队5. PREP 介词(表示变化)倾向于,趋于,至 You use to when indicating what something or someone is becoming, or the state or situation that they are progressing towards. The shouts changed to screams of terror. 喊叫声变成了惊恐的尖叫声。6介词(表示时间、数量的界限)达到 You use to to indicate that something happens until the time or amount mentioned is reached. Every vehicle was banned from coming into Mexico City one day a week from Monday to Friday… 每周一到周五期间都会有一天禁止所有车辆进入墨西哥城。7 介词伴随;随同 You use to when indicating that two things happen at the same time. For example, if something is done to music, it is done at the same time as music is being played. Romeo left the stage, to enthusiastic applause... 罗密欧在热烈的掌声中离开了舞台。Amy woke up to the sound of her doorbell ringing... 随着门铃叮当作响,埃米醒来了。at 的用法1. PREP 介词在(某地);在(某场合) You use at to indicate the place or event where something happens or is situated. We had dinner at a restaurant in Attleborough... 我们在阿特尔伯勒的一家餐厅里吃的饭。He will be at the airport to meet her... 他将去机场接她。I didn"t like being alone at home... 我不喜欢一个人呆在家里。Hamstrings are supporting muscles at the back of the thigh... 腿筋是位于大腿后侧起支撑作用的肌肉。The announcement was made at a news conference. 这项声明是在新闻发布会上宣布的。2. PREP 介词在(上学) If someone is at school or college, or at a particular school or college, they go there regularly to study. He was shy and nervous as a boy, and unhappy at school... 他小时候既害羞又胆怯,在学校过得并不快乐。It was at university that he first encountered Hopkins... 他第一次遇见霍普金斯是在上大学的时候。I majored in psychology at Hunter College. 在亨特学院求学时,我主修心理学。3. PREP 介词在…旁边;靠近 If you are at something such as a table, a door, or someone"s side, you are next to it or them. An assistant sat typing away at a table beside him... 助手坐在他身旁的一张桌子上埋头打字。Graham was already at the door... 格雷厄姆已经在门口了。At his side was a beautiful young woman... 他旁边是个年轻漂亮的女子。He gave the girl at the desk the message. 他把便条递给了桌旁的女孩。4. PREP 介词从相隔(一段距离)的地方;呈…角度 When you are describing where someone or something is, you can say that they are at a certain distance. You can also say that one thing is at an angle in relation to another thing. The two journalists followed at a discreet distance... 那两个记者谨慎地保持距离跟在后面。The tree was leaning at a low angle from the ground. 那棵树倾斜得非常厉害。5. PREP 介词在(某时间或时刻) If something happens at a particular time, that is the time when it happens or begins to happen. The funeral will be carried out this afternoon at 3.00... 葬礼将在今天下午3点举行。He only sees her at Christmas and Easter. 他只有在圣诞节和复活节时才能见到她。6. PREP 介词在(某一年龄时);在…岁时 If you do something at a particular age, you do it when you are that age. Blake emigrated to Australia with his family at 13... 布莱克在13岁时随家人移民到了澳大利亚。Mary Martin has died at her home in California at the age of seventy-six. 玛丽·马丁76岁时卒于加利福尼亚家中。7. PREP 介词以,达(某一速度、频率、水平或价格) You use at to express a rate, frequency, level, or price. I drove back down the highway at normal speed... 我以正常车速沿公路返回。Check the oil at regular intervals, and have the car serviced regularly... 定期检查汽油,并对车辆进行定期维护。The submarine lies at a depth of 6,000 feet in the Barents Sea. 潜艇位于巴伦支海水下6,000英尺深处。...custom-designed rugs at $16 to $100 a sq ft. 价格在每平方英尺16至100美元不等的定制地毯。8. PREP 介词以,达(某一数量) You use at before a number or amount to indicate a measurement. 【搭配模式】:PREP amountWeighing in at eighty tons, the B-19 was easily the largest and most sophisticated warplane in the world. B-19重达80吨,无疑是世界上最大、最先进的军用飞机。...as unemployment stays pegged at three million. 当失业人数维持在300万9. PREP 介词朝(某人或某物看);向(某人掷物);冲(某人说话) If you look at someone or something, you look towards them. If you direct an object or a comment at someone, you direct it towards them. He looked at Michael and laughed... 他看着迈克尔笑了。The crowds became violent and threw petrol bombs at the police... 人群变得狂暴起来,并向警察投掷汽油弹。A couple of people started shouting abuse at them as they walked past a pub. 当他们经过一个酒吧时,有几个人开始朝他们谩骂。10. PREP 介词向,朝(某人微笑、招手等) You can use at after verbs such as "smile" or "wave" and before nouns referring to people to indicate that you have put on an expression or made a gesture which someone is meant to see or understand. 【搭配模式】:v PREP nShe opened the door and stood there, frowning at me... 她打开门站在那里,朝我皱着眉头。We waved at the staff to try to get the bill. 我们向工作人员招了招手,想要买单。11. PREP 介词(指)向… If you point or gesture at something, you move your arm or head in its direction so that it will be noticed by someone you are with. 【搭配模式】:v PREP nHe pointed at the empty bottle and the waitress quickly replaced it... 他指了指空瓶子,女服务员立即重新拿了一瓶。He gestured at the shelves. "I"ve bought many books from him." 他指着书架说,“我已经从他那里买了不少书了”。12. PREP 介词致力于;定位于;期望达到 If you are working at something, you are dealing with it. If you are aiming at something, you are trying to achieve it. She has worked hard at her marriage. 她努力维系着她的婚姻。...a $1.04m grant aimed at improving student performance on placement examinations. 旨在提高学生编班考试成绩的104万美元拨款13. PREP 介词应(某人邀请或要求) If something is done at someone"s invitation or request, it is done as a result of it. 【搭配模式】:PREP n with possShe left the light on in the bathroom at his request... 她按照他的要求将浴室里的灯开着。I visited Japan in 1987 at the invitation of the Foreign Minister. 应日本外相的邀请,我于1987年访问了日本。14. PREP 介词处在…状态 You use at to say that someone or something is in a particular state or condition. 【搭配模式】:v-link PREP nI am afraid we are not at liberty to disclose that information... 恐怕我们无权透露这一信息。Their countries had been at war for nearly six weeks. 他们的国家陷入战争状态已将近6个星期了。15. PREP 介词(用于所有格代词和形容词最高级前,表示某人或某物在此时的某一特征最鲜明) You use at before a possessive pronoun and a superlative adjective to say that someone or something has more of a particular quality than at any other time. 【搭配模式】:PREP poss adj-superlHe was at his happiest whilst playing cricket... 玩板球时他最开心了。Howards End is old fashioned film-making at its best. 《霍华德庄园》是一部经典的老派电影。16. PREP 介词以…方式 You use at to say how something is being done. Three people were killed by shots fired at random from a minibus... 3个人被从一辆面包车中发射的乱弹打死了。Mr Martin was taken out of his car at gunpoint. 马丁先生被人用枪指着从车里带了出来。17. PREP 介词(表示某人重复做某事) You use at to show that someone is doing something repeatedly. 【搭配模式】:v PREP nShe lowered the handkerchief which she had kept dabbing at her eyes... 她放下了那块一直用来擦眼睛的手帕。Miss Melville took a cookie and nibbled at it. 梅尔维尔小姐拿起一块饼干小口吃起来。18. PREP 介词在…方面(擅长) You use at to indicate an activity or task when saying how well someone does it. 【搭配模式】:adj PREP nI"m good at my work... 我对自己的工作得心应手。Robin is an expert at cheesemaking... 罗宾是奶酪制作专家。She excels at sport. 她擅长体育运动。19. PREP 介词对…的反应 You use at to indicate what someone is reacting to. 【搭配模式】:adj PREP nEleanor was annoyed at having had to wait so long for him... 埃莉诺为不得不等他这么长时间而感到很恼火。The British team did not disguise their delight at their success... 英国队毫不掩饰他们获胜的喜悦。Six months ago she would have laughed at the idea. 要是在6个月前,她会对这个想法嗤之以鼻。into的用法1. PREP 介词(放)到…里面 If you put one thing into another, you put the first thing inside the second. 2. PREP 介词进入(地方、车辆) If you go into a place or vehicle, you move from being outside it to being inside it. I have no idea how he got into Iraq... 我不知道他是怎样进入伊拉克的。3 介词(融)入;(渗)入;(进)入 If one thing gets into another, the first thing enters the second and becomes part of it. Poisonous smoke had got into the water supply... 毒烟已经进入供水系统。4 PREP 介词(碰)上;(撞)上 If you are walking or driving a vehicle and you bump into something or crash into something, you hit it accidentally. 5 介词(穿)上;(换)上 When you get into a piece of clothing, you put it on. She could change into a different outfit in two minutes... 她能在两分钟内换上一套不同的行头。He put on his underwear and got into his suit. 他穿好内衣,然后穿上西装。6介词进入(…状态) If someone or something gets into a particular state, they start being in that state. 【搭配模式】:v PREP nHe had too much time on his hands and that caused him to get into trouble... 他手头时间太富裕了,反倒为他惹来了麻烦。I slid into a depression. 我逐渐消沉了。...the group"s plunge into financial crisis earlier in the year. 该集团年初陷入财政危机7介词成为;转变为 If something changes into something else, it then has a new form, shape, or nature. ...his attempt to turn a nasty episode into a joke. 他想把一段很不愉快的插曲变成一则笑话的尝试8 介词对…很感兴趣;极喜欢 If you are very interested in something and like it very much, you can say that you are into it. 【搭配模式】:v-link PREP n【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式I"m into electronics myself. 我本身对电子很感兴趣。


The monthly exam, English exam is not so good. Other subjects without a door below 80 points, English only 72.5 points. Mainly, it usually bad foundation is one reason, attends class lectures will be difficult to understand. But class sometimes absent-minded, also not understand, so let knowledge without asking the blurring. The answer is read takes too much time in front of the words that problem, behind the lyric topic and viewing composition too nervous. Without careful and didn"t notice tense, let many will write the words because tense or careless mistakes. Once the lyric writing also wrong many pictures. The next test should pay attention to the topic of speed, not sure to skip the topic of, don"t let the wrong time problem will be a mistake. The break to see more than others, basic English book is a more effort than anyone else at the bottom. The next draw lessons in the exam, do better.


shake D.J.[u0283eik] K.K.[u0283ek] n. 摇动, 震动, 颠簸 Give the bottle a couple of shakes before pouring the juice. 倒果汁前先把瓶子摇动几下。 哆嗦, 发颤 The shakes of the speaker"s hands betrayed his nervousness. 发言者双手颤抖, 可见他很紧张。 vt. & vi. 摇动, 摇撼, (使)颤抖 The earth shook under us. 大地在我们脚下震动。 In his anger he grasped the child and shook him violently. 愤怒之下, 他抓住孩子狠命地摇。 握手 He shook her hand warmly. 他热情地与她握手。 vt. 使心绪不宁[烦恼, 惊吓] They were shaken badly by the news. 那消息令他们吃惊。 动摇; 减弱 Nothing can shake the basis for my belief. 什么也动摇不了我信念的基础。

.使用for 循环 加 打印语句,将scores数组中的元素依次打印在控制台的语法为?

for s in scores: print(s)这是python版本的




agree vi.同意;持相同意见I cannot agree with you on this point.在这一点上,我不能同意你的意见。sb agree with sb 同意某人的话,意见sth agree with sb 某物,某事适应某人 agree to sb 建议 agree on sth 在某一点上取得一致意见agree up sth 在某一点上取得一致意见 agree to do sth 同意干某事break vt.打破;损坏;破坏 We should all take a little break before dessert. 吃甜点之前我们大家应该稍微休息一下。 break down 机器坏了=go wrong 身体垮了/终止谈话 11) I had never seen a grown man break down and cry. 我从未曾看到过一个这么强壮的汉子痛哭失声。break in 闯入,插话 break off 忽然停止讲话/断绝,结束/暂停工作,休息break out (战争等)爆发;逃出(无被动式) break through 打破包围break up 驱散,学校的放学 The police had to employ force to break up the crowd.警察不得不使用武力驱散人群。 break away from 脱离,逃说,与...断绝来往/改变某种习惯bring vt.拿来;带来;取来 I"ll bring some of my pictures into the gallery. 我就带一些我的摄影到艺廊来。 bring about =cause, result in, lead to bring down 使倒下,使下降 bring force 使产生,引起bring forward 提出建议=put forward/提前bring in =get in the pops/使得到某种收入 Mr. Li: Oh… would you kindly allow me to bring in h… would you kindly allow me to bring in the civet durian? It is the favorite of my sister.李先生:喔…您能允许我带些榴莲吗?它是我姐姐最喜欢的水果。 bring back to one"s mind 使回想起bring up sb 抚养某人 bring up sth 提出 bring up 呕吐 bring to an end 结束=come to an endcall vt.叫喊;打电话给… I"ll call the roll before class. 课前我要点名。call on sb 拜访,号召 call at 访问(某人的家);(火车、船)停靠call for 需要 And there"s a phone call for you, Mr. Bennett. Bennett先生 有你的电话。call for sb 去接某人一起去做某事 call off 取消(计划,比赛)call out (call out+to sb.)大声地叫 call up sb 打电话call in 请进来 We"ll call in a couple of days. 我们两三天后打电话。carry vt.携带;运载;传送 Another generation to carry on the Stewart name. 这是承继Stewart家族香火的新一代。carry out 进行到底,贯彻执行 4) Tomorrow, Sandra will carry out the garbage. 明天珊多拉将会收拾垃圾的。 carry out 是成就、完成的惯用语,但在此地,一看便知并非这种意思。可把它想象做从厨房把 garbage 运到外面去。carry on 进行下去,坚持下去 Another generation to carry on the Stewart name. 这是承继Stewart家族香火的新一代。 carry away 拿走,入迷,被...吸引 carry forward 推进,发扬(精神)carry off 抢走,夺走/获得奖品 carry through 进行到底,完成计划 carry sb through 使...渡过难关catch vt.捉;抓住 vi.接住 We didn"t catch anything. 我们什么也没有钓著。catch up 赶上 33. He shut himself away for a month to catch up on his academic work.他与世隔绝一个月,力图把功课赶上去。catch on 勾住,绊倒 catch at 想抓住 A drowning man will catch at a straw. 溺水者见草也要抓;急何能择。 be caught in the rain 被雨淋 catch up with 赶上某人,补上工作clear a.清澈[晰]的 vt.清除 It is said it will clear up tonight. 天气预报说今晚雨就会停。clear up (天气)转晴,澄清事实,整理收拾 It is said it will clear up tonight. 天气预报说今晚雨就会停。clear away 清除掉,去掉,消散 clear off 消除(积雪)等障碍,把...拆掉,擦掉,清除come vi.到来; 变得; 到达 May I come in? 我能进来吗?come across 偶然发现,偶然遇到come on 快点(口),开始,到来,举行,走吧,一起去 Oh, come on now. 噢 别这样了。come at 向...扑过来,向...袭击 7. We may come at another time.我们可以另找个时间来。come down 倒下,(温度,价格)下降,病倒 come forward 涌现,主动地响应要求做某事come in 进来,上市 And have you had an engineer come in to do an inspection? 你们可有一个工程师来做过检查吗come from 来自于 I come from Japan. 我来自日本。 come out 出来,出发,结果 Did Mitchell Johnson"s review come out yet? Mitchell Johnson的评论出来了没有 ?come to 苏醒,总共,达到,得到谅解 When will he come to see you? 他什么时候来看你?come up sb 走进 come up 种子生长发育,被提出 and I"ll come up with something. 我会想出个办法的。come to one"s rescuers 帮助come true 实现 I know, but it"s still a dream come true. 我知道 但这终究是一个梦想实现了。cut v.割,切,削减,切断 they cut patches 剪下布块cut sth in half 把...砍成两半 cut away 切除 He cut away a dead branch.他砍掉一根枯干的树枝。cut through 走近路,剌穿 cut down 砍倒,减少,压缩(开支)cut off 切断(关系,来往),中止(电话,思维) 3. He was cut off from his fellows.他和同伴失去联系。cut out 删掉/改掉(恶习),停止 in a short cut 诀窍do v.aux.助动词(无词意) What do you call this in English? 这个用英语怎么说?do with 涉及到 What are you going to do with the books? 你打算拿这些书怎么办?do up one"s hair 盘起长发 do up sth 包/捆起来 do out 打扫,收拾do away with =get rid of 废除,去掉,取消die vi.死亡; 枯死; 熄灭 I will die before I"ll eat that carrot. 如果要我吃胡萝卜,我宁愿去死。dir from 因饥渴,战争,被污染的意外死亡 die off 因年老,疾病而死亡die away 声音变弱,渐渐消失/停息,消失 die down 慢慢地熄灭(风,火)die out 熄灭,变弱,消失,灭绝(动物)fall vi.落下;跌倒;陷落 to fall 坠下,掉下fall a sleep 去睡觉=go to sleep fall ill 病了 335. Be careful not to fall ill. 注意不要生病了。fall across 遇见(偶然) fall back 后退,后撤 fall behind 落后,跟不上fall in 集合/陷入 29. The necessary outcome of a war is a fall in production.战争带来的必然结果就是生产力下降。fall into 陷入+名词 A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit.吃一堑,长一智。fall off 减少,从...摔下来 to fall off a bench 从长椅上掉下来 fall on 看到,落在...上面fall short of 缺乏 fall out of 放弃get vi.变得,成为;到达 When do you get up everyday? 每天你几点起床?get about 到处走,消息的传开 Don"t forget about the bet. 别忘了打赌的事。get across 穿过,讲清楚使人了解,领会The children began to get across at each other. 孩子们开始争吵了。 get away 逃掉,离开,摆脱 1. I hope to get away early in the morning.我希望一早就动身离开。get down 从…下来,写下来,记下来,病了/使某人不安 It"s time to get down to business now. 是进入正题的时候啦。get along with sth 进展得 get along with sb 相处get in 进去,进站,收进来,收帐 Yeah. Yeah. Let"s get in our lines. 是啊 是啊。请排好位置。get off 离开,下车 You can take the bus and get off at the second stop. 你可以坐公共汽车第二站下。get on 上车 157. Don"t get on my nerves!(不要搅得我心烦。)get out 拔出,传开 I need to get out more. 我需要多出门去。get over 克服(困难),从病中恢复过来,不接from Yes, I know, but he"ll get over it. 是的 我知道 过一下就会好的。 get around =spread 传开get through 完成,通过,用完,从人群中通过,接通电话 11. It took us only a few minutes to get through the Customs.我们的海关检查只花了几分钟时间。get to 到达,抓住问题的要害,本质 Excuse me, how can I get to the bus station? 对不起,汽车站怎么走? get together 聚会,联欢 92. Let"s get together one of these days.(找一天聚聚。)get in a word 策划 get into trouble 陷入 get rid off 摆脱,去掉give vt.给出,赋予,发生 If you have more, please give me some. 如果你有多的,请给我。give away 分发,赠送,颁发,背叛,出卖,暴露 give in 屈服give off 放出(气体,光) 15) Those flowers look pretty but don"t give off a nice smell. 这些花看似漂亮,但是气味并不好。give out 使人筋疲力尽 7) Some restaurants give out an odor that reaches to the street. 一些餐厅里面的气味飘到了街上。 odor 是指比 scent 更浓更清楚的味道。give up 放弃,停止做某事 455. He resolved to give up smoking. 他决心戒烟。give over 让位于=give way to被取代 give away to 被取代 give rise to 引起,导致From mutual understanding, a comfortable situation has been creation. 由于彼此的了解,因而建立了愉快的关系。create 除了"创造"以外,还有"give rise to, cause"的意思。go vi.离开; 移动; 运行 I have to go now. 我必须走了。go bad 变坏;变酸;腐败 go red 变红 go hungry 挨饿 go wrong 出错;发生故障go about 随便走/进行 33. Could you please inform me how to go about contacting a lawyer?请您告诉我怎样去联络律师?go after 追赶 go ahead 说吧,走吧,做吧(口语),走在前面 Good.now we can go ahead and write up the order. 好极了,现在我们可以准备下单了。 go at 从事于go beyond 超出 It can go beyond the school system, Ellen. 这可以推广到学校体制以外 Ellen。go by =pass 经过,过去 76. He let a week go by before answering the letter.他一周以后才回信。go down 下降 I"ll go down to Henry"s grocery. He"s always open. 我到亨利杂货店去。那里总是开门营业的 go into 进入 Yes, you"re right. After all, she is smart enough to go into business.是啊,你说的对。毕竟,她完全有经商才智。 go off 消失,腐败,坏的go out (火)熄灭,过时了,罢工 Why not go out for a walk? 干吗不出去散步?go over 复习,检查 to go over to the construction site with me? 去看一看建筑工地吗go through 审阅/经历了(痛苦,困难),完成 Would you like to go through our factory some time? 什么时候来看看我们的工厂吧?go up 提高,上涨(价格) I can go up to the lodge for some hot dogs and drinks. 我可以到那边小屋去弄些热狗和饮料来。rise up 起来反抗 He that lies down (sleeps) with dogs must rise up with fleas. 与恶人交终会变恶;近朱者赤,近墨者黑。go around 分配,传播,传开 OK, let"s go around the table. 好 让我们顺著桌子来。go all out to do sth 全力以赴去做某事go back to 追溯到… I"ll work for 5 years and then go back to school. 我会工作五年,然后会学校。go with 相配=match=go along with They had excepted me to go with them. 他们原本希望我和他们一起去。 go well with 协调 Salesgirl: Sure. We have both skirts and trousers that would go well with the sweater. Look to this section.女店员:当然。我们有裙子和长裤都可以配那件毛衣。看看这边。go too far 太过分了,走太远了hold vt.怀有,持有(见解等) No, the restaurant will hold our table. 不会 餐厅会保留我们的席位。hold up 主持,耽搁,延误,继续下去,拿起hold back 阻挡,忍住,保留,隐瞒 hold down 控制,镇压=put downhold off 延误,保持距离,使"疏远"hold on 坚持下去,停止,别挂(电话) He gave them to me to hold on to them 他给我戒指 要我自己保管hold out 坚持到胜利,支持,维持,伸出 hold to 坚持某个看法(路线),紧紧地抓住 OK, hold to the right. 好 在右边停住。hunt vt.追猎;追赶 vi.打猎 He that will have a hare to breakfast must hunt overnight. 早餐想吃野兔肉,头晚就须去捕捉。 hunt for 寻找 hunt out 找出来 hunt throw 翻找keep vt.保存,保持;留住 We keep in touch with each other by Email since he left China. 他离开中国以后,我们用Email保持联系。keep to 坚持某种习惯,遵循,靠(左右) 8. In England traffic must keep to the left.在英国,车辆必须靠左行驶。 keep back 留在后面,阻止,忍住 keep down 控制,下降,缩减开支keep off 避开,远离,让开 keep out 使其等在外面,不让进入keep up 保持,维持,鼓足勇气 keep sb from doing 阻止某人做某事keep sth from sb 把某事瞒着某人 keep up with 跟上knock vi.&vt.&n.敲,击,打 174. Why don"t you knock it off? 为什么不把它关掉?knock into sb 撞到某人身上;偶然遇到 knock sth down 降低价格,拆除,缩减开支knock off 下班,停工,很快地写出文章 knock sb up 匆匆做饭,敲门把某人叫醒,使某人疲倦knock at 敲(门) 6.Yhere was a knock at the door. It was the second time someone had interrupted me that evening.(有人敲门,那是那天晚上打扰我的第二个。) knock sb up 把某人叫醒know vt.知道;认识;通晓 Do you know where I"ve put my glasses? 你知道我把眼镜搁哪儿了吗?know about 了解,知道情况 How much do you know about the works of George Eliot? 乔治61艾略特的作品你知道多少? know of 听说,知道为什么 be know for sth 以...出名 as known to all 众所周知lay vt.放,安排,铺设,覆盖 and lay them face down. 将牌盖住。lay aside 放在…一边,积蓄 lay down 放下,制定计划 lay emphasis on sth 强调lay down one"s life for 为...献出生命 lay out 布置;设计 lay off 解雇leave v.离开,留下leave alone 不要管(某人),不要碰(某物)leave behind 遗留,遗志 leave off (使)停止;中断leave out 删掉,漏掉 leave over 剩下的,暂时不去解决的lay in 积蓄,储蓄 36. We have to play inside because it is raining.因为天下雨,我们不得不在屋里玩。let vt.容许,使得,假设 Rose, let me introduce my friend to you. 罗斯,让我介绍一下我的朋友。let alone 不要管,不碰,更不用说 let down 放下(窗帘),失望let off 燃放鞭炮,放掉蒸汽,放过某人 let out 放掉气,发出响声,泄露look v.看,期待 n.外观,神色 Yes, but you look as pretty now, as you did then. 但你看起来还是那么漂亮。 look after 照料 61. It"s very noble of you to look after my old grandmother when I was out for business.你心地真好,在我出差期间照顾我年迈的外婆。


  高一英语语法填空都有哪些练习可以给我们下面是我给大家整理的高一英语语法填空的相关知识,供大家参阅!   高一英语语法填空1   This is a true story. It happened in Amsterdam, Holland the early 1940s after the German Nazis had ___2___(occupy) most of Europe. The Nazi Party ruled Germany from 1933 to 1945. One of their key If any persons (know) to be Jews were found, they would be sent to concentration camp farther east, mostly in Poland. food, water, sanitation or fresh air. __7___(avoid) this terrible fate, some Jewish families went into hiding, often with the help of the time Anne and her family moved to escape from   高一英语语法填空2   In only fifty years, English into the language which is most (wide) spoken and used in the world. English is the working language of most international organizations, international trade and tourism. Businessmen and tourists often come to China without being able to speak businessmen, taxi drivers and students talk with them using English. English is also the language of (globe) culture, such as popular music and the Internet. You can listen to English songs the radio people around the world through the Internet. With so many people (communicate) in English every day, it will become good knowledge of English.   高一英语语法填空3   My name is Wang Kun. Since middle school, my sister and (dream) (take) a great bike trip. When we graduated from college, we finally got the chance to do it. It Mekong River it begins to where it ends. The Dai live near the Lancang River, the Chinese part of the river that (call) the Mekong River in other countries. Wang Wei soon got them interested in cycling too. She insisted that we (find)the source of the river. She gave me look. Once She has made up her mind, .   高一英语语法填空4   At 3:42 a.m. everything began to shake. It seemed the world was ____2___ an end! Eleven kilometers____3_____(direct) below the city the greatest earthquakes of the 20th century began. It was heard in Beijing, ____4___ is one hundred kilometers away. One - third of the nation felt it. A huge crack that was eight kilometers long and thirty meters wide cut __5____ houses, roads and canals. Steam burst from (hole) in the ground. Hard hills of rock became rivers of dirt. In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins. Two-thirds of the people died or ____7____(injure) during the earthquake.   Thousands of families ( kill) and many children were left ___9___ parents. The number of people were killed or injured reached more than 400,000.   高一英语语法填空5   My name is Elias. I am a poor black worker in South Africa. The time (1)_______ I first met Nelson Mandela was a very difficult period of my life. I was twelve years old. It was in 1952 and he had opened a black law firm to advise poor black people (2)_______ their problems.   I began school at six . The (3)_______ where I studied only two years was three kilometres away. I had to leave , (4)_______ my family could not continue to pay the school fees and the bus (5) ______ . I could not read (6)______write. After trying hard , I got a job in a gold mine . This was a time when one had got to have a passsbook to live in Johanneburg. (7)______(sad) I did not have this passbook because I was not born there and I was worried (8)_____ whether I would be out of work.   The day when Nelson Mandela told me what to do and helped me was one of the stay in Johanneburg. I never forgot (10) ______ kind he was and when he organized the ANC Youth League , I joined it as soon as I could .   高一英语语法填空1到高一英语语法填空5[参考答案]   Unit 1   Keys: 1. in 2. occupied 3. policies 4. to kill 5. known   6. without 7. To avoid 8.non-Jewish 9. when 10. being killed   Unit 2   Key: (1) has developed (2) widely (3) Chinese (4) global (5) on (6) or (7) with (8) communicating (9) more and more important (10) a   Unit 3   Keys: 1. have dreamed 2. taking 3. was 4. that 5. the 6. where 7. is called 8. find 9. determined 10. in   Unit 4   Keys:1.that; 2. at ; 3. directly ; 4.which; 5. across ; 6.holes; 7. were injured ; 8. were killed 9. without; 10. who   Unit 5   Keys: 1. when 2. on 3. school 4. because 5. fare 6.or 7. Sadly 8.about 9. happiest 10. how   高一英语语法填空6   What is your favorite color? Do you like yellow, orange, or red? . Do you prefer grays and blues? Then you are probably quiet, shy, and you would rather follow than lead. You tend to be pessimist. At least, this is what psychologists tell us, and they should know, because they have been seriously studying the meaning of color preference, as well as the effect that colors have on human beings. . If you happen to love brown, you did so, as soon as you opened your eyes, or at least as soon as you could see clearly.   and a red dress brings warmth and cheer to the saddest winter day. A black bridge over the Thames River, near London, used to be the scene of more suicides(自杀)than any other bridge in the area ----until it was repainted green . The number of suicide attempts immediately fell sharply. Perhaps it would have fallen even more if the bridge had been done in pink or baby blue.   their machines are painted orange rather than black or grey.   A. On the other hand, black is depressing.   B. They tell us, among other facts, that we do not choose our favorite color as grow up---we are born with our preference.   C. The rooms are painted in different colors as you like.   D. If you do, you must be an optimist, a leader, an active person who enjoys life, people and excitement. E. Light and bright colors make people not only happier but more active.   F. Life is like a picture or a poem, full of different colors.   G. Colors do influence our moods---there is no doubt about it.   



新人教版 新目标 八年级 下 英语 需要掌握的动词词组 句型 语法



分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: 我有好多这样的语法。如果需要和我联络哦! 虚拟语气 虚拟条件句的形式与基本用法 一、虚拟条件句的形式。虚拟条件句也叫非真实条件句,表现的内容与现实相反(这一点请与开放性条件句区别开来。)它构成虚拟的基本形式可见下表: 假设类型 从句 主句 与现在事实相反 If +主语+were或动词过去式 would主语+ should + docouldmight 与过去事实相反 If + 主语+had + 过去分词 would主语+should + have donecould might 与将来事实相反 were to+动词原形If + 主语 动词过去式should do would主语 should + do could might 虚拟条件句的基本用法 (1)与现在事实相反的假设。例如: If all the sun"s heat reached the exterior of the earth, it would create tremendous destruction. (2)与过去的事实相反。例如: 1. If the firemen had arrived earlier, they would have saved the house from burning. 2. He would have won the first prize if he had not slipped. (3)与将来事实相反的假设 1. If he were to e next time, I would teach him a good lesson. 2. If you held your tongue from unkind speech, fewer people would be hurt. (4)与将来事实可能相反的假设 1. If it should rain tomorrow, I would stay at home. 2. Should you get hungry, I have an extra sandwich. 虚拟语气的特殊表现形式 一、表示“好像”的表示形式。 除了 if条件从句外,由 as if和as though引导的状语从句表示方式时,意思是“好像”, 这时从句中的谓语动词应用虚拟语气。其动词形式用过去时(be用were的形式)表示所说的与现在的事实相反;用过去完成时表示所说的与过去的事实相反;用Would (could)+动词原形表示所说的动作可能在将来发生。 例如: 1. He spoke as if he had known everything about it. 2.You look as if you were well prepared. 3.She sounded as though she had been there. 注意: as if和 as though引导的从句不一定非用虚拟语气,要视假设的语气强弱而定。 尤其是在表示感觉的系动词后,如:look,seem,appear,sound,feel, *** ell,taste等,既可用虚拟,也可用直陈,且用直陈语气居多。 二、特殊连词的需要 连接词lest,for fear that, in case (以免) + 主语+should + 动词原形。在这类句子中,主 句均为正常句子。例如: 1. The government has decided to shut down game houses for fear that young people should be exposed to bad influences. 2. I am giving the boy severe punishment lest that he should make the same mistakes. 3. We did not tell her the bad news in case she should break down. 三、介词短语等其他方式表示虚拟。 有时假设的情况并不以条件从句表示出来,而是通过一个介词短语来表示,或通过上下文和其他方式表示出来。如but for, but that从句,in case of , on condition (that)( 在…条件下),on the understanding(that)(在…条件下), otherwise, supposing,With,Without等表示让步假设。它们引导的虚拟语气的形式与条件主句相同。 1.You could have passed unnoticed but for the few people who were sufficiently alert. 2. There would be no life without water and air. 3. He might have been killed but that the police arrived in time. 四、虚拟语气常用 If it were not for或were it not for这种说法说明为什么某事已经发 生或没有发生。用 If it had not been for或Had it not been for解释某事为什么在过去没有发生。以上的说法可以译为“要不是…”。注意were不能用was替代。 1. Were it not for your help,I would have been homeless and starved to death. 2. If it had not been for the disaster, my family would have had a happy time. 五、省略虚拟条件句。 虚拟条件从句中的谓语动词如果是were或should。 had等词时,可以省略连词if,但要将were, should, had助动词移至主语前,形成句子倒装。 1. They firmly believed that a much stronger bridge could have been built had we accepted their suggestions. 2.Should they fet to bring a pass with them, they would get lost in the woods. 3.Were she to go to New York again,she would visit the World Trade center. 4.Had it not for your help, we"d never had been able to get over the difficulty. 在从句中使用虚拟语气 一、 在wish的宾语从句中。对现在情况进行假设时从句使用一般过去时;对将来进行假设时从句使用过去将来时;对过去进行假设时,从句使用过去完成时。例如: 1. He is in Beijing. I wish he were here. 2. He was absent yesterday. I wish he had been here. 3. I wish you would e tomorrow. 二、在 would rather, would sooner, had rather等意为“宁愿、宁可、最好”的词或短语后面的从句中的谓语动词用过去式表示对现在或将来发生的动作的虚拟,用过去完成时形式表示对过去发生的动作的虚拟。例如: 1. I"d rather you did not take those important documents with you. 2. In rather you attended Professor Wang"s lecture next week 3. We blamed him because of his fault,but we would rather had not done so. 4.I would rather you go by train, since it"s much cheaper. 三、在某些特殊概念词的宾语从句中,一些表示提议、主张、要求、命令等概念的词语,由于它们本身隐含说话者的主观意见,认为某事应该或不应该怎样。这些词后面的that从句应用虚拟语气,且均以“should”表示这种语气,但事实上“should”常被省略,故此从句中的谓语动词用原形。这些词可分为下列几类: (一) 下列动词后“that”引导的宾语从句,如: suggest(建议), Propose(提议),remend(建议),move(提议),advise(建议)insist(坚持); urge(极力主张), ask,require, request(要求), demand, desire,order,mand(命令),decide,intend(打算),prefer(宁愿)等。例如: 1. The mittee requested that they be on time for the project. 2. He insisted that you go with them. 3. The doctor suggested that he give up drinking. 4. The public urged that the issue be settled immediately. 5. He asked that he be given one more chance. 6. I prefer that you not go. 7. She remended that you take French instead of Russian. 8. She advised that I rest in bed for a few days.




非谓语动词用法详解动词的非谓语形式有三种:不定式、动名词和分词(一)不定式 不定式由“ to十动词原形”构成,其否定形式是“ not to do”.不定式可以带宾语或状语构成不定式短语,没有人称和数的变化,但有时态和语态的变化.不定式可作主语、宾语、状语、表语和定语,但不能单独作谓语.不定式的逻辑主语有时用“ for十名词或代词宾格”构成. 1.不定式的用法: l)作主语.不定式短语作主语时,往往放在谓语之后,用 it作形式主语.例如: To see is to believe. It is right to give up smoking. 2)作宾语.不定式短语作宾语时,如果还带有宾语补足语。往往把不定式宾语放在宾语补足语之后,而用 it作形式宾语.例如: He wanted to go. I find it interesting to study work with him. 3)作宾语补足语.例如: He asked me to do the work with him. 注意 :在 feel,hear,listen to,look at,notice, observe,see,watch,have, let,make等词后的补足语中,不定式不带 to.但是这些句子如果变成被动结构时,就必须带 to.例如 I often hear him sing the song. He is often heard to sing the song. 注意:不定式动词在介词 but,except,besides后面时,如果这些介词之前有行为动词 do的各种形式,那么,这些介词后的不定式不带 to,否则要带 to.如: She could do nothing but cry. What do you like to do besides swim? I have no choice but to go. 4)作定语.例如: I have some books for you to read. 注①作定语的不定式如果是不及物动词,或者不定式所修饰的名词或代词是不定式动作的地点、工具等,不定式后面须有相应的介词.例如:He is looking for a room to live in. There is nothing to worry about. Please give me a knife to cut with. 但是,不定式所修饰的名词如果是 time,place或 way,不定式后面的介词习惯上要省去.例如: He had no money and no place to live. 注②当作定语的不定式所修饰的名词或代词是不定式动作的承受者时,不定式既可以用主动语态,也可用被动语态,但其含义有所不同.试比较: A) Have you anything to send? 你有什么东西要寄吗? (不定式 to send的动作执行者是 you) B) Have you anything to be sent? 你有什么要(我或别人)寄的东西吗? (不定式 to be sent的动作执行者是已被省略的 me或someone else) 5)作状语,表示目的、原因、结果或条件.例如: I came here to see you.(目的) We were very excited to hear the news.(原因) He hurried to the school to find nobody there.(结果) To look at him, you would like him.(条件)目的状语还可以用 in order to或 so as to来表示.如: In order to pass the exam, he worked very hard. We ran all the way so as not to be late.不定式也可在作表语用的形容词后面作状语.例如: I am very glad to hear it. The question is difficult to answer. “ too十形容词或副词十不定式”作状语.例如: He is too old to do that. 另外句子中有 enough这个词时,常用不定式作状语.例如: The room is big enough to hold us. 6)作表语.例如: My job is to help the patient. 7)作独立成分.例如: To tell the truth, I don"t agree with you. 8)不定式与疑问词 who,which,when,where,how,what等连用,在句中起名词作用,可充当主语、表语、宾语等.例如: He didn"t know what to say.(宾语) How to solve the problem is very important.(主语) My question is when to start. (表语) 注意:在与 why连用时,只用于 why或 why not开头的简短疑问句中,后面紧跟的动词不定式不带 to. 例如: Why not have a rest? 9)不定式在句中用主动式还是被动式。多数情况下是容易判别的,但有时的确比较复杂,请注意以下几点: A)不定式修饰的名词或代词和不定式构成逻辑上的主谓关系时,不定式往往用主动形式. Have you got a key to unlock the door? (A key unlocks the door.) B)不定式和它前面被修饰的名词或代词构成逻辑上的动宾关系,又和该句主语构成逻辑上的主谓关系时,不定式常用主动形式. I have got a letter to write.( I write letter.) He needs a room to live in.( He lives in a room.) I know what to do.( I do what.) 但这句如改为下列形式,不定式就得用被动形式: I know what is to be done. 这是因为 what is to be done是宾语从句,从句中的主语 what是动词 do的动作对象 C)不定式作表语形容词的状语,和句中主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系时,不定式多用主动形式,这是因为人们往往认为形容词后省去了 for one或 for people.例如: He is hard to talk to.( to talk to him.) The book is difficult to understand. ( to understand the book.) 但如果强调句中的受事者时,亦可用不定式被动式,例如: The handwriting is very difficult to be read. The box is too heavy to be lifted. D)在 “there十be” 的结构中,当说话人考虑的是必须有人去完成某件事时,不定式用主动形式,如果说话人强调的是事情本身必须完成,则用被动形式. There is a lot of work to do. ( Somebody has to do the work.) There is a lot of work to be done. ( The work has to be done.) 请注意下面两个句子的含义是不同的: There is nothing to do. 意为无事可做,感到十分乏味. There is nothing to be done.意为某东西坏了,无法使之恢复正常.2.不定式的时态 l)不定式的一般形式所表示的动作,通常与谓语的动作(状态)同时(或几乎同时)发生,或是在它之后发生.例如: I saw him go out. 2)如果谓语表示的动作(情况)发生时,不定式表示的动作正在进行,这时不定式就要用进行式.例如: I am very glad to be working with you. 3)如果不定式的动作发生在谓语动词之前,就要用完成式.例如: I"m sorry to have kept you waiting. 3.不定式的语态 当不定式逻辑上的主语是这个不定式所表示的动作的承受者时,不定式一般要用被动形式。例如: He asked to be sent to work in the countryside. It is possible for our hopes to be realized. (二)动名词 1.动名词由动词 + ing构成;具有动词和名词的性质;在句中起名词作用,可作主语、宾语、表语和定语. 1)作主语.例如: Seeing is believing. Laying eggs is the ant queen"s full- time job. It is no use arguing with him. 注意:动名词和不定式都可以作主语,动名词作主语表示一般或抽象的多次性行为,不定式作主语往往表示具体的或一次性的动作.例如: Playing with fire is dangerous.(泛指玩火) To play with fire will be dangerous.(指一具体动作) 但在 It is no use/ good,not any use/ good,useless等后必需用动名词。 2)作表语.例如: Her job is teaching. 3)作宾语.例如: He is fond of playing football. I like swimming. 注① admit,appreciate,avoid,consider, delay, dislike,enjoy,escape, excuse,face,feel. like,finish,forgive,give up, imagine,include,keep,mention,mind,miss,practise,put off,resist, risk,suggest,can"t help,can"t stand(无法忍受)等动词后可以用动名词作宾语,但不能用不定式. 注② forget,go on,like,mean,regret,remember,stop,try等动词可带动名词或不定式作宾语,但意义上有区别。 I remember doing the exercise. (我记得做过练习.) I must remember to do it. (我必须记着做这事.) I tried not to go there.(我没法不去那里.) I tried doing it again. (我试着又干了一次.) Stop speaking. (不要讲话。) He stopped to talk. (他停下来讲话.) I mean to come early today. (我打算今早些来.) Missing the train means waiting for another hour.(误了这趟火车意味着再等一个小时.) 注③在 allow,advise,forbid,permit等动词后直接跟动词作宾语时,要用动名词形式,如果后面有名词或代词作宾语,然后再跟动词作宾语补足语时,其宾语补足语用带 to的不定式.例如: We don"t allow smoking here. We don" t allow students to smoke. 注④动词 need,require,want作“需要”解,其后跟动词作它的宾语时,必须用动名词,或不定式的被动式.这时,动名词的主动式表示被动意义.例如: The window needs( requires,wants) cleaning( to be cleaned) 注⑤在短语 devote to,look forward to,stick to,to be used to,object to,thank you for,excuse me for,be( kept) busy,be worth,have difficulty/ trouble/ problem (in),have a good/ wonderful/ hard time(in),there"s no use/good/ need,feel/ look/seem/ like/get down to等后的动词也必须用动名词形式.例如: I look forward to hearing from you soon. 注⑥在 love,hate,prefer等动词后用动名词或不定式无多大区别。但说话人有所指的时候,通常用不定式。 注⑦start,begin,continue在书面语中多后接动名词,在口语中多后接不定式。 注⑧在 should(would) like/ love等后须用不定式。 4)作定语.例如: He has a reading room.2.动名词的复合结构 动名词的复合结构由形容词性的物主代词或人称代词的宾格,名词所有格或普通格加动名词构成.在句子开头必须用名词所有格或形容词性的物主代词.例如: His coming made me very happy. Mary"s crying annoyed him. She didn"t mind his crying. Is there any hope of Xiao Wang"s winning. 3.动名词的时态和语态. l)动名词的时态 动名词的时态分一般式和完成式两种,如果动名词的动作没有明确地表示出时间是与谓语动词同时发生或在谓语动作以前发生,用动名词的一般式.例如: We are interested in playing chess. His coming will be of great help to us. 如果动名词的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前,通常用动名词的完成时态。例如: I"m sorry for not having kept my promise. 但是在某些动词或词组后,常用动名词的一般形式,尽管其动作是在谓语所表示的动作之前发生的.例如:主语是这个动名词表示的动作的对象时,动名词用被动语态.被动语态由“ being十过去分词”或“ having been十过去分词”构成。后一种一般避免使用.例如: He likes being helped. He was afraid of being left at home. 注:在 to be worth doing句型中,动名词 doing表示的是被动意义.例如: The book is worth reading.(三)分词 1.分词的时态和语态 l)分词分为现在分词和过去分词。现在分词有一般式和完成式.一般式表示和谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生的行为;完成式(having十过去分词)表示在谓语动词所表示的动作之前发生的动作.例如: Being a student,he was interested in books. Having studied in the university for 3 years, he knows the way very well. 2)现在分词有一般式和完成式,且有主动语态和被动语态,当句子的主语是分词动作的承受者时,分词用被动语态,如果要强调分词的动作先于谓语动作,就用分词完成式的被动形式.例如: The question being discussed is important: Having been criticized by the teacher,Li Ming gave up smoking. 过去分词表示在谓语动词之前发生的动作,本身有被动的含义,所以只有一般式没有完成式. 2.分词的用法 l)作定语 分词短语做定语时,放在被修饰的名词之后;单个分词做定语时,放在被修饰的名词之前.例如: The man standing by the window is our teacher. The excited people rushed into the building. 注意:现在分词作定语时,它表示的动作是正在进行或与谓语动词所表示的动作几乎同时发生,如果两个动作有先有后,一般不能用现在分词作定语,而要用定语从句。例如: The teacher criticized the student who had broken the window. 现在分词作定语的差异: 现在分词在句中作定语时,不仅存在前置与后置的区别,而且存在状态、时间与形式上的差异。为了帮助大家分清这些差异,更好地掌握现在分词的用法,现在分别论述如下。 一、状态差异 现在分词作定语明显存在状态差异。一般来讲,前置的现在分词静感强。而后置现在分词动感强。学习时要注意体会这一点。 例1:The labouring people are the wisest. 例2:The farmers labouring here are not afraid of snakes. 能前置的现在分词为数不太多,常见的大都是已被形容词化了的现在分词。这一点主要表现在有些现在分词前常有程度副词,有些现在分词甚至还有比较等级。 例3: I have brought very exciting news to you. 例4:This is the most exciting story that I have ever read. 二、时间差异 时间差异指现在分词表示的动作发生的时间差异。有些现在分词作定语时表示正在进行的动作。这些现在分词若改为定语从句宜用进行时态。 例5:Did you tell the children playing there not to make any noise? Did you tell the children who were playing there not to make any noise? 例6:The American president visiting China now will return on Saturday. The American president who is visiting China now will return on Saturday. 有些现在分词作定语时则表示经常性动作或现在(或当时)的状态。此类现在分词若改为定语从句宜用一般时态,而不宜用进行时态。若译成汉语也应注意体现这一点。 例7:They stayed at a hotel standing by the lake. 例8:The temple standing on top of the hill was built in the Ming Dynasty. 三、形式差异 从形式来看,前置现在分词多为单个分词,而后置现在分词多为短语。换句话说,若用现在分词作定语,单个分词要前置,分词短语要后置。但也不能绝对如此,要视情况而定。要是强调动感,即使是单个分词也应后置。 例9:Look! The girl singing is Alice and the one dancing is Mary. 从内容来讲,前置现在分词多为不及物动词,没有自己的宾语或状语。后置现在分词可带宾语或状语。有时前置现在分词也可有自己的宾语或状语,不过要置于分词前,且中间要有连词符号。当然,带比较级时除外。 例10:Barking dogs seldom bite. 例 11:The person translating the songs can speak seven languages. 例 12:England and America are English-speaking countries. 值得说明的是,现在分词的完成式与被动式一般都不能用作前置定语,只能作后置定语,使用时应慎重。 例 13:We must keep a secret of the things being discussed here. 2)作状语 分词或分词短语作状语时,可以表示时间、原因、行为方式、伴随状况等。例如: Being a student, I must study hard.(原因) While reading the book, he nodded from time to time.(时间) The teacher stood there surrounded by the students.(方式) 注:①分词短语作状语时,其逻辑主语必须与句子的主语一致. 注:②表示时间关系的分词短语有时可由连接词 while或 when引出. 注:③有时“with( without)十名词(或代词宾格)十分词”的结构,表示伴随状况.例如: He lay half dead,with all his ribs broken. 注:④当分词的逻辑主语与主句的主语不同时:分词必须有自己的主语.例如: Time permitting, I will finish another lesson. 3)作表语.例如: The news is inspiring. The glass is broken. 4)作宾语补足语.例如:We saw the teacher making the experiment. 注意:在 see,hear,watch,feel,observe,have,listen to,notice等动词后,既可以用现在分词构成复合宾语,也可以用不定式构成复合宾语,但两者的含义是有差别的,用现在分词,表示动作正在发生,(即处于发生的过程中,还没有结束),用不定式表示动作发生了,(即动作全过程结束了)。例如: I saw the girl getting on the tractor. I saw the girl get on the tractor and drive off. He had his clothes washed. (他叫别人洗了衣服) We had the fire burning all day.(我们使火燃烧了一整天)。 注意:“ have十宾语十现在分词”表示主体使客体处于某状态或干什么事;“ have十宾语十过去分词”表示动作是别人做的或与主体意志无关.


This 是主语was是系动词 an architecture of dominance 是表语in which subject peoples were literally made to feel small by buildings that epitomized imperial power.是定语从句。其中in which引导定从并作定从中的地点状语 subject peoples 是定从中的主语were literally made是定从中的谓语 to feel small 是定语从句中的主补by buildings 是定从中的方式状语that epitomized imperial power是定语从句中的定语从句修饰buildings。句中的in which与 by buildings并非重复。一个是地点状语一个是方式状语。该定从的字面意思:在这个巨大的建筑设计中通过强化帝王权力的建筑物让普通人感到渺小。

crush of you有语法错误吗?

crush of you有语法错误,crush of+名词表示“一群”,如果后面加代词you应该改为crush on you,意思是:对你的迷恋。

I like you literally有没有语法错误?

没见过这种表达形式,一般这样的句子。副词直接放在动词之前就可以,例如:I really like you.


连接符号的用法相对来说比较简单,和汉语没什么区别,很容易理解和掌握。需要重点关注的是作为句子连接方法第二大类的连接词。 英语中的连接词有很多,从性质上划分的话,基本上可以分成三大类:并列连词、从属连词和关系词。这里首先来看并列连词的用法。 并列连词最大的特点是可以连接 对等 的单词、短语和句子。也即是说,句子中任何一个成分都可以用并列连词来连接,不论是主语、谓语,还是宾语、补语,包括修饰语都可以。 几乎所有的复杂问题都是由简单的基础知识演变而来的,并列连词也不例外。 英语中常用的并列连词有很多,但追根溯源,它们都来自于最基础的三个连接词:and,or,but。 这三个词是英语初学者就应该掌握的,不用过多介绍,主要来看一下它们是如何起到连接作用的。 例如: George and Mary were good friends. He doesn"t like her but hates her. We take our holidays in July or August. 上面三个句子中分别使用了 and,but,or 作为连接词,它们共同的特点是连接的都是单词。不同之处在于,第一个句子中连接的是两个主语 George 和 Mary ,第二个句子中连接的是两个动词 like 和 hate ,第三个句子中连接的是两个介词的宾语 July 和 August 。 I came to see him and to tell him the truth. Should I leave the key under the doormat or in the flowerpot? He is not good at English but poor at it. 这三个句子的共同点是,都用并列连词连接了两个短语。不同之处在于,第一个句子中连接的是两个作修饰语用的不定式短语,第二个句子中连接的是两个作宾语补语的介词短语,第三个句子中连接的是两个作主语补语的形容词短语。 用并列连接句子才是我们要关注的重点,因为合句就主要是由并列连词将独立的单句连接起来而形成的。 例如: He works hard,and his father is proud of him. He is not handsome,but his girlfriend likes him. Did he fail because he was lazy or because he was careless? 这三个句子中,并列连词 and,but,or 前后都是完整的单句或者是从句,是合句最基本的构造方式。 由上面的三组例子我们可以看出,并列连词连接的两个部分必须要对等,也就是说 在结构、词性、内容等方面都要一致 。 我们不能用并列连词去连接一个名词和一个动词,同样不能用它去连接一个主语和补语,也不能连接一个完整的单句和一个从句。 简单地说, 并列连词两端的成分一定要“门当户对” ,这是最起码的也是最重要的要求。 所以以后再见到并列连词的时候,我们就可以用这个对等特性迅速地判断句子的结构或单词的词性、内容等,这在完型填空或者词汇语法等题型中非常实用。 例如: What I like about John is his sincerity, humor, and because he is mature. 这个句子中,并列连词 and 前面是两个名词,后面却是一个从句,明显违背了并列连词的对等特性,我们可以将其改成: What I like about John is his sincerity, humor, and maturity. 将原来的从句改成同样意思的名词,就与 and 之前的两个名词形成了对等关系,这样的用法才是正确的。 三个基本并列连词虽然已经足够我们使用,但为了使语言表达的多样性,由这三个连接词还衍生出了其他一些并列连词。 虽然这些衍生连接词形式不同,但它们都具备基本并列连词的特点。 例如: Both Harry and Luna are brave. You will either stay or leave. He is not only handsome but also smart. 这三个句子中分别使用了衍生的并列连词,可以看出它们在用法上和基本并列连词没有区别,同样要严格准守对等特性。 例如: He has houses both in Beijing and in Shanghai. She is neither interested in music nor interested in painting. He succeeded both because of his intelligence and because of his hard work. 这三个句子分别使用衍生并列连词连接了介词短语、形容词短语和副词短语,同样符合对等特性。 He succeeded both because he is intelligent and because he worked hard. Either you should listen to me,or you should get out of my way. Not only can she sing,but she can also dance. 这三个句子分别用衍生并列连词连接了从句和单句,也是符合对等特性的。 总体来说,并列连词最需要掌握的就是“对等”两个字,只要弄懂了其对等特性,就能够轻松掌握绝大多数的合句。

急!!求英语作文the meaning of friendship 300字左右 无语法错误 请发邮箱370726709@qq.com 万分感谢!!



you know what I mean你知道我的意思——你的句子改成这样就可以用了


1.y和en怎么区分?比如它们都可以作形容词补语,但具体怎么用? 如Madame, vous vous intéressez aux problèmes écologiques? 回答:简单来说副代词y一般代替介词à ,dans ,sur等 引导的地点状语,介词à 引导名词作间接宾语一般指的是物,à引导的名词作形容词补语。 en 的基本用法是代替“de+名词“可以代人或事物,放在相关动词前。具体分五种情况。这个你可以参考你的语法书。你的例句中s"intéresser à...对什么感兴趣。y代替aux problèmes écologiques作间接宾语所以不用en2.句子中有没有既可以用副代词又可以用人称代词的情况?如:Croyez-vous à l"astrologie ? --non ,je n"y crois pas . 这里y可以用le吗? 回答:句子中一般不存在可用副代词又可以用人称代词的情况。不过有几个特殊的单词penser à。。。如果后面接的是人的话就不能用y来代宾语只能使用重读人称代词。“Croyez-vous à l"astrologie ? --non ,je n"y crois pas . 这里y可以用le吗? ”不能,le作为直接宾语人称代词或中性代词都不能用在这个句子当中。短语croire à相信。。。astrologie是名词占卜术所以不用人称代词3.fais y attention .为什么用为什么用y?回答:还是短语,faire attention à....4.Tu sais bien que"eux et nous , on n"a rien à se dire .这里为什么用eux,nous 不用les 和nous 呢?回答:这里是重读人称代词eux,nous 作同位语所以不用直宾les 和nous



call me和call my,后者在语法上错误,为什么?

call是动词,后面要接宾语 me是宾格代词,所以正确. my是形容词物主代词,是不可以作宾语的,所以错误.

call me和call my,后者在语法上错误,为什么


have an expectation for这个语法对吗?介词用的是For吗


have an expectation for这个语法对吗?介词用的是For吗



From the window I could see the buildings were very tall,some measuring over 100 metres.(通过窗户我们可以看到建筑物都很高,有一些高度超过一百米。)解释:其实这是一个“独立主格结构”,分词带着自己的逻辑主语,构成“独立主格结构”。句中u2002measuring和some(buildings)是主动关系,因此用现在分词形式。measure做不及物动词是意为:测量的距离(长度、宽度、数量等)是…u2002

expectation 什么时候必须加s?(语法问题,不是什么单复数的问题)

靠希望生活,不是某一个希望,期待。、出乎预料, 是某一次的预料还是根据整体的意思来确定



用 measuring 而不用 measure需要解释语法,

你查下词典吧,measure作为及物动词,是“测量,度量”的意思.同时也可作为不及物动词来用,意为:“重/长/宽,达,”.如: The stone measures 2 tons.这石头重达2吨. 那么关于你问的ing形式是怎么来的呢?看这个句子. The person can lift the stone which measures 2 tons.这孩子可以提起这重达2吨的石头. 把定语从句改成非谓语动词就是:The person can lift the stone measuring 2 tons. PS:定语从句改成非谓语动词的步骤: 1、删连词 2、删主语 3、看谓语:是主动形式,改成ing形式,是被动形式,改成ed形式.


to在英语中的用法是比较重要的,一般来说to有两种主要用法,分别是做介词和动词不定式,to做介词表示到,向的意思。to可以是介词,也可以是结构助词。作介词用的时候,后面跟名词或动名词,作结构助词用的时候,是做不定式,后面必须跟动词原形,等用法。 扩展资料   在英语中to的用法是比较重要的,一般来说to有三种基本用法:   1.做介词,表示“到,向,往”,如go to,fly to,后面跟名词作定语,构成介宾结构。   2.动词不定式的标志,很常见的`,如:want to do,be happy to do。   注意有一些看似不定式但实为介词的结构,如look forward to,pay attention to,他们后面跟动词的ing形式作宾语,千万不能跟原形。   3.其他的如to+do作定语等等基本都是以上两种用法的延伸。

do you marry me有语法错误没有

单看语法应该没有 但是语义有问题 Would you marry me? 才对吧


how下面的整个句子 是solidified的宾语。只不过这个宾语是以how 引导的宾语从句。不是感叹句,它可译为:科学家们认为北岭市的GPS测量值确认了如何从太空仪器提取有价值的信息,用来精确地收集地球地壳运动的测量值。

英语语法 倒装句


新概念英语第二册语法精粹:交际用语 - 约会

九、Making an Appointment(约会) A.Making an appointment: 1、Are you free this afternoon? 2、How about tomorrow evening? 3、Shall we meet at 7:00 at the gate of the cinema? 4、When will you be able to see us? 5、What time can I call on you? 6、Will you be at home next Sunday? 7、Don"t forget to come to my birthday party. B.Responses: 1、Tomorrow evening will be all right. 2、Yes, I"ll be free then. 3、No, I won"t be free then, but I"ll be free next Wednesday.【专项训练】 1、—Good morning, I"d like to see Mr. Baker, please. —Mr. Baker is quite busy. ______. A.You can"t see him B.You won"t be able to see him C.I"m afraid you won"t be able to see him today. D.Please come next time. 2、—Will you be able to come to see us sometime next month? — ______. A.I believe yes B.I don"t hope so C.I won"t be able to D.I"m afraid not 3、—When will you be free this month, Mr. Smith? — ______, maybe we"ll be free next Sunday. A.Let me be B.Let me see C.I"m afraid D.Think it over 4、—What time can I call on you? —Any time this evening will be ______. A.OK B.right C.good D.free 5、—I"m sorry to say that I can"t come to your party tonight. — ______? Haven"t we agreed on? A.What is it B.What is it now C.How is it D.What do you think 6、—I have an appointment with Mr. Black. My name is John Brown. —Ah, yes, your appointment is at 4:15. ______, please, Mr. Brown? A.Wait a minute B.May you wait C.Can you wait a minute D.Take it easy 7、—I"m sorry to keep you waiting. —Oh, not at all. I ______ here only a few minutes. A.have been B.had been C.was D.will be 8、—I"ll come back tomorrow evening at nine. Can you meet me at the airport? — ______. A.All right B.All right. Nice to see you C.OK, wait for me D.All right. See you then 9、—Will you be at home next Sunday? — ______ A.Yes, but why? B.No, never mind. C.Not at all. D.Yes, of course not. 10、—Don"t forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow. — ______. A.I don"t B.I won"t C.I can"t D.I haven"t (后设答案,大家不要偷看哦,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……)KEYS 1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. C 7. A 8. D 9. A 10. B


if so是如果这样的话 if not 是否则 你自己代入读一下


be nice 是祈使句。祈使句用动词原型开头。BE开头。意思是:友好点,态度好一点


一:表示相对,针对   be strange (common, new, familiar, peculiar, distinct, sensitive, immune, vulnerable, indispensable)to   Air is indispensable to life.   Aircrafts are vulnerable to interference caused by radiation.   This injection will make you immune to infection.   二:表示对比,比较   1:以-ior结尾的形容词,后接介词to表示比较,如:superior ,inferior,prior,senior,junior   The quarrel happened prior to my arrival.   2: 一些本身就含有比较或比拟意思的形容词,如equal,similar,equivalent,analogous   A is similar to B in many ways.   3:表示一些先后顺序的形容词,如:second,subsequent,next,preliminary,preparatory   Subsequent to the war,they returned to their hometown.   4: to也偶尔出现在个别动词之后,与动词形成固定词组,表示比较,如:prefer to,compare to,in contrast to   compare to sth.表示比喻或比拟,而compare with sth.表示比较,如:   World is usually compared to a stage   Compared with his past,he has changed a lot.   Prefer的正确句型是:prefer A to B或prefer doing A to doing B,但当prefer后接动词不定式时,表示比较的介   词to就要改成rather than ,如:   The undaunted soldier preferred death to surrender.   Many people prefer spending money to earning money.   They prefer to pursue careers rather than remain home as house wives.   5: to与及个别的名词构成比较之意,如:alternative   Going to an under water concert is a great alternative to going to dinner.   三: 表示修饰关系   1: 表示回复,反应意思的词,如:answer to question,   solution to problem,response to inquiry,reaction to proposal,reply to letter   2: 表示建筑构件的词汇,如: entry,entrance,approach,access,passage,exit,vent,path   the approach to a bridge引桥   the approach to science   Half of the population was estimated to have no access to the health service.   The access to education 接受教育的机会   The access to medical care 享受公费医疗的权利   3: 表示人物职位和官衔的词,如:assistant to manager, ambassador to Spain, successor to tradition, heir to   throne,deputy to the National People"s Congress   advisor to the Prime Minister   4: 表示权利和许可的词汇,如:right,admission   The employee finally got the admission to the boardroom.   Everyone has an equal right to …………   5: 表示栅栏或障碍的词汇,如:bars to development,the barrier to progress   6: 表示与书籍,文本相关的词,如:introduction to passage.   7: 表示恭喜或是祝贺,如:   The director proposed a toast to the health of the guests.   Let"s drink to Dick"s success in business   8: 另外还有一些名词符合这种用法,有的具有两者息息相关,缺一不可的含义.如:key to door,invitation to party, guide to action,limitation to life,accessory to school   四: to还具有依据,伴随,和着节奏的含义,如:sing to piano, chance to the tune, stamp to the rhythm of the song, add salt to taste   (一):表示相关联,相连接,如:be related to,be relative to,in relation to,be relevant t Investigate all the facts related to the problem.   People often linked walth to happiness.   (二):表示反对和赞同。   1:to引导的表示反对,抗拒,对抗意义的词组。Be opposed to,be oppsist to,be contrary to,be adverse to,be resistant to,be contradictory to,object to,oppose to,deny tp,be aline to   These buildings are resistant to earthquake.   They are to tally opposed to any changes being made in the plans.   2: to引导的表示同意,赞同意义的词组:consent to,subseribe to,   The employer consented to give him a salary raise.   表示调整,使符合,使适应的含义,如:adapt to,commodate to, adjust to,conform to,habituate to,fit to,suit to,correspond to,cater to   She tried to habituate herself to the style of plain living.   Your action should conform to the interests of the people.   They offered various foods to cater to the need of customers.   His words doesn"t fit to his actions.   Suit your writing style to the masses.   3: 表示投降,屈服,服从的含义,如:be subject to,be subordinate to,submit to,subject to,surrender to,give in to,confess to,admit to.   The minority is subordinate to the majority少数服从多数   Countries nearby oceans are always subject to earthquake.   He confessed to having robbed the woman of her wallet.   We"re not the kind of people to yield to any military threat.   五: 表示趋势或倾向,如:tend to,be prone to,be inclined to,be apt to,be liable to   He"s liable to seasickness.   You are liable to come to wrong conclusion.   六: 表示对事情的坚持与执着,如:sick to,hold o,adhere to,cling to   He still holds on to his original views.   七: 表示约束,局限,如:limit to,confine to,resrict to   He"s confined to the house by illness.   He confined his remarks to scientific mangement.   八: 表示一种习惯或是一种适应性,如:get (be) to,used to,be accustomed to   Finally,the students got used to my teaching method.   九: 表示起因和原由,如:owing to,due to,thanks to,attribute to,come down to   The flight was cancelled due to the thick fog.   The famous artist attributed his success to his wife.   十: 表示目的或结果,如:aim to,lead to,give rise to   I aim to be an excellent college teacher.   His conceit lead to his failure.   These bad condition has given rise to a lot of crises   十一: 表示命运,注定,如:be doomed to,be destined to,   All military adventures by the two super powers are doomed to fail.   十二: 表示数量上的积累或增加,如:in addition to,add to,amount to   In addition to relief supplies,he also presented with some money.   The annual output of steel amounts to 1200 tons.   十三: 表示全身心投入的含义,如:be addicted to,contribute to,devote to,commit to   He is determined to devote all his life to his.   十四: 表示展望或是回顾,如:look forward to反date back to   The church dates back to the 13th century.   十五: 表示方位概念.如:close to,next to   I don"t like wool next to my skin.   十六: 表示依靠或借助,如:resort to,turn to,appeal to,   He usually appeals to arms to settle the territory dispute.   十七: 表示有关注,关于: as to,with regard to   十八: 表示关注或重视,如:pay attention to,attach to,   We should attach primary importance to job training.   十九: 表示依据或是根据,如:according to,in proportion to   According to today"s newspaper,the match will be postponed.   The lending countries subscribe towards capital stock in proportion to heir economic importance.   二十: 表示应该或必须含义的句式, 如:   It"s time to get up.   We are supposed to get here at seven.   It"s up to this country to ban nuclear weapons.   常用词组   respond to(反应), appeal to(吸引), catch on to(理解), listen to (收听),used to(过去常常), give birth to,attend to(照料), see to(负责), be entitled to(有权), belong to(属于), come to(苏醒), stand up to(勇敢面对), help oneself to(请自便), refer to,to the point(切题),   Train them to stand up to any severe test in hard.   The ticket entitled you to a free meal in the luxury hotel.   See to it that the children get a hot meal after their swim.   You will catch on to the job shortly after wards.   People usually refer to television for up-to-the-minute news.

book 和 reservation有什么区别 还有那些预定 有什么区别呢 语法和意思 举例子

book 和 reservation都有‘预定"的意思.book侧重于登记记帐的预定 I want to book a book.我想订一本书.reservation侧重于保留下来的预定I can confirm the reservation for you.我可以为您预订的.


前者是动词,后者是名词. reserve 预定[约]; 租定(座位, 房间等) book 预定,定(房间、车票等) will book a hotel room; 预定旅馆房间; bespoken merchandise; 订货; engaged a box for the opera season; 为歌剧节预定个包厢; reserving a ta。

book 和 reservation有什么区别 还有那些预定 有什么区别呢 语法和意思 举例子

book 和 reservation都有‘预定"的意思。 book侧重于登记记帐的预定 I want to book a book. 我想订一本书。 reservation侧重于保留下来的预定I can confirm the reservation for you. 我可以为您预订的。


  定冠词只有1个,就是the,其用法如下:   1、定冠词用在名词前,表示某个或某些特定的人或事物,例如:   Lucy divided the apples into two halves.   (露西把那些苹果分成了两半。)   The man in black is my teacher.   (穿黑衣服那个男人是我的老师。)   2、定冠词用在可数名词单数前,泛指某一类人或事物,例如:   The camel is a useful animal.   (骆驼是一种有用的动物。)   The tiger is a dangerous animal.   (老虎是一种危险的动物。)   3、定冠词用在第二次提到的名词之前,例如:   I bought some apples. The apples are very sweet.   (我刚买了一些苹果,这些苹果很甜。)   4、定冠词用于指说话双方都知道的人或事物,例如:   Please close the door.   (请把门关上。)   He is investigating the cause of the fire.   (他正在调查这场大火的原因。)   5、定冠词用在play和乐器中间,例如:   play the piano(弹钢琴)   play the violin(拉小提琴)   6、定冠词用于序数词前表示顺序,例如:   the first row(第一排)   the second day(第二天)   7、定冠词用于形容词和副词的最高级前面,例如:   This is the most interesting novel I have ever read.   (这是我所看过的小说中最有趣的一本。)   8、定冠词用在世界上独一无二的事物前,例如:   the sun(太阳)   the earth(地球)   the moon(月亮)   the world(世界)   9、定冠词用在表示江、河、湖、海、山脉、沙漠等的名词前,例如:   the Nile(尼罗河)   the Red Sea(红海)   the Gulf of Mexico(墨西哥湾)   the Alps(阿尔卑斯山)   the Sahara Desert(撒哈拉沙漠)   10、定冠词用在由普通名词构成的公共建筑、机关团体、党派、国家、报刊等专有名词前,例如:   the National Gallery(国家美术馆)   the Great Wall(长城)   the State Council(国务院)   the Peopleu2019s Republic of China   (中华人民共和国)   the Washington Post华盛顿邮报   11、定冠词用于某些名词或者形容词前,表示这一类人或事物,例如:   the rich(富人)   the poor(穷人)   12、定冠词与姓氏的复数形式连用,表示某某一家人,例如:   The Greens came to China in 1984.   (格林一家是1984年来中国的。)   13、定冠词用在习惯词组中,例如:   in the morning(在早晨)   in the future(未来)   in the end(最终)   公众号: 你莫愁英语语法


形容词短语passionate about a product是consumers的后置定语。


"used to be" 去了 am able to 改为can be able to 表示有..能力 而can 单纯地表示可以 能 doday--today 这是写错了吧 that -- so 如此地 那么地 都用so and I am angry.. the gossip-- a gossiping told me to

the world of west语法对吗



tired.kind of=sort of=like说话是的插入语。可以去掉。be tired up.

oracle merge 条件 什么都不做 语法


求助求助!!!我要出国读高中了 要写一封学习计划 帮我找语法错误。明天之前要


这个批处理for /r的ren为什么提示命令语法不正确

无意中搜到了这么多年前的问题..我的解决方法是这样的:@Echo Off&SetLocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSIONFOR /r %%a in (*) do (cd %cd%set "name=%%~nxa"set "name=!name: (=!"set "name=!name:)=!"ren "%%a" "!name!")pauseexit虽然不懂批处理, 不过推测是因为遍历过程中 ren 的路径不明确造成的。 所以一方面参照楼上的方法,把name=%%a 改成 name=%%~nxa 另一方面,又加了一行 : cd %cd% 把遍历到的当前路径重申一下就可以了。


呃 whose dilemma about the job predictably translated into a lack of sales. into a lack of sales 就是宾语啊上下文是什么 翻译出来就是:ning关于工作的困境可想而知就是缺乏营销。

雅思真题4 从语法上解析这个句子

Pupils did not volunteer ideas (that suggested that)( they appreciated the complexity of causes of rainforest destruction.)等价于Pupils did not volunteer ideas(+A定语从句)(+B宾语从句)后面的that可以省略,令( they appreciated the complexity of causes of rainforest destruction.)=B则有Pupils did not volunteer ideas (that suggested B.)这样能看懂了?

雅思真题4 从语法上解析这个句子

Pupils did not volunteer ideas (that suggested that)( they appreciated the complexity of causes of rainforest destruction.)等价于Pupils did not volunteer ideas(+A定语从句)(+B宾语从句)后面的that可以省略,令( they appreciated the complexity of causes of rainforest destruction.)=B则有Pupils did not volunteer ideas (that suggested B.)这样能看懂了?

autocad 2011安装 时出现 command line option syntax error。type command/?for help命令行选项语法错误

http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=200B2FD9-AE1A-4A14-984D-389C36F85647&displaylang=zh-cn装上面的可以用 下载下来直接装 然后再装3D

英语语法填空 专题练习题


son of the bitch是错误语法吗

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