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把in that emergency放在response的后面。




#include <iostream>using namespace std;class A{ public:int n;};class B:public A{};class C:public B{};class D:public B//,public C{ int getn(){return n;}};int main(){ D d; d.n=10; cout<<d.n<<endl; return 0;}

one day one apple语法有错误吗?

one day one apple语法有错误的。如果成为 俗语,朗朗上口,就不讲究语法错误了。英语中的谚语是: An apple a day (keeps the doctor away).勤学好问 天天进步!

come to help me为什么加to 用语法

这个是语法规定的,去干什么就用come to,必须加to,只有这样才能够作对这一道题,但是平时说话的话就无所谓,你可以说come and help me 或者直接说come help me 都可以


看上去是很绕,也许是一个庞大项目的构建,但对于小项目就显得没必要了。Action<T> 的变量是一个函数参数,表示对T的类项的参数要执行什么代码。






词的顺序在托福语法中出现得较多。错误的选项与正确选项的差别往往只是几个词的顺序不同,但是表达的效果却完全不同。有幸的是,错误的选项经常在句法上就不成立,如将正常语序中的主谓颠倒,名词词组中的中心词和定语颠倒。一旦你能识别句子主干和结构,问题就变得相当简单。颠倒的顺序只能混淆那些完全不懂的考生,对于大部分考生来说都是送分题。 例题1(1997年8月考题) An critic, teacher, librarian, or poet who hopes to broaden poetry"s audience faces the difficult challenge of persuading skeptical readers _____. (A) that poetry is important today (B) for poetry to be important today (C) to be important poetry today (D) poetry that is important today.   首先,分析句子结构。句子的主干是an critic (teacher, librarian or poet ) faces the difficult challenge。定语从句who hopes to broaden poetry"s audience修饰句子的主语an critic, teacher, librarian, or poet;介词短语of persuading skeptical readers_____修饰名词词组the difficult challenge。空格内填入的既不是主句的主语,谓语,也不是主句的宾语,但它却是修饰宾语的定语。所以必须符合修饰的规则,在这里表现为符合动词persuade的用法。我们知道,persuade有三种用法:persuade sb to do sth(劝某人做某事),persuade sb of sth(劝某人相信某事)和persuade sb that从句(劝某人相信某事)。选项正好符合第三种用法,而且意思通顺。选项B和C虽然都带了介词to,但却不符合persuade sb to do sth的用法,因为其中的动词do sth必须是sb这个人所执行的动作。对于选项D,显然poetry that的顺序错了。如果将poetry that该成that poetry,就变成了选项A,即正确答案。 例题2(1999年1月考题) All eels spawn in the sea, the eggs hatchingsintostransparent, ribbonlike larvae _____, feeding until they metamorphosesintossmall eels. (A) that drift about (B) drift about (C) about drifting (D) drift about them   首先分析句子结构。All eels spawn in the sea是个完整的主谓结构。而其后的成分与这个主谓结构没有连词相连(4个选项都不含连词),所以后面都是修饰成分。其中的the eggs hatchingsintostransparent, ribbonlike larvae _____应该是同位语,而feeding until they metamorphosesintossmall eels是larvae的伴随状语。所以,空格里填入的应该是修饰larvae的成分。4个选项中,A是以that引导的定语从句,它正好可以修饰名词larvae。选项B和D正好与larvae构成主谓结构,显然不符合空格。至于C,则纯粹是一个混淆选项。ue0be 例题3(1997年8月考题) Among the first plants to grow on the land regions of the Earth _____, which in prehistoric times grew to immense size. (A) were horsetail rushes (B) horsetail rushes (C) horsetail rushes were (D) and horsetail rushes   首先,分析句子结构。这个句子以介词短语开头,among the first plants to grow on the land regions of the Earth。根据我们平时阅读的经验,该介词短语应当充当句子的谓语或者修饰名词的定语。如果它充当句子的谓语,那么这个句子应该用倒装语序,即后面紧跟一个助动词和主语。选项A正好是这种倒装的谓语结构,而且空格后which引导的从句正好修饰在它之前的名词horsetail rushes。这里,among介词引导的短语的另外一种可能用法是修饰主句的名词做定语。如果是这种情况的话,空格应该有一个完整的主谓结构,应该空格后都是定语。选项B和D都不带谓语动词,所以排除掉。选项C后带了动词,但却是助动词,而且正好是选项A的主谓顺序颠倒。由此,我们知道这应该是一个介词引导的倒装语序,所以正确答案是A.ue0be 例题4(1997年8月考题) Unlike fossil fuels, which can be used only once, wind and solar power _____of energy. (A) for renewable sources (B) the sources are renewable (C) are renewable sources (D) renewable sources   这里,句子的主干应该是wind and solar power____ of energy。Unlike fossil fuels表示比较,做状语。而which引导的从句which can be used only once修饰fossil fuels。我们将4个选项分别代入句子主干的空格中,得(A) wind and solar power for renewable sources of energy选项A没有主语,即没有完整的主谓结构。(B) wind and solar power the sources are renewable of energy很明显,这也不能构成一个完整的有意义的句子。(C) wind and solar power are renewable sources of energy这个选项最合适,因为主谓齐全,而且以名词sources结尾,让介词短语of energy修饰。(D) wind and solar power renewable sources of energy很明显,这也不能构成一个完整的主谓结构。所以,正确答案是Cue0be 例题5(1997年8月考题) Today _____ of the Earth live on a very small percentage of the Earth"s land surface. (A) about two-thirds populated (B) the population is about two-thirds (C) about two-thirds of the population (D) of about two-thirds the population is   首先,分析句子结构。根据句子的大意,动词live应该是主句的谓语动词。空格填入的应该是句子的主语,而a very small percentage of修饰限定the Earth"s land surface。我们简化这个句子,得出句子主干_____ live on the Earth"s land surface。空格内应该填入名词或者名词短语。4个选项中,只有C是明显的名词短语,代入后也符合句意。选项A中的populated不论是做定语还是谓语都不符合句意。而选项B和D都是带有助动词的主谓结构,当然不能填入只缺主语的句子中。所以,正确答案是C。ue0be 例题6(1997年8月考题) Following the guidelines for speaking and voting established by the book Robert"s Rules of Order, _____during meetings. (A) and avoid large decision-making organizations" procedural confusion (B) large decision-making organizations avoid procedural confusion (C) is procedural confusion avoided by large decision-making organizations (D) are avoiding procedural confusion in large decision-making organizations   首先,我们分析following以后空格以前句子的成分。其中的established by the book Robert"s Rules of Order和for speaking and voting都修饰the guideline。所以,我们可以将空格前的成分简化为following the guidelines。那么这时,原句成为Following the guidelines, _____ during meeting.和例题3一样,following the guidelines不是做定语(伴随状语)就是做谓语。如果它做定语,后面必须带自然语序的主谓结构;如果它做谓语,后面必须带倒装的主谓结构。由此,我们排除带有and的选项A。根据句意(guidelines和confusion的意思)我们又可以排除选项C。这时,我们只剩下选项B和D。选项D是主谓倒装的结构,填入后主语应该是avoiding procedural confusion,谓语动词是are。很明显,avoiding procedural confusion后应跟单数谓语动词。所以D也错,只有B才可能是正确答案。代入句中,符合句意。ue0be 例题7(1997年8月考题) Because it was so closely related to communication, _____ art form to develop. (A) drawing was probably the earliest (B) to draw early was probably (C) early drawing probably (D) the earliest draw.   首先,我们分析句子结构。空格前是because引导的原因状语从句,也就是说,_____art form to develop应该是完整的主谓结构。而单数的art暗示它应该是修饰名词form,不定式to develop做补语。所以,空格内应填入完整的主谓结构。这时,我们可以排除选项C和D,剩下选项A和B。仔细对比选项A和B,我们发现选项A更符合句意,因为drawing这个名词(画)才可能是一种艺术形式(art form),而动作to draw不可能是一种艺术形式。所以,正确答案是A。

zero conditional语法

zero conditional 是条件句 first conditional,second conditional 都是虚拟语气 first conditional 用过去式 second conditional 用完成式

third conditional在英语语法中是什么意思虚心向博学者请教

第一条件句的句型是 "If + S + 简单现在式, S + will + 原形动词",系表示未来极有可能发生的情况;第二条件句 (second conditional) 就是与现在或将来事实相反的条件句。The second conditional (also called conditional type 2) is a structure used for talking about unreal situations in the present or in the future.第三条件句 (third conditional) 则是与过去事实相反的条件句。第三条件状语从句(Third Conditional)的句子结构:If...Past Perfect(过去完成时)...,...would have +done(过去分词)...

zero conditional,first conditional,second conditional翻译成中文是什么的语法或是时态



1. Ms Nancy didn"t mind at all ______ to the ceremony.A. being not invited B. not being invited C. not inviting D. not to be invited2. "_____ your meeting is!" he offered them his sincere congratulations.A. How a great success B. What a great success C. How great success D. What great success3. We must remember that _____fashion is not the most important thing in _______ life.A. /; the B. /; / C. the; / D. the; the4. It _____ quite a few years _____ the accused was declared innocent and set free.A. was; since B. is; that C. will be; when D. was; before5. The professor said he could talk on _____ interested the audience.A. any topic B. which topic C. whichever topic D. the topic he thought it6.Under no circumstance _____ to tell lies to parents.A. children are allowed B. are children allowed C. children will allow D. will children allow7.Modern science and technology has _____ communication between people far apart.A. made convenient B. made it convenient C. made it convenient for D. made it convenient to8.I heard that you really had a wonderful time at John"s birthday party, _____?A. didn"t I B. didn"t you C. hadn"t you D. will you9.The great use of school education is not so much to teach you things _____ to teach you the art of learning. A. as B. that C. than D. but10.No matter how frequently _____ the works of Beethoven always attract a large number of people.A. performing B. performed C. to be performed D. being performed11._____ their real economic situations, they got some relief fund from the government.A. Considering B. Considered C. Having been considered D. Being considered12.Tina _____ have known the truth, or she would have told us.A. mustn"t B. shouldn"t C. can"t D. needn"t13.There are some police cars in front. What do you suppose _____?A. is the matter B. is happened C. is the wrong D. the trouble is14._____ of water makes Death Valley a desert, but it is by no means devoid.A. Lacking B. Being lack C. Because of lack D. Lack15. In recent years much more emphasis has been put______ developing the students productive skills. A. onto B. in C. over D. on16. A survey was carried out on the death rate of those who were infected by SARS, ________were surprising.A. as results B. which results C. the results of it D. the results of which17. The organization broke no rules, but ______had it acted responsibly.A. neither B. so C. either D. both18. Many workers were organized to clear away ______remained of the World Trade Center. A. those B. that C. what D. where19. My train arrive in New York at eight o"clock tonight. The plane I would like to take from there ______by then.A. would leave B. will have left C. has left D. had left20. The professor could hardly find sufficient grounds _____his arguments in favor of the new theory.A. to be based on B. to base on C. which to base on D. on which to base21 . ________evidence that language acquiring ability must be stimulated.A. If being B. It is C. There is D. There being22. Professor Wang , _______ for his informative lectures, was warmly received by his students.A. knowing B. known C. to be known D. having known23.In fact Peter would rather have left for San Francisco than ____ in New York.A. to stay B. stayed C. stay D. having stayed24.You ____ him so closely; you should have kept your distance.A. shouldn"t follow B. mustn"t follow  C. couldn"t have been following  D. shouldn"t have been following25.There has been a great increase in retail sales , ____﹖A. does there B. isn"t there C. hasn"t there D. isn"t it26. It is the news ____ most parents of the hope that there is a safe and socially approved road to a kind of life they themselves have not had, but their children can.A. that deprive  B. that it deprives C. that deprives  D. when it deprives27. We hadn"t met for 20 years, but I recognized her_____ I saw her.A. the moment B. for the moment C. the moment when D. at the moment when28. On hearing a great noise, Mike looked forward through the window _____ what happened outside the room.A. to seeing B. to see C. seeing D. to have seen29. You ______ be driven out of the school if you dare to cheat in the exam. A. should B. would C. will D. shall30. Everyone hopes that we can do something to make things better, so we can"t help ______ under the stress.A. but working B. but to work C. work D. but work31. We all think that _____ no need to make laws to prevent the young from getting married during their college life. A. it is B. there has C. it has D. there is32. Postage ___ the necklace will cost you at least 650 yuan.A. including B. included C. include D. to be included33. With his eyes ______ on the family album, he thought of the fun he had when he lived with his parents.A. fixing B. fixed C. to be fixed D. being fixed34. George applied for the position three times ______ he finally got it. A. before B. until C. when D. after35. This robot is supposed to save a lot of labor, but it remains a problem if it ______ A. is B. saves C. does D. has36. There were many more people who got injured in the big fire than _______.A. was reported B. it was reported C. were reported D. they were reported37. He doesn"t know what to say, for it is the first time that he ______ with a girl.A. went out B. goes out C. has gone out D. had gone out38. ___which way to take, the little boy behaved like a real gentleman who comforted his sister from time to time.A. Leaving to wonder B. Having left to wonder C. Left wondering D. Left to wonder39. During the tourist season, there are many people wandering in this city to see the old castles _____ in the sixteenth century. A. to be built B. being built C. having been built D. built40. When do you think ______ start the new attack? A. they will B. will they C. they can D. can they41. Some 25,000 people were reported ______ in the ever recorded worst earthquake in Iran, which occurred late this month.A. were killed B. to be killed C. killing D. to have been killed42._____ the teacher"s suggestion, Tom finally found a way to settle the problem.A. Following B. To follow C. Follow D. He followed43.______ that no one was ever prepared for it.A. So suddenly did the bad news come B. So suddenly the bad news cameC. So did the bad news come suddenly D. Did the bad news come so suddenly44."______ the friendship between our two people last forever!", and with this sincere hope, the president concluded his speech. A. Could B. May C. Would D. Must45.We need a more capable leader, ______ with strong will and as well as good humour.A. who B. that C. one D. which46. Many people attend various public lectures, chiefly ______ themselves familiar with the latest development of different fields. A. getting B. to get C. to have got D. got47.It is no longer a problem _______ the poor children in this district can go to school.A. that B. whether C. so D. because48. Of all the applicants, ______ do you think is fit for the position?A. who B. whoever C. whomever D. whichever49.Part of the work is to be finished today and ______ by this weekend.A. another B. the others C. the rest D. the other


一般来说倒装有完全倒装和不完全倒装两种。完全倒装是把谓语动词全部放到主语前面,不完全倒装就是把助动词或者情态动词放到主语前面。所以我个人觉得这个倒装根本不具有普遍性,不能归类到这两种常见的倒装里面,所以就把他当成一个俚语记住就行了。我google了一下,"come what may"最早是出自莎士比亚的名著《麦克白》,原句是"Come what come may".意思就是whatever happens(不论发生什么)。如:The peace-keeping force will be sent home in six months, come what may. 不管发生什么,维和部队都将在六个月内被派送回国。同样的意思还可以用at (the very) least, either way, in any case, and in any event来表达。参考资料:http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/Come+What+May


1.filled with swordsmen这句话实际上是个定语从句,补全来看就知道了 he went through a large door and found himself in a large hall (which was )filled with swordsmen. 穿过了一个大门,发现自己在一个大厅里,怎么样的大厅呢?是一个被充满了swordsmen的一个大厅。所以后面所有的东西都是做定语。英语当中是可以过去分词是可以做定语的,你也不用太考虑这些语法的东西。太钻牛角尖对你也没好处

third conditional在英语语法中是什么意思

我们将学最后一种Conditional——Third Conditional(第三条件的)。Third Conditional的句子结构:If+Past Perfect(过去式分词)+ ......+would have+Past Perfect(过去式分词)1.Third Conditional是用来表达过去式,如果(If)当时那样发生,另外一方面(当时)会如何(通常是指过去的事情,带有一切已经太迟而不能够补救的意思)。例句(6):If Ali had studied hard for the subjects, he would have passed the final examination. 如果阿里当时勤力地把那些科目读好,他在末考中将会及格。(现在不及格而带有后悔的意思)2.过去没有发生而感觉到安慰。例句(7):If I had not missed my school bus, I would not have been late for school. 如果我不错失学校巴士,上学将不会迟到。(现在我来得及而没有迟到)例句(8):If I had not taught you, what would you have done? 如果我未教你,你将会做了什么?3.Third Conditional的其它使用方式:例句(9):If you had been to the party, you might have met someone special. 如果你去过那宴会,你可能已经遇见心目中的人。(当时你没有见到她)例句(10):I could have finished the task, if I had had good ideas. 我将把那任务做完,如果已经有一些好概念。(但是当时我没有好的概念)句中的第一个had指的是已经,然而第二个had指的是有。练习(一):Third Conditional(第三条件的)Read the situation, and then make a sentence with if 。详读以下的情况,然后造出使用 if 的句子。例:I didn"t have time, I didn"t go shopping.If I had had time, I would have gone shopping.1.She was ill. She didn"t go to work.2.It rained all morning. We didn"t go out.3.She didn"t have enough money. She couldn"t buy the shoes.4.I wasn"t hungry. I didn"t have breakfast.5.He was tired. He made a mistake.6.We didn"t have a map. We got lost.答案:练习(一)1.If she hadn"t been ill, she would have gone to work.2.If it hadn"t rained all morning, we would have gone out.3.If she had had enough money, she could have bought the shoes.4.If I had been hungry, I wouldn"t have had breakfast.5.If he hadn"t been tired, he wouldn"t have made a mistake.6.If we had had a map, we wouldn"t have got lost.

语法 conditional

(回答已M你)conditional是可以示表“假设”,比如on conditional situation在假定/假设的情况下 conditional还可解释为“条件的”conditional contract附加条款


public class father{ public a() { System.out.println("father"); }}public class son extends father{ public a() { System.out.println("son"); }}


在复合句中用作宾语的从句叫宾语从句。 1.语序 无论主句是陈述句还是疑问句,宾语从句都必须使用陈述语序,即“主句+连词+宾语从句(主语+谓语+……)”句式。根据连接词在从句中所担任的不同成分,可分为以下四种: 1)连接词+谓语。连接词在从句中作主语。常见的连接词有: who,what,which等。如: Could you tell me who knows the answer,please?你能告诉我谁知道答案吗? The small children don"t know what is in their stockings.这些小孩子不知道袜子里有什么东西? 2)连接词+名词+谓语。连接词在从句中作主语的定语。常见的连接词有:whose,what,which,how many,how much等。如: He asked whose handwriting was the best in our class.他问我们班上谁的书法最好。 The teacher asked us how many people there were in the room.老师问我们房间里有多少人。 3)连接词+主语+谓语。连接词在从句中作宾语、状语或表语。常见的连接词有:who(m),what,which,how many,how much, when,why,how,where,if /whether(在句中不充当任何成分)等。如: He hasn"t decided if he"ll go on a trip to Wuxi.他还没决定是否去无锡旅行。 Could you tell me what I should do with the money ?你能告诉我我如何处理这笔钱吗? 4)连接词+名词+主语+谓语。连接词在从句中作宾语或表语的定语。常见的连接词有:what,which,how many,how much,how等。如: Do you know which class he is in ?你知道他在哪个班吗? She asked me if I knew whose pen it was.她问我是否知道这是谁的钢笔。 2.连接词 1)当由陈述句充当宾语从句时,用that引导,that无词义,在口语或非正式文体中常省略。如: He said that he could finish his work before supper.他说他会在晚饭前完成工作。 2)当由一般疑问句充当宾语从句时,用if或whether引导,意为“是否”。如: I don"t know if /whether he still lives here after so many years.我不知道这么多年后他是否还住在这儿。 但在下列情况下只能用whether: ①在具有选择意义,又有or或or not时,尤其是直接与or not连用时,往往用whether(if…or not也可以使用)。如: Let me know whether /if he will come or not.(=Let me know whether or not he will come)让我知道他是否能来。 I don"t know whether /if he does any washing or not.(=I don"t know whether or not he does any washing.)我不知道他洗不洗衣服。 I wonder whether we stay or whether wego.我不知道我们是去还是留。 ②在介词之后用whether。如: I"m interested in whether he likes English.我关心的是他是否喜欢英语。 We"re thinking about whether we can finish the work on time.我们正在考虑是否能按时完成这项工作。 I worry about whether I hurt her feelings.我担心是否伤了她的感情。 ③在不定式前用whether。如: He hasn"t decided whether to visit the old man.他尚未决定是否拜访那位老人。 I don"t know whether to go.我不知去否。 He hasn"t decided whether to go by bus or by train.他还未决定是乘公共汽车去还是坐火车去。 ④whether置于句首时,不能换用if。如: Whether this is true or not,I can"t say.这是否真的我说不上来。 ⑤引导主语从句和表语从句时宜用whether。如: Whether she will come or not is still a question.她是否能来还是个问题。 The question is whether we can catch the bus.问题是我们能否赶上公共汽车。 ⑥若用if会引起歧义时,则用whether。如: Please let me know if you like the book.可理解为: a.Please let me know whether you like the book.请告诉我你是否喜欢这本书。 b.If you like the book,please let me know.你如果喜欢这本书,请告诉我。 3)如果宾语从句原来是特殊疑问句,只需用原来的特殊疑问词引导。如: Could you tell me why you were late for the meeting this morning?你能告诉我今天早上你为什么开会迟到吗? 3.时态 含宾语从句的复合句,主、从句谓语动词的时态呼应应包括以下三点内容: 1)如果主句的谓语动词是一般现在时,从句的谓语动词可根据需要,选用相应的任何时态。如: I don"t know when he will come back.我不知道他将何时回来。 He tells me that his sister came back yesterday.他告诉我他姐姐昨天回来了。 2)如果主句的谓语动词是过去时,宾语从句的谓语动词只可根据需要,选用过去时态即一般过去时、过去进行时、过去将来时或过去完成时的某一种形式。如: ①The children didn"t know who he was.孩子们不知道他是谁。 ②He asked his father how it happened.他问他父亲这件事是如何发生的。 3)如果宾语从句所表示的是客观事实、普遍真理、自然现象或习惯性动作等,不管主句用什么时态,从句时态都用一般现在时。如: The teacher said that the earth goes round the sun.老师说地球绕着太阳转。 4.注意: if和when既可以引导宾语从句,也可以引导状语从句,应注意它们在两种从句中的意思和用法的不同。if和when引导宾语从句时,分别意为“是否”和“何时”,其时态应和主句时态相呼应;它们引导状语从句时,意思分别为“如果,假如”和“当……时候”,当主句时态是一般将来时时,其时态用一般现在时。它们常常放在含有状语从句和宾语从句的题干中进行综合考查。如: —Do you know when he will come back tomorrow ?你知道他明天什么时候回来吗? —Sorry,I don"t know.When he comes back,I"ll tell you.对不起,不知道。当他回来了,我将告诉你。 —I don"t know if he will come.我不知道他是否会来。 —He will come if it doesn"t rain.如果不下雨,他会来的。 简化宾语从句常用六法 同学们常会遇到把含有宾语从句的复合句转化为简单句,使其与原句意思相同(或相近)的试题。下面就介绍几种常用的简化宾语从句的方法: 方法一:当主句谓语动词是hope, decide, wish, choose, agree, promise等,且宾语从句的主语与主句主语一致时,宾语从句可简化为不定式结构。例如: Li Ming hopes he will be back very soon. →Li Ming hopes to be back very soon. We decided that we would help him. →We decided to help him. 方法二:当主句谓语动词是know, learn, remember, forget, tell等动词,且主句主语与从句主语一致时,宾语从句可简化为“疑问词+不定式”结构。例如: She has forgotten how she can open the window. →She has forgotten how to open the window. 注:当主句谓语动词是tell, ask, show, teach等动词,且后带双宾语,从句主语和间接宾语一致时,宾语从句可简化为“疑问词+不定式”结构。例如: Could you tell me how I can get to the station? →Could you tell me how to get to the station? 方法三:当主句的谓语动词是order(命令),require(需要)等时,如果主句和从句的主语不一致,宾语从句可简化为“名词(代词)+不定式”结构。例如: The headmaster ordered that we should start at once. → The headmaster ordered us to start at once. 方法四:某些动词后的宾语从句,可以用介词加动名词(短语)等其他形式简化。例如: He insisted that he should go with us. →He insisted on going with us. The poor boy doesn"t know when and where he was born. →The poor boy doesn"t know the time and the place of his birth. 方法五:某些动词后面的宾语从句可转化为“宾语+V-ing形式(作宾语补足语)”结构。例如: Liu Ping found that there was a wallet lying on the ground. → Liu Ping found a wallet lying on the ground. 方法六:动词seem后的宾语从句,也可以用不定式(短语)来简化,但句型需要进行适当的变化。例如: It seemed that the boys were going to win. →The boys seemed to win. 除上述方法外,还有一些特殊句式的转化。例如: I found that it was difficult to learn English well. →I found it difficult to learn English well. Soon we found that the ground was covered with thick snow. →Soon we found the ground covered with thick snow. They found that the box was very heavy. →They found the box very heavy 初中英语宾语从句语法专项精选试题 习题(一) 1 The girls asked if they ____ some food and drink with them. A. took B. take C. takes D. will take 2 Catherine said that she ___ to Guangzhou. A. has never gone B. had never gone C. has never been D. had never been 3 The students want to know whether they___ dictation today. A. had B. has . C. will have D. are 4 She asked Linda if___ go and get some. A. could she B. she could C. she can D. she may 5 Linda said the moon___ round the earth. A. travelled B. has travelled C. travells D. had travelled 答案:1-5 A D C B C 习题(二) 1 Can you tell me___ you were born, Betty A. who B. what C. when D. that 2 I don"t know ___ they have passed the exam. A. what B. if C. when D. where 3 I hardly understand. ___ he has told me. A. that B. what C. which D. who 4 She didn"t know___ back soon. A. whether he would be B. if would he be C. he will be 5. I don"t know _____ he still lives here after so many years. A. whether B where C. what D. when 6. Do you know _____ they listened to yesterday evening A. what B when C why D how 7. He asked me _____told me the accident. A whom B which C who D whose 答案:1-7 C B B A A A C 习题(三) 1. They don"t know their parents are. A that B what C why D which 2. Please tell me ______what last year. A. where does your sister work B where did your sister work C where your sister works D where your sister worked 3. She asked me if I knew ______. A. whose pen is it B. whose pen it was C. whose pen it is D. whose pen was it 4. You must remember ________. A. what your mother said B. what did your mother say C. your mother said what D. what has your mother said 5 Did you know ____ A. who he was looking after B. who was he looking for C. who he is looking for D. who he is looking after 6 Could you tell me ___ A. when will they leave Beijing B. when would they leave Beijing C. when they will leave Beijing D. when did they leave Beijing 答案:1-6 B D B A A C 习题(四) 1. In the bookshop, a reader asked the shop keeper _____ Who Moved My Cheese was an interesting book. (北京市东城区) A. that B. how C. whatD. if 2. —I don"t know _____ Mr. Green will come to see us. —He will help us with our English. (杭州市) A. why B. when C. how D. where 3. —We never know _____ the old m an is. —They say he is a teacher. (鄂州市) A. what B. who C. which D. where 4. I was told _____ Bill Gates was thirteen he began to play with computers. (重庆市) A. that how B. how that C. when that D. that when 5. —Do you know _____ I"m going to see him. —Sorry, I don"t know. (北京市海淀区) A. where does Mr. Li live B. where did Mr. Li live C. where Mr. Li lives D. where Mr. Li lived 6. —W here do you think _____ he _____ the computer —Sorry, I have no idea. (南京市) A. /; bought B. has; bought C. did; buy D. does; buy 7. I don"t feel very well. Mum asked me _____ this morning. (重庆市) A. what the matter is B. what is wrong C. what the matter was D. what wrong was 8. —Where is Jack —He is away to spend his holiday. He"s gone either to Hangzhou or to Wuhan, but I"m not sure _____ . (南昌市) A. that B. which C. where D. there 答案:1—4 D A A D 5—8 C A C C

Do you know和Did you know在语法上有啥区别啊?详细点!

Do you know?一般现在时:你知道吗?Did you know?一般过去时:你当时知道吗?

七年级 英语语法带 to do 、 doing 的语法、 急急 啊!!!! 在线 求答

went to ...go to ...我英语不怎么好就几个


我可以为你解答,稍等。 第一个each应该分析为同位语。 We each have a car.


1、kevin 是主语works是谓语 as a cleaner是状语 in a factory owed by the Janpanese.是状语其中a factory 是介词宾语 owed by the Janpanese是定语 修饰 a factory 2、Americans 是主语 have long since stopped 是谓语其中 long since 是状语demanding good education for their children是宾语.其中 demanding是动名词 good education是动名词的宾语 for their children是状语修饰动名词



do something different 是什么语法现象?



你问的问题都是动词的非谓语形式1. owned by the man 过去分词短语作定语。2. To find the book that I needed 不定式短语作目的状语。3. being taken 分词短语作宾补。4. hoping to...... 分词短语作伴随状语5. found...过去分词短语作定语。为什么不采用你疑问的那些内容呢?你写的那些都是谓语动词的结构。而上述非谓语部分都不是谓语,所以,不能那样使用。

do something different 是什么语法现象?


stay forever,在语法上有错误吗?它的意思是?



语气的含义和种类   语气(mood)是一种动词形式,用以表示说话的意图或态度。英语中的语气有三种:  1)直接语气(indicative mood),表示所说的话是事实。如:   (1)France lies on the windward side of Europe. 法国位于欧洲向风的一面。   (2)The harsh weather last year was the result of turbulence in the upper atmosphere. 去年的恶劣气候是高空大气层的湍流造成的。  2)祈使语气(imperative mood),表示所说的话是请求或命令。如:   (3)Make yourself at home. 请随便,不要客气。(表请求)   (4)Don"t be late. 不要迟到。(表命令)  3)虚拟语气(subjective mood),表示所说的话只是一种主观的愿望、假想和建议等。如:   (5)We only wish we could help. 我们但愿能提供帮助。(表愿望)   (6)If there were no gravity, we should not be able to walk. 假若没有动力,我们就不能行走。(表假想)   (7)He suggests that we should all go to see the film. 他建议我们都去看这个电影。(表建议)   虚拟语气的形式   虚拟语气的基本形式共有七种。   1)动词原形,用于一切人称和数。如:   (1)Long live the Communist Party of China! 中国共产党万岁!   (2)If that be so, we shall take action at once. 如果情况是那样,我们就立即采取行动。   2)动词的过去式,用于一切人称和数,be的过去式用were.如:   (3)If you loved me, you wouldn"t say that. 假若你爱我,你就不会说这种话。   (4)If I were in your shoes, I"d accept the terms. 假若我处在你的地位,我就会接受这些条件。   3)had+过去分词,用于一切人称和数。如:   (5)We would"ve called a cab if Harold hadn"t offered us a ride home. 假若哈罗德不说要驾车送我们回家,我们就会叫出租车。   (6)If we had left earlier, we wouldn"t have missed the train. 假若我们早点起身的话,我们是不会错过火车的。   4)时态助动词should+动词原形,用于一切人称和数。如:   (7)They suggested that we should meet at the station. 他们建议我们在车站会面。   (8)If you should see Celia, give her my best wishes. 假若你见到希莉娅的话,代我向她致以的祝愿。   5)时态助动词should+have+过去分词,用于一切人称和数。如:   (9)If the steamer should have left port at noon, it will be passing through the canal now. 轮船如果中午离港,它现在大概正穿过运河。   (10)It is strange that she should have done it. 真奇怪,她竟会干出这种事来。   6) 动词原形。如:   (11)If I were you, I should take his advice. 我如是你,就会听他的忠告。(美国英语常用would代替should)   (12)He said he would go if I went. 他说我去他就去。   7)时态助动词should(第一人称)和would(第二、三人称)+ have+过去分词。如:   (13)If father hadn"t sent me, I shouldn"t have come. 如不是父亲派我来,我是不会来的。(美国英语常用would代替should)   You wouldn"t have seen her if it hadn"t been for him. 如果不是他,你就不会见到她。   [注]虚拟时态有不少与直陈语气的某些时态形式相同,但二者的内涵及其所表的时间皆不一样,切不可混淆。 4) 条件句的种类   条件句有真实条件与非真实条件句两种。真实条件句所表的假设是可能发生或实现的,句中的条件从句与结果主句皆用直陈语气。如:   (1)Oil floats if you pour it on water. 你如把油倒在水里,油就浮起来。   (2)If I have enough money next year, I will go to Japan. 假若明年我有钱,我就去日本。   非真实条件句所表的假设是不可能或不大可能发生或实现的,句中的条件从句与结果主句皆用虚拟语气。现将用于非真实条件句的虚拟时态列表如下:  5) 条件从句 结果主句   与现在事实相反 If I (we, you, he, they) +动词过去式(be的过去式用were) I (we) should/you would/he would/they would+动词原形   与过去事实相反 If I (we, you, he, they) + had+过去分词 I (we) should/you would/he would/they would+ have+过去分词   与将来事实可能相反 If I (we, you, he, they) +动词过去式(be的过去式用were) I (we) should/you would/he would/they would+动词原形   [注]美国英语的结果主句,不管什么人称,皆常用would.   1)与现在事实相反的非真实条件句,条件从句的谓语用动词的过去式(be的过去式用were),结果主句的谓语用should(第一人称)或would(第二、三人称)+动词原形。如:   (3)If we left now, we should arrive in good time. 假如我们现在就走的话,我们就会及时到达。   (4)If I were you, I would refuse the money. 假如我是你的话,我就不会要那钱。(would代替了should)   (5)Even if he had the money, he wouldn"t buy it. 他即使有钱也不会买它。   2)与过去事实相反的非真实条件句,条件从句的谓语用had+过去分词,结果主句的谓语用should(第一人称)或would(第二、三人称)+ have+过去分词。如:   (6)We would"ve dropped by if we had had time. 假若我们有时间的话,我们就会顺道拜访了。   (7)I wouldn"t have known what these were for is I hadn"t been told. 假如别人不告诉我,我就不会知道这些东西是干什么的了。   但虚拟式were也可表与过去事实相反。如:   (8)If I were not busy, I would have come. 假如我不忙,我就会来了。   表过去时间的假设亦可用虚拟式should have+过去分词,这种虚拟式所表的动作并非完全不可能发生,它只是表示一种偶然性,并常和直陈语气连用。但也可与虚拟语气连用。如:   (9)You can imagine what would have happened to her if she should have told the truth. 你可以想像,如果她道出了真情,她的遭遇会如何。   美国大众语常用would have+过去分词表示与过去事实相反的假设。如:   (10)If this sleeplessness would have been allowed to go on, she would have collapsed. 这种失眠如果任其发展,她就会垮掉的。   3)与将来事实可能相反的非真实条件句,条件从句的谓语用动词的过去式(be的过去式用were),结果主句的谓语用should(第一人称)或would(第二、三人称)+动词原形。如:   (11)If you dropped the glass, it would break. 假如你把玻璃杯掉在地上,它会打碎的。   (12)If you lived there for a while, you"d change your mind about that place. 假如你在那里住上一段时间,你就会改变对那地方的看法了。   [注]如无上下文,下面句中的rained有歧义,可能是表与将来事实可能相反的虚拟语气,也可能是表过去习惯的直陈语气:If it rained we would stay indoors and read. 如果下雨,我们就待在家里看书。   在与将来事实相反的条件句中,其条件从句的谓语亦可用were to+动词原形。这种虚拟时式比较正式,多用于书面语中,其假想性很强,实现性甚小。如:   (13)If he were to come, what should we say to him? 假如他来了,我们对他说什么呢?   在与将来事实相反的条件句中,其条件从句的谓语还可以用should+动词原形。这种形式并不强调意愿,只强调一种有偶然实现的可能性。如:   (14)If he should see me, he would know me. 假如他看见我,就会认识我。   这种形式往往有不为人所欢迎的含义。如:   (15)If he should go away, I should be grieved. 他如离去,我就会感到悲伤。   有时可用would代替should,以免与结果主句中的should重复。如:   (16)If you would be interested, I should be very glad to send you a copy of my book. 你如感兴趣,我将高兴寄给你一册我的书。   在这种条件句中,结果主句常用直陈语气或祈使语气。如:   (17)If the train should be late, what will you do? 如果火车晚点了,你将怎么办?(结果主句用疑问句)   (18)If we should fall in this, we are ruined. 我们这个计划如果失败,我们就倒霉了。(结果主句用直陈语气)   (19)If you should meet Henry, tell him I want to see him. 假如你见着亨利,告诉他我要见他。(结果主句用祈使语气)   关于过去式、should+动词原形与were to+动词原形这三种虚拟式的可能性孰大孰小的问题,语法家们认为它们的可能性虽都不大,但相比较,were to+动词原形的可能性最小,should+动词原形次之,过去式更次之。试比较:   (20)If the ship left at noon, it would pass through the canal between 2 and 2:30 p.m. 这艘船如果中午启航,下午2时至2时半之间将穿过运河。(有可能,但不大)   (21)If the ship should leave at noon, it would pass through the canal between 2 and 2:30 p.m. (可能性较上例小)   (22)If the ship were to leave at noon, it would pass through the canal between 2 and 2:30 p.m. (可能性最小)   [注]虚拟过去式有时并不表示“不大可能实现的假设”,而是表示一种希望或不希望发生的动作。如:   ①If we caught the early train, we"d get there by lunch time. 假如我们赶上早班火车,到午饭时间我们就会到达那里了。(表希望)   ②If we missed the train, we should have to wait an hour at the station. 假如我们赶不上这班火车,我们就得在车站等一小时。(表不希望)  6) 情态动词用于虚拟语气   有不少情态动词也可用于虚拟语气。如:   (1)It might help a little if only you would keep clean. 你只要愿意保持清洁,可能就会好一些。   (2)If you left at ten, you should arrive in time. 你如十点动身,你就会及时到达。(should意味着可能)   (3)I couldn"t be angry with him if I tried. 我即使想生他的气,也做不到。   (4)If I hadn"t warned you, you could have been killed. 我如不是警告了你,你就可能丧命了。   (5)If he were wise, he should have come to see me. 他如若聪明,就应该来见我。   [注]在I should not take this medicine, if it would upset you.(如果此药使你感到不适,那我也不用它了)一句中,if从句之后省去了另一if从句,即if you took it,所以would在此是助动词,而不是情态动词。   情态动词may(might)是一种特殊的虚拟语气,它可以用在从句中表目的、让步。如:   (6)I must learn English well so that I may serve the people better. 我必须学好英语,以便更好地为人民服务。(非正式文体用can)   (7)He died in order that others might be saved. 他为了拯救别人而死。(非正式文体用could)   在让步从句中多用may.如:   (8)We must observe the customs of the country, whatever they may be. 不论怎样,我们都必须遵守本国的习俗。   (9)However hard it may rain, we shall have to go. 不论雨多大,我们都得走。   may还可以用在独立句中表祝愿。如:   (10)May you be happy! 愿你幸福!   (11)Long may you live! 愿你长寿!   7) 连词if的省略   在书面语中,条件从句可以不用连词if,而将谓语中的过去式were,had或should等移至主语之前。如:   (1)Were you in my position, you would do the same. 假如你处在我的地位,你也会这样干的。   (2)Had he been in your position, he"d probably have done the same. 假如我处在你的地位,他可能也会这样干的。   (3)Should they attack us, we"ll wipe them out completely. 假如他们进攻我们,我们就把他们彻底消灭干净。   (4)Had I time, I would come. 假如我有时间,我会来的。   (5)I will go, should it be necessary. 假如有必要,我会去的。   [注]在虚拟语态中,可移至主语之前的除were,had和should外,偶尔还有did和would,could等。如:   ①There are other articles, to which, did time permit, we might draw attention. 还有其它一些文章,如时间允许,我们还可以提请注意。   ②Would space allow, I should like to quote the notice in full. 如有篇幅,我会引用通知全文的。   ③“Joyce!” and Joyce would have been astonished could she have heard his voice. “乔伊斯!”乔伊斯如听到他的叫声,她会吃惊的。   条件从句与结果主句所表的时间不一致   当条件从句与结果主句所表的时间不一致时,虚拟语气的形式应作相应的调整。如:   (1)If I had spoken to him yesterday, I should know what to do now. 假如昨天我对他说了,现在我就知道该怎么办了。   (2)You would be much better now if you had taken my advice. 假如你接受了我的意见,你现在就会好得多。   (3)If father hadn"t sent me, I shouldn"t be here. 假如父亲没有叫我来,我现在就不会在这里。   (4)If he knew this, it would have had to be by accident. 假如他已知道此事,那一定会是偶然的。   如条件从句用if I were…,结果主句则可用表任何时间的虚拟形式。如:   (5)If I were not busy, I would have come. 假如我不忙,我就会去了。(were表过去)   (6)If I were you, I would go. 假如我是你,我会去的。(were表现在)   8) 含蓄条件句   非真实条件句中的条件从句有时不表出来,只暗含在上下文中,这种句子叫做含蓄条件句。含蓄条件句大体有三种情况。   1)条件暗含在短语中。如:   (1)What would I have done without you? 如没有你,我会怎么办呢?(条件暗含在介词短语without you中)   (2)It would be easier to do it this way. 这样做会比较容易。(条件暗含在不定式短语to do it this way中)   (3)This same thing, happening in wartime, would amount to disaster. 同样的事,如发生在战时,就会酿成大祸。(条件暗含在分词短语happening in wartime中)   (4)But for your help we couldn"t have succeeded in the experiment. 如果没有你的帮助,我们的实验是不会成功的。(暗含条件是but for your help)   (5)He must have the strength of a hippopotamus, or he never could have vanquished that great beast. 他一定是力大如河马,否则他绝不会击败那只庞大的野兽。(暗含条件是连词or)   (6)Alone, he would have been terrified. 如是单独一人,他是会感到害怕的。(暗含条件是alone)   2)条件暗含在上下文中。如:   (7)You might stay here forever. 你可以永远待在这儿。(可能暗含if you wanted to)   (8)We would have succeeded. 我们本来是会成功的。(可能暗含if we had kept trying)   (9)Your reputation would be ruined. 你的名誉会败坏的。(可能暗含if you should accept it)   (10)I would appreciate a little of your time. 谢谢你给我一点时间吧。(可能暗含if you were so kind as to give me a little of your time)   3)在不少情况下,虚拟式已变成习惯说法,很难找出其暗含的条件。如:   (11)You wouldn"t know. 你不会知道。   (12)I would like to come. 我愿意来。   (13)I wouldn"t have dreamed of it. 这是我做梦也不会想到的。   (14)He told the story in such minute detail that he might himself have been an eye-witness. 他将那件事讲的非常仔细,简直就像是他亲眼看见一样。  省去结果主句的非真实条件句   非真实条件句如省去结果主句,则常表示一种不可能实现的愿望。这种条件句常用if only来引导。如:   (1)If only you would listen to reason. 你如听从道理就好了。   (2)If only he were here. 如果他在这儿就好了。   (3)If I had never married. 我不结婚就好了。   (4)If at least it had some artistic merit. 它起码应有些艺术性才好。   (5)If only I could smash the ground with my fist and make the oil flow! 我真想用我的拳头从地里打出油来啊!

Just do best . 语法中可以这么一句话吗?

do 是一个动词,动词后面跟宾语,构成动宾结构,best是形容词,不可以单独充当宾语一般都是just do your best,或是do the best you can. 命令句式,表示加油,尽你所能。

do what 语法

第一句正确的说法应该是:do what you want to do,此短语的中文意思是:做你想做的事情,因为这是一个动宾短语,to 为动词,what为宾语,这里的you want to do是定语从句作定语,修饰代词what(相当于the things).第二句的正确说法应该是:do whatever you want to do,此句中文意思是:无论你想做什么都可以,与第一句道理相似,do是及物动词,后边要有宾语.

小语法问题。you can do want you want. you can do want you want to. you can do what you want to do.

1.you can do want you want是不是打字错误了? 应该是you can do what you want. 如果是这样的,这4句都对1.you can do what you want.实际中经常用到,从语法的角度看,省略了 to do 。 2.you can do what you want to.实际中经常用到,从语法的角度看,省略了 do3. you can do what you want to do.语法正确,实际中偶尔用到。4.you can do whatever you want.特别常用。语法正确。


选 B.单词vocabulary 词汇,单词

do you think so和are you think so 那个语法错了?



1.I and a few sisters in England to a small village grow up. Father is a lawyer, and in order to earn about, but I think he has been different. He never blamed us, but praise, our strengths plays out. He will say: "give the flowers some water, the flower will; does not water, take the lush will die."2.I still remember when I was little, said a few words of others not nice, say his father and said, "to speak ill of others, reflect your own quality." He also explained, see other people"s strengths and people will see my strengths. I"m in the business company, always try to follow the principle.3.Father was always reasonable. 15 years old, I have a magazine and spent a lot of time, the President let I decide for yourself: either to continue their studies, or school to do magazines


第一段:1。把each改成every,否则和后面冲突,主谓不一致。 同时,把builds改成build。如果一定想用each,就要把their identities as Japanese – Canadian 中的复数形式全部改成单数形式。2。three generation --》three generations3。 conflicted by 把介词改成for4。a Japanese and a Canadian把连词改成or5。different level --》different levels6。their unique identity--》identities第二段:1。she is kind of a person that would do whatever to fit--》she is such a person as would do everything she could to fit herself2。reader--》readers3。the writer mention--》mentioned4。 but having an Asian looking outside--》but she has an Asian looking outside5。She behaves like --》She behaves as6。other Canadian--》other Canadians第三段:1。 behaves like--》behaves as2。other Canadian--》other Canadians3。her daughter Murasaki does not avoid her Japanese identity. 前加上连词while4。she always been treated as ‘others"--》she is always treated as。。。5。Naoe behaves like Japanese--》a Japanese6。one as a Canadian, and one as a Japanese--》being a Canadian or being a Japanese7。And she has two names, --》把and移到逗号后8。Unlike Keiko and Murasaki,--》Unlike those of Keiko and Murasaki9。Not only she does not feel that she belongs there, but also does not show any interest in the new culture, the people, the language or the food in Canada. --》Neither does she feel that she belongs the area,nor she shows。。。10。she insist on speaking Japanese loudly all day long--》she insists on。。。aloud all day long11。she tries hard to keep her way,--》前面加连词and,way后面的逗号改成句号12。knows a little bit of English --》a little English就可以了13。refuses to speak it:“I could speak the other to her, but my lips refuse and my tongue swells in revolt."--》refuses to speak it as she think,“。。。.”14。 As the result she finds her approaches of being a Japanese-Canadian, and then she leaves her house and travels many places to enjoy her Canadian life. --》Finally,she finds。。。travels around。。。


不正确,是时间点,不是时间段,应该为 I was busy last month.

英语专业的语法高手说说the rate below which inflation has taken off in the past.语法是怎么回事

老师说的是对的,——the rate是指the natural rate of unemployment,below which作为定语修饰the rate, 意为:当(现实的失业率)低于此时就会发生通货膨胀的百分率

Be Careful.这句话的语法意义?be为什么是不定式

be careful的意思是仔细一点

Be Careful.这句话的语法意义?be为什么是不定式?

最佳答案: have to 相当于情态助词 ,“不得不”的意思。经常会和must比较,跟must用法相同。

with your eyes wide open是什么语法结构

用作状语He is lying in bed with his eyes wide open 他躺在床上,眼睛睁得大大的。


x s sh ch

A word spoken is an arrow let fly 语法求解....


求大神 英语阅读理解改为语法填空?

Norm Pethrick, a 36-year-old man in Australia"s ( 北方的 ) cityDarwin,( praise) on Thursday for jumping onto a crocodile"s back to save his wife Wendy atLitchfieldNational Park, a popular tourist spo...,2,求大神 英语阅读理解改为语法填空 C Norm Pethrick, a 36-year-old man in Australia"s northern cityDarwin, was praised on Thursday for jumping onto a crocodile"s back to sa ve his wife Wendy atLitchfieldNational Park, a popular tourist spot southwest ofDarwin, a local newspaper reported. Ms Pethrick was standing on a river bank Wednesday afternoon when the saltwater crocodile lunged (扑), locking its jaws on both her legs as it tried to drag her underwater. Norm Pethrick, who with his wife had been collecting water, immediately went to help her. He jumped onto the back, poked (戳) the eyes of the crocodile and finally got his wife free. Ms Pethrick was later taken toRoyalDarwinHospitalfor a medical treatment. The doctors said she was suffering eight puncture wounds (伤口) in her right leg, a puncture wound in her left leg and a serious cut to one of her fingers. “This could have been a fatal and tragic situation,” said the general manager of Royal Darwin Hospital (RDH), Dr Len Notaras, according to a local report. He said Ms Pethrick was saved by her hu *** and"s “quick and diligent actions”. Dr Notaras also said she would remain in hospital for three to four days and have an operation to clean the wounds, which are easy to get infected because of bacteria (细菌) on the teeth of the crocodile. B There are many ways to find a job. It can be as easy as walking into a neighborhood store to look at its announcement board. Local stores often have areas where people can put *** all signs telling what kind of service they need or can provide. Such services include caring for children or cleaning houses. Or, job searchers can look in the newspaper. Local newspapers have employment announcements placed by panies seeking workers. Another popular tool for finding jobs is the Internet. For example, people in four hundred and fifty cities around the world can use the Craigslist Web site to buy objects, meet people or find a job. Craigslist says that it receives two million new job listings each month. Another useful way to find a job is through a college or university. For example, students at theUniversityofTexasinAustincan go to theCareerExplorationCenterto get help in finding a job. Of course, looking for a job requires knowing what kind of work you want to do. For example, there is a book called “What Color is Your Parachute (降落伞)?” by Richard Bolles. This book has been helping people choose a career (职业) since it was first published in nineteen seventy. Some experts also help people find jobs. Susan W. Miller owns a pany called California Career Services inLos Angeles. She says her pany helps people find jobs by first helping them understand their strengths, goals and interests. Then she provides them with methods and resources to help them find the right job.

语法分析 paid的词性 The maid got paid for the job?

get+动词过去分词构词系表结构,常见四种情况:1.表示进入某种状态get lost迷路,如:We don"t want any of you to get lost. 我们不想你们当中任何人迷路。)get drunk喝醉,如:He went out and got drunk. 他出去喝醉了酒。类似的结构还有get started 行动起来,get engaged订婚,get devoced离婚2.表示对自己身体外部做某事;get dressed/undressed穿衣服/脱衣服,get changed换衣服get shaved刮脸、刮胡子3.表示一种状态渐变为另一种状态;get tired of厌倦,如:She got tired of learning English. 她对学英语厌倦了。get used to习惯You will soon get used to this kind of work.你很快就会习惯这种工作。4.表示引起心理或情感变化。get pleased满意,如:She got pleased with her grade.她对她的分数很满意。get surpried惊讶,如:I got surpried at the news.这消息使我吃惊。getdemote喜悦,如:youarethesupportofmyheart。getouts喜悦,如:youarethegottoofmyheart。

英文语法go OUT

out 很明显是副词go是动词 out 表示去掉方向,像解释说明动词的,或者形容动词动作的激烈程度等 都是副词。不及物动词后加TO TO作为动词的不定式 之所以不定 是因为动词的及物不及物有关。不知道你懂了没有,没懂百度HI我。

even if的完整用法和语法精讲

,even是副词,可以后接动词、形容词、名词 Even an idiot can do that.连白痴也能做那件事He can"t even walk,let alone run.他连路都不能走,更不要说跑步了I felt hurt,even angry,when I heard what she had said about me.听到她说的关于我的那些话以后,我感到很伤心,甚至很气愤 even if是连词, 后接句子,She won"t go even if she is invited.即使受到邀请,她也不会去even if 即使, 纵然引导让步状语从句的 (=even though) I wouldn"t lose courage even if I should fail ten times.即使要失败十次, 我也绝不灰心。 Don"t utter hard words even if you feel angry. 即使是生气也不要骂人。 Even if disturbances, major disturbances occur, reform must continue. 今后即使出现风波,甚至出现大的风波,改革也必须坚持。

关于result from 与result in 的问题,等高人解答(求理解性的语法解释)


every time of every day 有没有这样的语法?

every time of every day 没有这种说法去掉of

2018小升初英语语法突破:时间介词at, on, in的用法

一些孩子英语总是学不好,语法用法分不清,从而拉低了其它学科的平均分。为了孩子们轻松突破、巧用语法。小好老师整理了英语语法突破的方法及时间介词的运用,希望对孩子们有一定的帮助。 at,on和in是表示时间的常用介词,各类考试屡见踪影,也是孩子容易出错的考点。at, on, in用法区别细微,孩子们要想准确地使用,确实不易。家长辅导孩子用好这三个时间介词,可以先抓住一个大的原则,即at某时刻, on某天, in某段时间,时间的跨度是由小到大。 一、选用介词at的场合 介词at主要可用于以下几种场合,家长需提醒孩子特别注意的是at在固定短语或习惯搭配中的使用。 1. 用于钟点前。如: at ten o"clock, at a quarter to six 2. 用于时刻前。如: at noon/night/midnight(半夜), at sunrise(日出时), at dusk(黄昏), at dawn/daybreak (黎明) We will leave at daybreak.我们将在黎明时动身。 3. 用于表示进餐时间。如: at breakfast/lunch/supper(在早餐时/午餐时/晚餐时) He drinks tea at breakfast.他在早餐时饮茶。 4. 用于表示年龄时。如: at 14 (=at the age of 14在14岁) He left home at the age of 16.他十六岁离开了家。 5. 用于一些固定短语或习惯搭配中。如: at Christmas, at New Year, at Thanksgiving(感恩节), at the Spring Festival, at midsummer(仲夏), at the beginning/end of last month, at the moment/ at that time, at this time of day, at a bad time of year, at first(起初), at last(终于) 二、选用介词on的场合 1.用于星期、日期(包括该天的各部分)前。如: on Sundays/weekdays, on Monday morning / afternoon / evening I"m flying home on Sunday afternoon.我星期四下午乘飞机回家。 【温馨提示】“在周末”既可以说at weekends,也可以说on weekends。如: I often go fishing on/ at weekends.我经常在周末去钓鱼。 2.用于morning/afternoon/evening/night/day前,此时这类名词前多有修饰语或带有of等引起的后置修饰语,指具体的或不具体的某一日。如: on a cold afternoon, on the night of October 1, 1997, on the first day, on his birthday, on Friday afternoon, on the eve of victory(胜利前夕) The story happed on the night of October 25,1980.故事发生在1980年10月25日深夜。 3.用于公共节假日前。如: on Teachers" Day,on Christmas Day/Eve,on National Day 家长需向孩子解释的是,at,on都可用来表示“节假日”,但at侧重指“休假的时节”,而不是指具体的哪一天;on侧重指具体的时日,与它连用的短语中多含“Day”。例如比较以下句子特点: at New Year(在新年期间) at Christmas (在圣诞节期间) on New Year"s Day(在元旦那天) on Christmas Day (在圣诞节) 三、选用介词in的场合 1.用于泛指一天的上午、下午、傍晚等。如:in the morning/afternoon/evening/night 2.用于某个较长的时间,像世纪、朝代、年、月、季节等。如: in March, in spring, in 1997, in the twenty-first century(在二十一世纪), in one"s fifties(在某人50多岁时) 3.用于表示“从现在起,多久以后或多长时间内”的短语之前。如: She"ll see me again in a week"s time.一周后她再来看我。 I can draw a beautiful horse in five minutes.我可以在五分钟内画好一匹好看的马。 There are seven days in a week.一周有七天。 四、省略介词的情况 有些情况,既不用in,也不用on和at,时间前面可不带介词。家长可以让孩子认清标志,注意哪些情况下要省略介词,避免画蛇添足。 1.next,last,this,that与时间名词连用作状语时,该短语前常省略介词。如: We"re going to work on a farm next Sunday.下个星期天,我们要去农场劳动。 They visited the Great Wall last year.去年他们参观了长城。 2.在today, tomorrow, yesterday, the day before yesterday, the day after tomorrow, tomorrow night等之前不用介词。如: Are you free tomorrow night? 明晚你有空吗? Where did you go the day before yesterday? 前天你去哪儿了? 上述用法孩子都能记住吗?有几句口诀,记起来比较方便,家长可以教给孩子。 时间介词三兄弟, in on at分清记: 年月周前要用in,日子前面却不用; 遇到几号要用on,上午下午又是in; 要说某日上下午, 用on换in才能行; 子夜黄昏用at,黎明用它也不错; at用于时分前,兄仨各有习惯配; 灵活运用是关键,不得生搬和硬套。 课程报名电话:010-56639540


给你一个好的网站,你去仔细看看,希望能帮到你at表示时间的一点;in表示一个时期;on表示特殊日子。如:He goes to school at seven o"clock in the morning. 他早晨七点上学。Can you finish the work in two days. 你能在两天内完成这个工作吗?Linda was born on the second of May. 琳达五月二日出生。1. at后常接几点几分,天明,中午,日出,日落,开始等。如:at five o"clock (五点)at down (黎明)at daybreak (天亮)at sunrise (日出)at noon (中午)at sunset (日落)at midnight (半夜)at the beginning of the month (月初)at that time (那时)at that moment (那会儿)at this time of day (在一天的这个时候)。2. in后常接年,月,日期,上午,下午,晚上,白天,季节,世纪等。如:in 2006(2006年)in May,2004 (2004年五月)in the morning (早晨/上午)in the afternoon (下午)in the evening (晚上)in the night (夜晚)in the daytime (白天)in the 21st century (21世纪)in three days (weeks/month)三天(周/个月)in a week (一周)in spring (春季)。3. on后常接某日,星期几,某日或某周日的朝夕,节日等。如:on Sunday (星期日)on a warm morning in April (四月的一个温暖的上午)on a December night (12月的一个夜晚)on that afternoon (那天下午)on the following night (下一个晚上)on Christmas afternoon (圣诞节下午)on October 1,1949 (1949年10月1日)on New Year"s Day (新年)on New Year"s Eve (除夕)on the morning of the 15th (15日的早上)等。


6.这题的意思是,超声波能产生脉冲信号,在这种方式下金属的危害能被探测。还原原句,various defects in metal can be dectected by sth. 而这个sth, 是ultrasonic sounds produce pulsed signals,而ultrasonic sounds produce pulsed signals整句概括为means 所以本题选D符合题意。7.哥白尼的学说,太阳是太阳系的中心,直到他死,都没有被公众认可。这题的主语是theory,你选B主语就变成是Copernicus,语义不符

face to face,hand in hand这种类型的词语法学上叫什么

face to face,hand in hand为副词短语,在句中做状语,修饰动词。


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《高中英语语法-通过上下文猜测词义的技巧之一》由留学liuxue86.com我整理。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 通过上下文猜测词义的技巧之一 所谓猜测词义,是指在阅读过程中根据对语篇的信息、逻辑、背景知识及语言结构等的综合理解去猜测或推断某一生词、难词、关键词的词义,它是一种非常有用的阅读技巧,获得这种技巧之后,读者在阅读过程中能很快通过上下文提供的线索或生词本身的结构特点推断出词义来,从而提高阅读速度和阅读能力。 猜词技巧也是一种很重要的应试技巧。在诸多的英语测试中,几乎都包含有判断生词或关键词词义的题目。如: 1) In Lineu2026the word“u2026”could best be replaced by which of the following? 2) According to the author the word “u2026”means __________. 3) By word “u2026” the author means __________. 4) Which of the following is nearest/ closest in meaning to “u2026” ? 那么,怎样来猜测和推断生词的词义呢?这种技巧大体可分为两大类:一类是通过上下文推测词义,另一类是根据生词本身的特点推测词义。本文着重介绍通过上下文猜测词义的技巧。通过上下文猜词就是根据一个词所处的具体的语言环境,运用有关线索,如同义词﹑反义词﹑举例﹑重述或定义等推测词义,也可以运用逻辑推理和其他的知识,如生活经验、普通常识等推断词义。 1. 以定义为线索猜测词义 根据上下文以生词的定义为线索猜测词义是进行快速阅读时最常见、最直接的一种猜词方法。 (1)以to be(是),mean(意指),refer to(指的是)为线索猜测词义。 [例] Ventilation,as you know ,is a system or means of providing fresh air . It plays a very important part in the field of engineering. 此句中“ventilation” 可能是个生词,但 is后面是对该词的明确定义。是什么东西或什么手段才能提供新鲜空气呢?所以不难看出 “ventilation” 这个词的意思是“通风”。 (2)以“be defined as ”(被定义为),“be known as ”(被称为),“be called ”(被称为),“be termed ”(被定义为)等结构为线索猜测生词词义。 在这些结构中,主语与主语补足语相互提供生词的词义,读者可以通过已知部分推断出未知部分的意思来。 [例] A person or thing beyond comparison,a model of excellence,is known as a paragon. 在此句中,“paragon”一词的词义由句子的主语给提供出来了。一个人或物是无与伦比的,即优秀的典范,这不就是“模范、优秀的人或物”吗?很明显“be known as”前面的主语给出了后面“paragon”的词义。 (3)以定语从句为线索猜测词义。 在很多情况下,定语从句直接给出了某一生词的定义,所以,以定语从句为线索猜测词义也是一个行之有效的猜词方法。 [例] He was a prestidigitator who entertained the children by pulling rabbits out of hats,swallowing fire,and other similar tricks. 此句中,who引导的定语从句对生词“prestidigitator”的词义给出了非常清楚的定义。根据这一定义,读者就不难猜测出prestidigitator的词义。能从帽子里拉出兔子、吞火和玩其他类似的把戏的人不就是变戏法的人吗?因此,“prestidigitator”一词的词义就应是“变戏法者”。 (4)以标点符号为线索猜测词义。 作者有时利用标点符号,如括号、冒号、破折号等为一些生词直接提供定义或解释,这些符号无疑为读者理解或猜测生词词义提供了很好的线索。 [例] Tornadoes(violent and destructive whirl wind)normally occur on hot,humid(a little wet)day,but not necessarily in the summer. 此句中,“tornado”和“humid”两词的词义都在括弧里被清楚地表述出来。“tornado”即一种非常剧烈的、破坏性很大的旋转的风。很明显,这是“旋风﹑飓风”;humid即有点湿,其词义很清楚是“潮湿的”意思。在这种情况下,利用括号作为猜词线索,在一瞬间就能猜出其词义来,阅读可继续进行,不会因生词而影响阅读速度。 2. 以同义词、近义词为线索猜测词义 有时作者为了使他的意思表达得更清楚明白,通常用一个同义词或近义词来解释另一个比较难的词或关键词,这些同义词或近义词为读者推断生词词义提供了线索。另外有些作者在表达同一概念时喜欢用两个或更多的同义词或近义词,其中必定有读者所熟悉的词,根据已知的词语,就不难推断出生词的词义来。 (1)or有时可作为识别同义词或近义词的信号词。 [例] The new tax law supersedes,or replaces,the law that was in effect last year. 此句中,作者考虑到“supersede”一词可能是生词,紧接着用or引出该词的同义词“replace”,此词是一比较常用的词,读者可根据“replace”一词的词义能很容易地推断出“supersede”一词的大概意思来,即“取代,接替”。 (2)like(像u2026u2026一样),asu2026u2026as(如同u2026u2026一样),the same as(与u2026u2026相同)等也可作为识别生词的同义词或近义词的信号词,以这些词为线索,有时也可推断出生词的词义来。 [例] Mother was tall,fat and middle-aged. The principal of the school was an older woman,almost as plump as mother,and much shorter. 此句中,作者把学校的校长和他的母亲相比,有相同之处和不同之处。校长比母亲年纪大些,个子矮些,但有一点是相同的,并用“asu2026u2026as”结构表示出来。从这一对比中,可以看出fat和plump是近义词。fat是读者熟悉的词即“肥胖的”,那么,plump一词的意思就能猜个大概了。 3. 以反义词和对比关系为线索猜测词义 有时作者运用对比的手法来表现事物之间的差异。在进行对比的过程中,作者必然会用一些互为对应、互为反义的词语,使不同事物的特点更为突出。通过上下文的逻辑关系,从对两种事物或现象进行对比的描述中,读者可以根据其中一个熟悉的词推断出另一个生词的词义来。 另外,在表示这种对比关系时,作者通常会用一些信号词来表明另一个词语与前面的词语互为反义。这些信号词无疑为读者理解和猜测生词词义提供了非常好的线索。常用来表示对应关系和提供相反信息的信号词有: but,yet,however,while,whereas,otherwise,in spite of,despite,even though,although,though,unlike,instead(of),rather than,nevertheless,nonetheless ,on the other hand,still,none the less,by contrast,on the contrary,in the end,compared to [例] In the past the world seemed to run in an orderly way. Now,however,everything seems to be in a state of turmoil. 此句中,以信号词however为线索,可以看出作者把现在的事情与过去相比。过去是“in an orderly way”,而现在是“in a state of turmoil”,过去是秩序井然,那么现在则是相反,那就是一片混乱。 4. 以列举的句子为线索猜测词义 为了阐明某一种重要观念或者讲清某一抽象概念,作者往往采取举例的方式对这一观点或概念进行具体的说明和解释,从而使读者理解得更具体些。那么文中的例子自然也就成了读者理解文章生词的线索。表示列举关系的信号词有: like,for example,for instance,such as,especially,include,consist of,specially [例] Defined most broadly,folklore includes all the customs,belief and tradition that people have handed down from generation to generation. 此句中,includes后面的例子基本上表示出了“folklore”的内容范围,即人们一代传一代的那些风俗、习惯、信仰和传统的东西。这些东西都属于通常所说的“民俗学,民俗传统”,这也就是“folklore”一词的基本含义。 5. 以重述为线索猜测词义 有时作者在阐述某个概念或某一事情时,为了把它讲述得更清楚,他可能采取另一种方式重述一下前面的内容。这种重述往往用比前面一种表达更为简单易懂的词语。后面这种简单易懂的词语无疑为前面较难的词语提供了猜测的线索。因此,读者在阅读的过程中如遇到生词时,不要停下来,不妨看一下该生词后面是否有另一种阐述或解释。表达重述,作者也经常使用一些信号词,这些信号词有: in other words,to put it another way,that is to say,or 《高中英语语法-通过上下文猜测词义的技巧之一》由留学liuxue86.com我整理


第二个。单从语法上“奥巴马宣布本拉登死亡”那句,第一个和第二个都没有语法错误,但是语言习惯上,第二个更适合。而“美国东部时间5月1日,下午11点35分,奥巴马在白宫突然宣布:基地组织头目本拉登在一次军事行动中被击毙”这句,其他三句狗屁不通,最后一个有为夸张,全用单词来描述时间,这种现象在任何正常情况下都不会发生。第一句是没什么America time(美洲时间),第二也不会有1st of May这种形式。第三句,没什么EST On.....最后一个,我前面说了。


BE 动词的用法.名词单数变复数的规则.人称代词.物主代词.时间的表达.过去式.等等




This paper aims at applying lexicology, semantics and pragmatics to the analysis of the flexibility and indefinity and emotionality and open-ended property which lexical connotation shares to clarify the view that the connotation of a word, in English teaching, can be restricted, determined and comprehended according to textual context, paralinguistic context or non-linguistic context, In the meantime, to relate the important role a culture, especially, the common culture constituting part of the culture plays an important role helping students comprehend lexical connotation and the basic approach to the cultural acquisition, which promotes the cultivation of their cross-culture awareness


education是不可数名词;will不是情态动词;此外,由于省去了繁重的楼梯打扫,这个公寓不需要过多的日常保洁(diffucult task 指staircase);where people指这里的人们,where等同于at which place;选项好坏与否依赖于个人看法,个人看法决定选项好坏。注意这里用的是depend。





The longest journey begins with the first step.有什么语法

The longest journey是主语begins谓语with the first step状语longest最高级 first 序数词

i wanna be better语法对吗?

没毛病。因为wanna就相当于want to

Focus on you need是否有语法错误? 那个和Focus on your need 是否有区别?

第一句应该改成 focus on what you need~~这样改完后 第一句与第二句的 句意相同。


改错题语法类错误解析 ●主谓不一致错误 主谓不一致,即主语和谓语在人称和数等方面未能保持一致。此类错误形式主要有以下几种: A.主语因其形式特殊或因由一个或几个复杂成分修饰而导致主语与谓语单复数形式不能保持一致。如: ①Acoustics are taught in some colleges.(are应改为is——以-s或-es结尾的用以表示学科、疾病、游戏等的名词作主语时,其谓语动词应用单数形式。) ② Understanding the cultural habits of another nation,especially one containing so many diversified subcultures as the US,area complex,bewildering task to us.(are应改为is——主语是一个动名词短语,尽管其后有较长的修饰成分,然而其谓语仍需用单数形式。) B.定语从句的谓语动词未能与先行词在人称和数上保持一致。如: ① I,who is your friend,will do my best to help you.(is应改为am——先行词在定语从句结构中作主语时,定语从句的谓语动词要与被修饰的先行词保持一致。) ② Tom is the only one of the pupils who are willing to take make-up examinations.(are应改为is——在由the only one of等加复数名词或代词再加定语从句结构中,谓语动词应用单数形式。) C.按照语法要求,某些短语或结构后所跟谓语动词必须用单数或复数形式。如: ①Six times two are twelve.(are应改为 is——在加、减、乘、除运算中,谓语动词要用单数形式。) ② The police is looking for the escaped criminal.(is应改为are——当主语为people, police,folk,cattle等集合名词时,谓语动词通常用复数形式。) ●时态及语态错误 时态及语态使用错误也是改错题常考内容之一,其中时态方面错误主要包括: A.单句或并列句中的时态用错或不一致。如: At the party the film star sang a song for us and later dances for the elderly.(dances应 改为danced——在并列句中,谓语动词时态多保持一致。) B.主句与从句的时态不一致。如: He was a teacher before he became the manager of a big firm.(was应改为had been——当教师的时间应在做经理之前。) 语态方面的错误主要表现为主动语态及被动语态的混用等。如: ①I never imagined that waste paper can use so widely.(can use应改为can be used——纸张与利用之间应为被动关系。) ②Large masses of data must be generally undergone a process of summarization.(must be generally undergone应改为must generally undergo——undergo“经历,遭受”多用主动形式。) ●形容词、副词用法错误 形容词、副词用法错误主要包括: A.形容词、副词使用不当。如: ①I frequently feel weakly and dissatisfied with myself.(weakly应改为weak——feel为系动词。) ②The cat ran quick as soon as he saw the dog.(quick应改为quickly——run为实意动词,修饰动词应用副词。) B.形容词、副词在原级、比较级、级方面的使用错误。 ①形容词或副词未用比较级形式。如:It is well-known that the sun is much big than the moon.(big应改为bigger——比较级前可以 由many ,much,a little等词修饰表示程度。) ②不可分级的形容词、副词误用了比较级结构。如:But for some spelling mistakes, your composition would be more perfect.(应去掉more——perfect没有比较级和级形式。) ③比较级与级混淆。如:Of all the toys the boy saw in the window,the thing he wanted more was a new watch.(more应改为 most——在有of all the,of the whole等短语的句子中应使用形容词级形式。) ④比较级、级结构中的副词、连词、固定结构等方面的错误。如:a.The more you study during the semester,the lesser you have to do that before the exam.(lesser应改为 less——the less本身已是比较级形式。); b.This product is more inferior than the one you bought yesterday.(than应改为to——表示比较时inferior后应加介词to。);c.Everest is three times as high than the Matterhorn,the highest mountain in Europe.(than应改为as——此处为“数词+times+as+形容词原级形式+as”的同级比较结构。) ⑤混淆句中用于比较的两个部分。如: The climate in the coastal cities is much warmer than in the interior cities.(在than与 in之间应加指示代词that——句中用于比较的两个部分是气候而不是地区。) ●虚拟语气用法错误 虚拟语气用法错误主要包括: A.主句或从句的动词形式未用虚拟语气形式。如: If we had more rain last summer,we would have a harvest.(应分别改为had had与would have had——此句应用与过去事实相反的虚拟语气形式。) B.混合型虚拟句中的主从句动词形式出现错误。如: If you had been older,I would have al- lowed you to go that day.(had been应改为 were——条件句可以指目前情况下的一种假设。) C.在由表示“建议、要求、命令、坚持”等意思的动词引导的宾语从句中,动词使用出现错误。如: The employer ordered that the letter would be delivered at once.(应改为 should be或be——在表示“建议、要求、命令、坚持”等意思的动词引导的宾语从句中,谓语动词要用should加动词原形或直接用动词原形。) D.特殊虚拟语气形式出现错误。如: Without the radio-receiver,the large an- tenna will be of no use.(应改为would——由连词suppose,provided或介词without,but for等引导的句子,谓语动词应用虚拟形式。) ●非谓语动词即不定式、动名词、 分词用法错误 非谓语动词用法错误主要由以下几个部分构成: A.现在分词形式与过去分词形式混淆。如: ① The victory was no more convinced than I had expected.(convinced应改为convincing———此处表语为“令人信服的”之意,表示主语的特征。) ②The teacher went into the classroom, following by some students.(following应改为 followed——动词follow与其逻辑主语 teacher之间应为被动关系。) ③The boy"s delighting look tells us that he passed the exam.(delighting应改为de- lighted——此处定语为“高兴的、兴奋的”之意,表示主语的状态。) B.不定式与动名词相互混淆。如: ①To lie is vice.(To lie应改为Lying——此处主语指的是抽象的概念性动作。) ② Lying about it will only make matters worse.(Lying应改为To lie——此处主语指的是具体的、一次性的动作。) C.非谓语动作发生时间与谓语动作发生时间的方面出现错误。如: I remember locking the door when I left home this morning.(locking应改为having locked——非谓语动作发生时间早于主语动作发生时间。) D.特殊非谓语动词结构方面出现错误。如: You have to practise to speak English as much as possible now since you are going to England next year.(to speak应改为speaking——practise后的宾语要用-ing形式。) ●倒装结构错误 倒装结构错误主要表现为: A.表示否定意义的词或词组位于句首时,句子未用倒装结构。如: Under no circumstances we should do anything that will benefit ourselves but harm the others.(we should do应改为should we do——具有否定意义的词及词组位于句首时,句子需用倒装结构。) B.only引导状语位于句首时,句子未用倒装结构。如: Only when David did it a second time he realized his mistakes.(he realized应改为did he realize——only引导状语位于句首修饰全句时,句子要用倒装语序。) C.以so,such等开头的句子未用倒装结构。如: So badly the boy was injured that he was detained in the hospital for months.(the boy was应改为was the boy——so,such等加形容词、副词位于句首时,句子要用倒装结构。) D.倒装结构中的其他常见错误。如: ①Away the car went like a whirlwind.(the car went应改为went the car——些表示运动方向的副词位于句首时,句子要用全部倒装结构。) ②“Come back on time,my boy,”the mother said angrily.(the mother said应改为 said the mother——直接引语置于句首且主语为非人称代词时,主谓部分应采用倒装结构。) ●肯定形式与否定形式错误 肯定、否定形式错误主要表现为在特定的上下文环境中该用肯定形式却用成了否定形式或反之。如: ①There is enough audience and also it is a large room,you will probably not have to use a microphone.(去掉not——由上下文内容来看,该句应用肯定形式。) ②Science itself is harmless,but as soon as it can provide technology,it is not necessarily harmful.(harmful应改为harmless——本句所要说明的是科学在某种条件下的危害性。) ③The Department of Environment that was created shows how unimportant this issue is considered to be.(unimportant应改为important——上下文所要说明的是该问题的重要性。) ●平行结构错误 平行结构错误指的是根据句子的意思需要、句子的结构要求或表达习惯的限制等,句中某些并列、对等部分应在形式上或意义上保持一致而实际上却未能如此。如: ①My room mate is generous,inconsiderate,and easy to get along with.(inconsiderate应改为considerate——根据上下文的意思应为“体谅人的”之意。) ②Black Smith mopped the floor,cleaned the windows,and other odd jobs.(应在and与other之间加did——该句谓语部分是由三个不同动作构成的并列谓语。) ③The value of a course depends as much on its inherent interest on its practical use.(应在interest与on之间加as——本句应为as...as固定结构。) ●词序错误 词序错误主要指的是由于违背了一些固定的表达式或词语习惯的、约定俗成的先后顺序而造成的错误。如: ① With this kind of instrument the navigator is able to determine where exactly he is.(应改为exactly where——根据语法习惯,exactly应位于特殊疑问词之前。) ②The vest is enough hard to resist a bullet shot from 100 meters away.(应改为 hard enough——enough修饰形容词、副词及其短语时应位于所修饰词之后。) ③The wise man can give you a quite good idea if you ask him.(应改为quite a good——quite作定语修饰名词时应位于不定冠词a /an之前。) ●缺漏及赘述错误 缺漏及赘述错误主要表现为漏掉介词、代词、关系词、冠词、连词等或重复意义相同或相近的词语以及出现两个主语等。如: ①We have to make clear to each worker that everybody must observe these rules.(在 make后加it——宾语为动词不定式或从句时,必须在动词与宾语补足语之间加上形式宾语it。) ② Though we have known great deal about space,we still have a lot to learn.(在 great deal之前应加a——词组a great deal“大量,许多”,修饰不可数名词。) ③The songs sounded via radios in restaurants,from cars passing on the highways and shoeshine parlors.(在and与shoeshine之间加in——此处应是与前面词组on the highways并列的介词短语。) ④Both natural and synthetic man-made rubber are of little value in their raw state.(去掉synthetic或man-made——两个同义词放在一起,造成重复。) ⑤Monsoon winds,sometimes masked by other features of the general atmospheric circulation,they are associated with nearly all large continental land masses.(去掉they——出现Monsoon winds与they两个主语,造成重复。)



关于一个新概念英语句子的 语法成分



Anticipation of Valentine"s Day-style romantic festivity是主语,at the traditional Qixi Festival是时间状语,followed by rather lackluster observance on the day是介词短语做后置定语,the hot topic是表语。这个句子的结构就是定语后置了。






可用三种语法来创建子查询:comparison [ANY | ALL | SOME] (sqlstatement)expression [NOT] IN (sqlstatement)[NOT] EXISTS (sqlstatement)子查询可分为以下几个部分: comparison 一个表达式及一个比较运算符,将表达式与子查询的结果作比较。expression 用以搜寻子查询结果集的表达式。sqlstatement SELECT 语句,遵从与其他 SELECT 语句相同的格式及规则。它必须括在括号之中。 ANY 或 SOME 谓词,它们是同义字,来检索主查询中的记录,这些记录要满足在子查询中检索的任何记录的比较条件。下列示例将返回全部单价比任何以 25% 或更高的折扣卖出的产品高的产品:SELECT * FROM ProductsWHERE UnitPrice > ANY(SELECT UnitPrice FROM OrderDetailsWHERE Discount >= .25);使用 ALL 谓词只检索主查询中的这些记录,它们满足在子查询中检索的所有记录的比较条件。如果将前一个示例中的 ANY 改为 ALL,查询只会返回单价比全部以 25% 或更高的折扣卖出的产品高的产品。这是更多的限制。用 IN 谓词,只能在主查询检索那些记录,在子查询中的某些记录也包含和它们相同的值。下列示例返回有 25% 或更高的折扣的所有产品:SELECT * FROM ProductsWHERE ProductID IN(SELECT ProductID FROM OrderDetailsWHERE Discount >= .25);相反,可用 NOT IN 在主查询中检索那样的记录,在子查询中没有包含与它们的值相同的记录。在 true/false 比较中使用 EXISTS 谓词(与可选的 NOT 保留字一道)来决定子查询是否会返回任何记录。 还可用子查询中的表名别名来查询子查询外的 FROM 子句的列表。下列示例返回工资等于或高于所有职位相同员工的平均工资的员工姓名。这张员工表的别名为 T1:SELECT LastName,FirstName, Title, SalaryFROM Employees AS T1WHERE Salary >=(SELECT Avg(Salary)FROM EmployeesWHERE T1.Title = Employees.Title) Order by Title;上例中AS保留词可选。某些子查询在交叉表查询中是允许的,特别是谓词(那些在 WHERE 子句中的)。将子查询作为输出(那些列在 SELECT 中的)在交叉表查询中是不允许的。





大家好,我想问下这句,is后直接加动词 get down ,这样可以的吗?是什么语法?不是应该加 to 再加动词吗



动词后接不定式或动名词   有些动词或词组如admit, appreciate, avoid, consale, defer, delay, enjoy, escape, excuse, finish, mention, mind, miss, quit, postpone, practise, resist, risk, (can‘t) stand, suggest, give up, put off等后面只能接动名词。例如:ue003   I enjoy playing football.ue003   I don‘t mind sleeping with the door open.ue003   有些动词如stop, remember, forget, try, mean等接不定式或动名词做宾语,意思各不相同。ue003   try doing sth试试看(没有付诸的行动)ue003   try to do尽力去做(已有行动)ue003   mean doing sth意味着ue003   mean to do sth打算ue003ue003   近义词辨析ue003   change, alter, convert, modify, varyue003   这组词均含有“变化”的意思。ue003   change   最常用,指任何一种变化过程,但多用于指某人或某物发生根本性转变,失去了原来的身份特征,前后完全不同。ue004   Years of hard work had changed her a great deal.多年辛苦劳作使她变了很多。ue003   alter   指对人或事物的某些特征进行某种程度的更改,但并没有使人或事物的性质发生根本改变。ue004   She had to ask the dressmaker to alter the dress for her.她不得不请裁缝把衣服改一下。ue003   convert   指使事物的条件、性质、功能等发生重要改变、转换、或转化。ue004   Scientists are trying to find cheaper ways to convert salt water to fresh water.科学家在努力寻找将海水淡化的更廉价的方法。ue003   modify   指在较小的范围内进行形式上的修改或调整。ue004   They have to modify the terms of their lease.他们不得不修改租赁条款。ue003   vary   可以指仅仅改变事物的外观,也可指使事物的内在性质发生变化,通常是在同一组事物中将一种情形改变为另一种情形。ue004   She varies the program each month to make it more attractive.每个月她都对节目做些变动,使它更吸引人。ue003ue003   全真模拟试题ue003   1. Nowhere in nature is aluminum found free, owing to its alw   ays ue008____ue009 with other elements, most commonly with oxygen.ue003   A. being combined B. having combined ue003   C. to combine D. combinedue003   2. Physics is the presentue011day equivalent of ue008____ue009 used to   be called natural philosophy, from ue008____ue009 most of presentue011day science arose.   A. which, what B. that, which ue003   C. what, which D. what, thatue003   3. On no account ue008____ue009 ever leave the baby at home alone.ue003   A. should you B. you should C. shall you D. you shallue003   4. ue008____ue009the center of our planetary system was considered as heresy by the church in the Middle Ages.   A. It is the sun and not the earth ue003   B. That the sun and not the earthue003   C. Being the sun and not the earth ue003   D. The sun and not the earthue003   5. The reason that his property was confiscated by the country, it ue008____ue009, was that he was involved in a lot of fraudulent activities during the war.   A. was turned out B. was being turned outue003   C. being turned out D. turned outue003   6. I‘d rather you ue008____ue009 by train because the weather forecast said there would be heavy snow tomorrow.   A. went B. should go C. will go D. goue003   7. Einstein won the Nobel Prize in 1921 and enjoyed great fame in Germany u   ntil the rise of Nazism ue008____ue009 he was expelled from Germany becaus   e he was a Jew.   A. when B. who C. then D. whichue003   8. Nowhere but in the remotest region of the country ue008____ue009find a place to settle down.   A. can he B. he can C. he D. for him toue003   9. With one leg broken in that car accident, he cannot even walk, ue008____ue009 run.ue003   A. let alone B. that‘s to say ue003   C. not to speak D. not to mentionue003   10. ue008____ue009, she led a life of complete seclusion.ue003   A. Being disgraced B. Disgracedue003   C. Disgracing D. She was disgracedue003   11. Sometimes a bus ue008____ue009 gets on the bus to check the tickets.ue003   A. agent B. officer C. conductor D. inspectorue003   12. He made a quick ue008____ue009 from his illness.ue003   A. relief B. recovery C. survival D. relaxationue003   13. ue008____ue009 the stress of examinations are over, we can all relax.ue003   A. While B. Even though C. Now that D. Forue003   14. My cousin Nancy is often in a poisonous mood; I suppose it‘s because she is ue008____ue009 child.   A. one B. a lone C. a single D. an onlyue003   15. ue008____ue009 the factors already referred to, people sometimes feel insecure because their motives are misunderstood by others.   A. But for B. Except for C. Apart from D. Except thatue003   16. If the scheme is ue008____ue009 carried out without waste of time or energy I shall be completely satisfied.   A.relatively B. noticeably ue003   C. appropriately D. efficientlyue003   17. One day we all may find it useful to have a(n) ue008____ue009for sending documents, writing any pictures across the telephone lines.   A. receiver B. echo C. extension D. facilityue003   18. To their credit the Department of Energy ue008____ue009 these ideas and funded a detailed study.   A. took over B. took on C. took up D. took toue003   19. Feeling that she was in the right, she took ue008____ue009 at the dirty remark.   A. protection B. offense C. defense D. guardue003   20. They agreed to share in common any ue008____ue009 of funds after all expenses were paid in full.   A. sufficiency B. surpass C. excess D. surplusue003   21. He was ue008____ue009her in intelligence.ue003   A. below B. under C. beneath D. downue003   22. It took a lot of imagination to come up with such an ue008____ue009 plan.   A. bright B. clever C. brilliant D. ingeniousue003   23. In the refining process, rice and flour lose much of their ____ue009。   A. acid B. alcohol C. vitamin D. sulphurue003   24. Individual lines of the poem were very beautiful, but I didn‘t see how the lines fit together. To me, the poem wasn"t ue008____ue009。   A. inherent B. coherent C. logical D. corporateue003   25. To an especially sensitive child, a simple scolding can be a ue008____ue009experience.ue003   A. hysterical B. grievous C. gracious D. sensibleue003   试题答案与解析 ue003ue003   1. A) 「句意」 由于铝总是和其它元素结合在一起,最常见的是和氧气在一起,所以自然界中哪里也不会找到单独的铝元素。   「难点」 owing to 是介词,后应接名词或动名词,根据题意,应接被动   语态形式。ue003   2. C) 「句意」 当今的物理就是以前被称之为自然哲学的等同物,大多数现代科学都产生于自然哲学。   「难点」 what used to be called作定语,修饰natural philosophy,from which引导一个非限制性定语从句。   3. A) 「句意」 你决不应该把小孩一个人放在家里。   「难点」 on no account 意为“决不”属否定意义的词,引导倒装句,所   以只有A)项正确。ue003   4. B) 「句意」 太阳系的中心是太阳而不是地球这一事实被中世纪的教会认为是异端邪说。   「难点」 That引导主语从句,全句的谓语是was considered.ue003   5. D) 「句意」 后来证明他的财产被国家没收的原因是,战争期间他参与了诈骗活动。   「难点」 it turned out (to be)这里作插入语,意为“证明ue008是…”。   6. A) 「句意」 我宁愿你乘火车去,因为天气预报说明天将有大雪。   「难点」 would rather 后接虚拟语气的从句,用一般过去时。ue003   7. A) 「句意」 爱因斯坦于1921年获诺贝尔奖金,在德国享有盛誉。后来随着纳粹主义的兴起,他被逐出德国,因为他是个*人。   「难点」 关系副词when引导的定语从句修饰名词词组the rise of Nazism.ue003   8. A) 「句意」 他只能在最遥远的地方找个安身之处。   「难点」 Nowhere是否定副词,位于句首引导倒装句。ue003   9. A) 「句意」 在车祸中,他的一条腿骨折,他连走路都不行,更不用说跑了。   「难点」 let alone意为“更不必说”;not to mention意为“再加上”;that is to say意为“也就是说”。   10. B) 「句意」 失宠后,她过着完全隐居的生活。   「难点」 disgraced在这里是过去分词作状语,表示伴随状态。ue003   11. C) 「句意」 有时,公共汽车检票员上车查票。   「难点」 bus conductor意为“公共汽车售票员”;agent意为“代理人,中介人”;officer意为“军官,官员”;inspector意为“检查员,视察员”。   12. B) 「句意」 他很快恢复了健康。ue003   「难点」 recovery意为“恢复,复苏”,后接介词from;relief意为“宽慰,安心”;relaxation意为“放松”;survival意为“生存”。   13. C) 「句意」 既然考试的紧张已经过去,我们现在可以放松了。   「难点」 now that意为“既然;由于”,用于新的事情的发生,接一般现   在时的句子。while意为“虽然”;even though意为“即使”,for意为“因为”,不能用于句首。   14. D) 「句意」 我表妹南希的情绪经常很糟,我想这是因为她是独生子的缘故。   「难点」 表示“独生子”的时候,只能说an only child.ue003   15. C) 「句意」 除了已经提及的因素外,有时人们感到不安全是因为他们的动机被他人误解。   「难点」 apart from是包含在内的“除了”;excepr for和except that是不包含在内的除了;but for意为“要不是”。   16. D) 「句意」 如果计划能在不浪费时间和精力的情况下得到有效实施,我将十分满意。   「难点」 efficiently意为“有效地”;relatively意为“相对地”;not iceably意为“显而易见地”;appropriately意为“恰当地”。   17. D) 「句意」 有朝一日我们会发现,拥有一个能通过电话线发送信息、绘制图片的设备是非常有用的。   「难点」 facility意为“设备”;receiver意为“电话听筒”;echo意为“回声;回音”;extension意为“分机”。   18. C) 「句意」 令他们感到光荣的是,能源部采纳了这些想法并为一个详细的研究报告作了资助。   「难点」 take up意为“采纳(观点)”;take over意为“接收,接管,占据”;take on 意为“承担”;take to意为“喜欢上”。   19. B) 「句意」 她觉得自己有理,因此,她对这样肮脏的话语十分恼怒。   「难点」 take offence意为“对…生气”;protection意为“保护”;defense意为“防卫”;guard意为“看守;警戒”。   20. D) 「句意」 他们同意在全部费用支出后共享剩余的资金。   「难点」 surplus意为“剩余,剩余额”;sufficiency意为“足量,充足”;surpass是动词,不适合本句;excess意为“超过”。   21. A) 「句意」 他的智力不如她。ue003   「难点」 below意为“(智力、地位、军阶等)低于”;under意为“(尺寸、   价值、数量、程度、标准等)少于,低于“;beneath意为”在…下方;(地位,级别等)低于,次于“;down意为”往…下端“。   22. D) 「句意」 想出这样一个天才的计划需要丰富的想象力。   「难点」 ingenious意为“(方法等)巧妙的;制作精巧的;bright意为”聪明的,机灵的“;clever意为”头脑机敏的,伶俐的“;brilliant意为”才华横溢的,有才能的“。   23. C) 「句意」 在加工过程中,大米和面粉失去大量维生素。   「难点」 vitamin是“维生素”,其它词义不符本题。acid是“酸”;alcohol是“酒精”;sulphur是“硫”。   24. B) 「句意」 这首诗的每个单行写得很美,但我不明白各行是如何联系在一起的。依我看,这首诗不连贯。   「难点」 coherent意为“连贯的,紧凑的”;inherent意为“内在的,固   有的“;logical意为”逻辑的“;corporate意为”社团的,法人的“。ue003   25. B) 「句意」 对十分敏感的儿童来说,一次简单的呵斥可能会成为极其痛苦的经历。   「难点」 grievous意为“极痛苦的”;hysterical意为“情绪暴躁不能控制的”;gracious意为“亲切的,有礼的”;sensible意为“明白事理的;合情理的”。


这里不时最高级,表示很... 的意思

初二 英语 能不能帮我看看这篇文章有没有语法错误?急。。在线等 请详细解答,谢谢! (15 11:16:19)

1.ceremony,因为前面是a.2.has改为there are,有in了就不要用has了.3.第三行and改为but also the 后面加construction.4.large success改为great更好些.
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