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问题一:我不同意用英语怎么说? I disagree=我不同意. I agree = 我同意 I concur = 我同意 or simply "agree" = 同意 I second = 我同意 I disapprove = 我不同意 many other forms of disagree also depends on situation and form of voting. 问题二:不同意 英文怎么说 disagree 问题三:问卷调查中的非常同意,同意, 不确定, 不同意, 非常不同意用英文怎么写? 30分 strongly agree, agree, not sure, disagree, strongly disagree 问题四:我再同意不过了,用英语怎么说? 其实英语和中文一样,也是一种语言,也有语言艺术。一个意思也有很供种不同的表达方式。 但是楼下说的很对,agree是动词,be agree with是不对的。 李阳的例子说的对,或者说I can"t agree with you more.或者I can"t be agreebale with you more, or I can"t be more agreeable with you. agree加上了able就成了形容词。 问题五:我不是不愿意,我是不敢接受。用英语怎么说 20分 上几楼写的:I am not willing to 是表达我并不愿意的意思。 我的翻译是:It is not that I am unwilliang to accept,it"s iam not dare to.


leave out忽略某人,而此处需要填一个表语,leave out动作与she主语是被动关系,所以用过去分词left out


white 英[waɪt] 美[hwaɪt, waɪt] adj. 白色的,纯洁的; 无色的,透明的; 白衣的; 白种人的; n. 白色; 白种人; 空白; 白色颜料; vt. (书写,印刷等) 留出空白处; 使变白色,刷白; 漂白; [例句]The creamy white flowers are attractive in the spring.在春天,这种乳白色的花朵分外迷人。[其他] 比较级:whiter 最高级:whitest 第三人称单数:whites 复数:whites现在分词:whiting 过去式:whited 过去分词:whited

英语翻译 我们应该总是问自己 尤其在解决问题前







When it comes to art, few people know much more than Tom. Poor weather can make people take part in the procession. Many mothers try to achieve their daughters their dream. Cough medicines do not unpalatable, but I have nothing to use. A lack of vitamin A will lead to night blindness. If we can not sell more goods, it is necessary to reduce production. Their views will not affect my decision. I gave him some pills to alleviate his suffering. I will use a computer, but at the mention of the computer repair, I had no knowledge of. I think I should point out how dangerous it is. I hate you always tell me what to do. I assure you my story is true, it was so as not to be surprised. He was asked, he confirmed that he will retire. This film almost three hours. The need to work abroad each year to three months. These two are wearing clothes you look good, I do not know the name, which you buy things. When it comes to art, few people know much more than Tom. Poor weather can make people take part in the procession. Many mothers try to achieve their daughters their dream. Cough medicines do not unpalatable, but I have nothing to use. A lack of vitamin A will lead to night blindness. If we can not sell more goods, it is necessary to reduce production. Their views will not affect my decision. I gave him some pills to alleviate his suffering. I will use a computer, but at the mention of the computer repair, I had no knowledge of. I think I should point out how dangerous it is. I hate you always tell me what to do. I assure you my story is true, it was so as not to be surprised. He was asked, he confirmed that he will retire. This film almost three hours. The need to work abroad each year to three months. These two are wearing clothes you look good, I do not know the name, which you buy things. When it comes to art, few people know much more than Tom. Poor weather can make people take part in the procession. Many mothers try to achieve their daughters their dream. Cough medicines do not unpalatable, but I have nothing to use. A lack of vitamin A will lead to night blindness. If we can not sell more goods, it is necessary to reduce production. Their views will not affect my decision. I gave him some pills to alleviate his suffering. I will use a computer, but at the mention of the computer repair, I had no knowledge of. I think I should point out how dangerous it is. I hate you always tell me what to do. I assure you my story is true, it was so as not to be surprised. He was asked, he confirmed that he will retire. This film almost three hours. The need to work abroad each year to three months. These two are wearing clothes you look good, I do not know the name, which you buy things.

英语翻译 为什么cell在句子中是手机、?

cell 的词典释义为“细胞”、“(组合)电池” cell 作“手机”解时,是 cellphone(即“电池电话”)的简称. 使用中得根据上下文判断词义.

英语翻译“不错不错,值得表扬” 翻译

不错不错,值得表扬It"s nice to be commendable

英语翻译 By Any Means Necessary是什么意思啊~

通过任何必要手段 就是“不择手段”的意思!

英语翻译 necessary的意思?

necessary [简明英汉词典] [5nesisEri] n.必需品 adj.必要的,必需的,必然的

英语翻译 Put the scissors down douche face 到底是么意思。

Put:放 the:定冠词 scissors:剪刀 down:下 douche:洗 face:脸 连起来就是:把剪刀放下去洗脸!




得分 分数 差不多一个意思

快速的英语翻译 快速用英语怎么说


快速的的英语翻译 快速的用英语怎么说


快速的英语翻译 快速用英语怎么说

还有 speedily, promptly。。。

快速的英语翻译 快速用英语怎么说



檀木:almug槐木;the sophoramine of wood梨木:pear






在这项工作中,我们更详细研究的定位 个别核筹措的诱导 半乳糖苷酶,公益少年团的推动者NPTII在压制和 引起国家和估计实际核 转移。与此同时,对这一核定位 序列进行了研究后抑制蛋白 乙酰( HDACs )与曲古菌素A ( TSA )的。 我们发现,两个核转移到 揭露TATA盒诱导。核 滑动和定位被证明是导 组hyperacetylation 。 实验 酵母和细菌菌株,转化和 生长条件。我们利用大肠杆菌菌株 JM109 (盒)和酿酒cereivisae 应变2805 (毡+ , pep4 : : His3 , prbL - δ ,可以- 1 , Gal2 , his3 ,市建局3-52 ) ,这是善意提供的对照普 (相箕Rhii ,成员,韩国) 。转化 大肠杆菌大肠杆菌JM109细胞哈巴狗Fneo1 ? ,哈巴狗Fneo ? ( 1 ? -2 ) ,和YepMMS做钙氯 骑[ 10 ] 。质粒的构建被称为previ - ously [ 11 , 12 ] 。 酵母细胞转化与同一纤溶酶 中频的氯化锂的方法[ 13 ] 。转化细胞 选定的SD最小合成培养基( 0.67 % 氨基酸免费酵母氮基(培养基) , 2 %谷氨酸 葡萄糖, 0.5 %硫酸铵, 1.5 %琼脂(培养基) ) 。 选定的克隆接种在100-200毫升的 液体培养基YPD ( 1 % ,酵母膏,蛋白胨2 % , 2 %葡萄糖)或YPGal (一个完整的中型2 % 半乳糖)和成长为16-18 h ,直至OD600 = 0.8 - 1.2 。此外,转化生长的 固体YPD培养基( 1.5 %琼脂)补充 300微克/毫升geneticin ( G418 ) 。 代spheroplasts和染色质 水解微球菌核酸。酵母细胞 9 ( 1 × 10 ) ,收集离心,洗涤 与无菌水和缓冲液( 10毫米的Tris -盐酸, pH值7.4 , 1海里山梨醇, 0.5毫米β -巯基乙醇) , 和悬浮在1毫升相同的缓冲区。要获得 spheroplasts ,一个细胞悬液进行了补充 20毫克/毫升Lyticase (酵母溶解酶, 800 单位/毫克,六西格玛)和孵育30 ° E与轻微 搅拌15-20分钟。进一步采取的步骤一间酒吧, 687议定书[ 15 ] 。在Spheroplasts被停职 1毫升的一个缓冲的染色质水解微 球菌核酸酶( 1海里山梨醇,氯化钠50毫米, 10毫米 三盐酸, pH值为7.4 , 5毫米氯化镁, 1毫米的氯化钙, 1毫米 β -巯基乙醇, 0.5毫米精, 0.1 % NP一40 ) 。暂停的原生质( 200 UL )的是 转入微量管,补充 与150-350单位/毫升微球菌核酸酶(铁 mentas ) ,并培养在37 ° E的5分钟。反应 被终止,增加0.5米的最后四乙酸 浓度25毫米和10 %的SDS最后协商 centration的0.5 % 。

除垢剂的英语翻译 除垢剂用英语怎么说

除垢剂 [词典] [化] cleaning media; [例句]任一种与水混合搅动后能够产生肥皂沫的植物葡糖苷,用作除垢剂、发泡剂和乳化剂。Any of various plant glucosides that form soapy lathers when mixed and agitated with water; used in detergents and foaming agents and emulsifiers.


化学所有化学品均购自sigma (普尔, dorset ,英国) . 细胞培养诱导拟南芥悬浮培养细胞是一种恩赐教授ar slabas ,达勒姆大学,英国 且维持在中等msmo (西格玛)含蔗糖( 30克l - 1 ) ,萘乙酸( 0.5毫克l 1张) 和激动( 0.05毫克1-1 )白光下(荧光凉白)在通量率为30士10μmolm - 2 s - 1 在16 / 8 h光/黑暗政权. 细胞体外每周转2毫升1周龄文化100毫升的新鲜培养基 育250毫升烧瓶. 枯萎病菌f.s. matthioli种族1 ( kistler et al . 1991年)是用于推导了elicitor . 诱导准备备culturing枯萎病菌以酵母形式在半强度马铃薯葡萄糖肉汤(西格玛p - 6685 ) , 收集酵母细胞中的45%以上, resuspending 100毫升500毫米磷酸二氢钾 离心5000 g的ss - 34转子( sorvall ) 30分钟. 球被溶于200毫升50毫米磷酸二氢钾和0.8%以上. 球其后依次洗涤和离心氯仿/甲醇( 1:1 v / v )和丙酮. 球被溶于蒸( 10克弹丸l - 1 )和蒸30分钟,在121 ° C的 诱导准备被储存在-20℃直至使用. 该枯萎病菌elicitor atμg100毫升- 1葡萄糖当量,最佳的浓度, 致一个充满活力和重复性氧化爆裂. 为启发, 20毫升5日龄拟南芥细胞培养液被转移到一个100毫升的烧杯和搅拌在旋转平台 在180 rpm . 氧化爆裂调制的补充和细胞的培养优化之前很长一段时间,增加了 elicitor ,除非表示不同的看法. 最佳孵育时间分别定在四季豆要30分钟莫能nigericin , valinomycin ,维拉帕米 而dibutyryl营和第5分钟, N-乙基( nem ) , forskolin , w7 ,和A23187 [ genbank ] ( bindschedler et al . , 2001 ) . nem ,维拉帕米和dibutyryl派溶解于水, brefeldin , valinomycin , w7 ,和A23187 [ genbank ]二甲基亚砜, 而forskolin ,莫能及nigericin乙醇. 作为对照,细胞培养,与相应的溶剂或缓冲液用于调制测试. 研究效应EGTA和钙的elcitation回应 收集细胞,离心,在50 g的1分钟, 水洗蔗糖( 3% w / V )和溶于蔗糖( 3% w / v )含有1毫米egta , pH值5.7 . 该resuspended细胞孵育15分钟,然后添加elicitor .


专注:不要分心焦躁不安,全神贯注做事能让你尽快实现目标。concentration: don"t get distracted agitated, concentrate on work can make you achieve the goal as soon as possible.专业:不要执着全面精通,深入岗位工作能让你成为行业专家。Professional: don"t clinging fully proficient, in-depth job can let you become the industry experts.投入:不要心不在焉生活,全身心做事会让你的生活焕然一新。Investment: don"t distracted life, all things will make your life to look brand-new.规范:不要杂乱无章无序,规范化能让你第一次就把事情做对。Standard: don"t mess disorderly, standardization allows you to put things right the first time.规划:不要局限单一方面,预防到位才能让企业长期全面发展。Planning: beyond a single aspect, prevent in place to make enterprise long-term development in an all-round way.仅供参考,希望能给你一些帮助!


Life and the life and death - On Zhuangzi"s philosophy of life ABSTRACT In this paper, the most critical from the philosophy of life of the two concepts - "life" and "life and death," the perspective of philosophy of Zhuangzi elaborate. And to expand the framework of an order of Chuang-tzu philosophy, concept of life and death, as well as natural Xiaoyao adaptive systems on the philosophy of life so as to arrive at the philosophy of life Zhuangzi revelation of modern society. 【Key Words】 Zhuangzi life philosophy of life view of life and death Zhuangzi"s philosophy is an important discussion of how to "security of their life situation", can be described as "an order" philosophy. Fate "refers to both the life and fate and destiny of life implied in fact inseparable. The fate of individuals can be said to be life limiting or require, it can be said that the fate of a person designated by extension, that is, the person lives meaning of existence itself. a person came to the world, have to face many fled anything between heaven and earth, not about what can do nothing about. This is the limited nature of human destiny; who can not escape its own limited nature, that is not escape the fate of his own. At the same time, it is this limited definition of his person as a specific connotation, so that he is different from the others as a living individual. not subject to any restrictions on the fate of all things for all occasions In fact, not a human being, but God. all of them is the ultimate fate of death who also can not escape from its. Yousheng have died, death and Health together constitute a complete fate of Chuang-tzu said: "The life and death, life is also . "(" Great Master ") is a dead end life, but also the fate of the end of the beginning of life and destiny with the same end. We can see a person"s life and his fate is inextricably wound together. Life is a kinds of irresistible, dissidents, and necessary forces and trends, then, when it is not about human resources and social development of a particular state, that is, the so-called the current situation, the trend of the times. human life has great influence and role when people have a great influence and role. who has not, will not be able to resist fate, it is only in a poised to take orders from the fate of attitude. Anshun the fate of the "life" is from the subjective, the spirit of all individuals encountered and the tragic fate of the tragic events in stride, letting nature take its course, Zhuangzi believes that such an attitude towards the fate, it is the spirit of self-cultivation to achieve the ultimate performance. Almost human health at the same time aware, there is also aware of the existence of death. Yousheng, that is death, the world no one can out of life and death. Life processes is a major life-cycle, like in human life, the Health is the beginning of death, death is a continuation of Health, the cycle of life and death constitute the law of the universe, the human world there are good and bad fortune, a dirge, a non - , there are life and death, which also are of homogeneity. Zhuangzi"s view that life and death should be as much an Etsuo and evil do not have to die. Between heaven and earth to alarm people most is the really life and death, death坦然地面对, which from the end of the world"s troubled life and death, man-made objects from the service, to be free, to face up to death, can cause people to seek their own meaning of existence. Zhuangzi"s philosophy is detached on the life philosophy of life, the most fundamental issue is the question of life and death. Therefore, the highest state of life that is detached on the life and death. Achieve this must be the realm of the spirit of detachment, especially in the detached life and death. Of life and death is beyond the realm of freedom around the Zhuangzi fundamental way. For discussion of Zhuangzi in the life and death see the rare birth of thought, the treasures of life and the lives of my life Add in the great universe, to achieve an unlimited life, as well as the realization of unity with the world, open to endless realms. For we still have a certain degree of inspiration and reference. He let us re-thinking of life, let us in the process are small I have to learn to integrate into the human at the same time the "big me." Let us face the endless human desire to know how to point at the same time the art of detachment. Xujing恬淡Experience the soul, the spirit of fun tour. Therefore, Zhuangzi"s philosophy of life perspectives for the development of modern philosophy of life and perfect it is a certain significance and impact.


许多在机械车间制造的产品或进行的项目要在经过热处理后才有价值,本文论述的是钢热处理的最基本的内容.热处理也适用于非铁金属如铝铜黄铜.然而其过程有所不同在此不加论述.淬火的过程是加热钢然后冷却,目的在于增加硬度和拉伸度,降低韧度.得到良好的颗粒结构.这个过程包括将金属加热过其临界点温度,然后快速冷却.钢在加热过程中,铁与碳之间发生化学反应与物理反应.临界点,换句话,临界温度 指的是钢在这个点性能最符合要求. 当钢的温度达到华氏1400度到1600度之间时,经过快速冷却,其变化适宜制造出坚韧的金属.如果慢速冷却,就会恢复到原来的状态.通过快速把高温金属浸入水,油或盐水中(熄灭),理想的特性就保存了下来.金属就很硬很结实,塑性比以前更低. 加热的过程是在气炉或油炉或电炉中进行的.一个名叫高温计的装置附属于高温炉,这准确地记录了炉内的准确温度.(图3_1),观察金属的颜色也能确定金属的温度.在对一些简单的金属部件进行热处理时也可以利用颜色观察.然而颜色观察并不准确,即使热处理专家的观察也会有华氏20度的误差. 淬火的过程是:点燃炉膛,使其达到适当的温度,把金属放进炉膛,将其加热到临界温度,对于碳工具钢,每一英寸的厚度应保温20到30分钟,在淬火温度浸水时每一英寸厚度保持10到15分钟. 挑选正确的冷却溶液,一些钢可以在水里冷却,其它的则必须在油或盐水里冷却.对于碳素钢,水是使用最多的材料,因为水廉价有效.盐水是按9%的比例兑成.盐水有助于获得更一致的硬度.盐水冷却部件的速度更快.油适用于回火速度更慢的情况. 用火钳把高温金属从炉中移出,快速插进冷却溶液中,搅动它以便金属冷却快且均匀.如果该金属较薄,如刀或刀刃, 用该物体切削冷却液以防卷刃.如果刃的一面比另一面受热不均匀,卷刃的现象就会出现. 问题补充: 经过适当淬火的金属体会是坚硬,富有脆性,并且有较高的拉伸度.还具有内应变???.如果保持在这种状态中,这些内应变特点会导致金属脆裂. "Fastener" 扣件是一个一般用词包括广泛分离的各种各样的材料,如钉子,螺丝,螺帽和螺栓, 锁紧螺母和垫圈,护环,铆钉和粘着剂 等等. 扣件具有不同的种类,有些扣件,如螺栓 ,垫圈使用年限很长,其他扣件,如铆钉,护环在这一区域很新.大多数产品中使用大量的不同的扣件.

灵活性的英语翻译 灵活性用英语怎么说

flexibility n. 灵活性;弹性;适应性agility n. 敏捷;灵活;机敏

"not yet"的英语翻译?这个词组可以单独用吗?

还没能完成某事,一般用于对完成时的回答。可以单独用的。例子:Have you finished the task? –Not yet.have not recieved yet. 还没有收到。But not just yet. 但不是现在的。 例句:Dr Bradley has not yet applied for approval. 布拉德利博士尚未提交申请报告。例句:Dr Zahnle"s team hope that it includes raw data Dr Mumma has not yet published and which might put some of the arguments to rest.Zahnle的团队希望包括一些Mumma博士并没有公布的数据,这也许会让平息争论。


按你说的做吧! Marita 13岁时,这是这个时代的tie-dyed衬衫、t恤、紧绷的牛仔裤。尽管我已经长大的经济大萧条,没钱买衣服,我从来没有穿着这较差。有一天,我看见她在车道上擦出39:25她的新牛仔裤和泥土和岩石。我惊呆了,她毁了这条裤子我刚付费和跑出去告诉她。她继续磨而我述说我的肥皂剧的童年剥夺。作为我的结论没有感动


SEC 1500个opeating的参量(中转行动,惊动 设置值、传感器配置等等)可以使用 SEC 2500个被拿着的程序员被观看或被改变。 这个 设备任何地方在网络可能沟通与 所有SEC 1500个通过连接RS-485数据高速公路。


Success is an ideal for every young man.I"m not only full of enthusiasm and vigour,but also have the spirit of diligence and aggressiveness.


Today is tuesday, in the morning , I got a message from the head teacher saying that he would not be able to go to the class for the reason of waist injury. So the class in the morning had been canceled, instead , we need to go to the computer room to take part in the test. When I reached the teaching building, I found it that the elevator was broken and I had to claimbing the stairs. When it came to the listening part, I felt quite hard to focus myself , all I wanted was to end it as quick as possible and then have a rest in the bedroom. However, there are classes in the afternoon and I had to prepare for the presentation ,so my afternoon nap is spoiled.The schedual for usual class is full, we had lots of homework for each class, I do want to arrange them well , finish my homework in time , while it"s really hard for me , each time , I had to stay up late befor the class to finish them, it seems that I have been always delaying them until the last day, with all of them together is really a hard job. I should learn to arrange my study time and rest time appropriately,never waste them and make good use of them.


Wang Meng is the athlete who I admire most. She is a genius player full of aggressiveness and personality . Her skating is rich in speed and wisdom.

会计英语翻译 “The Effect of Tax Aggressiveness on Investment Efficiency”是 什么意思



如果要人工翻译的话,这么长你得给点时间 ,你最快什么时候需要






该contrbution动物研究心理学理论知识的动物研究有助于我们了解许多议题的心理,例如学习理论, egfrom斯金纳的老鼠和鸽子父母剥夺, egform哈洛的猕猴知觉, egfrom举行了海因的"小猫传送带" 语言习得, egfrom黑猩猩和大猩猩的研究侵略, egfrom行为学和生理学研究的其他物种畸形, egfrom塞利格曼的工作的准备恐惧和作用的经验教训无助depressin 实际应用动物调查结果,例如行为疗法teeatments和原则的基础上openrant和经典条件反射,如系统desnsitisation的phbias来自沃尔普工作的猫。 教育的基础上再次对behaviourists"discoveries学习使用动物。 实际使用的动物,例如动物佣工, egguide狗,猴家庭帮助,空中海上救援鸽子,警方毒品探测犬,所有训练用学习理论的原则。 军事工具, egthe利用受过训练的海豚提供地雷的hullls敌人船只或鸽子提供的信息。

英语翻译 是in the aggregate还是on the aggregate?还是in aggregate?

in the aggregate


遗弃、遗失在这里。left 英[left] 美[lɛft] adj. 左边的,左侧的; 左派的; n. 左,左面; [军] 左翼; 左派,激进分子; adv. 向左; 在左边;






加剧aggravate; exacerbate; intensify; prick up


尽管如此,许多厂家都持怀疑态度的双接受商店品牌业务竞争对手是自己的brands.Yet直接,如果他们的生产设备许可证它,他们可能会在其他categories.For提供实例,Narishimhan和威尔科克斯磷脂(1998,p.576)指出,罗尔斯顿普瑞纳,这使民族品牌Chex谷物,供应水稻Krispie型特等,一类是罗尔斯顿在没有竞争。真正的产品创新是竞争力最强的武器之一反对在制造商的arsenal.A重大创新自有品牌的manufac -turer留在模仿不幸地位类别的磷脂昨日favorites.PL增长也可以压抑小即时继续计划,如70加改善宝洁provements,已就其汰渍洗衣粉自1956年推出(奎尔奇和哈丁,1996年)。20世纪70年代由制造商和品牌创新例子竞争反应私人labelers.General Mills"Hamburger助手之一1971年最成功推出新产品,以迎接少expens,香港专业教育学院特等在120 days.In仿制1973年,伊卡璐的草本精华洗发水,一今年最热门的药店项目,也很快面临竞争与PL。一个不快乐的连锁店执行我采访说,正如他的努力,建立一个体面特等在刀片数量终于成功了,随着研究的不断吉列新的TRAC - 11剃须系统,迫使他回到绘图板。相对于高频头制造商,超市或折扣连锁店经营据薄上标记和近300个类别,更多的股票商品除了高频头maker.Hence,即使是最大的零售商也无法承受一流的研发员工,也不能霹雳只有生产者,谁通常被迫出售给零售商在博登在1942年把它(p.605)的和可变cost.As非常薄的标高大型的“私人商标持有人不能记入产品创新和引进进展商品“。虽然,至今已分散的实例由磷脂,7真正的创新,他们通常会等待,看看最新的LNB创新卖得很好,如果有的话,他们将它复制。


What do I want to be? This is not the first time this question has come up to me, but many times in the past. My friends and my parents have all asked me the same question. 我以后要干什么?这个问题已经不是我第一次自己问自己了。我的朋友与父母也问过我同样的问题In the past, I thought I didn"t have to worry about it, I was just a kid. As I get older, I started to have an idea of what I want to be. 过去,我认为自己是个孩子,一点也考虑过这个问题。随着我逐渐长大,我开始思考这个问题。Now as the new century is coming ahead of us, I think I should make it clear to myself what I want to be when I grow up. 在新世纪来临之际,我认为我自己应该明确这个问题。When the 21st cen-tury comes, China will be filled with new technology and new im-provements. The country needs a group of youngsters to help built it. 随着21世纪的到来,中国将会涌现更多新技术,获得新的成就。我国需要更多年轻的生力军参与建设。I also think that from now on, all the teenagers in China should have an idea -of what they want to be when they grow up.同时,我认为从现在开始,中国所有的青年都应该明确自己长大后要干什么。




f pessimism, then you"ve grown old, even

英语翻译 翻译.将证明是毫无成果的.用prove

Will prove to be fruitless

英语翻译 谓语动词prove ,怎么用形容词修饰?是省略句? 又如:They died young.

prove作"证明是;结果是;事实说明"解时,可用作连系动词. 连系动词解释起来有点复杂,最最常见的连系动词是“is/am/are”,其他连系动词的用法与"be"动词用法类似. 1.一般情况下,句子结构是是谓语+宾语,但是连系动词后面加的不叫宾语,叫表语.连系动词+表语叫做“系表结构”(参考百度百科"连系动词") 2.常见的连系动词有:be,look,sound,taste,smell,seem,appear,prove,keep,remain,continue,become,get,turn等等(参考百度百科"连系动词") 3.表语通常是名词,形容词,动词不定式,介词短语或副词,从句来充当. 名词作表语:His efforts,however,proved a failure 形容词作表语:The medicine proved satisfactory. 不定式作表语:Einstein"s theory proved to be correct. 介词短语作表语:Perhaps this book will prove of some use to you in your studies. 等等. 详细了解连系动词,请参考语法书中的详细解释,


The leakage pressure testing is performed with water at room temperature(18-28°C)。For spring band clamps with a nominal of up to 60mm the test combination(pictre 4) includes one ground, beadless testing mandrel, one testing hose with a length of 10mm and the to be tested spring band clamp. The leakage pressure test needs to be performed with the hose-fitting-combination mentioned below. In order to get a interference fit, the fitting diameter has to be adjusted to the inside diameter of the hose, The overlapping of the diameter should not exceed a maximum of 0.5mm. EPDM hoses-hoses with an aramide texture and a hardness of 65 +/- Shore A-are being used. 压力测试进行泄漏室温水18-28°C),一个命名,春天带夹子60毫米的测试组合(pictre 4)包括一个地面,beadless测试,测试软管芯棒的长度,使得测试春天乐队夹。泄漏需要进行水压试验与hose-fitting-combination下面提到。为了得到一干涉配合,适宜的直径有加以调整,以的内径软管、交叉的最大直径不应超过0.5毫米的。三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM)hoses-hoses与aramide硬度的纹理和海岸+ / - 65岁以上的人是被用。

玛瑙的英语翻译 玛瑙用英语怎么说

agate 英 ["ægət] 美 ["æɡət]n. 玛瑙;玛瑙制工具


1 ,休克转矩2 ,关节角度评估当前的静态扭转破坏阻力3 ,加载扭矩评价扭耐久性及目标周期4 ,加载扭矩评价低负荷高速耐久性及目标周期5 ,联合角度评价低负荷高速耐久性6 ,负载转矩在评价高负荷低速耐久性7 ,关节角度,在评价高负荷低速耐久性8 ,有多少革命的boot在评价循环扩张的阻力9 ,负载转矩在评价静态振动滑动阻力10 ,关节角度评估当前静态振动滑动阻力11 ,滑动速度评价静态振动滑动阻力12 ,加载扭矩评价动态滑动阻力13 ,有多少革命的,在评价的动态滑动阻力14 ,滑动速度评价动态滑动阻力15 ,负载转矩在评价轴向负荷16 ,关节角度评估当前的轴向负荷17 ,有多少革命在评价轴向负荷18 ,负载转矩在评价ebj罢工实力19 ,关节角度,在评价ebj罢工实力20 ,有多少革命在评价ebj罢工实力




“在以后的日子里” 英语翻译

您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。原句:在以后的日子里翻译:句首:in the days coming句末:In the later days或者in the coming days百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。


Enjoy the colorful lanterns, guess lantern riddles together重点词汇释义缤纷in riotous profusion多彩多彩(delux)即深圳市多彩实业有限公司创建于1993年,公司产品主要有多彩(delux)数码MP4,MP3,多彩(delux)摄像头,多彩(delux)机箱,多彩(delux)电源,多彩(delux)键盘,多彩(delux)鼠标,多彩(delux)音箱,多彩(delux)CPU冷却风扇等数码及电脑零部件。灯笼lantern; glim; scaldfish猜灯谜solve riddles posted on lanterns; guess lantern riddles

平时成绩 和 期末成绩具体英语翻译(尽量专业一点谢谢..)

看你是什么学制的吧,如果是两学期制的:The student"s semester work is worth 30% of his/her final course grade. This student got (或has earned) X for his semester work.The student"s semester exam is worth 70% of his/her final course grade. This student got (或earned) Y for his exam grade.其他学期制的有quarter, trimester, annual等,分别是四学期、三学期、一年。但最常见的还是两学期吧。因为你问的是期末成绩,所以我这样回答。但也有两年的课程的,如果是那样,就直接course work跟final exam就行了。exam跟examination是一样的,你如果求正式就选examination吧……还有,以上只是建议,但其实你翻的也可以,语气也正式。但如果保留你的翻译,我会把Class放在最前面,Class assignments and performance。不过总觉得这样有点repetitive,因为assignments是包含在performance里的不是吗?但不说又觉得不够详细不知你在说什么……所以还是建议直接用course work吧。


I have found my keys.


1、爱情不是语言所能表达的,只有用生活、用生活的全部来表达它。 Love is not a language can be exPssed, only with life, with all the life to exPss it. 2、奇怪的是,不知为什么,在我小的时候,我极力装得象个大人;而当我已经不再是小孩的时候,我又希望像个孩子。 Strange is, I do not know why, when I was young, I tried to act like an adult; and when I was no longer a child, I wanted to be like a child. 3、如果学生在学校里学习的结果是使自己什么也不会创造,那他的一生永远是模仿和抄袭。 If students study in school, the result is that they will not create anything, then his life is always copied and copied. 4、如果做某事,那就把它做好。如果不会或不愿做它,那最好不要去做。 If you do something, do it well. If you don"t want to do it, it"s better not to do it. 5、人弄坏了自己的胃,总是抱怨伙食。那对生活不满的人也是如此。 Man broke his stomach and was always complaining about the food. So is the man who is dissatisfied with his life. 6、人类生存的目的是尽最大的努力,使一切存在的事务得到最全面的发展。 The purpose of human existence is to make every effort to make all existing transactions the most comPhensive development. 7、勇气是智慧和一定程度教养的必然结果。 Courage is the inevitable result of intelligence and education. 8、一切利己的生活,都是非理性的,动物的生活。 All self interested in life, are irrational, the animal"s life. 9、人的幸福存在于生活之中,生活存在于劳动之中。 Man"s happiness lies in the life, the life exists in the labor. 10、如果教师只有对事业的爱,那么,他是一个好教师如果把对教育带来的爱和对学生的爱融为一体,他就是个完美的教师。 If the teacher only to the cause of love, then he is a good teacher if the education of the love and the love of the students into one, he is a perfect teacher. 11、人必须是奴隶,只不过对人来说须选择的是谁的奴隶这一问题,如果是自己**的奴隶,显然是人自己的奴隶;如果是自己精神本源的奴隶,那不过是神的奴隶而已。 Must is a slave, but for people should be chosen is the slave who this problem, if it is a slave to their own lust, obviously is one of their own slave; if it is a slave to their spiritual source, but that is the slave of God. 12、人生并非游戏,因此我们没有权利随意放弃它。 Life is not a game, so we have no right to give it up. 13、科学的事业就是为人民服务。 The cause of science is to serve the people. 14、人生不是一种享乐,而是一桩十分沉重的工作。 Life is not a pleasure, but a very heavy work. 15、人生并非游戏,因此,我们并没有权利只凭自己的意愿放弃它。 Life is not a game, so we have no right to give it up. 16、你必须在额上流汗,以资获得你的面包。 You must sweat on your forehead to get your bread. 17、一个人给予别人的东西越少,而自己要求的越多,它就越坏。 The less you give to others, the more you ask for. 18、理想是指路明灯,没有理想,就没有坚定的方向;没有方向,就没有生活。 Ideal is the beacon, without ideal, there is no secure direction; without direction, there is no life. 19、一个埋头脑力劳动的人,如果不经常活动四肢,那是一件极其痛苦的事情。 It is a very painful thing for a man who is buried in the brain and is not always active. 20、人,就是一条河,河里的水流到哪里都还是水,这是无异议的。但是,河有狭、有宽、有平静、有清澈、有冰冷、有混浊、有温暖等现象,而人也一样。 People, is a river, the river where the water is still water, which is no objection. However, the river is narrow, there is wide, there is calm, there is clear, there is cold, cloudy, there are warm and so on, and people are the same. 21、没有单纯、善良和真实,就没有伟大。 There is no simple, good and true, there is no great. 22、一个良知纯洁的人,觉得人生是件甜美而快乐的事。 A pure conscience, that life is a sweet and happy thing. 23、个人离开社会不可能得到幸福,正如植物离开土地而被扔到荒漠不可能生存一样。 It is impossible for a man to be happy, as the plant leaves the land and is thrown into the desert and cannot survive. 24、理想的书籍是智慧的钥匙。 The ideal book is the key to wisdom. 25、我相信自己的本性是善,不是恶,而其他所有的人也是如此相信他们自己的。因此,即使我们难以了解别人心中所想的事,我们也应该对别人常怀善念。 I believe that my own nature is good, not evil, and all other people believe in themselves. Therefore, even if it is difficult to understand other people in mind, we should also always have good to others. 26、一个人给予别人的东西越多,而自己要求的越少,他就越好;一个人给予别人的东西越少,而自己要求的越多,他就越坏。 The more something one has given to others, the less he has asked, the better one is; the less he has given to others, the more he is asked, the more he becomes ill. 27、身边永远要带着铅笔和笔记本,读书和谈话时碰到的一切美妙的地方和话语都把它记下来。 You will always have a pencil and a notebook, and all the wonderful places and words you will encounter when reading and talking. 28、风雅的人是真正的生活之王。 Man of taste is the real life of the king. 29、不知道并不可怕和有害,任何人都不可能什么都知道,可怕的和有害的是不知道而假装知道。 Do not know it is not terrible and harmful, no one can know anything, terrible and harmful is not known and Ptend to know. 30、记住吧:只有一个时间是重要的,那就是现在!它所以重要,就是因为它是我们有所作为的时间。 Remember: there is only one time that is important, and that is now! It is important because it is the time for us to make a difference. 31、纯粹的、完全的哀愁和纯粹的、完全的欢乐一样都是不可能的。 Pure and complete sorrow and pure and complete joy is impossible. 32、当在爱的纯洁之中涂抹上其它色彩的时候,这种爱就不再是完美的了。但此中没有是非之分,没有对错之分,只有理智和情感不懈的抗争。 This love is no longer perfect when it is applied to the purity of love. But this is not the right and wrong, there is no right and wrong, only rational and emotional struggle. 33、让死人去埋葬死人吧,我们既然有生命,我们就应当活下去,而且要活得幸福。 Let the dead bury the dead, and if we are alive, we shall live, and live happily. 34、被人爱和爱别人是同样的幸福,而且一旦得到它,就够受用一辈子。 Is love and love of others is the same happiness, but once it was enough for a lifetime. 35、幸福的家庭都是相似的;不幸的家庭各有各的不幸。 Happy families are all alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own. 36、风中之烛在风中摇曳,微弱的亮光照亮四周,最终在黑暗之中黯然消逝。 Candle In The Wind swaying in the wind, faint light shines in the darkness around, eventually fade away. 37、要永远宽恕一切人,要无数次地宽恕别人,因为世界上没有一个人是无罪的,没有一个人不需要宽恕,因此也就没有一个人有权力去惩罚或者纠正别人。 To always forgive all the people, to the countless times to forgive others, because no one in the world is innocent, there is no a person does not need to forgive, so there is no one person has the authority to punish or correct others. 38、有生活的时候就有幸福。 When there is life, there is happiness. 39、环境愈艰难困苦,就愈需要坚定的毅力和信心,而且,懈怠的害处就愈大。 The environment is more requires a lot of difficulties and hardships, perseverance and confidence, and the greater the harm of slack. 40、心灵纯洁的人,生活充满甜蜜和喜悦。 The pure heart of the people, life is full of sweet and joy. 41、人们过于习惯借助力量来维持秩序,因此不可能考虑没有压制的社会组织。 People are too accustomed to the use of power to maintain order, so it is impossible to consider the social organization without rePssion. 42、竭力履行你的义务,你应该就会知道,你到底有多大价值。 Try your best to fulfill your obligations, you should know how much you are worth. 43、财富并非永久的朋友,朋友却是永久的财富。 Wealth is not a permanent friend, but a friend is a permanent treasure. 44、说来奇怪,这种承认自己卑鄙的心情,固然不免使人痛苦,同时却又使人快乐而心安。 Strange to say, that his own vile mood, although inevitably painful, but also make people happy and contented. 45、所谓人生,是一刻也不停地变化着的。就是**生命的衰弱和灵魂生命的强大、扩大。 The so-called life, is a moment also constantly changing. It is the weakness of physical life and the strength and expansion of the life of the soul. 46、要有生活目标:一辈子的目标,一年的目标,一个月的目标,一个星期的目标,一天的目标,一个小时的目标,一分钟的目标,还是为大目标而牺牲小目标。 To have a goal in life: life goals, goals for the year, a month, a week, a day, one hour, one minute goal or goals at the expense of small target. 47、哪里没有朴素、善良和真理,哪里也就谈不上有伟大。 Where there is no simple, kind and truth, there is no great. 48、我觉得人的美貌就在于一笑:如果这一笑增加了脸上的魅力,这脸就是美的;如果这一笑不使它发生变化,它就是平平常常的;如果这一笑损害了它,它就是丑的。 I think beauty is a smile: if the smile increases the charm of the face, the face is beautiful; if the smile does not make it change, it is unremarkable; if the smile damage it. It was ugly. 49、决心即力量,信心即成功。 Determination is strength, confidence is success. 50、每个人都想要改变世界,却没人想过要改变自己。 Everyone wants to change the world, but no one wants to change their own. 51、一个人必须把他的全部力量用于努力改善自身,而不能把他的力量浪费在任何别的事情上。 A man must put all his strength in effort to improve himself, and not to waste his power on anything else. 52、如果忘却自己而爱别人,将会获得安静、幸福和高尚。 If you forget yourself and love others, you will be quiet, happy and noble. 53、真正的天才有两个肩膀:一个肩膀是道德,另一个是美学。如果道德这个肩膀抬得太高,那么美学那个就垂下来了,这样的天才是偏执一端的天才。 True genius has two shoulders: one is moral, the other is aesthetic. If the moral of this shoulder is too high, then the aesthetic that hung down, such a genius is a paranoid end of genius. 54、平庸和矫情之间只有一条窄路,那才是唯一的正道。在我看来,矫情比平庸更可怕,而之所以可怕,原因在于它明明是平庸却偏要冒充独特,因而是不老实的平庸。 Between mediocrity and hypocritical, only a narrow road, that is the only right way. In my opinion, hypocritical is much more terrible than mediocre, and the scariest thing. The reason is that it is obviously a mediocre slants however want to Ptend to be unique, so it is not honest mediocrity. 55、每个人的心灵深处都有着只有他自己理解的东西。 Every man has his own understanding of what is in the heart of the heart. 56、我们有罪,是因为我们没有去拯救像安娜一样的人,拯救像她那样美丽而高尚的灵魂。 We are guilty, because we did not go to the rescue of people like Anna, to save the beautiful and noble soul as she did. 57、聪明人的特点有三:一是劝别人做的事自己去做,二是决不去做违背自然界的事,三是容忍周围人们的弱点。 Smart people have three characteristics: one is to persuade others to do their own thing to do, two is not to do anything against nature, the three is to tolerate the weakness of people around. 58、理想的书籍,是智慧的钥匙。 An ideal book is the key to wisdom. 59、认识真理的主要障碍不是谬误,而是似是而非的真理。 The main obstacle to knowing truth is not falsehood, but paradoxical truth. 60、讨姑娘欢心,需带几份伤感。 Girls favor, the need to bring a few sad. 61、幸福存在于生活之中,而生活存在于劳动之中。 Happiness exists in life, but life is in labor. 62、不应是为了自己的需要,而应是为了真理而活着。 Should not be for their own needs, but should be in order to truth and alive. 63、幸福的关键不在于你们有多合得来,而在于你们如何处理彼此的合不来。 The key for happiness is not how much you get along, but that you how to deal with each other. 64、幸运的不是始终去做你希望做的事,而是始终希望达到你所做的事情的目的。 Fortunately, not always do what you want to do, but always hope to achieve the purpose of what you do. 65、假使每个人只为他自己的信念去打仗,就没有**了。 If everyone had to fight for his own faith, there would have been no war. 66、幸福并不在于外在的原因,而是以我们对外界原因的态度为转移,一个吃苦耐劳惯了的人就不可能不幸。 Happiness lies not in the external causes, but in our attitude to the outside world as a transfer, a hard-working people can not be unfortunate. 67、如果爱一个人,那就爱整个的他,实事求是地照他本来的面目去爱他,而不是脱离实际希望他这样那样的。 If a man love. Love is the whole he, seeking truth from facts shone his original appearance to love him, rather than from the actually want him to do so. 68、每个人都会有缺陷,就像被上帝咬过的苹果,有的人缺陷比较大,正是因为上帝特别喜欢他的芬芳。 Every man has a flaw, like an apple that has been bitten by God, and some people have a big flaw, because God has a special love for him. 69、要有生活目标,一辈子的目标,一段时期的目标,一个阶段的目标,一年的目标,一个月的目标,一个星期的目标,一天的目标,一个小时的目标,一分钟的目标。 To have a goal in life, life goals, a period, a stage, a year, a month, a week, a day, one hour, one minute goals. 70、行善必须努力,然而,掏恶更须努力。 Doing good deeds must work hard, however, to make a better effort.


My name is given by my grandfather. 进(Jin) means improve, going forward. My grandfather hopes that I would always improve and exceed beyond myself in my life


问题之一:火车问题:本地客运铁路服务在Kiwiland的一些城镇。由于货币的关注,所有的曲目是"单向的。也就是说,从凯塔亚到因弗卡吉耳路线不意味着从沃卡格尔路线存在的凯塔亚。事实上,即使这些航线都没有发生存在,它们是不同的,而且不一定是相同的距离!这个问题的目的是帮助铁路提供路线的信息的客户。特别是,您将计算沿某条路线的距离,两个城市之间的一些不同的路线,以及两个城市之间的最短路线。输入:有向图有向图有一个节点代表一个镇和一个棱边,边代表了两个城市之间的航线。边缘的比重加权代表两个城市之间的距离。一个给定的路线将不会出现超过一次,和一个给定的路线,起始和结束城市也不会是同一个镇。输出:对于测试输入1到5,如果没有这样的路由存在,输出"没有相应的路线"。否则,按照给出,不以任何额外站的路线!例如,第一个问题,就是要在城市甲开始,然后直接飞往城市B(5距离),然后直接到C市(距离为4)。1。在这条航线距离乙- ç。2。在这条航线的距离三维。3。在这条航线的距离三维- ç。4。在这条航线距离电子乙-的C - D。5。在这条航线距离电子桶。6。在C开始旅行的人数和在C结尾的3站最多。在下面的示例数据,有两个这样的旅行:中华网(2站)。和C -电子乙-商业(3站)。7。在阿的旅行次数和开始在C结尾正是4站。在下面的示例数据,有三个:这种旅行A至C(经乙,丙,丁),A至C(通过D,C类,D)和A至C(通过D类,E,乙)。8。在最短的路线长度(旅行距离计算)由A至C9。在最短的路线长度(旅行距离计算)由B到B10。从C数目不同的路线到C的和小于30的距离。在样本数据,行程是:疾病预防控制中心,CEBC,CEBCDC,CDCEBC,CDEBC,CEBCEBC,CEBCEBCEBC。测试输入:为测试输入,城镇被命名为使用从A至E两个城市之间的航线字母表的前几个字母(A到B为5距离)是AB5型的代表。图:AB5型,BC4和CD8,DC8,DE6,Ad5的,铈,EB3,AE7预期输出:输出#1:9输出#2:5输出#3:13输出#4:22输出#5:无该路线输出#6:2输出#7:3输出#8:9输出#9:9输出#10:7==========




被不排出沟外的修剪力量从在燃料箱农场被实行的 Nilcon 风向标测试被获得的描绘在 Fig.3 被显示。Nilcon 风向标测试在 Attawapiskat 的不同毗连的设备位置也被实行。所有的 Nilcon 风向标数据在 Fig.4 被编译而且呈现,在那里每个符号呈现一个在地上凿穿的洞在包括燃料箱农场、舢板停泊处和在 Fig.2 被显示的 laydown 区域的 Attawapiskat 的不同位置中训练了.如 Fig.4 所示,外壳层的被不排出沟外的修剪力量从 30 排列到 150;和力量以最初 4 m 的深度快速地减少。主要淤泥的泥土地层 (位于外壳层之下)的被不排出沟外的修剪力量以深度增加从大约 20-30 在 4-6 m 深度至大约 30-50 在 14-16 m 深度。敏感改变在 4 和 8之间,指出一个萣生熟的敏感。基于可塑性索引通常 10-20,给田地风向标测验结果的 Bjerrum 订正因素被考虑大约 1.0.图3 被不排出沟外的修剪力量描绘从在燃料箱农场被实行的 Nilcon 风向标测试获得图4 也表示一格外地低下地不排出沟外在经过 3.1 m 被训练的在地上凿穿的洞 V-03-395 E 的位置被测量的修剪力量描绘-在 laydown 区域中的厚被填充的土墩. (见到 Fig.2)在这特别的位置范围的主要淤泥的泥土层里面的力量从大约 14-20 ,哪一个异常地低下地被与在 Attawapiskat 的其他测试位置被观察的趋势相较。被不排出沟外力量的这种的变化是在设计研究期间的担心而且更进一步被调查过另外的 Nilcon 风向标测试,实验室测试和现有被填充的土墩的历史的调查。调查的结论意味着,被不排出沟外的修剪力量反常事物可能被引起被在-之上强调从那填充材料,最初被储蓄了在到上面大约 6 m 高的。力量的这损失在这一个位置确定基础设计担心。对现有的垂直有效的压迫力的不排出沟外的修剪力量 (价值的比较低的范围)的比,是超过 1.0 在外壳层里面,而且大约在褐色外壳和灰色的柔软之间的转变地域从 0.5 改变到 0.3 坚固存款 (在 4-7 m 的深度),和从 0.3 到 0.2 在那下面。传统的 oedometer(直线的巩固)测试被实行了在挑选的之上谢尔比管被从在地上凿穿的洞 V-03-392 E 和 V-03-393 E 恢复的样品。被解释的巩固特性在表 1 被概述。对巩固前压力 的(基于 oedometer 测试的结果,讨论将来)不排出沟外的修剪力量的比的二价值,,被发现了是 0.26 和 0.29.


English language proficiency, including listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating five abilities, but for most learners of English in the future will know what the main purpose is to get the latest information for our work and research improve efficiency in order to make a greater contribution. Thus, the various English examinations in China, the English reading test more and more attention, more difficult year by year. Reading comprehension in which students score gap widen play a role.    Entrance is focused on base, but even focusing on the basis of our teachers and students prepare for college entrance examination is still the time to read up and down a lot of effort.In college English teaching, reading is still learning English, seeking knowledge, the most important information needed for the professional way. Listening, speaking, reading and writing basic skills in reading is the key. This "College English Syllabus" also made a clear explanation: "students have strong reading skills, some hearing ability, the initial writing and speaking skills so that students can use English as a tool, and further improve the overall quality level of English to lay a good foundation. "" outline "of the reading ability and higher requirements highlight shows reading in college English teaching position occupied important.    In learning English listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation skills in five, reading the language input and the main source of accumulation, which in English language learning plays a vital role. For all English learners, the level of English reading ability, are often used to study English and indication of the important tools. Because in the process of learning and use of English, only through a lot of reading practice in order to further to master the vocabulary and grammar of flexibility in the use and expand vocabulary, enhance and improve the ability to understand English, and gradually reached a pure blue, resourceful and flexible the use of state.Therefore, cultivate and improve the reading comprehension of English is rapidly improving the level of practical use of English an important part. At the same time, also the English teachers who actively explore and repeated practice of one of the topics.


Protect environment, afforestation


Over the past few years, China has witnessed severe deforestration resulted from various kinds of environmental pollution, air pollution being one, overlogging, and forest fire.We cannot live without forest, the disappereance of which would only pay us back with dirty air, ever-growing temperature, and the increasingly uninhabitable Earth. Therefore, we really need to start planting more trees in order to preserve the forests and protect our planet. With all this effort would we be able to live in a decent environment and expect a greener and more beautiful homeland.我想这题材应该属于科技翻译,所以我使用了不少复句和一些名词性词组代替中文中的动宾结构,使一段基本成了一句,相信可以简炼些,欢迎指正。




So people tried to develop ecological afforestation.develop ecological afforestation 开展生态造林World bank helps Shandong develop ecological afforestation.世界银行帮助山东开展生态绿化活动。望采纳 谢谢

英语翻译 stress rust out and stress burn out



V. Recommendations 1. To enhance the environmental awareness of teachers and students. First of all, school leaders need to pay sufficient attention to the school environment and environmental education. The formation of a reasonable comprehensive environmental education system, the concept of sustainable development to penetrate the conventional teaching and practice of school management.


Preventing air pollution is a huge project that requires the efforts of individuals, collectives, nations,and even countries around the world. I believe that there is no simple solution to control air pollution, but people can save energy and reduce harmful gas emissions from vehicles and coal-fired power stations to reduce air pollution. First, reduce emissions of contaminants. Reform the energy structure, increase the use of non-polluting energy sources such as solar energy, wind energy, hydroelectric energy and low pollution energy sources such as natural gas. Second, the site selection is also important, the chimney design, urban planning and industrial areas should be reasonable and the distribution of the emitters should not be too concentrated, do not cause repeated pollution to form serious pollution in local areas. Third, afforestation, so there are more plants to absorb pollutants and reduce the air pollution. In addition, prevention of air pollution is a huge project requires the joint efforts of individuals, collectives, nations, and countries around the world.


Description: Our company Xing Qing, including umbrella, straight umbrella, two umbrellas, three folding, four folding umbrella, advertising umbrella, garden umbrella, beach umbrella, , craft umbrella, and other varieties. My company"s reputation forXing Qing umbrella light, new, prison, the United States is known, the product quality and technical process in the country in the umbrella industry leading position in the domestic market enjoyed a high reputation. Umbrella company for all ages to use. Products elegant appearance, fashionable and affordable, adapted to the strong brand awareness, pioneering spirit of the good units and shopping malls.

我们公司的产品主要出口海外 。英语翻译

Our products are mainly for export.

英语翻译 1、等待是最初的苍老 2、拿得起你放得下你 3、最好的选择,也是最后的选择 4、变得甚至更自私

1, the waiting is the original old 2, you afford to take you let go3 the best choice, but also the choice of the final 4, become even more selfish


中国是世界的最大的米生产商。 在米-增长的世界,袁隆平是最著名的科学家。1930年袁隆平出生在北京.当时他在许多学校被教育的男孩和被给了绰号"问问题" .他是个对植物很感兴趣的学生。 他在学院学习了农业。 在他工作了作为老师之后,他在庄稼饲养开始做实验。 他想生产最后1970年可能给更高的出产量.首先他试验用米的不同的类型他发现的一棵新的植物一个新的米品种.政府给了他一些帮助。如此他新的米对其他国家被出口了,例如巴基斯坦和菲律宾。


在该国南方,火锅已经演变出了更多风格,常见用固体酒精*加热的个人锅,或置于感应炉之上的不锈钢锅,有各种各样的作料和配料可供选择,不仅非常诱人,价格也非常实惠。*固体酒精也被称为“酒精块”或固体燃料块。固体酒精并不是固体状态的酒精(酒精的熔点很低,是 -114.1℃,常温下不可能是固体),而是将工业酒精(乙醇,CH3CH2OH)中加入凝固剂使之成为固体型态。使用时用一根火柴即可点燃,燃烧时无烟尘,火焰温度均匀,温度可达到600 ℃左右。


我证明商品在项目2列出了:a. 将由承销人使用(作为资本器材)以在一个制造过程中在国家接受在项目1和不会被重新出口也不会被合并到最后产物里的形式。b. 在处理或由承销人合并到以下产品里; …将被制造在项目命名的国家1为发行在: c. 将由承销人转售以在项目命名的国家接受1为用途或消耗量在其中的形式。 specfic最终用途由我的顾客将是; d.will由承销人重新出口以接受的形式(指定是否知道)承销人的通常事务的最后承销人 a.the本质的事务4.natur是: 经纪经销商编造者制造商与 U.S.exporter的贩商b.Business关系是: 1契约特权2包销经销商3批发商4继续




They exprt many kinds of fruit,such as orange and lemon,etc.He devoted himself helping the blinds all his life.Is the service fee included in the bill?She dropped the glass and it broke.They are likely to be angry with him.
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