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实惠的英语翻译 实惠用英语怎么说

material benefitaffordable


Where Can I buy some affordable clothes?


To my surprise,he has been married for two years.


你好!谬误fallacy 英[ˈfæləsi] 美[ˈfæləsi] n. 谬论; 错误; 谬误,谬见; [例句]It"s a fallacy that the affluent give relatively more to charity than the less prosperous富人比穷人对慈善事业的捐助更多些;这种观点是一种谬见。


Dr. Dre"s Son Hood Surgeon Preparing Debut Album Dre博士的儿子Hood Surgeon准备摄影作品首发仪式By Danyel Jones 作者:Danyel Jones


本文采用的推导方法是相似的,[ 12 ]在一阶泰勒ˇ扩张了。其插值结果以及执行时的曲线不具有小曲率半径。如果曲线包含小曲率半径,第一阶近似结果在大进给速度的变化。在这项研究中,二阶近似选择的解决方案,产生更精确的结果。详细推导如下所示。首先,泰勒ˇ扩张是用来扩大功能在附近的时间知识,条件高于二阶可以忽略不计,因为右旋甲碘安以上很小。公司在式(2)的采样时间(吨)的数控系统,即通吨因此,传统知识+1和传统知识可以表示为传统知识和传统知识+1,分别。通过重新排列式(2),下面的表达式是


Some people think that the United States is the kingdom, and everyone has a equal opportunity . Many well-educated, education professionals with various dreams streamed into the United States to seek a better life, some even think whatever life is ok. They prefer to America to have poor life better than relatively rich in domestic life. Therefore, in Miami, people can see from the central American countries , doctors and lawyers are washing, or in the restaurant as a waiter.=有些人错误的认为,美国是个充满机会的国度,而且人人都享有平等的机会.带着种种梦想,很多受过良好教育的专业人员络绎不绝地流入美国,去寻求美好的生活,有的甚至认为在那里过什么样的生活都可以.他们宁愿到美国去过穷日子,也不愿意在国内过相对富裕的生活。因此,在迈阿密,人们可以看到来自中美洲国家的律师和医生在给人洗车,或在餐馆端盘子.

生物英语翻译 进!~

在生存细胞里面: 内部细胞零件的结构和作用1.细胞质: 动态,流动工厂我们联系生活物产的Most是细胞质的物产。 细胞的大量的必需包括这种半液体物质,在外部一定由质膜。 细胞器在它里面暂停,支持由细胞骨架的纤维状netwok。 在细胞质流体被溶化营养素、离子、可溶解蛋白质和为细胞起作用需要的其他材料。2.中坚力量: 信息中央the 真核状态的细胞核是最大的细胞器并且安置在染色体的基因。 (在原核生物遗传性材料在类核小体被找到。)也中坚力量cantains一两个细胞器这细胞核戏剧在细胞分裂的一个角色。称核的毛孔穿孔的囊包围从细胞质分离中坚力量和它的内容。 小分子可能穿过核信封,但是更大的分子例如mRNA和核糖体必须通过毛孔输入和退出。3. 细胞器: 专业工作单位all真核状态的细胞包含大多这各种各样的细胞器,并且每organell在细胞执行一个专业作用。 在这个部分描述的细胞器包括核糖体,内质蜂巢胃。




The band"s performances

英语翻译 健身词 bench

on the weight roomi can bench 215lbs在举重室我可以板凳二一五磅

英语翻译 健身词 bench





A specialist who performs a procedure in a 30-minute visit can be paid three times more than a primary care physician using that same 30 minutes to discuss a patient"s disease.一个在30分钟内完成一次访谈过程的专家,可获三次酬金,超过了同样30分钟讨论病人疾病的初级保健师。visit建议翻译为:访谈。

英语翻译 高手进 谢谢

英语翻译 物流 交通

Schwanen等。 (2001年)认为,无论在大城市地区老工业国家和发展中国家,已经从单一到聚为中心的结构为中心的城市形态。但是,他们指出,关于如何单中心与多中心的大都市体制的影响旅行的行为是两极化的文献。在Schwanen等工作。摘自2001年在这一领域开展研究获得的结论。有些作者(例如,戈登和理查德森1997年,莱文森和Kumar 1994)显示,1日集中的结构趋于减少交通距离和交通时间。在这组学者坚持"一地两检"的假设,其中指出,企业和家庭定期调整空间,以实现平衡的通勤距离和时间。其他作者(切尔韦罗1996;纽曼和肯沃西1989;尤因1997)驳斥这个聚为中心的旅游行为的影响持积极态度,并建议下放的企业和家庭一直是旅游行为的灾难。在上下班交通时间,戈登等条款。 (1989)已经发现,矮个通勤中央比在大城市的城市的居民,至少有3万居民,郊区的居民倍。由于在高密度单强拥塞的影响为中心的城市,较高的旅行时间有较低密度的郊区社区的多中心城市。朱利和小(1993)指出,第在聚就业服务中心为中心的模式,有一个较短的交通时间的潜力。与此同时,切尔韦罗和兰迪斯(1991)的研究结果表明,虽然总体上下班时间和距离,可随着时间的推移保持稳定或下降,职位权力下放进程可能增加个体劳动者之间的差异。切尔韦罗(1996)认为,城市发展,日益富裕的领导,推动技术和其他超级力量,在从一个主要单中心的形式非常适合点对点点铁路系统,多中心的形式更有利于到汽车,破坏公共交通工具的使用。








n.烦恼, 麻烦, 动乱, 纠纷, 疾病, 故障, 问题vt.(使)烦恼, 麻烦, 打扰, 麻烦自己, 费神, 费心]n.(名词)A state of distress, affliction, danger, or need:苦恼:烦恼,痛苦,危险或匮乏的状态:in trouble with the police.与警察闹纠纷A cause or source of distress, disturbance, or difficulty:忧虑:烦恼、烦扰或困难的原由:One trouble after another delayed the job.一个又一个麻烦耽搁了工作An effort, especially one that causes inconvenience or bother:麻烦,不便:尤指导致麻烦或烦扰的努力:went to a lot of trouble to find this book.费了好大劲才找到这本书A condition of pain, disease, or malfunction:痛苦,疾病或故障:heart trouble.心脏疾病v.(动词)troub.led,troub.ling,troub.les v.tr.(及物动词)To agitate; stir up.烦扰;激起To afflict with pain or discomfort.使痛苦或不适To cause mental agitation or distress to; worry.使焦虑或不安;忧虑To inconvenience; bother:使不便;烦扰:May I trouble you to close the window?能麻烦您关下窗吗?v.intr.(不及物动词)To take pains:费苦心:They trouble over every detail.他们为每个细节煞费苦心







A: Hi, you come really early. B: Yes, because this class causes class in English C which we most like: The day before yesterday screened "myth" you looks at D: Graciousness, I looked, very good A: I also looked, that leading lady, I likes especially, her very attractive B: Oh, you have been deceived, she is A which has tidied up: , I has not thought that she will be natural beauty C: Has put in order, I have also heard D: Right, she has probably sheared the double-fold eyelid, barrier height nose A: Really unbelievable B: This is very normal, many stars have tidied now up C: I want the female star quite to be many, looks like Fan Bingbing, Zhang Ziyi it is said to put in order D: Graciousness, but the male star also has entire, for instance Michael Jackson A: Right, he has made many cosmetic surgery D: However he also is very now miserable, the face already distorted A: Why do that many stars want to tidy up B now: I think this and their occupation related C: They are not easy, must undertake risk D which tidies up brings: Graciousness, it is said the most serious consequence possibly will cause to die A: I had read a news couple days ago, a person tidies up the defeat, died on the surgery table B: Right, I have also read this news, that person probably has heart disease C: I think her family member certainly very sad B: That has affirmed A: I believed that the cosmetic surgery is not unnecessary completely, I thought that the intrinsic outstanding talent is most important C: Right, I agree with your viewpoint B completely: Yes, truly likes you the person, too will not care about your semblance A: Had words is not says “in the sentiment person eye Xi Shi” D: Graciousness, is this truly, you have now found you “Xi Shi”? A: Oh….This .....Ya, has attended class, attends a lecture well


Faces up to the Chinese English to manifest national characteristics one, China English the limits and the present situation and trend of development Mr. (1) Chinese English limits 1980 year Ge Chuangui proposed “Chinese English” the concept, this formulation had affirmed the Chinese English phenomenon, had pointed out these are the correct English expression law. Afterward, in 1991 Mr. Wang Rongpei, in 1993 in Li Wen, in 1994 thanked Mr., in 1997 Jia Guanjie and as well as in 1998 Luo Yunzhi proposed the Chinese English definition separately to Ming You. synthesizes above several viewpoints, may draw the following conclusion. the 1. China English is Chinese and English language cultural exchange result. the 2. China English is expresses the Chinese society culture various domain unique thing with the non-English nationality"s words and expressions, has the Chinese characteristic. the 3. China English take the standard English as a foundation, can enter English human relations, not mother tongue disturbance. the 4. China English is beneficial in disseminates the Chinese culture, simultaneously promotes English and the world culture rich and the development. generally the 5. China English is different with the pidgin English which, the transition language said that the former is one kind English anomalous form which is accepted by the standard English, has the positive sense to English study and the international communication; The latter is the Chinese language and the culture to English disturbing effect product, has the negative significance to English study and the international communication. 如有疑问发消息给我

求英语翻译(关于口语期末考试的规则) 都快搞糊涂了 弄出这么多规则。。。但求准确

英语最后辩论规则 有两个队,每两个或三个扬声器组成。 每队有两个或三个建设性的演讲(2-3分钟),以及两,三个反驳演讲(2分钟)和4-6“自由辩论”分钟。肯定给人的第一建设性的讲话,并反驳备用:负,肯定,否定,肯定的。肯定既有辩论的第一个和最后一个发言。 当作为一个命题的措词,肯定了主题需要支持一些特定的个人或团体的一些指定的动作。肯定有权利作出任何的命题范围的每个合理的定义。如果在一个合理的定义,肯定否定的挑战,法官必须接受的团队,显示其对词的解释更好地定义。 肯定要提倡的主题本身所需的一切。没有一个球队中的地位的修订是容许在辩论中。 他断言必须证明谁。为了建立一个断言,球队必须有足够的证据支持它和逻辑说服一个聪明但以前不了解情况的人,它更有理由相信这个说法,而不是怀疑它。事实必须准确。视听材料是允许的,一旦实施,他们成为对手的可用如果需要。 在讯问期间,提问者可以要求任何公平的,清楚的问题,有一个对辩论有直接关系。提问者可能使用期限建立任何自己的案件的一部分,要推倒他的任何反对的情况下的一部分,或者以确定诸如反对派的立场上有一定问题,可以用在辩论稍后事实。提问者必须把自己局限的问题,而不是发表声明,评论,或询问反问。 每位演讲者的质疑,他说只要他的建设性的讲话。证人必须回答没有咨询他的同事们的提问。 没有新的建设性的争论可能会期间介绍了反驳。必须肯定的答复,产生重大的负面论点前的最后反驳。 法官必须以自己的决定完全在提供的材料,没有其他物质,他就可能发生拥有。 以外的既定程序进行的任何收益是不允许的。 对于4人的辩论时间不能超过15分钟,也不能少于13分钟。对6人的辩论时间不得超过20分钟,也不得少于18分钟。辩论赛上的每个人必须发言至少3分钟的辩论中。时间会因为需要完成期末考试的学生人数严格执行


Is responsible for the company comprehensive finance work, including daily bookkeeping processing, financial calculation. Income calculation and account receivable management; Tax affairs and receipt management. Familiar bank, industry and commerce, tax affairs" management flow. Every month reports the tax payment, processes the bank item. Completes the fund to mix the work. Draws up the receipt. Establishment intercourse to bill, monthly settlement intercourse to account. Presses for payment to the customer. Month quarter and year financial reporting establishment. Item cost budget and calculation. Skilled use gold butterfly K3ERP operating system. Processes the daily administration personnel service. And various credentials" year examines and other change management. Familiar desk work flow.


Atherosclerosis of the coronaryvessel is a primary cause of coronary heart disease. It is caused by accumulationof fatty deposits within the lining of an artery.冠状动脉粥样硬化是冠心病的主因,它是由脂肪沉积物聚集在动脉内壁所致。The resultant plaques graduallythicken and harden with fibrous material, ceils and other deposits, causing theartery to narrow. The narrowing can then begin to restrict the blood flow tothe heart. This condition is known as ischemia.由此产生的斑块与纤维物质、细胞和其他沉淀物结合后,逐渐变厚变硬,使得动脉变窄。动脉缩小便会开始限制流向心脏的血液,这种情形称为缺血。In some cases narrowing of arteries that supply blood to the heart can become so severe that it blocks the artery. More usually, however, a partial blockageforms a blood clot, resulting in a heart attack, which can cause permanentdamage to part of the heart muscle.在某些情况下,供应心脏血液的动脉狭窄的情况非常严重,可把动脉完全阻塞。不过,通常的情况是部分堵塞形成的血凝块,导致心脏病发作,而对部分心肌造成永久性的损伤。




Self-introductionGood afternoon every teacher:My name is Yin Shan-yao. (Start)I graduated from the beautiful South China University of Technology, where talented people, teachers of academic profound but because he was teaching, the students were bright but hard work and students all over the land of China. I am fortunate to be on Automation Science and Engineering, a member of 06. (Own university)I am honest, lively and wide range of interests, usually the biggest fun is classmates to join with the various sports and activities, to exchange experiences and explore to learn. Learning time to master the professional knowledge, and specializes in their own points of interest, learn and I love competing and various types of power sports. (Hobbies)Today"s automation technology in defense, industrial, civil and other areas of vigorous development and widespread application of a promoting China"s modernization, the backbone of information technology. (For automated understanding)Chinese workers in southern China fame as a significant an engineering school, study a strong, chose to remain in school is a wise choice. Near the end of undergraduate study, I feel that they have learned enough, Du Yan during which I will be more value learning opportunities. At the same time I understand that automation is profound, solid theoretical basis of practice is necessary for future development. (On the selection of university and postgraduate education purposes)I am privileged to see so many well-known professors, fervent hope that their Chinese workers have the honor to remain in learning. Your appreciation for me the greatest certainty. (End)


You"re kidding! It"s your resume?

英语翻译 .翻译几句银行术语,“储蓄业务”,“对公存款”,

储蓄业务-Savings business 对公存款-Corporate deposits


1 He certainly read that book 2 Our classrooms must be cleaned daily 3 Red light, we must not cross the road 4 Sure this money bag 5 It is said that he visited the United States 2 6 To travel to Beijing and they are definitely 7 Must take good care of the children


主张 [词典] proposal; opinion; assertion; view; affirmation; [例句]两种主张都有理由。Both propositions sound reasonable.拥护 [词典] support; advocacy; uphold; endorse; acclamation; [例句]我完全拥护你对此课题的主张。I fully endorse your opinions on this subject.


感谢你对我的肯定,今后我会保持自己的优点,同时更加努力提高自己的业务知识技能以及和同事的交流能力。Thank you for your affirmation of my future, I will maintain its advantages, but also strive to improve their professional knowledge skills and communication skills and colleagues.

肯定性的单词 英语翻译怎么说

positve 肯定积极的意思。简单而且容易记……


你好很高兴回答你的问题:进入大学是对之前十二年学习的肯定Entering the university is a must for twelve years of study.望采纳 谢谢


你有一个积极的态度和良好的平衡和整体车身使你有好health.you将卸任,也经不起在一个地方或者idle.on围棋始终忙碌一定要找到伴侣能够跟上你观赏. 你缺乏信心或具备坚定性character.you感不平或激情感受至亲导致toruin.you小心翼翼,谨慎而有区别,对你的环境和人的品味,你围住. 你是一位热情慷慨disposition.you有男子气性质和你所统治sensuality.easily引起自己欲望,但是你爱的人总是一个愿意屈从于对方的需要. 你们用你们的辛勤努力和艰难的起步times.although建设事业,你的工作伦理将确保你对你的方式来实现经济独立. 如果你聪明的头脑和优秀品格你早日获得财务独立的生活. 金钱名利很快跟随而迅速.


First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-senUniversity

英语翻译 Curtain 翻译成中文是什么?

1.ring down the curtain 结束某事,落幕 2.Ending 落幕 3.Curtain falls 4.end 5.drop a curtain 这些都有落幕的意思. Curtain 翻译成中文是:窗帘,帘子

附属的的英语翻译 附属的用英语怎么说


急,英语翻译: 抱歉这么晚回复你,因为我这几天忙着接待一个客户来我们工厂参观

Sorry for the late reply because we were busy showing a guest around our factory.




在中学英语教学中,认知和情感是不可忽视的俩个方面。 In the middle school English teaching, cognitive and emotional should not be neglected two aspects. 而由于受到传统的应试教育的影响,我国英语教学只重视学生认知能力的发展,从而淡化了对学生情感因素的培养,这种片面的发展导致了学生学习效率的下降,不利于学生综合素质的提高,也不符合学生的可持续发展。 But due to the influence of examination-oriented education of traditional, China English teaching only emphasize the students" cognitive ability and weakened the to the cultivation of students" emotional factors, this kind of unilateral development leads to the student"s learning the decline in efficiency, is not conducive to the improvement of students" all-round development, also does not conform to the student"s sustainable development. 如今正在大力倡导新课程改革,在新的英语课程标准中,情感因素已是课程目标之一,它要求教师在英语教学中不仅要关注学生语言技能和语言知识的积累,而且要注重学生情感因素的发展。 Today is advocating the new curriculum reform, the new English curriculum standards, emotional factors is already one of curriculum objectives, it requires teachers in English teaching is not only the attention to students" language skills and language knowledge accumulation, and should pay more attention to students" emotional factors of development. 情感策略是指学习这用来规范和管理情绪,情感的一种方法,情感策略就是要使学生掌握和运用在语言学习过程中控制和调整自己的兴趣,态度,动机和信心等,教师培养和发展学生的情感策略就是要树立学生在英语学习中的信心,培养他们学习英语的兴趣,激发其学习英语的动机,创造一个和谐,民主的学习氛围,提高学习者的积极性,使其在英语学习和练习时克服害羞和紧张的情绪,从而协调语言学习过程,并为语言学习提供间接的支持。 Emotional strategy refers to learn this used to regulate and manage the emotions, feelings of a kind of method, emotional strategy is to enable students to master and apply the language learning process control and adjust their own interests, attitude, motivation and confidence, teacher training and developing students" emotional strategy is to establish the students in English learning confidence, and cultivate their interest for learning English, arouse their learning English motives, to create a harmonious, democratic atmosphere, to improve the students" enthusiasm, make its in English learning and practicing overcome shyness and nerves, so as to coordinate the language learning process, and for language learning provide indirectly support.

英语翻译问提undertone; low

undertone,蕴含的感情,寓意,弦外之音In an undertone;小声的,低声的low-key;低调的,不张扬的


Bad old man

没你想象的冷漠,也比你以为的深情 这句话怎么用英语翻译?

“没你想象的冷漠,也比你以为的深情”这句话用英语怎么翻译呢?不知道的话来和我一起看看吧:【翻译】Not as cold as you think, and more affectionate than you think.


Affectionate heart disease, fatal




Finally ushered in the games, everyone was very excited。 The weather is very hot, bringing the game increased the certain difficulty。 It"s a wonderful game, each class are very good。 Although some project lost, but we have tried,some students for the injured, and others in the game shoes off。These lovely pictures will be my precious memory。




可能会用:CCO: Chief Cleaning OfficerCHO: Chief Hygiene Officer

英语翻译 French(名词) write(同音词)

the French(名词):法国人;法语 French(形容词):法国的;法语的;法兰西的;法式的 France(名词);法国;法兰西 right


你可能知道垃圾食品像法式炸薯条,但是你是否知道垃圾睡眠?最近,英国一项调查发现青少年床上的电子产品会影响到他们的睡眠。这项调查是在1000个12-16岁的英国小孩之间完成的,经研究发现,他们中的30%每天仅仅睡4-7个小时,但是医生说他们需要8-9个小时。几乎四分之一的孩子说他们每周至少有一次是在看电视、听歌或使用其他电子产品的时候睡着的。”这是非常令人担忧的“,伊德兹科夫斯基 医生,一个英国专家说,“我们称之为垃圾睡眠”,那意味着你没有足够的睡眠和睡眠质量也不好,如果没有得到好的休息,第二天你在学校的表现不会好“。调查发现40%的小孩每天都会很疲倦,13-16岁的女孩尤其这样。几乎所有的青少年在他们的卧室里都有手机,MP4或电视。他们中的好多这三种东西都有。


slide|slaɪd|A.intransitive verb(past tense, past participleslid |slɪd|)①(glide, move smoothly)滑行to slide down [something]顺着…滑下‹banisters, rope›to slide down the bank into the water从岸上滑入水中②(slip accidentally)打滑to slide off滑落to slide off [something]从…上滑下来‹shelf, roof›to slide off the road«car»滑出路面to slide into [something]打滑撞上‹wall, bank›to slide on the floor/ice在地板上/冰上打滑③(slip quietly)溜to slide away/out悄悄溜走/溜出去


1、Its nice to be alone. 2、What I get and lose is my own. 3、人生未了,柱子已倒。 4、失心三年,我为伊人。 5、生命虽短,爱却绵长。 6、I love you, but Im in your way. 7、Life is short, but love is long. 8、夕阳下,童话一般的世界。 9、I promise for you, I will never forget. 10、你是年少的欢喜。倒过来念。 11、好聚好散,以后,还是朋友。 12、相濡以沫,不如相忘于江湖。 13、Life is not over, the pillar has fallen. 14、Lost love, at least we still have sugar. 15、Do you really want to meet someone again. 16、I tried my best to lead an ordinary life. 17、Lost heart for three years, I am a lover. 18、Used to like a person, now, now a person. 19、How can I get rid of it, the whim of fate. 20、How could I let go, after you turn around. 21、Love, hurt, and then can leave and forget. 22、Under the setting sun, a fairy tale world. 23、Whats wrong with rice, but I cant go back. 24、我用尽全力,过着平凡的一生。 25、桔梗花的花语。永不停歇的爱。 26、跟记忆在比赛,看谁能忘得快。 27、You are my unforgettable, love but not sad. 28、Its better to forget each other in the lake. 29、You are the joy of youth. Read it backwards. 30、你那么孤单,却偏说一个人真好。 31、我爱你,在你眼里却成了我碍你。 32、明明很孤单,却总说一个人真好。 33、爱情如同野兽,吞没现实的我们。 34、该是怎样的心碎,才能欲哭无泪。 35、走失了的爱情,至少我们还有糖。 36、越长大,我发现能信任的人越少。 37、Forget you, is to prove that I can forget you. 38、Love is like a beast, swallowing us in reality. 39、Match with memory to see who can forget quickly. 40、不能等自己忘记,只能等时间过去。 41、你再哭,再哭我就回家跪搓衣板去。 42、你是我念念不忘,爱而不得的心酸。 43、你有没有很想,和谁重新认识一次。 44、你没那么多观众,别让自己那么累。 45、心酸纵有千百种,沉默不语最难过。 46、忘记你,是为了证明我可以忘记你。 47、我得到的,失去的,都是我自己的。 48、我怎么可能会放手,在你转身之后。 49、放下该放下的你,退出没结局的剧。 50、明明那么孤单,却偏说一个人真好。 51、有人三句不离酒,有人句句不离愁。 52、米有什么过不去,只是再也回不去。 53、Guilt and regret beat my heart and couldnt sleep. 54、What kind of heartbreak can you cry without tears. 55、Youre so lonely, but you say its nice to be alone. 56、不知道自己的无知,乃是双倍的无知。 57、以前喜欢一个人,现在,现在一个人。 58、你不宣布我的身份,是在给谁留机会。 59、你是孤岛,而我是永远上不了岸的潮。 60、哪里还敢打扰你,毕竟我不再讨你喜。 61、在那漫漫人海中,我们总是只差一步。 62、我要怎样才能躲掉,命运的心血来潮。 63、明明想哭,却还要扯着嘴角对你微笑。 64、某个人的名字总是在你心里,碰不得。 65、爱过,伤害过,然后可以离别和遗忘。 66、Ignorance of your own ignorance is double ignorance. 67、Its easy to forgive. Trust again, its not that easy. 68、Silence for too long, but can not find a sad reason. 69、Good get together, good scattered, after, or friends. 70、Tears exist to prove that sadness is not an illusion. 71、I cant move you much, but theres a word that I can do. 72、I dont regret loving you. Even if you hurt me so much. 73、你是我的东南西北,胜过一切苍山泱水。 74、凡事看得开点这样才能狠下心来去报复。 75、我不后悔爱过你。哪怕你伤的我那么深。 76、我要忘了你的样子,像鱼忘了海的拥抱。 77、沉默了太久,却找不到一个伤心的理由。 78、谁都想牵一只手,爱一个人,走一条路。 79、Obviously very lonely, but always said a person is good. 80、As I grew older, I found that fewer people I could trust. 81、Its still sunny after the rain. I dont need your charity. 82、内疚懊悔敲击着我的心,翻来覆去睡不着。 83、听说幸福很简单,简单到时间一冲就冲淡。 84、我为你许下的诺言,我一辈子都不会忘记。 85、我会一直等你,直到没有再等下去的理由。 86、我想给我爱的人珍惜我的权力,这多心酸。 87、特别在乎的东西,别人碰一下都觉得是抢。 88、生活不是电影,不会有那么多的不期而遇。 89、雨后依然是晴天,我不需要你施舍的可怜。 90、Everyone wants to hold a hand, love a person, walk a road. 91、Some people do not leave wine, others do not leave sorrow. 92、Someones name is always in your heart and cant be touched. 93、Where dare disturb you, after all, I no longer please you. 94、Cant wait for oneself to forget, can wait for time to pass. 95、Dont always feel despised. Ask yourself if you have weight. 96、You dont have so many viewers. Dont make yourself so tired. 97、If you cry again, I will go home and kneel on the washboard. 98、You can always ignore my feelings, you always think Im good. 99、不要总觉得被轻视,先问问自己有没有分量。 100、你总能忽略我的感受,你总以为我哄哄就好。 101、原谅是容易的。再次信任,就没那么容易了。 102、又是一个失眠的夜晚,你却抱着她安心入睡。 103、山和水可以两两相忘,日与月可以毫无瓜葛。 104、彼此刚刚拥有的默契,你却放手选择了放弃。 105、我不能给你多少感动,但有个词叫尽我所能。 106、我只是想,我想过你,没有多想,只是想你。 107、我在你的世界,慢慢淡出,退却,终将离开。 108、既然我如此不堪,那你当初又为何说要伴我。 109、眼泪的存在,是为了证明悲伤不是一场幻觉。 110、能自己扛的别声张,矫情的样子真的不好看。 111、躲得了对酒当歌的夜,躲不过四下无人的街。 112、Although there are thousands of sad, silence is the most sad. 113、Everything should be open-minded, so that we can get revenge. 114、I want to cherish my power for the people I love. Its so sad. 115、You dont announce my identity. Youre giving someone a chance. 116、人生就像茶几, Life is like a tea table, full of cups. 117、In that long sea of people, we are always only one step short. 118、I will wait for you until there is no reason to wait any longer. 119、Since Im so miserable, why did you say you wanted to be with me. 120、I in your world, slowly fade out, retreat, will eventually leave. 121、I just think, I think about you, do not think much, just miss you. 122、You are an island, and I am a tide that will never reach the shore. 123、Its another night of insomnia, but you hold her to sleep peacefully. 124、Life is not a movie, there will not be so many unexpected encounters. 125、The flower language of Platycodon grandiflorum. Love that never stops. 126、I heard that happiness is very simple, so simple that time will dilute. 127、If someone touches something that they care about, they think its robbery. 128、Clearly want to cry, but also pull the corner of the mouth to smile at you. 129、You are my southeast and northwest, more than all the mountains and rivers. 130、Put down the you that should be put down and quit the drama that has no ending. 131、I want to forget your appearance, like a fish forgetting the embrace of the sea. 132、Each other just had the tacit understanding, but you let go and choose to give up. 133、Can own carry dont make a statement, affectation appearance is really not good-looking. 134、I cant hide from the night when Im drinking and singing, but I cant hide in the street without people. 135、Mountain and water can be forgotten in two, the sun and the moon can have nothing to do with each other. 136、我多想住在你心里一辈子,可是我怕你的心是我暂时租来的。I want to live in your heart all my life, but Im afraid that your heart is temporarily rented by me.2020年即将过去,2021就要到来,这一年你收获了什么,又失去了什么呢? I like my age now, but I dont like myself now.


我们可以经历的最美丽的事情就是神秘的事情。它是真理和科学的源头 爱因斯坦


事实是,大多数发展中国家或欠发达的国家乞求的机会,有美国公司把钱投入他们的经济。保罗克鲁格曼在他的作文, “敌人的世贸组织” :每一个成功的例子,经济发展过去的一百年-每一个案件一个贫穷的国家,它的工作方式到体面或多或少,或至少大幅提高,生活水平-已经发生通过全球化,即由生产的世界市场,而不是试图自给自足。许多工人谁做生产为全球市场是非常严重支付的第一届世界标准。但声称他们已经贫穷的全球化,你必须仔细比较忽视跨越时间和空间-即,你必须忘记,那些贫穷的工人,甚至在新的出口和提供就业机会成为忽视的事实是,这些谁做没有进入全球市场还远远更糟那些谁做。其中一个既定目标的谈判,世贸组织是达成协议,可消除贫困。的主要方式世贸组织的希望,以减少贫困,鼓励自由贸易。自由贸易改革是为了有利于穷人。在本质上是世贸组织的论点有以下三个关键点:1 。自由贸易的增长趋势,以提高2 。更大的增长趋于减少贫困3 。因此,自由贸易趋于减少贫困




  The central government shall not interfere in the internal affairs of the Hong Kong SAR .


the first is how to deal with the pressure


I have a blessed family.There are three people in my family,my father,my mother and I.My parents work in a bank.My father is 167 cm tall.He likes reading newspapers and playing badminton.My mother has a childlike innocence. She often goes hiking with me. She likes reading, listening to the music and cooking variety of dishes. I am closer to my mother because of her kind, but but my father is so strict. Anyhow, I love my parents.


1. the implication rich sends the essence tightly, can the strong eye muscle lipin protection insulation, tighten the eye week relaxation flesh immediately, simultaneously eliminates the young grain, supplements the eye muscle moisture rapidly, and promotes the ossein regeneration. The long-term use may downplay the wrinkle, the lines on face obviously, causes to reply the years violation ocular region flesh sends tightly smoothly, makes the binocular reappearance youth brilliance. 2. can strengthen the epidermal cell richly including the special effect live skin compound, raises the eye week collogen content effectively, the crowded key repair eye muscle lines on face and the wrinkle, strengthen tightness which the skin organizes, simultaneously can entrust with the flesh elasticity, causes the ocular region flesh like silk to be smooth, the reproduction elasticity and sends tightly. the 3. special active constituent has the effect which the moisturizer and the promotion collogen forms, the activation cell maintains the normal function, slows down the wrinkle, the affable ocular region to be weary, simultaneously prevents the dark pouches, the pouch formation, enhances the eye week flesh tightly with the support ability, makes the frail careful ocular region flesh reply smooth tightly, brilliance according to human.


Amiable求采纳 谢谢

英语翻译 求翻译:他们保证帮忙,为即将到来的晚会做准备工作 要带有help out

They promise to help us out the preparations for the coming party 他们保证帮忙,为即将到来的晚会做准备工作 help sb out :帮助摆脱困境 .


salary drawn for a sinecure

退休人员的英语翻译 退休人员用英语怎么说

答案是retired worker / employee / member其中retired worker / employee泛指退休职工,而retired member通常特指退休董事等管理人员或股东求采


It is always a pleasure to greetlike-minded people from afar.


In order to find preexistent love and memories,I flied back to the bypast world by space time machine.


An ancient Chinese saying goes:" It is such a delight that I have friends visiting from afar". We speak different languages. However, all of us enjoy one thing, that is music, which is no separation among different countries. As one of the earliest musical instruments in China, lute witnessed the friendship(friendly exchanges) between China and other countries.


There is a companion coming from afar, anti as well happy.



get over go over 什么意思 英语翻译

常见的意思 get over :克服;恢复;熬过;原谅go over:复习,重温;仔细检查;转变;润色




Structural beautyConsonant beautyartistic conception beauty


ItisthesecondtimethatIwritealettertoaforeigner,whichmeans luckilyyou"vegotmyletter. Receivingalettercanalwaysmakepeoplefeelexcited.Iamstarry-eyedaboutRussia,especailly aboutits specialarchitecture. EverytimewhenIhave historylessonsaboutyourcountry,I amalways extremelyexcited.WhatRussiaimpressesmeis itsvastterritory,coldweatherandheavysnow.Ihaveneverseensnow beforeandreallylongforseeingitoneday. The heartisagiftforyou.Ihopeyou"lllikeit.Iam toohappytoknowwhatelseIcanwrite.Pleaseremembertowritemeback. 觉得“这是一颗心,希望你喜欢”,是指你送给对方一颗心作为礼物,所以这么翻译的。因为总是说和别人相似度高,但是句型不一样,其实就是逻辑不一样,所以这个网站需要改进.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbcccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc


1, low self-esteem; 2, narcissistic; 3, self-esteem; 4, self-respect; 5, perfectionist 6, persistent; 7, integrity; 8, tolerance; 9, magnanimity; 10, aesthetic; 11, aesthetics; 12, filial piety; 13, noble; 14, helplessness; 15, Tongche heart


too long for me


恩 查字典


As the teacher in charge of Senior class in college, I pay a lot of attention to study and life of the student of minority in my class. This student becomes hard-working, honest, perseverant and enthusiasm, with sense of progress. He/She improves abilities of self-estimation, plan and harmony, which makes him/her brand new and bases well for his/her oversea study. As bedmaker, he/she fulfills his/her job well, harmonizing relation among students and creating clean environment for better study. He/she is the first one to come to me for any events of our class and helps the new comers a lot when they are enrolled. In a word, this student is honest, considerate and a good friend of all.
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