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英语翻译呀!!!没有人能够拿出有力的证据证明外星人的存在。只有见到 拿出证据才算有。要用证据说话。



1。 你对黑人种族有偏见。这就是为什么那天晚上我喊你白种人的原因了。可是你跟黑人交往时,我可没有感觉到有什么异样。2。我的听众成千上万,本来期望能听到反对的声音,可是实际上几乎没有。3。异同化影响4。快乐幸福之复杂性5。翻天覆地的转变(好难哦,有时间告诉我正确的答案,谢谢)6。商务旅游


一天一个人进入药店,并且说, “您有任何东西治疗头疼?” 化学家采取了瓶从架子,然后拿着它在绅士的鼻子下。气味是很强的泪花是进入了thee人的并且跑了在他的面颊下。“什么您做那为?” 当他可能让回到他的面孔,他生气说。“但是那治疗了您的头疼,是? 化学家说。 但人说, “它是有头疼的我的妻子,不是我!” 特德在文字比赛得到了一等奖。 有一场足球比赛在老虎和熊之间。 他的一个朋友要求他邀请他们观看它。 特德被买有些票为比赛。第十二张票是最坏的,特德保留了它himslef。比赛是扣人心弦的。 他们某一看的电视和其他演奏了电子游戏,他们使用了直到十时在晚上。他们有一一味寻欢作乐。


Mike and I are good friends .I hope it is right~


1、Some milk left few, do you need to prepare?2、no3、What does that mean?

英语翻译的高手进 a passion for sport

2001年,估计有1170万人,或77.7及以上的人口年龄15年precent,娱乐和参加了至少一个物理activety sport.Australians也喜欢看体育赛事,55%的成年人。将体育赛事,也是一个普遍的消遣,在1999,7万人,或Austrilian人口和15岁的precent以上,参加体育比赛或比赛。后期,伟大的criketer曾先生Bradam概括起来清脆和良好。 “运动”,他说,“嵌入Austrilian生活的面料。”作者唐纳德霍恩曾经黯淡,但准确的判断,玩游戏和/或观看他们是“fullfill之一的作用,作为一个Aurtralian。


In the framework of anti-dumping and anti-subsidy review investigations, it seemsappropriate to be able to change methodology as compared to the investigationthat led to the imposition of the measure in order to ensure that, inter alia,coherent methodologies are used across different investigations at a given point intime. This will allow, in particular, scope to change methodologies which arerevised over time as situations change.在反倾销和反补贴的复合调查框架中,与那些强制使用而确保调查的方法相比,适时调整方法显得合情合理,特别是在同一事件的不同调查中及时采用具有连贯性的方法。这对于放宽视野,根据时间和情况的变化调整政策显得尤为重要。


Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves from the 1001 Nights In a town in Persia there dwelt two brothers, one named Cassim, the other Ali Baba. Cassim was married to a rich wife and lived in plenty, while Ali Baba had to maintain his wife and children by cutting wood in a neighboring forest and selling it in the town. One day, when Ali Baba was in the forest, he saw a troop of men on horseback, coming toward him in a cloud of dust. He was afraid they were robbers, and climbed into a tree for safety. When they came up to him and dismounted, he counted forty of them. They unbridled their horses and tied them to trees. The finest man among them, whom Ali Baba took to be their captain, went a little way among some bushes, and said, "Open, Sesame!" so plainly that Ali Baba heard him. A door opened in the rocks, and having made the troop go in, he followed them, and the door shut again of itself. They stayed some time inside, and Ali Baba, fearing they might come out and catch him, was forced to sit patiently in the tree. At last the door opened again, and the Forty Thieves came out. As the Captain went in last he came out first, and made them all pass by him; he then closed the door, saying, "Shut, Sesame!" Every man bridled his horse and mounted, the Captain put himself at their head, and they returned as they came. Then Ali Baba climbed down and went to the door concealed among the bushes, and said, "Open, Sesame!" and it flew open. Ali Baba, who expected a dull, dismal place, was greatly surprised to find it large and well lighted, hollowed by the hand of man in the form of a vault, which received the light from an opening in the ceiling. He saw rich bales of merchandise -- silk, stuff-brocades, all piled together, and gold and silver in heaps, and money in leather purses. He went in and the door shut behind him. He did not look at the silver, but brought out as many bags of gold as he thought his asses, which were browsing outside, could carry, loaded them with the bags, and hid it all with fagots. Using the words, "Shut, Sesame!" he closed the door and went home. Then he drove his asses into the yard, shut the gates, carried the money-bags to his wife, and emptied them out before her. He bade her keep the secret, and he would go and bury the gold. "Let me first measure it," said his wife. "I will go borrow a measure of someone, while you dig the hole." So she ran to the wife of Cassim and borrowed a measure. Knowing Ali Baba"s poverty, the sister was curious to find out what sort of grain his wife wished to measure, and artfully put some suet at the bottom of the measure. Ali Baba"s wife went home and set the measure on the heap of gold, and filled it and emptied it often, to her great content. She then carried it back to her sister, without noticing that a piece of gold was sticking to it, which Cassim"s wife perceived directly her back was turned. She grew very curious, and said to Cassim when he came home, "Cassim, your brother is richer than you. He does not count his money, he measures it." He begged her to explain this riddle, which she did by showing him the piece of money and telling him where she found it. Then Cassim grew so envious that he could not sleep, and went to his brother in the morning before sunrise. "Ali Baba," he said, showing him the gold piece, "you pretend to be poor and yet you measure gold." By this Ali Baba perceived that through his wife"s folly Cassim and his wife knew their secret, so he confessed all and offered Cassim a share. "That I expect," said Cassim; "but I must know where to find the treasure, otherwise I will discover all, and you will lose all." Ali Baba, more out of kindness than fear, told him of the cave, and the very words to use. Cassim left Ali Baba, meaning to be beforehand with him and get the treasure for himself. He rose early next morning, and set out with ten mules loaded with great chests. He soon found the place, and the door in the rock. He said, "Open, Sesame!" and the door opened and shut behind him. He could have feasted his eyes all day on the treasures, but he now hastened to gather together as much of it as possible; but when he was ready to go he could not remember what to say for thinking of his great riches. Instead of "Sesame," he said, "Open, Barley!" and the door remained fast. He named several different sorts of grain, all but the right one, and the door still stuck fast. He was so frightened at the danger he was in that he had as much forgotten the word as if he had never heard it. About noon the robbers returned to their cave, and saw Cassim"s mules roving about with great chests on their backs. This gave them the alarm; they drew their sabers, and went to the door, which opened on their Captain"s saying, "Open, Sesame!" Cassim, who had heard the trampling of their horses" feet, resolved to sell his life dearly, so when the door opened he leaped out and threw the Captain down. In vain, however, for the robbers with their sabers soon killed him. On entering the cave they saw all the bags laid ready, and could not imagine how anyone had got in without knowing their secret. They cut Cassim"s body into four quarters, and nailed them up inside the cave, in order to frighten anyone who should venture in, and went away in search of more treasure. As night drew on Cassim"s wife grew very uneasy, and ran to her brother-in-law, and told him where her husband had gone. Ali Baba did his best to comfort her, and set out to the forest in search of Cassim. The first thing he saw on entering the cave was his dead brother. Full of horror, he put the body on one of his asses, and bags of gold on the other two, and, covering all with some fagots, returned home. He drove the two asses laden with gold into his own yard, and led the other to Cassim"s house. The door was opened by the slave Morgiana, whom he knew to be both brave and cunning. Unloading the ass, he said to her, "This is the body of your master, who has been murdered, but whom we must bury as though he had died in his bed. I will speak with you again, but now tell your mistress I am come." The wife of Cassim, on learning the fate of her husband, broke out into cries and tears, but Ali Baba offered to take her to live with him and his wife if she would promise to keep his counsel and leave everything to Morgiana; whereupon she agreed, and dried her eyes. Morgiana, meanwhile, sought an apothecary and asked him for some lozenges. "My poor master," she said, "can neither eat nor speak, and no one knows what his distemper is." She carried home the lozenges and returned next day weeping, and asked for an essence only given to those just about to die. Thus, in the evening, no one was surprised to hear the wretched shrieks and cries of Cassim"s wife and Morgiana, telling everyone that Cassim was dead. The day after Morgiana went to an old cobbler near the gates of the town who opened his stall early, put a piece of gold in his hand, and bade him follow her with his needle and thread. Having bound his eyes with a handkerchief, she took him to the room where the body lay, pulled off the bandage, and bade him sew the quarters together, after which she covered his eyes again and led him home. Then they buried Cassim, and Morgiana his slave followed him to the grave, weeping and tearing her hair, while Cassim"s wife stayed at home uttering lamentable cries. Next day she went to live with Ali Baba, who gave Cassim"s shop to his eldest son. The Forty Thieves, on their return to the cave, were much astonished to find Cassim"s body gone and some of their money-bags. "We are certainly discovered," said the Captain, "and shall be undone if we cannot find out who it is that knows our secret. Two men must have known it; we have killed one, we must now find the other. To this end one of you who is bold and artful must go into the city dressed as a traveler, and discover whom we have killed, and whether men talk of the strange manner of his death. If the messenger fails he must lose his life, lest we be betrayed." One of the thieves started up and offered to do this, and after the rest had highly commended him for his bravery he disguised himself, and happened to enter the town at daybreak, just by Baba Mustapha"s stall. The thief bade him good-day, saying, "Honest man, how can you possibly see to stitch at your age?" "Old as I am," replied the cobbler, "I have very good eyes, and will you believe me when I tell you that I sewed a dead body together in a place where I had less light than I have now." The robber was overjoyed at his good fortune, and, giving him a piece of gold, desired to be shown the house where he stitched up the dead body. At first Mustapha refused, saying that he had been blindfolded; but when the robber gave him another piece of gold he began to think he might remember the turnings if blindfolded as before. This means succeeded; the robber partly led him, and was partly guided by him, right in front of Cassim"s house, the door of which the robber marked with a piece of chalk. Then, well pleased, he bade farewell to Baba Mustapha and returned to the forest. By and by Morgiana, going out, saw the mark the robber had made, quickly guessed that some mischief was brewing, and fetching a piece of chalk marked two or three doors on each side, without saying anything to her master or mistress. The thief, meantime, told his comrades of his discovery. The Captain thanked him, and bade him show him the house he had marked. But when they came to it they saw that five or six of the houses were chalked in the same manner. The guide was so confounded that he knew not what answer to make, and when they returned he was at once beheaded for having failed. Another robber was dispatched, and, having won over Baba Mustapha, marked the house in red chalk; but Morgiana being again too clever for them, the second messenger was put to death also. The Captain now resolved to go himself, but, wiser than the others, he did not mark the house, but looked at it so closely that he could not fail to remember it. He returned, and ordered his men to go into the neighboring villages and buy nineteen mules, and thirty-eight leather jars, all empty except one, which was full of oil. The Captain put one of his men, fully armed, into each, rubbing the outside of the jars with oil from the full vessel. Then the nineteen mules were loaded with thirty-seven robbers in jars, and the jar of oil, and reached the town by dusk. The Captain stopped his mules in front of Ali Baba"s house, and said to Ali Baba, who was sitting outside for coolness, "I have brought some oil from a distance to sell at tomorrow"s market, but it is now so late that I know not where to pass the night, unless you will do me the favor to take me in." Though Ali Baba had seen the Captain of the robbers in the forest, he did not recognize him in the disguise of an oil merchant. He bade him welcome, opened his gates for the mules to enter, and went to Morgiana to bid her prepare a bed and supper for his guest. He brought the stranger into his hall, and after they had supped went again to speak to Morgiana in the kitchen, while the Captain went into the yard under pretense of seeing after his mules, but really to tell his men what to do. Beginning at the first jar and ending at the last, he said to each man, "As soon as I throw some stones from the window of the chamber where I lie, cut the jars open with your knives and come out, and I will be with you in a trice." He returned to the house, and Morgiana led him to his chamber. She then told Abdallah, her fellow slave, to set on the pot to make some broth for her master, who had gone to bed. Meanwhile her lamp went out, and she had no more oil in the house. "Do not be uneasy," said Abdallah; "go into the yard and take some out of one of those jars." Morgiana thanked him for his advice, took the oil pot, and went into the yard. When she came to the first jar the robber inside said softly, "Is it time?" Any other slave but Morgiana, on finding a man in the jar instead of the oil she wanted, would have screamed and made a noise; but she, knowing the danger her master was in, bethought herself of a plan, and answered quietly, "Not yet, but presently." She went to all the jars, giving the same answer, till she came to the jar of oil. She now saw that her master, thinking to entertain an oil merchant, had let thirty-eight robbers into his house. She filled her oil pot, went back to the kitchen, and, having lit her lamp, went again to the oil jar and filled a large kettle full of oil. When it boiled she went and poured enough oil into every jar to stifle and kill the robber inside. When this brave deed was done she went back to the kitchen, put out the fire and the lamp, and waited to see what would happen. In a quarter of an hour the Captain of the robbers awoke, got up, and opened the window. As all seemed quiet, he threw down some little pebbles which hit the jars. He listened, and as none of his men seemed to stir he grew uneasy, and went down into the yard. On going to the first jar and saying, "Are you asleep?" he smelt the hot boiled oil, and knew at once that his plot to murder Ali Baba and his household had been discovered. He found all the gang was dead, and, missing the oil out of the last jar, became aware of the manner of their death. He then forced the lock of a door leading into a garden, and climbing over several walls made his escape. Morgiana heard and saw all this, a


Ali Mountain is one of the highest mountains there.



递归算法的英语翻译 递归算法用英语怎么说




英语翻译 关于代数学的本质的。



慢走,不送的英语:Well,It"s time to say goodbye . Take care .goodbye 读法  英 [gʊd"baɪ] 1、int. 再见,再会(分别或谈话结束时的问候语)2、n. 再见,告别短语:1、say goodbye 说再见;告别2、kiss goodbye 吻别3、wave goodbye to 向...挥手告别扩展资料词语用法:1、英国人常用goodbye,美国人常用goodby。是人们随时分手,而且在一段时间内不再见面时的告别用语。2、“说再见”英国人和多数美国人说say goodbye。注意也有少数美国人说tell goodby。词义辨析:goodbye, farewell, so long, bye-bye和cheerio都有“再见”的意思。其区别是:1、goodbye用于暂别的场合;2、cheerio常用于英国口语中,表示暂时的再见,有时也用在打招呼中;3、farewell用于亲友远行,在短时期内不能再见面,属正式用语;4、bye-bye是俗语,常为儿童所用; 5、so long是非正式美式英语,多用在熟人或亲友之间,但英国人几乎不用。

愉悦的的英语翻译 愉悦的用英语怎么说

愉悦的joyful;cheerful;delighted;gladder;gladdest更多释义>>[网络短语]愉悦的 amused;Cheerful;Enjoyable愉悦的中场休息 Cheerful Intermission令人愉悦的需要 Delight needs


mo·ment (mō"mənt) Pronunciation Key n. A brief, indefinite interval of time. A specific point in time, especially the present time: He is not here at the moment. A particular period of importance, influence, or significance in a series of events or developments: a great moment in history; waiting for her big moment. Outstanding significance or value; importance: a discovery of great moment. A brief period of time that is characterized by a quality, such as excellence, suitability, or distinction: a lackluster performance that nevertheless had its moments. Philosophy An essential or constituent element, as of a complex idea. A phase or an aspect of a logically developing process. The product of a quantity and its perpendicular distance from a reference point. The tendency to cause rotation about a point or an axis. Abbr. M Physics The product of a quantity and its perpendicular distance from a reference point. The tendency to cause rotation about a point or an axis. Statistics The expected value of a positive integral power of a random variable. The first moment is the mean of the distribution. 上海灵格风英语


象棋是世界上最古老的游戏之一。它起源于印度,从14世纪开始就广泛流传于世界各地。象棋这个名字很有趣。当一个游戏者在攻击对方的国王的时候,他会用英语说“将军”。当国王被抓住,不能移动的时候,他说“将死”。这些词来自波斯语,意思是国王死了。 象棋要花费时间和指挥,但是它是一种所有人都可以玩的游戏,富有的,年轻的...你可以从中娱乐,但并不一定要胜利。 大概的意思就是这样,时间仓促,有些地方还需要润色


1, he has debt for a long time. For him, how to make a living has become a big problem. (In debt; earn one"s living)2, as I am waiting for a friend is suddenly found a man not far away from me was stare at me. (Spy; glare at)3, I do not want to lie to you, but I have to tell you that his intelligence is limited. (Lie; limited)4, experts say eating and radish is very good for the eyes. (Benefit; carrot)5, when I eat dumplings usually add a little vinegar, because vinegar helps digest food. (Viegar; digest)6, In fact, when he entered the office by security discovered by chance. (Spot; by accident)7, the ground shook with the people screaming, "an earthquake!" (Scream)8, William Miss Xiang Nawei bowed, and gave her a box, which is really a beautiful diamond ring. (Bow; genuine)9, these years, I have many friends who came to this city the pursuit of happiness and success. As for me, you would like to take a chance, open a company in his hometown. (Seek one"s fortune; as for; take a chance)10, he spent a lot of time and money to travel around the world, because he was cute adventure. (Amount; adventure)11, the little girl staring at the table pineapple dessert, she wanted to eat. (Stare; pineapple; dessert)


美味的甜点Delicious dessert


dessert 指西餐中的餐后甜食,油酥点心是 pastry,茶点是 light refreshments,中式点心是dim sum。


There is no one cheating in the exam,is there?


1 Blood donation is the responsibility of every healthy citizen.2 Cheating in the examination shall be severely punished.3 I must improve my studying to the average level so as not to disappoint my parents.4 Many of us do not see the importance of health until they lose it.5 Nothing can replace the great contribution Lu Xun made to Chinese literature.6 It was the flood that reminded us the importance of forestation.1 He fell asleep with all windows open.2 Her father tried to pretend that nothing had happened.3 Your early reply is highly appreciated.4 You can always count on me whenever in trouble.5 It is very necessary for you to spend sometime in reviewing the lessons learnt.6 The workers addressed the tall order confidently and accomplished it ahead of schedule.1 Recklessness is a cause of traffic accidents2 It is very difficult to express the concept in English3 It is barely possible to predict what will happen in the future4 The key to success is to hold on when in trouble5 Do not take it for granted that all problems can be solved in one discussion6 Teachers are worried about that some students of average IQ are lack of confidence.



利息的英语翻译 利息用英语怎么说


外语学习 -> 英语翻译





Everyone has his own dream job. Someone wants to be a doctor, others expect becoming teacher In my dream that have determined becoming a journalist. Because I realize it has great responsibility on society as a journalist, he can expose society"s many bad phenomenon with this phenomenon caused alerting people. As well as he can let the life to more beauty and less ugly, to more security and less war disaster; to more pleased and less distress. I have made great effort for my dream all the time. I know the most basic condition that I will become a perfect journalist is a strong knowledge. Sometimes I told myself must read book very hard. When I read book I always associate my dream. I must do all the best for my dream. Of course, I understand it"s not very easy case that realizes my dream. But I never give up it. I always work very hard for it. Dear all classmates, I believe you also have your own dream. Let"s go at it together!

潜伏的英语翻译 潜伏用英语怎么说

潜伏conceal; hide; fly [lie] low; incubate; fallow


In my opinion, ALEC is a rich and powerful feudal bully, only is restricted in the human body regarding the liver moss silk injury.But the false Angle such hypocrite regarding the liver moss silk injury is fatal.If love is the liver moss silk column of spirit, then is Angle is destroys the liver moss silk the ringleader calamity.Wedding night, after she blows up the courage says own misfortune, Angle speaks also such speech: “I thought originally - any man also can such think - me since gave up marry one to have the status, to have the wealth, has the education wife"s completely plan, I obtained certainly should be the tender and beautiful cheek and the simple chastity.” The words to the Tess attack are ruinous, he chose left, from this time on the liver moss silk hoped broke completely.The liver moss silk was forced to do has been the ALEC lover, she this time was hoped she the husband might rescue her, but Angle has gone to Brazil actually, after caught an illness only then remembered the liver moss silk good, also came back to look for the liver moss silk between, this let the liver moss silk simultaneously be in the hope with to despair, in order to really love the human, the liver moss silk has killed ALEC, in crossed the short happy hour after Angle to die.




(photograph) album

魔术师的英语翻译 魔术师用英语怎么说

The magician

英语翻译 缘木求鱼

上树捉鱼,虽然捉不到鱼,不会有后患。(释义)To climb up a tree to catch a fish won"t bring any consequences though not a single one can be caught.



英语翻译 看了一场看不懂的电影. 四处张望, 发现别人专注而陶醉, 才忽然明白 孤独是什么.

To see a film that cannot understand,looked around and found other people was so dedicated and charmed,then I suddenly knew what loneliness was.


我只会其中几句2、Could you lend me the bike?3.The bus full of passengers.5.How much do you pay for the mobile phone?7.Most of people are afraid the snake.9.She always complain with his careless.10.He offers the seat to the old man.11.I am tired of eatting the same food everyday.That"s all



英语翻译 请问美国Alaska属于什么洲 那里的邮政编码是多少~

阿拉斯加阿拉斯加是美国面积最大的一个州,位于北美大陆西北角,东邻加拿大,西隔白令海峡与俄罗斯相望.算美洲. 区号:美洲,阿拉斯加,1907 邮编要看是阿拉斯加州的哪个城市了: Old Harbor,州:AK,邮政编码:99643. 城市:King Salmon,州:AK,邮政编码:99613

求 百转千回 英语翻译

innumerable twists and turns








you make a decision later(你迟作决定)can not/can"t use the telephone office (不能用办公室里的电话)at that time has left (那时已经飞走了)All flights were canceled (所有的航班被取消)Alarming findings (调查结果令人吃惊)



警报的英语翻译 警报用英语怎么说



There is this unforgetable experience that I will always be impressed, which I went through when I travelled to Shenzhen last summer. It is the first time in my life to visit the city, also the first time I took a bus all by myself, so I was a little alamed. Then I saw an amused moment, a pilferer got cauhght while pilfering. As it is the first time to run across this kind of matter, I was very frightened, so was the pilfered guy. At last the pilferer was embarrassed and forced to leave the bus with everyone"s eyes on him. Anyhow, I am satified with this tour to Shenzhen.

警报的英语翻译 警报用英语怎么说

warning; alarm; alert.注意用它的不同形式

英语翻译 turbo charger 是什么意思?谢谢







说明 抒情 议论 叙述 描写Exposition Lyric Argumentation Narration Description绝对准确,希望对你有用呵呵。

I have several reasans far that英语翻译?



学习语文其实不用刻意去学习,它靠的是日积月累和逐渐的积淀。每天固定地拿出一些时间进行阅读和写作十分重要。文学基础知识非常广泛,有语音、文字、词语、句子、篇章、标点符号、修辞手法、文学常识、古代文学常识、作家作品、诗词鉴赏、语法应用等,这些知识都要做到分别掌握,方法是多读、多写、多摘录、多归纳。英文翻译如下In fact, learning Chinese doesn"t need to be studied deliberately. It relies on accumulation over time and gradual accumulation. It is very important to set aside some time for reading and writing regularly every day. The basic knowledge of literature is very extensive, including pronunciation, words, words, sentences, chapters, punctuation marks, rhetorical devices, common sense of literature, common sense of ancient literature, writers" works, poetry appreciation, grammar application, etc. These knowledge should be mastered separately by reading, writing, extracting and summarizing.

英语翻译那这里 的 traffic是什么意思

traffic 交通

英语翻译 急需英文翻译

Chapter I General Provisions The first to correctly evaluate the performance of the ability of civil servants and work performance and standardize the work of the civil service examination, to promote honest government and improve efficiency, high-quality civil servants, according to the Civil Service Law, enacted this provision. The second term of the civil service examination is the leading non-members of the civil service examination. Leading members of the evaluation by the competent authorities in accordance with the relevant regulations. A third of civil servants adhere to an objective and fair assessment, performance-oriented principle, the implementation of leadership and the masses combine, usually on a regular basis with the combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, in accordance with the provisions of the rights, conditions, standards and procedures. The second chapter content and assessment standards Article IV of the Civil Service examination in order to the civil service positions and responsibilities borne by the work of the task for the fundamental basis for a comprehensive assessment and Germany, ability, diligence, performance, inexpensive and focus on performance assessment. Germany, is the ideological and political qualities and personal character, professional ethics, social morality and so on. To refer to duties of the professional quality and capacity. Qin, is the sense of responsibility, work attitude, and work style. Performance refers to the completion of the work of the quantity, quality, efficiency and the benefits. Lian, is the honesty and self-discipline, and so on. Article V of the civil service examination is divided into normal examination and regular test. Examination on a regular basis to assess the basis of peace. Usually focus on assessing the civil service examination to complete day-to-day tasks, the stage of the goal, as well as attendance can be taken to assess the work of people to fill in summing up the work of the special inspection, attendance, etc., to be vetting by the competent leadership of the evaluation. Regular assessment of the annual examination of the way to take in at the end of each year or early next year. Article VI of the annual evaluation of the results of two excellent, competent, basic incompetence and incompetent, and so four times. Be identified as the seventh best time, and so have to meet the following requirements: (A) high ideological and political quality; (B) versed in business, ability to work; (C) work a strong sense of responsibility, diligence, good work style; (D) of the outstanding work performance; (E) honest and clean. Article VIII determined to be incompetent, and other times have to meet the following requirements: (A) high ideological and political quality; (B) familiar with the business, the ability to work more; (C) work a strong sense of responsibility, positive work, better work style; (D) to complete their work; (E) self-discipline. Article 9 of the civil service with one of the following conditions should be identified as meeting the basic competence, such as: (A) general ideological and political quality; (B) the work of their duties are weak; (C) the work of the general sense of responsibility, or the style of work there obviously insufficient; (D) be able to complete their jobs, but less than the amount of work completed, quality and efficiency is not high, or at work more mistakes; (E) be able to do the basic honesty and self-discipline, but some deficiencies. Article X of the civil service with one of the following conditions should be determined to be incompetent, and so on: (A) less ideological and political quality; (B) professional ability and work capacity can not meet the work requirements; (C) the work style of work or poor sense of responsibility; (D) can not complete the task, or at work because of serious mistakes, causing significant loss of dereliction of duty or bad social impact; (E) there is no question of integrity, and the situation is more serious. Article 11 of the annual civil service examinations, and other times the number of outstanding general in the hands of the authorities to participate in this annual assessment of the total number of civil servants less than 15 percent, with a maximum of 20 percent. Chapter III of the examination procedures Article XII of the Civil Service examination in accordance with administrative privileges and the procedures provided for by the organs of civil service management organization. Authorities in the annual assessment can be set up and Evaluation Commission. And Evaluation Commission led by the organs of the members of the civil service management and other relevant departments and representatives of the civil service. Article XIII of the annual assessment by the following procedures: (A) be in accordance with the civil service examination post of duty and asked to sum up and report on his work in a certain range; (B) in charge of leading the masses to listen to my opinion and civil servants on the basis that under normal circumstances and personal assessment summary of written comments, such as the proposed assessment and recommendations to improve the time to raise the requirements; (C) for the development of good times, and other civil servants in the public authorities; (D) by the head or body authorized to determine the assessment of the evaluation committee, and other times; (E) results of the examination will be notified in writing by the civil service examination, I signed opinion by civil servants. As organs of leadership positions in the civil service examination, if necessary, to a certain range of democratic appraisal. Article XIV of the civil service examination for the year as against incompetent, and other times, according to the relevant provisions of the application for review and appeal. Article XV organs should be "civil service examination of the annual registration form," the officer himself into the file at the same time this year the civil service examination bodies at the same level of civil servants in charge of the case submitted to the department. Chapter IV of the results of the examination of the use of The 16th article of the annual civil service examinations as a result of adjusting the civil service level, wages of civil servants as well as incentives, training, the basis for dismissal. Article XVII of the annual civil service examinations had been identified as more competent, and other times, in accordance with the following provisions: (A) a total of two years, were identified as more competent, and other times, in the corresponding wage level set by the promotion of a standard wage level; (B) a total of five were identified as more competent, and other times, in the corresponding level of their functions within the framework of a promotion level; (C) above, and so determined to be competent, and in line with other service funded (D) have been identified as excellent, and other times, and then give awards; for the third consecutive year been identified as excellent, and other times, the third class in mind; (E) to enjoy an annual bonus evaluation. The 18th article of the annual civil service examinations had been identified as meeting the basic competence, and so on, in accordance with the following provisions: (A) Jiemian of their conversation, the deadline to improve; (B) of this annual assessment is not calculated on an annual basis to assess the results of level of promotion and wage-level assessment of the level of life; (C) a year job promotion; (D) does not enjoy the annual bonus evaluation; The 19th article of the annual civil service examinations had been identified as incompetent, and other times, in accordance with the following provisions: (A) a lower-level office positions; (B) of this annual assessment is not calculated on an annual basis to assess the results of level of promotion and wage-level assessment of the level of life; (C) do not enjoy the annual bonus evaluation; (D) the annual assessment for two consecutive years been identified as incompetent, and other times, be dismissed. Article 20 The competent departments of civil servants and civil servants should be based on where the organ examination, targeted to the training of civil servants. Chapter related issues Article XXI of the new civil servants during the probation period to participate in the annual examination and uncertain times, and so on, only to write reviews, as a service, the basis for classification. Transferred to the 22nd article or transferred to the civil service, who transferred to or transferred to the unit"s work is carried out assessment and determine the time and so on. Transferred to his or transferred before the situation, the original units. Attachment training of civil servants, sending in the exercise by sending units during the examination and determine the time and so on. Less than half a year, sent by the evaluation unit. Unit sent to study, training of civil servants, sent by the evaluation unit, primarily on the basis of learning, training, and other times to determine performance. Learning, training related to the situation where the learning, training units. Article twenty-disease, leave a total of more than half of the annual evaluation of civil servants, not to test. The 24th article of civil servants suspected of violating the law and discipline were not yet closed the investigation, to participate in the annual assessment, do not write reviews, uncertain times, and so on. After the closing, no action or to give warning, in accordance with the provisions set up, and other times. Be punished by the 25th annual evaluation of civil servants, according to the following provisions: (A) by warning of the year, to participate in the annual assessment shall not be identified as excellent, and other times; (B) the demerits, Jida Guo, reduction in rank, the removal from office, to participate in the annual assessment, only written comments, uncertain times, and so on. In the lifting of the sanctions and later that year, its annual assessment from the impact of the original action. The 26th article of civil servants not to participate in the annual examination or assessment, and other times of uncertainty, the annual assessment shall not be counted on an annual basis to assess the results of level of promotion and salary grade level assessment period. The 27th article of justification not to participate in the annual assessment of the civil service, education after refusing to take part, directly determine the outcome of the assessment for the incompetent, and other times. In the 28th article of the assessment process corruption, retaliation, fraud, and other violations of law, in accordance with the relevant provisions be dealt with sternly. Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions The 29th article of the Civil Service Act in the light of the management organs of the (unit) in addition to the work crew other than the staff assessment, in the light of the present regulations. Article by the provisions of the 30th CPC Central Committee Organization Department, Ministry of Personnel responsible for the interpretation of all localities and departments can be combined with the actual development of specific implementation details. Article 31 These provisions shall come into force upon promulgation

英语翻译 博士生phd是简写嘛 全称是什么啊

Doctor of Philosophy 但是不仅仅是哲学博士,实际上,除了法学、神学和医学的博士不叫Ph.D.之外,其余全部博士都叫这个(因为欧洲中世纪把除了这三门之外所有的科学统称为philosophy).Doctor实际上只是人们的简称罢了. 神学:Th.D.(Latin:Theologicae Doctor)doctor of theology 法学:J.D.(Latin:juris doctor) doctor of law 医学:M.D.(Latin:Medicinae Doctor) doctor of medicine


1. 动作幅度大一点 move more / more exaggreated pose2. 表情更丰富些 more face express3. 把肚子收起来 suck in your belly4. 向前走几步 few steps forward5. 用手撑着头并且把胳膊伸直,put a hand aside head and 6. 眼神不要太凶要柔和些 give a more gentle look7. 不要用手拨流苏 keep your hand away from fringe8. 不要翘屁股 dont warp your butt9. 不要左扭右扭 dont twist10. 表情更夸张些 more exaggerated face express 11. 把头低一点 lower your head12. 不要皱眉毛 don"t frown13. 退后一点 step back14. 表现的更有个性些 present more individuation15. 把步子小一点 make smaller steps16. 眼神不要太空洞盯着一个地方 don"t staring at one place, don"t look hollow17. 注意45度走过来 walking over with looking at the side of 45 degree18. 把头发披下来 let down your hair19. 一只手不要搭在腰上 put down one hand from your waist20. 不要把包包放在前面 put away the bag in front of you21. 让包包拿的更随意些 take the back randomly22. 注意走心 pay more attention23. 头向前倾 tilt your head forward24. 反方向走过来 come over in the reverse way25. 这组照片按上组最后一类拍摄 this serie of photos go with last one26. 不要叉腰 don"t akimbo27. 把一只手放在包包链子的前面 put one hand in front of the bag"s zipper28. 身体正直straight your body

英语翻译 应该是24-hour hotline 还是24 hour hotline 还是 24 hours hotline?

有两种表达法: 24-hour hotline 24 hours" hotline [ 注意:不要漏掉 s 后面的 " ]

刀 用英语翻译

knife 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。


it is popular among youths in particular。


The first,the youths are short of capabilities in self training and self reflect.The second,the teachers and parents have more concern on study results,but they all ignore the quality education.The last,the mass medias don"t play a role in this case.The first,the youths should strengthen the capabilities in self training and self reflect.The second,the teachers and parents should have more concern on the training of the quality education.The last,the mass medias should play a role in guiding the youths.以上是我自己个人的翻译,希望您能采纳!


In his youtha 17-year-old male youththe youth of our countryseveral youthsyouththe youth of the 21st century


(人从10岁至16岁的阶段) early youth (10岁至16岁的人) juvenile;young person;teenage youths




你好!我们是冠军We are the champions


我已经支付我的会费一次又一次我已经做我的句子但是犯没有罪行而且坏的错误我已经做一些我已经有我的沙子的部份正对着脸踢但是我已经来过而且我需要继续和不停地我们是冠军 - 我的朋友而且我们将会继续直到结束对抗我们是冠军我们是冠军没有失败者的时间"引起我们是世界的冠军我已经采取我的弓而且我的帐呼叫你已经买名望给我和财富而且与它搭配的每件事物我谢谢你全部但是它是不称心如意的处境没有快乐巡航我以前视它为挑战整个的人类而且我要失去而且我需要继续和不停地我们是冠军 - 我的朋友而且我们将会继续直到结束对抗我们是冠军我们是冠军没有失败者的时间"引起我们是世界的冠军我们是冠军 - 我的朋友而且我们将会继续对抗直到那


Is Halloween approaching?


laughbreak/burst into a laugh忽然大笑起来cause/creat/draw a laugh引起一阵笑声excite/provoke a laugh引起一阵笑声enjoy a laugh放声大笑force a laugh勉强哈哈一笑have a laugh笑hear one"s laugh听到某人笑laugh a laugh纵情大笑raise a laugh引起笑声stifle one"s laugh忍住笑suppress one"s laugh 忍住笑bring a laugh带来笑声get the laugh at/on sb反过来笑其人laugh rings...exp: their laugh rings out传来她们的笑声an affected laugh假笑a belly laugh(美国口语)捧腹大笑a cackling laugh咯咯的笑a derisive laugh嘲笑a foolish laugh傻笑a forced laugh勉强的笑a good(hearty)laugh一个愉快的笑a grim laugh狞笑a high-pitched laugh尖声的笑a sardonic laugh冷笑a shy laugh害羞的笑a smothered laugh强忍住的笑a subbued laugh压低的笑声...for laughs...纯粹为了娱乐...in the laugh 一起笑with a laugh不知道怎么解释= =laugh heartily放声大笑laugh wryly [boisterously; grimly; foolishly]苦[狂; 狞; 傻]笑smilearouse/provoke a smile使某人面露喜色check a smileexp: i couldn"t check a smile我情不自禁的笑了exchange smiles相互微笑force a smile强颜欢笑have/put/raise/receive/sesist/ a smile都一个意思shut off one"s smile收敛笑容simle/suppress/throw/wear/win/wipe/take/hide a smile意思自己分析分析就知道了hide/conceal a smile隐藏笑容repress a smile忍住笑(名+动)a smile beams/comes/creeps/flickers/spreads...都是笑容如何如何的意思an angelic smile天使般的微笑an apologetic smile抱歉的微笑a beautiful smile美丽的笑a benevolent smile亲切和蔼的笑a benignant/benign smile慈祥的笑a bewitching/bright/broad/complacent/coquettish/cruel/happy/kind/contemptuous/sad/slight/sweet smile意思自己想去a charming smile妩媚的笑a cordial smile亲切的微笑a cryptic smile神秘的微笑a cynical smile冷嘲热讽的微笑a derisive smile冷笑a disdainful smile 轻蔑的微笑fortune"s smile好运a frank smile坦率的微笑a ghastly smile惨笑a grim smile狞笑an innocent smile天真的微笑an ironical/satirical smile讥笑a merry smile欢乐的微笑a mocking smile嘲笑pretty smile可爱的笑容a serene smile安详的笑a sickly smile 苦笑a sly smile狡猾的微笑a sympathetic smile同情的微笑a toothy smile露齿微笑a understanding smile迷人的微笑a wry/bitter smile苦笑big smile满面笑容choked with laughter笑岔了气laugh out of court一笑了之be terribly funny真笑死人(名+介)...with a smile...in smilesa smile of/on/uponexp sentences:What are you smiling at?你笑什么?He laughs best who laughs last.谁笑在最后, 谁笑得最好。She smiled her thanks.她笑了笑表示感谢。We nearly died with laughing.我们几乎笑死了。ridiculous enough to make people laugh their heads off;叫人笑掉大牙We laughed at his fancy.我们笑他异想天开。You have the laugh on me this time.这次你可以笑我了。还有一些笑的单词比如deride, jeer, jest, mock, sneer, bemock, chiack, fleer, fling都是嘲笑,讥笑的意思再用这些单词组句,我打一天一夜都打不完。。。不过你要那些词组片语的话可以直接问我~~~~分要给我啊~~~(口水~~)



香槟酒的英语翻译 香槟酒用英语怎么说

香槟酒[词典] champagne; bubbly; [医] champagne;[例句]如果买不起香槟酒,就买汽酒好了。If you can"t run to champagne, buy sparkling wine.

干燥器的英语翻译 干燥器用英语怎么说


英语翻译:尽管我很穷但是我还是可以去旅游(用despite...can still )谢谢


英语翻译 尽管他年事已高 用DESPITE造句

Despite he is old .

英语翻译 银长室 理财室 会议室

1.President room2.Room managing money matters3.Council chamber



会所 怎么用英语翻译?

chamber或 club house瑜伽会所的英文:Yoga Club一般都用这个

那份工作很锻炼人 英语翻译

That job can really toughen people. It can really temper your will.

英语翻译:过富有挑战的人生可以用lead a challenging life吗

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