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(1). Don"t (bigger) for a family of four with living in a cramped rent rooms, here, rat infested with dark. Mother is a devout Christian, sister timid, silent, brother too compliant. All of this case, don"t hate, filled with shame, pain and anger. His family and the white world let him feel he is an outsider. He became a conscience, there is no hope, no love and religious people. It all led to his silent character.In the article, we can see, don"t and his mother in the aspects of ideology. Mother think god almighty give them with endless care, hungry, give them food, Danger, and give them to safety protection. However, the existence of the case does not believe, otherwise the won"t let them live in so much pain. He wouldn"t even speak his mother and he hated his hatred of his family, and more white world hate this. He didn"t think the white man is now a grateful and rejoice. He knew he had to whites, or when the servants, or starving, the painful choices make him mad. His mother does not understand, he also did not agree with her mother, therefore, he can"t communicate, mother and mother of the question he also have nothing to say. On one hand, he didn"t think black is white, but should be low, on the other hand, he had to live in the present white, the contradiction of the environment, he felt helpless and confusion. In his opinion, white apathy, hostility, they will kill blacks are black and because of them, and you will be cut off your handshake at the throat (Elliott, 1991). So, he cannot accept miss Mary and her boyfriend, Jane, such as: the friendly with them and let him sit in the front seats, with the restaurant, let him call them Jane and Mary not to miss Mary and Jane, sir, for the grid, don"t feel fear and puzzled. Also to Mary and Jane are silent, cold and ineffable hatred. He saw all white, the musical spending, and even a decent dwelling. Due to the inner imbalance, because it can change the social fairness, jealousy, and fear, and because he always white together, silent, closed, and maintain the distance in white.(2) cynical. Besides, still cynical grid in silence. He was continually soliloquize, meet his friend, he will put its own complain a stream of speaking out, in order to pour their pain, humiliation and jealousy. In his opinion, white for what you want, want to do what he could do anything, no money, no rights, no choice. Even to the cinema to see a movie, also can"t afford PiaoFei. Not only have hundreds of white, they can choose to work with all the life wants. But in education and black in public transportation, theater, hotel and social services are suffering the inhuman treatment. Because it is black, don"t the self development plan is blocked, he once said, if you will have the opportunity to study in school, he must empty can fly, but unto death, he also have no this opportunity. In addition to THE big wealth and freedom to him, don"t know glen cynical social existence THE measure of THE behavior of THE individual is a double standard, when he saw tall poster "IF my YOUBREAK rage, "T WIN!" Don"t smoke, and a mouth sucked lattice silently laughing, because he knows that there are two types of laws, one is white, the other is a kind of black, is fair and just fantasy. Robbery is easy, because black police didn"t care about black and white robbery is nothing, because the law is to protect the white.








the sleeve waves the hand, in hexagonal head wrench, plum blossom curved spanner, feeler gauge, diesel oil power set

英语翻译 借款本金 计算区间 计息天数 年利率 利息 翻译成英文

借款本金 Principal of loan 计算区间 Calculating section 计息天数 Days of interest calculating 年利率 annual interest rate 利息 interest


数学中的项英文通常用 term 首项 the first term,第二项 the second term,依次类推




1. We must insist on comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development. 2. Psychologists told us this: If you like, such as red, yellow, orange and other colors such, you must be an optimist, a leader of a love life, like contacts, people who love excitement. 3. In the traditional culture of the older people because of their wisdom and be respected. 4. The new era marked by the most prominent with the times. 5. The practice of never-ending, never-ending innovation. 6. Suzhou dialect Shanghai dialect and have much in common. 7. We must insist on the development as the top priority in governing and rejuvenating the party. 8. Gansu Province in northwest China, the Chinese nation is located in the upper reaches of the Yellow River. 9. He cited paragraphs from the famous American poet, Whitman"s work. 10. Serving the people wholeheartedly is the fundamental purpose of the party, the party"s all the hard work and the work is to the benefit of the people.======符合您的要求嘛==


约翰是一个下午,当邻居木材切割开来他的汽车. "你听到的消息,在矿井普莱瑟维尔"? 他问. "有一塌方的矿工和被杀. 他有三个孩子. 遗憾的是,他的妻子是死亡. 他只有一个妹妹,已婚者可能把他们的巴士,她对生命的sierras彼岸. 而雪太深挤不出邮件翻山. "约翰接着工作, 但他的思想就被大雪复盖山区. 他记得他是怎样爬雪山>snowshoes作为boy.he木材检查. 然后,他决定把一双snowshoes出井口. 之后,他开始练习,让他们对他的肯定,他觉得自己直到snowshoes. 然后他开始. 术后1至没有任何坝,他走在前面,他就认为是正确coures.when黑暗下跌. 约翰还提出,遵循明星. 据到深夜当他终于决定停止. 他要挽救他的实力依然漫长ahead.finding适当地点,他立即入睡. 经过三天的旅行,他看到浓烟从烟囱向上卷曲. 约翰自知即将被抢购一空. 他滑向成田镇人逃出家园,围着他. 他们开始惊讶蓝眼睛男子奇怪snowshoes. "我带你们从普莱瑟维尔邮件"约翰说干脆. 次日,妹妹的约翰写信给矿工死亡, "我才开了小儿尽快通过明确" 她告诉他. 对未来五冬天,虽然付出很少,雪鞋约翰又稳妥地邮件. 约翰被谈论多年的著名邮件携英雄远西. 他还记得他的鞋穿. 他们第一次大雪鞋,在加州见过.


  诱惑力的英文:   allure   spell   参考例句:   The false allure of big-city life   大城市生活的虚幻的诱惑力.The tinsel and glamor of Hollywood   好莱坞的浮华与诱惑力The call of sea makes people fascinated in it.   大海的诱惑力让人迷恋。A voluptuous,alluring woman.   肉感的,具有诱惑力的女人Now the Quattro has the added attraction of a new dashboard   而今夸特罗又增添了新仪表板的"诱惑力。The position, as such, does not appeal to him, but the salary is a lure.   他对那职位本身并不感兴趣,但是薪水很有诱惑力。Perhaps Paris" allure lies in the zest and style of the Parisians.   或许巴黎的诱惑力在于巴黎人的特殊品味和风格。 Having the power to charm or enchant;bewitching.   迷人的具有迷惑人的力量的;有诱惑力的;迷人的He was clean-shaven, and his mouth was very attractive   他的脸刮得很干净,口角很富有诱惑力。The temptation to steal is greater than ever before--especially in large shops.   偷窃——特别是到大商店去偷窃的诱惑力比以前更加强烈了。allure是什么意思:   v. 吸引,诱惑   n. 诱惑力,魅力   An allurement,enticement,or attraction.   诱惑、引诱或吸引An alluring smile,prospect,promise   迷人的微笑,前景,承诺.They spent money allured by the tempter of advertisements.   在广告的诱惑下他们花了钱。Her smiles were grossly alluring.   她的笑声里带着粗鄙不堪的引诱。 She tried every allurement and persuasion to detain him   她百般劝诱想把他留住。spell是什么意思:   v. 用字母拼;拼写;拼出;意味着   n.(持续的)一段时间;咒语;魅力

两小儿辩日 英语翻译的 急



An Argument about the Sun 两小儿辩日

危险因素的英语翻译 危险因素用英语怎么说

你好!危险因素Risk factors


楼下翻译的真好 佩服 不知道我什么时候能达到这种境界啊


产品的价格因素包括产品的质量等级、包装要求、所购产品量的多少、交货期及付款条件等方面因素. ------ The price of a product includes its quality,packaging,number,delivery date and its way of payment


variable factor


“因素”和“影响”都不用翻译出来,直接用“due to the recent XXX”就可以了

英语翻译:有利因素、不利因素, 分别用英语怎么说

英语是用"Pro"s and Con"s"的。 "Pro"s" 有利因素,优点...。 "Con"s" 不利因素,缺点...。


those stores




没有固定要求。hat store也不能错。如果非要搞清楚国外的常用词,可以参考G搜索,你自己总结下。

英语翻译 在商店

in the shop

英语翻译 美1.账单2.商店 英1.纸币2.商店3.饼干

有一点小差别 美1.bill 2.store 英1.note 2.shop 3.biscuit

童年的英语翻译 童年用英语怎么说



The Chinese language has been used more and more widely around the world.


Petroleum is widely used in our daily life. 一个老石油人的回答.


他的兴趣很广泛全部释义和例句>> He has a wide range of interests

英语翻译:发展 广泛

develop wide


English is widely used in the workd.

小孩的英语翻译 小孩用英语怎么说

小孩child; kid; babe; bairn

英语翻译 世界上使用最广泛的语言是英语怎么翻译

世界上使用最广泛的语言是英语 English is used most widely all over the world English is the most widely used language all over the world


Basic expectations of a wide range


1 。导言 力学性能的Al -商标稀土(商标=转型 金属;稀土=稀土)非晶合金是一种 很重要的课题,鉴于潜在的应用 材料。最近的研究已经完成,以改善 知识不仅对硬度,弯曲韧性, 机械强度,耐磨性,而且还对 变形机理[ 1-5 ] 。众所周知, 该玻璃金属进行不均匀变形 在低温条件下可以看出,形成静脉 模式裂缝表面。的细节,变形 机制还没有完全概述。它 目前尚不清楚该事件引起当地核 孔洞,导致失败。此外,在拉伸和 弯曲试验,形成铝纳米观察 在透射电子显微镜的一些成分,但不是为别人 [ 6 ] ,在剪切带内静脉 模式。出于这个原因的TEM研究断口 生产的拉伸试验中概述了这项工作 其目的是控制结构变形后 和形状的静脉模式在高放大倍率。 三成分的选择( Al87Ni7Nd6 , Al87Ni7La6 , Al87Ni7Ce6 ) ,保持不变的比率 之间的要素,但不同稀土 元素。 退火铝商标稀土非晶合金铝 纳米晶体中嵌入玻璃基质生产 和改善力学性能 关于完全非晶材料是相关的 这个组织[ 7,8 ] 。的演变 硬度随温度 所达成的样品上述合金的研究 其目的是挑出的微观结构显示 更为有用的力学性能。


氧化膜的表面上发现的铝合金是不透水的,持续的和自愈唯一在室温下或在较高温度在初始阶段的氧化。随着薄膜厚度的增加而温度和时间,出现裂缝,并进一步氧化的铝合金是可能的。实际上,铝合金高度抵制1.Introduction形成于500米C对一个格A1 - 3 % Mg合金含量表明存在MgA1204 。 Leontis和Rhines和Markworth也表明存在MgA1204的表面氧化膜的高格A1 - Mg合金。的氧化降解的Al - ( 1至14 % ) ,镁合金在温度为600至1100 ç显示,保护膜的非晶态金属表面形成以magnesiumoxide和镁铝的陪同下,突然增加的氧化速率。。据报道,在A1 - Mg合金含有高达8 % ,镁含量,逐步升温至-40和500C可能导致形成一个全双工氧化膜组成的一本厚厚的外层氧化镁的内在致密层7 - A1203 。粉照片的剥离无线网络铝工业存在的普遍性,因为在场的情况下保护层的氧化2纳米厚的外露表面的铝及其合金。这防渗氧化层防止扩散的氧气内铝基复合并允许一些变形而不断裂的衬底。如何有史以来,氧化膜的表面上发现的铝合金是不透水的,持续的和自愈唯一在室温下或在较高温度在初始阶段的氧化。随着薄膜厚度的增加而温度和时间,出现裂缝,并进一步氧化的铝合金是可能的。实际上,铝合金高度抵制抗氧化温度可达200 C.在更高的温度,氧化速率增加,当温度超过350 ℃ ,内氧化的A1 - Mg合金含有大量的镁可观可能发生的气氛中载有氧气和水。这个过程报告,更重要的在温度超过480C 。其他合金铝据说不易被氧化。


Reality, a lot of professional managers is quite naive, since his opposition to changes that are good for the boss, from his point of view that the changes initiated by the boss is wrong, dangerous and doomed to failure, that the boss will understand their own thought intentions, especially some of the veteran and hero once.In fact, this part of professional managers to commit a fatal mistake - thinking in their own way of thinking instead of the boss. Owner to change, naturally has his reasons for change, the boss is the purpose of investment to make money, no boss to stupid to take the initiative to destroy their investment.Although the owner of the business in specific may not be as manager, but managers must understand that as a result of personal experience and different perspectives, the boss in most cases to determine the problem is more macroscopic, relatively long-term.When he found that the status quo with his business there is a gap between the requirements, we will implement and promote the change, this time as a professional manager should not feel depressed, it should be exciting because of the changes initiated by the owner than to initiate change by its own resistance should be much smaller and should therefore be actively preparing to cope with the boss"s assistant, to become agents of change, one must not become a stumbling block to change. Otherwise, wait for their boss is likely to have been kicked open, because you are the boss hindering money - even though the boss may have made a lot of money, but that is the past, once the impact on him to continue to make money, is bound by the boss merciless abandon.




Discharges, emissions


由于考虑环境保护和人类健康,采用无铅焊料已经成为一个不可避免的趋势在电子行业。在各种无铅焊料合金、锡ag铜(囊)系统已经被提出作为最有前途的替代锡铅焊料在回流应用由于其相对较低的熔点,一般优越的机械性能,和相对良好的焊接能力[1 - 3]。然而,许多问题与囊焊料仍然仍没有解决,比如最好的成分,在凝固,大型素体形成大,脆性国米金属化合物(IMC)[4]。特别是,合金与高Ag含量具有形成大Ag 3在焊料反应Sn血小板层接口,无论什么样的sub-strate[5]。然而,在满足集成电路的小型化,无铅焊料的小说与更好的性能和可靠性,从互连BGA关节是必要的。为了进一步提高性能的sn ag铜焊料合金,合金元素如过渡金属、稀土和纳米颗粒被选为这些合金的添加[-14]。例如。、铅自由焊料掺杂纳米级,无反应,无粗化氧化物dispersoids被认为是潜在的材料,可以提供更高的微观结构的稳定性和更好的力学性能比传统的焊接,如二氧化钛[7,8],2 o3(9、10)、碳化硅、氧化锆[11][12]。另一个,添加分钟数量的稀土(RE)的焊料合金被认为是一个有效的方法来提高高温性能的焊料(13、14)。稀土元素是表面活性的元素,中扮演着很重要的角色在冶金材料,如精致的微观结构、合金化和净化材料和夹杂物的蜕变。然而,在过去的十年里,中国收紧控制稀土出口通过引入出口配额,每年减少,使得稀土元素相对昂贵的[15]。


有二全球的人的类型。 虽然他们有健康和财富和生活的其他安慰的相等程度, 但是,一变成很快乐,另一个变成不快乐。 这从不同的方法发生在哪一个他们在他们的思想之上考虑事物、人、事件和产生的效果。 将是快乐的固定在事物的方便方面的他们的注意的人们。 交谈的愉快部份、准备良好的盘子、酒的仁慈, 罚款风化。 他们享受所有的快活事物。 人们是不快乐的想而且只说到相反事物。 因此, 他们不断地被使感觉不满。 被他们的评论,他们变酸社会的快乐,犯罪 (伤害) 许多人, 而且使他们自己成为不愉快的 everwhere 。 思想的这一个旋转在本质上被发现的它, 如此不快乐的人会是要同情的更多。 批评而且被讨厌的意图也许被着手进行被模仿。 它发展成一个习惯, 对它的持有人的未知者。 习惯可能是强壮的, 但是它可能被治愈了当让它了解在他们的兴趣和味道方面的它的差劲效果的人。 我希望这一点的警告对 tem 可能是有帮助的 , 而且帮助他们改变这一个习惯。 虽然事实上它主要地是想像的一个行为,但是因为它引起深的悲伤,它有生活的严重的结果和不幸。 那些人犯罪许多其他; 没有人爱他们,而且没有人用多于最共同的有礼和尊敬对待他们。 这时常把他们置于差劲的脾气而且拉他们进入争论。 如果他们瞄准得到社会的位置或者财富的一些利益,没有人愿他们成功。 任何人也将不会开始一个步骤或者跟支持他们的希望说一个字。 如果他们引起他们自己公众的异议,没有人将会防护,否则对不起, 和许多将会参加批评他们的错误行为。 这些应该改变这个差劲的习惯而且感到满意什么正在取悦, 没有有关他们自己不需要地烦恼和其他。 如果他们不,就其他而言,和他们避免任何的连络将会是好。 另外,它可能是不愉快的和有时非常不便的, 尤其当一变成在他们的吵架中混淆的时候。


1的重要性,正确的润滑怎么强调也不过分。 2没有法律的动议,并在此基础上,数以千计的发现和发明将是不可能的。 3 ,产品的这家工厂是主要的特点是其优良的做工和耐用性。 4在一次不同寻常的应用,该组织使用指纹扫描仪来监测往来和来往的居民。 5的存在巨大的云彩几乎是所需的大爆炸,第一次提出了20世纪20年代,以维持其统治为主导解释宇宙。


最简单的 produce


Although in fact it is chiefly an act of the imagination, it has serious consequences in life ,since it brings on deep sorrow and bad luck. those people offend many ithers, nobady loves them , and no one treats them , and no one treats them with more than the mostcommon politeness.and rerespect,and scarcely that, this frequently puts them in bad temper and draws them into arguments, if they aim at obtaining some avantafges in rank or fortune , nobody wishes them success, nor will anyone stir a step or speak a word to favor their hopes,但事实上,它只是一个幻想,它生活带来严重的后果,因为它带来的悲痛和不幸。那些人得罪了许多ithers,没有人喜欢他们,没有人对待他们,没有人对他们有超过最常见的politeness.and rerespect,几乎没有,这往往使他们脾气很坏,他们的论点,如果他们的目标是获得权利或金钱avantafges,没有人希望他们的成功,也没有将人炒一步或者说一个字有利于他们的希望. 


b c d d d mass production 就是大量生产




Our company has approximately 50 types of products need to match with screws, and about 15 million screws need packaging. We are processing them manually at present, which leads to our low production efficiency, and it takes 3 workers from Production department to complete this process. Therefore, in order to reduce the work load, we would like to purchase an automatic screw packaging machine, which is able to process 75% screws packaging through machinery, and the workers only have to coordinate the rest. Through this way we can increase packaging speed largely and also achieve an unmanned guarding status, with two workers reduced in the packaging department we can save a cost of $9800 each year. Now the machinery techniques are quite mature in the market, and could fulfill our requirements in quality, safety and speed.


allow someone to do something


dogs on alead allowed在主角允许狗




行李:一名乘客的个人财产,他说的是同他就trip.the英任期为手提行李,行李。对于航空公司的宗旨,行李可分为三类: ( 1 )进行-论或手提行李,而乘客不断与他在乘坐的飞机。 ( 2 )托运行李,正进行在行李舱内的同一平面上的乘客是乘坐; ( 3 )非随身行李,这是正在进行的其他一些飞机上的一个乘客是travelling.the肩带部分标签所附的一块包袱。 存根部分吻合器标签向该名乘客的车票封套。 公斤/磅:重量津贴的行李时,通常考虑在kilograms.for一个一流客运免税额是thirthy公斤,为经济乘客,它是二十kilogrms.there是2.2磅在一公斤;为此,津贴磅66 ,为头等舱和第四十三为头等舱和44为economy.the abbrevation为公斤,是K时缩写镑磅。 标签:一块强有力的文件或一些其他类似的材料附在一个对象,以标志或识别it.a行李标签附在旅客的托运行李,以查明昂找到it.the乘客备有一份存根说,有同时识别号码,把它当作标签。 qverweight :更多的行李超过允许根据体重津贴准许乘客的ticket.airlines灿有时做主管,为超重的行李。


Young man, hard work!希望能帮助到你!


Young, hard work it!

英语翻译 拼搏、努力、向前冲.战胜一切艰难险阻,胜利就在前方.


英语翻译 拼搏、努力、向前冲.战胜一切艰难险阻,胜利就在前方.



Why abstains 指要 wears on the ring finger? First teaches everybody a small game, Both hands ten figures relative, two middle fingers curvingform to under back to back 从从 the frontage looks like, the indexfinger and the thumb happen to form " Heart " Shape, andmust continuously maintain this condition Moves next two thumbs, he represents us the parents Under our eachpeople all are show loving concern in the parents protect grow up, butone day, the parents can leave us to go; Again moves the index finger, he represents us brothers the sisters,although we stem from the identical parents, but eventually variouspeople have person"s life and the destiny, also will certainly toseparate; Then moves the little finger again, he represents us the childrenWaited for them to accomplish the person, most will happen one daycould go to own road Then again finally moves the ring finger, isn"t how also has no way toseparate? He represents we and own spouse, only has with owncompanion, is never can separate Therefore, the marriage ringcertainly must wear to the ring finger on We usually hear about the ring Dai Fa view, is continues from theancient Roman time custom comes The view is multitudinous But will marry the abstention to wear on ring finger, will hand downthis figure to be connected with the heart, most will suit thepublication sacred pledge. Above but on the ring finger has theimportant acupuncture point, the ring wears may moderately hold backthe muscle, has effect of the stability mood. Such explanation alreadywas common knowledge This small game defers to the finger the size, the order, thereasonable assignment, gives the different status and the meaning,sounds to have the persuasive power as if compared to the westernperson tradition view, more importantly draws close to our Chinese"sattachment to family.


但还有另一个主题,或许隐含在马克思和现在成为一个主要的概率是由科恩和其他许多人作出的:“平等”概率 之中。科恩的想法从根本上说是一个不公平的想法,因为不平等,资源分配的背后的资本主义的“阶级划分”世界。这他的痕迹,通过nozickian - lockean的关注,与“原收购” 。 该自由的帐户本,没有限制,对(所谓的) “分配”的天然资源。科恩是支撑这种不平等,在实际水平的财富所显示的不同的人在资本主义社会,可能是由于不同的分配初始资源,在这世界:有可能(第108-110 )是一个理“开始的理论“根据正义,像马在起跑线上,我们大家都需要开始在平等的地方,所以,无论什么分歧表明,稍后将由于我们个人的努力,而非不公平的差别出发的地方。因此,中央委员会应看到它,大家都得到一个“平等共享”的世界天然资源,而不是离开这些“一,在平等的争夺原材料世俗的资源” -如果初次拨款的自然资源,或应一样,俄克拉何马州的土地繁忙。我会认为,这种想法是完全错误的。

英语翻译 鱼 土豆 苹果 豆腐 豌豆 茄子 西红柿 葡萄

鱼 fish 土豆 potato 苹果 apple 豆腐 tofu 豌豆 pea 茄子 eggplant 西红柿 tomato 葡萄 grape

请帮我把一段英语翻译成中文 奖80分!

先给你个电脑翻译的,供参考,等我有时间在修改一下(并入香港特别行政区)(所有有限公司理事的书面决议都根据公司章程第16款通过)股份分配对HK$0.10 25个普通股分配地段的申请每个份额在HK$10的Noted (等值的总考虑的公司中RMB 10,000,000.00, “Purchase Price”)被接受了从(“Subscriber”)。 RESOLVED那: HK$0.10 1. 625普通股其中每一个在公司的首都被发布并且被定量给反对购买价的付款的订户由公司选定的帐户的订户; 2.公司的所有一位主任被批准发行新的股票对订户和就此添加公司的公用印章这样股票; 成员记数器更新3.相应地反射份额的上述分配地段; 并且 4.公司的所有一位主任或秘书是和特此被批准签署和递交必要的屑子和做这样其他事象可以必要的代表公司。 (这页的剩余部分故意地任空白)

英语翻译 茄子 番茄 黄瓜 南瓜 丝瓜 辣椒 豌豆 土豆 四季豆 花菜 卷心菜 花椰菜

茄子:eggplant 番茄:tomato 黄瓜:cucumber 南瓜:pumpkin 丝瓜:luffa 辣椒:chilli 豌豆:pea 土豆:potato 四季豆:green bean 花菜:cauliflower 卷心菜:cabbage 花椰菜:broccolli

划拨的英语翻译 划拨用英语怎么说

划拨[huà bō ]transfer; appropriate; assign; allot

调的英语翻译 调用英语怎么说

调多音字:[diào] [tiáo][动] transfer; shift; allot; allocate;[名] tune; accent; [音] key; air;[例句]我希望这时候不被调走。I"d rather not be transferred at this time.


关于我:我是家里最小的一个,我有一个哥哥在纽约摩根士丹利做IT工作。我还有个姐姐在中国是个英语教授。我的爸爸退休了和我姐姐一起在中国。他们全都放弃了美国绿卡。我妈妈去年五月份去世了。我16岁时努力成为中国的一位专业音乐家,在十八岁时我去了武汉音乐学院。在1984年被下面的四所学校录取: 1 耶鲁大学音乐博士学位学习,2 纽约Juliard音乐学校硕士课程,3 纽约州立大学石溪分校学习音乐,皇后学院,纽约城市大学,艺术大学音乐硕士。86 - 89年计算机科学本科和研究生学习.89年获得计算机软件开发硕士学位。88年12月到99年四月第一份工作是在IBM。99年到现在在做IT多样化专业和管理希望能帮到你!多给点分就更好了呵呵!加油

英语翻译Commuting to work in Chicago is no pleasure


流浪汉 英语翻译一下,

tramp, vagrant, hobo, wanderer, vagabond


examination scope

大范围的的英语翻译 大范围的用英语怎么说



具体费用需要根据货物来计算英文翻译: The specific cost should be calculated according to the goods.


Isuggest to make a telephone meeting, you can arrange the right time.




你好,英语翻译又分笔译和口译,我想你心里打算的应该是笔译吧,因为口译的难度真的是比较大的。我曾今在翻译公司面试过,他们的要求很高,首先你自己要有一定的经验,当然要是你的功夫实在很好也行。一般的来说,公司的翻译都很具体,有的是建材的翻译,或者是快速消费品等等,总之,这就需要你对这些行业有了解,因为有些公司是不会给你培训的。当然也有产品计划书,发言稿这类的翻译,翻译中的一词多义是很多的,因此,你要了解这些知识。你可以浏览一些纯英文的网站,或者世界五百强的英文网站,多增加知识。做英语翻译对于汉语的掌握还是比较重要的,因此汉语也要出色。教程我是不清楚,但是我觉得看英文原声电影还是比较有用的,至少我觉得有用。做兼职翻译,可以在网上投简历,我在智联招聘,前程无忧网上经常看到此类的招聘信息,你可以注册账号试一下,当然人家的要求是比较高的。 目前我知道的就这么多,希望对你有些小小的帮助。加油吧





副业的英语翻译 副业用英语怎么说

你好!副业An income-earning sideline


我给你一点建议吧!作为一个没有工作经验的毕业生,首先你要摆正心态,别老担心工资低。你要将重点放在累积经验上,只要你觉得工资够维持您的生活就行了。现在企业招聘都要求最少两三年经验的;接受像你们这种没经验的不就想少花点费用嘛!!你有了工作经验,才有资格与企业谈条件;我公司的一些新招大学生,开始啥都不会,连最简单的发传真都折腾大半天! 时间不等人,如果太挑剔,一眨眼,你忽然发觉失业已一年,倒不如将这时间用在累积经验上面,别有心理负担觉得工资低,在朋友同学前没面子!!


alley 名词 n.1.胡同, 小巷 We live in the same alley.我们住在同一条小巷里。2.小径 The line of reasoning will only lead you up another blind alley.那种推理方法只会把你引进另一条死胡同。收起词典例句

英语翻译 宝葫芦的秘密及主人翁王葆用英语怎么翻译?

宝葫芦的秘密:The Secret of the Magic Gourd 主人翁王葆:

英语翻译 宝葫芦的秘密及主人翁王葆用英语怎么翻译?

宝葫芦的秘密:The Secret of the Magic Gourd 主人翁王葆:

葫芦的英语翻译 葫芦用英语怎么说

葫芦gourd, wulu双语例句:我在脖子上挂了一个葫芦。I have a Wulu around my neck.


错误503--为无法获得服务 From RFC 2068年超文件传输协定 -- HTTP/1.1 : 10.5.4 503无法获得的服务 服务器当前无法处理请求由于服务器的临时超载或维护。 涵义是这是在某一延迟以后将被缓和的一个临时情况。 如果已知,延迟的时间在重试以后也许被表明。 如果再试以后测量没有,客户应该处理反应,当它为500时会反应。 记录 : 503状态编码的存在不暗示服务器必须使用它,当变得超载时。 有些服务器也许希望拒绝连接。


In Mt. Wuyi"s jungle deep place, once was living in the past one kind of body weight only four, 52 (are approximately equal to 120~150 grams) the monkey. The big like fist, the wool makes the golden color, two items have the light sparkling, can coil in the pen container rests. Sets at between the writing desk, wants to cause to grind ink, then buckles the document several, the monkey namely exerts however the news to leave, kneels Yu Yanpang, holds the ink before two to rub it fully. Causes it to stop, namely stops. Sees several waxing ants, namely seizes food it, does not have or escaping. And can pull up weeds in the pot between seizes the insect. The Mexican monkey rests in the pen container, as soon as hears grinds ink, then jumps, is waiting, when the human finished the character, put on the pen, licked on inkstone Yu Mo, still jumped in the pen container to go. This will be any micro-organism can rest unexpectedly in the pen container also will grind ink licks the ink it will be the ink monkey, in the ancient times, it was writer"s pet, could help to turn the book, to hand over the paper, to take the pen, to grind ink. It likes staying the pen container and the drawer, so long as feeds by the peanut and the soybean namely can survive gets down. Once had the archaeologist to discover in Mt. Wuyi before is considered already the extinction, the body weight only more than 200 grams, small like mouse, clever intelligent. According to the Qing Dynasty "Mt. Wuyi Will": “the treasure monkey is exquisite, greatly only like palm”. “treasure monkey” Jimo monkey. The build exquisite, intelligent clever, is with good intention the pen monkey, was the ancient times writer"s pet. It also has a name to be called the ink monkey, because can help the master to grind ink acquires fame. Once the pen monkey has been tired, will drill to the big pen container in rests, or will drill to the drawer corner in sleeps. So long as the master slightly executes the peanut, the legumes, the nut, can maintain its survival. Ancient times the reason that the writer liked raising the pen monkey; first, because it was precious, and easy to raise; Second, its group of masters grind ink, hand over the diligent vigor which the paper funny, clever and the hands and feet does not stop, alleviated the pain which greatly the ancient times writer engaged in scholarship and lonely. In the Qing Dynasty Daoguang block-printed book "the Mt. Wuyi Will", has “the descendants of princes to resemble the monkey, but is small, greatly only like fist” record. Song generation of renowned principle scientist Zhu Xi wrote a book and established a theory when the Wuyi lecture hall has raised one monkey which seized from the mountain. This monkey, the height like penstock, the body weight insufficient half catty, the natural disposition is smart, teases to like. After the Zhu Xi pains domestication, listens to the master to direct really. In the studio, Zhu Xi studies, its well-mannered sits in the pen container “listens in reverent attention”; Zhu Xi wants to write an article, it jumps down the pen container to rub diligently grinds the ink; The master goes out, it is honest, the tiny step does not move guards the studio, does not let the stranger enter. In such clever pocket-sized monkey world rare, no wonder Qing Dynasty Li like the dragon writes poetry commended: “Wuyi pen monkey time of preciousness.” 真累才10分
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