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1:The injured in the traffic accident was sent to the hospital as soon/quickly as possible.2:We"re lacking of some bandage,could you put your hand on it?3: Our water supply has been cut off for a week because of dry.4:They have realized their lacking of knowledge,and ready to start from the very beginning.5:They oppose novice to apply these regulations/rules.


呵呵 翻译起了啊 3.2流畅项目器官,合理地部署项目总部的成员减少间接费用 项目组织应该根据项目大小和项目和其他因素的困难程度设定。 由于事,根据机构设计的原则,人们应该设定义务,选择人由于义务,其中每一执行它 自己的作用,每义务的肩膀。 并且居于将选择相互disciplutary天分减少管理COS;。 当前,反应特别是控制是有趣的容限项目总部。 如此人们必须根据工作制定出有趣的标准,并且从里面这里有个图, 在这显示不出来, 3.3Enhance 质量管理,控制质量成本严密地控制 和能从图被看见],质量成本被划分成三个区域;①质量改进区域,它由是影响质量成本的统治因素达到花费的故障控制 最佳的烧伤。质量管理优先权是stren ening质量的肿防止措施和质量检查改进质量水平和减少。 总质量成本;②优秀区域,它表示,控制费用在支配地位。 它是冲击总成本到达最佳的价值的主要因素。 质量管理优先权分析现有的质量标准,减少检查规程并且改进可及性,因此总质量成本将减少到底层;③ 质量应用范围,在这个区域质量成本是意味的最低的那里质量标准是适当的,质量成本也是适当的。 当前,迫切被需要减少什么是故障费用。当前,建筑的质量和设施在我们的国家仍然射出低,因此“金”资源能开发是非常富有的。 但质量好的罐头建立美好的企业图象并且打基础为企业的长期发展。 所以,人们应该加以重要性改进项目质量和降低费用。

英语翻译 急!! 高分求救 100分

按照我们在2006年7月10日签订的合同约定According to the July 10, 2006 signing of the contract agreement,贵公司应当在2月上旬完成设备交货。Does your company should be completed in early February delivery equipment.最终用户即将进入设备安装阶段,The end-user is about to enter the equipment installed.现在每一天都来电话催问确切的交货日期。我们面临巨大的压力。 Telephone reminders every day to the exact delivery dates. We face tremendous pressure. 如果贵公司不能够按期交货,将会导致我们面对最终用户的巨额索赔并赔偿由此给最终用户造成的停工损失。If your company can not arranging delivery We face the end-users will lead to huge compensation claims and the resulting suspension of the losses to end-users. 我们非常迫切的期望知道每一台设备的确切交货日期,我们非常迫切的期望知道贵公司不能按期交货的确切原因,我们也非常迫切的期望知道贵公司有何补救建议。 We are very aware of the expectations of every piece of equipment the exact delivery dates. We are very aware of the expectations of your company could not be delivered to the exact reasons, We are very aware of the expectations of your company urgent remedial suggestions. 这是我公司与贵公司的第一次合作,我们对于未来的合作有很多计划,但是我们非常担心这次迟交货会打乱我们的未来合作计划,我们更不希望因为这次迟交货而面临巨大的经济风险和诉讼风险。 我们非常欢迎贵公司能够安排相关负责人近期来华就具体问题展开磋商并制定相关补救方案。 This is the first time my company and your company"s cooperation, we have many plans for the future cooperation. However, we are very worried that this will disrupt our late delivery of the future cooperation plans. We do not want to face because of this late delivery of the huge economic risk and litigation risk. We welcome your company to arrange for a responsible person in China recently started discussions on specific issues related to development and remediation programs. 与贵公司签订合同的某某公司是负责为我们办理进出口事务的公司。The equipment is determined by the thermal equipment Ltd. in certain domestic sales to end-users. . 这些设备是由我们某某热工设备有限公司负责在国内销售给最终用户的。 The equipment is determined by the thermal equipment Ltd. in certain domestic sales to end-users.给你个在线翻译网:http://trans.godict.com/index.php


请参考~So many deeds cry out to be done, and always urgently; the world rolls on, time presses. Ten thousand years are too long, seize every minute




纯手工:Sorry I just saw the email. As you said, the customer is in an urgent need of BRZ01. Please deliver to Shanghai by air according to the original plan. Please issue the letter of credit for the broken package later as well. Thank you for everything you have done for us.


Please confirm the order delivery date as soon as possible,We need this product urgently now, please confirm the fastest delivery time, thank you


1.two deafs2.Chances prefer those who prepare better!

英语翻译:lift这个词,当动词讲是 举起 的意思,当名词时 是 搭便车的意思

Lift this word, when the verb is lifted, when the noun is hitchhiking mean if you want to express my will to hitchhike verb should use. A lift, and take the bus still played with a verb. A bus/taxi/lift. If you are free, to someone with the phrase "lift" a nullified sb in some movies also often see "thumb lift" this word, it is a form of hitchhiking, thumb ride, actually is a kind of body language. When you see a man standing in the street as he shook thumb to go, he said, "is he wants to lift a" in China, by strangers, but rarely ride in Anglo-American countries such as Australia, especially the national scope, population and sparsely populated countries, often have hitchhiking. Once you something bad or in the wilderness and traffic, will need to hitchhike anymore. Of course, as social instability, and now is less of a person, because the first driver must consider what you are, you should also think about how people drive?


BDear Friend, The recent success of children"s books has made the general public aware that there"s a huge market out there. And there"s a growing need for new writers trained to create the $3 billion worth of children"s books bought each year ... plus stories and articles needed by over 650 publishers of magazines for children and teenagers. Who are these needed writers? They"re ordinary folks like you and me. But am I good enough? I was once where you might be now. My thoughts of writing had been pushed down by self-doubt, and I didn"t know where to turn for help. Then, I accepted a free offer from the Institute to test my writing aptitude(潜能), and it turned out to be the inspiration I needed. The promise that paid off The Institute made the same promise to me that they will make to you, if you show basic writing ability: You will complete at least one manuscript(手稿) suitable to hand in to a publisher by the time you finish our course. I really didn"t expect any publication before I finished the course, but that happened. I sold three stories. And I soon discovered that was not unusual at the Institute. Since graduation, I have authored 34 nationally published children"s books and over 300 stories and articles. Free test and brochure We offer a free aptitude test and will send you a copy of our brochure describing our recognized home-study courses on the basis of one-on-one training. Realize your writing dream today. There"s nothing sadder than a dream delayed until it fades forever. Sincerely, Kristi Holl, Instructor Institute of Children"s Literature 61. From the first three paragraphs, we learn that_____. A. children"s books are usually bestsellers B. publishers are making $3 billion each year C. magazines for teenagers have drawn public attention D. there is a growing need for writers of children"s books 【答案】D. 【解析】前三段话从不同方面告诉我们急需儿童书籍的作者。 62. When finishing the course, you are promised to_____. A. be a successful publisher B. become a confident editor C. finish one work for publication D. get one story or article published 【答案】C。 【解析】由第五段话中的You will complete at least one manuscript(手稿) suitable to hand in to a publisher by the time you finish our course.可以知道答案。 63. Kristi Holl mentions her experience mainly to_____. A. prove she is a good instructor B. promote the writing program C. give her advice on course preparation D. show she sold more stories than article 【答案】B。 【解析】Kristi Holl用自己的例子证明该项目的可行性,同时也宣传了该项目。 【翻译】:亲爱的朋友:最近儿童读物的成功,使一般公众意识到,它有一个市场非常庞大的市场。越来越有必要为新的作家培训,以创造每年价值30亿美元的儿童书籍购买... ...加上针对儿童和青少年的故事和文章所需要的650多出版商杂志。谁是这些需要的作家?他们是像你和我的普通人。但我就足够好了吗?我曾经在您可能现在呆的地方。我写作的想法被自我怀疑压倒了,我不知道去哪里寻求帮助。然后,我接受了来自于能够测试我写作潜能的组织免费提供的帮助。它结果成为了我需要灵感。承诺得到了回报。该组织所做出的对我的承诺同样将支付给你,如果你表现出基本的写作能力:您将至少有一个完整的适合你的手稿手,以便于在你完成我们的课程的时候能够交上来。我真的没有想到我完成了课程之前会有任何出版,但它却发生了。我变卖了三个故事。我很快发现,在这个组织那并不是不寻常。自毕业后,我已出版著作34个国家的儿童读物和超过300个故事和文章。免费试用和小册子。我们提供免费的能力倾向测试,并会向您发送了一份小册子来介绍我们公认的家庭学习课程,进行一对一的基础培训。今天实现您的写作梦想。没有什么比一个梦想被耽搁更伤心的了,直到它消失永远。此致。克里斯蒂诺贝特霍尔,导师儿童文学研究所CHow Room Designs Affect Our Work and Feelings Architects have long had the feeling that the places we live in can affect our thoughts, feelings and behaviors. But now scientists are giving this feeling an empirical(经验的,实证的) basis. They are discovering how to design spaces that promote creativity, keep people focused and lead to relaxation. Researches show that aspects of the physical environment can influence creativity. In 2007, Joan Meyers-Levy at the University of Minnesota, reported that the height of a room"s ceiling affects how people think. Her research indicates that higher ceilings encourage people to think more freely, which may lead them to make more abstract connections. Low ceilings, on the other hand, may inspire a more detailed outlook. In additions to ceiling height, the view afforded by a building may influence an occupant"s ability to concentrate. Nancy Wells and her colleagues at Cornell University found in their study that kids who experienced the greatest increase in greenness as a result of a family move made the most gains on a standard test of attention. Using nature to improve focus of attention ought to pay off academically, and it seems to, according to a study led by C. Kenneth Tanner, head of the School Design & Planning Laboratory at the University of Georgia. Tanner and his team found that students in classrooms with unblocked views of at least 50 feet outside the window had higher scores on tests of vocabulary, language arts and maths than did students whose classrooms primarily overlooked roads and parking lots. Recent study on room lighting design suggests than dim(暗淡的) light helps people to loosen up. If that is true generally, keeping the light low during dinner or at parties could increase relaxation. Researchers of Harvard Medical School also discovered that furniture with rounded edges could help visitors relax. So far scientists have focused mainly on public buildings. "We have a very limited number of studies, so we"re almost looking at the problem through a straw(吸管)," architect David Allison says. "How do you take answers to very specific questions and make broad, generalized use of them? That"s what we"re all struggling with." 64. What does Joan Meyers-Levy focus on in her research? A. Light. B. Ceilings. C. Windows. D. Furniture. 【答案】B。 【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段内容可知Joan Meyers-Levy focus on ceilings.65. The passage tells us that ______. A. the shape of furniture may affect people"s feelings B. lower ceilings may help improve students" creativity C. children in a dim classroom may improve their grades D. students in rooms with unblocked views may feel relaxed 【答案】A。 【解析】细节判断题。根据文中内容可知B,C和D均是错误的。 66. The underlined sentence in the last paragraph probably means that ______. A. the problem is not approached step by step B. the researches so far have faults in themselves C. the problem is too difficult for researchers to detect D. research in this area is not enough to make generalized patterns 【答案】D。 【解析】句意猜测题。根据划线句子后面的一句话可以知道该题的正确答案为:D。 67. Which of the following shows the organization of the passage? CP: Central Point P: Point SP: Sub-point(次要点) C: Conclusion 【答案】C。 【解析】考查文章结构。注意解题技巧。第一段为总要点,最后一段为结论,要点123共同服务于结论,重要的是要点二又包含了两个次要点(视觉上:颜色的作用和窗外视野的作用)。综上分析可知答案为:C。 【翻译】:家具设计是如何影响我们工作和感情的建筑师长久以来就感觉到我们生活的地方可能会影响我们的思想,感情和行为,但现在科学家正给予这种感情实证的基础。他们正在发掘如何设计促进创造力,使人们集中,并放松的空间。研究表明,各方面的物质环境可以影响创造力。 2007年,琼迈耶斯,利维在美国明尼苏达大学的报告说,一个房间天花板的高度影响人们如何去思考。她的研究表明,更高的天花板鼓励人们更加自由的思考,这可能导致他们做出更多的抽象联想。低的天花板,另一方面,可能会激发更详细的展望。此外,天花板的高度,所建筑物所提供的视野可能会影响到工作人员的注意力。南希井和她的同事发现,在康奈尔大学的研究,那些经历了在绿色方面大幅度提高的全家搬家的孩子们,在注意力的测试水平上有了巨大的提高。运用天性去改善关注的焦点应该在学术上取得成功,它似乎是,根据由佐治亚大学负责学术设计与规划实验室的肯尼思唐纳领导的一项研究显示。唐纳和他的研究小组发现,距离窗子至少50英尺远的拥有畅通视野的教室学生比那些基本上忽视道路和停车场的学生在词汇、语言艺术和数学的测试上有更高的分数。最近一项关于室内照明设计的研究表明,暗淡的灯光有助于人们放松。如果这大体上是真的,在晚宴或是聚会上保持低的光线可以增加放松。哈佛医学院的研究人员还发现,带有圆角边缘的家具可以帮助参观者放松。迄今科学家们主要集中在公共建筑。 “我们有一个数量非常有限的研究,因此,我们看问题几乎是管中窥豹 ”建筑师大卫艾里森说。 “你怎么回答非常具体的问题,并把它们广泛的,普遍的运用呢?这就是我们都苦苦挣扎的事情。DWhen students and parents are asked to rate subjects according to their importance, the arts are unavoidably at the bottom of the list. Music is nice, people seem to say, but not important. Too often it is viewed as mere entertainment, but certainly not an education priority(优先). This view is shortsighted. In fact, music education is beneficial and important for all students. Music tells us who we are. Because music is an expression of the beings who create it, it reflects their thinking and values, as well ad the social environment it came influence that George Gershwin and other musicians introduced into their music is obviously American because it came from American musical traditions. Music expresses our character and values. It gives us identity as a society. Music provides a kind of perception(感知)that cannot be acquired any other way. Science can explain how the sun rises and sets. The arts explore the emotive(情感的)meaning of the same phenomenon. We need every possible way to discover and respond to our world for one simple but powerful reason: No one way can get it all. The arts are forms of thought as powerful in what they communicate as mathematical and scientific symbols. They are ways we human beings “talk” to each other. They are the language of civilization through which we express our fears, our curiosities, our hungers, our discoveries, our hopes. The arts are ways we give form to our ideas and imagination so that they can be shared with others. When we do not give children access to an important way of expressing themselves such as music, we take away from them the meanings that music expresses. Science and technology do not tell us what it means to be human. The arts do. Music is an important way we express human suffering, celebration, the meaning and value of peace and love. So music education is far more necessary than people seem to realize. 68. According to Paragraph 1, students A. regard music as a way of entertainment B. disagree with their parents on education C. view music as an overlooked subject D. prefer the arts to science 【答案】A。 【解析】从第一段我们可以知道,学生们一般把music列为entertainment,列为not important。所以正确的答案为:A 69. In Paragraph 2, the author uses jazz an example to A. compare it with rock music B. show music identifies a society C. introduce American musical traditions D. prove music influences people"s lifestyles 【答案】B。 【解析】推理判断题。通过第二段最后三行的描述,特别是最后一句话,我们可以断定该题的正确答案为:B。 70. According to the passage, the arts and science . A. approach the world from different angles B. explore different phenomena of the world C express people"s feelings in different ways D. explain what it means to be human differently 【答案】A。 【解析】推理判断题。通读文章我们知道艺术和科学从不同的角度来审视社会。而不是用不同的方式来表达人们的情感。 71. What is the main idea of the passage? A. Music education deserves more attention. B. Music should be of top education priority. C. Music is an effective communication tool. D. Music education makes students more imaginative. 【答案】A。 【解析】主旨大意题。第一段话引出话题,表明人们对音乐的不重视,然后作者从不同方面来论证自己的观点:音乐应该得到人们更多的关注。 【翻译】:当学生和家长的要求根据重要性去评估学科,艺术就不可避免的排在了清单的底部。音乐很不错,人们似乎说,但并不重要。它往往被视为单纯的娱乐,但肯定不是优先教育。这种看法是短浅的。事实上,音乐教育对所有的学生是有益的、重要的。音乐告诉我们我们是谁。因为音乐是一种人类表达方式,它反映了他们的思想和价值观,以及来自的社会环境。摇滚音乐就好像舒伯特的歌曲一样代表了一种生活方式。爵士影响了乔治格什温和其他音乐家引入到他们的音乐,这显然是美国人,因为它来自美国音乐的传统。音乐表达了我们的性格和价值观。它给予我们社会身份。音乐提供了一种不能以任何其他方式获得的感知。科学可以解释为什么太阳升起和降落。艺术探索同样的现象情感的含义。我们需要一切可能的方式来发现和回应我们这个世界的一个简单而有力的理由是:没有一种方法可以得到这一切。艺术是和数学和科学符号一样强大的作为沟通内容的思维形式。他们是我们人类相互“对话”的方式。他们是文明的语言,通过它我们可以表达我们的担心,我们的好奇心,我们的渴望,我们发现,我们的希望。艺术我们思想和想象力形式的表达方式,以便于使它们能够与他人分享。一但我们没有给孩子一个重要表达自己如音乐的方式的机会,我们就剥夺了他们表达音乐的意译。科学和技术并没有告诉我们什么是人权。艺术却做到了。音乐是一种表达我们人类苦难,庆祝活动,和平与爱的意义和价值的重要方式。因此,音乐教育是人类更有必要去实行的。


Army day happy bayi


First, brush your teethWasted: uninterrupted water.Water saving: water cup then.Second, LaundryWasted: washing machine uninterrupted waterside shower side note, drainage laundry.Water saving: clothing concentrated washing to reduce laundry Views; small pieces, and a small amount of clothing to promote hand wash; detergent put in the right amount.Third, bathWasted: too long uninterrupted water shower; the tub overflow water too much as well as, or side open water plug side waterflood.Water saving: intermittent water shower, scrub off the water in time to avoid too long shower. Tub after the water can be used for laundry, car washing, flushing toilets and mopping the floor.Fourth, cookingWasted: the faucet wide open for a long time flushing; boil the water a long time, a large number of water vapor evaporation; watermelon, fruit rinse with tap water.Water conservation: the first paper to erase the oil on cookware, utensils, and then washed; control faucet traffic, change day washing intermittent flushing.Fifth, car washWaste: rinse with a hose for a long time.Water saving: car wash with a bucket filled with water; wash water, laundry water washing; rinse using water-saving spray gun; using mechanical automatic car wash. Car wash water treatment and recycling.(Additional) water conservation tips:1, the toy is a close partner of the children. But some toys (such as a spray gun) consuming water, not worth recommending, especially where water scarcity, more appropriate to use. Some naughty teenagers each other in the tap water faucet below big water fight with water, splashing, very happy, unwittingly, clean ground wet, the pedestrians are scared to dodge a lot of water wasted. And harm to others, many bad!Dishwashing water-saving washing dishes at home, best first paper tableware oil on wipe off with hot water again, and finally rinse with warm water or cold water.3, washing clothes or shabu finished mop water, you can flush the toilet after.


Please flush after use.

英语翻译 我认为这个问题解决了

I think the problem is solved

“我想没有什么问题是不能解决的” 用英语翻译

I don"t think there"s any problem that can"t be solved。翻译时 注意否定前移

英语翻译 我认为这个问题解决了



Our advice on Knowledge Base Testing System is as follows, please check and help to improve.In addition, as soon as I complete the categorization of knowledge base, i will distribute it to every one.Thanks


暴风雨不断地冲洗着The storm constantly flush


同时,我们也值得提到,对比图1a,b和图4,图5,同样由β或β+α SiC反应物在反应中稠化作用和产物的微观结构是各不相同的。我们应强调反应物的两个主要不同点。第一是反应物粉末的构成;一方面是它们的晶体结构不同,另一方面,它们可能是来自Superior Graphite公司的的单体碳和低氧β-SiC粉末(1.62w/o C, 0.9w/o O),也可能来自Lonza公司的β+α SiC粉末(无单体碳,1.5w/o O)。如果样本主要由Superior Graphite的β-SiC构成,那么它的最高稠化温度为1750℃。如图3a和图4b所示,3C生成4H的反应只在此温度以上发生,并容易被Al2O3和C的加入使反应加剧,产生更剧烈的晶粒生长。而这一反应将阻碍稠化反应。相反,对β+α-SiC而言,虽然α生成β的反应在1800℃即告完成(主要是3C生成6H的反应),但是,主要的产物为6H,而根据微观结构试验,在该温度下,它不会促使剧烈的晶粒生长发生,因而使得稠化作用得以进行。与此作用密不可分的是,在1800℃时,β+α-SiC的微观等轴晶结构由更小的晶粒构成(图5a),而β-SiC的混合物在同一温度下,由伸长晶粒构成(图4b)此外,如果温度继续增加,6H生成4H的反应将会发生,也能观察到明显的晶粒生长,随着C的加入,该反应在此温度下被加剧,所图5和图7所示。附,关于Superior Graphite(高级石墨)和Lonza(龙沙)公司的介绍Superior Graphite specializes in high temperature technologies, advanced sizing, blending, and coating technologies, providing you with the highest value graphite and carbon product solutions. Throughout its long history, Superior Graphite has been committed to three core principals: ingenuity, versatility, and integrity. This has enabled us to adapt to ever-changing business and economic conditions, and led to a process of continuous growth and evolution with our customers.Since its foundation in 1917, our company has explored the physical and geographical frontiers of its markets. In the late 1970s, this pioneering approach led to the invention of a new, patented furnace technology that revolutionized our product range and transformed the company (Until then, graphite was mainly processed from natural mineral resources or the re-crushing of spent electrodes). We were the first to manufacture graphite on a continuous basis using proprietary technology. We subsequently expanded the boundaries of natural and synthetic graphite purification as well as the process of synthesizing graphite or other carbon-based materials. We have also explored new avenues in continuous graphitization and developed a number of innovative processes. We are committed to continuously collaborate with our business partners, harnessing the challenges of today, and turning them into the opportunities of tomorrow. Solutions from Superior Graphite are tools that will positively impact your success.http://www.superiorgraphite.com/company/index.phpLonza is continually expanding its scientific and technology base, assigning a high priority to advanced R&D as well as state-of the-art plants and equipment to ensure environmentally safe and quality-minded production. Creative thinking, dedicated staff and sound resources are the strengths that Lonza relies on for further growth. Our people are the key to success – they have extensive expertise in multidisciplinary project management, integrating the wishes and know-how of our customers at every stage. http://www.lonza.com/group/en/company/about.html


notcomes toevery few weekspromise me you wouldnt do this againsolvedpick you up



求救英语翻译 谢谢



看著它,白痴。“男孩喊道,他移开周围的小三年级学生。然后,微笑著在他的脸上,男孩握住他的右腿和模仿的方式时,她一瘸一拐地走到艾米。 艾米闭上了眼睛。 “忽略了他!”她告诉自己,她率领她的教室。但在最后的一天,艾米还在想著高大男孩的平均取笑。如果这不是因为他是唯一的一个。看来,自从艾米三年级开始,有人嘲笑她的每一天。艾米是厌倦了它。有时,即使在课堂充满了其他学生,使她的取笑觉得孤独。 回到家里的餐桌当晚,艾米很安静。她的母亲知道,事情并不顺利上学,所以帕提哈加当很高兴有一些令人振奋的消息,分享她的女儿。 “有一个圣诞愿望比赛的广播电台,”艾米的妈妈宣布。 “写了一封信给圣诞老人,你可能会赢得奖品。我觉得有人在此表中的金发卷发应该进入。“ 艾米咯咯地笑。听起来很有趣的比赛。她开始思考什麼,她最希望的圣诞节。 微笑握住艾米的想法时,第一次来到她。拿出钢笔和纸,和艾米去工作,她的信。 “亲爱的圣诞老人,”她开始。但艾米不准备透露她的秘密圣诞愿望刚才。这是艾米的信圣诞老人,就像她写的那一夜: 亲爱的圣诞老人, 我的名字叫艾米。我9岁。我有一个问题在学校。你能帮我圣诞老人?孩子们笑我,因为我走路的方式,运行和谈话。我有脑性麻痹。我只是想有一天,没有人笑我,或让我的乐趣。 爱, 艾米 当艾米的信抵达电台,经理李托宾仔细阅读。他知道脑瘫是一种肌肉疾病,可能混淆的同学艾米的谁不明白她的残疾。他认为这将是很好的人听到这个特殊的三年级学生和她的不寻常的愿望。托宾先生打电话给当地的报纸。 第二天,图片的艾米和她的圣诞老人的信,在报纸头版。这个故事迅速传开。全国所有报纸,电台和电视台报导了小女孩的故事,谁问这样一个简单而非凡的圣诞礼物 - 只要一天不开玩笑。 突然,邮差是一个经常在她家。各种规模的信封给艾米抵达儿童和成年人每天从全国各地所有。他们来到充满了节日的问候和鼓励的话。 在那次难忘的圣诞节,超过 2000人来自世界各地的信件发送艾米的友谊和支持。通过卡片和信件来自陌生人,艾米瞥见一个完整的世界人民谁真正关心对方。她意识到,任何数量或形式戏弄都不能够让她感到孤独了。 问题补充:在这难忘的圣诞节,超过 2000人来自世界各地的信件发送艾米的友谊和支持。通过卡片和信件来自陌生人,艾米瞥见一个完整的世界人民谁真正关心对方。她意识到,任何数量或形式戏弄都不能够让她感到孤独了。 艾米没有得到她的愿望没有一个特殊的日子在南威恩取笑小学。此外,教师和学生一起谈论如何才能使别人不好戏弄的感觉。 这个城市的市长表示,敢於作出这样一个简单的愿望,艾米教一个普遍的教训:“每个人都想,值得受到尊重,尊严和温暖。”


1. Ms. Chen and [my] colleagues2. vouching clerk [and completed tasks] such as...3. such as preparing [for] documents [needed at] bank [negotiations] and...4. and booking shipping [spaces]5. but also [consolidated] the...6. the knowledge of Business English[, International Trade Practice, and etc.].7. and [the communication among people]


冲走 flush away


楼上的全部是翻译软件的, 不知羞耻. Today is my last day at PPG. In the past two years, I have learned a lot at this company. Looking back, I truly appreciate Mr. Wang for giving me the opportunity to join the PPG family. Also, I would like to thank my Guangzhou and Shanghai colleagues for their assitance and support. I would like to thank Ms. Li especially for her guidance and mentorship. It"s been an honor to work with you. I sincerely hope for a even brighter tomorrow for you in your career. I wish even greater success for PPG. Please keep in touch.

求助英语翻译 高手请进

在审查了提交的文件就萨姆钢铁厂,我们谨提出以下意见。我们计划在下一阶段进行在取得供应商的综合机械提供了一个详细的可行性研究。我猜你邀请报价投标人,请提供我们的地位。正如你已经知道,我们必须为在朱拜勒的土地审批,面积从原来的建议是什么改变。所以,你所作的更改为工厂设计?这是非常重要的预先知道饲料类型的电弧炉可以处理,因此,这将是非常有益的利弊和认识要有一个电炉,可以采取双方直接还原铁和废钢的利弊。此外,这将是非常有趣知道它的成本,效率等的影响这将超过需要有一个工厂的设计,考虑到该公司的营销策略和飞机产量,除了规划中的停工和停机时间内最糟糕的情况。因此,我们想知道后面选择一个50吨,而不是两个炉25吨炉的原因。因此,有必要进行excersie是驴的每条路线的成本效益。上述的概念适用于钢包精炼炉,以及在规模和数量。这也是很重要的是了解可供选择的处理在植物系统的物质和每个整体成本和efficie影响我们也关注如何尽量减少这种挖掘到水龙头时,是否会影响高炉设计的。如果这是可能产生怎样的影响,该炉的成本。我们注意到,装机容量为40兆伏安,而消费量为20兆瓦。背后是否有任何差异的原因?至于输入电压,我们想知道它是否变压器下台与否。一个重要的问题是关于轧机的灵活性,因为市场是动态的,可能会发生变化。这样的事实提出了有关的灵活性,将吸收市场的任何变化建立非常重要的问题。此外,什么是维持这种灵活性,包括各种规模的折衷?这将是巨大的,我们双方都同意国际旅游交易会上,一些如何让通用技术和设备供应商提供的空间,最先进的设备状态确实有很大的影响效率,速度,功耗,从而将提高生产成本。zài shěn chá le tí jiāo de wén jiàn jiù sà mǔ gāng tiě chǎng, wǒ men jǐn tí chū yǐ xià yì jiàn。wǒ men jì huà zài xià yī jiē duàn jìn xíng zài qǔ dé gōng yìng shāng de zòng hé jī xiè tí gōng le yī gè xiáng xì de kě xíng xìng yán jiū。wǒ cāi nǐ yāo qǐng bào jià tóu biāo rén, qǐng tí gōng wǒ men dì dì wèi。zhèng rú nǐ yǐ jīng zhī dào, wǒ men bì xū wèi zài zhū bài lēi de tǔ dì shěn pī, miàn jī cóng yuán lái de jiàn yì shì shén me gǎi biàn。suǒ yǐ, nǐ suǒ zuò de gēng gǎi wèi gōng chǎng shè jì?zhè shì fēi cháng zhòng yào de yù xiān zhī dào sì liào lèi xíng de diàn hú lú kě yǐ chǔ lǐ, yīn cǐ, zhè jiāng shì fēi cháng yǒu yì de lì bì hé rèn shi yào yǒu yī gè diàn lú, kě yǐ cǎi qǔ shuāng fāng zhí jiē huán yuán tiě hé fèi gāng de lì bì。cǐ wài, zhè jiāng shì fēi cháng yǒu qù zhī dào tā de chéng běn, xiào lǜ děng de yǐng xiǎngzhè jiāng chāo guò xū yào yǒu yī gè gōng chǎng de shè jì, kǎo lǜ dào gāi gōng sī de yíng xiāo cè lüè hé fēi jī chǎn liàng, chú le guī huà zhōng de tíng gōng hé tíng jī shí jiān nèi zuì zāo gāo de qíng kuàng。yīn cǐ, wǒ men xiǎng zhī dào hòu miàn xuǎn zé yī gè50dūn, ér bù shì liǎng gè lú25dūn lú de yuán yīn。yīn cǐ, yǒu bì yào jìn xíngexcersie shì lǘ de měi tiáo lù xiàn de chéng běn xiào yì。shàng shù de gài niàn shì yòng yú gāng bāo jīng liàn lú, yǐ jí zài guī mó hé shù liàng。zhè yě shì hěn zhòng yào de shì liǎo jiě kě gōng xuǎn zé de chǔ lǐ zài zhí wù xì tǒng de wù zhí hé měi gè zhěng tǐ chéng běn héefficie yǐng xiǎngwǒ men yě guān zhù rú hé jǐn liàng jiǎn shǎo zhè zhǒng wā jué dào shuǐ lóng tóu shí, shì fǒu huì yǐng xiǎng gāo lú shè jì de。rú guǒ zhè shì kě néng chǎn shēng zěn yàng de yǐng xiǎng, gāi lú de chéng běn。wǒ men zhù yì dào, zhuāng jī róng liàng wèi40zhào fú ān, ér xiāo fèi liàng wèi20zhào wǎ。bèi hòu shì fǒu yǒu rèn hé chā yì de yuán yīn?zhì yú shū rù diàn yā, wǒ men xiǎng zhī dào tā shì fǒu biàn yā qì xià tái yǔ fǒu。yī gè zhòng yào de wèn tí shì guān yú zhá jī de líng huó xìng, yīn wèi shì chǎng shì dòng tài de, kě néng huì fā shēng biàn huà。zhè yàng de shì shí tí chū le yǒu guān de líng huó xìng, jiāng xī shōu shì chǎng de rèn hé biàn huà jiàn lì fēi cháng zhòng yào de wèn tí。cǐ wài, shén me shì wéi chí zhè zhǒng líng huó xìng, bāo kuò gè zhǒng guī mó de zhé zhōng?zhè jiāng shì jù dà de, wǒ men shuāng fāng dōu tóng yì guó jì lǚ yóu jiāo yì huì shàng, yī xiē rú hé ràng tōng yòng jì shù hé shè bèi gōng yìng shāng tí gōng de kōng jiān, zuì xiān jìn de shè bèi zhuàng tài què shí yǒu hěn dà de yǐng xiǎng xiào lǜ, sù dù, gōng hào, cóng ér jiāng tí gāoshēng chǎn chéng běn。

英语翻译 不要机器翻译~



1. My colleagues to work together to work together is a good chance you"ll find you probably will become the enemy because it involves a range of interests, and the relationship between promotion2. My colleagues are not friends, friends, is the result after a lot of tests in order to become a3. Members may only be of passing your life, when you leave the same company would have no contact, when you may become a stranger4. Some of my colleagues on the surface of your very good, but secretly saying bad things about you5. When you perform well at work when colleagues would feel jealous, not as a true friend as sincere Congratulations!


 close; shut; shut off;




1.它是享受你自动毯: 准备退休时,将此控制开关设置为"打开"。拨号光告诉您它是。现在您就可以拨打您所选择的温暖水平。(大多数人来说,第一次,使用其自动毛毯时开始在喜和向下调整,直到他们找到他们个人的舒适偏好。)2.有时报告说奇怪的物体目睹了高了空气。这些不明飞行物 (Ufo) 造成了很多的兴趣。一些报道说,他们很难相信。一些已在科学的方式解释。其他人从来没有解释。3.四十三名每 %的美国家庭已接入互联网 — — 完美世界的观察。在美国的互联网能够住房的数量已过去一年上涨 60%。美国用户平均花 5.3 小时在线一周。6%的在线的美国人都是吸毒成瘾者 (上瘾的人) 强使用互联网,由美国心理学家大卫 · 格林菲尔德的一万八千人的调查显示。4.北京烤鸭准备从北京烤鸭。北京烤鸭的颜色是紫红色红色和光泽明亮。其皮肤是酥肉,投标。其味道鲜美和有特殊香气哪一种从来没有的轮胎。这也是非常的 nutritious.5。我们希望十月运与您提到下订单。从您的目录与你的九月二十日信发送给我们选择了货物。它是享受你自动毯: 准备退休时,将此控制开关设置为"打开"。拨号光告诉您它是。现在您就可以拨打您所选择的温暖水平。(大多数人来说,第一次,使用其自动毛毯时开始在喜和向下调整,直到他们找到他们个人的舒适偏好。)2.有时报告说奇怪的物体目睹了高了空气。这些不明飞行物 (Ufo) 造成了很多的兴趣。一些报道说,他们很难相信。一些已在科学的方式解释。其他人从来没有解释。3.四十三名每 %的美国家庭已接入互联网 — — 完美世界的观察。在美国的互联网能够住房的数量已过去一年上涨 60%。美国用户平均花 5.3 小时在线一周。6%的在线的美国人都是吸毒成瘾者 (上瘾的人) 强使用互联网,由美国心理学家大卫 · 格林菲尔德的一万八千人的调查显示。4.北京烤鸭准备从北京烤鸭。北京烤鸭的颜色是紫红色红色和光泽明亮。其皮肤是酥肉,投标。其味道鲜美和有特殊香气哪一种从来没有的轮胎。这也是非常的 nutritious.5。我们希望十月运与您提到下订单。从您的目录与你的九月二十日信发送给我们选择了货物。


be fond of doing sth




自2000年11月起,航天人员和宇航人员就永久性的启动了这项综合研究(什么研究,the 100billion...,which about 260...都是修饰研究的)。complex有名词意义:合成体。那么就是一项综合性研究。staff是下达指令,而这里用的是过去完成时,那么可以翻译为启动。

英语翻译汉语 很急 谢谢

飞机点击数米兰摩天楼, 恐怖排除米兰,四月 18 日 (路透社)- Firecrews 在米兰最高的摩天楼内解决了夜晚,寻找关于一个小的飞机为什么在那引起了新的九月 11 日的恐惧的 " 难以置信的意外事件 " 中猛然地撞进建筑物的线索. 警察说三被杀了和在星期四的坠毁 29 伤害当一位年老的飞行员丧失了他的四座位飞机的控制而且飞它进入了令人难忘高楼的上面故事哪一在意大利的财务首都上面的划手。 早报告,它可能是使紧张财务的全球市场翻倒的一个恐怖攻击行动。 但是空气官员很快地平静了神经,对于一个阳光充足的午后影响之前的技术上问题数分钟说飞行员抱怨。 1950 年代摩天楼收容当地的地方政府,为 1,750个人提供办公室, 但是藉着运气的笔划 30 层楼高建筑物的前五名楼几乎空当打的飞机因为他们正在被更新。....


没时间慢慢翻译,用电子词典简单译了一下,你自己参考着翻译吧!这项测试是进行圆柱形标本,准备以同样的方式用于单轴压缩试验。试样放在内的压力容器( Figures4.16and4.17 )和流体压力,是适用于表面。夹克,通常一个橡胶制成的复合,是用来隔离标本围液通常是石油。轴向应力,是适用于标本通过内存经过布什在细胞和淬火钢端盖。孔隙水压力,铀,可用于测量或通过管道连接一般通过与标本的基础细胞。轴向defferential变压器( LVDTs )安装内外的细胞,但最好内。当地的轴向和周株可衡量的电阻应变计attched表层的标本( Figure4.17 ) 必须有可使用的三轴细胞生成系统的围压,并保持恒定的测试。如果围压所产生的螺旋驱动的压力增强,有可能使用流离失所增强柱塞测量体积应变的标本(克劳奇, 1970年) 。 Figure4.18shows一些结果利用这样一种制度在试验进行了3种不同的围压对标本的鲕粒灰岩。一个重要的festure的行为岩石材料三轴压缩,但很快达成的一点是,一般高峰期来临前, stressaxial的轴向应变曲线,在该标本开始扩张(数量增加) ,由于内部fractring 。


The wind tunnel rig noise data in Fig. 9 compare favourably with the data from other automobile and aeroacoustic wind tunnels published previously [9–11]. 图9中的风洞装置(rig)噪声数据与以前发表的其他汽车风洞和航空声学风洞的数据顺利地做了比较【9-11】。With the assumption that the variation of sound pressure level in the azimuthal plane is small,4 the OASPL data presented in Ref. [9–11] for the various wind tunnels OASPLiFacility, were corrected for measurement distance riFacility and nozzle area AiFacility to allow comparison with the present open jet wind tunnel by the use of the following: 在假设方位平面上声压水平很小的情况下,对文献【9-11】提供的有关不同风洞(OASPLiFacility,OASPLi设施)的总体声压级(OASPL)数据,针对测量距离(riFacility,ri设施)和喷嘴面积(AiFacility,Ai设施)进行了修正,以便与本开放式风洞用以下公式进行比较:(公式3) where riFacility is the distance from the microphone to the centre of the nozzle exit plane of other wind tunnels; and AiFacility is the nozzle cross-sectional areas. AISVR and rISVR are 0.0675 m2 and 0.5 m, respectively for the ISVR open jet wind tunnel.式中,riFacility为其他风洞从麦克风到喷嘴出口平面中心的距离;AiFacility为喷嘴的横截面积。AISVR和rISVR对于英国南安普顿大学声与振动研究所(ISVR)的开放式风洞来说分别为0.0675m2和0.5m。 Fig. 10 presents the distributions of A-weighted OASPL with test section velocity for a number of well-known automobile and aeroacoustic research wind tunnels around the world [9–11]. 图10介绍了世界上很多著名汽车和航空声学研究风洞,用试验段速度A加权的OASPL的分布。The differences in these measurements can partly be attributed to the fact that the measurement angle h is different for different wind tunnels presented in Fig. 10. 这些测量值的差别可以部分归咎于图10介绍的不同风洞有不同的测量角h。Fig. 10 demonstrates that the A-weighted OASPL at both h = 45 and 90 for the present open jet wind tunnel is comparable with the quietest wind tunnels. 图10证明了,对于本开放式风洞来说,在h=45和90时的A加权OASPL可与最静音的风洞相比美。 The figure also shows that the A-weighted OASPL scales with log(V) [7,8] for all the wind tunnels presented. 图10还示出了所有介绍的风洞,采用log(V)的A加权OASPL分度【7,8】。4.2. Analysis of exit flow uniformity and turbulence characteristics 4.2 出口流量均匀性和湍流特性的分析To investigate the uniformity of the jet flow, the total pressure profiles were measured using a custom-made pitot-tube rake. 为了研究射流流动的均匀性,用一个定制的皮托管前刀面(rake)测量了总的压力剖面。The rake consists of eleven 1.2 mm-internal diameter steel tubes located at 15 mmintervals, which spans the height of the nozzle exit. 该前刀面由11根1.2mm直径的钢管,以15mm的间隔放置构成,它跨越喷嘴出口的高度。By assuming the streamwise pressure gradient caused by the jet contraction to be negligible, the static pressure is approximately equal to the atmospheric pressure for the open jet.通过假设射流收缩引起的流向压力梯度为忽略不计,静态压力近似等于开放射流的常压。 The jet velocity can thus be deduced from the measured total pressure. The pitottube rake was attached to a computer-controlled two-dimensional traverse mechanism. The accuracy of the traverse in both directions is within ±0.01 mm. 因此从实测的总压力可以推导出射流的速度。皮托管前刀面被附于计算机控制的两维横移机构上。两个方向的横移精度都在±0.01mm以内。


CONVEYER-TYPE 空间温室项目为宇航员的供应WlTEI 维生素绿叶于。A. Be&ovich, N. M. Krivobok, 于・E. Sinyak 陈述俄联盟的科学中心- 设立为生物医学的问题Khoroshevskoye Shosse 76.A, 莫斯科123007, 俄国 摘要 传动机类型成长分庭设计和好处PHYTOCYCLE 以一圆柱形庄稼surlhce 是feaamd 根据test& 的结果, 菜温室VITACYCLE 为航天器被开发在SSC-lBMP 与俄国空间产业一定数量的机关一道提供空间乘员组以i&h 绿叶传动机类型的一个实验性原型。温室的对估计的每日生产是I50 g 可食用的生物量以1 千瓦的电力消费。系统将登上在国际空间站阿尔法之内生命维持模块(ISSA) 。@eonhouse 的设计是outhned 。简要的描述、stateof 这艺术, 和进一步计划看待@ VITAC


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3.3分类规则船,包括船体和机械设备应建立在分类的社会调查下他们的法规遵循以下类:劳埃德的这类船舶登记:•100 A1,1A冰级(完成),“重货加强”,木材甲板货的集装箱,”货物保持甲板和上层甲板舱口盖”,洛杉矶•LMC,UMS,IWS,pcwbt,供应链管理,资产净值1规则法规船舶应建立在符合以下公约,规则和规例生效日期签订合同:•船级社规范和规定按照类符号;•芬兰-瑞典冰级规则(FMA13号公告/ 1.10.2002)-木材载重线不应视为冰阶级;为安全•国际公约生活在海上,1974,包括十二月的2002条修正案;国际公约•吨位测量,1969;在国际监管•公约防止船舶污染水域,1973,由1978的协议修改有关(MARPOL 73 / 78)包括附件,III,IV,V和VI,包括四月的2004条修正案•国际载重线公约,1966,修订2003(综合版,2005)公约国际海上避碰规则,1972,和修改1981和1987包括2001修正案;•无线电规则,日内瓦1990,包括1992个修正案;•苏伊士运河航运规则,1981,包括最新的修正案;•巴拿马运河航行规则,1984,包括最新的修改;•USCG条例外国国旗的船只在美国的通航水域操作;荷兰的•海运规则(ivw-ds)。包括噪声法规(*);•虫媒(荷兰卫生法规规定)(*);•规则澳大利亚水边的工人联合会(awwf / AMSA船舶orders-mo32)持有和起重机底座的访问梯子•reg。54 SOLAS 1981运输危险品重工(局部应用)(*)→SOLAS第II-2章。19。•信息编码(国际安全代码包装辐照核燃料的运输,钚和高水平的放射性废物的船上)类信息1船;•国际救生设备(LSA)代码,1996;•国际劳工组织公约:O C 68的食品和餐饮(船员)公约,1946,C O 92船员住房公约C O 133船员住宿(补充规定)会议,1970,O C 148的工作环境(空气污染,噪声和振动)会议,1977,C O 152职业安全与健康(码头工作会议,1979);

英语翻译 谢谢

1Restaurant chainnot only affecteating habits,but alsomoretraditionaland theircountries.For example:fast-food restaurantssuch as Macdonald,are thought to enter theforeignAmericanfood.2In more than 120 countries,italso has the huge consumergroups,therefore,Macdonaldledthe global consistency,affecting the localcustoms and traditions




均匀性[物] homogeneity更多释义>>[网络短语]均匀性 uniformity;homogeneity;Evenness梯度温度均匀性 Gradient Uniformity均匀性指数 Evenness indices;Evenness;uniformity index


沉迷于……不能自拔:Addicted to...Addicted详细解释:英 [əˈdɪktɪd] 美 [ə"dɪktɪd]adj.上瘾的;沉迷于某种嗜好的。vt.使…上瘾(addict的过去分词)。He"s addicted to computer games.他迷上了电脑游戏。扩展资料沉溺于的其他英语短语:1、abandon oneself to   沉溺于However, I think that one can abandon oneself to new experiences when overseas without treating one"s training with abandon.      不过,我想一个人在海外时不妨让自己沉溺于新的体验,只要不过于放纵而损于修养。  2、addict to     耽溺于,热爱Try new things and avoid getting too addict to your computer.      尝试新事物,避免乐极生悲吸毒者到您的计算机。  3、be rolling in   沉溺于,在…中打滚Once our business gets started, the money will be rolling in.      一旦我们的生意开始,金钱就会滚滚而来。  参考资料来源:百度翻译-addicted to


a series of approachespursuemodest


谦虚qiān xū(虚心) modest; self-effacing:谦虚是一种美德。 Modesty is a kind of virtue.谦虚使人进步。 Modesty helps one to go forward.这位校长很谦虚。 This headmaster is very modest.约翰,不要过于谦虚。让大家知道你的才能吧。 John, don"t hide your light under a bushel. Let the world see what you can do.(说谦虚的话) make modest remarks:他谦虚了一番,终于接受了这项工作。 After making a few modest remarks he finally promised to do the work.


to see 后面正常的语序应该是his novel approach might be able to cause what damage,他的新方法可能造成怎样的破坏


1. I happened to read and you have to read the book similar to the one. 2. As we all know, Shunengshengqiao. 3. The easier it is homework, the school also easy to forget. 4. People generally think that the more expensive goods, the higher the quality of goods 5.Thompson, that the truth and how he will be disappointed ah 6. Dazhiruoyu 7. I bicycle bad, do you mind my borrow your ?8. Nice you for inviting me to dinner with you .9. He is so exhausted that he was sleeping on a bed .10. Since less than half a century since the invention of the. computer. 11. This is his first time being late to school .12. Show your student card, let you into the language lab .13. What do you think I can do to shake off difficulties .14. Do you know where there is life, there is hope that this truth Mody?

英语翻译 葡萄美酒夜光杯, 欲饮琵琶马上催. 醉卧沙场君莫笑, 古来征战几人回? 注:用英语翻!

葡萄美酒夜光杯,From cups of jade that glow with wine of grapes at night. 欲饮琵琶马上催.Drinking to Pipa songs,we are summoned to fight. 醉卧沙场君莫笑,Don"t laugh if we lay drunken on the battleground! 古来征战几人回?How many warriors ever come back safe and sound? @_@查都查的到啊

英语翻译 水果: 香蕉 苹果 芒果 猕猴桃 菠萝 葡萄 桃子 哈密瓜 西瓜 樱桃

香蕉 苹果 芒果 猕猴桃 菠萝 葡萄 桃子 哈密瓜 西瓜 樱桃 Banana Apple Mango Kiwifruit Pineapple Grape Peaches Melon Watermelon Cherry

高低的英语翻译 高低用英语怎么说

tall and short

英语翻译 以右为尊,以左为卑.

Right side is considered as superiority. Left side is considered as inferiority.

英语翻译 “技术优势”翻译成“technology superiority”,如何?

technical advantage

英语翻译 计算机的

Drive 盘符一些计算机英语:一、硬件类(Hardware) 二、软件类(Software) 三、网络类(Network) 四、其它 CPU(Center Processor Unit)中央处理单元 mainboard主板 RAM(random access memory)随机存储器(内存) ROM(Read Only Memory)只读存储器 Floppy Disk软盘 Hard Disk硬盘 CD-ROM光盘驱动器(光驱) monitor监视器 keyboard键盘 mouse鼠标 chip芯片 CD-R光盘刻录机 HUB集线器 Modem= MOdulator-DEModulator,调制解调器 P-P(Plug and Play)即插即用 UPS(Uninterruptable Power Supply)不间断电源 BIOS(Basic-input-Output System)基本输入输出系统 CMOS(Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor)互补金属氧化物半导体 setup安装 uninstall卸载 wizzard向导 OS(Operation Systrem)操作系统 OA(Office AutoMation)办公自动化 exit退出 edit编辑 copy复制 cut剪切 paste粘贴 delete删除 select选择 find查找 select all全选 replace替换 undo撤消 redo重做 program程序 license许可(证) back前一步 next下一步 finish结束 folder文件夹 Destination Folder目的文件夹 user用户 click点击 double click双击 right click右击 settings设置 update更新 release发布 data数据 data base数据库 DBMS(Data Base Manege System)数据库管理系统 view视图 insert插入 object对象 configuration配置 command命令 document文档 POST(power-on-self-test)电源自检程序 cursor光标 attribute属性 icon图标 service pack服务补丁 option pack功能补丁 Demo演示 short cut快捷方式 exception异常 debug调试 previous前一个 column行 row列 restart重新启动 text文本 font字体 size大小 scale比例 interface界面 function函数 access访问 manual指南 active激活 computer language计算机语言 menu菜单 GUI(graphical user interfaces )图形用户界面 template模版 page setup页面设置 password口令 code密码 print preview打印预览 zoom in放大 zoom out缩小 pan漫游 cruise漫游 full screen全屏 tool bar工具条 status bar状态条 ruler标尺 table表 paragraph段落 symbol符号 style风格 execute执行 graphics图形 image图像 Unix用于服务器的一种操作系统 Mac OS苹果公司开发的操作系统 OO(Object-Oriented)面向对象 virus病毒 file文件 open打开 colse关闭 new新建 save保存 exit退出 clear清除 default默认 LAN局域网 WAN广域网 Client/Server客户机/服务器 ATM( Asynchronous Transfer Mode)异步传输模式 Windows NT微软公司的网络操作系统 Internet互联网 WWW(World Wide Web)万维网 protocol协议 HTTP超文本传输协议 FTP文件传输协议 Browser浏览器 homepage主页 Webpage网页 website网站 URL在Internet的WWW服务程序上 用于指定信息位置的表示方法 Online在线 Email电子邮件 ICQ网上寻呼 Firewall防火墙 Gateway网关 HTML超文本标识语言 hypertext超文本 hyperlink超级链接 IP(Address)互联网协议(地址) SearchEngine搜索引擎 TCP/IP用于网络的一组通讯协议 Telnet远程登录 IE(Internet Explorer)探索者(微软公司的网络浏览器) Navigator引航者(网景公司的浏览器) multimedia多媒体 ISO国际标准化组织 ANSI美国国家标准协会 able 能 activefile 活动文件 addwatch 添加监视点 allfiles 所有文件 allrightsreserved 所有的权力保留 altdirlst 切换目录格式 andfixamuchwiderrangeofdiskproblems 并能够解决更大范围内的磁盘问题 andotherinFORMation 以及其它的信息 archivefileattribute 归档文件属性 assignto 指定到 autoanswer 自动应答 autodetect 自动检测 autoindent 自动缩进 autosave 自动存储 availableonvolume 该盘剩余空间 badcommand 命令错 badcommandorfilename 命令或文件名错 batchparameters 批处理参数 binaryfile 二进制文件 binaryfiles 二进制文件 borlandinternational borland国际公司 bottommargin 页下空白 bydate 按日期 byextension 按扩展名 byname 按名称 bytesfree 字节空闲 callstack 调用栈 casesensitive 区分大小写 causespromptingtoconfirmyouwanttooverwritean 要求出现确认提示,在你想覆盖一个 centralpointsoftwareinc central point 软件股份公司 changedirectory 更换目录 changedrive 改变驱动器 changename 更改名称 characterset 字符集 checkingfor 正在检查 checksadiskanddisplaysastatusreport 检查磁盘并显示一个状态报告 chgdrivepath 改变盘/路径 china 中国 chooseoneofthefollowing 从下列中选一项 clearall 全部清除 clearallbreakpoints 清除所有断点 clearsanattribute 清除属性 clearscommandhistory 清除命令历史 clearscreen 清除屏幕 closeall 关闭所有文件 codegeneration 代码生成 colorpalette 彩色调色板 commandline 命令行 commandprompt 命令提示符 compressedfile 压缩文件 configuresaharddiskforusewithmsdos 配置硬盘,以为 MS-DOS 所用 conventionalmemory 常规内存 copiesdirectoriesandsubdirectoriesexceptemptyones 拷贝目录和子目录,空的除外 copiesfileswiththearchiveattributeset 拷贝设置了归档属性的文件 copiesoneormorefilestoanotherlocation 把文件拷贝或搬移至另一地方 copiesthecontentsofonefloppydisktoanother 把一个软盘的内容拷贝到另一个软盘上 copydiskette 复制磁盘 copymovecompfindrenamedeletevervieweditattribwordpprintlist C拷贝M移动 O比 F搜索R改名 D删除 V版本 E浏览A属性 W写字 P打印 L列表 copyrightc 版权(c createdospartitionorlogicaldosdrive 创建DOS分区或逻辑DOS驱动器 createextendeddospartition 创建扩展DOS分区 createlogicaldosdrivesintheextendeddospartition 在扩展DOS分区中创建逻辑DOS驱动器 createprimarydospartition 创建DOS主分区 createsadirectory 创建一个目录 createschangesordeletesthevolumelabelofadisk 创建,改变或删除磁盘的卷标 currentfile 当前文件 currentfixeddiskdrive 当前硬盘驱动器 currentsettings 当前设置 currenttime 当前时间 cursorposition 光标位置 defrag 整理碎片 dele 删去 deletepartitionorlogicaldosdrive 删除分区或逻辑DOS驱动器 deletesadirectoryandallthesubdirectoriesandfilesinit 删除一个目录和所有的子目录及其中的所有文件 deltree 删除树 devicedriver 设备驱动程序 dialogbox 对话栏 directionkeys 方向键 directly 直接地 directorylistargument 目录显示变量 directoryof 目录清单 directorystructure 目录结构 diskaccess 磁盘存取 diskcopy 磁盘拷贝 diskservicescopycomparefindrenameverifyvieweditmaplocateinitialize 磁盘服务功能: C拷贝 O比较 F搜索R改卷名V校验 浏览E编缉M图 L找文件 N格式化 diskspace 磁盘空间 displayfile 显示文件 displayoptions 显示选项 displaypartitioninFORMation 显示分区信息 displaysfilesinspecifieddirectoryandallsubdirectories 显示指定目录和所有目录下的文件 displaysfileswithspecifiedattributes 显示指定属性的文件 displaysorchangesfileattributes 显示或改变文件属性 displaysorsetsthedate 显示或设备日期 displayssetupscreensinmonochromeinsteadofcolor 以单色而非彩色显示安装屏信息 displaystheamountofusedandfreememoryinyoursystem 显示系统中已用和未用的内存数量 displaysthefullpathandnameofeveryfileonthedisk 显示磁盘上所有文件的完整路径和名称 displaysthenameoforchangesthecurrentdirectory 显示或改变当前目录 doctor 医生 doesn 不 doesntchangetheattribute 不要改变属性 dosshell DOS 外壳 doubleclick 双击 doyouwanttodisplaythelogicaldriveinFORMationyn 你想显示逻辑驱动器信息吗(y/n)? driveletter 驱动器名 editmenu 编辑选单 emsmemory ems内存 endoffile 文件尾 endofline 行尾 enterchoice 输入选择 entiredisk 转换磁盘 environmentvariable 环境变量 esc esc everyfileandsubdirectory 所有的文件和子目录 existingdestinationfile 已存在的目录文件时 expandedmemory 扩充内存 expandtabs 扩充标签 explicitly 明确地 extendedmemory 扩展内存 fastest 最快的 fatfilesystem fat 文件系统 fdiskoptions fdisk选项 fileattributes 文件属性 fileFORMat 文件格式 filefunctions 文件功能 fileselection 文件选择 fileselectionargument 文件选择变元 filesin 文件在 filesinsubdir 子目录中文件 fileslisted 列出文件 filespec 文件说明 filespecification 文件标识 filesselected 选中文件 findfile 文件查寻 fixeddisk 硬盘 fixeddisksetupprogram 硬盘安装程序 fixeserrorsonthedisk 解决磁盘错误 floppydisk 软盘 FORMatdiskette 格式化磁盘 FORMatsadiskforusewithmsdos 格式化用于MS-DOS的磁盘 FORMfeed 进纸 freememory 闲置内存 fullscreen 全屏幕 functionprocedure 函数过程 graphical 图解的 graphicslibrary 图形库 groupdirectoriesfirst 先显示目录组 hangup 挂断 harddisk 硬盘 hardwaredetection 硬件检测 hasbeen 已经 helpfile 帮助文件 helpindex 帮助索引 helpinFORMation 帮助信息 helppath 帮助路径 helpscreen 帮助屏 helptext 帮助说明 helptopics 帮助主题 helpwindow 帮助窗口 hiddenfile 隐含文件 hiddenfileattribute 隐含文件属性 hiddenfiles 隐含文件 howto 操作方式 ignorecase 忽略大小写 inbothconventionalanduppermemory 在常规和上位内存 incorrectdos 不正确的DOS incorrectdosversion DOS 版本不正确 indicatesabinaryfile 表示是一个二进制文件 indicatesanasciitextfile 表示是一个ascii文本文件 insertmode 插入方式 insteadofusingchkdsktryusingscandisk 请用scandisk,不要用chkdsk inuse 在使用 invaliddirectory 无效的目录 is 是 kbytes 千字节 keyboardtype 键盘类型 labeldisk 标注磁盘 laptop 膝上 largestexecutableprogram 最大可执行程序 largestmemoryblockavailable 最大内存块可用 lefthanded 左手习惯 leftmargin 左边界 linenumber 行号 linenumbers 行号 linespacing 行间距 listbyfilesinsortedorder 按指定顺序显示文件 listfile 列表文件 listof 清单 locatefile 文件定位 lookat 查看 lookup 查找 macroname 宏名字 makedirectory 创建目录 memoryinfo 内存信息 memorymodel 内存模式 menubar 菜单条 menucommand 菜单命令 menus 菜单 messagewindow 信息窗口 microsoft 微软 microsoftantivirus 微软反病毒软件 microsoftcorporation 微软公司 mini 小的 modemsetup 调制解调器安装 modulename 模块名 monitormode 监控状态 monochromemonitor 单色监视器 moveto 移至 multi 多 newdata 新建数据 newer 更新的 newfile 新文件 newname 新名称 newwindow 新建窗口 norton norton nostack 栈未定义 noteusedeltreecautiously 注意:小心使用deltree onlinehelp 联机求助 optionally 可选择地 or 或 pageframe 页面 pagelength 页长 pausesaftereachscreenfulofinFORMation 在显示每屏信息后暂停一下 pctools pc工具 postscript 附言 prefixmeaningnot 前缀意即"不 prefixtoreverseorder 反向显示的前缀 presetswitchesbyprefixinganyswitchwithhyphenforexamplew 用前缀和放在短横线-后的开关(例如/-w)预置开关 pressakeytoresume 按一键继续 pressanykeyforfilefunctions 敲任意键执行文件功能 pressentertokeepthesamedate 敲回车以保持相同的日期 pressentertokeepthesametime 敲回车以保持相同的时间 pressesctocontinue 敲esc继续 pressesctoexit 敲<esc>键退出 pressesctoexitfdisk 敲esc退出fdisk pressesctoreturntofdiskoptions 敲esc返回fdisk选项 previously 在以前 printall 全部打印 printdevice 打印设备 printerport 打印机端口 processesfilesinalldirectoriesinthespecifiedpath 在指定的路径下处理所有目录下的文件 programfile 程序文件 programmingenvironment 程序设计环境 promptsyoubeforecreatingeachdestinationfile 在创建每个目标文件时提醒你 promptsyoutopressakeybeforecopying 在拷贝前提示你敲一下键 pulldown 下拉 pulldownmenus 下拉式选单 quickFORMat 快速格式化 quickview 快速查看 readonlyfile 只读文件 readonlyfileattribute 只读文件属性 readonlyfiles 只读文件 readonlymode 只读方式 redial 重拨 repeatlastfind 重复上次查找 reportfile 报表文件 resize 调整大小 respectively 分别地 rightmargin 右边距 rootdirectory 根目录 runsdebugaprogramtestingandeditingtool 运行debug, 它是一个测试和编辑工具 runtimeerror 运行时出错 saveall 全部保存 saveas 另存为 scandisk 磁盘扫描程序 scandiskcanreliablydetect scandisk可以可靠地发现 screencolors 屏幕色彩 screenoptions 屏幕任选项 screensaver 屏幕暂存器 screensavers 屏幕保护程序 screensize 屏幕大小 scrollbars 翻卷栏 scrolllockoff 滚屏已锁定 searchfor 搜索 sectorspertrack 每道扇区数 selectgroup 选定组 selectionbar 选择栏 setactivepartition 设置活动分区 setupoptions 安装选项 shortcutkeys 快捷键 showclipboard 显示剪贴板 singleside 单面 sizemove 大小/移动 sorthelp S排序H帮助 sortorder 顺序 specialservicesdirectorymaint 特殊服务功能: D目录维护 specifiesdrivedirectoryandorfilestolist 指定要列出的驱动器,目录,和文件 specifiesthatyouwanttochangetotheparentdirectory 指定你想把父目录作为当前目录 specifiesthedirectoryandorfilenameforthenewfile 指定新文件的目录或文件名 specifiesthefileorfilestobecopied 指定要拷贝的文件 stackoverflow 栈溢出 standalone 独立的 startupoptions 启动选项 statusline 状态行 stepover 单步 summaryof 摘要信息 suppressespromptingtoconfirmyouwanttooverwritean 取消确认提示,在你想覆盖一个 swapfile 交换文件 switchesmaybepresetinthedircmdenvironmentvariable 开关可在dircmd环境变量中设置 switchto 切换到 sync 同步 systemfile 系统文件 systemfiles 系统文件 systeminfo 系统信息 systeminFORMation 系统信息程序 tableofcontents 目录 terminalemulation 终端仿真 terminalsettings 终端设置 testfile 测试文件 testfileparameters 测试文件参数 theactivewindow 激活窗口 theswitchymaybepresetinthecopycmdenvironmentvariable /y开关可以在copycmd环境变量中预置 thetwofloppydisksmustbethesametype 两个软磁盘必须是同种类型的 thismaybeoverriddenwithyonthecommandline 在命令行输入/-y可以使之无效 togglebreakpoint 切换断点 tomsdos 转到MS-DOS topmargin 页面顶栏 turnoff 关闭 typecddrivetodisplaythecurrentdirectoryinthespecifieddrive 键入cd驱动器:显示指定驱动器的当前目录 typecdwithoutparameterstodisplaythecurrentdriveanddirectory 键入无参数的cd以显示当前驱动器的当前目录 typedatewithoutparameterstodisplaythecurrentdatesettingand 键入无参数的date,显示当前日期设置和 unmark 取消标记 unselect 取消选择 usesbareFORMat 使用简洁方式 useslowercase 使用小写 useswidelistFORMat 使用宽行显示 usinghelp 使用帮助 verbosely 冗长地 verifiesthatnewfilesarewrittencorrectly 校验新文件是否正确写入了 videomode 显示方式 viewwindow 内容浏览 viruses 病毒 vision 景象 vollabel 卷标 volumelabel 卷标 volumeserialnumberis 卷序号是 windowshelp windows 帮助 wordwrap 整字换行 workingdirectory 正在工作的目录 worm 蠕虫 writemode 写方式 writeto 写到 xmsmemory 扩充内存 youmay 你可以 我把网络安全方面的专业词汇整理了一下,虽然大多是乱谈,但初衷在于初学者能更好的了解这些词汇。不全和错误的地方还望高手补充: Access Control List(ACL) 访问控制列表 access token 访问令牌 account lockout 帐号封锁 account policies 记帐策略 accounts 帐号 adapter 适配器 adaptive speed leveling 自适应速率等级调整 Address Resolution Protocol(ARP) 地址解析协议 Administrator account 管理员帐号 ARPANET 阿帕网(internet的前身) algorithm 算法 alias 别名 allocation 分配、定位 alias 小应用程序 allocation layer 应用层 API 应用程序编程接口 anlpasswd 一种与Passwd+相似的代理密码检查器 applications 应用程序 ATM 异步传递模式 attack 攻击 audio policy 审记策略 auditing 审记、监察 back-end 后端 borde 边界 borde gateway 边界网关 breakabie 可破密的 breach 攻破、违反 cipher 密码 ciphertext 密文 CAlass A domain A类域 CAlass B domain B类域 CAlass C domain C类域 classless addressing 无类地址分配 cleartext 明文 CSNW Netware客户服务 client 客户,客户机 client/server 客户机/服务器 code 代码 COM port COM口(通信端口) CIX 服务提供者 computer name 计算机名 crack 闯入 cryptanalysis 密码分析 DLC 数据


Lantern Festival is a traditional festival of China"s major, also called the Lantern Festival, the Lantern Festival, also known as the Spring Festival,the new year because it is a full moon night. Because of a history of thisfestival guanding practices, so it is also called the Lantern festival. The formation of a longer process the Lantern Festival, according to general information and folk legends, lunar January fifteen in the Western Han Dynasty have attention, Emperor Wu of Han Xin nights on lunar January in Ganquan palace worship "is a" activities, was later regarded as pioneerfifteen lunar January worship gods. However, lunar January fifteen is really a folk festival in Han and Wei dynasties later. Introduction of the Eastern Han Dynasty Buddhist culture, to make the Lantern Festival has an importantsignificance.望采纳


  优越的英文:   superior   superiority   preponderance   precedency   supremacy   ascendency   ascendance   ascendancy   dominance   dominancy   precedence   vantage   meliority   参考例句:   easy living;easy circumstances.   安逸的生活;优越的环境For aught we know, other parts of the cosmos may contain beings as superior to our selves as we are to jelly-fish   说不定宇宙中其他地方还有一些生物,他们优越于我们的程度不亚于我们优越于水母的程度。She longed for a mundane life she often saw down beneath her.   其中最小的一位厌倦了天庭中优越但是与世隔绝的生活,她常常从空中偷看人间,非常向往人间平凡的生活。 One"s discernment and penetration are superlative   才势优越The fallacy of white supremacy   白种优越的谬论Globalization: an ascendant paradigm?   全球化:一种优越的范式?The poisonous doctrine of racialsuperiority   毒害良知的种族优越论.It is well-located and easy of access.   它地理位置优越,交通便利。Even he still lives under the illusion that country life is somehow superior to town life.   即使他存有幻觉,好像乡村生活就是比城市生活优越He gave up favourable living conditions to teach where conditions were hard.   他放弃了优越的生活条件,到艰苦的.地方教书。superior是什么意思:   adj.优良的;强的;级别高的   n. 优胜者;上级;长官   Superior sealing comes from superior materials.   优良的密封效果来源于优质的密封材料。No corporate directorate is superior to law.   没有任何公司的董事会地位高于法律。superior cream wafer   高级夹心威化饼 superiority是什么意思:   n. 优越(性)   Superior sealing comes from superior materials.   优良的密封效果来源于优质的密封材料。No corporate directorate is superior to law.   没有任何公司的董事会地位高于法律。superior cream wafer   高级夹心威化饼 preponderance是什么意思:   n. 重量的优势,优势,优越

英语翻译 “我喜欢你的温柔”

1.I am attracted by your tenderness. 2.I have lost myself in your tenderness. 3.I like your tenderness.

英语翻译 “我喜欢你的温柔”

1.I am attracted by your tenderness. 2.I have lost myself in your tenderness. 3.I like your tenderness.


[选择] showroomtrick=1 packonstart=0 [TimeLevel] t1=10 t2=20 t3=50 [记忆] Heap_on = 1 Heap_8 = 0 Heap_16 = 1 Heap_24 = 0 Heap_32 = 1 Heap_48 = 1 Heap_64 = 0 Heap_80 = 1 Heap_96 = 1 Heap_128 = 1 Heap_160 = 1 Heap_192 = 0 Heap_256 = 0 Heap_320 = 1 [消息] maxMsgNum= 3 minMsgNum = 2 msgLimit = 20 [battlefield_map1601] mapCfgSize=1711 [battlefield_map1602] mapCfgSize=15759 [battlefield_map1603] mapCfgSize=14433 [battlefield_map1604] mapCfgSize=11804 [battlefield_map1605] mapCfgSize=11310 [battlefield_map1606] mapCfgSize=5614 [battlefield_map1607] mapCfgSize=8609 [battlefield_map1608] mapCfgSize=10562 [battlefield_map1609] mapCfgSize=8109 [battlefield_map1610] mapCfgSize=9083 [battlefield_map1611] mapCfgSize=8610 [battlefield_map1612] mapCfgSize=6418 [battlefield_map1613] mapCfgSize=5146 [battlefield_map1614] mapCfgSize=7730 [battlefield_map1615] mapCfgSize=8298 [battlefield_map1616] mapCfgSize=11091 [battlefield_map1617] mapCfgSize=11608 [battlefield_map1618] mapCfgSize=9803 [battlefield_map1619] mapCfgSize=10947 [battlefield_map1620] mapCfgSize=2786 [battlefield_map1621] mapCfgSize=7386 [battlefield_map1622] mapCfgSize=4175 [支柱] propCfgSize=1621430 [pvedata] pvedataCfgSize=0


you"re asking the right person!我就是学者个专业的,呵呵 不过资料在学校

capture card 的中文意思 英语翻译成汉语

capture: n.抓取,战利品,捕获之物 v.抓取,获得,迷住 capture card 意为采集卡,搜集卡.


  机械设计专业术语的英语翻译   阿基米德蜗杆 archimedes worm   安全系数 safety factor; factor of safety   安全载荷 safe load   凹面、凹度 concavity   扳手 wrench   板簧 flat leaf spring   半圆键 woodruff key   变形 deformation   摆杆 oscillating bar   摆动从动件 oscillating follower   摆动从动件凸轮机构 cam with oscillating follower   摆动导杆机构 oscillating guide-bar mechanism   摆线齿轮 cycloidal gear   摆线齿形 cycloidal tooth profile   摆线运动规律 cycloidal motion   摆线针轮 cycloidal-pin wheel   包角 angle of contact   保持架 cage   背对背安装 back-to-back arrangement   背锥 back cone ; normal cone   背锥角 back angle   背锥距 back cone distance   比例尺 scale   比热容 specific heat capacity   闭式链 closed kinematic chain   闭链机构 closed chain mechanism   臂部 arm   变频器 frequency converters   变频调速 frequency control of motor speed   变速 speed change   变速齿轮 change gear ; change wheel   变位齿轮 modified gear   变位系数 modification coefficient   标准齿轮 standard gear   标准直齿轮 standard spur gear   表面质量系数 superficial mass factor   表面传热系数 surface coefficient of heat transfer   表面粗糙度 surface roughness   并联式组合 combination in parallel   并联机构 parallel mechanism   并联组合机构 parallel combined mechanism   并行工程 concurrent engineering   并行设计 concurred design, cd   不平衡相位 phase angle of unbalance   不平衡 imbalance (or unbalance)   不平衡量 amount of unbalance   不完全齿轮机构 intermittent gearing   波发生器 wave generator   波数 number of waves   补偿 compensation   参数化设计 parameterization design, pd   残余应力 residual stress   操纵及控制装置 operation control device   槽轮 geneva wheel   槽轮机构 geneva mechanism ; maltese cross   槽数 geneva numerate   槽凸轮 groove cam   侧隙 backlash   差动轮系 differential gear train   差动螺旋机构 differential screw mechanism   差速器 differential   常用机构 conventional mechanism; mechanism in common use   车床 lathe   承载量系数 bearing capacity factor   承载能力 bearing capacity   成对安装 paired mounting   尺寸系列 dimension series   齿槽 tooth space   齿槽宽 spacewidth   齿侧间隙 backlash   齿顶高 addendum   齿顶圆 addendum circle   齿根高 dedendum   齿根圆 dedendum circle   齿厚 tooth thickness   齿距 circular pitch   齿宽 face width   齿廓 tooth profile   齿廓曲线 tooth curve   齿轮 gear   齿轮变速箱 speed-changing gear boxes   齿轮齿条机构 pinion and rack   齿轮插刀 pinion cutter; pinion-shaped shaper cutter   齿轮滚刀 hob ,hobbing cutter   齿轮机构 gear   齿轮轮坯 blank   齿轮传动系 pinion unit   齿轮联轴器 gear coupling   齿条传动 rack gear   齿数 tooth number   齿数比 gear ratio   齿条 rack   齿条插刀 rack cutter; rack-shaped shaper cutter   齿形链、无声链 silent chain   齿形系数 form factor   齿式棘轮机构 tooth ratchet mechanism   插齿机 gear shaper   重合点 coincident points   重合度 contact ratio   冲床 punch   传动比 transmission ratio, speed ratio   传动装置 gearing; transmission gear   传动系统 driven system   传动角 transmission angle   传动轴 transmission shaft   串联式组合 combination in series   串联式组合机构 series combined mechanism   串级调速 cascade speed control   创新 innovation ; creation   创新设计 creation design   垂直载荷、法向载荷 normal load   唇形橡胶密封 lip rubber seal   磁流体轴承 magnetic fluid bearing   从动带轮 driven pulley   从动件 driven link, follower   从动件平底宽度 width of flat-face   从动件停歇 follower dwell   从动件运动规律 follower motion   从动轮 driven gear   粗线 bold line   粗牙螺纹 coarse thread   大齿轮 gear wheel   打包机 packer   打滑 slipping   带传动 belt driving   带轮 belt pulley   带式制动器 band brake   单列轴承 single row bearing   单向推力轴承 single-direction thrust bearing   单万向联轴节 single universal joint   单位矢量 unit vector   当量齿轮 equivalent spur gear; virtual gear   当量齿数 equivalent teeth number; virtual number of teeth   当量摩擦系数 equivalent coefficient of friction   当量载荷 equivalent load   刀具 cutter   导数 derivative   倒角 chamfer   导热性 conduction of heat   导程 lead   导程角 lead angle   等加等减速运动规律 parabolic motion; constant acceleration and deceleration motion   等速运动规律 uniform motion; constant velocity motion   等径凸轮 conjugate yoke radial cam   等宽凸轮 constant-breadth cam   等效构件 equivalent link   等效力 equivalent force   等效力矩 equivalent moment of force   等效量 equivalent   等效质量 equivalent mass   等效转动惯量 equivalent moment of inertia   等效动力学模型 dynamically equivalent model   底座 chassis   低副 lower pair   点划线 chain dotted line   (疲劳)点蚀 pitting   垫圈 gasket   垫片密封 gasket seal   碟形弹簧 belleville spring   顶隙 bottom clearance   定轴轮系 ordinary gear train; gear train with fixed axes   动力学 dynamics   动密封 kinematical seal   动能 dynamic energy   动力粘度 dynamic viscosity   动力润滑 dynamic lubrication   动平衡 dynamic balance   动平衡机 dynamic balancing machine   动态特性 dynamic characteristics   动态分析设计 dynamic analysis design   动压力 dynamic reaction   动载荷 dynamic load   端面 transverse plane   端面参数 transverse parameters   端面齿距 transverse circular pitch   端面齿廓 transverse tooth profile   端面重合度 transverse contact ratio   端面模数 transverse module   端面压力角 transverse pressure angle   锻造 forge

请懂机械英语翻译的朋友进来帮帮忙 小弟急需解决

agma质量人数有多少牙齿正常diameteral足球场标准的足球场,直径正常的压力角齿形式(每agma 207.05 ) max.cir.tooth厚度对std.pitch税务局局长增编齿轮测试半径外径+ .000/-.005 垫齿轮零件编号营运中心的距离max.measurement超过销瓦特/反弹针直径反弹阶层总的综合公差齿向齿复合宽容




funny读法英 [ˈfʌni]  美 [ˈfʌni]adj.滑稽的,有趣的;古怪的,难以解释的;微恙的,稍有不适的;生气的,不友好的;疯疯癫癫的词汇搭配:Funny but funny 好好玩;歹差玩FUNNY FACES 滑稽小丑;鬼脸少年俱乐部Funny Games趣味游戏funny shit 有趣的东西;有趣的工具词语用法:funny的基本含义是“滑稽的,有趣的”。在口语中还可表示“古怪的,耍花招的,搞鬼的”,主要强调引人发笑的效果。funny在句中可作定语、表语或宾语补足语。funny前可用very修饰。funny的比较级为funnier,最高级为funniest。示例:Children get some very funny ideas sometimes!.孩子们有时候有一些非常奇怪的想法。


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The debate process 1, the stage of being heard (1) and against a side debate to speak (2) and against two parties dialectic speech 2, to cross-examine (attack debate) stage (1) to the anti-question second debate (2) two or three square dialectical answer (3) anti-party debate three questions (4) square two or three debates to answer 3, free debate From the square to speak first, and then counter-party to speak in order that both sides take turns to speak. The two sides each time the cumulative 5 minutes. 4, summing up stage (1) to four anti argued conclusion (2) four square dialectical conclusion


1 但必须指出的是,它是我国的一项基本国策,控制人口增长的同时,提高出生人口素质。2 必须记住除了努力付出没有别的成功的办法3 可以看出,世界上没有克服不了的困难5 正如人们所知,知识就是力量6 谚语:车到山前必有路7 很难想象爱迪生如何每天工作20小时8 很难说计划是否可行9 毫无疑问,如果你有任何困难,别人会帮助你10实际上,有很多错误,我们本来是可以避免的11正如我们所知,直到最近,这个问题才得到解决12一切都表明,没有任何东西可以阻止我们达成我们的目标13据我们所知,他花了一年写完着本书14事实证明他的理论是正确的15坦率地说,不管你喜欢与否,你都没有别的选择16只要我们坚持努力,我们将取得成功17事实上,我们必须做出更大的努力,否则无法赶上与发达国家18(不会)19在某种意义上说,一个成功的科学家,是一个永远不会满足于他已经取得的成绩的人20不可否认,新的管理方法,大大提高了产量21当他听到意想不到的消息时,他太惊讶以致于说不出话来22谚语世上无难事,只怕有心人23没有人可以阻止我们实现四个现代化24现在在中国,越来越多的家庭可以买得起高品位的商品,如洗衣机,电视机,视频录像机等25不论学习英语多么困难,我们都要尽自己最大的努力去学习26活到老学到老27没有付出就没有收获






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英语翻译 就是用英语讲解泡龙井茶的步骤...

Water temperature is concerned, the application of about 75 degrees Celsius to 85 degrees Celsius water. Do not use boiling water in 100 degrees Celsius, as Longjing tea is not been fermented tea, so tea itself is very tender. If you use hot water to brew, putting tea roll bad, but also the taste of bitter brewed together and affect taste. So how do control the water temperature? We certainly do not get the thermometer to the amount of support, so the best is to first boiling water poured into a "fair cup", and then poured into Chazhong brew, so you can easily control the water temperature. Another point to bear in mind, is the need of high red, low-down. Because of "high impulse" can increase the water column when the area of contact with air, so that the effect of cooling is more efficient. Tea is good, poured out after tea and, if so do not intend to brew immediately in respect of the Chazhong the lid open, do not close the. As for the amount of tea, the tea, just at the end of the Chazhong covered enough. Brewing time is to increase the number of times with the brew. Chinese tea culture - the bubble law does not Longjing a certain way, but enjoy the taste of the Longjing tea when the tea is not just beauty, but also in the brewing process can be further appreciation of Longjing tea leaves flag changes in the beauty of the gun ups and downs; in here to introduce me to tea, the faithful three kinds of Longjing tea brewing method, or may be referred to as "Longjing tea brewing taste", which is in the "Hong Kong Museum of Tea Ware branch," produced by "Chinese Tea" vcd in the acquisition, I named it "Three get Longjing", the desire to brew Longjing tea, when the faithful to bring in some small fun. Another worth mentioning is the "Chinese Tea" Longjing chapters Trailers mentioned: 『taste the flavor, to taste also』 actually, this sentence is rather the value of Longjing tea tasting Catholics gradually began to feel.


He pretended not seeing me when I was coming in.


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