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Your May 10 of the fax had been received. You drafted a "letter of intent" and "memorandum" on the terms of our reply is as follows:1. The total investment issues. Our goal is to build a new annual output of 100,000 tons of glass. We agree with the minimum investment for maximum benefit. How much total investment that we can attempt to gauge the feasibility study. But the 800,000 estimate is not enough, we should not be subject to government approval authority one million constraints. Regardless of how much the total investment, we will be responsible for obtaining the legal approval procedures.2. The proportion of funding between the two. Does your party consider raising the proportion of capital contribution. Because our country has to implement revenue-sharing, the greater the foreign invested joint venture companies pay taxes to the local government"s revenue contribution to the greater. Therefore, local governments would give more support to such enterprises.3. Contribution form. To determine the proportion of funding from both sides, all the investment should be regarded as a joint venture behavior. In the operation, we will give full play to both sides advantages, such as your side are familiar with the advantages of technology and equipment, we are familiar with land acquisition, plant construction, and the advantages of supporting the local utilities. However, investment in these expenditures would be subject to confirmation by both parties, and afterwards by the Chinese registered accountants to audit, under-expenditure of any party to the original investment proportion of funds should be to complement the ratio of investment in part of the excess funds by the joint venture company to make repayment. If the final actual total investment exceeds the investment budget, the two sides should be the proportion of the original funding additional investment.3. For your company visit scheme, we warmly welcome. Unfortunately, Chang-cause something to go out, we should be back at the end. Therefore, if visiting the date can not be changed, then I will negotiate with you, Mr. Lee is responsible for, I believe that the two sides of the sincerity and efforts, our cooperation will be successful.


1. The seller at his own factory or warehouse to deliver the goods to the buyer 2. The seller must deliver the goods to the buyer"s designated carrier 3. Shipment and post shipment caused by events in the disappearance and damage of goods. 4. The burden of bringing the goods to the destination country all the necessary costs and risks 5. Uniform the goods to the named port of destination the necessary costs and freight6.since卖方拿出保险benfit买方,他将不知道买方的精确要求 7.Under的协会货物保险条款所起草iustitute伦敦保险商,保险可在“最低限度的包括”根据第角他8.If他希望卖方安排这样的保险,他必须责令因此,在这种情况下,卖方必须提供这种onsurance如果procurable 。








由于根据拉伸和耐压强度的根据专业化测试的易碎性和易得,他们是常用的在工程分析。根据相关分析, Kahraman认为,在B5、B6和TBM之中的交互作用渗透率、转台式钻子的pentration率, B8和有敲击特征的钻子的渗透率存在。相反,没有在B5, B6之中的clare交互作用,并且有敲击特征的钻子的thepenetration率、B8和转台式钻子的渗透率, B7和转台式钻子之间的渗透率的交互作用是好。主要归结于在TBM peneration、旋转钻探和冲击钻探的不同的岩石破损precoss。Percussvie是在有敲击特征dilling的统治因素,并且过程是冲击试验process.the过程retaled晃动压缩和拉伸stength的similarto。因此, B5, B6,更加适当的B7are关联TBM和转台式钻子的渗透率


The freezing, the refrigeration, the refrigerator defrosts, the freezer storage defrosts





英语翻译 服装



Ladder drill, drills, milling cutters, boring tools, gun drill, tap


一. 那么这个队伍在赢了全部这些比赛后荣升到甲级,与之相随的是压力。moved up to the top division 是升到甲级的意思。甲级应该是足球里面一个比赛标准,比如说意大利甲级联赛。二. 我总是向上帝祈祷下雨,那么我们就不用训练了,当然所有的队伍进行操练这是必要的。drill [dril] n.钻头;操练 v.钻(孔),打(眼);操练三。他们被他们从家长或者教练那里感到的所有压力耗尽了(热情)。with作burned out 的补语,解释他们是被什么耗尽了热情。

蠢的英语翻译 蠢用英语怎么说



fly off the handle, flip out, act out violently




shake[英][ʃeɪk][美][ʃek]vt.动摇; 摇头; 使发抖; 使心绪不宁[烦恼,惊吓]; vi.摇(出),抖(掉); 握手; (嗓音)颤抖; n.摇动; 震动; 哆嗦; 混合饮料;


我来试试吧 我也是电子专业的在一个典型的系统发射机终端(我们一般叫发射终端)将包含一个输入传感器,它把空气中讲话压力波转化成电波信号。该输入传感器通常称为麦克风。同样地,扬声器可以看成是接收终端.输出传感器是将接收到的电波信号转换成声音。传输通路指的是一种媒介.电波通过该媒介从发射终端传输到接收终端。所谓的交流者指的是通过向麦克风说话提供声音信号,再由扩音器获得传送过来的信号。在实践中,发送器或接收终端将可能包含一个放大器。这就保证了即使即使声音信号很小. 也可以传送出可辨别的信号给扩音器.为了讨论的例子,说明他们的财产,我们必须引进一些额外的术语,并提出一些定义。首先,在我们将从电信系统的电波信号开始.其实这段话讲的就是输入和输出. 大概意思是 麦克风是将声音信号转化成电波信号, 而扩音器是讲电波信号转为人类可识别的声音信号.而加入放大器的原因是有时候 获得的声音可能会比较小. 放大器可以放大获得的信号.. 通过处理之后, 我们就比较能够获得一些识别度高一点的信号. 这样就可以转化成质量较高的信号了...额 希望我解释的够清楚

敏锐的英语翻译 敏锐用英语怎么说

敏锐 [词典] keen; sharp; acute; acumen; acuity; [例句]他具备了所需的敏锐的洞察力和坚定的行事态度。He has the keen eye and robust approach needed.


招收司机1.无交通违规记录2.相貌端正 3.年龄大于25岁报道单位:深圳CAPES出租车公司招收空姐1.20岁至33岁2.身高 160cm 至 175cm3.会两门外语4.本科毕业报道单位:中国航空,北京招收法语教师此为私立语言学校;要有任教经验报到单位:INSTANT外语有限公司,大连楼主圣诞快乐!

daisimao88 英语翻译

"Commissioner" series of high-quality green tea, mountain spring bud for the selection of raw materials, production processes known (exquisite), beauty products-green, fragrant smell, taste, Mrs Pamela Tan Kam Mi (mellow). The drug has obvious refreshing (refreshing) effectiveness, the drinks are all ages, the product known as the ideal natural green drinks (beverage) and health drinks.


祝贺你在无垠我们主耶稣基督的名,我很高兴为你的回应我的邮件,我不畏惧死亡,因为我知道我去,我唯一的问题是,看到我的前任丈夫的愿望来成就,现在我还活着,那么昂贵的人在基督里我要你告诉我,你将永远不要让你的信任,我已经在你失望了,你将使用基金accondingly的全能的神。 我知道你会收到这封信,但作为一种永生上帝的仆人,你应该知道我们的方式,我不是他的方式告诉我,神的作品《圣经》在许多方面与一切运转良好,相信基督耶稣,我需要从你向我保证你不会背叛信任我要在你的手中委托给神的工作时,你可以问我,我是如何在你的电子邮件,说,谁是我的bilbe比谁的世界,圣灵,带我到你不会让我们失望的时候,只要你能相信有信心。 好了,我想让你明白这仁在实现的愿望和决定我的前任丈夫,我深信,该基金是实现desiginated人道主义和慈善机构服务,特别强调必须缴费用每个拨款、责任和谨慎,以致荣耀归与神。 我想要你去寄给我你的姓名和地址,使我发誓的宣誓书以您的名义宣誓,将正式批准你的合法,对该基金的第二受益人,这样,即使我没有更多的资金,你将不会被怀疑。我将送你这支基金存款单宣誓书后立即准备好了。 我想要你在你的安排请快的基金将会转移到你之前的危机,因为在象牙海岸的政治事件影响了他们的经济。事实上,圣徒们一直禁食和祈求和平的国家的反叛分子的袭击以来。 确保你回复这封信立刻所需要的信息,为proccess代表你对这笔交易。 最重要的是:我喜欢这是保密的,所以我方,切记不能打你电话,我们所有的comminucation会因我的前任丈夫杂费的亲戚。 谢谢,愿上帝保佑美国。 姐姐丽塔·威廉姆斯。 注:我有我自己的照片,附上…我将会很高兴的



英语翻译 我不知道王昭君出塞的译文

1.Han during his reign of the Han dynasty, a period of prosperity again. Time, for the king because of the power elite, force more decline Later, the Huns split five Chanyu separation continued to attack each other. One Huhanye Chanyu named by his brother Zhizhi (zh sound Zhi Si) Chanyu defeat. a lot of men killed or wounded. Huhanxie minister and discuss the results with the determination of the Han dynasty, and, personally took down an audience with the Ministry of the Han Emperor. Huhanxie is one of the addressees of the original audience, like the Han Emperor VIP hospitality like to entertain him. Changan personally to the countryside to meet him, he held a grand banquet. Huhanye Chanyu Changan live in a month. He asked him to go back to the Han Emperor help. Han Emperor promised to send 10,000 of the two generals to lead a cavalry escort him to Monan. At this time, the king is lack of food, kind Han also sent 34,000 (h ú tone, a kind of struggle in ancient times 10) food. Huhanye Chanyu very grateful, and the Han Dynasty, and a good one. States and the West Han Dynasty and Xiongnu hear well, are scrambling to deal with the Han dynasty. Han Emperor died, his son Liu Shi (phonetic sh Si) ascended the throne, Emperor Hanyuan. Not years, the king of the Western Regions Zhizhi Chanyu violations States, the scrapping of the Han Dynasty sent envoys. Han troops hit Kangju defeat Zhizhi Chanyu, Zhizhi Chanyu killed. Zhizhi Chanyu death Huhanye Chanyu a stable position. BC 33, Huhanye Chanyu again to Changan, asking the Han Dynasty and the pro. Emperor Hanyuan agree. Han during his reign of the Han dynasty, a period of prosperity again. Time, for the king because of the power elite, force more decline Later, the Huns split five Chanyu separation continued to attack each other. One Huhanye Chanyu named by his brother Zhizhi (zh sound Zhi Si) Chanyu defeat. a lot of men killed or wounded. Huhanxie minister and discuss the results with the determination of the Han dynasty, and, personally took down an audience with the Ministry of the Han Emperor. Huhanxie is one of the addressees of the original audience, like the Han Emperor VIP hospitality like to entertain him. Changan personally to the countryside to meet him, he held a grand banquet. Huhanye Chanyu Changan live in a month. He asked him to go back to the Han Emperor help. Han Emperor promised to send 10,000 of the two generals to lead a cavalry escort him to Monan. At this time, the king is lack of food, kind Han also sent 34,000 (h ú tone, a kind of struggle in ancient times 10) food. Huhanye Chanyu very grateful, and the Han Dynasty, and a good one. States and the West Han Dynasty and Xiongnu hear well, are scrambling to deal with the Han dynasty. Han Emperor died, his son Liu Shi (phonetic sh Si) ascended the throne, Emperor Hanyuan. Not years, the king of the Western Regions Zhizhi Chanyu violations States, the scrapping of the Han Dynasty sent envoys. Han troops hit Kangju defeat Zhizhi Chanyu, Zhizhi Chanyu killed. Zhizhi Chanyu death Huhanye Chanyu a stable position. BC 33, Huhanye Chanyu again to Changan, asking the Han Dynasty and the pro. Emperor Hanyuan agree. Before Han and Xiongnu and the pro-seal or clan"s daughter Princess challenges months. This time, the Emperor Hanyuan months odalisque decided to challenge him, and he asked people to pass on messages to the title : "Who is willing to go to the king. When the emperor Princess put her approach. "Empress of the odalisque are elected from the public, they entered the palace. Just as the birds were locked in veritable cages, are hoping that they can one day claim to the Palais des Nations. But they would leave the country to the king, he is not happy. An odalisque character Qiang (phonetic fed Mr. ng), also known as Wang Zhaojun and look very beautiful and are very knowledgeable. To own life, she took reservations, and go voluntarily to the pro-king. Minister in charge of the candidates who are not anxious to hear Wang Zhaojun is going, so she submitted the name of Emperor Hanyuan. Emperor Hanyuan instructed the Minister of optional days of work, and Wang Zhaojun in Changan Huhanye Chanyu get married. Huhanye Chanyu got such a young and beautiful wife, happy and grateful mood is not to say. Grateful to the Emperor Hanyuan and Wang Zhaojun Huhanye Chanyu when Emperor Hanyuan see Lady beautiful person, somewhat reluctant. Wang Zhaojun he wants to leave, but has been late. Legend Emperor Hanyuan return Naigu, more and more convinced upset. He shared among the portraits were telling people from the show as Lady view. Despite the somewhat look like, but I did not lovely Lady. Odalisque palace of the original, are generally not see the emperor, but by the painter painted a portrait Where have the discretion to select the emperor. Maoyanshou a painter known for portraits of the odalisque, send gifts to the ladies came up to him, he would paint beautiful. Wang Zhaojun reluctant to give gifts, beauty Wang Zhaojun Maoyanshou not accurately drawn. Furious Emperor Hanyuan, Maoyanshou killed. Xiongnu in the Han Dynasty and Wang Zhaojun, escorted by officials from the Chang"an. She riding horses, braving the biting cold wind, the way to the Huns, the Hsiungnu done Huhanye Chanyu. Over a long time, she will slowly accustomed to the life, and gets along well with people Huns. Xiongnu people like her, respect her. Wang Zhaojun away from their home to stay in the Huns. Huhanye Chanyu advised her not to go to war, and also pass on the culture of the Central Plains Huns. After this fight, Huns and Han live in harmony, 60 years did not go to war. Wang Zhaojun left Changan not long before Emperor Hanyuan died, his son Liu Ao (phonetic à o) ascended the throne, is Han Dynasty. 翻译网页 阿拉伯文到英语 BETA朝鲜语到英语 BETA德语到法语德语到英语俄语到英语 BETA法语到德语法语到英语葡萄牙语到英语日语到英语 BETA西班牙语到英语意大利语到英语英语到阿拉伯文 BETA英语到朝鲜语 BETA英语到德语英语到俄语 BETA英语到法语英语到葡萄牙语英语到日语 BETA英语到西班牙语英语到意大利语英语到中文(简体) BETA中文(简体)到英语 BETA

私生子的英语翻译 私生子用英语怎么说

私生子 [词典] bastard; bastardy; illegitimate child; child born out of wedlock; love [natural] child;



证券英语翻译:plain-vanilla common stock是什么意思?



MOORING LINE HOOK-UP系泊线连接Diag.198 Detail of deck operations on an A:HTS to recover mooring chain ,crosshaul messenger and pull in chain,connect and prepare for crosshaul to FPSOdiag.198甲板操作的一个细节:HTS恢复系泊链,在链拉横向装运的信使,连接和准备横向装运到FPSO1.1。End of anchor chain recovered on board CHV (chain handling vessel) and hauled. forward as far as required for connection and marking of stopper and hang-off link—secured in jaws 1端锚链(链板脱落恢复处理容器)和拖。向前的连接和标记的塞子和挂断安全的下巴12.2。End of 200m installation chain from FPSO pulled onto stern - secured using jaws 2最后200m安装链拉到船尾的FPSO利用爪2担保with suitable tail for connection.有连接的合适的尾巴。3.三.Free end of anchor chain pulled aft to connect to installation chain , using lug less link.锚链自由端拉到安装链,使用无耳连接。Work wire connected to anchor chain with "fuse wire" as far outboard as possible consistant with winch being able to take the load of both chain parts.工作线连接到锚链“保险丝”尽可能符合绞车能够两链部分负荷远外侧。4.4。Winch takes load of both chain parts - both sets of jaws released.Winch需要两个链部分的负载-这两套颌骨释放。CHV work winch to pay out, with FPSO heaving up chain to keep bight as small as possible - avoid contact with FPSO bilgeCHV工作绞车交出来,与FPSO托起链保持尽可能的小海湾为避免与FPSO舱底接触559五百五十九MOORING LINE HOOK-UP系泊线连接Diag.199 Event sequence for mooring line pull-in -internal turret系泊线拉在内部炮塔diag.199事件序列Pull-in winch (chain gypsey)牵引绞车(链gypsey)Pull-in winch牵引绞车Pre-rigged messenger前帆的信使Messenger chain信使链P&A winch wire绞车钢丝绳1. Connect pre-rigged messenger wire to messenger chain. .1。将预安装的信使线连接到信使链。。2.Pass messenger to AHT.2通过信使AHT。3. Slack messenger chain to AHT. AHT moves to ISV .三.松弛信使链AHT。AHT移动ISV。4.AHT hands over messenger chain to ISV4.aht交信使链ISV5. ISV connects messenger chain to mooring line top chain and P&A winch.5。ISV将信使链锚泊线顶链和P和绞车。1. ISV slacks out on P&A wire.1。ISV的长裤在A线。2. FPSO heaves in on messenger chain.2。FPSO凸起在Messenger上链。3. Once FPSO has mooringliIle in, connect catenary - cut loose P&A wire with ROV,三.一旦有mooringliile FPSO,连接链切割松P &导线与ROV,4. Continue recovery of messenger chain with mooring line. Top chain is reached and stopped off4。带锚链的信使链的继续恢复。顶部链达到并停止ROV monitors catenaryROV监督链ROV cuts looseROV削减宽松P&A wire电线和电线560五百六十MOORING LINE HOOK-UP系泊线连接Diag. 200 Set up of messengers and PIW for crosshaul - external turretDiag. 200建立信使和PIW为横向装运外炮塔1.Establishing connection for PIW crosshaul1。建立连接,加强横向装运Use line-throwing gun使用线投掷枪Rocket gun火箭枪Rocket line火箭线200m 32mm messenger200m 32mm信使100m x 76mm polypropylene messenger100m×76mm聚丙烯信使Diver LARS潜水员LarsPull-in winch牵引绞车80mm pull-in80mm拉Chain table链表Chain stopper止链器Bring FPSO to within 50m of vessel把FPSO在50米的容器(ISV)holding mooring line(ISV)控股的锚泊线Establish messenger connection建立通讯连接Crosshaul messenger横向装运的信使


1 If there is no nature reserves, is likely more animals will be extinct. 2 of the natural environment are examples of great changes. 3 create a wildlife conservation area is the protection of animals, another effective measures. 4 He found that to catch up with the progress of physics is difficult. 5 Now, China can compete with most countries in the world. 6 These warships are equipped with nuclear weapons. 7 We are very pleased that he can survive a heart attack. 8 tiger extinction in our country can not be ignored.

英语翻译 Cape (一个城市的名字)


英语翻译Hopefully I might be able to get back to you.

Hopefully I might be able to get back to you.希望我能回到你。希望可能的话,我能够回到你的身边


希望对你有帮助Hoping This Helps;HTH望采纳,谢谢!


Andy, the sample department has just given the samples to me, but I don"t think it"s necessary to mail them to you, because they"re exactly the same as the ones last time. Last time, all of our samples failed the test. The reason is that our products are not exactly the same as yours, rather than the qualification of our products is bad. I"ve ask the manager whether we can produce the same products as yours, but he said it was impossible. Because even for the same product, with different ways to get raw material, different factories produces differently, and it"s just impossible to achieve pure identity.I"m sorry to inform you all above, but I hope you can reexamine the samples I sent to you last time, in order to see if they have qualification defects, instead of examining them to see if they are exactly the same as your products.

我们说的“鄙视”如何恰当用英语翻译出来呢 那些desipise ,look down upon 好像都没有中国文化的意思

shame on you

轻视的词组 英语翻译成汉语

表示轻视的动词有 despise disdain neglect contempt 词组有look down onmake light ofset light by


Tourism in China is tiring but it is also happy, how do you determine your travel tourism is a success or failure. 2. In short, the train service is efficient. 3. You need the votes of the type you travel the distance from the decision. 4. Some of you from a sea port to another port. (Exist) 5. The most attractive sea from Chongqing to Shanghai"s waterways. 6. This province is the need to facilitate the cost of - votes more expensive. 7. In recent decades, much improved safety record. 8. Purchasing tickets bought is available. (Available) 9. CAAC has China is the sole air services. 10. State-owned bus service is timely and cheap. 11. Private car, and others are often full before departure. 12. Not a feeling comparable to the ground from the plane perspective. 13. Me standing there, watching the Sydney Hubble Bridge. 14. Located in the edge of the spectacular Sydney Opera House, this 40-story bridge higher than Australia"s largest city. 15. This bridge looks beautiful. 16. His mind normal? 17. Raritan Bridge is such a crazy thing. 18. Our personal belongings and stored properly replaced Raritan Bridge special clothing. 19. Organizers demonstrated to us how to use seat belts. 20. Down from the sky, we can see that many cars in Mobile. 21. Our board to enter into Qiaoju ladder. 22. We climb higher, the greater the wind going on. 23. We come into view more and more urban part (come into view) 24. Bridge we are near the top of the issue of the utmost. 25. Vantage us to the surrounding cities. 26. All proud of the arrival of the urban areas. 27. The time seems to have an instant. 28. Had a taste of this unique landscape of memory will be with our lives. 29 As you might call a waitress and she had offended her. 30. Along with the changes in society, changes in the language. (So) 31. It has given people the feeling respected. 32. Too much emphasis on the word sex was carefully avoided. 33. I like singing rather than dancing. 34. Some terms are being replaced. 35. Operations including writing text. 36. Chairperson is more popular terminology. 37. He stayed home instead of going to the cinema. (Instead) 38. They do not like the defendant of what they use the word. 39. They do not think that they have a duty to let people feel better. 40. People do change with the times. (Do) 41. Initiative I drove him and returned to the hotel. 42. He politely accepted, I gave him piggyback. 43. I drive the road with watching in front of the eyes . (With…) 44. I have the signal is clear: Do you dare not to complete the work? (Two) I have been signed clearly:Do you dare not to finish the work?45. Reading text, the attention of pronunciation. 46. We will find that our viewers and we also do not have language exchange. 47. Book and I exchanged with you, I take my red book for you blue. 48. The novels are based on historical events. 49. You talked about a not go down well story. (Go down well) 50. This information should be oriented content changes. 51. I suggest that your mother to the United States. (Two) 52. Many students the reasons for his failure is the lack of attention on the lesson. 53. North dry. 54. Worse, chatting softly is a warning. 55. You are the first to the school. 56. This attitude needs to change immediately. 57. It"s clear that there are no difficults on your way (Clear)


1the foreign ministor and the US president have communicated with each other about the matter. 2 the reaching of a peace sign cheer the mass up . 3the deputy manager exchange the company s benefits for personal s honour . 4he records every stone s weight and adds the data .5 lacking in current funds ,their company broke down . 6the police found the clues to help them catch rubbers . 7 the advertisement phrase based the situations is carried on newspapers and magazines,but outcome isn"t good . 8newspaper didn"t mention the essential reason for the two nabber countries point of dispute .

互换的英语翻译 互换用英语怎么说




So information was exchanged 英语翻译,翻译学霸来


foreign actors 除了外国演员有元首之类的意思吗?字典上只有演员的意思,英语翻译不出来


电容器的英语翻译 电容器用英语怎么说



" artificial intelligence"( Artificial Intelligence) brief name AI.It is a new technique science that intellective theories, method, technique that research, develop to used for the emulation, extension with expand the person and apply the system. Artificial intelligence how the research use the calculator imitates, extension with expand the person"s intelligence;How to use the calculator more intelligent;How to design with construct to have the horizontal calculator in high intelligence application system;How to design with make more intelligent calculator and higher intelligence in level in intelligence calculator etc.s. The artificial intelligence is a branch of calculator science, the artificial intelligence is a technical front in science in calculator along the technology realm. Artificial intelligence and calculator software relation having closely.On the other hand, every kind of artificial intelligence application the system all uses the calculator software realizes, on the other hand, many intelligent calculators software also applied the theories method of the artificial intelligence with the technique.For example, expert system software, machine 博弈 software etc..But, the artificial intelligence is unequal to the software, besides software excluding, still have hardware and other automations with correspond by letter the equipments. Artificial intelligence although is a branch of calculator science, it of however the research not only involves calculator science, but also still involve brain science, neurophysiology, psychology, linguistics, logic learns, perception( thought) science, behavioral science is with mathematics and information theories, control to talk about to talk about etc. many courses realm with the system.Therefore, artificial intelligence in reality is a the door synthesizes to cross the course sexually with the edge course. Artificial intelligence brief name AI it although is a branch of calculator science, it of however the research included a lot of courses, row,such as brain course, neurophysiology,, the in the mind learns, linguistics, the logic learns, the thought learns, the behavior learns etc. a lot of a courses. therefore, artificial intelligence in reality is a the door synthesize to cross the course sexually with the edge course.The terrace of AI will apply to the intelligence network terrace first, formation intelligence server system. Social one-step one-step development, and very quick, the calculator technique of the now can"t satisfy the need of now already and more and more. so say that the development of the calculator will experience necessarily the artificial intelligence turns into. Who can own this technique first?Own. does the NET Microsoft own JAVA a SUN still a new-born and other the company of IT still? Always like the Microsoft that 垄 break its is said already the foundation of proceeding the artificial intelligence developped. Occupy the SUN of the weight of bigness to how allow to pass it again in the boundary of IT? Let so our 拭 eyes in order to wait for, greet the baptism of the calculator modern ear.


The dole first met her husband was out of her temperament was deeply attracted. so he was determined to make the woman to himself, he can succeed because he had money. and fair word is god, emma out of her vanity and very rapidly. emma had to hesitate, but in another wave campaign under the subject. emma felt that at last found the novels of life was stimulating yet Joy. but the monopoly for emma, strong, on her weary of her mind. when out of life, and bedding down together, he shrank back. was a game to play it. his cruel wrote a letter to the ridiculous thing in perfect concealed his tired and all blame for the "destiny", and tried to pass the buck. he was away, as if things had happened. emmaCollapsed, and never recovered. finally she got into debt as the mountain in the ruined wall. emma turned to her lover, but they are now it was like a tortoise as not flinch from, and no one will lend a helping hand. at this moment as their own interests, there was for emma eyes. her out, and finally chose to death.

获得利润的英语翻译 获得利润用英语怎么说



Why I like rain is because not only I cannot (OR cannot I) bask in the sun, but also I share sorrow and grief with rain drops.

咱们去公园晒晒太阳 英语翻译 急急急!!!!!!!!

go to to bask sun


你家里有几口人?家里有爸爸妈妈,姐姐琳达还有我四个人,不过没有兄弟。你有叔叔或者婶婶吗?我的爸爸有个弟弟还有个妹妹,我妈妈只有一个弟弟,所以我有一个婶婶和两个叔叔。我还有四个祖父母。There is a computer in the classroom.There are some dictionaries in the classroom.I have a baskatball.Tom has two uncles.Does Lily have a bike?No,she doesn"t.


Many strong and out-of-control emotions are recognized as an illness. People who are always very sad have depression (抑郁症); those who worry a lot have anxiety.But what about anger problems? Anger is largely viewed as a secondary emotion – one caused by other emotions. People are thought to be angry because they are sad, anxious or stressed. In the past, many doctors didn"t accept the idea that anger could be a problem all on its own.Today, though, a growing number of mental health experts think that anger is a serious problem that needs its own treatment. How to tell the difference between “normal” anger and “anger problem” is difficult. After all, everyone gets really mad from time to time. Experts point out a few ways.Disordered anger, as it is sometimes called, tends to be of greater intensity (强度). It takes very little to set off a person with an anger problem, and their responses (反应) are very strong. An example: While most people would get upset if a driver cut them off, someone with disordered anger might try to chase down the car and force it off the road.And in cases of disordered anger, the person gets angry more frequently and his/her anger lasts longer. For most people, angry feelings disappear quickly. But people with anger problems often stay angry for days, weeks or even years; their feelings of anger don"t disappear over time.Consequences are also important to consider: Disordered anger often damages people"s lives. “It interferes (干扰) with people"s relationships and their jobs,” says Raymond Chip Tafrate, a US psychologist. “Even their health is affected.”Anger clearly increases the risk of certain health problems, as many studies have shown. “When a person is angry, their heart beats faster and their blood pressure goes up,” says Howard Kassinove, a professor at Hofstra University in New York. Over time, these changes take their toll on the body, he adds. Experts suggest that people with an anger problem take anger-management programs. The pr ograms teach people to control their responses to stressful situations through the use of relaxation techniques. The programs sometimes include life-skills training as well: increasing someone"s level of competence (竞争)– whether on the job or as a parent or partner – helps bring down stress and cut angry feelings.我来帮他解答 输入内容已经达到长度限制还能输入 9999 字插入图片删除图片插入地图删除地图插入视频视频地图


The experts considered this important discovery as the great breakthrough in medical science

英语翻译:experts (call )in from many parts of the worl

are calledcall in 找来,请来世界各地的专家被请来建设穹顶、装饰墙壁



my pet goldfish英语翻译啊,急




金鱼的英语翻译 金鱼用英语怎么说

golden fish. 金鱼


现在是时候为成年人打破沉默有关如何使用金钱和揭露的内容作出了这样一个神秘的钱为青少年和年轻adults.One最重要的谈话,您可以与您少年人谈论钱:如何获得,如何保存,以及如何利用它来赚更多的钱。最后的谈话可以根据年龄和兴趣的青少年水平。对于每一个青少年,不论利息一级,基本personfinance是非常重要的。 向您的青少年钱,价格,税收,通货膨胀,储蓄和投资。即使是十几岁谁已经就业和银行账户需要了解更多。青少年谁使用信用卡一定要了解银行收费这一方便,而且重要的是要尽量减少收费。 不管你说的话,请注意您的青少年会听到一些你说的话,并不是所有的,但部分,他或她不听,你的孩子会比较,你说的话给你做。如果有一个大的差异你说的话和你怎么做,您可能曾根解释的事情。 至少,请尝试改变你的一些自己的习惯,如果他们与你想为您的青少年。您的行动胜于你的话。看看你自己的消费习惯。你把钱储蓄帐户中,爱尔兰共和军,共同基金等?如果你这样做,与您青少年您的储蓄计划。向您的青少年钱,但要确保您没有发出一个强有力的信息,通过自己的钱的行为


I am sorry for you now to reply to emails! Over a period of time, I have been busy reviewing and meet the mid-term exam. We are high and one to test nine subjects, the burden is not small ~ ~ Ha, the day before yesterday finally took the two! Finally sigh, you can sit in front of the computer to send e-mail it! As you know, I am being exam-oriented education in China"s most brutal baptism ~ ~ In fact, it is not too hard, high and one relative to the temple (the test) and after high-school sophomore (small entrance, the professional term is "Academic Proficiency Test") , Middle School (entrance), the idleness of some, assignments, test a small, multi-sports activities, have good friends! Now think back to junior high school days, really sorry, in addition to classes, homework, exams, did not seem memorable thing was! Metamorphosis of my junior high school it is not too (sorry, I was swearing a) starting from the first two days of no games, no extra-curricular activities, stop on the art and music classes, even the New Year, the class to to do a party depends on leaders of the school face That is how the black and white youth to ah! On entering the temple, life is "substantial," the 10 day class (no self-study course, all the test subjects), in school as long as 12 hours, there are a lot of work to go home, basically before midnight can not call it a day, and then sleep for us is probably a luxury enjoyed. Commented a day after the paper is doing, do further commented, after the endorsement of dictation, but off and then back again silent, the same as the machine running, do not know how the past year through it. How lucky ah! Fortunately, you do not experience it all! More hateful is the classroom of our school even with no fan! You can imagine the temperature of 30 degrees 5,6 month, 50 people squeezed into the classroom a few how uncomfortable it is, without ventilation, the sense of smell ah! Really do not want to think of. There are food, basically 3 days meals will not be changed, as to what nutrition, not to mention the more delicious it! But now enter the high school, life has improved a lot! Classrooms have air conditioning and projectors, are also delicious lunch, there are club activities, at least for a very comfortable high. I feel very satisfied, very happy! How your college life like? Is not it hard? I heard a bad mix of New Zealand universities can ah! Yes, we just live here, the 2010 Shanghai World Expo opening ceremony, a New Zealand Maori performances Oh! I hope you can see in there.



英语翻译 从根本上说,他的学习能力没有一点问题.问题的根源是他对语言学习没有兴趣。用上 basic

Basically, no problem. His ability to learn the root of the problem is he has no interest in language learning.




They are eating with the door openedThe result is basically satisfied Either my father or my brother will come to my homeAs her health is worse,she decides to go on a diet.I haven"t gone to the cinema for more than one year


(1)并列because里的两个从句,用最简单的"and"就很好。 从句内部用"moreover"不大合适。(2)because引导的是从句,一句话没有讲完,用逗号加小写,后面的是主句。我建议这样翻译:BecausetheeffectsofAandBsharebasicallythesamechemicalmechanismandAandBrelatetoeachother,itis...如果怕不够清楚,可以考虑这样说:DuetothefactthattheeffectsofAandBsharebasicallythesamechemicalmechanismandthatAandBrelatetoeachother,itis...或者:BecauseofthebasicallysamechemicalmechanismoftheeffectsofAandBandtheinterrelationbetweenAandB,itis...



无限制地的英语翻译 无限制地用英语怎么说

without limit


Tensile strength (horizontally and vertically), elongation (horizontally and vertically), shrinkage (horizontally and vertically), frequency electric intensity and volume resistivity, relative permittivity, dielectric loss factor, density, melting, surface resistivity, electrochemical corrosion, high temperature dimension stability, eye-measurement and metal wire tensile strength, tensile, serial number, name, unit, ca index, PET film performance table, nominal thickness.希望可以帮到糸....


超声波速下降(见图2 )随着温度的升高。 速度范围从一千五百九十米/ s到一六九六米/秒(平均的SD 2.83 ) 。 温度影响速度的三个部分, 0至17 ℃ ; 17 到25 ℃ ;和25至35 ° C的界限的部分只能近似的速度,温度曲线,并完善利用DSC曲线(见图3 ) 。这两个地区的温和熔化分离的地区高熔化率。超声波速度在液体石油低于固体脂肪(里程等基地。 , 1985年; McClements , 1997年) 。在市场的“ A ” (见图2 ) ,速度下跌幅度较温和,增加了温度因负温度系数的超声速度固体脂肪( McClements , 1997年)和增加流动性的内容。 这是类似迈尔斯等人。 ( 1985年)观察速度下降随着温度的升高在脂肪熔化和凝固对脂肪组织。 斜坡的DSC曲线(图3 )从0到17 ° C的温和和相当一致,显示出温和,但持续融化的脂肪。部分的“ B ” (见图2 )有较陡边坡部分 “答: ”这种效应是由于在高增长的液体内容是叠加的负温度系数对固体和液体脂肪。从DSC曲线(图3 )部分 “ B ”的高峰期相吻合,表明高熔化。增加液体的同时,改变所谓的“加油关闭“或”脂肪泄漏。 “的加油起飞时发生酪蛋白矩阵倒塌的暖气,使脂肪球凝聚和流动表面(图尼克, 1994年) 。这崩溃矩阵生产改变结构,其中一个主要的影响因素速度的材料。在T “ 25 ℃ (部分的” C “ ) ,速度下降随温度略有因为大多数低熔点点脂肪已经融化。类似模式的莫扎里拉脂肪熔化报道图尼克( 1994年) 。 每一部分(见图2 )是代表

熔点的英语翻译 熔点用英语怎么说

melting point


拟定 [词典] protocol; study out; [例句]欧盟已经就其雇员工作时间的控制问题拟定了新的规章。The European Union has proposed new regulations to control the hours worked by its employees


1、You shouldn"t let your hobby interfere with your study2、When the accident happened, they regret drive so fast3、Parents should let their children away from danger4、Every year there are many peasants flocked to the cities to make a living5、I can"t attend the meeting in person6、We must decide what to save


Nelson Mandela was the first black president of South Africa and a legendary figure of the African National Congress, or ANC. From 1964 to 1990, Mandela was imprisoned for opposing South Africa"s white minority government and its policy of racial separation, known as apartheid. Instead of disappearing from view, Mandela became a martyr and worldwide symbol of resistance to racism. In 1993 Mandela and the president who released him, F.W. de Klerk, shared the Nobel Peace Prize. Mandela was elected the country"s president in 1994. He served until 1999, when he was succeeded by his deputy Thabo Mbeki. Mandela"s autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom, was published in 1994. Nelson Mandela, Political Leader Mandela has been married three times: to the former Evelyn Mase from 1944 to 1957, to Winnie Madikizela from 1958 to 1996, and to Graca Machel in 1998... Mandela"s wife Winnie became a powerful figure in her own right while Mandela was imprisoned; however, her entanglement in a series of scandals led to the couple"s estrangement in 1992, her dismissal from his cabinet in 1995, and their official divorce in 1996.

英语翻译Only those who man weather stations and the bases from w?

只有那些驻守气象站和基地的人才会到那种地方去住,探险队从那里出发. Only those是主语,后面的who man weather stations and the bases from which parties of explorers set out是一个定语从句,而这里面又含另一个从句 from which parties of explorers set out,全句的谓语是live there,2,英语翻译 Only those who man weather stations and the bases from which parties of explorers set out live there.

英语翻译 rounds the bases of softball.

委内瑞拉总统乌戈·查韦斯轮游戏的基础垒球。轮的基础垒球.round:n. 圆;循环;一回合;圆形物prep. 附近;绕过;大约;在…周围adj. 圆的;完全的;大概的;肥胖的


表演功夫的英文表达——Performing Kung Fu.Performing 一、读音英 [pə"fɔːmɪŋ]     美 [pə"fɔːmɪŋ]    二、含义adj. 表演的;履行的动词perform的现在分词形式.三、例证Three years of highschool drama class experience in performing art.于中学时期,有三年戏剧班艺术表演的经验。四、固定搭配job performing ability 履行职务能力...扩展资料同近义词——acting 英 ["æktɪŋ]     美 ["æktɪŋ]    n. 演戏;演技;假装adj. 代理的;临时的;供演出用的动词act的现在分词.Acting is his bread and butter.演戏就是他的饭碗。Despite fine acting by several well-known stars, it was a young newcomer who stole the show.尽管几位名角演出都很出色,却未曾想竟让一名新秀抢尽风头。

英语翻译 based到底怎么翻译 和be based on

是基于互联网的远程控制. sth bases=based on sth.所以:Internet Based Remote Control=Remote Control based on Internet. 相信这个,如果是基于远程控制的互联网就要翻译成:Romote control based Internet.


Baseball is a bat-and-ball sport played between two teams of nine players


Baseball is a good play as the main characteristics, the collective, strong antagonism ball games project. It is widespread in the world, great influence, known as "the combination of athletic and wisdom". Have become particularly popular in the United States, Japan, known as the "national sport". Baseball game legal number of games for at least nine people, and its approximate sports as baseball. Baseball players are divided into two parties attack and defence, the use of bat and glove, playing in a baseball fan. Competition, the two teams alternating attacks: when attacking players successfully ran back to home, can score a point. Of the highest scoring team won nine innings.


快乐 1.happy; joyful; cheerful; gay; carefree; glad2.happiness; joy; pleasure; delight; rejoicings; fun

英语翻译 bumi akang/eneng di mana? owhhh teu ngarti maneh basa kuring hah?

首先,这个不是印尼语. 是sunda 族的 方言. 大概意思 :先生们或者小姐们是从哪里来(老家在哪里)? 哎呀,是什么语言听不懂哦?


发餐区的“单字”你指的是“发餐区”英文怎么说吗?canteen(食堂)的“发餐区”是指取饭的窗口区域么?pick up area 也可以表达这个意思,但这是对于用餐者而言的,前二者连起来较好,即pick-up area。准确的表达应该是meal-distribution area 或者food-distribution area。



英语翻译 their newly-found free time hours.

意译:有爱好的人从不会担心他们没事情做. 原文:那些有爱好的人永远不会担心他们去做什么. 个人比较喜欢第一种翻译!
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