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In the near Shanghai, there is a shining pearl, it is my hometown, wuxi. Wuxi lived many ancient celebrity: qian zhongshu, XueFuCheng, gu kaizhi, xu xiake...... There are many scenic spots: XiHui park, liyuan, YuanTouZhu...... Among them is the most famous YuanTouZhu, especially changchun bridge. When you based on the bridge, looking into the distance, is really eyeful spring: the numerous small and exquisite of the lake YingHuaBan disordered do not have a poetic flavour. Hong mei also unwilling fall behind, one QiaoLi trees, some look up at the sky, some looking down at the lake, some narcissistic, some by a group... Charm enough but, enchanting and moving. And that is a magnolia cloying sentiment, in sleek surrounded by green leaves, the countless pure have to QianChenBuRan element flower standing proudly branches, like water lotus, such as silk, like yarn, like jade...... This tree, 4, one of the beach, flowers, is like a handyman for changchun bridge weaving voice a colorful long cloak. This beautiful and full of fragrant "long cloak" to the lakes and mountains YuanTouZhu up is how bright, how rich and gaudy!!!!! Slowly forward, I as if place oneself in a beautiful kaleidoscope, also like flowers in the river of soaring.

军师旅团营连排班 英语翻译

squad(班)platoon(排)company(连)battalion(营)regiment(团)brigade(旅)division(师)军a group army(集团军)army group(集团军群)corps(军团)


Offensive has been going on for three days, but we have not made much progress. We are at war with the enemy in the front line troops encountered strong resistance. Division (division commander) orders we do business (battalion) around to launching a surprise attack the enemy"s rear. However, around to the enemy"s rear, we have to cross a swamp (marshland). Many of us worried. Fortunately, the night the temperature suddenly dropped to minus 20 degrees Celsius, mud and are binding on the ice. As the cold weather, we arrived before dawn and attack from the enemy"s rear. This is about reversing the war. Did not alert the enemy and soon surrendered. Automobile in the twentieth century changed the world, especially in the United States and other industrial countries. Automotive indeed useful, but it has also brought a number of hazards, such as sound pollution, air pollution and highway fatalities. It is reported that the world"s car accident resulted in deaths and injuries were classified as one of the main reasons. May be fortunate that the inventors are being re-invented the modern automobile. New propulsion systems (propulsion system), fuel, vehicle design and manufacturing tools in the past decade has been developing rapidly. For example, through the use of satellite-aided global positioning system, car car computer will give precise positioning; With the application of remote sensors, smart car can exclude a number of car accident. As the saying goes, a good start is half the success. In employment, the job fully prepared in advance is very important. In my opinion, not prepared in advance will often affect the job-seekers the chance of success. A friend of mine, a computer software company in the job. Annual salary of about 100,000 U.S. dollars. According to their own experience, he told me that the future employees who have decided to hire the right people like those who are fully prepared. Those who do not understand the future employers of the people do our best hope of success is hard.


按本合同项下要求或许可的所有通知,应采用书面形式作出及送达,并须甲收信方以电子邮件及传真发送或挂号信确认送达,凡以上情况送达者,于收件后将被视作已送达(给予对方通知)。in each instance shall be deemed given upon receipt 的意思是:凡以上情况送达(的通知),于收件后将被视作已给予对方通知。


1-C-went;他花了好长时间找一条和他的新衬衣相配的领带;2-B-except;幸运的是,她除了头被碰了一下以为没有因为摔倒而受到其他严重的伤害;3-B-hardly;她改变太大了以致几乎没人能认出她来;4-B-as well as;除了教英语以外,她还写儿童书;(in addition要加to)5-C-capable;显然这对年轻的夫妇有能力负责这家餐馆;6-C-consists;这本书有10个章节,每个章节有不同的主题;7-D-faded;玛丽对她的新衬衣很失望,因为褪色很快;8-B-summit;期待来自世界各国的领导人参加这个首脑会议;9-C-went;吉米中了彩后还是保持平静,还象什么都没发生一样处理她的业务;10-B-meet;我建议我们明天8:30在体育场外会面;11-D-supposed;我的话本是想开个玩笑,但却冒犯了她;12-C-sake;你应该为健康考虑开始游泳。


老哥,你在上一封邮件中毫不吝啬地赞美了我的英文写得很棒,另外又附上“名列前茅”之类的词,老妹我看了实在是有些汗颜(这可真不是谦虚哦~~)我想,还是有必要让你了解一下我真实的英语水平。My dear brother, you gave me great compliment to me on my English writing skills in your last e-mail which was attached with some words like “top rank”. As your younger sister, I feel shameful to receive your praise. I think it necessary to get you know my real English level.就像你可能有所了解的,中国学校教的英语是chinglish,是不地道的哑巴式英语。我们只需要掌握少量的单词,但是要做大量的语法练习,最近天天纠结在名词性从句、定语从句上。郁闷啊!As you may know, what are taught in Chinese schools is chingish which is kind of Dumb English. We only have to memorize a few words, but we have to do tons of grammatical exercises. I am recently confused about nominal clauses and attributive clauses. How gloomy I feel!我们很少写英语作文,虽然考试的时候要写,但是只要照着中文翻译,大家的分数基本上都差不多,毕竟改我们英语试卷的也是中国人啊!We seldom write English articles though we have to in exams. But as long as you translate it from Chinese into English, you will get high marks. After all, it is Chinese teachers who comment on our papers. 英语考试中最拉分的应该是阅读理解,2分一个,但是这种题目很难说,有的时候并不是你把文章读懂就能把题目做对。以前有人这么形容,中国学生考英语,做阅读理解,他可以不认识多少单词,照样选到正确答案!呵呵,这个说法比较极端,但是相对于数理化来说,英语学习确实不值得中国学生投入多大的精力,毕竟一切是以高考为指挥棒,所以~~The most important part which widens our gap is reading comprehension. These questions, 2 points for each, are hard to evaluate a student"s real English skills. It is said that Chinese students can even get the correct answers even if they don"t understand the passage at all. Maybe this statement is not necessarily right. Compared with science courses, it is not worthwhile for Chinese students to put all efforts to English learning. After all, the college entrance examination is our baton..so..

美国所有城市及其英语翻译 是所有


这些并没有打败他只是使他更坚强 英语翻译

These difficulties didn"t defeat him, however, they made him stronger!


According to "People"s Republic of China Contract Law" and other relevant laws and regulations, Party A Party B to accept the commission for the State Party xx customers find products, by consensus the two sides signed the contract. Matters entrusted to the first Party A Party B commissioned in the country xx clients find the right products to sell as well as the Party for the Party and State xx contract to provide business contacts, assistance and other services bring together and facilitate xx State Party and the contract for the sale of business set up. Commissioned a second matter the specific requirements of (1) Party A should ensure that the legality of products and product quality assurance. (2) Party A and business transactions xx country specific pricing, delivery methods, such as payment by the State Party xx businessmen and consultation between the two sides agreed. (3) Party A and Party B is not the country xx businessmen secured transactions, Party A should be in strict accordance with the terms of international trade "FOB, CIF" and other terms and conditions of business contracts xx country. The third commission, bonus and service charge calculation, payment methods and payment time (1) the calculation and payment of commission B is independently developed by the projects and customers, and thus have access to the actual orders and after sales (not including: the sale by the Party or is independently developed by an independent team to undertake the projects and customers in sales), Party A on a quarterly basis Party B paid commission, but at the same time Party A Party B must comply with the approval process of the price process, the commission must also be included in the company"s cost xx areas. Party A based on the actual situation of each project in proportion to the commission paid to Party B, the ratio of specific: total sales xx ‰ ~ xx% (2) the calculation and payment of bonuses Party A Party B in accordance with the requirements of the project, and strive to complete the work of Party goals designated by Party A decision based on the actual situation in a one-time items to be paid a certain amount of money B. Party B in obtaining the money, the Party A Party B no longer pay the cost of other.根据《中华人民共和国合同法》和其他有关法律法规规定,乙方接受甲方的委托,为甲方产品寻找xx国客商,双方经协商一致签订本合同。 第一条 委托事项 甲方委托乙方在xx国国内寻找合适的客户推销甲方生产的产品以及为甲方与xx国客商签订合同提供联络、协助、撮合等服务,并促成甲方与xx国客商的买卖合同的成立。 第二条 委托事项的具体要求 (1)甲方应该保证所生产的产品的合法性及保证产品质量。 (2)甲方与xx国客商交易的具体价格、交货方式、支付方式等由甲方与xx国客商双方协商约定。 (3)乙方不对甲方与xx国客商的交易提供担保,甲方应该严格按照国际贸易术语中的“FOB、CIF”等条款与xx国客商签订合同。 第三条 佣金、奖金及服务费的计算、给付方式和给付时间 (1)佣金的计算与给付 乙方独立开发的项目和客户,并且由此获取订单而产生了实际了销售额后(不包括:由甲方销售团队独立开发或独立承接的项目和客户产生的销售额),甲方按季度给付乙方佣金,但同时乙方必须遵守甲方的价格流程审批程序,其佣金也必须纳入xx公司的成本计算范畴。甲方依据每个项目的实际情况按比例支付给乙方佣金,具体比例为: 总销售额的xx‰~xx% (2)奖金的计算与给付 乙方按照甲方的项目要求,努力完成甲方指定的工作目标时,由甲方依据项目实际情况决定一次性给付给乙方一定金额的奖金。乙方在获取该奖金后,甲方不再给付乙方其他的费用。部分委托代理合同 partly authorized representation contract


学生对于文化的占有,应该是高度个性化和选择性的行为。在学习过程中应该强调学生个体的作用,自主选择、自主思考、自主提问、自主领悟,创造性地解决问题,这不仅是学习习惯的养成问题,也涉及一个人精神品质的培养。要完成大学复杂的学习任务,并为将来完全独立地从事专业或研究工作做好准备,需要不断提高大学生独立学习,独立思考,独立判断的能力,使他最终能够主动学习与工作,成为一个具有独立人格的人。 The poessession of culture to students should be highly personalized and selective bahaviour. In the process of learning ,students is the subject to select , think, ask, understand by themselves and solve the problem creatively which is not only a matter of developing learning habit but also developing of spirit and quality. In order to complete the complex studying tasks in university and make preparation for furture"s work and research , make sure that these things can be dealed independly.,undergrates should inrease their abilities of self-study, self-thought, self-judgement, and at last they can initiative to study and work , and become an independent person.代社会信息流量大,工作学习任务繁重,这就要求我们需要有很强的信息处理能力,具备这种能力的前提就要求我们要具备一定的独立学习能力。虽然现代社会越来越重视合作关系,但是如果没有一定的独立学习能力,合作也只是一句空话。人们大多数的时间仍然需要自己完成工作,因此一定的独立学习能力对于我们来说是十分必要的,所以我们因该在现在培养发展自己独立学习的能力。 In modern society ,because of great information flow and heavy work and study tasks, we should have great ability to deal with the information , but at first we should make sure that we can study by ourselves.Althougth today cooperation has been paied more and more attention, without independent learning ability, it is useless. For people ,they spend most of their time in finishing their own work , so independent learning ability which we should develpe and increase now is necessary for us.


在桌子下面(英语翻译) under the table 在沙发上(英语翻译) on the soaf 我不知道(英语翻译) I don


Character traits:Character cheerful optimism, work earnest, target clear, strong sense of responsibility, the overall view is good, has the good team cooperation spirit, in a collective interests, capable of independent thinking, seriously listen to the views, good insight, good communication, strong capability and organization ability.

英语翻译outline a general plan of action that defines the logist?

设计一个整体的行动计划,其中要罗列说明将长期目标整合入总体组织架构所需考虑的物流、财务及人力因素. integrate,拼写有误.,2,列出一个通用的行动计划,定义了物流、财务、人事因素需要integrante长期目标到整个组织。,1,列出一个通用的行动计划,定义了物流、财务、人事因素需要integrante长期目标到总organizatioin。,1,英语翻译 outline a general plan of action that defines the logistical,financial,and personnel factors needed to integrante the long-term objectives into the total organizatioin.

我们应该学会独立思考 英语翻译

We should learn to think independently


1I hope you can change you views the sooner the better2stimulate students to think positively and learn independently3acid rain can make leaves full of holes?4unexpectly或out of expectation5keep in mind that Pride goes before the fall6set aside 15 minutes to listen to the tape

英语翻译 模具英语翻译

1, familiar with mould design process, and the common mould structure. Independently operating milling machine, grinder, radial drilling machine. Spark machine, linear can simple operation. Understand plastic mould structure and process, independently formwork, simple processing of products.2, proe to model, parting, engineering drawing and using autoCAD.3, 2008 April to October 2009, so-and-so moulding Co., LTD, the first eight months of plastic mold fitter for months after doing drafters, plastic mould primary design.4 and skilled Office operating software, can use Internet collection resources, to solve the problem.5, Pro/e, can be modeled and parting, engineering drawing, etc. Like study, full of desire to learn new knowledge.6, hope can join your company for the company, and also realizes own value.7 and plastic mould, plastic mould design of primary draftsman, mold design engineer assistants, die locksmith small patch.Thanks again for master

We can think by ourselves.的英语翻译是什么?作文让写的是我们能独立思考。老师给改错了!求求高人指点

独立思考think independently可以不

英语翻译 我们迟早要面对这样一个现实那就是我们总有一天要离开父母独立生活(independently

Sooner or later, We will have to face a fact that we have to leave our parents and live our lives independently in the end.


1.Avoiding the same mistake means you have achieved the progress.2.According to the relevant department decision,it will take actions to make the Suzhou River much more clearer.3.He can"t accompany with his parents,as his job usually involve him for business trip.4.Adding rural income is the main problem we are facing to.5.Sooner or later, we need to face to the fact that we will go away with our parents and live independently .If it is useful for you ,please adopt it.Thanks ^_^

英语翻译 我们迟早要面对这样一个现实那就是我们总有一天要离开父母独立生活(independently

Sooner or later, We will have to face a fact that we have to leave our parents and live our lives independently in the end.


结论世贸组织朝着解决的一个重要问题迈出的重要一步:在现有的贸易对不符合安全要求较小的发达经济体的经济报复措施的实际困难。当世界贸易组织决定将作为报复的选择暂停的知识产权(知识产权的中止)的可用性,它给发展中国家的有力武器。贸易制度都应该对可能的报复的知识产权协议下的未经检验的悬挂系统全部影响感到忧虑。然而,在安提瓜的决定,赌博(安提瓜岛的赌博案例)是一个在国际贸易体系的演变产生了积极的一步,是朝向一个系统,可以更好地满足其所有成员的需要的做法。最终,TRIPS协定中止,作为发展中国家的补救似乎有利于国际贸易体系。虽然计算困难和报复的影响,不公平的扩大的可能性,应考虑在世界贸易组织,因为它设想的补救力学,桌子上有知识产权悬挂的最终效果是更可信的替代比任何世界贸易组织的目标相一致。无论信誉 - 或缺乏其损失的计算 - 安提瓜最终提供了一个有说服力的论据,证明有效的惩罚不可能使用类似部门直接暂停。安提瓜和其他发展中经济,贸易有关的知识产权暂停代表.




In the western culture, red mainly refers to the color of blood, and the blood is galloping “fluid of life" in the human body on the views of Westerners. Once the blood is flowing down and the flower of life will fade. So “red” makes the western people associate "violence" and "dangerous and product a kind of taboo color. It"s said in a book called Chromatics, written by Esihaimu, an American scholar, “Color can express emotion…….. Red was considered to be exciting, because it remind us the meaning of fire, blood and revolution”. As Hawkes, the famous sinologist, perceived that in modern English, “red” might be connected to "violence" and "bloodshed" by the readers, then he translated the "红楼梦" (one of the four classic novels of China) into The story of the stone by using the former title of that novel."Red" together with other words can not only derived a lot of language significance which correspond with the objective, but also profoundly reveal the connotations of social, political and cultural. In English, "red" could be an abstract extension refers to the attributive concept of things which have closely linked to red.Red means carnival and celebration, also contains clamour. The "red carper" is a specific image to express attributive concept like " grand, noble" of its indicationOf course there are the exceptions. Language commonness also includes individuality. In some ways, "red" not only give joy to people, on the contrary, it also means "sad, disgust, shame" "debauchery, obscenity." It refers to the the areas with brothels in the town and the place which people should not go to. And for example, “running a business in the red” means the business operates at a loss. This expression cpmes from the people usually use red pen to note the amount of loss. In terms of traffic, "red light" is a warning sign and danger signal. And then extend this to cultural language it"s a metaphor of "dangerous and must stop".In western culture the red is a word with a very strong connotation, it"s the association of "fire" and "blood" which symbolizes “brutal” and “bloody.” Another important symbolic meaning of "red" is "revolution", but often with derogatory in English. Even the "red" in the title of the novel "Red and Black" written by French writer Stendhalthe refers to the anti-feudal revolutionary force. "See red" ans a series phrases show "angry, annoyed." These phrases root in the bullring because bulls will burst into a rage when it see the red cloth. Therefore it indicate people"s feelings in the language culture which is more humorous.In English culture, western culture prefer this color, it"s a symbol of pure, innocence and happiness. A white soul means pure soul. Such as most of the wedding in west usually use white as a main colour. The bride wears a white and holy wedding and Veil, on behalf of the purity of love and happiness of marriage. White wedding is the bride"s white wedding dress. But there are also exceptions, because of the continuous development of language. Now white is out of the original meaning of the colour in many words. So we must pay more attention to the color wordsAlthough some of the word phrase include white and could can be translated into the colour white but changes of significance have taken place. Such as: white elephant. It means in God but not useful in a number of South Asia countries. Who wants to support a living God?(这句汉语不对) Therefore white elephant means " the costly and cumbersome burdens." White House refers to the U.S. government. In English-Chinese economic terms, white sale means price decending and white war is economic competition and so on.


BLOG as a personal personal knowledge management system and new communication tools, is appearing in the education arena, has aroused the concern of more and more educators gradually used as teaching tools and teaching methods into the teaching . As a new education tools, BLOG has a good reflection features and information exchange capabilities, enabling the effective integration of resources used to achieve knowledge sharing and knowledge innovation. In order to fully BLOG teaching effectiveness, teaching the use of inputs, this paper has made some attempts. BLOG comprehensive study of current literature and education related to research results of scholars to introduce the characteristics and applications of BLOG. Successful teaching blog for the current case of in-depth research and analysis in detail, so that we know how to reach educational purposes BLOG, to achieve knowledge sharing and knowledge innovation teaching function. In addition, I designed a blog of information technology-based teaching, more intuitive way of teaching all aspects of the blog displayed in the readers, will be promoted to practice theory. Finally, learning outcomes and sum up the shortcomings of teaching blog to blog for the future of teaching in the field of information technology, promote the use of contributions.


近年来,美国中西部很多中小工业城市的经济举步维艰。由于许多汽车公司濒临破产,使得该地区面临大量失业以及其它严峻挑战。Tumber ( 麻省理工学院社区创新者实验室的下属研究机构) 研究了分布在东北和中西部地区的25个中小工业城市, 就这些城市如何繁荣增长,避免衰落,给出了这些建议。小城市与大城市相比有着本质差别,她主张,城市规划者应该超越“增长计划”这种模式,尤其是当该地区很多城市的增长数字在下滑的情况下。应该通过将灵活性与小城市可用资源相结合的独特方式,创造性的解决问题。给任何对中西部和东北地区城市规划感兴趣或研究社会经济挑战的人士的建议。


6结论本文作者介绍了新概念的制造平台,以支持一项普遍的数控制造。数据模型的整体架构平台和支持执行一起提出了一个原型。在演示中的原型实现消除对供应商的特定信息化改造需要的平台的功能。虽然目前的原型是在范围有限的变换,它可以扩展以支持其他的制造工艺,CAD / CAM系统和非基于特征的组件定义。一个标准化的制造方法资源能力为代表的也是必要全面的制造平台的全面实施的。该平台的补充,数控制造系统兼容的STEP - NC的标准扩展其数据模型来支持非步骤。它可以被用来herefore增加- NC的商业吸引力的步骤。示范突出的特点为基础的可能性能提升,并节省资源信息平台制造的零时间切换此基础上可以迁移beachieved由后处理器的标准化知识。


 human life            人生(283)人类生活(295)人类生命(99)  人生        Road:An Interpretation of the Loneliness of Human Life        《路》:诠释人生的孤独    短句来源        Pathetic World : to the Humanitarianism Concern ofthe Society and Human Life        《悲惨世界》:对社会与人生的人道主义关怀    短句来源        Special Elaboration of Supreme Ideal of Human Life ——Comments on the Image and Significance of Mrs. Lamasay in the Novel of "To the Lighthouse        对人生终极理想的独特表述——论《到灯塔去》中拉姆齐夫人的形象及其意义    短句来源      Perplexity of human life: On the theme of Singer"s "The Third One  困惑的人生——辛格作品《第三者》的主题探析  短句来源  His works closely connected with his time, society and human life.  钱钟书是中国三、四十年代著名的知识分子作家,他的著作显示出与时代、社会、人生的密切关系。  短句来源  更多  人类生活  First, the absurd theme of the play is used to reflect the meaningless of human life.  首先,本剧的荒诞主题是用来反映人类生活的毫无意义。  短句来源  Comparing the play with the reality, we can find the painful waiting not only exists in the play, but also constitutes the basic part of human life.  如果我们把剧本与现实相比较,我们就会发现痛苦的等待不仅存在于剧中,也构成了人类生活的基本成分。  短句来源  Exploring the entire cycle of human life in a spiritual context, her novels have obtained universal significance.  她的小说由于从精神层面探讨人类生活而具有了普遍的现实意义。  短句来源  Bellow attempts to discover, through his fiction and his characters, the pattern and meaning of human life, the spiritual crisis that modern man suffers in an impersonal and mechanized urban world.  借助其作品及人物,贝娄分析了现代人在冷漠、机械的城市生活中所承受的精神压力,并试图洞察现代社会中人类生活的模式与意义。  短句来源  She thinks highly of this kind of writers like Tolstoy who have deeply analyzed the human life and pointed out a way of salvation with moral enthusiasm.  她赞许托尔斯泰那样对人类生活予以深刻分析又能给出拯救之途饱含道德热情的作家。  短句来源  更多  人类生命  By profound moral significance, minute psychological descriptions and unique narrative techniques, Conrad passes his judgments on the human life and the contradiction of human nature in the plot which is not so complicated.  在这部作品中,康拉德融入了深刻的道德寓意,细腻的心理描写及独特的叙述手法,在并不复杂的情节中包含着对人性的矛盾,人类生命的评判。  短句来源  As concentrated embodiments of the understanding of the essence of human life by poetsof both the East and the West , The Waste la7id and Six-Sitting are reflections of man " s experi-ence and pursuit of the ultimate mysteries of human life and his longing for the eternality and uni-versality of the art of poetry.  《荒原》和《坐六》作为东西方诗人对人生本质把握的集中体现,反映了人类生命至奥的体验和追求,对诗歌艺术永恒与世界性的向往。  短句来源  Stango"s persistent struggle against the mighty force of nature reveals the potential of human life,which,on the one hand,represents Heminway"s “graceful manner under the heavy burden” and demonstrates Hemingway"s sense of life on the other.  桑提亚哥面对强大的自然力顽强坚持奋斗 ,这揭示了人类生命的潜力 ,表现了海明威式的“重压下的优雅风度”,也展示了海明威的生命意识。  短句来源  With its distinctive style of narration and the overall atmospherecreated by varied images and symbols,the novel expresses Conrad"s existential evaluation of human life and philosophical exploration into the ultimate meaning of human existence.  作者康拉德多方位地阐释了自己对生命涵义的深刻理解 ,表达了自己对人类生命的存在主义评判和对人类存在的终极意义的探求。  短句来源  However,they are essentially the same in that they both fused the personal life and the human life in their meditation of trying to go beyond death.  然而,他们又存在本质的一致,那就是他们在试图越超死的沉思中都将个体的生命与人类生命融为一体。  短句来源  人的生命  A Farewell to Arms is a war novel, not in the sense that it glorifies the war, but as it is known, it describes the cruelty, madness of the war which deprives human life and happiness.  《永别了,武器》是一篇战争题材的小说。 作品并未粉饰战争,而是描述了剥夺了人的生命和幸福的战争的残酷和疯狂。  短句来源  Gustave Flaubert holds that what is physical and bodily cannot be eternal; therefore, human life is in essence nihilisticand agonizing.  福楼拜认为,物质的、肉身的东西是不能永恒的,而人是物质的、肉身的,因此,人的生命在本质上是虚无的与痛苦的。  短句来源  And his literary creation, with a cultural and philosphical interpreatation of the value andmeaning of human life, posseses contemporary cultural implications.  他的创作从文化哲学的高度阐释人的生命本体的价值与意义,具有现代文化意蕴。  短句来源  Both Alive by YU Hua(1992) and The Fate of Human by Sholokhov(1956) show great concern about the existence of human life. However, their degrees of the concern about tribulation consciousness are different.  余华的《活着》(1992年)与肖洛霍夫的《人的命运》(1956年)都非常关注人的生命存在,但他们对苦难意识的挖掘深度不同。     


Don"t compromise yourself爱是不能勉强的,既不要迁就别人,更不要委屈自己。Thelove can not be forced, since don"t compromise other people, do not discommode anoneself more.                                                            如果你发现中意的男人对你根本没有兴趣,不要委屈自己一相情愿地跟他在一起。If you discover favorite man does not have interest at all to you, do not subdue oneself to follow him to be together willingly.                                                            吵架后的性爱不妨任性一点,不要委屈自己,但也不能失去女人的可爱。The sexual love after ● quarrels mights as well a bit more capricious, do not subdue oneself, but what also cannot lose a woman is lovely.希望能帮助到你,望采纳!

英语翻译 谢谢

Because ofthe perception of realitybetween two individualsare different,and our ability toperceive the realityis not perfect.So,in ourperception of realityisrelative,subjective,inner,play fast and loose,orimaginarysituation,in view of the realisticjudgment(orcognition,decision)is very difficult.




Chop and change

混战的英语翻译 混战用英语怎么说


我已经适应了这个环境 英语翻译

I have already adapted to the condition.

谁知道 巴蒂斯塔(名字) 的英语翻译?知道的说下,谢谢了


我已经适应了这个环境 英语翻译

我已经适应了这个环境 英语翻译(1)I have adapted myself for living in this environment =I have adapted to this enviroment (sb adapts to something )adapt sth for doing sth = be adapted for doing sth(2)...

英语翻译 千面女郎或百变女孩这类的词

caprice n.反复无常, 任性怪想; 异想天开; 变幻莫测Caprice girl


你好,朋友Ancient football derives from China while modern ones derives from England.如不足,请追问,满意请采纳,谢谢


1. Through these experiments, they have experienced the hardship of doing research work. 2. The amount of electric current in wire is proportional to voltage (both ends of wire) and inversely proportional to resistance (in wire). 3. Introduced new the software4. Discussed the physicochemical property of material5. Deduced a group of optimized parameters6. Describe the relation of thermal treatment and material property7. Research range referred to all materials of non-ferrous metals8. Summarized at length research work9. The purpose of the research is to verify the feasibility on the report of marketing research.10. Deduced the special formulas based on theoretical mechanics 11. Observe the relation of temperature and crystallization velocity12. Careful estimation possible deviation13. Draw solid-liquid graph of these metals14. The methods are used to measure the stiffness of material15. The results of calculation agree well with the experimental analysis完全自己翻译的,请参考。。。。


英语电影术语:Film industry 电影工业cinematograph 电影摄影机, 电影放映机cinema, pictures 电影院 (美作:movie theater)first-run cinema 首轮影院second-run cinema 二轮影院art theatre 艺术影院continuous performance cinema 循环场电影院film society 电影协会,电影俱乐部 (美作:film club)film library 电影资料馆premiere 首映式film festival 电影节distributor 发行人Board of Censors 审查署shooting schedule 摄制计划censor"s certificate 审查级别release 准予上映banned film 禁映影片A-certificate A级(儿童不宜)U-certificate U级X-certificate X级(成人级)direction 导演production 制片adaptation 改编scenario, screenplay, script 编剧scene 场景 exterior 外景lighting 灯光 shooting 摄制to shoot 拍摄dissolve 渐隐,化入,化出fade-out 淡出fade-in 淡入special effects 特技 slow motion 慢镜头editing, cutting 剪接 montage 剪辑recording, sound recording 录音sound effects 音响效果mix, mixing 混录dubbing 配音postsynchronization 后期录音合成studio 制片厂,摄影棚(motion)film studio 电影制片厂set, stage, floor 场地dolly 移动式摄影小车spotlight 聚光灯clapper boards 拍板microphone 麦克风,话筒scenery 布景电影摄制filming shootingcamera 摄影机shooting angle 拍摄角度high angle shot 俯拍long shot 远景full shot 全景close-up, close shot 特写,近景medium shot 中景background 背景three-quarter shot 双人近景pan 摇镜头frame, picture 镜头still 静止double exposure 两次曝光superimposition 叠印exposure meter 曝光表printing 洗印影片类型films typesfilm, motion picture 影片,电影 (美作:movie)newsreel 新闻片,纪录片documentary (film) 记录片,文献片filmdom 电影界literary film 文艺片musicals 音乐片comedy 喜剧片tragedy 悲剧片dracula movie 恐怖片sowordsmen film 武侠片detective film 侦探片ethical film 伦理片affectional film 爱情片erotic film 黄色片western movies 西部片film d"avant-garde 前卫片serial 系列片trailer 预告片cartoon (film) 卡通片,动画片footage 影片长度full-length film, feature film 长片short(film) 短片colour film 彩色片 (美作:color film)silent film 默片,无声片dubbed film 配音复制的影片,译制片silent cinema, silent films 无声电影sound motion picture, talkie 有声电影cinemascope, CinemaScope 西涅玛斯科普型立体声宽银幕电影,变形镜头式宽银幕电影cinerama, Cinerama 西涅拉玛型立体声宽银幕电影,全景电影title 片名original version 原著dialogue 对白subtitles, subtitling 字幕credits, credit titles 对原作者及其他有贡献者的谢启和姓名telefilm 电视片演员actorscast 阵容film star, movie star 电影明星star, lead 主角double, stand-in 替身演员stunt man 特技替身演员extra, walker-on 临时演员character actor 性格演员regular player 基本演员extra 特别客串film star 电影明星film actor 男电影明星film actress 女电影明星support 配角util 跑龙套工作人员techniciansadapter 改编scenarist, scriptwriter 脚本作者dialogue writer 对白作者production manager 制片人producer 制片主任film director 导演assistant director 副导演,助理导演cameraman, set photographer 摄影师assistant cameraman 摄影助理property manager, propsman 道具员art director 布景师 (美作:set decorator)stagehand 化装师lighting engineer 灯光师film cutter 剪辑师sound engineer, recording director 录音师script girl, continuity girl 场记员scenario writer, scenarist 剧作家放映projectionreel, spool (影片的)卷,本sound track 音带,声带showing, screening, projection放映projector 放映机projection booth, projection room 放映室panoramic screen 宽银幕扩展资料:经典的英文电影一.《歌舞青春》(High School Musical)本片在美播出后迅速走红,引爆了具有轰动性的跨娱乐平台、跨越国际市场的全球青年新文化潮流。2006年1月美国首播,随即引爆炫风,电视收视长红,缔造新纪录。获得艾美奖6项提名,并拿下两项大奖(最佳儿童节目、最佳舞蹈编排)。此外还获得2006年全美青少年票选3项大奖。二.《海上钢琴师》(The Legend of 1900)本片讲述了一个钢琴天才传奇的一生。1900年,Virginian号豪华邮轮上,一个孤儿被遗弃在头等舱,由船上的水手抚养长大,取名1900。1900慢慢长大,显示了出了无师自通的非凡钢琴天赋,在船上的乐队表演钢琴,每个听过他演奏的人,都被深深打动。爵士乐鼻祖杰尼听说了1900的高超技艺,专门上船和他比赛,最后自叹弗如,黯然离去。可惜,这一切的事情都发生在海上,1900从来不愿踏上陆地,直到有一天,他爱上了一个女孩,情愫在琴键上流淌。他会不会为了爱情,踏上陆地开始新的生活,用他的琴声惊艳世界?他将怎样谱写自己非凡的人生?三.《风雨哈佛路》(Homeless to Harvard)贫穷和负面的童年经验,并没有让她变坏或者失去希望,隐隐约约之中,她一直都知道,在她生长的环境之外,其它人所过的,是很不一样的生活。而她知道,只有想办法脱离现在的环境,才有可能到那个新世界去。四.《心灵捕手》(Good Will Hunting)麻省理工学院的数学教授蓝波公布了一道困难的数学题,却被年轻的清洁工威尔(马特·戴蒙 饰)解了出来。可是威尔却是个问题少年,成天和好朋友查克(本·阿弗莱特 饰)等人四处闲逛,打架滋事。当蓝波找到这个天才的时候,他正因为打架袭警被法庭宣判送进看守所。蓝波向法官求情保释,才使他免于牢狱之灾。五.《肖申克的救赎》(The Shawshank Redemption)本片的主题是“希望”,在牢狱题材电影中突破了类型片的限制,拍出了同类作品罕见的人情味和温馨感觉。时至今日,本片在国内外各大电影网站的电影排行中始终稳坐前十。六.《阿甘正传》(Forrest Gump)阿甘(汤姆·汉克斯 饰)于二战结束后不久出生在美国南方阿拉巴马州一个闭塞的小镇,他先天弱智,智商只有75,然而他的妈妈是一个性格坚强的女性,她常常鼓励阿甘“傻人有傻福”,要他自强不息。阿甘像普通孩子一样上学,并且认识了一生的朋友和至爱珍妮(罗宾·莱特·潘 饰),在珍妮和妈妈的爱护下,阿甘凭着上帝赐予的“飞毛腿”开始了一生不停的奔跑。阿甘成为橄榄球巨星、越战英雄、乒乓球外交使者、亿万富翁,但是,他始终忘不了珍妮,几次匆匆的相聚和离别,更是加深了阿甘的思念。有一天,阿甘收到珍妮的信,他们终于又要见面。七.《美丽人生》( Life is Beautiful)二次世界大战期间的意大利,由罗伯托·贝里尼(Roberto Benigni)饰演的小人物─基多,来到图斯坎尼小镇追求他的理想与爱情,全然不顾法西斯主义之下的政府管制,在这里他与小学老师桃拉坠入情网。几年后,他们拥有了一个小男孩─约书亚,而基多也开了一间书店。但好景不常,在法西斯主义政府统治下,一家人失散,被关入集中营,爸爸和儿子关在一起,妈妈则被关在另外一处,在残酷无比的集中营里,爸爸以玩游戏的方式让儿子仍保有童年的快乐与天真。最后,爸爸牺牲了自己,死于纳粹的枪下,而儿子回到妈妈身边。《美丽人生》最引人入胜之处,在于它以诙谐的方式看待无情的战争。在该片里,我们见识到战争的可怕,看见了人们的无助,却也看到了有人以幽默的态度自处。八.《幸福终点站》(The Terminal)故事发生在上个世纪80年代末,维克多(汤姆·汉克斯 饰)是一个斯洛文尼亚人,为了逃避祖国的战乱,他决定移民美国,带着简单的行李买了飞往美国的机票。当他在终点站纽约的肯尼迪机场下机准备出机场时,却被拦了下来。原来,他的祖国发生了政变,而且还成为了美国的敌对国!维克多的护照和身份证件,以及移民文件都全都失去了效用,他被扣在了机场。瞬时间,维克多成了一个没国没家的孤立的人,他成为国际政治变化的牺牲品。在被扣在机场期间,维克多只有两个选择:要么返回祖国,可是他的国家政变后,已经不再承认办理了移民手续的他是国民;要么拿到有效的证件,进入移民的美国,但他的证件显然已经失效而且再也无法补回了。站在这个不属于自己的国家,看着来来往往陌生的人群,维克多不禁感到迷茫。无奈之下,他只能留在机场睡在大厅的椅子上,在卫生间里洗澡,靠为路过的乘客服务生活。他现在拥有的只有自己不自由的身体,以及一个小皮箱,里面装着换洗的衣服、一把剃须刀和已经作费的身份证明。一次偶然的机会下,维克多认识了一名美丽空姐艾米丽娅(凯瑟琳·泽塔·琼斯 饰)。艾米丽娅开始很同情维克多的遭遇,帮他介绍些小工作和与机场交涉关系,慢慢的她爱上了这个细腻而憨厚的男人。一场“塞翁失马”的际遇就这样上演了。维克多在这个机场邂逅了美国的一切,也邂逅了属于他的幸福。九.《死亡诗社》Dead Poets Society1959年,威尔顿预备学院以它凝重的风格受到了当时人们的尊敬。在那里,教育的模式是固定的,不仅单调而且束缚了思想。然而这一切在一个新教师的手中发生了改变。John Keating 反传统的教育方法给学院带来了一丝生气:在他的课堂里,他鼓励学生站在课桌上,用一个崭新的视角去观察周围的世界;他向学生介绍了许多有思想的诗歌;他所提倡的自由发散式的思维哲学在学生中引起了巨大的反响。渐渐地,一些人接受了他,开始勇敢地面对每一天,把握他们自己的人生。不幸也在这时发生了......十.《追风筝的人》 (The Kite Runner)阿富汗富家少爷阿米尔(Zekeria Ebrahim饰演)与仆人哈桑(Ahmad Khan Mahmidzada饰演)情同手足。在阿米尔受别人欺负的时候总是哈桑站出来保护他,尽管哈桑比他还要瘦弱。在一次盛大的风筝大会上,阿米尔和哈桑一路过关斩将取得了第一名的好成绩。两个少年都十分开心。 哈桑也兴奋的朝最后一个“战利品”追去。但在途中哈桑却被一伙不良少年堵截在小巷中蹂躏强暴,尾随哈桑的阿米尔目睹了发生在哈桑身上的一切,却没有勇气站出来保护哈桑而眼睁睁的看着哈桑被他们强暴。阿米尔却从此背上了沉重的心理包袱。再也无法面对哈桑的他为了永远躲开那熟悉的目光,在一天借口陷害哈桑父子俩偷东西,把他们赶出了自家的大门。随着战争的爆发,阿米尔跟父亲去了美国。在那里他和父亲一道辛勤的工作学习,从一无所有逐渐建立了他们的家业。然而,拉辛汗从阿富汗打来的一个电话却打破了所有的平静。阿米尔意识到过去的从来都未曾过去。他始终无法摆脱对哈桑的歉疚。为了赎罪,为了哈桑,他再次踏上睽违二十多年的故 土。希望能为不幸的好友尽最后一点心力。然而此行却让他发现了一个惊天的谎言......


楼下几位都回答了。。。那我就说说英文解释吧 去urban dictionary1.DribbleThe action that happens when a man gets excited2.To play basketball. This derives from the basketball term describing bouncing the ball on the ground repeatedly.3.To hang or chill out somewhere.4.A nickname given to someone who talks to girls with beer dribbling down their chin and frequently talks without thinking first.5.When a male slides his penis through a woman"s cleavage repetatively. Also known as "boob sex".6.v. When a guy or a girl places a hand on each of a girl"s breasts and proceeds to dribble them like basketballs.


第二次语文课堂教学研究。李家祥摘要。 第二次或外国语言教室研究是在语言教室里回答有关学习的重要问题与外语教学的目的而进行的研究。这种研究派生其任何真正外语教室 (特别组成的教与学外语的教室) 中的数据或研究的目的而成立的实验实验室设置中。这些实验的设置有时是复制或重新创建在语言的课室内会发生什么情况虽然实验室设置往往不在这种复制使没有借口而建立的。 一些目标和课堂研究中的问题有哪些? 课堂研究可以集中在教师或学习者,或教师和学生之间的交互。老师为本研究探讨教师,教室决策过程以及什么指为老师谈等因素。老师谈包含了语音修改教师进行第二语言学习者谈话的时候,老师问: 数量和类型的说话,老师做的类型错误纠正和反馈,教师提供,问题的种类。 着重介绍学习者的研究看了看,例如在发展方面的学习语言、 学习方式及不同的学习的各种类型的材料和课堂教学任务,学习者和这种交互学习语言发展的影响之间发生的教室交互的系统提示的语言类型所使用的策略。 第二语言教室研究了很多是在应用语言学名作为第二语言习得 (SLA) subdiscipline 内进行的。SLA 研究的最终目的是要描述和预测阶段学习者通过取得了第二次的语言中,标识,学习者获得目标语言的过程。以课堂为本研究的目的是找出在课堂教学的变量,可方便或阻碍采集。该变量可能与学习者、 老师、 教学的治疗/环境或某种形式的这些因素之间的互动


这篇文章值得仔细研究。(deserve)This article deserves to be closely studied.你打算什么时候还他钱?(pay back)When do you plan to pay back his money?汤姆是银行经理,他有一份很高的薪水Tom is the manager of the bank with a high salary.当她洗衣服的时候,电话响了。(while)The phone rang while she was doing her laundry.我的爸爸喜欢爵士音乐胜过摇滚(prefer...to)My father prefers Jazz to Rock"n"Roll.

他洗了3次澡 英语翻译。

He baths three times

这座城市值得参观 英语翻译

The city is worth visiting

油槽的英语翻译 油槽用英语怎么说

油槽[机] oil groove;oil sink;oil pocket;[油气] oil bath更多释义>>[网络短语]油槽 Oil Baths;oil groove;oil sump供油槽 oil supply;oil supply tank;oil service tank地下油槽 buried tank;hydrant pit


1 他被任命为这个城市的市长尽管那年他只有18岁2应该3Beth 声称她的红纽扣外套丢失后来找到.....????4但是他们拒绝透露任何细节5.通常的, 习惯的, 按照风俗习惯的accustomed to 习惯于


Cheerful positive enterprising hard-working/Can bear hardships 性格开朗 工作积极 有进取心 能吃苦 willing to study diligently Honest and trustworthy honest and tolerant 肯钻研 诚实守信 为人忠厚老实

可修改的的英语翻译 可修改的用英语怎么说

可修改的 [词典] revisable; adaptable; [计] pollable; [例句]是灵活的和可修改的。Is flexible and adaptable.

英语翻译 无

是求关于衣服的单词么? clothes,wearing,vesture 衣服 shirt 衬衫 T-shirt T恤衫 sweater 毛衣 skirt 裙子 dress (女)礼服 suit (男)西装 hat,cap 帽子 pants 裤子 jeans 牛仔裤 jacket 夹克 coat 外套 glove 手套 belt 裤腰带 clothes 衣服,服装 wardrobe 服装 clothing 服装 habit 个人依习惯.身份而着的服装 ready-made clothes,ready-to-wear clothes 成衣 garments 外衣 town clothes 外衣 double-breasted suit 双排扣外衣 suit 男外衣 dress 女服 tailored suit 女式西服 everyday clothes 便服 three-piece suit 三件套 trousseau 嫁妆 layette 婴儿的全套服装 uniform 制服 overalls 工装裤 rompers 连背心的背带裤 formal dress 礼服 tailcoat,morning coat 大礼服 evening dress 夜礼服 dress coat,tails 燕尾服,礼服 nightshirt 男式晚礼服 dinner jacket 无尾礼服 (美作:tuxedo) full dress uniform 礼服制服 frock coat 双排扣长礼服 gown,robe 礼袍 tunic 长袍 overcoat 男式大衣 coat 女大衣 topcoat 夹大衣 fur coat 皮大衣 three-quarter coat 中长大衣 dust coat 风衣 mantle,cloak 斗篷 poncho 篷却(南美人的一种斗篷) sheepskin jacket 羊皮夹克 pelisse 皮上衣 jacket 短外衣夹克 anorak,duffle coat 带兜帽的夹克,带风帽的粗呢大衣 hood 风帽 scarf,muffler 围巾 shawl 大披巾 knitted shawl 头巾,编织的头巾 fur stole 毛皮长围巾 muff 皮手筒 housecoat,dressing gown 晨衣 (美作:duster) short dressing gown 短晨衣 bathrobe 浴衣 nightgown,nightdress 女睡衣 pyjamas 睡衣裤 (美作:pajamas) pocket 衣袋 lapel (上衣)翻领 detachable collar 假领,活领 wing collar 硬翻领,上浆翻领 V-neck V型领 sleeve 袖子 cuff 袖口 buttonhole 钮扣孔 shirt 衬衫 blouse 紧身女衫 T-shirt 短袖圆领衫,体恤衫 vest 汗衫 (美作:undershirt) polo shirt 球衣 middy blouse 水手衫 sweater 运动衫 synthetic fabric 混合纤维 acryl 压克力 polyester 伸缩尼龙 nylon 尼龙 worsted 呢料 cashmere 羊毛 patterns 花样 tartan plaid 格子花 (美作:tartan) dot 圆点花 stripe 条纹 flower pattern 花纹花样 veil 面纱

英语翻译 Finishing是什么意思





1 and the culture of nationality, scientific and integration, In reality, inherited self-sufficient in historical and cultural tradition, absorbing foreign cultural achievements2 and discusses how to solve the shortage of water resources and the global faced a series of problems related to investigate the: separate water shortage of the world and its competitors q issues (such) for?3, the meeting is our department for promoting urban water marketization reform, promote industrial and urban water treatment technology innovation and meeting(这句话,看到就头晕了,请老师帮忙)(this sentence, see is dizzy, please teachers help.)

它主要讲了 英语翻译

It mainly spoke

请用英语翻译:1.守时,守信2.不撒谎, 不说脏话 2.不在公共场所喧哗,不乱扔垃圾

1.on time ,To be honest 2.Do not take a lie ,Do not say saying that is not polite 3.Do not speak loudly in public and throw rubbish.


当我听人们说体育运动可创造国家之间的友谊,还说各国民众若在足球场或板球场上交锋,就不愿在战场上残杀的时候,我总是惊愕不已。一个人即使不能从具体的事例(例如1936年的奥林匹克运动会)了解到国际运动比赛会导致疯狂的仇恨,也可以从常理中推断出结论。 现在开展的体育运动几乎都是竞争性的。参加比赛就是为了取胜。如果不拚命去赢,比赛就没有什么意义了。 在乡间的草坪上,当你随意组成两个队,并且不涉及任何地方情绪时,那才可能是单纯的为了娱乐和锻炼而进行比赛。可是一量涉及到荣誉问题,一旦你想到你和某一团体会因为你输而丢脸时,那么最野蛮的争斗天性便会激发起来。即使是仅仅参加过学校足球赛的人也有种体会。在国际比赛中,体育简直是一场模拟战争。但是,要紧的还不是运动员的行为,而是观众的态度,以及观众身后各个国家的态度。面对着这些荒唐的比赛,参赛的各个国家会如痴如狂,甚至煞有介事地相信 -- 至少在短期内如此 -- 跑跑、跳跳、踢踢球是对一个民族品德素质的检验。


I"ve had more rain than you"ve had showers

沐浴的英语翻译 沐浴用英语怎么说

bath 英[bɑ:θ] 美[bæθ] n. 沐浴; 洗澡; 浴缸,澡盆; 浸,泡,洗澡水; vt. (给…) 洗澡; [例句]In those days, only quite wealthy families had baths of their own.那时候,只有非常富有的家庭才有自己的浴缸。[其他] 第三人称单数:baths 复数:baths 现在分词:bathing 过去式:bathed


Xi"an is located in the northwest of China, 3,000 years of history, 13 dynasties established their capitals here, covers an area of 9983 square kilometers, a population of 8.468 million


All the nations in the world, especially those in economy shunt process and developing countries, begin to compete in attracting foreign investment. Introducing foreign investment means a great for developing domestic economy, saving funds and speeding economy shunt. With more and more severe ecomomic competition, every nation thinks much more highly of international investment. Between chinese and Russian economy shunt period, there was great difference in terms of making use of foreign investment, and it was the difference that resulted in the great contrast between the two countries" economy growth. This article will compare the difference of using foreign investment of these two nations, and find the reason that resulted in the difference. So we can summarize the points that the nations should pay attention to when introduce foreign investment during economy shunt period, so as to improve using foreign investment reasonably during economy shunt period, and boost economy growth, but the final aim is to complete economy shunt.

落魄的英语翻译 落魄用英语怎么说

落魄:可以翻译为以下方式。abjection; comedown; come down in the world; down and out1对于两个赛季前排名第二的俱乐部来说,竟然有降级之虞真是太落魄了。The prospect of relegation is a comedown for a club that finished second two seasons ago. 2这个老头儿是个落魄的英国人,名叫享利·阿特金斯。This old man was a castaway englishman, henry Atkins by name. 3他已搬了家,无疑是落魄了。He has moved house and has certainly come down in the world. provided by jukuu4所以,上个月丢了工作以后就完全落魄了。So since he lost his job last month, he has been completely down and out. gb.cri.cn5在我落魄潦倒之时,除了我的新朋友虱子还有谁会来看我!When I fell on evil days, who should come to meet me but my new friendlouse!provided by jukuu6我依然要感谢那些在我落魄时支持我的人。My thanks also go to those who still stuck by me, when I was on dark days. provided by jukuu7可怜的老乔治自从他的生意失败以后就落魄了。Poor old George has come down in the world since his business failed. www.dictall.com8落魄时,没有人认识;得意时,你不认识你自己。When out of favour, none know thee; when in, thou dost not know thyself. provided by jukuu9美国消费者并非唯一感到失意落魄的人。The US consumer is not the only one feeling down and out. www.ftchinese.com10我不想她成为一个落魄少女,我希望她能够挺身而出,保护弟弟。I want her to not be a damsel in distress. I want her to go out and protect her brother. www.hjenglish.com11我是一个优胜者,而他们的生命却被那些落魄者所左右。I"m a winner; their lives look like they are ruled by looser. www.tingvoa.com12他自己就是个落魄作家。He was a frustrated author himself. provided by jukuu13我倒有点儿象个落魄的王孙。I do seem to be a broken-down monarch of some kind. provided by jukuu14理智使我落魄成现在这样。Being reasonable got me where I am right now. provided by jukuu15当然,投资银行家还没落魄到要人同情的地步。To be sure, few are crying for investment bankers. www.fortunechina.com16看看我现在有多落魄!Look at how badiy off I am! provided by jukuu17否则,这个国家真的会走向落魄。Otherwise the country really is going to the dogs. www.ftchinese.com18时空之外,是不是你也在落雨的时候和我一样,一副落魄的形骸。Outside of time and space, is you also in dripped, the same as me, a deputy dethroned head. blog.sina.com.cn19你看上去有点甜蜜,有点麻烦,有点落魄。You seem very sweet and unkempt and troubled. provided by jukuu20善良、宽容的中国人让我们落魄的惊魂得以抚慰,也让我们最终登上了回家的轮船。We were so scared, but the kind and forgiving Chinese people calmed us down and helped us eventually embark on the steamboat heading home. jean.yhean.blog.163.com21他的父亲是一个落魄的商人,所以小伯蒂的母亲不得不给人家当女仆。His father was a poor businessman, and young Bertie"s mother had to work as a lady"s maid. word.hcbus.com22在2008年渐进尾声之际,亚洲私人银行家和财富经理显得落魄、有点谦卑和谨慎,尽管他们对于前景并不全是灰心丧气。As 2008 draws to an end, private bankers and wealth managers in Asia seem battered, a little humble and cautious, although not always disheartened at the outlook. www.ftchinese.com23克利斯真是落魄潦倒。他睡在公园板凳上而且整天喝酒。Chris is such a low-life. He sleeps on the park bench and drink booze all day.www.dictall.com24葛朗台的独生女儿-天真美丽的欧也妮爱上了破产落魄的表弟夏尔。Grandet"s only child, innocent and beautiful, fell in love with Jenny"s cousin Charles, a abject man, who was bankrupted. xiaozu.renren.com25他父亲穷途落魄,担惊受怕,但仍努力不懈。His father was desperate and frightened, but obstinately fighting. www.jukuu.com26上周末,落魄豪门尤文图斯队取得了意乙首胜。Last weekend, Series B witnessed the first win of Juventus, the disgraced galaxy of talent athletes. bbs.chinadaily.com.cn27落魄的胜利者。Winner on the come down. yyyy.o-o.blog.163.com28我是一位落魄的书生,带着穷酸与才华战战兢兢的进京赶考,一如大都赶考的一样,失意而归。I am a lackluster scholar, with scrubby and talent to Beijing fears that exam, as most of the same exam, go home frustrated. enwaimao.cn29我落魄到被发现昏迷或沉睡在废墟里I was so down and out till I was found unconscious in some abandoned and rundown house gtlim.com30你的话有决定生死的力量。一句鼓励的话可以让落魄的人重新振作,让他们重新面对生活。An encouraging word to someone who is down can lift them up and help them make it through the day.

沐浴的英语翻译 沐浴用英语怎么说



这个男孩正在给小the puppy is taking a bath with the help of the boy


ranking first in the ancient capital of China ,Xi"an is one of the four famous ancient capitals of civilization, and is the cradle of the Chinese nation. There are many monuments such as the Terra Cotta Warriors Wild Goose Pagoda civilization


拇指thumb finger,食指index finger 中指middle finger 小拇指 little finger 无名指 ring finger


in good spiritsto be ( feel ) refreshed


English translation. Seek advice


英语是最广泛使用的语言在历史上我们的地球。每七人可以讲。超过一半的世界图书和四分之三的国际邮件都是英文的。所有语文,英语词汇量最大的,也许多达200万字和一个崇高的机构的文献。 然而,让我们面对现实:英语是一个疯狂的语言。没有鸡蛋的茄子,既不松也不苹果菠萝和火腿没有一个汉堡包。糖果是糖果,而sweetbreads ,这是不甜,有肉。 我们英语是理所当然的。但是,当我们探讨其自相矛盾,我们发现,流沙可以慢慢地,拳击环广场,公共浴室没有浴缸在其中。 为什么它是一个作家写,但手指不fing ,杂货店不groce和锤子不火腿?如果复数的牙齿是牙齿,不应该是复数的展台被beeth ?一只鹅, 2只鹅,这样一驼鹿,两个米斯? 如果老师教,为什么是不是真正的布道者praught ?如果马鬃垫是由头发的马匹和骆驼毛大衣从头发的骆驼,从什么是马海毛大衣呢?如果吃素吃蔬菜,什么人道主义吃? 在做其他语言的人驾驶的公路和公园的车道?船舶用卡车和发送货物的船舶?已运行的鼻子和脚的味道?

英语翻译mentally fits什么意思

精神很健康或心理很健康应该是 fit,不是 fits, 这里fit 是形容词,健康的意思


I love my home, because I have a happy home. My father was a worker, and his name is Zhang, who 40 years old this year. My mother is a sewing workers, her Southern do uniforms, uniforms look very good. My mother was a lively and lovely people, is still a very friendly person, he is the same age with his father, 40-year-old. My parents told me very good, I love my parents. In the holidays, when I and my parents to clean up the room, and sometimes we go shopping together. I love my home, because my mom and dad very happy life together!


No sense of value


we should wear uniforms to school.

金融英语翻译:micro-cap and small-cap companies分别是什么公司? 可以给出详细点儿的解释吗?谢谢。



NO.1Fifty percent of the students like school uniforms, they think the uniforms and beautiful, the color is good, clean, can when sports clothes, put on school uniform filling deceive vitality, accord with the age of the students" characteristics.NO.2Thirty percent of the students don"t like school uniforms, they think the uniforms uncomfortable, style and drab, not good-looking, outdated. They argue that students should be diversified uniforms, can make life more colourful.NO.3Twenty percent of the students in school uniform no any opinion.


沸腾的想象:我是想来警告你一下,千万不要相信——海很深梦很真——的回答。别看她写了那么多最后还画蛇添足,加上一个“最专业的英语翻译”。她基本上所有的汉译英全都是机器翻译,狗屁不通的。我看了特别不顺眼,她到处拿机器翻译来骗人,气人。用合理的夸张把一件毫无价值的商品说的神乎其神:To use rational exaggeration to elevate a worthless item to godlike status. 我用合理的夸张把一件毫无价值的商品说的神乎其神:I used rational exaggeration to elevate a worthless item to godlike status. 合理的夸张:rational exaggeration无价值的商品:worthless item神乎其神:godlike status这样才是比较地道的翻译,你可以参考一下。以后记住不要相信那位答题者,谢谢。






这项研究造成对会计保守主义的理解 展示链接给真正的选择。 我提出二个不同真正的选择模型。第一是二种投资是必要带来的一种被演出的投资对实现的项目。 第二是项目的放弃模型财产有价值在一个供选择的用途。 在两个模型,会计信号在必须做出之前,到达最后决定。 在会计的基本的紧张系统是记帐策略可能减少类型的率我错误(mislabeling一个好项目如坏和失败卖或追求)仅通过增加类型II错误的率(mislabeling一个坏项目如好和失败下降到或放弃它供选择的用途)。两个模型的结果是相似的。 如果无条件的未下赌注的期望的终端现金流动超出相当数量在被演出的投资的第二种投资(项目财产的价值是他们在放弃模型的供选择的用途),不的机会成本卖(放弃)好项目是统治的力量。 结果,管理者选择一个积极的记帐策略。 否则,它是控制的类型II错误,并且管理者设置保守的会计政策。 本文的主要涵义那在被演出的投资模型,保守的会计是可能是最优策略,当比例投资发生在第二个日期的,重要性的一个代理人的真正选择,高。 我争辩说,这与expensing是一致的R&D和资本化固定资产,因为前是可能需要连续投资比后者。 是直接的扩大被演出的投资模型对另外的期间可能解释的会计信号序列 及早一个是保守的,并且以后一个是积极的,与是一致的软件的资本化在技术可行性的创立的以后。有局限对分析。 首先,而模型潜在地提供不同的会计治疗的演变的一个解释投资的R&D和固定资产,它不充分地依照协会实践。 特别是,除软件资本化之外,没有上流的可能性在R&D的当前GAAP治疗的之下信号; 企业必须费用所有R&D不管对项目的最后生活能力的它的评估的开支。其次,模型接近从信息透视那里的保守主义不是映射在信号认识和收入报告和平衡之间板料。 虽然这与大多数是一致的保守主义理论文学,经验主义的文学典型地采取测量透视。


The attached is the working schedule drafted by General Administration Department, please fully fulfilled yours own responsibility and finish the work will high efficiency.


Along with our country market economy environment changes and financial management system reform of development, the government accounting environment has had the profound and fundamental changes in the government accounting system, has the obvious disadvantages of original budget accounting pattern, and can"t meet the needs of the development of the Chinese government, this paper analyzes the current status of accounting, analyzes the problems existing in the accounting for China, and puts forward some problems existing government accounting for our government measures to solve the accounting reform provide some help and advice


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