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a respected guestmouthed languagedropped leavesboiled waterretired teacherbook writes by LuXunthe girl dresses in whitethe delicious food made by the cookernewly-married couplewidely-used languagedisciplined organised class (这句总觉得有点问题)the watch I bought yesterday doesn"t work nowthe problem come up just now is every importantthe most of the invited people are experts in each field.in advancedregisterhow about it?in other words/that is/ namelyreferredbe supplied


Music and peace begin at this time, and thus form convention. Nowadays, the temple fair has little to do with religious activities, and few temple fairs are actually held in temples. However, as temple fairs offer a variety of commercial recreational activities, they have become a necessary place for people to play in traditional festivals, especially during the spring festival. There are many temple fairs in Beijing, among which the temple fair is the oldest and the most famous one. The various performances included martial arts, acrobatics, Peking Opera, popular singing, performing and folk dance


May be a surprise




with WTO entry and sustained and stable economic development, various industries face the internationalized market competitionst . hotel industry, as one of the earliest industry integrating into international market, also can"t avoid the increasingly fierce competition. how to improve the core competitiveness of a hotel and promote its sustainable development. these are all the questions need the careful consideration of anyone of the hotel operators. seizing the opportunity and strengthening themselves is the only road leading to the success of hotel industry. the resource thinks that the human resources management is an important part of the internal management of a hotel. while the key of the human resources management is performance management, and the core of te performance management is performance evaluation. therefore, regarding the performance evaluation system as the breakthrough is very practical for solving the internal nanagement problems of a hotel. nowadays, the scope of a hotel competition is expanding rapidly and the degree of the competition is intensified unprecedentedly. if the hotel doesn"t want to be defeated in the competition. it must attach importance to the irreplacement of the talents. and the staff performance evaluation is an importance part to make the excellent talents stand out. the paper is divided into four parts. first of all, it states the background and meaning of this research as well as the research situation both in home and abroad. then, it introduces the relevant basic theory such as the introduction of the hotel industry and the definition of the staff performance evaluation. next, it explores the hotel staff"s performance evaluation system and accurately design the new framework to help the staff to achieve the performance goal. finally, it makes the practice research for the staff performance evaluation and realizes sustainable development of a hotel and its staff

用英语翻译英语 to your suprise

to your surprise 是to one"s surprise 的用法,表示另某人惊讶,这里表示另你惊讶,让你大吃一惊




密封选择指南:这个目录显示的封印许多不同的家庭的例子可利用。 多数系列为工业, AS4716,米尔G 5514是可利用的封垫,并且O环凹线和嘴唇封印RMA封垫。 有里面嘴唇和外部嘴唇设计、长度的封印,春天供能物、使用参数、材料和性能准则的无限组合。 下面封印类型、材料、春天供能物和硬件设计标准一个简要概述。 为根据您的应用的一个完全设计提案,电话800 576封印(7325)。 PolySpring™ -春天被加强的封印 Spring被加强的封印是单向的u杯子封印。 要求供能物为低压海豹捕猎提供预压和维护与联接的硬件的亲密的嘴唇联络。 当封印佩带春天继续施加在嘴唇的压力,直到封印的有用的表现被用尽。 封印被设计有压力进入“U”。 封印可以从高真空使用到100,000 psi (结合与适当地被设计的垫圈)。 系列:810V Description : 一般用途、在ID的二面对切的嘴唇和OD。 被加强的V春天创造高单位荷载在提供优秀可变的海豹捕猎的海豹捕猎接口。 系列:812V Description : 更好的海豹捕猎的双重结提议封印联络多余与概略的结束。 更低的摩擦要求的理想。 被加强的V春天。 系列:814V Description : 在黏媒介的优秀刮和密封和耐久性。 优秀为胶粘剂、油漆、粉末和食物。 系列:836H Description : 设计为静止或非常慢速、真空和极端温度。 螺线创伤丝带春天供能物。 系列:842AL, 842AM, 842AH Description : 有角度的线圈弹簧被加强的封印。 对低,受控摩擦应用,可利用是理想的对光、媒介和重载春天。 系列:Hign压力密封 Description : 为在6000 psi之上的应用,我们推荐与SSI封印设计工程师的咨询最佳的设计的适用于应用。 SSI提供按客户要求设计的聚合物和金属支承环。 系列:900V Description : 设计减少轴向运动和在冷的应用的辐形收缩。 优秀为交换和转台式服务。 设计可利用所有春天供能物的。 系列:如果1100H, 1100H Description : 应用的理想与轴向装载。 端面密封可以为里面压力(IF1100H)或外部压力(OF1100H)设计。 春天洞面对最高的压力。 用螺线精确度装载使高静态负载的丝带弹簧受伤。 能为缓慢的转台式服务也设计。




谢谢了。跟你非亲非故,不要对别人那么好哈哈。 还是做两句吧,孩子们在沙地上挖洞外交官们关注世界局势农民控告铁路部门因为他的牛被火车撞死了水罐的反面有很多放水的水槽小猫伏在地窖旁守候小老鼠我们都很同情失去了爱妻的男人#¥%……&*()

糖衣炮弹的英语翻译 糖衣炮弹用英语怎么说

sugar-coated bullets


上面那个人使用了谷歌金山词霸翻译的,,,里面有很明显的错误。。。。 首先,标题是 组装 ,,而不是大会。。。。 所有 Assembly 在这里都应该翻译成组装,装配的意思。。。 希望能够帮到发问者~ 不过,因为这个翻译软件很多专业词汇它里面都有,所以是翻译的比较准确一点的,当然没有人翻译的那么准确,所以就需要你鉴别一些内容了,OK。




resolution英 [ˌrezəˈlu:ʃn] 美 [ˌrɛzəˈluʃən] n. 分辨率;解决;决心;坚决复数: resolutions


Our school sits on a campus of 200 mu, or 13.7 acres.Our campus has an area of 200 mu, or 13.7 acres.

独轮推车的英语翻译 独轮推车用英语怎么说

独轮推车 [词典] [机] wheel barrow;

推车的英语翻译 推车用英语怎么说

推车 [词典] cart; barrow; go-cart; [例句]侍者已经推来了甜食推车。The waiter had brought the sweet trolley.


In recent years, unceasingly sped up along with our country urbanization, the urban development and the construction used the rapid expansion, the massive suburb agriculture used to transfer the construction to use to use, intensified our country"s person contradictory. In the development urbanization advancement plants crops the protection the research, the realization farming total quantity dynamical equilibrium, provides the powerful safeguard to our country"s food security. This article take Wuhan as an example, using the comparison analytic method, qualitative and the quantitative analysis unifies the research technique, has carried on the time variation and the spatial variation analysis to the recent years cultivated area data, obtains plants crops the characteristic which the non-agriculture pasts, and analyzed this city to plant crops the power factor which the non-agriculture pasted, then proposed the full use city storage quantity land, intensive and saved uses the city land, protected the farming strictly the specific measures. To solves our country “to eat meal” and “the construction”, “the urban development” and “the farming protection” the between contradiction has the practical significance.追加点分吧,(我也不知对不对,问人的)

求英语翻译 !!!德国农业的,如下。。我把所有分数都砸上,会追加分数,不要有道不要百度机器翻译的!

您好:Germany is one of the most important agricultural countryin the eu,Fertile farmland mainly grow wheat, barley, corn and sugar beet, barren land is mainly cultivated rye, oats, potatoes and fodder beet. Output value of German agricultureaccounts for about 1% of GDP, agricultural workersaccounted for about 4% of the total labor force, has a highly developed agriculture, more than 80% of theagricultural products to be able to self-sufficiency, part of the imported for the variety of style or price factors.Germany grape cultivation has a long history, Wine is well known in the world. The grape is grown mostly in the hillside (60%), the rest in the valley or the plains. Upstream and downstream and the Elbe region in the middle reach of the the Rhine, and on the main Neckar River, river, the river Moselle is famous grape producing areas. The grape planting area of 107000 hectares, has 77388 farm planting grapes, large farms less.German beer flower yield per hectare is generally between 1500 to 2000 kg,Germany has nearly 70% hops are exported to more than 100 countries.The German government statistics, in 2007, the total landarea of 11890000 hectares,Grain planting area of 6580000 hectares, the total grain output was 40580000 tons; wherein, the wheat planting area of 3000000 hectares, yield 20930000 tons; barleyplanting area of 1930000 hectares, yield 10480000 tons;rye planting area of 410000 hectares, the output of 2180000 tons; corn acreage to 380000 hectares, yield3560000 tons.Oilseed crops are mainly rapeseed, sunflowerSeed. According to statistics, in 2007, rapeseed plantingarea of 1550000 hectares, yield was 5300000 tons, with an average yield of 3.43 tons per hectare; sunflower plantingarea of 190000 hectares, yield was 48000 tons, with an average yield of 2.52 tons per hectare.Germany is the world"s largest bio diesel production and consumption country. In 2007, biodiesel production is expected to be 5000000 tons, equivalent to the totaldomestic diesel demand of 16%, much higher than theIn 2006 of 2600000 tons and 1000000 tons in 2005. The German biodiesel production of raw materialsMainly rapeseed.望采纳谢谢

“这两把吉他,真酷” 英语翻译: The two guitar,so cool 对吗?

是“The two guitars, cool”,so是“也”的意思

大律师的英语翻译 大律师用英语怎么说

大律师barrister更多释义>>[网络短语]大律师 barrister;Queen"s Counsel;counsel大易律师事务所 DAHYEE LAW GROUP大的律师事务所 K&L Gates


关税壁垒n. tariff barrier;tariff wall更多释义>>[网络短语]关税壁垒 tariff barrier;tariff wall;customs barrier为关税壁垒 Tariff Barriers一类为关税壁垒 Tariff Barriers

英语翻译 他们不太提供"service"



remora[5remErE]n.障碍, 障碍物remorarem.o.raAHD:[rµm“…r-]D.J.[6rem*r*]K.K.[6rWm*r*]n.(名词)Any of several marine fishes of the family Echeneidae, having on the head a sucking disk with which they attach themselves to sharks, whales, sea turtles, or the hulls of ships.Also called shark sucker ,suckerfish ,suckfish鮣鱼:属于的几种海鱼的任何一种,在头部有吸盘,常吸附于鲨鱼,鲸,海龟或船体上也作 shark sucker,suckerfish,suckfishLatin [delay (from the belief that they could slow ships down)]拉丁语 [妨碍(由它们能使船放慢速度的说法而来)]from remor³º} [to delay]源自 remor³º} [妨碍]re- [re-]re- [前缀re-]mor³º} [to delay] from mora [delay]mor³º} [妨碍 源自 mora [妨碍]remora[5remErE]【动】鱼阻碍, 障碍物remorarem.o.raAHD:[rµm“…r-…]D.J.[6rem*r*]K.K.[6rWm*r*]n.Any of several marine fishes of the family Echeneidae, having on the head a sucking disk with which they attach themselves to sharks, whales, sea turtles, or the hulls of ships.Also called shark sucker ,suckerfish ,suckfishLatin [delay (from the belief that they could slow ships down)]from remor³º} [to delay]re- [re-]mor³º} [to delay] from mora [delay]barrier[5bAriE]n.(阻碍通道的)障碍物, 栅栏, 屏障barrierbarrierAHD:[b²r“¶-…r]D.J.[6b#ri8*]K.K.[6b#ri+]n.(名词)A structure, such as a fence, built to bar passage.栅栏,挡板,壁垒,关卡:一种建造物,例如篱笆,用来禁止通行Something immaterial that obstructs or impedes:非物质的妨碍或阻碍物:Intolerance is a barrier to understanding.See Synonyms at obstacle偏狭是理解的一大障碍参见 obstacleEcology A physical or biological factor that limits the migration, interbreeding, or free movement of individuals or populations.【生态学】 障碍:物理或生物因素,可以限制迁移、杂交或个体及群体的自由运动A boundary or limit.界限或限制Something that separates or holds apart.分开物,隔离物:用于分开或隔离的事物A movable gate that keeps racehorses in line before the start of a race.起跑屏障:在比赛开始前,使赛马位于线内的可以活动的门The palisades or fences enclosing the lists of a medieval tournament. Often used in the plural.高围栏:用来围住中世纪马上比武大赛赛场的木栏或栅栏,常用复数Geology An ice barrier.【地质学】 冰障Middle English barrer中古英语barrerfrom Old French barriere源自 古法语 barrierefrom Vulgar Latin *barr³a源自 俗拉丁语 *barr³afrom *barra [bar]源自 *barra [禁止,阻止]barrier[5bAriE]n.栅栏; 屏障; 隔板, 挡板海关关卡障碍, 妨碍因素; 障碍物界线扩伸到海洋中的南极洲冰棱势垒, 位垒, 阻挡层; 绝缘(套)人工堤(赛马的)出发栅(包装用的可以作成容器的)柔软材料abarrier light海岸探照灯the language barrier语言上的隔阂barrier beach海浪所造成的沙滩barrier reef堡礁(一种珊瑚礁)barrier treaty边界条约set up a barrier between在...中间设置障碍remove a barrier between拆除在...中间障碍barrier[5bAriE]vt.用栅围住crashbarrier(英国)快速公路正中间为防止撞车而设的防护栅栏crushbarrier(人行道边设置的)防止拥挤的铁栏杆passport barrier出国限制(某些国家在签发出国护照时所加的障碍)tradebarrier[常用复]贸易堡垒, 贸易限制(资本主义国家对发展国际贸易所设置的人为障碍)barrier of speech语言的隔阂air barrier气密层; 内衬层arming barrier枪、炮、弹药的保险器automatic half barrier with flashing lights装有闪光灯的道口单侧自动栏木automatic half-gate barrier单侧自动栏木back-biased barrier(有)反向偏压的阻挡层bascule barrier吊式栏木bay barrier【地质】湾口沙坝biological barrier【植】生物阻碍biotic barrier【生态】生物阻限blood-brainbarrier血脑障壁[屏障]centrifugal barrier【力】离心势垒chain barrier链栅栏chain-link-cable barrier钢索格子形挡板, 钢索格子形栅栏chemical barrier化学性阻挡层collector barrier集电极势垒, 集电极位垒completely developed barrier完全发展的势垒compressing barrier压缩阻片contact (potential) barrier【电】接触势垒counterbalance barrier平衡锤栏木covert trade barrier变相贸易壁垒crop barrier作物屏障crossing barrier道口栏木crystal barrier晶体势垒customs barrier关税壁垒diffusion barrier扩散势垒区, 扩散式叠层electtrostatic barrier静电能垒emitter barrier【电子】发射区势垒energy barrier能障; 能垒fire barriers防火间隔fish barrier鱼栏, 栏鱼栅fission barrier裂变位垒fixed barrier固定阻片flash barrier瞬时遮光板闪弧隔板瞬时屏蔽floating barrier浮动挡板; 浮油栅folding barrier折叠栏木heat barrier热障heterogeneous barrier不均匀阻挡层high-resistance barrier高电阻阻挡层ice barrier冰堡impermeable barrier不透水层insulating barrier绝缘层intercrystalline barrier晶间势垒internal barrier内势垒inversion barrier反演势垒ion barrier离子障壁ion implanted barrier离子注入势垒isolation barrier隔离阻障junction barrier结势垒language barrier语言障碍lattice barrier格子栏木lay-head barrier湾头沙洲light barrier挡光板, 光垒median barrier路中护栏metal-semiconductor barrier金属-半导体垫垒microporous barrier【化工】微孔膜moisture-vapour barrier水汽隔绝层movable barrier可移动阻片noise barrier噪声障non-tariff barriers (to trade) (NTB)非关税贸易壁垒nuclear potential barrier核势垒oil barrier油栏permeability barrier透性障physiological barrier生理障碍placental barrier胎盘屏障platform barrier站台栅栏potential barrier势垒, 位垒potential-energy barrier(电)势垒primary protective barriers【核】主防护墙rectifying barrier整流势垒reflecting barrier反射障碍, 反射壁rolling barrier滑动栏木; 滑动栏杆safety barrier【航空】停机拦截网secondary protective barrier【核】二次防护层sliding barrier滑动栏木,滑轮栏木sonic barrier音障, 声垒sound barrier声垒stationary barrier固定支架, 固定挡块stone-dust barrier【采矿】岩粉棚surface (potential) barrier表面势垒, 表面位垒swing barrier摇摆式栏木tariff barrier关税壁垒technical barriers技术性贸易壁垒thermal barrier热障热绝缘threefold barrier三倍垒toll barrier收费处路障tsunami barrier津波防波堤, 地震海啸防波堤vapo(u)r barrier阻凝(蒸汽)层vegetative barriers植物性屏障voltage barrier势垒water barrier防水层barriers of infection传染屏障barrierbar.AHD:[b²r“¶-…r]D.J.[6b#ri8*]K.K.[6b#ri+]n.A structure, such as a fence, built to bar passage.Something immaterial that obstructs or impedes:Intolerance is a barrier to understanding.See Synonyms at obstacleEcology A physical or biological factor that limits the migration, interbreeding, or free movement of individuals or populations.A boundary or limit.Something that separates or holds apart.A movable gate that keeps racehorses in line before the start of a race.The palisades or fences enclosing the lists of a medieval tournament. Often used in the plural.Geology An ice barrier.Middle English barrerfrom Old French barrierefrom Vulgar Latin *barr³afrom *barra [bar]barrier来自古法语 barrier,bar 栏,杆barrierbarricadefortificationobstructionbarrier[5bAriE]n.栅栏,屏障;障碍fraise[freiz]n.障碍物fraisefraiseAHD:[fr³z]D.J.[fre!z]K.K.[frez]n.(名词)A defensive barrier of pointed, inclined stakes or barbed wire.防御工事:筑有尖利的、倾斜的木桩或铁蒺藜的防御性的障碍物A ruff for the neck worn in the 16th century.高领:16世纪戴在脖子上的领子French法语from Old French [mesentery (from its pleated shape)]源自 古法语 [肠系膜(由它的打褶的形状而来)]from (feves) frasees [shelled (beans), from the resemblance between the mesentery and the peel surrounding individual broad beans]源自 (feves) frasees [剥壳的(豆类),由肠系膜与包在单个宽豆子外的皮的相似性而来]from Latin (faba) fr¶a [ground (bean)] [feminine past participle of] frendere [to crush] * see frenum源自 拉丁语 (faba) fr¶a [土地(豆类)] [] frendere的阴性过去分词 [起皱] *参见 frenumfraise[freiz]n.【军】(铁丝网或木桩构成的)障碍物(16世纪欧洲流行的)皱领fraisefraiseAHD:[fr³z]D.J.[fre!z]K.K.[frez]n.A defensive barrier of pointed, inclined stakes or barbed wire.A ruff for the neck worn in the 16th century.Frenchfrom Old French [mesentery (from its pleated shape)]from (feves) frasees [shelled (beans), from the resemblance between the mesentery and the peel surrounding individual broad beans]from Latin (faba) fr¶a [ground (bean)] [feminine past participle of] frendere [to crush] * see frenum


我记得医生朋友告诉我关于一个用多种症状走近了他的男人:头痛、失眠和胃麻烦。没有身体的因素可能被发现。最后医生对男人说,"除非你告诉我什么正在使~担忧你,我不能帮助你。""在一些暂停之后,男人承认了那,如他父亲的意志的执行者,他一直欺骗他的兄弟, 住了在国外,他的遗传。然后和在那里明智的老医生使男人写信给问宽恕而且附寄作为补偿的第一个步骤的一张支票的他的兄弟了。他然后和他对走廊的邮件盒子去。如信消失了,进入泪滴之内的男人破裂。"谢谢你 ,"" 他说 ."我认为我被治疗。""和他是。衷心的道歉 connot 只痊愈被损坏的关系但是也能使它变成更强壮。如果你能想到该得到来自你的道歉的某人,疏忽的你已经太严厉地,或仅仅错误的,或判断的他,立刻对它采取行动。

英语翻译 不要百度翻译的



The transnational merger and acquisition is one kind carries on in the global scope to the element of production redeploys with the optimum composition investment form, is the world economics develops the today one kind of history to request inevitably.The economical globalization has provided the possible condition for the transnational merger and acquisition, the transnational merger and acquisition impelled the economical globalization development.The transnational merger and acquisition sped up essential factors and so on capital, labor force, technology, competitive power in the worldwide scale flowing, sped up the international industrial transnational shift, impelled the various countries" various areas economy to speed up the fusion, expanded the various countries and the enterprise the mutually beneficial cooperation development space.The various countries carry on the transnational merger and acquisition the behavior, is the general market plunge by no means, but is one kind has the global strategy and the global goal investment behavior.The transnational merger and acquisition played the extremely vital role in the international direct investment, And has become the international direct investment the main form. Joins under the background in the economical globalization with China which WTO each open policy implements one after another, take the multinational corporation as the main body, started take the strategic merger and acquisition as the characteristic foreign capital merger and acquisition to China"s various professions thorough seepage, China"s merger and acquisition activity development to be day by day active.The Chinese development opening to the outside world, in the participation economy globalization process participates in the transnational merger and acquisition, brings the new opportunity for our country enterprise, will certainly to have the positive role to the entire national economy fast development.China is facing day by day the active foreign capital merger and acquisition, must the standard merger and acquisition behavior, the consummation foreign capital merger and acquisition industrial policy, the consummation law laws and regulations, the optimized investment environment, the suitable relaxation simultaneously limit the transnational monopoly, the cultivation capital market to the transnational merger and acquisition control and develops the high end facilitating agency, can cause the transnational merger and acquisition to create the static state and the dynamic efficiency income in our country. The merger and acquisition activity development causes Chinese Enterprise to take the transnational investment an important strength appears in the world economics stage, has caused the world widespread pass.




these things




neutiy 的翻译成中文意思是:neutiy,这是英文任意组合构不成单词,见下图翻译截图


在全球化的背景下,中国企业跨国并购日益频繁In the present background of globalization, the cross-border mergers & acquisitions of Chinese business enterprises have been developed rapidly. 本文运用SWOT系统分析法,剖析中国企业跨国并购所具有的内在优势、劣势以及外部环境所带来的机会与威胁This paper first focused on the internal strength and weakness, and also the opportunities and threats that depending on the external environment through the way of systematic SWOT analysis. 并利用SWOT战略矩阵分析得出中国企业跨国并购的篡略Then, concluded the strategy of the cross-border mergers & acquisitions of Chinese companies by using the method of SWOT matrix analysis.中国企业应该坚持走出去的发展战略,充分发挥自身优势、制定可行的发展战略 The Chinese business enterprises ought to adhere to the "go global" strategy, take full advantage of their autologous strengths and formulate feasible development plans.借助政府和中介机构,防范并购风险和整合风险It is also significant to control and integrate the risk of mergers & acquisitions with the help of the government and other medium organizations.中国企业在跨国并购之后在国外市场的SWOT分析The SWOT Analysis Of the Oversea Market After the Cross-Border M & G of Chinese Business Enterprises关键词 :跨国并购,SWOT分析,企业Keyword: cross-border mergers & acquisitions, SWOT, business enterprise


help: 最普通用词,含义广泛。指一般性的或迫切需要的帮助,侧重积极地为他人提供物质、精神或其他方面的帮助。及物动词:1. 帮助,协助,援助2. 改善状况,促进,促使3. 搀扶,带领4. 为(自己或某人)取用5. 擅自拿走,窃取不及物动词:1. 有用2. 救命不可数名词:1. 帮助,协助,援助2. 有助益的东西(如忠告、钱等)3. 有用4. 救助5. 有帮助的人(或事物)6. 清洁工,仆人单词分析:这些动词均有“帮助”之意。aid正式用词,指帮助他人脱离危险或战胜困难,着重强者对急需帮助的弱者的帮助。assist强调在提供帮助时,以受助者为主,所给的帮助起第二位或从属的作用。help最普通用词,含义广泛。指一般性的或迫切需要的帮助,侧重积极地为他人提供物质、精神或其他方面的帮助。这些名词均有“帮助,支持”之意。help最普通用词,可以与aid和assistance换用。help强调使受助者达到目的或侧重受助者对帮助的需要。aid比help正式,侧重受助者处于困难或危险境地急需救助。assistance正式用词,通常指帮助完成不太重要的那一部分工作。support强调在迫切需要时给予支持或鼓励。


近年来,我国经济持续高速发展 ,城镇居民收入随之较快增长,但城镇居民收入差距也在不断拉大,而我国改革的最终目标是使全国人民都能享受到改革的成果,最终实现共同富裕。但现阶段我国国民收入差距日趋加大,贫富差距不断拉大,成为影响改革收入和建设和谐社会的突出问题,并直接影响到全面建设小康社会宏伟蓝图的实现。本文对我国城乡居民收入差距扩大的深层原因做了探讨,并就这一问题提出若干政策性建议。In recent years, China"s economy maintained rapid development, the incomes of urban residents followed a relatively fast growth, but the income gap between urban residents are becoming larger, and China"s reform and the ultimate goal is to enable people throughout the country to enjoy the fruits of reform and eventually to achieve common Prosperity. But at the present stage of China"s growing income gap between the increasing gap between rich and poor is widening, a revenue impact of the reform and building a harmonious society of the outstanding problems, and direct impact on the overall grand blueprint for building a well-off society can be achieved. This paper on China"s income gap between urban and rural residents to expand the deep-seated reasons for doing the study, and on this issue made a number of policy recommendations.


Residents have promised to take the children of the flute to cough up in the mountains


But in recent years, our country economy continues developing at top speed, city and town dwell income fairly fast growth of being up to, but the city and town dwell income gap can"t ceaseless play big, the ultimate target that our country reforms is to make a people all over the country can enjoy to the achievement reforming , ultimately achieve common prosperity. But the present stage our country national income gap enlarges day by day, the gap in wealth plays big unceasingly, become the outstanding problem affecting the society who reforms an income and builds harmony"s , have direct impact to and the realization to the magnificent blueprint building well-to-do society all round. The deep cause the main body of a book is expanded to our country incomes of the urban and rural residents gaps has made investigation and discussion , this one problem has submitted some policy suggestion and right away

英语翻译重甲兵营 用英文怎么说

time are successive, and of the




街道办事处的英文翻译为:Street offices居民委员会的英文翻译为:Residents" committee通过上面两个,则宁海路街道办事处的可以用英语翻译为:Ninghai Road Subdistrict Office而西康路社区居委会的可以用英语翻译为:Xikang Road Community Residential Committee扩展资料:社区居民委员会的职务和任务:宣传宪法、法律、法规和国家的政策,维护居民的合法权益,教育居民履行依法应尽的义务,爱护公共财产,开展多种形式的社会主义精神文明建设活动;协助办理本居住地区居民的公共事务和公益事业;调解民间纠纷;做好生活安全,社会治安宣传;协助人民政府或者它的派出机关做好与居民利益有关的工作; 向人民政府或者它的派出机关反映居民的意见、要求和提出建议。开展便民利民的社区服务活动,可以兴办有关的服务事业。参考资料:社区居民委员会----百度百科

中电投和田光伏发电有限公司的英语翻译 很着急 谢谢了啊

CPI Hetian Photovoltaic Power Generation Co., LTD


根据事先的协议,该获得物须由A公司支配,且所有的费用由B公司承担。 根据事先的协议,这种收购须由A公司决定,且所有的费用由B公司承担。 acquisition 的具体意思要根据上下文而定acquisition [,ækwi"ziʃən] n.1. (知识、技能等的)获得, 取得,得到;占有2. (尤指有特长、有价值、有用或受欢迎的)获得物(或人),增添的物(或人)3. (图书馆通过采购、交换赠阅等)图书资料的获得;获得的书籍(或报刊、杂志)4. 【语言学】习得5. 【航天学、军事】 探测,搜索;跟踪;截获6. 【军事】(战斗飞行员在飞行中与敌机有可能的)遭遇7. (企业的)合并、兼并、并购8. 【出版业】 (出版社) 预定出版作品vt.获得,取得acquisition [,ækwi"ziʃən] n.1. the act of contracting or assuming or acquiring possession of somethingthe acquisition of wealth the acquisition of one company by another 2. something acquireda recent acquisition by the museum 3. the cognitive process of acquiring skill or knowledgethe child"s acquisition of language 4. an ability that has been acquired by training以上来源于: WordNet


两个问题归结起来就是一个问题--辨别逻辑关系.语法上我们通常说定语后置就是定语放在中心语之前,通常中心语只有一个。你说的句子,只是几个中心语用and并列在一起,构成逻辑意义上的中心语主体,然后加后置定语.如果作者需表达acquired by man只修饰capabilities and habits,他肯定会使用前置定语,以防发生类似你的混淆. 第二个问题也是一样.我个人觉得你理解语法有点走法入魔了,语法的本质是逻辑关系,语法只是逻辑关系的表达形式.想清楚这点,你会豁然开朗.

既得的的英语翻译 既得的用英语怎么说



CAWABANGA(卡瓦邦嘎)冲浪手在战胜巨浪站在冲浪板上的时候,CAWABANGA(卡瓦邦嘎)是一定要喊出的口号,就像在足球射进后大叫‘Good goal"一样。Mikey(上面黄色眼巾的米开朗基罗)有一个梦想是征服海上巨浪,可他由于异种身份的问题不能被人发现,也就不能出海,所以他在下水道里拼命玩滑板,以这个口号/战啸是正常的。

求英语翻译 今天十点半之前翻译完而且好 自然加分

1.亲人或爱人给予我们的快乐是世界上任何东西都无法比拟的,一项新的研究表明,面对面的交际比网上的交际容易得多。2. 幸福晴雨表建立在可口可乐幸福指数基础上、在全球16个国家开展,其中每个国家的受访者人数在500到1000之间。3.到目前为止,差不多80%的受访者认为家人和搭档是他们最大的幸福来源。有15%的受访者则认为幸福主要来源于朋友。4.这份研究指出:尽管我们身处追求名利的文化世界中,名望却不大可能是我们幸福的最初来源。与此相反,真正的幸福取决于我们人与人之间的联系,尤其是人们之间的爱和友善。

气压表的英语翻译 气压表用英语怎么说

气压表[词典]barometer; gas-pressure meter; rain glass;[例句]在这个方法中,你拿着气压表,沿楼梯向上走。In this method, you take the barometer and walk up the stairs


3-6, seven-year-old children were in early childhood, also known as pre-school period. Children at this age have a long time of care in kindergarten, and some are still at home .Family and kindergarten should attach importance to children"s mental health problemFirstly, Children must be given the status in the family, "play" well he should play the "role". Existence result in consciousness. Existence also forms a person"s character. Children‘s character is come into being for this period, the period is also a foundation to the child. Family members of his attitude, in particular, what the position he is put in and what the role played by him, all effect the formation of his character greatly. Parents love of the single child because of the motherly love. However, many people tend to confuse motherly love and spoil, regard children as the core, the cosseted, and satisfied the desire, no matter what he wants. Child is happy, parents are happy. However, from the long-term viewpoint, is not conducive to child growth, especially harmful to the mental health of children. By pampering children like this, self-willed, self-centered, selfish, impolite, lack of independence and cowardice will be formed in child"s character. Children will become accustomed to the bad behavior after such terrible character is formed stably .with losing the protection of Parent, it will become timid, interpersonal tensions, suffering more psychological conflict and trauma. In addition, the cosseted Children often are in scarcity of the independence, the lack of determination to overcome difficulties and indomitable spirit, which has an immense influence to being talent for the child. Doing a good job of children"s mental health, the following points should be noted:1. Making children feel harmonious especially the warmth of home. Children on this issue cultivate a good mood and personality of great significance. Living in a harmonious home, such a harmonious and warm atmosphere that people respect and care for the young and old, mutual concern and love, is conducive to the child mental health .Some people even think that the circumstance is significant to the formation of his moral character all his life. In contrast, home quarrel and fight will not stop in some family .Inconceivablely, children also took part in the “war” blindly; the quarrel between some husband and wife result in making the child confused and fearful because the gay can"t decide whom he is in favor of. Some studies have proved that such a child is susceptible to stuttering, and some trouble of nocturnal enuresis and stomach. In particular, the breakdown of families has a greater impact on children. According to a survey of juvenile delinquency, juvenile delinquency rate is the highest in the crowd who lost his mother or father in four-year-old. In another 135 juvenile offenders, 40% of people have come from broken families. In broken home, the influence become even worse after the parents ‘divorce to their children. Not only the children lost their parents often by people sympathetic and children in the divorced family are vulnerable to discrimination, but also detrimental to mental health.2. Right to treat children with stuttering and enuresis, stuttering is due to the trouble of imitation or mental sudden tension. Generally speaking, there are around 4% of boys, girls have around 2%. Stuttering look as "trivial", however, children can be very serious psychological injury, resulting in the bad character such as lonely, back, shy, low self-esteem .So; parents should prevent stuttering in their children. Don"t large at the stuttering child, not to beat him, but encouraging him to establish confidence in the spirit of relaxation, and being corrected in a long time. Another, that five-year-old children are bed-wetting called enuresis patients. Except some physiological reasons, most enuresis patients caused by the tension spirit, but also some parents doting on their children without training. Five, six-year-old children wet the bed that he was embarrassed, and then the parents must not humiliate or even scold him to try to cure the enuresis. More nervous children are, more difficult to cure enuresis. At the same time, being scold cause by the enuresis easily form the bad character such as anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.3. We should treat the mistakes of children correctly. Being at the young age, the less knowledge and experience, and poor ability that result in errors and mistakes are not unusual at all. Adults is still "cutting one to eat, a gain in your wit", Children need learn to grow up according to the fault and mistakes continuously. For this reason, the child"s fault and error should be treated calm, patient education, in particular, and to tell the truth, without making children feel grievance. It is not a good way to beat or scold children because damaging children"s self-respect frequently is negative for the children to accept criticism and education, and even form bad moral and character. Children will feel confused, thus leading to accept the education unwillingly, when one of the couple criticism but the other shield. The purpose of education and Criticism is not give vent to parent"s anger or soft serve children, but children should be guided to recognize errors, and encourage the children to correct their mistakes happily.写了好长时间,累死了。。。。。


cleartoovercast晴转多云 cloudy to overcast阴转多云 turning out cloudy转阴 fine/fair/sunny晴朗 mild温暖 cool凉爽 cloudy多云 overcast/dull/gloomy阴天你看看这个吧,共同学习哦中英文天气预报词汇对照表 Five day forecast 未来五天预报 monsoon zone 季风带 precipitation 降雨量 clear to overcast 晴转多云 fine/fair/sunny 晴朗 cloudy 多云 foggy 有雾 misty 薄雾 drizzle 小雨 pour/downpour 大雨 sleet 雨夹雪 hail/hailstone 冰雹 windy 有风 gale wind 大风 stormy wind 暴风 light air 1级风 moderate breeze 4级风 moderate gale 7级风 whole gale 10级风 typhoon 台风 drought 干旱 Today"s Graphic 今日气象图 oceanic climate 海洋性气候 Centigrade 摄氏 cloudy to overcast 阴转多云 mild 温暖 overcast/dull/gloomy 阴天 frosty 霜冻 damp 潮湿 shower 阵雨 storm 暴风雨 light snow 小雪 monsoon rain 季风雨 breezy 微风阵阵 heavy/high wind 大风 gust 阵风 light breeze 2级风 fresh breeze 5级风 fresh gale 8级风 storm 11级风 duststorm 沙暴 ice sheet 冰川 Weather Forecast 天气预报 continental climate 大陆性气候 Fahrenheit 华氏 turning out cloudy 转阴 cool 凉爽 snowy 有雪 chilly 微冷 wet 雨天 thundery shower 雷阵雨 thundery storm 雷雨 blizzard 暴风雪 seasonal rain 季雨 gentle wind 和风 windy and dusty 风沙 piercing wind 寒风 gentle breeze 3级风 strong breeze 6级风 strong gale 9级风 hurricane 12级风/飓风 flood 洪水 iceburg 冰山 ============= 天气词汇中英文对照表: 01 Sandstorm, Duststorm, Sand, Dust 浮尘,扬沙,沙尘暴等沙尘天气 02 Thunderstorms, Thundershowers, Storm, Lightning 雷暴,雷阵雨,风暴,闪电 03 Hail 冰雹 04 Blowing Snow, Blizzard, Snowdrift, Snowstorm 吹雪,大风雪,堆雪,暴风雪 05 Snow Showers, Flurries 阵雪,小雪 06 Snow, Heavy Snow, Snowfall 雪,大雪,降雪 07 Light Snow 小雪 08 Sleet雨夹雪 09 Showers, Heavy Showers, Rainshower 阵雨,强阵雨(从降雨强度及降雨量上) 10 Occasional Showers, Scattered Showers零星阵雨(时间、空间上不连续的阵雨) 11 Isolated Showers局地阵雨(空间分布上比Scattered Showers范围更小的阵雨) 12 Light Showers小阵雨 13 Freezing Rain冻雨 14 Rain雨 15 Drizzle, Light Rain毛毛雨,小雨 16 Fog雾 17 Mist轻雾 18 Smoke烟雾 19 Haze霾 20 Overcast阴 21 Sunny Interval, No Rain, Clearing多云间晴 22 Sunny Period, Partly Cloudy, Partly Bright, Mild晴间多云 23 Cloudy, Mostly Cloudy多云 24 Bright, Sunny, Fair晴(尤指白天) 25 Fine, Clear晴 26 Windy, Squall, Stormy, Chill, Gale风,狂风,暴风,寒风,大风 27 Wet, Humid潮湿 28 Dry干燥 29 Freezing冰冻 30 Frost霜冻 31 Hot炎热 32 Cold寒冷 33 Warm暖和(升温) 34 Cool凉爽(降温) 35 Dew Point(露点) 36 Humidity(湿度) 37 Wind(风力) 38 Visibility(能见度) 39 Barometer(气压)


XXHow are youProfessional of our company is interested in it after first understanding of your products XXThe initial we wish we could get 25kg free sample for our testing if possible, as well as please give me an offer about it. Of course, we should assess its effect and cost comprehensively.Furthermore,could you supply us your company registration information and product"s data sheet? we need to add your company into our provider system for our future cooperation. ThanksXX


1See others speak English, envy2To pass the exam 3If made available to reward high score 4Go aboard5Social development must learn English 6Foreign language is a symbol of knowledge and capacity 7To parents" desire 8Like school teachers, very interesting 9In order to understand the culture of other countries, and expand knowledge 10. I have a mastery of English 11. English beautiful, interesting 12. I like the language (English) 13. English mainly recitation, the students learn not mean a capacity of 14. Language is only a communications tool, a study on the almost 15. No interest in language learning 16. Developed learning objectives 17. Developed learning objectives but not out 18. No set goals 19. Not read English daily basic 20. Spend one hour a day looking at English 21. Spend at least three hours a day looking at English 22. I hope her best performance in 23. I hope the bad results are not 24. Passing on the hope that the results of 25. Not ranked

气压计的英语翻译 气压计用英语怎么说

翻译如下气压计barometer; air pressure gauge; glass; tonometer都可以例句大多数气压计的盘面都刻有天气术语。The dials of most barometers are inscribed with weather terms.


|The shop assisant was dismissed as she was accused of changing customers. 这个售货员因为各位顾客多次指责而被解雇。2The author of the report is well acquainted with the problems in the hospital because he has been working there for many years.报告的作者对这些问题十分清楚,因为他在这个医院工作了好多年。 3She saw a want ad on the wall.他看见了墙壁上的一则招聘广告。(want ad 招聘广告)如果你感觉我的答复好,请加分!

钓鱼,熟悉的,熟练的,资格,仅仅,被命名,长寿,不清楚的,显著的 这些词语的英语翻译

angleknow wellskilledqualificationonlynamelong lifevaguenotable


In the design ideology, the first time the Beijing Olympic mascots animals and the perfect combination of the image, emphasized the people-oriented, people and animals, nature and harmony between the concept of harmony between man and nature in the design concept, the first element directly to the Olympic Games Applied to the mascot, Ruhuo her creativity comes from the Olympic flame in the design application, a more prominent on the extension of the use of personalization. Is a major characteristic of the five mascots of the headdress can be developed as a separate, more extensive use of children according to their preferences can select a different head-dress, wearing the head, lively and lovely children has become the mascot image , Interactive greatly enhanced in quantity, the Beijing Olympic Games mascots is also one of the largest in history, reaching 5, reflects the profound Chinese culture. Beibei source of inspiration: The Chinese New Year pictures - in more than Lin, Chinese traditional patterns of fish, water wave patterns. Beibei convey the blessings of prosperity. She is a small carp. In traditional Chinese culture and the arts, "Fish" and "water" logo is a symbol of prosperity and harvest, people use "鲤鱼跳龙门" implication great achievements in their career and the realization of dreams, "fish" There are more than Jiqing, year after year More than the implication. Beibei in the head decoration of the Chinese Neolithic use of the logo Yu Wen. She gentle purity, is the top water sports, and the Olympic rings in the Blue Central mutual Huiying. Jingjing source of inspiration: China"s rare and endangered animals: the panda, the Song Dynasty porcelain lotus shape. Jingjing is a Hantaikeju the giant panda, wherever you go people will bring joy. As a Chinese national treasure, the Giant Panda won the peoples of the world"s favorite. Jingjing from the vast forests, a symbol of harmony between man and nature co-exist. His head decoration from the lotus petals Songci modeling. Jingjing Hanhou optimistic and full of strength, he represented the Olympic rings in the black one. Huanhuan source of inspiration: the distinctive pattern of traditional Chinese fire, the flames of the Dunhuang frescoes in the patterns. Fuwa Huanhuan is the big brother. He was a fire doll, symbolizing the Olympic flame. Huanhuan is the embodiment of sports passion, he will spread the world of passion, transmission faster, higher and stronger the Olympic spirit. Huanhuan Wherever he went, the Beijing 2008 was permeated with a warm and the world. Huanhuan in the head decoration from the Dunhuang frescoes in the flame patterns. He outward unrestrained character, Shuren the ball games, the Olympic rings in red on behalf of a part of. Yingying source of inspiration: the rare animals unique to China: Tibetan antelope. Yingying is a smart flexible, Ru-fei driving the Tibetan antelope, he came from the western part of China"s vast land, the blessings of good health will be transmitted to the world. Yingying is the protection of animals unique to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Tibetan antelope, the show is green Olympics. Yingying the head of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and decoration into the western region of Xinjiang, and other decorative style. He skill agile, athletic players, he also on behalf of the Olympic rings in the yellow part of Nini source of inspiration: the traditional Beijing: Sand Martin Kite, Beijing Swift Nini from the sky, is one of the Youth Pre-employment Training Flying Swallow, the traditional form of creativity from Beijing Sand Martin Kite. "Yan" also on behalf of Yanjing (Beijing"s ancient name). She brought joy to spring and people, flying Guozhi Chu sown "I wish you good luck," a blessing. The innocent, joyful Jiaojie Nini in the gymnastics competition in its debut, she represented the Olympic rings in the green part.

认识你是我的荣幸 英语翻译 倒装句 强调句怎么说。越华丽越好

It"s my honour to know you.

英语翻译 :我了解了你的情况。句子里用上这个词组get acquainted with( 了解)

I got acquainted with you.



英语翻译 他真诚的感谢了他。(genuine)

he thanks to him genuinely

真诚地的英语翻译 真诚地用英语怎么说



1. The days are getting shorter2. He more than me funny, he more naughty. I was a bit quiet.3. She is a good listener and keep her secret. It is very important to me.4. Some people say we look very acquaintances. We are both high, all has long curly hair, but vera more than I quiet. I am more outgoing.




  有关化肥的英文: (注编织袋为: woven bag)  活性煆云石 Actomag  堆肥养分剂 Adco  加合物 Addition compound  参杂 Adulteration  氰氨基化钙 Aero cyanamide,Calcium cyanamide  好气性 Aerobic  附聚 Agglomeration  附聚槽 Aggregate  搅拌槽 Agitating tank  粗<<an009>>肥 Agramon,Uramon  农用石灰 Agricultural lime  农用食盐 Agricultural salt  蒸制废肉渣 Agrinite ,Peocess tandage  空气离析器 Air separator  熟石灰 Air slaked lime,Slaked-lime  紫苜蓿 Alfalfa  磷酸三钙 Alpha phosphate,Alpha tricalium phosphate  α磷酸三钙 Alpha tricalcium phosphate  瑞典三叶草 Alsike clover  钙铝磷肥 Alumino-calcium phosphate  磷酸铝 Aluminum phosphate  明矾石 Alunite  卡氏标准筛 Amandus Kahl standard gauge  磷铝石 Amblygonite  改良剂 Amendment  美国法 American process  醯胺 Amide  氨基酸 Amino acid  石膏硝铵 Ammcmitre  铵磷钾 Ammo phos ko  氨 Ammonia  施氨器 Ammonia applicator  氨水 Ammonia liquor,Aqua ammonia  氨态氮 Ammoniacal nitrogen  氨化肥料 Ammoniated fertelizer  氨化泥炭 Ammoniated peat  氨化过磷酸钙 Ammoniated superphos-phate  氮肥 Nitrogenous fertilizer  氨化用溶液 Ammoniating solution  氨化 Ammoniation  氨化作用 Ammonification  氨化微生物 Ammonifier  干血粉 Ammonite ,Dried meal  酸式碳酸铵 Ammonium bicarbonate  氨基甲酸铵 Ammonium carbamate  碳酸铵 Ammonium carbonate  氯化铵 Ammonium chloride  柠檬酸铵 Ammonium citrate  硝酸铵 Ammonium nitrate  含硝氨液 Ammonium nitrate-ammonia solution  钙化硝酸铵 Ammonium nitrate-calcium carbonate,Nitro-chalk  钙化硝酸铵 Ammonium nitrate-lime-stone,Nitro-chalk  磷酸铵 Ammonium phosphate  硫酸铵 Ammonium sulfate  硝酸铵 Ammonium sulfate nitrate  铵磷甲铵磷乙 Ammophos ,A-B-,  铵磷钾 Ammophoska  非晶态 Amorphous state  钙化硝酸铵 A-N L.Ammonium-mitrate-limestone  嫌气性 Anaerobic  肥料成份 Analysis  堆斜角 Angle of repose  无水硫酸钙,硬石膏 Anhydrite  无水氨 Anhydrous ammonia  无水液氨 Anhydrous liquid ammonia  骨炭 Animal charcoal  动物质氮肥 Animal nitrogenous fertilizer  动物废渣 Animal tankage  退火 Anneal  钠微斜长石 Anorthoclase  颉颃作用 Antagonism  抗生微生物 Antibiotic microbes  磷灰石,磷灰盐 Apatite  磷灰盐类 Apatite group  硫酸钾钙 Aphthitalite,Glaserite  假密度 Apparent density  氨水 Aqua ammonia  电弧法(固氮)法 Arc process  合成硝酸钠 Arcadian niter  合成硝酸钠 Arcadian sodium nitrate  合成硝酸钙 Ari saltpeter  人工乾燥 Artificial drying  人工堆肥 Artificial farm manure ,Artificial manure  人造肥料 Artificial fertilizer  人工堆肥 Artificial manure  仿汤马斯磷肥 Artificial Thomas phosphate  灰分学说 Ash Theory  黑霉法 Aspergillus niger method  可利用度 Assimilability  同化作用 Assimilation  热压锅法 Autoclave process  自动给料器 Automatic feeder  自动过渡器 Automatic filter  自动记录仪 Automatic recorder  蒸制废肉渣 Avail tankage ,Process tandage  有效率,有效度 Availability  有效磷酐 Available phosphoric aicd,A .P .A  有效性植物养份 Available plant food  氨化粗肉粉 Azline  干肉粉 Azotin,Drie meal  非共生好气性固氮菌 Azotobacter  固氮肥菌土盘法 Azotobacter plaque method  硝氨液-B B lipuor  脱氮杆菌 Bacillus denitrificans  β-磷酸三钙 Baeta tricalcium phosphate  折流板 Baffle plate  蔗渣 Bagasse  蔗渣堆肥 Bagasse compost  包装漏斗 Bagging hopper  包内结块 Bag-set  缝包机 Bag-sewing machine  均衡肥料 Balanced fertilizer  卵形肥料 Ball fertilizer  球磨机 Ball mill  栏筛 Bar screen  肥 Barnyard manure  巴勒公司硝氨液 Barret solutions  碱性熔磷肥 Barret-phosphate  盐基交换 Base exchange  调用合湿基料 Base goods ,Base-mix  调用合湿基料 Base-mix  碱性熔渣 Basic cinder,Basic slag  碱性含钾过磷酸钙 Basic p tassic supers  碱性熔渣 Basic phosphate slag,Basic slag  碱性熔渣 Basic slag  碱性熔渣 Basic slag meal,Basic slag  碱性过磷酸钙 Basic superphosphate  含钠熔肥 Basic-silicon-phosphate  蝙蝠粪肥 Bat guano  分批法 Batch process  斧氏锤磨机 Batcher-hammer pulveriser  野马式纲筛 B-B (Bucking Broncho) Screen  底板 Bed plate  蜂房式炼焦炉 Beehive coke oven  带式运输机 Belt conveyor  带滤机 Belt filter  皂土 Bentonite  贝氏法 Bergius ptocess  贝色麦转化器 Bessemer coverter  贝色麦熔渣 Bessemer slag  二元化成肥料 Binary fertilizer  粘合剂 Binder  生物作用 Biological effect  黑云母 Biotite  乌成学说 Bird Tneory  伯衣二氏法 Birkeland and Eyde process  苦汁 Bittern  黄三叶草,天蓝 Black medick ,Yellow clover  紫大巢菜 Black purple vetch ,Purple vetch  鼓风炉灰尘 Blast furnace flue dust  鼓风炉法 Blast furnace process  鼓风炉熔渣 Blast furnace slag  制动装置 Blocking system  血粉 Blood meal  血干粪 Blood pondrette  干血粉 Blood tankage  鼓风气 Blow-run gas  青花羽扇豆 Blue lupine  白种甜苜蓿 Bodharadlle ,melilot  白种甜苜蓿 Bohara clover,White melilot  骨灰 Bone ash  骨炭 Bone black  骨炭 Bone char  骨炭 Bone charcoal  骨制品 Bone compounds  细骨粉 Bone dust ,Bone flour  骨肥 Bone fertilizer  细骨粉 Bone flour  骨粉 Bone meal  骨质磷酸三钙,正磷酸三钙 Bone phosphate of lime,B.P.L  骨制过磷酸钙 Bone superphosphate  骨肉粉 Bone tandage  硼沙 Borax  底施 Bottom application  块状磷矿石 Boulder(bowlder)phosphate  蚕豆 Brad bean ,Horse bean  麸 Bran  硫黄石 Brimsrone  压块处理 Briquetting  撒施 Broadcast  百氏化成窖 Broadfield den  斗氏升送机 Bucket elevator  散装 Bulk  定量取料器 Bulk extractor  仓 Bunker  刺三叶草 Bur clover  推挤压力 Bursting pressure  烧土 Burt clay  生石灰 Burt lime,Quicklime  旺季 Busy season  副产炼焦炉 By- product coke oven  副产中性磷肥 By-pr duct phosphate  副产氨 By-product ammonia  副产氮肥 By-product nitrogen  结块 Caking  煨烧骨 Calcined bone  微熔磷肥 Calcined phosphate  微熔磷矿石 Calcined phosphate rock  方解石 Calcite  碳化钙,电石 Calcium carbide  碳酸钙 Calcium carbonate  氰氨基化钙 Calcium cyanamide  偏磷酸钙 Calcium metaphosphate  硝酸钙 Calcium nitrat  硝磷铵化成肥料 Calcium nitrophosphate,Nitrophosphate  正磷酸钙 Calcium orthophosphate  焦磷酸钙 Calcium pyrophosphate  矽磷酸熔渣 Calcium silicate slag  矽磷酸钙 Calcium silicon-phosphate  磷酸钙钠 Calcium sodium phosphate  二水合硫酸钙 Calcium sulfate dihydrate  半水合硫酸钙 Calcium sulfate hemihydrate  过磷酸钙 Calcium superphosphate  生硝 Caliche  钙化硝酸铵 Calmonite ,Nitro chalk  钙化硝酸铵 Cal-nitro,Nitro chalk  低级胶状磷矿 Cal-phos,Coll idal phos-phate  含镁粗<<an009>>肥 Calsi -ureor  硝酸钙<<an009>> Calurea  含镁熔磷肥 Camaphos ,Ca Mg phosphate  含镁熔磷肥 Ca-Mg-phosphate ratio  碳酸磷灰石 Carbon-apatite  碳氮比 Carbon-nitrogen ratio  光卤石 Carnallite  钒酸钾铀q Carnotite  喀 氏粉碎机 Carr`s disintegrator  软骨 Cartilage  折流冷却塔 Cascade cooler  克氏法 Cascale ptocess  酪素磷灰盐 Casein-apatite  蓖麻粕粉 Castor meal  蓖麻粕粉 Castor pomace,Castor meal  间接肥料 Catalytic fertilizer ,Indirect fertilizer  生白灰 Caustic lime,Quick-lime  氧化镁 Caustic magnesite  水泥窑灰 Cement flue dust  水泥窑灰 Cement kiln dust  粘接 Cementing  白噩 Chalk  铅室法 Chamber process  粒状智利硝 Champion sodium nitrate  封照区 Check plot  化学氮氨 Chemical nitrogenous materials  化成肥料 Chemically compounded fertilizers  化学肥料 Chenical fertilizer  化学肥料 Chenical manure,Chemical fertilizer  鸡粪肥 Chicken manure  智利硝 Chilean nitrate  智利钠硝 Chilean nitrate lf soda  智利钾硝 Chilean phtassium nitrate  智利硝 Chilean saltpeter  紫云硝 Chinese milk-vetch  氯磷灰石 Chlor-apatite  软骨粘质 Chondro-mucoid  蚕蛹粕 Chrysalis cake  溶渣,炉渣 Cinder  柠檬酸铵可溶性 Citrate soluble  柠檬酸测定法 Citric acid test  选粒器 Classifier  柯氏制造法 Claude process  秘密配方 closed formula  三叶草 Clover  煤之碳化 Coal carbonization  煤产硫化铁 Coal pyrite  可可粕粉 Cocoa-acke meal  炼焦炉气 Coke oven gas  冷性肥料 Cold manure  低级胶状磷矿 Colimephos,Colloidal phosphate  生胶质 Collagen  低级胶状磷矿 Colloidal phosphate  胶状磷灰石 Collophanite  低级胶状磷矿 Collopos ,Colloidal phosphate  化合态氮素 Combined nitrogen  商品肥料 Commercial fertilizer  可合性 Compatibility  完全化学肥料 Complete chemical fertilizer  完全肥料 Complete fertilizer  多元化成肥料 Complex fertilizer  堆肥 Compost  堆肥菌 Compost bacteria  多室式球磨机 Compound ball mill  多元肥料 Compound fertilizer  多元鱼肥 Compound fish manure  多元肥料 Compounded manure,Compound fertilizer  多元化处理 Compounding  压紧 Compressing  精选矿 Concentrate  加浓完全肥料 Concentrate complete fertilizer  重过磷酸钙 Concentrated superphoshpate  调和器,调和剂 Conditioner  快速乾燥期 Constant rate period  触施 Contact application  接触法 Contact process  连续式化成窖 Continuous den  连续法 Continuous process  转化 Conversion  转算因数 Conversion factor  转化气 Converted  转化器 Convertor  椰子粕粉 Copra cake meal  粪化石 Coprolite  棉子壳粉 Cottonseed hull ash  棉子壳粉 Cottonseed hull flour  封流倾池法 Counter-current decantation  牛粪肥 Cow manure  豇豆 Cow pea  起重式挖料机 Crane-type excavator  槐蓝 Creeping indigo  深红三叶草 Crimsom clover  临界含水量 Critical water content  低级胶状磷矿 Cromphos ,Colloidal phosphate  追肥 Cross dressing  粗制鱼肥 Crude fish scrap  骨粉 Crushed brne mdal ,Bone meal  压碎机 Crusher  轧碎 Crushing  抗压碎力 Crushing strength  水产介壳 Crustacean materials  结晶 Crystallization  结晶器 Crystallizer  酒厂副产钾肥 Curbay ,Molasses potash  腐熟,后熟 Curing  切料机 Cutter  电石固氮法 Cyanamide process  氰氨基化钙 Cyanamide,Calcium cyanamide  氰化物固氮法 Cyanide method  蒸制废肉渣 Darling`s tankage ,Process tankage  配方公开肥料 Declared compounds  深厩k Deep stall method  缺肥症状 Deficiency symptoms  脱氟磷酸三钙 Defluorinated tricalcium phosphate  脱叶剂 Defoliant  脱胶骨料 Degelatinised bone  脱胶骨料 Degreased bone  脱胺作用 Deminization  化成窖 Den  硝酸还原作用 Denitrification  硝酸还原微生物 Denitrifier  水蛇纹石 Deweylite  糊精 Dextrine  磷酸二铵 Diammonium phosphate  磷酸二钙 Dicalcium phosphate  二氰二胺 Dichydrate process  制磷酸,石膏法 Dihydrate process  磷酸二镁 Dimagnesium phosphate  直接施用 Direct application  直接肥料 Direct fertilizers  裂碎机 Disintegrator  置换骨科 Displacement hosphate  酸解骨料 Dissolved bones  酸解多元骨肥 Dissolved bones compound  酸解鸟粪肥 Dissolved guano  白云石 Dolomite  含镁石灰石 Dolomitic limestone  酸性肥料 Acid fertilizer  酸性鱼肥 Acid fish  量酸槽 Acid measuring tank  过磷酸钙 Acid phosphate ,Calcium superphosphate  重过磷酸钙 Acid phosphate of lime ,Concentrated  贮酸槽 Acid storage tank  量酸秤 Acid weigher  成酸 Acid-forming  酸度 Acidty  酸化剂 Acidulant  酸解鱼肥 Acidulated fish  酸解 Acidulation  放射菌 Actinomyctes  活性污泥 Activated sludge  活化 Activation  尿素: urea  氯化铵:ammonium chloride  氯化钾:potassium chloride  硝酸铵:ammonium nitrate  硝酸钾:potassium nitrate  硝酸钙:calcium nitrate  硝酸钠:sodium nitrate  炭酸氢铵:ammonium bicarbonate  过磷酸盐: superphosphate  亚磷酸:phosphorous acid  硫酸铵:ammonium sulphate  磷酸钙:calcium phosphate  磷肥:phosphate fertilizer  钾肥:potash fertilizer


who wants to do your home work?


am shy when I meet strangers.I am outgoing and humorous when i stay with acquaintances.I"m indoorsyI am not voluble


Hello Lihua, at present the sports category candidates need to participate in sports test, other categories of candidates need to participate in the physical examination, its results can be as the reference frame of examinee admission and not physical training test. Please take more exercise, it is a necessary condition for candidates to keep up a good state of health. Do not believe the internet rumors, the college entrance examination is great importance, the concrete policy can be published by national authorties, the information published by authorties is the reliable basis. Above views is only for your reference.


导论介绍了面向读者的研究和报告它应该了解读者,与基础研究的问题或问题引进的,应在书面声明中陈述的句子,均清晰,简明通俗,并描述类型的写作这也会跟进。 导言也应提供一个序列图的演示报告文献综述基本意图文学评论,是给予全面检讨以往的作品就一般和具体的话题,在该报告。 在写作阶段的研究工作,必须以报告,对国家的文献:它的局限性和研究的方向。 遗漏了一些相关的,最近的研究可能离开研究人员公开批评为粗心大意。越是在整个文学的检讨工作,在更加坚实的研究报告的基础上。


怎样选择专业模具 毕竟死于细节的设计,模具一套适当的尺寸和样式中选择制造商目录,并提请县的立场。 5至百分之十的总设计时间都花在挑选和借鉴的意见模具。这种津贴可以大大增加,如果设计师没有深刻理解的基本原则模具的选择和代表性。 集模具制造一个扑朔迷离各种大小和形状,它的目的是本节您熟悉各种风格以及表明适当的选择方法和安置。 优势实现死亡的组成部分时,保留在适当的选择模具是: 1 。成员保持良好对齐切割过程中,即使有些松动可能存在的新闻内存。因此,统一的许可保持在锋利的生产空白无毛刺。 2 。提高模具寿命 3 。模具可以安装在新闻界在最低限度的时间,因为它们是自成一体的单位 4 。存储提供便利。有没有可能损失松动件 5 。适当设计的模具可削尖没有消除切割成员。 标准模套从3 3英寸45 60英寸。冲压模具持有人持有厚度范围为1到3英寸,由四分之一英寸。 精度 集模具制造两个标准精度:精度和商业。冲床持有者和死亡持有者公差是相同的。它们之间的差异发生在接近衬套之间的配合和指导员额保持从0.0002最高为0.0004英寸。这保证了非常精确的公差一致性出拳和相应的漏洞死于块。出于这个原因,精密模具套应指定为所有从事模具切割作业。 商业模套给出更宽松衬套之间的间隙和指导员额。这些范围从0.0004到0.0009英寸。商业模套应指定唯一的从事模具弯曲成形,或其他非切割作业。 材料 选择材料的模具,不能将取决于强度要求。 有三种选择: 1 。半钢 2 。所有钢 3 。组合-其中冲压持有人半钢及模具钢持有人所有。 半钢 制造商目录中的材料,模具被列为或者半钢或钢,半钢包含大约只有百分之七的钢铁在其组成,被认为是铸铁。半钢模具集演员塑造,然后加工。一些制造商可能会投冲压及模具持有人持有的机械化这可能被视为高档铸铁。 钢模具集

英语翻译 个人简历 急 要求水平高!谢谢!抓紧时间

学得多了,杂了,精通的多了就不叫精通了 这个是计算机专业英语,自己翻书去~


下面翻译比较口语化,单词难度适中,短语简单易懂。1.We can make more friends with foreigners by learning English.(短语:make friends with sb.)2.Because English is spoken all over the world, It will be very helpful for us to communicate with others if we learn English well.(句型:It is+形容词+for sb. to do sth)提醒:第二句翻译时使用it will be +adj.+for sb. to do sth(主句:使用一般将来时) if ...learn...(从句:使用一般现在时),因为if从句要使用的语法就是:主将从现。


Be my 1 place of readjusting oneself to a certain extent generally with my dictionary in me being at arm"s length taller than one translator. (Whthin arm" s reach) 2, we have broken into laugh start as soon as seeing his fantastic garb. (Sight of) 3, he likes the to ahead of time accomplishing a job. (Schedule) That 4 makes me breathed a sigh of relief is that he has submitted project design on time. (On schedule) 5, he has no the mind doing business. (Sense) This 6 agreements give the peculiar position exporting a commodity toward Eastern Europe to this company. (Unique) 7 evidence is described, this male person tall person , deep colour skin, age controls in 20-year-old. (Describe) He tries to need to explain everything 8 , I do not listen to but. (Attempt) 9 children and parents"s exchange are playing important role in the field of character culture. (Communication) All 10 traffic with east is interrupted because of earthquake without exception already. (Communication) 11 touches this language environment if you need to learn this language , you accommodate oneself to. (Exposed) This 12 candidates change self view going ahead in these problem unceasingly. (Shift) He is short of 13 interest to English studying , this is piece of headache thing to his parents. (Lack) 14 ought to be based on behavior but be not to judge one people coming self"s words. (Judge) He always the first arrives at 15 school , final one is away from school. (First) When my 16 first time comes to Shanghai, I apologize to my stranger bumping against even on a bus in street unceasingly. (The first time) 17 I think that the first matter composing is to print cover with first name on my book. (Stamp) 18 increasing by because of big market quantity, a lot of small shop is expelled from a marketplace. (Drive out) 19, child"s body and mind is all developed by playing. (Physically) He performs 20 pop music and jazz , performs at the same time also classical music. (Classical) 21, we ought to make use of the once the thing that we had studied is reviewed during the past summer holidays well. (Make use of) 22 should see that he is in a frenzy of rage when too bad school report card of son. (Explode) 23, they talk about film only in general field. (General) 24 is completely not necessary for your most delighted star feels being anxious for. (There be) 25 is very queer he actually does not come to be at school this morning. (It" s strange that) 26 government makes every effort to cut down 50%"s total unemployment. (Aim) 27 is undisputed , he is to show consideration for person most in all children. (Considerate) 28 pawns students when it is said that they will have an once to go out and use personal influence. Cheer and shout frenzied. (At the top of) Tell me 29 as if it be him , I am jubilantly happy when I take over that too bad work unnecessarily. (Wild with joy) There are palm of complicated two three branch Ye Mao inside 30 park at an intersection; garden in the city center. (Flourish) 31 has to improve him in image in the public mental view if he needs to win an election campaign. (The general public) 32, during the period of the spring outing, this little boy has been given as many as fifty yuan. (Outing)


The candidates are already here. Should I bring them to your office now? Do you want to see them one by one or together?


We have acquainted the local customsThe local custom have been acquainted by us.We are /have been acquainted with the local customs.The local customs have been acquainted with by us.(with不能省)


候选的_有道词典候选的alternative;nominated更多释义>>[网络短语]候选的转换率 Candidate conversion rate确定候选的衡量指标 Candidate Measure作为候选的抗原表位 synthesized candidates ofepitopepeptides详细用法>>

娇生惯养的英语翻译 娇生惯养用英语怎么说

spoiled 被宠坏的


All our efforts went down the drain



stay foolish的正确英语翻译是什么?

Stay foolish 的英语翻译是:保持愚蠢。


Abstract With the rapid development of information technology, a variety of sectors from the original work into a modern information-based office automation. Modern education, teachers or through the paper to check, test students, and university education is for self-study. Students some of the problems encountered can not be answered in time. At the same time also reduced the quality of teaching staff, an increase of the workload of teachers. Therefore, the teaching platform is developed to serve teachers and students, it is reasonable the use of information resources. WEB-based network teaching platform is a Web-based Browser / Server mode and can run under the network environment Intranet applications. Hyperlinks through the powerful, network interaction, multi-media presentation of the advantages, the realization of the teachers and students to participate in interactive, a real "Learning Community." In this paper, the realization of the teacher-student exchange platform and information management module: teacher-student exchange platform for the main function module to create discussion topics, ask questions, the problem list; information management module main function is to add a notice, bulletin management, notice the type of management. Key words: teaching resources management; Network Services; JAVA technology


As information spread all over the world


With the development of computer technology, database technology has penetrated into society each industry, great show where all the issues management, make people"s production and life has become increasingly informatization, and promoted the development of the social productive forces.The supermarket management system is the application of the computer database and programming technique, with the SQL Server 2000 for the backend database management software to Visual Basic 6.0 design program interface and the implementation of the related module, mainly aiming at the existing the most number of small and medium-sized supermarkets, to meet their daily use of the general demand provides a simple and practical solutions.The system of the first person in the supermarket job duties classification, according to different types of personnel design different management interface, realize the buyer to product category, commodities, suppliers, products of the order management; The warehouse to the commodity administrator can put in storage, inquires the inventory; Salesman selling goods, inquires the personal sales records; The manager can inquires the orders, inventory, supermarket sales, etc. Various kinds of statistical information; System administrators can add, modify and delete a user and all kinds of functions. Since the system function is practical, simple operation characteristic, make it more suitable for small and medium-sized supermarkets use.
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