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2023-05-19 16:19:12

ROM dole husband first saw Emma was her distinctive temperament deeply attracted. Suddenly he secretly determined to this woman approachable, he is very confident he can succeed, because he is rich. ROM dole Cardiff exhausted rhetoric is Emma god faint conversed, her vanity quickly swell. Start by Emma had hesitated, but in ROM dole Cardiff wave after wave of offensive, she succumbed. Emma felt finally found in the novel yearning life, felt both exciting and rejoice. But Emma the exclusive to very strong, as time passes, luo dole for her husband produced boredom. When Emma determined to abandon our present life, and arjen robben SuShuangFei, dole Cardiff double. He drew robben feels everything is Cardiff dole tendencies acting just. He wrote a letter hard-hearted, funny things text of perfect hides his own tired, and vice put all blame "fate" 2 words, vehemently shirk responsibility. He ruthless went away, as if nothing has happened away. Emma collapse, nixonian levels.

She eventually accumulate mountain of debt into despair. Emma"s appeal to her lover, but they at this time but be like a little puss-head similar away from the sufferer, no one willing to lend a helping hand. At this moment, critical self-interest, worldly lovers in Emma eyes show without involuntary discharge of urine. She was cornered, finally chose death.

加油 !!祝你好运。。。。


At this time, another man came into her life.

Rodov is attracted by Emma"s distinctive temperament the first time they met. So he decided to conquer her. As a rich man he was confident to succeed. Rodov buttered her and made her dazzled and her vanity expands. Initially Emma was hesitating but after Rodov"s time to time aggression, she made obeisance. Emma thought she had found herself life as the love stories in novels, feeling exciting and happy. But Emma"s strong possessiveness made Rodov bored. When finally Emma decided to leave present life and flee faraway with Rodov, Rodov flinched. Rodov knew in his heart all this can only last briefly. He cruel-heartedly wrote a letter in which he said all this charges upon destiny, trying to pass the buck, to cover his dreary. He left without a goodbye, as if nothing had happened. Emma"s sadness led her to her ruin.

At last, she is heavily in debt, with no fortune and honor. Emma plead to her former lovers but none of them offered help. At this time point, when personal interest was in danger, the ugliness of the world is well shown to Emma. She found herself in a tight corner and chose to suicide.


The dole first met her husband was out of her temperament was deeply attracted. so he was determined to make the woman to himself, he can succeed because he had money. 罗多尔夫 and fair word is god, emma out of her vanity and very rapidly. emma had to hesitate, but in another wave 罗多尔夫 campaign under the subject.Emma felt that at last found the novels of life was stimulating and the monopoly to emma. however, strong, 罗多尔夫 on her weary of her mind. when out of life, and 罗多尔夫 bedding down together, he shrank back. 罗多尔夫觉 was a game to play it. his cruel wrote a letter to the ridiculous thing in perfect hide his fatigue.All the blame "fate", and tried to pass the buck. he was away, as if things had happened. she collapsed, and never recovered.

Finally she got into debt as the mountain in the ruined wall. emma turned to her lover, but they are now it was like a tortoise as not flinch from, and no one will lend a helping hand. at this moment as their own interests, there was for emma eyes. her out, and finally chose to death.


The dole first met her husband was out of her temperament was deeply attracted. so he was determined to make the woman to himself, he can succeed because he had money. and fair word is god, emma out of her vanity and very rapidly. emma had to hesitate, but in another wave campaign under the subject. emma felt that at last found the novels of life was stimulating yet Joy. but the monopoly for emma, strong, on her weary of her mind. when out of life, and bedding down together, he shrank back. was a game to play it. his cruel wrote a letter to the ridiculous thing in perfect concealed his tired and all blame for the "destiny", and tried to pass the buck. he was away, as if things had happened. emmaCollapsed, and never recovered. finally she got into debt as the mountain in the ruined wall. emma turned to her lover, but they are now it was like a tortoise as not flinch from, and no one will lend a helping hand. at this moment as their own interests, there was for emma eyes. her out, and finally chose to death.



2023-01-03 01:25:193

extend expand有什么区别?

用第二个的名词 expansion expand与extend的区别:expand是指面上的扩大, extend指线上的延伸延长 expansion of business扩展业务 (指面上的扩大)expansion [ik"spænʃən] n. 膨胀;阐述;扩张物
2023-01-03 01:25:303


expand的意思是:v.扩大; 增加; 增强(尺码、数量或重要性); 扩展(业务); 细谈; 详述; 详细阐明;expand怎么翻译及发音英音 [iks"pænd] ;美音 [iks"pænd] ;及物动词:1.扩大;发展;膨胀2.展开,张开3.详述;把(省略式)全部写出;【数】展开不及物动词:1.变大;扩大;膨胀2.展开3.详述,充分详述(on,upon)4.变得和蔼愉快;变得愿意交谈;使心旷神怡词形变化形容词 expandable名称 expander时态 expanded,expanded,expanding,expands单词分析这些动词均有“增加,增大”或“扩大”之意。enlarge主要指面积或体积等的扩大。amplify在科技中常指声音的扩大或电磁波的增强。也指补充了细节、详述或扩大内容等。此词系正式用语。expand指范围、程度、体积和尺寸等方面的扩大或增加。increase指数量、强度和大小等方面的扩大或增加。magnify可指用光学仪器使物体看上去显得变大;也指事实上把某物增大,有时用于夸张意味。multiply通常指自然繁殖而产生的增长,有时也指同类事物数量的成倍增加。augment较正式用词,一般指在原有的基础上增加含量而扩大。
2023-01-03 01:25:451


版权所有 (C) Microsoft Corp 1990-1999。保留所有权利。展开一个或多个压缩文件。 EXPAND [-r] Source Destination EXPAND -r Source [Destination] EXPAND -D [-F:Files] EXPAND -F:Files Destination -r 重命名经过扩充的文件。 -D 显示来源中的文件列表。 Source 源文件规格。 可使用通配字符。 -F:Files 从 .CAB 文件扩充的文件的名称。 Destination 目标文件 | 路径规格。目标可以是目录。如果来源是多个文件且没有指定 -r ,目标则必须是目录。
2023-01-03 01:26:013


extend v.伸开,舒展(to stretch out a part of your body); 扩大;延长[建筑或道路等](to make a building,road etc bigger or longer) 延续,持续(to continue to happen or exist for a certain period of time) 延长,推延(to increase a period of time that has been agreed ,especially in order to finish a job or pay money that you owe) 延伸,伸展(to continue for a particular distance or over a particular area); 使竭尽全力(to make someone use all their strength , intelligence etc,in order to archieve good results) 提供,给予,表示(formal to offer someone help,sympathy,thanks etc) 延伸,扩大(if you extend your control,influence etc or if it extends over sth. ,it becomes more powerful)expand v.扩大(to become larger in size,number,or amount,or to make sth. become larger) 增加[活动量];扩展[活动范围](to increase the amount or range of an activity) (使)[业务]扩展(if a company ,business etc expands or if someone expands it,they open new shops,factories etc) 变得更自信[友善](to become more confident or friendly)
2023-01-03 01:26:153

boost和 expand作“增加”区别

作为动词, boost 有这些意思: 1. (由下或由后) 推,升,提 2. (俚) 吹捧(候选人等),支援,增加,提高,促进 expand 的意思是 扩大,扩张,伸展,张开,延伸,(使)膨胀 虽然 expand 在一些语境下可意译为“增加”, 但直接翻译不是“增加” 例句: The use of high octane gasoline will generally boost the performance of these cars. The new trade agreement expands the list of products which may be imported into each country.
2023-01-03 01:26:261

water _______(expand) when it is heated. 填expand什么形式,为什么,谢谢

expands 用一般现在时。现实的东西,现实的状态。
2023-01-03 01:26:324


extend及物动词 vt. 1.延长,延伸;扩大,扩展Can"t you extend your visit for a few days? 你们访问的时间不能延长几天吗? 2.伸,伸出He extended his hand in greeting. 他伸出手来表示欢迎。 3.致;给予,提供[(+to)]I would like to extend a warm welcome to our visitors. 我想对我们的来访者表示热烈的欢迎。 4.使竭尽全力[H]不及物动词 vi. 1.伸展;扩大;延续The tourist season extends from May till October. 旅游季节从五月延续到十月。expand及物动词 vt. 1.展开,张开(帆,翅等)The eagle expanded its wings. 老鹰展开翅膀。 2.使膨胀;使扩张3.扩大;扩充;发展He is thinking of expanding his business. 他正考虑扩展他的生意。 4.详述They have expanded my view on the question. 他们已更充分地阐明了我对这个问题的观点。 不及物动词 vi. 1.展开,张开2.扩张;发展;增长In ten years the city"s population expanded by 12%. 十年之中,该城人口增加了百分之十二。 3.膨胀Water expands when it freezes. 水结冰时体积膨胀。 A tire expands when you pump air into it. 轮胎打了气就会胀大。 4.详细说明[(+on/upon)]5.变得和蔼可亲;感到心旷神怡;变开朗My father expanded a little when he had had a drink, and started to talk more freely. 我父亲小酌之后,就变得开朗可亲些,话也说得多了。 Her face expanded in a smile. 她笑逐颜开。
2023-01-03 01:26:492


expand 侧重指“上下、左右、前后的面或体的伸展” 像气球受热膨胀extend可以表示时间和空间的“延长" 像扩大时间范围等等
2023-01-03 01:26:572

inflate 和expand 的区别?

inflate指因充气而膨胀,inflate的对象是膨胀的物体,被动用法:xxx is inflated或者inflate xxx。expand指的是尺寸、体积等变大或者重要性增强等等,expand是物体的动作,主动用法:xxx expands可以用expand来说明inflate的动作,例如下面的句子:Inflate a tyre 给轮胎打气。A tyre expands when you pump air into it. 轮胎一打气就鼓起来
2023-01-03 01:27:051

expand与spread out、extend的区别

expand 一般是指领土的扩大扩张(如战争土地侵略)spread out 消息的扩散extend 时间的延伸(ask for another extension 续租
2023-01-03 01:27:112


extend 指在一个方向上的延伸、加长。比如: extend a railway 将铁路延长expand 指范围、体积的扩大、膨胀。比如::Iron expands when it is heated.(加热后铁会膨胀)
2023-01-03 01:27:196

metal expands

保证准确! 1.When heated,metal expands. 2.If true,it will cause us a lot of trouble. 3.When in doubt,tell the truth.It will confound your enemies and astound your friends. 如果状语从句的主语是it或其和主句主语相同,且从句的谓语以be动词开头,则可以省略状语从句的主语和be动词,这就是所谓的非谓语从句.
2023-01-03 01:27:411


1、发音。expand,英 [ɪk"spænd],美 [ɪk"spænd] 。enlarge,英 [ɪn"lɑːdʒ],美 [ɪn"lɑːrdʒ] 。2、用于扩大的内容不同。enlarge : 主要指面积或体积等的扩大,不能用以指重量、速度、时间的增大。比如:They"ve enlarged the kitchen by building over part of the garden.他们占用一部分花园扩建了厨房。expand : 指范围、程度、体积和尺寸等方面的扩大或增加。比如:The air in the balloon expands when heated.气球里的空气加热后膨胀。扩展资料:enlarge on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)进一步详细论述(问题等) speak or write more about (sth such as a subject)enlarge on〔upon〕 sthI should like to enlarge a bit on this point.关于这一点我还想多说几句。Please enlarge on this question, we need to know more.请再详细谈谈这个问题,我们需要多了解一些。
2023-01-03 01:27:471

it seems that the information society expands

it (主)/ seems(系) / that {the information society / expands / the quantity of information}表语从句翻译:看起来信息化社会增加了信息的质量。因为从句是含有主语和谓语的整句,在表语从句中expand是the information society发出的动作,而the quantity of information是动作的承受者,所以expand应当是句子的谓语。当expand后增加了ing的时候,expanding成为了一个现在分词或动名词,成为了非谓语动词;所以句子的成分会残缺。
2023-01-03 01:27:586


2023-01-03 01:28:205


2023-01-03 01:28:394


2023-01-03 01:28:563


生石花生活在非洲南部的沙漠地区,它的颜色、形状与卵石惟妙惟肖,叶肥厚多汁,裹成卵石状,能贮存水分。生石花开金黄色的花,非常好看,而且一株只开一朵花,不过只开一天就凋谢。 生石花生成这个样子,当然是为了鱼目混珠,蒙骗动物,避免被吃掉。生石花喜欢与沙砾乱石为伴,要是离开了这种环境就很难活命。Life Shi Hua lives in Africa southern part desert area , its colour , form wrap the able pebble shape , can reserve moisture content with the pebble exactly the same thing , the fleshy succulence of leaf. And life Shi Hua opens the golden yellow flower , is in a fix very much, as soon as open a flower only , open one day only only will wither and fall. Giving birth to Shi Hua generates this appearance , certainly is to avoid being eaten up for passing off the sham as the genuine , deceiving an animal. Life Shi Hua is fond of being a partner with grit stone riprap , earns a bare living if this environment is right away very difficult to have left.热唇草一般生长在特立尼达和多巴哥以及哥斯达黎加的热带丛林中,有意思的是,这种奇异植物的花朵一般会盛开长在两片“嘴唇”之间。一场丛林急雨过后,鲜润的“嘴唇”中间含着一朵小巧的花,使它更显妖娆。 Grow like hot lip grass in Trinidad and Tobago and Costa Rican matto , may strong point be in full bloom like interesting being , this flower of strange plant between the two piece of "lip". One jungle worries rain that smooth fresh "lip" centre is containing one flower small and exquisite afterwards,makes it appear enchanting more.纺锤树生长在南美洲的巴西高原上,远远望去很像一个个巨型的纺锤插在地里。纺锤树有30米高,两头尖细,中间膨大,最粗的地方直径可达5米,里面贮水约有2吨。雨季时,它吸收大量水分,贮存起来,到干季时来供应自己的消耗。 纺锤树和旅人蕉一样,可以为荒漠上的旅行者提供水源。人们只要在树上挖个小孔,清新解渴的“饮料”便可源源不断地流出来,解决人们在茫茫沙海中缺水之急。(本报综合报道)The spindle tree grows on South American Brazil highland , is looking for go and inserting very much like colossal every spindle within the field over. The spindle tree has 30 meters high , point is thin two , centre expands, the rudest local diameter may amount to 5 meters , stores water inside having 2 tons about. It absorbs large amount of moisture content , store when rainy season, consumption supplying self to nominal Ji Shi Lai . The spindle tree is same as traveller broadleaf plant , can be that the upper tourist of barren desert provides a source of water. People digs a pinhole as long as on the tree, fresh the "drink" convenience quenching one"s thirst but the emergency of lacking for water in the boundless sand sea stream out , resolving people unfailingly. (Report a comprehensive report originally)
2023-01-03 01:29:076


expand 展开 扩大(强调尺寸`范围`体积等的膨胀) enlarge 意思差不多(强调规模) 比如企业的规模扩大就用这个
2023-01-03 01:29:293

expand和append的区别 stata

extend 指在一个方向上的延伸、加长: extend a railway 将铁路延长expand 指范围、体积的扩大、膨胀:Iron expands when it is heated.(加热后铁会膨胀) Knowlege的扩大不是在一个方向上,所以只能用expand your knowlege
2023-01-03 01:29:492

swell expand都表膨胀,在英语中有什么区别?

expand (使物体)变大,扩大,扩展swell (身体)肿胀
2023-01-03 01:29:584


字译:Life (生命) shrinks (萎缩) or (还是) expands (壮大) in proportion to (成比例地)one"s courage (一个人的勇气).语法:人生 (主语) 随一个人的勇气成比例地(状语,形容后面的谓语)萎缩 (谓语,此处为第三人称单数)或者壮大 (谓语,第三人称单数)。英语一般把状语放在后面,而中文一般放在前面。如: I play basketball at 7 o clock. 我 7 点 打篮球。意译:人生格局的大小与一个人的勇气成正比。
2023-01-03 01:30:126

economy expand的意思。

2023-01-03 01:30:333


2023-01-03 01:30:442


拓展的英文:expand,读音英 [ɪkˈspænd],美 [ɪkˈspænd]。第三人称单数:expands。现在分词:expanding。过去式:expanded。过去分词:expanded。短语搭配:Expand All全部展开,展开所有,全部拓展开,拓展所有的。Expand Information拓展信息。expand folder展开资料夹,展开文件夹,展开或关闭文件夹,展开多层子目录。expand employment拓展就业面,拓展劳动就业,拓展就业。双语例句:1、We"ve expanded the business by opening two more stores.我们增开了两个商店以扩展业务。2、The recession knocked on the head any idea of expanding the company.经济衰退使扩展公司的任何想法都化为泡影。
2023-01-03 01:30:571

expand 相关词组及其用法

expand[英][ɪk"spænd][美][ɪkˈspænd] vt.使…变大; 扩张; 详述; vi.扩展; 发展; 张开; 展开; 第三人称单数:expands过去分词:expanded现在进行时:expanding过去式:expanded 以上结果来自金山词霸 展开更多词典 例句: 1. Will you expand to outlook exchange? 你们未来会向Outlook Exchange拓展吗? 2. Kpmg is currently looking to expand the program. 毕马威会计师事务所目前正在扩大这项计划. 3. My duties continue to expand. 我的职能继续扩张. 4. Wilber wants to expand this view. 维尔伯想要扩展这个观点. 5. This suggests that construction should expand further. 这表明建筑业应会进一步发展.
2023-01-03 01:31:091


及物动词 vt. 1.展开,张开(帆,翅等)The eagle expanded its wings. 老鹰展开翅膀。 2.使膨胀;使扩张3.扩大;扩充;发展He is thinking of expanding his business. 他正考虑扩展他的生意。 4.详述They have expanded my view on the question. 他们已更充分地阐明了我对这个问题的观点。 不及物动词 vi. 1.展开,张开2.扩张;发展;增长In ten years the city"s population expanded by 12%. 十年之中,该城人口增加了百分之十二。 3.膨胀Water expands when it freezes. 水结冰时体积膨胀。 A tire expands when you pump air into it. 轮胎打了气就会胀大。 4.详细说明[(+on/upon)]5.变得和蔼可亲;感到心旷神怡;变开朗My father expanded a little when he had had a drink, and started to talk more freely. 我父亲小酌之后,就变得开朗可亲些,话也说得多了。 Her face expanded in a smile. 她笑逐颜开。
2023-01-03 01:31:151

Expand 翻译中文

2023-01-03 01:31:212

expand 相关词组及其用法

expand[英][ɪk"spænd][美][ɪkˈspænd]vt.使…变大; 扩张; 详述; vi.扩展; 发展; 张开; 展开; 第三人称单数:expands过去分词:expanded现在进行时:expanding过去式:expanded以上结果来自金山词霸展开更多词典例句:1.Will you expand to outlook exchange? 你们未来会向Outlook Exchange拓展吗?www.fortunechina.com2.Kpmg is currently looking to expand the program. 毕马威会计师事务所目前正在扩大这项计划。www.fortunechina.com3.My duties continue to expand. 我的职能继续扩张。article.yeeyan.org4.Wilber wants to expand this view. 维尔伯想要扩展这个观点。article.yeeyan.org5.This suggests that construction should expand further. 这表明建筑业应会进一步发展。
2023-01-03 01:31:291


extend 指在一个方向上的延伸、加长: extend a railway 将铁路延长expand 指范围、体积的扩大、膨胀:Iron expands when it is heated.(加热后铁会膨胀)
2023-01-03 01:31:352


expand 侧重于 在数量、大小型号、重要性方面的增多、扩展、增强;而extend则侧重于在 sth.空间(土地)、时间 上的延展、更大、更长.e.g.expand a story into a novel,Metal expands when they are heated;extend your stay in Beijing(在北京多停留点时间),extend a garden,wall,road当伸展、舒展的意义时,expand侧重于指本来折叠、紧致或合拢的事物展开、张开、舒展开来; 而extend则侧重于肢体或身体的伸展、伸出、舒展、展平.e.g.The petals of the flowers expanded in the sunshine.(花瓣在阳光下张开了.)His face expanded in a smile of welcome.(他喜笑颜开地表示欢迎.)The bird extended its wings in flight.(那鸟展翅飞翔.)The boss extended his hand to the new employee.(老板主动与新雇员握手.)两者还有其他义项.例如:expand 还表示人变得热情或愿意交谈.extend 还表示竭尽全力或拼命做某事. extent是个名词,意为“程度;范围;长度”。eg: The Internet is just like a double-edged sword. Whether it does good or harm to us depends, to a great extent, on how we exploit and use it. 互联网就像一把双刃剑。它对我们有益还是有害在很大程度上取决于我们如何开发利用它。extend和expand都是动词,extend本意为stretch out,它侧重是二维的平面的延伸。而expand可以指三维意义上的膨胀,与contract ‘收缩"相对。extend是指延伸,extend:make sth.longer / larger / wider in time, space, We have the desire to know more things about this world and is can extend our visual field. 我们想了解更多有关于这个世界的东西并拓宽自己的视野。expand含有膨胀的意思,人口激增就用expansion 。expand: become greater in size, number or importanceeg: The big western oil companies are trying to expand through acquisitions and investment, but the opportunities do so are becoming scarcer. 西方的石油大公司在尝试通过并购和投资来扩张,不过这样的机会已经越来越少。
2023-01-03 01:31:431


extend [ik"stend] vt. 拉开,拉出,拉长;延长;使延伸;使达到: 例句: The carpenter extended the measuring tape as far as it would go.木匠把卷尺拉长到不能再拉为止。延伸,延长(如绳、墙、队列等): 例句: The cord has been extended between two bamboo poles.在两根竹竿之间拉起了一根绳子。伸,伸出(手臂或手),伸开,展开: 例句: to extend one"s hand in greeting伸出手表示欢迎to extend a helping hand to the poor对穷人伸出援助之手(尤指向水平方向)伸长(如身体、四肢等),使(弯曲的肢体)伸直,使挺直: 例句: to extend one"s body on the bed平躺在床上to extend your arms horizontally将手臂伸平延长…的时间,使展期,使延伸,拖长: 例句: to extend a visit延长访问时间to extend the deadline until the end of the month把截止日期放宽到月底向各方向展开,扩展: 例句: A huge tent was extended over the field.一顶大帐篷在原野上扩展开来。扩大…的范围(或应用),扩大…的影响(或作用);扩展(词义);扩充,使扩大,使更广泛: 例句: The European powers extended their authority in Asia.欧洲列强在亚洲扩大他们的管辖权。提供;给予;赠予;致: 例句: to extend aid to needy scholars向贫困的学者提供帮助to extend help to poor people帮助穷人【财政学】推迟(原承诺的债务偿还期),延期归还(贷款、抵押借款等),宽限: 例句: to get the credit extended使那笔信贷展期把…掺杂(或掺假),(掺杂以)增加…的量,把(廉价的次货)掺入以增加(货物等)的体积: 例句: to extend wine with water在酒里掺水to extend ground meat with flour把面粉掺入肉糜中促进,推动;发展;增进;to extend the use of the computers 推广计算机的运用 发出(邀请、欢迎等): 例句: to extend an invitation发出邀请to extend a warm welcome to someone向某人表示热烈欢迎扩写出(速记等)的全文 【簿记】 把(数字)转入另一栏,把…转栏 写出…的金额;算出…的总额 【法律】 [英国英语]对(地产、财产等)估价 (根据扣押令)征用,扣押,没收,占有(土地) 【骑马术】使(马)迅跑(或全速奔驰),全力驱策(马等) 使(自己)全力以赴,使竭尽全力: 例句: She was fully extended in the swimming race but she still came last.在游泳比赛中,她竭尽全力,结果还是游了个末名。(美国海军陆战队员)再服役(可重新申请入伍或延期退伍) [古语] 夸张,夸大 [废语]强占,夺取 vi. 伸,伸展,展现,伸直;扩展;扩充;连绵: 例句: The plateau extends for many miles.高原连绵许多英里。The border extends as far as the river.边界一直延伸到河边。延伸,(在范围或应用上)及到,达到(某一点): 例句: His power extends over the whole country.他的势力扩大到全国。The regulations do not extend to pupils.这些规则不涉及小学生们。(在长度、面积、范围等方面)增加,增大,扩大;变长: 例句: The country"s trade extended from China to Europe.该国的贸易从中国扩大到了欧洲。伸出,突出: 例句: the big tree that extends out over the small house小房子顶上伸出的一棵大树延长,延期,延续;继续: 例句: The cold wave extended into April.寒潮一直延续至4月份。持续存在;存在;实际上有: 例句: the Soviet Union that extended for more than 70 years延续了70多年的苏联【军事】疏开;散开 expand [ik"spænd] vt. (在程度、大小、尺寸、容积、体积、范围、区域等方面)扩大,扩展,扩充,增加;使膨胀,使扩张,使伸展;发展;【军事】扩编: 例句: They hope to expand their company.他们希望扩大公司的规模。Heat expands most metals.加热使大多数金属膨胀。使伸开,伸张,展开,张开(叶、花瓣、翅或帆等): 例句: The eagle expanded its wings.鹰展开双翅。Flowers expanded their petals in the sunshine.花瓣在阳光下绽开。扩展(题目、论题、思想等);详细展开,详谈,详述,更充分地阐述;增述;增订(词典等): 例句: to expand a short story into a novel把一篇短篇小说扩写成一部长篇小说to expand a phrase into a sentence把词组扩充成句子把(缩略式、方程式等)全部写出: 例句: to expand an equation展开方程式【数学】 重写(算式)以显示因数的乘积 重写(算式)表示出和、积等特殊项 展开: 例句: to expand a function in a power series把一个函数展开成幂级数vi. (在程度、大小、范围等方面)变大,扩大,扩张,扩展;发展;增长;推广开来;膨胀: 例句: The mind expands with experience.经验使人心胸开阔。Most metals expand with heat.大多数金属受热膨胀。展开,张开,伸展: 例句: The buds had not yet expanded.花蕾尚未绽开。进一步阐述,详述,详谈,充分叙述 (on, upon): 例句: to expand on a statement详谈一份声明to expand on a topic阐述一个题目(或论题)变得和蔼可亲;变得愿意交谈;感到心情舒畅,感到心旷神怡,热情洋溢: 例句: The flattery made her expand.那些奉承使她心花怒放。
2023-01-03 01:31:491

boost和 expand作“增加”区别

作为动词, boost 有这些意思:1. (由下或由后) 推,升,提 2. (俚) 吹捧(候选人等),支援,增加,提高,促进expand 的意思是扩大,扩张,伸展,张开,延伸,(使)膨胀虽然 expand 在一些语境下可意译为“增加”, 但直接翻译不是“增加”例句:The use of high octane gasoline will generally boost the performance of these cars.The new trade agreement expands the list of products which may be imported into each country.
2023-01-03 01:31:551


expand扩展资料:expand与extend的意思区别是什么?这两个动词都含有“扩大”的意思。extend扩充,扩展,使延长(涉及范围,时间,距离),如:1. There are plans to extend the no-smoking area.现已有扩大无烟区的计划。2. The show has been extended for another six weeks.展览会又延长了六周。3. Our land extends as far as the river.我们的土地一直延伸到河边。Expand 扩大,增加,增强(尺码、数量或重要性);或扩展,发展(业务), 如:4. Student numbers are expanding rapidly.学生人数在迅速增加。5. The waist expands to fit all sizes.腰围可松可紧适合任何尺码。6. The interest rate"s coming down. I"ll be able to expand or stay in business. 利率正在降低,我可以扩大公司或者维持经营。再学两个类似的:enlarge, amplify:Enlarge放大,扩大,扩展,如:7. I am having a photograph enlarged so that I can frame it.我正找人把照片放大以便给它装个框。Amplify(通常用电子设备)放大,扩大(声音),如:8. The music was amplified with microphones. 音乐声通过麦克风被放大。
2023-01-03 01:32:041

boost和 expand作“增加”区别

作为动词, boost 有这些意思: 1. (由下或由后) 推,升,提 2. (俚) 吹捧(候选人等),支援,增加,提高,促进 expand 的意思是 扩大,扩张,伸展,张开,延伸,(使)膨胀 虽然 expand 在一些语境下可意译为“增加”, 但直接翻译不是“增加” 例句: The use of high octane gasoline will generally boost the performance of these cars. The new trade agreement expands the list of products which may be imported into each country.
2023-01-03 01:32:131

填表时expands all和collapse all 什么意思

expands all释义扩展所有collapse all释义全部折叠
2023-01-03 01:32:191

when matter is heated,it expands是什么意思

2023-01-03 01:32:241


一个容易被满足的消费者,并不是一个忠实的消费者。几十年的努力,就是为了满足消费者。满足消费者固然重要,但仅仅这样做并不能保证永久的让你的顾客从你这里买东西。世界变化很快,可能在你自满的瞬间,轰的一下就跳出另外一个能够提供更好更快更便宜的方案的竞争者,这时你的客户突然不需要你了。我们深刻了解维持一个老客户要比得到一个新客户更费精力。但在不断变化的全球经济中,老客户更显示出了他们对我们公司的重要性。我们必须不断增加新客户,并且留住老客户。我们深知在我们的销售与客户之间,我们可以用多种行为方式去衡量,去保持与客户长期合作关系。那到底是什么让客户变地很忠实?约瑟哈 罗伊斯,十九世纪中后期哲学家,总结出忠实的特点总是与政治倾向,宗教信仰,战争和家庭相关联。在以上几个条件下,人们抓住一个关键的有影响力的人,并把他的满腔热情作为一个“共同理想”。我们坚信你也可以让你的客户忠诚,前提就是你要和你的客户在七个因素上站在同一立场。它们是:1。感情依赖2。构造依赖3。商业依赖4。令对方满意5。取得的成果6。经济价值观念7。适度联盟该报告就以上七点展开论述,相信会让您超越您原有的满足客户需求的方式,并且保证维持您的战略增长账目。
2023-01-03 01:32:291

it seems that the information society expands the

The information society 做主语,是个单数概念
2023-01-03 01:32:352

A tyre ________ when you pump air into it. A.expands B.contracts C.breaks D.shrinks

答案A 句意:当你打气进去,轮胎会胀大.contact“缩小”;break“破裂”;shrink指新衣服缩水.
2023-01-03 01:32:431

Heated ,the metal expands.这句话为啥不能说Being heated, the metal expands.谢谢!

2023-01-03 01:32:493


一般来说木材受潮后膨胀,我们会用swell.但是如果是木材受热而膨胀,我们一般会用expand.swell有“膨胀”的意思,但是这种“膨胀”往往和“肿胀”有关.什么情况下我们会说肿胀?肿胀会牵扯到液体,所以身体肿胀我们也会用swell. 金属受热膨胀,我们会用expend,一般金属都是以固态形式存在于自然中,当金属被加热膨胀,我们就会说“the metal expands when heated”.当然,也有在自然中是液体形态的金属,水银 - mercury.所以,当我们说水银加热膨胀,我们就要用swell. 不知道这样讲你清楚没,英语的魅力也存在在这些小细节中,学多了你就会爱上它.
2023-01-03 01:33:001


一般来说木材受潮后膨胀,我们会用swell。但是如果是木材受热而膨胀,我们一般会用expand。swell有“膨胀”的意思,但是这种“膨胀”往往和“肿胀”有关。什么情况下我们会说肿胀?肿胀会牵扯到液体,所以身体肿胀我们也会用swell。金属受热膨胀,我们会用expend,一般金属都是以固态形式存在于自然中,当金属被加热膨胀,我们就会说“the metal expands when heated”。当然,也有在自然中是液体形态的金属,水银 - mercury。所以,当我们说水银加热膨胀,我们就要用swell。不知道这样讲你清楚没,英语的魅力也存在在这些小细节中,学多了你就会爱上它。希望能帮到你,如果满意,请采纳,谢谢!
2023-01-03 01:33:061


In the competition for survival and development Expanding in the right direction Grasp the essence of things A perception of things Grasp the pulse of the economyHealthy development of the company Development of the company along the right track
2023-01-03 01:33:153


Once I was ill but the ampule very tight not open my father told me can rinse with hot water bottles because of heat expansion and cold contraction gas can I do the bottle really open because of the gas inside the expansion
2023-01-03 01:33:264

cyclic expand word是什么意思

cyclic expand word循环扩展词循环展开词cyclic英 [ˈsaɪklɪk] 美 [ˈsaɪklɪk, ˈsɪklɪk]adj.周期的,循环的; 轮转的循环;循环的;周期;周期的派生词:cyclical cyclicallyexpand英 [ɪkˈspænd] 美 [ɪkˈspænd]vt.使…变大; 扩张; 详述vi.扩展; 发展; 张开; 展开网 络扩大;扩张;扩展;展开过去式: expanded 过去分词: expanded 现在分词: expanding 第三人称单数: expands派生词:expandable expander expansibility expansible word英 [wɜ:d] 美 [wɜ:rd]n.单词; 话语; 诺言; 消息vt.措辞,用词; 用言语表达vi.讲话字;词;单词;话复数: words 过去式: worded 过去分词: worded 现在分词: wording 第三人称单数: words派生词:wordage wordless wordlessly wordlessness
2023-01-03 01:33:401


1. So that it"s also the president of the tall and strong .2.水结冰时,它的扩大,或者受到更大.3.你知道如何使爆米花?4.When the temperature reached zero when it will be ice.
2023-01-03 01:33:464


metal expands when it is heated and contracts when it is cooled
2023-01-03 01:34:013

怎么翻译life shrinks or expands proportion to ones courage

2023-01-03 01:34:121