barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 16:18:50




There is a computer in the classroom.

There are some dictionaries in the classroom.

I have a baskatball.

Tom has two uncles.

Does Lily have a bike?

No,she doesn"t.






There is a computer in the classroom.

There are some dictionaries in the classroom.

I have a baskatball.

Tom has two uncles.

Does Lily have a bike?

No,she doesn"t.



bask的意思是:v. 取暖;晒太阳;沉浸在。一、第三人称单数: basks二、现在分词: basking三、过去式: basked四、过去分词: basked五、双语例句1、The groundsels spread their leaves wide to bask in the sunshine once again.木本千里光舒展它们的叶子,再一次沐浴在阳光之中。2、I will approach him and bask in the sunshine of his humble felicity.我要走进他,沐浴在他那谦卑至福的阳光下。3、You and your honey can bask in the sun, go snorkeling and diving.您和您的宝贝,可沉浸在阳光下,去浮潜,潜水等。4、Expert proposal, pillow core at least biennially is changed, bask in every week.专家建议,枕芯至少每两年换一次,每周都晒一次。
2023-01-03 01:11:311

Bask 中文意思是什么

2023-01-03 01:11:452


晒太阳的英语是bask。英 [bɑːsk]   美 [bæsk]    vi. 取暖;舒适地晒太阳;沐浴于例句:Now we can bask in the rainbow of the memories that we"ll nurture in the years ahead.翻译:在未来岁月里,让我们在记忆的长虹里永远珍藏对他的怀念。近义词enjoy 英 [ɪn"dʒɔɪ]     美 [ɪn"dʒɔɪ]    v. 享受;喜欢例句:They enjoy the fruits of their hard labor.翻译:他们享受自己辛勤努力的成果。短语:enjoy benefit 享有利益
2023-01-03 01:11:521

Bask 中文意思是什么

2023-01-03 01:12:051


晒太阳: bask 其它相关解释: <sun oneself> <Sun.> 例句与用法: 1. 我看到她在阳光下晒太阳。 I saw her basking in the sunshine. 2. 我们在海滩上晒太阳。 We are basking on the beach. 3. 他们坐着晒太阳。 They sat in the sun roasting themselves. 4. 他坐在帆布躺椅上晒太阳. He sat in a deck-chair sunning himself. 5. 我们打算躺著晒太阳, 晒上两个星期. We"re going to lie in the sun and roast for two weeks.
2023-01-03 01:12:106


2023-01-03 01:12:304


1. bask2. fire fighting3. blocked shot
2023-01-03 01:12:527


嗮-嗮,拼音sài,部首是口。口气字,无定义。晒,是形声字,繁体写作"晒",从日丽声,《说文》"晒,暴也",《方言》"暴五谷之类"。古文亦用"晒"字,从日从西,西,包裹,意为晾晒收藏品,以防发霉。网络用语中的晒是英文意译,意为展示、分享、炫耀等。详细释义(1) 晒,形声。左形,右声。本义:在阳光下曝干或取暖·(2) 暴晒;晒干 [expose to the sun;dry in the sun;bask](3) 就是show 表现一下。 晒是英文"Share"的音译,意即把自己的淘宝收获、心爱之物,所有生活中的"零件"拿出来晒晒太阳,与人分享,炫一炫,得瑟一下的意思。
2023-01-03 01:13:161


2023-01-03 01:13:222

baskpack 是什么意思

bask pack 晒包bask 英[bɑ:sk]美[bæsk]vi. 晒太阳,取暖; 享受乐趣,得到满足;[例句]Do we bask in the warm glow of our happiness?我们享受到欢乐吗?
2023-01-03 01:13:382

阿迪达斯 eqt bask adv cq2993是跑鞋还是篮球鞋

2023-01-03 01:13:464

bask in the sun是什么意思

2023-01-03 01:14:002


应该是basket 英 ["bɑːskɪt] 美 ["bæskɪt] n. 篮子;(篮球比赛的)得分;一篮之量;篮筐vt. 装入篮例句1.We bought a basket of peaches. 我们买了一筐桃子。2.I tripped over a basket. 我被一个篮子绊倒了。
2023-01-03 01:14:081


1、“base.apk”是安卓应用程序安装包;2、 不管是什么应用通过QQ传了都会变成base.apk;3、游戏挂、锁屏应用、系统级都是bask.apk;4、它是安卓应用程序安装包,需要用安卓手机安装一下才能确定是什么应用注意:现在从电脑上传到手机的软件后缀是lnk,如图
2023-01-03 01:14:141


早餐 的意思。
2023-01-03 01:14:232

信息技术里面的Delete 和 baskspace 都是删除的键 有什么区别呢?

2023-01-03 01:14:312


1.giysi çekmeyin ıslak iken 2.düz, kuru 3. Doğrudan güneş ışığı altında kuru yok 4.baskı demir yok 5.Yıkamadan sonra geri şekil demir
2023-01-03 01:14:403


篮球运动; 篮球; [例句]Valerie earned letters in three sports: volleyball, basketball, and field hockey.瓦莱丽在排球、篮球和曲棍球三个项目上获得了佩戴校名首字母标志的荣誉。
2023-01-03 01:14:512


2023-01-03 01:15:031


2023-01-03 01:15:092


2023-01-03 01:15:183

bask in bliss on an isolated Island:孤岛上的幸福

bask in bliss on an isolated Island:孤岛上的幸福 Two researchers came to an isolated Island . 两位研究人员来到了同一个 孤岛 。 They came from different provinces. 他们来自不同的省份。 They delved into different subjects. 他们 研究 不同的学科。 They were both lonely. 他们都孤苦伶仃。 No one understood what they said. 他们所说的话都没有人懂。 And no one wanted to understand them. 也没有人想要理解他们。 Helplessness was their only order . 无助就是他们唯一的 现实 。 They had to do everything independently. 任何事情他们都得自己一个人做。 If not successful,they thought they would die on this isolated island. 如果做不成功,他们认为他们会死在这个孤岛上。 But because they loved their country, 但是他们爱自己的国家, doing research in this isolated island was the compromise they made for the benefits of their country. 为了国家他们做出牺牲,就在孤岛上做研究。 One day something happened. 有一天发生了一些事情。 One researcher inadvertently exclaimed the key word of the other researcher"s discipline. 一位研究者 漫不经心地 喊出了另一个研究者的学科关键词。 Hearing his enunciation of her key word, she got to ecstasy . 听到关键词被他说得这么 清楚 , 她 狂喜不已 。 But the he didn"t think it worthy of elation . 但是他不觉得有什么好 高兴 的。 Because he said it inadvertently. 因为他是漫不经心说出的。 But two months later, 但是两个月后, She did the same thing inadvertently. 她也漫不经心地做了同样的事情。 Rapture he got from hearing her articulation of his key word. 听到她 说了 他的关键词,他 十分欣喜 。 So he knew only too well that excitement she got from hearing his articulation of her terminology. 所以他明白他说到她的术语时为什么她会这么兴奋? Two lonely culture explorers from different provinces landed onto the same isolated island. 两个来自不同省份孤苦伶仃的文化 探索 者登上了同一个孤岛 Only she could understand what he said,and vice versa . 只有她能听懂他的话, 反过来 也只有他能听懂她的话。 They each other had no alternative but to communicate with the only interlocutor available. 没有办法,他们 只有 相互交流。 They were squeezed together into one by the isolated island, 他们被孤岛挤成一个人了, Thus he decided to marry her,which she nodded. 所以他决定要娶她,她也点了头。 From then on the island was not alone any more. 从此处在孤岛也不在孤单。 The romance of two scientists just began. 两位科学家的浪漫史才刚刚开始。 They sat basking in the warm sunshine, 他们坐着享受温暖的阳光, Watched together sunrise and sunset on the beach, 一起在沙滩看日出和日落。 leaving four lines of erratic foot prints. 留下四行散乱的脚印。 1.order 秩序;结构 the way that a society, the world, etc. is arranged, with its system of rules and customs 1)the natural order of things 天地万物的自然秩序 2)A new order seems to be emerging. 新的秩序似乎正在显现。 2.inadvertently 英 [ˌɪnədˈvɜːtəntli] 美 [ˌɪnədˈvɜːrtəntli] adv.无意地;不经意地 I"m afraid I inadvertently took your bag when I left , in fact I want to see you again. 恐怕我 离开时不小心拿了你的包 ,实际上,我想再见到你。 3.enunciate enunciate 阐明;清楚而准确地阐释 When you enunciate a thought, idea, or plan, you express it very clearly and precisely. He was ever ready to enunciate his views to all who would listen. 他总是乐意向所有愿意倾听的人阐明他的观点。 善于沟通,责任心强,工作细致,口齿清晰。 be good at communication, have strong sense of responsibility, work meticulously,grasp skill of enunciation synonym:articulate 4.rapture 英 [ˈræptʃə(r)] 美 [ˈræptʃər] n.狂喜;欢天喜地;兴高采烈 1)Charles listened with rapture to her singing . 查尔斯 兴致勃勃地听她演唱 。 2)The children gazed at her in rapture . 孩子们 欣喜若狂地看着她 。 synonym:pleasure, delight, enjoyment, joy, rapture,ecstasy,elation
2023-01-03 01:15:291

bask in sunshine是什么意思

  bask in sunshine的中文翻译_  bask in sunshine  晒晒太阳  双语例句  1  Bask in sunshine more beneficial to people? What profit is there?  多晒阳光对人们有益吗?有什么益处呢?  2  I will approach him and bask in the sunshine of his humble felicity.  我要走进他,沐浴在他那谦卑至福的阳光下。  3  Bask in the sunshine. It"ll warn your heart.  尽情沐浴在阳光下,太阳会温暖你的心。
2023-01-03 01:15:341

求详细解答:How about _____ bask

2023-01-03 01:15:401


2023-01-03 01:15:456


2023-01-03 01:16:177

求大神帮忙鉴定eqt bask adv

2023-01-03 01:16:523


查无此词 鉴定完毕
2023-01-03 01:17:031

I hope to be a great basktall player like kobe when I grow up.什么意思

2023-01-03 01:17:124


step7 basic,不是baskic。step7是“第七步”的意思,basic是“基础知识/概念”的意思。step、seven、basic音标如下:
2023-01-03 01:17:261


1.when he will visit his uncle?2.My faterh don"t like watch basketball match TV.3.where he come from?4.Is it she angry with her friend?5.Why do I collect toys?没问题:No problem!
2023-01-03 01:17:401


2023-01-03 01:17:452


2023-01-03 01:17:532

l have baskfast意思?

2023-01-03 01:18:022


2023-01-03 01:18:104

Bask 中文意思是什么

2023-01-03 01:18:472


to shine onto bask in the sunto dry in the sun
2023-01-03 01:18:5511


晒太阳basking/sunoneself/ Sun-tanWearebaskingonthebeach. 他们坐着晒太阳。满意请采纳,谢谢
2023-01-03 01:19:387


2023-01-03 01:20:0312


have a sunbath on the beach.
2023-01-03 01:20:492

mask sk部分发音相同的英语单词

ask bask brisk basilisk cask fask flask frisk desk damask disk dusk husk kiosk mollusk musk task risk rusk tusk unmask obelisk whisk基本上sk放在词的末尾都这么发音了。
2023-01-03 01:21:022


basket 英[ˈbɑ:skɪt] 美[ˈbæskɪt] n. 篮; 一篮; (篮球运动的) 篮; 投篮得分; v. 把…装入篮内; 把…丢入字纸篓里; [例句]The basket that she was carrying fell open.她提着的篮子忽然打开了。
2023-01-03 01:21:101


riskn.危险;风险;投资报酬的风险vt.冒 ... 的危险;承受...的风险diskn.圆盘;唱片;花盘;磁盘;盘形物task n.任务;工作vt.交给某人(任务);使做艰苦的工作ruskn.甜面包干;脆饼干
2023-01-03 01:21:162


basketball 漏了个字母哦,篮球的意思 供参考了
2023-01-03 01:21:361

我喜欢晒太阳 英语怎么说

2023-01-03 01:21:421


楼主是想问“baseball”还是“basketball”?baseball ["beisbɔ:l] n. 棒球;棒球运动basketball ["bɑ:skitbɔ:l] n. 篮球;篮球运动
2023-01-03 01:21:481


建议改成 博君一哂。 整体意思是: 取得您的(微)笑。同义有 博君一笑、博君一粲. 恰似弱水三千 只为博君一笑舞弄百花争艳,只为博君一笑以下针对 [博] [晒] [哂] 进一步说明。 博,拼音bó,是形声兼会意字,从十,尃(fū)声,尃也表义。十像十字路口,意为四面八方,尃意为分布、散布,因此博为四面八方各处都有的意思。本意为精通、广大。<动>(1) 取得 [get;win]博个封妻荫子。——《水浒传》(2) 又如:博笑(谦词。换取别人一笑);博鬻(换取);博名(获取好名声)(3) 换取 [exchange sth. for;get in return]屠毒天下之肝脑,离散天下之子女,以博我一人之产业,曾不惨然。——清· 黄宗羲《原君》晒详细释义(1) 晒,形声。左形,右声。本义:在阳光下曝干或取暖·(2) 暴晒;晒干 [expose to the sun;dry in the sun;bask](3) 就是show 表现一下。 晒是英文“Share”的音译,意即把自己的淘宝收获、心爱之物,所有生活中的“零件”拿出来晒晒太阳,与人分享,炫一炫,得瑟一下的意思。网网络用语编辑一、〈动〉:由原含义延伸,泛指将自己的罕有物或特殊技能等展现给别人的行为(类似炫耀;也可作一般展示用),与人分享,任人评说,亦可作名词使用。例:晒贝壳,晒工资,晒收藏,晒减肥,晒购物 ,晒一晒,去晒晒等。二、〈动〉:比喻不理睬、忽视。有把人扔在外面不管的含义,同“凉”。例:“你晒我?”“理理我吧,还晒呢。一会都成腊肠了。”哂shěn<动>字形字义:会意。字从口、从西。“西”指“太阳西斜”,转指“农人收工”。“口”与“西”联合起来表示“太阳西斜的时候,农夫们结束了一天的辛劳,终于可以放松放松了”。本义:心情轻松。引申义:微笑。再引申义:相互打趣儿。互相揶揄嘲弄一番。微笑:哂纳(微笑着收下,用于请人收下礼物的客套话)。哂存。不值一哂。讥笑:哂笑(a.讥笑;b.微笑)。
2023-01-03 01:21:542

baskball 意思

2023-01-03 01:22:075

沐浴在温暖的阳光下怎么翻译?用bask in

bask in sunshine
2023-01-03 01:22:281

baskstreet boys的"Don"t want to back"的中英文歌词

Don"t want you back Backstreet boys you hit me faster than a shark attack you saw my picture on the "backstreet"s back" alright and you were more than just a pretty face and how you fooled me im still amazed, babe but i should have known that i would be another victim of your sexuality but now we"re done and over with (ha ha, ha) (don"t, don"t want you back) don"t you back cuz your no good for me, i know that"s all i can say don"t want you back forgive my honesty but ya gotta go i, i dont want you back you started going out wit" so called friends but i was blinded, so i lost all common sense but there were things that made me realize (realize) like all one hundred, no- thousand lies don"t want you back cuz your no good for me, i know that"s all i can say don"t want you back forgive my honesty but ya gotta go (yeah-heah) i, i don"t you back-no i, i dont want you back (that"s right) baby, don"t bother tellin" me your reasons why just let us sing this story, bout" you and i don"t want you back that"s all i know, -don"t want cha back- don"t want cha back- all i can say don"t want you back, you know ya gotta go don"t you back cuz your no good for me, i know (don"t want cha back) that"s all i can say don"t want you back forgive my honesty but ya gotta go (got to go) i, i dont want you back don"t want you back that"s all i know that"s all i can say don"t want you back don"t want you back you know you gotta go i, i don"t want you back
2023-01-03 01:22:342