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Millions of pounds’ worth of damage ______ by a storm which swept across the north of England last

A. has been caused

Shut out all of your past except that which will help you weather your tomor翻译


In place of the great trees which had been growing there for centuries,patches of green had begu

In place of the great trees which had been growing there for centuries,patches of green had begun to appear in the blackened soil代替那颗已经长了一个世纪的树,一片片绿色开始出现在发黑的土壤里逗号的使用同中文的一样,表示停顿间隔。which had been growing there for centuries是定语从句,修饰the tree但是这句的主句其实是patches of green had begun to appear in the blackened soil

请问its purpose to build and maintain bone and muscle mass ,both of which shrink with age.

both of which shrink with age是定语从句,which指代的是先行词bone and muscle mass;with age仲的with意思是“随着...”,shrink with age意思是“随着年龄(增长)而收缩”。

句子中的 from which 是什么意思


句子中的 from which 是什么意思


the lord of the rings trilogy,which is set in....



hello,只要把握好了which,就能消除困惑。示例:This is the city where/in which I met John.此处的which指the city,去掉in,the city 就变成了主语,跟之后的I产生主语冲突,一山不容二虎就是这个道理,去掉in后,大致是这个样子的1.This is the city which held the Olympic Games.当the city不再是主语时,是这样的2.This is the city in which the Olympic Games was held.它的原型是这样的,3.The Olympic Games was held in this city.鉴于本人水平有限,再举恐有疏漏,不能自圆其说,故仅举一例,举一反三即可


that与which用法区别如下:一、适用范围不同which的适用范围:1、which指代主句宾语:s+verb+o,which指代o(svo,which指代s一定错!)。2、which指代主句主语:s+verb,which。that的适用范围:1、不定代词为先行词。2、any , all, each, every, little, few, no, much, many为先行词。3、“人+物”为先行词。二、用法不同which的用法:介词+which=连词1、s+verb(+o)+prep+which。2、s+verb(+o),prep+which。that用法:1、序数词为先行词。2、最高级为先行词。1、先行词是物,下列情况下,用 that不必 which:前缀既有人也有物。前缀为 anything, nothing, everything, all, little, few, none, much, one, any等。当先导词经过序数修饰时;前言由形容词修饰最高级时,“前缀”为 the last, the only, the very修饰时。2、当先行词是物时,使用 which无需 that。非限制性定语从句,先行词可以是一个单词、一个词组甚至一个句子。介词前置,即介词置于关系代词前;前缀为 that。

定语从句引导词that, which,who 的用法有些什么区别

定语从句的基本用法: (一)关系代词引导的定语从句1.who 指人,在定语从句中作主语,有时也作宾语。2. whose 通常指人,也可指物,在定语从句中做定语。3.whom 指人,在定语从句中做宾语,常可省略。指物时,常用下列结构来代替:The classroom whose door is broken will soon be repaired.=The classroom the door of which is broken will soon be repaired.Do you like the book whose cover is yellow?=Do you like the book the cover of which is yellow? 4.which 指物,在定语从句中做主语或宾语,做宾语时常可省略。5.that 引导定语从句时,既可以指人,也可以指物。指人时,相当于who 或whom;指物时,相当于which.。在定语从句中作主语或宾语,作宾语时常可省略。定语从句考查重点:(一)定语从句在下列情况下只能用that,而不能用which指物。(指人时可以用who/whom)1. 当先行词被形容词最高级或者序数词修饰时。2. 当先行词是不定代词everything, anything, nothing ,something, all, none, few, little, some,much等代词时,或当先行词受every, any, all, some, no, little, few, much等代词修饰时3. 当先行词被the very, the only, the same, the last修饰时4. 当先行词是who,或which引导的主句时5. 当先行词为人与动物或人与物时


which的用法: which作为代词 1、(用作疑问代词)哪一个,哪一些。 2、(用做关系代词)那一个,那一些。 which作为形容词 1、(用作疑问形容词)哪一个,哪一些。 2、(用作关系形容词)这个,这些。 扩展资料   其他用法   在后置的非限制性定语从句中代替上文出现的事物或情况(单数或复数)。   在问句中作为疑问代词,在名词从句中作为连接代词用,其含义为“哪个、哪些”。   如果非限制性定语从句的.先行词不是指主句内容,而是指具体的人、时间、地点,则不用which。   例句:   Which planets can sustain life?   哪些行星可以维持生命的存在?   Show me which picture you drew.   指给我看哪张画是你画的。   Which way is the wind blowing?   风朝哪个方向刮?


关系代词which一般指物,在定语从句中作主语或宾语,既可以引导限制性定语从句,又可引导非限制性定语从句。另外“介词+which”具有替代作用,十分常见。 1.引导限制性定语从句 (1)A shop should keep a stock of those goods which sell best. 商店应存有最畅销的货物。 (2)This is the family which is planning to move to the party. 这是要搬进城里的一家。 2.引导非限制性定语从句 (1)用来指代一个句子 Internet is so interesting,which makes all possible happen. 因特网如此有趣,它可以使任何事都有可能发生。 (2)用来指代句子的一部分 When deep in thought,which he often was,he would forget all around him. 他常常陷入沉思,这时他就会忘掉周围的一切。 (3)如果要引导两个非限制性定语从句,第二个which前要加and He bought a book,which was written by LuXun,and which he decided to give to his friend. 他买了本鲁迅写的书,他决定送给朋友。 3.名词+of+which(=of which+名词=whose+名词)通常放在先行词的后面。 I"d like a room the window of which looks out over the sea. I"d like a room of which the window looks out over the sea. I"d like a room whose window looks out over the sea. 我要一间窗户面临大海的房间。 4.介词+which的替代作用 (1)作时间状语替代when There used to be a time at which/during which(=when)the Chinese people struggled for freedom. 中国人曾有一段为自由而斗争的日子。 (2)作地点状语替代where This is the office in which(=where)I used to work. 这是我过去工作过的办公室。 (3)作原因状语替代why I"d like you to explain the reason for which(=why)you were absent. 我想让你解释一下缺席的原因。 (4)作方式状语替代that或省略 There are many ways in which(=that/省略)we can solve the problem. 解决这个问题有很多方法。


  下面是我为同学们整理了定语从句中which的用法 ,希望大家学以致用!   定语从句既然是从句,就是一个 句子 ,一定要有句子主干,也就是说,一定要有谓语动词。有的选项定语从句中没有谓语动词,动作由非谓语动词表示,就是错的。   定语从句既然是从句,就是从属于主句的,一定要由关系代词或关系副词引导,把自身的谓语动词独立性取消,保证主句谓语动词地位不动摇。有的选项定语从句没有关系代词或关系副词,直接上谓语动词,也是错的。   which是定语从句的关系代词之一。which有且仅有两种用法。   一,which前面有逗号,逗号前面是个名词,which就近指代那个名词。   (1) Tankfield emailed Pea some photos, which did not cheer Pea up.   which就近指代photos,定语从句中谓语动词did not cheer (Pea up)的发出者即从句主语即先行词photos,是photos没让豌豆家属高兴起来。   (2) Tankfield emailed Pea some photos, which Pea did not find interesting.   which就近指代photos,photos是定语从句中的宾语,把定语从句还原成一个完整句就是Pea did not find the photos interesting.   可以看到,上面两个句子都可以以that为关系代词改写,即   (1)u2019 Tankfield emailed Pea some photos that did not cheer Pea up.   (2)u2019 Tankfield emailed Pea some photos that Pea did not find interesting.   改写与原版区别在哪儿?就在一个逗号。which前面是名词,名词和which之间没逗号的,在GMAT语法里算错。   二,which前面是介词,介词前面是名词,which就近指代介词前的那个名词,名词和介词之间有无逗号均可。   Tankfield once lent Pea a book from which Pea glimpsed the basics of genes.   这个句子可以“拆”成如下两句:(每个定语从句都可以拆成两句,以先行词为拆分点)   Tankfield once lent Pea a book. Pea glimpsed the basics of genes from the book.   先行词实际上是定语从句中介词的宾语,这时,需要把介词提前,避免如下表达:   Tankfield once lent Pea a book, which Pea glimpsed the basics of genes from. (XXX)   Tankfield once lent Pea a book that Pea glimpsed the basics of genes from. (XXX)   上中学的时候学过,which引导的定语从句叫“非限制性定语从句”,是不是?它怎么就“非限制性”了?回顾上述GMAT语法规定which有且仅有的两种用法,which指的都是就近的名词,从句其实还是限制性的。   所谓非限制性呢,是说which指逗号之前一套主谓所描述的情况,以逗号前的一个完整句为先行词。比如:   Tankfield might never care to say Happy Birthday to Pea, which was rather sad.   Tankfield might never care to say Happy Birthday to Pea, which Pea did not refuse to acknowledge to herself any more.   注意,这样的非限制性定语从句在GMAT语法中是不成立的,关于which,GMAT语法考试只认可上述两种限制性用法。那么,在GMAT语法考试规则范围内,用什么 方法 能够表达出原来学过的非限制性定语从句的意思来呢?   分成两句或做出同位语来都是可以的,当然,需要先找出一个名词把原来非限制性定语从句的先行词(即那个完整的句子)概括出来。   一、分成两句   Tankfield might never care to say Happy Birthday to Pea. The fact was rather sad.   Tankfield might never care to say Happy Birthday to Pea. Pea did not refuse to acknowledge the fact to herself any more.   二、做同位语   Tankfield might never care to say Happy Birthday to Pea, the fact, rather sad, being what Pea did not refuse to acknowledge to herself any more.   是不是听过 传说 ,带being的一概不选?Being为什么这么遭人鄙视?上面的例句还是成立的吗?


  定语从句which的用法   which是定语从句的关系代词之一。GMAT语法考试限定,which有且仅有两种用法。   一,which前面有逗号,逗号前面是个名词,which就近指代那个名词。   (1) Tankfield emailed Pea some photos, which did not cheer Pea up.   which就近指代photos,定语从句中谓语动词did not cheer (Pea up)的发出者即从句主语即先行词photos,是photos没让豌豆家属高兴起来。   (2) Tankfield emailed Pea some photos, which Pea did not find interesting.   which就近指代photos,photos是定语从句中的宾语,把定语从句还原成一个完整句就是Pea did not find the photos interesting.   可以看到,上面两个句子都可以以that为关系代词改写,即   (1)" Tankfield emailed Pea some photos that did not cheer Pea up.   (2)" Tankfield emailed Pea some photos that Pea did not find interesting.   改写与原版区别在哪儿?就在一个逗号。which前面是名词,名词和which之间没逗号的,在GMAT语法里算错。   二,which前面是介词,介词前面是名词,which就近指代介词前的那个名词,名词和介词之间有无逗号均可。   Tankfield once lent Pea a book from which Pea glimpsed the basics of genes.   这个句子可以“拆”成如下两句:(每个定语从句都可以拆成两句,以先行词为拆分点)   Tankfield once lent Pea a book. Pea glimpsed the basics of genes from the book.   先行词实际上是定语从句中介词的宾语,这时,需要把介词提前,避免如下表达:   Tankfield once lent Pea a book, which Pea glimpsed the basics of genes from. (XXX)   Tankfield once lent Pea a book that Pea glimpsed the basics of genes from. (XXX)   上中学的时候学过,which引导的定语从句叫“非限制性定语从句”,是不是?它怎么就“非限制性”了?回顾上述GMAT语法规定which有且仅有的两种用法,which指的都是就近的名词,从句其实还是限制性的.。   所谓非限制性呢,是说which指逗号之前一套主谓所描述的情况,以逗号前的一个完整句为先行词。比如:   Tankfield might never care to say Happy Birthday to Pea, which was rather sad.   Tankfield might never care to say Happy Birthday to Pea, which Pea did not refuse to acknowledge to herself any more.   注意事项:   这样的非限制性定语从句在GMAT语法中是不成立的,关于which,GMAT语法考试只认可上述两种限制性用法。那么,在GMAT语法考试规则范围内,用什么方法能够表达出原来学过的非限制性定语从句的意思来呢?   分成两句或做出同位语来都是可以的,当然,需要先找出一个名词把原来非限制性定语从句的先行词(即那个完整的句子)概括出来。   一、分成两句   Tankfield might never care to say Happy Birthday to Pea. The fact was rather sad.   Tankfield might never care to say Happy Birthday to Pea. Pea did not refuse to acknowledge the fact to herself any more.   二、做同位语   Tankfield might never care to say Happy Birthday to Pea, the fact, rather sad, being what Pea did not refuse to acknowledge to herself any more.


A,他用他节省下来的大部分的钱来帮助处在困难的人。he saved是用来修饰money,是物。who是修饰人,he is a person who always makes troubles.whom是who的宾格,一般用whom是可以用who替换的,但who不一定能用whom替换。whose是who的所有格形式,He is a popular singer whose father is also a singer.



which 的用法


that, which, who有哪些用法?

用法区别:that:引导定语从句时,既可以指人,也可以指物。指人时,相当于who 或whom;指物时,相当于which。在定语从句中作主语或宾语,作宾语时常可省略。which:指物,在定语从句中作主语或宾语,做宾语时常可省略。who:指人,在定语从句中作主语,有时也作宾语。that、which、who的区别:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、含义不同1、thatpron. 那。conj. 引导从句。adj. 那个;上文提到的。adv. 非常;那么地2、whichadj. 哪一个;哪一些。pron. 哪一个;哪些3、whopron. 谁。abbr. 世界卫生组织(=World Health Organization)二、用法不同1、thatthat用作指示代词的意思是“那,那个”。可指前面提到的那件事,也可指在空间或时间上较另一事物远的事物或人,还可指要表明的或要提及的事物、想法等。I am well aware that this is a tough job.我深知这是一件棘手的工作。2、whichwhich用作疑问代词时,在特殊疑问句中用作宾语或主语。which用作关系代词,可引导限制性定语从句或非限制性定语从句,引导非限制性定语从句时which可以用整个主句作为其前行词,相当于and that,有时还可引导不定式短语从句。It"s hard to say which is better.很难说哪一个好些。3、whowho用作疑问代词时,意思是“谁”,一般只用来指人,在句中用作宾语或主语。who用作限制性或非限制性的关系代词,意思是“…的人,那个…”“他,她,他们”,在句中作主语。I wonder who will play in the basketball match.我不知道这场篮球赛谁会上场。三、侧重点不同1、that用作关系代词时两者均可指人,当先行词是一个既指人又指物的并列词组时通常要用that。当先行词是who时通常要用that。that可引导定语从句,当先行词是all, everything,nothing,anything, little等不定代词,或被first, last,only,few,much,some,any,no等词修饰时,应该用关系代词that,不用which。当先行词为形容词最高级所修饰时,关系代词用that不用which。2、whichwhich可引导定语从句,非限制性定语从句所修饰的是物或是整个主句时,关系代词用which,不用that。当定语从句由介词加上关系代词来引导时,该关系代词代替的是物而不是人时,不能用that,只能用which。3、who用作关系代词时两者均可指人,在正式文体中,用作关系代词的who可以用于人称代词he,she之后。


一、定语从句只能用that不能用which或who作关系代词的情况1. 当先行词是不定代词时,如:all ,few, little, much, every, something, anything, everything等2. 当先行词被不定代词little, few, no, any等或被 the only, the very, the same等修饰时等3. 当先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时4. 先行词既有人又有物时5. 在疑问词who、which、what开头的句子中二、在非限制性定语从句中不能使用关系词that三、在介词+关系代词引导的定语从句中,关系代词常用which或whom,不能使用that或who四、在those …后常用关系词who,构成those who的固定结构


在定语从句的引导词里面,只有which 是可以指代前面这个句子的,这里which 指代he once saved two boy"s lives这件事what不能引导定语从句,可引导主语从句,宾语从句。which引导定语从句时,只能指物who引导定语从句时,只能指人that引导定语从句,有几个特殊情况:1先行词有比较级和最高级修饰时2先行词有序数词修饰时3先行词有the only, the very修饰时


在定语从句中,that 既可以做主语也可以做宾语。既可指人也可指物,但多数指物。which既可以做主语也可以做宾语。一般指物。which还可以做定语和表语。先行词是不定代词或被不定代词修饰时,如nothing,all...,用that不用which.先行词是序数词或被序数词修饰时也是用that不用which。先行词是最高级或被最高级修饰。先行词既有人又有物。先行词是数词时,句子中出现两个定语从句前面的关系词用which 为避免重复。在there be 句型中定从修饰表语。或者被修饰词时表语都用that不用which用which不用that 的情况关系代词前面有介词时。非限制性定从。出现两个定于从句,前面一个用that。关系词后面有插入语


1、作代词时意为“ 哪一个,哪一些;(指明事物)??的那个,??的那些;(进一步提供有关某事物的信息)那个,那些”。2、作限定词时意为“ 哪一个,哪一些;(指明事物)??的那个,??的那些;(进一步提供有关某事物的信息)那个,那些”。3、作形容词时意为“哪一个,哪一些;无论哪个;(进一步提供有关某事物的信息)那个,那些”。基本用法:1、which用作疑问代词时,在特殊疑问句中用作宾语或主语。2、which用作关系代词,可引导限制性定语从句或非限制性定语从句。3、引导非限制性定语从句时which可以用整个主句作为其前行词,相当于and that,有时还可引导不定式短语从句。4、which是关系代词用作主语或宾语等。例句Which is my seat?哪个座位是我的?He also had a gun with which to defend himself.他还有一把自卫用的枪。


which在句子中引导定语从句,定语从句中心词是dormitary,which often holds four students都是说明解释dormitory的。本句意思:当同学们读大学时,他们不得不住在可以容纳4个人的学生宿舍里。对我的以上回答有疑问可以继续追问,若满意我的回答也请及时采纳



介词+which 的用法

by which就是通过某种方式;in which = where表地点for which表原因,= because


which在名词性从句的用法:1.宾语从句which是一个连接代词,在宾语从句中可以充当主语,宾语或定语。意思是“哪一个”如:I don"t know which bike belongs to my father.I wonder which is better ,this one or that one?He asked me which I liked best. 2.主语从句which 在主语从句中的用法与宾语从句相类似。which boy she likes best is still a mystery.Which students will be sent to take part in the sports meeting hasn"t been decided.3.表语从句which 在表语中的用法与主语从句和宾语从句的用法也相似。如:His question is which student is the best at English. The question is which place he wants to go to .4.同位语从句which在同位语从句中的用法不多,只用在某些名词的后面,常见的有idea。I have no idea which picture is the most beautiful of all.顺便讲一下,what引导的名词性从句,也是连接代词,但表示的是泛指的东西;which指的是在一定的范围内,哪一个。


如果非限制性定语从句的先行词不是指主句内容,而是指具体的人、时间、地点,则不用which; 例如: The current, which is very rapid, makes the river dangerous. 水流湍急,使这条河很危险。 扩展资料   He has to work on Sundays, which he doesn"t like.   他得在星期天工作,他是不喜欢这样的。   The London team, which played so well last season, has done badly this season.   伦敦队上一个季度打得很好,这个季度却打得很差。   直接放在介词后作宾语时,通常要用which:   She may be late, in which case we ought to wait for her. 她可能晚到,那样我们就要等等她。   The documents for which they were searching have been recovered. 他们找寻的文件已找到了。   This morning some port wine came, for which I have to thank you. 今天早上送来一些波尔图葡萄酒,为此我得向你道谢。   注:有时“介词+which”引导的定语从句可以转换成“介词+which+不定式”结构:   He had only the long nights in which he could study. =He had only the long nights in which to study.   他只有漫漫长夜可用来学习。


关系代词which一般指物,在定语从句中作主语或宾语,既可以引导限定性定语从句,又可引导非限定性定语从句。另外“介词+which”具有替代作用,十分常见。1.引导限定性定语从句(1)A shop should keep a stock of those goods which sell best.商店应存有最畅销的货物。(2)This is the family which is planning to move to the party.这是要搬进城里的一家。2.引导非限定性定语从句(1)用来指代一个句子Internet is so interesting,which makes all possible happen.因特网如此有趣,它可以使任何事都有可能发生。(2)用来指代句子的一部分When deep in thought,which he often was,he would forget all around him.他常常陷入沉思,这时他就会忘掉周围的一切。(3)如果要引导两个非限定性定语从句,第二个which前要加andHe bought a book,which was written by LuXun,and which he decided to give to his friend.他买了本鲁迅写的书,他决定送给朋友。3.名词+of+which(=of which+名词=whose+名词)通常放在先行词的后面。I"d like a room the window of which looks out over the sea.I"d like a room of which the window looks out over the sea.I"d like a room whose window looks out over the sea.我要一间窗户面临大海的房间。4.介词+which的替代作用(1)作时间状语替代whenThere used to be a time at which/during which(=when)the Chinese people struggled for freedom.中国人曾有一段为自由而斗争的日子。(2)作地点状语替代whereThis is


in which, for which, on which, at which的不同用法1)这些都是定语从句里面,由which引导的定语从句,介词提前。下面这些介词的使用除了意思上的区别,具体是要以which引导的从句而定的。①in which可以翻译成在……里面The school (that/which) he once studied in is very famous.= The school in which he once studied is very famous.②for which可以翻译成为了……目的Tomorrow I will bring here a magazine (that/which) you asked for.= Tomorrow I will bring here a magazine for which you asked.③on which可以翻译成在……的上面,或具体时间的某一天I have a dresser in my bedroom, which there are many cosmetics on.= I have a dresser in my bedroom on which there are many cosmetics.④at which可以翻译成在……里面或在……The dumpling House which he often has dumplings at is very popular.= The dumpling House is very popular, at which he often has dumplings.2)当然第一点只是介词作为基本意思的用法,还有一些固定搭配,得具体情况具体分析。①The plane may be several hours late, in which case there"s no point in our waiting.(固定搭配:in the case)②The speaker paused to examine his notes, at which point a loud crash was heard.(固定搭配:at the point)③Ten years of hard work changed her greatly, for which reason he could hardly recognize her at first sight.(固定搭配:for the reason)④The film at which I fell asleep was very boring.(Here "at which" is based on "fell asleep at the film"因为电影无聊而睡觉。)⑤The little creature in which scientists are interested is known as ET.(这里"be interested in"是词组原因)⑥This is the book for which he is looking.(即等于This is the book which he is looking for,这主要是因为look for 这一短语)关系副词与“介词+which”的区别引导定语从句时where与in which有时可互换,有时不能互换,注意以下几点:一、关系副词与“介词+which”互换的情形当“介词+ which”在定语从句中作时间、地点和原因状语时,可以用相应的关系副词when, where和why来替换。1. when根据情况可以等于in which, at which, on which等。如:The day when (=on which) she arrived was Thursday. 她到的那天是星期四。2. where根据情况可以等于in which, at which, on which等。如:This is the hotel where ( =in which / at which) they were staying. 这就是他们当时住的旅店。3. 关系副词若要换成“介词+which”只能是for which。如:The reason why (=for which) I came here was to be with my family. 我到这里来的原因是要跟我的家里人在一起。


which的用法四种句型如下:1.which 哪个、哪一个which 用作疑问形容词时,表达选项数目固定或是有限的选项。例:Which time suits you better, 11:30 or one o"clock?哪个时间你更方便——11点半还是1点?例:Which is mine? The smaller one?哪个是我的?小一点的这个?例:Which of these jackets do you prefer?这几件夹克你比较喜欢哪件?2.which 用作关系代名词(接在逗号后面)which 当成关系代名词使用时,用于为前面的从句补充额外资讯,通常用于逗号之后。若which接在逗号后面,which指的是逗号前面所描述的整个事件。例:He showed me round the town, which was very kind of him.他带我参观了这个城镇,他真是太好了。例:She invited us to dinner, which was very kind of her.她邀请我们吃晚饭,她人真客气。3.which 用作关系代名词(前面无逗号)若which前面无逗号,则which指的是前面提到的事物。例:The museum which we visited yesterday is the biggest in the city.我们昨天拜访的博物馆是这城市里最大间的。例:It"s a disease which affects mainly older people.这疾病主要感染的是老人。4.which 的限定用法与非限定用法which当作关系代名词时,要特别注意限定用法与非限定用法。例:Tom has a cat which can sleep all day.汤姆有一只可以睡整天的猫。说明:which前面没逗号,所以which指的是”猫”,表示汤姆可能有很多猫,而这里指的是整天在睡觉的那只猫。这是限定用法。例:Tom has a cat, which can sleep all day.汤姆有一只猫,可以睡整天。说明:which前面有逗号,所以which指的是“汤姆有一只猫”,表示汤姆应该只有这只猫,而这只猫可以睡整天。这是非限定用法。


定语从句的关系代词 Which的用法: 若先行词指物则代替先行词在定语从句中充当主语或宾语. This is the pen which was given by my friend. 先行词 指物代替先行词在定语从句中充当主语 This is the pen which my friend gave to me. 先行词 指物代替先行词在定语从句中充当宾语


which在后置的非限制性定语从句中代替上文出现的事物或情况(单数或复数); 在问句中作为疑问代词,在名词从句中作为连接代词用,其含义为“哪个、哪些”; 如果非限制性定语从句的先行词不是指主句内容,而是指具体的人、时间、地点,则不用which。 扩展资料   which的用法   which作为代词具体用法如下   1.(用作疑问代词)哪一个,哪一些   Which is my seat?   哪个座位是我的?   2.(用做关系代词)那一个,那一些   He also had a gun with which to defend himself.   他还有一把自卫用的枪。   He invited us to dinner, which was very kind of him.   他邀请我们吃晚饭,他这么做真是太客气了。   She was very fond of speaking French, which indeed she spoke well.   她很喜欢讲法语,而且确实讲得不错。   He lives in the house which is opposite ours.   他住在我们对面的那栋房子里。   which作为形容词用法如下   1.(用作疑问形容词)哪一个,哪一些   Which university did you go to, Oxford or Cambridge?   你上过哪所大学?牛津还是剑桥?   2.(用作关系形容词)这个,这些   The doctor told him to give up smoking, which advice he took.   医生叮嘱他戒烟,他接受了这一忠告。


which的用法总结如下:1、(用作疑问形容词)哪一个,哪一些Whichuniversitydidyougoto,OxfordorCambridge?你上过哪所大学?牛津还是剑桥?2、(用作关系形容词)这个,这些Thedoctortoldhimtogiveupsmoking,whichadvicehetook.医生叮嘱他戒烟,他接受了这一忠告。 3、在后置的"非限制性定语从句中代替上文出现的事物或情况(单数或复数)。4、在问句中作为疑问代词,在名词从句中作为连接代词用,其含义为“哪个、哪些”。5、如果非限制性定语从句的先行词不是指主句内容,而是指具体的人、时间、地点,则不用which。


先行词是人,用that/who/whom引导从句;不能用which。先行词是物,which和that都可以用。先行词是代词,用that/who,不用which。先行词前有限定词时,更多用that。可以用介词加which,不能用介词加that。非限制性定语从句里,用which,不用that。 扩展资料   一、适用范围不同   which的适用范围:   1、which指代主句宾语:s+verb+o,which指代o(svo,which指代s一定错!)   2、which指代主句主语:s+verb,which   that的适用范围:   1、不定代词为先行词   2、any , all, each, every, little, few, no, much, many为先行词   3、“人+物”为先行词   二、用法不同   which的用法:   介词+which=连词   1、s+verb(+o)+prep+which   2、s+verb(+o),prep+which   that用法:   1、序数词为先行词   2、最高级为先行词




which可以引导定语从句,修饰表示事物的先行词,在定语从句中充当主语、宾语或者表语。例如: He was reading a book, which was about war. 他正在读一本关于战争的书。(关系代词which在修饰book的定语从句中充当主语。)which引导的非定语从句:which引导非限定性定语从句时有一个特殊用法, 即它所引导的非限定性定语从句修饰主句中更多的部分甚至整个主句(这时被定语从句所修饰的“先行词”要作广义理解), which仍在定语从句中作主语、 宾语或表语。例如:He set free the birds happily, which was a celebration for his success. 他开心地把鸟放了, 这是对他成功的一种庆祝。


从句中what和which,that的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、从句中意思不同1.what意思:什么2.which意思:哪一个;哪些3.that意思:那二、从句中用法不同1.what用法:what作关系代词时,其含意是“所…的事(物)”,可用来引导主语从句,表语从句,宾语从句或同位语从句,当引导主语从句,其所指的名词必定是单数,主语是单数时,谓语动词一般是单数,但有时因谓语动词之后有复数名词,谓语动词也可用复数。2.which用法:which用作关系代词,可引导限制性定语从句或非限制性定语从句。3.that用法:that用作关系代词时在下列情况下可以省略,引导限制性定语从句在从句中用作宾语时,用在there be结构前作主语时,用作表语时,在定语从句与先行词之间有插入语时,在先行词way, reason, distance, place, office等作方式状语、原因状语或地点状语时。三、从句中侧重点不同1.what侧重点:what引导宾语从句时,常置于谓语之后,用作表语时,放在系动词之后,what还可引导让步状语从句,意思是“不管…”,还可接动词不定式短语。2.which侧重点:引导非限制性定语从句时which可以用整个主句作为其前行词,相当于and that,有时还可引导不定式短语从句。3.that侧重点:that用作连词时可引导主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句和状语从句。

请问on which which that 的用法



which从句用法如下:1、which可引导限制性定语从句,用于指代物,在从句中作主语或宾语。2、which引导限制性定语从句时,在从句中作宾语时可省略。The movie(which)we watched was fantastic.(which可省)She has the design(which)she is admired for by her colleague(which可省)。3、which在限制性定语从句中作介词宾语时,该介词可提前至which前,此时,which不可省略。4、which可引导非限制性定语从句,用于指代主句的一部分或整个主句,在从句中作主语、宾语或表语。5、which引导非限制性定语从句时,不可省略;作介词宾语时,介词可提前She means no harm,whichlknow.(which不可省)The hotel. which you will stay in,is famous=The hotel,in which you will stay,is famous.



which前面加的介词都有什么?各种介词用法什么时候用?比如in which什么什么的?


介词+ which/ whom的用法

关于“介词 + which / whom”引导的定语从句“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句,是定语从句一种介词前置的定语从句句型,介词与关系代词之间存在一种介宾关系。当关系代词在定语从句中作介词宾语时,把介词置于关系代词前,即演变出“介词+关系代词”句型。例如:The man who/whom /that you spoke to is a teacher.=The man to whom you spoke is a teacher.一、基本构成1.“介词+关系代词”结构引导的定语从句中,关系代词只能用which(指物)或whom(指人) ,即:介词+which/whom。(1)The man to whom you spoke is a teacher.(2)The city in which she lives is far away.(3)The little girl is reading a book, in which there are many cartoons.注意:当介词放在关系代词的前面时,用在介词后的关系代词不能省略。2.在限制性定语从句中,当介词置于定语从句的谓语动词之后时,可用that/which(指物);that/who/whom(指人)作介词的宾语.且此处关系代词可以省略,特别是在口语中。如:(1) The man (who/whom /that )you spoke to is a teacher.(2)The city(which/that)she lives in is far away.注:通常介词放在定语从句中动词后,也可以放在关系代词前面,但有些特殊动词短语搭配不能拆分,介词只能放在动词后,如: look for, look after, pay attention to ,take care of , look forward to, listen to等。This is the pen that / which you are looking for.The patient whom she is looking after is her father.The words that /which we should pay attention to are written on the blackboard.There are fifty patients who/whom/that we must take good care of.二、关系副词when,where,why可用“介词+which”来代替。关系副词实际上是介词+先行词。其中when=表时间的介词(如:in,at,during等)+which;Where=表地点的介词(如:in,at,on,under等)+which;Why=表原因的介词(如:for)+which(1)当先行词表示时间,定语从句中缺少时间状语时,通常用关系副词when引导,此时也可选用表示时间的介词+which来代替关系副词when。I still remember the day when I came here. ( on the day =when) (2)当先行词表示地点,定语从句中缺少地点状语时,通常用关系副词where引导,此时也可选用表示地点的介词+which来代替关系副词where。This is the house where I lived last year. ( in the house= where)(3)当先行词为reason,定语从句中缺少表示原因状语时,通常用关系副词why引导,此时也可以用for which来代替关系副词why。There are many reasons why people like traveling. (for the reasons =why)三、关系代词前介词选择三原则:一先,二动,三意义(重中之重)1.一先,即根据定语从句中介词与先行词的搭配关系选择。I never forget the day on which I came to this school. (on the day)2.二动,即根据定语从句中谓语动词与介词的搭配关系选择。This is the iPad on which I spent 3000 yuan. (spend money on sth.)3.三意义,即根据定语从句的意义来确定介词。This is my pair of glasses, __without which__I cannot see clearly.例题:用“介词+关系代词”的形式表示1. Do you like the book __________ she learned a lot? 2. He paid the boy $10 for washing ten windows, most ______ hadn"t been cleaned for at least a year.3. The tower _________ people can have a good view is on the hill.注意:介词+关系代词1)介词后面的关系代词不能省略。2)that前不能有介词。3)某些在从句中充当时间,地点或原因状语的"介词+关系词"结构可以同关系副词when,where和why互换。


做定语从句的主语或者宾语。如:1 This is the book. The book interests me a lot ------- This is the book which interests me a lot (which做主语,指代the book)2 This is the book. I read the book last week.-------- This is the book which I read last week (which做宾语,指代the book)3 MIke works hard. That does good to him.-------- Mike works hard, which does good to him.(which 做主语,指代Mike works hard整个句子)4 This is the hotel. I stayed at it last year.--------- This is the hotel at which I stayed last week.(which 做介词at的宾语,指代the hotel)


定语从句的关系代词 Which的用法: 若先行词指物则代替先行词在定语从句中充当主语或宾语. This is the pen which was given by my friend. 先行词 指物代替先行词在定语从句中充当主语 This is the pen which my friend gave to me. 先行词 指物代替先行词在定语从句中充当宾语 下面是他和that在定语从句中的区别及用法: that which在代物时常常可以通用,但有时只宜于用which ,不用that (1) 关系代词前有介词时. This is the hotel in which you will stay. (2) 如有两个定语从句,其中一句的关系代词是that,另一句宜于用which. Let me show you the novel that I borrowed from the liberary which was newly open (新开放) to us. 注意2that which在代物时常常可以通用,但有时只宜于用that ,不用which. (1) 先行词是形容词最高级或者它的前面有形容词最高级时 This is the best that has been used against air pollution(反对空气污染) in cities. English is the most difficult subject that you will learn during these years. (2) 先行词是序数词,或它的前面有一个序数词时 He is the last person that I want to see. (3) 主句中已有疑问词时 Which is the bike that you lost? (4) 先行词既有人又有物时 The bike and its rider that had run over (撞倒了)an old man were taken to the police station. (5) 先行词是all,much,little,something,everything,anything,nothing,none,the one等代词时 You should hand in all that you have. We haven"t got much that we can offer you. I mean the one that you talked about just now. (6) 先行词前面有only,any,few,little,no,all,one of,the same,the very等词修饰时 The only thing that we can do is to give you some money. Li Ming is the only one that got full marks (满分)in our class. Li Ming is one of the students that want to be teachers in our class. (7) 有两个定语从句,其中一个关系代词已用which,另外一个宜用that Edison built up a factory(办了一个工厂) which produced things that had never been seen before. 定语从句的关系副词 Where的用法:若先行词指地点且其在定语从句中充当地点状语. This is the house+I was born in the house. (=I was born there) 介词短语 副词 =This is the house where I was born.这就是我在那儿出生的房子. 先行词 关系副词 in which I was born. 介词+关系代词 which I was born in. 关系代词 这里作介宾的which和that可以省略 that I was born in


which的用法总结及例句如下:关系代词which在定语从句中通常只用于指事物,不用于指人。它在句子中主要用作主语或宾语。关系代词which有时还可在定语从句中用作定语。关系代词which原则上只指物,不指人。但是,有时指的不是具体的某人,而是指某人的职业、身份、地位、职务、品质、特征等,此时要用which而不用who。1、(用作疑问代词)哪一个,哪一些。Which is my seat?哪个座位是我的?2、(用做关系代词)那一个,那一些。He also had a gun with which to defend himself.他还有一把自卫用的枪。3、(用作疑问形容词)哪一个,哪一些。Which university did you go to, Oxford or Cambridge?你上过哪所大学?牛津还是剑桥?4、(用作关系形容词)这个,这些。The doctor told him to give up smoking, which advice he took.医生叮嘱他戒烟,他接受了这一忠告。

英语中 which 的用法



which 用于定语从句,作关系代词,在句中要做成分 in which 用于定语从句,作关系副词,在句中不做成分,in which=wherein which 只能用在定语从句中,等于where,在定语从句中作状语。 如:He lived in the house in which Tom once lived. He lived in the house where Tom once lived. 定语从句中.如 this is the room in which we stayed 先行词是room,后的句子是用来修饰room的 但是room不可做stay的成分,因为stay是不及物动词,后不可直接家宾语 所以要有个介词. 其实上述的句子= this is the room which we stayed in. 这里的介词是可以提到which 前的 注意,第二个句子可用that 或省略 但第一个只能用which.只有which前可加介词


which一般指物,作主语,宾语,偶尔作定语1.(The river which runs through the centre of the city )brings us lots of pleasures.主语2.They stayed with me for (three weeks during which time they drunk all the wine I had).定语


Luckily, many people survived the earthquake.

英语I prefer music which has great lyrics怎么翻译?


Teens want structure in their lives, which means they want their lives well-planned. To begin bu


in which people who have。。。 请问这里的in which如何解释?

in which 指代 in the exit poll,(in which。。。voted for)是个从句,用来解释和修饰poll

many species of animals which once lived on the earth( ) no longer in existence.

B。指曾经居住在地球上的许多种动物不存在了。 所以用are


species这个英文单词是一个名词,它的中文意思是种,物种。 下面举两个例子 There are no fewer than 100 different species in the area. 这个地区有不少于100个的不同物种。 The map shows the distribution of this species across the world. 地图上标明了这一物种在全世界的分布情况。

thire pursuit is the same thing which we called happiness。这句话有没有语法错误,,拜托帮我改一下


随便,哪个都可以。英文怎么说? whatever吗 还是用哪个 ?还是 which one is OK

Any one is ok.

为什么from which=that ?应该等于where... 您“高二英语语法简单问题.谢谢大家./” 的回答... 谢谢

from which=that 谁教你的?

which is the best place for a street stall是陈述语序吗?

Which is the best place for a street stall?是特殊疑问句 结构是 疑问词+一般疑问句?所以不是陈述语序

in the way in which it is unfair对吗

the way 做先行词,定语从句的引导词只有以下三种:way 后面跟定语从句有三种形式。 (1) way + in which + 定语从句 例如: She was pleased with the way (in which )he had accepted her criticism. (2) way + that +定语从句 例如: They didn"t do it in the way( that )we do now. (3) way + 定语从句 , 省略引导词例如: He didn"t speak the way (不填)I do. 不存在the way which的用法。

The valley where/in which the town lies is heavily polluted.


animals bones and shells on which ...有什么知识点?

on which 后面会引导出一个定语从句。animal 后面不应该加s。

白痴的英语问题:是Which class do you like? 还是 Which classes do you like?

Which classes do you like? 后面都用do 不用does了 复数



Which is not the reason why people are religious?()

Which is not the reason why people are religious?() A.Religion is inheritted from parents. B.Religion can help to explain life. C.Religion helps us to acccept our situation. D.Religion can make people feel happy. 正确答案:D


that,which在从句中坐动词宾语时,常常可以省略;但作介宾时则不能省。 2.which只可指代物,that则指代人或物。(在定语从句中都作主语、宾语、表语) 3.在定从中,关系代词that不能用在介词前,这时应用which。如果将介词放在定从的其他位置(一般是动词后或句末),则引导的关系代词两者皆可,甚至可以省略。 4.that和which都可以指物,这时一般都可通用,但当先行词为all,everything,something,nothing,anything等不定代词,或先行词被形容词最高级或the very,the only或first ,second,last等序数词修饰时通常用that,不用which。 5.在非限制性定从中,不用that,只能用which。

英语which is very subjective approach怎么翻译?


如何理解下面句子?where仍等于in which?

where就等于in which。关系副词where在句中作地点状语时,其先行词一般是表示地点的名词,有时也可以修饰表示地点含义的抽象名词。它既可以引导限制性定语从句,也可以引导非限制性定语从句。

Which one was healthier/less healthy?的中文意思是什么


求分析句子结构,in which做的什么成分,then后面是倒装吗?尽可能详细

定语从句,从in which到instructor,这部分是定语,修饰active learning。从句还原:students write essays of perform experiments in active learning, and then...which代替active learning, 介词in提到引导词前面。then后面的句子是正常语序,没有倒装。涉及语法点have sth done把某事……了。have their work evaluated (by an instructor) 把他们的作业给(导师)评估了,by sb引出evaluate的发出者整句的成分分析:主句:Active learning is far more beneficial for those.定语从句1:in which students write essays of perform experments, and then have their work evaluated by an instructor.定语从句2:(those) who have not yet fully learned how to learn.


主句是主系表结构。which定语从句里有一个less ... than ... 用法,是比较两个形容词或副词结构的。less是副词,than是连词,比较的结构可以是表语或状语。在这句中比较的结构是目的状语。两个for介词短语里又分别有一个定语从句,省略了引导词that。两个定语从句中的代词it指代前面的主语which,即主句里的programme。A litmus test 【主语】will be 【系动词,将来时】the privatisation programme【表语】, which【引导定语从句修饰programme,并充当定语从句的主语】 matters【定语从句的谓语】 less【状语,比较后面的两个目的状语】 for the revenues【目的状语】 it will raise【定语从句修饰revenues】 than【连词】 for the wider opening-up of the economy【目的状语】 it signals【定语从句修饰opening-up】.

but in the process of which you would grow fonder of yourself for sure.

but in the process of which you would grow fonder of yourself for sure.翻译:但在这过程中,你肯定会喜欢自己。句子是相对完整的。前面应该有相关的内容阐述。

which continent does the yellow ring represent的意思?



stage(舞台): on which = where; stage (时期,阶段,状态):at which=where; situation: in which=where ; point: at which=where; case: in which=where; condition: in/under which =where; position: in which=where; occasion: on which=when


wherecase, condition, situation, position, point, stage等名词后接where引出的定语从句小议不久前,下面这道题引发了我们对stage作先行词之后的定语从句引导词的问题以及其它类似定于从句的探讨,先看一道题:the conflict had developed into a stage ______ the two countries were gathering big troops on the border.(2009学年第二学期浙东北(zdb)三校期中联考高二英语试卷(2010.05)) a. where b. when c. which d. that本题到底是选a还是选b?关键问题在于对先行词stage的理解,根据《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》(第七版)简作(oald)的解析:stage: a period of state that sb./sth. passes through while developing or making progress. 既可以理解为事件“(进展或进展的)阶段, 状态”; 又可以理解为“时期”。而上题中作“阶段”或“时期”都理解的通。 再看stage的用法;*stage名词 n. [c]1.舞台some girls are dancing on the stage. 一些女孩在舞台上跳舞。2.注意中心,活动舞台,场所3.(进展的)阶段;时期a caterpillar must pass through the cocoon stage to become a butterfly.表示这些意思时,当stage作先行词后有定语从句时,。例句:1.表地点: the stage where the girls are going to dance is in the gym.2.表时期: the stage when he is preparing for his study is really important.不同的叙述:①当先行词为case,condition,situation,position,point,stage等名词,表示情况、方面、处境时用关系副词where.②当先行词是case, condition, situation, position, point, stage 等名词时,表示情况、方面、处境时,用关系副词where.但先行词是occasion时,用关系副词when.③当 situation, condition, stage, point,scenes 做先行词时,用 where 引导定语从句④先行词通常是 time, day, season, age, occasion 等时间名词时其后的定语从句用when引导.事实上, 当先行词 occasion, point, stage等名词是表示时间节点的时候,其后的定语从句就用when引导,在从句中作时间状语. 例如:1. i can remember very few occasions when he had to cancel because of ill health.(oald)我记得他因健康不佳而被迫取消的情况绝无仅有。when引导定语从句,在从句中作时间状语.2.(2008·山东·26) occasions are quite rare ___________i have the time to spend a day with my kids.a. who b. which c. why d. when答案选d。考查定语从句。此题关键是要根据句意判定是定语从句。句意为:我有时间和孩子们一起度过一天的机会很少。occasions 是先行词, 所选关系词在定语从句中要作时间状语, 故选d项3. we had reached the point when there was no money. 我们那时已到了没有一分钱的时刻。point表示“某一阶段,关头”, 所以其后用when 引导定语从句。4. there comes a point in your life when you realize: who matters, who never did, who won"t anymore5. china is now at a stage of accelerated industrialization and urbanization when the contradiction between economic growth and environmental protection is particularly prominent.中国目前正处于工业化和城市化加速发展的阶段,此时经济增长和环境保护之间的矛盾十分突出。source: hard times call for green economy/by hu shaowei (china daily 03/24/2010 page8)但更多情况是:position,situation, stage, case等,作先行词时,其后的定语从句应用where引导定语从句。如:1.oxford dictionary onlinemore examples introducing a clause with "when " can be found but it is hard to find an example with "where" after "occasion".2.it is the same with longman dictionary"under these conditions, where we see so much uncertainty with leadership succession, possible instability, we see no arms control, we see no confidence building measures, we see no disarmament, we see north korea refusing to return to the six-party talks, we see the sinking of the cheonan and potential clashes in the west sea around thenorthern limit line. so a lot of people are just saying this is just not the right time," pinkston said. voa news.it is the same with " situation"."it moves from a situation where only those items on the permitted list can come into gaza to a situation where things come into gaza as a matter of course unless they are on the prohibited list. it allows us to facilitate the united nations projects for reconstruction in things like schools and hospital and water sanitation and so on." bbc news新闻 201006213.we were put in a position in which(=where) we had either to accept we were less important, or fight the government.(人教版新课标高中英语必修1 line25.p34) 我们被置于这样一种境地,或者是被迫承认我们低人一等,或者是与政府作斗争。 这是一个主从复合句,in which引导定语从句,修饰先行词position。4. can you think of a situation where you once felt embarrassed?你能设想起你曾经有过感到很窘迫的场合吗?5.he is the boss of the restaurant where (= in which) we often have lunch.6. the last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all.(人教版新课标高中英语必修1 line19-20 p34)注意: 近年来高考对关系副词where的考查趋于复杂化,从先行词为明显的“地点”发展为“模糊的地点化”。事实上,当先行词表示某事物发展的某个situation“情景”、stage“阶段”或某种程度时都可以用where引导定语从句。所以文章开头那道题答案为a. 更多的列子如:1.(2009·福建·24) it"s helpful to put children in a situation ________they can see themselves differently.a. that b. when c. which d. where2.(2009·浙江14)i have reached a point in my life _______i am supposed to make decisions of my own.a. which b. where c. how d. why3. an iraqi reporter during a news conference ________threw his shoes at bush and called him a dog in arabic shocked the world.a. who b. where c. whom d. which1.【解析】选d。考查定语从句。句意为:把孩子放在一个能使他们从另外一个角度认识自己的环境中对他们有益。当先行词是case, condition, situation, position, point, stage等名词表示“情况, 方面, 处境”时, 关系副词用where。2. 【解析】选b。考查定语从句。句意为:我已经到了应该自己作决定的那个人生阶段。先行词point和定语从句被介词短语in my life隔开。当先行词是case, condition, situation, position, point, stage等名词表示“情况、方面、处境”时, 定语从句用关系副词where引导。how不能用来引导定语从句; which在定语从句中作主语或宾语; why引导定语从句时先行词应为reason; 因此可排除选项a、c和d。3. 【解析】选d。考查定语从句。此题关键是要根据句意判定是定语从句。句意为:我有时间和孩子们一起度过一天的机会很少。occasions 是先行词, 所选关系词在定语从句中要作时间状语, 故选d项。类似的还有如:4.those successful deaf dancers think that dancing is an activity ____sight matters more than hearing.a. when b. whose c. which d. where

“We should live each day with a gentlenss,a vigor, and a keenness of appreciation which are of...


()sculpture is to a block of marble,education is to a human soul. A That B which C What D where

固定句式。A is to B what C is to D.这个句式中的what不可以换成是别的词。意思是:A对B就像C对D。希望我的回答可以帮助你!

请问此处 which 的用法



which和who是疑问代词.疑问代词有下列几个:what,who,whose,whom,which,whatever,whichever ,whoever,whomever常用不定代词有:some(something,somebody,someone),any(anything,anybody,anyone),no(nothing,nob...

during which 和during which time 的区别

从句中缺时间状语,非限制性定语从句先行词为weeks 还原从句:they drank…during two weeks

这里用个during which time,不会用这个结构大神能帮忙讲讲吗?还有追问如下,谢谢

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