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which引导的定语从句和in which有什么区别?

  区别在于后面的定语从句缺少不同的状语。因为这些介词加关系代词中间的介词很多是由定语从句决定的,which指代前面的先行词。其中包含固定词组,要么和先行词构成固定搭配后在定语从句里做状语;要么和定语从句的谓语构成固定搭配做定语从句的状语。  in which:在......里。  for which:为了......;因为.....。  on which:关于......;在......上。  at which:(具体)在......(年龄/地点等等)。例如:  Select the database in which you want to compare counters.( in which在定语从句里做地点状语)  选择您想要在其中比较计数器的数据库。  This is an emerging space in which we will likely be seeing some innovation over thecoming months.( in which在定语从句里做地点状语)  这是一个新兴空间,关于这方面,在未来的几个月我们将能看到一些创新。.  That is the reason for which he dislikes me.(for which在定语从句里做原因状语)  这就是他不喜欢我的原因。  It would work and serve the specific purpose for which it was created, but it would do little to deliver on the original promise of SOA as it had been envisaged several years earlier. (for which在定语从句里做目的状语)  没错,它能完成一定的功能并满足最初的特定目标,但至于履行已展望多年的SOA最初承诺,它就不行了。  The material on which an autograph was signed, and whether the star was living ordead, could have as much of an impact as who signed it.(on which在定语从句里做地点状语,sign on:在......签字)  有明星亲笔签名的那些东西和给这些东西签名的人物具有同样大的影响力,不管这些明星是活着还是已经死了。  Where the analysts seem to have gone off the rails last year is in the price-to-earnings multiples on which they based their predictions.(on which在定语从句里做地点状语,词组base......on......:把什么建立在.....上)  然而,分析师们当时似乎在市盈率倍数这个他们赖以进行预测的关键数据上出了岔子。  Study of the bones of these cattle from ancient times shows the ages at which the animals were killed.(在定语从句里做时间状语,at the age of:在....岁时)  对于这些远古时期驯化牛骨骼的研究结果告诉了我们这些家畜宰杀时的年龄。

定语从句中which和in which的区别

in which相当于where我不会讲解所以就举例子吧:I have an apple which is rotten.I went to a garage which is abandoned.I went to a garage in which cars are rusted.(I went to a garage where cars are rusted.)

in which的用法


in which 什么意思啊 什么时候用

在定语从句中使用,way的后面缺方式状语时,用in which

In which 此处怎么解释?

这是定从句的引导词。但应该是遗漏了先行词,因为没有先行词,定语从句就不成立。通常,引导词紧跟在先行词后面,如果others是先行词,则意思讲不通,因为in which的先行词应该是一个地点名词。比如This is the place in which we met.

in which的用法!!!!


in which的用法?

知识拓展:“介词 + 关系代词” 结构 “介词+which”就是把介词提到关系代词 which 之前,它是定语从句中常见的语言现象,也是网友们不易掌握的一个语法项目,问题的关键是这个“介词”较难确定。但它是有规律可循的,有以下几种情况:1. “介词 + which”可以替代关系副词 when, where, why(1)替代whenI"ll never forget the day on which (=when) my son was born.我永远忘不了我儿子出生的那一天。(on依据on the day确定)The year in which (=when) the earthquake happened was 2008.发生地震的那年是2008年。(in依据in the year确定)(2) 替代whereThis is the office in which (=where) I used to work.这就是我过去工作过的办公室。(in依据in the office确定)He forgot the exact place in which (=where) he had hidden the jewelry.他忘记了埋藏珠宝的确切地点。(in依据in the place确定)(3) 替代whyI"d like you to explain the reason for which (=why) you refused my offer.我想让你解释一下你拒绝我的帮助的原因。(for依据for the reason确定)2. 依据与先行词搭配的具体意义确定使用什么介词I"ll never forget the time during which I was with my friends in the country.我永远不会忘记和朋友们一起在乡村度过的时光。(during依据during the time确定)I will offer you a better way in which you can do the job.我要给你提供一个做这项工作较好的办法。(in依据in a better way确定)3. 依据定语从句中动词或形容词的搭配来确定介词She bought several clothes, on which she spent all her money.她买了几件衣服,这些衣服花光了她所有的钱。(on依据spend…on确定)It is the grammar rules of which I am not sure.我没有把握的就是语法规则。(of依据be sure of确定)4. 根据定语从句所表达的具体意思来确定介词Can you see the river across which there is a bridge?你能看见上面有座桥的那条河?He is swimming in the river, on which there is a boat.他在那条河里游泳,河面上有一只小船。Here is the river in which I used to swim.这儿就是我过去常在里面游泳的那条河。

which和in which的区别

如果先行词(指定语从句修饰的那个表地点的词)前已有前置词(介词),关系副词就用where ;如果先行词前没有前置词,此时既可以用where,也可以用in which,但在美国的TOEFL考试中一般要用in which。  例如:①The offices,laboratory,and museum are situated at te top of the hill whe re they command a fine view.(参考译文:办公室、实验室和博物馆都坐落在山顶上,从那儿他们可以俯瞰周围秀丽的景色。)ue003句中用where是因为top前已有前置词at。②The farmer uses wood to build a house in which to store grains.(译文:农民用木头造了一间房子,用来储存粮食。)

in which on which at which的区别

当“介词+ which”在定语从句中作时间、地点和原因状语时,可以用相应的关系副词when, where和why来替换。这些都是定语从句里面由which引导的定语从句,介词提前。介词的使用除了意思上的区别,具体是要以which引导的从句而定的。 扩展资料   in which, for which, on which, at which的不同用法:   1)这些都是定语从句里面,由which引导的定语从句,介词提前。下面这些介词的使用除了意思上的区别,具体是要以which引导的`从句而定的。   ①in which可以翻译成在……里面   The school (that/which) he once studied in is very famous.   = The school in which he once studied is very famous.   ②for which可以翻译成为了……目的   Tomorrow I will bring here a magazine (that/which) you asked for.   = Tomorrow I will bring here a magazine for which you asked.   ③on which可以翻译成在……的上面,或具体时间的某一天   I have a dresser in my bedroom, which there are many cosmetics on.   = I have a dresser in my bedroom on which there are many cosmetics.   ④at which可以翻译成在……里面或在……   The dumpling House which he often has dumplings at is very popular.   = The dumpling House is very popular, at which he often has dumplings.   2)当然第一点只是介词作为基本意思的用法,还有一些固定搭配,得具体情况具体分析。   ①The plane may be several hours late, in which case there"s no point in our waiting.   (固定搭配:in the case)   ②The speaker paused to examine his notes, at which point a loud crash was heard.   (固定搭配:at the point)   ③Ten years of hard work changed her greatly, for which reason he could hardly recognize her at first sight.   (固定搭配:for the reason)   ④The film at which I fell asleep was very boring.   (Here "at which" is based on "fell asleep at the film"因为电影无聊而睡觉。)   ⑤The little creature in which scientists are interested is known as ET.   (这里"be interested in"是词组原因)   ⑥This is the book for which he is looking.   (即等于This is the book which he is looking for,这主要是因为look for 这一短语)

in which等于什么?

in which等于:在哪儿?重点词汇:which英[wu026atu0283]释义:pron.哪一个,哪一些;(指明事物)……的那个,……的那些;(进一步提供有关某事物的信息)那个,那些det.哪一个,哪一些;(指明事物)……的那个,……的那些;(进一步提供有关某事物的信息)那个,那些adj.哪一个,哪一些;无论哪个;(进一步提供有关某事物的信息)那个,那些短语:In Which Channel通过什么渠道;经过什么渠道;经由过程什么渠道;在哪说扩展资料:词语使用变化:Whichpron.(代词)1、which用作疑问代词时,在特殊疑问句中用作宾语或主语。2、which用作关系代词,可引导限制性定语从句或非限制性定语从句,引导非限制性定语从句时which可以用整个主句作为其前行词,相当于and that,有时还可引导不定式短语从句。

in which在定语从句中等于什么

1.的确,in which可以等于when,也可以等于where,但不会等于why. 关键是看定语从句中缺少时间状语还是地点状语. 2.例如: 1)I"ll never forget these days in/during which I stayed with you. = I"ll never forget these days when I stayed with you. 我永远不会忘记我和你待在一起的日子. 其中:in/during which I stayed with you = when I stayed with you = I stayed with you in/during which = I stayed with you in/during these days 2)This is the city in which I stayed last year. = This is the city where I stayed last year. 这就是那个去年我待的地方. 其中:where I stayed last year = in which I stayed last year = I stayed in which last year = I stayed in the city last year. 3.另外,有的in which找不到合适的关系副词代替. 如:I dislike the way in which you treat me. 我不喜欢你对待我的方式. 其中:in which you treat me = you treat me in which = you treat me in the way 4.for which = why 如:Can you tell me the reason why you were late? = Can you tell me the reason for which you were late? 你能告诉我你迟到的原因吗? 其中:why you were late = for which you were late = you were late for which = you were late for the reason

in which的用法!!!!

等于 where

in which on which at which的区别是什么?

"in which","on which" 和 "at which" 都是用来引导定语从句的介词短语,它们之间的区别在于介词所表示的位置关系不同:"In which" 引导的定语从句中,介词 "in" 表示位置在某一范围内。例如:"The house in which I grew up was very small." (我成长的那个房子非常小。)。"On which" 引导的定语从句中,介词 "on" 表示位置在物体表面。例如:"The table on which the book is placed is made of oak."(这本书放在橡木桌子上)。"At which" 引导的定语从句中,介词 "at" 表示位置在一个特定点上。例如:"This is the restaurant at which we had dinner last night."(这就是我们昨晚吃晚餐的那个餐厅。)需要注意的是,这些介词短语仅适用于指物的情况,若是指人,则需使用 "who" 或 "whom" 引导定语从句。

in which 的用法

in which 用于定语从句,作关系副词,在句中不做成分。in which=where in which 只能用在定语从句中,等于where,在定语从句中作状语 如果先行词(指定语从句修饰的那个表地点的词)前已有前置词(介词),关系副词就用where ;如果先行词前没有前置词,此时既可以用where,也可以用in which,但在美国的TOEFL考试中一般要用in which。例如:①The offices,laboratory,and museum are situated at te top of the hill whe re they command a fine view.(参考译文:办公室、实验室和博物馆都坐落在山顶上,从那儿他们可以俯瞰周围秀丽的景色。)ue003句中用where是因为top前已有前置词at。②The farmer uses wood to build a house in which to store grains.(译文:农民用木头造了一间房子,用来储存粮食。) 详见:http://wenku.baidu.com/link?url=kMyId3loy-8MXd21Gl0zm5O4eD16uiUBMmwNP7vZNvMegoLI40Bv1E0EKwil--OkbLzVzCD9xT9Z0H4nraKirnaISb657XS41PV8XYGPkgS

Which job is more important, blue collar or white collar?(蓝领白领哪个更


which animals live in the wild

which 指代forests 做从句的主语 where= in which

which language is the most widely spoken in th world ,the answer is English 相关的一篇英语短文

English is widely used  More than 6,000 languages are spoken in the world today. Many of these languages are spoken by small groups of people. More than 200 languages are spoken by one million or more people. Which language is spoken by the largest number of people in the world? Of course, the answer is Chinese. But which language is the most widely spoken in the world? The answer is English. English is spoken by more than 400 million people as their first language. It is spoken by most people in the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. But it is also used very widely as a foreign language in many other countries of the world. Look at the back of your watch. You many see the English words “Made in China”. Look at something else, for example, a TV set. Again you may find the English words “Made in China”, “Made in Japan”, or even “Made in Germany”. English is the first language in none of these countries. Why are English words written on these things? It is because in the modern world, English is widely used for business between different countries. When a German buy something from a Japanese, or an Indian sells something to a Frenchman, they often use English. Most business letters around the world are written in English. Half the world"s telephone calls are made in English. Three quarters of the world books and newspapers are written in English. More than three quarters of the information on the Internet is in English too! If you travel in India, France, Germany, or almost any other country in the world, you will still be able to use English. It is used by travelers and business people all over the world. It is one of the world"s most important languages as it is so widely used. That is why more and more people in China are interested in learning English.

Which of the following terms best describes the pair of words kill and drill ?


做几道英文题目?You ask a man for two ice creams。 Which polite word do you add?

1, please.Give a glass please. Which one? The full one or a empty one?Give me a box please. Which one? The new one or an old one?Give me a knife please. Which one? The blunt one or a sharp one?

which number is the nest number ?36,25,16,9(

the next number is 49

英语翻译:Enclosed is our new price list which will come into effect the end of this month.


Enclosed is our new price list which will.....这句话语法对吗?enclosed是什么

这个是倒装句our new price list is Enclosed我们的新价格表附在(信上) 【过去分词enclosed作表语时,常倒装置于句首。】

Which of the following is NOT true concerning “convention”?

Which of the following is NOT true concerning “convention”? A.A convention is a large formal meeting.B.A convention is a class of intense study relating to one"s major.C.A convention is usually held for people belonging to the same profession, organization or political group.D.A convention is usually organized regularly at a specific time each year.正确答案:A convention is a class of intense study relating to one"s major.

求英语口语对话,两个人,三分钟 题目“which do you prefer to live in

Years may wrinkle the skin

"felching is a sexual practice in which a person sucks semen out of anot

felching is a sexual practice in which a person sucks semen out of anot:健康教育.practice,英语单词,主要用作为名词、动词,作名词时意为“实践;练习;惯例”,作动词时意为“练习;实习;实行”。短语搭配in practice 在实践中;实际上,事实上practice of 有…的习惯into practice 实施;实行teaching practice 教学实习;试教clinical practice 临床实践;内科学engineering practice 工程实践judicial practice 判例;司法程序practice teaching 教学实习(师范院校学生的);试教social practice 社会实践put into practice 实行,实施;落实good practice 良好的做法international practice 国际惯例;国际实践construction practice 施工管理management practice 管理实务common practice 惯例;习惯作法medical practice 医疗实践best practice 最佳实务,最佳实践;最佳做法,最优方法;典范做法design practice 设计原则educational practice 教育实习;教改实践legal practice 法律实践

Which is your favourite architecture


定语从句中 in which怎么用啊(好像是什么句尾in提前)求具体用法



which是特殊疑问词,有多种用法,我给大家整理了which的用法,欢迎阅读。 which的用法 1.(用作疑问代词)哪一个,哪一些 Which is my seat? 哪个座位是我的? 2.(用做关系代词)那一个,那一些 He also had a gun with which to defend himself. 他还有一把自卫用的枪。 He invited us to dinner, which was very kind of him. 他邀请我们吃晚饭,他这么做真是太客气了。 She was very fond of speaking French, which indeed she spoke well. 她很喜欢讲法语,而且确实讲得不错。 He lives in the house which is opposite ours. 他住在我们对面的那栋房子里。 which作为形容词用法如下 1.(用作疑问形容词)哪一个,哪一些 Which university did you go to, Oxford or Cambridge? 你上过哪所大学?牛津还是剑桥? 2.(用作关系形容词)这个,这些 The doctor told him to give up smoking, which advice he took. 医生叮嘱他戒烟,他接受了这一忠告。 其他用法 1、在后置的非限制性定语从句中代替上文出现的事物或情况(单数或复数)。 2、在问句中作为疑问代词,在名词从句中作为连接代词用,其含义为“哪个、哪些”。 3、如果非限制性定语从句的先行词不是指主句内容,而是指具体的人、时间、地点,则不用which。 双语例句 1、You must signal which way you are going to turn. 你要朝哪个方向转,必须发出信号。 2、There are two points which I wanted to make. 我想要指出的有两点。 3、We are still friends, though, which is good. 不过我们仍然是朋友,这令人感到欣慰。 4、Which one do you like best? 你最喜欢哪一个? 5、Which part of Japan do you come from? 你是日本哪个地区的人? 以上就是我整理的which的用法,感谢阅读。


只用which不用that的情况:引导非限制性图定语从句时、当关系词前有介词时、当关系代词后面有插入语时,在一个句子中有两个定语从句,其中一个定语从句的关系代词用了that,另一个宜用which。 扩展资料 例句:You must signal which way you are going to turn.你要朝哪个方向转,必须发出信号。There are two points which I wanted to make.我想要指出的有两点。We are still friends, though, which is good.不过我们仍然是朋友,这令人感到欣慰。

items that cost relatively more but which can be repaired什么意思



根据先行词以及从句中所缺失的成分来判断。whose相当于先行词的所有格,比如i bought a book whose cover was red.我买了一本封面是红色的书。这里whose cover 相当于 a book"s cover。which的用法比较简单,它是关系代词,当先行词是指物,从句中缺主语或宾语时,可以用,可与that替换。when、why是关系副词,当先行词是时间或是原因并且从句中缺地点或原因状语时可用。学习定语从句,关键在于句子成分的判断。要多做练习来巩固~加油。

indicated above is a vivid cartoon which unveils that.....句型是否正确 还有as to do sth是否正确


急!这个句子中equal to 做了定语成分,为何省略关系代词which和is 呢?

因为在主句中,electricity是宾语,宾语后面可省略which is,

Which is__country,china or japan?A.the largeB.the largercC.largerD.largest


Which of the following tourist sites is not a Hollywood landmark?

Which of the following tourist sites is not a Hollywood landmark? A.Beverly Hills  B.TCL Chinese Theatre C.the Universal Studios  D.Millennium Dome正确答案:Millennium Dome

If two witches would watch two watches,which witch would watch which watch?..的翻译

如过俩个女巫观看俩只手表,那个女巫会看哪只手表? PS:这只是个绕口令



Truth or dare,which you will choose?中文意思是什么

真实的面对 或者有勇气,你将会选择哪一个。?

Truth or dare,which you will choose?是什么意思



which是代词来滴代词 pron. 1. (用作疑问代词)哪一个,哪一些Which is my seat? 哪个座位是我的? 2. (用做关系代词)那一个,那一些He also had a gun with which to defend himself. 他还有一把自卫用的枪。 He invited us to dinner, which was very kind of him. 他邀请我们吃晚饭,他这么做真是太客气了。 She was very fond of speaking French, which indeed she spoke well. 她很喜欢讲法语,而且确实讲得不错。 He lives in the house which is opposite ours. 他住在我们对面的那栋房子里。 形容词 a. 1. (用作疑问形容词)哪一个,哪一些Which university did you go to, Oxford or Cambridge? 你上过哪所大学?牛津还是剑桥? 2. (用作关系形容词)这个,这些The doctor told him to give up smoking, which advice he took. 医生叮嘱他戒烟,他接受了这一忠告。


which [hwitʃ] pron. 哪一个,哪一些 conj…的a. 哪一个,哪一些


“which”的用法是: (用作疑问代词)哪一个,哪一些: Which is my seat? 哪个座位是我的? (用做关系代词)那一个,那一些: He also had a gun with which to defend himself. 他还有一把自卫用的枪。 扩展资料   (用作疑问形容词)哪一个,哪一些:   Which university did you go to, Oxford or Cambridge?   你上过哪所大学?牛津还是剑桥?   (用作关系形容词)这个,这些:   The doctor told him to give up smoking, which advice he took.   医生叮嘱他戒烟,他接受了这一忠告。   词义辨析:   that和which都可引导定语从句,但以下情况引导定语从句的"关系代词只能用that不能用which。   1、当先行词是all, everything, nothing, anything, little等不定代词,或被first, last, only, few, much, some, any, no等词修饰时,应该用关系代词that,不用which。   2、当先行词为形容词最高级所修饰时,关系代词用that不用which。   3、当并列的两个先行词分别表示人和物时,要用关系代词that而不用which。


Which season do you like best?

请帮忙翻译一下下边这句话,其中的unless used, in which case, actual time used to count. 是什么意思?

前面说的是 卸货时间默认为发出就绪通知之后的十二个小时后面说如果真的开始卸货,就按实际耗费的时间计算。这句话说得不太清楚,也不严谨,会有歧义。不像是法律用语。

深圳是一座面积2020平方公里,人口1200万,气候温暖湿润的城市。 用SHENZHEN is a city Which....写句子

Shenzhen is a city which occupies a land of 2020 square kilometers, holds a population of 12 million and has a warm humid climate.

The argumentative form of writing is one in which problems are disscussed. 这句话的翻译。




To love, or to be loved, which is the best choice

up to yourself

A is derived from B,which both are sth.可以这样说吗

A is derived from B,both of which are sth.

the empire on which the sun never sets”中为什么有介词on?

是的,the Empire which the Sun never sets 肯定不对。下面说明为什么不对:这个短语不是个完整的句子,the Empire 做为名词,后带一个定语从句,构成了一个名词性结构。学过定语从句的都知道,连接词通常在从句中指代某部分内容,或主语或宾语或状语。这里的连接词就是指代状语。on 是在其之上的意思,on which 中的 which 是指代 the Empire,就是 “在帝国的土地上” 的意思。on which 几乎可以等同于 where,即这个短语可以写成 the Empire where the Sun never sets。为了强调日不落帝国的威风及其疆土之大,这里不用 where 而是用 on which。如果把定语从句转换为主句,你就会容易看到介词 on 是从哪里来的了:The Sun never sets on the Empire. 定语从句中的主语是 the Sun,不是 the Empire,连接词在定语从句里起的实际作用是状语,所以要在前面加上介词 on。比较一下这个短语:the Empire which never has a sunset,定语从句的主语是 the Empire,所以连接词前面没有 on。如果你硬要拿掉题述短语前面这个 on,那你就得把它写成 the Empire which the Sun never sets on,但这肯定不是好的文法。总之这个 on 是不可或缺的。怎样,这下明白了吧?

I like Oliver Twist best ,which is written by British writer为什么用which不用it


求大神帮忙修改演讲稿,1.5分钟演讲 题目:A book which affects me most

1.has the greatest importance建议修改成is most important2.for it is that I love and that affects me most 建议修改成 for it"s my love and affects me most 3.Oliver Twist is an orphan.His mother dead as soon as she bears Oliver.Oliver grows up in the orphanage.He escapes to London because he can"t stand the bully and oppress from the shop keeper of the coffin shop.时态不对,讲的是过去还有过去完成..自己修改..4.后面引用伟人的话,勉强满意,条理也算一般,逻辑不强,要是满分100.本屌丝只能给你65..好好学习,英语注意时态,条理。。

关系副词as 与which 与that的区别

the same 通常和that 和as 连用。the same that 意思是同一物the same as 意思是类似,相像的。your carema is the same __that____i brought.你的相机就是我买的那个。your carema is the same ___as___i brought.你的相机和我买的一样。 在定语从句中,which、as和that都属于关系代词,which在从句中指事或物,做从句的主语、宾语或定语,也可指整个主句;as引导定语从句时,定语从句可放在主句之前,也可以放在主句之后。那么什么时候用which、什么时候用as呢? as和which都引导非限定性定语从句,用来修饰或限定整个主句的内容,有时可以互换。eg. 1.He failed in the English examination,as/which his parents expcted. 2.He is a Beijinger,as/which I know from his accent. 但在下列情况下,as和which不可互换: 一.关系代词引导的定语从句放在主句之前时,只能用as。 eg. 1. As we know now,the earth travels around the sun. 2.As I explained in the phone,your require will be considered at the next meeting. 二.as引导的定语从句,在语意上和主句的语意一致;否则就用which。eg. 1.He won the first price in the conpetation,as his parents expected.(语意一致) 2.He won the first price in the competation,which his parents didn"texpected.(语意相反) 三.As引导的定语从句后常用被动句,如:be known、be side、be reported、be announced等;而主动句中则常用which引导从句。eg. 1.As has been knoen to all,he is the best in English. 2.As is said,our English teacher is a tall man. 四.非限定性定语从句是否定句时which引导从句。eg. 1.She is always show off her clothes in public,which we don"t like at all. 2.The mother often praises her children,which the children don"like. 五.as常用在as (it) appears as (it) seems likely as (it) was pointed out as (it) often happens as (it) was said earlier as I remember (it) as I understand (it)等结构的句子中。eg. 1.He didn"t know much about it,as was said earlier. 2.He hasn"t returned my book to me yet,as often happens. 六.which引导的非限定性定语从句常常带有复合宾语。eg. 1.Lucy likes to tell lies,which we all feel strange. 2.I didn"t win the table-tennis,which my classmates feel diappointed. 七.as 既可指前面提到的事,又可指后面提到的事;which只能指前面提到的事。eg. 1.As is known,we"ll see a film this afternoon.(指后面的事) 2.Sam has been to Xi"an three times,as every one know.(指前面的是事) 3.The weather turned out to be good,which was more than we could expect.(指前面的天气情况)which和that在定语从句中的使用 三用which: 1.引导非限定性定语从句;2.指代整个句子时;3.介词之后。 七用that: 1.先行词是all much little everything anything nothing none the one等不定代词时。 eg.Is there anything that I can help you? 2.当先行词被only few no any little all one of the same等词修饰时。 eg.that is the only book that I read interesting. 3.当先行词被序数词或形容词的最高级修饰时。 eg.You can take the most beautiful shirt that you like. 4.当先行词中既有人又有事物时。eg.They are talking about the people and the place they visited 5.先行词是表语或关系代词做从句的表语时。eg.It"s the book that you lost yesterday. 6.在there be 开头的句中。eg.There are many things that I must do today. 7.由who which开头的句中. eg.Who is the man that speaks to your father?

智力题:Which lettler is made of a lot of people?



The nearest country is France, which is 20 miles away from which Britain is separated by the English Channel.意思是:最近的国家是法国,它与英国相距20英里,被英吉利海峡隔开。from which 是介词+代词组成定语从句代词部分。即: Britain is separated by the English Channelfrom France.

分析一下句型结构 That the life of man is but a dream is a thought which has occurred


请教语法:which +STH作为名词性从句或短语时。

你说的对 of 后面是名词性从句 作介词 of 的宾语 是宾语从句which parts of brains 是 从句中的主语 其中 which 可以看做形容词 can be activated 是从句中的谓语 by different scent是从句中的状语 本句 不是定语从句 是介词短语 作定语 修饰 a map

这句话对不对:The problem which is how to deal with the



whatever的用法 Whatever有两个用法,一是引导名词性从句(如主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句),二是用于引导让步状语从句。 1. 用于引导名词性从句 Whatever she did was right. 她做的一切都是对的。 Whatever she did was right. 她做的一切都是对的。 I will do whatever you wish. 我可做任何你想我做的事。 Give them whatever they desire. 他们想要什么就给他们什么。 Whatever I have is at your service. 我所有的一切都由你使用。 You may do whatever you want to do. 无论你想做什么事,你都可以做。 I"ll just say whatever comes into my head. 一我想到什么就说什么。 One should stick to whatever one has begun. 开始了的事就要坚持下去。 She would tell him whatever news she got. 她得到的任何消息都会告诉他。 I"m going to learn whatever my tutor wishes. 我将学习任何我的导师愿意我学的东西。 College students are seen doing whatever work they can find. 我们可以看到,只要有工作,大学生们什么都干。 Do whatever she tells you and you"ll have peace. 她叫你干什么你就干什么,那你就太平了。 2. 用于引导让步状语从句 Whatever we said, he"d disagree. 无论我们说什么,他都不同意。 Whatever happened I must be calm. 不管发生什么情况我都要镇静。 We"ll go along together whatever happens. 不管发生什么情况我们都要起干。 Don"t lose heart whatever difficulties you meet. 不管遇到什么困难都不要灰心。 Whatever you do, I won"t tell you my secret. 不管你做什么,我都不会把我的秘密告诉你。 Whatever happens, we"ll meet here tonight. 不管发生什么事情,我们今晚都在这儿碰头。 Whatever happens, the first important thing is to keep cool. 不管发生什么事,头等重要的是保持冷静。 【注意1】 whatever还可用于加强语气,相当于what ever, what on earth等。如: Whatever is the matter? 这是怎么回事? Whatever does he mean? 他到底是什么意思? 【注意2】 Whatever从句有时可以省略。如: Whatever your argument, I shall hold to my decision. 不管你怎样争辩,我还是坚持自己的决定。■however的用法1、however可以做副词,含义为“但是,可是,不过”。多插在句中,有时放在句首或句尾。例如:However,they did not seem to have much effect.不过,他们似乎没有起太大的作用。He said that it was so;he was mistaken,however.他说事情就是这样;然而,他错了。由上文可以看出,第五单元的文章中的三句话中,however做副词,同学们可以试着翻译一下。2、however还可以做连词,含义为“不管……如何,多么”,引导让步状语从句。从句的语序为:however+adj./adv.+主语+句子的其他成分。例如:We shall never succeed,however much we try.无论我们多么的努力,都不可能成功。However cold it is,she always goes swimming.无论天多冷,她总是去游泳。注意:当however做连词时,可以转换为no matter how,因此上面的两个例句可以转换为:We shall never succeed,no matter how much wetry.No matter how cold it is,she always goes swimming.从构词法的角度看,词尾加-ever的常用词还有:whoever,whomever,whosever,whatever,whichever,whenever,wherever等,这些词都可以引导让步状语从句,而且当它们引导让步状语从句时,可以转换为no matter who(what,when,where,which….)。nomatter…是连词词组,做“不管”,“无论”解,no matter what(when,where,who)等的含义为“不管什么(何时,哪里,谁)”例如:No matter who(=Whoever) knocks,don"t open the door.不管是谁敲门,都不要开。Nomatterwhat(=Whatever) happened,he would not say a word.不管发生什么事,他总是一言不发。I go to the theatre no matter when(=whenever) I get the chance.每当我有机会,我就到剧院去。No matter where(=Wherever) you work,you must write to me.无论你在何处工作,一定要给我写信。No matter whether you have time or not,you must deliver these clothes today.不管你明天是否有时间,你必须今天把这些衣服送去。whichever(形容词): 1.〔关系〕无论哪一个,随便哪一个。 2.〔强势疑问〕究竟哪一个…。 I will take whichever book you reject. 随便哪一本书拿你不要的给我。 you may choose whichever you want. 你要哪一个就挑哪一个希望这些可以帮到你,望采纳 谢谢!!!


意思不同,whatever是无论什么,可以指所有事物,whichever是无论哪个,指某一种事物具体用法如下:"whatever"作代词或形容词。 1."whatever"作代词,/no matter what /"无论什么"、"无论如何"。 例如: ①Keep calm,whatever happens ②Whatever (No matter what) you may say, I will go. 2."whatever"作代词,/anything or everything that/"任何的事 物"、"每一……的事物"。 例如 ①Do whatever you like. ②Whatever I have is at your service. 3.作代词"or whatever""或任何东西"、"诸如此类" 例如:He"d have difficulty in learning any language ——Greek, Chinese,or whatever. 4.作代词,"到底(究竟)什么"。 例如 Whatever can he mean by that? 5.作形容词,"任何的"、"无论什么的"、"任何种类、程度等的"。 例如Take whatever measures you consider best. 6.作形容词,在否定句中,置于名词之后,强调否定语气 例如①There can be no doubt whatever about it. ②I have no intention whatever of resigning. "Whichever" 作代词或形容词 1."Whichever" 作代词,/anything or everything "无论哪些"、 "无 论哪个"。 例如 Whichever you want is yours.无论你想要哪个都是你的

among which 与among them的用法详解自己区别,

among which是引导定语从句的,among them是不引导定语从句的。一、什么是定语从句?用作定语的从句叫做定语从句(attributive clause)。定语从句通常皆置于它所修饰的名词(或代词)之后,这种名词(或代词)叫做先行词(antecedent)。引导宾语从句的关联词为关系代词和关系副词。关系代词在定语从句中可用作主语、宾语、定语等;关系副词在定语从句中只用作状语。如:The student who answered the question was John. 回答问题的那个学生是约翰。(who answered the question是关系代词who引导的定语从句,用以修饰who先行词student,who在从句中用作主语)I know the reason why he was so angry. 我知道他这么生气的原由。(why he was so angry是关系副词引导的定语从句,用以修饰why的先行词reason,why在从句中用作原因状语)二、定语从句的位置。定语从句一般紧跟其先行词之后。如:The room which served for studio was bare and dusty. 这个用作工作室的房间空荡荡的,布满灰尘。(关系代词which引导的定语从句紧跟其先行词room之后)有时亦可与先行词分离。如:A new master will come tomorrow who will teach you German. 明天要来一位新教师教你们德语了。(关系代词who引导的定语从句与其先行词master分离)

which date is the indpendence day of the US

4th of July

Which boy hasn’t dreamed of being a cool secret agent (特工)? The wonderful fighting abilities an

小题1:D小题2:C小题3:A小题4:D 【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了一部电影Agent Cody Banks少年特工科迪。这篇文章告诉了我们:科迪是怎样成为特工的?成为特工后的第一个任务是什么?的内容。小题1:D考查细节理解。根据文章第二段可知,Banks接到的第一个任务就是和Natalie交朋友,然后监视她父亲的危险技术。所以选D。小题2:C考查细节理解。根据文章第三段可知,他怎样才能和Natalie交朋友,怎样才能监视她父亲的工作。所以,他参加Natalie的生日聚会的目的是和她交朋友。故选C。小题3:A考查细节理解。根据文章第二段的内容可知,Natalie父亲研制的是一种很危险的技术,Banks的任务就是防止坏人强迫他使用这种技术来危害世界。故选A。小题4:D考查作者的写作意图。根据文章的整体内容可知,文章介绍的是一部美国特工电影。所以作者的意图很明确,就是介绍这部新电影。故选D。


While用法小结 一、while作名词用,表示“一会儿”“一段时间” 1.She likes to lie down for a while after lunch. 她喜欢午饭后躺一会儿。 2.Coming to another country to study requires a big adjustment and it takes a while to fit in. 来到另一个国家求学,需要花一段时间来适应。 二、While作连词(1)引导时间状语 1.We must strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁。 2.While she was listening to the radio,she fell asleep. 她听着收音机睡着了。 (2)引起让步状语从句,意思是“虽然…但是….”、“尽管…但是…”(多放于句首)1.While he loves his students,he is very strict with them.. 虽然他爱他的学生,可是他对他们很严格。 2.While these experiments are interesting and useful,it is important to remember that they may not always tell us much.(BookIIIp125) 虽然这些实验很有趣也有用,但是很重要的是要记住,这些实验也可能不会告诉你很多。 (3)引起条件状语,意思是“只要” 1.While there is life there is hope.只要生命存在,就有希望。 2.While there is a way there is away.有志者事竟成。 三、While作并列连词用,意思为“而,然而”,表对比。而but表转折。注意用心比较体会while与but的句中用意 1.Some people waste food while others haven"t enough. 有些人很费粮食,然而有些人却吃不饱。 2.The son was having a good meal at home,while the parents were working in the fields. 儿子在家吃好饭而父母却在田里辛勤劳作。 3.I ought to have helped her,but I never could. 我本该帮她但没能。 4.Honey is sweet,but the bee stings. 蜂蜜很甜,但蜜蜂有刺蜇人。 四.while,when,as的用法区别 都译为“当…的时候”,区别为:when后的从句谓语动词既可是延续性动词,也可是短暂性动词,而且还可作并列连词,译为“这时”。但以下句型一定用when,作并列连词: 句型A:be about to do…when…正要做…这时(发生另一事) 句型B:was/were doing…when…正在…这时(发生另一事) 句型C:had done…when…刚要做…这时(发生另一事) 1.We were about to set out when it began to rain. 我们刚要出发天突然下雨了。 2.He had hardly sat down when his mobile rang. 他刚一坐下手机就响了。3.I was walking along the bank of the river when I fell into it. 我正沿河岸散步突然掉进水里。 while后的从句谓语动词只能是延续性动词,强调主从句的两个动词同时发生;while也可作并列连词,表示两个动作的对比,译为“而”“然而”。as则表示两个变化中的动作的同时性,译为“一边…一边…”。 1.While his mother was cooking in the kitchen,the boy fell asleep in the chair. (在一个延续动作过程中发生另一个动作) 2.He hurried home,looking behind as he went. 他匆匆回家,边走边往后看。which的用法1、在后置的非限制性定语从句中代替上文出现的事物或者情况(单数或复数).2、在问句中作疑问代词,在名词从句中作为连接代词用,其含义为“哪儿,哪些”.3、如果非限制性定语从句的先行词不是指主句内容,而是指具体的人、时间、地点,则不用which.

which... that一起用怎么翻译


You are a manager in a company which manufactures office furniture. Next month you are going to Lond


J.K.Rowling哈佛演讲:down which 看不懂

One of the many things 主语I learned..corridor 定语从句,修饰many thingsdown which I ..define 定语从句,修饰 the classic corridor十八岁时,我冒险探寻那时我无法界定的一些东西,我踏上了古典文学的道路;当我走到这条路的尽头时,我学到了一些东西,其中之一就是古希腊作家普卢塔克如所写的:“我们内在的修为会改变外在的现实。”


  1.find  find是最常用和最强大的查找命令。它能做到实时查找,精确查找,但速度慢。  find的使用格式如下:  #find [指定目录] [指定条件] [指定动作]  指定目录:是指所要搜索的目录和其子目录。如果不指定,则默认为当前目录。  指定条件:是指所要搜索的文件的特点。  指定动作:是指对搜索的结果如何处理。  常见选项:  -name 根据文件名称查找(严格区分大小写,如果文件名中间有空格,则必须把文件名用双引号引起来)  -iname 根据文件名查找(不区分大小写)  -regex "PATTERN" 正则表达式匹配  -user 根据文件属主进行查找  -group 根据文件属组进行查找  -uid 根据文件的uid查找  -gid 根据用户的gid查找  -nouser 查看所有的没有属主的文件  -nogroup 查看所有的没有属组的文件  例:查看tmp目录下,文件属主为redhat的文件  #ls -l `find /tmp -user redhat`  2.locate  locate命令不是实时查找,所以查找的结果不精确,但查找速度很快。因为它查找的不是目录,而是一个数据库(/var/lib/locatedb),这个数据库中含有本地所有文件信息。Linux系统自动创建这个数据库,并且每天自动更新一次,所以使用locate命令查不到最新变动过的文件。为了避免这种情况,可以在使用locate之前,先使用updatedb命令,手动更新数据库。  locate使用格式  locate [指定目录]  例:查找所有包含passwd的文件  #locate passwd  例:查找所有包含passwd的文件,并且只显示前十个  #locate -n 10 passwd  3.which  which命令是查找命令是否存在,以及命令的存放位置在哪儿。  例:#which ls  4.whereis  whereis命令只能用于搜索程序名,而且只搜索二进制文件(参数-b)、man说明文件(参数-m)和源代码文件(参数-s)。如果省略参数,则返回所有信息。  whereis命令的使用实例:  #whereis vim    5.type  type命令用来区分某个命令到底是由shell自带的,还是由shell外部的独立二进制文件提供的。如果一个命令是外部命令,那么使用-p参数,会显示该命令的路径,相当于which命令。    #type cd  系统会提示,cd是shell的自带命令(build-in)。    #type grep  系统会提示,grep是一个外部命令,并显示该命令的路径。    #type -p vim  加上-p参数后,就相当于which命令

locate和in which的区别有哪些?

locate是动词verb.in which 常作为定语从句clause 的头部。这两个有什么关系和可以比较的


locate命令不是实时查找,所以查找的结果不精确,但查找速度很快。which命令是查找命令是否存在,以及命令的存放位置在哪儿。whereis命令只能用于搜索程序名,而且只搜索二进制文件locatelocate命令不是实时查找,所以查找的结果不精确,但查找速度很快。因为它查找的不是目录,而是一个数据库(/var/lib/locatedb),这个数据库中含有本地所有文件信息。Linux系统自动创建这个数据库,并且每天自动更新一次,所以使用locate命令查不到最新变动过的文件。为了避免这种情况,可以在使用locate之前,先使用updatedb命令,手动更新数据库。locate使用格式locate [指定目录]例:查找所有包含passwd的文件#locate passwd例:查找所有包含passwd的文件,并且只显示前十个#locate -n 10 passwdwhichwhich命令是查找命令是否存在,以及命令的存放位置在哪儿。例:#which lswhereiswhereis命令只能用于搜索程序名,而且只搜索二进制文件(参数-b)、man说明文件(参数-m)和源代码文件(参数-s)。如果省略参数,则返回所有信息。whereis命令的使用实例:#whereis vim

下面这个句子中为什么用with which引导定语从句?

with wich 中 which 指前面的故事 the stories那从句意思就是: American grandparents of her day brought up children with the stories 她那个时代的美国 奶奶用这些 故事来抚养/教育 孩子长大...

which way to go ?

Please give me full details of the issue. What is the source for the 3 KF that are the attributes of your characteristic?The flow is DS->IS(TR)->PSA->CS->UR->Cube (or ODS->cube). If there is a DS, then it should have an IS. So you could map object(UR) to object(CS), and enable the attributes in the cube. In this case you don"t have to add an update rule.Can"t promise an exact solution, as I have no experience with KF attributes, even though I"ve discussed the possibilities with other consultants.

household 的定语从句用who还是which


英国文学题目 In the following descriptions of the Neoclassical Period, which is wrong?

uff08the Enlightenmentuff09



whatever 和whichever有什么区别

无论什么和无论哪个的差别啊。无论发生什么,我都支持你,Whatever happened,I ...无论哪个,选了都后悔,Whichever choiced,I...

of which enjoy Taichi the best中ofwhich应做什么成分?




你好 请问 在名词性从句中 what 和which的区别是什么呢?



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