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跪求!!!!写在教堂墓地的挽歌elegy written in a country churchyard

分类: 生活 >> 交通出行 问题描述: 谁给我他的中文翻译啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 解析: 格雷(Thomas Gray)诗选 墓地哀歌 晚钟响起来一阵阵给白昼报丧, 牛群在草原上迂回,吼声起落, 耕地人累了,回家走,脚步踉跄, 把整个世界留给了黄昏与我。 苍茫的景色逐渐从眼前消退, 一片肃穆的寂静盖遍了尘寰, 只听见嗡嗡的甲虫转圈子纷飞, 昏沉的 *** 催眠着远处的羊栏。 只听见常春藤披裹的塔顶底下 一只阴郁的柢枭向月亮诉苦, 怪人家无端走进它秘密的住家, 搅扰它这个悠久而僻静的领土。 峥嵘的榆树底下,扁柏的荫里, 草皮鼓起了许多零落的荒堆, 各自在洞窟里永远放下了身体, 小村里粗鄙的父老在那里安睡。 香气四溢的晨风轻松的呼召, 燕子从茅草棚子里吐出的呢喃, 公鸡的尖喇叭,使山鸣谷应的猎号 再不能唤醒他们在地下的长眠。 在他们,熊熊的炉火不再会燃烧, 忙碌的管家妇不再会赶她的夜活; 孩子们不再会“牙牙”的报父亲来到, 为一个亲吻爬倒他膝上去争夺。 往常是:他们一开镰就所向披靡, 顽梗的泥板让他们犁出了垄沟; 他们多么欢欣地赶牲口下地! 他们一猛砍,树木就一棵棵低头! “雄心”别嘲讽他们实用的操劳, 家常的欢乐,默默无闻的命运; “豪华”也不用带着轻蔑的冷笑 来听讲穷人的又短有简的生平。 门第的炫耀,有权有势的煊赫, 凡是美和财富所能赋予的好处, 前头都等待着不可避免的时刻: 光荣的道路无非是引导到坟墓。 骄傲人,你也不要怪这些人不行, “怀念”没有给这些人建立纪念堂, 没有让悠长的廊道、雕花的拱顶 洋溢着洪亮的赞美歌,进行颂扬。 栩栩的半身像,铭刻了事略的瓮碑, 难道能恢复断气,促使还魂? “荣誉”的声音能激发沉默的死灰? “献媚”能叫死神听软了耳根? 也许这一块地方,尽管荒芜, 就埋着曾经充满过灵焰的一颗心; 一双手,本可以执掌到帝国的王芴 或者出神入化地拨响了七弦琴。 可是“知识”从不曾对他们展开 它世代积累而琳琅满目的书卷; “贫寒”压制了他们高贵的襟怀, 冻结了他们从灵府涌出的流泉。 世界上多少晶莹皎洁的珠宝 埋在幽暗而深不可测的海底; 世界上多少花吐艳而无人知晓, 把芳香白白地散发给荒凉的空气。 也许有乡村汉普顿在这里埋身, 反抗过当地的小霸王,胆大,坚决; 也许有缄口的米尔顿,从没有名声; 有一位克伦威尔,并不曾害国家流血。 要博得满场的元老雷动的鼓掌, 无视威胁,全不顾存亡生死, 把富庶,丰饶遍播到四处八方, 打从全国的笑眼里读自己的历史—— 他们的命运可不许:既不许罪过 有所放纵,也不许发挥德行; 不许从杀戮中间涉登宝座 从此对人类关上仁慈的大门; 不许掩饰天良在内心的发作, 隐瞒天真的羞愧,恬不红脸; 不许用诗神的金焰点燃了香火 锦上添花去塞满“骄”“奢”的神龛。 远离了纷纭人世的勾心斗角, 他们有清醒愿望,从不学糊涂, 顺着生活的清凉僻静的山坳, 他们坚持了不声不响的正路。 可是叫这些尸骨免受到糟踏, 还是有脆弱的碑牌树立在近边, 点缀了拙劣的韵语、凌乱的刻划, 请求过往人就便献一声婉叹。 无闻的野诗神注上了姓名、年份, 另外再加上地址和一篇悼词; 她在周围撒播了一些经文, 教训乡土道德家怎样去死。 要知道谁甘愿舍身哑口的“遗忘”, 坦然撇下了忧喜交织的此生, 谁离开风和日暖的明媚现场 而能不依依地回头来顾盼一阵? 辞世的灵魂还依傍钟情的怀抱, 临闭的眼睛需要尽哀的珠泪, 即使坟冢里也有“自然”的呼号 他们的旧火还点燃我们的新灰。 至于你,我关心这些默默的陈死人, 用这些诗句讲他们质朴的故事, 假如在幽思的引导下,偶然有缘分, 一位同道来问起你的身世—— 也许会有白头的乡下人对他说, “我们常常看见他,天还刚亮, 就用匆忙的脚步把露水碰落, 上那边高处的草地去会晤朝阳; “那边有一棵婆娑的山毛榉老树, 树底下隆起的老根盘错在一起, 他常常在那里懒躺过一个中午, 悉心看旁边一道涓涓的小溪。 “他转游到林边,有时候笑里带嘲, 念念有词,发他的奇谈怪议, 有时候垂头丧气,像无依无靠, 像忧心忡忡或者像情场失意。 “有一天早上,在他惯去的山头, 灌木丛,他那棵爱树下,我不见他出现; 第二天早上,尽管我走下溪流, 上草地,穿过树林,他还是不见。 “第三天我们见到了送葬的行列, 唱着挽歌,抬着他向坟场走去—— 请上前看那丛老荆棘底下的碑碣, (你是识字的)请念念这些诗句”: 墓 铭 这里边,高枕地膝,是一位青年, 生平从不曾受知于“富贵”和“名声”; “知识”可没轻视他出身的微贱, “清愁”把他标出来认作宠幸。 他生性真挚,最乐于慷慨施惠, 上苍也给了他同样慷慨的报酬: 他给了“坎坷”全部的所有,一滴泪; 从上苍全得了所求,一位朋友。 别再想法子表彰他的功绩, 也别再把他的弱点翻出了暗窖 (他们同样在颤抖的希望中休息)。 那就是他的天父和上帝的怀抱。

数据结构代码,提交后Runtime Error,哪里错了?

这句话没有错,骚年~是你错了。if(i<1 || i>L->length+1)为什么这么判定,你一定很奇怪吧,哈哈。你看清楚了,人家说的是插入时候的算法,对吧。插入的位置是第i个位置之前,对吧!看到这里你还不明白吗?再看看——> 之前<——懂了吗?还不懂?好吧...:你可以在第一个位置之前插入一个元素,此时 i=1。你当然知道此时为什么i不能小于1,因为1之前只有第零个元素的位置(C语言下标从零开始)。同理,你在最后一个元素之后插入,是不是他的确切位置是Length+1之前?第Length个元素的 存储位置 是 Length-1,对吧?所以你这个插入的元素,它的存储位置应该是Length。Length当然在Length+1之前!所以插入位置当然是Length+1。大于这个值的话,就是程序断言错误了,因此返回error。



l.elem = (elementype *) malloc (initsize * sizeof (elementype));两个*分表表示什么意思?

(elementype *),是强制类型转换,malloc返回NULL类型,它是分配内存的函数第2个*是乘法运算&代表该变量的地址,&L代表L的地址

confusion concentration boredom assistance movement 那些有复数形式怎么变


C++中 int& Vector::Elem(int ndx)是什么意思

意思就是说 Elem是一个 int类型的引用 ,他有一个int类型的形式参数叫 ndx

escape punishment

escape from更强调从哪里逃跑,逃脱,解脱,经常加一个地方或者一种可以持续的状态 如:A lion has escaped from its cage.(地点) 有一头狮子从笼中逃走了. She longed to escape from her mother"s domination.(一种状态) 她渴望摆脱母亲的操纵. 而escape+n 或者doing sth更强调躲开,避开,常表示眼前的某个问题,或者危险 如:Where can we go to escape the crowds? 我们到哪里才能躲开这些人群? The fox escaped the hunter. 狐狸躲开了猎人. 那么boredom是一种状态,所以用escape from 你可以再看看其他的例句分析一下.

float & vector::elem(int i)中的&是什么意思

float 是保留字,不可能是变量名,所以 float & vector。。。 不会是表达式。(如果是表达式, & 是 按位与运算符)所以它是英文句子。 & 是 and , 中文意思是 和,同,与 的意思。

confusion concentration boredom assistance movement 那些有复数形式怎么变

你好!! confusion“混乱;混乱状况;骚动”没有复数, concentration “集中,专注”没有复数, boredom“无聊;厌倦 ”没有复数 assistance“援助,帮助”没有复数, movement“运动,活动行动,动静,”复数为movements, 希望采纳

typedef struct { ElemType *elem; int length; int listsize; }SqList;其中ElemType *elem;是什么意思







  an 因为elephant——["elu026afu0259nt]音标是元音开头.


回答和翻译如下 :ELEPHANT . ( 英语的大写字母 。)大象 。




大象的英文:elephant; elephant:n.象 复数: elephants 扩展资料   They placed the African elephant on their endangered list.   他们把非洲大象列为濒危动物。   The kids had a ride on an elephant at the zoo.   在动物园里,孩子们骑着大象走了一圈。   The African elephant is in a desperate plight.   非洲象正面临绝境。   The elephant flapped its ears.   大象拍打着双耳。   The sixth blind man went forward to feel the elephant.   第六个瞎子走上前去摸大象。   The elephant lowered its ponderous body into the river.   大象把它那笨重的身躯浸入河中。   The children looked up in wonder at the big elephant.   孩子们惊奇地昂首看那只大象。   The largest existing land animal is the elephant.   大象是现有最大的陆地动物。


elephant D.J.[u02c8elifu0259nt] K.K.[u02c8u025blu0259fu0259nt] n.象, 大象不明白可以追问我,满意的话请点击【采纳】


英[ˈelɪfənt] 美[ˈelɪfənt]

elephant怎么读 elephant的意思

1、elephant的读音:英[u02c8elu026afu0259nt]美[u02c8elu026afu0259nt] 2、n.大象; 象; 3、[例句]A small boy rode on the elephants back.一个小男孩骑在大象背上。 4、复数:elephants


elephant英音[u02c8elu026afu0259nt]美音[u02c8elu026afu0259nt]。据史料记载,大象很早就成了人类的朋友,并能为人类提供帮助。大象非常聪明,能开辟场地,还能把死去的同伴安埋在落叶枯枝之中。大象寿命很长,一般能活到70岁左右,它在10岁到15岁性成熟,怀孕期长达22个月。大象分布极广,大约在四千万年以前,除了大洋洲和南极洲以外,各洲都有它的足迹,然而现在主要有亚洲象和非洲象两大类。其他保护措施包括管理与保护大象栖息地,并通过保护廊道,保持栖息地的连通性;管理人象冲突。改进立法和执法,改进和加强实地巡逻,监管象牙、活象和其他大象产品的贸易,更好地保护大象。2020年5月至6月,博茨瓦纳奥卡万戈三角洲,数百头大象因不明原因死亡。国家公园救援联合创始人马克·希利称这次大象死亡事件为“本世纪影响大象的最大灾难之一”。例句1、What about India — a wise, slow-moving elephant or a toothsome, ravenous tiger?那印度呢?是一只聪明但移动缓慢的大象,亦或是一只美味而又贪婪的老虎?2、Congolese civilians will hope that the elephant is persuaded to hold off for good.刚果平民也就此希望,大象已经最终被劝降住了,永远都不再打架了。3、The elephant had been snared in the thick forest spilling down the slopes of Mount Kenya.肯尼亚山坡上茂密的森林里,一头大象落入了陷阱。4、A motorcar would be a white elephant to him, because he cannot drive it.汽车对他一点用都没有,因为他不会驾驶。5、Why would I tolerate living or coexisting with an elephant that is so destructive?为什么我要容忍并和这些超具破坏性的大象共存?6、In fact, the femur of the elephant is only 100 times thicker, so it scales just as the size.事实上,大象的股骨,只是老鼠的100倍厚,缩放比例和体积大小一样。




Elephant读音为:英:[u02c8elu026afu0259nt];美:[u02c8elu026afu0259nt]Elephant意思是大象。例句:1、The largest existing land animal is the elephant.大象是现有最大的陆地动物。2、The angry elephant crashed through the forest.那头愤怒的大象哗哗啦啦地跑过这片森林。扩展资料Elephant短语搭配white elephant:白象;昂贵却无用的东西。a white elephant sale:白象义卖例句:The children looked up in wonder at the white elephant孩子们惊奇地昂首看那只白象。


elephant英 [u02c8elu026afu0259nt] 美 [u02c8u025blu0259fu0259nt] n.象,大象


elephant中文翻译是大象,以下是双语例句:1、A small boy rode on the elephant"s back. 一个小男孩骑在大象背上。2、The elephant smashed its way through the trees. 大象横冲直撞,闯过树丛。3、The new office block has become an expensive white elephant. 这座新办公大楼成了昂贵的摆设。4、They placed the African elephant on their endangered list. 他们把非洲大象列为濒危动物。5、The kids had a ride on an elephant at the zoo. 在动物园里,孩子们骑着大象走了一圈。6、The African elephant is in a desperate plight. 非洲象正面临绝境。7、A family of elephants lumbered by. 一群大象迈着缓慢而沉重的步子从旁边经过。


elephant 英[u02c8elu026afu0259nt] 美[u02c8u025blu0259fu0259nt] n. 象,大象; [例句]He received praise for the atmospheric monochrome shots in David Lynch"s The Elephant Man.他在大卫·林奇的电影《象人》中所拍摄的那些渲染气氛的黑白镜头受到了好评。[其他] 复数:elephants


elephant大象双语对照词典结果:elephant[英][u02c8elu026afu0259nt][美][u02c8u025blu0259fu0259nt]n.象,大象; 复数:elephants以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.How do you eat an elephant? 你怎样吃一头大象?


elephant 基本解释如下:n. 象,大象。elephant 变化形式复数: elephants易混淆的单词: Elephant所属分类: CET4TEM4考 研CET6中文词源elephant 象。来自拉丁语elephantus象。elephant 用法和例句Can this increase in elephant poaching be reversed ?能够抑制猎杀大象数目的上升吗?Both fur and elephant seals have made spectacular rebounds .软毛海豹和象海豹的数量都有大幅度反弹。And did you see the elephant ?还有你看见大象了吗?An elephant has big ears .一个大象有大的耳朵.How do you eat an elephant ?你怎样吃一头大象?A small boy rode on the elephant"s back.一个小男孩骑在大象背上。


elephant["elifu0259nt]n.【动】象起伏干扰波纹[瓦垅]铁(20×27至23×30英寸的)大号图画纸同类中特别巨大的品种刻槽机【刷】象裁elephant dugout 【军】大壕沟, 大防空洞elephant transformer 无套管式高压屋内变压器elephant trunk 象鼻管; 溜管习惯用语as thick skinned as an elephant 不听人劝; 感觉迟钝rogue elephant 离群的凶猛野象see theelephant [美俚]见世面; 开眼界; 经世故get a look at theelephant [美俚]见世面; 开眼界; 经世故show the elephant [俚]展示大都市的景物white elephant (泰国、印度视为神象的)白象 [喻]无用而累赘的东西; 沉重的包袱; 成为负担或招致亏损的财产 [美]物主不要而对别人可能有用的东西收起更多词典


elephant 英[ˈelɪfənt] 美[ˈɛləfənt] n. 象,大象; [网络] 象; 大象; [例句]Above him, in a niche on the wall, sat a tiny veiled Ganesh


elephant这个字,意思是大象。大象是现存世界上最大的陆栖哺乳动物。大象是群居性动物,以家族为单位,非洲象由雌象做首领,每天活动的时间,行动路线,觅食地点,栖息场所等均听雌象指挥。亚洲象则相反,是成年雄象承担保卫家庭安全的责任。有时几个象群聚集起来,结成上百只大象。大象的皮层很厚,可有效防止蚊虫叮咬。象牙是防御敌人的重要武器。它们主要外部特征为柔韧而肌肉发达的长鼻和扇大的耳朵,具缠卷的功能,是象自卫和取食的有力工具。亚洲象肩高2.0~3.7米,体重2~7.5吨,非洲象肩高3.0~4.0米,体重3~8吨,非洲森林象平均肩高不超过2.6米,体重2-4吨。象头大,耳大如扇,四肢粗大如圆柱以支持巨大身体,膝关节不能自由屈伸,鼻长几乎与体长相等,呈圆筒状,伸屈自如;象鼻全部是由肌肉组成的,鼻孔开口在末端,鼻尖有指状突起,能拣拾物品,象鼻非常灵活自如,可以捡拾重达1吨的物体,也可以捡拾花生那样小的食物。中南亚的象属或者非洲的非洲象属中的一种,皮肤坚厚,无毛,长有一条长的柔韧的可以卷曲的鼻子,上颚二门齿发展为长而弯的象牙。非洲象属有巨大的扇形状的耳朵。上颌具1对发达门齿,终生生长,非洲象门齿可长达3.3米,亚洲象雌性长牙不外露;上、下颌每侧均具6个颊齿,自前向后依次生长,具高齿冠,结构复杂。每足5趾,但第1.第5趾发育不全。被毛稀疏,体色浅灰褐色。雄象睾丸隐于腹腔内;雌象前腿后有2个乳头,妊娠期长达 600多天(22个月),一般单胎。非洲象,体型较大,耳大,鼻末端有2个指状突起;亚洲象体形较小,体重较轻,耳小,鼻末端有1个指状突起。大象或象是目前世界陆地上最大的哺乳动物,属于长鼻目,只有一科两属三种,即象科(学名:Elephantidae),非洲象属和象属,非洲象有两种:普通非洲象(也叫热带草原象或灌木象)和非洲森林象,象属只有亚洲象一种(也叫印度象)。非洲象长鼻末端有2个指状突起,亚洲象仅具1个;非洲象耳大,体型较大,亚洲象耳小,身体较小,体重较轻。长鼻目哺乳纲的1目,通称象,是世界最大的陆栖动物,主要外部特征为柔韧而肌肉发达的长鼻,具缠卷的功能,是象自卫和取食的有力工具。本目仅有象科1科共2属3种,即亚洲象和非洲象和非洲森林象。长鼻目曾有6科,在中古时期最为繁盛,其中5科由于气候变化和环境恶化以及人类捕杀已灭绝,现仅余象科1科2属3种动物。本目动物特征一如其名,鼻子长,鼻端生有指状突,能捡拾细小物品。 象科包括2属3种动物,即亚洲象、非洲象和非洲森林象。象是现存最大的陆生哺乳动物,它的嗅觉和听觉发达,视觉较差。长鼻起着胳膊和手指的作用,能摄取水与食物送入口中。巨大的耳廓不仅帮助谛听,也有散热功能。雄性(非洲象雌雄均有)的长獠牙是特化的上颌门齿。亚洲象前肢5指,后肢4趾,非洲象前肢3趾。非洲象是现存最大的陆生哺乳动物,它的体长6~7.5米尾长1~1.3米,肩高3.0~4.0米,体重10000公斤。最高纪录为一只雄性,体全长10.67米(包括鼻子和尾巴),前足围1.8米,体重10000公斤。最大的象牙纪录为长350厘米,重约107千克。已灭绝的北非非洲草原象相对小的多,只有2.4~2.6米高,重约4吨,体型于非洲森林象相仿。非洲成年象确实强悍,研究表明非洲象有两种:非洲草原象和非洲森林象。常见的非洲草原象是世界上最大的陆生哺乳动物,耳朵大且下部尖,不论雌雄都有长而弯的象牙,性情极其暴躁,会主动攻击其他动物。非洲象一般性情暴躁,没有被真正驯化过的纪录,因此很少作为家畜来饲养和使用。非洲森林象耳朵圆,个体较小,一般不超过2.5米高,前足5趾,后足4趾(和亚洲象相同),象牙质地更硬。根据基因分析证明它和非洲草原象不是同一个种类。非洲草原象和非洲森林象有着明显不同的遗传特征,其外表特征也有很大的差别:森林象体形较小,耳圆,象牙较直且呈粉红色。过去在非洲雨林中还发现过体形更小的倭象,被认为是非洲森林象的未成熟个体。足下肉变大,更适应缺水的生活,非常知道节约用水,而且会在沙漠中寻找水源。非洲森林象生活在非洲的丛林低地。非洲森林象大约2.4~2.8米高(7.9~9.2英尺),2500~3500公斤重。它们的象牙是笔直地向下生长,而耳朵则呈椭圆形。猛犸是鞑靼语“地下居住者”的意思。它身高体壮,有粗壮的腿,脚生四趾,头特别大,在其嘴部长出一对弯曲的大门牙。一头成熟的真猛犸(猛犸有很多种,一般熟知的长长毛的叫真猛犸),体高约3.1米,门齿长1.5米左右,体重可达5吨。它身上披着黑色的细密长毛,皮很厚,具有极厚的脂肪层,厚度可达9厘米。从猛犸的身体结构来看,它具有极强的御寒能力。 与现代象不同,它们并非生活在热带或亚热带,而是生活在北方严寒气候的一种古哺乳动物。大小近似现代的象,但头骨比现代的象短而高。体被棕褐色长毛。无下门齿,上门齿很长,向上、向外卷曲。臼齿由许多齿板组成,齿板排列紧密,约有30片,板与板之间是发达的白垩质层。曾生存于亚、欧大陆北部及北美洲北部更新世晚期的寒冷地区。苏联西伯利亚北部及北美的阿拉斯加半岛的冻土层中,都曾发现带有皮肉的完整个体,胃中仍保存有当地生长的冻土带的植物。我国东北、山东长岛、内蒙古、宁夏等地区也曾发现过猛犸的化石。科学家认为,地球上的猛犸是死于突如其来的冰期,使得死亡后的尸体即遭冻结,故未来得及腐烂。又由于千百年来在地穴中受到冰雪的保护掩埋,故能完整地被保存下来。在阿拉斯加和西伯利亚的冻土和冰层里,曾不止一次发现这种动物冷冻的尸体。元音字母e在重读闭音节里发短元音/u025b/的音,发音时,舌端靠近下齿,舌前部抬高,舌位适中,不接触上颚,没有摩擦,牙床介于半合半开之间,唇形扁平,这个音一般出现在字首、字中位置,但很少出现在字尾的位置。如:egg 鸡蛋well 井red 红的pen 钢笔hen 母鸡bed 床bell 铃铛希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。


Elephant的中文意思是:大象。Elephant读音为:英:[u02c8elu026afu0259nt];美:[u02c8elu026afu0259nt]例句:1、Above him, in a niche on the wall, sat a tiny veiled Ganesh, the elephant god在他上方墙上的壁龛里安放着一尊极小的蒙面象头神伽内什的塑像。2、His tour de force is an elephant sculpture.他的精心之作是一件大象雕塑。3、The first blind man happened to place his hand on the elephant"s side第一个盲人碰巧把手摸到大象的肚子上。扩展资料Elephant短语搭配white elephant:白象;昂贵却无用的东西。a white elephant sale:白象义卖例句:The children looked up in wonder at the white elephant孩子们惊奇地昂首看那只白象。



以I want to be a diplomat为题 写一篇演讲稿 不要太短 长一些好点

My only fear is that because I will be representing my government,I will have to be proper all the time and will lose myself钬?br/>I always want to remain a kid in spirit,I do not want to lose that fo...


elephant的复数是规则变化,直接在后面加 S


elephant的复数是规则变化,直接在后面加 S

elephant 是什么意思!




帮忙提供一篇关于diploma represent competence的英文

Mastership in Commercial Diplomacy(一个认证文章)This is the main category of qualification denoting a level of both educational and professional achievement required followed by the development, through practical professional experience, of key skills at the appropriate level. ACCD recognizes and accredits professional and academic degree courses offered by its institutional members worldwide. ACCD works closely with diplomatic, professional and other academic institutions to ensure that candidates have the appropriate skills and knowledge to qualify. Holders of the Mastership in Commercial Diplomacy are competent and skilled practitioners of proved ability at international and advanced level, who have complete knowledge of trade negotiations, development, international dispute settlement and international economic and commercial diplomacy and able to train others. The Qualified Certified Diplomat (Mastership) is awarded only by the ACCD to trade, economic and commercial diplomacy experts or graduates of diplomatic academies, universities and or institutional members; and persons of outstanding intellectual ability, upon completion of the Mastership programme. First Stage:To be awarded MASTERSHIP, candidate must satisfy the Council by:Completing the Master Certificate of Competency Course (600 hours, 60 credits); and having more than 3 years proven practical professional experience (Senior Executive level); and *Being an Associate of the ACCD (All applicants); and Willing and able to promote, contribute to and actively support the mission and policy of the Association.Exemptions are granted to candidates who are graduates of ACCD Institutional Members, other approved institutions or professional organisations or who have passed equivalent examinations (Masters degree* and above) in trade, economics, development, energy, agriculture, commercial law, commercial arbitration and or dispute settlement related field. The Council will consider for assessment the following and may recognise any other positions which they deem to be equivalent in professional responsibility: Holders of an accredited Masters degree with more than 3 years proven professional experience, or Holders of a recognised postgraduate degree in related discipline approved for this purpose by the Council provided that he/she has held a position or positions of professional responsibility for an aggregate of at least 6 years or more and able to submit a Master project for this purpose.Second Stage:Applicants may be required to do one of the following (unless exempt):Submit a Project* Complete the Advanced Certificate of Competency in Commercial DiplomacyThird Stage:Professional Review - Accreditation Board RequirementsAs part of the Association"s requirements, candidates may be required to submit a Mastership project and or complete a Portfolio of Experience, which includes a listing of executive positions in related fields and candidate"s own written summary assessing his/her executive contribution to the work of the institution. The Portfolio also includes a record of candidate"s employment history as a diplomat, senior executive or senior manager, director, representative or adviser together with certain information about the executives or boards on which they have served, and a written self-assessment of candidate"s experience. The Portfolio should explain clearly the precise position you have occupied in each case e.g commercial officer/attache/director; secretary, minister, adviser, economic officer/attache/director, senior manager, stockbroker etc. Final Stage - Interview:Qualified Certified Diplomat (QCD)Being a Qualified & Certified Commercial Diplomat is more than just gaining a qualification, it"s about developing relevant practical trade and commercial diplomacy skills for life. Certified Commercial Diplomats lead organisations whether in the private, public or third sectors, at the highest strategic level. Qualifying for certified diplomat has included the requirement for a peer interview (Unless exempt) and candidates are required to demonstrate advanced knowledge and understanding of trade negotiations, anti-corruption, dispute settlement and commercial diplomacy; and their practical application, evidencing a professional approach to parties and the public interest. The standard to which the candidate will be judged is "competence and experience to serve the public as a competent commercial diplomat in an ethical manner." On completion, successful applicants will receive a decision on election to "Mastership" - Qualified Certified Commercial Diplomat.Benefits:Mastership in Commercial Diplomacy Qualified & Certified Commercial Diplomat (Certification)* Continued professional development and life-long learning Discounted admission to International Programs and co-sponsored events Significant discounts for ACCD members on courses and specialist programmes Automatic Election to Fellowship DiplomacyDiplomacy is the art and practice of conducting negotiations between representatives of groups or states. It usually refers to international diplomacy, the conduct of international relations through the intercession of professional diplomats with regard to issues of peace-making, trade, war, economics and culture. International treaties are usually negotiated by diplomats prior to endorsement by national politicians.The word stems from the Greek word "diploma", which literally means "folded in two". In ancient Greece, a diploma was a certificate certifying completion of a course of study, typically folded in two. In the days of the Roman Empire, the word "diploma" was used to describe official travel documents, such as passports and passes for imperial roads, that were stamped on double metal plates. Later, the meaning was extended to cover other official documents such as treaties with foreign tribes. In the 1700s the French called their body of officials attached to foreign legations the corps "diplomatique". The word "diplomacy" was first introduced into the English language by Edmund Burke in 1796, based on the French word "diplomatie".[1]In an informal or social sense, diplomacy is the employment of tact to gain strategic advantage or to find mutually acceptable solutions to a common challenge, one set of tools being the phrasing of statements in a non-confrontational, or polite manner


Elephant的中文意思是:大象。Elephant读音为:英:[u02c8elu026afu0259nt];美:[u02c8elu026afu0259nt]例句:1、Above him, in a niche on the wall, sat a tiny veiled Ganesh, the elephant god在他上方墙上的壁龛里安放着一尊极小的蒙面象头神伽内什的塑像。2、His tour de force is an elephant sculpture.他的精心之作是一件大象雕塑。3、The first blind man happened to place his hand on the elephant"s side第一个盲人碰巧把手摸到大象的肚子上。扩展资料Elephant短语搭配white elephant:白象;昂贵却无用的东西。a white elephant sale:白象义卖例句:The children looked up in wonder at the white elephant孩子们惊奇地昂首看那只白象。

I want to be a diplomat

When I was a kid, I dreamed to be a policeman. But my parents always said that it"s a dangerous job. My uncle and unty even told me that one of their police friends was injured seriously during work. Since then I"ve never mentioned to them that I wanted to be a police.However I would still deream that I bacame a policeman and caught many thieves. In one of my dreams, I found a thief who wanted to escape, but finally I got him. People just give me a sight with respectation.I do not fear anything and I can deal with everything in the life. I am working hard for my dream and I am confident that I will study in the police school in the future.

Yangbajain Geothermal Field in Damxung County()

The.Yangbajain geothermal field lies 90 km northwest of the Lhasa City at an elevation ranging 4300-4700 m.The Qinghai-Tibet highway passes through the east side of the field.The field occurs in a NE-trending depression basin covering an area of 15 square kilometers,scattered with various kinds of surface manifestations.It is divided into the south and the north areas.The south area is represented by a 180 m-thick Quaternary fissure-type deposit and the basement of the Quater-nary is composed by early Himalayan volcanic clastics and the late Yanshanian-Himalayan granite and diorite.The north area consists of deposits of both the shallow Quaternary fissure type and the deep bedrock fissure type with aver-age thickness exceeding 230 m.The wellhead pressure of the north area reach-es 2.06-4.71 atm,the steam-water hybrid of a single hole amounts to 72-176.4 t/h,and the dryness ranges 2.05%-7.82%.The recoverable total accu-mulated heat is 13.7×1012kcal,and the electricity generation capacity is 29-34 MWe.Since October 1 977,two geothermal power stations have been built in the field with total installed capacity of 25 MWe,ranking first in China and the twelfth in the world.Till June 1992 the stations have generated 0.49×109 kWh of electricity,accounting about half of the total supply by the Lhasa net-work,and was transmitted mainly to the City.It has made great contributions to Lhasa's economic growth and satisfied the demands of the people.Yangba-jain has also built geothermal greenhouses covering 40000 square meters which grow vegetables over 500000 kg every year.The colourful geothermal land-scape in Yangbajain and the unique scenic spots on the plateau have attracted numerous foreign and domestic visitors.Hot springs and near-boiling springs are widespread in the Yangbajain basin,among them there are the huge hot-water lake 7350 square kilometers in area at an average temperature of 45℃,and the famous“sulphur gullies”and“hot gullies”.All these indications were well known by local residents since the ancient times,but comprehensive and systematic investigations and geo-logical surveys on geothermal fields were commenced only after the peaceful liberation of Tibet.During their investigations of the porcelain clay and sulphur deposits in November 1952,Ren Tianpei,Zhu Shangqing and others with the Geological Group of the Tibet Working Party under the CAS suggested the genetic rela-tionship between the deposit and the springs,and reported first the Yangba-jain hot-water lake.In 1960,during their inspection of the Yangbajain china clay deposit,Yu Zunzheng and others with the Lhasa Geological Party determined the rate of discharge and the temperature of some of the hot springs,and made a general survey on the distribution of the hot springs,types of the spring water,the gushing height of water head,etc.,which provided necessary materials for further investigations.In 1972 the No.3 Geological Party of the TBG drilled on the sulphur de-posit and found that the temperature was increasing downward at a high gradi-ent.Later,the Institute of Geomechanics and the Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology affiliated with the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,in cooperation with other institutions,made a reconnaissance for Yangbajain and other four spring groups.The Comprehensive Prospecting Party of the TBG also investigated primarily the Yangbajain deposit.In 1974 Ye Jianzhong and others of the Geophysical Prospecting Group of the party ex-perimented for the first time integrated resistivity and magnetic surveys which revealed the distinctive low resistivity and stable magnetic field in response to the geothermal indications.Tong Wei and others of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Comprehensive Investi-gation Party under the CAS conducted in 1974-1975 comprehensive surface geothermal investigation and evaluation of the Yangbajain geothermal field.They employed the hydrochemical survey and,by use of geochemical tempera-ture scale,first calculated the underground balance temperature of the Yang-bajain geothermal deposit at 200-220℃ and the natural heat output 11×104 kcal/sec.With regard to the formation model of the field they related the heat sources to intracrustal magmas.In 1975,the No.3 Geological Party of the Ti-bet Bureau of Geology started drilling in the field.The first borehole was drilled on lst July.When the operation was going to a depth of 38.89 m,a high-temperature geothermal fluid suddenly blew out and the vapor-water col-umn flew high up to100 m.Thus the great energy of the Yangbajain deposit was proved,and a regular and systematic geological survey of the geothermal field began.In 1 976theTibet Bureau of Geology set up the Geothermal Geological Party for the comprehensive prospecting and evaluation of Yangbajain.The party performed geological and hydrogeological mapping,shallow borehole temperature measurement,sampling and testing in the field and its surround-ings.A total of 42 boreholes were drilled at a footage of 1 1 328 m and the max-imum depth reaching 1726 m.All these drillholes were tested by integrated geophysical logging and geothermal reservoir engineering,and a wealth of data were obtained.In 1984 Wang Daichang and others prepared and submitted the“Report of evaluation on the shallow reservoir of the Yangbajian geothermal field”.The Geophysical Prospecting Party of the TBG conducted electric,mag-netic and high-precision gravity surveys in the field and its surroundings begin-ning from 1976,and outlined the limits of the field according to the contours of minimum apparent resistivity equalling 30 ohm-m.Since 1 983 it has performed high-precision leveling survey and gravity survey every year and conducted regular dynamic monitoring for the develoment of the field.It was the first time that China conducted drilling in high-temperature geothermal field.Wang Zhongying with the Institute of Exploration Technolo-gY under the MGMR carried out a specific research programme on drilling techniques under high temperature and high pressure of the Yangbajain geothermal field,which,as a result,raised the rate of success of drilling in the field.Shen Xianjie of the Geothermal Office with the Institute of Geology of the CAS,in cooperation with the Geothermal Party,conducted a fruitful thematic research on the evaluation of the heat resources in the Yangbajain geothermal field.All the results were submitted promptly to the power indus-try departments of Tibet.In 1977 a 1 MWe geothermal experimental generator was installed successfully in Yangbajian and then eight 3 MWe double flash plants were installed.In Tibet where oil and coal resources are badly insuffi-cient geothermal energy has become a new and the dominant source.And be-cause geothermal power generation is significantly cheaper than thermal pow-er,and is less affected by seasonal variation of precipitation in comparison with hydraulic power,it has become the stable power supply of the Lhasa electric network.Taking the total electricity it generated as of 490 million kW/hour,the field has already saved nearly RMB 100 million yuan for the country.Both economic returns and social benefits were very impressive.The prospecting and exploitation of the Yangbajain geothermal field have set an example for the formulation of geothermal prospecting standards,pro-moted as well the development of geothermal science in China.For its out-standing merits in the geological prospecting workthe Geothermal Party of the TBG was conferred the title“Meritorious Unit”jointly by the MGMR,the Ministry of Personnel,the State Commission of Science and Technology,and the All-China Trade Union.The achievements of the geothermal prospecting in Yangbajain have awarded the first-class Ore-Prospecting Prize by the MGMR and the second-class State Scientific and Technological Progress Prize.Beginning from 1 992 the prospecting and research work in Yangbajain have been proceeding from shallow to deep layers,aiming at finding and devel-oping geothermal fluid under higher temperature and pressure.The installed capacity of geothermal power generator will be further increased to satisfy the growing demand of electricity of the Lhasa City.This work is still in progress.In the initial stage the prospecting of the field was performed under the situation of lacking both experience and regulations and rules,while geother-mal energy was in urgent need.Therefore,shortcomings were inevitable in operation procedures and planning,as well as in the selection of different tools and in methodology and technology.The heat reservoir engineering testing and the evaluation of geothermal resources were restricted due to the lack of ad-vanced equipment and software.In the exploitation of the field,many subjects concerning comprehensive monitoring,environmental pollution controlling,treatment of corrosion encrustation,recharge of tail water,etc.have to be further studied and practised in order to make full use of the geothermal re-sources of Yangbajain with greater economic and social benefits.


n. 组件,组成部分;分,分量;元件a. 组成的,合成的

component software是什么意思

component software[英][ku0259mu02c8pu0259unu0259nt u02c8su0254ftwu025bu0259][美][ku0259mu02c8ponu0259nt u02c8su0254ftu02ccwu025br][计]分软件; 网络组合软件; 组件软件; 组件软件 元件软体; 双语例句1To create a language with better support for component software. ( The Scala Programming Language, Donna Malayeri)创造一种更好地支持组件的语言。

一首英文歌,我只记得高潮的部分是dance dance like this,the last last nigntmare只记得这么多了

Usher featuring Pitbull--DJ got us faling in love歌词UsherYeah manSo we back in the clubGet that bodies rockin from side to side (si-side to side)Thank God the week is done,I feel like a zombi gone back to life (ba-back to life)Hands-up,and suddenly we all got our hands-upNo control of my bodyAin"t i seen you before?I think I remember thoseeyes,eyes,eyes,eyes,e-eCause baby tonightthe DJ got us falling in love againYeah baby tonight the DJ got us falling in love againSo dance danceLike its the last last nightof your life lifeIm"ma get you rightCause baby tonightthe DJ got us falling in love againKeep downing drinks like this,not tomorrow not just right now now now now n-now nowgonna set the roof on fire,gonna burn this mother**** down down down down d-down downHands up when the music drops,we both put our hands upPut your hands up on my bodySwear i"ve seen you beforehttp://www.elyricsworld.com/dj_got_us_falling_in_love_again_lyrics_usher.htmlI think I remember thoseeyes,eyes,eyes,eyes,e-eCause baby tonightthe DJ got us falling in love againYeah baby tonightthe DJ got us falling in love againSo dance danceLike its the last last nightof your life lifeIm"ma get you rightCause baby tonightthe DJ got us falling in love again[pitbull]:In the cover of the musicGet naked babyI"m sorry chicaBetter holla at TyronneLet him know how I jump through your foot loop scolla chica two can We"re from blocka blocka o polacaWhere the boys loose like a wacka flacaOoh no man,its global was"up Colale flacaI wanna be your giant no not your dadadale abre ahi Papa Nicholas baby let me seeYo soy el cubanito que esta tostaitoYo freco,no Ok[usher]:Cause baby tonightthe DJ got us falling in love againYeah baby tonightthe DJ got us falling in love againSo dance danceLike its the last last nightof your life lifeIm"ma get you rightCause baby tonightthe DJ got us falling in love againYeah baby tonightthe DJ got us falling in love againSo dance danceLike its the last last nightof your life lifeIm"ma get you rightCause baby tonightthe DJ got us falling in love againYeah,thank youDj



dental root elevator 有人知道这是什么工具嘛,牙科用的专业工具。


现代 Santa Fe V6 4WD市场报价




四月十一的英文是:april eleventh吗?

四月十一是April Eleventh但太繁琐,一般不这么用。常用的有:April 11thApril 114/114-11

Punishment Of Luxury的《Babalon》 歌词

歌曲名:Babalon歌手:Punishment Of Luxury专辑:Laughing AcademyBabalon A.D.I bled on a pivotal stretchLike a clockwork ChristBears sore stigmata, boredAnd as I threw Job, I droveMyself to a martyred wretchTo see if I drew pityOr pretty litanies from the LordSo the plot sickenedWith the coming of daysIll millennia thickenedWith the claret I sprayedAnd though they saw redI left a dirty white stainA splintered knot in the grainOn Eden"s marital aidSo glad for the madness(x2)I walked the walls naked to the moonIn Sodom and BabylonAnd through rich whores and corridorsOf the VaticanI led a sordid Borgia onI read the Urilia textSo that mortals wormedAs livebait for the deadAnd as I broke hope, I chokedAnother Pope with manna peelDictating to DeSadeIn the dark entrails of the BastilleAnd as He wrote, I smoteA royal blow to the heads of FranceAnd in the sheen of guillotinesI saw others, fallen, danceI was an incurableNecromantic old foolA phagadaena that crawledDrooling over the pastA rabid wolf in a shawlA razor"s edge to the ruleThat the stars overallWere never destined to lastSo glad for the madness(x2)I furnaced dreams, a poet, foe of sleepTurning sermons with the smellOn Witchfinder fingersWhere bad memories lingeredBurning, as when DanteWas freed to map HellI sired schemes and the meansTo catch sight of the seamsAnd the vagaries inbetween...And midst the lips and the curlsOf this cunt of a worldIn glimpses I would seeA nymph with eyes for meEyes of fire that set all life aflameLights that surpassed artIn sight , that no intense device of painCould prise their secrets from my heartI knew not Her nameThough her kiss was the sameWithout a whisper of shameAs either Virtue or Sin"sAnd pressed to Her CurveI felt my destiny swerveFrom damnation reservedTo a permanent grin...So glad for the madness(x2)http://music.baidu.com/song/2605590


.NDS _cffffgcvlh


eleventh的音标是 [ɪˈlevnθ],其中th的发音为[θ]。

为什么dota2 叫 radiant和dire的?



eleventh翻译成中文:第十一的。eleventh,英文单词,名词、形容词,作名词时译为“第十一;十一和弦;十分之一 ”;作形容词时译为“ 第十一(个)的 ”。单词发音:英 [u026au02c8levnθ],美 [u026au02c8levnθ]。短语搭配:eleventh hour最后时刻;最后一刻;最后关头;第十一小时;eleventh character第十一特点。双语例句1、On the eleventh day of Christmas.在圣诞节的第十一天。2、Planets in the eleventh house show the kind of friends we attract to us, or the kinds of energy we experience in relation to groups.落入第十一宫的行星显示我们吸引来的朋友类型,或者在与团体互动中我们所体验到的能量。3、In our calendar today, they are the ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth months. But in the old calendar before Julius Caesar, they were the seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth months.它们在我们今天的日历里是一年的第九、第十、第十一和第十二个月,但是在凯撒以前的古历法中,它们是一年的第七、第八、第九、和第十个月。学习英语的重要性:如果为以后工作做准备的话,个人建议你去那种职业性的英语培训学校学,这样有针对性一些,多找一些培训学校作参考。你要明白学英语的意义的话,那就是和外国人沟通的一种工具,为了沟通更加流利,你就要学的更好,基本功要扎实。学好的话,工作方面很多的需求,按你学的方面来的话,可以拿自姿改己擅长的一方面。比如说做贸易这块,你不光贸易知识少不了,还必须英语好。做翻译的要求更高,而且运用起来更加灵活,它的意义就是体现你自己的价值,或者如果你有梦想的话,就是为你梦想的一个桥梁吧。


eleventh释义:1、ord. 第十一。2、n. 第十一。造句:1、We were working on the eleventh floor. 我们在11层办公。2、He postponed his trip at the eleventh hour. 他在最后时刻推迟了行程。



the Radiant the Dire 这2个英文什么意思? 求真人翻译

聚能者 vs 可怖人

为什么dota2 叫 radiant和dire的?


为什么dota2 叫 radiant和dire的?

dota2 叫 radiant和dire我觉得是这样的:1.天灾和近卫的称呼估计会有涉及版权的问题。2.war3的dota1里面的人物关系和分配是有一定程度上按照war3的剧情来那排的。3.dota2需要有自己的特有的人物关系网和剧情。4.从V社的新手教学的剧情看~应该以后教学内容会变相成为主线剧情发展。所以重新命名是很有必要的。这种捡任务用品的跟宠,都是有好几个刷新点的,到了刷新的时间段,会在这个范围内(或者说这几个/十几个点中)【随机一个点】只有一个点,刷新一个任务用品。《DOTA2》,是脱离了其上一代作品《DOTA》所依赖的War3的引擎,由《DOTA》的地图核心制作者IceFrog(冰蛙)联手美国Valve公司使用他们的Source引擎研发的、Valve运营,完美世界代理(国服),韩国NEXON代理(韩服)的多人联机对抗RPG。混元初开,天地未分之际,初生的世界就迎来了一个诡异的伴星一颗如同水晶般透明的星球,被后人称为"癫狂之月"。这颗看上去很小的星球蕴含着狂暴的光芒力量,目睹这力量的人让人感觉似乎是亲眼见证了神的交战。它发出的光芒如此之强,以至于白昼时候的阳光也要逊色三分。而癫狂之月并非一颗安分稳定的星球。与其说他是一个星球,不如说是一个囚牢。里面囚禁着两个争斗了千万年的远古智慧,创世者厌倦了他这俩个子民无休止的争斗,于是降下天罚,把这两个远古智慧关押在一个异能水晶所制成的球体内,让他们永世争斗,永世坠落。这个不详的囚笼在空间中漂浮了无数个世纪,最后,被我们这个可怜的世界的引力所捕获。


“许多城市都在以一种令人诧异的速度,决然而彻底的改变着自己的样貌,但是,安特卫普的任何一个角落,都愿意好好的帮我留着所有那些属于旧日的、浓烈厚重的美好回忆。安特卫普六君子之一的Dries Van Noten曾经这么说过:“我们从来不想成为另一个巴黎”。毕业后不久的一次采访中,Dries Van Noten如此说道:“我们就是想要特别‘安特卫普",我们想要去坚持的是只属于这个城市的范儿。” 这一座比利时的小城市安特卫普,有着世界上引人注目的时装学院安特卫普皇家艺术学院。 当时的比利时开始将产业的重心移向时尚,经济部长Willy Claes发起「Textile Plan」后,相继成了比利时时尚与纺织机构(Institute of Textiles and Clothing)和金梭奖(Golden Spindle Award)。 在这样的政令背景下,他们的才华才有了更广阔的发展空间。他们是Ann Demeulemeester、Dirk Bikkembergs、Dries Van Noten、Walter Van Beirendonck、Dirk Van Saene、Marina Yee。而这个“史上名字最难念的组合”,后来都被直接称为The Antwerp Six。 那个大名鼎鼎,一直不愿露脸的Martin Margiela曾经是Marina Yee的男友,与他们关系非常密切,也常被混为一谈。 同为时装专业的Walter Van Beirendonck和Martin Margiela在第一年入学时就成为好友。而第二年入学同个专业的其他五个人很快也加入了他们,组建了一个七人学习小组,每次都相约在Dries Van Noten的工作室学习、讨论、谈天说地。 尽管七个人均天赋异禀,但每个人所展现的能力却各不相同。Walter属于更未来主义导向的设计。 而Margiela则偏向构建重塑过往历史的设计。团内另外两个女生也恰好有着相对应的能力。Marina Yee更热衷艺术充满浪漫主义色彩,属于组内最波西米亚风情的少女。 Ann则是从音乐、诗集中寻求灵感,作品更黑暗且硬气。 Dries Van Noten就经常逃课了。就像前面所说,Van Noten很早就拥有自己的工作室。在学习期间他就经常翘课,因为他早早就给超过五个服装公司做衣服了,所以他的作品更显成熟精美。 Dries Van Noten 2018 春夏系列。 Dirk Bikkembergs和Dirk Van Saene一样更擅长鞋履制作。Van Saene很早就在安特卫普开了一家命名为「Beauties and Heroes」的服装店。 最初,他们还只是六个怀揣着梦想的小设计师。1986年刚从毕业的他们,自然有着非常远大的理想。年轻便足以胆大,他们没有多余的经费,只怀揣着满腔想要办一场秀的热情。当时毫不犹豫的租下一辆车跑到了伦敦。 正值伦敦时装周期间,他们大胆的在官方秀场外做了场简陋的时装秀,看起来甚至算不上时装秀的这场发布会却出乎意料的收到了时装界的关注。在当时的英国时装媒体报道之下,安特卫普这六位设计师的先锋设计一炮而红。于是毕业六年,名气终于大开。可是当安特卫普6+1于1986年后频繁出现在英国各式媒体杂志的封面头条时,英国时装委员会(British Fashion Council)却开始担心这个来自比利时的团伙会不会抢占资源。 在一定程度上妨碍到本地年轻设计师的发展。 终于,在1988年,一行人迫于压力决定转战巴黎。而彼时的巴黎正是七人继续大展拳脚的宝地,因为它早已不再陈腐,甚至异常渴望新兴力量的入驻...于是在天时地利的1988年,到达巴黎的一行人决定把握机会,开始通过各自独特的魅力,建立自己的王国。而此时,在野心勃勃的一群人中,Marina Yee开始动摇。 1988年,Dirk Bikkembergs于巴黎举办首秀,属于该品牌的第一套男装系列正式诞生。以鞋履设计出生的Bikkembergs继伦敦出场后,继续向世界展示了他不一样的「运动休闲美学」。 然而,其风头却彻底被同年创立同名品牌的Maison Martin Margiela盖过,尽管Bikkembergs曾赢得比利时金梭奖,而Margiela并没有。也正是这场秀,让Marina Yee清楚的意识到,自己或许这辈子都无法超越这个和自己相处了很长一段时间的亲密伴侣。也正是这场秀,让Marina Yee清楚的意识到,自己或许这辈子都无法超越这个和自己相处了很长一段时间的亲密伴侣。 「我无法用言语和你形容第一个系列有多不可思议。当第一个模特走出来时,我脑袋甚至一片空白。我当时坐在Marina Yee身边,我发现她开始不停的哭。她告诉我,她在衣服的轮廓中看到自己的影子。」怯懦的性格伴随着成名后的压力,Marina不仅没有推出个人服装秀,甚至还长期陷入莫名的忧郁与沮丧之中,无法挣脱。 次年,Dirk Van Saene正式以个人名义出道的同时,Marina Yee离开巴黎,退出时尚圈。自此,团队开始逐步走向瓦解。到1992年,Dirk Bikkembergs推出女装线。Ann Demeulemeester也于同期在巴黎开展个秀。 在她的设计中,永远只存在着单纯的黑与白。独有的哥特式暗黑属性风格,使她也如同Margiela一般,成为当时时尚媒体的宠儿。同时,Dirk Van Saene发布了「Dirk Van Saene的小鹿斑比」漫画作品,讽刺了媒体聚焦下的安特卫普设计师们,特别是Ann Demeulemeester。这件事成为Ann内心永远的痛,而Van Saene也与整个团队不欢而散。 1993年,Dries Van Noten也于巴黎举办了个人首秀,设计同样出众。最后,以Martin Margiela、Ann Demeulemeester和Dries Van Noten为代表,与同期的Helmut Lang、Jil Snader共同开创了90年代时尚界的新风潮——极简抽象及多重解构主义。 另外的三个人也有各自的成就,却无奈因Margiela、Ann以及Van Noten太过耀眼而稍显暗淡。 1998年,Marina Yee回归时尚界,重新出发。受Dirk Bikkembergs邀请参与手袋系列的设计。然而,2003年两人产生矛盾,合作关系破裂。 Walter Van Beirendonck 则坚守着艺术的独立性,奋战在前卫、狂野、对时装的实验性探索上。2006 年,他回到已毕业 25 年的安特卫普皇家艺术学院,担任时尚学院院长,教育后人。2009年,纽约时报报道,Margiela正式离开自己创立的同名品牌。2013年,Ann Demeulemeester发布了一封手写声明,「我很庆幸自己在时尚圈占有一席之地...我总是按自己的想法走,然而我的生活和Ann Demeulemeester这个品牌都发生了新的改变。我想我是时候离开了...」最终,自由随性的Ann发现自己并不适合日趋商业化的时尚产业,决定离开同名品牌,退出时尚圈。而安特卫普六君子的故事,也就此划上句号。 如今,来自比利时的设计师已成为一股不容小觑的力量,Raf Simons、Olivier Theyskens、Elvis Pompilio等设计师,甚至Demna Gvasalia也是六君子们的学弟。 可尽管如此,这个安特卫普六君子初代却已瓦解,但他们的名字却永远留在了时装史之中。(内容及图片Vintage分享会,由唇点丹砂红整理。)

Borland Delphi 7 Studio Enterprise序列号?

6AMD-PDJ686-APME9D-9CDR YVX-27C 6AMD-PDJ686-APME9D-N3ER GY8-43CSerial: 6AMD-PKG68E-DB8PP7-N7GE Key: S6J-8AWSerial: 6AMD-PKG68E-DB8PP7-9SFE Key: 3QH-9QW

你好,麻烦一下。按照你说的输入后显示:c:Documents and SettingsAdministrator>dir/x驱动器C卷没标 签

dir/x 显示的是8.3格式的短文件名以前的dos不支持长文件名, 有的程序在windows下可能还要用8.3的文件名的时候你可以用/x查看下2008-12-24 13:32 〈DIR〉 FAVORI~1 FavoritesFavorites目录的短名称是FAVORI~1 2011-05-31 03:36 〈 DIR〉 MYDOCU~1 My DocumentsMYDOCU~12011-06-08 21:24 2,359,296 NTUSER.DAT这个符合就不分长短了2011-05-30 18:30 1,253,376 NTUSER~1.RHK NTUSER.DAT.rhkNTUSER.DAT.rhk->NTUSER~1.RHK ----这些短名称是系统自动生成的,如果重复,后面的数字就递增避免重名,

急等答案!Born into a poor family,he was tired.


discard into怎么翻译


As long as i can dream-Elin Lanto这首英语歌的歌词翻译.





t = 0:.01:2*pi;x = (1+sin(t)-2*cos(4*t)).*cos(t);y = (1+sin(t)-2*cos(4*t)).*sin(t);comet(x,y);





Lent 和 borrowed的区别??b

lend...to... 我借你 borrow...from...你借我

银行术语median revolving account是什么意思啊

A revolving account is an account created by a lender to represent debts where the outstanding balance does not have to be paid in full every month by the borrower to the lender. The borrower may be required to make a minimum payment, based on the balance amount. However, the borrower normally has the discretion to pay the lender any amount between the minimum payment and the full balance. If the balance is not paid in full by the end of a monthly billing period, the remaining balance will roll over or "revolve" into the next month. Interest will be charged on that amount and added to the balance.The most common example of a revolving account is a credit card.


前者专业性较强 正式场合使用后者口语化一些 常用一些意思没什么不同bank debenture金融债券bearer debenture不记名债券coupon bank debenture附息票金融债券customs debenture海关退税凭单foreign currency denominated debenture外币债券funding debenture以债券偿付利息irredeemable debenture只付息不还本的公司债redeemable debentures可提前偿还公司债, 可赎公司债school debenture学生债券secured debentures担保借款股份simple debenture (naked)无担保公司债debenture in foreign currency以外币发行的公司信用债debenture of hypothec bank劝业债券

英语口语的presentation 金融危机的因果

the financial crisis caused the decrease of economy.the break down of Iceland Bank ,the increase of the price of goods






/randommount 不是系统自带的宏命令....是插件编写的命令替代语句....如果你没有那个插件那么这个就是个无意义的字符....系统不认的....去更新下插件或者用宏把..../castrandom才是系统的标准命令

英语翻译Additional recipients to whom acknowledgement is to be sent by IRS


帮忙翻译一下这些专业术语4:立定跳远(precision 2 footed take off) 5:侧手反抓栏杆(dismount)

走栏杆(balance):猫爬(cat balance):基本落地(landing):立定跳远(precision 2 footed take off):侧手反抓栏杆(dismount):倒立(hand stand):精确跳远(running precision):反弹墙(tic tac to precision):蹬壁跳远(tic tac):钻栏杆(underbar):蹬壁上墙(wall run):夹墙(crane):单脚跳远(precision one foot take off):二级翻越(wall hop):鱼跃滚翻(swan dive):懒人跳(lazy vault):单手跨栏(speed vault):猩猩跳(kingkong vault):“股墩”跳(dash vault):单脚上墙(moonstep):猫扑(catleap):猫反扑(180% cat):侧手反抓墙(turn vault):助跑猫扑(running cat):栏杆转(palmspin):蹬墙猫扑(tic tac to cat):单杆飞抓(lache):双猩猩跳(double kong):大飞侧滚翻(rolling):远猩猩跳(kong precision):转墙(wall spin):猩猩跳接“股墩”跳(kingkong dash):侧空翻(aerial):猩猩跳接猫扑(kingkong cat):高处侧空翻(sideflip):惺惺跳飞台(diving kong):高处后空翻(backflip):顺风旗(flag):走栏杆(balance)平衡练习,练习身体的协调性,在高处或者狭隘的地方不至于站不稳:猫爬(cat balance)比走栏杆更保险的单线穿越法,姿势很重要,身体应该尽量与栏杆平行,控制平衡点在两手握住栏杆:基本落地(landing)从底往高练,前脚掌着地,尽量声音小:立定跳远(precision 2 footed take off)跳的越远可以过的障碍越多,别让距离成为一道阻碍:侧手反抓栏杆(dismount)在高处过栏杆准备下跳前的保险式:倒立(hand stand)锻炼手臂力量和腰部力量以及协调性:精确跳远(running precision)慢慢从大目标练到小目标,不可操之过急,不然很危险,同时是基本落地的升华式,要求脚部有良好的定力:反弹墙(tic tac to precision)锻炼单腿的着力再弹力的方法:蹬壁跳远(tic tac)跑墙的第一式,一只脚接触墙面发力:钻栏杆(underbar)要求有很好的准确性,不管是头或者脚先过,如果半路动作变形都会导致腰或者面杠到:蹬壁上墙(wall run)又称徒手上墙,踩墙和猫扑的结合式:夹墙(crane)夹墙对高不高底不底物体一种快速攀爬方式,一步跨上另一条腿在下方起杠杆作用起支撑身体保持平衡作用:单脚跳远(precision one foot take off)跑起来后许多动作都是一脚发力做跳跃或者攀爬,锻炼单脚发力:二级翻越(wall hop)蹬壁上墙+撑身体的快速结合式:鱼跃滚翻(swan dive)多用在高处跳下或者前翻口缓冲对腿部压力过大泄力的一个招式:懒人跳(lazy vault)最简单的过栏杆方法:单手跨栏(speed vault)单手跨栏的好处就是过栏杆后可以一点都没有多余动作直接快速接着跑:猩猩跳(kingkong vault)最基本过面型障碍法:“股墩”跳(dash vault)腿部先过障碍,然后再由手在身后支撑身体,目前分为2种动作,双手支撑身体后把腿抬高再落地,这样视觉上很不错;还有一种就是过障碍后再右双手前拨障碍,腿与地面成弓性由双手发出的力再落地远一点:单脚上墙(moonstep)目前我觉得最难也是最危险的动作,所以这个我估计对新人应该不做考核,因为练不好可能导致小腿骨卡在物体棱上,那就直接是“咔嚓”了:猫扑(catleap)上墙或者上物体的前式,把自己固定在障碍物下好接下一动作:猫反扑(180% cat)弹墙加转身加猫扑的结合式,不过根据距离情况,一般用的比较少:侧手反抓墙(turn vault)与侧手反抓栏杆不同,栏杆可以用手握住,比较牢,这个只是一个面,用手掌面或者中间起老茧的地方在面上转摩擦固定身体保持平衡:助跑猫扑(running cat)长距

win7 怎么使用命令dismount优盘

manage-bde -lock -forcedismount G: (G代表你要锁定的分区的盘符,该分区必须是已经启用了Bitlocker的) 在以管理员身份运行的cmd里面直接运行,或者存成批处理,用管理员身份运行即可


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