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您好,lf-antennt是低频天线(low frequency antenna,可用于接收汽车钥匙信号,一般应用于汽车的无钥匙进入系统。希望能对您有帮助

win7无线网卡属性设置antenna diversity type值是多少



ANT 是ANTENNA 的缩写~~~ANT插槽,也就是说~就是天线!

Endoscopy International Open杂志是SCI么

是SCI。Endoscopy International Open (EIO) 为胃肠道内窥镜检查领域的开放获取期刊。它涵盖了内窥镜诊断、治疗方法和技术发展的各个方面。本刊探讨了不同的治疗方案,对用于诊断和治疗的新设备和技术发展进行对比。它特别关注结果和临床研究,重点关注来自世界各地的国家或地区方面和问题,这些问题往往不符合该领域其它国际期刊的总体国际利益或标准。EIO 为您发布科研成果提供了一个新选择:它具有快速和独立的高质量流程,并基于开放获取模式,为大众提供免费、广泛和便捷的访问途径。Endoscopy International Open 出版原创研究文章、评论和病例报告或病例系列;以及(为发布最新研究成果而缩短处理时间的)初步研究、讨论、致编辑和编辑部的信。在 EIO 上投稿的所有文章都经过严格的同行(盲审)评审。

笔记本只有两根天线能装Intel 4965AGN 300M么?




什么是printed antenna。。天线

这个主要在高频和射频电路中出现。在这种电路中,为了减少体积,提高系统的可靠性,往往会采用一些特殊做法,也就是用电路板上特别设计的走线来作为天线(因为频率高,天线尺寸也不大,可以用走线实现),这个走线是在印制电路板(PCB)制作的时候就做上去的,所以就称为printed antenna,也就是用印制方式加工生产的天线。

GPS 上 antenna SatNav 是什么意思?

antenna Satellite NavigationSatNav是卫星导航的缩写

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接收信号。vehicleantenna的中文意思可以解释为是车天线;车载天线。 汽车天线(车载天线)是拦截发射台发射的高频电波并传输给汽车收音机、车载电话或无线电导航设备的接收机,以对载波解调的装置。

treatment boosting cleanser是什么意思


什么是artificial antenna及integral antenna,两者有何区别,谢谢?

artificial antenna 人造的天线 integral antenna 维一的天线(重要的天线、不能缺少的天线)

GPS Antenna是什么?如何用?


GPS Antenna是什么?如何用?

一般是车用的,用东西粘在车外在内置天线的gps接收不好的时候,接上它,能加强信号看接口,gps接口有多种,要对上接口才有使用价值 古老的gps天线

GPS Antenna是什么?如何用?


天线理论英文1# Introduction to Antennas

http://www.antenna-theory.com/intro/main.php In the 1890s, there were only a few antennas in the world. These rudimentary devices were primarly a part of experiments that demonstrated the transmission of electromagnetic waves. By World War II, antennas had become so ubiquitous that their use had transformed the lives of the average person via radio and television reception. The number of antennas in the United States was on the order of one per household, representing growth rivaling the auto industry during the same period. By the early 21st century, thanks in large part to mobile phones, the average person now carries one or more antennas on them wherever they go (cell phones can have multiple antennas, if GPS is used, for instance). This significant rate of growth is not likely to slow, as wireless communication systems become a larger part of everyday life. In addition, the strong growth in RFID devices suggests that the number of antennas in use may increase to one antenna per object in the world (product, container, pet, banana, toy, cd, etc.). This number would dwarf the number of antennas in use today. Hence, learning a little (or a large amount) about of antennas couldn"t hurt, and will contribute to one"s overall understanding of the modern world. What is the origin of the antenna? I"m ruling out such early devices as compasses, because while they in some sense receive a magnetic field, it is not an electromagnetic field. Ben Franklin"s kite experiment wasn"t quite an antenna, as that captured lightning discharge, which is a direct current path where the energy is not transferred independent of the medium it travels. The human eye of course receives high frequency electromagnetic waves (light, to the layman). Technically the eye could be classified as an antenna; however since it can"t transmit waves, it is really a sensor, so I"ll exclude that as well. The first experiments that involved the coupling of electricity and magnetism and showed a definitive relationship was that done by Faraday somewhere around the 1830s. He slid a magnetic around the coils of a wire attached to a galvanometer. In moving the magnet, he was in effect creating a time-varying magnetic field, which as a result (from Maxwell"s Equations), must have had a time-varying electric field. The coil acted as a loop antenna and received the electromagnetic radiation, which was received (detected) by the galvanometer - the work of an antenna. Interestingly, the concept of electromagnetic waves had not even been thought up at this point. Heinrich Hertz developed a wireless communication system in which he forced an electrical spark to occur in the gap of a dipole antenna . He used a loop antenna as a receiver, and observed a similar disturbance. This was 1886. By 1901, Marconi was sending information across the atlantic. For a transmit antenna, he used several vertical wires attached to the ground. Across the Atlantic Ocean, the receive antenna was a 200 meter wire held up by a kite [1]. In 1906, Columbia University had an Experimental Wireless Station where they used a transmitting aerial cage. This was a cage made up of wires and suspended in the air, resembling a cage [2]. A rough outline of some major antennas and their discovery/fabrication dates are listed: Current research on antennas involves metamaterials (materials that have engineered dielectric and magnetic constants, that can be simultaneously negative, allowing for interesting properties like a negative index of refraction). Other research focuses on making antennas smaller, particularly in communications for personal wireless communication devices (e.g. cell phones). A lot of work is being performed on numerical modeling of antennas, so that their properties can be predicted before they are built and tested. References: [1] Balanis, Constantine. "Antenna Theory: A Review", Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 80, January 1992. [2] W2AEE Antenna History. Arthur M. Kay, scanned by Alan Crosswell. http://www.w2aee.columbia.edu/history/antenna-history.html A good book on antenna theory would look nice on your bookshelf. And girls really like antenna books. Sometimes you get sick of reading things on the internet, and want a comprehensive antenna book to read. On this page, I"ll review some of the popular antenna books available. The first 3 of these books are more theoretical and have a good chunk of math in them and less hands on material. These books are tricky to write because the math for antennas gets extremely complicated quickly, so once an antenna has a non-simple shape (not a wire), the math becomes intractable. So there"s always a tradeoff in complex math and what you really need to know to learn about antennas. The last 2 are more hands on build-your-own antenna type books, where you can learn what you need to without unnecessary math. 1. Antenna Theory Constantine A. Balanis is a well known name in the antenna world. To be fare, he was my dissertation adviser, so I"m a little biased. He"s a surprisingly sociable guy for an antenna person. Anyway, about his book Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design . This is the largest of the major antenna books, and is used by a large number of American Universities in teaching undergraduate and graduate level courses on antennas. He is very thorough, and tries to walk through the concepts and tractable derivations throughout the book. The thoroughness is often considered a fault by some people, in that things are explained sometimes in a long-winded manner. However, this is often advantageous if you haven"t seen the material in a while. He treats all the major antenna types, discusses arrays, has a chapter on measurements and smart antennas. All in all, this is a good book and understandable. It is quite large though. And if after a thousand pages or so you still want more, the book does come with a CD for visualizing things and aids in understanding certain concepts, if you are interested in that sort of thing. 2. Antenna Theory and Design This book is much smaller than Balanis" book. Despite its size, this book manages to hit a large number of the topics that Balanis does. The math is probably more advanced than that in Balanis" book, but nothing intractable if you are well versed in your undergraduate level vector calculus. One problem with it is that some topics are only glossed over with little detail, such as slot antennas. References are provided if you are so inclined and wish to learn more. All in all, I think this book is great and if you are a quick learner you will probably prefer this to Balanis. If you"ve been out of practice for a while or are rusty on things like math you might be better off with Balanis" book. 3. Antennas This book has good photographs and figures. The math is challenging and some people dislike it because a lot of the text focuses on using math to simplify things or derive auxilliary sources or things like that. However, the author does make an attempt to explain what the math means. This book would work as your antenna theory textbook. For whatever reason, I believe it has fallen out of favor somewhat with the new generation of engineers, but if you are looking to learn how antennas radiate and about the fundamental antennas, this book will take you there. 4. Practical Antenna Handbook This book, The Practical Antenna Handbook (Joseph Carr) will be very helpful to a lot of people. If you are a practical, hands on guy and don"t care about stupid complex math that doesn"t matter, this book is for you. This book contains step-by-step instructions for building antennas and attempts to make everything real-world and not theoretical as some of the former books do. If you are going to be a research antenna engineer and publish papers, you don"t want to start with this book. But if you are into building things and just want to slap on workable antennas to your projects or get a hands on overview of making transmitters and receivers work, this book will do nicely. And true masters of the antenna world should have knowledge of both the theory and the practical skills. So if you are purely a math jockey and need to expand your knowledge base, this might be a good book to pick up, and is fairly priced. 5. The ARRL Antenna Book Another practical handbook is The ARRL Antenna Book: The Ultimate Reference for Amateur Radio Antennas, Transmission Lines And Propagation . This book is a classic, and I mean it goes back to 1939 before people even knew antennas existed. This is a good book for practicing engineers and amateurs, as it attempts to give the theory and hands on antenna projects. While this book does date back to 1939, it has been updated to include modern techniques, such as the slide rule (joke). It incorporates reference to Vector Network Analyzers (VNA), a must have antenna measurement tool. At just under 1000 pages, this is a large book, but well worth the price. Also covers transmission line theory and propagation, which should be understood as well. In sum, everyone who I know who owns the book swears by it. They love it. It provides a good balance between the required theoretical skills and hands on techniques that make for a solid antenna engineer. This page has been written by a small but finite set of aliens with a passion for spreading antenna knowledge. While this passion may seem strange, it is actually quite common outside the milky way. A human or two has contributed to this page (notably Peter Bevelacqua), but they are mainly kept on the team to understand the web-human interface. Keep watching the stars. McNasty, 0*3^H:2





cable antenna 是什么意思


Antenna Source(Blue)是什么意思电路


谁能通俗的讲讲Gradient Boost和Adaboost算法是啥

adaboost AdaBoost算法(通过迭代弱分类器而产生最终的强分类器的算法)更多释义>> [网络短语] AdaBoost AdaBoost,AdaBoost,自适应增强 Gentle AdaBoost 平缓的,平缓的Adaboost AdaBoost algonithm 号码识别



antenna pattern 是什么意思




请问哪位高人能给我解释下Antenna-Coupling Capacitor(天线耦合电容)的作用


gps active antenna这个装车上是做什么的?


active antenna system的主要功能模块包括哪些

可以简单理解为:有电路需要供电的天线就是Active Antenna(“有源天线”或“主动天线”),没有电路的是Passive Antenna(“无源天线”或“被动天线”)首先要了解的是GPS定位器有定位模块接收GPS免费信号,然后有处理模块分析处理数据,最后有通信模块,也就是流量卡,用流量卡把处理好的定位信息传送到指定的网络IP地址上,从而实现了后台客户端定位跟踪显示,客户端有电脑客户端和手机客户端,但必须要上网。自己如果需要可以去汽配城和GPS公司安装,几百块而已,记着要软件客户端、账号和密码。祝您羊年大吉,对你有帮助请采纳啊!百度文库给你http://wenku.baidu.com/link?url=M18h73gaDKFQsG5Zm0PMg17lwrIxoaFZfZwJNiqhU95U4CtjrFeEz8ktD_EWmeKiIhjmZ-mc_SNso1T8qL0njMfMs05QKMrfyA-0bjhsVZG

车载gps active antenna 是干什么用的

车载gps active antenna 是GPS有源天线,接收GPS信号用的。GPS就是通过接收卫星信号,进行定位或者导航的终端。而接收信号就必须用到天线。信号强度为-166dBW左右,属于比较弱的信号。,这些特点决定了要为GPS信号的接收准备专门的天线。GPS天线从供电方面又分有源和无源。外置式GPS为有源天线,比方达伽马GPS外置式天线基本上就属于有源天线。那无源天线就是不含LNA放大器,只是天线本体。扩展资料:无源GPS天线:使用无源GPS天线时,由于只有一个陶瓷片接收天空的卫星信号,直接连接到模块的RF-IN脚,这种联接方式结构简单,而且标准的25*25*4的陶瓷片成本低廉,技术成熟,占空体积小,适合于强调紧凑型空间GPS导航产品,蓝牙GPS,手机GPS及其他小型GPS消费类产品。有源GPS天线:通常对于设备或车载机而言,由于设备与GPS接收模块之前往往有距离,考虑到安装的便利性可能会有超过1米的距离,在这种情况下我们只能选择有源GPS天线,由于天线长度的信号衰减需要进行补偿,一般有两级低噪声放大器(LNA)进行天线前端信号放大,放大后的信号经电缆输出,电缆同步提供LNA所需要的直流电压。参考资料来源:百度百科-GPS天线





gps antenna与gps active antenna区别

两者都是GPS天线,分GPS有源天线(GPS Active Antenna)和无源天线(GPS Passive Antenna)两种。两者的区别在于:有源天线(Active Antenna),有放大电路,需要供电,所以增益高,但价格也高;无源天线(Passive Antenna),无放大电路,不需要供电,所以增益低,价格也低。如果是有源的,厂家肯定会冠以Active,而无源的,不一定会冠以Passive,不过你可以从两者的增益与价格比较来判断。

antenna effect是什么以及如何预防

天线效应(Antenna effect)一个小尺寸MOS管的栅极与具有很大面积的第一层金属线连接在一起,在刻蚀第一层金属是,这片金属就像一根“天线”,收集离子,使其电位升高,在制造过程中可能MOS管的栅电压可增大到使栅氧化层击穿,这个击穿不可恢复。这个就是天线效应。任何与栅极连接的大片的导电材料,包括多晶硅本身,都可能产生天线效应。一般采用跳线,来避免天线效应,列如M1,使用Via12,跳M2来走线,即可避免。


RF 射频 也叫高频,一般指用于无线电发射的频率。Antenna 是天线。







antenna boresight是什么意思



? 这是什么




n.[生] 触角,触须; 感觉,直觉; 天线


  antenna接口介绍:   antenna是一个圆圆的天线接口,天线接口是无线设备的一个接口端,无线设备本身的天线都有一定距离的限制,当超出这个限制的距离,就要通过这些外接天线来增强无线信号,达到延伸传输距离的目的,涉及到三个概念。   1、频率范围它是指天线工作的频段,这个参数决定了它适用于哪个无线标准的无线设备。   2、增益值此参数表示天线功率放大倍数,数值越大表示信号的放大倍数就越大,也就是说当增益数值越大,信号越强,传输质量就越好。   3、天线接口主要是针对可以拆装及外接天线的无线设备,针对不同的接口正确匹配相应的天线,达到增大信号及延伸距离的功能。


同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  antenna,您说的这个英文词语在CMA的考试中比较常见,学会这个词语对考取英文CMA资格证书特别有帮助。这个词语的汉语意思是:天线。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多CMA的相关问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

英语作文live like an ant

There are currently 21 ant subfamilies 283 is (after Bolton 2003) (adopted by the mainstream are 16 subfamilies of the classification system and 21 subfamilies of systems,new systems from Meng ants separation of a number of subfamilies in the subfamily).Ant is one common type of insects,it is easy to identify.The general body of small (0.5mm-3mm),the color have black,brown,yellow,red and so on,flexible body wall,smooth or have hair.Mouthparts chewing type,well-developed palate.Antennae geniculate,4 13,scape very long,the end of 2 3 swollen.

为什么gradient boosting表现好

gradient boosting表现好是因为:梯度提升梯度是一种通过循环迭代将模型添加到集合中集成的方法。它首先用单个模型初始化集合,其预测可能非常稚拙的。(即使它的预测非常不准确,随后对集合的添加也会解决这些错误。)Gradient Boosting算法是一种使用数值优化的函数估计方法,决策树是梯度提升框架中最常用的函数(predictive learner)。梯度提升决策树(GBDT),其中决策树按顺序训练,每棵树通过拟合负梯度来建模。决策树这样的弱学习者在boosting和集成方法中很受欢迎,但是将神经网络与boosting/集成方法相结合以获得比单个大型/深层神经网络更好的性能已经做了大量的工作。在之前开创性工作中,全连接的MLP以一层一层的方式进行训练,并添加到级联结构的神经网络中。他们的模型并不完全是一个boosting模型,因为最终的模型是一个单一的多层神经网络。

Gradient Boosting Decision Tree梯度决策提升树

GBDT = Gradient Boosting + Decision Tree 先从Decision Tree开始讲,单个决策树容易过拟合,但我们可以通过各种方法,抑制决策树的复杂性,降低单颗决策树的拟合能力,然后通过其他手段来集成多个决策树,最终能够很好的解决过拟合的问题。 GBDT中的树都是回归树,不是分类树!!! GBDT中的树都是回归树,不是分类树!!! GBDT中的树都是回归树,不是分类树!!! GBDT的核心在于 累加所有树的结果作为最终结果 ,而分类树的结果显然是没办法累加的,这点对理解GBDT相当重要(PS: 尽管GBDT调整后也可用于分类但不代表GBDT的树是分类树)。 上面说的手段就是Boosting。Boosting 是一族可将弱学习器提升为强学习器的算法,属于集成学习(ensemble learning)的范畴。 基于梯度提升算法的学习器 叫做 GBM(Gradient Boosting Machine)。理论上,GBM 可以选择各种不同的学习算法作为基学习器。GBDT 实际上是 GBM 的一种情况。 决策树可以认为是 if-then 规则的集合,易于理解,可解释性强,预测速度快。同时,决策树算法相比于其他的算法需要更少的特征工程,比如可以不用做特征标准化,可以很好的处理字段缺失的数据,也可以不用关心特征间是否相互依赖等。 弱决策树们通过梯度提升(Gradient Boosting)的方法,提升模型准确度。由此可见,梯度提升方法和决策树学习算法是一对完美的搭档。 GBDT 算法可以看成是由 K 棵树组成的加法模型。加法模型的通常表达: 其中, 为基函数, 为基函数的参数, 为基函数的系数。 在给定训练数据以及损失函数 的条件下,学习加法模型 成为 经验风险极小化即损失函数极小化问题 : 解决加法模型的优化问题,可以用前向分布算法(forward stagewise algorithm)因为学习的是加法模型,如果能够从前往后,每一步只学习一个基函数及其系数(结构),逐步逼近优化目标函数,那么就可以简化复杂度。具体地, 每步只需要优化如下损失函数: 更加具体的流程 提升树算法采用前向分步算法。首先确定初始提升树 , 第m步的模型是: 其中, 为当前模型,通过经验风险极小化确定下一棵决策树的参数 针对不同问题的提升树学习算法,损失函数的选择也不同。 在梯度提升算法中负梯度也被称为伪残差(pseudo-residuals)。 提升树用加法模型与前向分布算法实现学习的优化过程。当损失函数为平方损失和指数损失函数时,每一步优化是很简单的。但对于一般损失函数而言,往往每一步都不那么容易。对于这问题,Freidman提出了梯度提升算法。这是利用最速下降法的近似方法, 其关键是利用损失函数的负梯度在当前模型的值: 作为回归问题在当前模型的残差的近似值,拟合一个回归树。 为什么要拟合负梯度呢?这就涉及到泰勒公式和梯度下降法了。 定义: 泰勒公式是一个用函数在某点的信息描述其附近取值的公式。 公式: 一阶泰勒展开式: 在机器学习任务中,需要最小化损失函数 ,其中 是要求解的模型参数。梯度下降法常用来求解这种无约束最优化问题,它是一种迭代方法:选择初值 ,不断迭代更新 ,进行损失函数极小化。 迭代公式: 相对的,在函数空间里,有 此处把 看成提升树算法的第t步损失函数的值, 为第t-1步损失函数值,要使 ,则需要 , 此处 为当前模型的负梯度值,即第t步的回归树需要拟合的值。 对于Huber损失和分位数损失,主要用于健壮回归,也就是减少异常点对损失函数的影响。 总结一下 GBDT 的学习算法: 算法步骤解释:

数据分析:Stochastic Gradient Boosting(随机梯度boosting)

Boosting是机器学习常用的方法,其中随机梯度boosting更是常见的机器学习算法,可用于构建分类器和回归分析。更多知识分享请到 https://zouhua.top/ 。 结果:模型在 n.trees = 100, interaction.depth = 2, shrinkage = 0.1 and n.minobsinnode = 10 时获得最佳 Accuracy=0.9437293 。另外也可以使用 summary(model_gbm) 查看重要变量重要性分布(按照相对重要性排序:百分比相对标准化)。 predict 函数在预测predictors是可以选择type类型,通常分类predictors的有两类type:默认是raw值,在使用pROC包的 roc 或 auc 函数计算时候,需要使用probability值,通常选择某类的probability值计算即可。 confusionMatrix 函数给出分类变量的预测值和真实值混淆矩阵和对应的测试样本在模型预测过程的统计结果,如 Accuracy=0.9181等值。 问题:为什么模型对测试样本处理时,pROC计算出来的AUC和模型给的Accuracy值是不一样的呢? 答:AUC是ROC下的面积,ROC折线每个点对应的阈值确定了该点的Accuracy、Precision和Recall等等的度量,所以AUC是一系列Accuracy的综合。 AUC衡量模型好坏,Accuracy衡量模型在某个特定阈值下的预测准确度。

i want to have harry potter school song for my webpage

i am sorry but i don"t have that song and the song in movie three is not the Hogwarts school song it is just a performance of Macbeth"s "Double Double Toil and Trouble" by Shakespeare. 1 WITCH. Thrice the brinded cat hath mew"d. 2 WITCH. Thrice and once the hedge-pig whin"d. 3 WITCH. Harpier cries:—"tis time! "tis time! 1 WITCH. Round about the caldron go; In the poison"d entrails throw.— Toad that under cold stone Days and nights has thirty-one; Swelter"d venom sleeping got Boil thou first i" the charmed pot! ALL. Double double toil and trouble; Fire burn and caldron bubble. 2 WITCH. Fillet of a fenny snake In the caldron boil and bake; Eye of newt and toe of frog Wool of bat and tongue of dog Adder"s fork and blind-worm"s sting Lizard"s leg and owlet"s wing — For a charm of powerful trouble Like a hell-broth boil and bubble. ALL. Double double toil and trouble; Fire burn and caldron bubble. 3 WITCH. Scale of dragon; tooth of wolf; Witches" mummy; maw and gulf Of the ravin"d salt-sea shark; Root of hemlock digg"d i the dark; Liver of blheming Jew; Gall of goat and slips of yew Sliver"d in the moon"s eclipse; Nose of Turk and Tartar"s lips; Finger of birth-strangled babe Ditch-deliver"d by a drab — Make the gruel thick and slab: Add thereto a tiger"s chaudron For the ingrediants of our caldron. ALL. Double double toil and trouble; Fire burn and caldron bubble. 2 WITCH. Cool it with a baboon"s blood Then the charm is firm and good. The real Hogwarts school song was sung in Movie 4 and it was only shown in the deleted scenes in the DVD the song was also not recorded into the soundtrack so there"s no way to find a the hogwarts school song (unless you record it from the DVD) 参考: po/archive/po283


Canton Fair Booth广交会摊位 广交会展位双语对照例句:1.Canton fair booth placed on the general"s counter is another way of theexchange, bargaining and sometimes even in the absence of translation ofthe counter as shown by the arabic numerals to be completed, but not sucha function. 广交会展位上普遍摆放着的计数器则是另一种交流方式,议价有时甚至在没有翻译的情况下而由计数器所显示的阿拉伯数字来完成,但其功能不尽如此。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮



在Altium designer中Net Antennae是什么意思


莎士比亚经典名言Things base and vile, holding no quantity, love can transpose to from and dignity:


触角 英文 是可数还是不可数 请问antennae(触角)是可数还是不可数?

触角 单词是antenna 1.是可数的,但是单数和复数形式不一样 2.单数单词是 antenna ,复数是 antennae 不是+S

Anthem of the Lonely 歌词

歌曲: Anthem Of The Lonely歌手:Nine Lashes作词:Nine Lashes作曲:Nine Lashes专辑:《X2012》发行时间:2012-04-06 具体歌词:A heart made of stoneCallous and boneFracture and tear it outTo let it goAnd to thinkI called it my ownAnd I would have never thoughtThe pain could growSo I"ll break itKnowing what you saidThe pain is what you make itSadly you are so mistakenI will take you with a grainAnd step into the changesThrow away the empty heartRight nowNever want to leave this placeAnd right nowSee it in a different waySo right nowEven if you take me onI"ll stand, the lonelyStand, the lonelyIt"s harder to knowJust where to goIf only the stars alignedThe sunsets glowedI don"t needA calm in a stormOr something to scream aboutWith empty lungsSo I"ll break itKnowing what you saidThe pain is what you make itSadly you are so mistakenI will take you with a grainAnd step into the changesThrow away the empty heartRight nowNever want to leave this placeAnd right nowSee it in a different waySo right nowEven if you take me onI"ll stand, the lonelyStand, the lonely

The Gaslight Anthem的《45》 歌词

歌曲名:45歌手:The Gaslight Anthem专辑:handwritten01.45.Have you seen my hands, just look at ""em shake.And the song just keeps on repeating, drop the needle again.And I dance with your ghost, oh but that ain""t the way…I can""t move on and I can""t stay the same..And all my friends say…"Hey, turn the record over.Hey, I""ll see you on the flip side.There you go, turn the key and engine over…Let her go, let somebody else lay at her feet.".Have you seen my heart, have you seen how it bleeds?And the nights are so long, baby, out here in the deep.The tick, ticking of hours lonely… I hear the alarm.I used to hear when she would sleep in my arms,.But "Better Sense" says…"Hey, turn the record over.Hey, I""ll see you on the flip side.There you go, turn the key and engine over…Let her go, let somebody else lay at her feet.".And all my friends say…"Hey, turn the record over.Hey, I""ll see you on the flip side.There you go, turn the key and engine over…Let her go, let somebody else lay at her feet.".Where you used to beWhere you used to beWhere you used to be, here with me.http://music.baidu.com/song/27969586

美国男团anthem lights6分别是什么首歌

串烧总共有六首歌:Style-Taylor SwiftLove Me Like You Do-Ellie GouldingWatch Me(Whip/Nae Nae)-SilentoUptown Funk-Mark Ronson feat.Bruno MarsWhat Do You Mean-Justin BieberSee You Again-Wiz Khalifa&Charlie Puth整首串烧叫做Best of 2015 Medley-Anthem Lights

急求这首诗的翻译anthem for doomed youth

为谁而敲响收费当被判死步枪的口吃将扼杀哭滔天的愤怒恐惧的快速脆裂沙漠地狱孩子死于像牛不要告诉我我们不准备我已经看到了今天的海洋他是18 ,他的渴望他可以相当意味着他们没有mock"ries 没有祈祷或钟声合唱团的疯狂哭的炮弹男孩举行蜡烛关于untraveled道路恐惧像火灾蔓延作为弹片爆炸我认为这是错误的对应征青年违背其意愿当大量的公民真的很喜欢杀人什么标志杆将导致以决战的火灾什么军号将要求他们从拥挤的灰色夏尔斯妇女坐在安静死亡的头脑一个缓慢的黄昏降序客厅的窗帘使所有排队猎人这是他们的想法的乐趣并让那些被原谅谁从未拥有一支枪这是他或箱或哭的死亡士兵的笑投了很多您可以减少恐惧

the woodland national anthem 歌词

歌曲名:the woodland national anthem歌手:Arcade Fire专辑:Arcade FireI guess we"ll have to moveThe neighborhood is on to usLet"s join the little babe"sthrowin" rocks in front of usRiding on my bicycleI pass my sister on a busLet"s take the country road before our parents send for usTrees keep fallin" at my feetI guess it"s time to build a boatMake a raft of our bodiesDo you think that it"ll float?What I said was not a joke,But you just licked the envelopeI"m tired of dating, let"s elopeBut you just licked the envelopeThree cheers for my parents,Lonely failed experiments!Three cheers for my parents,Lonely failed experiments!Don"t you dare blame my parentsI"m the only failed experimentDon"t you dare blame your parentsYou"re the only failed experimentDon"t you dare blame your grandparentsMom"s the only failed experimentDon"t you dare blame your grandparentsDad"s the only failed experimentDon"t blame GodJust blame GodDon"t blame Godhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14509350

party rock anthem是讲的什么故事




妖精帝国的rebellion anthem歌词中文,快!

[ti:Patriot Anthem][ar:妖精帝国][al:イノセント·ヴィーナス」OP Single「Noble Roar」][by:sinoshaw][00:05.00]Patriot Anthem[00:20.60][00:34.70]妖精帝国[00:44.42][01:03.00]我が元に集い 旗に忠义を[01:06.40]手にするは钩の物理武装[01:09.12]枯れた地にそそぐ皆が命は[01:12.49]几千の惰命よりも重し[01:15.18]我が元に集う 不灭の闘志[01:18.33]歓喜せよ 灰の独裁者へ[01:21.25]死すことも臆す事なき同志[01:24.37]賛美せよ 灰のプロパガンダ[01:27.22][01:39.12]我が元へ集え 破灭の戦机[01:42.26]灰烬と変えよ 死命施行[01:44.95]残された者に慈悲の铅を[01:48.44]立ち向かう者は炼狱へと[01:51.00]共に捧げたる賛歌 寄せ不屈の闘争[04:54.23][03:27.06][02:03.19]*I AM A MARTYR. I AM A BELIEVER.[04:57.03][03:29.96][02:06.04]AND I JUST BELIEVE THE FAIRY.[05:00.25][03:32.90][02:09.05]"WE ARE MARTYR. WE ARE BELIEVER.[05:03.06][03:36.05][02:11.97]AND WE JUST BELIEVE THE FAIRY."[05:06.10][03:39.13][02:15.06]I AM A MARTYR. I AM A BELIEVER.[05:09.62][03:42.01][02:18.03]AND I JUST BELIEVE THE FAIRY.[05:12.16][03:45.34][02:21.04]"WE ARE MARTYR. WE ARE BELIEVER.[05:14.98][03:48.15][02:24.00]AND WE JUST BELIEVE THE FAIRY."[05:17.77][02:26.00][05:19.09][02:28.00]※褐色の师団よ 亲爱なる罪深きその手で讨て[05:31.00][02:40.19]撰ばれし夸りに敬拝せよ[05:37.03][02:45.50]紧缚の剣を取れ[05:42.00][02:51.02][03:03.12]我が元に集う 七の贤者よ[03:05.98]我与う指令 难しなれど[03:08.07]召されるも臆すこと无き使臣[03:12.50]覚悟せよ さらば与えられん[03:15.16]祈り封じたる賛歌 寄せ护国の精霊*repeat[03:50.00][03:52.12]厳粛に撃ち抜き清め给え 裁きの鉄槌で讨て[04:04.18]念る轰音へと其の身赌して[04:10.09]背徳者を尘と化せ[04:15.38]*repeat※repeat[05:54.09]戦栗に臆す事无き同士[05:57.00]散りて尚尽くし 语る思想[06:00.00][06:06.02]我が元に集う 同胞达よ[06:09.49]我が理想托す 刮目せよ聚集到我的麾下 对着旗帜表示忠义吧手上拿着的 是名为钩的物理武装大家灌注在枯竭大地上的生命比无数的怠惰的生命更加重要聚集到我的麾下 不灭的斗志为化为灰烬的独裁者而欢喜吧对死亡无所畏惧的同志为化为灰烬的政治宣传而赞美吧聚集到我的麾下吧 灭亡的战机拼死遵行并化为灰烬吧留下来的人 赐予慈悲的铅反抗的人 将之带进炼狱共同地献上的赞颂之歌 蕴含着不屈的斗争运动「我是殉教者。我是信者。我只相信妖精。」「我们是殉教者。我们是信者。我们只相信妖精。」「我是殉教者。我是信者。我只相信妖精。」「我们是殉教者。我们是信者。我们只相信妖精。」褐色的师团 用你们亲爱的、罪孽深重的那双手 去讨伐吧崇拜被挑选上的荣誉吧执起紧缚之剑吧聚集到我的麾下的七贤者哦对我所给予的指令 尽管是困难也好亦无所畏惧的使臣觉悟吧 别离是不会被赋予的以祈祷封印的赞颂之歌 蕴含着护国的死者之魂「我是殉教者。我是信者。我只相信妖精。」「我们是殉教者。我们是信者。我们只相信妖精。」「我是殉教者。我是信者。我只相信妖精。」「我们是殉教者。我们是信者。我们只相信妖精。」严肃地打下去 给我净化吧 用审判的铁槌 去讨伐吧向那咆哮的巨响赌上你的性命将背德者化为尘埃吧「我是殉教者。我是信者。我只相信妖精。」「我们是殉教者。我们是信者。我们只相信妖精。」「我是殉教者。我是信者。我只相信妖精。」「我们是殉教者。我们是信者。我们只相信妖精。」褐色的师团 用你们亲爱的、罪孽深重的那双手 去讨伐吧崇拜被挑选上的荣誉吧执起紧缚之剑吧对死亡无所畏惧的同志死后仍旧鞠躬尽瘁地诉说着思想聚集到我的麾下 同胞们哦付托我的理想 拭目以待吧

捷安特anthem x3的anthem x3

捷安特anthem x3配置: 车架:MAESTRO 4.0,ALUXX SL级超轻量铝合金前叉:RockShox RECON GOLD RL,100mm车把:Giant CONNECT XC,690mm,31.8车首竖杆:Giant CONNECT ,31.8座垫:Giant D2变速把手:Shimano Alivio M430,3X9速前变速器:Shimano Alivio M430后变速器:Shimano M592 Shadow刹车:Shimano M395,180/160mm刹车把手:Shimano M395飞轮:Shimano HG50 11-34T,9速链条:KMC X9大齿盘:Shimano M542 22X32X44T轮圈:Giant S-XC2花鼓:Giant Tracker Sealed 10mm轴心/10mm轴心钢丝:DT Swiss Competition轮胎:Schwalbe RACING RALPH 26X2.1 Performance



求Good Charlotte 的the anthem 中文歌词

The Anthem 圣歌Good Charlotte[00:04.39]Its a new day but it all feels old 这是全新的一天,但是它却和以前一样[00:16.26]Its a good life thats what im told 他们对我说,这是全新的生活[00:21.29]But everything it all just feels the same 但是每件事感觉都和原来一样[00:27.43]At my high school if felt more to me 高中的时候我觉得坐入针毡[00:29.07]Like a jail cell a penitentiary 就像是个监狱就像是个教养所[00:32.06]My time spent there it only made me see 那里的生活就只让我看到这些[00:36.95]That I dont ever wanna be like you 我不想做你[00:40.31]I dont wanna do the things you do 我不想做你做的事情[00:43.05]Im never gonna hear the words you say 我不想听你对我说的事[00:45.65]Cause I dont ever wanna 因为我不想[00:47.04]I dont wanna ever be 我不想做你[00:47.69](Chorus)(和声)[00:48.34]You..... 你[00:50.53]Dont wanna be just like you 我不想做你[00:52.93]What im sayin is this is the Anthem 我说的就是圣歌[00:54.87]Throw all your hands up 都举起你们的手[00:56.42]You.Dont wanna be you 你,我不想做你[00:59.41]Go to college 去上大学[01:09.98]A university 上大学[01:12.22]Get a real job 找一个真正的工作[01:13.47]Thats what they said to me 他们总是这样对我说[01:14.82]But i could never live the way they want 但是我绝不会按照他们想要的那样去活[01:19.75]Im gonna get by a just do my time 我只想做我自己想做的事情[01:22.69]Out of step while they all get in line 当他们循规蹈矩的时候我做自己的事情[01:25.24]Im just a minor threat so pay no mind 我只是一个很小的威胁所以不要在意[01:30.82]Do you really wanna be like them 你真的想做他们么?[01:34.11]Do you really wanna be another trend 你真的想和他们一起跟随趋势?[01:36.66]Do you wanna be part of that crowd 你真的想当他们其中的一个?[01:39.40]Cause I dont ever wanna 因为我从来不想[01:41.54]I dont ever wanna be 我从来不想做他们[01:42.14]You..... 你[01:44.09]Dont wanna be just like you 就没有想过只做你自己?[01:45.93]What im sayin is this is the Anthem 我说的就是圣歌[01:48.62]Throw all your hands up 都举起你们的手[01:50.22]You.Dont wanna be you 你,我不想做你[01:54.71]Shake it once thats fine 挥一次手,很好[01:56.25]Shake it twice thats ok 挥两次手,不错[01:58.75]Shake it three times your playin with yourself again 挥三次手,再和自己玩一次[02:03.33]You... dont wanna be just like you 你,我不想只当你[02:24.53]What im sayin" is this is the anthem 我说的就是圣歌[02:26.22]Throw all your hands up 都举起你们的手[02:27.57]Ya"ll got to feel me 你们会感觉到我[02:29.11]Sing if your with me 如果认同就和我一起唱[02:30.61]You... dont wanna be just like you 你,我不想只做你[02:34.30]What im sayin is this is the anthem 我说的就是圣歌[02:37.99]Throw all your hands up 都举起你们的手[02:38.64]Ya"ll got to feel me 你们会感觉到我[02:39.69]Sing if your with me 如果认同就和我一起唱[02:41.38]Your with me he 和我一样[02:41.88]Another loser anthem 又一个失败者的圣歌[02:43.08]Whoa, 喝[02:44.12]Another loser anthem, 又一个失败者的圣歌[02:45.37]Whoa, 喝[02:46.62]Another loser anthem, 又一个失败者的圣歌[02:48.11]Whoa, 喝[02:49.41]Another loser anthem 又一个失败者的圣歌[02:49.71]

last.fm里的Nathan Wang的作曲 the hard way 和 Anthem

这首歌是王宗贤(Nathan Wang)创作歌名叫The Hard Way(来之不易)歌词如下:有没有发现,她出现总是在想要放弃快失去之间有没有发现,她出现总是在想要放弃快失去之间就像是神秘被揭开就像是奇迹被拥赖提示的声音一直都在加油的声音一直都在再坚持一段再忍耐再一次试着去做不要停下来再坚持一段再忍耐再一次试着去做不要停下来就这样神秘被揭开就这样沉睡醒过来远处的鲜花一直盛开中间的欢呼声都在等待有没有发现,她出现总是在想要放弃快失去之间有没有发现,她出现总是在想要放弃快失去之间一秒失败,一秒未来都在你面前让你去选人们常说这奇迹他说来就来只要再一次再一次别停下来有没有发现,她出现总是在想要放弃快失去之间有没有发现,她出现总是在想要放弃快失去之间再坚持一段再忍耐再一次试着去做不要停下来再忍耐再一次试着去做不要停下来有没有发现 她出现~

Pitbull的《305 Anthem》 歌词

歌曲名:305 Anthem歌手:Pitbull专辑:M.I.A.M.I.Pitbull - 305 Anthem{Hip Hop My life...}Its that little Chico PitbullThis my way of letting my City knowI"ll ride for em! I"ll Cry for em!Bust five for em! And most of all,FUCKING DIE FOR EM!!HEY 305! TILL I DIE!HEY 305! TILL I DIE!HEY 305! TILL I DIE!HEY 305! TILL I DIE!I"ll ride for my muthafucking click! For my click!I"ll die for my muthafucking click! For my click!I bust heads with my muthafucking click! With my click!If a nigga talk shit, Watch my shit go click!(Click, click, click, click!)I"ll ride for my muthafucking click! For my click!I"ll die for my muthafucking click! For my click!I bust heads with my muthafucking click! With my click!If a nigga talk shit, Watch my shit go click!(Click, click, click, click!)Man, I"ve been on the grind,1 in the head, 16 in the 9,I"m extra Man!The game is mine, in due timeIt"s all right, I"m patient Man!I know how to play my positionI know how to play my partI know how to play these bitchesI know how to play with they heartsI"ve done some dumb thingsBut for the most, I"ve played it smartWho cares if you run thingsCuz I"m as live as 106 & park!This game is nothing,But a pool of blood with a bunch of sharks!Only the strong surviveIt"s Do or Die.Get it Right!That"s why I roll for my peoples!Cock back, go to war with my peoples!Break bread with my peoples!Man I"ll die for my peoples!Everybody knows is truthThat"s why they respect,Everything that I doEverywhere that I go,Every fiend, every foe,Every bitch, every hoeMan I sold it All!From the weed to the "x"From the "x" to the blowMark my words I"m next to Blow!P to the I, I to the T, T to the B, B to the U, double the L!Me I"ma sell like ice cream in Hell!This for my peoples that"s locked up in jailI"ma succeed, I"m never gon fail!Papo just watch!I"ll ride for my muthafucking click! For my click!I"ll die for my muthafucking click! For my click!I bust heads with my muthafucking click! With my click!If a nigga talk shit, Watch my shit go click!(Click, click, click, click!)I"ll ride for my muthafucking click! For my click!I"ll die for my muthafucking click! For my click!I bust heads with my muthafucking click! With my click!If a nigga talk shit, Watch my shit go click!(Click, click, click, click!)Man I"m watching the game closelyUncle Luke that man done coached meHe told me the who, what, where"s, and why"sHow to cross T"s, how to dot I"sLittle did he know he created a Monster!PITBULL Nigga, I"m that Monster!DB, them Chico"s is Monsters!Lil"Jon, that Nigga is a Monster!Everybody in the click is well equippedReady for Pit to take over shit!This here is not a gameThis here is our livesWe can"t fuck this upWe gotta get it rightIf you wit us and you ready for warThen let"s Ride!!!LET"S show em how we do in the southKick in they door, run in they houseSince them boys think they spit fireFuck It! Put the gun in they mouth!Follow me nowAll these bitches wanna swallow me now!All these niggas that I don"t even knowWanna hollah at me nowCuz the wanna be downBut fuck"em man!Me I turn it up a notchTo my hustlers be careful when they murdering the block!To my killers be careful when you burning up the glock!Last thing you wanna be is running from the copsPit"s gon take it from da bottom to the top!Haters can hate, but it aint gon stop!Everybody knows I"m blow just listen to the flowThis Chico got it on lock! HA!I"ll ride for my muthafucking click! For my click!I"ll die for my muthafucking click! For my click!I bust heads with my muthafucking click! With my click!If a nigga talk shit, Watch my shit go click!(Click, click, click, click!)I"ll ride for my muthafucking click! For my click!I"ll die for my muthafucking click! For my click!I bust heads with my muthafucking click! With my click!If a nigga talk shit, Watch my shit go click!(Click, click, click, click!)HEY 305! TILL I DIE!HEY 305! TILL I DIE!HEY 305! TILL I DIE!HEY 305! TILL I DIE!HEY 305! TILL I DIE!HEY 305! TILL I DIE!HEY 305! TILL I DIE!HEY 305! TILL I DIE!HEY 305! TILL I DIE!HEY 305! TILL I DIE!HEY 305! TILL I DIE!HEY 305! TILL I DIE!http://music.baidu.com/song/14561216

the anthem nasty girl three 中文歌词

The Anthem 圣歌 演唱者:Good Charlotte 电影《神勇奶爸》的插曲歌词[00:04.39]Its a new day but it all feels old 这是全新的一天,但是它却和以前一样 [00:16.26]Its a good life thats what im told 他们对我说,这是全新的生活 [00:21.29]But everything it all just feels the same 但是每件事感觉都和原来一样 [00:27.43]At my high school if felt more to me 高中的时候我觉得坐入针毡 [00:29.07]Like a jail cell a penitentiary 就像是个监狱就像是个教养所 [00:32.06]My time spent there it only made me see 那里的生活就只让我看到这些 [00:36.95]That I dont ever wanna be like you 我不想做你 [00:40.31]I dont wanna do the things you do 我不想做你做的事情 [00:43.05]Im never gonna hear the words you say 我不想听你对我说的事 [00:45.65]Cause I dont ever wanna 因为我不想 [00:47.04]I dont wanna ever be 我不想做你 [00:47.69](Chorus)(和声) [00:48.34]You..... 你 [00:50.53]Dont wanna be just like you 我不想做你 [00:52.93]What im sayin is this is the Anthem 我说的就是圣歌 [00:54.87]Throw all your hands up 都举起你们的手 [00:56.42]You.Dont wanna be you 你,我不想做你 [00:59.41]Go to college 去上大学 [01:09.98]A university 上大学 [01:12.22]Get a real job 找一个真正的工作 [01:13.47]Thats what they said to me 他们总是这样对我说 [01:14.82]But i could never live the way they want 但是我绝不会按照他们想要的那样去活 [01:19.75]Im gonna get by a just do my time 我只想做我自己想做的事情 [01:22.69]Out of step while they all get in line 当他们循规蹈矩的时候我做自己的事情 [01:25.24]Im just a minor threat so pay no mind 我只是一个很小的威胁所以不要在意 [01:30.82]Do you really wanna be like them 你真的想做他们么? [01:34.11]Do you really wanna be another trend 你真的想和他们一起跟随趋势? [01:36.66]Do you wanna be part of that crowd 你真的想当他们其中的一个? [01:39.40]Cause I dont ever wanna 因为我从来不想 [01:41.54]I dont ever wanna be 我从来不想做他们 [01:42.14]You..... 你 [01:44.09]Dont wanna be just like you 就没有想过只做你自己? [01:45.93]What im sayin is this is the Anthem 我说的就是圣歌 [01:48.62]Throw all your hands up 都举起你们的手 [01:50.22]You.Dont wanna be you 你,我不想做你 [01:54.71]Shake it once thats fine 挥一次手,很好 [01:56.25]Shake it twice thats ok 挥两次手,不错 [01:58.75]Shake it three times your playin with yourself again 挥三次手,再和自己玩一次 [02:03.33]You... dont wanna be just like you 你,我不想只当你 [02:24.53]What im sayin" is this is the anthem 我说的就是圣歌 [02:26.22]Throw all your hands up 都举起你们的手 [02:27.57]Ya"ll got to feel me 你们会感觉到我 [02:29.11]Sing if your with me 如果认同就和我一起唱 [02:30.61]You... dont wanna be just like you 你,我不想只做你 [02:34.30]What im sayin is this is the anthem 我说的就是圣歌 [02:37.99]Throw all your hands up 都举起你们的手 [02:38.64]Ya"ll got to feel me 你们会感觉到我 [02:39.69]Sing if your with me 如果认同就和我一起唱 [02:41.38]Your with me he 和我一样 [02:41.88]Another loser anthem 又一个失败者的圣歌 [02:43.08]Whoa, 喝 [02:44.12]Another loser anthem, 又一个失败者的圣歌 [02:45.37]Whoa, 喝 [02:46.62]Another loser anthem, 又一个失败者的圣歌 [02:48.11]Whoa, 喝 [02:49.41]Another loser anthem 又一个失败者的圣歌[2]怎样啊~~呵呵~~好好听歌吧

k-os的《The Anthem》 歌词

歌曲名:The Anthem歌手:k-os专辑:ExitPitbull Ft. Lil" Jon ass The Anthem{Hip Hop My life...}Everybody knows this right hereYour mother, your father, your sister, your brother, abuela y abueloEverybody sing along!Mami, el negroMami, el negroMami, el negroMami, el negroMami, el negro esta rabioso,el quiere tu azucar y tu no se lo dasEsa morena esta sabrosay cuando tu la tocas ella se vuelve locaMami el negro esta rabiosoel quiere tu azucar y tu no se lo dasEsa morena esta sabrosay cuando tu la tocas ella se vuelve locaMami que sera lo que quiere el negro? (a mi que me importa?!)Yo lo que quiero es esa loca (dale dale loca)Mami que sera lo que quiere el negro? (a mi que me importa?!)Yo lo que quiero es esa loca (dale dale loca)LETS GO!Hey hey, baby give it to me, dont babassbayShe was like O.K K KStarted clapping it to ay bey bey, ay bey bey, ay bey beyshe told me that her mamas latin, dads asian, abuela esta loca abuelo is hatiany yo soy cubano and im impatient so do me a favour lets skip conversationI just wanna taste ya ASAP,Take ya asap, to the room asap,zoom zoom asap, boom boom take thatOOOHH i like that!Come, Dont fight that!Mami el negro esta rabioso,el quiere tu azucar y tu no se lo dasEsa morena esta sabrosa y cuando tu la tocas ella se vuelve locaMami el negro esta rabiosoel quiere tu azucar y tu no se lo dasEsa morena esta sabrosa y cuando tu la tocas ella se vuelve locaSee u with ur heels, sexy shirtI See u with ur man, u threw me a smirkU See me with ur girls, u started to flirtBack of the club, hand up her skirt,Hand full of that, im trying to hold onGirls gone wild, all night longShe had no bra and no thongOne more shot, baby its on (lets go)She"s a wild thing, and she loves to do wild thingsSo we did that wild thing, Im a freak but i aint gon" lieThat thing was fine man, everybody say....Mami el negro esta rabioso,el quiere tu azucar y tu no se lo das (dale dale)Esa morena esta sabrosa (dale dale)y cuando tu la tocas ella se vuelve loca (damn damn damn)Mami que sera lo que quiere el negro (a mi que me importa?!)Yo lo que quiero es esa loca (dale dale loca)Mami que sera lo que quiere el negro? (a mi que me importa?!)Yo lo que quiero es esa loca (dale dale loca)Get nasty, get freaky, u sexy, u fineGet nasty, get freaky, u sexy, u fineGo go go go girlGo go go girlGo go go girlGo go go girlShake your ass To the beat, shake your ass to the beatShake your ass To the beat, shake your ass to the beatHEY!Mami el negro esta rabioso,el quiere tu azucar y tu no se lo das (go go go)Esa morena esta sabrosay cuando tu la tocas ella se vuelve loca (Come on, lets go ladies)Mami que sera lo que quiere el negro (a mi que me importa?!)Yo lo que quiero es esa loca (dale dale loca)Mami que sera lo que quiere el negro? (a mi que me importa?!)Yo lo que quiero es esa loca (dale dale loca)Take it to the floor nowyo te doy lo tuyo,ahora, dame lo mioyo te doy lo tuyo,ahora, dame lo mioyo te doy lo tuyo,ahora, dame lo mio (let"s go now)yo te doy lo tuyo,ahora, dame lo mio (hey hey hey, lets go ladies)http://music.baidu.com/song/3472772


  黄 鹤一 去

2002世界杯 主题曲【Anthem】的mp3下载




Neal E. Boyd的《Anthem》 歌词

歌曲名:Anthem歌手:Neal E. Boyd专辑:My American DreamBlink 182 - AnthemAlbum: Enema of the StateHome show, mom won"t knowRun out the back doorHe"s passed out on the floorThird time, been caught twiceForgive our neighbour BobI think he humped the dogBut good things come to those who waitCause she laid meAnd mom and dad possess the key - instant slaveryNo need explain the plan no need to even botherI"ll pack my bags I swear I"ll run - wish my friends were 21White lies, blood shot eyesBreath of alcohol, stole it from the mallHow"s Chris marked with lipstickBetter call their fathers, sleeping with your daughtersBut good things come to those who waitCause she laid meAnd mom and dad possess the key - instant slaveryNo need explain the plan no need to even botherI"ll pack my bags I swear I"ll run - wish my friends were 21You don"t belong, you left the kids to carry onYou planned their fallToo bad you"re wrong, don"t need a mom dad slave drive songI time bombI time bombI time bombI time bombI time bombTurn low the radio, I think I hear my dadYelling at the bandBut good things come to those who waitCause she laid meAnd mom and dad possess the key - instant slaveryNo need explain the plan no need to even botherI"ll pack my bags I swear I"ll run - wish my friends were 21You don"t belong, you left the kids to carry onYou planned their fallToo bad you"re wrong, don"t need a mom dad slave drive songI time bombI time bombI time bombI time bombI time bombI time bombI time bombI time bombI time bombhttp://music.baidu.com/song/408991

lr anthem拾音器的功率很小吗?我以前用老齐,把di上的音量旋钮扭到一半声音就已经很大了,但

我的也非常小 就比lr baggs vtc来讲 都小



Anthem(足球圣歌) 2002年世界杯主题曲2在那里可以下啊?


求这首诗Anthem for Doomed Youth 的原文和翻译.

什么结业钟声2这些谁死牛? Only the monstrous anger of the guns.只有滔天愤怒的枪。 Only the stuttering rifles" rapid rattle只有口吃步枪快速脆裂 Can patter out 3 their hasty orisons. 4可以胡言乱语了3他们仓促orisons 。 4 No mockeries 5 now for them; no prayers nor bells;没有mockeries 5现在为他们祈祷,也没有钟; Nor any voice of mourning save the choirs, –也没有任何声音的哀悼保存合唱团, - The shrill, demented 6 choirs of wailing shells;的尖叫,疯狂6合唱团的哭壳; And bugles 7 calling for them from sad shires. 8和军号7 ,要求他们从悲伤夏尔斯。 8 What candles 9 may be held to speed them all?什么蜡烛5月9日举行,以加速他们的所有? Not in the hands of boys but in their eyes并不掌握在男孩,但在他们眼里 Shall shine the holy glimmers of goodbyes.应服务罗马微弱的告别。 The pallor 10 of girls" brows shall be their pall;苍白10女孩眉毛应他们的阴影; Their flowers the tenderness of patient minds,他们花了温情的病人头脑, And each slow dusk 11 a drawing-down of blinds. 12和每一个缓慢的黄昏11绘图式的百叶窗。 12 A 字母a September - October, 1917 9至10月, 1917年 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Notes for students注释学生 1 Anthem - perhaps best known in the expression "The National Anthem;" also, an important religious song (often expressing joy); here, perhaps, a solemn song of celebration 1国歌-最出名的可能是在表达“国歌” ;另外,一个重要的宗教歌曲(通常表达喜悦) ;在这里,也许,一个庄严的回归颂 2 passing-bells - a bell tolled after someone"s death to announce the death to the world 2结业钟声-钟钟声后,某人的死亡宣布死亡世界 3 patter out - rapidly speak 3胡言乱语了-迅速发言 4 orisons - prayers, here funeral prayers 4 orisons -祈祷,祈祷在这里葬礼 5 mockeries - ceremonies which are insults. 5 mockeries -仪式这是侮辱。 Here Owen seems to be suggesting that the Christian religion, with its loving God, can have nothing to do with the deaths of so many thousands of men这里欧文似乎暗示基督教派,其热爱的上帝,可没有任何关系的死亡,使成千上万的男人 6 demented - raving mad 6疯狂-疯 7 bugles - a bugle is played at military funerals (sounding the last post) 7军号-一个号角发挥军事葬礼(探空过去后) 8 shires - English counties and countryside from which so many of the soldiers came 8夏尔斯-英语县和乡村从如此多的士兵 9 candles - church candles, or the candles lit in the room where a body lies in a coffin 9蜡烛-教堂蜡烛,或点燃蜡烛的房间里的一个机构是棺材 10 pallor - paleness 10苍白-苍白 11 dusk has a symbolic significance here 11日黄昏了这里的象征意义 12 drawing-down of blinds - normally a preparation for night, but also, here, the tradition of drawing the blinds in a room where a dead person lies, as a sign to the world and as a mark of respect. 12绘图式的百叶窗-通常是准备晚上,而且,在这里,传统的绘画窗帘在房间里死的人的谎言,作为一个符号,作为世界的尊重。 The coming of night is like the drawing down of blinds.夜晚的到来就像是取用百叶窗。

捷安特ANTHEM X 3 ANTHEM X 2 TRANCE X2 的区别 还有售价



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请问2018世界杯球员入场音乐是什么啊?(不是公平竞赛曲FIFA ANTHEM)



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National Anthem 歌词

歌曲名:《National Anthem》歌手:Lana Del Rey所属专辑:《Born To Die》发行时间:2012-01-30 发行公司:环球唱片歌词:Money is the anthem of successSo before we go out, what"s your address?I"m your National Anthem,God, you"re so handsomeTake me to the HamptonsBugatti VeyronHe loves to romance "em,Reckless abandonHold me for ransomUpper echelonHe says to "be cool" but,I don"t know how yetWind in my hair,Hand on the back of my neckI said, "Can we party later on?"He said, "Yes."Tell me I"m your National Anthem(Ooh yeah baby bow down, makin" me so wow wow)Tell me I"m your National Anthem(Sugar sugar, how now, take your body downtown)Red, white, blue"s in the skies,Summer"s in the air andBaby, heaven"s in your eyesI"m your National AnthemMoney is the reason we existEverybody knows it, it"s a fact-Kiss, kiss!I sing the National AnthemWhile I"m standing,Over your bodyHold you like a pythonAnd you can"t keep your hands off meOr your pants offSee what you"ve done to meGive me ChevronYou said to "be cool" but,I"m already coolestYou said to "get real"-Don"t you know who you"re dealing with?Um, do you think you"ll buy me,Lots of diamonds? (Yes, I also brought my gun)Tell me I"m your National Anthem(Ooh yeah baby bow down, makin" me so wow wow)Tell me I"m your National Anthem(Sugar sugar, how now, take your body downtown)Red, white, blue"s in the skies,Summer"s in the air and baby, heaven"s in your eyesI"m your National AnthemIt"s a love story for the new age,For the six pageWant a quick sick rampage?Wining and dining,drinking and driving,Excessive buying,Overdose and dyin"I"m in drugs and our loveIn my dreams and a rage,Blurrin" the lines between real and the fakeGod can only, I need somebody to hold meWe will do very well,I can tell, I can tellKeep my safe in his spellTower, hotelMoney is the anthem of successSo put on mascara, and your party dressI"m your National Anthem,Boy put your hands upGive me a standing ovation,Boy you have landedBabe, in the land ofSweetness and Angel,Queen of SaigonTell me I"m your National Anthem(Ooh yeah baby bow down, makin" me so wow wow)Tell me I"m your National Anthem(Sugar sugar, how now, take your body downtown)Red, white, blue"s in the skies,Summer"s in the air and baby, heaven"s in your eyesI"m your National AnthemMoney is the anthem,God, you"re so handsome,Money is the anthem,Of successMoney is the anthem,God, you"re so handsome.Money is the anthem,Of successMoney is the anthem,God, you"re so handsome.Money is the anthem,Of successMoney is the anthem,God, you"re so handsome.Money is the anthem,Of success歌手简介:拉娜·德雷(Lana Del Rey)本名Elizabeth Grant,1986年6月21日出生于美国纽约州,美国女歌手、词曲创作者、模特。
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