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有几个英语问题,请教高手们。1.confront是及物动词,怎么会有confront with?




confront 与face的区别与用法

confront比较正式些,而face就是口语常用语。 例如: 1. write academically: confront the possibility of failure 2. speak informally: will possibly face failure


这要看你想表达什么。confront 是一个动词,如果动作是句子的主语发出的,用 -ing;如果是被动的,用 -ed。你的句子应该用 -ed:Confronted with such difficulty, i didn"t give up.

confront 英语翻译

confront[kEn5frQnt]vt面对;面临;遭遇to confront danger (勇敢地)面对危险(与with连用)使面对;使面临I am confronted with many difficulties. 我面临很多困难。Only when the police confronted her with evidence did she admit that she had stolen the money.在警察让她面对证据时她才承认偷了钱。encounter face oppose confront[kEn5frQnt]vt.出现在...面前; 面临; 遭遇与...相对; 和...对抗; 使对证(勇敢而冷静地)面对, 正视对照; 比较confront reality正视现实conclusions that can be confronted with experience能与经验相对照的结论New tasks now confronted the working class.新任务摆在工人阶级面前。My house confronts his.我的家与他的家对门。The prisoner was confronted with his accusers.犯人被带来与原告对质。A soldier has to confront danger and death.军人必须勇敢而冷静地面对危险和死亡。


面对 面临


其实confront可同时用在主动语和被动语上,意思是没有分别,因为confront有面对和使面对的意思,古德明先生在【征服英语】也曾谈论过confront的用法,现引述之: Confront 和 find 的 用 法 读 英 文 报 纸 , 见 到 以 下 一 句 : A broader approach is needed including better knowledge of the problems teenagers are confronting ( 处 理 的 范 围 须 较 广 , 包 括 多 认 识 十 几 岁 孩 子 面 临 的 问 题 ) 。 Confront 一 字 不 是 要 和 with 连 用 吗 ? Confront 是 「 面 临 」 、 「 面 对 」 的 意 思 , 和 作 动 词 的 face 差 不 多 , 两 字 都 可 以 用 主 动 ( active voice ) 、 被 动 语 态 ( passive voice ) , 例 如 : ( 1 ) Sooner or later you will have to confront / face the problem ( 你 迟 早 都 要 面 对 这 个 问 题 ) 。 ( 2 ) When he assumed office he was confronted / faced with many difficulties ( 他 就 任 时 , 遇 上 的 困 难 不 少 ) 。 由 此 可 见 , 主 动 面 对 一 些 事 , 不 用 介 系 词 with ; 「 使 人 面 对 一 些 事 」 , 则 须 用 with 带 出 那 些 事 , 这 图片参考:education.atnext/new_font/16px/black/FA47 且 再 举 一 例 : He had to admit he had changed his position when I confronted him with what he had previously written ( 我 把 他 以 前 写 的 东 西 拿 出 来 质 问 他 , 使 他 不 得 不 承 认 改 变 了 立 场 ) 。 读 者 说 的 一 句 , are confronting 是 主 动 语 态 , 不 可 加 with , 但 改 为 被 动 语 态 的 are confronted with 则 可 以 。 You don"t have to be confused. The soldiers confronted o terrorists. This will mean the soldiers are in the active role bravely stepping out to confront the enemies. The soldiers were confronted by o terrorists will therefore mean the terrorists are now in the active role. They appeared before the soldiers. Hope this helps. 有时续字的翻释会令句子变得奇怪,我想这是为何中文与英文好像意思上有出入。 「迎面遇到」其实可以用在双方(即士兵和恐布分子)身上,只是本句的主体(subject)是士兵,一个较通顺的翻译就变成你引述的样子了。



confront和confront with在用法上有什么区别啊?

用法类似face 和be faced with.confront一般用主动。sth confront sb/sb confront sth都可以。sb is confronted with sth。


各位对于confront这个单词了解多少呢?confront有对抗、遭遇和面临等意思,confront的用法挺多的,了解confront的用法十分有必要。下面是我给大家带来的confront的用法和 短语 例句_confront的常用短语,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧! ▼ 目 录 ▼ ★ confront的用法 ★ ★ confront的常用短 语 ★ ★ confront的同根词 ★ ★ confront的用法例句 ★ ▼ confront的用法 confront的用法1:confront的基本意思是“出现在…面前”,多指困难、任务等出现在某人的面前。强调不可避免的会面,并经常强调决心,通过这样的会面来弄清问题或解决困难,即“勇敢地面对”“正视”。confront还常用于表示“当面对质”。 confront的用法2:confront是书面用语,应用范围较窄。 confront的用法3:confront是及物动词,可以以人作主语,也可以“困难”“任务”等名词作主语。 confront的用法4:confront在指“使面对,使…对立”时,其后面表示某人的处境或表示被置于、被带到某人面前的人物时,与介词with连用; 如果后面表示的是“面对”的人或物时,则用介词by。 <<< ▼ confront的常用短语 confront with 面临着;遭遇...;使(被告)和(原告)对质 confront danger 面临危险 confront problem 面对问题 confront issue 面对问题 confront technology"s complexity 面对技术的复杂度;面对科技的复杂性;直面科技的复杂性 confront complexity 面对复杂性;直面复杂性 <<< ▼ confront的同根词 confrontational adj. 对抗的;对抗性的 confrontation n. 对抗;面对;对质 <<< ▼ confront的用法例句 1. She had decided to confront Kathryn with what she had learnt. 她决定拿自己了解的事实与凯瑟琳当面对证。 2. We are learning how to confront death instead of avoiding its reality. 我们在学习如何直面死亡,而非回避死亡这一现实。 3. NATO countries have been forced to confront fundamental moral questions. 北约国家被迫正视基本的道德问题。 4. Once again, I chose to confront the issue head-on. 我又一次选择了直接面对该问题。 5. I could not bring myself to confront him about it. 我不忍心就这事和他对质。 6. Counsellors encourage victims of crime to confront their emotions. 辅导员鼓励罪案受害人直面自己的情感. 7. The difficulties that confront us seem insuperable. 我们面临的困难似乎是不可克服的. 8. A soldier has to confront danger. 士兵须面对危险. 9. We must confront future with optimism. 我们必须乐观地面对未来. 10. A soldier has to confront danger and death. 军人必须勇敢而冷静地面对危险和死亡. 11. He who was usually so full of questions lacked the will to confront her with them. 通常有很多疑问的他却缺乏向她质询的决心。 12. They are eager to confront their guests with full frontal interrogations about their marriages. 他们急于当面直接质问客人的婚姻情况。 13. Some people need to confront a traumatic past; others find it better to leave it alone. 有人需要直面过去的创伤,有人则觉得不去想它为妙。 14. We will confront them with focus and clarity and courage. 我们将目标集中地、立场鲜明地、勇敢地迎接这些挑战. 15. America is making a broad and determined effort to confront these dangers. 美国正在为抗击这些威胁而进行广泛、坚定的努力. <<< confront的用法相关 文章 : ★ 死亡的英文是什么 ★ 代替而不是的英文 ★ confront的用法和短语例句 ★ suppress的用法和短语例句 ★ contact的短语 ★ choose的过去式和用法例句 ★ instead的用法 ★ loud的用法和例句 ★ instead的用法 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = "https://hm.baidu.com/hm.js?6990a94c9bf3cca817150d7468a26be6"; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();


vt. 面对 ; 使面对面,使对质 ; 碰到,遇到 ; 比较 ; 网 络 : 面对;面临;遭遇;使面临

同义句转换器I bought him a present同义句I ( ) a present ( )him

I bought a present for himbuy sb sth = buy sth for sb

有一首歌跟closer中间的那段节奏很像的歌 就是we aint getting older那段




神舟策略Divine Quantum有哪些版本?

神舟策略Divine Quantum最新的版本是神舟策略4.0,我自己在用的也是这个最新版本,它是通过量子计算机和人工智能技术处理大量市场数据的智能量子交易系统。

造雨者集团公司的神舟策略Divine Quantum,这款产品号称使用了量子计算,到底有啥优势?

神舟策略Divine Quantum主要是利用量子计算机比传统计算机具备的更高算力与速度,大规模处理交易数据能力呗,其实跟普通的计算机比起来,⁞༜就是算力更高,分析数量更厉害,这样就能更快速的做出交易决策呗。

divine intervention是什么意思

divine intervention神圣干预双语例句1I think it " s impossible outside of divine intervention.我想,没有神的帮忙,她不可能做到这一点。 2 priest was overjoyed at this divine intervention and raised the boyas his own. 牧师对此神力的介入大喜过望,把男孩当自己的孩子扶养大。3England have fallen so far behind in the championship that their onlyhope of victory is divine intervention.英格兰队在冠军赛中落在很后面,他们胜利的唯一希望要靠上帝干预了。

divine intervention是什么意思

如有神助 交叉命运 神之干预 神圣干涉短语seek divine intervention 寻求神的介入seek more divine intervention 继续期待神

divine intervention是什么意思

敌一组魔防下降 交叉命运 妙想天开 普渡众生 神圣干涉 divine: adj. 1.神的;神性的。 2.神授的,天赐的。 3. ... intervention: n. 1.插进,介入。 2.调解,排解。 3.干涉,干预 ...

introduced by divorce怎么解释




I want a divorce .这句话对么?


carry on 和 go on 和continue三者有什么区别



annulment - 起源与一些宗教团体反对离婚, 慢慢的annulment被加入了各州的婚姻法用来取消哪些不应该的婚姻. 如果你的婚姻条件违犯了州婚姻法, 可以直接申请annulment 取消你的婚礼. 每个州对annulment的法律要求不一样, 但是比较比较普遍的有 欺骗性婚姻, 假造婚前协议, 双婚, 未成年人婚姻, 神经问题 等等. 最重要的一点是: annulment 等于这个婚姻没有发生过, 你从来没有结过婚. annulment 和 divorce 的财产和子女监护权的分配方式大同小异. 并且 divorce 的时候双方除了不和 以外不用宣布任何其他理由.

Kent的《Elvis》 歌词

歌曲名:Elvis歌手:Kent专辑:isola (Swedish Language)KENT - ELVISI"m living deadDreaming of ghostsYou"ve been trying to tell me all this timeAnd the King"s in my headSings his songs he"s amazingI"ve been dreaming of Elvis all my lifeSo now you"re stealing my timeAll the hours that I once stole from youI never thought you would mindBut I can see you doAll skin and bonesAll on my ownYou"ve been trying to tell me all this timeAnd the things in my headAre slowly driving me crazyI"ve been dreaming of Elvis all my lifeSo now you"re stealing my timeAll the hours that I once stole from youI never thought you would mindBut I can see you doSo now you"re stealing my timeAll the hours that I once stole from youI never thought you would mindBut I can see you doSo now you"re stealing my timeAll the hours that I once stole from youI never thought you would mindBut I guess you dohttp://music.baidu.com/song/54934225

Bounty Killer的《Anthem》 歌词

歌曲名:Anthem歌手:Bounty Killer专辑:BlackoutBlink 182 - AnthemAlbum: Enema of the StateHome show, mom won"t knowRun out the back doorHe"s passed out on the floorThird time, been caught twiceForgive our neighbour BobI think he humped the dogBut good things come to those who waitCause she laid meAnd mom and dad possess the key - instant slaveryNo need explain the plan no need to even botherI"ll pack my bags I swear I"ll run - wish my friends were 21White lies, blood shot eyesBreath of alcohol, stole it from the mallHow"s Chris marked with lipstickBetter call their fathers, sleeping with your daughtersBut good things come to those who waitCause she laid meAnd mom and dad possess the key - instant slaveryNo need explain the plan no need to even botherI"ll pack my bags I swear I"ll run - wish my friends were 21You don"t belong, you left the kids to carry onYou planned their fallToo bad you"re wrong, don"t need a mom dad slave drive songI time bombI time bombI time bombI time bombI time bombTurn low the radio, I think I hear my dadYelling at the bandBut good things come to those who waitCause she laid meAnd mom and dad possess the key - instant slaveryNo need explain the plan no need to even botherI"ll pack my bags I swear I"ll run - wish my friends were 21You don"t belong, you left the kids to carry onYou planned their fallToo bad you"re wrong, don"t need a mom dad slave drive songI time bombI time bombI time bombI time bombI time bombI time bombI time bombI time bombI time bombhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7511370

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连词:conjunction,缩写是conj. 介词:preposition,缩写是prep。 代词:pronoun,缩写是pron。 动词:verb,缩写是V。 冠词:article,缩写是art。 感叹词:interjection,缩写是interj.

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natures bounty 什么意思

nature bounty网 络自然之宝双语例句1. I think we should drink to the bounty of nature. 我想我们应该为造物主的慷慨赐予而干杯.2. Remember that nature"s bounty can be found all year round. 请记住,大自然的恩赐一年四季都有.

Bounty-Hunter的BOUNTY HUNTER 介绍

BOUNTY HUNTER这一名字意为赏金猎人,其灵感来源于著名科幻电影《星球大战》中的赏金猎人Boba Fett。由于创始人岩永光是Punk音乐的狂热爱好者,所以BOUNTY HUNTER也主要以Punk文化为灵感进行服饰设计。与一般的Punk服饰品牌有所不同,BOUNTY HUNTER的单品还是以街头潮流中的款式,如T-shirt、Hoodie和牛仔裤等作为设计蓝本,而在其中的细节之处通过铆钉等体现Punk文化与精神。值得注意的是,BOUNTY HUNTER对潮流玩偶的时兴起到了至关重要的推动作用。其最初设计的Skull Kun、King Kun等经典玩偶造型为日后的整个潮流玩偶市场设立了新的标准。主理人岩永光属于里原宿潮流的第一代领军人物,到了90年代后期,其品牌甚至与A BATHING APE齐名,经常会有爱好者排队购买单品。但由于BOUNTY HUNTER的风格一直都没有太大变化,以致在多变的潮流圈中渐渐淡出主流的视线,但不妨碍岩永光成为日本潮流文化中的里程碑,更曾经被杂志《Asayan》选为十大里原宿重要人物。以上内容来源自:


  《海贼王BountyRush》国际版目前不支持中文的,可以到官方网站下载国服中文版,就可以直接使用中文了。   万代南梦宫推出的新手游《海贼王BountyRush》,是以3D角色建模方式展现海贼王的世界,和路飞、佐罗一起组队战斗,游戏模式为四人团队对战。

初中英语课本上单词表的n、v、adv 、prep、adj、conj、pron、int分别是什么意思?!


Nature‘s Bounty自然之宝和汤臣倍健哪个褪黑素好?


无主之地!避风港旧城(old haven)里的赏金板(bounty board)


the bounty hunter什么意思

bounty hunter:讨债人,追缉欠债逃亡者的人







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Natureu2019s bounty

可以说是同一品牌,自然之宝是中文译文,Nature"s Bounty的意思是“大自然的恩赐”,不过自然之宝有两层含义,一个是Nature"s Bounty的中文译文,另外是Nature"s Bounty旗下最为知名的一个经典品牌。

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《海贼王BountyRush》国际版目前不支持中文的,可以到官方网站下载国服中文版,就可以直接使用中文了。 万代南梦宫推出的新手游《海贼王BountyRush》,是以3D角色建模方式展现海贼王的世界,和路飞、佐罗一起组队战斗,游戏模式为四人团队对战。






左下角的游戏设置 bounty游戏调中文的方法如下 首先我们需要登录bounty的游戏,进入游戏要面之后,我们在游戏页面点击打开 左下角的游戏设置,在游戏设置中,我们找到简体中文。

abundance,bounty,cornucopia和plenty的区别 几个词的区别

1)abundance:the property of a more than adequate quantity or supply;"an age of abundance"2)bounty:the property of copious abundance3)cornucopia:the property of being extremely abundant;"the profusion of detail"4)plenty:(often followed by `of") a large number or amount or extent;

bonus,bounty 区别?

bonus是额外的附加的,比如说bonus point,额外加分,bounty是赏金的意思


bonus是额外的附加的,比如说bonus point,额外加分,bounty是赏金的意思


bounty全名Bounty-Hunter是日本品牌,本意为赏金猎人,其灵感来源于著名科幻电影《星球大战》中的赏金猎人Boba Fett。在1997年由岩永光创立,经营产品类别有男装、包包、配饰、鞋靴及玩偶。由于创始人岩永光是Punk音乐的狂热爱好者,所以BOUNTY HUNTER也主要以Punk文化为灵感进行服饰设计。与一般的Punk服饰品牌有所不同,BOUNTY HUNTER的单品还是以街头潮流中的款式,如T-shirt、Hoodie和牛仔裤等作为设计蓝本,而在其中的细节之处通过铆钉等体现Punk文化与精神。值得注意的是,BOUNTY HUNTER对潮流玩偶的时兴起到了至关重要的推动作用。其最初设计的Skull Kun、King Kun等经典玩偶造型为日后的整个潮流玩偶市场设立了新的标准。主理人岩永光属于里原宿潮流的第一代领军人物,到了90年代后期,其品牌甚至与A BATHING APE齐名,经常会有爱好者排队购买单品。但由于BOUNTY HUNTER的风格一直都没有太大变化,以致在多变的潮流圈中渐渐淡出主流的视线。但不妨碍岩永光成为日本潮流文化中的里程碑,更曾经被杂志《Asayan》选为十大里原宿重要人物。


办 各 种 钲件,电话Vイ訁同步17841848676 沥青混合料在施工过程中,材料的质量控制、沥青混合料的材料与温度均匀性,各种材料用量的控制、压实温度及压实度的控制、层间的洁净度及粘结效果等都会影响到路面的抗车辙能力。如施工时没有充分压实或料温不够等施工原因导致的沥青面层压实不足,而致使通车后的第一个高温季节沥青混合料在行车作用下,继续压密形成的车辙。沥青混合料在施工过程中,材料的质量控制、沥青混合料的材料与温度均匀性,各种材料用量的控制、压实温度及压实度的控制、层间的洁净度及粘结效果等都会影响到路面的抗车辙能力。如施工时没有充分压实或料温不够等施工原因导致的沥青面层压实不足,而致使通车后的第一个高温季节沥青混合料在行车作用下,继续压密形成的车辙。



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英语单词的解释部分 前面有个conj的单词 是什么意思啊 还有int ini等等 都是什么意思啊

conj 连词 int ini 好像没看到过vt 及物动词vi 不及物动词

I’m sorry a bout the accident. 在这句话中,bout和the这两个

about the,可以弱读about末尾的/t/

英语翻译:investment banking boutique 能翻译成投资银行精品店吗?感觉别扭。


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法语入门求助! 1、boutique和magasin,有什么区别? 2、A et b sont d

boutique,n.f. 零售商店,店铺;名牌妇女服装服饰专卖店,magasin,不仅仅有商店意思,还有仓库,货栈,堆栈,军火库;军需仓库,的意思,区别在于,boutique指精品店,magasin指的是一般的小商店零售店,比如magasin de détail

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dont you (forget about me) glee版本歌词

Don"t You ForgetGirl: " Mom is sick. She says she can"t get up.妈妈病了,她说她起不来I know my brother is getting hungry我弟弟肚子开始饿了I must go to the village to ask for some food, Would you help me? "我要到村里找点食物,你能帮我吗?Boy: " Sure, Connie. I"ll help ya. " 当然了, Connie,我会帮你的Girl: " I always feel good when you"re with me "你在我身边时我感觉总是很好Boy: " You are my friend, Connie. "你是我的朋友,ConnieGirl: " Are you always gonna be there when I grow up? Are you? "当我长大了,你会一直在我身边吗?你会吗?Boy: " Cross my heart. "我保证。Don"t you forget about me别忘了我Don"t you forget about me别忘了我We were soft and young我们曾经是柔弱的,年轻的In a world of innocence在无邪的世界里Don"t you forget about me,Don"t you forget all our dreams别忘了我,别忘了我们所有的梦Are you gone away ,Only emptyness we makes如今你走了,留下的只有一片空白Girl: " I always feel good when you"re with me "你在我身边时我感觉总是很好Boy: " You are my friend, Connie. "你是我的朋友,ConnieGirl: " Are you always gonna be there when I grow up? Are you? "当我长大了,你会一直在我身边吗?你会吗?Don"t you forget about me别忘了我Don"t you forget about me别忘了我We were soft and young我们曾经是柔弱的,年轻的In a world of innocence在无邪的世界里Don"t you forget about me,Don"t you forget all our dreams别忘了我,别忘了我们所有的梦Are you gone away ,Only emptyness we makes如今你走了,留下的只有一片空白

英语里的肠intestine 和bowel的区别




求Connie talbot的count on me的歌百度云链接


《After visting hours》 U.A.Fanthorpe 我需要这首诗的详细英文赏析 有link也行 重奖!


Anthony Baskey的《Elysium》 歌词

歌曲名:Elysium歌手:Anthony Baskey专辑:The Elysium Project「Elysium」I"ve never felt like this beforeAm I awake? Am I drifting?There"s a hole in the sky!Am I alive? Did I survive?Broken pictures on my wallA story of fallen heroesNow stare ahead with their blind eyes onA lost horizonSometimes the dream is sublime with youI feel in my mind in the heavenI"m reaching this feelingIt"s misleading me away from youTonight, I find what I"ve been searching forTo go looking for my wings once moreI"m not afraid anymoreI"m not afraid anymoreSometimes the dream is sublime with youI feel in my mind in heavenI"m reaching this feelingIt"s misleading me away from youTonight, I find what I"ve been searching forTo go looking for my wings once moreI"m not afraid anymoreI am ready to fallI"m not afraid anymoreI am lying on the frozen ground aloneI got lost on my way, my time is upI"m gone!I need to find the keyTo eternal life and seeThe joy, the smile,The overwhelming love of GodIs what I need!Give me a sign, and show me the wayTo the sacred place!I can hear you calling my nameFrom the distant skiesI am holding (a) falling angelIn my armsYour shadow lurking in the corner of my eyeI"m losing sense of what"s real and what"s a lie!I need to find the keyTo eternal life and seeThe joy, the smile,The overwhelming love of GodIs what I need!Give me a sign, and show me the wayTo the sacred place!I can hear you calling my nameFrom the distant skiesI am holding (a) falling angelIn my armsEternal calling at your fame was not mineRemedy this falling lie!I feel it burning with me aheadThe earth is turning to redI"m staring at the flaming skiesTo try not to fightA chance (to) close my eyesI can hear you calling my nameFrom the distant skiesI am holding (a) falling angelIn my armsI am holding (a) falling angelIn my armsThis life has been too longThere"s hope everywhere I goDo you believe in hope and faithOr eternity?In the end, you will seeEternal lightBlinded my eyesPain and sorrowJoy will followNow in turnElysiumDo you beleive in hope and faithOr eternity?In the end, you will seeLet your soul be freeBe afraid no more,Just take my hand, I"ll guide you through the stormWe"re finally homeDo you beleive in hope and faithOr eternity?In the end, you will seeLet your soul be freeBe afraid no more,Just take my hand, I"ll guide you through the stormWe"re finally homeWe"re finally homehttp://music.baidu.com/song/15079058

you are have a movement; to empty the bowels什么意思

你有没有见6过一x辆车i是怎么c从6一u个v空旷的乡v村街道上c疾驶而过? 2011-10-25 19:08:11



Dizzy Gillespie的《Contraste》 歌词

歌曲名:Contraste歌手:Dizzy Gillespie专辑:The Very Best Of Jazz - Dizzy GillespieContrast - 佐伯克哉 × ノーマル克哉 (平井达矢)作词:kanoko 作曲:Mark Ishikawa 编曲:Mark Ishikawa収録:Contrast 佐伯克哉~鬼畜眼镜 キャラクターソングCDBY:S.REI(LRC)(ノーマル克哉)惑う気持ちを独りこの部屋 | 困惑的情感在独自一人这房间 |「壊したい.. 契りたい.. 」缲り返すのさ | 不断重复著「我想毁坏.. 亦想誓约.. 」 |(ノーマル克哉)淡い想いは儚い梦さ | 淡色思绪是幽幻美梦 |「憧れと.. 消えてゆく.. 」 | 「跟憧憬.. 一起消失去..」 |今宵の影へ | 往今宵的黑影裏 |(佐伯克哉)长い雨が伤を愈す | 连日大雨将伤口治愈 |一筋の光が空を割いた | 一丝光辉把青空劈开 |(合)白と黒と、月と星に运命が始まる | 黑与白 月光和星影间就是命运的起源 |どちらからも寄り添わない激しい | 从不会靠近对方热炽激烈的 |Contrast(ノーマル克哉)魅惑に潜む强い冲动 | 潜伏於魅惑中强烈的冲动 |「初めから.. 知っていた..」移ろう心 | 「从一开始.. 我就知道..」心产生了变化 |(佐伯克哉)苍い云が风を运ぶ | 苍色的浮云运送清风 |捕われたふたつの心包んで | 包围被捕获的两颗心 |(合)雾と宵と、青と苍に运命を感じる | 雾与宵 青和苍间感觉到命运的存在 |平行线交わらない狂おしい | 像平行线般从来不交叠的 |Contrast(佐伯克哉)「お前は俺」| 「你是我」 |(ノーマル克哉)「オレはオマエ」| 「我是你」|(佐伯克哉)「いつか交じり合う本当の自分」|「终有一天交缠为一真正的自己」|(ノーマル克哉)「决して相容れない违う存在」| 「决不相容 两个不同的存在」|(佐伯克哉)「求め」| 「渴求」|(ノーマル克哉)「夺う」 | 「夺取」 |(合)「どこまでも 果てしない」| 「不管到那 亦永无间断」|(合)白と黒と、月と星に运命が始まる | 黑与白 月光和星影间就是命运的起源 |どちらからも寄り添わない激しい | 从不会靠近对方热炽激烈的 |狂気に満ち、魔性を得て、| 溢满狂气 染上魔性 |罠に坠ちて往くだけさ | 只有一步一步堕进圈套 |胁かされ、支配されて溺れる | 被威逼 支配然後沉溺 |ContrastContrast / 佐伯克哉(平井达矢)http://music.baidu.com/song/590336



Hugo Montenegro的《Dizzy》 歌词

歌曲名:Dizzy歌手:Hugo Montenegro专辑:Mr. GroovyJimmy Eat World - DizzyYou close your eyes and kiss your handAnd you blow it.But it isn"t meant for me,And I know this.If the choice was ours alone,Then why"d we both choose letting go?Does it end like this?Time never had a chance to heal your heart.Just a number always counting down to a new start.If you always knew the truthThen the world would spin around youAre you dizzy yet?Respectfully, so honestly I"m calling outDo you hear the conversation we talk about?I"ll back away to the safety of a quiet houseIf there"s half a chance in this moment,When your eyes meet mine we"ll show itAll talk and not a lot to thinkWe were living dreamsAnd shame never crept close to our naked feetIf there"s something left to lose,Then don"t let me wear out my shoesI"m still walking.I tried,But it rang and rangI called all nightOn a pay phone, remember those from another life?If everything I meant to you,You can lick and seal then fold in twoThen I"ve been so blind.Respectfully, so honestly I"m asking nowDo you hear the conversation we talk about?I"ll back away to the safety of a quiet houseIf there"s half a chance in this moment,When your eyes meet mine we"ll show it.Oh, oh take it all back, take your first, your last, your only.Oh, oh take it all back, take it all back,Everything you showed me.Oh, oh, this must be how it feels when the feeling goesI told you as I hovered I"d never felt this wayYou said "I have this shot that stops my clock, baby it"s okay"You said you"d never have regretsJesus! Is there someone yet who got that wish?Did you get yours? Babe?Respectfully, so honestly i"m asking nowDo you hear the conversation we talk about?I"ll back away to the safety of a quiet houseIf there"s half a chance in this moment,When your eyes meet mine we"ll show it.http://music.baidu.com/song/13928168

各位外贸专家:Conoco Weather Clause? Antwerp Rule? 是什么东西啊?

The Conoco weather clause refers to delays in berthing and after berthing by adverse weather. The vessel could only be directly delayed in berthing by bad weather after it had reached the head of the queue. When this clause is applied, claims can be asked. http://www.asdem.co.uk/newsletter27.htm

英语翻译Conor Grennan was unwilling to be a volunteer(志愿者).The 2?

Conor Grennan并不愿意做一名志愿者.这个29岁的美国人不确定自己是否具备做志愿者的强烈志愿和技巧. 然而,他在nepal的一个孤儿院找了份工作.(之所以在这工作,)他的第一想法是给别人留下深刻的印象.(因为美国人非常看重志愿经历) “我想如果我做一次志愿者,我就可以一直跟别人说这一段经历,” Grennan在huffington邮报的一篇报道里提到. 然而,他的为期三个月的孤儿院志愿工作变成了一次不凡经历.那是在2004年,Grennan放弃了他的工作,开始一年的环球旅行,他的第一站就是在nepal度过三个月. 刚到这个小村庄,他对儿童和当地文化一无所知.当他打开小王子之家儿童院时,迎接他的是一群兴高采烈的孩子们. 这个年轻的美国人要承担起照顾18个儿童的工作.后来他发现这些孩子都是被拐卖的.所以,他费劲周折走遍山区寻找这些孩子的家.“我带着孩子的照片开始奔走”,他告诉reuters的记着,“我拿着照片在村子里到处打听.我带了24张照片,找到了24个家庭.” 与此同时,他融入了当地人的文化. Grennan说,“志愿经历是个人了解世界各地生活方式的最好途径” 他鼓励其他人加入他的行动.他相信只要下定决心,就可以做一名志愿者. Grennan与拐卖儿童行为的对抗改变了他.他的书,小王子,上周出版了.,5,康纳格瑞南不愿做志愿者(志愿者)。29岁的美国人不知道他有能力或强烈的感情。然而,他去孤儿院的工作(孤儿院)在尼泊尔。他首先想到的是让人印象深刻。“我认为如果我自告奋勇,就一次。我可以复述一遍,”赫芬顿格瑞南在发表文章说。然而,他的为期三个月的那孤儿院变成了不寻常的经历。这是2004和格瑞南已经放弃了他的工作开始周游世界一年,他的头三个月是在尼泊尔。当他来到村里,关于儿童或当地的文化,他什么都不知...,2,英语翻译 Conor Grennan was unwilling to be a volunteer(志愿者).The 29-year-old American was not sure if he had the skills or a strong feeling for it. However,he went to work at an orphanage(孤儿院) in Nepal.His first thought was to make people impressed. "I thought that if I volunteered just once.I could retell the story over and over," Grennan said in a Huffington Post article. However,his three-month stay it the orphanage turned into in unusual experience.It was 2004 and Grennan had given up his job to begin a year-long around-the-world trip,His first three months were spent in Nepal. When he arrived in the village,he knew nothing about the children or the local culture.When he opened the gate of the Little Princes Children"s Home,he was faced by the excited children. The young American ended up caring for 18 children.He later discovered that they were trafficked(被拐卖的)children.So he walked through the mountains with great difficulty to find the kids" families,"I started walking with photos of the kids." he told the Reuters reporter."I would show up in villages and show photographs around.I went with 24 photos,and I found 24 families." At the same time,he put his heart into Nepalese culture. Grennan said, “Volunteering is the single best way to see how the rest of the world lives.” He also encouraged others to do what he had done.He believes that volunteering needs only making decisions to show up. Grennan"s fight against child-trafficking has changed him.His book,Little Prince,came out last week. 求翻译

The Bravery的《Tyrant》 歌词

歌曲名:Tyrant歌手:The Bravery专辑:The BraveryOneRepublic - TyrantWatching myself when I"m taking stridesbut here comes the moon and it feelsand it feels like an informer quick run awayhide before they see you,you know it is all, all a glowWalking on water seems parlaysnow you got my trust and it feels,and it feels like sabotagewhen I"m pulling triggers back on myselfyou know it is all I know, is all I knowAnd it feels so real from the outside looking inAnd it feels so real from the outsideFrom the outttttFrom the outtt tyrantTyrant tyrantttFeel capable of most anythingthis crippled bears gonna singgonna bring you all the years is quick turn aroundlook your shadows could could not beautiful lies for you is what they do ..And it feels so real from the outside looking inAnd it feels so real from the outsideFrom the outttttFrom the outtt tyrantTyrant tyrantttI"ll stay with apathy im blind but I can see the tyrant to the boneI"ll stay with apathy im blind but I can seeDon"t justify meDon"t justify meDon"t justify meeeeeeeNo nonononononTyrant tyrant tyrant oooo ooo oooAnd it feels so real from the outside looking inKevin Boul & Larry Cheng, share with you!http://music.baidu.com/song/8025322
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