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Antiy Labs是什么





《My Antonia》(Willa Cather)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1iPu5tIKPhbOP02lPMA4s2A 提取码:6xc6书名:My Antonia作者:Willa Cather出版社:Reader"s Digest Association出版年份:2004页数:277

电影中豪华客轮安东尼亚·格拉撒号Antonia Graza是真实存在的吗?

是真的,曾经存在Antonia Graza 是一艘意大利客轮,1962年5月21日被报失踪详细资料查看<幽灵船>的网页:http://ghostshipmovie.warnerbros.com/production_notes.html

《Eleanor Oliphantis Completely Fine》txt下载,求百度云资源

《Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine》(Gail Honeyman)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1_oPR1R_aaoqoRZBV7eIhRw 提取码: zqkq书名:《Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine》作者:Gail Honeyman译者:豆瓣评分:7.8出版社:Pamela Dorman Books出版年份:2017-5-9页数:336内容简介:Meet Eleanor Oliphant: She struggles with appropriate social skills and tends to say exactly what she"s thinking. Nothing is missing in her carefully timetabled life of avoiding social interactions, where weekends are punctuated by frozen pizza, vodka, and phone chats with Mummy.But everything changes when Eleanor meets Raymond, the bumbling and deeply unhygienic IT guy from her office. When she and Raymond together save Sammy, an elderly gentleman who has fallen on the sidewalk, the three become the kinds of friends who rescue one another from the lives of isolation they have each been living. And it is Raymond"s big heart that will ultimately help Eleanor find the way to repair her own profoundly damaged one.作者简介:Gail Honeyman is a graduate of the universities of Glasgow and Oxford. Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine was short-listed for the Lucy Cavendish Fiction Prize as a work in progress and is Honeyman"s debut novel. She lives in Glasgow, Scotland.


ant是蚂蚁的意思。。别的国家不清楚 反正在美国绝对给人笑,还有dick,男人的部分,但有人叫这名,还有peter的谐音,也是男人部分的意思,另一个jhon是马桶的意思,这几个名很忌讳在美国出现的。

antoinette guedia怎么读

Antoinetten.安托瓦妮特(女子名,Antonia的法语昵称); [例句]After Marie Antoinette was guillotined, her lips moved in an attempt to speak.玛丽·安托瓦内特被送上断头台处决后,她的嘴唇动了动,想开口说话。Guedia 盖迪亚;antoinette guedia安托瓦妮特.盖迪亚(人名)



谁有罗马尼亚 Antonia歌手的资料的




Antonia 这个英文名怎么样

Antonia源自:拉丁语音译:安东尼娅性别:女孩名涵意 : "beyond praise or of high esteem" 无辞以赞,备受尊崇的人它是男孩名安东尼 Anthony的阴性形式。



Eleanor Samantha哪一个更好一点呢?

"Eleanor" 和 "Samantha" 都是非常美丽的英文名字,各自都有各自的特点和含义。"Eleanor" 这个名字源于法国,意味着“光”或“明亮”。它是一个既古老又经典的名字,历史上许多重要的女性都叫 Eleanor,比如美国的第一夫人埃莉诺·罗斯福 (Eleanor Roosevelt)。"Samantha" 是一个比较现代的名字,流行于20世纪。这个名字的来源是希伯来语,意思是“听者”或者“被听到的人”。这个名字在许多电视剧和电影中被使用,因此被很多人所知。选择哪一个名字更好取决于你的个人喜好以及你希望这个名字所代表的含义。如果你喜欢历史悠久、经典的名字,那么"Eleanor"可能更合适。如果你倾向于选择一个更现代、常见的名字,那么"Samantha"可能是更好的选择。无论你选择哪一个名字,它们都是非常美丽且具有深厚含义的英文名字。



be diligent 后面什么介词?


英语 请问为什么宾语是to be diligent 这属于to do 的短语充当宾语吗?


diligent in study是什么意思



idle 或 lazy



这句话为什么要加being? His being diligent cannot be denied.

此处的“diligent”是一个形容词, 不能单独用来做句子的主语成份。being diligent=diligence(名词),形容词加being相当于一个名词的成分,表现“勤奋”的状态。这句话的谓语是cannot be,因此being diligent是名词性的主语。


antyind不是一个单词哦 是拼错了嘛?

corageous(勇敢的), diligent,loyal,passionate的同义词


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studious industrious diligent assiduous hardworking有什么区别

studious adj.1. marked by care and effort eg. made a studious attempt to fix the television set 2. characterized by diligent study and fondness for reading eg. a quiet studious childindustrious adj.1. characterized by hard work and perseverance2. working hard to promote an enterprisediligent adj.1. quietly and steadily persevering especially in detail or exactness eg. a diligent (or patient) worker 2. characterized by care and perseverance in carrying out tasks eg. a diligent detective investigates all clues a diligent search of the files assiduous adj.marked by care and persistent efforther assiduous attempts to learn French assiduous research hardworking adj.characterized by hard work and perseverance


diligentlyadv.diligent的变形diligent ["dilidu0292u0259nt]adj.1.勤奋的,勤勉的,勤劳的;努力的,用功的2.(细致而)坚持不懈的,坚忍不拔的;辛勤的,刻苦的;煞费苦心的近义词busy

entity classification election 什么意思


英语 请问为什么宾语是to be diligent 这属于to do 的短语充当宾语吗?



唯实唯新:唯创新,唯求实. 楼主说的踏实 不等于勤奋,所以不赞成这样翻译.要是说勤恳倒还有点. 我赞同csmandon 的翻译. 另外,附上我的: innovation-oriented and practice-oriented

laborious,diligent与industrious的区别拜托各位了 3Q

diligent 勤勉的,勤奋的,有着重于细节的意思,有潜心研究、有毅力、坚持不懈、不放过任何线索的意思.industrious 勤勉的,勤奋的,着重于hard working和坚持,与diligent是近义词.laborious 勤劳的,费力的,着重于体力劳动,且努力得耗尽力气的意思.


diligent 孜孜不倦的;勤勉的;刻苦的反义词:lazy|u02c8leu026azi|不愿工作的;懒散的;懒惰的


  diligent用法为:diligent的英文解释是:showingcareandeffertinyourworkorduties。表示对来于工作或任务,尽心尽力。作为形容词,diligent表示:孜孜不倦自的、勤勉的、刻苦的。多用于名词前面。如adiligentstudent,一个勤奋的学生;adiligentworker一名勤奋的工人。   例句:   Afteradeligentresearch,thepolicefoundthemissingchild。   经过全力搜寻,警方找到了失踪的孩子。


diligent,英语单词,形容词、名词,作形容词时意为“勤勉的;用功的,费尽心血的”,作名词时意为“(Diligent)人名;(法)迪利让”。短语搭配:Be Diligent 要勤勉;勤奋学习;以辛勤劳动为荣;勤奋Diligent student 勤奋的学生diligent in 勤勉于Diligent practice 勤于练习diligent attempt 努力尝试Diligent thinking 勤思Also Diligent 也勤奋努力双语例句:1、Form the determinants of genius should be diligent.形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋。2、So like any diligent scientist, he set about trying to derive one.所以,像其他勤奋的科学家一样,他自己尝试着推论出一个来。3、No student is so diligent as he.没有比他更勤奋的学生了。


diligent的意思是:勤奋的。一、详细释义adj.勤奋的;勤勉的;细致而坚持不懈的。二、短语搭配1.diligent student 勤奋的学生2.diligent study 勤奋学习三、例句1.He is over sixty,but he is still as diligent as ever.他虽已年过花甲,但依旧很勤奋。2.Being diligent and thrifty is the virtue of the Chinese people.克勤克俭是中国人民的优良传统。3.He is diligent and busy with work all the time.他手脚勤快,一刻也不闲着。4.The diligent teller told a tedious story in regards to the intelligent shadvertisementsllite.辛劳的出纳讲述了一个关于智能卫星的有趣故事。


he"s hardworkingorwork his ass(tail) off


D. the most diligent


diligent adj. 勤勉的;用功的,费尽心血的deligent没有这个单词的。。。。。。。


diligent和hard-working的区别hardworking是一形容词,而work hard是一动词短语了。diligent是勤勉的,勤奋的

diligent & conscientious 请问这两个词可以通用吗?有什么区别?

可以通用; 但意思就会变一点点. 当然. 要看你怎么用. diligent - 很小心. conscientious - 很小心; 做的时候; 那样东西; 在你的脑海里头... conscientious 里面还包括了另一个字; conscious (意思; 察觉; 知觉). conscientious - 有知觉的; 有察觉的 He is conscientiously drawing a picture of a boat. He is diligently drawing a picture of a boat. She is a conscientious Judge (她是个认真的法官) She is a diligent Judge (她是个小心/细心的法官) 有点点区别...


不知道你知不知道dilidili一个动漫聚合网站.我就是这么记得:Dilidili website current achievement imply a soft engineer diligent effort.

求intensity anxiety tension tense intense的区别 急!谢了......

intensity强度词典名词 1. (思想、感情的)强烈,激烈。2. 强度。3. 【摄影】(底片的)明暗度。anxiety 焦虑词典名词 1. 悬念,挂虑,忧虑。2. 切望,渴望。3. 【病理学】(精神)不安,苦闷。tension张力词典名词 1. 拉紧;伸张。2. (精神、局势等)紧张。3. 【物理学】张力,拉力,牵力;(弹性体的)应力;(蒸气等的)膨胀力,压力。4. 【电学】电压,拉伸力,拉紧[绷紧]装置,绷子。及物动词 张紧,使紧张。tense紧张词典tense1名词 1. 【语法】时,时态。2. (拉丁语)(古语)时间。tense2形容词 1. 拉紧的,抽紧的(绳子) (opp. Lax, loose)。2. 紧张的。3. 【语音】紧的。及物动词, 不及物动词 (使)绷紧,(使)紧张。 intense激烈词典形容词 (-tenser; -tensest)1. 激烈的,强烈的;紧张的。2. 热烈的,热情的,认真的。3. 【摄影】(底片)明暗度强的。


diligencen. 勤奋,勤勉;[法]注意的程度有不明白的地方再问哟,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)

专利审查文件中的election requirement 是什么意思?还有restriction 译作什么为好? 谢谢!

election requirement 选择权restriction限制

diligent 和industrious 有什么区别




diligent 和industrious 有什么区别

industrious 意思是 working hard; busy 勤奋的,勤劳的,忙碌的 industrious student。diligent 意思是 showing care and effert in your work or duties 孜孜不倦的,勤勉的,刻苦的。 a diligent student/ workerAfter a deligent research,the police found the missing child.



diligent 形容词 勤勉的;用功的,费尽心血的diligently 副词勤奋地;勤勉地diligence 名词勤奋,勤勉;注意的程度望采纳 谢谢




diligent词根: lig diligent的释义: adj.孜孜不倦的;勤勉的;刻苦的 派生词: diligently adv. 扩展资料   Her offspring are diligent and intelligent.   她的孩子们既勤奋又聪明。   For the future, try to be more diligent in your work.   今后你应该更勤奋。   She is diligent and keeps herself busy all the time.   她真勤快,一会儿也不闲着。   He is diligent and always keeps his house clean and tidy.   他这个人手勤,屋子收拾得非常干净。   He is conscientious and diligent, and is never idle.   他是个勤谨人,整天闲不住。


diligent 勤勉的,勤奋的,有着重于细节的意思,有潜心研究、有毅力、坚持不懈、不放过任何线索的意思.industrious 勤勉的,勤奋的,着重于hard working和坚持,与diligent是近义词.laborious 勤劳的,费力的,着重于体力劳动,且努力得耗尽力气的意思.


diligent(勤奋)的名词形式是 diligence。英文是西日耳曼语的一种语言,最早是在中世纪早期的英格兰使用的,该语言最终成为21世纪国际话语的主要语言。它以Angles的名字命名,Angles是古老的日耳曼人民之一,后来移居到大不列颠地区,后来以他们的名字英格兰命名。这两个名字都源于波罗的海半岛的安格利亚(Anglia)。


  diligent的英文解释是:showingcareandeffertinyourworkorduties。表示对于工作或任务,尽心尽力。  作为形容词,diligent表示:孜孜不倦的、勤勉的、刻苦的。多用于名词前面。如adiligentstudent,一个勤奋的学生;/adiligentworker一名勤奋的工人。  Afteradeligentresearch,thepolicefoundthemissingchild.经过全力搜寻,警方找到了失踪的孩子。


  diligent的英文解释是:showing care and effert in your work or duties。表示对于工作或任务,尽心尽力。  作为形容词,diligent表示:孜孜不倦的、勤勉的、刻苦的。多用于名词前面。如 a diligent student,一个勤奋的学生;/a diligent worker一名勤奋的工人。  After a deligent research,the police found the missing child.经过全力搜寻,警方找到了失踪的孩子。


deligent英文:diligent的意思是:勤奋的。一、详细释义adj.勤奋的;勤勉的;细致而坚持不懈的。二、短语搭配1.diligent student 勤奋的学生2.diligent study 勤奋学习三、例句1.He is over sixty,but he is still as diligent as ever.他虽已年过花甲,但依旧很勤奋。2.Being diligent and thrifty is the virtue of the Chinese people.克勤克俭是中国人民的优良传统。3.He is diligent and busy with work all the time.他手脚勤快,一刻也不闲着。4.The diligent teller told a tedious story in regards to the intelligent shadvertisementsllite.辛劳的出纳讲述了一个关于智能卫星的有趣故事。




diligent,英语单词,形容词、名词,作形容词时意为“勤勉的;用功的,费尽心血的”,作名词时意为“(Diligent)人名;(法)迪利让”。短语搭配:Be Diligent 要勤勉;勤奋学习;以辛勤劳动为荣;勤奋Diligent student 勤奋的学生diligent in 勤勉于Diligent practice 勤于练习diligent attempt 努力尝试Diligent thinking 勤思Also Diligent 也勤奋努力双语例句:1、Form the determinants of genius should be diligent.形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋。2、So like any diligent scientist, he set about trying to derive one.所以,像其他勤奋的科学家一样,他自己尝试着推论出一个来。3、No student is so diligent as he.没有比他更勤奋的学生了。

diligent 的意思

5dilidVEnt]adj.勤勉的, 用功的, 细心而继续不断的


diligent[英][u02c8du026alu026adu0292u0259nt][美][u02c8du026alu0259du0292u0259nt]adj.勤奋的; 勤勉的; 用功的; 费尽心血的; 例句:1.The most diligent put in another 20 hours. 最勤奋的一个还要再多20小时。2.But its implementation requires diligent officials, so not much has happened. 但这项改革的实施需要勤勉的官员,所以实行的不多。

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人家问的是韩文歌 女的唱的,你发了一些屎么?

cent dime

一角硬币dime 五分镍币nickel 一分值的硬币cent 1 dime=2 nickel= 10 cent 1 dollar=10 dime=20 nickel= 100 cent

美金一角(one dime)和10分(ten cents)的区别

quarter:25 dollar:$1.00 dime:10 nickel:5 penny:1。


a dollar=100cents


2004年12月9日著名前PANTERA乐队吉他手Dimebag Darrell与DAMAGEPLAN乐队在美国俄亥俄州首府哥伦布北城的Alrosa Villa酒吧里刚开始表演第一首歌时,突然一名持枪歹徒跑上台,不明情况的观众起初以为这是DAMAGEPLAN舞台表演的刻意安排。但是这名男子瞄准Darrell以及其他乐队成员突然开枪,并且还向恐慌中的观众人群盲目开击。  当时有250人在场,目击者称,他至少四次向Darrell开枪射击。一位在附近巡逻的警员James D. Niggemeyer迅速赶到现场,面对混乱的情景立即做出反应,当场将凶手击毙。到目前为止以有四人死亡,两人重伤,其中“Dimebag”Darrell Abbott不幸遇难,当场死亡,享年38岁,令人全世界的摇滚认识痛惜不已。中击之时,Darrell正在进行吉他演奏,他根本没有意识到正在发生的一切。  据目击者描述,行凶者当时就站在Darrell身旁,并且多次向他头部开枪。经警方查明,持枪袭击者名为Nathan Gale,25岁,来自Maryville市。到目前为止,此人行凶的目的尚未查明。但是袭击目标主要是乐队成员。据说,Gale在行凶之前还大声向Darrell喊叫,并且言语内容与PANTERA的解散有关。  Brent Mull警官说,Gale被击毙之前还劫持了一名人质,但此人毫发无损。枪击事件发生于当地时间晚10点18分。不幸遇难人员中还有DAMAGEPLAN乐队以及演出场地的工作人员。其余DAMAGEPLAN乐队成员,包括前PANTERA鼓手,Darrell的各个Vinnie Paul Abbott,有惊无险、幸免遇难。

my last winter vacation 作文

Last winter break,my parents took a few days off and we went on a vacation at Boracay.What can you expect more than a blue clear sky,white soft sands,greenish clean sea and a great big house.We rent a...

求一首英文歌曲名 女生唱的 开头是Do you want to me I like you want to you 高潮是 baby you come...

tata young 的Crush On YouI wish upon a star Wanna be right where you are You set my world on fire Babe I got a crush on you I wish upon a star Can"t you see how right we are We should be together Babe I got a crush on you I used to turn around and walk away Never stopped to play Cause there was no attraction But in my heart you start to grow on me Kind of suddenly So now I"ve changed direction Knowing it might seems strange Love came over me Feeling the luck has changed Do you want me, like I want you? I wish upon a star Wanna be right where you are You set my world on fire Babe I got a crush on you I wish upon a star Can"t you see how right we are We should be together Babe I got a crush on you In this cold world, where dreams are few Baby, I want you Is it to much to ask for? I"ll take you places where you never been If you just give in So babe, it"s now or never Knowing it might seems strange Love came over me Feeling the luck has changed Do you want me, like I want you? I wish upon a star Wanna be right where you are You set my world on fire Babe I got a crush on you I wish upon a star Can"t you see how right we are We should be together Babe I got a crush on you Me and you, you and me. Living a life in harmony It"s magic (magic) babe I"ve got a crush on you Me and you, you and me. Living a life in harmony It"s magic (magic) babe I"ve got a crush on you So if you feel the way I do Would you fancy to To take a ride beside me? Me and you, you and me. Living a life in harmony It"s magic (magic) babe I"ve got a crush on you Me and you, you and me. Living a life in harmony It"s magic (magic) babe I"ve got a crush on you I wish upon a star Wanna be right where you are You set my world on fire Babe I got a crush on you I wish upon a star Can"t you see how right we are We should be together Babe I got a crush on you I wish upon a star Wanna be right where you are You set my world on fire Babe I got a crush on you..


一角硬币dime 五分镍币nickel 一分值的硬币cent 1 dime=2 nickel= 10 cent1 dollar=10 dime=20 nickel= 100 cent



S.COUPS(崔胜澈) 1995年8月8日 Hip-hop Team队长、总队长、主Rapper、填词Jeong Han(尹净汉) 1995年10月4日 副主唱Joshua(洪知秀) 1995年12月30日 副主唱、编曲Jun(文俊辉) 1996年6月10日 领舞、副唱Hoshi(权顺荣) 1996年6月15日 Performance Team队长、主领舞、副主唱、编舞、艺能担当Won Woo(全圆佑) 1996年7月17日 领Rapper、填词Woozi(李知勋) 1996年11月22日 Vocal Team队长、领唱、作曲、编曲、填词DK(李硕珉) 1997年2月18日 主唱、艺能担当Min Gyu(金珉奎) 1997年4月6日 领Rapper、门面、填词The8(徐明浩) 1997年11月7日 领舞、副唱Seung Kwan(夫胜寛) 1998年1月16日 主唱、艺能担当Vernon(崔韩率) 1998年2月18日 主Rapper、填词Dino(李灿) 1999年2月11日 忙内、主领舞、Rapper、副唱

英语翻译 1.约翰想去看电影吗?不,他不想。____ Jhon want to _________?No,he_____. 2.我想看喜剧

1. Does; see movies; doesn"t2. to see; and3. wants; to help him4. is really exciting5. learnt; about

Anya Marina fantasy歌词

Lyrics to Fantasy :you only come out late at nightjust like an animal in the moonlightyou"re wrapped up tight in mysteryyou got me so fogged in that I can"t even seemy friends say I"m caught up in fairytales and dreamsand I confess with you it feels like make-believe"cause you"re a fantasyyou"re just a fantasy, yeahyou"re a fantasy, darling, to medo I really think I see you in the moonligiht?really wanna hold you cause it feels rightI really wanna see you tonightlast night i swore i heard you call my namecalled through my window, took my handand stole me awaywent to the drive-inspeeding like a runaway trainwoke up and smelled your scent in the morning rainmy friends say I"m caught up in fairytales and dreamsand I confess, with you, it feels like make-believe"cause you"re a fantasyyou"re just a fantasy, yeahyou"re a fantasy, darling, to medo I really think I see you in the moonlight?really wanna hold you, "cause it feels rightI really wanna see you tonight...woke up this morningcouldn"t get you out of my headand I tried to call you upbut the number was deadI drove by your placeconvinced that you"d still be aroundbut I saw a wrecking ball a-tear your house downmy friends say I"m caught up in fairytales and dreamsand I confess, with you, it feels like make-believe"cause you"re a fantasyyou"re just a fantasy, yeahyou"re a fantasy, darling, to medo I really think I see you in the moonlight?really wanna hold you, "cause it feels rightI really wanna see you tonightreally wanna see you tonightreally wanna see you tonightreally wanna see you tonightreally wanna see you tonightreally wanna see yousleep-tight...

21th century fox都出过哪些电影


electroshock treatment是什么意思


电紧张电位(electrotonic potential)


英美人说comeontry again是什么意思



Avantgard是时尚型的意思,在奔驰C级和E级里会有。Classic 经典型 Elegance 优雅型 Avantgard 时尚型 一般在同一车型里,时尚型比优雅型的配置略高。另外,C 260 CGI和C 300还有运动型车型,在外观上与时尚型有所区别,配置上比时尚型又略高一点。


elegant的名词:elegance; elegance n.优美,高雅,典雅,优雅,雅致 扩展资料   The name Chanel became a byword for elegance.   夏奈尔这个名字成了优雅的.代名词。   There was elegance and simple dignity in the way he bore himself.   他举止优雅而庄重。   His writing combines elegance and wit.   他的文章典雅而又风趣。   Such is the elegance of this typeface that it is still a favourite of designers.   这种字体很优美,至今仍深受设计人员喜欢。


连词成句:I want to come to the store.我想来这家商店。

winter comer.这句怎么改成一般疑问句

Winter comes, doesn"t it?
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