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There is inner peacein the distant stars?是什么意思?


谢谢帮好心人 跪求帮忙 be distant to 请问一下有没有这个短语,请说明一下,并且说明下


Distant scenery 什么意思


Distant. You. 什么意思

distant attach什么意思是


in the distant有没有这种用法

没有。能查到的用法有:in the distance future, in the distant sea, in the distance等等。

Distant supervision是什么意思

Distant supervision可以翻译为“远程监督”

be distant to 请问一下有没有这个短语,请说明一下,并且说明下是什么意思谢谢!

没这个短语但是有be distant 这个系表结构,意思是遥远的这个系表结构,可以不跟宾语,跟宾语跟from 介词不跟不定式

distant her什么意思

distant her遥远的她distant[英][u02c8du026astu0259nt][美][u02c8du026astu0259nt]adj.遥远的; 冷漠的,冷淡的; 远离的,远隔的; 不太清晰的; 例句:1.It is a huge but distant risk. 这是一个巨大但却遥远的风险。

distant relative是什么意思


英语feel distant怎么翻译?

feel distant感觉疏远

"遥远的永远"翻译成英文应该是Distant and forever还是Distant of forever?

是Forever of distant


remote和distant通常可用来表示两大意义,两者在意义和用法上没有太大的区别. (1)表示“远”,这种“远”既可以是空间、时间的远,也可以是人或事件之间关系的远.如: He lives in a house remote from any town. I"d like to travel to distant lands. It happened in the remote past. This is no longer a distant dream. She is a distant cousin of mine. Your comments are rather remote from the subject we are discussing. (2)表示人或态度“冷淡”、“漠不关心”.如: He seemed remote, uninterested in the conversation. Her manner was polite but remote. She was so distant with/towards me that I thought she was angry.

Distant Dreamer 歌词

歌曲名:Distant Dreamer歌手:Duffy专辑:RockferryDuffy - Distant DreamerAlthough you think I cope,my head is filled with hope...of some place other than here.Although you think I smile,inside all the while...I"m wondering about my destiny.I"m thinking about,all the things,I"d like to do in my life.I"m a dreamer,a distant dreamer,dreaming for hope, from today.Even when you see me frown,my heart won"t let me down,because I know there"s better things to come(Woah Yeah).And when life gets tough,I feel I"ve had enough,I hold on to a distant star,I"m thinking about,all the things,I"d like to do in my life...I"m a dreamer,A distant dreamer,dreaming for hope from today.I"m a dreamer,A distant dreamer,dreaming for hope from today.Yeah, I"m a dreamerOooooooh...Oooooooh...Oooooooh...I"m a dreamer,a distant dreamer,dreaming for hope from today,Yeah i"m a dreamer...Oooooooh...Oooooooh...Oooooooh...I"m a dreamer.Larry Cheng & Kevin Boul, share with you!http://music.baidu.com/song/496756

Distant Lover 歌词

歌曲名:Distant Lover歌手:Michael Mcdonald专辑:MotownDistant Love作词·作曲:salia 编曲:Unicorn Table歌:Unicorn Table编制:COSPLAY 虫やけに はしゃぎ过ぎた後は 帰り道さみしくてたくさん言いたい事あったのに 颜を见ると言えなくて君の梦见て目覚めた朝は やけに晴れてたりして早く逢いたくて...Distant Love 流れる毎日の中 云见上げ风り乗り いつでもすぐに飞んで行けよ 君だけ想ってる足りない言叶并べた Love mail 君の胸に届くかなそばに居すぎて见えなかった 大事な宝物この都会の夜 赤いホタル いつか君と见てみたいEverything I want to meet you胸が痛くて 眠れぬ夜は空见上げ月明かり愿い委ねて 気が付けばそう 君が溢れてるDistant Love 流れる毎日の中 募る想い君の事 もっと知りくて...胸が痛くて 眠れぬ夜は空见上げ月明かり愿い委ねて 気が付けばそう 君が溢れてる~终~http://music.baidu.com/song/1471101







be distant with是什么意思(有该种用法吗)

distant adj. 遥远的;冷漠的;远隔的应该是没有加WITH的用法。

英语feel distant怎么翻译?

i(我)feel(感觉)more and more(越来越)distant(遥远,疏远),life(生命,生活)is amaze(震惊,吃惊 ,V.) 我越来越感觉到北被疏远,原来生活这么逗....这句话里面 我还没有发现 哪个词是你使用正确的,所以我感觉,具体翻译,你根据上下语境自己来吧


important,importancedifficult,difficultylong, lengthdifferent,differencedistant, distancedeep, depthstrong, strengthwide, widthhigh, heighthealthy health




distant英 ["du026ast(u0259)nt]美 ["du026astu0259nt]adj. 遥远的;冷漠的;远隔的;不友好的,冷淡的

remote far与distant区别是什么?

  far在u2018Hor far...?"这样的问句中,或在类似对此问句的答句中,通常指短距离的远,否则总为遥远的这一含义。由于far是个普通词,所以使用范围较广,含义也较复杂(如:它可以表示相对于观察者的另一边),在不同的词组中,其含义也有差异。如:   At the far end of the meadow two slates in the wall, which at this point replaced the hedge, indicated a stile.   在草地的另一端,树篱围墙中有两块石板和树篱相连。看得出这是供人越过树篱的阶梯。   You"ll have to get off here, the conductor said,This is as far as we go.   你得在这儿下车了,售票员说,我们的车就开到这里为止了。   distant和remote虽然都可以表示遥远的,但是remote 强调偏僻,而distant强调两物相距的间隔。此外,distant也并不总是表示遥远。如:应当把书保持在离开眼睛大约六英寸处。The book should be held about six inches distant from the eyes. 此句中的   The ability to do this will be necessary in future flights to distant planets.   将来飞往遥远的行星时,需要这样的能力。   But the historian attempting to reconstruct the distant past is always faced with a difficult task.   但是,试图再现远古情景的史学家,总面临着艰难的任务。   访问真正偏僻的村庄,很少是令人愉快的--这一点我和妻子在巴尔干地区游览时,有所发现。

remote far与distant区别

一、意思不同remote除了有遥远之外还有偏僻的意思。distant就是遥远的。二、用法不同两者都可做定语或者表语,而far的意思一样,但只能用做表语,不能用做定语,如一个遥远的地方 不能说a far place只能说it is far。三、使用范围不同far在Hor far这样的问句中,或在类似对此问句的答句中,通常指短距离的"远",否则总为"遥远的"这一含义。由于far是个普通词,所以使用范围较广。例如:"You"ll have to get off here," the conductor said,"This is as far as we go.""你得在这儿下车了,"售票员说,"我们的车就开到这里为止了"。四、正式度distant 相对于far来说更为正式一些,而且distant所表示的通常是具体的距离或者即便不具体也是相当长的距离。再者distant和remote都可以表示关系的远近亲疏,而far则极少。Distant的反义词可以有close, friendly等。


distant基本上是far-away的意思,但它还有疏远、冷淡的意思,比如distant relations远亲,这是就不可与far互换。而且far作形容词时一般用作表语的较多,作定语的情况比较少.


ar,distant这组形容词的一般含义是“遥远的”。far在‘Hor far…?"这样的问句中,或在类似对此问句的答句中,通常指短距离的“远”,否则总为“遥远的”这一含义。由于far是个普通词,所以使用范围较广,含义也较复杂(如:它可以表示相对于观察者的“另一边”),在不同的词组中,其含义也有差异。如:At the far end of the meadow two slates in the wall, which at this point replaced the hedge, indicated a stile.在草地的另一端,树篱围墙中有两块石板和树篱相连。看得出这是供人越过树篱的阶梯。"You"ll have to get off here," the conductor said,"This is as far as we go."“你得在这儿下车了,”售票员说,“我们的车就开到这里为止了”。distant可以表示“遥远的”,distant强调“两物相距的间隔”。此外,distant也并不总是表示遥远。如:“应当把书保持在离开眼睛大约六英寸处。”The book should be held about six inches distant from the eyes. 此句中的The ability to do this will be necessary in future flights to distant planets.将来飞往遥远的行星时,需要这样的能力。But the historian attempting to reconstruct the distant past is always faced with a difficult task.但是,试图再现远古情景的史学家,总面临着艰难的任务。我抄的现成的,但是是对的,语言组织很好


distant形容词,遥远的。副词:distantly比较级:more distant最高级:most distant

distant 这个英语单词需要浊化吗

distant 需要浊化。在英语中 s后的清辅音,发音时需要浊化,eg. school,student,study,strong,establish......


distant英[u02c8du026astu0259nt]美[u02c8du026astu0259nt]adj.遥远的; 冷漠的,冷淡的; 远离的,远隔的; 不太清晰的网络疏远; 远处的; 远距离形近词:Distantinstantconstantoptant数据来源:金山词霸双语例句柯林斯词典英英释义百度知道新1Last summer"s drought is a distant memory.去年夏天的旱灾已成为遥远的记忆。


distant意为“ 遥远的;冷漠的;远隔的;不友好的,冷淡的”短语搭配:Distant blue冷蓝色 ; 冷淡蓝色;distant view远景 ; 远方之香 ; 前景 ; 远眺;Distant memories遥远的记忆 ; 遥远的思念 ; 悠远的回忆 ; 记忆渐远;Distant Islands远飏之岛 ; 远扬之岛 ; 遥远之岛;Distant relative远房亲戚 ; 遥遥相对 ; 远亲 ; 泛指关系疏远的人;Distant metastasis远处转移 ; 远转移;Distant Drums遥远的鼓声 ; 遥远鼓声;Distant Culvert远阴沟;Distant LOD远景细节双语例句How distant I am from everything!我离万物,是多么遥远!I do not float above you like some ethereal distant being.我并不是像一些轻飘遥远的存在般,飘在你的上方。But in her new home , in a distant unknown country , it would not be like that .但是在她的新家里,在一个遥远陌生的国家里,事情就不会是那样了。














remote = 遥控distant = 遥远

distant 造句



distant的名词为:distance。distance可作名词和动词 。其名词词义有:距离、间距、(空间的)遥远、(时间的)久远,间隔、远方、远处等含义,动词词义有:拉开距离、与…疏远等含义。

remote far与distant区别是什么?

far在‘Horfar...?"这样的问句中,或在类似对此问句的答句中,通常指短距离的远,否则总为遥远的这一含义。由于far是个普通词,所以使用范围较广,含义也较复杂(如:它可以表示相对于观察者的另一边),在不同的词组中,其含义也有差异。如:  Atthefarendofthemeadowtwoslatesinthewall,whichatthispointreplacedthehedge,indicatedastile.  在草地的另一端,树篱围墙中有两块石板和树篱相连。看得出这是供人越过树篱的阶梯。  You"llhavetogetoffhere,theconductorsaid,Thisisasfaraswego.  你得在这儿下车了,售票员说,我们的车就开到这里为止了。  distant和remote虽然都可以表示遥远的,但是remote强调偏僻,而distant强调两物相距的间隔。此外,distant也并不总是表示遥远。如:应当把书保持在离开眼睛大约六英寸处。Thebookshouldbeheldaboutsixinchesdistantfromtheeyes.此句中的  Theabilitytodothiswillbenecessaryinfutureflightstodistantplanets.  将来飞往遥远的行星时,需要这样的能力。  Butthehistorianattemptingtoreconstructthedistantpastisalwaysfacedwithadifficulttask.  但是,试图再现远古情景的史学家,总面临着艰难的任务。  访问真正偏僻的村庄,很少是令人愉快的--这一点我和妻子在巴尔干地区游览时,有所发现。


distant强调路途的遥远 far也可以这样使用,同时也可以表示关系的疏远等非物质的遥远。

英语中distant 怎么读?

distant ["distu0259nt]

remote far与distant区别

在英语中有些情况下都包含或表示"遥"的意思。以下是部分词语的详细解释和区别:①,distant距离上隔很远;far距离、时间、关系等相隔很远;distantdis.《源自拉丁文“离开站立”的意思》形容词(more ~; most ~);a. (在距离上) 远的,远隔的a ~ country遥远的国家a ~ view远景【同义字】distant 距离上隔很远far距离、时间、关系等相隔很远remote 除了距离隔得远,②,remote除了距离隔得远,remotere.源自拉丁文“被移动的”的意思》形容词(re.mot.er; -est)1 a. (距离) 遥远的,远方的; 远隔的; 隐秘的; 人迹罕至的,偏僻的a ~ place遥远的地方a ~ village偏僻的村落b. 远离[…]的[from]a village ~ from the town远离城 ...扩展资料distant的短语搭配Distant blue冷蓝色 ; 冷淡蓝色distant view远景 ; 远方之香 ; 前景 ; 远眺Distant memories遥远的记忆 ; 遥远的思念 ; 悠远的回忆 ; 记忆渐远Distant Islands远飏之岛 ; 远扬之岛 ; 遥远之岛Distant relative远房亲戚 ; 遥遥相对 ; 远亲 ; 泛指关系疏远的人Distant metastasis远处转移 ; 远转移Distant Drums遥远的鼓声 ; 遥远鼓声Distant Culvert远阴沟Distant LOD远景细节参考资料来源:百度百科-distant


distant 形容词可以作表语、定语。名词为distance,短语in the distance意为在远处


distant 形容词可以作表语、定语. 名词为distance,短语in the distance意为在远处



这个英语 distant 怎么读

因为这个词的重音在前面 只有重音在s前的轻辅音才会爆破成浊辅音 如under"stand 重音在stand。所以t要浊成d "rescue 因为重音在前面。所以c不能浊成g ("表示重音)




distant的名词为:distance。distance可作名词和动词,其名词词义有:距离、间距、(空间的)遥远、(时间的)久远,间隔、远方、远处等含义,动词词义有:拉开距离、与疏远等含义。用法:1、distant的基本含义是“远离的”,常可引申表示“疏远的”“冷淡的”。2、distant既可指空间,也可指时间,有时可跟测量单位连用。作定语时,有“在远处的”的意思,也有“来自远处的”的意思。3、distant表示“从某地到某地很远”时常与介词from连用,当表示“与〔对〕疏远”时常与介词with或toward连用。短语搭配:Distant blue冷蓝色 ; 冷淡蓝色distant view远景 ; 远方之香 ; 前景 ; 远眺Distant memories遥远的记忆 ; 遥远的思念 ; 悠远的回忆 ; 记忆渐远Distant Islands远飏之岛 ; 远扬之岛 ; 遥远之岛Distant relative远房亲戚 ; 遥遥相对 ; 远亲 ; 泛指关系疏远的人Distant metastasis远处转移 ; 远转移Distant Drums遥远的鼓声 ; 遥远鼓声Distant Culvert远阴沟Distant LOD远景细节


distant 遥远的常见释义:adj.遥远的;远处的;久远的;不相似的;不同的;远亲的;远房的;不友好的;心不在焉的;习语:1.adj.the (dim and) distant past 很久以前;遥远的过去a long time ago stories from the distant past)很久以前的故事2.in the not too distant future 在不久的将来not a long time in the future but fairly soon例句:1.Last summer"s drought is a distant memory.去年夏天的旱灾已成为遥远的记忆。2.Astronomers have discovered a distantgalaxy.天文学家们发现了一个遥远的星系。3.The time we spent together is now a distant memory.我们一起度过的时光现已成为久远的记忆。4.The first distant crash of thunder shook the air.远处的第一声霹雳震撼着天空。5.She had started to delve into her father"s distant past.她开始探究她父亲久已逝去的岁月。6.Their life seemed utterly distant from his own.他们的生活与他自己的生活似乎完全不同。7.There was a distant look in her eyes; her mind was obviously on something else.她眼神恍惚,显然心里在想着别的什么事儿。



Students of today have too many problems that distract them from their studies.


direct his attention away from sth等于什么?

这个短语等于一个英语单词:distract 使某人分心、分神

distract attention前加不加to


distract attention是什么意思


environmental experimental botany 是sci吗?


public distrust of scientists是什么意思

公众对科学家的不信任;我找了一下,这是原文,2005六级考试阅读理解。 Public distrust of scientists stems in part from the blurring of boundaries between science and technology, between discovery and manufacture. Most government, perhaps all governments, justify public expenditure on scientific research in terms of the economic benefits the scientific enterprise ha brought in the past and will bring in the future. Politicians remind their voters of the splendid machines ‘our scientists" have invented, the new drugs to relieve old ailments (病痛), and the new surgical equipment and techniques by which previously intractable (难治疗的) conditions may now be treated and lives saved. At the same time, the politicians demand of scientists that they tailor their research to ‘economics needs", that they award a higher priority to research proposals that are ‘near the market" and can be translated into the greatest return on investment in the shortest time. Dependent, as they are, on politicians for much of their funding, scientists have little choice but to comply. Like the rest of us, they are members of a society that rates the creation of wealth as the greatest possible good.Many have reservations, but keep them to themselves in what they perceive as a climate hostile to the pursuit of understanding for its own sake and the idea of an inquiring, creative spirit.

environmental and experimental botany要钱吗


journal of experimental botany under editorial review 是什么情况

Journal of experimental botany [0022-0957] 获取全文,请点击: Highwire电子期刊收录起始年 1996收录最近的 1 年 不可获取本刊收录在: MEDLINE(2011年)本刊收录在Web of Science: SCIE(2009版)本刊收录在Web of Science: SCIE(2012版)本刊收录在Web of Science: SCIE(2013版)点击: 查看SCI影响因子(2009)提示: Impact Factor:4.271; 5-Year Impact Factor:4.745点击: 查看SCI影响因子(2010)提示: Impact Factor: 4.818 ; Rank: 546主题分类:Chemistry: BiochemistryLife Sciences: BiochemistryLife Sciences: BotanyLife Sciences: Cytology, Cell BiologyLife Sciences: General and Others有增刊: Journal of experimental botany [1754-6613]

Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany退稿回消息嘛


journal of experimental botany 影响因子是多少

Journal of experimental botany [0022-0957] 获取全文,请点击: Highwire免费电子期刊收录起始年 1996收录最近的 1 年 不可获取本刊收录在: MEDLINE(2011年)本刊收录在Web of Science: SCIE(2009版)本刊收录在Web of Science: SCIE(2012版)本刊收录在Web of Science: SCIE(2013版)点击: 查看SCI影响因子(2009)提示: Impact Factor:4.271; 5-Year Impact Factor:4.745点击: 查看SCI影响因子(2010)提示: Impact Factor: 4.818 ; Rank: 546主题分类:Chemistry: BiochemistryLife Sciences: BiochemistryLife Sciences: BotanyLife Sciences: Cytology, Cell BiologyLife Sciences: General and Others有增刊: Journal of experimental botany [1754-6613]

journal of experimental botany简介

杂志简介/稿件收录要求:The Journal of Experimental Botany publishes high-quality primary research papers in the plant sciences. These papers cover a range of disciplines from molecular and cellular physiology and biochemistry through whole plant physiology to community physiology. The Editors also encourage the submission of methods papers and short papers which discuss the significance of novel gene sequences ("gene notes"). Short communications can be submitted but these must contain significant results and should not be viewed as an alternative publication route for papers previously rejected as too slight. Every issue of the Journal contains at least one "Perspective" article. These are most commonly reviews of research areas which are particularly exciting and important topical or controversial. Opinion papers can also be considered. All papers are fully reviewed. A Special Issue is published each year in addition to 12 regular issues which contains a collection of articles derived from a specialised meeting or conference session. The Journal will endeavour to complete the review process with all speed. The average times for submission to publication are posted below. The Journal of Experimental Botany is sponsored by the Society for Experimental Biology.

public distrust of scientists是什么意思


Her constant lying led me to distrust everything she said. | 她总撤谎, 我完全不相信她的话了.

lead to 的用法导致的意思



Botany和Plant Science有什么不同?

botany是植物学的总称,更侧重于某一地区的植物总称 Plant Science植物学或植物科学,既可泛指植物的科学研究,也可以是某一类或某一种植物的科学研究

Distrust can be contagious. But, so can trust.


counterpart ; temperature ; botany 这英语在美式英语中怎么读?求谐音的读法~


music event 和concert的区别

concert 应该是属于music events里面的。现在估计越来越没有什么区别的,多数都是指演唱会演奏会。你用google搜一下就会发现,concert更明确指音乐表演(演唱,演奏),music events则除了这个之外,还应该包括整个筹划和宣传的前奏后续,强调整体。


disturb:vt. 弄乱, 打乱, 打扰, 扰乱 v. 扰乱 disturb the peace 扰乱治安Do not disturb. 请勿打扰(挂在会议室、旅馆房间门上用的字牌)。I"m sorry to disturb you with this question. 对不起,打扰你了,我有个问题请教。interruptvt. 打断(正在说话或动作的人), 中断, 妨碍, 插嘴 vi. 打断(别人的讲话或行动) n. (发给电脑的)中断信号 Don"t interrupt me. 别打断我。It is not polite to interrupt when someone is talking. 在别人讲话时插嘴是不礼貌的。disrupt使中断, 使分裂, 使瓦解, 使陷于混乱, 破坏The war seemed likely to disrupt the state. 战争可能使这个国家分裂。disperse news 散布消息disperse knowledge 传播知识 disperse the crowd 驱散人群dissipatev. 驱散, (使)(云、雾、疑虑等)消散, 浪费(金钱或时间) Don"t dissipate your efforts. 不要浪费你的精力。The office boy tried to dissipate the smoke by opening a window of the meeting room. 勤杂工打开窗子,试图使会议室内烟消散。



Botany和Plant Science有什么不同?

你是在说 杂志的分类吗??

botany ;eventual;secure; lecture 这英语用谐音怎么读??

不呕(连读读快点)特泥,一玩戳,sei Q儿,来可缺儿 就这样吧U0001f602U0001f602 还是建议听听原声发音哦U0001f602


interrupt是指 你打断,插入了某项正在进行的动作 例如 一段对话 在参与者正在对话时,你打断了他们的对话 interrupt 是不礼貌的行为 例如:He interrupted the teacher"s explanation and put forward his own opinion.他打断了老师的讲解并提出了自己的观点.disturb 着重指的是精神状态层面的被打扰,你disturb某人时,会使他人感到焦虑,打断他人的思路而使对方无法平静.My sister always disturbs me when I study.我妹妹总是在我学习时打扰我.interfere ,侧重指无权或未获允许而妨碍、阻扰、干涉他人之事,语气较轻.interfere是不及物动词,Intefere with sth另附:intervene :书面用词,指介入争端,进行调停,也指干涉他人之事,语气重.既可以做不及物动词 也可以作及物动词

Antonio Vivaldi :Concerto for 2 Cellos in G Major, RV531求翻译

有笔误,应该是 G minor !Antonio Vivaldi :安东尼奥 维瓦尔第, 意大利巴洛克时期的最伟大作曲家(1678-1741)。Concerto for 2 Cellos in G Minor, RV531 - 双大提琴协奏曲 - G小调,作品编号 RV531.本曲充满巴洛克艺术风格,共分三段,快板(中板),广板(缓慢),快板;乐器:两个大提琴,弦乐组和通奏低音。作品编号 RV 是维瓦尔第专用,所以看见RV xxx 号, 就一定是维瓦尔第的作品。从三位数的编号就能看出维瓦尔第是个多产作曲家;他创过46部歌剧、551首协奏曲、90首奏鸣曲,还有交响曲和大量的 神圣的合唱乐。很可惜,没有找到更多关于这首曲的信息。

bother interrupt有什么区别

bother: suggests bewildering or upsetting interferece with comfort or peace of mind (e.g.that discrepancy bothers me) interrupt: suggests breaking the continuity or uniformity (e.g.The baby interrupted me while I was on the phone.)

fall into the ditch什么意思


达成协议四种说法,reach/conclude/come to an agreement.还有一种是什么? 急!

arrive at an agreement (这是最常见的一种,千万记住)


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