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请问Run-on sentence 和 comma splice 有什么区别?感觉都是粘连的,都是

Run-on sentence意思是不间断句子流水句;溶合句;不间断句子;缺乏连接词或标点符号的长句Run-on sentence; Run-on sentence. Uninterrupted sentences; The lack of connection words or punctuation long sentencescomma splice意思是逗号粘连逗号粘连;逗号叠加,逗号结合The comma adhesion; Superposition of comma, comma

请问Run-on sentence 和 comma splice 有什么区别?感觉都是粘连的,都是

Run-on sentence:流水句;溶合句;不间断句子;缺乏连接词或标点符号的长句;连写句(指两个主句之间不用连接词或错用标点的句子)示例:A runon sentence,its phrases piling up without division,is as unsightly as a sink piled high with dirty dishes.一个连绵不断的句子,其无休无止的词汇的堆积就如同清洗池内高高堆积的不堪入目的脏盘子comma splice:逗号粘连;逗号叠加;逗号结合;用逗号连接两个不带关联词或连接词的两个独立句子,英语中称之为“comma splice”是否齐全,分句之间的组合方式是否正确,连接词是否恰当,是否有“流水句(run-on sentences)”或“逗号拼凑句(comma splice)”,平行结构是 “流水句”或“逗号拼凑句”,是指两个或多个主句之间不用连接词或错用标点连接起来。示例:A comma splice is the use of comma between two independent clauses逗号是不可以连接两个独立的单句的连写句(指两个主句之间不用连接词或错用标点的句子)大概就是这么个意思,如有不懂就在问,如果明白了,请采纳祝你学习进步!!!

Comma_Split sentence逗号分裂句 难道它的语法不是错的吗。一个句子中只能有一个谓语


2010专四作文答案 英语专四的范文(Should college students hire cleaners)

Should College Students Hire Cleaners? 范文 College Students, Please Mind Your Own Business! --Should College Students Hire Cleaners? Several years ago, a middle school in Shanghai announced that students would be required to pull up and remove the weeds growing on the school"s playground. The next day, what did happen was that, instead of doing the work themselves, the students stood in the shade of the buildings and the trees, watching their parents doing the work on their behalf in the midday heat. What a “spectacular” scene of doting parents and spoiled children! The idea and the practice that college students in China should hire cleaners to keep their dorms clean are just an extension of such notorious dotage and spoiling and, as such, constitute an unmistakable indication of our education being truly sick and decadent. Those who advocate and support the contention maintain that, as Chinese families get materially better-off in recent years, college students have the implicit freedom to spend their money on whatever they desire and hiring cleaners to keep their dorms clean can help students save time, which they presumably can spend on their studies. However, such a chain of reasoning is seriously flawed. Admittedly, people could spend their legitimately-earned money on whatever they like; however, they should do so only to the extent that they spend the money on those commodities and services they themselves are incapable of. For each college student sharing a dorm with 4 or 5 roommates, there are at most 3 or 5 square meters of space for him or her to tend to, including the space in the corridor. Keeping such a small space tidy and clean is a piece of cake for any college student as an adult; the labor involved in the process is minimal, so is the time required. When frugality is still a universally acknowledged virtue in the present-day world, spending money on hiring cleaners for a trivial responsibility students are wholly capable of performing themselves is simply an act of money squandering. Managing a dorm one lives in is really assuming responsibilities for one"s own actions. When the dorm gets disorderly and unclean, it is its inhabitants who should get it tidy and clean. In performing the cleaning him/herself, a college student learns to share the responsibility for managing a public space of which one is a part. The student also shows respect for the common welfare of the entire dorm. Cleaning one"s own dorm is a necessary process whereby one becomes a responsible person. What actually lies behind such a contention is a deep-entrenched contempt for manual labor and the argument that hiring cleaners could help students save time and devote to their studies is a mere pretext. Typically, college education is not dominated by heavy loads of coursework and a college student has ample time to manage his/her own affairs apart from his or her studies. Usually, those students who claim they are too busy to clean their own dorms are most often found otherwise preoccupied with playing computer games or shopping. They refuse to do manual labor because they tend to regard themselves as elites or the “chosen ones” once they succeed in entering a college. As self-styled elites, they believe they are bound for white-collar careers and thus have the privilege to stay aloof from menial work of a blue-collar worker. This naturally leads to a serious question regarding the ultimate aim of our education. No one denies the importance of learning but acquiring learning is only part of the college education. Essentially, college education is about the development of a whole person, who can apply the knowledge and the skills in diverse intellectual spheres to cope with the challenges ahead and turn one into a person instrumental to our society. Barack Obama is a living example of how a responsible person can grow into a global leader. What are most impressive about this first Afro-American president of the United States are not those impassioned speeches he has made about “Yes, Change We Can” but his readiness to serve the society through practical social work. On January 19, 2009, just one day before his inauguration, the president-elect worked as a volunteer at the Sasha Bruce Youthwork Shelter, painting the walls of the dormitories for homeless teens. This illustrates that the avoidance of physical labor is never the mark of a true elite. In the Chinese labor market, recent years have already witnessed an alarming surplus of college graduates, among whom a considerable proportion has found it hard to be employed. One of the reasons for their unemployment is their failure to acquire effective skills to solve practical problems. This constitutes a sharp contrast with the Japanese corporate culture in which newly-recruited college graduates start their professional careers not with the fundamentals of office work, but with the cleaning jobs in the company toilets. By forming their character and shaping their willpower, toilet cleaning enables Japanese college graduates to become CEOs of many influential multinational companies. This culture is echoed in South Korea where the Minister of the National Treasury worked part-time as toilet cleaner in the wake of the Asian financial crisis about a decade ago. How could we expect Chinese college students to be future leaders, on national and global scales,when they even refuse to mind their own business of cleaning their dorms? It is well articulated that “those who are ordained for a lofty mission should first be subjected to the most rigorous intellectual and physical hardships.” If learning and knowledge can “civilize one"s mind”, doing physical labor can serve to “brutalize one"s physique.” Instead of being reciprocally repulsive, those two impulses are what a college student ought to cultivate in the equal measure. Whether or not college students should hire cleaners to take care of their dorms is not a matter of money or of time, but a matter of whether we expect to develop ourselves into men of integrity, responsibility, and maturity. To the extent that Chinese college students should cultivate healthy and productive value orientations, they should take every precaution against becoming spoiled by the materialistic well-being that the country as a whole is currently experiencing. After all, there are provinces of human behavior where money cannot and should not exert its impact because such behavior is measured not in terms of money but in terms of moral values. 范文2 Recently there are reports in newspapers and internet that most of students of FuDan University who live in newly-built students flat or off-campus housing hire clernness from housekeeping services ,which brings about an intense debate between those students and teachers of the university and also among our society .Facing with the new inclination among our college students ,different people hold different opinions .Some students deem that hiring cleaners as a new form of efficiency which deserves nothing to be accused while some of administers believe that it is an pretense to escape from nsibility.Even someone think that the hiring of clean service is a sign indicating that students are becoming harmonious with society, and what causes those who hold the viewpoint of doing cleanness to think so is their tradditional opinion that colledge students is a separate group of society .As far as I am concerned,I think the argument is not reasonable enough . The main reason for my propensity for the opposite opinion is as follows . It is the reality that our college students have to cope with a great deal of events of our daily life besides study ,and which also occupy a part of our time and energy to some extent .In addition,with the rapid development of our science and technology ,our society offer us more services than before .However it can not be the excuse for us to hire cleaners,and support the idea that hiring cleaners means being harmonious with society and doing cleanness means separation from society which cannot stand to reason.Of course,as students of university ,we have achived the age of adults and shouldnot keep away from our society ,however,as everyone can see that, there are accountless approaches to get in touch with our society besides hiring cleaners.For instance,We can find some part-time jobs and participate some activity associates which can greatly contribute to our contacting with and get harmonious with our society .Maybe someone will argue that these things may account for a lot of time of them , and cause them cannot do well in their study . It is unreasonable to stand by,I think.As long as we make full use of our time and efficiently arrange our time ,we will succeedly make it. Without doubt ,numerous examples can be found in newspapers ,Tvs and internet .With the same age as ours,the main characters of such events can deal with it ,why we cannot ?Even some students spend much of time on playing vidio games and some meaningless things rather than doing cleanness by their own and join in the activity.How can we explain this phenomenon ?Are they busy with their study ?Of course they do not . In addition ,some aspect also deserves some words here .As college students ,we certainly should do everything that we can solve and cultivate the habit of undertaking responsibility and being independent .In the event which we are discussing ,we also should make clear where the money used to hire cleaners comes from .If it is earned by ourselves ,we of course can hire such services.Can such students be called adults ? The general definition for adult is ,at least he or she should be independent .So from this angle hiring cleaners is improper for our students . In a word ,we had better do cleaning by our own rather than hiring cleaners because it only takes a little part of our time and we can easily be good at our study at the same time as long as we arrage our time efficiently and make full use of it.

mental disorder 和mental disease 的区别?

mental disorder 更偏重于心里方面的疾病,心理障碍、心理变态、心理失常等。mental disease 这个就是广义的精神疾病了。mental disorder 是包含在 mental disease 里的。mental disease 范围更广。

mental disorder是什么意思

mental disorder 英[u02c8mentl disu02c8u0254:du0259] 美[u02c8mu025bntl du026asu02c8u0254rdu025a] [释义] 精神障碍; 精神病; 神经病; 神经错乱; 全部释义>>[例句]Homosexuality was banned in the soviet union and was only decriminalized in 1993, though it was still declared a mental disorder until 1999.前苏联曾禁止同性恋行为,1993年俄罗斯才宣布同性恋合法化,但在1999年之前仍被定为精神疾病。

complaint disease disorder illness infection 分别是什么意思 啊?有什么区别?

complaint英音:[ku0259m"pleint]美音:[ku0259m"plent] 名词 n. 1.抱怨;抗议;怨言;抱怨的缘由[C][U][(+about/over/against)]There is no real reason for complaint. 没有什么可抱怨的理由。 2.【律】控告;控诉[C][(+against/with)]The storekeeper signed a complaint accusing them of shoplifting. 店主签署了控告书,指控他们在店里扒窃货物。 3.疾病,身体不适[C]语法标注解释 disease英音:[di"zi:z]美音:[du026a"ziz] 名词 n. [C][U]1.病,疾病Most diseases could be wiped out. 大多数疾病是可以被消灭的。 The business of doctors is to prevent and cure diseases. 医生的职责是预防和治疗疾病。 2.【植】病害3.(精神,道德的)不健全;(社会制度等的)弊病及物动词 vt. 1.使生病;使不健全disorder英音:[dis"u0254:du0259]美音:[du026as"u0254rdu025a] 名词 n. 1.混乱,无秩序[U]His room was in disorder. 他房间里很乱。 2.骚乱,动乱[C][U]Mounted troops were called out to put an end to the disorder in the streets. 骑兵部队被召来平息街头的骚乱。 3.不符合司法程序的行为[C]a disorder in legal proceedings 司法过程中不符合程序的行为 4.紊乱,失调;不适,小病[C][U]She suffered from a mild stomach disorder. 她患轻度胃病。 及物动词 vt. 1.使混乱;扰乱His face was flushed, and his hair disordered. 他满脸通红,头发蓬乱。 2.使紊乱,使失调;使不适illness英音:["ilnis]美音:["u026alnu026as] 名词 n. 1.患病(状态);身体不适[U]During his illness, John stayed indoors. 约翰在生病期间足不出户。 2.(某种)疾病[C]I have never seen her since her father fell sick infection英音:[in"feku0283u0259n]美音:[u026an"fu025bku0283u0259n] 名词 n. 1.传染;侵染[U]Are you sure there is no danger of infection now? 你敢不敢肯定现在已经没有传染的危险了? 2.传染病[C]3.影响;感染[U]He suffered from a lung infection.

pomants 的英文是什么意思


disoriented, disordered, discouraged,disorganized的区别

disoriented,英语单词,主要用作形容词、动词,作形容词时译为“分不清方向或目标的;无判断力的”,作动词时译为“使……迷惑(disorient 的过去式和过去分词)”。disordered adj. 混乱的;害了病的动词disorder的过去式和过去分词.v. 阻拦; 阻止; 劝阻; 使灰心; 使泄气; 使丧失信心; discourage的过去分词和过去式; adj. 泄气的; 心灰意冷的; disorganized,英语单词,主要用作形容词,作形容词时译为“紊乱的;无组织的”。

求翻译并解释答案they do not want to be involved in the dispute, so they exhibit ___ on s

选C.they do not want to be involved in the dispute, so they exhibit ___ on such matter.他们不想卷入这场纷争,所以他们对此事展现出保守的态度。a.intergrity 团结 b.morality 道德c.reservation 保守,有所保留d.justice 正义

a point of dispute是什么意思?


请问这个几单词有什么区别? argue controversy dispute debate altercate


都作名词时controversy,dispute,debate 有什么区别?


__________ [A] dispute [B] debate [C] discussion [D] argument

【答案】:A名词辨析与搭配。dispute意为“争论,争议”,与in搭配,如:The matter is in dispute.(这个问题存在争议。)debate意为“辩论”,可与under构成搭配,如:the question under debate(争论的问题);discussion意为“讨论”,也可与under搭配,如:The question is under discussion.(问题正在讨论中。);argument意为“意见不一致,争论,论据”,如:His honesty is beyond argument.(他的诚实是不容置辩的。)根据第3题和上面的分析,dispute为最佳选择。


controversy[英][u02c8ku0252ntru0259vu025c:si][美][u02c8kɑ:ntru0259vu025c:rsi]n.论战; 公开辩论; 复数:controversies形近词:controverts1The controversy waged for a few years.论战进行了几年。2The level 1/ level 2 controversy is meaningless.1级/2级的争论是毫无意义的。


dispute简明释义vt.& vi.辩论,争论vt.就…进行争论,辩论;对…的真实或有效进行争论,怀疑;争夺,竞争;抵抗,抵制n.辩论;争端;(劳资)纠纷;罢工vi.激烈争辩;争执;争吵;吵架复数:disputes第三人称单数:disputes过去式:disputed过去分词:disputed现在分词:disputingdisagreement简明释义n.分歧,意见不合;异议,争论;不一致;不适合复数:disagreementsdispute是disagreement的升级版本

dispute,debate, contention这仨词啥区别?




求一篇英语作文an interesting trip

An Interesting TripLast summer, I went on an interesting trip with my family. We went to visit a national park in the United States, which was known for its stunning landscapes and diverse wildlife. It was a long journey, but the breathtaking views and unique experiences made it all worthwhile.When we arrived at the park, we were immediately struck by the natural beauty all around us. The park was home to towering mountains, cascading waterfalls, and lush forests teeming with wildlife. We spent days hiking through the park, taking in the sights and sounds of nature. We saw animals such as bears, elks, and mountain lions, and even witnessed a bald eagle soaring high overhead.One of the highlights of our trip was a camping adventure that we embarked on deep in the heart of the park. We spent a night under the stars, cooking over an open fire, and telling stories around the campfire. It was a truly magical experience, and we felt a deep sense of connection to nature and each other.Another memorable moment from our trip was a visit to a natural hot spring. The water was warm and soothing, and we relaxed in the bubbling waters as we watched the sun set over the mountains. It was a moment of pure relaxation and inner peace, and one that we will cherish forever.Overall, our trip to the national park was an unforgettable experience. We were able to escape the stress and busyness of our daily lives and reconnect with nature and each other. I learned that sometimes the greatest adventures are the ones that are right in front of us, waiting to be discovered.


concentration[英][u02ccku0252nsnu02c8treu026au0283n][美][u02cckɑnsu0259nu02c8treu0283u0259n]n.集中; 专心; 关注; 浓度;




concentration英[u02ccku0252nsnu02c8treu026au0283n]美[u02cckɑ:nsnu02c8treu026au0283n]n. 浓度; 集中; 专心; 关注;[网络] 专注; 专注力;[例句]The concentration of car exhausts in the Los Angeles Area洛杉矶地区汽车尾气的浓度[其他] 复数:concentrations 形近词: decentration concentrating concentrative


concentration英 [u02ccku0252nsnu02c8treu026au0283n]美 [u02cckɑ:nsnu02c8treu026au0283n]n. 浓度; 集中; 专心; 关注;[例句]Neal kept interrupting, breaking my concentration尼尔不停地打断我,使得我无法集中注意力。


concentration浓度双语对照词典结果:concentration[英][u02ccku0252nsnu02c8treu026au0283n][美][u02cckɑ:nsnu02c8treu026au0283n]n.集中; 专心; 关注; 浓度; 复数:concentrations以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.This would also accentuate concentration in trading markets. 此举还会增强交易市场的集中度。


你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题:n. 浓度;集中;浓缩;专心;集合网络释义 专业释义 英英释义 浓度 集中 浓缩 专注短语Concentration 20 Concentration 20 ; Concentration 20Mass concentration 质量瘤 ; 质量浓度 ; 质量瘤 ; 质量浓度 MCConcentration ratio 产业集中度 ; 集中度 ; 选矿比 ; 产业集中度 .




concentration浓度双语对照词典结果:concentration[英][u02ccku0252nsnu02c8treu026au0283n][美][u02cckɑ:nsnu02c8treu026au0283n]n.集中; 专心; 关注; 浓度; 复数:concentrations以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Global markets have followed a similar trajectory toward ever greater concentration. 全球市场已经沿着相似的发展轨迹越来越走向集中。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


集中; 专心; 关注;浓度

都作动词时,都是中断的意思,disrupt,interrupt 区别何在?



interrupt:[ .int?"r?pt ] n.中断 v.打断,妨碍,插嘴 [计算机] 中断 形容词:interruptible 名词:interruption 动词过去式:interrupted 过去分词:interrupted 现在分词:interrupting 第三人称单数:interrupts 名词interrupt: 1.a signal that temporarily stops the execution of a program so that another procedure can be carried out 动词interrupt: 1.make a break in 同义词:disrupt,break up,cut off 2.destroy the peace or tranquility of 同义词:disturb 3.interfere in someone else"s activity 同义词:disrupt 4.terminate 同义词:break

do concentration是什么意思?





interrupt: [ .intə"rʌpt ]n. 中断v. 打断,妨碍,插嘴[计算机] 中断形容词:interruptible 名词:interruption 动词过去式:interrupted 过去分词:interrupted 现在分词:interrupting 第三人称单数:interrupts 1. Traffic was interrupted by a dense fog. 交通因浓雾而受阻。 2. Don"t interrupt me, children. 孩子们,别打断我的话。 3. Don"t interrupt the speaker now; he will answer questions later. 现在不要打断他的话, 他稍后再回答问题. 4. These new flats will interrupt our view of the sea. 这些新公寓将遮住我们眺望海景的视野. 5. Don"t interrupt (me) while I"m busy! 我正忙著, 不要打搅我! 6. Trade between the two countries was interrupted by the war. 两国间贸易因战争而中断. 7. Hecklers interrupted her speech with jeering. 诘问者的嘲笑打断了她的讲话. 8. We interrupt this programme to bring you a news flash. 我们中断节目, 报告新闻快讯. 英英解释: 名词interrupt:1. a signal that temporarily stops the execution of a program so that another procedure can be carried out动词interrupt:1. make a break in同义词:disrupt, break up, cut off2. destroy the peace or tranquility of同义词:disturb3. interfere in someone else"s activity同义词:disrupt4. terminate同义词:break



disrupt interject 的区别

第一个是没有礼貌的,第二个是不得已的。两者详细解释:1disturbvt.弄乱, 打乱, 打扰, 扰乱v.扰乱interruptvt.打断(正在说话或动作的人), 中断, 妨碍, 插嘴vi.打断(别人的讲话或行动)n.(发给电脑的)中断信号

Ellen was a painter of birds and of nature, _____,for some reason, had withdrawn from all human s

for some reason 可看做是插入语 真正从句是 who had withdrawn from all human society 。who 代替Ellen 在从句中做主语啊

Ellen was a painter of birds and of nature, _______, for some reason , had withdrawn from all human


i know you want me Pitbull的歌词翻译


ils adorent和elles adorent中,联诵是发[s]还是发[z]音?

法语第三人称代词阳性复数 ils 词尾不发音的s,在连诵时读作【z】。你的直觉正确。

elle se sont lave les mains,se是自反代词还是间宾人称代词?两者功能都有的吧。。。

这句话写错了。不然就是“elles se sont lavées les mains", "elle s"est lavée les mains", 要注意动词变位时所跟的主语。就是自反代词。

elles ont des robes 为什么avoir 后面加 des 或者说是 de

des 表示一些,相当于英语的 some 此处意思是她们有一些裙子

Elles se sont téléphoné.为什么不加es在结尾呢?


自反代词中的se怎么区分是直宾还是间宾?比如 Ils se regardent. Elles se rencontrent dans la rue.


Elles se sont téléphoné .为什么不是 elle se sont telephonees ?

因为是telephoner a qqn.这里是自反代词做间接宾语是不需要性数配合。

elles se sont lave les mains,se是间宾?间宾:承受着和发出者不是一个人啊。

意思是她们洗自己的手。这里不是间接宾语,se laver是代词式动词,表示为自反的意思。se + être是代词式动词的复合过去时的用法。

法语问题 请问为什么 elles sont tout heureuses的tout没有像书上写的变

这题里 heureuses 里h为哑音h所以tout词形不变 当tout后形容词为辅音或嘘音开头的阴性形容词时,tout才变为toute(s).

comodo 新安装安装不上老说卸载internet security这个文件


Elles se sont téléphoné.这句话里téléphoné的性数配合正确么?

这句话对的,Elle se sont téléphoné这是过去时,se表示互相,不应该配合+es

法语里的 je suis, tu es , il/elle/on est, nous sommes , vous est , ils/elles/sont,怎么读


Elles se sont lavé les mains.说是se不是直宾,是间宾,那这个间宾到底是什么?

qn se faire qch,这里的qch就是直宾,像这句se laver 后面有les mains,那么les mains 就是直宾,那么se就是间宾了;如果是qn se faire,后面不加任何东西,那么这里的se 就是直宾,不存在间宾了。

elles se sont lave les mains,se是间宾?间宾人称代词跟主语不是一个人,是不是他们洗的不是自己的手?

这里不是间接宾语,se laver是代词式动词,表示为自己做的意思。se + être 是代词式动词的复合过去时的用法。

法语相互意义的自反代词配合问题 Elles se sont écrit pendant des a


求详解,elles se sont lave les mains。为什么lave性数不配合呢?那本句se是干啥的?

这个在马晓宏编写的法语课本中有解释的。因为se laver这个自反动词的直接宾语是 les mains,不是主语elles。换句话说就是,当主语是自反动词的直接宾语时,在复合过去式中,动词的性数要和主语一致。反之,如果主语不是自反动词的直接宾语,动词就直接用复合过去时,不用性数配合。 举个例子,elle s"est lavée,她洗澡了(清洗自己,自己是直接宾语)。和 elle s"est lavé les mains。她洗手。(手是直接宾语) 希望能帮到你。

Elles ont ___fait des économies après un an de travail. A tout B toutes C tous D toute

同位语,就是一个词“ex. toutes”对另一个名词“ex. elles”或代词进行修饰,限定或说明“”。用逻辑来理解是这样的:“她们【主语】”和“全都【所谓同位语】”对应的是同一个对象(全部<—a——那几个女人——b—>她们。就像映射一样)。那么这个“全都”就得是阴性feminin的,和复数pluriel的,选B。摘自另一问题:all是可以做同位语的,如:We all like English.中all就是we的同位语

Elles ont appele un taxi qui les ___________rapidement a la maison.


西班牙语ponte comodo什么意思


求详解,elles se sont lave les mains。为什么lave性数不配合呢?那本句se是干啥的?

直接宾语是 les mains ,所以不配合。les mains 是她们身体的一部分,所以要用代词式动词,间接宾语 se 表示自身的。类似的还有 se brosser les dents ; se laver les pieds 。。。

完形填空:I used to joke that the first person I ever met,after my parents, was Ellie Oswald.


COMODO Internet Security这个杀毒软件好吗?是免费的吗?

Comodo的互联网安全套装除了商业版本外,还提供了免费的版本,并且对于一般家庭用户只要使用免费版就足够了。也是就说,我们可以在正版、免费的前提下,使用到一款同时整合了防病毒与防火墙的安全软件,并且可以随时在线升级。相信对于广大的网友们使用这样的杀毒软件除了能省钱外还能省下不少心了吧…… Comodo Internet Security(互联网安全套装)的免费版提供了病毒防御、网络防火墙与主动防御(Defense+)3大功能。这次的新版本最大的特色就是提供了完全成熟的HIPS主机入侵防御系统,命名为Defense+来保护你的重要系统文件,在病毒和恶意软件获得机会安装前就阻止它。Comodo提供了非常友好人性化的图形用户界面,以及高度细化的设置选项、容易理解和有益的报警提示、优秀的信任区侦测功能。根据国外的评测,Comodo每次在网络防御方面的测试均拿到的非常高的分数,总是超前卡巴斯基与诺顿不少哟!而杀毒能力方面相对就要弱一些了。但我个人觉得,论综合能力,Comodo是不会输给卡巴斯基和诺顿的。当然,如果你比较在意杀毒能力,那么有一个比较好的方案就是安装Comodo时只选择安装它的防火墙,而另外再安装一款你喜欢的杀毒软件。像我现在的组合就是NOD32杀毒+Comodo的防火墙组合了,并不是嫌Comodo的杀毒太差,只是个人比较喜欢NOD32罢了,说不准当我的NOD32过期后就用Comodo的组合了。

COMODO Internet Security这个杀毒软件好吗?是免费的?


帮我翻译一下这个吧 Via Boscofangone,Interporto di Nola,Lotto HBlocco F mod.1,80035 Nola(NA),Italy

通过Boscofangone加码,Interporto嘀诺拉,mod.1 HBlocco,80035 F(钠),意大利诺拉

Valentina-Bum Bum的歌词谁能告诉我?

wu la so lio fa li nono senbuli qi lA ga mido lA K dasimo ma sA la mia li tai nu la fia banu men no so mu lA nongxiang so nio ma da bei loba xio na da min dA wu labao le bao sai xin qie nosen po le le jia K mia li wa da ko lea bolio xi ku na le mi kissya Vlea mo lesen puli VsitA mA pa no lenen ge no da ko le meko le K sabom bom bomami sangmi biomi qi nobi fa no sen bi le mio guo le K faBuM BuM bUmsen pili VisA bo le ko xio leso la F dA ko le ba diang ko laBuM BuM bUmha ha a mo mA ya mo lea dodiyang K guo no lehei fotiyang xiongding mA bosen VingkoO bei lolaxiO mi jiu yi lelaxiO mi jiu yi leba dA fo dA ba dA koer laba dA fo dA ba dA koer laba dA fo dA ba dA koer lasen di bio V qinuan mio ko lesen puli VsitA mA pa no lenen ge no da ko le meko le K sabom bom bomami sangmi biomi qi nobi fa no sen bi le mio guo le K faBuM BuM bUmsen pili VisA bo le ko xio leso la F dA ko le ba diang ko laBuM BuM bUmha ha a mo mA ya mo lea dodiyang K guo no lehei fotiyang xiongding mA bosen VingkoO bei losending(sending...)(sending...)sendingsending(sending...)麻烦采纳,谢谢!

____is known to everybody ,the moon travels round the earth once every month

你莫问了。。人家看到时你问的都懒得回答问题问的刁钻,刁钻一点没什么,起码给点分吧,没分也没什么,起码正确答案要给个满意吧。。什么都不给,还搞个几拔毛,尤其鄙视匿名者。 DON"T TAKE IT FOR GRANTED


Compete指两个(或一些)人或派别之间,为达到某种目标而进行的竞争。例如: Only two men are competing for the cup (只有两人在争夺奖杯)。contend: [v] 搏斗, 声称, 宣称, 辩论, 争夺vi.[(+against/for/with)]1. 争夺,竞争Three students contended for the prize.三个学生竞争该奖。2. 全力对付;搏斗;奋斗There were too many problems to contend with.要全力对付的问题真是太多太多了。3. 争论,辩论vt.1. 为...斗争(或竞争、争论等)2. 坚决主张,声称[Y][+(that)]The police contended that the difficulties they faced were too severe.警察强调说他们面临的困难太严重了。






compete: 普通用词,含义广泛。既可指体育活动等活动中争取优胜的相互竞争,也可指为了自己的利益与他人竞争。  contend: 指为战胜或击败对手进行不懈努力,强调拼搏。也可指口头上进行有对立情绪或严重分歧的争论。

fontello 是一种字体吗为什么Word里找不到却可以看到?



complain可用作及特与不及物动词、名词或动名词、可用于进行时态。 相关词组有complain bitterly痛苦地诉说、complain constantly经常地抱怨、complain about(at, of)抱怨,诉苦等。 扩展资料   complain用法:   vi. 1. 抱怨,发牢骚;诉说(病痛bai等)[(+to/about/of)]   I"ve really got nothing to complain of.我确实没有什么可抱怨的.。   He complained to me about the food.他向我抱怨伙食不佳。   2. 控诉,投诉[(+to/about/of)]   He complained to the police of the boys stealing his apples.   他向警方控告那些男孩偷他的苹果。   vt. 1. 抱怨;控诉[Y][+that]   He complained that the exam was too hard.他抱怨考试太难了。   词组:   complain about对……不满   complain about sth 抱怨某事   complain to sb 想某人抱怨   complain that+从句 抱怨某事   complain to sb (about sth) 向某人抱怨某事   complain of sth 诉说病痛   complains box是意见箱的意思   complain of 抱怨;抗议

ello和plant grow那个护肤品效果好


She was hopelly confident that she will win the race 其中 confident 是动词吗?? 什么从句??


安装composer 怎么选择choose the command-line php you want to use

在计算机里搜索php.exe ,搜到之后这个php.exe的路径就是需要填写的路径

elm agent可以删除吗

elm是Emulated Legacy Mount的简称,它是for multi-user support,删除后没影响。。

intel i350AM4和博通BCM5720AOKFBG那个好


Here _ you want to see. A.comes the comrade B .comes a comrade C.the comrade comrs




谁会用boson netsim配置局域网?配置路由的时候,到int f0/0总是提示无效命令,怎么回事?

你看一下你的路由器的端口名是不是fastEthernet的?还是gigabitEthernet?int是inter的缩写f0/0是fastEthernet 0/0的缩写 所以这么写其实要求你的路由器端口是fastEthernet类型的是gigabitEthernet的话f0/0应该是g0/0补充一下我做的网络实验是用Cisco packet tracer 不过应该大同小异

东方神起winter rose的日文假名歌词

yokinoseyizanoyouni,gayirojyunoakari.冬の星座のょうに がいろじゅの明かりsorawoooube-runi,yukinootogasuru空を覆うべールに 雪の音がする.hanareteyitajikannwo,tayitetakisimete.离れていた时间を 抱いて抱きしめてone kiss soxtuto my love moxtuto.one kiss そつと my love もつとfukakututaetayi bokuha ,深く伝えたい 仆はkimigayirebasoredeyiyi君がいればそれでいい.sousa close to heart close to my love .そうさ close to heart close to my lovetaxtutahitotusikanayi,ayigakokoniarukara.たつたひとつしかない 爱がここにあるからkiminotameniyirebayiy君のためにいればいい i.yitumo close to heart close to your love.いつも close to heart close to your lovetokimekiwokasaneau kokorononakani winter rose.ときめきを重ね合う 心の中に winter rosekinnyaginnnomoruni,afureruhitonami.金や银のモールに 溢れる人波tiyisanahakowotayita,kimigakaketekuru小さな箱を抱いた 君が駆けてくる.sonoyisyunnkannnimunengasimetukerarete.その一瞬に胸が缔め付けられてone kiss zuxtuto your love kixtuto. one kiss ずつと your love きつと.kotaewomituketa,bokuha.答えを见つけた 仆はkimigayirebasoredeyiyi.君がいればそれでいいsousa close to heart close to my love.そうさ close to heart close to my lovefutaridakeyo,futarihasinnjiteyirareruhazu.ふたりだけよ ふたりは 信じていられるはずkiminotameniyiredeyiyi.y君のためにいればいい itumo close to heart close to your love.いつも close to heart close to your lovesabisisamowakariau,kokorononakani winter rose 寂しさも分かり合う 心の中に winter roseyimamadenodonnnaomoyitenimo,tadakonoyitinitiwoyurusite.今までのどんな思い出にも ただこの一日を许してno more tears,no more lieskonnyahasiawasegahouwarerutamenoyorusa.今夜は幸せが报われるための夜さtuyokufutarihamusubareteru,tuyoku 强く二人は结ばれてる 强くkimigayirebasoredeyiyi 君がいればそれでいいsousa そうさ close to heart close to my lovetaxtutahitotusikanayi,ayigakokoniarukara たつたひとつしかない 爱がここにあるからkiminotameniyirebayiyi 君のためにいればいいyitumo いつも close to heart close to your lovetokimekiwokasaneau kokorononaka ときめきを重ね合う 心の中に winter rose

英语from distant quarters怎么翻译?

from distant quarters翻译成:来自远方。

跪求帮忙 be distant to 请问一下有没有这个短语,请说明一下,并且说明下是什么意思谢谢

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