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初步分析模型(Screening Level Model)http://www.google.cn/search?complete=1&hl=zh-CN&newwindow=1&q=screening-level+model+%E6%A8%A1%E5%9E%8B&meta=

IntelliJ Idea的Highlighting level能设置成全局Syntax么

Right-click scrollbar > Customize Highlighting Level > Switch to "None"有侧边栏,右击

IntelliJ Idea的Highlighting level能设置成全局Syntax么


IntelliJ Idea的Highlighting level能设置成全局Syntax吗?

并不能的 , 但是可以 alt+ctrl+s 打开设置 , 找到 inspections 的选项 , 在你不想检查那么仔细的语言中 , 设置检测类型 . 比如说java , jsp等等。intellij idea是什么?intellij idea 是java语言集成开发环境,也是业界公认的最好的开发环境之一,具有智能代码助手、代码自动提示、重构、J2EE支持、Ant、JUnit、CVS整合、代码审查、 创新的GUI设计等特色,新版本内置了decompiler,同时还新增了扩展代码检查功能等。


level 是水平,,,达到。。。。的水平。。。。不如英语六级水平standard 是标准,,,,达到国家规定标准

About 40,000 years ago, the sea was () 40 meters below today’s level.

About 40,000 years ago, the sea was () 40 meters below today"s level. A.about onlyB.only aboutC.aboutmuchD.much about正确答案:B

barystatic sea level rise是啥意思


单选 in view of global warming,coastal buildings should_____sea-level rise. A) prevent B)anticipate


the sea level will also rise.改为同义句the sea level

go up 为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

when sea level rises同义句转换?

同义句转换:When the sea level rises.当海平面上升时。As the sea level goes up.随着海平面上升。

a chrod的海平面乐团Sea Level 组合解散了吗????



你好, sealed eyeliner 意思是: 密封的眼线笔请采纳seal 动词, 密封, sealed 密封的eyeline 眼线. eyeliner 眼线笔

this mountain is about 10000 feet above the sea level。为什么要用above?

above 用于表示地平线,海拔之类的表示希望能采纳,谢谢了

above the sea level

选【B】 在海平面之上用的是above the sea level,是固定用法

the sea level

above sea level 因为此时的sea 为统称,above the sea level 也没有错.最佳答案好像应该是后者

the sea level 用什么介词?



The sea level rises海平面上升.As the sea level rises, more islands will disappear. 随着海平面上升,将会有更多岛屿因而消失不明白可以追问我,满意的话请点击【采纳】

sea level要不要加the?

懂你英语Level4.Unit1 PART1

Christina is on a two-week vacation. This is the first vacation she has had for a long time. The last vacation she took was more than two years ago. Now she is visiting a friend in San Francisco. Her friend and her husband are living near the center of the city. He works for a start-up company in Silicon Valley. While he is working, she works part-time at a department store. Christina hasn"t seen her friend for a long time. The last time they saw each other was 3 years ago. At that time, they were both working at a department store. Then Christina quit her job and started her own business. She designs women"s clothing. She has 2 employees now and her company is slowly growing. Christina has come to San Francisco by herself. Her husband didn"t come because he has to work. He tried to start a company 2 years ago but it didn"t work out. His company failed after only a few months. So now he"s working at another company and saving money. Once he saves enough money he plans to start another company. He doesn"t want to give up. This is the second time Christina has been to San Francisco. The first time was when she was a high school student. That was more than 10 years ago. During that trip she was only in San Francisco for a few days. After that she went to Los Angeles and New York. This time she and her friend plan to relax and have fun. Christina arrived two days ago, the day before yesterday. Her friend met her at the airport and drove her to her apartment. Her apartment is just North of the airport about 20 minutes from San Francisco. It"s a small apartment, but it"s on a hill and it has a great view. 这是一个小公寓,但它在山上,视野很好。 Yesterday they went downtown and rode the cable cars. 昨天他们去市区乘缆车。 u2022 went downtown到市区 u2022 rode乘,骑,驾( ride的过去式 ); 穿越; 搭乘; 飘浮 u2022 cable cars<美>缆车( cable car的名词复数 ) Christina was surprised by how steep the hills are. u2022 steep陡峭的,险峻的; 过分的,夸张的; 极高的; 急剧升降的; 浸泡; 使渗透 Then they walked along the ocean and ate lunch at a seafood restaurant. From the restaurant, they could see the Golden Gate Bridge.金门桥 Tomorrow, they"re planning to drive to Yosemite National Park. 约塞米蒂国家公园 By car, it"s about 4 hours away. Christina has never been there before, so she is excited. She has heard that the park is very beautiful. Her friend has been to Yosemite several times. She says it"s one of the most beautiful places in the world. Christina just hopes that her friend is a good driver. Headaches can be very painful and can last for a long time. If you have a headache, your head hurts. A sprained ankle 脚踝扭伤 can be so painful that you can"t walk. Someone with a sprained ankle may need to use crutches to walk. If you have a sore throat, it may be painful to swallow. A sore throat can be caused by viruses or bacteria. A burn is an injury to the skin caused by fire or heat. If you get too close to a fire, you will be burned. An earache is a sharp, dull or burning pain in the ear. Common causes of an earache include an infection, a change in air pressure or water in the ear. A headache can be caused by an injury to the head. Mountains are landforms higher than 2,000 feet, or about 600 meters, above sea level. u2022 landforms地貌; 地形( landform的名词复数 ) u2022 above sea level海拔高度 Hills are like mountains, but not as tall. Mountains are formed by forces deep within the Earth and are made of many types of rocks. 山脉是由地球深处的力量形成的,由多种岩石构成。 u2022 formed成形的,成形加工的; 形成,构成,产生( form的过去式和过去分词 ); 是; 成形; 结成 u2022 forces力( force的名词复数 ); 武力; 势力; 气力; 强制( force的第三人称单数 ); Rivers are streams of water that usually begin in mountains and flow into the sea. 河流是通常从山脉开始流入大海的水流。 u2022 streams流( stream的名词复数 ); 一连串; 水流方向; 小河 u2022 flow into流入; 渐 Many early cities were built alongside rivers. 许多早期的城市都建在河边。 Most of the world"s water is in the oceans, which are large bodies of salt water. 世界上大部分的水都在海洋中,海洋是大量的咸水。 u2022 large bodies大型菌体 u2022 salt water咸水; 盐水,海水 The oceans are also an important source of oxygen. 海洋也是氧气的重要来源。 source根源,本源; 源头,水源; 原因; 提供消息的人; 获得; 发起; 向…提供消息; 寻 Desserts are areas of land that receive little or no rainfall. 沙漠是一块很少或没有降雨的土地。 The amount of rainfall in some deserts is so low that only a few plants can survive. 一些沙漠的降雨量很低,只有少数植物能存活。 u2022 amount of rainfall雨水量 u2022 plants工厂; (plural form of plant,plant的复数形式)植物,农作物; 植物( plant的名词复数 ); 发电厂; 幼苗; 种植( plant的第三人称单数 ); 建立; 移植; 在栽种 u2022 survive幸存,活下来; 幸存; 比…活得长,经历…之后还存在; 幸免于难; 挺过; 艰难 A valley is a low, relatively flat area between hills or mountains, often with a river running through it. 山谷是介于山丘或山脉之间的一个较低、相对平坦的地区,通常有一条河流流经山谷。 u2022 valley流域; 山谷,溪谷,峡谷,谷地,深谷; 屋顶排水沟,屋面斜沟 u2022 relatively相对地; 关系上地; 比较地; 较比 u2022 flat area平面面积 u2022 hills丘陵; 小山,山冈( hill的名词复数 ); 斜坡; 冈峦 Some valleys are formed by flowing water, and others are formed by glaciers. 一些山谷是由流水形成的,另一些则是由冰川形成的。 u2022 valleys流域; 溪谷; 山谷( valley的名词复数 ) u2022 flowing water活水 u2022 glaciers冰河,冰川( glacier的名词复数 ) Desert temperatures can range from cold at night to very hot during the daytime, often above 120 degrees F. The place where a river begins is its source. Have you eaten yet? No, I haven"t and I"m hungry. Me too. Let"s go out for dinner. Where to? What about Joe"s Italian? How many times have you eaten there? I eat there a lot. It"s one of my favorite places. I went there two weeks ago, and the service was terrible. Really? then, let"s go some places else. What do you suggest? How about the Royal Indian? It"s not far from here. I"ve never heard of it, is it good? Yes, I"ve been there several times, and I"ve never be end disappointed. OK, let"s try it. I haven"t eaten Indian food for a long time. You won"t be disappointed, and the prices are reasonable. Ah, so you mean I"m going to pay. Well, that would certainly be nice. What about reservations? If we get there early enough, we won"t need them. I hope you"re right. Don"t worry. If we have to wait, I"ll pay the bill.

About 960 kilometers of it is over 4000 meters above the sea level.的中文意思。


the sea level will rise by about 7 meters这句话中by 是什么意思


the mountain is 1000 feet ( )the sea level


1000 feet above sea level

above是“在...上方”的意思,是个介词,above the sea level是介词短语做表语,表明了主语的位置

a rise in sea level为什么用a


我问的是sea level与 sea levels的区别。coastal area与 coastal areas的区别。都相差一个s

按道理sea level应该只有一个, 不能使用复数沿海地区可以有多个,可以使用复数碳排放当作一种概念时,不可数,不能使用复数。但是当作动作讲的时候,可以有多次、多个碳排放动作,可以用复数。

why is the sea level rising every year

why is the sea level rising every year为什么海平面每年都在上升

elevation和sea level哪个是海拔?

elevation是海拔,就是你理解的“陆地到海平面的高度”,地理上有个专有名词altitude高度也是这个意思。sea level是指海平面。和海拔的关系是:sea level is used as a standard in reckoning land elevation or sea depth.作为一个基准,既可以表示陆地高度,也可以表示海的深度。

Different payment terms at Header and Item level??

Payment terms could be different at header and line items. Its copied from the customer master onto the Sales Order Header and then to the item. One can manually change the Payment terms at item level.

8 Ways Billionaires & Elite Athletes Perform At The Highest Level

By Benjamin Hardy Average is over. The middle-ground has all but dissolved, leaving you in one of two positions: among the leading few or mediocre many. Your relationship with technology will either facilitate unthinkable opportunity and growth or keep you on the wrong side of average. As Cal Newport has said in his recent book, ***Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World:**** Success has never been so attainable, thus making many of us spoiled and lazy. But the following eight strategies are intended to shake up your approach, challenging you to work and live at a higher and more conscious level. Here we go: 1. Don"t Be Afraid Of Making An “Ugly” Move Until recent history, certain chess strategies were unquestioned dogma among the world"s elite. They were written in books and taught to all rising padawan learners. But the validity of these strategies have come into question as computers have been programmed to consistently beat top players. While analyzing the computer"s strategy, players have been shocked and amused by the computer"s use of certain “ugly” movesu200a—u200awhich no trained chess player would ever dou200a—u200athat utterly clash with conventional wisdom. Rather than finesse and aesthetics guiding their strategy, the computer"s brute calculations allow it to examine every position concretely. In response to the surprising insights learned from computers, chess players have been forced to question their long-held assumptions. As Magnus Carlsen , the World Chess Champion, explained in an interview with Business Insider: “ You cannot rely on what has been taught in booksu200a—u200athat this is good, this is badu200a—u200athere are always exceptions and every situation is different. Even if something looks bad, it doesn"t look right, you calculate it, it works and… there you go! It"s just forcing us to look a bit further, to look away from what the books used to teach us. It"s forcing us to break the rules.” No matter what field you are in, there are rigid norms guiding your thinkingu200a—u200athe rules considered “best practice.” However, life (and chess) is messy and complex, and every situation calls for a more contextual analysis. What is right in your situation may not be right in mine. For example, it makes little sense to most people why I"m getting a PhD. Many would consider it an “ugly” move. And perhaps, to most people pursuing my aims, it is an ugly move. But given my situation and personal calculations, it"s a strong strategic decision. The ugly zig while most are zagging. There are always exceptions. And rather than obsessing how your decisions are perceived, make the best possible decisions you canu200a—u200awhether standard or anomaly. Your calculations are solid, and like the computers in chess, you"ll be able to “connect the dots looking backwards.” What may look ugly to others in the moment will be your victory in the end. 2. Realize That You"re Not “Way” Behind In sports and all other forms of competition, people perform best when the game is close. Which is why big magic happens at the end of games, like on-sides kicks retrieved followed by 30 second touchdown drives. But when the contest is decidedly in one opponent"s favor, neither side acts with the same effort. When you"re winning big, it"s easy to get lax and overconfident. When you"re losing big, it"s easy to give up. Sadly, you probably perceive those at the top of your field “in a different league” altogether. But when you do this, you perform with less intensity than you would if you perceived the “game” to be closer. When you elevate your thinkingu200a—u200aand see yourself on the same level as those at “the top”u200a—u200ayou quickly become disillusioned by the fallibility of those you once perceived as immortal. They are just people. Most importantly, you will begin playing with an urgency that often surpasses even them. The game is close. The game is close. 3. Do More With Less We have all become addicted to input. As a culture, we"ve developed cognitive dependencies in order to sustain even lackluster performance. For example, although people think they perform better on caffeine, the truth is, they really don"t. We use it to merely get back to our status-quo. When we"re off it, we underperform and become incapable. A current Kickstarter campaignu200a—u200aa rug alarm-clock that literally makes you get out of bed and stand on it to disarm itu200a—u200ais another example. Although clever and funny, I personally would not want to depend on a rug to get me out of bed. We can move beyond the dependencies of constant training, spiritual assurances, and external reinforcements. We can learn to be agents that act rather than objects that are acted upon. We shouldn"t need the best software to start a business, or the best guitar to play guitar. As Jason Fried and DHH have said in Rework: “Guitar gurus say, “Tone is in your fingers.” You can buy the same guitar, effects pedals, and amplifier that Eddie Van Halen uses. But when you play that rig, it"s still going to sound like you. Likewise, Eddie could plug into a crappy Strat/Pignose setup at a pawn shop, and you"d still be able to recognize that it"s Eddie Van Halen playing. Fancy gear can help, but the truth is your tone comes from you. Many amateur golfers think they need expensive clubs. But it"s the swing that matters, not the club. Give Tiger Woods a set of cheap clubs and he"ll still destroy you.” Detach yourself from your dependencies. Try going running without all the running gear. Try waking up without a Ruggie. Try living a day without caffeine. Try outputting without having to “inspire” yourself. Do more with less. 4. Increase Your Responsibility Uncle Ben once told Peter Parker, “With great power comes great responsibility.” Unfortunately, he had it backwards. The constraints of responsibility force you to think more creatively. Responsibility qualifies you to show up at a higher level. I never thought parenting three foster children would increase my productivity, but it has. Failure on my part doesn"t impact only me anymore. Similarly, chess players are at their toughest when it matters most, when everything is on the line. If you *must *perform to provide for your family, you"ll get it done. If it"s a matter of life or death, you"ll do whatever it takes. If your vision is compelling enough, you"ll avoid distractions. Taking on the right forms of responsibility can put life on easy-mode. It"s like injecting yourself with motivation steroidsu200a—u200aurgency and desperation. When you"re desperate to be healthy, you eat right and exercise. No excuses. When you"re desperate to be successful, honing your craft is far more appealing than mindlessly surfing Facebook. 5. Every Billionaires Secret: ** Build A Team Around You Sooner Than You Feel Comfortable** “The bigger your dream, the more important your team.”u200a—u200aRobin Sharma According to Alex Charfen, CEO of Charfen consulting services and founder of the Entrepreneurial Personality Typeu2122 (EPT), the one thing billionaires have in common is that they are comfortable. And by comfortable, he doesn"t mean they wear comfy slippersu200a—u200ahe means they barely lift a finger except when they"re doing what they do best. In order to do so, they build a team around them to take care of the rest. When most people hear this, they initially think, “Of course, they are billionaires.” However, the truth is that this is why they are billionaires. When Charfen was in his 20"s, he was at a friend"s (a billionaire) and was surprised to see a staff of two people working at his house, and a team of 30 people, including a driver. Charfen couldn"t help but ask his friend: “Is it ever embarrassing to have so much help and so much fuss as you go through the day and get around? I mean at least 10 people have helped us so far and it"s only 11 A.M.” His friend responded: “It would be irresponsible for me to do anything that you observed any member of my team doing today. They are there for me and I am there for them. We have grown together and we built everything together. If I had done anything that one of my team members had done today they would"ve been uncomfortable and worried. Each one of them is here for a reason and many of them played a role in training and hiring each other. They know that the more they help me get accomplished, the more secure we all are and the more we can grow our foundation.” High performers build a team around them much sooner than they are comfortable with. They are willing to think big, take on greater responsibility, and focus in on their superpower. The sooner you can remove all of the personal pressure and noise the faster your income will skyrocket. Thus, increasing your responsibility is not about *doing *more. It"s about leading more. 6. How Much Are You Willing To Put On The Line? Elon Musk is considered eccentric in many ways. One of which is how uncomfortably long-term his thinking is. The man is trying to change the world and populate Mars. He"s willing to make any sacrificeu200a—u200ano matter how difficultu200a—u200atoday, to manifest his worldview in the long-awaited future. Musk sunk all of his own money into his companies. Most of his decisions make little sense to other people. He"d rather wait to have his company go public if going public means stalling or misdirecting his mission to populate Mars. But he"s calculating. He"s willing to make ugly moves because he is not flinching on his long-term vision. Dramatic risks accompany everything Musk does. His propensity for risk does not come from insanity. But rather, from a level of conviction so intense as to be off-putting to some. When asked , “How much are you willing to put on the line?” he responded: “Everything that other people hold dear. I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact. Ideally, I"d like to go for a visit, come back, and then go there when I"m like 70 or something and just stay there. If things go well, that would be the case. If my wife and I have a bunch of kids, she would probably stay with them on Earth.” 7. Short-Term & Low Cost Experiments Tim Ferriss doesn"t do what he thinks will make him happy. He does what excites him. Although his overarching vision remains consistent, Ferriss doesn"t have long-term plans . Instead, he does 3–6 month “experiments,” which he puts all of his energy into. He has no clue what doors may open as a result of these experiments, so why make long-term plans? He"d rather respond to the brilliant and best opportunities that arise, taking him in now unforeseen directions. I"ve recently adopted Ferriss" concept of doing short-term experiments. This has changed my approach to my work. For example, a few months ago I stumbled upon a personal development article that had over 1,000,000 social shares. I decided to perform an experiment to attempt creating an article that would also get 1,000,000 shares. The result was this article. Although the article wasn"t shared a million times, the results were profound and unexpected. An editor at *TIME *asked if they could syndicate the article. Additionally, the article brought several thousand new readers (including some of my favorite authors & researchers) and subscribers to my blog. Lastly, it brought on several new coaching clients. That was just one short experiment that took a week to perform. Experiments are a fun way to pursue goals because they allow you to get innovative and bold. Experiments are short-termu200a—u200aand thus relatively low risku200a—u200athus, they should be “moon shots.” Why play small? What"s the worst that could happen, you waste a few months and learn a lot while doing it? 8. Stay In The Zone As Long As You Can We have an addiction to input. If given a few spare moments, we hastily resort to our devices. Half of Americans couldn"t make it 24 hours without their smartphones. According to research , most men and a large portion of women would rather experience painful electric shocks than sit alone with their thoughts. However, the longer you can stay in *the zone, *the greater will be your reward and impact in the current economy. “The only way I"ve found to get over this is to sit with the discomfort. Like most creatives, I"m at my best when there"s a bit of fear and a lot of uncomfortableness thrown into the mix. Being alone with my own thoughts is truly frightening, but truly necessary.”u200a—u200a Paul Jarvis Connect Deeper If you resonated with these ideas, please subscribe to my blog . You will get a free copy of my eBook Slipstream Time Hacking, which blends ideas from astrophysics, psychology, and entrepreneurship and will teach you how to: Thanks for reading!

外贸中,ErP (level 2) approval 是什么认证 ?

ErP是能耗测试,做个能耗测试,出份测试报告给客户看就行了。2009 年10月21日发布了2009/125/EC耗能产品生态化设计指令以取代旧版的2005/32/EC,从而将产品范围由耗能产品 (EUP)扩大至所有耗能相关产品(ErP: energy-related products)。新版指令(简称ErP指令)以于2009年11月20日起生效。我们是第三方检测认证机构,可以做这个测试,出的测试报告也是具备法律效力,可以让客户认可的,如有需求可以联系咨询我,谢谢。





美国俄亥俄州Cleveland OH克利夫兰治安生活条件水平怎么样?






cleveland steamers means what




Cleveland steamer什么意思?

Cleveland steamer意思是克利夫兰的轮船。翻译是在准确(信)、通顺(达)、优美(雅)的基础上,把一种语言信息转变成另一种语言信息的行为。翻译是将一种相对陌生的表达方式,转换成相对熟悉的表达方式的过程。其内容有语言、文字、图形、符号和视频翻译。其中,在甲语和乙语中,“翻”是指的这两种语言的转换,即先把一句甲语转换为一句乙语,然后再把一句乙语转换为甲语;“译”是指这两种语言转换的过程,把甲语转换成乙语,在译成当地语言文字的过程中,进而明白乙语的含义。二者构成了一般意义上的翻译,让更多人了解其他语言的含义。



Cleveland Ohio是什么地方






Cleveland 在哪里?



cleveland是什么意思:克利夫兰。Cleveland 用法和例句提示:Grover cleveland said both actions had hurt the economy .格罗弗.克利夫兰认为这两项政策都会严重损害美国经济。The cities with the biggest monthly gains included cleveland , san francisco , dallas and chicago .涨幅最大的城市包括克里夫兰、旧金山、达拉斯和芝加哥。

越狱中的 cleveland什么意思

Cleveland [英]["kli:vlu0259nd][美]["klu026avlu0259nd] 克利夫兰 美国城市


cleveland是克利夫兰骑士队(Cleveland Cavaliers)。克利夫兰骑士队(Cleveland Cavaliers):是一支位于美国俄亥俄州克利夫兰的职业篮球队,1970年正式成立并加入美国男篮职业联赛(NBA), 现为东部联盟中部赛区参赛球队。2003年,骑士队选中状元秀勒布朗·詹姆斯,在詹姆斯的带领下,骑士队于2007年首次进入NBA总决赛,但以0-4负于马刺队。2011年选秀大会上,骑士队用状元签选中凯里·欧文,同时队伍进入重建。2014年7月12日,詹姆斯宣布回归骑士队。同年夏天,骑士队通过签约与交易,组建了勒布朗·詹姆斯、凯里·欧文与凯文·乐福的骑士队三巨头。2016年6月20日,骑士战胜勇士夺得2015-16赛季总冠军。2017年6月13日,骑士获得2016-17赛季NBA亚军。




Cleveland[英]["kli:vlu0259nd][美]["klu026avlu0259nd]克利夫兰 美国城市; 双语例句 1I want everyone back in Cleveland to be eating their crummy little hearts out.我想让家乡克利夫兰所有那些烂人都懊悔不已。2Last year, Cleveland was a league-best16-3 on the second night of a back-to-back.去年,骑士队是全联盟背靠背战绩最佳的球队,16胜3负。

# pragma interrupt_level 1这个在pic单片机中的作用是什么啊?详细说明一下谢谢


英语笔记 | Level 14-Unit 1

Topic: Stages of learning 一、Discussing plans 在未来完成的动作 当我们想把重点放在未来某一时间完成某个事件时,我们将经常使用这样的句子: And with any luck, I"ll have made the writing plan by May 7th. 运气好的话,我将在5月7日作出写作计划。 So up to that point, you won"t have done any major checks on your work? 到那个时候,你不会对你的工作做任何重大的检查吗? 这些句子后面往往跟有这样的结构:By +时间短语+ I"ll have +过去分词。 By the end of the month, I"ll have finished all the research. 到本月底,我将会完成所有的研究。 我们也可以用其他的情态动词,而不是will来表达我们的意思: By the end of the month, I should have finished all the research. 到了月底,我应该会完成所有的研究。 如果我们用像I"d like to的短语来代替will,我们需要将句子中的下一个动词改为have +过去分词来表明我们在谈论的已经完成的事情: I"d like to have done it all by mid-June. 我想在六月中旬完成这一切。 这是我们改变动词的另一个例子-这次,我们用名词如aim来说明我们的目的: The aim is to have finished it all by the end of June. 目标是在六月底完成这一切。 二、Reporting progress 混合时态 在说明既涉及过去又涉及现在的情形时,我们经常使用混合时态。我们可以在现在和过去之间做一个比较: It is not as hard as it looked before I started. 在我开始之前,这并不像它看起来那么难。 使用had +过去分词,如I had done 或者 I had started, 来帮助告诉我们更为久远的事情-一个过去事件的背景: The process has been more complicated than I"d imagined. 这个过程比我想象的还要复杂。 我们可能将已完成的动作和正在进行的动作配合使用。一般而言,带有-ing的动词表示正在进行的动作。 I"ve completed the first module, but I"m falling behind in the second. 我已经完成了第一个模块,但在第二个模块我仍然落后。 我们也可以使用带有像I"ve been + verb + ing和I"m + verb + ing结构的时态来表明几个动作都在进行。 I"ve been trying to set aside an hour a day, but I"m finding it difficult. 我一直在试图每天抽出一个小时,但我发现这很难。 三、How do we reflect on our process? 动词和介词 你会经常看到动词和介词结合起来使用,如apply 和for: She applied for a course extension. 她申请了课程延期。 在这种情况下,单词的意思并没有改变。在其他情况下,介词或副词可以完全改变动词的意思。在这里,run与跑完全无关: You"ll run into simple mistakes that you can fix yourself. 你会碰到你可以自己解决的简单的错误。 四、Reflecting on the past 反思过去 当人们谈论他们不应该那样做的过去的事情时,你会经常听到他们用I wish 和 If only的短语。 I wish I"d done it sooner. 我希望我更早点地做了。 If only I"d listened to you. 要是我听你的就好了。 请注意,当表达一个与过去相关的失望时,你会听到带有过去分词的形式如I wish I"d done或者If only I"d gone。如果你只听到一般过去时形式,这个愿望与现在相关。 I wish I knew a better way. 我希望我知道一个更好的办法。 其他你听到的关于后悔的指示词包括,使用如might have 或 would have形式的if句。 If I"d listened to you, it might have worked out. 如果我听了你的话,它就可能已经解决了。 你可能也会听到像looking back 或者 in hindsight的短语,这告诉你一个人在思考过去。 In hindsight, I should have planned more. 事后看来,我应该计划得更多。 你可能也听到了动词regret。 I really regret not having asked you sooner. 我真后悔没有早点问你。 你可以对regret后面的动词使用having加动词,如done, gone 或者 been来修饰以显示你对一个过去的事件后悔。 I really regret having done everything so quickly. 我真后悔这么快就做完了一切。 五、Recording vocabulary 记录新的语言 作为一个学生,你会接触到很多新的语言。一个关键的技能是能够把它用一种对你来说有道理的方式进行归类,这有助于你记住它,并在以后容易找到它。以下是一些你可以做到这一点的不同的方法。 按块分组 有一件你可以做的事是将一组单词作为chunk使用。这意味着你不需要记住这个短语包含的所有语法;你只要将它作为现成的语言块来使用。例如,if I were you是用于给建议的有用的语言块。 If I were you, I"d start your research early. 当你遇到动词短语时,这也很适用。 work out work up work toward 对于一些人来说,这可能更加混乱,而且他们会觉得将这类词用按想法分组更加有用。以下是有关想法和观点的一些短语: come up with think up think over 另一种将新的语言分组的方式是根据话题。什么话题适合这些单词? effective enjoyable efficient 你可能选择positive adjectives作为类别。 另一个策略是将语言按照它们是否是与同一主题相关的习语而进行分组。这些短语呢? He was at her throat. He"s been getting on my nerves. 这些都是与愤怒或恼怒相关的习语。 六、Passing on advice 委婉的 我们经常使用如may, might 或 could的动词来作出温和点的建议并避免冒犯。 Hmm. You might want to think about grouping it somehow. 嗯。你可能要考虑以某种方式将它分组。 Well, what you could do is put all the ideas down on one giant sheet of paper. 那么,你可以做的是把所有的想法写在一张巨大的纸上。 It may leave you with a lot of revision to do later on. 这可能会使你在以后做很多修改。 当我们对一个想法做出回应时,我们可能会使用诸如I"m not entirely sure 或者 perhaps not之类的短语,让我们的回应看上去不太直接。 I"m not entirely sure that"s going to work. 我不完全肯定那会行得通。 Perhaps not. Maybe you should find five? 可能不行。也许你应该找五个? 有时我们可以将一个短语与多个否定词一起使用,因为这会产生既承认了别人的想法,同时也暗示了问题的存在的效果。 I"m not saying they"re not useful, just that you"ll probably be marked down. 我不是说他们没用,只是你可能会被扣分。

criterion 和 level 都有标准的意思 有什么不同的?

criterion :n. (批评,判断的)标准, 准据, 规范。 英英解释:1. a basis for comparison; a reference point against which other things can be evaluated2. the ideal in terms of which something can be judgedlevel : n.水平, 水平面, 水准, 标准, 级别。英英解释:1. a position on a scale of intensity or amount or quality2. a relative position or degree of value in a graded group3. a specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process4. height above ground

英语水平 怎么说 老师说 说english level不地道

english proficiency

proficiency level是什么意思


Mensa level什么意思啊

mensa level 门撒国际(高智商者的组织,成员的智商高于148)水平门撒国际俱乐部1946年成立于英国牛津,会员的智商都在148分以上,这样的人在100人里面只有两个。负责人是国际世协总部的财务主管马尔文·斯坦利。

英语流利说 懂你英语 Level 6 等级测试 汇总

1、Desperate 绝望的: 2、Lost the Sanity 失去理智的: insane, crazy 3、Bored Tasks 无聊的任务: repetitive, routine 4、Current Performance 近期表现: 5、Living Conditions 生活条件: deplorable 6、不确定某些事情: skeptical, doubtful 7、比别人表现好: unsurpassed, unrivalled 8、 adequate, sufficient 9、 solution, remedy 10、unuseful: unnecessary, inessential 11、going faster: accelerating, speeding up 1. If they owned a home or flat, it would more difficult to move. If they decided to move, they would probably have to sell. If prices have risen,that would be OK. In fact, they might even make a profit. However, if prices were down when they have to sale, they would lose money. 2. When the villagers heard his cries for help, they rushed up the hill to rescue him and chase the wolf away. Of course, when they got there, there was no wolf to be seen , and the boy, who was still in the tree, was laughing . The sheep were grazing peacefully. Annoyed . The villagers returned to the village and back to their normal activities. 3. The accident wouldn"t have happened had the weather been better. 4. Though the days are dark and freezing cold in the depths of winter, the moon will rest above the horizon for weeks at a time. Its pale light illuminates the cold, craggy landscape as if acknowledging a companion and reaffirming the bonds of life. So even for those who live in the darkest part of the earth, there is light. 5. Injuries can be minimized by doing a proper warm up. This consists of increasing your heart rate and blood flow to all part of your body. 6. Understanding injuries and the body reacts to them can help people cope with the problems that accompany physical exercise. The support and understanding of coaches, teammates and family can be a critical factor in prevention and recovery. Once an injury occurs, it"s too late to prevent it, and recovery can take a long time. 7. After discussing the injury with Bob and his parents, they concluded that the cause of the injury was from playing soccer. 8. With his death, power shifted to his adopted son Octavian, who vowed revenge against the event of assassins. Eventually, several of the leading assassins were either killed or committed suicide . 9. From the left atrium, The oxygenated blood is pumped into another chamber, the left ventricle. The left ventricle then pumps the blood into the aorta, which is the largest artery in the body. From the aorta, the oxygenated blood passes through a network of smaller arteries throughout the entire body, including the brain. 10. Controversy has arisen at times when teams have made decisions that could threaten a player"s long-term health for short-term gain. 11. Many works will become redundant , replaced by machines that can perform cognitive tasks better than people. An even greater danger is that they will develop personalities and become more interesting than people. 12. He may have taken his computer with him, but i"m not sure if he did or not. 13. On the day of his assassination , it is reported that Caesar may have been handed a warning note as he enterd the senate. 14. Gradually, Bob improved, and after a few month was close to full recovery.He no longer had any signs of depression, and was finally able to return to school.Ultimately, Bob graduated from his university with honors, and entered a famouslaw school. 15. Since diseases and epidemics don"t stop at national borders , this is a global issue requiring global action . 16. A large international study has found that ten risk factors account for 90 percent of all the risk of stroke. (1) Despite advances in technology, one of the biggest threats to human survival comes from primitive life forms. (2) Infectious diseases are caused by microorganisms, such as bacteria, virus and parasites. (3) These organisms have no access to education or technology, but they present a huge challenge to humanity. (4) That"s because they are adaptable. (5) Just as adaptability has helped humans survive, it makes it more difficult to control infectious diseases. (1) Jack is a psychiatrist, which means he treats people who have mental problems. (2) He has been treating patients for many years and he has used a variety of treatments. (3) Sometimes he just listens and talks to patients and sometimes he uses meditations. (4) These meditations affect the brain in many different ways. (1) To survive, your first task will be to find water, a rare commodity in the desert. (2) Animals such as ants and seed-eating birds are strong indicators of water. (3) You can also cut and suck moisture from the roots and leaves of plants. (4) Trees like the desert oak have roots near the surface. (5) But be careful. The branches of gum trees are a rich source of water, but the leaves are poisonous, so don"t eat them. (1) The forest area near the reactor site is one of the most radioactive places on Earth.(2) Named the Red Forest because its trees turned a reddish-brown color as they died, the forest is trying to make a recovery. (3) Animals such as elk and eagles have been seen in the area. (4) And birch trees have grown where the radioactive trees of the forest were bulldozed and buried by the Soviet government. (1) One thing he is considering is to sell his share in the company. (2) He could begin to sell a little at a time and reinvest the money in somewhere else. (3) But where would he invest? (4) He doesn"t know much about investing and several of his friends have lost a lot by making a bad investment. (1) The past tense form is also used to express something that is unlikely or imaginary, from the speaker"s point of view. (2) Here is an example, (3) He wishes he had a car. (4) The fact is that he doesn"t have a car, so the use of had indicated that it isn"t real, it"s imaginary. (1) You want a lifestyle that you can"t have in the city. (2) If you really wanted those things, you can move back to the countryside. (3) Not, that"s not an option. If I did that, my wife would divorce me. (4) Have you ever talked about it with her? (1) The company he works for is a pharmaceutical company. (2) It develops new drugs which is risky business and sells them worldwide. (3) It"s expensive to develop new drugs and it can take a very long time to get a new drug approved. (4) Without government approval, it can"t be sold, which can result in a huge loss. (1) Though the experiment was designed to last for 14 days, it had to be stopped after just six days. (2) It had to be stopped because of what was happening to the participants. (3) The interactions between the prisoners and guards had become hostile and degrading. (4) The guards had become aggressive and brutal, and the prisoners were passive and depressed. (5) As a result, five of prisoners had to be released early because of severe negative emotions. (1) Many people think that the past tense form only indicates past time. (2) However, that is only one of the possible meanings. (3) The past tense form is also used to express something that is unlikely or imaginary, from the speaker"s point of view. (4) Here is an example: "He wishes he had a car." (5) The fact is that he doesn"t have a car, so the use of "had" indicates that it isn"t real: it"s imaginary. (1) Anyway, if it were possible, would you want a woman you could control? (2) A woman I could control?No, I can"t imagine it. (3) Most of the women I"ve been with have tried to control me! (4) Well, that"s one of the differences between men and women. Violent actions were seldom shown in gruesome detail but were inferred from the situation. The experiment demonstrates that situations can have a powerful effect on human behavior. An injured brain must be healed before other treatments, such as vitamins, drugs or counseling, can work. He left an hour ago, so he should be there by now since he"s had plenty of time to get there. Engaging with the elderly will become one of the biggest areas of work in the country. The car accident wouldn"t have been happened had the weather been better. Experts warn that smart machines may cause widespread unemployment. If he knew she was getting messages from other men, he would be furious. It"s difficult to have a conversation with her because she always interrupts. There"s a good chance he"ll be transferred, so it would be foolish to buy a house at this time. Could you come back in a few minutes? It was an overdose of drugs and alcohol that nearly killed him. Something is controversial if it causes public disagreement. With an aging population, health problems become a growing concern. Scientists warn that relying on alternative resources might only support half of the global population. Her mother"s memory problems have gotten worse, so it"s more difficult to live with her. Worried that he was ill, they gave him a series of health examinations, but none showed anything wrong. Estimates of the number of deaths that will eventually result from the accident vary enormously. Engaging with the elderly will become one of the biggest areas of work in the country. If he hadn"t played soccer, his brain wouldn"t have been injured. His company is downsizing and moving its head office to another city. If he knew she was getting messages from other men, he would be furious. From her facial expression, it was obvious that she really disliked him. Once you upload the brain onto the internet, you could leave your body behind. Is that really what you want to do? It was an overdose of drugs and alcohol that nearly killed him. Experts warn that smart machines may cause widespread unemployment. By involving herself in mathematics and engineering, she broke the dominant stereotype. Kennedy and his wife were sitting in an open car, waving to a large crowd of people when he was shot. When the nuclear fuel rods hit the cooling water, the fission reaction accelerated out of control due to a sudden power surge. He left an hour ago, so he should be there by now since he"s had plenty of time to get there. Their sales revenues were much less than they anticipated, so they ran out of money. If he hadn"t played soccer, his brain wouldn"t have been injured. Housing costs, food prices, and energy costs are all important that affect the cost of living in an area. I was just thinking about how much things have changed since I was a child. If he were to reform the government, he would need the support of the people. It"s expensive to develop new drugs and it can take a very long time to get a new drug approved. Looking back to classic movies and comparing them with what we have today, we see many similarities. If he lost the use of his legs, he wouldn"t be able to continue working in the same way. People today are living longer than at any point in human history. The conclusion is the most important part of the presentation She"s never been very social, so it"s unlikely that she will go out to meet new friends Viral infections are cause by viruses, such as the influenza virus. He has practice hard so he should do well in the competition. To be hard on someone means to put pressure on them. We can"t issue a ticket until you give us definite dates. So what is it that you wanted to see me about.

a full student-level standard deviation 是什么意思?


rated filling level for insulation是什么意思

rated filling level for insulation绝缘额定填充水平重点词汇filling装满,填满; 填充物; 馅; 纬纱; 填满(fill的ing形式)insulation绝缘; 隔声; 隔离,孤立; 绝缘或隔热的材料



Check engine oil level when next refuelling是什么意思


Take it to the next level 翻译这句话


求 aespa next level 无损或高 mp3 百度网盘

由Aespa演唱的歌曲《Next Level》

哪位高手能给我《假面骑士》-甲斗《Next Level》的罗马发音

NEXT LEVEL歌手:YU-KI(TRF)作词:藤林圣子作曲:渡部チェル君が愿うことなら すべてが现実になるだろうkimi ga negau kotonara subetega genjitsu ninarudarou选ばれし者ならばeraba reshi mono naraba暴走をはじめてる 世界を元に戻すにはもうbousou wohajimeteru sekai wo motoni modosu nihamou时间がないjikan ganaiMoving fast 心の时计走らせ 明日(あした)のその先へMoving fast kokoro no tokei hashira se ashita nosono saki he君のとなり 戦うたび 生まれ変わるkimi notonari tatakau tabi umare kawa ru目に见えるスピード 越えてくモーションmeni mie ru supi-do koe teku mo-shonいったい 自分以外 谁の强さ信じられる?ittai jibun"igai dare no tsuyosa shinji rareru ?高速のヴィジョン 见逃すなkousoku no vijon minogasu naついて来れるなら…tsuite kore runara ...光が探している 厚い云のあいだ辉くhikari ga sagashi teiru atsui kumo noaida kagayaku选ばれし者だけをeraba reshi mono dakewo君が想像してた 未来が歩き出した道にkimi ga souzou shiteta mirai ga aruki dashi ta michi ni未来はないmirai hanaiTake a chance 心が求め続けた 瞬间ここにあるTake a chance kokoro ga motome tsuduke ta shunkan kokoniaru谁もいない 时空1人 进化してくdaremo inai jikuu hitori shinka shiteku未体験エリアで 始まるリアルmitaiken eria de hajima ru riaru绝対 自分だけがこの时代を変えて行けるzettai jibun dakegakono jidai wo kae te yuke ru最强のレジェンド 见逃すなsaikyou no rejiendo minogasu naついて来れるなら…tsuite kore runara ...君のとなり 戦うたび 生まれ変わるkimi notonari tatakau tabi umare kawa ru目に见えるスピード 越えてくモーションmeni mie ru supi-do koe teku mo-shonいったい 自分以外 谁の强さ信じられる?ittai jibun"igai dare no tsuyosa shinji rareru ?高速のヴィジョン 见逃すなkousoku no vijon minogasu naついて来れるなら…tsuite kore runara ...谁もいない 时空1人 进化してくdaremo inai jikuu hitori shinka shiteku未体験エリアで 始まるリアルmitaiken eria de hajima ru riaru绝対 自分だけがこの时代を変えて行けるzettai jibun dakegakono jidai wo kae te yuke ru最强のレジェンド 见逃すなsaikyou no rejiendo minogasu naついて来れるなら…tsuite kore runara ...


see you next level 看你下一级level 英[u02c8levl] 美[u02c8lu025bvu0259l] n. 水平,水准; 水平线,水平面; 水平仪; [物] 电平; adj. 水平的; 同高度的; 平均的; 平稳的; vt. 使同等; 对准; 弄平; [例句]If you don"t know your cholesterol level, it"s a good idea to have it checked你要是不清楚自己的胆固醇水平,最好去检查一下。[其他] 第三人称单数:levels 复数:levels 现在分词:levelling 过去式:levelled过去分词:levelled


歌曲名:NEXT LEVEL歌手:ET-KING专辑:はじまりの言叶 feat.千秋负けられない 止まれない さあ NEXT LEVEL へ贯き通せ 信じた道を限界を ぶち壊せ さあ NEXT LEVEL へ立ち上がれ今负けられない 止まれない さあ NEXT LEVEL へ贯き通せ 己の道を悲しみを 打ち砕け さあ NEXT LEVEL へ立ち向かえ 闘え准备完了 出発进行自分を信じてまっすぐ前向いて期待と希望を胸に抱き 未来を梦见て进みだすそばにたくさんの仲间かけがえのない家族がいるここまでやってくれたんだ决して俺は独りじゃない负けられない 止まれない さあ NEXT LEVEL へ贯き通せ 信じた道を限界を ぶち壊せ さあ NEXT LEVEL へ立ち上がれ今负けられない 止まれない さあ NEXT LEVEL へ贯き通せ 己の道を悲しみを 打ち砕け さあ NEXT LEVEL へ立ち向かえ 闘え今までの自分を 超えてまた一歩まだまだ行くぞ このまま全力疾走积み重ねる経験を 力に変えてくこの先ずっともう弱くはないんだ 力强く进むんだ辛い道を选んだら その先には明日があるのか迷い止まってしまっても それでも何か探してる次の一歩は怖いけど この体つき动かすのはたった一つのあきらめない心负けられない 止まれない さあ NEXT LEVEL へ贯き通せ 信じた道を限界を ぶち壊せ さあ NEXT LEVEL へ立ち上がれ今负けられない 止まれない さあ NEXT LEVEL へ贯き通せ 己の道を悲しみを 打ち砕け さあ NEXT LEVEL へ立ち向かえ 闘え「NEXT LEVEL」作词∶ET-KING作曲∶ET-KING & DJ ARTS a.k.a ALL BACK歌∶ET-KINGI believe こんなもんじゃない一丁踏ん张り超えるボーダーラインDon"t be afraid! また新たな力が溢れたとえどんなに困难な道でも逃げるわけにはいかない意地でも燃やせ魂 焦がし尽くせ负けられない 止まれない さあ NEXT LEVEL へ贯き通せ 信じた道を限界を ぶち壊せ さあ NEXT LEVEL へ立ち上がれ今负けられない 止まれない さあ NEXT LEVEL へ贯き通せ 己の道を悲しみを 打ち砕け さあ NEXT LEVEL へ立ち向かえ 闘え【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/18595699

滨崎步的《NEXT LEVEL》 歌词

歌曲名:NEXT LEVEL歌手:滨崎步专辑:A Summer Best「NEXT LEVEL」浜崎あゆみ作词:ayumi hamasaki作曲:D

冰上的尤里12集之后,see you next level是指出第二季吗?Victor因为再给勇利一年所以到底有没有回归?


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NEXT LEVEL链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1PjQx2Rvt3ys1siBb11G4rA 提取码:RCDJ

next level的假名歌词

滨崎步-NEXT LEVEL 动き出す 次のステージへ向けて 仆たちは 歩き続ける どこまでも 続くこの一本道を 仆たちは 光り続ける ここから もう一度 始まってく スタートを どんな风に 切って行けるのかな 空を见上げたらふわり笑颜がこぼれたよ こわくないよ大丈夫だよって闻こえた 空を见上げたらふいに泪がこぼれたよ 过去に残した伤迹さえ今は爱しい 响いてる 未来を告げる合図が 仆たちは 瞳合わせる 高鸣る この鼓动 何を选び 描いて どんな地図が 出来上がるのかな 风を感じたらぎゅっと强く手を握ろう 多くの言叶なんてもう必要ないから 风を感じたらぐっと强く歩き出そう 同じ速度で同じ景色眺めて行こう 空を见上げたらふわり笑颜がこぼれたよ こわくないよ大丈夫だよって闻こえた 空を见上げたらふいに泪がこぼれたよ 过去に残した伤迹さえ今は爱しい 风を感じたらぎゅっと强く手を握ろう 多くの言叶なんてもう必要ないから 风を感じたらぐっと强く歩き出そう 同じ速度で同じ景色眺めて行こう

take it to the next level是什么意思


His politics______on a high level. A. is B. are C. has D. have


aespa发布新单曲《Next Level》,为何网友吐槽:难听?


aespa《NEXT LEVEL》发布一周年,他们的舞台台风怎么样?



NEXT LEVEL歌手:YU-KI(TRF)作词:藤林圣子作曲:渡部チェル君が愿うことなら すべてが现実になるだろう选ばれし者ならば暴走をはじめてる 世界を元に戻すにはもう时间がないMoving fast 心の时计走らせ 明日(あした)のその先へ君のとなり 戦うたび 生まれ変わる目に见えるスピード 越えてくモーションいったい 自分以外 谁の强さ信じられる?高速のヴィジョン 见逃すなついて来れるなら…光が探している 厚い云のあいだ辉く选ばれし者だけを君が想像してた 未来が歩き出した道に未来はないTake a chance 心が求め続けた 瞬间ここにある谁もいない 时空1人 进化してく未体験エリアで 始まるリアル绝対 自分だけがこの时代を変えて行ける最强のレジェンド 见逃すなついて来れるなら…君のとなり 戦うたび 生まれ変わる目に见えるスピード 越えてくモーションいったい 自分以外 谁の强さ信じられる?高速のヴィジョン 见逃すなついて来れるなら…谁もいない 时空1人 进化してく未体験エリアで 始まるリアル绝対 自分だけがこの时代を変えて行ける最强のレジェンド 见逃すなついて来れるなら…by:和泉http://music.baidu.com/song/26378520




作词/滨崎步 作曲/D.A.I 编曲/H^L 迈出脚步 朝向下一个舞台 我们 继续前进 这一条 绵延无尽的道路 我们 继续照亮 从这里 再次 展开的 起点 究竟该如何 踏出第一步 当我仰望天空脸上不禁绽放出一朵笑容 彷佛听见了有人告诉我不用害怕毋需担忧 当我仰望天空泪水突然滑下了脸庞 过去留下的伤痕如今却令人怜惜 响起了 宣告未来的暗号 我们 四目相视 加速的 心跳鼓励 该选择什麽 来描绘 会完成 什麽样的地图 当你感受到风请紧紧握我的手 因为已不需要多馀的只字片语 当你感受到风请坚定踏出脚步 让我们以相同的速度眺望同一片风景 当我仰望天空脸上不禁绽放出一朵笑容 彷佛听见了有人告诉我不用害怕毋需担忧 当我仰望天空泪水突然滑下了脸庞 过去留下的伤痕如今却令人怜惜 当你感受到风请紧紧握我的手 因为已不需要多馀的只字片语 当你感受到风请坚定踏出脚步 让我们以相同的速度眺望同一片风景

aespa《NEXT LEVEL》发布一周年,这个组合的舞技如何?


aespa回归新单曲《NEXT LEVEL》上线,你觉得如何?


求滨崎步-Next Level的翻译

你这容易引起误解诶 这可以是专辑名 也可以是一首歌的名。要说清楚。

英语流利说懂你英语 Level5 Unit2 Part3 Vocabulary - Business Terms

To merge : to combine or come together. Those two companies used to be competitors but now they have merged into one company. When the two companies merged, many people were laid off. (They plan to merge with a much larger company, so they will lose their identity .)身份 To acquire : to buy or take possession . Some big companies grow by acquiring other companies. One way to protect your business is to acquire your competitors. (One way to acquire new technology is to hire innovative people from other companies.) An agenda : a plan or a list of items to be discussed at the meeting. The agenda for the meeting was still unclear. What are the main points on the agenda for the meeting. (We don"t know what"s on his agenda, so we need to be careful what we say.) A contract : a written document that defines the rules in a relationship. A contract isn"t usually useful until things begin to go badly in a relationship. According to our contract their first payment is due next week. (Even a good contract won"t help if a business relationship isn"t built on trust.) Assets and liabilities : assets are what you own and liabilities are what you owe . Knowing the assets and liabilities of a company, helps determine the company"s value. The company had more liabilities than assets, so we decided not to invest. (Our assets include some great technology, so we need to keep investing in research.) (If a company borrows a lot of money, it"s increasing its liabilities.) (There are too many items on the agenda, so we need to cut it down and focus on fewer things.)


大智慧是个软件。 出名的功能是dde和他的topview。level2是高速数据、十档数据、撤单数据、成交明细数据功能的服务。
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