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a rise in sea level为什么用a

2023-07-11 22:28:22







海平面: 1.sea level 2.sea-level 3.datum level 4.base level mean sea level 平均海平面 sea level change 海平面变动 It"s probable the sea surface will rise. 海平面可能会升高. This land is on low sea level. 这块陆地在海平面下面. atmospheric pressure at sea level is 1013 millibars. 海平面的气压是毫巴. Equality of elevation above sea level. 等海拔高度海平面以上的高度相等 Fully one-fourth of Holland is below sealevel. 荷兰的整整四分之一在海平面下. (heraldry) rising from the sea. (纹章学)从海平面上升的. Holland is a country which horizon is under the sea. 荷兰是一个地平线低于海平面的国家. having a small elevation above the ground or horizon or sea level. 地面、地平线或者海平面以上较小的高度.
2023-07-11 17:20:121

elevation和sea level哪个是海拔?

elevation是海拔,就是你理解的“陆地到海平面的高度”,地理上有个专有名词altitude高度也是这个意思。sea level是指海平面。和海拔的关系是:sea level is used as a standard in reckoning land elevation or sea depth.作为一个基准,既可以表示陆地高度,也可以表示海的深度。
2023-07-11 17:20:291

sea level 还是sea levels coastal area还是 coastal areas carbon emission 还是 cabon emissions

1、sea level 指海平面 sea levels coastal area是指与海平面处于同一海拔的沿海地区 coastal areas 泛指沿海地区2、low carbon living 指低碳生活 low carbon life 也是低碳生活(之生活方式) 两者无本质区别3、studies["stu028cdiz]n. 研究;学习;学业(study的复数) 希望对你有所帮助
2023-07-11 17:20:381

why is the sea level rising every year

why is the sea level rising every year为什么海平面每年都在上升
2023-07-11 17:20:453

我问的是sea level与 sea levels的区别。coastal area与 coastal areas的区别。都相差一个s

按道理sea level应该只有一个, 不能使用复数沿海地区可以有多个,可以使用复数碳排放当作一种概念时,不可数,不能使用复数。但是当作动作讲的时候,可以有多次、多个碳排放动作,可以用复数。
2023-07-11 17:20:551


海平面是海的平均高度也称大地水准面。指在某一时刻假设没有潮汐、波浪、海涌或其他扰动因素引起的海面波动,海洋所能保持的水平面。由于地球内部质量的不均一,地球表面各点的重力线方向并非都指向球心一点。这样就使处处和重力线方向相垂直的大地水准面,形成一个不规则的曲面。因而世界各国有各自确立的平均海平面,即大地水准面。我国是将青岛验潮站多年观测的黄海平均海平面,确定为我国使用的大地水准面,依此作为我国的高程起算零点。根据该高程起算面建立起来的高程系统,称为1956年黄海高程系。我国各地面点的海拔,均指由黄海平均海平面起算的高度。 参考资料
2023-07-11 17:21:163


黄海。全国各地的高程都以此为基准进行测算。任何一地点相对于黄海的平均海平面的高差,就称它为绝对标高。平均海面是指某地一定时期内每小时海面高度的算术平均值,又称平均海水面。它是大地测量和海道测量中的高程起算面,又称零面或基准面。mean sea level 指某地一定时期内每小时海面高度的算术平均值, 又称平均海水面。它是大地测量和海道测量中的高程算面,又称零面或 基准面。1956年以前,中国的 高程系有 大沽零点、青岛零点、废 黄河口零点、 吴淞零点、门零点、 罗星塔零点、珠江 基面等。1956年以后,统规定以青岛 验潮站的1950年至1956年 潮汐观测资料算的平均海面作为 高程基准面,并命名为 黄海平均海面。
2023-07-11 17:21:361

1000 feet above sea level

above是“在...上方”的意思,是个介词,above the sea level是介词短语做表语,表明了主语的位置
2023-07-11 17:21:511

the mountain is 1000 feet ( )the sea level A.over B.higher C.above D.high 为什么

c aboveabove the sea level高于海平面over我的理解是高于所有的,如果说高于平均海拔,over mean sea level 就可,above可以笼统的说高过。higher 后面不能加名词sea level
2023-07-11 17:21:581

the mountain is 1000 feet ( )the sea level

2023-07-11 17:22:062

2,000 meters above sea level 的意思

2023-07-11 17:22:153

altitude above sea-level是什么意思

altitude above sea-level释义海拔高程; 海拔高度双语例句 1An air pressure altitude measurement system which took advantage of the relationship between air pressure and altitude above sea-level was studied and realized by MCU.本文研究了一种利用大气压力与海平面高度的关系,使用单片机实现气压高度测量的系统。
2023-07-11 17:22:351


2023-07-11 17:22:421

the sea level will rise by about 7 meters这句话中by 是什么意思

2023-07-11 17:22:505

英语选修六第五单元the lake of heaven翻译

The Lake of Heaven Changbaishan is in Jilin Province, Northeast China. Much of this beautiful, mountainous area is thick forest. Changbaishan is China"s largest nature reserve and it is kept in its natural state for the people of China and visitors from all over the world to enjoy. The land varies in height from 700 meters above sea level to over 2,000 meters and is home to a great diversity of rare plants and animals . Among the rare animals are cranes, black bears , leopards and tigers. Many people come to Changbaishan to study its unique plants and animals. Others come to walk in the mountains, to see the spectacular waterfalls or to bathe in the hot water pools. However, the attraction that arouses the greatest appreciation in the reserve is Tianchi or the Lake of Heaven. Tianchi is a deep lake that has formed in the crater of a dead volcano on top of the mountain. The lake is 2,194 meters above sea level, and more than 200 meters deep. In winter the surface freezes over. It takes about an hour to climb from the end of the road to the top of the mountain. When you arrive you are rewarded not only with the sight of its clear waters, but also by the view of the other sixteen mountain peaks that surround Tianchi. There are many stories told about Tianchi. The most well-known concerns three young women from heaven. They were bathing in Tianchi when a bird flew above them and dropped a small fruit onto the dress of the youngest girl. When she picked up the fruit to smell it, it flew into her mouth. Having swallowed the fruit, the girl became pregnant and later gave birth to a handsome boy. It is said that this boy, who had a great gift for languages and persuasion, is the father of the Manchu people. If you are lucky enough to visit the Lake of Heaven with your loved one, don"t forget to drop a coin into the clear blue water to guarantee your love will be as deep and lasting as the lake itself. 天 池 长白山在中国东北的吉林省,这个美丽的山区大部分是茂密的森林。长白山是中国最大的自然保护区,保持着它的原始状态,以供中国人民和世界各地的游客们欣赏。这里地面的高度从海拔700米到2000多米不等,是多种多样稀有动植物的生长地。珍稀动物有白鹤、黑熊、豹子和老虎。许多人到长白山来研究珍奇的动植物。另外一些人则是到山里来走一走,看看那些蔚为壮观的瀑布,或者在温水池里泡个澡。然而保护区里最令人欣赏的地方则是天池,或者说是天上的湖。 天池是一个深水湖,是由山顶一个死火山的火山口形成的。湖的海拔高度为2,194米,水的深度超过200米,到冬天湖面就全部结冰了。从路的尽头到山顶约需一个小时。你一到达山顶就会得到回报—你不仅可以看见天池那清澈如镜的湖水,而且还可以看到天池四周的16座山峰。 天池有着许多传说故事,其中最著名的是关于从天上下凡的三位少女的故事。她们在天池洗澡时,突然有一只鸟飞到她们的上方,把一个小小的水果扔在最年轻的那个姑娘的衣服上。当她拿起来闻的时候,水果飞进了她的嘴里。姑娘吞食了这个果子,后来就怀孕了。过了一段时间,她生下了一个漂亮的小男孩。据说这个男孩就是满族人的祖先,具有语言天赋和很强的说服力。 如果你有幸与你所爱的人去游天池,别忘了投一枚硬币到清澈碧蓝的湖水中,以确保你们的爱情像湖水一样深厚、持久。
2023-07-11 17:23:041


地球上的水,是在不停地运动着的。它无处不在,通过蒸发、冷凝、降水等连续不断地循环。水的循环过程具体可以分为以下三个步骤: 第一步是蒸发和蒸腾的水分子进入大气。 吸收太阳辐射热后,水分子从海洋、河流、湖泊、潮湿土壤和其他潮湿表面蒸发到大气中去;生长在地表的植物,通过茎叶的蒸发将水扩散到大气中,植物的这种蒸发作用通常又称为蒸腾。据估计,在一个生长季中0.4公顷的谷物几乎就可以蒸腾200万升的水,等于同等面积内43厘米深的水层。通过蒸发和蒸腾的水,水质都得到了纯化,是清洁水。 第二步是以降水形式返回大地。 水分子进入大气后,变为水汽随气流运动,在适当条件下,遇冷凝结形成降水,以雨或雪的形式降落到地面。降水不但给地球带来淡水,养育了千千万万的生命,同时,还能净化空气,把一些天然的和人为的污物从大气中洗去。 降水是陆地水资源的根本来源。我国多年来平均年降水量为632毫米,而全球陆地平均年降水量是834毫米。 第三步是重新返回蒸发点。 当降水到达地面时,一部分渗入地下,补给地下水;一部分从地表流掉,补给河流。地表的流水,即径流可以带走泥粒,导致侵蚀;也可以带走细菌、灰尘和化肥、农药等,因而径流常常是被污染的。最后千流归大海,水又回到海洋以及河流、湖泊等蒸发点。这就是地球上的水循环。 推动这种循环的永恒动力是太阳辐射。进入到地球上的太阳能约有23%消耗于海洋表面和陆地表面的蒸发上,当水汽凝结时,这些能量又重新释放出来。就全年平均情况来看,大约从北纬40度到南纬30度是一个广大的辐射过剩区域,而极地周围的高纬度地区是辐射亏损区。海陆之间,在不同的季节有着不同的亏损和盈余。只有把热量从盈余的地区向亏损的地区输送,才能达到全球的能量平衡。而水分循环是这种能量输送的主要途径之一。水在海洋中能够形成洋流,水又能够以气液相变的形式来大量地储存和输送能量。这种能量输送保持了全球的能量平衡,使得辐射的亏损区不至于太冷,辐射过剩区不至于太热,为生物提供了一种适宜的生活环境。 有时水循环会出现一些较特殊的情况。在高纬度和高海拔区,自大气层降下的不是水而是雪。落在极地区或山地的雪积久可成冰,水因此得到保存,算是退出循环,退出时间一般为几十年、几百年或几千年。因此,冰雪的固结与消融,影响着参与水循环的水的总量,进而影响全球海面变化。 南极冰盖和格陵兰冰盖是世界上最大的冰库。如果全部融化,海洋的水位就会上升大约60米,这意味着各大洲的沿海地区、包括许多世界级大城市都将被淹没,海平面将达到纽约曼哈顿摩天大楼的20层楼那么高。 水分循环的过程是非常复杂的。除了这种海陆之间的水分循环外,海洋有自己的洋流等水圈内部的水循环;大气圈里有随着大气环流进行的大气内部水循环;大气圈与陆地之间,大气圈与洋面之间,有着水汽形成降水,降落的水分又被蒸发的直接循环;岩石圈上存在着地表水与地下水之间的转换与循环;生物体内也有着生物水的循环等。 水分循环把地球上所有的水,无论是大气、海洋、地表还是生物圈中的水,都纳入了一个综合的自然系统中,水圈内所有的水都参与水的循环。像人体中,从饮水到水排出体外只要几个小时;大气中的水,从蒸发进入大气,到形成降水离开大气,平均来说,完成一次循环要8~10天;世界大洋中的水,如果都要蒸发进入大气,完成一次水分循环的过程,需要3000~4000年。 水分循环系统是一个水的自然净化系统。水不断地从潮湿的表面蒸发,或者从植物表面蒸腾,当水蒸气进入大气时,大部分杂质留下来。雨水到了地面经过沙石的过滤和沉淀,成为洁净的水。在这个净化过程中,海洋起着巨大的作用。太阳、海洋和大气像一个巨大的蒸馏装置,时刻不停地运转着。 由于水分循环的存在,使得水成为地球上最活跃的物质,使全球的水量和热量得到均衡调节。正是由于这种年复一年、日复一日永不停息的水分循环,才使得大气圈气象万千,使得地球表面千姿百态,生机盎然。假如水分循环停止,将再也看不到电闪雷鸣、雨雪霜雹;再也没有晴、雨、阴、云的天气变化;再也看不到江、河、湖、沼;当然更不会有森林、草原;动物与人类也将不存在。------------------------------------------------On Earth"s water, is in does not stop the movement. Its there is noplace in, through does not evaporate, the condensation, theprecipitation and so on continuously unceasingly circulates. The watercyclic process specifically may divide into following three steps: First step is evaporates with the transpiration hydrone enters theatmosphere. After absorbs the solar radiating heat, hydrone from sea, rivers,lake, moist soil and other moist surface evaporation to atmosphere in;The growth in the surface plant, proliferates through stem leaf"sevaporating the water to the atmosphere in, plant"s this kind ofevaporation usually is called the transpiration. It is estimated, in agrowth season 0.4 hectares grain nearly may the transpiration 200myrialiters water, be equal to in the same level area 43 centimeterdeep water level. Through evaporated with the transpiration water, thewater quality all obtained the purification, was the clean water. Second step is returns to the earth by the precipitation form. After the hydrone enters the atmosphere, becomes the water vapor alongwith the air current movement, under the suitable condition, meets thecondensation knot to form the precipitation, descends the ground bythe rain or the snow form. The precipitation not only brings the freshwater to the Earth, has raised the great amount life, simultaneously,but also can purify the air, washes off some natural and theartificial contamination from the atmosphere. The precipitation is the land water resources radical origin. Ourcountry for many years the average year precipitation has been 632millimeters, but the global land average year precipitation is 834millimeters. Third step is rereturns 蒸发点. When the precipitation arrives the ground, part of permeatingunderground, military supplies ground water; A part falls from theplace sheet current, military supplies rivers. The surface runningwater, namely the runoff may carry off the putty grain, causes thecorrosion; Also may carry off the bacterium, the dust and the chemicalfertilizer, the agricultural chemicals and so on, thus the runofffrequently is polluted. Finally thousand class turn over to the sea,the water to return to the sea as well as the rivers, the lake and soon 蒸发点. This is on Earth"s water cycle. Impels this kind of circulation the eternal power is the solarradiation. Enters the solar energy approximately has 23% consumptionto the Earth on to the sea surface and on land surface evaporating,when the water vapor congeals, these energies rerelease. Looked on thewhole year average situation that, probably from north latitude 40 tosouth latitudes 30 is general radiations too much regions, but aroundthe polar high latitude area radiates the loss area. Between the sealand, has the different loss and the earnings in the different season.Only has the quantity of heat from the earnings area to the loss localtransportation, can achieve global the energy balance. But thehydrologic cycle is one of this kind of energy transport main ways.The water can form the ocean current in the sea, the water can be madthe liquid phase changes the form comes massively the storage and thetransportation energy. This kind of energy transport maintained theglobal energy balance, causes the radiation the loss area not as fortoo coldly, the radiation area as for too is not too much hot, hasprovided the living conditions for the biology which one kind issuitable. Sometimes the water cycle can have some more special situation. In thehigh latitude and the high elevation area, the arrogant aerospherelowers is not Shui Er is a snow. Falls accumulates in extremely localor the mountainous region snow may become the ice, the water thereforeobtains the preservation, is withdraws from the circulation, thewithdrawal time generally is several dozens year, several hundred yearor several millenniums. Therefore, snow and ice solidifying withmelts, is affecting the participation water cycle water totalquantity, then affects the global sea level change. The south pole ice cap and the Greenland ice cap are in the world thebiggest ice bunker. If completely melts, the sea water level can risethe about 60 meters, this meant each big continent the coastal area,is all submerged including many world-classs big city, the sea levelachieved the New York Manhattan skyscraper 20 buildings are that high. The hydrologic cycle process is extremely complex. Besides this kindof sea land between hydrologic cycle, the sea has ocean currenthydrosphere interior the and so on own water cycle; In the aerospherehas the atmospheric internal water circulation which carries on alongwith the atmospheric circulation; Between the aerosphere and the land,the aerosphere with 洋面 between, has the water vapor to form theprecipitation, descends the moisture content the direct circulationwhich evaporates; On the lithosphere has between the surface water andthe ground water transformation and the circulation; Biological invivo also has the biological water the circulation and so on. Hydrologic cycle Earth on all water, regardless of is the atmosphere,the sea, the surface or in the biosphere water, all has bought intoline with in a comprehensive natural system, in the hydrosphere allwater all participate in the water the circulation. In the picturehuman body, discharges in vitro from the potable water to the water solong as several hours; In the atmospheric water, from evaporatesenters the atmosphere, to forms the precipitation to leave theatmosphere, on average, completes a time of circulation to want 8 ~ 10days; In world ocean water, if all must evaporate enters theatmosphere, completes a time of hydrologic cycle the process, needs3000 ~ in 4000. The hydrologic cycle system is a water nature purification system.Water unceasingly from moist surface evaporation, or from plantsurface transpiration, when the steam enters the atmosphere, themajority of impurities stay behind. The rain water arrived the groundafter grit filtering with the precipitation, becomes the pure water.In this purification process, the sea is playing the huge role. Thesun, the sea and the atmosphere like a huge distilling apparatus, thetime does not stop is revolving. As a result of the hydrologic cycle existence, causes Shuicheng forthe Earth on the most active matter, causes global the water volumeand the quantity of heat is under the proportional-plus-floatingcontrol. Is precisely because this kind never ceases year after year,day after day the hydrologic cycle, only then causes the aerosphere tobe spectacular, causes the earth"s surface differ in thousands ofways, vitality abundant. If the hydrologic cycle stops, again also theblind lightning flash will be thunderous, the sleet frost hail; Againalso does not have clearly, the rain, to be cloudy, the cloud weatherchange; Again also the blind river, the river, the lake, moor;Certainly cannot have the forest, the prairie; The animal and thehumanity also will not exist. ----------------------------------------------------其实也就是 蒸发>降雨>地表径流>流入大海>蒸发Evaporates > Rains > Surface runoff > Inflow sea >Evaporates
2023-07-11 17:23:141

About 960 kilometers of it is over 4000 meters above the sea level.的中文意思。

2023-07-11 17:23:222

帮忙翻译下英语课文 100分

生活在2100年从1950年代以来,我们已经销毁了三分之一以上的自然world.Our的生活方式造成了许多严重的环境problems.We使用大量的自然资源和产生太多垃圾。污染正在改变地球的气候和我们的星球越来越热最大的问题是,将改变以往的事情为更好? 也有一些科学家是谁认为optimistic.They的帮助下,科学和严格的法律当今的环境问题将会消失在future.Other科学家们pessimistic.They认为,环境问题日益严重,并很快将为时已晚拯救环境。让我们看看预测悲观和乐观的科学家们提出的地球上的生命在2100年。 地球人口将可能是222.00亿。 地球的温度将在一月四日至5月8日℃高于现在。冰在南北极将融化和海平面将上升9至88cm.Cities或低于海平面将下沉。 半地球的植物和动物将消失随着热带雨林。 我们将利用所有的地球自然resources.People将无法生存在地球上。 ,所以他们将不得不寻找新的地球上生活。 该法将迫使家庭不超过一个孩子,这将减少地球人口20亿。 人们将使用环保能源如太阳和风力。不污染空气,使地球的温度将不会增加。 严格的法律将保护动物和植物物种的灭绝。 人口有20亿人将需要较少的自然资源,因此有足够的食物,水等的每一个人。
2023-07-11 17:23:336

瑞士十大旅游景点介绍英语 瑞士景点英文介绍

英文介绍瑞士瑞士风景英文简介:1、The most spectacular and spectacular scenery in Switzerland is at the top of Europe, 3454 meters above sea level, Jungfrau. Standing on the top of the peak, looking around, the sky is wide and the scenery is charming.瑞士最壮观、最壮观的景色是在海拔3454米的欧洲之巅少女峰。站在山顶上,环顾四周,天空宽阔,景色迷人。Snow peaks stand like handle blades straight into the clouds. The shining white snow and the bright sunshine are shining against each other, especially against the dark blue sky.白雪皑皑的山峰矗立在云端,宛如柄刃。白雪皑皑,阳光灿烂,相互辉映,尤其是在深蓝色的天空中。Snow peaks have distinct edges and corners of ice and snow, while the snow layer in the backlight is soft and soothing. Layers of white clouds like surging waves, forming a huge front at the foot; everything is so pure, so holy.雪峰有明显的冰和雪的棱角,而背光中的雪层是柔软和舒缓的。层层叠叠的白云像汹涌的波涛,在脚下形成一个巨大的锋面;一切都那么纯洁,那么神圣。2、Switzerland, best known as one of the richest coutries in the world, has lots of fantastic views. With a large rang of plants not found at other attitudes, it is good to experience some pressure as visiting and grazing.瑞士,作为世界上最富有的国家之一,有很多奇妙的景色。有大量的植物没有发现其他的态度,这是很好的体验一些压力,作为参观和放牧。During the winter, visitors can really enjoy ice skating in a white and mountainous enviornment. Switzerland is worth to travel whenever and whatever seasons because it has moderate climate all year round.在冬季,游客可以在白色和多山的环境中真正享受滑冰。瑞士全年气候温和,无论何时何地,都值得旅游。3、From spring to late autumn, ice trains start every day, and the Mercedes Benz is 300 kilometers between the two major tourist attractions in Switzerland, that is, between St. Paul and St. meritsk.从春天到深秋,每天都有冰上火车开动,奔驰在瑞士两大旅游景点之间,即圣保罗和圣梅里茨克之间的300公里处。When the train runs through the railway, the most dazzling part of the train journey is seen in a snowy snow, and the train is moving slowly, as if the story of a cartoon story is reappearing.当火车穿过铁路时,在雪地里可以看到火车旅程中最耀眼的部分,火车在缓慢地行进,仿佛一个卡通故事正在重现。During the train journey, there will be about 291 bridges and 91 tunnels. It is difficult to see the construction at that time. The railway runs in the alpine mountains with the highest rock level and the lowest point is 1429 meters.列车运行期间,将有291座桥梁和91条隧道。那时很难看到建筑。铁路位于海拔最高、最低点1429米的高山山区。The landscape along the way is changeable. The scenery of streams, valleys, waterfalls, villages and fields is beautiful. The train of the glacier train is specially designed to be bright red. Mercedes-Benz in the fields and mountains, looks particularly striking and beautiful.沿途风景多变。溪流、山谷、瀑布、村庄和田野的景色很美。冰川火车的火车是专门设计成鲜红色的。奔驰在田野和群山之中,显得格外醒目和美丽。4、Switzerland is a mountainous landlocked country in south-central Europe. East boundary, Liechtenstein, South to west, West to France, north to Germany. Its territory is east from 10 degrees east to 29 "26", and the state of Sawan, the west of the East is 5 "57" 24 ".瑞士是欧洲中南部一个多山的内陆国家。东界,列支敦士登,南至西,西至法国,北至德国。其领土东经10度东至29“26”,西至沙湾州东经5“57”24。The southernmost point is located at 45 degrees 49 "8" at the north latitude, near the northern part of TECO, and the northernmost part of the North is 47 degrees 48 "48". It is 220.1 kilometers long in North and South and 348.4 kilometers long in East and west.最南端位于北纬45度49"8“,靠近特科北部,最北端为47度48”48“。南北长220.1公里,东西长348.4公里。The entire territory is divided into the central and Southern Alps (60% of the total area), the northwestern Jura Mountains (10%), and the central plateau (30%) three natural terrain areas.全境分为中部和南部阿尔卑斯山(占总面积的60%)、西北部汝拉山(10%)和中部高原(30%)三个自然地形区。The average altitude is about 1350 meters, the highest point is near duer"s Dufu peak (DUFOUL-PEAK, elevation 4634 meters). The lowest point is located at LAKE MAGGIOLE, -193 meters above sea level.平均海拔1350米左右,最高点在杜尔杜甫峰(杜福尔峰,海拔4634米)附近。最低点位于海拔-19米的马吉奥湖。5、Switzerland is divided into three main regions: the Alps, the Swiss plateau and the Ru La mountains. The Alps are composed of granite, gneiss, crystalline rock and limestone.瑞士分为三个主要地区:阿尔卑斯山、瑞士高原和汝拉山。阿尔卑斯山由花岗岩、片麻岩、结晶岩和石灰岩组成。The Swiss plateau is formed by the gravel layer; the Jura Mountains are formed by limestone. As a famous Swiss writer once said, "the Swiss are proud of having built such a good mountain range."瑞士高原是由砾石层形成的,侏罗纪山脉是由石灰岩形成的。正如一位瑞士著名作家曾经说过的那样,“瑞士人为建造了如此好的山脉而自豪。”瑞士景点(英文)LausanneCity/Region: GenevaPicturesquely located on the shores of Lake Geneva, the youthful and energetic city of Lausanne is built above the lake on a sequence of tiers connected by a small metro. The upper or Old Town contains the grand Gothic cathedral, Notre-Dame; its turreted towers a well-known symbol of the city. The lower town on the lakeshore was once the small fishing village of Ouchy and is now the prime waterfront area with outdoor dining and cafes, promenades and sporting activities. The gardens around the Quay d"Ouchy are home to the city"s foremost attraction, the Olympic Museum, containing a wealth of sporting memories and a collection of unique objects pertaining to the Olympic Games from its beginning until the present. Lausanne relishes its importance as the Olympic World Capital and headquarters of the International Olympic Committee.城市/地区:日内瓦在风景如画的日内瓦湖,在洛桑年轻,精力充沛的海岸城市位于上方的建立一个由地铁相连的小湖层序。上部或旧城区包含宏伟的哥特式大教堂,巴黎圣母院的精髓,它的炮塔塔著名城市的象征。湖岸上的低镇曾经是乌希小渔村,现在是与室外餐厅和咖啡厅,海滨长廊和体育活动的主要海滨区。码头周围的花园科特迪瓦乌希居住着城市的最重要的吸引力,奥林匹克博物馆,其中载有运动的回忆,到现在1项涉及从一开始就奥运会独特的对象的集合财富。洛桑津津乐道它作为奥林匹克世界资本和国际奥林匹克委员会总部的重要性。瑞士旅游景点详细介绍 瑞士旅游景点详细介绍 瑞士是一个山国,山清水秀。其森林面积达12523平方公里,占全国面积的30.3%。如果再加上农业、绿地面积(10166平方公里,占全国面积24.6%瑞士的河湖面积达1726平方公里,占瑞士全国面积的4.2%。瑞士地处北温带,地域虽小,但各地气候差异很大。阿尔卑斯山由东向西伸展,形成了瑞士气候的分界线。以下是我整理的瑞士旅游景点详细介绍,欢迎阅读! 万国宫 万国宫过去是国际联盟的所在地,而今是联合国驻日内瓦办事处的总部。它是日内瓦作为一个国际城市的象征,也是世界近代史的一个缩影。 万国宫坐落在阿丽亚娜公园内,阿丽亚娜公园地处莱蒙湖右岸的丘陵地带上,占地面积25公顷(约合375亩)。站在园内高处可以俯瞰莱蒙湖,遥望欧洲最高的山峰勃朗峰。 西庸古堡 西庸古堡是瑞士最负盛名的古迹之一,位于日内瓦湖的东端,突出于日内瓦湖上的由巨石组成的.小半岛上。在青铜器时代就有人居往,后来罗马人在此安营扎寨,修筑防御工事。西庸半岛在几易主人之后,于十一世纪至十三世纪之间,在SAVOYEN家族手里经过大规模扩建,基本形成人们看到的集军事防御、仓储、牢狱、教堂和贵族宫廷等功能于一体的封闭式的封建古堡。 莱蒙湖 在瑞士1498个湖泊中,莱蒙湖是最大的一个。它也是西欧最大的湖泊,面积582平方公里,蓄水量达890亿立方米,其中心线的长度为72.3公里,周长167公里;在瑞士一侧的北岸(俗称右岸)长95公里,在法国一侧的南岸(俗称左岸)长72公里。湖的最宽处为14,000米,最深处为310米。 莱茵瀑布 莱茵瀑布(Lheinfall)位于瑞士沙夫豪森州和苏黎世州交界处的莱茵河上。瀑布最宽处150米,最大落差21米,水深13米。夏季平均流量每秒700立方米。莱茵瀑布是欧洲最大的瀑布。 因特拉肯 因特拉肯(INTEL‘LAKEN,即湖间之意)属伯尔尼州,距离伯尔尼市约50公里,地处图恩湖和布里茵茨湖之间,海拔只有568米,是瑞士著名的风景区之一。这里群山环抱,绿色草场广阔开敞,瑞士著名的少女峰终年白雪冠顶,倒映绿色湖中,远山近水,湖光潋滟,置身此地,如在画中。 图恩湖 英特拉根市西面是图恩湖,东面是布里恩茨湖。两湖都为狭长形,略向北翘,加在一起像一弯中间断开的新月。其中图恩湖面积较大,但湖水不深,游人可乘船畅游,也可驱车或搭火车沿湖观光。玲珑的村庄或高栖坡岗,或依立水边,装点着大自然的妖媚。 ;
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2023-07-11 17:24:003


海拔是指地面某个地点高出海平面的垂直距离。网络上,海拔一词也经常被用为一个人身高的代指。海拔就是超出海水面的高度。但海面潮起潮落,大浪小浪不停,可以说没有一刻风平浪静的时候,而且每月每日涨潮与落潮的海面高度也是有明显差别的。因此,人们就想到只能用一个确定的平均海水面来作为海拔的起算面。海拔也就定义为高出平均海水面的高度。这就是通常人们所说的高程或绝对高程。(Above sea level) 由平均海平面起算的地面点高程,称为海拔高度或绝对高程。平均海平面, 大地水准面也称大地水准面。由于地球内部质量的不均一,地球表面各点的重力线方向并非都指向球心一点。这样就使处处和重力线方向相垂直的大地水准面,形成一个不规则的曲面。因而世界各国有各自确立的平均海平面,即大地水准面
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(1)Kennedy haizi is jade dragon snow mountain to the east of an open meadow, Kennedy haizi about 4 km, 1.5 km wide, about 2900 meters above sea level, to haizi give a sense of open, recently, the best place is look up jade dragon snow mountain.(2)River flows from the stone, also white, because the color is named "white water"(3)In sunny day, the color of the water is blue, and the valley is crescent, so named blue moon valley(4)Yulong snow mountain glacier park, 4506 meters above sea level, the tourist can reach the highest altitude
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1.一般来讲will be强调客观发生的事情,be going to 带有主观打算,有时候也可通用 .will be 强调状态 如:I will be rich.我将会很富有。be going to 强调动作如:I‘m going to Beijing.我要去北京了 将要下雨;is going to rain或will大地点,如;in China ;at+小地点,如;at home3给你看一些.例句; I am a girl.主语是"I" 谓语是"am"宾语是"girl" She is a beautiful girl. beautiful是定语. In the morning ,I"m late for school."In the morning"是状语. She bought a book for me ."me "做宾语补足语. 4 .some(一些)可以修饰可数和不可数.如;some apples和some people,但是much(许多)只能修饰不可数。如;much pollution,many(许多)修饰可数。如;many birds5. other 另外的,其他的 the other(二者中)另一个的;其余的 the others 其余的人(或东西) another另一个【后常加one】 6。in the front of指的是“在“某个范围以内的)前面”;in front of 指的是“在(某个范围以外的)前面” 7。 well 可以是副词, good只能是形容词, 所以well可以和动词连用, 如: you work well, you study well。 good只能和名词连用8.above: 表示上面,上方,其反意词是below. on:表示某物体上面,其反意词是behindover: 表示垂直上方,其反意词是under. 9.a number of 后加可数名词,如;a number of students 10 英语可数名词一般是指普通名词中人或物的个体,能与不定冠词a, an连用并且能够计数的名词,以及部分人或物的总称。如:a student, two students, a car, four cars. 不可数名词通常是指不能够计数的人或物,如:water, milk, bread, chocolate, juice.
2023-07-11 17:24:533


1 the solidification of the tropical rain forest museum(entrance)3000 square meters of tropical rain forest museum, collection of Xinglong returned overseas Chinese from the Sun RiverBed Mining collected large root, root carving works withthousands of pieces, Hopea, mother, son, No Mie, dark wood... At, in different poses and with different expressions,live on in spirit, like a solidification of the tropical rain forest,the touching story tells the Sun River rainforest past. (inEnglish)2 the solidification of the tropical rain forest museum (export)Walk out of tropical rain forest museum, hear the tropical rainforest call: because of poverty and greed of human beings, large tracts of original forest has been cut down,people in the development of economy at the same time, also destroyed the diversity of tropical rain forest and maintaining the ecological balance; plants and human with a ground ball,plant protection is to protect ourselves! (in English)3 Dracaena (cocoa.)Dracaena cambodiana (Dracaena cambodiana Pierre exGagnep),Liliaceae, tree shape, high 3 ~ 4m. Leaves crowded on top ofstems and branches, a set of several stacked, ca. 1750px,amplexicaul, sessile. Raceme ca. 750px. Distributed in the southwest of Hainan, was born in the leeward area of dry sand, two countries to protect endangered species. In the tropical rain forest plants, its life period, up to eight thousandyears, and is therefore called the plant kingdom of longevity.(in English)4 gymnosphaera podophylla (coconut Xiangfang export)Cyathea podophylla (Alsophila podophylla)Now the only remaining woody ferns, born in hillside forest,the stream of shrubs, 95-1100 m above sea level, originated 300000000 years ago, more magical is so far that it neverevolved, is a good material to study plant form, plant geography and the history of the earth changes, has the protection value and scientific research value to, so called "living fossil", is listed as the two countries to protect plant species and limit the list of export. (in English)5 pandanus utilis (rain forest museum entrance)Pandanus utilis (Pandanus utilis), native to Madagascar,evergreen shrub or small tree shape, height up to 20 meters,stem branching, with annular leaf scars, lower part of the trunk with aerial roots thick and erect; root like octopus, aliasred octopus tree. Leaves clustered in the top, is the spiral health, upward stacking order, like the round ladder,extremely Fuwei Yan Li, have led people to make progress of the artistic conception, so called "every dog has his day" tree.(in English)6 pear, pear mountain roadRosewood DalbergiaodoriferaT.Chen, scientific name,Dalbergia odorifera;Tree height up to 20m, diameter up to 0.8m. Is a rare speciesendemic to Hainan, heartwood red brown or purple brown,long time then becomes dark red, often contain dark brown stripes, shiny, with aroma. Staggered wood texture, forming a natural, beautiful patterns. Made of rosewood furniture is concise and lively, magnificent, and deep color gorgeous,noble and elegant, durable, hundred years does not rot, but also long exudes quiet wood gas, according to refresh the evil.Scenic area planting 3000 strains of Huanghua pear, by the forestry experts, age the longest for a hundred years. (inEnglish)
2023-07-11 17:25:012

青岛英文简介!帮忙翻译一下!! 急急急~
2023-07-11 17:25:093

英语翻译 不用写题的答案 只要翻译

2023-07-11 17:25:272

懂你英语Level4.Unit1 PART1

Christina is on a two-week vacation. This is the first vacation she has had for a long time. The last vacation she took was more than two years ago. Now she is visiting a friend in San Francisco. Her friend and her husband are living near the center of the city. He works for a start-up company in Silicon Valley. While he is working, she works part-time at a department store. Christina hasn"t seen her friend for a long time. The last time they saw each other was 3 years ago. At that time, they were both working at a department store. Then Christina quit her job and started her own business. She designs women"s clothing. She has 2 employees now and her company is slowly growing. Christina has come to San Francisco by herself. Her husband didn"t come because he has to work. He tried to start a company 2 years ago but it didn"t work out. His company failed after only a few months. So now he"s working at another company and saving money. Once he saves enough money he plans to start another company. He doesn"t want to give up. This is the second time Christina has been to San Francisco. The first time was when she was a high school student. That was more than 10 years ago. During that trip she was only in San Francisco for a few days. After that she went to Los Angeles and New York. This time she and her friend plan to relax and have fun. Christina arrived two days ago, the day before yesterday. Her friend met her at the airport and drove her to her apartment. Her apartment is just North of the airport about 20 minutes from San Francisco. It"s a small apartment, but it"s on a hill and it has a great view. 这是一个小公寓,但它在山上,视野很好。 Yesterday they went downtown and rode the cable cars. 昨天他们去市区乘缆车。 u2022 went downtown到市区 u2022 rode乘,骑,驾( ride的过去式 ); 穿越; 搭乘; 飘浮 u2022 cable cars<美>缆车( cable car的名词复数 ) Christina was surprised by how steep the hills are. u2022 steep陡峭的,险峻的; 过分的,夸张的; 极高的; 急剧升降的; 浸泡; 使渗透 Then they walked along the ocean and ate lunch at a seafood restaurant. From the restaurant, they could see the Golden Gate Bridge.金门桥 Tomorrow, they"re planning to drive to Yosemite National Park. 约塞米蒂国家公园 By car, it"s about 4 hours away. Christina has never been there before, so she is excited. She has heard that the park is very beautiful. Her friend has been to Yosemite several times. She says it"s one of the most beautiful places in the world. Christina just hopes that her friend is a good driver. Headaches can be very painful and can last for a long time. If you have a headache, your head hurts. A sprained ankle 脚踝扭伤 can be so painful that you can"t walk. Someone with a sprained ankle may need to use crutches to walk. If you have a sore throat, it may be painful to swallow. A sore throat can be caused by viruses or bacteria. A burn is an injury to the skin caused by fire or heat. If you get too close to a fire, you will be burned. An earache is a sharp, dull or burning pain in the ear. Common causes of an earache include an infection, a change in air pressure or water in the ear. A headache can be caused by an injury to the head. Mountains are landforms higher than 2,000 feet, or about 600 meters, above sea level. u2022 landforms地貌; 地形( landform的名词复数 ) u2022 above sea level海拔高度 Hills are like mountains, but not as tall. Mountains are formed by forces deep within the Earth and are made of many types of rocks. 山脉是由地球深处的力量形成的,由多种岩石构成。 u2022 formed成形的,成形加工的; 形成,构成,产生( form的过去式和过去分词 ); 是; 成形; 结成 u2022 forces力( force的名词复数 ); 武力; 势力; 气力; 强制( force的第三人称单数 ); Rivers are streams of water that usually begin in mountains and flow into the sea. 河流是通常从山脉开始流入大海的水流。 u2022 streams流( stream的名词复数 ); 一连串; 水流方向; 小河 u2022 flow into流入; 渐 Many early cities were built alongside rivers. 许多早期的城市都建在河边。 Most of the world"s water is in the oceans, which are large bodies of salt water. 世界上大部分的水都在海洋中,海洋是大量的咸水。 u2022 large bodies大型菌体 u2022 salt water咸水; 盐水,海水 The oceans are also an important source of oxygen. 海洋也是氧气的重要来源。 source根源,本源; 源头,水源; 原因; 提供消息的人; 获得; 发起; 向…提供消息; 寻 Desserts are areas of land that receive little or no rainfall. 沙漠是一块很少或没有降雨的土地。 The amount of rainfall in some deserts is so low that only a few plants can survive. 一些沙漠的降雨量很低,只有少数植物能存活。 u2022 amount of rainfall雨水量 u2022 plants工厂; (plural form of plant,plant的复数形式)植物,农作物; 植物( plant的名词复数 ); 发电厂; 幼苗; 种植( plant的第三人称单数 ); 建立; 移植; 在栽种 u2022 survive幸存,活下来; 幸存; 比…活得长,经历…之后还存在; 幸免于难; 挺过; 艰难 A valley is a low, relatively flat area between hills or mountains, often with a river running through it. 山谷是介于山丘或山脉之间的一个较低、相对平坦的地区,通常有一条河流流经山谷。 u2022 valley流域; 山谷,溪谷,峡谷,谷地,深谷; 屋顶排水沟,屋面斜沟 u2022 relatively相对地; 关系上地; 比较地; 较比 u2022 flat area平面面积 u2022 hills丘陵; 小山,山冈( hill的名词复数 ); 斜坡; 冈峦 Some valleys are formed by flowing water, and others are formed by glaciers. 一些山谷是由流水形成的,另一些则是由冰川形成的。 u2022 valleys流域; 溪谷; 山谷( valley的名词复数 ) u2022 flowing water活水 u2022 glaciers冰河,冰川( glacier的名词复数 ) Desert temperatures can range from cold at night to very hot during the daytime, often above 120 degrees F. The place where a river begins is its source. Have you eaten yet? No, I haven"t and I"m hungry. Me too. Let"s go out for dinner. Where to? What about Joe"s Italian? How many times have you eaten there? I eat there a lot. It"s one of my favorite places. I went there two weeks ago, and the service was terrible. Really? then, let"s go some places else. What do you suggest? How about the Royal Indian? It"s not far from here. I"ve never heard of it, is it good? Yes, I"ve been there several times, and I"ve never be end disappointed. OK, let"s try it. I haven"t eaten Indian food for a long time. You won"t be disappointed, and the prices are reasonable. Ah, so you mean I"m going to pay. Well, that would certainly be nice. What about reservations? If we get there early enough, we won"t need them. I hope you"re right. Don"t worry. If we have to wait, I"ll pay the bill.
2023-07-11 17:25:341

sea level要不要加the?

2023-07-11 17:25:522


900米。海平面的相关定义有“全球海平面”、“本地海平面”以及“相对海平面趋势”等。由于多种因素影响,海平面不是完全平的,海洋表面有三个较大的隆起区域,一个在澳大利亚东北部海区,隆起高达76米,还有三个较大的凹陷区域,一个在印度洋上,凹陷深达112米。 海平面(Sealevel)是海的平均高度。指在某一时刻假设没有潮汐、波浪、海涌或其他扰动因素引起的海面波动,海洋所能保持的水平面。
2023-07-11 17:26:011


是 above the sea level , sea 做level的定语,就是特指了,需要有定冠词。如果非要用 above sea level 也不算错,尤其在口语表达上面。
2023-07-11 17:26:081


The sea level rises海平面上升.As the sea level rises, more islands will disappear. 随着海平面上升,将会有更多岛屿因而消失不明白可以追问我,满意的话请点击【采纳】
2023-07-11 17:26:151

the sea level 用什么介词?

2023-07-11 17:26:223

the sea level

above sea level 因为此时的sea 为统称,above the sea level 也没有错.最佳答案好像应该是后者
2023-07-11 17:26:291

above the sea level

选【B】 在海平面之上用的是above the sea level,是固定用法
2023-07-11 17:26:361

this mountain is about 10000 feet above the sea level。为什么要用above?

above 用于表示地平线,海拔之类的表示希望能采纳,谢谢了
2023-07-11 17:26:443


你好, sealed eyeliner 意思是: 密封的眼线笔请采纳seal 动词, 密封, sealed 密封的eyeline 眼线. eyeliner 眼线笔
2023-07-11 17:26:511

The mountain is 4,000 metres_______ the sea level. A over B above

正确: B
2023-07-11 17:27:063

a chrod的海平面乐团Sea Level 组合解散了吗????

2023-07-11 17:27:251

when sea level rises同义句转换?

同义句转换:When the sea level rises.当海平面上升时。As the sea level goes up.随着海平面上升。
2023-07-11 17:27:321

the sea level will also rise.改为同义句the sea level

go up 为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!
2023-07-11 17:27:421

The tunnel would be well-ventilated if tall chimneys were built above sea level.

2023-07-11 17:27:491


2023-07-11 17:28:004


Mountain National Forest Park, also known as North Mountain Farm, located in Qinghai Province, the county mutual aid Kitayama, an area of more than 400 square kilometers, is a province after another famous tourist attractions in the original forest and the scenery is also a scientific expedition, adventure and forest bathing in the beautiful ideal. Here, the water running, the cloud steaming fog Wei, pines and cypresses, green fields, such as shade, and ancient trees, pine Bo Xiangxin, many wild flowers are blooming. Preserved the original eco-region, Gap high deep valley, the cliffs rise steeply, there are 18, Huang Ya excluded, Lake Le Tien Chi, the tiger population, the demons do feel many wonders of the big hole. Meanwhile the Turkish style rich, folk culture for a long time long, called a rare destination.北山国家森林公园也称北山林场,位于青海省互助县北山,面积400多平方公里,是青海省又一处著名的原始林区和风光旅游景点也是科学考察、寻幽探险和森林浴的理想场所。这里,流水潺潺,云蒸雾蔚,苍松翠柏,绿野如荫,古木参天,松柏香馨,山花烂漫野生植物众多。区内原始生态保存完整,峡高谷深,危崖壁立,有十八盘、黄垭豁、湖勒天池、老虎口、妖魔洞大呢感众多奇景。同时土族风情浓郁,民俗文化久长,堪称不可多得的旅游胜地。Senmyi National Forest Park is like a huge emerald, set in the Qilian Mountains, and as a quiet and beautiful fairy, cheerful affectionately nestled in the arms of the Qilian Mountains constitute financial forest, water, clouds mountain, stone, peaks natural landscape and the simplicity of folk customs, Tibetan Buddhism and other mystical cultural landscape as one of the new scenic spots, is located in the Loess Plateau, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau transition zone, because of its special geographical location and good environment to become plant kingdom, the animal park, azalea flowers. 仙米国家森林公园宛如一块巨大的翡翠,镶嵌在祁连山南麓,又如一位恬静美丽的仙女,满含深情地依偎在祁连山的怀抱之中,构成融林、水、云、山、石、峰自然景观和纯朴的民俗风情,神秘的藏传佛教等人文景观为一体的新型的风景名胜区,地处黄土高原向青藏高原过渡地带,因其特殊的地理位置和良好的生态环境使之成为植物的王国、动物的乐园、杜鹃花的海洋。Cambra National Forest Park is located in Huangnan Tibetan self-rule state Jianzha County. With an area of 152 square kilometers, with an average altitude of 2,500 meters, the highest elevation of 3,100 meters, 2300 meters above sea level the lowest. Cambra National Forest to strange "Danxia" topography, dense forest vegetation, the ancient religious culture, majestic power station dam, beautiful gorges reservoir area and the unique Tibetan style to become an ideal eco-tourism resort. 坎布拉国家森林公园位于青海省黄南藏族自冶州尖扎县境内。景区面积152平方公里,平均海拔2500米,最高海拔3100米,最低海拔2300米。坎布拉国家森林公园以奇特“丹霞”地貌、茂密的森林植被、古老的宗教文化、雄伟的电站大坝、绮丽的峡谷库区及独特的藏族风情成为生态旅游的理想胜地。 偶很用心捏,要选我哦!!!!!!¥-¥
2023-07-11 17:28:103


顾名思义,所谓海拔就是超出海水面的高度。但海面潮起潮落,大浪小浪不停,可以说没有一刻风平浪静的时候,而且每月每日涨潮与落潮的海面高度也是有明显差别的。因此,人们就想到只能用一个确定的平均海水面来作为海拔的起算面。海拔也就定义为高出平均海水面的高度。这就是通常人们所说的高程或绝对高程。(Above sea level) 由平均海平面起算的地面点高程,称为海拔高度或绝对高程。平均海平面,也称大地水准面。由于地球内部质量的不均一,地球表面各点的重力线方向并非都指向球心一点。这样就使处处和重力线方向相垂直的大地水准面,形成一个不规则的曲面。因而世界各国有各自确立的平均海平面,即大地水准面。我国1987年规定将青岛验潮站1952年1月1日~1979年12月31日所测定的黄海平均海水面作为全国高程的起算面。并推测得青岛观象山上国家水准原点高程为72.260m。根据该高程起算面建立起来的高程系统,称为1985国家高程基准。我国各地面点的海拔,均指由黄海平均海平面起算的高度。如何得出一个确定的平均海水面呢?对此,测绘专家们很早就想到通过在沿海设置验潮站的办法。选择对一个国家或地区来说具有位置适中、外海海面开阔、海底平坦、地质结构稳定、有代表性和规律性的半日潮等特点的港区建立一个长期使用的验潮站,根据长期验潮资料来确定一个平均海水面,把它作为零高程面。然后用精密水准测量联测到陆地上预先设置好的水准原点,测定出这个点的海拔高度作为一个国家或整个地区的起算高程。网络时代的今天,海拔一词也经常被用为一个人身高的代指.
2023-07-11 17:28:311


2023-07-11 17:28:412

2011年高考英语江苏卷 - 阅读理解C

According to the US government, wind farms off the Pacific coast could produce 900 gig watts of electricity every year. Unfortunately, the water there is far too deep for even the tallest windmills (see picture) to touch bottom. An experiment under way off the coast of Norway, however, could help put them anywhere. 据美国政府公布,太平洋海岸外的离岸风电场每年可产生900吉瓦的电力。不过海水太深,即使是最高的风电机(见图)也到不了海底。挪威的离岸正进行一项实验,可以将离岸风电机装在任何地方。 The project, called Hywind, is the world"s first large-scale deepwater wind turbine. Although it uses a fairly standard 152-ton, 2.3-megawatt turbine, Hywind represents totally new technology. The turbine will be fixed 213 feet above the water on a floating spar(see picture), a technology Hywind"s creator,the Norwegian company StatoilHydro,has developed recently. The steel spar, which is filled with stones and goes 328 feet below the sea surface, will be tied to the ocean floor by three cable; these will keep the spar stable and prevent the turbine from moving up and down in the waves.Hywind"s stability in the cold and rough sea would prove that even the deepest corners of the ocean are suitable for wind power. If all goes according to plan, the turbine will start producing electricity six miles off the coast of southwestern Norway as early as September. 该项目称为Hywind,是世界上第一个大型深水风力涡轮发电机。虽然它采用了比较标准的152吨,发电量为2.3兆瓦的涡轮机,Hywind代表着崭新的技术。涡轮机安装在一座浮动的平台上,塔体水面高度213英尺(见图),最近由挪威国家石油海德罗公司 (StatoilHydro)研发。其安装在内置石块的钢铁支架,深入海底达328英尺,并由三根钢缆固定在海床之上,将平台保持稳定,及以防涡轮机被波浪推动作上下摆动。Hywind风电机证明能在寒冷及恶劣的海洋环境中保持稳定性,甚至适用于水深极深的角落。假若一切能按计划进行,涡轮机最快可在9月初,在离挪威西南海岸6英里之处开始发电。 To produce electricity on a large scale, a commercial wind farm will have to use bigger turbines than Hywind does, but it"s difficult enough to balance such a large turbine so high on a floating spar in the middle of the ocean. To make that turbine heavier, the whole spar"s to design a new kind of wind turbine, one whose gearbox(变速箱) sits at sea level rather than behind the blades (see picture ). 为了大规模发电,商业风电场将不得不使用比Hywind更大的涡轮机,但要在海洋中央的浮石上平衡如此高的大型涡轮机是很困难的。为了使涡轮机更重,整个spar设计了一种新型的风力涡轮机,其变速箱位于海平面,而不是叶片后面(见图) 大规模风力发电,需要使用比Hywind更大型的商业化的风力涡轮机,但是,大型的涡轮机难以在漂浮于海洋中的平台上平衡。为了增加涡轮机的重量,整座平台的设计须配合新型的风力涡轮机,变速箱会安装在水的平面上,而非叶片的背后(见图)。 Hywind is a test run, but the benefits for perfecting floating wind-farm technology could be extremely large. Out at sea, the wind is often stronger and steadier than close to shore, where all existing offshore windmills are planted. Deep-sea farms are invisible from land, which helps overcome the windmill-as-eyesore objection. If the technology catches on, it will open up vast areas of the planet"s surface to one of the best low-carbon power sources available. Hywind只是一次试运行,但完善浮式风电场技术的好处可能非常大。在海上,风力通常比靠近海岸的地方更大、更稳定,因为所有现有的海上风车都是在海岸附近种植的。从陆地上看不到深海农场,这有助于克服风车的视觉障碍。如果这项技术流行起来,它将为地球表面的广大地区提供最好的低碳能源之一。 Hywind目前仍处于试验阶段,但完善漂浮式风电技术将带来极大效益。在海中心的风力一般都比靠近岸边强而稳定,现有的离岸风电机都装在近岸。在近岸看不见深海风电场,这有助于减少因美观而反对设置离岸风电机的声音。假若这项技术得到普及,它能以广大的地球表面提供予拓展最上成的低碳能源之用。
2023-07-11 17:28:481


CH-47 CH-53 V-22
2023-07-11 17:28:586

单选 in view of global warming,coastal buildings should_____sea-level rise. A) prevent B)anticipate

2023-07-11 17:29:253


2023-07-11 17:29:334


ASL (网上聊天用语)— Age/Sex/Location/年龄/性别/所在地我也有这种尴尬、要记住啊。
2023-07-11 17:29:431