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贼 嘎 苟 大概就是这个发音了,是芝加哥

Chicago, a city in the State of Illinois, is the second largest in the United States. It stretc...


98年nba总决赛乔丹最后一投后解说员说Chicago with····后面是什么




Chicago (Central Daylight Time, GMT-05:00) 是北京时间的几点啊?

全球360度分为24个时区,所以每个时区跨15度,芝加哥位于北纬41度52分55秒,西经87度37分40秒,时区所以属于西六区,有根据地理时区计算式----东加西减  , 北京在东八区,中间相差14个时区,所以北京时间2012年3月1日要减14个小时才是圣保罗的当地时间 芝加哥的时间是05:00 , 那北京时间就是5+14=19   送图一张  ,  希望可以帮助到你更好的理解 

CIF chicago 与 DAP chicago 有什么区别,有知道的请帮我讲解一下


Chicago Tribune是什么意思

Chicago Tribune芝加哥论坛报

英语翻译Commuting to work in Chicago is no pleasure


chicago 车牌FL是哪里呢?


chicago 跟wisiconsin什么关系

(楼主貌似打错字了,应该是Wisconsin)美国有50个州,Wisconsin(威斯康星州)只是其中之一,但是Chicago与Wisconsin关系并不大,因为Chicago所在的州是Illinois(伊利诺伊州)而不是Wisconsin。要真想扯上点关系,也只能说Chicago 跟Wisconsin都在美国的北部。



chicago is the largest city


求分享《Chicago - Hard To Say I"m Sorry - Get Away》无损音乐百度网盘地址

Chicago - Hard To Say I"m Sorry - Get Away.wav    链接:

求一篇英文文章:Chicago is a great city for eating

does not exist seems to be denying

Chicago on a Budget

【答案】【小题1】C【小题1】A【小题1】D【小题1】D【答案解析】1. C 文章主旨题的考查。根据HowtohavefuninChicagowithoutspendingalotofmoney?以及下面列出的要点可知是告诉我们如何在芝加哥旅行花钱更省,故选C。2. A 细节题的考查。根据文章说Theticketis$10.00,butgoonTuesdaysandyou"llgetinfree(免费)可知星期二免费,其它时候(包括星期天)收$10.00,故花得多些,选A。3. D 根据最后一段可知住一星期至少$215,但前提是住一个月,故至少需要215*4=860,选D。4. D 细节题的考查。从ForTheOprahWinfreyShowyou"llhavetobookticketsatleastamonthbefore可知一个月前就能订票,故到后马上可以取到,故D错,其它答案都可在原文找到。


ChicagoBulls_翻译ChicagoBulls 公牛队;


纯 球衣设计问题吧

英文初学者请教:center of Chicago和downtown chicago二句有什么区别

center of Chicago 指芝加哥的文化及商业中心区,也是芝加哥人口集中的区域。downtown Chicago 指芝加哥市商业集中的中心区


芝加哥chicago-when you`re good to mama 芝加哥chicago-and all that jazz那也只有试试了``




1、英音[??kɑ:g??, -k?:-]、美音[??kɑ:ɡo?? -k?:-],芝加哥桥牌;芝加哥(在美国中西部;为美国第二大城)。2、芝加哥(Chicago)位于美国中西部的伊利诺伊州,东临壮丽的北美五大湖之一密歇根湖,著名国际金融中心之一,全美人口第三大城市(仅次于纽约和洛杉矶)。


Chicago [简明英汉词典][Fi5kB:^Eu]n.芝加哥(美国中西部一大城市)楼上的回答不准确


Are you planning to travel abroad? Chicago is a perfect choice. Chicago was founded in 1833, near a portage between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River watershed, and incorporated as a city in 1837. O"Hare International is the second busiest airport in the world. Within the Midwest it is a financial and industrial center. The city has a notable and famous political culture. It has been home to numerous influential politicians, including the first African-American President of the United States, Barack Obama. As of 2007, the city"s attractions, business, and commerce bring 44.2 million visitors annually. Making full use of its abundant resources, Chicago has a heritage for hosting major local, regional, national, and international events that include entertainment, politics, commerce, culture, and sports. On June 4, 2008, Chicago was chosen as one of the final four city candidates to host the 2016 Summer Olympics and made it to the shortlist as the only American city.You could argue that Chicago is thequintessential American metropolis, not just the first great city carved fromthe young nation"s western frontier, but an international capital of commerceand culture. The city became a major transportation and telecommunications hub,In North America. The city has a notable and famous political culture. It hasbeen home to numerous influential politicians, including the firstAfrican-American President of the United States, Barack Obama. As of2007, the city"s attractions, business, and commerce bring 44.2 millionvisitors annually.When it comes to Chicago, we can list alot of famous person. Daniel Burnham, the legendary Chicago architect and city planner, nailed ita century ago when he said, "Make no small plans.". This, after all,is where the steel-frame skyscraper was born. Where Louis Armstrong, MuddyWaters, and Thomas Dorsey gave shape to the signature American music formsknown to the world at large as jazz, blues, and gospel. George "Papa Bear"Halas pioneered the National Football League. And Michael Jordan, one of thegreatest athletes in history, has transcended the game of basketball to become,arguably, the most famous human being on the planet.Chicago is so beautiful that you won"t cover itall, nor should you try. Within a few minutes you can go from the cosmopolitanbuzz of the downtown Loop to a working-classLatino neighborhood. Unlike theoppressive density of Manhattanor the smog-choked skies over LA, there"s room to breathe here. This is aliving, vibrant, wonderfully diverse city, Chicago demands flooded visitors.自己码的~~刚刚交完作业~~


美国伊利诺伊州东北部,东靠密歇根湖。是中西部重要的港口城市以及商业、经济、工业和文化中心。这座城市在1871年曾被一场大火灾几乎摧毁。The largest city of Illinois, in the northeast part of the state on Lake Michigan. It is a major port and the commercial, financial, industrial, and cultural center of the Middle West. The city was nearly destroyed by a disastrous fire in 1871.

Chicago 为什么叫 windy city




chicago是哪个国家的 chicago位置介绍

1、chicago是美国的芝加哥(Chicago)。 2、芝加哥(Chicago),位于美国密歇根湖的南部,是美国第三大城市,也是世界的国际金融中心之一。 3、芝加哥地处北美大陆的中心地带,城市中心坐标为北纬41°39′、西经87°34′,是美国最大的商业中心区和最大的期货市场之一,其都市区新增的企业数一直位居美国第一位,被评为美国发展最均衡的经济体。此外,芝加哥还拥有很多的高楼大厦,被誉为“摩天大楼的故乡”。截止至2018年7月,芝加哥人口约为270.6万。

Chicago 芝加哥 We Both Reached For The Gun 中文歌词

来吧,宝贝!让我们玩遍全城,还有那爵士声。 涂脂抹粉,脱下外套,还有那爵士声。 开动汽车,直奔快乐之地,那里美酒飘香,琴声狂放。 大厅充满喧嚣,夜夜大吵大闹,还有那爵士声。 头发梳得油光发亮,穿上带扣的皮鞋,还有那爵士声。 我听说有大牌音乐家来吹奏布鲁斯乐,还有那爵士声。 让我们搂搂抱抱,我已准备好药品,假如你跳得散架,我保证你可以重新做人,继续那爵士声。 找到藏酒瓶的地方,让我们一醉方休,还有那爵士声。 瞧我把酒瓶藏得多深。来吧,宝贝,让我们玩遍全城。连林堡也无法飞到这么高的苍穹,不然他怎么能听到这美妙的爵士声。 扭吧,跳吧,直到裤带崩断。(合声)告诉她何处挂起衣衫。她老妈若看到这番景象,肯定气得七窍流血,肯定! 我不是谁的人妻,不属于任何人,我热爱人生,还有那爵士声。 罗西(唱):我有时通情达理,有时蛮不讲理;可他毫不在乎,总是一步不离。他对我一片痴心,这个丈夫真是怪异。 我有时心情沮丧,有时亢奋不已;可他总是陪伴一旁,像只乖乖的小狗。他对我一片痴心,这个丈夫为我带来阳光万里。 他不像王孙公子富有,身材也没有一丝可取,天知道他脑子不会转弯,但看看他的内心,我敢说这些不足却造就了好心地。 如果你像我一样摸透他的心,你会清楚他的一言一行;如果有人玷污我的美名,他会不加思索替我承担责任。他对我一片痴心,这个丈夫真是怪异又好心。 艾莫斯(插白):一个男人有义务保护他的家庭、家人。明白吗? 警官:那当然。 艾莫斯:我从汽车修理铺回来,看到那个盗贼从窗口爬进来。我太太罗西躺在床上睡觉,像个天使……假设他侵犯了我太太……你懂吗?侵犯!类似的事情!那有多可怕!幸亏我回来得及时。我跟你说呢。 警官:死者名字……福莱德凯斯利。 艾莫斯:福莱德凯斯利?他怎么会是盗贼呢?我太太认识他!我们的家具是他卖给我们的,还给我们打九折哩。她撒谎!她跟我说是小偷! 警官:那你说你到家时他已经死了? 艾莫斯:她在尸体上盖了一张床单,然后给我编了一派胡言,说什么盗贼进门什么的……她让我说是我杀的,说我会无罪释放的。什么盗贼! 罗西(接着唱):好了,这下他跳出陷阱,我真难忍他的愚蠢。瞧他那付嘴脸,向我推卸责任。他大脑再发达,也仍是那么笨。哪天我被判绞刑,该知道是谁给我套上那根绳。 艾莫斯(插白):我居然信了她!这个小贱人!原来她在偷荤。好吧,上绞刑也不关我的事。天哪,我在车铺流汗,一天工作十四个钟头,她倒好,嚼着零食,跳着爵士,寻欢作乐。这次她太过分了。这个小骗子!我居然被她懵了! 罗西(接着唱):我那个肮脏、下贱、愚蠢的老公!


亚区别就是两者意思是不一样,具体的不同如下chicago中文意思是n.芝加哥桥牌;芝加哥(在美国中西部;为美国第二大城)aj1midgymred中文意思是AJ1 的一款鞋。 AJ1是 Air Jordan 1简写;Mid:中帮鞋;Gym Red Black:字面意思是“健身房红黑色”,所以此鞋的颜色是黑红色的。


Chicago【汉语翻译为芝加哥,但ch读音近似湿】英 [ʃɪ"kɑ:gəʊ, -"kɔ:-] 美 [ʃɪ"kɑɡoʊˌ -"kɔ-] n.芝加哥(美国城市名)


Chicago读音音标:英 [ʃɪ"kɑ:gəʊ] 美 [ʃɪ"kɑ:ɡoʊ] 词义:n.芝加哥(美国城市名)


来吧,宝贝!让我们玩遍全城,还有那爵士声。 涂脂抹粉,脱下外套,还有那爵士声。 开动汽车,直奔快乐之地,那里美酒飘香,琴声狂放。 大厅充满喧嚣,夜夜大吵大闹,还有那爵士声。 头发梳得油光发亮,穿上带扣的皮鞋,还有那爵士声。 我听说有大牌音乐家来吹奏布鲁斯乐,还有那爵士声。 让我们搂搂抱抱,我已准备好药品,假如你跳得散架,我保证你可以重新做人,继续那爵士声。 找到藏酒瓶的地方,让我们一醉方休,还有那爵士声。 瞧我把酒瓶藏得多深。来吧,宝贝,让我们玩遍全城。连林堡也无法飞到这么高的苍穹,不然他怎么能听到这美妙的爵士声。 扭吧,跳吧,直到裤带崩断。(合声)告诉她何处挂起衣衫。她老妈若看到这番景象,肯定气得七窍流血,肯定! 我不是谁的人妻,不属于任何人,我热爱人生,还有那爵士声。 罗西(唱):我有时通情达理,有时蛮不讲理;可他毫不在乎,总是一步不离。他对我一片痴心,这个丈夫真是怪异。 我有时心情沮丧,有时亢奋不已;可他总是陪伴一旁,像只乖乖的小狗。他对我一片痴心,这个丈夫为我带来阳光万里。 他不像王孙公子富有,身材也没有一丝可取,天知道他脑子不会转弯,但看看他的内心,我敢说这些不足却造就了好心地。 如果你像我一样摸透他的心,你会清楚他的一言一行;如果有人玷污我的美名,他会不加思索替我承担责任。他对我一片痴心,这个丈夫真是怪异又好心。 艾莫斯(插白):一个男人有义务保护他的家庭、家人。明白吗? 警官:那当然。 艾莫斯:我从汽车修理铺回来,看到那个盗贼从窗口爬进来。我太太罗西躺在床上睡觉,像个天使……假设他侵犯了我太太……你懂吗?侵犯!类似的事情!那有多可怕!幸亏我回来得及时。我跟你说呢。 警官:死者名字……福莱德凯斯利。 艾莫斯:福莱德凯斯利?他怎么会是盗贼呢?我太太认识他!我们的家具是他卖给我们的,还给我们打九折哩。她撒谎!她跟我说是小偷! 警官:那你说你到家时他已经死了? 艾莫斯:她在尸体上盖了一张床单,然后给我编了一派胡言,说什么盗贼进门什么的……她让我说是我杀的,说我会无罪释放的。什么盗贼! 罗西(接着唱):好了,这下他跳出陷阱,我真难忍他的愚蠢。瞧他那付嘴脸,向我推卸责任。他大脑再发达,也仍是那么笨。哪天我被判绞刑,该知道是谁给我套上那根绳。 艾莫斯(插白):我居然信了她!这个小贱人!原来她在偷荤。好吧,上绞刑也不关我的事。天哪,我在车铺流汗,一天工作十四个钟头,她倒好,嚼着零食,跳着爵士,寻欢作乐。这次她太过分了。这个小骗子!我居然被她懵了! 罗西(接着唱):我那个肮脏、下贱、愚蠢的老公!






chicago是美国的芝加哥芝加哥,位于美国密歇根湖的南部,是美国第三大城市,也是世界的国际金融中心之一。芝加哥地处北美大陆的中心地带,城市中心坐标为北纬41°39′、西经87°34′,是美国最大的商业中心区和最大的期货市场之一,其都市区新增的企业数一直位居美国第一位,被评为美国发展最均衡的经济体。芝加哥旅游景点1、千禧公园 Millennium Park:坐落于芝加哥市区中心的一座大型公园,是密歇根湖湖畔重要的文化娱乐中心,包括了三个芝加哥的必到之处,分别是露天音乐厅、云门和皇冠喷泉,凡是来芝加哥旅游的游客都会在此合影留念。2、海军码头公园 Navy Pier:芝加哥人气最旺的景点之一,这里有一座150英尺高的摩天轮、音乐旋转木马、迷你高尔夫球场以及一个户外演出场地等游乐设施,再加上迷人的湖畔景观,令人流连忘返,除了游览公园内的景色,还可以乘坐码头的游轮深入畅游密歇根湖。3、威利斯大厦观景台 Willis Tower:芝加哥的第一高楼,第103层有着极具人气的360度观景台,乘电梯仅55秒钟即可到达,距离地面412米,天气晴朗时可以看到美国的4个州,更具特点的是这里有4个玻璃阳台,全部建在大厦西侧,从瞭望台向外延伸约1.2米,会有种置身云端的感觉。4、芝加哥艺术博物馆 Art Institute of Chicago:美国三大美术馆之一,汇集40个世纪以来人类创造力的精粹,展品数量仅次于卢浮宫,以希腊、罗马、欧洲、美国的艺术品为主,兼收印度、东南亚、中国、日、韩、非洲与美洲的艺术品,简直可以称为是万国博物馆,而且馆内还珍藏有大量印象派和后印象派的著名画作,包括出自莫奈、梵高、德加等众多大师的杰作。5、密歇根湖 Lake Michigan:北美五大湖中之一,也是美国境内最大的湖泊,北部与休伦湖相通,北岸弯曲,良港众多,芝加哥就是其中之一,这里湖景辽阔壮丽,湖水清澈见底,风景不逊色于海滨沙滩,湖畔还有很多美国的著名城市和景点,从海军码头出发,能够欣赏芝加哥的城市天际线。6、约翰.汉考克大厦 360 Chicago:芝加哥的第四高楼,其中44层设有全美国最高的室内游泳池,94 层设有观景台,可以360度俯瞰芝加哥和密歇根湖美景,95层的Signature Room和96层的Signature Lounge则分别为餐厅和酒吧,夜晚在高处俯瞰芝加哥和密歇根湖的美景别有一番滋味。7、密歇根大道桥 DuSable Bridge:是连接芝加哥南部和北部重要的交通枢纽,是芝加哥排名第一的拍照取景地,也是芝加哥市一条南北方向主干道,街道沿途有芝加哥水塔、芝加哥艺术学院、千禧公园以及繁华的购物街区“华丽一英里”。8、菲尔德自然历史博物馆 Field Museum:位于芝加哥的博物馆区内,收藏了超过2100万件的标本,世界上现存最大最完整的恐龙化石“苏”(Sue)也收藏于此地,已经有六千七百万岁了,古埃及展里有五千年历史的象形文字和23具埃及木乃伊,玉石展厅中陈列有北美最大的中国玉石收藏,地球进化展厅中有着1898年杀害了135人的察沃河食人狮的标本。9、谢德水族馆 Shedd Aquarium:位于自然历史博物馆的隔壁,是全世界最大的室内水族馆,也是第一家长期饲养、展出海水鱼的内陆水族馆,在这里,你可以观赏到白鲸、海豚、斑海豹、海獭和企鹅,也可以在野生珊瑚礁展馆内透过直上屋顶的落地窗,像潜水员一样观看鲨鱼和其它肉食动物。10、白金汉喷泉 Buckingham Fountain:是芝加哥的地标,位于格兰特公园中心,是世界上最大的喷泉之一,采用洛可可婚礼蛋糕样式,基座由粉红色大理石构成,灵感来自凡尔赛宫的勒托喷泉,象征密歇根湖,每当夜幕降临,还配有彩灯和音乐的表演,时而柔情飞舞,时而直射冲天,绝对是一场视觉的盛宴。

chicago怎么读 怎么读chicago

1、英音[ʃɪkɑ:gəʊ, -kɔ:-]、美音[ʃɪkɑ:ɡoʊˌ -kɔ:-],芝加哥桥牌;芝加哥(在美国中西部;为美国第二大城)。 2、芝加哥(Chicago)位于美国中西部的伊利诺伊州,东临壮丽的北美五大湖之一密歇根湖,著名国际金融中心之一,全美人口第三大城市(仅次于纽约和洛杉矶)。


Chicago[英][ʃɪ"kɑ:gəʊ, -"kɔ:-][美][ʃɪ"kɑ:ɡoʊˌ -"kɔ:-]n.芝加哥(美国城市名); 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Protesters held sizable gatherings in chicago and los angeles. 抗议者在芝加哥和洛杉矶举行了大规模集会。












chicago是美国的芝加哥(Chicago)。芝加哥(Chicago),位于美国密歇根湖的南部,是美国第三大城市,也是世界的国际金融中心之一。芝加哥地处北美大陆的中心地带,城市中心坐标为北纬41°39′、西经87°34′,是美国最大的商业中心区和最大的期货市场之一,其都市区新增的企业数一直位居美国第一位,被评为美国发展最均衡的经济体。此外,芝加哥还拥有很多的高楼大厦,被誉为“摩天大楼的故乡”。截止至2018年7月,芝加哥人口约为270.6万。芝加哥是美国最重要的文化科教中心之一,拥有世界顶级学府芝加哥大学(The University of Chicago)、西北大学(Northwestern University)和享誉世界的芝加哥学派。截止至2019年10月,逾百位诺贝尔奖得主曾在芝加哥工作、求学过(芝加哥大学100位、西北大学19位)。芝加哥是旅游圣地,2016年共接待全世界超过5000万名游客。芝加哥代表的美国中部时间所在的时区是UTC/GMT-6(西六区),与处在UTC/GMT+8(东八区)北京时间相差14小时(芝加哥夏令时期间相差13小时)。2016年,芝加哥地区生产总值达到了5373亿美元。




有U的是RNA 有T的是DNADNA:A腺嘌呤,T胸腺嘧啶,C胞嘧啶,G鸟嘌呤RNA:A腺嘌呤,U尿嘧啶,C胞嘧啶,G鸟嘌呤T胸腺嘧啶,是DNA特有的,U尿嘧啶是RNA特有的






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下面链接是U2乐队的所有歌词大概有个200多首吧你对着楼上的表格单 自己看吧



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carbon-nanocages碳纳米笼双语例句1. In its untreated state the carbon fibre material is rather like cloth. 原始的碳纤维材料很像布料。来自柯林斯例句2. The two principal combustion products are water vapor and carbon dioxide. 两种主要的燃烧产物是水蒸气和二氧化碳。


nicolas cage

Nicolas Cage (born Nicolas Kim Coppola);[1] January 7, 1964) is an American actor, known for collaborating many times with film producer Jerry Bruckheimer.Cage pursued acting as a career, making his debut on television in 1981. Cage has featured in numerous "bad boy" roles, and has won numerous awards, beginning in 1989 with his Independent Spirit Award, an Academy Award for Best Actor for his lead role in Leaving Las Vegas, and his most recent Toronto Film Critics Association Award in 2002.Cage has appeared in over 60 films including Face/Off (1997), Ghost Rider (2007), and National Treasure (2004). Cage has married three times, once to Patricia Arquette, then to Lisa Marie Presley, and most recently to his current wife Alice Kim Cage.Contents [hide]1 Early life2 Career3 Praise and criticism4 Personal life4.1 Relationships and family4.2 Real estate holdings4.3 Other interests5 Filmography6 See also7 References8 External links[edit] Early lifeCage was born Nicolas Kim Coppola in Long Beach, California. His father, August Coppola, is a professor of literature, while Cage"s mother, Joy Vogelsang, is a dancer and choreographer; Cage"s parents divorced in 1976.[2][3] Cage"s mother is of German descent and his father is of Italian descent (his paternal great-grandparents were immigrants from Bernalda, Basilicata).[4] His paternal grandparents are Carmine Coppola, a composer, and Italia Pennino, an actress. Through his father, Cage is the nephew of director Francis Ford Coppola and actress Talia Shire, as well as the cousin of directors Roman Coppola and Sofia Coppola and actors Robert Carmine and Jason Schwartzman. Cage"s two brothers are Christopher Coppola, a director; and Marc "The Cope" Coppola, a New York radio personality.[5] Cage, who attended Beverly Hills High School (the same high school as fellow entertainers Albert Brooks, Angelina Jolie, Lenny Kravitz, Slash, Rob Reiner, Richard Dreyfuss, Bonnie Franklin and David Schwimmer), aspired to act from an early age. Cage also attended UCLA School of Theatre, Film, and Television. His first non-cinematic acting experience was in a school production of Golden Boy. He is also good friends with fellow actor Johnny Depp, whom he advised to get into acting.[citation needed][edit] CareerIn order to avoid the appearance of nepotism as the nephew of Francis Ford Coppola, he changed his name from Nicolas Coppola to Nicolas Cage early in his career.[6] Since his cameo role in the film Fast Times at Ridgemont High, with Sean Penn, Cage has appeared in a wide range of films, both mainstream and offbeat. He tried out for the role of Dallas Winston in his uncle"s film The Outsiders, based on S.E. Hinton"s novel, but lost to Matt Dillon. He was also in Coppola"s films Rumble Fish and Peggy Sue Got Married.Other Cage roles included appearances in the acclaimed 1987 romantic-comedy Moonstruck, also starring Cher; The Coen Brothers cult-classic comedy Raising Arizona; David Lynch"s 1990 offbeat film Wild at Heart; a lead role in Martin Scorsese"s 1999 New York City paramedic drama Bringing Out the Dead; and Ridley Scott"s 2003 quirky drama Matchstick Men, in which he played an agoraphobic, mysophobic, obsessive-compulsive con artist with a tic disorder.Cage has been nominated twice for an Academy Award, winning once for his performance as a suicidal alcoholic in Leaving Las Vegas. His other nomination was for his portrayal of real-life screenwriter Charlie Kaufman and Kaufman"s fictional twin Donald in Adaptation. Despite these successes, most of his lower-profile films have performed poorly at the box office compared to his mainstream action/adventure roles. The suspense thriller 8mm (1999) was not a box office success, but is now considered a cult film. He took the lead role in the 2001 film Captain Corelli"s Mandolin and learned to play the mandolin from scratch for the part. In 2005, two offbeat films he headlined, Lord of War and The Weather Man, failed to find a significant audience despite nationwide releases and good reviews for his acting in those roles. Poor reviews for The Wicker Man resulted in low box office sales. The much criticized Ghost Rider (2007), based on the Marvel Comics character, was a significant hit,[citation needed] earning more than $45 million (the top earner) during its opening weekend and over $208 million worldwide through the weekend ending on March 25, 2007. Also in 2007, he starred in Next, which shares the concept of a glimpse into an alternate timeline with The Family Man (2000).Most of Cage"s movies that have achieved financial success were in the action/adventure genre. In his second-highest grossing film to date, National Treasure, he plays an eccentric historian who goes on a dangerous adventure to find treasure hidden by the Founding Fathers of the United States. Other action hits include The Rock, in which Cage plays a young FBI chemical weapons expert who infiltrates Alcatraz Island in hopes of neutralizing a terrorist threat, Face/Off, a John Woo film where he plays both a hero and a villain, and World Trade Center, director Oliver Stone"s film regarding the September 11, 2001 attacks. He had a small but notable role as the Chinese criminal mastermind Dr. Fu Manchu in Rob Zombie"s fake trailer Werewolf Women of the S.S. from the B-movie double feature Grindhouse.In recent years, Cage made his directorial debut with Sonny, a low-budget drama starring James Franco as a male prostitute whose mother (Brenda Blethyn) serves as his pimp.[7] Cage had a small role in the grim film, which received poor reviews and a short run in a limited number of theatres. Cage"s producing career includes Shadow of the Vampire, the first film from Saturn Films.In early December 2006, Cage announced at the Bahamas International Film Festival that he planned to curtail his future acting endeavors in order to pursue other interests. On the The Dresden Files for the Sci-Fi Channel, Cage is listed as the executive producer. Cage said:“ I feel I"ve made a lot of movies already and I want to start exploring other opportunities that I can apply myself to, whether it"s writing or other interests that I may develop.[8] ”In November 2007, Cage was spotted backstage at a Ring of Honor wrestling show in New York City researching his role for the The Wrestler. Ultimately, Nicolas Cage was replaced in "The Wrestler" with Mickey Rourke, in a role that has earned a Best Actor Academy Award nomination for Rourke.[9] Wrestler Director Darren Aronofsky, in an interview with, said of Cage"s replacement that:“ Nic was a complete gentleman, and he understood that my heart was with Mickey and he stepped aside. I have so much respect for Nic Cage as an actor and I think it really could have worked with Nic but ... you know, Nic was incredibly supportive of Mickey and he is old friends with Mickey and really wanted to help with this opportunity, so he pulled himself out of the race.[10] ”In 2008, Cage appeared as Joe, a contract killer who undergoes a change of heart while on a work outing in Bangkok, in the film Bangkok Dangerous. The film is shot by the Pang Brothers and has a distinct South-East Asian flavor. Cage is the only Caucasian in the film.In 2009, Cage starred in sci-fi thriller Knowing, directed by Alex Proyas. In the film, he plays an MIT professor who examines the contents of a time capsule unearthed at his son"s elementary school. Startling predictions found inside the capsule that have already come true lead him to believe the world is going to end at the close of the week, and that he and his son are somehow involved in the destruction. The film received mainly negative reviews but was the box office winner on its opening weekend.Cage will appear in the film Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans directed by acclaimed German director Werner Herzog and will portray a corrupt police officer with gambling, drug and alcohol addictions. This film will also reunite Cage with Eva Mendes, who played his love interest in "Ghost Rider."Cage will also star in the period piece Season of the Witch, playing a 14th-century knight transporting a girl accused of causing the Black Plague to a monastery, and The Sorcerer"s Apprentice, in which he will play the sorcerer.[11]It is rumored that he will star in National Treasure 3, which has a possible release date as early as 2011. He would again take the role of Benjamin Gates, a cryptologist-turned-treasure hunter.[12][edit] Praise and criticismThe acting work of Cage has been praised by influential film critic Roger Ebert who writes, in his "Great Movies" essay about the film Adaptation., that:“ There are often lists of the great living male movie stars: De Niro, Nicholson and Pacino, usually. How often do you see the name of Nicolas Cage? He should always be up there. He"s daring and fearless in his choice of roles, and unafraid to crawl out on a limb, saw it off and remain suspended in air. No one else can project inner trembling so effectively.... He always seems so earnest. However improbable his character, he never winks at the audience. He is committed to the character with every atom and plays him as if he were him.[13] ”Roger Ebert, in response to mixed reviews of Knowing and their focus on criticizing Cage, wrote an article in which he defends both Cage as an actor and the movie which, in stark contrast to other critics, Ebert gave 4/4 stars.[14]Despite such praise, Cage has his detractors. Cage is often criticized for choosing to star in thrillers and/or big-budget action-adventure movies. Many[who?] feel that, in recent years, he has abandoned altogether any desire to star in smaller character-driven dramas, the type of film that initially garnered him praise. Entertainment Weekly critic Owen Gleiberman wrote an article in March 2009, after the debut of Knowing[15] accusing Cage of such "selling out" In the article, titled "Nicolas Cage: Artist or hack? The choice is his", Gleiberman calls Cage out to return to dramas as opposed to high-paying blockbusters.[edit] Personal life[edit] Relationships and familyIn his early 20s, he dated actress/singer Elizabeth Daily for two years, and was later involved with actress Uma Thurman. In 1988, Cage began dating Christina Fulton, mother of their son, Weston Coppola Cage (born December 26, 1990). Weston appeared in Cage"s film Lord of War as Vladimir, a young Ukrainian mechanic who quickly disarms a Mil Mi-24 helicopter.Cage has been married three times. His first wife was the actress Patricia Arquette (married on April 8, 1995 – divorce finalized on May 18, 2001).Cage"s second wife was singer/songwriter Lisa Marie Presley, the daughter of Elvis Presley, of whom Cage is a fan and on whom he based his performance in Wild at Heart. They married on August 10, 2002 and filed for divorce on November 25, 2002, after 108 days of marriage; their divorce was finalized on May 16, 2004. The divorce proceeding was longer than the marriage.[16]His third and current wife Alice Kim, a former waitress who previously worked at the Los Angeles restaurant Kabuki, met Cage at the Los Angeles-based Korean nightclub, Le Privé. She is the mother of his son, Kal-El (born October 3, 2005), named after Superman"s birth name. Cage was once considered for the role of Superman in a film to be directed by Tim Burton. Alice had a minor role in the 2007 movie Next, which Cage produced. They were married at a private ranch in Northern California on July 30, 2004.[edit] Real estate holdingsCage had a Malibu home where he and Alice lived, but in 2004 he bought a property on Paradise Island, Bahamas. In 2005, he sold his Malibu home for $10 million. In May 2006, he bought a 40-acre (160,000 m2) island in the Exuma archipelago, some 85 miles (137 km) southeast of Nassau and close to a similar island owned by Faith Hill and Tim McGraw.[17]He used to own the medieval castle of Schloss Neidstein in the Oberpfalz region in Germany, which he bought in 2006 and sold in 2009 for $2.5 million.[18] His grandmother was German, living in Cochem an der Mosel.[19]In August 2007, Cage purchased a home in Middletown, Rhode Island. The 24,000-square-foot (2,200 m2), brick-and-stone country manor occupies 26 acres, has 12 bedrooms, 10 full bathrooms, and ocean views and borders the Norman Bird Sanctuary. The estate is called the "Grey Craig". The sale ranks among the state"s most expensive residential purchases, eclipsed by the $17.15 million sale last December of the Miramar mansion on Bellevue Avenue in Newport. Also in 2007, the actor purchased Midford Castle in Somerset, England.[20][21][22][23]According to Cage, he owns the "Most Haunted House in America", a home located in the Garden District of New Orleans, Louisiana.[24] The home is known as the "The LaLaurie house" after its former owner Delphine LaLaurie.Shortly after selling his German castle, Cage also put homes in Rhode Island, Lousiana, Nevada, and California, as well as a $7 million island in the Bahamas, up for sale.[25][edit] Other interestsNicolas was director Sam Raimi"s first choice to play Norman Osborn/Green Goblin in the movie Spider-Man. He has created a comic book, with his son Weston, called Voodoo Child, which is published by Virgin Comics.Cage was close friends with Ramones guitarist Johnny Ramone. His enthusiam of classic cars is well known; in 1997 via telephone bid, he broke the auction record for Lamborghinis when he placed a bid on a rare Miura SVJ for US$490,000.[26] He has also been a fan and