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跑到level 1的有两扇门的地方,选一扇进入后有大概率走进level 2,管道噩梦






炒股有必要买level2吗?level2是什么?直接点表述,L2便是在上证交易所买卖的证券商品的即时买卖数据信息,包含十档行情,交易序列,逐单交易量,授权委托总产量和权重计算价钱这些数据信息。也就是说,各种股票交易软件卖的level2商品都是以交易中心取得原始记录开展剖析和生产加工,作出不一样的作用以达到各客户不一样的要求,因此 你看看大伙儿都是在卖L2商品,各家都树立自身的L2多出色,事实上她们大比拼的是自己的技术水平。非常单的资金频次越多,资金占比就越大,代表股票价格后市增长概率越大。经传软件非常下单软件中,根据股票变动小精灵能够 迅速挑选出销售市场中非常单的总数。在变动小精灵中,鲜红色框代表非常单是买进,翠绿色是售出。因此 ,根据监管非常单就能帮助我们掌握主力的征兆是如何的,使你的自选股,资金轻轻松松无处遁形。雷电单—反映主力股票买卖心态雷电单便是这些以最佳价钱授权委托,做到积极主动抢筹或是迅速售卖目的的股票大单,它反映的是主力迫切股票买卖的心态,是掌握股票短线起爆点的强有力武器装备。雷电单跟非常单的网页页面有些像,可是表述的物品是不一样的,一样,我们可以根据股票变动小精灵迅速挑选出销售市场中雷电单的总数,变动小精灵中,鲜红色框代表雷电单是买进,翠绿色是售出。当雷电买单的资金频次越多,代表资金占比越大,表述了主力抢筹越迫切,这类状况通常代表股票价格后市增长概率越大。而雷电卖盘则代表主力在砸单,当往下授权委托单位越多,则代表售卖越迫切,股票后市下挫概率大。雷电单反映的是主力股票买卖的心态,运用这一作用,能使我们更强有力掌握股票短线起爆点!组织单—监管主力交易量放量上涨组织单是高过以往一段时间每单交易量均值的一定水平的股票大单,清除了因总股本不一样导致的不能比要素。举例说明:您有一百万资金放进工行或是我国石油股票里边,一百万很有可能便是一个小雨滴,可是假如放进一只低价股票里,十亿的流通股本,一百万的资金就对股票价格有一个较为显著的功效。组织单的功效是监管主力交易量放量上涨,是股票短线洞悉主力人气值的杀手锏。组织单的资金频次越多,资金占比越大,代表股票市场后市增长概率越大。当上透过越大,上涨幅度越大,则股票价格越强悍;时下透过越大,下滑越大,则股票价格越劣势。运用组织单指标值,能够 协助大伙儿监管主力交易量,紧追随组织趋势,盈利机遇更高。大拖拉机单—强有力监管主力拆单行为主力为了更好地隐藏自己的资金个人行为,会将股票大单拆分为好几个小单,装扮成股民掩藏在股票市场中,大拖拉机单便是统计分析授权委托清单里发生一连串授权委托手数和授权委托价钱同样的撤单,它功效便是找到这一主力拆单行为,发现主力的掩藏动态性,让主力裸跑。当大拖拉机买单的资金频次越多,资金占比越大,则股票价格后市增长概率越大。根据大拖拉机单认清主力个人行为,紧随主力交易,吃大肉!巨额撤单服务平台——揭露销售市场控制和足球盘口诱发个人行为巨额只表示的是十万股之上,二十万元之上的撤单。而巨额撤单服务平台监管的便是当日全部发生“主力撤单”的个股并统计分析其抗压强度和占有率,以副图指标值方式形象化表明每只个股巨额撤单发生的撤单时间、撤单方位、撤单价钱和撤单量,根据追踪主力撤单揭露销售市场控制和足球盘口诱发个人行为。从对经传多赢手机软件的L2商品的详细介绍中,大家知道L2商品大量的是做定性分析,根据每个指标值发觉主力的足迹、用意,进而协助大伙儿更强的剖析,做更精细化管理的管理决策。可是再好的商品,假如你啥都不明白,让你用哪一个股票交易软件,结果都一样,由于手机软件让你,你也便是看一下股市行情,看一下现阶段股票价格是多少了,可是你是用心地想把炒股票作为一种理财投资,那就需要用心的学习培训股票市场身后的逻辑性。以上就是我的详细介绍,希望看完对你有所帮助。


托福level2英语学习处于初、中级阶段。测评标准中将语言水平分为3个等级:A—基础水平、B—独立运用、C—熟练运用。每个等级又分为2个级别:A1、A2、B1、B2、C1和C2。TOEFL Junior对应了其中三个等级:科目:CEFR Level A2、CEFR Level B1、CEFR Level B2。托福等级阅读部分:24-30分为高级水平,18-23分为中高级水平,4-17分为中低级水平。0-3分为低级。听力部分:22-30分为高级水平,17-21分为中高级水平,9-16分为中低级水平,0-8分为低级。口语部分:25-30分为高级水平,20-24分为中高级平,16-19分为中低级水平,10-15分为初级水平,0-9分为低级。写作部分:24-30分为高级水平,17-23分为中高级,13-16分为中低级水平,7-12分为初级水平,0-6分为低级。


level表示水平的意思。表示的是三级level3 level是等级











股票 LEVEL2 是什么?







  十档行情帮你看得更深  普通行情软件,我们在盘口资料可以看到,买一到买五以及卖一到卖五,共10个价位的挂单情况,但基于上证所的Level-II行情软件,你的视野则扩展到了买一到买十以及卖一到卖十,无疑比免费软件看得更深。市场内有不少庄家,在卖一到卖五挂上大量委托,让投资者感觉抛压很重,很容易因此被庄家骗去筹码。但利用Level-II系统,你往往会发现,这些股票卖六到卖十并无大委托,所谓抛压一戳即破。  当然,由于目前A股所有股票的最小变动价位都是0.01元,因此即使有10档行情存在,对几十元乃至近百元的高价股,10档行情的效果有限。  买卖队列让你看得更透  Level-II系统的另外一个好处,就是提供买一和卖一挂单的详细买卖队列。在传统系统下,我们看到卖一上有200手委托,但我们无从得知这200手委托是如何形成的。但在Level-II系统下,我们可以看到其前50个组成部分,究竟是一笔200手的委托还是10笔20手的委托,对于短线高手而言,无疑意义完全不同,利用Level-II,就能让你看出这方面的区别。  成交明细让你看得更准  虽然免费行情软件同样提供成交明细,但限于网络条件,免费行情的成交明细并不准确。比如某个股票,如果先有200手以卖一价成交,然后又有10手以买一价成交,那么真实情况是外盘数量增加200手,而内盘数量增加10手。但由于免费行情将成交明细压缩发送,因此普通用户看到的是210手以买一价成交,同时内盘数量增加210手,外盘数量却并无增加,这显然会对交易者产生误导。  Level-II系统的好处,就在于发送速度快,每一笔精确的成交均被真实展现,到底外盘多还是内盘多,交易者不再会受误导。






level表示水平的意思。 表示的是三级level3 level是等级








  十档行情帮你看得更深x0dx0a  普通行情软件,我们在盘口资料可以看到,买一到买五以及卖一到卖五,共10个价位的挂单情况,但基于上证所的Level-II行情软件,你的视野则扩展到了买一到买十以及卖一到卖十,无疑比免费软件看得更深。市场内有不少庄家,在卖一到卖五挂上大量委托,让投资者感觉抛压很重,很容易因此被庄家骗去筹码。但利用Level-II系统,你往往会发现,这些股票卖六到卖十并无大委托,所谓抛压一戳即破。x0dx0a  当然,由于目前A股所有股票的最小变动价位都是0.01元,因此即使有10档行情存在,对几十元乃至近百元的高价股,10档行情的效果有限。x0dx0a  买卖队列让你看得更透x0dx0a  Level-II系统的另外一个好处,就是提供买一和卖一挂单的详细买卖队列。在传统系统下,我们看到卖一上有200手委托,但我们无从得知这200手委托是如何形成的。但在Level-II系统下,我们可以看到其前50个组成部分,究竟是一笔200手的委托还是10笔20手的委托,对于短线高手而言,无疑意义完全不同,利用Level-II,就能让你看出这方面的区别。x0dx0a  成交明细让你看得更准x0dx0a  虽然免费行情软件同样提供成交明细,但限于网络条件,免费行情的成交明细并不准确。比如某个股票,如果先有200手以卖一价成交,然后又有10手以买一价成交,那么真实情况是外盘数量增加200手,而内盘数量增加10手。但由于免费行情将成交明细压缩发送,因此普通用户看到的是210手以买一价成交,同时内盘数量增加210手,外盘数量却并无增加,这显然会对交易者产生误导。x0dx0a  Level-II系统的好处,就在于发送速度快,每一笔精确的成交均被真实展现,到底外盘多还是内盘多,交易者不再会受误导。










上交所更新的系统数据发布方式,比普通行情快,信息多,但是要收费你看下这个 通达信的







股票 LEVEL2 是什么?

LEVEL 2数据是交易所公开的各股票交易单元或席位的资金进出情况汇总,也就是俗称的主力资金动向,是需要花钱向沪深交易所购买的。美股中的LEVEL 2数据与中国最大的区别就是中国的LEVEL 2可以直接看出各机构的动向,也就是可以当作操盘宝典用,所以要收费;美国的则只有一个笼统的统计,不细化到各机构,只能做参考,所以是免费的。 不过现在沪深交易所已经停止了LEVEL 2数据的公布,所以所有宣称有LEVEL 2数据支持的软件和炒股大师都是水货,全是各自统计的。






你好,Level-2由“上交所”和“深交所“联合推出的实时行情信息收费服务,该行情相对于普通行情(Level-1)具有数据更全、推送速度更及时的优势,帮助投资者在盘中及时把握主力资金流向,做出更准确的投资决策。其功能如下:1、10档行情。将买入委托和卖出委托前5档行情扩展到10档,让用户提前获知买卖档位,准确定位主力轨迹,让决策更加精准。2、买卖队列:实时监测委托买1和卖1价位的挂单队列,让用户及时了解挂单组成,更快获知盘口信息。根据委托单的大小或委托单是否有规律,可以判断委托是机构、大户、或散户所为。3、 逐笔还原。逐笔成交明细将原有搓合的成交按每一笔成交分别详细列出,让用户看的真切,不受蒙蔽。4、逐笔明细。揭示每一笔成交单所对应的成交加个趋势、买卖双方委托单以完成成交的全过程。5、个股主力监控。通过对大单主动买单、大单被动买单、大单主力卖单、大单被动卖单等4种主力资金成交方式的监控和统计,加以判断一只个股今天主力到底是在加仓、减仓或者是洗盘。风险揭示:本信息部分根据网络整理,不构成任何投资建议,投资者不应以该等信息取代其独立判断或仅根据该等信息作出决策,不构成任何买卖操作,不保证任何收益。如自行操作,请注意仓位控制和风险控制。


Level2产品是由"上海证券交易所"最新推出的实时行情信息收费服务,主要提供在上海证券交易所上市交易的证券产品的实时交易数据。该行情速度比传统行情快3秒以上,同时包括十档行情、买卖队列、逐笔成交、总买总卖和统计信息等多种新式数据。 通达信Level2高速行情交易系统是在上证所Level2数据的基础上开发出来的一套行情分析和交易系统,结合通达信产品的响应快捷、运行流畅稳定等传统优势,将高速行情引入到行情分析和委托交易中,同时深层次整合了证券公司的一系列资讯和服务功能。






同花顺level2一个股票交易软件,它的作用只是让投资者更方便地查询股票信息,并按照投资者设定的条件自动进行交易。至于投资者能否获利,还是要取决于投资者自身的投资水平。拓展资料: 在PC或者手机上安装同花顺官方免费行情软件,然后用手机号码注册登陆。二、手机版功能1、利用“BBD”看当天大盘走势。 如果BBD红色线从左上角向右下角走代表大盘资金流出,并且负值越大代表流出金额越多。如果BBD红色线从左下角往右上角走代表大盘资金流入,并且正值越大代表流入金额越多。2、 利用“大单净量”看股价当天走势。 在个股分时走势页面,多次点击“分时量”区域,等到图片显示“大单净量”数据停下。“大单净量”走向代表主力资金走向,通常情况下,如果当天大单净量为正,并且大单净量曲线从左下角往右上角倾斜,则股价大概率是向上走。 并且对应的“盘口”主力净流入为正,超大单红柱变长,数值越大代表股价越强势。 “大单净量”走向代表主力资金走向,通常情况下,如果当天大单净量为负,并且大单净量曲线从左上角往右下角倾斜,则股价大概率是向下走。并且对应的“盘口”主力净流入为负,超大单绿柱变长,数值越大代表股价越弱势。3、 利用“大单净量”看K线未来走势。在个股K线页面,通常情况下大单净量为正的红柱代表股价未来走强,红柱越长代表股价越强势,再配合成交量红柱放大效果最明显。在个股K线页面,通常情况下大单净量为负的绿柱代表股价未来走弱,绿柱越长代表股价越弱势,再配合成交量绿柱放大效果最明显。三、PC版功能1、利用“超级BBD”看当天大盘走势。 如果超级BBD红色线从左上角向右下角走代表大盘资金流出,并且负值越大代表流出金额越多。如果超级BBD红色线从左下角往右上角走代表大盘资金流入,并且正值越大代表流入金额越多。盘中红线下穿黄线,代表指数下跌趋势;盘中红线上穿黄线,代表指数上涨趋势。2、 利用“大单净量”看股价当天走势。“大单净量”走向代表主力资金走向,通常情况下,如果当天大单净量为正,并且大单净量曲线从左下角往右上角倾斜,则股价大概率是向上走。并且大单净量分时值越大,代表股价越强势。“大单净量”走向代表主力资金走向,通常情况下,如果当天大单净量为负,并且大单净量曲线从左上角往右下角倾斜,则股价大概率是向下走。并且大单净量分时负值越大,代表股价越弱势,股价盘中的反弹通常是高抛的机会。3、 利用“大单净量”看K线未来走势。 在个股K线页面,鼠标放置到当天的K线上,右上角会显示当天的“特大单”交易额,通常情况下,特大单金额为红色代表主力资金流入趋势,绿色代表主力资金流出,金额大小代表强弱;另外,K线页面的底部“大单净量”为正的红柱代表股价未来走强,红柱越长代表股价越强势,再配合成交量红柱放大效果最明显。在个股K线页面,鼠标放置到当天的K线上,右上角会显示当天的“特大单”交易额,通常情况下,绿色代表主力资金流出趋势,金额大小代表强弱。













怎样查看同花顺level-2 逐笔还原功能?








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平安证券交易佣金问题,您可以拨打平安证券热线:95511-8咨询。应答时间:2021-03-31,最新业务变化请以平安银行官网公布为准。 [平安银行我知道]想要知道更多?快来看“平安银行我知道”吧~ https://b.pingan.com.cn/paim/iknow/index.html












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The Dead Sea is below the sea level.我觉得below应该改为under吧?


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高手帮忙看看翻译吧:“山东省先进基层党组织”、Advanced Pary organization at basic level in Shan Don


altitude和sea level有什么区别

altitude是海拔sea leavel是海平线

英语流利说 Level8 Unit3 Part1:Evolving Our Bodies

Juan Enriquez: What will humans look like in 100 years | TED Talk Here"s a question that matters. Right? Because we"re beginning to get all the tools together to evolve ourselves.  And we can evolve bacteria and we can evolve plants and we can evolve animals,  and we"re now reaching a point where we really have to ask, is it really ethical and do we want to evolve human beings?  And as you"re thinking about that, let me talk about that in the context of prosthetics, prosthetics past, present, future. So this is the iron hand that belonged to one of the German counts.  Loved to fight, lost his arm in one of these battles.  No problem, he just made a suit of armor, put it on, perfect prosthetic.  That"s where the concept of ruling with an iron fist comes from.  And of course these prosthetics have been getting more and more useful, more and more modern. You can hold soft-boiled eggs.  You can have all types of controls, and as you"re thinking about that,  there are wonderful people like Hugh Herr who have been building absolutely extraordinary prosthetics.  So the wonderful Aimee Mullins will go out and say, how tall do I want to be tonight?  Or he will say what type of cliff do I want to climb?  Or does somebody want to run a marathon, or does somebody want to ballroom dance?  And as you adapt these things, the interesting thing about prosthetics is they"ve been coming inside the body.  So these external prosthetics have now become artificial knees. They"ve become artificial hips.  And then they"ve evolved further to become not just nice to have but essential to have. So when you"re talking about a heart pacemaker as a prosthetic,  you"re talking about something that isn"t just, " I"m missing my leg,"  it"s, "if I don"t have this, I can die."  And at that point, a prosthetic becomes a symbiotic relationship with the human body. How have  prosthetics evolved over time? They"ve become more customizable and necessary. Why does Enriquez believe prosthetics have the common ethical issue? They have the ability to radically change the human body. A symbiotic relationship is one in which both sides depend on each other for survival. And four of the smartest people that I"ve ever met -- Ed Boyden, Hugh Herr, Joe Jacobson, Bob Lander -- are working on a Center for Extreme Bionics.  And the interesting thing of what you"re seeing here is these prosthetics now get integrated into the bone. They get integrated into the skin. They get integrated into the muscle.  And one of the other sides of Ed is he"s been thinking about how to connect the brain using light or other mechanisms directly to things like these prosthetics.  And if you can do that, then you can begin changing fundamental aspects of humanity.  So how quickly you react to something depends on the diameter of a nerve.  And of course, if you have nerves that are external or prosthetic, say with light or liquid metal,  then you can increase that diameter and you could even increase it theoretically to the point where,  as long as you could see the muzzle flash, you could step out of the way of a bullet.  Those are the order of magnitude of changes you"re talking about. This is a fourth sort of level of prosthetics. These are Phonak hearing aids,  and the reason why these are so interesting is because they cross the threshold from where prosthetics are something for somebody who is " disabled "  and they become something that somebody who is "normal" might want to actually have,  because what this prosthetic does, which is really interesting, is not only does it help you hear ,  you can focus your hearing, so it can hear the conversation going on over there.  You can have superhearing. You can have hearing in 360 degrees. You can have white noise. You can record, and oh, by the way, they also put a phone into this.  So this functions as your hearing aid and also as your phone.  And at that point, somebody might actually want to have a prosthetic voluntarily. All of these thousands of loosely connected little pieces are coming together ,  and it"s about time we ask the question, how do we want to evolve human beings over the next century or two?  And for that we turn to a great philosopher  who was a very smart man despite being a Yankee fan. And Yogi Berra used to say, of course, that it"s very tough to make predictions, especially about the future.How can prosthetic nerves affect help people to react things? They can be designed to optimize human reaction speed. What role does  Enriquez think prosthetic will have in the future? He isn"t completely sure about their role. When prosthetics become this advanced, somebody might actually want to have one voluntarily.  So instead of making a prediction about the future to begin with, let"s take what"s happening in the present with people like Tony Atala,  who is redesigning 30-some-odd organs.  And maybe the ultimate prosthetic isn"t having something external, titanium. Maybe the ultimate prosthetic is take your own gene code,  remake your own body parts, because that"s a whole lot more effective than any kind of a prosthetic.  But while you"re at it, then you can take the work of Craig Venter and Ham Smith.  And one of the things that we"ve been doing is trying to figure out how to reprogram cells.  And if you can reprogram a cell, then you can change the cells in those organs.  So if you can change the cells in those organs, maybe you make those organs more radiation-resistant. Maybe you make them absorb more oxygen. Maybe you make them more efficient to filter out stuff that you don"t want in your body.  And over the last few weeks, George Church has been in the news a lot  because he"s been talking about taking one of these programmable cells and inserting an entire human genome into that cell.  And once you can insert an entire human genome into a cell, then you begin to ask the question, would you want to enhance any of that genome?  Do you want to enhance a human body?  How would you want to enhance a human body?  Where is it ethical to enhance a human body and where is it not ethical to enhance a human body?  And all of a sudden, what we"re doing is we"ve got this multidimensional chess board  where we can change human genetics by using viruses to attack things like AIDS,  or we can change the gene code through gene therapy to do away with some hereditary diseases, or we can change the environment,  and change the expression of those genes in the epigenome and pass that on to the next generations.  And all of a sudden , it"s not just one little bit, it"s all these stacked little bits  that allow you to take little portions of it until all the portions coming together lead you to something that"s very different.Why is  Enriquez  concerned about genetic prosthetics? They could change the human species radically but unpredictably. What is an example of a cell-based prosthetic? changing an organ to make it resistant radiation And a lot of people are very scared by this stuff.  And it does sound scary, and there are risks to this stuff.  So why in the world would you ever want to do this stuff?  Why would we really want to alter the human body in a fundamental way? The answer lies in part with Lord Rees, astronomer royal of Great Britain.  And one of his favorite sayings is the universe is 100 percent malevolent.  So what does that mean? It means if you take any one of your bodies at random, drop it anywhere in the universe, drop it in space, you die.  Drop it on the Sun, you die. Drop it on the surface of Mercury, you die. Drop it near a supernova, you die.  But fortunately, it"s only about 80 percent effective.  So as a great physicist once said, there"s these little upstream eddies of biology that create order in this rapid torrent of entropy.  So as the universe dissipates energy, there"s these upstream eddies that create biological order.  Now, the problem with eddies is, they tend to disappear. They shift. They move in rivers.  And because of that, when an eddy shifts, when the Earth becomes a snowball, when the Earth becomes very hot, when the Earth gets hit by an asteroid,  when you have supervolcanoes, when you have solar flares,  when you have potentially extinction-level events like the next election -- then all of a sudden, you can have periodic extinctions.  And by the way, that"s happened five times on Earth,  and therefore it is very likely that the human species on Earth is going to go extinct someday.  Not next week, not next month, maybe in November, but maybe 10,000 years after that.  As you"re thinking of the consequence of that,  if you believe that extinctions are common and natural and normal and occur periodically,  it becomes a moral imperative to diversify our species.  And it becomes a moral imperative because  it"s going to be really hard to live on Mars if we don"t fundamentally modify the human body. Right?  You go from one cell, mom and dad coming together to make one cell, in a cascade to 10 trillion cells.  We don"t know, if you change the gravity substantially, if the same thing will happen to create your body.  We do know that if you expose our bodies as they currently are to a lot of radiation, we will die.  So as you"re thinking of that, you have to really redesign things just to get to Mars.  Forget about the moons of Neptune or Jupiter. What does Enriquez mean when he says the universe is 100 percent malevolent? Humans can"t survive anywhere other than Earth. According to Enriquez  what is a moral imperative for the human race?  using prosthetics to enhance the human species If human beings want to live on Mars they will need to modify their bodies to survive. And to borrow from Nikolai Kardashev, let"s think about life in a series of scales.  So Life One civilization is a civilization that begins to alter his or her looks.  And we"ve been doing that for thousands of years.  You"ve got tummy tucks and you"ve got this and you"ve got that.  You alter your looks and I"m told that not all of those alterations take place for medical reasons. Seems odd. A Life Two civilization is a different civilization.  A Life Two civilization alters fundamental aspects of the body.  So you put human growth hormone in, the person grows taller, or you put x in and the person gets fatter or loses metabolism or does a whole series of things,  but you"re altering the functions in a fundamental way.  To become an intrasolar civilization, we"re going to have to create a Life Three civilization,  and that looks very different from what we"ve got here.  Maybe you splice in Deinococcus radiodurans so that the cells can resplice after a lot of exposure to radiation.  Maybe you breathe by having oxygen flow through your blood instead of through your lungs.  But you"re talking about really radical redesigns  and one of the interesting things that"s happened in the last decade is we"ve discovered a whole lot of planets out there.  And some of them may be Earth-like.  The problem is, if we ever want to get to these planets, the fastest human objects  -- Juno and Voyager and the rest of this stuff -- take tens of thousands of years to get from here to the nearest solar system.  So if you want to start exploring beaches somewhere else,  or you want to see two-sun sunsets, then you"re talking about something that is very different,  because you have to change the timescale and the body of humans in ways which may be absolutely unrecognizable.  And that"s a Life Four civilization.How does  Enriquez describe a life one civilization? People begin to modify their appearance. What the humans need to do if they want to reach distance planets and solar systems? change how human bodies age over long periods of time In order to develop an intrasolar civilization, humans would have to modify the body to allow long-distance space travel. In a life two civilization, people can use growth hormones to change fundamental aspects of the body . Now, we can"t even begin to imagine what that might look like, but we"re beginning to get glimpses of instruments that might take us even that far.  And let me give you two examples. So this is the wonderful Floyd Romesberg,  and one of the things that Floyd"s been doing is he"s been playing with the basic chemistry of life. 

英语流利说 Level8 Unit2 Part3: Gospel of Doubt

Casey Gerald: The gospel of doubt | TED Talk There we were, souls and bodies packed into a Texas church on the last night of our lives. Packed into a room just like this, but with creaky wooden pews draped in worn-down red fabric, with an organ to my left and a choir at my back and a baptism pool built into the wall behind them. A room like this, nonetheless. With the same great feelings of suspense, the same deep hopes for salvation, the same sweat in the palms and the same people in the back not paying attention. This was December 31,1999, the night of the Second Coming of Christ, and the end of the world as I knew it. I had turned 12 that year and had reached the age of accountability. And once I stopped complaining about how unfair it was that Jesus would return as soon as I had to be accountable for all that I had done, I figured I had better get my house in order very quickly. So I went to church as often as I could. I listened for silence as anxiously as one might listen for noise, trying to be sure that the Lord hadn"t pulled a fast one on me and decided to come back early. And just in case he did, I built a backup plan, by reading the "Left Behind" books that were all the rage at the time. And I found in their pages that if I was not taken in the rapture at midnight, I had another shot. All I had to do was avoid taking the mark of the beast, fight off demons, plagues and the Antichrist himself. It would be hard --but I knew I could do it.Why was December 31,1999 significant to Gerald? He thought Jesus would return on this date. Why does Gerald use humor in his presentation ? to engage the audience How does Gerald describe the life behind the books? They were very popular at the time. By reaching the age of accountability, Gerald had to start taking  the responsibility for his behavior. When he reach the age of accountability, he had to take the responsibility for all he had done. But planning time was over now. It was 11:50 pm. We had 10 minutes left, and my pastor called us out of the pews and down to the altar because he wanted to be praying when midnight struck. So every faction of the congregation took its place. The choir stayed in the choir stand, the deacons and their wives -- or the Baptist Bourgeoisie as I like to call them --took the first position in front of the altar. You see, in America, even the Second Coming of Christ has a VIP section. And right behind the Baptist Bourgeoisie were the elderly -- these men and women whose young backs had been bent under hot suns in the cotton fields of East Texas, and whose skin seemed to be burnt a creaseless noble brown, just like the clay of East Texas, and whose hopes and dreams for what life might become outside of East Texas had sometimes been bent and broken even further than their backs. Yes, these men and women were the stars of the show for me. They had waited their whole lives for this moment, just as their medieval predecessors had longed for the end of the world, and just as my grandmother waited for the Oprah Winfrey Show to come on Channel 8 every day at 4 o"clock. And as she made her way to the altar, I snuck right in behind her, because I knew for sure that my grandmother was going to heaven. And I thought that if I held on to her hand during this prayer, I might go right on with her. So I held on and I closed my eyes to listen, to wait. And the prayers got louder. And the shouts of response to the call of the prayer went up higher even still. And the organ rolled on in to add the dirge. And the heat came on to add to the sweat. And my hand gripped firmer, so I wouldn"t be the one left in the field. My eyes clenched tighter so I wouldn"t see the wheat being separated from the chaff. And then a voice rang out above us: "Amen."What does Gerald suggest by in America even the Second Coming of Christ has a VIP section? American society is obsessed with class and social status. Gerald believed that if he held onto his grandmother"s hand as she prayed he would go to heaven. It was over. I looked at the clock. It was after midnight. I looked at the elder believers whose savior had not come, who were too proud to show any signs of disappointment, who had believed too much and for too long to start doubting now. But I was upset on their behalf . They had been duped, hoodwinked, bamboozled, and I had gone right along with them. I had prayed their prayers, I had yielded not to temptation as best I could. I had dipped my head not once, but twice in that snot-inducing baptism pool. I had believed. Now what? I got home just in time to turn on the television and watch Peter Jennings announce the new millennium as it rolled in around the world. It struck me that it would have been strange anyway, for Jesus to come back again and again based on the different time zones. And this made me feel even more ridiculous -- hurt, really. But there on that night, I did not stop believing. I just believed a new thing: that it was possible not to believe. It was possible the answers I had were wrong, that the questions themselves were wrong. And now, where there was once a mountain of certitude, there was, running right down to its foundation, a spring of doubt, a spring that promised rivers. I can trace the whole drama of my life back to that night in that church when my savior did not come for me; when the thing I believed most certainly turned out to be, if not a lie, then not quite the truth. And even though most of you prepared for Y2K in a very different way, I"m convinced that you are here because some part of you has done the same thing that I have done since the dawn of this new century, since my mother left and my father stayed away and my Lord refused to come. And I held out my hand, reaching for something to believe in.Why did Gerald tell his church story at the beginning of the talk? to show the first time his beliefs changed What would have been strange if Jesus had actually come back? He would have had to come back several times. I looked at the elder believers who were too proud to show any signs of disappointment. I held on when I arrived at Yale at 18, with the faith that my journey from Oak Cliff, Texas was a chance to leave behind all the challenges I had known, the broken dreams and broken bodies I had seen. But when I found myself back home one winter break, with my face planted in the floor, my hands tied behind my back and a burglar"s gun pressed to my head, I knew that even the best education couldn"t save me. I held on when I showed up at Lehman Brothers as an intern in 2008. So hopeful that I called home to inform my family that we"d never be poor again. But as I witnessed this temple of finance come crashing down before my eyes, I knew that even the best job couldn"t save me. I held on when I showed up in Washington DC as a young staffer, who had heard a voice call out from Illinois, saying, "It"s been a long time coming, but in this election, change has come to America." But as the Congress ground to a halt and the country ripped at the seams and hope and change began to feel like a cruel joke, I knew that even the political second coming could not save me. I had knelt faithfully at the altar of the American Dream, praying to the gods of my time of success, and money, and power. But over and over again, midnight struck, and I opened my eyes to see that all of these gods were dead. And from that graveyard, I began the search once more, not because I was brave, but because I knew that I would either believe or I would die.What do Gerald to experience in college at his job and working for the government reinforce? the prevalence of doubt in his life What does Gerald mean by these golds were dead? He couldn"t find meaning in education, success, or power. By going to college, he thought he would be able to escape from his problems. So I took a pilgrimage to yet another mecca, Harvard Business School -- this time, knowing that I could not simply accept the salvation that it claimed to offer. No, I knew there"d be more work to do. The work began in the dark corner of a crowded party, in the late night of an early, miserable Cambridge winter, when three friends and I asked a question that young folks searching for something real have asked for a very long time: "What if we took a road trip?" We didn"t know where"d we go or how we"d get there, but we knew we had to do it. Because all our lives we yearned, as Jack Kerouac wrote, to "sneak out into the night and disappear somewhere," and go find out what everybody was doing all over the country. So even though there were other voices who said that the risk was too great and the proof too thin, we went on anyhow. We went on 8,000 miles across America in the summer of 2013, through the cow pastures of Montana, through the desolation of Detroit, through the swamps of New Orleans, where we found and worked with men and women who were building small businesses that made purpose their bottom line. And having been trained at the West Point of capitalism, this struck us as a revolutionary idea. And this idea spread, growing into a nonprofit called MBAs Across America, a movement that landed me here on this stage today. It spread because we found a great hunger in our generation for purpose, for meaning. It spread because we found countless entrepreneurs in the nooks and crannies of America who were creating jobs and changing lives and who needed a little help. But if I"m being honest, it also spread because I fought to spread it. There was no length to which I would not go to preach this gospel, to get more people to believe that we could bind the wounds of a broken country, one social business at a time. But it was this journey of evangelism that led me to the rather different gospel that I"ve come to share with you today.Why did the organization spread? It focused on purpose. As a result of Gerald"s road trip he found an idea he could believe in. It began one evening almost a year ago at the Museum of Natural History in New York City, at a gala for alumni of Harvard Business School. Under a full-size replica of a whale, I sat with the titans of our time as they celebrated their peers and their good deeds. There was pride in a room where net worth and assets under management surpassed half a trillion dollars. We looked over all that we had made, and it was good. But it just so happened, two days later, I had to travel up the road to Harlem, where I found myself sitting in an urban farm that had once been a vacant lot, listening to a man named Tony tell me of the kids that showed up there every day. All of them lived below the poverty line. Many of them carried all of their belongings in a backpack to avoid losing them in a homeless shelter. Some of them came to Tony"s program, called Harlem Grown, to get the only meal they had each day. Tony told me that he started Harlem Grown with money from his pension , after 20 years as a cab driver. He told me that he didn"t give himself a salary , because, despite success, the program struggled for resources. He told me that he would take any help that he could get. And I was there as that help. But as I left Tony, I felt the sting and salt of tears welling up in my eyes. I felt the weight of revelation that I could sit in one room on one night, where a few hundred people had half a trillion dollars, and another room, two days later, just 50 blocks up the road, where a man was going without a salary to get a child her only meal of the day.What contrast does Gerald draw between Harvard Business and Tony? Tony has sacrificed more despite having less than the alumni. And it wasn"t the glaring inequality that made me want to cry, it wasn"t the thought of hungry, homeless kids, it wasn"t rage toward the one percent or pity toward the 99. No, I was disturbed because I had finally realized that I was the dialysis for a country that needed a kidney transplant. I realized that my story stood in for all those who were expected to pick themselves up by their bootstraps, even if they didn"t have any boots;  that my organization stood in for all the structural, systemic help that never went to Harlem or Appalachia or the Lower 9th Ward;  that my voice stood in for all those voices that seemed too unlearned, too unwashed, too unaccommodated. And the shame of that, that shame washed over me like the shame of sitting

L8-U2-P3 英语流利说 8-2-3 懂你英语 Level8 Unit2 Part3:Gospel of Doubt

There we were, souls and bodies packed into a Texas church on the last night of our lives. Packed into a room just like this, but with creaky wooden pews draped in worn-down red fabric, with an organ to my left and a choir at my back and a baptism pool built into the wall behind them. A room like this, nonetheless. With the same great feelings of suspense, the same deep hopes for salvation, the same sweat in the palms and the same people in the back not paying attention. This was December 31,1999, the night of the Second Coming of Christ, and the end of the world as I knew it. I had turned 12 that year and had reached the age of accountability. And  once I  stopped complaining about  how unfair it was that Jesus would  return  as soon as I had to be  accountable for all that I had done, I  figured I had better get my house in order very quickly. So I went to church as often as I could. I listened for silence as anxiously as one might listen for noise, trying to be sure that the Lord hadn"t pulled a fast one on me and decided to come back early. And just in case he did, I built a backup plan, by reading the "Left Behind" books that were all the rage at the time. And I found in their pages that if I was not taken in the rapture at midnight, I had another shot. All I had to do was avoid taking the mark of the beast, fight off demons, plagues and the Antichrist himself. It would be hard --but I knew I could do it.But planning time was over now. It was 11:50 pm. We had 10 minutes left, and my pastor called us out of the pews and down to the altar because he wanted to be praying when midnight struck. So every faction of the congregation took its place. The choir stayed in the choir stand, the deacons and their wives -- or the Baptist Bourgeoisie as I like to call them --took the first position in front of the altar. You see, in America, even the Second Coming of Christ has a VIP section. And right behind the Baptist Bourgeoisie were the elderly -- these men and women whose young backs had been bent under hot suns in the cotton fields of East Texas, and whose skin seemed to be burnt a creaseless noble brown, just like the clay of East Texas, and whose hopes and dreams for what life might become outside of East Texas had sometimes been bent and broken even further than their backs. Yes, these men and women were the stars of the show for me. They had waited their whole lives for this moment, just as their medieval predecessors had longed for the end of the world, and just as my grandmother waited for the Oprah Winfrey Show to come on Channel 8 every day at 4 o"clock. And as she made her way to the altar, I snuck right in behind her, because I knew for sure that my grandmother was going to heaven. And I thought that if I held on to her hand during this prayer, I might go right on with her. So I held on and I closed my eyes to listen, to wait. And the prayers got louder. And the shouts of response to the call of the prayer went up higher even still. And the organ rolled on in to add the dirge. And the heat came on to add to the sweat. And my hand gripped firmer, so I wouldn"t be the one left in the field. My eyes clenched tighter so I wouldn"t see the wheat being separated from the chaff. And then a voice rang out above us: "Amen."It was over. I looked at the clock. It was after midnight. I looked at the elder believers whose savior had not come, who were too proud to show any signs of disappointment, who had believed too much and for too long to start doubting now. But I was upset on their behalf . They had been duped, hoodwinked, bamboozled, and I had gone right along with them. I had prayed their prayers, I had yielded not to temptation as best I could. I had dipped my head not once, but twice in that snot-inducing baptism pool. I had believed. Now what? I got home just in time to turn on the television and watch Peter Jennings announce the new millennium as it rolled in around the world. It struck me that it would have been strange anyway, for Jesus to come back again and again based on the different time zones. And this made me feel even more ridiculous -- hurt, really. But there on that night, I did not stop believing. I just believed a new thing: that it was possible not to believe. It was possible the answers I had were wrong, that the questions themselves were wrong. And now, where there was once a mountain of certitude, there was, running right down to its foundation, a spring of doubt, a spring that promised rivers. I can trace the whole drama of my life back to that night in that church when my savior did not come for me; when the thing I believed most certainly turned out to be, if not a lie, then not quite the truth. And even though most of you  prepared  for Y2K in a very different way, I"m  convinced  that you are here because some part of you has done the  same  thing that I have done  since  the dawn of this new century, since my mother left and my father  stayed  away and my Lord  refused  to come. And I held out my hand, reaching for something to believe in. I held on when I arrived at Yale at 18, with the faith that my journey from Oak Cliff, Texas was a chance to leave behind all the challenges I had known, the broken dreams and broken bodies I had seen. But when I found myself back home one winter break, with my face planted in the floor, my hands tied behind my back and a burglar"s gun pressed to my head, I knew that even the best education couldn"t save me. I held on when I showed up at Lehman Brothers as an intern in 2008. So hopeful that I called home to inform my family that we"d never be poor again. But as I witnessed this temple of finance come crashing down before my eyes, I knew that even the best job couldn"t save me. I held on when I showed up in Washington DC as a young staffer, who had heard a voice call out from Illinois, saying, "It"s been a long time coming, but in this election, change has come to America." But as the Congress ground to a halt and the country ripped at the seams and hope and change began to feel like a cruel joke, I knew that even the political second coming could not save me. I had knelt faithfully at the altar of the American Dream, praying to the gods of my time of success, and money, and power. But  over and over again, midnight struck, and I opened my eyes to see that all of these gods were dead. And from that graveyard, I began the search once more, not because I was brave, but because I knew that I would either believe or I would die. So I took a pilgrimage to yet another mecca, Harvard Business School -- this time, knowing that I could not simply accept the salvation that it claimed to offer. No, I knew there"d be more work to do. The work began in the dark corner of a crowded party, in the late night of an early, miserable Cambridge winter, when three friends and I asked a question that young folks searching for something real have asked for a very long time: "What if we took a road trip?" We didn"t know where"d we go or how we"d get there, but we knew we had to do it. Because all our lives we yearned, as Jack Kerouac wrote, to "sneak out into the night and disappear somewhere," and go find out what everybody was doing all over the country. So even though there were other voices who said that the risk was too great and the proof too thin, we went on anyhow. We went on 8,000 miles across America in the summer of 2013, through the cow pastures of Montana, through the desolation of Detroit, through the swamps of New Orleans, where we found and worked with men and women who were building small businesses that made purpose their bottom line. And having been trained at the West Point of capitalism, this struck us as a revolutionary idea. And this idea spread, growing into a nonprofit called MBAs Across America, a movement that landed me here on this stage today. It spread because we found a great hunger in our generation for purpose, for meaning. It spread because we found countless entrepreneurs in the nooks and crannies of America who were creating jobs and changing lives and who needed a little help. But if I"m being honest, it also spread because I fought to spread it. There was no length to which I would not go to preach this gospel, to get more people to believe that we could bind the wounds of a broken country, one social business at a time. But it was this journey of evangelism that led me to the rather different gospel that I"ve come to share with you today. It began one evening almost a year ago at the Museum of Natural History in New York City, at a gala for alumni of Harvard Business School. Under a full-size replica of a whale, I sat with the titans of our time as they celebrated their peers and their good deeds. There was pride in a room where net worth and assets under management surpassed half a trillion dollars. We looked over all that we had made, and it was good. But it just so happened, two days later, I had to travel up the road to Harlem, where I found myself sitting in an urban farm that had once been a vacant lot, listening to a man named Tony tell me of the kids that showed up there every day. All of them lived below the poverty line. Many of them carried all of their belongings in a backpack to avoid losing them in a homeless shelter. Some of them came to Tony"s program, called Harlem Grown, to get the only meal they had each day. Tony told me that he  started  Harlem Grown with money from his  pension , after 20 years as a cab driver. He told me that he  didn"t  give himself a  salary , because, despite  success, the program  struggled  for resources. He told me that he would take any help that he could get. And I was there as that help. But as I left Tony, I felt the sting and salt of tears welling up in my eyes. I felt the weight of revelation that I could sit in one room on one night, where a few hundred people had half a trillion dollars, and another room, two days later, just 50 blocks up the road, where a man was going without a salary to get a child her only meal of the day. And it wasn"t the glaring inequality that made me want to cry, it wasn"t the thought of hungry, homeless kids, it wasn"t rage toward the one percent or pity toward the 99. No, I was disturbed because I had finally realized that I was the dialysis for a country that needed a kidney transplant. I realized that my story stood in for all those who were expected to pick themselves up by their bootstraps, even if they didn"t have any boots;  that my organization stood in for all the structural, systemic help that never went to Harlem or Appalachia or the Lower 9th Ward;  that my voice stood in for all those voices that seemed too unlearned, too unwashed, too unaccommodated. And the shame of that, that shame washed over me like the shame of sitting in front of the television, watching Peter Jennings announce the new millennium again and again and again. I had been duped, hoodwinked, bamboozled.  But this time, the false savior was me. You see, I"ve come a long way from that altar on the night I thought the world would end,  from a world where people spoke in tongues and saw suffering as a necessary act of God and took a text to be infallible truth. Yes, I"ve come so far that I"m right back where I started. Because it simply is not true to say that we live in an age of disbelief -- no, we believe today just as much as any time that came before. Some of us may believe in the prophecy of Brené Brown or Tony Robbins. We may believe in the bible of The New Yorker or the Harvard Business Review. We may believe most deeply when we worship right here at the church of TED, but we desperately want to believe, we need to believe. We speak in the tongues of charismatic leaders that promise to solve all our problems. We  see  suffering  as  a necessary  act  of the capitalism that is our god, we  take  the text of technological progress to be infallible truth. And we  hardly  realize the human price we pay  when  we fail to question one brick, because we fear it  might  shake our whole foundation. But if you are disturbed by the unconscionable things that we have come to accept, then it must be questioning time. So I have not a gospel of disruption or innovation or a triple bottom line. I do not have a gospel of faith to share with you today, in fact. I have and I offer a gospel of doubt. The gospel of doubt does not ask that you stop believing, it asks that you believe a new
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