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英语stress level怎么翻译?

American English: First Floor, Second Floor, Third Floor... But would native speakers use basement 1, basement 2... to describe the first floor underground, second floor underground...? Thank you:


欢迎点击关注,您的喜欢就是对我们最大的支持~ Acura(讴歌)品牌始创于1986年,是本田旗下的豪华品牌,也是第一个日本的豪华 汽车 品牌。当然,我们其实并不太想把Acura归入什么“豪华品牌”行列,或者这是国内许多媒体的坏习惯,动不动就豪华、高档,好像 汽车 没有了这个前缀就会沦落成自行车似的。 在我们看来,Acura的成立,更多原因是提升品牌形象而设,豪不豪华只是一个包装策略而已,关键是要跟原本“Honda”品牌产生一定的差异化,而这种差异化又应该是投美国市场所好的,这才是本田创建讴歌的含义,如果用粤语的词汇来归纳就更容易被理解:升Le(vel)。 本田赋予Acura的品牌含义在拉丁文中是“精确”之意,所以延伸到其品牌Logo则可以理解为一把“圆规”。 本田在美国的 历史 始于1959年,在洛杉矶成立销售公司American Honda Motor,当时主要的产品是摩托车。而到了1973年第一次石油危机时,本田则把省油的思域出口到了美国市场,而直至1982年,才正式在俄亥俄州的马里斯维尔建立自家工厂开始生产Accord雅阁轿车,成立工厂后的1985年,本田成立了R&D American Corp.技术研究中心,经过对北美市场用户群的深入分析和对自家车型进行适配计划后,1986年3月27日,Acura品牌开始正式发布,并通过美国的60家本田经销商进行销售,Acura源于拉丁语中的“Accuracy”,意味着 “精确”。讴歌最初推出了两款车型,分别是Legend(里程)和Integra(型格)。在一直由欧洲车领导的中高端车市场里,讴歌在1987年卖出了10.9万台 汽车 ,其中5.5万台是Legend,而令人意外地,当时的Integra主打运动化的个性同样受到消费者的亲睐。 本田在1958年成立美国公司时,还没开始生产 汽车 ,所以当时的服务车是Chevy的皮卡。 由于车型定位的准确,加上更精良和豪华的产品包装,Acura在上市第一年便得到了客户满意度第一名的佳绩,与此同时,讴歌开始将销售区域扩张到加拿大。到1987年底,Acura的轿车和跑车已经赢得系列奖项,建立了豪华车品牌信誉。经典的Legend Coupe于1987年成为Acura家族中的一员,入选《Car and Driver》的10佳轿车名单,Legend Coupe获得《Motor Trend》1987年度进口车大奖,《Road & Track》将Legend Coupe评选为世界10佳轿车之一。到了1990年,Acura连续五年获得美国CSI客户满意度调查第一名的 汽车 品牌,并卖出了13.8万台 汽车 ,力压奔驰和宝马。 作为讴歌的第一批发布的车型,本田便找来当时在美国已经有一定群众基础的Legend作为头炮。 第一代讴歌Integra基本直接用本田第一代Integra换标,但采用跳灯式设计增添了浓重的运动气息。 受到美国车媒一致好评的讴歌Legend Coupe于1987年正式发布。 1991年,在Integra和Legend上市五年之后,讴歌需要一款旗舰车型来加强其在豪华车市场上的地位,结果世界上第一款全铝车身的超级跑车NSX成为了讴歌的第三款车型。NSX面市伊始就被《Motor Trend》杂志誉为“十大完美轿车”之一,而另一权威媒体《Road & Track》则将其称为“世界十大最佳 汽车 ”。同年Acura发布了第二代Legend和Legend coupe两款新车。 应该说,NSX从一开始开始研发,美国市场就是它的主力目标,所以NSX的概念车里也有几辆是左驾版本的。在日本推出后,几乎马不停蹄地马上推出Acura NSX。 强势的讴歌在90年代中后期里遇到了危机,缺乏火花的设计,加上采用了字母组合命名的做法,无法给人深刻的印象。作为品牌主心骨的Legend,改名为RL之后缺少与同级车型竞争的能力。雪上加霜的是作为旗舰的NSX,讴歌并没有为1989年面世的它进行改款,销售情况也在不断下滑。Integra更是直接退出了加拿大市场,由一款换标思域:Acura EL替代。 1995年上市的第一代讴歌RL,其实就是Honda Legend的KA9。 Acura Integra退出加拿大市场后,1996年由以第七代思域为基础换标的Acura EL(MA4)接替。 讴歌在90年代后半期的退步很大一部分是由于市场环境,美国经济又面临另一次衰退,日元对美元的汇率走势强劲,日系车一直保持的价格优势突然消失。随着世界范围经济持续低迷,豪华车市场开始萎缩,所有制造商的销量都出现下滑。讴歌同样也无法不受当时经济形势的影响,但车厂以独特的方式应对日元波动这一严酷的现实。它通过在美国完成一些车辆的装配,来避开汇率市场的影响,这是进口豪华品牌第一次这么操作。第一辆在美国设计、制造、装配的 汽车 是1996款2.2升CL 跑车,紧随其后的是配备V6发动机的3.0升CL。由于Acura销量在九十年代后五年开始上升,美国产量增加,到1999年,美国本土销售的Acura一半以上是在美国组装的。 第一代讴歌CL于1996年推出以接替Legend Coupe,先行版本有3.0L V6引擎200匹和2.2公升145匹版,1997年替换为2.3公升直四引擎150匹。2000年推出第二代后于2004年合并至TL车系。 踏入2000年,讴歌对车型布局重新进行了规划,将原本直接取用本田名字的车型彻底取消,当然不包括NSX这样的旗舰。1998年推出的TL凭借运动感与豪华感的全面融合加上不俗的性价比而获得了很好的市场反应。2000年,讴歌推出了从设计到开发全部自行完成的第一辆SUV:MDX。作为在美国开发的另一款车型,MDX迅速获得了成功。《Motor Trend》将其誉为年度SUV,MDX当选为北美年度车,在《Car and Driver》5种最佳车型的评比中成为豪华SUV领域内的优胜者。 1996年推出第一代TL,1999年推出第二代,它将运动性和舒适豪华有机结合的定位深受消费者欢迎。后经历四代,于2014年更名为TLX车系继续发展至今。 2000年推出的第一代讴歌MDX用于取代由五十铃(Trooper)代工的SLX硬派越野车,开始走大型SUV路线,经过20年的磨砺,证明这条路在北美市场是成功的。 2001年,讴歌RSX推出,RSX实际上就是一台换标的本田Integra DC5,该车被《Car and Driver》赋予了“十大最佳轿车”和“十佳引擎”称号。而且本质是一台DC5的RSX,在改装市场上的人气无需怀疑。但由于RSX的受众始终与讴歌的豪华定位不相符,于是在2006年底,讴歌停止生产RSX。 讴歌RSX(DC5)就是最后一代Integra的美规版本,只是Acura没有像DC2那样再引入Type R版本(Type S有200匹),仅作为一台“中等动力性能运动车”的定位进行销售,毕竟Acura要走的是“升Le”路线。 2001年,Acura宣布其年终销售量为170,469辆,打破了其在1991年创造的记录。尽管新世纪初有短期的经济低迷,但Acura销售一直保持强劲势头,体现了它在美国本土进行车辆生产这一战略的价值。 自此,讴歌的经营重新步入上升的轨道。2004年讴歌推出第三代TL,锐利的造型加上270匹马力的V6引擎,TL在2005年的美国市场上卖出超过7万台,超越了C级、G35、CTS、ES300、A4等对手。除了新一代TL之外,讴歌还推出了全新车系TSX。 第三代TL拥有高达270匹的V6引擎匹配置,加上优秀的底盘调教,一推出便大受欢迎,2005年在美国的销量高达7万辆。 如果TL是美规雅阁的升级版,那么同年推出的TSX就是欧日规雅阁的美规版了,也是当时Acura车系中唯一使用直列四缸引擎的车型。 2005年,新一代讴歌RL推出,除了搭载一副300匹马力的V6引擎之外,还配备了本田自家开发的Super Handling All-Wheel Drive四驱系统(SH-AWD), 大大提升弯道性能。第二代RL同样得到了北美媒体的好评,但是销售成绩却不是很理想,主要原因是因为过高的售价(接近宝马545i)。尽管如此,讴歌还是凭借TL和TSX获得不错的整体销量。TSX还从2004年至2006年连续上榜《Car and Driver》年度十佳 汽车 。2006年3月27日,Acura品牌迎来了20周年诞辰,并于9月27日正式在中国深圳发布Acura RL/TL两款车型。同年,讴歌推出了一台小型SUV:RDX。作为MDX的补充,RDX采用240匹的直列四缸引擎和SH-AWD四驱系统。而MDX亦在下半年迎来了换代,与RL一样,拥有300匹V6引擎和SH-AWD四驱,并于2007年登陆中国,成为国内销量最高的讴歌车型。 2006年推出的第一代RDX(TB1),其最容易被记得是它上面的K23A1 Turbo引擎(240匹),也是本田再次尝试推出涡轮增压直列四缸引擎的实验品。 2006年推出的第二代MDX(YD2)同样大中型SUV路线,使用J37A1引擎是本田民用引擎排气量最大的,拥有300匹最大马力,并拥有名为Advanced Compatibility Engineering(ACE)车身结构及SH-AWD四轮驱动系统。 2007年开始,Acura重新将车名梳理了一遍,将原来两位英文字母的车系陆续地全部加个“X”,例如RL更名为RLX、TL更名为TLX等等。新一代TL和TSX和中期改款RL相继推出,其中TL与RL同样在中国上市。另外他们还推出了一款全新跨界车ZDX,该车是讴歌设于南加州的设计中心的第一部作品,看上去与本田歌诗图像是孪生兄弟,但其实它是基于MDX的底盘打造,而不是歌诗图的雅阁底盘,采用3.7升V6引擎和SH-AWD四驱系统。 基于第二代MDX的底盘及动力系统,外观部分由米歇尔·克里斯滕森(Michelle Christensen)重新设计设计,定位为五门轿跑SUV,于2009年12月开始销售。 时间来到2012年,讴歌现时最新的车型是基于本田思域平台打造的ILX。与思域一样,ILX同样有三款动力单元,分别是2.0L(R20A)、2.4 VTEC(K24Z或K24V)和1.5混合动力(LDA或LEA)。2013年,MDX进入第三代(YD3),外观进行了修改,配置升级,机械方面,引擎改为J35Y5和混合动力的J35Y1,而变速箱6前速型号,在2016年更配上了ZF的9HP自动波。而混合动力型号则用上了与第二代NSX(NC1)同出一脉的Hybird SH-AWD四轮驱动系统,配7DCT变速箱。2016年才注册名称的CDX是目前国内国产Acura的主力车型,其底盘来自第十代思域和第五代CR-V,引擎则是180匹的L15B9,属于CDM车型。 2012年推出的讴歌ILX,车架底盘来自第九代思域,上图为中国规格的ILX Hybird版本,也是Acura第一台Hybird车型。 2013年同样在国内市场上市的RLX(KC1),堪称Honda家族里最高档的车系,只可惜定价有问题、加上真懂的人确实太少,卖出多少不得而知,只知道很快便黯然退市。 Acura的赛车: 自1986年成立后,Acura一直参与美国各种赛车运动以提升品牌形象,例如SCCA和IMSA GT赛,在1992年夺得Daytona冠军和1993年Sebring 12小时耐力赛冠军。2007年开始加入美国Leman系列赛,专攻LMP2组别。2009年开始生产LMP1赛车ARX-02A赛车,并于2010年在美国成立Honda Performance Development(HPD),专攻赛车研发和制造,2016年发布NSX GT3赛车。 1992年的“地通”冠军车。 2009年推出的LMP1组赛车ARX-02A,使用讴歌自家的LM-AR7四公升V8引擎,车架底盘则由Wirth Research负责开发,车重只有900公斤。 2016年首次出现在美国纽约车展上的NSX GT3赛车,2017年开始投入赛事,并在美国各分站中取得了不俗的战绩。 上述的都是以美国和中国市场为主线介绍Acura,但其实,讴歌的扩张轨迹并没有细说,例如它在1991年开始登陆香港,这也是Acura的首个右驾车系列,并取名“极品”,但因为当时本田在港澳地区拥有较高的知名度,一个附属品牌很难被叫响,所以当时在香港对Acura的称呼是“本田极品”再加XXX车型。2002年7月,讴歌在美国的累计销量已经达到了200万。2004年登陆墨西哥,2005年7月宣布即将进军中国市场,并于2006年9月正式发布;2014年开始在俄罗斯进行销售、2015年进军巴西和科威特市场。但对比于丰田和日产,讴歌的进军速度并不迅速,虽然也开始广汽本田开始国产化,但产品质素并未与本田拉开距离,所以变成了一个较为典型的在中国 汽车 市场里“高不成、低不就”的品牌。 您的喜欢和关注,就是对我们最大的支持~

L7-U1-P3 英语流利说 7-1-3 懂你英语 Level7 Unit1 Part3 : On Endurance

As a magician, I try to create images that make people stop and think. I also try to challenge myself to do things that doctors say are not possible. I was buried alive in New York City in a coffin,buried alive in a coffin in April,1999, for a week. I lived there with nothing but water. And it ended up being so much fun that I decided I could pursue doing more of these things. The next one is I froze myself in a block of ice for three days and three nights in New York City. That one was way more difficult than I had expected. The one after that, I stood on top of a hundred-foot pillar for 36 hours. I began to hallucinate so hard that the buildings that were behind me started to look like big animal heads. So, next I went to London. In London I lived in a glass box for 44 days with nothing but water. It was, for me, one of the most difficult things I"d ever done, but it was also the most beautiful. There were so many  skeptics ,  especially the press in London, that they  started flying cheeseburgers on helicopters around my box to  tempt me. So, I felt very validated when the New England Journal of Medicine actually used the research for science. My next pursuit was I wanted to see how long I could go without breathing, like how long I could survive with nothing, not even air. I didn"t realize that it would become the most amazing journey of my life. As a young magician, I was obsessed with Houdini and his underwater challenges. So, I began, early on, competing against the other kids, seeing how long I could stay under water while they went up and down to breathe, you know, five times, while I stayed under on one breath. By the time I was a  teenager , I was  able  to hold my  breath  for three minutes and 30 seconds. I  would  later find out that was Houdini"s personal  record . In 1987 I heard of a story about a boy that fell through ice and was trapped under a river. He was underneath, not breathing for 45 minutes. When the rescue workers came, they resuscitated him and there was no brain damage. His core temperature had dropped to 77 degrees. As a magician, I think everything is possible. And I think if something is done by one person, it can be done by others. I started to think, if the boy could survive without breathing for that long, there must be a way that I could do it. So, I met with a top neurosurgeon. And I asked him, how long is it possible to go without breathing, like how long could I go without air? And he said to me that anything over six minutes you have a serious risk of hypoxic brain damage. So, I took that as a challenge, basically. My first try, I figured that I could do something similar, and I created a water tank, and I filled it with ice and freezing cold water. And I stayed inside of that water tank hoping my core temperature would start to drop. And I was shivering. In my first attempt to hold my breath, I couldn"t even last a minute. So, I realized that was completely not going to work. I went to talk to a doctor friend and I asked him, "How could I do that?" "I want to hold my breath for a really long time. How could it be done?" And he said, "David, you"re a magician, create the illusion of not breathing, it will be much easier." So, he came up with this idea of creating a rebreather, with a CO2 scrubber, which was basically a tube from Home Depot, with a balloon duct-taped to it, that he thought we could put inside of me, and some how be able to circulate the air and rebreathe with this thing in me. This is a little hard to watch. But this is that attempt. So, that clearly wasn"t going to work. Then I actually started thinking about liquid breathing. There is a chemical that"s called perflubron. And it"s so high in oxygen levels that in theory you could breathe it. So, I got my hands on that chemical, filled the sink up with it, and stuck my face in the sink and tried to breathe that in, which was really impossible. It"s basically like trying to breathe, as a doctor said, while having an elephant standing on your chest. So, that idea disappeared. Then I started thinking, would it be possible to hook up a heart/lung by pass machine and have a surgery where it was a tube going into my artery, and then appear to not breathe while they were oxygenating my blood? Which was another insane idea, obviously. Then I thought about the craziest idea of all the ideas: to actually do it. To actually try to hold my breath past the point that doctors would consider you brain dead. So, I started researching into pearldivers. You know, because they go down for four minutes on one breath. And when I was researching pearldivers, I found the world of free-diving. It was the most amazing thing that I ever discovered, pretty much. There is many different aspects to free-diving. There is depth records, where people go as deep as they can. And then there is staticapnea. That"s holding your breath as long as you can in one place without moving. That was the one that I studied. The first thing that I learned is when you"re holding your breath, you should never move at all; that wastes energy. And that depletes oxygen, and it builds up CO2 in your blood. So, I learned never to move. And I learned how to slow my heart rate down. I had to remain perfectly still and just relax and think that I wasn"t in my body, and just control that. And then I learned how to purge. Purging is basically hyperventilating. You blow in and out -- You do that, you get light headed, you getting ling. And you"re really ridding your body of CO2. So, when you hold your breath, it"s infinitely easier. Then I learned that you have to take a huge  breath , and just  hold and relax and  never let any air  out , and just hold and relax  through all the pain. Every morning, this is for months, I would wake up and the first thing that I would do is I would hold my breath for, out of 52 minutes, I would hold my breath for 44 minutes. So, basically what that means is I would purge, I"d breathe really hard for a minute. And I would hold, immediately after, for five and a half minutes. Then I would breathe again for a minute,purging as hard as I can, then immediately after that I would hold again for five and a half minutes. I would repeat this process eight times in a row. Out of 52 minutes, you"re only breathing for eight minutes. At the end of that you"re completely fried,your brain. You feel like you"re walking around in a daze. And you have these awful headaches. Basically, I"m not the best person to talk to when I"m doing that stuff. I started learning about the world-record holder. His name is Tom Sietas. And this guy is perfectly built for holding his breath. He"s six foot four. He"s 160 pounds. And his total lung capacity is twice the size of an average person. I"m six foot one, and fat. We"ll say big-boned. I had to drop 50 pounds in three months. So, everything that I put into my body, I considered as medicine. Every bit of food was exactly what it was for its nutritional value. I ate really small controlled portions throughout the day. And I started to really adapt my body. The thinner I was, the longer I was able to hold my breath. And by eating so well and training so hard,my resting heart-rate dropped to 38 beats per minute. Which is lower than most Olympic athletes. In four months of training, I was able to hold my breath for over seven minutes. I wanted to try holding my breath everywhere. I wanted to try it in the most extreme situations to see if I could slow my heart rate down under duress. I decided that I was going to break the world record live on prime-time television. The world record was eight minutes and 58 seconds, held by Tom Sietas, that guy with the whale lungs I told you about. I assumed that I could put a water tank at Lincoln Center and if I stayed there a week not eating, I would get comfortable in that situation and I would slow my metabolism, which I was sure would help me hold my breath longer than I had been able to do it. I was completely wrong. I entered the sphere a week before the scheduled airdate. And I thought everything seemed to be on track. Two days  before  my big breath-hold attempt, for the record, the  producers  of my television special thought that just  watching  somebody holding their breath, and almost  drowning , is too  boring  for television. So, I had to add handcuffs, while holding my breath, to escape from. This was a critical mistake. Because of the movement, I was wasting oxygen. And  by seven minutes I had gone into these awful convulsions. By 7:08, I started to black out. And by seven minutes and 30 seconds, they had to pull my body out and bring me back. I had failed on every level. So, naturally, the only way out of the slump that I could think of was, I decided to call Oprah. I told her that I wanted to up the ante and hold my breath longer than any human being ever had. This was a different record. This was a pure O2 staticapnea record that Guinness had set the world record at 13 minutes. So, basically you breathe pure O2 first, oxygenating your body, flushing out CO2, and you are able to hold much longer. I realized that my real competition was the beaver. In January of "08, Oprah gave me four months to prepare and train. So, I would sleep in a hypoxic tent every night. A hypoxic tent is a tent that simulates altitude at 15,000 feet. So, it"s like base camp, Everest. What that does is, you start building up the red blood cell count in your body, which helps you carry oxygen better. Every morning, again, after getting out of that tent, your brain is completely wiped out. My first attempt on pure O2, I was able to go up to 15 minutes. So, it was a pretty big success. The neurosurgeon pulled me out of the water because in his mind, at 15 minutes your brain is done, you"re brain dead. So, he pulled me up, and I was fine. There was one person there that was definitely not impressed. It was my ex-girlfriend. While I was breaking the record under water for the first time, she was sifting through my Blackberry, checking all my messages. My brother had a picture of it. It is really -- I then  announced  that I was going to  go for  Sietas" record, publicly. And  what  he did in response, is he went on Regis and Kelly, and  broke  his old record. Then his main competitor went out and broke his record. So, he suddenly pushed the record up to 16 minutes and 32 seconds. Which was three minutes longer than I had prepared. It was longer than the record. I wanted to get the Science Times to document this. I wanted to get them to do a piece on it. So, I did what any person seriously pursuing scientific advancement would do. I walked into the New York Times offices and did card tricks to everybody. So, I don"t know if it was the magic or the lure of the Cayman Islands, but John Tierney flew down and did a piece on the seriousness of breath-holding. While he was there, I tried to impress him, of course. And I did a dive down to 160 feet, which is basically the height of a 16 story building, and as I was coming up, I blacked out underwater, which is really dangerous; that"s how you drown. Luckily, Kirk had seen me and he swam over and pulled me up. So, I started full focus. I completely trained to get my breath-hold time up for what I needed to do. But there was no way to prepare for the live television aspect of it, being on Oprah. But in practice, I would do it face down, floating on the pool. But for TV they wanted me to be upright so they could see my face, basically. The other problem was the suit was so buoyant that they had to strap my feet in to keep me from floating up. So, I had to use my legs to hold my feet into the straps that were loose, which was a real problem for me. That made me extremely nervous, raising the heart rate. Then, what they also did was, which we never did before, is there was a heart-rate monitor. And it was right next to the sphere. So, every time my heart would beat, I"d hear the be

CFA LEVEL 1 过了是不是就可以叫CFA LEVEL 2 candidate了?

必须报名CFA LEVEL 2后,才能叫 candidate。

cfa level 3 candidate是指什么?

candidate的意思是候选人,投考人;所以CFA CANDIDATE指的是报考了CFA考试但还未通过考试的人。CFA是 Certificate of financial analyst 财务分析师证书。

请教,简历中能写自己是CFA Level 1 Candidate么

CFA各级别考试与成为CFA持证人称呼区别:1、如果您通过CFA考试一级,但没有报名CFA考试二级,可以写:CFA level I(passed)2、如果您通过CFA考试一级,并报名参加CFA考试二级,可以写:CFA level II CANDIDIATE3、如果您通过CFA考试二级,但没有报名CFA考试三级,可以写:CFA level II(passed)4、如果您通过CFA考试二级,并报名参加CFA考试三级,可以写:CFA level III CANDIDIATE5、如果您通过CFA考试三级,并没有符合工作经验,可以写:CFA level III(passed)6、如果您通过CFA考试三级,符合CFA协会对于工作经验的要求,收到CFA协会来信称:You may now begin using the CFA designation,恭喜你,你可以在你的名片上或者简历上写:XXX,CFA中博诚通CFA

level instruments是什么意思

level instruments水平仪如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

英语流利说 Level 5 Unit 1 Part 4 -Mysteries of Nature 1&2

There are many mysteries in nature .自然界有许多奥秘。 Mysteries are things we don"t understand, such as how the Egyptian pyramids were built.神秘是我们不理解的东西,比如埃及金字塔是如何建造的。 In fact, we are surrounded by mysteries.事实上,我们被神秘所包围。 What we know about the world seems like very little .我们对这个世界所知甚少。 Scientists tell us that what we see in the universe is only a small part of what is there.科学家告诉我们,我们在宇宙中看到的只是宇宙的一小部分。 The rest is invisible, including dark matter and dark energy.其余的是看不见的,包括暗物质和暗能量 These two unknowns make up around 95% of the universe.这两个未知数约占宇宙的95%。 Evidence for their existence comes from their effects on what we can observe, such as the motion and positions of distant galaxies.它们存在的证据来自它们对我们所能观察到的东西的影响,比如遥远星系的运动和位置。 Yet, though we know very little, we are able to build airplanes and communicate with smartphones.然而,尽管我们所知甚少,但我们能够制造飞机并与智能手机通信。 In some ways we humans are very smart, or at least we think we are .在某些方面,我们人类是非常聪明的,或者至少我们认为我们是聪明的。 We still need to face big issues, like climate change, and that is going to be a huge challenge.我们仍然需要面对像气候变化这样的大问题,这将是一个巨大的挑战。 The challenge for humans will be our ability to adapt to our changing environment.人类面临的挑战将是我们适应不断变化的环境的能力。 What about other forms of life?那么其他形式的生命呢? How do they adapt?他们如何适应? Seasonal variations, for example, can be one of the greatest challenges for animals to overcome.例如,季节变化可能是动物要克服的最大挑战之一。 Overcoming such challenges is a great achievement, but hardly easy.克服这些挑战是一项伟大的成就,但绝非易事。 Some birds migrate thousands of kilometers each year to deal with seasonal changes.有些鸟类每年迁徙数千公里以适应季节变化。 These migrations are amazing.这些迁徙是惊人的。 Birds don"t carry maps or compasses, yet they know where to go .鸟类不带地图或指南针,但它们知道去哪里。 They have developed the ability to see the Earth"s magnetic field. 他们已经发展了看地球磁场的能力。 This ability is a wonder of nature.这种能力是大自然的奇迹 It takes advantage of the fact that the earth is like a huge bar magnet.它利用了地球就像一个巨大的条形磁铁这一事实。 It has a north pole, which is positive, and a south pole, which is negative.北极是正的,南极是负的。 Somehow the birds are able to see this magnetic field and use it to their advantage.不知何故,鸟类能够看到这个磁场,并利用它的优势。 How do birds know where to fly? They use the Earth"s magnetic field.鸟怎么知道飞到哪里去?它们利用地球磁场。 And even the way birds fly together is amazing.甚至鸟类一起飞行的方式也很神奇。 Many migrating birds fly in a V formation.许多候鸟呈V字形飞行。 They do this to conserve energy.他们这样做是为了节约能源。 In a V formation, birds can use the energy of the birds in front of them.在V形队形中,鸟类可以利用前面鸟类的能量。 This energy comes from the air currents generated by the wings .这种能量来自机翼产生的气流。 Conserving energy is necessary for the birds to survive the long journey.节约能源对鸟类在长途旅行中生存是必要的。 How do the birds know this?鸟是怎么知道的? It"s truly amazing how the birds know this.鸟类是如何知道这一点的真的很神奇。Another amazing example of survival is the salmon.另一个令人惊奇的生存例子是鲑鱼。 Salmon spend most of their lives in the ocean, which is saltwater.鲑鱼大部分的生命都在海洋中度过,海洋是咸水。 Yet, when it"s time to breed, they do so in freshwater rivers.然而,当繁殖的时候,它们会在淡水河流中繁殖。 Salmon can adapt their bodies to survive in both saltwater and freshwater.鲑鱼能使它们的身体适应在盐水和淡水中生存。 When it"s breeding time, they return to the same river where they were born.到了繁殖期,它们会回到它们出生的那条河。 it seems as if they have a built-in map that guides them for hundreds of miles.他们似乎有一张内置的地图,可以指引他们走几百英里。 Where do salmon spend most of their lives? in the ocean鲑鱼一生中大部分时间在哪里度过?在海洋里 Once they leave the saltwater, they don"t eat.一旦离开盐水,它们就不吃东西了。 They are determined to finish their journey, despite the many obstacles.尽管有许多障碍,他们还是决心完成他们的旅程。 They swim against strong currents, jump over waterfalls and try to escape the claws of hungry bears.它们逆流而上,跳过瀑布,试图逃脱饥饿熊的爪子。 Many die along the way, but enough of them survive to breed and produce the next generation.许多人在途中死去,但他们中有足够的鱼存活下来繁衍下一代。 Once they have laid their eggs, they die, having completed their journey.一旦它们下蛋,它们就死了,完成了它们的旅程。 It seems that their purpose in life is just to reproduce.似乎它们生活的目的就是繁衍后代。 What did they do after laying their eggs? they die它们下蛋后做了什么?他们死 Migration takes animals to new, more favorable environments when the seasons change.当季节变化时,迁徙把动物带到新的、更有利的环境中。 Some of these journeys are long and dangerous, along routes with no obvious landmarks.有些旅程漫长而危险,沿途没有明显的地标。 The longest migration is that of the arctic tern.最长的迁徙是北极燕鸥。 It flies from pole to pole, twice a year.它从一个极点飞到另一个极点,一年两次。 If a tern achieves its average lifespan of 20 years, the distance it has flown will be equivalent to a journey to the moon and back.如果燕鸥的平均寿命达到20年,那么它飞行的距离将相当于一次往返月球的旅程。 A landmark is something easy to see and remember, like a river or bay.地标是一些容易看到和记住的东西,比如河流或海湾。 Humans also migrate, but seldom if ever for seasonal variations.人类也会迁徙,但很少会因为季节的变化而迁徙。 Unfortunately, human migrations are often due to human activities.不幸的是,人类迁徙往往是由于人类活动。 Since the beginning of the 21st century, large scale migrations have become a global problem.进入21世纪以来,大规模的移民已经成为一个全球性的问题。 Millions of migrants have had to leave their countries and look for new homes.数以百万计的移民不得不离开他们的国家去寻找新的家园。 Many have died along the way or lived as refugees in camps until they are admitted into a new country.许多人在被允许进入一个新国家之前,在途中死亡或在难民营中作为难民生活。 So the question remains as to how our global community will face these challenges.因此,问题仍然是我们的全球社会将如何面对这些挑战。 Most human  migrations are due to human activities.大多数人类迁徙都是由人类活动引起的。



帮帮忙 Level Accuracy是什么意思啊


patient-level pooled-analysis 是什么统计方法

pooled analysis 网络 合并析; 汇集析; 汇总析; 荟萃析; [例句]Serruys, from University in Rotterdam, Netherlands, and colleagues performed apooled analysis of1,748 patients in four randomized trials.Serruys博士及其同事1748名病4项随机试验进行混合析-

低音炮上的英文 Freq , bandwidth , bass level , low pass, filter ,phase 看不懂 什么意思 翻译下 谢谢

Freq 频率, bandwidth带宽 , bass level 低音电平, low pass低通, filter滤波器 ,phase相位

In order for your level of interest to be conveyed it is important to show that effort and ...

level of interest:兴趣的程度,level越高兴趣越浓我的翻译和上面略有区别,也许是不知道上下文的缘故:为了增加你的兴趣,有一点很重要,即是在你们相处的时候要拿出努力和想法保持正确(合适)的语气(我想是说话吧)按照我的翻译:后面那句的意思就是:在你们相处的时候保持正确(合适)的语气

On Sports Technology 2/4 - 懂你英语 流利说 Level8 Unit1 Part3

Consider a longer event. In 1954, Sir Roger Bannister became the first man to run under four minutes in the mile. Nowadays, college kids do that every year. On rare occasions, a high school kid does it. As of the end of last year, 1,314 men had run under four minutes in the mile, but like Jesse Owens, Sir Roger Bannister ran on soft cinders that stole far more energy from his legs than the synthetic tracks of today. So I consulted biomechanics experts to find out how much slower it is to run on cinders than synthetic tracks, and their consensus was that it"s one and a half percent slower. So if you apply a one and a half percent slowdown conversion to every man who ran his sub-four mile on a synthetic track, this is what happens. Only 530 are left. If you look at it from that perspective, fewer than ten new men per dacade have joined the sub-four mile club since Sir Roger Bannister. Now, 530 is a lot more than one, and that"s partly because there are many more people training today and they"re training more intelligently. Even college kids are professional in their training compared to Sir Roger Bannister, who trained for 45 minutes at a time while he ditched gynecology lectures in med school. And that guy who won the 1904 Olympic marathon in three and a half hours, that guy was drinking rat poison and brandy while he ran along the course. That was his idea of a performance-enhancing drug. Clearly, athletes have gotten more savvy about performance-enhancing drugs as well, and that"s made a difference in some sports at some times, but technology has made a difference in all sports, from faster skis to lighter shoes. Take a look at the record for the 100-meter freestyle swim. The record is always trending downward, but it"s punctuated by these steep cliffs. This first cliff, in 1956, is the introduction of the flip turn. Rather than stopping and turning around, athletes could somersault under the water and get going right away in the opposite direction. This second cliff, the introduction of gutters on the side of the pool that allows water to splash off, rather than becoming turbulence that impedes the swimmers as they race. This final cliff, the introduction of full-body and low-friction swimsuits. Throughout sports, technology has changed the face of performance . In 1972, Eddy Merckx set the record for the longest distance cycled in one hour at 30 miles, 3,774 feet. Now that record improved and improved as bicycles improved and became more aerodynamic all the way until 1996, when it was set at 35 miles, 1,531 feet, nearly five miles farther than Eddy Merckx cycled in 1972. But then in 2000, the International Cycling Union decreed that anyone who wanted to hold that record had to do so with essentially the same equipment that Eddy Merckx used in 1972. Where does the record stand today? 30 miles, 4,657 feet, a grand total of 883 feet farther than Eddy Merckx cycled more than four decades ago. Essentially the entire improvement in this record was due to technology.

revision level

是一个erp系统,sap公司的 SAP是一个领先的ERP软件. Systems ,Application,and Products in Data processing SAP R/3软件具备以下功能和主要特点: 功能性:R/3以模块化的形式提供了一整套业务措施,其中的模块囊括了全部所需要的业务功能并把用户与技术性应用软件相联而形成一个总括的系统,用于公司或企业战略上和运用上的管理。 集成化: R/3把逻辑上相关联的部分连接在一起。重复工作和多余数据被完全取消,规程被优化,集成化的业务处理取代了传统的人工操作。 灵活性:R/3系统中方便的裁剪方法使之具有灵活的适应性,从而能满足各种用户的需要和特定行业的要求。R/3还配备有适当的界面来集成用户自己的软件或外来的软件。 开放性:R/3的体系结构符合国际公认的标准,使客户得以突破专用硬件平台及专用系统技术的局限。同时,SAP提供的开放性接口,可以方便地将第三方软件产品有效地集成到R/3系统中来。 用户友好:图标与图形符号简化了人机交互时的操作。统一设计的用户界面确保了工作人员能够运用同样的熟悉的技术从事不通的工作。 模块化:R/3的模块结构使用户既可以一个一个的选用新的实用程序,也可以完全转入一个新的组织结构体系。 可靠:作为用户的商业伙伴SAP始终不断地为集成化软件的质量设立越来越多的国际标准。 低成本高效益:信息处理是取得竞争优势的要点之一。当竞争加剧时,企业必须更加努力地获取其市场占有量。这就要使用高度集成化的数据处理软件,而R/3正是这种软件的优秀典范。 国际适用:R/3支持多种语言,而且是为跨国界操作而设计的。R/3可以灵活地适应各国的货币及税物要求。 服务:R/3系统实施过程中,用户将得到SAP技术专家的全面支持与服务,包括组织结构方面与技术方面的咨询,项目计划与实施方面的协助,以及培训课程。 1972年,德国,曼海姆的IBM公司。任职销售顾问的Hasso Plattner在等待着公司对自己建议的回复。他的建议就是开发财务软件包,用现成的软件包取代昂贵的定制应用。 当IBM公司回绝了他的建议之后,他和4名做软件工程师的同事离开了IBM,白手起家创办SAP软件公司。 而今,每天早上,世界500强中80%的公司都会进入由SAP公司提供的管理和协同商务平台,进行高效率的工作。一向好斗、性格倔强、勇于接受挑战的SAP联合主席兼首席执行官Plattner在经历了SAP的诸多风浪之后,当他看到SAP在软件市场低迷的情况下,2001年第三季度仍旧实现了赢利预期,前三个月的收入达到50亿欧元,收入增长率为23%,高兴地评论道: “虽然近来软件市场,特别是美国市场有巨大的变化,客户纷纷推迟软件的购买计划,但对于现在最有效的解决方案,企业还是愿意投资的。越来越多的企业转向SAP,因为他们相信SAP能给他们带来更高的投资回报率、更优秀的功能和便捷的集成。” 这家总部位于德国沃尔多夫市,号称“全球最大的企业管理解决方案供应商、全球第三大独立软件供应商、全球领先的协同电子商务解决方案供应商”的软件巨人目前在全球的120多个国家和地区拥有1.65多万家客户,向全球提供基于“五大支柱”战略的产品,这就是mySAP SCM(供应链管理)、mySAP PLM(产品生命周期管理)、mySAP CRM(客户关系管理)、SAP Portals 的Enterprise Portals(企业门户)和SAPMarkets 的Exchanges(交易集市)。 在全球,SAP拥有员工2.5万多名,在总部,SAP的开发人员有5000多名,而SAP的开发实验室和开发中心更是遍布全球多个角落。 下面是他的某一个版本的介绍 ========================= SAP R/3软件具备以下功能和主要特点: 功能性:R/3以模块化的形式提供了一整套业务措施,其中的模块囊括了全部所需要的业务功能并把用户与技术性应用软件相联而形成一个总括的系统,用于公司或企业战略上和运用上的管理。 集成化: R/3把逻辑上相关联的部分连接在一起。重复工作和多余数据被完全取消,规程被优化,集成化的业务处理取代了传统的人工操作。 灵活性:R/3系统中方便的裁剪方法使之具有灵活的适应性,从而能满足各种用户的需要和特定行业的要求。R/3还配备有适当的界面来集成用户自己的软件或外来的软件。 开放性:R/3的体系结构符合国际公认的标准,使客户得以突破专用硬件平台及专用系统技术的局限。同时,SAP提供的开放性接口,可以方便地将第三方软件产品有效地集成到R/3系统中来。 用户友好:图标与图形符号简化了人机交互时的操作。统一设计的用户界面确保了工作人员能够运用同样的熟悉的技术从事不通的工作。 模块化:R/3的模块结构使用户既可以一个一个的选用新的实用程序,也可以完全转入一个新的组织结构体系。 可靠:作为用户的商业伙伴SAP始终不断地为集成化软件的质量设立越来越多的国际标准。 低成本高效益:信息处理是取得竞争优势的要点之一。当竞争加剧时,企业必须更加努力地获取其市场占有量。这就要使用高度集成化的数据处理软件,而R/3正是这种软件的优秀典范。 国际适用:R/3支持多种语言,而且是为跨国界操作而设计的。R/3可以灵活地适应各国的货币及税物要求。 服务:R/3系统实施过程中,用户将得到SAP技术专家的全面支持与服务,包括组织结构方面与技术方面的咨询,项目计划与实施方面的协助,以及培训课程。 ★生产计划和控制 ★销售与分销 ★物料管理 ★财务会计 ★管理会计 ★资产管理 ★系统技术基础

Revision level中文?

Revision Level(修订/修正级别)可以指:修订级别修订级别允许安装代码确定这个文件系统是否支持只有在这种文件系统特定修订下才有的特性。这也是特性兼容域,帮助安装代码确定哪些新的特征可以安全地使用在这个文件系统上。相关的可以看这里:)~~http://www.huihoo.com/joyfire.net/7-1.html

英语笔记 | Level 15-Unit 1

略读还是扫描? 略读与扫描是提高阅读速度的两种不同的技巧。 Skimming  (略读)指的是通过策略,例如读标题,首段和其他段落的第一句,来迅速识别文本的主要思想。  Scanning (扫描)是浏览文本寻找特定单词或信息。 我们浏览一份报告,看看我们是否对话题感兴趣或者只是获得大体信息。然后,如果我们决定更深入地研究这篇文章,我们就要扫描它的关键信息。新闻报道的普遍特点 新闻报道,特别是那些专注于一个单一事件的,往往有几个特点。 标题携带有助于读者决定他们是否想读这篇文章的关键信息。   CA woman jailed over homemade license plate 第一段通常与标题具有相同的信息,只是更多一些细节。当你决定是否要阅读一篇文章时,一个好的策略是 skim   headline 和第一个 paragraph 。   A woman was arrested yesterday for allegedly using a homemade Oregon license plate on her car, according to the San Bernardino County Sheriff"s Department. 第二段是第一段信息的扩展。它通常包含第一次对人和事件的地点的提及。   Sasha Banks , 30, from Rio Nuevo, Calif., was stopped on  Pine Street  Wednesday by a deputy who noticed her car was missing a rear license plate. 以后的段落继续给出更具体的信息。在最后一段,你可能会发现事件的结果,或是故事在未来如何发展。   Banks was charged with two offenses: operating a vehicle with a suspended registration and possessing a forged license plate. She is now being held in the county jail. 了解这些常见的特点可以帮助你更有效地浏览和扫描新闻报道。准备倾听 在新闻节目,主持人,或者 anchor (新闻播音员),经常将节目按主题分割。先是这一天的头条新闻,然后根据目标听众的不同,通常是 national  和  international news ;然后是 sports , entertainment  和  weather 。某个特定城市的节目可能以 local news 开始;一个全球播报的节目可能有全球性的话题,例如 science ,  health  和  economy 。 要理解跳转到不同主题的快节奏的新闻节目,在听之前,想一想你知道的实事有哪些,播报中可能会用到什么语言以及会按什么顺序出现是有用的。想一想你希望知道什么问题的答案-例如,  Who won the soccer match between Capital and Springfield? ,也是有帮助的。听取标志性语言 理解一个长的新闻节目是具有挑战性的。理解主要新闻广播的一个策略是听取能表示接下来的主题的关键语言。 We"re going to begin with  the big news today, the brand-new visa policy in Europe. And now,  sports . Now let"s turn to  technology. A soccer result  just in : Springfield Town one, Capital City two. 另一个策略是听取新闻播音员将要转向另一个记者或被采访的人的信号。 Let"s go live to  my colleague Josh McMillan. Speaking from  the steps of her Malibu mansion, the actress  had this to say . Joining me in the studio , Penny Watford. 从语境中猜测词义 当你遇到不懂的单词或短语时,你可以用它们周围的信息来分析出它们的意思。例如,当记者谈到政策立场时,你可能会听到这个词 moderate 。 Moderates, who believe any change to carbon-emission targets must be made realistically, will be happy with the result. 在这里,记者通过添加信息来解释 moderates ,他们倾向于相信现实的目标。然后她使用了术语 hardliners 。 Hardliners, however, will be hugely disappointed that their demands for carbon emissions to be cut by half have been denied. 通过单词 however , 你能知道 hardliners 是与温和派不同的人。单词 demand 表明他们可能会更加激进。 当你正在听长的新闻广播时,尽量专注于你明白的内容,并避免因为听不懂而变得沮丧。让语境来引导你。复杂的语句 在新闻广播中,你会经常听到长而复杂的讲话。理解复杂的结构可以帮助你理解这些语句。 非独立从句和分词 听取人物或事件名称后的分词和非独立从句。这些短语和从句为你提供附加信息。 Thomson later apologized,  saying he had been misquoted. You may recall Kelly LeMonde,  who was the highest-grossing actress for the past two years , announcing her retirement. 被动结构 你也会在新闻节目中听到被动结构,通常是把重点放在发生的事情上,而不是谁做了某事的一种方法。 If the current agreement  is honored , and carbon emissions  are reduced , only time will tell if it will be enough. 事件的顺序 在一个复杂的新闻文章中,事件并不总是按时间顺序提及的。例如,你可能会先读到这个:   "The hardliners" ridiculous demands will have a huge negative impact on Europe"s economy," he said defiantly, reiterating his  earlier comments . 然后,为更早的评论提供一些背景,作者可能会使用诸如 prior to  和  previously 的短语,给出一些更早期事件的细节。仔细看动词时态,因为它们也是好的顺序的指示词。   Prior to  the talks, Campbell  had commented  in a public speech that radical reduction would damage national economies. 记住有时候,新闻报道中的最后一段是关于最终结果或者将来的行为,所以寻找那些标志。   A press conference  has been  scheduled for tomorrow morning, in which details about the decisions  will  be announced. 被修饰的转述动词 在新闻文章中,作者有时给出他们对主题以及如何表达这个主题的理解。作者做到这一点的一个方法是通过添加副词来修饰转述动词和使用带有具体意义的转述动词,如 assert 和 reiterate 。   "We did not fold to their ridiculous demands, and we will not fold in the future," he said  proudly, reiterating  his earlier promises. 分词短语 注意分词短语也可以增加你的理解深度,特别是对时间和事件的位置的理解。在下面的句子中,作者从一个分词短语开始,然后用专门的词语来表达一个事件的意义。   Speaking from the Parliament Building , a  satisfied  Campbell  summarized  what he believes the UK  stands to gain  in the talks. 在报告中使用被动 当不清楚是谁做了或说了什么,常见的是使用被动结构来报告一个事件。   It  was reported  prior to the final meeting that the hardliners" demands had been the biggest sticking point. 理解释义 要在一个复杂的水平理解新闻文章,你必须学习认出形容词,副词和指代文章中的人和作者自己对事件的解释的其他意见的标记词。   This  radical  proposal was referred to as "a  mindless  move" by moderates like Joe Bergdorf, Irish energy minister.   These  demands  were thrown out, with the majority voting for what  some considered a   more reasonable  10 percent reduction. 叙事结构 你可以用叙述结构,不仅是用来描述事件,也是使情节更具吸引力。这些阶段是: introduction  (介绍),  rising action  (加温情节),  climax  (高潮),  falling action  (收尾情节) 和  resolution  (结局). 某个场景或冲突中的人物自 introduction 出场,悬疑逐渐展开。且看某人是如何开头讲述个人信息的:   I was walking down the street to get some groceries, when I saw a pregnant woman with three children. introduction  自然过渡到  rising action ,这一阶段事件节奏愈发紧凑,冲突产生。当 rising action  到达顶峰, climax 或者转折点就出现了。   Suddenly, the woman stood still, eyes wide open, grabbing her belly. She was having her baby! I ran over to her and helped her and her children into a neighbor"s house. She somehow lay down on the floor and began the intense and incredible process of delivering a baby. 从 climax  到  falling action ,节奏放缓,冲突延续。   The mother"s screams grew. At the same time, the neighbor was shouting into her cellphone for a doctor. The house seemed to shake with their fear. Minutes later, the air in the house was still. 最后, falling action  慢慢演变成  resolution ,所有矛盾解决,角色继续或者做出改变进入新生活。   I was looking down at a stranger, exhausted and crying, holding her new, healthy baby girl in her arms. Until that walk to get some groceries, I never truly realized what a wonder childbirth is. 吸引你的读者 当你在写博客时,你可以通过一些吸引策略来让读者更感兴趣。 倒装 一种方法是 inversion 。它是指在句首将正常语序颠倒。注意每对里第二个例子中的动词和副词是如何在不同的位置上的。   I had never seen  something like this . I found out  the truth  only today .   Never had I   seen  something like this! Only today did I   find out  the truth! 你也可以用过去时的倒装,表达不真实的条件句。   If I had known  the secret, I wouldn"t have done that.   Had I known  the secret, I wouldn"t have done that. 使用倒装时要小心,因为过度使用,会失去它的效果。 平行结构 另一个常见的使你的写作吸引人的技巧是 parallel structure 。这包括重复使用相似的结构来强调和增强效果。   Sometimes you  win,  sometimes you  lose.   The movie is  fascinating to watch  but  frustrating to understand . 直接 最后一个技巧是直接向你的读者讲述。   I always avoid that . You   wouldn"t want  people to get the wrong idea.   I was frustrated with our relationship. Do you ever feel that way?
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