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alevel更难一些。ALevel考试难度在整个世界高中升学考试中算是中等偏上的难度,比起英国的许多考试都难些,甚至与一些大学的课程难度不相上下。vce和alevel的区别:持有Alevel证书的学生不仅可以进入英国剑桥大学、牛津大学以及加拿大的多伦多大学、麦吉尔大学、澳大利亚的国际大学、新南威尔士大学等等,甚至可以可以申请美国的常春藤学校。VCE课程是澳大利亚维多利亚省的证书教育,是全球认可的澳大利亚国际高中文凭,毕业后无缝衔接世界名牌大学,入读澳大利亚顶级名校。注重考查学生的平时成绩,非常适合留学澳洲的学生修读。alevel的课程优势:第一,全球大学认可的课程体系在留学热门国家美国、英国、加拿大和澳大利亚,只有英国有自己完善、严谨的标准化中学课程和考评体系,系统性的优势让A Level的考试成绩受到了全球绝大多数国家大学的认可,并作为录取学生时的重要标准之一。第二,灵活的选课方式ALevel国际课程没有必修课,学生可以在66门学科中,根据知识基础、兴趣爱好、职业规划等,选择最适合自己的3-4门科目就读。我相信这种选课模式是所有中国孩子向往的,不仅给了他们个性发展的空间,还能让他们甩掉诸如偏科、特长得不到发挥等的包袱。

奶罐上的level scoops of powder是什么意思

奶粉的平量勺数 你应该是在奶粉的哺喂表或食用说明上看到的,就是说多少毫升水对应几勺奶粉,这个level就是说这一勺奶粉是平勺,不是凸出来的满满一勺。

奶罐上的level scoops of powder是什么意思

scoop是装奶粉的勺子level在这里是“抹平”的意思、将勺子中的奶粉抹平, 即奶粉与勺子的边缘高度一样

spike level 是什么意思?

这两个词组合在一起应该是与“尖刺”和“级别、水平”有关,猜测词义就要把他们放在语境中,我想您给出的spike level应该是“尖峰水平”或“顶尖级别”的意思 ,spike是形容词,level是名词,以下是一些参考,希望对您有用spike名词 n. [C]1.墙头钉;铁2.大钉;道钉5.长而尖的东西;幼鹿的单枝鹿角及物动词 vt. 1.用大钉钉牢2.用尖物刺穿level名词 n. 1.水平线;水平面[C]5.(文化等的)水平,程度,标准[C][U]7.级别;地位[C]形容词 a. 1.水平的,平的

滨崎步next level专辑里为什么没有sparkle这首歌?


做动网格时出现的问题: Updating solution at time level N... done. Updating mesh at time level N...




懂你英语 Level 6 Unit 3 Part 1 Reading【Meaning of Catch 22】

One of the most interesting books of the 20th century was the novel, Catch 22. In the novel, the term "a catch 22 situation" was introduced. The term has nothing to do with catching anything. It has a much deeper meaning, and it describes a kind of logical conundrum that"s worth exploring. conundrum = 难解的问题First, it"s important to put the phrase into context. In the novel, a group of American bomber pilots is on an island in the Mediterranean . They face death almost every day when they fly their bombing missions . Many have already lost their lives. The remaining pilots know that it is only a matter of time before they will be the next victims . bomber pilot = 轰炸机飞行员Mediterranean = 地中海mission = 任务,使命victim = 牺牲者,受害者One of the characters in the novel is a doctor. It is his job to see that the pilots are fit to fly. In particular, there is a rule that says he has to ground anyone who is crazy. To ground them means to remove them from active duty so that they don"t fly. ground = 使停飞,阻止……起飞 active duty = 现役Some of the men believed in the principles they were fighting for . They were willing to give their lives for their country. But to others, this was crazy. They thought the whole thing was insane . One of them, Yossarian, wanted out. He was friends with the doctor, and he wanted the doctor to ground him. When Yossarian asked the doctor to ground him, the doctor replied: “You"re wasting your time. You"re not crazy”. Yossarian told him to ask one of the other pilots, Clevinger, to tell him how crazy he was. “There is no point. He"s crazy,” The doctor replied. ”Crazy people can"t decide whether you are crazy or not.” “Clevinger isn"t crazy! he"s one of the sanest pilots here.” “So he"s obviously out of his head,” said the Doc. “He"s got to be insane to keep on flying combat missions after all the close calls he"s had.” “Well, if he"s crazy, why don"t you ground him?” “I can"t unless he asks to be grounded. That"s part of the rule.” “So all he has to do is ask?” “No, then I can"t ground him.” “So there is a catch,” said Yossarian, trying to get things straight. “Sure, there"s a catch,” said the Doc, with a slight smile. “Catch 22. If he asks, then he can"t be crazy. Only those who are crazy are grounded”. “That"s some catch,” observed Yossarian. “It"s the best there is,” the Doc replied. principle = 原则fight for = 为……而战斗give one"s life for … = 为……献出生命,为……牺牲 insane = 疯狂的,非常愚蠢的1. While writing this piece, the author was probably having fun . 2. Why couldn"t the doctor ground Clevinger? Clevinger hadn"t asked to be grounded. 3. To be sane means to be in a healthy state of mind .4. A close call is a narrow escape from danger, such as surviving a serous accident .1. What does it mean to ground a pilot? >> To ground them means to remove them from active duty so that they don"t fly.2. Why did the doctor say he couldn"t ground Clevinger? >> “I can"t unless he asks to be grounded. That"s part of the rule.”Fill in the blanks: 1. “So he"s obviously out of his head,” said the Doc. “He"s got to be insane to keep on flying combat missions after all the close calls he"s had .”2. Some of the men believed in the principles they were fighting for . They were willing to give their lives for their country. But to others , this was crazy. They thought the whole thing was insane . One of them, Yossarian, wanted out. He was friends with the doctor, and he wanted the doctor to ground him.(1) In particular, there is a rule that says he has to ground anyone who is crazy.(2) One of the characters in the novel is a doctor. (3) It is his job to see that the pilots are fit to fly. (4) To ground them means to remove them from active duty so that they don"t fly.Correct Order: (2) (3) (1) (4)

personal statement 个人陈述 Economics & Management A-level Oxford

像DofE啦..... 这样都是加分的好东西..剩下的就在这个Summer Holiday 找一份和专业Realte的Job..Errr.. 其他就看你人品啦.. Lolz

标致rcz top up engine oil level是什么意思

top up engine oil level就是说要给发动机加(换)机油了。


outline level大纲级别双语对照例句:1.Each level of the wbs code represents an outline level in the task list. 每一个wbs代码级别都代表任务列表中的一个大纲级别。2.When you indent a task, it becomes a subtask of the nearest preceding task at ahigher outline level. 当您降级任务时,它就变成大纲级别较高的前一个最近任务的子任务。3.You can have more than one outline code for each level. 每一级都可以有一个以上的大纲代码。

Level Of ViolEnce什么意思


spindle gear box oil high level 翻译是 主轴齿轮箱油液面过高?


中英文互译:工厂、办公室、客户、秋季、十月、Leader、 level 、 boss

factory/plant, office ,customer, autumn,october, 领导,水平,老板

您好,请问pet证书是Level A2是不是没有什么用处。对升学能有借鉴帮助吗




加工中心报警2003 lube level pressure error

有可能是油管堵塞了 你加的油是不是有渣滓的 也有可能油泵坏了





请问哪位星际1狂热FAN能自己编星际1.08的P/T/Z Expansion Custom Level这个AI,小弟求助

好是 取得

请问哪位星际1狂热FAN能自己编星际1.08的P/T/Z Expansion Custom Level这个AI,小弟求助

好是 取得

游戏启动失败显示"DX11 featurel level 10.0 is required to"

x11 feature level 10.0 is required to run the engine的意思是:dx11 10.0需要运行引擎功能水平1.配置达不到要求也会出现。据大神转述,要运行DX11,要770M显卡才能达到要求2.重装驱动就可以了或者升级驱动就行了。有的朋友是更新显卡驱动就玩不了,重装就行了。3.如果你关掉集成显卡了,把独立显卡设为默认显卡。全部杀掉运行游戏就不会提示dx11 feature level 10.0 is required to run the engine 了你们也可以试试。360杀软还可以自动修复3D软件

绝地大逃杀点击开始后出现dx11 feature level 10.0 is required


绝地求生一打开就出现dx11 feature level 10.0 is required to run the engin


managerial level中文意思



Alevel: 英国的课程,在中国以CIE考试局和Edexcel考试局为主 主要申请英国方向,当然你想用Alevel申请美国,美国大学也是很认可的。一般学3-4门课IB: 号称培养世界公民的精英课程,可以去IB官网看看IBlearner profile,条条都是高大上的,学6门课+TOK+EE。每门课都有Assignment需要做,是最接近大学学习的一门课程。读起来非常累,但是全世界的大学都非常认可AP:美国大学先修课程。一共30多门学科,选课比较灵活,可以在Collegeboard注册的AP学校学习,也可以在外面找老师自学。申请常青藤大学的学生一般会学习5-6门AP课当申请材料递交上去。AP还有一个好处就是转学分,学一门课等于节约了3000-5000美元的学费。AP在美国很认可,当然英国,澳洲,加拿大等国家也是接受AP成绩申请的。从申请的国家来讲,这三门课都没有什么限制。但是对学生能力的要求却大有不同。IB单科并不太深,但是做IA,EE等学术研究和同时学6门课特别折磨人。AP单科难度比较高,但是不像IB这样有essay之类的作业。Alevel的课程想对简单一些。如果你去英国加拿大澳洲, 读Alevel比较容易申请到好大学去美国建议不是念AP就是念IB,当然IB课程更锻炼人网上看到的,分享。


AQL指的是抽样的质量水准,根据能接受的风险水平选择合适的水准,下表是AQL level对应的抽样判定规则,详细的介绍,请参考GB2828。

请教,简历中能写自己是CFA Level 1 Candidate么

CFA各级别考试与成为CFA持证人称呼区别:1、如果您通过CFA考试一级,但没有报名CFA考试二级,可以写:CFA level I(passed)2、如果您通过CFA考试一级,并报名参加CFA考试二级,可以写:CFA level II CANDIDIATE3、如果您通过CFA考试二级,但没有报名CFA考试三级,可以写:CFA level II(passed)4、如果您通过CFA考试二级,并报名参加CFA考试三级,可以写:CFA level III CANDIDIATE5、如果您通过CFA考试三级,并没有符合工作经验,可以写:CFA level III(passed)6、如果您通过CFA考试三级,符合CFA协会对于工作经验的要求,收到CFA协会来信称:You may now begin using the CFA designation,恭喜你,你可以在你的名片上或者简历上写:XXX,CFA中博诚通CFA

雅思成绩单上写的CEFR level是什么啊?

估计跟分数无关,两次都是7,上次就没有CEFR Level,好像是英国签证改了,只能2015.4.5(差不多这时候)之后考的雅思成绩才算。



Idea下,总显示Method does not override method from its superclass。 Language Level也改了,还是没用

先查看这个方法是不是重载父类的方法,如果没有父类,那么使用了@override一定会报错;查看重载时是不是方法名/参数有区别;若以上问题都不存在,则可能是以下原因:引用IDK5版本中存在bug;@override是JDK5就已经有了,但是不支持对接口的实现,认为这不是override报错。JDK6修复了这个bug,无论是父类方法的覆盖还是对接口的实现都可以加上注解@Override。扩展资料:用过UtralEdit的肯定对其的列编辑模式赞赏不已,因为它减少了很多无聊的重复工作,而IDEA完全支持该模式,从而更加提高了编码效率。预置模板可以让把经常用到的方法编辑进模板,使用时你只用输入简单的几个字母就可以完成全部代码的编写。例如使用比较高的public static void main(String[] args){}可以在模板中预设pm为该方法,输入时你只要输入pm再按代码辅助键,IDEA将完成代码的自动输入。集成了市面上常见的所有版本控制工具插件,包括git、svn、github,让开发人员在编程的工程中直接在intellij idea里就能完成代码的提交、检出、解决冲突、查看版本控制服务器内容等等。参考资料来源:百度百科-IntelliJ IDEA

流利说 懂你英语 Level6 Unit3 Part3 Listening

Level 6 Unit 3 Part 3 Listening: Prison Experiment 1 In 1971, psychologists created one of the most important experiments in the history of psychology. The experiment, known as the Stanford Prison Experiment, looked at the impact of situations on human behavior. The researchers, led by Philip Zimbardo, wanted to know how situations could affect how people behave. In particular, they wanted to know if good people would change their personalities and lose their values. In the experiment, participants were divided into two groups. One group became prison guards and the other group became prison inmates. The experiment was set up in Stanford University"s psychology building. A group of 24 students was chosen to play the roles, 12 guards and 12 prisoners. The students came from a large group of volunteers who wanted to participate in a psychology experiment. Those who were chosen had no criminal background and had no significant medical or psychological problems. They agreed to participate in the experiment for one to two weeks" period. The prisoners had to remain in prison 24 hours a day during the experiment. Guards worked in teams of three and were assigned to work in eight-hour shifts. Unlike the prisoners, they were free to return to their homes between shifts. Hidden cameras and micro-phones were used to observe the behaviors of both the prisoners and guards. The simulated prison including three small prison cells, six feet by nine feet. Each cell had three small beds and held three prisoners. There was also a closet that served as a solitary confinement room. This was used to isolate prisoners who needed to be punished for bad behavior. Guards were instructed not to physically harm the prisoners in any way. Prisoners were to be addressed by their assigned numbers and never by name. To prevent eye contact with the prisoners, guards wore mirrored sunglasses. This was done to dehumanize the relationship between guards and prisoners. Level 6 Unit 3 Part 3 Listening: Prison Experiment 2 Though the experiment was designed to last for 14 days, it had to be stopped after just six days. It had to be stopped because of what was happening to the participants. The interactions between the prisoners and guards had become hostile and degrading. The guards had become aggressive and brutal, and the prisoners were passive and depressed. As a result, five of the prisoners had to be released early because of the severe negative emotions. Even the researchers were affected, and they began to overlook what was happening. Instead of halting the experiment, they let it continue. They themselves had become dehumanized by the situation they had designed. Finally, they realized that the experiment had to be stopped. What the experiment demonstrates is the powerful effect that situations can have on human behavior.Given a position of power, people can begin to behave differently than they normally would. They can begin to behave in an aggressive manner while those with no power can became passive and depressed. In other words, the experiment shows that situations can cause abuse of behavior. There are some important criticisms of this experiment. One criticism is that it is an example of unethical research. It went on longer than it should have. It is also unrepresentative since the participants were mostly white, middle-class males. Despite the criticism, the experiment remains an important study of human behavior. Recent examples of the Stanford Effect may include the treatment of prisoners of war by American soldiers in the Iraq war. Other possible examples including bullying at school and gang behavior. According to the head researcher, Philip Zimbardo, it helps to explain how ordinary people sometimes turn evil. If situations do influence people behavior, then managing situations can be a way of controlling people.


服务级别协议(Service Level Agreement,简称SLA),也称“服务水平协议” 服务级别协议是指提供 服务 的 企业 与 客户 之间就服务的 品质 、水准、 性能等方面所达成的双方共同认可的协议或 契约 。



BEC中级考了56分,不过,B1级别,但有个证书,写着“COUNCIL OF EUROPE LEVEL B1”这证书能当初级用吗


懂你英语Level 6 Unit 2 Part 4 Reading【Global Life Expectancy】

People today are living longer than at any point in human history. Virtually every country enjoys a higher life expectancy than it did in the 19th century. In 1870, the average person could expect to live for 30 years. By 2015 that number had increased to 71, more than doubling.virtually = 事实上,实际上The West was the first region to see an increase in life expectancy. Scientific discoveries led to a growing awareness of germs and disease. New medicines and treatments were developed, and people adopted more hygienic lifestyles. Public health measures were a major factor. During the 20th century, the average lifespan in the United States increased by more than 30 years, if which 25 years can be attributed to advances in public health. awareness = 觉察,觉悟,意识germ = 微生物hygienic = 卫生的,保健的lifespan = 寿命Between 1900 and 1950, Europe"s life expectancy grew from 43 years to 65 years. However, this did not reflect the experience of the rest of the world, which largely remained impoverished and underdeveloped. In 1950, Asia"s average life expectancy was 42 and the Africa"s was 36. In the following decades, living conditions in both continents improved, along with life expectancy. As Asian economies grew, people had better access to health services and greater quantities of food. In Africa however, several countries did not see significant economic growth, but still enjoyed a growing life expectancy. This was due to better access to medicines and vaccines . As of 2015, the life expectancies of Asia and Africa were about 72 and 60 years respectively . impoverished = 贫困的,穷困的vaccine = 疫苗respectively = 各自地,分别地In all countries, some facts are universal, including higher mortality rates associated with childhood. Therefore, life expectancy increases with age. Economics condition also affect life expectancy. For example, in the UK, life expectancy among the wealthiest is several years higher than among the poorest. This may reflect factors such as diet and lifestyle, as well as access to medical care. mortality = 死亡率And finally, women enjoy an advantage over men. Females have a higher survival rate from birth to old age. Of individuals aged 110, 90% are women. In fact, for almost all animal species except birds, females have higher survival rates than males.

Level 42的《Love Games》 歌词

歌曲名:Love Games歌手:Level 42专辑:ClassicLady GaGa - LoveGame / 嘎嘎小姐 - 爱情游戏翻译:Spike Dai @ LK 歌词组 MV分队校对:Tony Chang @ LK 歌词组 翻译分队Let"s have some fun, this beat is sick / 来尽情作乐,这节奏太过舒畅I wanna take a ride on your disco stick / 我想要骑上你的迪斯科魔杖Let"s have some fun, this beat is sick / 来尽情作乐,这节奏太过舒畅I wanna take a ride on your disco stick / 我想要骑上你的迪斯科魔杖Huh, Huh / 哈,哈I wanna kiss you / 我想要吻你But if I do then I might miss you, babe / 可又怕吻了你后我就会想你,宝贝It"s complicated and stupid / 这既复杂又愚蠢Got my ass squeezed by sexy Cupid / 性感的丘比特贴住了我的双臀Guess he wants to play / 看来他想要玩一场Wants to play /想要玩一场A LoveGame / 爱情游戏Hold me and love me / 抱我,爱我Just wanna touch you for a minute / 只想和你再多呆一分钟Maybe three seconds is enough for my heart to quit it / 也许再过三秒我的心就会对你厌倦Don"t think too much, just bust that kick / 别想太多,我们要彻夜放荡I wanna take a ride on your disco stick / 我想要骑上你的迪斯科魔杖Let"s play a LoveGame, play a LoveGame / 让我们来玩爱情游戏,来玩爱情游戏Do you want love, or you want fame / 你想要爱,还是要名Are you in the game? / 想不想玩把游戏Dans, the LoveGame / 玩一把爱情游戏I"m on a mission / 我在执行任务And it involves some heavy touching, yeah / 其中包含很多激情场面,耶You"ve indicated your interest / 你表明了自己的兴趣I"m educated in sex, yes / 没错,我也接受过性教育And now I want it bad / 现在我如此迫切Want it bad / 如此迫切I can see you staring there from across the block / 我看到你在街角对面注视着我With a smile on your mouth and your hand on your, Huh! / 你嘴角挂着微笑,还把手放在你的... "哈"The story of us, it always starts the same / 我们俩的故事,开头总是一样With a boy and a girl and a huh! and a game / 一个男孩 一个女孩 一个..."哈" 一场游戏And a game / 一场游戏http://music.baidu.com/song/9420796

level 与 standard 有什么区别?“我的英语水平仅仅是高中水平”怎么翻成英语?

个人认为第三句较好生活水平 living standard ; standard of living


生词: Paul is a very successful businessman. He owns several restaurants. All of them are doing well. In fact, they are very profitable. To be profitable means that their income is more than their expenses. Q:What does Paul own? A:several restaurants Q:How are his restaurants doing? A:All of them are doing well. Paul wants to buy a new car. He"s trying to decide which car to buy. He has plenty of money. As a result, he isn"t worried about the cost. He can afford an expensive car. As a result is the same as saying so. Q:Why isn"t he worried about the cost? A:He has a plenty of money. On the other hand, he doesn"t want to waste money. He wants a car he can rely on. It has to be safe and reliable, especially in cold winter weather. If car breaks down in bad weather, it can be very dangerous. Q:What kind of car does he want? A:a safe, reliable car Q:What can be very dangerous? A:cold winter weather 生词: Paul wants to help reduce pollution and smog. He would like to buy a clean car, something good for the environment. He"s thinking about buying a Texla. The Texla is an all electric car. It uses batteries instead of gasoline. There is no exhaust, so it doesn"t pollute the air. Q:What kind of car is a Texla? A:It"s a clean, electric car. However, the car can"t go very far without recharging the battery. To charge the battery, you can plug it into an electrical outlet. Recharging the battery takes time. Q:What can"t the car without recharging the battery? A:go very far One of Paul"s friends has one and is quite happy with it. He says it"s reliable and well-engineered. There are also several charging stations near Paul"s office. So he isn"t worried about that. The cost for charging the battery is low. It"s less expensive than buying gasoline. His wife, Kathy, also likes the idea of buying an electric car. She likes the idea of driving a clean car. So it makes sense. Q:What does one of Paul"s friends have? A:a Texla Charging the battery is less expensive than paying for gasoline. In the future, there may be driverless cars. These may be very safe, but Paul doesn"t like them. He enjoys driving. He likes to be in control of his car. Q:Why does Paul doesn"t like driverless cars? A:He enjoys driving. 生词: The man in the middle is the heaviest. The man in the middle is heavier than the other two. The woman on the left is smarter than the man on the right. The man isn"t as smart as the woman is. The woman is standing under a bridge. The bridge is above the woman. There is a bridge over the river. The river is flowing beneath the bridge. The water is flowing over a waterfall. The waterfall is very high and beautiful. People need passports to travel internationally. Without a passport, you can not leave your country or enter another country. You need driver"s license to drive a car. It is against the law to drive without a driver"s license. Many people use credit cards to buy things on credit. When you have a credit card,you don"t need to carry cash. Smartphones are very useful and can do many things. You can use them to make phone calls, play games or go shopping on the internet. We need to buy tickets in order to take a train or watch a sports event. You can often buy tickets online, and sometimes you can get a discount. 生词: Banks are where people can deposit or withdraw money. You can also use online banking to pay bills, such as your credit bill. Hotels are where travels can stay overnight,or for several days. If you plan to stay at a hotel, you should make a reservation. Restaurants are where people go to eat with friends or family. There are many different kinds of restaurants, such as Indian, Italian, or Chinese restaurants. Repair shops are where people go to fix things which are broken or not working right. This repair shop fixes cars and can check to see if it is safe to drive. Coffee shops are a favourite place to meet new people or take a break from the office. They are usually less expensive than restaurants. Q:Where can you go to repair your car? A:Repair shops Q:Where do people go to fix things? A:This repair shop fixes cars Q:Where can travelers stay overnight? A:Hotels are where travels can stay overnight,or for several days. 跟读: 1、Banks are where people can deposit or withdraw money. 2、You can also use online banking to pay bills. 3、If you plan to stay at a hotel, you should make a reservation. 朗读: 1、Repair shops are where people go to fix things which are broken or not working right. 2、Coffer shops are a favorate place to meet new people or take a break from the office. 生词: I"m tired of going out to eat. Let"s eat at home tonight. OK, are you going to cook? No, it"s too late and you know I"m not a good cook. Let"s order something. Q:Where are they going to eat? A:They are going to eat at home. What do you have in mind? I was thinking about a nice big pizza. Again? I had pizza last night, so please, no pizza. Q:What was he thinking about ordering? A:He was thinking about ordering a pizza. OK, no pizza. Let"s order Chinese food, OK? Sweet and sour? You always like sweet and sour. I feel like eating something hot and spicy. OK, you order something hot and spicy, and I order sweet and sour. I don"t want anything spicy. My stomach doesn"t feel good. It"s a bit upset. Q:What are they going to order instead of pizza? A:some Chinese food Q:Why doesn"t he want something hot and spicy? A:His stomach doesn"t feel good. OK, if you want sweet and sour then I"ll have that too. and I"ll make us salad with lots of tomatoes. How long will it take for the food to get here? I don"t know. I"ll call and find out. Thanks, hopefully it won"t take longer than an hour. I"m getting hungry. Q:What do they finally decide to order? A:They decide to order sweet and sour. Hey, what did you do last night? I took a long walk from my hotel. You didn"t get lost? No, I didn"t. Where did you go? Any where interesting? I walked to the river. There were thousands of people there. You went to the river? How long did it take you to walk there? It took around 20 minutes. Did you see anything interesting? I was really surprised by how many people were there. Q:How did she get to the river? A:She walked to the river. Q:What did she see at the river? A:She saw thousands of people there. Many of them were taking pictures and selfies. Lots of selfies. Do you take selfies? Sure, don"t you? Sometimes, but my girlfriend takes a lot of selfies. Then she shares them with her friends online. I don"t understand why people like to take so many pictures of themselves. That"s because you are old-fashioned. Q:Who takes a lot of selfies? A:His girlfriend does. Q:Why does his girlfriend put her selfies online? A:She wants to share them with her friends. Emm, I guess you"re right. There"s too much social media for me. When I go to a restaurant, I see many people looking at their smart phones. They don"t even look at the people they are with. Times are changing, my friend. Whether you like it or not. She took a long walk from the hotel. 记得每天坚持打卡哦






backrooms最危险的level 是level!ex它代表永远逃不出去,他比level! 更危险。





魔兽世界巫妖王之怒为什么秘籍打不上去?不是.levelup 数值吗?.setlevel 数值也没有用

power overwhelming



Profile、level 、Tier简介

在H264中就有对档次( Profile)和级别( Level)的划分,它们规定了比特流必须要遵守的一些限制要求。而H265HEVC在此基础上又定义了一个新的概念:层(Tier)。档次、层和级别为多种不同应用提供了兼容性。档次主要规定编码器可采用哪些编码工具或算法。级别则是指根据解码端的负载和存储空间情况对关键参数加以限制[如最大采样频率、最大图像尺寸、分辨率、最小压缩率,最大比特率和CPB(解码缓冲区)大小等]。考虑到应用可以依据最大的码率和CPB大小来区分,因此有些 Level定义了两个Tier:主层( Main tier)和高层( High Tier),主层用于大多数应用,高层用于那些最苛刻的应用。满足某一 Level或Tier的解码器应当可以解码当前 Level和Tier,以及比当前 Level和Tier更低的 Level和Tier的所有码流,满足某一 Profile的解码器必须支持该Profile中的所有特性。编码器不必实现 Profile中的所有特性,但生成的码流必须遵守标准规定。 在H265/HEVC标准中提出了三种档次,分别是Main,Main10和Main Still Picture。这三个档次的限制条件如下: ①只支持4:2:0色度采样信号 ②使用了 Tiles便不能使用WPP,每一个Tile的亮度分辨率至少要为256×64; ③Main和 Main still picture档次支持8位像素深度,Main10档次则支持10位像素深度, Main still Picture档次不支持帧间预测。 1. Main 支持每像素8比特的位深、4:2:0的采样格式,是最常见的档次。 2. Main10 2012年10月的会议上,提案 JCTVC-K0109提出了10比特位深的档次,其指出10比特位深的图像有助于提高视频质量。该提案获得通过,这一技术主要应用于消费电子领域。Main10档次支持每像素8比特或者10比特的位深、4:2:0的采样格式。由于采用更多的比特来描述像素值Main10可以大幅度提高重构视频的质量。支持Main10档次的解码器必须同时可以解码Main和 Main I0档次的码流. 3. Main still Picture Main still picture档次支持单个静止图像,其按照Main档次的规定进行编码。为了测试 Main Still picture档次下静态图像的压缩性能,将H.265/ HEVC HM80rc2, JPEG2000 kakadu v6.0和 JPEG IJG V6b进行实验对比。视频质量评价标准采用基于PSNR的客观评价和基于平均意见得分(MOS)的主观评价。对于4:2:0色度采样信号,相比于JPEG2000和JPEG,在相同重构视频质量下(PSNR度量), H.265/HEVC编码下得到的码率分别下降了20.26%和61.63%:在相同重构视频质量下(MOS度量), H.265/HEⅤC编码下得到的码率分别下降了30.96%和43.10%。 H265/HEⅤC标准中定义了两个层和13个级。两个层分别是 Main Tier和 High Tier.4和4以上的8个 Level支持 High Tier. Tier按其最高比特率来处理应用问题, Main tier可适用于大多数应用,Highrier用于高需求应用。符合某一 Tier/Level的解码器能够解码当前以及比当前 Tier/Level低的所有码流。 同一个 Level实际上就是一套对编码比特流的一系列编码参数的限制。H265/HEVC的13个级支持从QCIF到&k多种分辨率的图像。图像宽高受到该级别定义参数 MaxLumaPS的限制图像的宽和高均须小于等于8倍的 Max LumaPS再开方。此外, Level还约束了每幅图像中垂直和水平方向Tile的最大数量,以及每秒最大的Tile数量。



Level 42的《Guaranteed》 歌词

歌曲名:Guaranteed歌手:Level 42专辑:GoldFlo-Rida ft. Akon---Guaranteewhen im in the club imma need me a few of the thingsthat the bar cant bring,first theres money, second its me in the v.i.p. full of guaranteesu gotta be down if im gunna spend the minutes on uu gotta be down if im gunna spend the minutes on ushe gotta be down, gotta love, thats me,she gotta be down, for sure guaranteebe down for the calls,be my misses set it off, she can add to the po-po-pohad some betsy ross, b-b-back up off the wall,satisfaction in my cause,saw this action for my dawgs,i need passion from these bras,in the club do your strut guarantee me some love,i need answers, keep the questions lets agree to some touch,run the tab, let me grab, i dont need a paragraph,dont like talkin on about flossin, all the freaks on my staffwhen im in the club imma need me a few of the thingsthat the bar cant bring,first theres money, second its me in the v.i.p. full of guaranteesu gotta be down if im gunna spend the mins on uu gotta be down if im gunna spend the mins on ushe gotta be down, gotta love, thats me,she gotta be down, for sure guaranteeall out all in, ninety-nine point nine percentgirl, u cant be hesitant, love your ex, excellent,want more x, lets be friends,unprescripted medicine, thats a problemi dont bother not even no evidencei need to know,one, when you gunna go get it done,two u aint gotta be my boo i got a buggatii want when im at the bar, exclusive, shorty spit at me, no mucus,that dont mean ill be your cupidi aint stupid baby, you can buzzwhen im in the club imma need me a few of the thingsthat the bar cant bring,first theres money, second its me in the v.i.p. full of guaranteesu gotta be down if im gunna spend the mins on uu gotta be down if im gunna spend the mins on ushe gotta be down, gotta love, thats me,she gotta be down, for sure guaranteedefinatly a dime, right, when with me like flying kite,only cash, shows and ice,give flo rida sacrifice, shorty represent the night,stunting feed the appitite, say the price,paper tight, blow it like some candle light,v.i.p. the whole clique, got the moon rockwrapped around my wrist,im about to waste, dont trip, like back in the day like 2 legit,where the love go, to my dub show,we"re on the sexy ghetto, where"d your new patron get us (?)when im in the club imma need me a few of the thingsthat the bar cant bring,first theres money, second its me in the v.i.p. full of guaranteesu gotta be down if im gunna spend the mins on uu gotta be down if im gunna spend the mins on ushe gotta be down, gotta love, thats me,she gotta be down, for sure guaranteeLarry Cheng~~share with you~~find more hits in Muzique sky~~http://music.baidu.com/song/5543818

Level 42的《Guaranteed》 歌词

歌曲名:Guaranteed歌手:Level 42专辑:The Very Best Of Level 42Flo-Rida ft. Akon---Guaranteewhen im in the club imma need me a few of the thingsthat the bar cant bring,first theres money, second its me in the v.i.p. full of guaranteesu gotta be down if im gunna spend the minutes on uu gotta be down if im gunna spend the minutes on ushe gotta be down, gotta love, thats me,she gotta be down, for sure guaranteebe down for the calls,be my misses set it off, she can add to the po-po-pohad some betsy ross, b-b-back up off the wall,satisfaction in my cause,saw this action for my dawgs,i need passion from these bras,in the club do your strut guarantee me some love,i need answers, keep the questions lets agree to some touch,run the tab, let me grab, i dont need a paragraph,dont like talkin on about flossin, all the freaks on my staffwhen im in the club imma need me a few of the thingsthat the bar cant bring,first theres money, second its me in the v.i.p. full of guaranteesu gotta be down if im gunna spend the mins on uu gotta be down if im gunna spend the mins on ushe gotta be down, gotta love, thats me,she gotta be down, for sure guaranteeall out all in, ninety-nine point nine percentgirl, u cant be hesitant, love your ex, excellent,want more x, lets be friends,unprescripted medicine, thats a problemi dont bother not even no evidencei need to know,one, when you gunna go get it done,two u aint gotta be my boo i got a buggatii want when im at the bar, exclusive, shorty spit at me, no mucus,that dont mean ill be your cupidi aint stupid baby, you can buzzwhen im in the club imma need me a few of the thingsthat the bar cant bring,first theres money, second its me in the v.i.p. full of guaranteesu gotta be down if im gunna spend the mins on uu gotta be down if im gunna spend the mins on ushe gotta be down, gotta love, thats me,she gotta be down, for sure guaranteedefinatly a dime, right, when with me like flying kite,only cash, shows and ice,give flo rida sacrifice, shorty represent the night,stunting feed the appitite, say the price,paper tight, blow it like some candle light,v.i.p. the whole clique, got the moon rockwrapped around my wrist,im about to waste, dont trip, like back in the day like 2 legit,where the love go, to my dub show,we"re on the sexy ghetto, where"d your new patron get us (?)when im in the club imma need me a few of the thingsthat the bar cant bring,first theres money, second its me in the v.i.p. full of guaranteesu gotta be down if im gunna spend the mins on uu gotta be down if im gunna spend the mins on ushe gotta be down, gotta love, thats me,she gotta be down, for sure guaranteeLarry Cheng~~share with you~~find more hits in Muzique sky~~http://music.baidu.com/song/491275


lever层次英文是:level。n.数量,程度;标准,水平;层次,级别;看待(或应对、理解)事物的方式;水平高度,相对高度;楼层;平地;水平仪adj.平坦的,水平的;相同价值的,相同地位的;比分相同的;平静的,冷静的v.使平整;推倒,夷平;(使)比分相同;(尤指用枪)瞄准;针对……(进行批评等);稳定下来,达到平衡(leveloff);坦诚相见;作水准测量【名】(Level)(法)勒韦尔(人名)n.(Level)人名;(法)勒韦尔短语county-levecity县级市;县级城市A-level高中;英国高考;高中课程energy level[物]能级;能态;能量水平;能量级词语辨析smooth,level,flat,even这组词都有“平的,平坦的”的意思,其区别是:smooth侧重指表面十分平滑,无任何粗糙的感觉。引申作圆滑解。level强调没有高低之处,且在同一水平面,可引申指才能相等或与相邻某物平行。flat指光滑平整的表面,但不一定是水平的。even通常指平面上的各点或一条直线的各点处在同一平面或直线上。词语:档次。注音:dàngcì。英文:Grade;Level.释义档次简单来说,就是指程度的好坏。用档次来形容的东西非常多,对商品而言,质量的档次高就指质量程度好,款式的档次高就指款式的程度好,价格的档次高就指价格的程度高,做工的档次高就指做工程度精细等等。近义词层次,等级,级别




欧标types标准更高,需求更高。为了满足工程对高耐久硅酮结构密封胶的需求,参考欧洲标准types制定。关于硅酮结构胶国内目前有强制性的国标(GB 16776-2005),这几年谈论比较多的还有欧标types。国标也实施了10多年,为行业的发展起到了不可替代的作用。但现在看来,特别是近几年,国标跟欧标相比还是有差距的。这个差距主要表现在,国标主要是测量标准条件下新鲜胶的一些性能,而胶老化后性能观测的量和度都不够。欧标中规定,一系列老化试验以后还需要看胶相对性能的保持程度,它要求相对性能的保持率不低于75%,这就涉及到胶的短期与长期、静态与动态、绝对值与相对值的关系,强调了均衡稳定和长期的动态性能的保持。

retrofit: Expected Android API level 21+ but was 19

原因:新版retrofit中某个ssl相关方法在api21以下不适用。 解决方法:将minSdkVersion改为21 或者 将okhttp版本改到3.12版本 注:如果用的retrofit,retrofit版本一样需要降低,因为retrofit中带有高版本okhttp包 我之前降低了okhttp版本还出现这个问题,然后使用了 gradlew :demo:dependencies 命令查看其依赖情况,发现默认使用的是retrofit中高版本的okhttp包,然后降低retrofit版本,解决。

玩STEAM游戏出现DX11 feature level 10.0是什么情况?



难不难要看你个人 我ESL学完了 再学ACADEMIC 课了 不是学托福的 是美国必须的 怕你的语言不合格 我现在上的是社区学院 然后转大学 ESL是所有国际学生必须的 学好了对以后上课有帮助 要不然听不懂怎么办~ 加油哦!!!

关于批处理if errorlevel 1

当使用if errorlevel 值 cmmand 句式时,它的含义是:如果返回的错误码值大于或等于值 的时候,将执行cmmand操作;当使用if %errorlevel%==值 cmmand 句式时,它含义是:如果返回的错误码值等于值 的时候,将执行cmmand操作。第二段批处理当中,数字左右不要加%,%a%指的都是变量, %1%,批处理认为是一种错误的表达式,所以一闪退出



英语翻译:句中 across ...and ... 是对levels和ratio 的要求,还是只对ratios 的要求?

……both是俩,那哪俩?不就是level和appropriate ratio这俩么?


这一篇我们来解析leveldb的Compaction机制,要把这个讲清楚,需要回答下面的问题: 随着Put/Delete操作增多,sstable文件会越来越多,占用的磁盘空间也越来越大。删除无效的key( 被标记删除的key,被新版本覆盖的老版本的key ),然后重新生成sstable文件,可以有效减少sstable文件的数量,这个过程就是Compaction。 Compaction的入口函数是MaybeScheduleCompaction(),触发的时机: leveldb是在后台线程执行Compact,目前只允许单线程,也就是说Compact只能串行执行。 入口函数是DBImpl::BackgroundCompaction(),流程如下: leveldb通过VersionSet::PickCompaction()来选择要压缩的Layer和Table,怎么做到的呢? 原来,在每个Version生成的时候,会计算哪个Layer需要进行Compaction,方法是计算每个layer的compaction_score,选择得分最高的layer,这是由LogAndApply()函数完成的: 调用LogAndApply()生成Version的时机: 选择Layer和Table的过程头绪比较多,具体实施Compaction的过程相对比较好理解,用下面这张图表述Compaction的整个过程:

grassroots level是什么意思

grassroots level 基层Extending democracy at the grassroots level is the groundwork for developing socialist democracy. 扩大基层民主,是发展社会主义民主的基础性工作。

concentration level是什么意思

concentration level 英[u02ccku0254nsu0259nu02c8treiu0283u0259n u02c8levl] 美[u02cckɑnsu0259nu02c8treu0283u0259n u02c8lu025bvu0259l] [词典] 浓度级; [例句]Pranayama develops and improves the concentration level as well as focus.呼吸控制法提升和改善专注力。Use of the design is easy to underground, regardless of user"s experience,language skills, or current concentration level. 不论使用者的经验、知识、语言能力、集中力等因素,皆可容易操作。TVOC concentration is an important indicator of the evaluation of indoor air quality,the high concentration level of TVOC will impact on human health significantly.TVOC浓度是评价室内空气质量的重要指标,高浓度的TVOC会对人体健康造成重大影响。


SAT是由美国大学委员会(College Board)主办的一场考试,其成绩是世界各国高中生申请美国大学入学资格及奖学金的重要参考,它和ACT(American College Test)都被称为美国高考。但是此考试成绩并非所有的大学都要求提供,有些顶尖大学在入学条件上并不强制要求提供,学生可以用其它成绩来代替,在申请大学时需要仔细查阅该校的入学条件。2016年改革后新SAT总分共1600分,分为阅读、文法和数学三部分,写作改为选考。由ETS承担其命题及阅卷工作。但是它们只是录取学生时参考的材料之一,不起完全决定性的因素,其成绩有效期为2年 。A-Level(General Certificate of Education Advanced Level ),英国高中课程,是英国全民课程体系,是英国普通中等教育证书考试高级水平课程,也是英国学生的大学入学考试课程。A-Level课程证书被几乎所有英语授课的大学作为招收新生的入学标准。 在中国开设A-Level课程旨在为中国学生提供进入国外大学的有效途径,具体目标为:培养在国内初高中成绩优秀的学生进入世界顶尖大学;培养在国内初高中成绩中等的学生进入世界一流大学;培养在国内初高中成绩一般的学生考取适合自己的大学。两者没有什么可比性,一种是高中课程,一种是标准考试。





debug level 是什么

通常是指日志打印的一种方式,比如常用的log4J日志开源项目来说,Loggers组件在此系统中被分为五个级别:DEBUG、INFO、WARN、ERROR和FATAL。这五个级别是有顺序的,DEBUG < INFO < WARN < ERROR < FATAL ;当在你的系统中使用了这种日志组件的时候,你可以在配置文件中设置参数:DEBUG、INFO、WARN、ERROR和FATAL 中的一个,则系统会根据你设置的debug level 打印不同的信息。当然,这一切的前提是,你在你的程序中需要打印日志的地方就已经写好了log.error(""....) 还是 log.debug("...") 等


Lesson 3 The City of Song   Reading 阅读   listening to music is the favorite pastime of many people all over the world. This is especially true for people living in Vienna, the city of song. Being the home of Mozart, this city is the birthplace of classical music and the waltz.   Music fills the air in Vienna. Going to public concerts is often free of charge. And don"t forget, Vienna is also home to the world famous Vienna Boys" choir. No wonder people say Austria is always alive with sound of music.   听音乐是全世界许多人最喜爱的消遣。这对生活在音乐之都的维也纳人民来说更是贴切。这个城市不但是莫扎特的故乡,也是古典音乐和华尔兹舞曲的发源地。   音乐缭绕于整个维也纳。欣赏公开的演奏会通常都是免费的。别忘了,维也纳也是世界维也纳少年合唱团的所在地。难怪人们说奥地利永远充满着音乐的声音。   Vocabulary & Idioms 单词短语注解   1. favorite a. & n. 最喜爱的(人或物)   例:Going to the movies is my favorite pastime.   看电影是我最喜欢的消遣。   This old CD is a favorite of mine.   这张旧唱片是我最喜爱的。   2. pastime n. 消遣,娱乐   例:Dad plays golf as a pastime.   老爸打高尔夫球作消遣。   3. all over the world 全世界   =across the world   =the world over   [注意] 使用the world over时,其前不可加任何介词。   例:The rich man has traveled the world over many times.   那个富翁已经环游过全世界好几次。   4. especially adv. 格外地,尤其   例:Brad is especially nice to pretty girls.   布莱德对漂亮女孩子特别好。   5. Vienna n. 维也纳(奥地利首都)   6. Mozart n. 莫扎特(奥地利作曲家,1756-1791)   7. birthplace n. 诞生地;发源地   8. classical a. 古典的 classical music 古典音乐   例:Classical Chinese literature is difficult to understand.   中国古典文学很难懂。   *literature n. 文学   This is a classic example of how to write a composition.   *classic a. 经典的;典型的   这是如何写作文的典范。   9. waltz n. 华尔兹舞(曲),圆舞曲   10. 事物+fill the air 充满着某物   例:Romantic love songs fill the air in that cozy Italian restaurant.   那家温馨的意大利餐馆充满着罗曼蒂克的情歌。   *romantic a. 浪漫的   *cozy a. 温暖而舒适的  11. concert n. 演奏会,音乐会   例:The concert was attended by thousands of fans.   那场音乐会有数以千计的乐迷参加。   12. charge n. 费用 & vt. (向人)索价   例:These pamphlets are free of charge.   这些小册子是免费的。   *pamphlet n. 小册子 *free of charge 免费   My coach charges me US$50 an hour for teaching me how to play tennis.   我的教练教我打网球一小时收我五十美金。   13. famous a. 有名的,的   例:I"m sure this singer will be famous one day.   我确信这名歌手有一天会走红。   14. Vienna Boys" choir 维也纳少年合唱团   *choir n. 合唱团   15. Austria n. 奥地利   16. be alive with... 充满…   *alive a. 活的;充满的   例:The room is alive with children"s laughter.   房间里面充满了小朋友的笑声。   Grammar Points 语法重点   本课主要介绍动名词短语作主语的用法,以及分词句构化简法,和“地方名词+be the home of...”及“地方名词+be home to...”的区别,另介绍"no wonder"作副词的用法。   1. Listening to music is the favorite pastime of many people all over the world.   听音乐是世界许多人最喜爱的消遣。   Going to public concerts is often free of charge.   欣赏公开的演奏会通常都是免费的。   上列两句皆使用动名词短语作主语。   初学写作者,极易用动词作主语,这是不对的;动词不能直接直接作主语,一定要变成动名词或不定式(短语)方可作主语。   a. 动名词(短语)作主语:   用动名词(短语)作主语时,通常用以表示已知的事实或经验。   例:Play basketball is fun.(×)   -->Playing basketball is fun.(√)   打篮球很有趣。   由上列句中,可知“打篮球”是一种经验,故将Play basketball改为动名词短语Playing basketball。   b. 不定式(短语)作主语:   用不定式(短语)作主语时,通常表示一种未完成或想要完成的愿望、企图或目的。   例:Study abroad is my greatest desire.(×)   -->To study abroad is my greatest desire.(√)   上列句中,由“愿望”得知此处的“留学”乃是一种想要完成的事,故将Study abroad改为不定式短语To study abroad。   根据上述,可知本文的“听音乐”及“欣赏公开的演奏会”均是一种已知的事实或经验,故用动名词短语Listening to music及Going to public concerts来表示。   2. Being the home of Mozart, this city is the birthplace of classical music and the waltz.   这个城市不但是莫扎物的故乡,也是古典音乐和华尔兹的发源地。   上列句中的“Being the home of...”是现在分词短语,作形容词用,修饰其后的主语this city。   本句原为:This city was the home of...,this city is the birthplace of...。但如此一来造成两句在一起无连词的错误句构,故将第一个句子化简,变成分词短语,其法则如下:   A被化简的从句中主语与主句的主语相同时,该主语要删除;若主语不同时,则予保留;   B之后的动词要变成现在分词;   C若该动词为be动词(如is, was, are...等)时,则变成现在会词being之后可予以省略,但亦可不省略,以强调“因为”之意。   故本句因主语相同,因些将相同主语this city删除,其后动词was变成现在分词being,即成本句。   例:I stand on the top of the mountain, I can see the whole city.(×)   Standing on the top of the mountain, I can see the whole city.(√)   3. “地方名词+be the home of...”及“地方名词+be home to...”的区别:   a. 地方名词+be the home of... 某地是…的故乡/家   例:Australia is the home of kangaroos.   澳洲是袋鼠的故乡。   *kangaroo n. 袋鼠   This beautiful house is the home of the former city mayor.   这栋漂亮的屋子是前任市长的家。   b. 地方名词+be home to... 某地是…的所在地/出产地/聚集地   例:This deserted old building is home to mice and cockroaches.   这栋废弃的古老建筑物是老鼠和蟑螂的聚集地。   It is rumored that this old house is home to a number of long-haired ghosts.   谣传这栋古宅是一些长发鬼聚集的地方。   4. No wonder people say Austria is always alive with the sound of music.   难怪人们说奥地利永远充满着音乐的声音。   No wonder+主语+动词 难怪…   [注意]no wonder虽是名词短语,却视为副词,使用时置于句首,修饰全句;乃由"It is no wonder + that从句"化简而来。   例:No wonder you"re so thin, you eat so little.   难怪你会这么瘦,你吃得好少啊。   Substitution 替换   1. Listening to music/Reading/Biking is the favorite pastime of many people.   听音乐/阅读/骑单车是许多人最喜爱的消遣。   2. Going to public concerts/Using public toilets/Making local calls is often free of charge.   欣赏公开的演奏会/使用公厕/打当地电话通常都是免费的。

level detector费森是什么意思?

level detector 是水平传感器的意思,费森应该是全名费森尤斯,是一家提供透析、医院和患者家庭医疗护理相关产品和服务的医疗保健公司,所以你说的这个应该是费森的血液透析机的parts吧

reduced level是什么意思

reduced level折合水准,归化高程减少的水平;双语例句1. Carrie was not to be reduced to the common level of observation. 嘉莉并不迁就那种平庸的看法.2. This may occur in response to a high level of reduced nitrogen in the medium. 这可能是由于对培养基中高水平的还原氮的反应而发生的.3. Its ravages must be reduced to a level where reasonable economic return can be achieved. 它的危害程度必须减少到能够得到合理的经济收入为度.*********************************************************************祝学习进步!如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!**********************************************************************

英语流利说 Level6 Unit3 Part2 Listening:Infectious Diseases

Infectious Diseases Despite advances in technology, one of the biggest threats to human survival comes from primitive life forms. Infectious diseases are caused by micro-organisms, such as bacteria, viruses and parasites. These organisms have no access to education or technology, but they present a huge challenge to humanity. That"s because they are adaptable. Just as adaptability has helped humans survive, it makes it more difficult to control infectious diseases. As conditions change, the organism which cause these diseases adapt and become stronger. One of the biggest threats to human survival comes from primitive life forms. There are several kinds of infectious diseases. Bacterial infections, such as pneumonia, are caused by bacteria. These infections can be treated by antibiotics, which kill the bacteria. Viral infections are caused by viruses, such as the influenza virus. These can sometimes be prevented by vaccines, such as the flu vaccine. An example of parasitic infection is malaria. Malaria is caused by parasites transmitted to humans by infected mosquitoes. Once inside the body, the parasites can be difficult to kill or control. And of course these parasites are also adaptable. Antibiotics attack and kill bacteria. How serious are infectious diseases? Consider what happened in 1918, the influenza pandemic. It started in the fall of 1918 with what seemed to be something no more serious than the common cold. In the next two years however, it infected a fifth of the world"s population. In fact, it turned out to be the most deadly epidemic in history, killing between 20 and 40 million people. The influenza virus that caused it was much stronger than previous influenza viruses. Its mortality rate was two and a half percent compared to a point one percent in previous influenza epidemics. It struck quickly and without mercy, sometimes killing people within hours. Schools and businesses closed in many places, and people wore masks to prevent transmission of the virus through the air. What was unusual about this pandemic was that it was most deadly for people aged 20 to 40, rather than the elderly and young children. Now, a century later, we have flu vaccines that have reduced the severity of epidemics . These vaccines need to be updated every year because the virus changes and new strains emerge. What researchers fear is that a new strain of the virus will develop and cause another pandemic. Once an outbreak occurs, transmission of the disease will be even faster than before. An unintended consequence of our improved transportation system will be the speed at which an epidemic can spread. Experts predict that the public health systems will be overwhelmed and unable to react quickly enough. A new strain of a virus is a mutated form of the virus. A new strain of a virus is one that has mutated from the original. So the best defense will be to prevent an outbreak from occurring. This will require global cooperation and the sharing of data. It may also require changes in how humans interact with animals. Animals, such as birds and pigs, carry viruses that may mutate into a strain that can infect humans. Such a new strain could lead to another pandemic well before a new vaccine could be developed. Since diseases and epidemics don"t stop at national boarders , this is a global issue requiring global action. The threat of a global epidemic is another example of why we must learn to live together. It allows epidemics to spread more quickly. Epidemics don"t stop at national borders. One danger is that an animal virus may mutate into a strain that can infect humans. An improved transportation system allows epidemics to spread more quickly. Animals, such as birds and pigs carry viruses that may mutate into a strain that can infect humans.Experts predict that public health systems will be overwhelmed and unable to react quickly enough. One of the most interesting books of the 20th century was the novel, Catch 22. In the novel, the term "a catch 22 situation" was introduced. The term has nothing to do with catching anything. It has a much deeper meaning, and it describes a kind of logical conundrum that"s worth exploring. First, it"s important to put the phrase into context. In the novel, a group of American bomber pilots is on an island in the Mediterranean. They face death almost every day when they fly their bombing missions. Many have already lost their lives. The remaining pilots know that it is only a matter of the time before they will be the next victims. One of the characters in the novel is a doctor. It is his job to see that the pilots are fit to fly. In particular, there is rule that says he has to ground anyone who is crazy. To ground them means to remove them from active duty so that they don"t fly. Some of the men believed in the principles they were fighting for. They were willing to give their lives for their country. But to others , this was crazy. They thought the whole thing was insane . One of them, Yossarian, wanted out. He was friends with the doctor, and he wanted the doctor to ground him. When Yossarian asked the doctor to ground him, the doctor replied: “you"re wasting your time, you"re not crazy”. Yossarian told him to ask one of the other pilots, Clevinger, to tell him how crazy he was. “There is no point. He"s crazy.” The doctor replied.” Crazy people can"t decide whether you are crazy or not .” “Clevinger isn"t crazy! he"s one of the sanest pilots here.” “So he"s obviously out of his head,” said the Doc. “He"s got to be insane to keep on flying combat missions after all the close calls he"s had .”“well, if he"s crazy, why don"t you ground him?” “I can"t unless he asks to be grounded. That"s part of the rule.” “So all he has to do is ask?” “no, then I can"t ground him.” “So there is a catch,” said Yossarian, trying to get things straight. “Sure, there"s a catch,” said the Doc, with a slight smile. “Catch 22. If he asks, then he can"t be crazy. Only those who are crazy are grounded”. “there"s some catch,” obs erved Yossarian. “it"s the best there is,” the Doc replied. If he asks to be grounded he isn"t crazy. To be sane means to be in a healthy state of mind. A close call is a narrow escape from danger, such as surviving a serous accident.

英语流利说 Level6 Unit3 Part4 Listening: Rent or Buy

Rent or Buy John and Linda have been arguing about whether to buy a house for a long time. They have been renting a small flat for several years, and the rent keeps going up. Last year, John wasn"t sure about his job situation , so they agreed to delay the decision. They also invested some money in the stock market , and their investments are doing well. Linda really wants to have a place of her own. She is growing impatient and doesn"t want to wait any longer. She wants to sell some of their investments and put the money into a nice house. They delayed their decision because John was uncertain about his job. She"s growing impatient and is tired of waiting. John is against buying now because he thinks prices are too high. He is also worried about the high cost of living in the area. This is beginning to make the area less attractive to companies. Unless a company is innovative and successful, it can"t afford to do business in the area. Salary levels have risen so quickly that companies can no longer afford to attract good workers. Good workers won"t come unless they are paid enough to buy a house. So many companies are relocating or moving overseas where costs are lower. They can"t afford to stay because of the high cost of living. It makes it more difficult for companies to stay. They invested some money in the stock market. John is worried that once companies start to leave, housing prices will come down. Only fools are buying now, paying prices that are probably 10 to 20% higher than they should be. He wants to buy when prices have fallen to a more reasonable level. Until then, it doesn"t make sense to buy. He thinks that companies will move out of the area, causing prices to weaken. If companies leave the area, people will lose their jobs and the demand for housing will decline. He remembers what happened in other countries just a few years ago, when prices climbed and then fell 15%. Many people lost their homes because they owed more on their homes than the homes were worth. When they lost their jobs, they couldn"t pay the mortgage. They couldn"t sell either, because the selling price was less than what they owed to the bank. So they had to move out and the banks took possession. Now prices are rising again so the same thing could happen again. A cycle of boom and bust which people tend to forget. Unless they can pay cash, they"ll need to get a loan from a bank to help pay for it. A cycle of boom and bust when an economy grows too fast, then takes a rapid fall, and the cycle begins again. Linda has a different view. She thinks he worries too much. She thinks if they buy now, prices will continue to rise. If they don"t buy now, they will miss the opportunity and regret it later. She isn"t worried by the possibility that the prices may drop in the future. She isn"t sure, but she thinks prices will continue to rise. She thinks they will regret it later if they don"t buy now.Another reason John is against buying a house is that he doesn"t have confidence in his new company. It is no longer growing as fast as it used to. Though the management talks about a bright future, he has doubts. They say great things to keep everyone motivated, but he doesn"t trust them. When he does a SWOT analysis of the company, he is even more concerned. SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. The company"s strength is based on technology that is very competitive. But technology changes fast and what"s good now will soon be out of date. Continuous innovation is necessary. In the SWOT acronym, the O stands for opportunities. The company"s weakness is that it hasn"t developed an alternative to what it has now. Nobody is working on the next generation. There are already signs that their technology is nearing the end of its life cycle. There"re still opportunities if the company is willing to hire new people or acquire a company with new technology. The main threat is that other companies are spending more on research and development. The main threat facing the company is that its competitors are spending more on research and development. The company still has opportunities if it takes steps to acquire new technology. So based on his analysis, the company is okay for the next year or two. But beyond that, its future is questionable. As a result, John doesn"t want to buy a house now and take on a huge debt. Until he has more confidence in his situation, he doesn"t want to take the risk. If he would to buy a house now, it would mean taking on a huge debt . His wife thinks he"s too conservative. She has waited long enough and she doesn"t want to wait any longer. So John"s dilemma is how to balance his wife"s happiness against the risk of losing a lot of money. One thing for sure is that she isn"t happy as things stand now. She"s been waiting for a long time and he loves her. So the decision seems clear. John knows exactly what to do. Maybe some flowers and a celebration? What are they going to celebrate? The decision to buy a house. Based on his analysis, the company"s long-term future is questionable. He has to decide between his wife"s happiness and the risk of losing money. They are going to celebrate the decision to buy a house regardless of the risks. If you sell your home at a price less than what you paid for it, you"ll take a loss.

The highest level of quality management is( ).



没看到图纸,只能猜了:ELV=extra-low voltage circuit,特低电压电路TRUCKING=链路聚集原句=300M特低电压电路高水平运行工况下的链路聚集


新时代交互英语level2答案unit 12313221331232211drinkicelemonstartthinkgoinghavesaladsidebackBAEDC13242213121121112231unit 223131333121131131vacationfantasticislandbeachbeautifulmileexpensiveanyonealongstayedEDCBA24132313223221121221321unit 31122212122232113DABEC3122133123122211213212unit 4313212333222333feelingcoldnosethroatcoughbreathechesthomesoupdayBCAED12121213311123121131211121213212新时代交互英语level2答案(Unit5)unit5:b-ab-a-a-a-c-a-a-ca-b-a---------------------------------a-c-astaydinnerstorecookplacedriveturnstraightmissfinde-d-b-a-cb-aatatondowncloseina-b-a-bb-a-b新时代交互英语level2答案(unit 6) a-c-c--------------------------b-b-b-c-apartyfunlookoutfitvampirespeopledresscandydanceplayerc-e-d-b-ab-c-b-b-ab-a-b-b-aa-b-b-a-ab-b-b-a-c-b-a-b新时代交互英语level2答案(unit 7)unit 7b-da-c-b-c-a-aa-c-c-----------------------------------------c-a-c-c-cnavigatestoressidelookbestcompareskywalkrestaurantspizzasclothesb-d-e-c-ac-a-c-b-canysomesomesomeanysomea-a-b-b-ba-b-c-c-b-a-c-a新时代交互英语level2答案(unit 8)b-cc-c-b-a-a-ac-c-b--------------------------b-a-a-a-adifficultwrongdressedwearingschoolnakedcoveredshortheelsshoesd-a-b-c-ec-a-b-aspendingto speakto goenoughshould applytry to goto ask aboutto find outverytooa-a-b-a-ba-b-a新时代交互英语level2答案(unit 9)b-ab-b-b-c-b-cc-a-b---------------------------------------a-b-a-c-bgoodhorriblefoodtriprudeculturegroupmuseumsexperienceboringb-c-d-e-aa-b-c-b-cb-c-a-c-aa-a-a-a-ac-a-b-b-b-a新时代交互英语level2答案(unit 10)c-bc-c-b-b-b-cb-b-c----------------------a-a-c-b-cplaceapartmentbedroomsdistancefloorsdecoratemonthutilitiesPetswasherd-a-e-b-cc-c-b-b-cb-a-b-c-aa-b-a-b-aa-b-b-c-b-a新时代交互英语level2答案(unit 11)c-aa-a-a-c-a-a-ac-c-b-------------------------------b-a-b-a-ahouseapartmentparentsbornareafromgrewcornercollegemoneyb-c-a-e-da-c-a-b-ayouryoursTheytheirthemb-a-a-a-ba-a-a-a-b-b新时代交互英语level2答案(unit 12)a-bc-a-c-b-a-cb-c-c-----------------------------------b-a-a-a-afavoriteAmericanforeignChineseItalianMexicanspicyeatensteakchickenb-a-d-e-ca-b-c-c-cb-b-c-c-aa-b-a-b-ab-b-b-b-c-a阶段测试: 新时代交互英语level2答案(test A)Sam Says,.... a-c-b-a-bHi,Chris,....wasweredidhavespentmuchKevin:....Super Math...Well,I"m...What do you...We need...All you...Mm-hmmm...Then you...Kate asks...b-c-a-b---------------------------------At the airpot...reservebrowsedeletefaresRob:Jenny...waitressnervousresponsiblepunctualIt sounds...c-a-a-a-b---------------------------------Doctor....canhave toTakemake sureDave....a slice of tomatoSomeiced teaDave....a-b-a-----------------------------I saw you....a-b-b-aLOS-an-ge-les....b-b-aWhich....a-b------------------------------Nurse:....c-b-b-c-c-aCan I....a-b-a-b新时代交互英语level2答案(test B)Kevin:Super....How canadddoclickWhereVoice:Thank....callingattoisWhat does....a-b-c-a-bLuis:....meanhavegetonGot---------------------------------Kate:Ana....have a datanauseousachesfeverpharmacyto get dressedsingleAre you coming....b-a-b-a-c-bLaura....supermarketcakefloristblocksTake a rightintersection------------------------------------------------Nurse:Hello....am callingneedfeelmakewilltooTheshould comeWheretaketurnonEmi:I am....should takePardomam packingLaura:....to helpmakeenoughgetmight----------------------------------DRIVE away....b-a-----------------------------------------------Gil:I think....a-a-bWhat are....b-b-b-b-a---------------------------------------------新时代交互英语level2答案(test C)Ana:What.... happenforgotbaggage claimwasWhat is....c-b-aThank you....aretwoviewutilitiesfurnishedLuis"s....b-a-c-a-b------------------------------------Dr.Han....interviewdelayedluggagebaggage claimLet"s meetb-b-b-c-a-a-aNeed a....oceanmountainstoursriverconvenient-------------------------------------Jack:....toldunderstoodmethavedecidedamMax:hello....werewas studyingmetweren"tdidn"t haveFirstThenfinallywere you livingTwo children....NoNoYesNoYesNoYesYesNo------------------------------------"talked"b-aWhere"s your....b-a-b"apartments"c-aabsoLUTEly....a-a-b-b-a-------------------------------------Where"s....a-c-cKate....b-c-a-b-c期末测试:新时代交互英语level2答案(level test) Dave tells....a-b-a-cSo,Rick....weirdestsnailthingforeigncuisinemeateatervegetarianstufffavoriteChinesefoodisprettygreatDave:....lettucegoIt"llI really....reallyniceofyoumakearightouttherefabulousbakerykeepgoingIwhouldloveitthatdoesn"tsoundtoohardDoes the....a-c-------------------------------------Richard:....responsiblebrowsingdownloadedfarereserveThe little....c-a-c-aTwo high....waiterodersmealssmall business ownertalentedTwo friends....feverprescriptionpharmacyTake a rightblocks--------------------------------------The friends....Happy BirthdayWhat did you sayOh,noI"m sorryatSee you soonAnswering....YesYesNoNoNoYes

Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 1.5 or greater



  HSPICE  先来说说HSPICE,记得我们前面讲过的批处理运行吧。在当时的大公司里,这是电路仿真标准的运行方式,但这么做的效率太低了。设计者需要尽量短的时间看到仿真结果,然后修改电路参数再做仿真。如此多次以达到最佳结果。有俩个孪生兄弟ShawnHailey及KimHailey,当时都在AMD做设计,看到了这里面的问题。与其让几百个客户排队等一个银行柜员,为什么不让每一个客户都有一个柜员呢?问题就是商机。他们决定跳出来开自己的公司。于是78年,Meta-Software成立了,他们把改进的SPICE变种取名为HSPICE(你现在明白了吧,为什么要以H开头?这可是兄弟俩姓的第一个字母啊)。他们把SPICE2从大型机移植到了VAX小型机上,后来又移植到Sun工作站上。就这样,借着计算机硬件改朝换代的东风,越来越多的公司开始使用HSPICE了。直到如今,这个HSPICE成了工业界的”金标准“。只要你做个仿真器,人们一定会跟HSPICE比结果的。而且,在SPICE前面加一个字母成了时尚。到今天,有人开玩笑说A-SPICE一直到Z-SPICE都已经被人用过了(当然,HSPICE仍然是最出名的)。  有人可能会问:要是我当时也把SPICE移植到小型机上,我是不是也可以成功?呵呵,成功的要素有很多,光用一条是远远不够的。比如说用户的反馈就是相当重要的一条。举个例子,HSPICE是第一个把器件模型库卡(.LIB)和结果测量卡(.MEASURE)做进去的。像这样的例子还有很多。这些虽然不是什么革命性的技术创新,但它们很实用,能大大提高用户的使用效率。甚至某些时候,对用户来说,这样的小改进比创新的算法更重要。  前面我们提到了七八十年代有很多的 MOSFET器件模型。HSPICE把能拿到的器件模型都收进去了。所以,HSPICE的MOSFET器件模型是最全的(不信的话,你就去拿本HSPICE的MOSFET模型手册读一下–注意,它是一本独立的手册。也就是说,光是它里面的七八十个MOSFET模型就是一本书了)。但这样还不够。Meta还开发了自己的MOSFET模型:Level28。他们跟用户的工艺线紧密联系。在工艺线流片之前,相应的器件模型参数已由芯片加工厂(foundry)提供给芯片设计者了。如果你是设计者,你还能不用它吗?这样做的结果直接导致了HSPICE用户群急速的扩大。就像滚雪球一样,一旦超过了临界质量(criticalmass),它自己就会越滚越大。据Meta-Software的人说,在公司巅峰的时候,他们的销售员就是一台传真机。你只要把传真机号码告诉客户,他们就把订单发来啦(那时候的钱真好赚啊,当然公司里肯定不止一台传真机)。从78年成立到96年这18年期间,公司一共卖出了一万一千多套HSPICE,它的年成长率达到了25-30%。  1996年Meta-Software被Avant!收购。到2001年,Avant!又被Synopsys收购。关于Avant!的故事有很多。这个公司(包括它的头JerryHsu)就像EDA业界的一匹黑马。它的故事足可以写另一个长篇了。这里且按下不表。  Meta-Software兄弟俩中的老大,ShawnHailey,已于2011年去世。在此之前,他把自己的名字改成了AshawnaHailey。  PSPICE  PSPICE像HSPICE一样,PSPICE的故事也跟它的名字有关。首先,这第一个字母“P”并不是其创始人的名字。事实上,创始人的名字WolframBlume里根本没有字母“P”。那这字母“P”到底是什么意思呢?对了,它就是PC。PSPICE的发展跟PC的发展是密不可分的。但这并不是PSPICE的初衷。  时间回到1984年,那时WolframBlume从加州理工(CalTech)毕业加入南加州一家半导体公司。工作中,他听到很多抱怨,说公司内部的SPICE速度太慢了。这位老兄也不含糊,立马对其SPICE来了一个详尽的分析。结果发现,大部分时间花在了算 MOSFET模型的方程上(记得前面我们讲的MOSFET的复杂性吧)。他一想,如果能用硬件来并行处理这些方程,岂不就可以加快仿真速度了吗(呵呵,又是一个看到商机的主)?恰恰那个时候英特尔推出了支持硬件并行的8085/8086/8087。说干就干。这位老哥创立了MicroSim公司。又是在这时,IBM推出了基于Intel芯片的IBM-PC。另一个机会又来了:只要把SPICE从大型机上移植到PC上就行了。这事儿比起第一个事儿简单太多了。可是,人们当时认为PC就是个游戏机而已,没人拿它来做什么正经事儿(呵呵,看看现在不还是这样吗?)。所以,这位老哥并没有把这第二件事看得太重,而是集中绝大部分精力和资源去做硬件并行。  当时的IBM-PC有640KB内存。最大的数组只允许64KB内存。而SPICE是用一个巨长的数组来存储所有的数据。把SPICE的数据放到IBM-PC的结构,用这位老哥的话说,就像把一只鲸鱼塞进一个金鱼缸里。但他们做到了(中间略去他们N个睡不着的工作之夜)。并行硬件的确加快了方程的处理,可他们也快没钱了。这位老兄忽然想到,咱不是把SPICE移植到PC上了吗?咱就先卖着这个软件,用卖它的钱继续开发咱的并行硬件。就这样,PSPICE就开始在PC上出现了。  最初这位老兄想卖硬件加速器的PSPICE版本,可结果恰恰相反,俩年后,纯软件的PSPICE卖出去了一千多套,而硬件加速器只卖了俩套。到这时候,这位老兄也明白了。做硬件吃力不讨好,市场并不需要。他把卖出去的俩套硬件加速器又自己买了回来(当然又半卖半送给人家N套纯软件的版本)。  同学你看,一个高新复杂的技术并不一定会做出一个卖座的产品。反过来,一个貌似简单的技术可能很受市场的欢迎。另外,PSPICE虽然不是赚钱最多的,但它的用户数绝对是最大的(遍及全世界五大洲)。你可以下载一个免费的PSPICE用。当然,只限于十个晶体管。但这对一般学生的学习来讲,大部分情况下已经够用了(想一想当年的大型机也就只能算这么多)。你如果在网上搜一搜,就会发现阿拉伯语(以及其他语言)的PSPICE教材。你如果是在校生的话,很可能也在用PSPICE。  下面是PSPICE第二版的封面。  MicroSim1998年被OrCAD收购。OrCAD在2000年又被Cadence收购。  Spectre  Spectre话说89年,伯克利毕业了最后一批做SPICE研究的学生。其中一个叫 KenKundent。Ken非常有才气。他在伯克利的研究成果后来成为了安捷伦的微波仿真软件。同时他的傲气也不小。在加入了Candence后,他看到HSPICE卖的很火,就决定做个新的仿真工具去取代它。这就是Spectre。据说他用了俩个星期就写出了第一个版本(呵呵,不愧是伯克利SPICE大本营出来的)。SPECTRE比HSPICE要快俩三倍,还具有更高的精度及更好的收敛性。但它并没能取代HSPICE。为什么呢?一个原因是兼容性。SPECTRE的输入格式跟HSPICE有很大不同。Ken计算机编程的功底很深,他设计的Spectre的输入格式像C语言一样。虽然从计算机语言角度看,Spectre的输入比HSPICE的输入更规范,但SPICE的用户是电路设计者,他们才不管你的语言多么优美,只要好用就行。另外,如果你是个电路设计者,花了几年功夫好不容易才学会了一种语言格式,用它已经写了成百上千个电路网表,而且它们都工作的好好的,为什么要去换成另外一个呢?另外,还有一个更重要的原因,就是用户对HSPICE的信赖。这种信赖不是一时半会儿就能建立起来的。它是经过几十年,成千上万遍仿真,几百次tapeout(送出去流片)才能形成的。怎么能说换就换呢?  Ken琢磨着,既然更快更好还没办法取代SPICE,那我们就得做点SPICE没有的东西。做什么呢?恰好在九十年代中期,一种标准的设计语言VHDL开始向模拟电路扩展,这就是VHDL-AMS(VHDL的模拟电路及数模混合电路描述语言)。(这里再插一句,最早的数模混合电路描述语言是MAST,它是Analogy公司的仿真器Saber里面使用的。VHDL-AMS是基于欧洲Anacad公司开发的HDL-A语言发展而来的。后来Anacad的仿真器成为Mentor的Eldo)。但当时还没有Verilog的AMS扩展(原因是VHDL主要在欧洲使用。而Verilog主要在美国使用)。Ken就想,好吧,我们也来做个标准的设计语言到Spectre里。这就是Verilog-AMS(Verilog的模拟电路及数模混合电路描述语言)。不过这事儿说起来容易做起来难。首先,既然你是标准,那就要大伙儿都同意。让大伙儿都同意的事是要花时间的,没那么快。其次更重要的,是你要让模拟电路设计者来学习并使用这个语言。这可是比登天还难的事儿。如果你是一个模拟电路设计者,你想想你在学校的课本上看到的是运放的电路还是它的描述语言?当然是电路了。至少到今天为止,还没有一本模拟电路的教科书是只用描述语言的。你再看看数字电路的教材,几乎全部都是 VHDL或 Verilog描述语言(呵呵,如果你还用晶体管来设计数字电路,那你的年龄够大了)。另外,当你做模拟设计的时候,你是在搭晶体管电路呢,还是在写描述语言?对模拟电路设计者来说,用语言而不用电路来做设计是不可想象的。反过来,对数字电路设计者来说,用电路而不用语言来做设计也是不可想象的。  Spectre-AMS做出来后,Ken发现当时的感兴趣者寥寥无几(呵呵,这哥儿们专找硬骨头啃)。那怎么办?在公司做产品是要卖钱的。Ken有点儿绝望了。这时,他想到了回去做他在学校做的老本行:射频电路仿真。至少这个功能别的SPICE还没有。他把这个想法告诉了当时Candence的市场经理JimHogan。Jim做了个市场调查。那时射频电路设计市场几乎不存在,只有几家做镓砷电路的算搭点边儿。当Jim把这调查结果告诉Ken,Ken也无可奈何的耸耸肩。Jim对Ken看了好一会儿,说,管它呢,你就做去吧。谁知道这一次却是歪打正着了。九十年代中后期正是无线通信市场腾飞的时候。很多在学校用Spectre-RF的毕业生加入了新的做射频电路芯片的设计公司。这些公司必须要用Spectre-RF做射频仿真。而Spectre-RF是Spectre的一个选项。因此,Spectre也就借着Spectre-RF的东风开始流行起来了。后来,HSPICE和Smart-Spice也跟风在自己的SPICE中加进了RF的选项。这也算是Spectre对SPICE的功能扩展做的贡献吧。  Smart-Spice  Smart-Spice是Silvaco公司的产品。说到Silvaco,就不得不说它的创始人 IvanPesic。Ivan来自黑山共和国(Montenegro欧洲巴尔干半岛的一个小国家)。像所有第三世界国家的穷学生一样,通过自己的勤奋努力来到美国。来美国之后,他先开了一家修车店。直到攒够了钱,才在1984年成立了Silvaco。他有一个儿子。可能是年幼时受了老爸的修车店的熏陶,决定长大了当个汽车修理工。因此学习也不上进。怎么让这小子好好学习呢?简单。有一天,老Ivan把儿子带到了圣荷塞(SanJose,硅谷一大城市)一个最破的修车店的马路对面,对儿子说:你就坐在这儿,看看汽车修理工一天的工作是什么样的。自从那一天结束以后,儿子的学习成绩就全变成A了。  说到IvanPesic,我们还不得不说他打官司的故事。Silvaco的历史上与N家公司打过官司(而且大部分都赢了)。在此我们只讲讲与Meta-Software(后被Avant!并购)的官司。话说八十年代末到九十年代初,Meta-Software和它的HSPICE如日中天,这其中它自己的Level28模型起了重要作用。Silvaco最初的产品是 TCAD(TechnologyCAD),并不是SPICE。这时它也准备开发自己的Smart-Spice,但它拿不到HSPICE的Level28模型。怎么办?Silvaco采用了一个瞒天过海的迂回战术。Silvaco有个不错的模型参数提取软件叫Utmost。它就找到Meta-Software说,你看,如果把你们的Level28模型公式放到我们的Utmost中,就会有更多的用户用你们的HSPICE。Meta一想也对,就把Level28模型给了Silvaco。没成想,过了二年,Silvaco自己的Smart-Spice出来了,而且里面还带着Level28模型。这下Meta-Software气坏了。就把Silvaco告上了法庭。也就在这个前后,Avant!并购了Meta-Software。但Avant!只看到了HSPICE这只下金蛋的鹅,却忽略了Meta-Software跟Silvaco的官司。也许是因为Avant!恰恰正在和Cadence打着一场更大的官司,从而忽略了这个小案子。不管是什么原因,当法庭开庭要宣判的那一天,Avant!居然没有人出庭。这下法官可气坏了。好啊,竟敢藐视本法庭,来啊,判Avant!输,并赔Silvaco俩千万!本来Silvaco上庭前战战兢兢的,盼望着和解就不错了。这下到好,不光不用和解了,还得了一大笔钱。呵呵,人们都说国外重视知识产权。这种重视其实是来自于众多这样的动不动就成百上千万的官司。所以同学,如果你是学理工出身的,那你不妨去学学法律。如果你是学文科出身的,那你不妨去学学理工。估摸着在不久的将来,国内这样的涉及知识产权的大官司也会越来越多。做为一个懂高科技的律师(或者一个懂知识产权法律的工程师)会很抢手的。  但是,一个公司如果光靠打官司,那也是赢得不了客户的。说实话,Smart-Spice做得还是蛮不错的,价格又便宜。Smart-Spice还是第一个“基于使用时间许可证”(use-timebased license)的工具。这对许多小公司或个人用户是个好消息。如果你没几万美元去买高大上的商业SPICE,或者你就只需跑几次仿真,那就可以最少花十几美元用Smart-Spice完成你要做的事。这就像买车还是租车一样。卖车店能赚钱,租车店也会有很多顾客的。这不也是一个很好的商业模式吗?  IvanPesic于2012年因癌症在日本去世。如今,他本来想当汽车修理工的儿子已经继承了老爸的事业,接替掌管Silvaco了。  Aeolus-AS  我们应该感到骄傲– 这是我们中国本土的SPICE。虽然名字叫起来很拗口。光从名字上也看不出这是SPICE。它是由北京华大九天开发的。至于为什么起这样一个名字,还是请华大的刘总来解答吧(呵呵)。本人并没有用过这个工具。下面的几句话是从华大的网页上摘下来的,也算给他们做个广告吧。“它是新一代高速高精度并行晶体管级电路仿真工具,能够在保持高精度的前提下突破目前验证大规模电路所遇到的容量、速度瓶颈。Aeolus-AS能够处理上千万个元器件规模的设计,仿真速度也比上一代晶体管级电路仿真工具有大幅提升,同时支持多核并行。”  还有一类是工业界但非商业(也就是不拿出来卖的)SPICE。通常它们都是在公司内部开发使用的。一般只有拥有fab的大公司(像Intel,前Infenion,前Motorola,Fujitsu等)才能负担得起一个开发团队。这种公司内部的SPICE基本都会有自己的器件模型。在这里我们就不多说了。

Level 3 - Unit 2 - Part 4 Listening - Overview of Earth(地球概貌)

Earth is where we all live. It is our home in the solar system. There is no other place for us to live. Earth isn"t just any planet. It"s a very special place. It"s special because we depend on it for many things. Because of its importance we need to take care of it. 地球是我们所有人类生活的地方,它是我们在太阳系中的家园,我们没有别的地方可以居住。地球不是普通的行星,它很特别,因为我们在很多事情上都依赖它。它很重要,所以我们需要爱护它。 We depend on the Earth for its air, its water and many of its natural resources. Natural resources, such as coal and oil, give us energy. Other natural resources we depend on include forests and soil. Forests provide clean air and wood for building houses. Soil is needed to grow plants and keep them healthy. We need to take care of these resources and not waste them. 我们依赖地球的空气、水和许多自然资源。 煤和石油等自然资源为我们提供能源,我们依赖的其他自然资源包括森林和土壤:森林提供干净的空气和建造房屋的木材,土壤则是植物生长和保持健康所必需的。我们需要爱护这些资源,不要浪费。 The Earth is a large, rotating sphere, about 4.5 billion years old. The equator which divides the Earth into two hemispheres, is about 40,000 kilometers long. The Earth"s diameter is 12,756 kilometers. Its radius is half that, or 6,378 kilometers. The radius is the distance from the Earth"s center to its surface. Most of the Earth"s surface is covered by water. The rest of the Earth"s surface is land. 地球是一个巨大的旋转球体,大约有45亿年。赤道将地球分成两个半球,长度大约为4万千米。地球的直径是12756千米,半径是它的一半,即6378千米(半径是地心到地表的距离)。地球表面大部分被水覆盖,其余部分是陆地。 Just above the Earth"s surface is the atmosphere. The atmosphere is a layer of gases, about 500 kilometers thick. These gases included oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide. This mixture of gases is the air that we breathe. As we move above the Earth"s surface, the air gets thinner. At high altitudes, the air is too thin to breathe. At the edge of the atmosphere is space. There is no air at all in space. 大气层就在地表的上方,是一层厚度约为500千米的气体。气体包括氧气、氮气和二氧化碳,这些气体的混合物就是我们呼吸的空气。当我们在地表向上移动时,空气会变得越来越稀薄。在高海拔地区,空气稀薄得无法呼吸。大气层之外是太空,那里根本没有空气。

the level of color fluctuation

颜色的水平波动 谷歌翻译颜色波动的水平 雅虎翻译

魔法禁书目录现在出场了几个level 5了

排名 称号 英文 本名 能力效果No.1 一方通行 Accelerator 本名不明 矢量操作No.2 未元物质 Dark Matter 垣根帝督 创造原本“不存在”的物质No.3 超电磁炮 Railgun 御坂美琴 电击使No.4 原子崩坏 Melt Downer 麦野沉利 粒机波形高速炮No.5 心理掌握 Mental Out 食蜂操祈 复数精神系能力No.6 绝対に静止 待证实) 未知 川之广以太 (待证实) と一方通行に変えるベクトル逆だったNo.7 念动炮弹 Attack Crash 削板军霸 念动力 至于有人说到黑夜海鸟的氮气爆枪……咱倒是觉得氮气爆枪只是绢旗最爱能力的进攻型版本……而且还不是绢旗最爱的对手……就算是可以借助“腕”把绢旗最爱轰飞……但是对于以防御见长的氮气装甲而言物理性冲击造成的实际伤害着实有限(不然早死了)……况且……接住外力提升的力量真的可以列为等级五么?不是的……“多才能力”最多只有Lv2左右……但是表现出的实战性可以和炮姐相抗……足说明借助外力强化的能力仍然会以基础能力论……所以按这个思路黑夜也就是Lv4……更何况与氮气装甲不同……黑夜并不能轻轻松松就避免海豚被破坏……那之后呢?不还是等级4么?和“可能成长”这种已经预定的泷壶理后不一样……黑夜的能力根本就没有明说水平……在咱看来等级五的能力无外乎拥有以下四个特点中的一个或几个……强,能力施用单调但是绝对的强。代表是麦姐……泛,能力的使用方式多样花式百出。代表是炮姐。怪,能力古怪,在特殊方面适用性强。代表是女王、帝督奇,难以捉摸原理但使用起来力量强大。代表是军霸、泷壶这四项中要说哪个似乎黑夜都差了一点……所以从实力上和特点上说她是等级五并不是很容易站住脚啊……把不确定的东西放上知道不好吧?严肃记实张小花的答案确实基本全了……但是可惜还是忘记了一位……那就是曾随着第三主角滨面仕上流亡俄罗斯的ITEM暗部成员、“能力追迹”泷壶理后……排名 称号 英文 本名 No.8 能力追迹(能力强袭) AIM stalker 泷壶理后 能力效果不使用体晶干涉AIM扩散力场(未觉醒前),进而消除他人能力或赋予无能力者能力(觉醒后,推测最佳值) 按出现(非出场)顺序的话是(能力名):超电磁炮(开篇)一方通行(御坂妹妹事件)心里掌握(当麻失意后超电磁炮提到过)未元物质、原子崩坏、能力追迹(学园都市暗部内斗事件,几乎同时出场)念动炮弹(迎击魔法师奥莱尔斯,战败)能力追迹(待成长)绝对静止(待证实)

某科学的超电磁炮 请问在动漫中“Level ”是什么意思?

等级的意思。有各种类型不同能力,以范围和威力分为无能力者(Level 0)、低能力者(Level 1)、异能力者(Level 2)、强能力者(Level 3)、大能力者(Level 4)、超能力者(Level5)、绝对能力者(Level 6),实际只是理论上存在进化为Level 6的可能,更别说Level 10了
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