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2023-07-07 21:00:58
TAG: 学生










智学网官网登录地址: 1、打开网页,在地址栏里输入,回车进入智学网登录界面2、点击登录,输入用户名和密码,即可登录:个人中心设置 在个人中心里可以实现个人资料、账号密码的修改以及班级的创建和学生、老师的信息管理等操作。将鼠标放在头像上,点击“个人中心”,即可进入个人中心界面:个人中心里列出了用户的基本信息:在个人资料里可以修改个人信息,如姓名、性别、生日等:在账号管理可以修改用户密码:校园考试是检验和评价阶段性教学成果的有效手段,但目前只从成绩单一维度进行分析,无法体现共性需求、个体差异,也无法针对个人做连续性、发展性、趋势性评价。 智学网是科大讯飞面向学校日常考试及发展性教学与学评价需求推出的基于知识点地图和优质题库资源的智能化教学辅导平台,为用户提供更加简单易用的系统操作和更加全面完善的资源服务,通过大数据分析充分挖掘校园考试价值,通过基于云服务的PC及移动终端综合方案为每一名老师和学生提供针对性教和个性化学的信息化环境与服务,实现人人皆学、处处能学、时时可学。 智学网平台功能 人工智能的过程化教学大数据采集分析 基于手机、扫描仪、阅卷机等各类智能终端设备实现随堂练习、课后作业、测验联考等各类教学场景下的过程性教学数据采集,数据采集技术突破使得全学科智能批改和自动分析。 知识图谱的个性化学习分析和推荐 智学网通过学生学习大数据分析,实现个性化、基于知识图谱的学习诊断,不但可以帮助学生挖掘错题根源,还可以推送相匹配的微课讲解和难度适中的习题资源为学生针对性学习。 以学习者为中心的教育评价 为各级教育系统、老师、学生、家长系统的提供基于知识点的综合教育评价服务,协同北师大未来教育高精尖创新中心探索建立以学习者为中心的教学新模式的途径与方法,并建立基于问题诊断的基础教育质量改进服务体系。 ;
2023-07-07 12:36:341


智学网统一登录平台入口地址: 温馨提示:学生用户,用户名和初始密码均为准考证号 家长用户,请使用注册时的手机号登录。 智学网是为用户提供更加简单易用的系统操作和全面完善的资源服务,通过大数据分析充分挖掘校园 考试 价值[1-2] ,通过基于云服务的 PC 及移动终端综合方案为每一名老师和学生提供针对性教和个性化学的信息化环境与服务。 平台特色 1、教与学综合提升 通过师生教与学互动可改善师生关系,科学全面的教学评价提升校长领导力;通过个性化学习针对性调查漏补缺减轻学业压力,提升学校教研能力;通过对学生进步的实时反馈和激励促进亲子关系。 2、优质多媒体学习资源 由中国教育学会外语教学专业委员会理事长垄亚夫教授、北师大教育学部副部长 余胜泉教授指导,与4家主流教材、教辅内容厂商开展电子资源的战略合作。 3、大数据标注题库 题库试题资源丰富, 并可以实现市、校多级 、各学科的试题协同制作、自由组卷和知识点标注,为区域考试命题和个性化学习推荐提供支撑。 ;
2023-07-07 12:36:461


智学网统一登录平台官网入口地址: 智学网平台特色 大数据标注题库 题库包含200万道以上的试题资源,并可以实现市、校多级、各学科的试题协同制作、自由组卷和知识点标注,为区域考试命题和个性化学习推荐提供支撑。 教与学综合提升 通过师生紧密教与学互动可改善师生关系,科学全面的教学评价提升校长领导力;通过个性化学习针对性调查漏补缺减轻学业压力,提升学校教研能力;通过对学生进步的实时反馈和激励促进亲子关系。 优质多媒体学习资源 由中国教育学会外语教学专业委员会理事长垄亚夫教授、北师大教育学部副部长余胜泉教授指导,与人教、外研社、英语周报、金星、CCTV中学生、乐乐课堂视频等40多家主流教材、教辅内容厂商开展电子优质资源的战略合作。 智学网常见问题解答 1.如何登录智学网? 答:进入智学网登录界面,点击右上角“登录”,输入用户名和密码,点击登录即可。用户名由智学网工作人员提供,初始密码为111111。 2.绑定手机号有什么用处? 答:绑定手机号后,可以用手机号码直接进行登录智学网进行考试的操作。 3.如何修改密码? 答:将鼠标放在页面右上角的头像处,点击个人中心,在账号管理中可以更改密码。 4.我是学校管理员,密码丢失,该怎么找回? 答:联系智学网工作人员进行找回。 5.学生或者老师的姓名中有错字,怎么进行修改? 答:登录进入智学网之后,将鼠标放在页面右上角的头像处,点击个人中心,在班级管理中可以更改学生姓名,在教师管理中更改老师姓名。 6.学生或者老师的密码丢失,怎么进行找回? 答:登录进入智学网之后,将鼠标放在页面右上角的头像处,点击个人中心,在班级管理中可以重置学生账号密码,在教师管理中可以重置教师账号密码。 7.我们学校以前只有一个年级用过智学网,现在另外两个年级也想用,没有学生账号和老师账号怎么办? 答:进入个人中心的班级管理,首先创建新班级,然后将每个班级学生的名单批量导入即可;进入个人中心的教师管理,将老师名单导入,并进行班级的分配。生成好的学生账号和教师账号都可以进行批量下载。 8.有个学生转班了怎么操作? 答:进入个人中心的班级管理,勾选转班的学生,点击页面下方转班,选择转入的班级即可。 9.有个班级转来了新同学,没有账号怎么办? 答:进入个人中心的班级管理,进入学生转入的班级,添加学生账号即可。 10.我们学校来了一些新老师,没有账号怎么办? 答:进入个人中心的教师管理,添加老师账号即可。 11.试卷已经改了很多了,但是老师发现有的选择题给错答案了,能不能修改? 答:进入考试管理,更正选择题答案,确定即可。不会影响老师的主观题的批阅。 12.已经设置好的答案和分值可不可进行更改? 答:选择题答案和分值在结束阅卷之前可以进行更改。对于还未进行批改的主观题,可以更改分值;已经阅了一部分或阅完的主观题,如果更改分值,那么该题将打回初始状态,重新网阅。 13.普通老师怎样进入系统进行阅卷? 答:登录自己的账号进入智学网,点击主页上的“我要阅卷”,即可进行阅卷。 14.有的老师反映登录网站后,为什么“我要阅卷”是灰色的点击不了? 答:学校管理员未进行“开始阅卷”的操作之前,阅卷老师无法进行阅卷。 15.有的老师反映自己看不到“我要阅卷”这几个字,其他老师有,这是为什么? 答:登录学校管理员账号将这位老师分配成该场考试的评阅员。 16.每道题阅卷任务量是怎么分配的? 答:如果一道题有多个老师同时进行网阅,系统会自动将题量进行均分给每位老师。 17.一个账号可不可以多个老师同时使用进行阅卷?会不会出现重复阅卷? 答:可以一个账号多人同时登录使用,不会出现重复阅卷的现象。 18.如果有多个老师网阅同一道题,自己的任务量结束了,继续批阅的话,会不会重复其他老师批阅过的试卷? 答:如果某位老师的任务量结束,继续批阅的是其他老师还未进行批阅过的题目,不会重复进行批阅。 19.为什么打分处只有满分对号和零分叉号,不能给中间分值吗? 答:打分框未点击的时候显示灰色的满分,用鼠标点击打分框时,可以直接用打分板给分或者键盘输分。 20.界面上的自动提交是什么意思? 答:将自动提交勾选上之后,老师阅卷只需要点击分数,无需再点击“提交分数”,系统会自动提交并跳转到下一份试卷。 21.上一题给错分数了,可不可以重新给分? 答:阅卷界面上方有个向上的箭头,点击后即可查看阅过的上一份试卷。 22.前面好多题目都给错分数了,可不可以重阅啊? 答:阅卷界面上方有个旋转的箭头,点击后可以查看您阅过的每份试卷,并且可以重新进行打分。 23.已经结束阅卷了,成绩也出来了,老师突然发现有的选择题给错答案了,能有补救措施吗? 答:多科考试中,如果只有部分学科完成阅卷了,找到出错的科目,点击重新开始阅卷——点击考试管理——设置正确答案——点击——开始阅卷——点击结束阅卷。如果所有学科都完成阅卷了,在历史记录里找到该场考试,点击右下角按键,重新开始阅卷,找到出错的科目,点击重新开始阅卷——点击考试管理——设置正确答案——点击——开始阅卷——点击结束阅卷——点击结束考试。 24.考完试多久可以查看成绩? 答:所有老师阅卷结束,管理员结束阅卷后即可查看成绩。 25.为什么所有老师都阅完试卷了,成绩还没有出来呢? 答:学校管理员,确认阅卷结束,点击结束阅卷之后才可以查看成绩。 26.我们是多学科考试,为什么只有单科的成绩而没有总成绩呢? 答:如果所有学科都结束阅卷了,学校管理员需要点击“结束考试”,才可以查看所有学科的总成绩以及成绩分析。 27.管理员账号不能看成绩吗? 答:管理员账号看不到成绩以及分析报告。如果需要,可以登录校长账号进行查看。 28.网站上的学习成绩如何下载下来? 答:在成绩报告中点击学生成绩汇总,页面右上角有一个导出,点击导出,即可下载excel格式的成绩文档。 29.学生反应系统为什么只给出了百分比排名,而没有具体的数字排名呢? 答:2006年,教育部在《贯彻〈义务教育法〉进一步规范义务教育办学行为的若干意见》中就曾明确表示:“要严格控制学生在校考试次数,不得公布学生考试成绩,不得按考试成绩对学生进行排名。”其实根据自己的百分比排名和班级人数,是可以知道自己的成绩在班级中的位置的。教师在学生成绩汇总中是可以查看自己学生的班级排名和学校排名的。 30.为什么有时候只有成绩,没有试题解析? 答:只有试题入库,关联上知识点之后,才可以看到试题解析;看不到解析是因为知识点未进行关联。理想情况下成绩出来后,试题解析就会出来。 31.为什么有的学生反映自己的选择题明明填涂正确了,却给判断错了? 答:如果填涂不清晰或者擦除不干净,可能会导致系统识别错误。 32.考完试了,网上为什么没有成绩? 答:如果本次考试没有使用智学网系统,网站上是查不到本次的考试成绩的。 33.学生的错题本能不能下载下来? 答:系统暂时只支持在线查看,错题本暂时不支持打包下载。 34.学生发现改错怎么办? 答:由备课组长修改,修改后点击生成报告!由于期末时间都是统一的,系统会出现繁忙情况,建议在不繁忙时段点击生成报告! ;
2023-07-07 12:36:561


1、智学网的查分登录平台网址:、智学网的查分登录平台介绍:(1)智学网的查分登录平台是一个好的学习平台,专业提供给学校教师的移动在线的针对性教与学服务的智能化分析平台,学生提供智学网查分,考试报告,试题解析,个性化学习,为家长提供成绩分析,学习周报等。(2)平台特色a、教与学综合提升通过师生教与学互动可改善师生关系,科学全面的教学评价提升校长领导力;通过个性化学习针对性调查漏补缺减轻学业压力,提升学校教研能力;通过对学生进步的实时反馈和激励促进亲子关系。b、优质多媒体学习资源由中国教育学会外语教学专业委员会理事长垄亚夫教授、北师大教育学部副部长 余胜泉教授指导,与4家主流教材、教辅内容厂商开展电子资源的战略合作。c、大数据标注题库题库试题资源丰富, 并可以实现市、校多级 、各学科的试题协同制作、自由组卷和知识点标注,为区域考试命题和个性化学习推荐提供支撑。
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智学网统一登陆平台入口: 智学网 是为用户提供更加简单易用的系统操作和全面完善的资源服务[通过大数据分析充分挖掘校园考试价值 ,通过基于云服务的PC及移动终端综合方案 为每一名老师和学生提供针对性教和个性化学的信息化环境与服务。 “智学网”是 一款智学网提供给学校教师的移动在线的针对性教与学服务的智能化分析平台 ,为用户提供更加简单易用的系统操作和全面完善的资源服务 ,通过大数据分析充分挖掘校园考试价值 ,通过 基于云服务的PC及移动终端综合方案为每一名老师和学生提供针对性教和个性化学的信息化环境与服务, 实现人人皆 学、处处能学、时时可学。 智学网 学生app是基于智学网的学生应用, 具有刷题,课程学习,查成绩看试卷,猜分数,错题本,圈子社交等功能, 是初高中生学习提分必备软件。 “智学网”项目是以考试阅卷为基础,以数据统计、分析、评价为核心的综合性应用系统,注重学生学习过程中的发展性评价及教与学分析。 人工智能的过程化教学大数据采集分析 基于手机、扫描仪、阅卷机等各类智能终端设备 实现随堂练习、课后作业、测验联考等各类教学场 景下的过程性教学数据采集 ,数据采集技术突破使得全学科智能批改和自动分析。 知识图谱的个性化学习分析和推荐 智学网通过学生学习大数据分析 ,实现个性化、基于知识图谱的学习诊断 ,不但可以帮助学生挖掘错题根源 ,还可以推送相匹配的微课讲解和难度适中的习题资源为学生针对性学习。 以学习者为中心的教育评价 为各级教育系统 、老师 、学生 、家长系统 的提供基于知识点的综合教育评价服务 ,协同北师大 未来教育 高精尖创新中心探索建立以学习者为中心 的教学新模式的途径与方法 ,并建立基于问题诊断的基础教育质量改进服务体系。 ;
2023-07-07 12:37:141


智学网成绩查询电脑入口地址智学网成绩查询电脑入口地址:输入登录后上面有个成绩报告,点开就行智学网成绩查询入口【官网】智学网成绩查询入口: 一、通过电脑登陆使用方法:从电脑浏览器打开智。智学网成绩查询入口:智学网成绩查询入口:手机用户可以年智学网在线成绩查询入口、查询地址_秦学教育步骤一:登录智学网。方法一,电脑登录。智学网网址 方法二,智学网成绩查询入口。⊙△⊙ 智学网官网www.zhixue.com入口:网上在线查询孩子学习成绩-闽南网可以登录网上查询孩子成绩,智学网登录查成绩平台网址(点击进入),如果学校的成绩发布到网上了,需要知道查成绩平台—智学网成绩查询登陆入口4、然后点击成绩查询,就可以看到智学网查分登录方法,智学网查分登录平台教程,智学网查分登录平台网站分享。智学网怎么查分成绩查询入口在哪-百度经验2018智学网查分登录平台电讯学生成绩在线查询系统-嗨客手机站2018智学网查分登录平台电讯学生成绩在线查询系统,2018年到来了,想必很多小伙伴都快要放寒假了。智学网成绩查询入口在线登录-大地系统手机版智学网是深受学生和家长喜爱的在线学习平台,为学生提供智学网查分、考试报告智学网成绩查询入口在线登录智学网成绩查询入口:智学网成绩查询入口:智作文:【题目】近来,全国正在进行平安校园建设。请点击输入图片描述(最多18字)
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智学网成绩查询入口: 手机用户可以直接下载app: 电脑用户可以访问: 温馨提示:学生用户,用户名和初始密码均为准考证号 家长用户,请使用注册时的手机号登录。 智学网成绩查询步骤是什么 1、打开网页,进入智学网登录界面,按右上角的登录; 2、登录界面中的账号与密码上均输入你的准考证号,然后点击登录; 3、在个人中心里可以实现个人资料、账号密码的修改以及班级的创建和学生、老师的信息管理等操作。将鼠标放在头像上,点击“个人中心”,即可进入个人中心界面: 4、在个人资料里可以修改个人信息,如姓名、性别、生日等: 5、在账号管理可以修改初始用户密码: 6、点击进入你的成绩总评,就是学科报告那一栏。就可以查询到自己的成绩了。 智学网是什么 智学网是面向学校日常考试及发展教学与学评价需求推出的基于知识点地图和优质题库资源的智能化教学辅导平台,为用户提供简单易用的系统操作和全面资源服务。 智学网怎么看年纪排名 1、打开智学网app,进入登录界面,在登录界面中的账号与密码上均输入你的准考证号,然后点击登录; 2、填写你的真实姓名进行验认; 3、完成验证成功后,可能会让你修改初始密码,这个你随便; 4、然后点击成绩查询,就可以看到有关成绩的信息和排名。
2023-07-07 12:38:071

智学网是一个专业提供给学校教师的移动在线的针对性教与学服务的智能化分析平台。今天我们就来讲讲智学网登陆地址是多少,让你可以快速登录账号进行操作。智学网官网网址介绍 1、只有智学网官网才能登录账号进行操作 2、智学网官网地址是
2023-07-07 12:38:171


智学网是面向学校日常作业、考试及发展性教与学评价需求推出的大数据个性化教与学系统。那么你们知道怎么用智学网登录在线查分吗?下面我就为大家介绍一下智学网登录在线查分流程。 智学网在线查分流程 一、电脑用户 智学网查分登录入口:【】 1、学生用户,用户名和初始密码均为准考证号 2、家长用户,请使用注册时的手机号登录。 简单的说:登陆界面中的账号与密码上均输入你的准考证号,再登陆; 3、成绩登陆后将鼠标放在头像上,点击个人中心,即可进入个人中心界面; 4、在个人中心里可以实现个人资料、账号密码的修改,以及班级的创建和学生、老师的信息管理等操作; 5、在个人资料里可以修改个人信息,如姓名,性别,生日等,还可以修改初始用户密码; 6、点击进入你的成绩总评,就是学科报告那一栏,可以查询到自己的成绩; 7、除此之外,智学网还提供了练习中心和错题本,可以用户各个学科的订正。 二、手机用户 可以使用智学网app查分数,详细教程如下: 1、登录自己的智学网账号,需要注意的是用户只能查询自己的分数; 2、点击“学情分析”; 3、“历次学情分析”下的三个红款内图标选项任意点击; 4、可以看到有历次的成绩可以查询,选择点击想要查询的即可; 5、点击后可以看到各个学科的成绩、答题卡原卷,想看哪个就看哪个。 智学网都有什么功能 人工智能的过程化教学大数据采集分析 基于手机、扫描仪、阅卷机等各类智能终端设备实现随堂练习、课后作业、测验联考等各类教学场景下的过程性教学数据采集,数据采集技术突破使得全学科智能批改和自动分析。 知识图谱的个性化学习分析和推荐 智学网通过学生学习大数据分析,实现个性化、基于知识图谱的学习诊断,不但可以帮助学生挖掘错题根源,还可以推送相匹配的微课讲解和难度适中的习题资源为学生针对性学习。 以学习者为中心的教育评价 为各级教育系统、老师、学生、家长系统的提供基于知识点的综合教育评价服务,协同北师大未来教育高精尖创新中心探索建立以学习者为中心的教学新模式的途径与方法,并建立基于问题诊断的基础教育质量改进服务体系。
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方法如下:方法:1.搜索智学网进入官网 在搜索引擎上搜索智学网,找到其官方网站点击进入。2.点击立即注册按钮 进入到智学网的官方网站后点击立即注册按钮。3.输手机号密码点击注册 在出现的注册页面中输入手机号码和密码点击注册按钮。4.输入学生姓名绑定账号 在出现的页面中输入学生的姓名进行绑定账号。
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智学网官网登录地址: 1、打开网页,在地址栏里输入,回车进入智学网登录界面2、点击登录,输入用户名和密码,即可登录:个人中心设置 在个人中心里可以实现个人资料、账号密码的修改以及班级的创建和学生、老师的信息管理等操作。将鼠标放在头像上,点击“个人中心”,即可进入个人中心界面:个人中心里列出了用户的基本信息:在个人资料里可以修改个人信息,如姓名、性别、生日等:在账号管理可以修改用户密码:校园考试是检验和评价阶段性教学成果的有效手段,但目前只从成绩单一维度进行分析,无法体现共性需求、个体差异,也无法针对个人做连续性、发展性、趋势性评价。 智学网是科大讯飞面向学校日常考试及发展性教学与学评价需求推出的基于知识点地图和优质题库资源的智能化教学辅导平台,为用户提供更加简单易用的系统操作和更加全面完善的资源服务,通过大数据分析充分挖掘校园考试价值,通过基于云服务的PC及移动终端综合方案为每一名老师和学生提供针对性教和个性化学的信息化环境与服务,实现人人皆学、处处能学、时时可学。 智学网平台功能 人工智能的过程化教学大数据采集分析 基于手机、扫描仪、阅卷机等各类智能终端设备实现随堂练习、课后作业、测验联考等各类教学场景下的过程性教学数据采集,数据采集技术突破使得全学科智能批改和自动分析。 知识图谱的个性化学习分析和推荐 智学网通过学生学习大数据分析,实现个性化、基于知识图谱的学习诊断,不但可以帮助学生挖掘错题根源,还可以推送相匹配的微课讲解和难度适中的习题资源为学生针对性学习。 以学习者为中心的教育评价 为各级教育系统、老师、学生、家长系统的提供基于知识点的综合教育评价服务,协同北师大未来教育高精尖创新中心探索建立以学习者为中心的教学新模式的途径与方法,并建立基于问题诊断的基础教育质量改进服务体系。 ;
2023-07-07 12:40:191


智学网统一登录平台注册登陆入口: “智学网”是 一款智学网提供给学校教师的移动在线的针对性教与学服务的智能化分析平台,为用户提供更加简单易用的系统操作和全面完善的资源服务 ,通过大数据分析充分挖掘校园考试价值 ,通过基于云服务的PC及移动终端综合方案为每一名老师和学生提供针对性教和个性化学的信息化环境与服务,实现人人皆 学、处处能学、时时可学。 智学网 学生app是基于智学网的学生应用,具有刷题,课程学习,查成绩看试卷,猜分数,错题本,圈子社交等功能,是初高中生学习提分必备软件。 “智学网”项目是以考试阅卷为基础,以数据统计、分析、评价为核心的综合性应用系统,注重学生学习过程中的发展性评价及教与学分析。 平台特色 1、教与学综合提升 通过师生教与学互动可改善师生关系,科学全面的教学评价提升校长领导力;通过个性化学习针对性调查漏补缺减轻学业压力,提升学校教研能力;通过对学生进步的实时反馈和激励促进亲子关系。 2、优质多媒体学习资源 由中国教育学会外语教学专业委员会理事长垄亚夫教授、北师大教育学部副部长 余胜泉教授指导,与4家主流教材、教辅内容厂商开展电子资源的战略合作。 3、大数据标注题库 题库试题资源丰富, 并可以实现市、校多级 、各学科的试题协同制作、自由组卷和知识点标注,为区域考试命题和个性化学习推荐提供支撑。 ;
2023-07-07 12:40:271


智学网官网登录地址: 1、打开网页,在地址栏里输入,回车进入智学网登录界面2、点击登录,输入用户名和密码,即可登录:个人中心设置 在个人中心里可以实现个人资料、账号密码的修改以及班级的创建和学生、老师的信息管理等操作。将鼠标放在头像上,点击“个人中心”,即可进入个人中心界面:个人中心里列出了用户的基本信息:在个人资料里可以修改个人信息,如姓名、性别、生日等:在账号管理可以修改用户密码:校园考试是检验和评价阶段性教学成果的有效手段,但目前只从成绩单一维度进行分析,无法体现共性需求、个体差异,也无法针对个人做连续性、发展性、趋势性评价。 智学网是科大讯飞面向学校日常考试及发展性教学与学评价需求推出的基于知识点地图和优质题库资源的智能化教学辅导平台,为用户提供更加简单易用的系统操作和更加全面完善的资源服务,通过大数据分析充分挖掘校园考试价值,通过基于云服务的PC及移动终端综合方案为每一名老师和学生提供针对性教和个性化学的信息化环境与服务,实现人人皆学、处处能学、时时可学。 智学网平台功能 人工智能的过程化教学大数据采集分析 基于手机、扫描仪、阅卷机等各类智能终端设备实现随堂练习、课后作业、测验联考等各类教学场景下的过程性教学数据采集,数据采集技术突破使得全学科智能批改和自动分析。 知识图谱的个性化学习分析和推荐 智学网通过学生学习大数据分析,实现个性化、基于知识图谱的学习诊断,不但可以帮助学生挖掘错题根源,还可以推送相匹配的微课讲解和难度适中的习题资源为学生针对性学习。 以学习者为中心的教育评价 为各级教育系统、老师、学生、家长系统的提供基于知识点的综合教育评价服务,协同北师大未来教育高精尖创新中心探索建立以学习者为中心的教学新模式的途径与方法,并建立基于问题诊断的基础教育质量改进服务体系。 ;
2023-07-07 12:40:341


智学网成绩查询电脑入口地址智学网成绩查询电脑入口地址:输入登录后上面有个成绩报告,点开就行智学网成绩查询入口【官网】智学网成绩查询入口: 一、通过电脑登陆使用方法:从电脑浏览器打开智。智学网成绩查询入口:智学网成绩查询入口:手机用户可以年智学网在线成绩查询入口、查询地址_秦学教育步骤一:登录智学网。方法一,电脑登录。智学网网址 方法二,智学网成绩查询入口。⊙△⊙ 智学网官网www.zhixue.com入口:网上在线查询孩子学习成绩-闽南网可以登录网上查询孩子成绩,智学网登录查成绩平台网址(点击进入),如果学校的成绩发布到网上了,需要知道查成绩平台—智学网成绩查询登陆入口4、然后点击成绩查询,就可以看到智学网查分登录方法,智学网查分登录平台教程,智学网查分登录平台网站分享。智学网怎么查分成绩查询入口在哪-百度经验2018智学网查分登录平台电讯学生成绩在线查询系统-嗨客手机站2018智学网查分登录平台电讯学生成绩在线查询系统,2018年到来了,想必很多小伙伴都快要放寒假了。智学网成绩查询入口在线登录-大地系统手机版智学网是深受学生和家长喜爱的在线学习平台,为学生提供智学网查分、考试报告智学网成绩查询入口在线登录智学网成绩查询入口:智学网成绩查询入口:智作文:【题目】近来,全国正在进行平安校园建设。请点击输入图片描述(最多18字)
2023-07-07 12:40:571


明天就是中秋节了,提前送上我U0001f250ufe0fu3297福U0001f64fU0001f64fU0001f64fU0001f64f有一种心情u261e叫快乐U0001f389U0001f388U0001f3a4U0001f60a有一种心愿叫u261e万事如意U0001f340U0001f340U0001f340有一种憧憬叫u261e美梦成真U0001f4a4U0001f381U0001f60d有一种亲情叫u261e合家团圆U0001f467U0001f466U0001f469有一种牵挂叫u261e岁岁平安U0001f382U0001f382U0001f34e有一首歌曲叫u261e祝你平安 U0001f64fU0001f64f U0001f34eu3297所有的家人们中秋节快乐 U0001f389U0001f388 U0001f389 U0001f388U0001f389 万事顺心u2764万事如意U0001f64fU0001f64fU0001f340U0001f340
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现在貌似是 要冲vip的
2023-07-07 12:44:343


2023-07-07 12:44:426


电脑开机后显示使用临时配置文件登录,处理方法如下:1、开始 - 运行(输入regedit)- 确定或者回车,打开注册表编辑器;2、找到:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,并点HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE前面的小三角展开3、在HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE项中找到:SOFTWARE,点SOFTWARE前面的小三角展开;4、在SOFTWARE展开项中找到:Microsoft,也点Microsoft前面的小三角展开;5、在Microsoft的展开项中找到:WindowsNT,展开WindowsNT;6、我们在WindowsNT展开项中找到:CurrentVersion,展开CurrentVersion;7、再在CurrentVersion展开项中找到:ProfileList,并左键点击:ProfileList;8、这时可以看到窗口右侧有很多子项,其中有红线子项的数据值就是我当前登录的用户文件夹的存储位置,右键删除;9、在确认数值删除窗口,点击:是(Y),退出注册表编辑器。10、重启计算机,没有再出现“您已使用临时配置文件登陆”的提示了。
2023-07-07 12:45:213


课程说明:微生物在全球营养循环中至关重要,是我们了解生命如何运作的最基础实验的对象,而他们的基因组是第一个被完全测序的基因。在谢菲尔德,你将研究环境,细菌和病原体中细菌,病毒和其他微生物的重要性。还将学到如何操纵它们的基因组成,以使微生物在生物技术中得到很好的利用,从而使我们能够更好地了解和应对抗微生物耐药性感染的全球威胁。课程:第一年核心课程:Practical Molecular Bioscience 1 实用分子生物学1Biochemistry 生物化学Genetics 遗传学Microbiology 微生物学Molecular Biology 分子生物学第二年核心课程:Practical Molecular Bioscience 2 实用分子生物学2Biostructures, Energetics and Synthesis 生物结构,能量学与合成Genes, Genomes and Chromosomes 基因,基因组和染色体Microbiology 2 微生物学2选修课程:Biochemistry 2 生化2Genetics 2 遗传学2第三年核心课程:Project 项目Literature Review 文献评论Microbiology Data Handling 微生物学数据处理选修课程:Bacterial Pathogenicity 细菌致病性Cellular Systems Engineering for Biotechnology 生物技术蜂窝系统工程Genomic Science 基因组科学Membrane Protein Structure and Function 膜蛋白的结构与功能Microbial Structure and Dynamics: Genes and Populations 微生物的结构和动力学:基因和种群Molecular Immunology 分子免疫学The Microbiology of Extreme Environments 极端环境的微生物学
2023-07-07 12:45:221

base on与depend on的用法区别

base on 是表示在什么的基础上,基于什么。或者是建立在什么的基础之上。而depend on 是表示主要取决于或者是依赖什么,当表示依赖的意思时和relay on 可互换
2023-07-07 12:45:261

Mr.Big的just take my heart的歌词是甚麽啊?

歌词:Just Take My Heart Mr Big(Eric Martin, Andr?Pessis)It"s late at night and neither one of us is sleepingI can"t imagine living my life after you"re goneWondering why so many questions have no answersI keep on searching for the reason why we went wrongWhere is our yesterdayYou and I could use it right nowBut if this is goodbyeJust take my heart when you goI don"t have the need for it anymoreI"ll always love you, but you"re too hard to holdJust take my heart when you goHere we are about to take the final step nowI just can"t fool myself, I know there"s no turning backFace to face it"s been an endless conversationBut when the love is gone you"re left with nothing but talkI"d give my everythingIf only I could turn you aroundBut if this is goodbyeJust take my heart when you goI don"t have the need for it anymoreI"ll always love you, but you"re too hard to holdJust take my heart when you go
2023-07-07 12:45:262


链接: 提取码: 6f5i《本能》是由保罗·范霍文执导,迈克尔·道格拉斯、莎朗·斯通主演的爱情片。该片于1992年3月20日在美国上映。该片讲述了警探尼克为调查一宗离奇的冰锥杀人命案而与有着重大嫌疑的作家凯瑟琳之间所发生的一系列故事。
2023-07-07 12:45:291


高中英语听力材料及答案   英语听力理解是国内学生的弱项,但现在听力已经越来越受到重视。为了帮助大家,我整理了一些英语听力材料,希望能对大家有所帮助!   听力原文:   (Text 1)   M: The city government has decided to build a new high   school.   W: It"s about time! I don"t know why it took so long.   (Text 2)   M: Mr. and Mrs. White have engaged a room at one of the best   hotels in Beijing and they"ll stay there for a week.   W: Yes, they"re going especially to celebrate their wedding   anniversary.   (Text 3)   M: Mary is fond of camping, isn"t she?   W: Yes, she often goes for weeks at a time.   (Text 4)   M: I wish I could get used to the American customs of using   first names.   W: We usually call good friends by their first names.   (Text 5)   M: Lucy, can you tell me when Linda will get here?   W: I"m not sure, but she is supposed to be here at ten to nine.   (Text 6)   M: Well, Betty, how was your shopping trip with Susan this   afternoon?   W: Don"t ask me.   M: What do you mean? Did something go wrong?   W: Susan thought I had said I would meet her at the   Department Store at 2:30 when I really said 2 o"clock. Then   she thought I had said the main entrance in the front when I   really said the east entrance.   M: Well, did you ever get together?   W: Yes, but it"s a wonder that we did. I had given up waiting   and had gone inside to the women"s clothing department. She   had done the same thing. We met by accident. By that time it   was 3 o"clock.   M: Did you get what you wanted? I remember you said you   wanted to get a sweater.   W: No, a blouse. But by that time, the ones on sales were all   gone. So I settled for a skirt.   (Text 7)   M: Helen, can you tell us a little bit about where you have   worked before?   W: Well, my last job was with Format.   M: And when did you start to work there?   W: Two years ago.   M: So why did you decide to leave?   W: Well, perhaps you"ve heard that the company closed down   earlier this year.   M: Yes, we"ve heard about it. And where did you work before   Format?   W: Ideal Systems.   M: How long did you work for them?   W: For ten years, as a secretary.   M: And why did you leave that job as a secretary?   W: Well, I felt I needed a change. I think I learned all I could   there.   M: OK, thatu2019s enough on your work experiences. You are listed.   (Text 8)   celebrate it?   M: I donu2019t know. We have no Spring Festival in our country.   W: But the Spring Festival is the biggest holiday of the year in   our country. People are busy shopping and preparing   presents for their relatives and friends before the, New Yearu2019s   Eve.   M: That sounds exciting.   W: Children usually put on their new clothes on the first day of   the Lunar New Year. And they also can get some money   given by the elders as a Lunar New Year gift on the New   Yearu2019s Eve.   M: Itu2019s really quite interesting.   W: And all the family members must come back home on the   New Yearu2019s Eve no matter how far they are away from home.   We call it "get--together". What are you going to do on the   New Yearu2019s Eve?   M: My teacher, Professor Wang and his wife have invited me to   have dinner together.   W: Sounds great.   (Text 9)   M: You know that in China all the children should go to school   and must finish the primary and junior school. It"s the law.   W: Yes, I know this quite well. But still there are some children   who can"t go to school because of their poverty.   M: Yes, itu2019s a matter of money. You see, education here is not   completely free for the students. If it were so it would cost   the government too much money.   W: Do all parents send their children to state schools?   M: Yes, nearly all of them. If you are rich, you may prefer to   send your children to private schools, but it takes a lot of   money.   (Text 10)   Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much. I won"t take much of your time. Jayal motors has decided to move into the export business. Now, we werenu2019t sure till late yesterday afternoon about this decision. I didn"t tell you anything before that because we had to make research on the market first. Now then, I went to Australia to see if I could get us an export market. Two days ago we got word that we had got our first export order: 100 bikes, delivery in two months. Now you all know the situation on the home market. Weu2019re a small company. The big companies are moving into the provinces and putting small firms like us out of business. We have got to expand, and we can"t afford to lose this chance. We can"t afford to make any mistakes.   第一节(共 5小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)   1. Whatu2019s the womanu2019s opinion about the school?   A. It would be a better school.   B. It should be built.   C. It isnu2019t needed.   2. Why will Mr. and Mrs. White go to Beijing?   A. To have a visit there.   B. To celebrate their birthday.   C. To celebrate their wedding anniversary.   3. What does the woman say about Mary?   A. She hasn"t gone camping for weeks.   B. She likes long camping trips.   C. It takes her a long time to plan her camping.   4. What is the man talking about?   A. The woman"s name.   B. A custom that is new to him.   C. American names.   5. When should Linda get here?   A. At 8:50. B. At 9:00. C. At 10:00.   第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)   听第 6 段材料,回答第 6-8 题。   6. Where did the two women actually meet?   A. At the east entrance.   B. In the women"s clothing department.   C. At the main entrance in the front.   7. What did Betty want to buy?   A. A blouse. B. A sweater. C. A skirt.   8. What did Betty finally buy?   A. A skirt. B. A sweater. C. A blouse.   听第 7 段材料,回答第 9-11 题。   9. What is the man asking about?   A. The woman"s last job.   B. Ideal Systems.   C. The woman"s work experiences.   10. What is the most possible relationship between the   two speakers?   A. Workmates.   B. Boss and job-hunter.   C. Friends.   11. Why did the woman leave Format?   A. She had a quarrel with her boss.   B. She was not well paid.   C. The company closed down.   听第 8 段材料,回答第 12-14 题。   12. What are they mainly talking about?   A. Chinese New Yearu2019s day.   B. Christmas Day.   C. The Chinese Spring Festival.   13. When will the children get some money from the   elder as a gift for the Lunar New Year according to   the text?   A. On the first day of the Lunar New Year.   B. On the New Yearu2019s Eve.   C. Before the New Yearu2019s Eve.   14. What will Danny do on the New Yearu2019s Eve?   A. Do some reading.   B. Write to his parents.   C. Visit his teacher.   听第 9 段材料,回答第 15-17 题。   15. According to the text, how many years do the   Chinese children have to study at school?   A. Nine years. B. Six years. C. Three years.   16. In China, how much do all the children going to   the primary and junior school have to pay?   A. Partly of the fees.   B. All the fees.   C. Nothing.   17. Why some people sent their children to private   schools?   A. Because they think state schools too crowded.   B. Because they have enough money.   C. Because they only have faith in these schools.   听第 10 段材料,回答第 18-20 题。   18. When did the company decide to do the export   business?   A. Yesterday morning.   B. Yesterday.   C. Yesterday evening.   19. Why did the speaker go to Australia?   A. To meet an important person.   B. To place an order for goods.   C. To market their own products.   20. What measure will the company probably take in   near future?   A. To open up new markets.   B. To develop new products.   C. To move abroad.   参考答案: 1-10 BCBBA BAACB 11-20 CCBCA ABCCA ;
2023-07-07 12:45:301


植物学是生物学的分支学科,是从人类文明开始的生物学分支出来的一个学科,主要研究植物的形态、分类、生理、生态、分布、发生、遗传、进化等。目的在于开发、利用、改造和保护植物资源,让植物为人类提供更多的食物、纤维、药物、建筑材料等。由于大部分资料仍采用二元分类法,故广义上的植物学包括细菌、真菌、藻类、苔藓植物、蕨类植物、裸子植物、被子植物等。学科历史人类对植物的认识最早可以追溯到旧石器时代,人类在寻找食物的过程中采集了植物的种子、茎、根和果实。植物学的创始人是提奥夫拉斯图(Theophrastus),在他的著作《植物历史》(也称《植物调查》)中将植物进行了分类。1世纪希腊医生迪奥斯克里德斯(Dioscorides)的著作《药物论》(De Materia Medica)为以后药用植物的使用奠定了基础。1593年中国明朝的李时珍也完成了《本草纲目》的编写。17世纪末英国生物学家雷确立了现代植物分类的基本原理。17世纪,出现了各式各样的显微镜,开创了植物解剖学的研究,随后植物生理学和植物胚胎学也得到进一步的发展。中国近代植物植物分类学的奠基人是胡先骕,编写了中国第一部中文《高等植物学》,发现了中国的“活化石”水杉,并将其命名。生物学研究对象从前以植物为研究对象。早期人类的食、住、衣、药、装饰物、工具等乃至巫术用品无不取自植物。绿色植物借助光合作用制造食物,养育了一切生物,人类及许多生物所需的氧气全系35亿年以来植物借光合作用所产生。原始人先是采集植物,以后进而种植植物,自农业人口定居之後才出现了人类文明。人类在这些活动中积累的知识便构成植物科学的基础。常称亚里斯多德的弟子泰奥弗拉斯托斯(Theophrastus,300BC)为植物学创立者。西元1世纪,希腊的迪奥斯科里斯(Pedanius Dioscorides)将植物分为芳香、烹饪及药用3类。西元1世纪,老普林尼的《博物志》中也记载不少植物知识,但谬误甚多。中国的药草书出现甚早,但对西方植物学无直接贡献。印刷术流传後,西方的草药志(herbal)才于15~16世纪逐渐出现。
2023-07-07 12:45:314


英文原文:take me to your heart英式音标:[teu026ak] [miu02d0] [tu0259; before a vowel; tu028a; stressed; tuu02d0] [ju0254u02d0; ju028au0259] [hɑu02d0t] 美式音标:[tek] [mi] [tuu02cctu0259] [ju028aru02cc ju0254ru02cc joru02ccju0259] [hɑrt]...
2023-07-07 12:45:331


"安全"在英文中的表达为"safety",读音为/"seu026afti/。其中,音标中的斜杠(/)表示重音的位置,数字代表元音的发音方式。发音时,注意将重音放在第一音节上,即"saf-"这一音节上,并将后面的"-ety"轻读。在口语中,"safety"是一个常用的词汇,用于表示安全、保护等意义。例如,"safety first"表示"安全第一"的意思,强调安全是最重要的;"safety measures"则表示"安全措施",指为保障安全所采取的措施;"safety regulations"表示"安全规定",指制定的保障安全的规定等。总之,熟练掌握英文中的"安全"表达方式,有助于我们更好地进行国际交流和跨国合作。
2023-07-07 12:45:331

depend on和base on的用法

depend on sth 依靠什么base on sth 建立在什么的基础上
2023-07-07 12:45:343


2023-07-07 12:45:352


2023-07-07 12:45:381


要足量的爽肤水才对皮肤有用,一般是三枚一元硬币巨细。 查看原帖>>
2023-07-07 12:45:423


2023-07-07 12:45:201

focus on 与 base on

1 聚焦于2 基于···意思不一样的!
2023-07-07 12:45:183


2023-07-07 12:45:153


1. 英语小作文怎么写 英语作文(书面表达)是英语综合能力的集中体现,是词汇语法阅读遣词造句篇章结构逻辑思维等的综合考查.一般有经验的老师只要看一下一个人写几句英语,就能大致判断其英语水平.要想 真正提高英语书面表达能力,非在词汇惯用法搭配和基本语法上下苦功夫.同时通过阅读来积累素材.从汉语作文就可知英语作文有多难.也可得到启示该怎么训练.小学到初中在到高中10 多年,有多少学生能够写出象样的汉语作文? 英语作文怎么写?好在知要求根据某个 情景话题写10 多句话,120词左右,同常要看懂提示,认真审题,1).审文体,要求 写成什么文体?如何开头结尾?是书信?是看图作文?还是根据图表写议论文?各种文体 有大致固定的结构. 2))审要点,特别是动词用哪个?评分 时,是按要点是否全部涉及,表达是否清楚来定 档次的. 要点确定后,重要的是用好 动词,可以在原文旁边或图上标出拟用的动词,最好一步到位,将时态 也带进去,确定全文基本时态 是现在时 还是过去时?直接将该词的形式表出来,省略打 草稿的步骤; 3),将要点扩充成句子,注意前后问的连贯和一致. 4),加 必要的连词,是全文连贯和文理通顺,有的句子前后再 调整合并,写成从句或使用非谓语等其他手段. 5).通读全文,检查是否有错.改正拼写和标点错误.写作文 是一个复杂 的思维过程.一篇 号作文需 反复修改,和进行周密的思维活动,没有必要的词汇,素材积累是无从下手的,多读范文,多练习,才有望 提高,正如游泳骑车等技能只有通过不断练习游 和骑 ,而不是纯理论能奏效的. 首先要搞好阅读。 阅读是写作的基础,在阅读方面下的功夫越深,驾驭语言的能力也就越强。所以要写好英语先要读好英语,在语言学习方面狠下苦功,教科书要读透,因为教科书中的文章都是一些很好的范文,文笔流畅,语言规范,精彩的一些课文段落要背诵。 再就是要进行大量课外阅读,并记住一些好文章的篇章结构。 加强练词造句训练 其次,要加强练词造句的训练。 词句对作文相当于造房的材料,无好材料就造不出好房子。平时在学习阅读时要注意收集积累,把好的词语、短语、句型做好笔记。 平时在练习中的错误也要做好记录,再对照正确句子,使地道的英语句子如同条件反射,落笔就对。 了解英语写作格式 还有,要了解英语写作的不同体裁与格式。 可以先看一本介绍英语写作入门的书,对英语写作有一个初步的概念,如怎么写议论文,如何提出论据,如何展开,如何确定中心句;又如,英语信的格式,如何根据不同身份写不同结束语等,然后根据不同的体裁进行写作练习。 用英语写日记 要养成记英语日记勤练笔的好习惯。 经常用英语记日记,等于天天在练笔,这无疑是提高英语协作的行之有效的好办法。在记日记时,不要总是用简单句,要有意识地用一些好的词组、句型、关联词和复合句等,使文句更优美生动。 还有要按照题目或所给情景写文章练笔。写好后对照范文,找出差距,然后再练习,这对提高英语作文也很有帮助,在游泳中学会游泳,只有多练习才能练好。 总之,平时学习语言素材积累多了,体裁格式记住了又经常练习不断提高,到作文下笔时就会得心应手,水到渠成。 2. 英语小作文怎么写 Today is very interestsd. I went to the New World Zoo. There are many anmils in it. First, I went to saw the tighters. Next, I feed the kanganroos for leavels. Fnally, I went to road the hourse. Today I was very busy and funnly. I hope tomorrow will niceness. 1. My Family And My House My family is *** all, they are my father, my mother, my younger brother and me. My mother is tall and thin but my father is fat very much. My younger brother is naught and I am well-beavd. My house is big, there are three bedrooms, a bathrooom, a kichen and a livingroom. I love my family and my house. 2. I like sprots very much. I allways get to school sprots center doing sprots everyday. Because there are many sprot equipment, like basketball, football, table tennis baseball, tennis, volleyball. There is very beautiful,and very big. I like there very much. I hope you jion it, it"s interesting very much. 2. I have a good friend, he is Tom. Last week, he was very busy. On the Sateday , he rerised. And then ,he played the football. On Sunday, he cleaned his room. I often do my homework on Saterday morning, and watch TV in the afternoon. On Sunny, I usually read books and go to the cinma. 这都是我原创的,可没粘。 3. 英语小作文怎么写 a busy day because I needed to finish everything with my work giving me a plete free weekend. Before leaving my office, I made a phone call to my girlfriend Sarah, in a hope that we could see a new movie together on Saturday. But she said her best friend Diane was badly sick and she would have to see her in a hospital during the weekend. Although I was a little disappointed, I tried to tell her that she was doing the right thing. In fact, Sarah is a nice girl and always kind towards people around her. I think she is the girl that I need to take care of. On my way home, I decided to go with her to see Diane and buy them some flowers。 4. 【求英语高手帮写一篇英语小作文急求英语小作文,是雅思PART2的 When talking about a foreign language I want to learn besides English, I would say it"s French. If time permitted, I would like to learn the language in a language training school from teachers or learn it on the inter by self-study. I am crazy about the French culture representing romance and I"m always dreaming of traveling to the country one day to experience the romantic landscapes and to enjoy the fabulous cultural atmospheric in Paris and to chat with the beautiful and graceful girls in the street. For my dream, I have to learn French, so I can municate with local people there. 在谈到外语我想学习除英语外其他语言,我想说的是法语。 如果时间允许,我想学的语言在语言培训学校老师或学习它在互联网上自习。我喜欢代表浪漫的法国文化,我总是梦想着有一天来法国旅游体验浪漫的风景和享受在巴黎的极浓的文化气息并且在街上和美丽和优雅的女孩聊天。 为了实现我的梦想,我必须学习法语,这样我可以和法国当地的人们很好地交流。 5. 英语作文50字带翻译 My favorite holiday is New Year, Chinese New Year we can eat dumplings and a lot of good things to eat, but alsoReceive lucky money, parents will acpany us to the amusement park, parks,We are very happy New Year everyone likes, and I also like the Spring Festival. 我最喜欢的节日是春节,在春节我们可以吃饺子和很多好吃的东西,还可以收到压岁钱父母还会带我们去游乐园,公园,所有人都会很开心,所有人都喜欢春节,我也非常喜欢春节。 6. 英语小作文:Nexeekend要怎么写 Next weekend I want to visit somewhere beautiful next weekend , because I like to watch the beautiful veiws . My friends all suggest me to go to the village . So , I make a plan for next weekend . I will go to the village on Saturday morning , and then I will climb the mountian and collect the leaves . I will eat lunch at elve o"clock . After lunch , I will go back home and write the diary . I hope I can have a woderful time in next weekend !就是把你想做的事情用一般将来时的语态叙述出来,在用then , after that 等连词连接起来,形成一片文章就可以了,这片是自己写的,要是有些语法上的小错误要见谅.。 7. 英语作文怎么写 管理制度(一) 1.You must do your homeworkafter school 2.You must polite to your teacher 3.You mustn"t eat and in the class . 4.You mustn"t talk in the class 5.You mustn"t sleep in the class. 6.You must hand in your homework when you go to school. 运用在作文中就行了 8. 求10个英语小作文 我的周末 My WeekendMy father is busy all the time, he promises me that once he has the time, he will bring me to the zoo. This week, he finally keeps his promise. I am so happy, I see many animals, the monkeys impress me so much. They are so active and they climb everywhere. My father and I have the good time in the zoo. I also broaden my vision.我的爸爸总是很忙,他对我承诺一旦有空就会带我去动物园。 这个周末,他终于履行了他的承诺。我很开心,我看到了很多动物,我对猴子印象很深刻。 他们很活跃,到处攀爬。爸爸和我在动物园里度过了愉快的时光。 我也开阔了视野。我喜欢这节课 I Like This LessonToday, I have the geography class. I am afraid of the geography class, because I have the bad memory and can"t remember the places. But in this class, our teacher does something different, she shows us many pictures and tells us many interesting things about her trips. I listen to her carefully. I like this lesson, it is vivid and I can learn many things about geography.今天,我有地理课。 我害怕地理课,因为我记忆力不好,无法记住地点。但是在这节课上,我们的老师做了点不同的事情,她给我们展示了很多图片,告诉我们很多有关她旅游的趣事。 我听得很认真。我很喜欢这节课,是如此的生动,我也学到了有关地理的很多知识。 给弟弟的礼物 The Gift I Gave to My BrotherLast night, my brother had his five-year old birthday, I was so excited, because I prepared the gift for him. It was a watch, there was a cartoon character in it. I knew my brother wanted a watch all the time, so I wanted to give him the surprise. When he saw my gift, he was so happy and thanked me. I am so happy that he likes it.昨晚,我的弟弟过五岁生日,我很兴奋,因为我为他准备了礼物。那是一只手表,表上面有一只卡通人物的图案。 我知道弟弟一直都很要一只手表,因此我想要给他一个惊喜。当他看到礼物的时候,很开心,感谢了我。 我很开心弟弟喜欢这份礼物。 9. 急 1. 最难忘的一件事 The most unfetable thing in my life is my dad bought a dog for me. It was the winter of 2004, my family was all gathered in the living room when my dad went back home from work. He carried a box with him. I went up to him and helped him taking off his coat. I was on my way to the living room when my dad called me. He gave me the box and when I opened the box, a head came out. It was a puppy! I was so happy and I went to my dad and hugged him. Mom came out from the living room, when she saw the puppy, she laughed and said we could name the puppy taotao. The puppy is now a dog, and we enjoy our life with him.让我最难忘的一件事是爸爸买了条小狗给我.那是2004年冬天.当爸爸从工作回来时我们家人都在客厅里.他带了一个盒子.我跑向他并帮他把外套脱掉.接着我就往客厅走.爸爸叫住我并把盒子给了我.我打开盒子看见一个脑袋从里面出来.是只小狗!我很开心所以我跑到爸爸面前抱住他.妈妈也从客厅里出来了.当她看见狗的时候很开心,说我们可以叫它淘淘.现在小狗已经是大狗叻.我们喜欢和它在一起的生活.2. 我最喜欢的体育活动 My hobby is swimming, because it is good for our health. I learned how to swim when I was only 5. My mom took me to swimming lesson. I still remember I was afraid of my coach. Now I am a good swimmer. I swim once a month in our regional swimming pool. I can do the 4 strokes, free style, butterfly, back stroke and breast stroke. Free style is my best. I can finish 50m in 45 seconds. Although I"m not a good swimmer as Michael Philps who won 8 gold medals in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, I"m still in love with swimming. 我最喜欢游泳.因为它有益健康.我在5岁的时候就学会游泳了.我妈妈带我去游泳课.我还记得我怕我的游泳教练.现在我是个游泳很好的人.我一个月在当地的泳池游泳一次.我四个泳姿都会.自由泳蝶泳仰泳和蛙泳.自由泳是我最擅长的.我能45秒游完50米.虽然我不想菲利普斯那么牛,但是我还是很喜欢游泳.3. 写一封信给朋友,介绍北京的一个景点 Dear TomI heard that you are ing to Beijing for visiting. I am glad that I can tell you the most famous scene in Beijing, the Great Wall. The Great Wall is not only in Beijing but also in many other cities. It is a long wall that used to defense enemies in ancient China. The Great Wall is not in Beijing"s downtown. It is outside the city. There are many buses you can take to get to the Great Wall from your hotel. The ticket is about 100 yuan. The Great Wall has different parts. The most famous part near Beijing is Ba Da Ling. You can find many interesting facts after you"ve went there.Enjoy your trip.Sincerly, Joey亲爱的Tom我听说你要来北京玩.我很高兴我能为你介绍北京最有名的景点,长城.不仅只有北京有长城,其它城市也有.它是一个很长的城墙.在古代用来防御敌人入侵.长城不在北京城区.它在城外.从你的酒店出发到长城的巴士车很多.票价大约是100元.长城有不同的部分,最有名的并且离京城最近的是八达岭.你能知道更多的事情当你去过那里.希望你享受你的旅程.尊敬你的,Joey晚了把`但是我帮你写叻.嗯.。 10. 最短英语作文10篇每篇20字,带翻译 There is a park near my home.There are a lot of beautiful trees,flowersand birds in the park.So many people go to the park to enjoy theirweekends.They like walking or having a picnic in the park.But I like flying akite with my sisiter there. 我家附近有一个公园。 哪里有很多美丽的树、花和小鸟。所以很多人都喜欢到那里去度周末。 他们喜欢在公园里散步或是野餐.但是我喜欢和我姐姐在那里放风筝。Bedroom Ihave a *** all bedroom.There are only a *** all bed,a *** all desk and a *** all chairin the room.And there is a beautiful doll on my blue bed.Everyday I do myhomework,read books and play games with the doll in my bedroom.It is *** all,butit gives me much happiness. 我有一间小小的卧室。 那里有一张小小的床、小小桌子和一把小小的椅子。而且还有一个漂亮的娃娃在我那张蓝色的小床上。 我每天都在房间里写作业,看书和与我的娃娃玩。虽然房间很小,但是他给了我很多欢乐。 My father Myfather is a tall and handsome man.He is a policeman. Everyday he es backhome very late,because he must help the others.He doesn"t have time to examinemy homework and take me to the park.But I like my father,because he is a goodpoliceman. 我的爸爸是一个高大帅气的男人。他是一个警察。 他每天都很晚才回家,因为他要帮助其他的人。他没有时间给我检查作业和带我去公园。 但是我仍然很喜欢我的爸爸,因为他是一个好警察。I am from ShenZhen. In spring ,the weather iswarm and wet. I can play kite. In summer, the weather is hot and wet. I canswim in the swimming pool. In the autumn, the weather is cool and dry. I canplay kite, too. In the winter, the weather is cold and dry. It never snow.我是来自深圳。 在春天,在天气温暖及潮湿。我可以玩风筝。 在夏季,天气炎热及潮湿。我可以游泳,在游泳池。 在秋天,天气凉爽,干燥。我可以玩风筝,太。 在冬季,天气寒冷及干燥。它从来没有积雪。 Today is my grandpa"s birthday. Our family wentback to my grandpa"s home in the morning. We got together to have a big familydinner to celebrate his birthady. We bought a big birthday cake and gave somepresents to my grandpa.In theafternoon, we went to the park to go boating. We had a good time. My grandpahad a nice time on his birthday.今天是爷爷的生日,我们全家早晨回到爷爷家。我们举行了大型家庭聚会来庆祝爷爷的生日。 我们买了一个大生日蛋糕,并且送给爷爷一些礼物。下午我们去公园划船。 我们玩得很开心,爷爷过了一个愉快的生日 Mr.Knott is a teacher. He is at home. Thetelephone rings. He answers the phone.He says,“Hello.Thisis 82654379. Who"s that?”“Watt”a man answers.“watt"syour name,please?”says Mr.Knott is angry.“Watt"s my name!”the other man is angey,too.knott先生是一名教师。他是在家中。 电话响了。他回答接起电话,说,“你好,这是82654379 。 你是谁? ”“瓦特”一个男人答道 。“请问你的名字是什么? ”knott先生生气地说。 “瓦特就是我的名字!”另一名男子是也生气了。A farmer has five sons.They areTed,Bob,Tom,John and Bill. John has no elder brother. He was four years olderwhen his first younger brother was born. The number of Tom"s elder brothers is equal to his youngerbrothers. Bill will be enty-one years old next year, and he is five yearsolder than Bob. Bob is o years younger than Tom. Ted was sad because he hasno younger brother. There are elve years beeen him and John.一个农民有5个儿子。 他们是Ted,Bob,Tom,John和 Bill。John没有比他大的哥哥,他比第一个出生的比他小的那个弟弟大4岁,Tom哥哥的数量和他的弟弟的数量是一样的(就是他是老三)Bill 明年就21岁了,他比Bob大5岁,比Tom小2岁,Ted因为没有弟弟而难过 Ted 和John之间差了12岁 Everything in this world has a nature of itsown. Some are charming, some are seducing, like the candy, chocolate, thecakes, and some burn everything like fire, as soon as you get near.天地万物各有其本质,有些东西很有吸引力、很诱人,像糖果、巧克力、蛋糕等;有些则像火一样,任何东西一靠近就会被它烧掉。 On My Way to School Today I got up very early in the morning. After I finished breakfast, Iwent to school. On my way to school Isaw something lying on the ground. I picked it up and found it was a mobilephone. I was afraid I would be late for school. I had no time to wait for theowner. So I gave it to the policeman.Shortly after I reached my school, the headmaster came to my class andpraised me in front of the class. Howcould he knew all about it? I guess it must be the policeman who told him whatI did.Iam very happy that I have done a good job.就我在上学的路上 今天,我得到了很早就在上午。当我完成早餐,我去了学校。 就我在上学的路上我看到的东西躺在地上。我挑选它,并发现这是一部手提电话。
2023-07-07 12:45:131


2023-07-07 12:45:121

due to,base on,result in的区别

result in
2023-07-07 12:45:103

Just Take My Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Just Take My Heart歌手:Mr. Big专辑:Big, Bigger, Biggest! The Best Of Mr. BigJust Take My HeartIt"s late at night and neither one of us is sleepingI can"t imagine living my life after you"re goneWondering why so many questions have no answersI keep on searching for the reason why we went wrongWhere is our yesterdayYou and I could use it right nowBut if this is goodbyeJust take my heart when you goI don"t have the need for it anymoreI"ll always love you, but you"re too hard to holdJust take my heart when you goHere we are about to take the final step nowI just can"t fool myself, I know there"s no turing backFace to face it"s been endless conversationBut when the love is gone you"re left with nothing but talkI"d give my everythingIf only I could turn you aroundBut if this is goodbyeJust take my heart when you goI don"t have the need for it anymoreI"ll always love you but you"re too hard to holdJust take my heart when you goJust take my heart when you goI don"t have the need for it anymoreI"ll always love you but you"re too hard to holdJust take my heart when you go
2023-07-07 12:45:081


1. Analytical chemistry — 分析化学2. Inorganic chemistry — 无机化学3. Organic chemistry — 有机化学4. Physical chemistry — 物理化学5. Biochemistry — 生物化学6. Theoretical chemistry — 理论化学7.pharmaceutical chemistry — 药物化学8. Environmental Chemistry —环境化学9. Materials Chemistry —材料化学等等……化学分类--传统地分为无机化学、有机化学、物理化学和分析化学四个分支。把化学内容一般分为生物化学、有机化学、高分子化学、应用化学和化学工程学、物理化学、无机化学等五大类共80项,实际包括了七大分支学科。根据当今化学学科的发展以及它与天文学、物理学、数学、生物学、医学、地学等学科相互渗透的情况,化学可分为无机化学、有机化学、物理化学、分析化学、高分子化学、核放射性化学、生物化学。其它与化学有关的边缘学科还有地球化学、海洋化学、大气化学、环境化学、宇宙化学、星际化学等。依照所研究的分子类别和研究手段、目的、任务的不同,化学传统地分为无机化学、有机化学、物理化学和分析化学四个分支。20年代以后,由于世界经济的高速发展,化学键的电子理论和量子力学的诞生、电子技术和计算机技术的兴起,化学研究在理论上和实验技术上都获得了新的手段,导致这门学科从30年代以来飞跃发展,出现了崭新的面貌。把化学内容一般分为生物化学、有机化学、高分子化学、应用化学和化学工程学、物理化学、无机化学等五大类共80项,实际包括了七大分支学科。其它与化学有关的边缘学科还有:地球化学、海洋化学、大气化学、环境化学、宇宙化学、星际化学等。
2023-07-07 12:45:071


concept n.观念,概念;观点;思想,设想,想法;总的印象conception n.受精,怀孕;胚胎;概念;设想,构想都是名词,意思有所不同。
2023-07-07 12:45:054

有学生头选课系统,数据库中有四个表,分别为: Student(S#, Sname, Sage, Ssex)

我可提供,baidu hi联系,email? Q?
2023-07-07 12:45:002

base on 和 be based on 的区别,请高手详解

主动和被动More questions!———精锐南方商城
2023-07-07 12:45:002


  在学习、工作、生活中,大家都写过作文吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。写起作文来就毫无头绪?以下是我为大家整理的高三英语作文10篇,希望能够帮助到大家。 高三英语作文 篇1   每天读英语的重要性The Importance of Reading English Every Day   When we were in primary school, we were required to read English every morning. Now we are college students, and keeping reading English every morning is still very important.   我们在读小学的时候,每天都要早读。现在我们作为大学生了,坚持每天早读仍然非常重要。   For one thing, it is well-known that our faculty of memory in the morning is better than any other period of the day. Therefore, reading English in the morning is definitely good for us to remember what we have read. In addition, keeping reading English every morning is a good way to practice our oral English and correct our pronunciation and develop our language sense.   一方面,众所周知,在早上,我们的记忆力要比一天中的其他任何时间都要好。因此,早上读英语绝对有利于我们牢记所读的内容。另外,坚持每天早读是我们训练口语,矫正发音,培养语感的好方法。   For another, reading English in the morning is a good start of a new day. If we read English in the morning, we will find that we will be in stimulated and fulfilled the whole day, and we will have a high enthusiasm to do other things.   另一方面,早上读英语是新的一天的好的开始。如果我们早上读了英语,我们会发现我们一整天都会神采奕奕,富有成就感,做其他事都会有热情。   In short, it is still important to read English every morning even though we are in universities, especially for those who are English major.   总之,即使是在大学里,尤其是对那些英语专业的学生来说,坚持每天早读仍然是非常重要的。 高三英语作文 篇2   My Family   I have a happy family. There are my father, my mother, my brother and I.   My father works a long way from home. And my mother is a housewife. My brother is a student who studies in the school.   In a word, my family is full of happiness.   2 My Family   I have a very happy family.There are four people in my family--my parents ,my younger brother and I.My fathther is working in another city,so he is always very busy.As a famous saying goes : There is always an able woman behind a successful man .,my mother is a housewife.She can cook very dilicious food and she is often busy with some houseworks.Sometimes,brother and I help her tidy the house,but of course,we couldnt tidy as clean as her.   I love my parents as well as my family.I hope we can be happy forever!   3 My Family   Hello,everyone! Today Im very glad to tell you about my family. I have a happy family. There are four people in it. They are my father、my mother、my little brother、and I.My father is working in anther city.He is so busy that he has no time to come back to see us. We miss him very much. My mother is a housewife .Every day,she cooks delicious meals and does a lot of housework.My brother and I are both students.We work very hard. 高三英语作文 篇3   Dear my teacher ,   Leaving you lovely junior school life , I have so many words from my heart to say.   We have lived and studied for three years. During the three years, you work very hard and you always make you lessons interesting. You teach us so well. You are kind to us.You are strict in your work andyou love us very much. We get along well with each other.   You always help me with my study when Ifail in the exam, you always encsurage me to study hard. I have learnt a lot from you. With your help. I have made much progress.   Iam very glad to be your student.   Thank you again for what you are done for us! All the best to you!   yours   student 高三英语作文 篇4   We have recently held a class meeting to discuss the pressure upon everyone of us Senior Three students. At the meeting everyone expressed their own opinions on how to get relieved from pressure.   Pressure comes from all around: from the heavy load of learning, from the fierce competition, from teachers, and from parents. Pressure may affect our studies if there"s too much of it. However, if taken positively, a certain amount of pressure may help push us ahead.   Whenever I find there"s too much pressure, I choose to work out or listen to some light music, which seems to be quite effective. There are many approaches to getting oneself relieved when pressure accumulates. I strongly recommend that when you feel much too stressed, you stop whatever you are doing, get out into the open, take a deep breath, and start thinking of something positive. 高三英语作文 篇5   Times flys. My summer holiday is coming to theend. My holiday is just so so. It is not too much difference as before. At thebiginning of the vacation, I was doing my homework.   时光飞逝。我的暑假就要结束了。我的假期就这样。这是没有太多的差别之前。在thebiginning的`假期,我正在做我的家庭作业。   After all, study comesfirst. After I finished my homework, it was almost the end of July. It is thetime for me to help my family for harvest. It is so tired to to the farm work. Howevr,being a member of our family, I have to give a hand. Watching the achievement, Ifelt proud though I just help a little. After finished the farm work, I foundmyself become much more tan. Who cares!   毕竟,走在前面的研究。我做完作业后,这几乎是七月底。是时候帮助家人收获。它是如此的累到农场工作。然而,作为家庭的一员,我必须给一个手。看成绩,我感到自豪,尽管我只是有点帮助。干完农活后,我发现自己变得更黑。谁在乎!   It was my happy time, when I finishedall the things. I went out with my friends almost everyday. Sometimes we playedgames or sport or went hiking. Sometimes we went shopping in the evening forthe sun is too heavy in the daytime. We felt uncomfortable. But now there aretwo days left before the school opening time. So I have to stay at home for agood rest to store energy for my study. Everything is so perfect. It is 11 o"clock.I think I have to say good ninght now.   这是我快乐的时候,当我完成了所有的事情。我几乎每天都和我的朋友。有时我们玩游戏或运动或去爬山。有时我们晚上出去购物太重的太阳在白天。我们觉得不舒服。但现在开学时间前两天左。所以我必须呆在家里休息来存储能量,为我的研究。一切都是那么的完美。现在是十一点。我想我要说晚安的时候了。 高三英语作文 篇6   It"s our duty to protect he environment. As we all know, with the global warming and energy consumption, the environment is becoming worse and worse. It is very important for us to start with a low-carbon lifestyle. But how can we live a low carbon life? Here are my ideas. Firstly, it is a very good idea for us to go to school on foot instead of by car. It is good for the environment and our health as well. Secondly, remember to turn off the lights, fans and computers when we leave the classrooms. Thirdly, it is important for us to turn off the tap when we finish using the water. We can reuse water, too. For example, we can reuse the water to water the flowers or trees. At last, try to use the cloth shopping bags instead of plastic bags when we go shopping. (In addition, it is important for us to use fewer fast food boxes or chopsticks so that we can reduce the white pollution.) I believe our life will become better and better if we can do these things. Lower carbon, happier life. Let"s take actions. 高三英语作文 篇7   Notice   The students of Senior Grade One and Grade Two will go out for a visit on April 25. We"ll first go to the museum to see an exhibition of Man and Nature. When you"re in the exhibition hall you should keep silent and make careful notes because we"re going to have a discussion after we come back. After that we plan to visit the botanical garden on the Quanshan Hill and have a picnic on the top of it. So please bring lunch and some drinking water with you.   Our school bus will take us there. The school bus will leave at 7:20. Please gather at our school gate at 7:00 a.m.   Those who want to take part in the activity should sign up for it at the Students" Union before Thursday.   The Students" Union 高三英语作文 篇8   To cross the road, look around. Not on the road to play and run. See the red light to stop for a while. His trip to see the green light. This is for teachers and parents often told us, we often back, and we should not only talk about this sentence, it still deeply recorded in the hearts of safety in the first place, so that accidents may becoming less and less of. Let us surrounded in a safe happy and healthy growth, the construction of our home more beautiful!   Allow the possibility of traffic accidents have become less and less, it is necessary to known rules of the road, here I am giving you some rules of the road you:   1. Cyclists should follow the right side of bike paths.   2. Should follow the sidewalk to cross the road (or bridge, the underground passage);   3. When the red light to stop, see the green light before.   4. Take the bus after the first, not to each other, do not逼抢bit crowded.   5. Within walking on the sidewalk, there is no sidewalk to walk on the roadside.   6. It should be noted, when we are walking vehicles are not allowed to chase,猛跑.   7. Are not allowed in the vehicle suddenly crossed near.   8. Not be allowed to pass through, to sit upon the sidewalk, roadway and railroad crossing guard-rails.   9. Are not allowed to hold cars on the road to recover the vehicle, forced parabolic拦车and hit cars.   10. Pre-school children in the street or walk on the road, there must be led by adults.   11. Allowed the railings across the road.   These are our common life should be in compliance with the rules of the road, we would also like to promote in the class column on the column or exhibition, multi-paste a number of compliance with the rules of the road, not red light running and other words like a warning so that students better understand the traffic safety importance. School can also be invited to the police his uncle, the door to the students on the traffic class, so students know better to help the traffic of human beings ... ...   Security related to our life, we hope parents, the flower is the future of the motherland, the motherland"s future, we need to, and so we must make to comply with traffic regulations, protect our lives, but also to the safety of others. Let us follow traffic safety, to minimize traffic accidents, so traffic will never disappear. This is the call of the times! 高三英语作文 篇9   Do you think what is the most important in your life?Maybe some answers are dreams.I may directly answer “lovers”.你认为你的生活中最重要的是什么?也许有些人的答案是梦想。我可以坦率地回答“爱人”。   In my opinion, lovers not simply mean your partner of life, but the people you love: your parents, husband or wife, children and friends.I have a happy life because of their company.I even can"t imagine the life without them.在我看来,爱人不仅仅指你的生活伴侣,而是你所爱的人:你的父母,丈夫或妻子,孩子和朋友。我拥有幸福的生活,因为有他们的陪伴。我甚至无法想象没有他们的生活。   My mum told me” money is not as important as you think, you needn"t think too highly of it.Don"t be greedy, my girl.”I got it.Person around us is the most important.If they are unhappy, you won"t be happy.There is many beautiful scenery in our life, however, the most important thing we should notice is that, without the people we love, they worth nothing.我妈妈告诉我,“钱不是像你想像中的那么重要,你不要把它看得太重要。不要贪心,我的女孩。“我记住了。我们身边的人是最重要的。如果他们不开心,你也会不开心。在我们的生活中有很多美丽的风景,但是我们应该注意到最重要的是没有我们所爱的人,那些东西就是毫无价值。   In reality, many people are chasing wealth which results to the ignorance of people around them.Obviously, it"s not a brilliant choice.Don"t" be controlled by wealth or money.About life , this is my idea, what"s about yours?在现实中,许多人因追逐财富而忽略了身边的人。很显然的,这不是明智的选择。不要被财富或金钱控制。这就是我对生活的看法,你的呢? 高三英语作文 篇10   ronaldo luiz nazario de lima was born on 22 september 1976 in a poor suburb of rio de janeiro. like most of his childhood friends, ronaldo began his soccer career playing barefoot in the streets of his neighborhood. at the age of 14, he joined soccer club and only two years later became the star of cruzeiro belo horizonte scoring a total of 58 goals in 60 matches and earning himself a reputation for his explosive pace and outstanding finishing skills. his goal-scoring record and unusual agility led him to be included in the brazilian world cup winning team the following year. after the world cup, many top european football clubs were trying to sign him. many people, including brazilian football legend pelé, referred to him as the most promis footballer of his generation.   since his transfer to dutch team psv eindhoven, ronaldo s biography is one of success after success. two copa américa s, a uefa cup, a dutch cup, a spanish league cup, and two awards as best player in the world, all in the space of two years, are some of ronaldo s impressive achievements. on arrival to inter-milan in 1997, ronaldo became the idol of the local fans who refer to him as "il venomous."   since the 98 world cup he has suffered two serious knee injuries that have severely limited his appearances. just when people began to wonder whether ronaldo would be able to continue with his football career, he proved to the world that he still could play. in the world cup held in korea and japan, the magical striker won the golden shoe award and tied pele s brazilian record for career world cup goals with 12. he helped brazil capture its fifth world cup championship on june 30 with a 2-0 win over germany. it was the third time that ronaldo has ever played in the world cup.   译文   路易斯-罗纳尔多是在1976年9月22日出生在一个贫穷的郊区里约热内卢。像他的大多数童年朋友,罗纳尔多在街道上赤脚踢球,开始了他的足球生涯。14岁时,他加入了圣克里斯托旺足球俱乐部,仅仅两年后成为克鲁塞罗斯贝洛的明星。在60场比赛总进球58个,他的速度和出色的技巧为他自己赢得了声誉。他的进球纪录和不寻常的能力让他入选巴西国家队参加世界杯。世界杯结束之后的一年,许多欧洲顶级足球俱乐部试图签下他。许多人,包括巴西足球传奇人物贝利,称他是同代人中最有希望的球员。   自从转会到荷兰的埃因霍温队,罗纳尔多是一次次的胜利。两次是在哥斯达黎加,一次欧洲足协联盟杯冠军,一次荷兰杯冠军,西班牙联赛杯,两次获得世界最佳球员奖,在短短两年内,都是罗纳尔多实现了成功。在1997年国际米兰,罗纳尔多被当地球迷称为“奇才”。   98年世界杯之后,他经历了两次严重的膝伤已经严重限制了他的比赛。当人们开始怀疑罗纳尔多将能够继续他的足球生涯中,他向全世界证明他仍然可以发挥。在韩国和日本举行的世界杯上,这位神奇的前锋获得金靴奖,并列贝利创造的12世界杯进球纪录职业生涯。在六月三十日第五届世界杯中,他帮助巴西队以2:0战胜德国成为冠军。这是罗纳尔多第三次参加世界杯。
2023-07-07 12:44:591

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