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语法问题 帮看下 感谢 thanks!!

2023-05-19 18:55:38
TAG: 语法

  1. 胡子工程:long-drawn-out project。long-drawn-out是一个 合成词 意思是 持续很久的,拖长的; 其实 这是draw的过去分词 加上了自己的修饰成分  相当于一个形容词 

draw 是 拖、拉  的意思    

被拖拉好久 才 出来 的 工程

门前三包: be responsible for general sanitation , green covering and keeping good social order in a designated area outside the unit building.中cover加ing因为是表示动作的名词 

unit是 单元  ,去掉不可以  

科技成果转化为生产力:transfer of scientific and technological achievements into productive forces。这是一个名词词组 transfer是名词  of是介词 介词短语修饰 名词transfer

意思就是 科技成果 的转化 进入到生产力 

也就是 成为生产力的 科技成果 的转化

2.弘扬科学精神,普及科学知识:promote the scientific spirit and spread scientific knowledge。第一个scientific前有the,是因为 spirit是可数名词  是特指

而第二个scientific前面没有the 是因为把 scientific knowledge看做不可数名词 泛指  所以不加the 

事关国计民生和国家安全的核心关键技术:core technologies crucial to the economy,the people‘s wellbeing and national security。中 crucial to....是形容词短语 作后置定语 to介词短语作形容词的状语  是根据意思选用的,

道理 就像 he is good to me .与 smoking isn"t good for your health 的道理一样 

再如 . be crucial to  对…至关重要

    如:A growing economy and a focus on essential priorities will also be crucial to the future of Social Security .  经济发展和重点集中 也对社会福利保险的未来至关重要。

 be crucial for sth 对某事来说重要

  如:This year will be crucial for efforts to attain this goal . 今年是实现这个目标的关键一年。

还有the economy和people‘s wellbeing前面都有the  表示特指 即中国的,而national security是泛指的一个 抽象名词 所以不加the 

3.Science and technology constitute a primary productive force。不用are而用constitute是因为意思不一样 

science and technology不应该看作一个整体,因为 科学 与 技术 是两个概念 

如果去掉 and   则可以用三单

科技与经济脱节:Science and technology are too far removed from the economy。too 和far都是副词  too修饰far . too far 修饰 removed from the economy 

science一般不需要大写  除非 句子开头


Establish a market-oriented system for technological innovation,(in which) enterprises play the leading role and( which) combines the efforts of enterprises,universities and research institute。第一个括号内用in which因为是定从中的状语 

而第二个用which,是因为 是定从中的主语 

最后的 institute不是修饰research,而是 research修饰 institute(应该是 复数institutes) 

research institutes 是与前面名词并列的名词  研究所

5.德智体美劳全面发展:All-around development of moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetics and labour education。德智体adj,和美和劳名词  分别 作定语 修饰名词education

指 包括5个方面 的education 

社会力量办学:running of schools by nongovernmental sectors。中的of短语是定语 

因为这里 running 就是一个普通的抽象名词    所以后面用 of 短语 修饰 

如果去掉  of则是 动名词短语  ,也对。但是有可能被认为 是分词短语 。

所以 用名词 翻译名词 最保险

动名词与名词的区别 就在于 动名词可以有自己的宾语 


  1. 胡子工程:long-drawn-out project。long-drawn-out是搭配

: be responsible for general sanitation , green covering and keeping good social order in a designated area outside the unit building.中cover为什么要加ing?unit该如何理解,去掉可以吗?

科技成果转化为生产力: 这是名词, 和cover(名词封面)不同

例子    营销marketing  (不能用market)   购物 shopping  (不能shop)        

unit指建筑单元, 即每栋房子外面,去掉意思稍有不同

  transfer of scientific 。。。of(对。。。的)不能去掉。因为transfer此处是名词

2.弘扬科学精神,普及科学知识:第一个scientific前有the,因为the spririt of science科学的,特指。而第二个scientific前面却没有the,因为不是特指

事关国计民生和国家安全的核心关键技术: crucial to 是搭配对。。。很重要/关键

还有the economy和people‘s wellbeing前面都有the,但national security前面常常没有the

3.Science and technology is what we need.  正确  (常常算整体为单数)

但此处Science and technology= they make up the main part. (组成部分很多,用单数就不好了)

例子        two days  is enough.  但是 two days have past.  q请品味一下

科技与经济脱节:Science and technology are too far removed from the economy。too 程度副词修饰far        far也是副词修饰removed  far from 。。。science需要大写吗我没有上下文


Establish a market-oriented system for technological innovation,(in which) enterprises play the leading role and( which) combines the efforts of enterprises,universities and research institute。

为什么第一个括号内用in which指in the system是状语     而第二个用which=the system 作主语

最后的 institute是修饰research,不修饰enterprises

5.    labour education 是名词修饰名词  

社会力量办学:     变成名词不就是(the)running of school。。。

             如果去掉of   就成了 (school)run by  nongovernmental sectors




green covering就是用法搭配没有什么原因unit通常是指单元或者栋,一个楼

transfor of 也是搭配因为你为了句子结构需要,这种东西没法解释,因为会讲非常多的内容从基本上of用法到固定搭配



明明science 和technology是两个词你怎么能看成整体。这个句子表达的意思是不能用are来替换constitute

too far就是形容词,开头第一个大写这个没什么可说,还有就是特指的,比如书本名字,人名,还是就是独一无二的

in which 的in 来自于词组后面 play a role in,因为句子结构所以你要把in提前面成为in which,主语从句问题,知识点太多自己去看相关语法问题





2023-01-08 11:23:084


你好!身体美学Body aesthetics
2023-01-08 11:23:2111


2023-01-08 11:23:591

为什么“美术”的英文是“Fine art”

美术 [měi shù] artpaintingthe fine arts Fine Arts Art Art Director MA Fine Art短语美术设计 Art Direction by ; graphic designer ; Art Design ; aesthetic design美术师 Artist ; C&E Artist ; Tech Artist ; Graphic Artist美术学 Fine Arts ; Art ; Kunstwissenschaft ; Research of Fine Arts新汉英大辞典美术 [měi shù]1.(造型艺术) the fine arts; art:industrial arts; arts and crafts;工艺美术foster the fine arts;鼓励发展美术
2023-01-08 11:24:052


2023-01-08 11:24:131

被世人尊称为“美学之父”的美学家是A.毕达哥拉斯 B.柏拉图 C.鲍姆嘉通 D.苏格拉底

2023-01-08 11:24:321


电影美学(aesthetics of cinematography)是电影学和艺术美学的重要分支。是建立在电影学和美学的基础上,研究电影艺术的美和审美问题的一门新兴学科。电影美学的重要著作有贝拉·巴拉兹的《电影美学》、安德烈·巴赞的《电影是什么?》、齐格·弗里德·克拉考尔的《电影的本性》、鲁道夫·爱因汉姆的《电影作为艺术》、欧纳斯特·林格伦的《论电影艺术》、斯坦利·梭罗门的《电影的观念》、马赛尔·马尔丹的《电影语言》。朱小丰的《现代电影美学道论》、路易斯·简尼丝的《理解电影》、约瑟夫·V·马色里的《电影术的五个C》(这本讲解电影摄影技术的著作实际上也讲出了很多电影美学道理)、朱小丰的《电影美学》(这本书被视为最新的电影理论的巅峰著作)等等。介绍早期(20世纪60年代之前)电影美学发展的简要情况的有亨利·阿杰尔的《电影美学概述》。电影美学的具体内容包括:电影艺术的审美本质的审美特征;电影艺术的创作与现实生活的关系及其形象描绘过程;电影艺术的发展历程和电影艺术观念、流派、风格的兴替嬗变过程;电影艺术的创作规律和应具有的美学品格。还有电影艺术与其他艺术的关系;电影艺术的审美价值和社会功能;鉴赏电影艺术的心理机制、过程、特点、意义和方法等。电影美学是电影审美意识的抽象和升华,它以研究如何按照美的规律从事电影艺术的创作以及创作主体、客体、本体、受体之间的关系和交互作用为基本任务。
2023-01-08 11:24:381


题库内容:美学的解释(1) [aesthetics] (2) 哲学的一个分支,论述美 和美 的事物,尤指对审美 鉴赏 力的 判断 (3) 美术的哲学或科学;特指主题是描述和解释美术、美术现象和美学 经验 并包括心理学、 社会 学、人类学、艺术史和 重要 的有关方面的科学 详细解释 研究 美的一般 规律 与 原则 的科学。主要 探讨 美的本质,艺术和现实的关系,艺术创作的一般规律等。 词语分解 美的解释 美 ě 好,善:美德。美学。美谈。审美。 美丽 。美容(美化容貌)。 美不胜收 。 得意 ,高兴: 美滋滋 的。 称赞 ,以为好: 赞美 。美言。美誉。 指“亚美利加洲”(简称“美洲”):北美。南美。 指“美国”:美元。 学的解释 学 (学) é 效法,钻研 知识 ,获得知识,读书:学生。学徒。学习。学业。学友。学者。学阀。学制。学历。学步邯郸( 讥讽 人只知 模仿 ,不善于学而无成就,亦作“邯郸学步”)。 传授知识的地方:学校(简称“学”
2023-01-08 11:24:461


gym aesthetics体育美学
2023-01-08 11:24:522


2023-01-08 11:25:002


工业美学(Industrial Aesthetics )是研究人类造物活动、机械生产和产品文化中有关美学道问题的应用美学学科,也称作“技术美学”、“商品美学”。工业美学的种种理念往往通过工业设计来实现,因此又涉及到设计美学的内容。
2023-01-08 11:25:251

reception aesthetics是什么意思

reception aesthetics接受美学; 接受美学理论; 接受理论双语例句1Metropolitan Newspapers "Strategies of News Communication from the Field of Vision of Reception Aesthetics接受美学视野中的都市报新闻传播策略2The Relationship between the Fiction Writer and the Reader from the Perspective of Reception Aesthetics主体关系的断裂&论接受美学引致的小说作者与读者关系问题
2023-01-08 11:25:351


神经层次的审美一般是指神经美学(Neuroesthetics或Neuroaesthetics)是一个相对较新的实验美学(Empirical aesthetics)的子学科。神经美学( Neuroaesthetics) 这一新兴学科诞生于西方社会和科学界,视觉神经科学家Semir Zeki( 1999) 首创此学科名称,并创立了世界上第一个神经美学研究所( Institute of Neuroaesthetics),因此被推举为现代“神经美学之父”。神经美学植根于Gustav T. Fechner 于1876 年创立的实验美学( experimental aesthetics) ,这位“心理物理学之父”开辟了以实证方法研究人类审美行为及其心理学原理的科学探索途径,从此审美规律的探究摆脱了哲学美学( philosophical aesthetics) 形而上的先验思辩方式。
2023-01-08 11:25:441

请问谁能解释migrant aesthetics 迁徙美学的概念,以及谁是提出者??

2023-01-08 11:25:492


First, application. From ancient Greece to the 19th century, Western aesthetics and art theories have always been dominated by philosophy and developed around abstract philosophical theories. However, philosophers are not artists themselves and have no experience in artistic creation, so it is difficult for their theories to guide artistic creation and appreciation. After the 19th century, the development of aesthetics gradually mature, aiming at various types of art and creation, gradually developed various fields of aesthetics.Similarly, at the beginning of modern industrial civilization, aesthetics also began to pay attention to the problems in practical application, and design aesthetics came into being. Therefore, strong practical application is the primary feature of design aesthetics.Second, aesthetic. Design activity is a kind of artistic creation activity based on practical application, so it is related to the aesthetic characteristics of functionality. The artistry and aesthetics of design are firstly reflected in the fact that design is a kind of beautiful "plastic art" or "visual art". Therefore, the artistic content studied by design aesthetics is often similar to that studied by visual aesthetics and plastic arts. From the perspective of specific application, design is the process of conveying a plan, planning, envisioning and problem-solving method through visual language. Therefore, this kind of visual language can only reflect the characteristics of design as a form of beauty if it has the characteristics of art. Therefore, in addition to meet the functional requirements, aesthetic is a modern design must pay attention to the problem.Third, technology.Design is an applied subject based on technology. The revolution of modern industrial technology has brought about the emergence of design theory and application. Technical factors are not only the basic factors of design aesthetics and the foundation and support of design, but also determine the formation of design aesthetic style. With the development of industrial civilization, the traditional handicraft production has been replaced by machine production, and the craft aesthetics has been replaced by modern design aesthetics. The mass and standardized production mode in the industrial age made functionalism become the basic aesthetic law, and the aesthetic principle of concise, abstract and scientific design was once all the rage. It can be seen that the formation of the aesthetic style of modernist design is mainly the result of the influence of modern technology.
2023-01-08 11:25:573

求翻译一个句子:We will read Kant"s Aesthetics as presented in his Third Critique.

2023-01-08 11:26:097


MOWOBOX摩物之盒的品牌定位:后奢美学Postmodern luxury AestheticsMOWOBOX摩物之盒的Postmodern luxury Aesthetics后奢美学后奢美学即后现代轻奢美学(Postmodern luxury Aesthetics)的简称也称为后奢系。 后奢美学强调新旧融合、生活化、艺术性、神秘感和独特之美;后奢美学的特点注重后现代美学的艺术设计理念中的简约、纯色和美感。内容多用于生活中和实用性较强的装饰物品,突破了特定事件对于饰品的需求。接受一切可运用的要素,将其融合其中,打破“本本主义”力争在“原态”的基础上激活更多神秘感较强的灵魂美学。同时延伸了空间,定义了美学后市场的概念,改变了美学的多维格局;——R
2023-01-08 11:26:361


The German wisdom body art
2023-01-08 11:26:426


其实定义本身就一种对美的局限,就象人类意识信仰与怀疑的关系一样,美也需要经历这样的一个过程。我们需要一种认识的基础,然后在这样的一种层面之上进行理解,不同的自我意识会对美有不同的感受。而基于个体意识的对美的感觉才是最重要的,而且是唯一正确的。美的感受从来就不是相同的,因为我们有着不同的自我意识;但美感却是可以相通的,因为我们同样属于整体意识的一部分。美的定义在于对美的感受,对美的理解,对美的想象,美是我们意识的内在的部分,是基于意识整体的方向。对于美的定义已经是一个历史的过程,因为美感对于任何一个有意识的人来说都并不陌生,但对于美究竟是什么,却似乎总是无法找到一个确切的答案。给美定义的想法似乎比审美过程更具有诱惑力,这就象人类可以见到上帝的愿望比信仰上帝更强烈,只是这种愿望因为一直无法实现而淡忘。而美却并不如此,因为我们都察觉到美的存在,却不象上帝那样若有若无、若隐若现,美的感受是如此地真切就象乞力马扎罗山上的雪。下面将对一些美的历史进行描述,看看不同意识对美的理解。我们先了解古希腊哲学对美的理解,柏拉图的美学与其哲学一样是基于理念论的,美的理念(存在)是美的具体事物(感性存在)之所以美的惟一和根本原因。肯定和谐是美的基本特征,认为不仅艺术,一切合理的完善的和美的事物,都象音乐一样达到内部各种倾向、力量的和谐。这种和谐作为美的范畴是毕达哥拉斯提出的,毕氏认为美就是一定数量关系构成的和谐。比如音乐就是由各种音调组成,而这些音调又与发音体在数量上的差别有直接关系。整个宇宙所以使人感到美,还不是由于太阳、月亮和所有的行体明暗相间,参差错落所形成的伟大和谐吗?还有一个希腊修辞学家郎吉弩斯[Longinus,213-273]提出了另一个美学范畴——崇高。《论崇高》“从生命一开始,大自然就向我们人类心灵里灌注进去一种不可克服的永恒的爱,即对于凡是真正伟大的,比我们自己更神圣的东西的爱。”认为艺术应具有崇高的风格,作者须有“伟大的心灵”,崇高不是别的,正是“伟大心灵的回声”。崇高的思想当然属于崇高的心灵,崇高是人超越自身的一种境界,崇高是自然的赐予。英国人博克在《论崇高与美两种观念的根源》中认为“当一个对象以美打动我们的感官,使我们产生一种满足感而不是占有欲时,我们就沉浸在真正的美的享受里;当一个对象使我们联想到危险和痛苦,但不是真正面临危险欲痛苦的威胁时,我们所体验到的便是崇高的感情。”提出崇高不属于美,而是与美并列的范畴。笛卡尔在《第一哲学沉思录》中提出 “我思故我在”的著名命题,认为“美和愉快的都不过是我们的判断和对象之间的一种关系”。休谟认为对于美决定性东西还在于“人性本来的构造”、“习俗”或者“偶然的心情”,审美活动“用心情借来的色彩去渲染一切的自然事物”。卢梭在《论科学和艺术》中认为随着科学和艺术的兴起,人类失去了“那种天生的自由情操”,人类应该回归自然情感中。鲍姆嘉通提出应建立一门专门研究感性认识的学科,叫做“埃斯特惕卡”[Aesthetics],认为美是“感性认识自身的完善”。康德《判断力批判》认为审美判断是“凭借完全无利害观念的快感和不快感对某一对象或其表现方法的一种判断力”,是“惟一的独特的一种不计较利害的自由的快感”。强调艺术创作的精髓在于意志的自由,却不是毫无节制的,而建立在自然的必然基础上的。费希特创立以“自我”为中心的哲学体系,认为“自我”是唯一的实在,一切存在物都在自我之中并通过自我而存在。黑格尔《美学》中认为“美是理念的感性显现”,“正是概念在它的客观存在里与它本身的这种协调一致才形成美的本质”。自然美是理念发展到自然阶段的产物,艺术美是理念发展到精神阶段的产物,艺术美高于自然美。艺术只有通过心灵理念才能变为真正真实的和显示的,才能具有自由和无限的形式。美学的范围在于艺术美,而不是自然美。艺术从象征、古典到浪漫的转化是精神自由的、无限的理念要求冲破一切物质形式的束缚回到其本身,在绘画、音乐、诗歌中物质因素削弱到最低限度,精神得以更自由的表现。车尔尼雪夫斯基在《艺术与现实的审美关系》中提出了“美是生活”的定义,坚持美以及艺术都来源于现实生活,强调现实美高于艺术美,反对纯艺术论。艺术再现生活现实,是生活的代替品。桑塔耶纳《美感》给美下了一个定义:美是积极的、固有的、客观化的价值。门罗在《走向科学的美学》指出“美学作为一门经验科学,它的研究领域主要有两组现象,艺术品以及于艺术作品有关的人类活动。从上述的简单罗列可以了解美的定义同样是两种倾向,即唯物的和唯心的。其实美本身并不在于这两者的区别,美是意识的内在,美感是意识对于美的感受,而物质更多是审美的对象。美学仅仅在于研究美的意识机制,而并不在于美究竟在那个域。美在毕达哥拉斯、柏拉图表现为和谐,在郎吉弩斯、博克表现为崇高,在康德、黑格尔表现为自由,在车尔尼雪夫斯基、桑塔耶纳表现为客观或现实。由于不同意识的观察美存在的角度,对于美的理解是不同的,而这种不同恰恰是美之所以为美的一个理由。在这里我们并不准备确定美的定义是自然、自由、崇高或者和谐,因为美是一种意识现象,它具有基于自由意识的不同。因此对美的定义是一个并不现实的课题,但是我们可以确定作为美内在的要素,那就是自由、崇高、和谐,而所有的要素都基于自然的或者说意识的精神。自由是基于意识自身的,崇高是基于意识超越的,而和谐是基于意识目的的。美对于我们的意义并不仅仅在于定义,也并不在于发现它的本质,而在于我们对美的理解,在于美在某种意义上使我们的生活更美好。
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爱要怎么分割--许飞我不知道那时天空为什么蓝色也不知道为何回忆悄悄的变了i can"t feel you touch my hand 如果相见可以让我脆弱的轮廓躲在角落任凭寂寞不停的拉扯离开幸福远远的眷恋在路口因为孤单而定格固执地扮演原有的角色突然发现我还学不会那么洒脱也许我的依赖对你来说太过于执着微笑不能抹去心里的忐忑如果曾经说的那份承诺已不属于我沉默只是代表一种自责感情不该任性的挥霍层层的包裹舍不得什么害怕把你遗落爱要怎么分割没有形状,无从选择心怎么取舍时而让我开始懂得自己的软弱i can"t feel you touch my hand 如果回忆那么深刻心怎么负荷没有把握不停伤害是爱的猜测都是年轻犯的错眷恋在路口因为孤单而定格固执地扮演原有的角色突然发现我还学不会那么洒脱也许我的依赖对你来说太过于执着微笑不能抹去心里的忐忑如果曾经说的那份承诺已不属于我沉默只是代表一种自责感情不该任性的挥霍层层的包裹舍不得什么害怕把你遗落爱要怎么分割也许我的依赖对你来说太过于执着微笑不能抹去心里的忐忑如果曾经说的那份承诺已不属于我沉默只是代表一种自责感情不该任性的挥霍心开始空了梦无法掌握越想忘得透彻越是爱得深刻
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Gym Aesthetics紧身衣和紧身裤洗完会缩水吗?

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的、Military training and theory And legal basis for the ideological and moral cultivation Sports (1) Calculus (1) Forms and Policy (1) Writing English Extensive Reading (1) English Intensive Reading (1) English Listening and Speaking (1) Economic Law Accounting Microeconomics Fundamentals of Computer Application Mao-Deng 3 Introduction to Insurance Money and Banking Macroeconomics Algebra Finance Corporate Finance BIS International Finance International Trade Theory and Practice of Probability and Statistics Students Aesthetics Personal Finance Financial English Practice Forex Trading Investment Banking Theory and Practice of
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1. “The Original Meaning of the Chinese Character for ‘Beauty"”(“美字意义的起源”),Filozophi vestnik(《哲学研究》斯洛文尼亚科学院哲学研究所编)2001年第2期。2. “Signifcance of Analogy-Drawing Between Go and Painting”(“以棋喻画的意义”),Journal of The Faculty of Letters, The University of Tokyo (Aesthetics),(《东京大学人文学刊(美学专号)》东京大学人文学院编)2000年总第25期。3. “ ‘Aesthetic Craze" in China-Its Cause and Significance”(“中国美学热的原因及其影响”),Dialogue and Universalism(《对话与普遍主义》波兰华沙大学普遍主义研究中心编)1997年第3, 4合期(第13次世界美学大会专集)。4. “The Reclusive Spirit in Ancient Chinese Painting”(”中国古代绘画中的隐逸精神”),The Stockholm Journal of East Asian Studies(《斯德哥尔摩东亚研究杂志》斯德哥尔摩大学东方语言与文化学院编)1995年第6卷。5. “Man, Society and Art: An Analysis of On Music” (“人、社会与艺术:《乐记》分析”),The Stockholm Journal of East Asian Studies(《斯德哥尔摩东亚研究杂志》)1993年第4卷。6. “To Begin with A Beautiful Line…”(“从一根线的美谈起……”),Annals for Aesthetics《希腊美学年刊》第43卷。该文被译成西班牙文,在智利大学的刊物Teoria del Arte第12期上发表。7. “Chinese Aesthetics in the Context of Globalization”(“全球化与中国美学”),International Yearbook of Aesthetics(《国际美学年刊》) 第8期上发表。8. “A Century of Chinese Aesthetics”(“20世纪中国美学”), 该文章被译成斯洛文尼亚文,在Pilozofski vestnik(《哲学研究》)2006年第1期上发表。同时,由高建平主编,在这期上发表了5篇译成斯洛文尼亚语的中国美学论文。9. “What is Chinese Aesthetics?” (“什么是中国美学?”)2002年10月在“美学与文化·东方与西方”国际学术研讨会上的主题发言。发表于《美学与文化·东方与西方》一书,安徽教育出版社2006年。10. “Chinese Aesthetics in the Past Two Decades”(“二十年来的中国美学”),发表于Acta Orientalia Vilnensia(《维尔纽斯东方研究学刊》),维尔纽斯大学主编,2002年第2卷。11. “The Stories of Four Words” (《四个美学关键词的翻译和接受》),Filozofski vestnik(《哲学通报》,斯洛文尼亚哲学研究所主办)2007年第2辑。12. “The Relationship Between Writing and Painting in Ancient China,” inInternational Yearbook of Aesthetics:Aesthetics and Dialogues among Cultures,Volume 11, 2007.13. 《当代中国美学与艺术》(学术访谈),《Delo》(斯洛文尼亚报纸)2008年2月2日。
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2023-01-08 11:28:133

life aesthetics首字母要大写吗

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math chinese music art science history geography politics
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费希纳实验美学(experimental aesthetics)是19世纪中下叶德国心理学家费希纳创立的美学理论。代表人物为费希纳、屈尔佩等。该理论在现代自然科学发展的影响下,摒弃了传统美学研究中对美学基本范畴进行抽象思辨的形而上的研究方向,运用实验心理学来研究美学,通过从具体到抽象的“自下而上”的实验科学研究方法,力图揭示审美经验与审美对象之间的联系。费希纳首先把心理实验法引入美学领域。屈尔佩则在此基础上详细探讨了印象法、表现法、制作法三大研究方法及其具体运用。它开辟了对具体审美经验进行研究的新途径。其许多方法为以后的美学家所采用和改进。美学是一门关于审美现象的综合性的人文学科:(1)美学研究的对象是审美现象也是审美活动;(2)美学是一门人文学科;(3)美学是一门综合性的人文学科。
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aesthetic英 [i:sˈθetɪk] 美 [ɛsˈθɛtɪk] adj.审美的; 美的,美学的; 有关美的; 具有审美趣味的n.审美观; 美学标准,美感复数: aesthetics 双语例句 One"s appreciation of literature depends on one"s level of aesthetic knowledge.一个人对文学作品的欣赏能力,取决于他的艺术修养。
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The branch of philosophy that deals with the nature and value of art objects and experiences. It is concerned with identifying the clues within works that can be used to understand, judge, and defend judgments about those works. Originally, any activity connected with art, beauty and taste, becoming more broadly the study of art"s function, nature, ontology, purpose, and so on.A specialist in aesthetics is called an aesthetician.There are many aesthetic theories, including imitationalism, emotionalism and formalism.To postmodernists, these interests have largely been supplanted by questions of meaning and linguistically based investigations, such as those involving semiotics. They have used the term to indicate a certain imprecise distinction between art and life, or as a rough synonym for "artistic."
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第一个词应该是 aesthetics , 与 esthetics 的意思是一样的,美学;美的哲学,这两个词没有区别。
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principles of aesthetics
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题库内容:美学的解释(1) [aesthetics] (2) 哲学的一个分支,论述美 和美 的事物,尤指对审美 鉴赏 力的 判断 (3) 美术的哲学或科学;特指主题是描述和解释美术、美术现象和美学 经验 并包括心理学、 社会 学、人类学、艺术史和 重要 的有关方面的科学 详细解释 研究 美的一般 规律 与 原则 的科学。主要 探讨 美的本质,艺术和现实的关系,艺术创作的一般规律等。 词语分解 美的解释 美 ě 好,善:美德。美学。美谈。审美。 美丽 。美容(美化容貌)。 美不胜收 。 得意 ,高兴: 美滋滋 的。 称赞 ,以为好: 赞美 。美言。美誉。 指“亚美利加洲”(简称“美洲”):北美。南美。 指“美国”:美元。 学的解释 学 (学) é 效法,钻研 知识 ,获得知识,读书:学生。学徒。学习。学业。学友。学者。学阀。学制。学历。学步邯郸( 讥讽 人只知 模仿 ,不善于学而无成就,亦作“邯郸学步”)。 传授知识的地方:学校(简称“学”
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其实定义本身就一种对美的局限,就象人类意识信仰与怀疑的关系一样,美也需要经历这样的一个过程。我们需要一种认识的基础,然后在这样的一种层面之上进行理解,不同的自我意识会对美有不同的感受。而基于个体意识的对美的感觉才是最重要的,而且是唯一正确的。美的感受从来就不是相同的,因为我们有着不同的自我意识;但美感却是可以相通的,因为我们同样属于整体意识的一部分。美的定义在于对美的感受,对美的理解,对美的想象,美是我们意识的内在的部分,是基于意识整体的方向。对于美的定义已经是一个历史的过程,因为美感对于任何一个有意识的人来说都并不陌生,但对于美究竟是什么,却似乎总是无法找到一个确切的答案。给美定义的想法似乎比审美过程更具有诱惑力,这就象人类可以见到上帝的愿望比信仰上帝更强烈,只是这种愿望因为一直无法实现而淡忘。而美却并不如此,因为我们都察觉到美的存在,却不象上帝那样若有若无、若隐若现,美的感受是如此地真切就象乞力马扎罗山上的雪。下面将对一些美的历史进行描述,看看不同意识对美的理解。我们先了解古希腊哲学对美的理解,柏拉图的美学与其哲学一样是基于理念论的,美的理念(存在)是美的具体事物(感性存在)之所以美的惟一和根本原因。肯定和谐是美的基本特征,认为不仅艺术,一切合理的完善的和美的事物,都象音乐一样达到内部各种倾向、力量的和谐。这种和谐作为美的范畴是毕达哥拉斯提出的,毕氏认为美就是一定数量关系构成的和谐。比如音乐就是由各种音调组成,而这些音调又与发音体在数量上的差别有直接关系。整个宇宙所以使人感到美,还不是由于太阳、月亮和所有的行体明暗相间,参差错落所形成的伟大和谐吗?还有一个希腊修辞学家郎吉弩斯[Longinus,213-273]提出了另一个美学范畴——崇高。《论崇高》“从生命一开始,大自然就向我们人类心灵里灌注进去一种不可克服的永恒的爱,即对于凡是真正伟大的,比我们自己更神圣的东西的爱。”认为艺术应具有崇高的风格,作者须有“伟大的心灵”,崇高不是别的,正是“伟大心灵的回声”。崇高的思想当然属于崇高的心灵,崇高是人超越自身的一种境界,崇高是自然的赐予。英国人博克在《论崇高与美两种观念的根源》中认为“当一个对象以美打动我们的感官,使我们产生一种满足感而不是占有欲时,我们就沉浸在真正的美的享受里;当一个对象使我们联想到危险和痛苦,但不是真正面临危险欲痛苦的威胁时,我们所体验到的便是崇高的感情。”提出崇高不属于美,而是与美并列的范畴。笛卡尔在《第一哲学沉思录》中提出 “我思故我在”的著名命题,认为“美和愉快的都不过是我们的判断和对象之间的一种关系”。休谟认为对于美决定性东西还在于“人性本来的构造”、“习俗”或者“偶然的心情”,审美活动“用心情借来的色彩去渲染一切的自然事物”。卢梭在《论科学和艺术》中认为随着科学和艺术的兴起,人类失去了“那种天生的自由情操”,人类应该回归自然情感中。鲍姆嘉通提出应建立一门专门研究感性认识的学科,叫做“埃斯特惕卡”[Aesthetics],认为美是“感性认识自身的完善”。康德《判断力批判》认为审美判断是“凭借完全无利害观念的快感和不快感对某一对象或其表现方法的一种判断力”,是“惟一的独特的一种不计较利害的自由的快感”。强调艺术创作的精髓在于意志的自由,却不是毫无节制的,而建立在自然的必然基础上的。费希特创立以“自我”为中心的哲学体系,认为“自我”是唯一的实在,一切存在物都在自我之中并通过自我而存在。黑格尔《美学》中认为“美是理念的感性显现”,“正是概念在它的客观存在里与它本身的这种协调一致才形成美的本质”。自然美是理念发展到自然阶段的产物,艺术美是理念发展到精神阶段的产物,艺术美高于自然美。艺术只有通过心灵理念才能变为真正真实的和显示的,才能具有自由和无限的形式。美学的范围在于艺术美,而不是自然美。艺术从象征、古典到浪漫的转化是精神自由的、无限的理念要求冲破一切物质形式的束缚回到其本身,在绘画、音乐、诗歌中物质因素削弱到最低限度,精神得以更自由的表现。车尔尼雪夫斯基在《艺术与现实的审美关系》中提出了“美是生活”的定义,坚持美以及艺术都来源于现实生活,强调现实美高于艺术美,反对纯艺术论。艺术再现生活现实,是生活的代替品。桑塔耶纳《美感》给美下了一个定义:美是积极的、固有的、客观化的价值。门罗在《走向科学的美学》指出“美学作为一门经验科学,它的研究领域主要有两组现象,艺术品以及于艺术作品有关的人类活动。从上述的简单罗列可以了解美的定义同样是两种倾向,即唯物的和唯心的。其实美本身并不在于这两者的区别,美是意识的内在,美感是意识对于美的感受,而物质更多是审美的对象。美学仅仅在于研究美的意识机制,而并不在于美究竟在那个域。美在毕达哥拉斯、柏拉图表现为和谐,在郎吉弩斯、博克表现为崇高,在康德、黑格尔表现为自由,在车尔尼雪夫斯基、桑塔耶纳表现为客观或现实。由于不同意识的观察美存在的角度,对于美的理解是不同的,而这种不同恰恰是美之所以为美的一个理由。在这里我们并不准备确定美的定义是自然、自由、崇高或者和谐,因为美是一种意识现象,它具有基于自由意识的不同。因此对美的定义是一个并不现实的课题,但是我们可以确定作为美内在的要素,那就是自由、崇高、和谐,而所有的要素都基于自然的或者说意识的精神。自由是基于意识自身的,崇高是基于意识超越的,而和谐是基于意识目的的。美对于我们的意义并不仅仅在于定义,也并不在于发现它的本质,而在于我们对美的理解,在于美在某种意义上使我们的生活更美好。
2023-01-08 11:31:291


2023-01-08 11:31:353

Advanced Aesthetics Center 整型美容中心谁知道?

2023-01-08 11:31:512


aesthetics[英][i:s"θetɪks][美][ɛsˈθɛtɪks]n.美学; 美术理论; 审美学; 美的哲学; 网络审美观; 美育; 美感; 形近词:anestheticsaesthetismpathetic双语例句 1These concepts belong to the field of aesthetics.这些概念属于美学范畴。2The idea can meet with the bridge aesthetics better that is to install the longitudinal linkage between2 special-shaped arches.在两异型拱之间设置纵向连杆的异型拱桥设计思路,可更好地满足桥梁美学要求。
2023-01-08 11:32:001


你好, foreknown 下文从工业设计属性出发,讲到发展进程,立法权益保护还有产品设计的相关内容,字数有限,希望能多给你参考,期望能帮得上你。 Industrial design is an applied art whereby the aesthetics and usability of mass-produced products may be improved for marketability and production. The role of an Industrial Designer is to create and execute design solutions towards problems of form, usability, user ergonomics, engineering, marketing, brand development and sales. The term "industrial design" is often attributed to the designer Joseph Claude Sinel in 1919 (although he himself denied it in later interviews) but the discipline predates that by at least a decade. Its origins lay in the industrialization of consumer products. For instance the Deutscher Werkbund, founded in 1907 and a precursor to the Bauhaus, was a state-sponsored effort to integrate traditional crafts and industrial mass-production techniques, to put Germany on a competitive footing with England and the United States. Definition of industrial design Water kettle designed by Peter Behrens in 1909 A Braun stereo Vox Phantom guitar, 1962General Industrial Designers are a cross between an engineer and an artist. They study both function and form, and the connection between product and the user. They do not design the gears or motors that make machines move, or the circuits that control the movement, but they can affect technical aspects through usability design and form relationships. And usually, they partner with engineers and marketers, to identify and fulfill needs, wants and expectations. In Depth "Industrial Design (ID) is the professional service of creating and developing concepts and specifications that optimize the function, value and appearance of products and systems for the mutual benefit of both user and manufacturer" according to the IDSA (Industrial Designers Society of America). Design, itself, is often difficult to define to non-designers because the meaning accepted by the design community is not one made of words. Instead, the definition is created as a result of acquiring a critical framework for the analysis and creation of artifacts. One of the many accepted (but intentionally unspecific) definitions of design originates from Carnegie Mellon"s School of Design, "Design is the process of taking something from its existing state and moving it to a preferred state." This applies to new artifacts, whose existing state is undefined and previously created artifacts, whose state stands to be improved. According to the (Chartered Society of Designers) design is a force that delivers innovation that in turn has exploited creativity. Their design framework known as the Design Genetic Matrix (TM) determines a set of competences in 4 key genes that are identified to define the make up of designers and communicate to a wide audience what they do. Within these genes the designer demonstrates the core competences of a designer and specific competences determine the designer as an "industrial designer". This is normally within the context of delivering innovation in the form of a three dimensional product that is produced in quantity. However the definition also extends to products that have been produced using an industrial process. According to the ICSID, (International Council of Societies of Industrial Design) "Design is a creative activity whose aim is to establish the multi-faceted qualities of objects, processes, services and their systems in whole life-cycles. Therefore, design is the central factor of innovative humanization of technologies and the crucial factor of cultural and economic exchange." Process of design Although the process of design may be considered "creative", many analytical processes also take place. In fact, many industrial designers often use various design methodologies in their creative process. Some of the processes that are commonly used are user research, sketching, comparative product research, model making, prototyping and testing. These processes can be chronological, or as best defined by the designers and/or other team members. Industrial Designers often utilize 3D software, Computer-aided industrial design and CAD programs to move from concept to production. Product characteristics specified by the industrial designer may include the overall form of the object, the location of details with respect to one another, colors, texture, sounds, and aspects concerning the use of the product ergonomics. Additionally the industrial designer may specify aspects concerning the production process, choice of materials and the way the product is presented to the consumer at the point of sale. The use of industrial designers in a product development process may lead to added values by improved usability, lowered production costs and more appealing products. However, some classic industrial designs are considered as much works of art as works of engineering: the iPod, the Jeep, the Fender Stratocaster, the Coke bottle, and the VW Beetle are frequently-cited examples. Industrial design also has a focus on technical concepts, products and processes. In addition to considering aesthetics, usability, and ergonomics, it can also encompass the engineering of objects, usefulness as well as usability, market placement, and other concerns such as seduction, psychology, desire, and the emotional attachment of the user to the object. These values and accompanying aspects on which industrial design is based can vary, both between different schools of thought and among practicing designers. Product design and industrial design can overlap into the fields of user interface design, information design and interaction design. Various schools of industrial design and/or product design may specialize in one of these aspects, ranging from pure art colleges (product styling) to mixed programs of engineering and design, to related disciplines like exhibit design and interior design, to schools where aesthetic design is almost completely subordinated to concerns of function and ergonomics of use (the so-called functionalist school)。 Industrial design rights Industrial design rights are intellectual property rights that protect the visual design of objects that are not purely utilitarian. An industrial design consists of the creation of a shape, configuration or composition of pattern or color, or combination of pattern and color in three dimensional form containing aesthetic value. An industrial design can be a two- or three-dimensional pattern used to produce a product, industrial commodity or handicraft. Under the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Deposit of Industrial Designs, a WIPO-administered treaty, a procedure for an international registration exists. An applicant can file for a single international deposit with WIPO or with the national office in a country party to the treaty. The design will then be protected in as many member countries of the treaty as desired. Design rights started in the United Kingdom in 1787 with the Designing and Printing of Linen Act and have expanded from there. Legislations India India"s Design Act, 2000 was enacted to consolidate and amend the law relating to protection of design and to comply with the articles 25 and 26 of TRIPS agreement. The new act, (earlier Patent and Design Act, 1911 was repealed by this act) now defines "design" to mean only the features of shape, configuration, pattern, ornament, or composition of lines or colours applied to any articlewhether in two or three dimensional, or in both forms, by any industrial process or means, whether manualal or mechanical or chemical, separate or combimed, which in the finished article appeal to and are judged solely bt the eye; but does not include any mode or principle of construction. Canada Canada"s industrial design act affords ten years of protection to industrial designs that are registered; there is no protection if the design is not registered. The Industrial Design Act (R.S., c. I-8) defines "design" or "industrial design" to mean features of shape, configuration, pattern or ornament and any combination of those features that, in a finished article, appeal to and are judged solely by the eye. During the existence of an exclusive right, no person can "make, import for the purpose of trade or business, or sell, rent, or offer or expose for sale or rent, any article in respect of which the design is registered." The rule also applies to kits and substantial differences are in reference to previously published designs. United Kingdom In addition to the design protection available under Community designs, UK law provides its own national registered design right and an unregistered design right. The unregistered right, which exists automatically if the requirements are met can last for up to 15 years. The registered design right can last up to 25 years subject to the payment of maintenance fees。 United States U.S. design patents last fourteen years from the date of grant and cover the ornamental aspects of utilitarian objects. Objects that lack a use beyond that conferred by their appearance or the information they convey, may be covered by copyright -- a form of intellectual property of much longer duration that exists as soon as a qualifying work is created. In some circumstances, rights may also be acquired in trade dress, but trade dress protection is akin to trademark rights and requires that the design have source significance or "secondary meaning." It is useful only to prevent source misrepresentations; trade dress protection cannot be used to prevent others from competing on the merits. Product design Product design can be defined as the idea generation, concept development, testing and manufacturing or implementation of a physical object or service. Product Designers conceptualize and evaluate ideas, making them tangible through products in a more systematic approach. The role of a product designer encompasses many characteristics of the marketing manager, product manager, industrial designer and design engineer. The term is sometimes confused with industrial design, which defines the field of a broader spectrum of design activities, such as service design, systems design, interaction design as well as product design.[citation needed] The role of the product designer combines art, science and technology to create tangible three-dimensional goods. This evolving role has been facilitated by digital tools that allow designers to communicate, visualize and analyze ideas in a way that would have taken greater manpower in the past. Skills needed Product designers are equipped with the skills needed to bring products from conception to market. They should have the ability to manage design projects, and subcontract areas to other sectors of the design industry. Aesthetics is considered important in Product Design but designers also deal with important aspects including technology, ergonomics, usability, stress analysis and materials engineering. As with most of the design fields the idea for the design of a product arises from a need and has a use. It follows a certain method and can sometimes be attributed to more complex factors such as association and telesis. Also used to describe a technically competent product designer or industrial designer is the term Industrial Design Engineer. The Cyclone vacuum cleaner inventor James Dyson for example could be considered to be in this category (see his autobiography Against The Odds, Pub Thomson 2002). Application Some companies or individuals have particularly strong feel for developing new products than others. In the modern world these include especially technological companies like iRobot, Google or Nokia. Many product designers are strategic assets to companies that need to maintain a competitive edge in innovation.
2023-01-08 11:32:062


英翻中:1重复,它是没有我们的先进技术,而是确定的我们改变的构想我们自己关于世界我们怎么将修筑我们的墙壁。玻璃墙表达他能和掌握自然和社会的人的信念。"开放学制"和unobstructes视图与通过他的在所有问题的最后的解答的信念是一致的 科学the扩展努力。 2它在对建筑学的理解作为的一个媒介 人的态度、禁忌和理想expression新的建筑批评离开古典美学。后者依靠了纯净的比例、构成等等,作为艺术性的评断的基地。在社会学和心理学的年龄,墙壁不是墙壁,而是障碍的物理标志在人的头脑里。 3那里似乎是ageneral假定他们需要avaried的精采人民不可能站立定期,那,扣人心弦的生活为了做他们的最好。也假设,愚钝的人民特别适用与愚钝的工作。我们被告诉原因当代年轻抗议那么响亮地反对工厂工作的钝涩是他们比过去的年轻人更好被教育和明亮。实际上,没有达到渴望,更不用说活,不平凡的人生的证据theat人民。对面是更近的真相。 =V=咳、有点那啥嗯。=V=翻译不出来的请见谅嗯。接下来是中翻英:1 Franklin exhorts the reader in his to probably be diligent and thrifty. (exhort) 2 I will not let these worry matter hinder my work. (interfere with) 3 conclusive evidence had not indicated that he is guilty. (tangible) 4 he said and him does is inconsistent. (be consistent with) can the 5 who the official this signature free of error? (attest to) 6 this industry processes may obtain a quite great amount. (be disposed of) 7 he lived in seclusion in his farmhouse. (secluded) 8 his a few words have caused our disaffection. (incur) 嗯唔、翻译完了。如果不对、请见谅啊。
2023-01-08 11:32:173


程相占教授认为,环境美学重点在于“环境”,而不是“自然”,环境美学的确立涉及到两本重要的著作:英国学者布雷迪(Brady)2003年出版的《自然环境美学》(Aesthetics of the Natural Environment)与卡尔森和伯林特(Carlson,Berleant)合编的论文集《自然环境美学》(The Aesthetics of Natural Environment)。程相占教授将环境美学分为自然环境与人建环境,并以卡尔森和伯林特合编的《人类环境美学》(The Aesthetics of Human Environments)为例,指出了如何审美地欣赏人类环境以及背后的价值。
2023-01-08 11:32:291


The cultural differences and Western clothing Confucian ceremony in Germany to regulate clothing. Confucian society that ethical norms and individual blend of the psychological desire to be united in the clothes embodied. Confucian aesthetics from the perspective of society as a whole aesthetic form asking people to dress formal beauty of the external and internal temperament consistent Qiyun America embodies the ideal personality to strengthen and enhance the moral integrity of the costumes ideas and to say what, both inside and outside the United States into the personality tidy uniform and order among the demarcation of social practice. Fashion on the Confucian concept of long-term historical dominance of the Chinese dynasties of women"s basic shape has an impact. Taoism that pure natural state is the state of the human ideal. Despite the ups and downs dynasties in Chinese history, change ups, but the women"s clothing basic retain undress shape, loose straight cut plane. The West regards itself as the master of the world, is the master of worldly things, to make every effort to tap the power of people, the release of human potential and compete vigorously to make their selfish desires inflated claims. Strong expression of individuality in the clothing, emphasizing exaggerated the beauty of the human body, in varying degrees, contrary to the laws of nature. That is why the notion of the West in the shaping of aesthetics is hard to be generated by the human body draping clothing; either hanging in the wardrobe, or wear on the body, or walk up, do not be too obvious change, which are reflected Westerners space to explore psychology, there is a clear self-expansion.希望能帮助你!
2023-01-08 11:32:355


行为艺术"art de comportement"暴力美学"esthétique de violence"
2023-01-08 11:32:562


2023-01-08 11:33:063

什么是接受主义美学 急

接受主义美学?接受美学?接受美学“接受美学”(Receptional Aesthetic)这一概念是由德国康茨坦斯大学文艺学教授尧斯在1967年提出的。接受美学的核心是从受众出发,从接受出发。尧斯认为,一个作品,即使印成书,读者没有阅读之前,也只是半完成品。
2023-01-08 11:33:182


这个词应该从英语的前缀、后缀以及词根来理解aesthe是个词根=feeling ,表示“感觉” 例如 aesthetics 美学,美术理论;审美学;美的哲学 aesthetic 美的;美学的;审美的....(t)ics是个后缀,表示“.......学,.......术 ” 例如常见的 politics 政治学aesthenakedtics这个词中间还有一个词是naked “裸体的”意思所以总结以上分析可以得出这个词的意思是“裸体美学”更标准一点的译法是“裸体审美” ,它是后现代视觉艺术中的一方面希望得到你的采纳!
2023-01-08 11:33:321


其实定义本身就一种对美的局限,就象人类意识信仰与怀疑的关系一样,美也需要经历这样的一个过程。我们需要一种认识的基础,然后在这样的一种层面之上进行理解,不同的自我意识会对美有不同的感受。而基于个体意识的对美的感觉才是最重要的,而且是唯一正确的。美的感受从来就不是相同的,因为我们有着不同的自我意识;但美感却是可以相通的,因为我们同样属于整体意识的一部分。美的定义在于对美的感受,对美的理解,对美的想象,美是我们意识的内在的部分,是基于意识整体的方向。对于美的定义已经是一个历史的过程,因为美感对于任何一个有意识的人来说都并不陌生,但对于美究竟是什么,却似乎总是无法找到一个确切的答案。给美定义的想法似乎比审美过程更具有诱惑力,这就象人类可以见到上帝的愿望比信仰上帝更强烈,只是这种愿望因为一直无法实现而淡忘。而美却并不如此,因为我们都察觉到美的存在,却不象上帝那样若有若无、若隐若现,美的感受是如此地真切就象乞力马扎罗山上的雪。下面将对一些美的历史进行描述,看看不同意识对美的理解。我们先了解古希腊哲学对美的理解,柏拉图的美学与其哲学一样是基于理念论的,美的理念(存在)是美的具体事物(感性存在)之所以美的惟一和根本原因。肯定和谐是美的基本特征,认为不仅艺术,一切合理的完善的和美的事物,都象音乐一样达到内部各种倾向、力量的和谐。这种和谐作为美的范畴是毕达哥拉斯提出的,毕氏认为美就是一定数量关系构成的和谐。比如音乐就是由各种音调组成,而这些音调又与发音体在数量上的差别有直接关系。整个宇宙所以使人感到美,还不是由于太阳、月亮和所有的行体明暗相间,参差错落所形成的伟大和谐吗?还有一个希腊修辞学家郎吉弩斯[Longinus,213-273]提出了另一个美学范畴——崇高。《论崇高》“从生命一开始,大自然就向我们人类心灵里灌注进去一种不可克服的永恒的爱,即对于凡是真正伟大的,比我们自己更神圣的东西的爱。”认为艺术应具有崇高的风格,作者须有“伟大的心灵”,崇高不是别的,正是“伟大心灵的回声”。崇高的思想当然属于崇高的心灵,崇高是人超越自身的一种境界,崇高是自然的赐予。英国人博克在《论崇高与美两种观念的根源》中认为“当一个对象以美打动我们的感官,使我们产生一种满足感而不是占有欲时,我们就沉浸在真正的美的享受里;当一个对象使我们联想到危险和痛苦,但不是真正面临危险欲痛苦的威胁时,我们所体验到的便是崇高的感情。”提出崇高不属于美,而是与美并列的范畴。笛卡尔在《第一哲学沉思录》中提出 “我思故我在”的著名命题,认为“美和愉快的都不过是我们的判断和对象之间的一种关系”。休谟认为对于美决定性东西还在于“人性本来的构造”、“习俗”或者“偶然的心情”,审美活动“用心情借来的色彩去渲染一切的自然事物”。卢梭在《论科学和艺术》中认为随着科学和艺术的兴起,人类失去了“那种天生的自由情操”,人类应该回归自然情感中。鲍姆嘉通提出应建立一门专门研究感性认识的学科,叫做“埃斯特惕卡”[Aesthetics],认为美是“感性认识自身的完善”。康德《判断力批判》认为审美判断是“凭借完全无利害观念的快感和不快感对某一对象或其表现方法的一种判断力”,是“惟一的独特的一种不计较利害的自由的快感”。强调艺术创作的精髓在于意志的自由,却不是毫无节制的,而建立在自然的必然基础上的。费希特创立以“自我”为中心的哲学体系,认为“自我”是唯一的实在,一切存在物都在自我之中并通过自我而存在。黑格尔《美学》中认为“美是理念的感性显现”,“正是概念在它的客观存在里与它本身的这种协调一致才形成美的本质”。自然美是理念发展到自然阶段的产物,艺术美是理念发展到精神阶段的产物,艺术美高于自然美。艺术只有通过心灵理念才能变为真正真实的和显示的,才能具有自由和无限的形式。美学的范围在于艺术美,而不是自然美。艺术从象征、古典到浪漫的转化是精神自由的、无限的理念要求冲破一切物质形式的束缚回到其本身,在绘画、音乐、诗歌中物质因素削弱到最低限度,精神得以更自由的表现。车尔尼雪夫斯基在《艺术与现实的审美关系》中提出了“美是生活”的定义,坚持美以及艺术都来源于现实生活,强调现实美高于艺术美,反对纯艺术论。艺术再现生活现实,是生活的代替品。桑塔耶纳《美感》给美下了一个定义:美是积极的、固有的、客观化的价值。门罗在《走向科学的美学》指出“美学作为一门经验科学,它的研究领域主要有两组现象,艺术品以及于艺术作品有关的人类活动。从上述的简单罗列可以了解美的定义同样是两种倾向,即唯物的和唯心的。其实美本身并不在于这两者的区别,美是意识的内在,美感是意识对于美的感受,而物质更多是审美的对象。美学仅仅在于研究美的意识机制,而并不在于美究竟在那个域。美在毕达哥拉斯、柏拉图表现为和谐,在郎吉弩斯、博克表现为崇高,在康德、黑格尔表现为自由,在车尔尼雪夫斯基、桑塔耶纳表现为客观或现实。由于不同意识的观察美存在的角度,对于美的理解是不同的,而这种不同恰恰是美之所以为美的一个理由。在这里我们并不准备确定美的定义是自然、自由、崇高或者和谐,因为美是一种意识现象,它具有基于自由意识的不同。因此对美的定义是一个并不现实的课题,但是我们可以确定作为美内在的要素,那就是自由、崇高、和谐,而所有的要素都基于自然的或者说意识的精神。自由是基于意识自身的,崇高是基于意识超越的,而和谐是基于意识目的的。美对于我们的意义并不仅仅在于定义,也并不在于发现它的本质,而在于我们对美的理解,在于美在某种意义上使我们的生活更美好。
2023-01-08 11:33:381