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放风筝的英语怎么读 如何英语表达放风筝

1、放风筝用英文是fly a kite。 词汇分析短语:fly a kite 音标:[flau026a u0259 kau026at] 。 2、例句:You can kite this demon, but you can not kite her and the pet.你可以对那个怪物放风筝,但是你不能放术士和宠物两个的风筝。


From grade one to grade five, from grade one to grade four, from grade one to grade three, from grade one to grade five.重点词汇释义一年级freshman year; Grade One; first grade年级grade; year初一first day of a lunar month; New Year"s Day; freshman (in junior high school)高三Senior Year; junior; Grade3


除此…之外 的英语表达方式1.except for2.except3.other than4.outside of5.besides英语学习的方法。  1 学习英语的首要理念:要努力去了解“是什么”,而尽量少去了解“为什么”。  因为英语是语言,很多语汇和句型的用法没有道理可讲,没有“为什么”可言,人们就是这样用的,就是这样说的,记住就好。当然了,仔细分析起来或许可以找到语法上的解释。婴儿时期,我们学说话的时候,从来没有问过“为什么会这么说” 吧,但是为什么后来会说的这么好?因为我们听的多,说的多,自然就记在脑子里了。  2 学习英语的最好方法:背诵课文。  因为英语是我们的后天语言,所以必须将人家现成的东西反复在脑海里形成神经反射,不用关心为什么这样说(同第一点)。  推荐《新概念英语3,4册》。可以说,几乎没有任何一种教材的经典程度超过《新概念英语》。它的语法是最规范的,结构是最严谨的,流传了好几代人,依然保持最为持久的生命力。  3 学习英语需要多种形式的神经刺激。  真正学好英语,不经历背诵大量文章,写大量东西,听大量文章,是根本不可能达到目的的,比如一个新单词,我们在书上看到,默写,背诵,还不能说真正认识了。在听力中听到了这个单词,能反应过来是它吗?在想表达这种意思的时候,能反应过来应该用它吗?……我们当初学说话的时候,都是无形中进行了听,说,读,写等不经意的“练习”才全面掌握了这门语言。  4 学习英语要善于利用零碎时间。  英语学习不是靠突击可以学好的,一下子花上好几个小时拼命学英语,是无济于事的。它的特点在于“细水常流”。每天花上十几分钟的零碎时间听,背一段课文,记几个单词,长期坚持,逐渐会得到提高的。  5 要着意“卖弄”。  新学会的词汇和用法,应该在可能的场合多多练习使用。不要老是用自己喜欢或者熟悉的单词或者句型,这样的话,新学的东西永远得不到强化,慢慢的又会变的陌生,人将会永远停留原有的水平。不断地将新东西变为旧东西,又不断接触新东西,再将其变为旧东西,如此往复,才能不断提高。

轮船的英语怎么读 如何英语表达轮船

1、轮船的英文:Ship读法 英 [u0283u026ap] 美 [u0283u026ap]。 2、vt. 运送,乘船;以船运送;vi. 上船;乘船旅行;当船员;n. 船;舰;太空船。 3、例句:Have you ever travelled by ship? 你曾经坐轮船旅行过吗?


You"d better take him to doctor.



Qu Yuan drowned himself in the Miluo River.


As the goods cannot arrange early shipment enough to fight

可爱用英语怎么说 如何用英语表达可爱

1、可爱的英文有cute、lovely、adorable。 2、cute作形容词是可爱的、逗人喜爱的。His baby brother is really cute.他的小宝宝弟弟真的是非常可爱。 3、lovely作形容词是可爱的、迷人的。You look lovely,Marica.你看上去真可爱,玛赛亚。 4、adorable作形容词是可爱的、讨人喜欢的。What an adorable child!多可爱的小孩啊。


CinderellaOnce upon a time, there was a kind and pretty girl named Cinderella. She had to live in the kitchen and do all the work in the house.One day, the Prince invited all the girls to b big party at the palace, but Cinderella was ordered to stay home. She was sad. Suddenly, a fairy appeared. She turned a pumpkin into a wonderful coach and the shoes into shining glass slippers! Cinderella happily got in the coach. He fairy said, “Remember, come back before midnight!”Cinderella was the most beautiful girl at the party and the Prince danced every dance with her She was so happy that she forgot the time. Suddenly, she heard the bell strike twelve. She ran out in a hurry and left a slipper on the way.The next morning, the Prince had all the girls in the country try on the slipper. Finally, he found Cinderella. They got married and were happy ever after.翻译:灰姑娘从前有一个美丽善良的女孩,叫灰姑娘.她只能住在厨房里,还要干屋里所有的活.有一天,王子邀请所有的王宫参加一个盛大的舞会,但是她要留在家里不准去.她很伤心,突然,一位仙女出现了.她把南瓜变成了一辆漂亮的马车,灰姑娘的鞋子也变成了闪闪发光的玻璃鞋!灰姑娘高兴地上了马车.仙女说:”记住,!半夜十二点之前回来啊!”灰姑娘是舞会上最漂亮的姑娘,每一首曲子王子都不得和她跳.她高兴得忘记了时间,突然,她听到大钟敲了十二下她匆匆忙忙地跑了出去,并在路上掉了一只玻璃鞋.第二天,王子让全国所有的女孩子都试穿好运只玻璃鞋过日子.最后他终于找到了灰姑娘.他们结了婚,从此以后一直开心快乐.请采纳吧!


1、看着你的眼,我看见了大海,蓝天;更看到了美丽的未来! Looking at your eyes, I see the sea, the blue sky, and the beautiful future! 2、即使全世界都背叛你,我也会站在你身边背叛全世界。 Even if the whole world betrays you, I will stand beside you and betray the whole world. 3、没有你的时侯,色彩是单一的,没有你的时侯,饭菜是无味的,没有你的时侯,我是空心的! Without you, the color is single, without you, the food is tasteless, without you, I am hollow! 4、穿过世俗的风雨,流言的暗礁,妒嫉的漩涡,让爱航船,驶向你心灵的港湾。 Through the secular storms, the reefs of gossip, the whirlpool of jealousy, let love ship sail to the harbor of your soul. 5、情人节,我愿做一条鱼,任你红烧、白煮、清蒸,然后躺在你温柔的胃里。 Valentine"s Day, I would like to make a fish, let you cook, steamed, and then lie in your gentle stomach. 6、只有跟你在一起的时候我才是活着的,我一个人的时候,就连最耀眼的太阳也失去光彩! I am alive only when I am with you. When I am alone, even the most dazzling sun loses its luster! 7、不要让我孤独,不要给我寂寞,过度的孤独与寂寞会让我无止地伤感与悲痛。 Don"t make me lonely, don"t give me loneliness, excessive loneliness and loneliness will make me endlessly sad and sad. 8、茫茫人海中,相识了你,是一种缘份,只希望用我的真诚,换取你的真情。 Acquaintance with you in the vast crowd is a kind of fate, only hope to use my sincerity in exchange for your true feelings. 9、任何事我都想和你分享,因为除了你我再也找不到另一个与我相配的女人。 I want to share everything with you, because I can"t find another woman to match me except you. 10、我是你的小小狗,你是我的小小骨头,就算掉进臭水沟,我也捡回叼着走。 I"m your puppy, you"re my little bone. Even if I fall into a foul ditch, I"ll pick it up and take it away. 11、你是风儿我是沙,你端杯儿我倒茶,你打盹儿我铺床,你生孩儿我看娃。 You are the wind, I am the sand, you take a cup, I pour tea, you take a nap, I make a bed, you have children, I watched. 12、好想做你的手机,被你揣在怀里,捧在手里,看在眼里,记在心里。最重要的还经常吻着你! Want to be your mobile phone, you hold it in your arms, hold it in your hands, see it in your eyes, remember it in your heart. The most important thing is always kissing you! 13、在你抑郁的时候,我就是你的开心果。在你忧伤的时候,我愿作你的忘忧树! When you are depressed, I am your happy fruit. When you are sad, I would like to be your tree of fetfulness! 14、思念就像河流般,滔滔不绝地流向大海,流向我的心房。 Missing is like a river, flowing endlessly to the sea and to my heart. 15、孤单不是与生俱来,而是由你爱上一个人的那一刻开始。 Loneliness is not born, but begins when you fall in love with someone. 16、遇见你是偶然的,喜欢你是自然的,爱上你是毅然的,得到你是欣然的,伴你一生是必然的。 Meeting you by chance, liking you is natural, falling in love with you is resolute, getting you is glad, acpanying you for life is inevitable. 17、有了你,我的生活变的无限宽广,有了你,世界变得如此迷人。 With you, my life bees infinitely broad. With you, the world bees so charming. 18、有的时候,爱是不用太多言语的,只是想默默的注视着你,在乎和你在一起的每一秒钟。 Sometimes, love does not need too much words, just want to silently gaze at you, care about every second with you. 19、数不完的星星,数不完的记忆。弹起我心中的吉它,让心曲飞向远方,伴你进入甜甜的梦乡。 Countless stars, countless memories. Pick up the guitar in my heart, let my heart fly far away, acpany you into sweet dreams. 20、每次和你发性格后我都很忏悔,其实我的目地是很单纯的,我只想要你在意我。 Every time I have sex with you, I confess, in fact, my purpose is very simple, I just want you to care about me. 21、如果把我内心的愧疚真说出来,怕你觉得我没出息,可是不说出来,自己又觉得自己没出息。 If you tell me my guilt, I"m afraid you think I"m not promising, but if you don"t say it, you will feel that you are not promising. 22、你可知我百年的孤寂只为你一人守候,千夜的恋歌只为你一人而唱。 You know my loneliness for a hundred years is just waiting for you, and my love songs for a thousand nights are singing for you alone. 23、因为有你,世界变得美丽;因为有你,生活有了意义;因为有你,一切都是甜蜜。 Because of you, the world bees beautiful; because of you, life has meaning; because of you, everything is sweet. 24、你是一位童话里的仙女,给了我生活的芳香,给了我生命的春天。 You are a fairy tale fairy, giving me the fragrance of life, giving me the spring of life. 25、我爱你,我吻你,我要发狂般地吻你。因为你是我的天使,我的皇后,我崇高的爱神! I love you, I kiss you, I want to kiss you like crazy. Because you are my angel, my queen, my lofty God of love! 26、我一生中最美好的日子是发生那件事情的那天,是和直树相遇的日子。 The best day of my life was the day when that happened, the day when I met Naoko. 27、亲爱的:最近我牙齿痛,因为常常晚上想你,那感觉太甜蜜了,会蛀牙。 Dear: Recently, I have toothache, because I often miss you at night. It feels so sweet that my teeth will decay. 28、我愿意用一千万年等待你初春暖阳般的绽颜一笑。 I would like to spend 10 million years waiting for your warm sunny *** ile in the early spring. 29、我愿变成一个瞎子,我不想看任何东西,却只想看得到你,我的眼里只要能看到你就够了。 I want to be blind. I don"t want to see anything, but I just want to see you. I just want to see you in my eyes. 30、你是岸,我是船,你是太阳,我为你转,幸福有你才能算,给我世界都不换,因为你是我的。 You are the shore, I am the boat, you are the sun, I turn for you, happiness can be calculated with you, give me the world is not changed, because you are mine. 31、对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。 To the world you may be one person, but to one person you maybe the world. 32、也希望你更加努力,不要放弃自己,有一天你会得到自己的幸福! Also hope you work harder, don"t give up yourself, one day you will get your own happiness! 33、在茫茫人海中,看到了你的身影,心是第一次这样的颤动! In the vast crowd, see your figure, the heart is the first such tremor! 34、没有你,我的天空少了一片色彩;没有你,我的世界多了一种思念。 Without you, my sky is less colorful; without you, my world is more missed. 35、我之所以活到现在的全部意义,就是为了此刻能与你相遇。 The whole point of living up to now is to meet you at this moment. 36、用你的名字和我的姓氏成就这故事,从此以后无忧无愁,故事平淡但当中有你已经足够! Use your name and my surname to acplish this story, from now on, no worries, the story is plain, but you are enough! 37、你灵气,我傻气;你秀气,我土气;你香气,我酒气;你生气,我受气。一切只为你满意。 You are spiritual, I am silly; you are elegant, I am local; you are fragrant, I am alcoholic; you are angry, I am angry. Everything is only for your satisfaction. 38、倒不是怕他会跟上来,而是怕我的心没有随我的脚步跟上来。 Not that he would follow, but that my heart would not follow my footsteps. 39、任何时候任何情况,只要你需要我,我立即赶来,尽我全力为你做事。 Anytime and in any case, as long as you need me, I will e at once and do my best for you. 40、我爱你,你对我来说,就是早晨的面包,晚上的香蕉,山东人的大蒜,四川人的辣椒。 I love you. For me, it"s bread in the morning, bananas in the evening, garlic from Shandong, and pepper from Sichuan. 41、不是恋爱的感觉让我幸福而是爱上你的感觉让我幸福。 It"s not the feeling of love that makes me happy, but the feeling of falling in love with you that makes me happy. 42、别人都说我们的关系就像鱼和水。我想做你这个水里的鱼! Others say that our relationship is like fish and water. I want to be your fish in the water!




在众人面前表达自己的观点,尤其是和大家不同的观点,是件很难的事。你可以一步一步地练习,来克服这个障碍。 5: It is tough for me to speak up and share my opinions, especially if they are somewhat controversial. 要我直抒胸臆很难,尤其遇到那些有争议的事 Addresses expressing your opinions 如何表达自己的观点 When people lack assertiveness, it is difficult for them to share their ideas, especially if they differ from the majority or from an influential person"s opinion. The key to getting yourself to share your ideas is to be clear on what they are and how others could benefit from them. 当人们缺乏主张力时,要他们分享自己的看法是一件困难的事情,特别当他们的观点和多数人或有影响力的人的观点不同时就更难做到了。要把自己的观点表达出来,首先要清楚了解自己的想法,以及别人如何可以从中受益。 The best way to work on this assertiveness skills is to share your opinions in increasingly difficult situations. You may begin by expressing your semi-controversial views in a conversation with a friend. Then you express your opinions to your direct reports at work. Then you state a potentially unpopular viewpoint with your boss. And finally you express an outside of the box idea in a board meeting in front of your VP. 训练这项主张能力水平的最好办法是逐渐增加表达观点场合的难度。开始你可以在和朋友聊天的时候表达一些有点争议的观点;进一步,你可以在工作中向你的顶头上司表达自己的观点;然后,向你的老板阐述一个可能不是很多人认同的观点。最后,在董事会上你可以在副总裁面前表达一个“跳出了思维框架”的观点。


1.The drunkard staggered(蹒跚)from the coffee shop and clung to a lamp-post. 2.The hitch-hikers reached the town after a long walk and plodded(重步行走)wearily to the hotel. 3. The man whose wife was expecting the first baby was pacing(踱步)nervously up and down the hospital corridor. 4. After class, the children did not go home direct but loitered(游荡)on the way. 5. The manager strode(大步走)into the office and asked who was late for work. 6.The puppy strayed(迷途)from its home and was completely lost. 7.The cock is strutting(昂头阔步)up and down the farmyard. 8. After dinner, I went rambling(漫步)in the park. 9.The thief has been lurking(潜行)in a corner for his unsuspecting victims. 10.Not wishing to be noticed, the boy crept(爬行)downstairs. 11. At the weekend, Tom and his friends went strolling(闲逛)in the town. 12. In her hurry, the maid stumbled(绊倒)and fell flat on the floor. 13. The farmer trudged(艰难地走)home with his hoe. 14. The mountaineers scrambled(攀爬)up the hill side. 15. The car lurched(摇摆不定)forward across the grass. 16. With one leg hurt, John limped(跛行)home. 17. Beasts come out to prowl(四处觅食)after their prey at night. 18. Before babies can walk, they crawl(爬行). 19. The victorious army marched(迈进)into the conquered city. 20. The pedestrians rushed(快步走)here and there in the rain.


have a good day


Besides,We offer another 2 styles for your choice.

介绍大连旅游景点英语 大连有什么著名的景点用英语表示

高分悬赏大连一些旅游景点的英文名字!老虎滩tigerbeach极地馆polarregionembassy圣亚海洋世界sanyaoceanworld星海公园starseapark滨海路binhairoad棒棰岛googisland金石滩inscriptionsbeach冰浴沟icebathdyke这些是你想要的吧!描写大连适合旅游的英语作文 初二水平(80字左右),最好带翻译。回答的好有附加奖励I have been longing for a tour to Dalianand this summer vocationmy dream came true.Dalian"s really a beautiful placethe air is freshthe road is cleanand the local people are kindhearted.In the tour we visited several famous scenery spotssuch as Dalian Laohutan ParkPole Aquariumand Xinghai Park.In the Laohutan Parkwe enjoyed the good sunshine and soft sea very much.We also saw many animals we have never seen beforelike penguinthey were so cute that I like them very much.In the later time we went to Xinghai Parkthere we had a walk aroud and took many photos.翻译我一直渴望去大连旅游,这个暑假我的梦想实现了。大连真的是一个美丽的地方,空气清新,道路干净,当地人善良。在旅行中,我们参观了几个著名的景点,如大连老虎滩公园和星海公园。在老虎滩公园,我们非常享受阳光和柔软的海。我们还看到了许多以前从未见过的动物企鹅非常可爱,我非常喜欢它们。后来我们去了星海公园,在那里我们散步,拍了很多照片。用英语介绍大连答:My hometown is Dalian which locates in the Liaotong Peninsula. It is the biggest coastal city in North China. And it is also the biggest habour in Liaoning Province. It enjoys high good reputation of "garden city". With a lot of beautiful trees and flowers around the city, people living there feel very proud of beautiful scenery. At same time ,Dalian is one of the important industral cities. And it is famous for its shipping industry. Dalian , a city I born and grown up ,is my love!Without the summer heat and winter cold without an annual average temperature of 10 degrees Celsius, about 700 millimeters of annual rainfall, frost-free period 6 months. Dalian is China"s first "outstanding tourist city", not only in modern China has rich tourism resources in the humanities and history, there are also many scenic natural tourism resources, The southern coastal area, Lushunkou scenic areas, scenic areas andLushunkou_cenic Places of interest are the four major scenic areas of Dalian. The annual Dalian International Fashion Festival, Spring Festival will be fireworks, tours huai, the International Marathon and other major events。【译文】:我的家乡是大连,坐落在辽通半岛。它是中国北方最大的沿海城市。它也是辽宁省最大的港口城市。它享有“花园城”的美誉。城市周围有许多美丽的树和花,那里的人们为美丽的风景而感到自豪。与此同时,大连是重要的工业城市之一。它以航运业闻名。大连,一个我出生长大的城市,是我的最爱。大连没有夏季的热量和冬季的寒冷,没有平均气温10摄氏度,年降雨量约为700毫米,无霜期为6个月。大连是中国“杰出的旅游城市”不仅在现代中国具有丰富的人文历史旅游资源,还有许多风景优美的自然旅游资源奇秀。南方沿海地区,和金石滩风景区冰峪名胜古迹的四大风景区是大连。一年一度的大连国际时尚节,春节将是烟花,淮河,国际马拉松和其他大型活动。哪位高人能用英语介绍下大连?Dalian is a beautiful seaside city, many of the classic is very beautiful, like a Tiger Beach Park, Sun Asia Ocean World (Asia"s first aquarium, there are many marine animals, penguins, polar bears, and some other places did not see the marine life ), Xinghai Bay Park (Asia"s largest square, this place is a must when tourists come to the place), Bing Yugou (natural landscape), Dalian Golden Pebble Beach National Tourist Resort (Seaview especially beautiful).大连是一个美丽的海滨城市,很多经典很漂亮, 像老虎滩公园, 圣亚海洋世界(亚洲第一个海洋馆,里面有很多海洋动物,企鹅,北极熊,还有一些其他地方见不到的海洋生物), 星海湾公园(亚洲第一大广场,这个地方是游客来的时候必到的地方), 冰峪沟(天然景观), 大连金石滩国家旅游渡假区(海景特别漂亮)。【求助】大连有哪些名胜风景区景点或一些好玩的地方?用英语都怎么说?写英语作文急用 希望大家帮个忙 ...冰峪沟the bingyu Valley老虎滩公园 Laohutan Park; Laohutan Park大连金石滩 Golden Pebble Beach; Golden Pebble Beach大连老虎滩极地海洋动物馆 Dalian LHT Polar Aquarime; Dalian LHT Polar Aquarime


大量、许多的修饰可数名词:many, a lot of, lots of, a number of, a great number of, 修饰不可数名词much, a lot of, lots of, a great amount of , a great deal of, a bit of



用英语表达的国家,国旗,大洋洲之类的单词 [大洋洲]



七大洲:AFRICA(非洲);EUROPE(欧洲);ASIA(亚洲);OCEANIA(大洋洲);NORTH AMERICA(北美洲);SOUTH AMERICA(南美洲);ANTARCTICA(南极洲)。五大洋:PACIFIC OCEAN(太平洋);ATLANTIC OCEAN (大西洋);INDIAN OCEAN(印度洋);ARCTIC OCEAN (北冰洋);ANTARCTIC OCEAN(南冰洋)扩展资料亚洲:面积4400万平方千米,约占世界陆地总面积的29.4%,是世界第一大洲。共有48个国家和地区。人口41.643亿,约占世界总人口的60%,居世界第一位。非洲:面积约3000万平方千米,约占世界陆地总面积的20.2%,是世界第二大洲。共有56个国家和地区。人口10.325亿,占世界总人口的12.3%,居世界第二位。北美洲:面积约2400万平方千米,约占世界陆地总面积的16.2%,是世界第三大洲。共有37个国家和地区。人口5.287亿,约占世界总人口的8.1%,居世界第四位。南美洲:面积约1800万平方千米,约占世界陆地总面积的12%,是世界第四大洲。共有13个国家和地区。人口3.02亿,约占世界总人口的5.6%,居世界第五位。南极洲:面积1400万平方千米,约占世界陆总面积的9.4%,是世界第五大洲。南极洲仅有一些来自其它大陆的科学考察人员和捕鲸队,无定居居民。参考资料七大洲百度百科




七大洲:AFRICA(非洲);EUROPE(欧洲);ASIA(亚洲);OCEANIA(大洋洲);NORTH AMERICA(北美洲);SOUTH AMERICA(南美洲);ANTARCTICA(南极洲)。五大洋:PACIFIC OCEAN(太平洋);ATLANTIC OCEAN (大西洋);INDIAN OCEAN(印度洋);ARCTIC OCEAN (北冰洋);ANTARCTIC OCEAN(南冰洋)扩展资料亚洲:面积4400万平方千米,约占世界陆地总面积的29.4%,是世界第一大洲。共有48个国家和地区。人口41.643亿,约占世界总人口的60%,居世界第一位。非洲:面积约3000万平方千米,约占世界陆地总面积的20.2%,是世界第二大洲。共有56个国家和地区。人口10.325亿,占世界总人口的12.3%,居世界第二位。北美洲:面积约2400万平方千米,约占世界陆地总面积的16.2%,是世界第三大洲。共有37个国家和地区。人口5.287亿,约占世界总人口的8.1%,居世界第四位。南美洲:面积约1800万平方千米,约占世界陆地总面积的12%,是世界第四大洲。共有13个国家和地区。人口3.02亿,约占世界总人口的5.6%,居世界第五位。南极洲:面积1400万平方千米,约占世界陆总面积的9.4%,是世界第五大洲。南极洲仅有一些来自其它大陆的科学考察人员和捕鲸队,无定居居民。参考资料七大洲百度百科


如果忘记没有做,或者后悔没有做某事用现在完成式的分词形式,为:forgeting not doing sth.和regret not doing sth. 你说的那个题与regret用法无关,而在于unable的用法。 A项表示将来,肯定不对。D项改成not being able也是对的。


corporate representative


代表用英文表达为Representative,其相关短语为representative of 表示;代表……的representative office 代表机构Trade Representative 贸易代表 ; 贸易谈判代表 ; 贸易会谈代表Business Representative 商务代表重点词汇解释:representativeadj. 典型的,有代表性的;代议制的;表现的,体现的;与表象有关的n. 代表;典型;众议员;销售代表双语例句:The survey covers a representative sample of schools. 调查覆盖了有代表性的一些学校。


  我们这节来了解一下是什么吧,顺便了解一下它的用法。下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!      hu *** and   vt. 节约地使用或管理   n. 丈夫   n. Hu *** and人名;英赫斯本德   hu *** and的英语例句   She would quickly do the work required for a new dead reckoning direction and pass the rmation to her hu *** and.   And one day so I was eating my ice-cream because the archives were closed, and this woman came up, and she was probably about fity, or something like that, and she ordered ice-cream, and so this guy says, "Well, Madame whatever, Madame Dupuis, you remember that day don"t you, when the Germans came back?" And she said, "Oh I sure do, they hung my hu *** and from that pole."   有一天我正吃冰激凌呢,因为档案馆关了,有个女人过来,她大概有五十岁,她要了个冰激凌,然后这哥们说,"我也忘了什么夫人了,杜普斯夫人,你还记得那天吧,德国人来的那天",然后她说,"我当然记得,他们把我丈夫吊在那根柱子上"   They included Bess" brother Alan as well as Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger and Baldwin "Butch" Hawes, who became her hu *** and.   You know, already with a home, three kids, cooking everyday for a hu *** and, as opposed to here,   有了家庭,有三个小孩子,每天给老公做饭,和这里的生活完全相反。   She wanted to explore her hu *** and"s Latino roots as a family project, as a way to teach their young daughter.   Middle Assyrian Laws: there"s death to a wife if she steals from her hu *** and and death to any who purchased the stolen goods.   中亚述法典这样描述,偷取丈夫财物的妻子应处死,对任何购买盗窃之物的人也应处死。   The farmer who had promised to take care of the farm while her hu *** and was away had been lazy and dishonest.   for I want to know"; here a desire expressed between two people, a hu *** and and a wife.] She turned and sank upon her skirts at that, ] And her face changed from terrified to dull.   因为我想知道“,这里丈夫和妻子两个人的欲望表达得淋漓尽致],她转过去,从裙子里垂下来,像突然垮下来一样],她的脸从惊恐变成了呆滞。   Kristen Iversen says one of their major problems was that Brown was socially progressive and her hu *** and was not.   VOA: special.2010.03.08   I also love Central Park. It used to be a tradition for my hu *** and and I.   同时,我也喜欢中央公园。我和我的丈夫过去经常到那里。   Some people saw proof of that in the fact that two of her children and her hu *** and died before her.   but now I live in Italy to follow my hu *** and who"s working there.   但是我现在住在义大利,随我在那里工作的丈夫去的。   In nineteen forty, Clare Boothe Luce traveled to Europe as a reporter for Life magazine, which was published by her hu *** and.   If she"s married, her hu *** and might find me and kill me.   如果她已经结婚了,她的丈夫会找到我,把我杀了。   For example, a woman might get angry at her hu *** and for ing home late or forgetting their wedding anniversary.   hu *** and的双语例句   Not with my hu *** and.   我不能没有我的丈夫。   My hu *** and joins with me in congratulating you.   我与我丈夫一道向你祝贺。   Sometimes she bitched her hu *** and.   有时她抱怨她丈夫。   She is out with her hu *** and.   她和她丈夫闹翻了。   She dunned her hu *** and for some money.   她为了要一些钱跟她丈夫纠缠不休。   Her hu *** and swelted one year ago.   她丈夫一年前去世了。   She prermed her hu *** and of her decision.   她把决定预先告诉她丈夫。   I don"t know what will bee of me if my hu *** and divorces me.   如果我丈夫与我离婚,我真不知道我会有什么样的遭遇。   The property has been deeded to her by her hu *** and.   这笔财产已由她丈夫立契约转让给她。   She was interred with her hu *** and.   她与她丈夫葬在一起。   I had no idea your hu *** and had passed over.   你丈夫去世的讯息我一点也不知道。   Her hu *** and left the firm for a better position in a bank.   她丈夫离开这个公司在一家银行谋到了一个更好的职位。   As a hu *** and,I constantly subordinated my wishes to yours.   作为丈夫,我总把我个人的意愿从属于你的。   Sometimes she carked about the health of her hu *** and.   有时她为丈夫的健康情况担忧。   She parrots every view her hu *** and has.   她是她丈夫每一个观点的应和者。    看过的人还:


  你希望你未来的老公是什么样的,我们不妨一起来探讨一下如何?下面是我给大家整理的老公的英语表达是什么,供大家参阅!   老公的英语表达是什么   英 [u02c8hu028czbu0259nd] 美 [u02c8hu028czbu0259nd]   husband   丈夫   老公丈夫的英语作文:怎样成为一个好丈夫   It is easy to be a husband.But to be a good husband takes effort.If you are a newly married husband or one celebrating your 50th wedding anniversary,you still can learn how to be a better husband.Relationships are a never-ending process that take work on a daily basis to stay at their optimal level.Even the best husband in the world can work on some things.To be a good husband,just follow these steps.   1 Listen.When your wife opens up to you,listen to her while giving her your full attention.You cannot be a great husband if you don"t listen and know what your wife wants you to hear.   2 Compromise with your wife.Relationships should never be a one-way street.If you two have a differing opinion on a subject,try to find a middle ground that will appease both parties.   3 Ask your wife how she is doing every day.Doing so makes her know that you care and lets her be able to make you aware of any issues before they escalate to bigger problems.   4 Count to 10 before continuing if an argument becomes heated.You don"t want to say something you don"t mean and hurt your wife"s feelings.Try to remain civil,and work toward a mutual understanding.Fighting for the sake of fighting doesn"t make sense for either party.If you can keep your cool,more than likely she"ll keep hers.   5 Treat yourself and your wife to dates on a regular basis.Even if you are stressed out with work and children,put time aside specifically for you and your wife.   老公丈夫的英语作文:我的理想老公   I would like to find a husband whom I really love and who really loves me for life.I will search the whole world for the exact match.To be specific,I want to be loved by a man whose character I admire.More importantly,his attitudes towards life must resonate with mine so that we understand and appreciate each other.We should be temperamentally compatible and the love between us should be based on spiritual understanding.   The so-called “social star” may not suit me,for I basically donu2019t like people who have an instinct for publicity.I would like my husband to be contemplative.He should not be too introverted,nor should he be talkative.Someone said,“Man should think more,do much and talk less.” I would prefer him to be a man of thoughts.In addition,he must have other good qualities.First of all,I would like him to be a well-educated man with an objective to observe.Thus he will have an insight into things and people and can judge independently and wisely.I will enjoy living and talking with a husband who has his own ideas.A man usually attracts me not by his looks,but by his mind.Also,he must be considerate and sensitive so that he can perceive my real feelings.   I hope my husband will be a moral man.He should reject the vices of life like I do.However,I donu2019t want him to be rigid.He should be wise enough to cope with things around him.He should also be humorous so we will have a lot of fun together.I donu2019t want to live with a dull man.Besides,I hope he is kind and affectionate to children.He should also be responsible and reliable.When I am extremely frustrated,he should be the shoulder to cry on.All these constitute the characteristics of my ideal husband.   Iu2019ve known about couplesu2019 lives through books and movies; sometimes I dream about my own life in the future.I think one must live with someone who shares the same dream in life.If a woman wants to lead a stable life without many changes,she may not be happy marrying a man who enjoys seeking after challenges.My husband should have a zest for life.He shouldnu2019t focus only on his work.Instead,he must be able to find joy in the simpliest things in life.I believe a happy life is not at all decided by the living condition.The way we look at it matters greatly.   Besides striving for a better living,we should both have healthy hobbies and enjoy leisure time with our own friends; as long as we spend enough time together.I would like him to have several good friends with excellent personalities.Our family should be his first priority.Iu2019ll be glad if he is willing to share the household duties.I hope sometimes we can tour during holidays to see the outside world.Furthermore,I also hope he will have some taste in the arts.He doesnu2019t need to be a virtuoso,but at least he shouldnu2019t be ignorant in the arts.   The most important thing I ask for is the mutual understanding and admiration between us.I hope we love each other not only physically but also spiritually.We may communicate well with each other with just the expressions in our eyes or several simple words.Our souls must combine to be one and our minds connect.   Maybe my standards are a little higher than most.I would like to receive the deep love from my future husband,just as Elizabeth Browning received from her husband.I love the following verses by her:“If thou must love me/ let it be for naught/ except for loveu2019s sake only.” I hope my future husband will have also read this.   


Nowadays, with the rapid development of IT, cell phones play a more and more important role in people"s life. But, like everything else, they have both favorable and unfavorable aspects.First ,it"s useful. As a wireless mobile telephone ,it"s easy and handy to carry it wherever one goes and call the callee however far away he is. Therefore, it greatly facilitates people"s life. Second, it"s convenient. Whenever one meets trouble or something urgent, one can make a call immediately. Most important of all, it"s a very helpful companion. With a multifunction cell phone in hand, one can easily get on the net, browsing the useful information, conducting e-commerce and doing whatever one can do via Internet.However, just as everything has two sides, the cell phone also has many disadvantages,. To begin with, it"s expensive to buy and costly to pay the bills, esp. that of global service. To make matter worse, it"s also easy to lose and costly to get it repaired. Worst of all, it"s not as clear as a family telephone and sometimes the number dialed is often not available. Last but not least, it"s alleged the micro-waves in it might do harm to people"s health.In my opinion, with its expenses greatly reduced after China"s entry into the WTO,. Someday most of them will be developed into new Internet-enabled mobile phones, which will be as useful as pocket computers. And I believe its advantages will not only offset its disadvantages, but also far outweigh them.希望能对你有帮助!


give up one"s seat to sb. 给某人让座。Please take a seat! 一般这样说就可以了。


姓:second name/surname名:first/given name

大的英文怎么读 如何英语表达大

1、大的英文big英[bu026aɡ]美[bu026aɡ],adj.大的; (体积、程度、数量等)巨大的; 年龄较大的; 重大的; 严重的; 庞大的; 大受欢迎的; 热衷于…的; 经常(或大量)做某事的; 大方的;adv.大大; 给人印象深地;n.大亨; 大公司。 2、[例句]Ive got quite a big room so Im not too badly off.我有一间蛮大的屋子,所以住得还不坏。


Alice和Dale 上午见面时互相问候了一下alice问戴尔如何用英语表达夹克衫:Alice: Good morning, Dale.Dale: Good morning, Alice.Alice: How to say the coat you wear?Dake: Its name is jacket.Alice: Thank you.Dale: you"re welcome.

大的用英语怎么说 如何英语表达大

1、大的英语单词是:big。读音:英 [bu026aɡ] 美 [bu026aɡ],adj. 大的;重要的;有雄心的;受欢迎的,adv. 宏大地;夸大地;成功地,n. 杰出的组织和个人。 2、例句:New York is a big commercial city.纽约是一座大的商业城市。


这些都不是理由,而是抄别人的固定说法。用英文讲理由必须具体。Mathematics comes from a Greek word that means to know. Therefore, mathematics was created for a few people who would like to know more about this world. In an effort to know this world, we all need some people who can think logically, who are able to solve problems consecutively, and who can provide us with a multitude of scenarios.etc., etc.,Good luck.


最好的 还是要有那么一个语言环境!



中国台湾 的正式英语表达

我觉得吧是,Taiwan, Republic of China.

英语表格中三个字的中文名怎么填写(first name,last name,大小写之类的)



Lily wants to go to the bookstores to buy books.


# Dinner侍应生:Hi, What can I get you?拾荒: Hi, Can I have the house salad and Thai Chili Soup?侍应生:Take away or…拾荒:Take away, thanks. Oh, I"m sorry to ask, but can you give me 5 ?1 coins for the change?侍应生:Yeah, sure. You can wait at the table, I"ll bring it to you.拾荒:Thanks.#HallwayDaniel:You are early, didn"t expect to see you on graduation day.拾荒:Hi, Daniel. I"m here to see Antonella. But she isn"t in here office, so…Daneil:I guess you didn"t make an appointment?拾荒:Oh well, I assume she would be here, it"s Wednesday.Daniel:I"m not sure if it helps, but I was told the developmental lab are attending the seminar today.拾荒:The amnesia one? Yeah I also got that email. When does it end, maybe around half ten?Daniel:That"s right. How"s the proposal thing going?拾荒:Not bad I think, I"m here to discuss the draft with Antonella.Daniel:Good luck then, gotta run.拾荒:Fingers crossed! I"ll see you around.#Administration Office拾荒:Hi Katie, I"m wondering when and where the Amnesia Seminar is taking place?Katie:Let me check (typing…) if you mean the one held by our Developmental Lab, it began half hour ago at the ground floor conference room in 7 George Square, and it will end at 11:30.拾荒:Thanks a lot!Katie:Anytime.


下班最地道的英语表达应该是"Have a good evening"。这个表达非常地道,也非常礼貌,是在下班时给同事或客户道别的标准说法。以下是有关此表达的详细信息:词义:"Have a good evening"的意思是"祝您晚上愉快",是一种礼貌、友好的道别方式。它可以表达出祝福、感谢、关心等情感,同时也不会显得过于隆重或严肃。用法: "Have a good evening"是一种非常通用的表达方式,可用于各种场合。无论是在办公室、商务会议、社交聚会或其他场合,这个表达都是一种非常合适的道别方式。通常,在下班前或结束会议时,可以对同事或客户说"Have a good evening",表示一天的工作已经完成,祝愿他们度过一个愉快的晚上。语境: "Have a good evening"这个表达通常用于正式场合,表达出一种礼貌、友好的态度。通常情况下,使用这个表达时需要注意语气和表情,以免被误解为不真诚或不礼貌。如果想要表达更多的祝福或关心,可以加上一些其他的表达,例如"Take care"、"See you tomorrow"等。


1. 地道英语作文表达 亲,我尽力了呵 ____ With the development of modern technology, *** artphones are popular with almost everyone around the world due to their excellent functions. Almost everyone has a *** artphone – when I am taking the bus or waiting in line, I always see people with their *** art phones. Yet, It seems that people use their phones mainly to kill time rather than to municate. Even worse, research studies have found that people take out their phones every 6.5minutes on average and this phenomenon is aptly named " *** artphone addiction". Why is the draw to *** artphones so powerful? Personally, I think that *** artphone addiction is mainly due to our habits. Nowadays, people can know everything through the Inter without going out.We enjoy the convenience *** artphones offer us, but gradually we find that we can"t live without phones anymore. In addition, with our fast-paced modern life, we would rather find the most convenient way ever. However we more often eat alone and walk alone so we haveto use these add hours to have fun through digital devices. Moreover, various apps in *** artphones satisfied the convenience of living and provide means of entertainment. When people spend too much time on the phones, they gradually lose the ability to municate with their friends or parents and this will weakens their interpersonal skills. As for teenagers, addiction to *** artphones can not only cause one to neglect one"s study, but also cause psychological barriers beeen themselves and the outside world due to lack of good self-control. 2. 英语基础写作,五句表达全部,地道的英语 Known as the origin of the ancient Maritime Silk Road in China, the city of flowers has a history of over 2,200 years. It has a population of more than 13,000,000 and covers 7434.4 square kilometers. Locating in the south of China, its southeast borders on HongKong and south borders on Macao. It is rich in touri *** resources, such as the Guangzhou Eight. Many foreign and domestic tourists are attracted by its beautiful scenery. 纯人工翻译哦。 3. 【地道地英文表达这是我自己写的句子觉得好像怪怪的 LZ几年级,写的哪种类型的作文?不同的状况可能在一些细节上需要不同的改动.问这种问题的时候,如果能说一下文章背景,或者想表到的中文意思,总体来说,这句这么写有些累赘,有凑字数的感觉.如果不用特别正式的话就简短点,只要说I would like to *** yze the causes of this [plicated?] problem and provide potential solutions.就足够了.-In the following essay这段如果你是演讲什么的要用也可以,但如果这句在essay内,最好避免这种写法.-Complicated这个词把句子单独拿出来感觉没有必要,但要连接上下文的话我不清楚,LZ自己看需不需要.-From different aspects意思上没有错,但 *** yze本来就应该全面思考,再加这句修饰的话就有点啰嗦了.-词的改动来说,possible没有错,但个人感觉potential听起来感觉会更好.-最后,我个人比较喜欢用“the reasons behind this problem”来取代“the causes of this problem”而显得稍微正式一点,但这样读者的理解可能有细微的变动,而我又不确定LZ写的到底是关于什么,就没有改这里.。 4. 英语高考作文 求一些地道的英语句式 不要太过复杂 一、常用句型: 下文中出现的 A,B, “。” (某事物), " *** "( somebody), 要在写作中要根据上下文进行适当替换. 1、开头: When it es to 。, some think 。 (说到……(某件事),有人认为,……) There is a public debate today that 。 (现在有一个热点的话题就是,……) A is a mon way of 。 , but is it a wise one? (A是……的方法,但是这确实是一种明智的方法吗?) Recentaly the problem has been brought into focus. 2、提出观点: Now there is a growing awareness that。 It is time we explore the truth of 。 Nowhere in history has the issue been more visible.3、进一步提出观点: 。 but that is only part of the history. Another equally important aspect is 。 A is but one of the many effects. Another is 。 Besides, other reasons are。 4、提出假想例子的方式: Suppose that。 Just imagine what would be like if。 It is reasonable to expect。 It is not surprising that。 5、举普通例子: For example(instance),。 。 such as A,B,C and so on (so forth) A good case in point is。 A particular example for this is。 6、引用: One of the greatest early writers said 。 "Knowledge is power", such is the remard of 。 "。 ". That is how *** ment ( criticize/ praise。). "。 ". How often we hear such words like there. 7、讲故事 (先说故事主体),this story is not rare. 。 , such delimma we often meet in daily life. 。, the story still has a realistic significance. 8、提出原因:There are many reasons for 。 (……的原因有很多) Why 。. , for one thing,。 (为什么……?其一,是因为……) The answer to this problem involves many factors. (这个问题牵涉到很多方面的因素) Any discussion about this problem would inevitably involves 。 The first reason can be obiviously seen. Most people would agree that。 Some people may neglect that in fact 。 Others suggest that。 Part of the explanation is 。 8、进行对比: The advantages for A for oueigh the disadvantages of。 Although A enjoys a distinct advantage 。 Indeed , A carries much weight than B when sth is concerned. A maybe 。 , but it suffers from the disadvantage that。 9、承上启下: To understand the truth of 。 , it is also important to see。 A study of 。 will make this point clear 10、让步: Certainly, B has its own advantages, such as。 I do not deny that A has its own merits. 11、结尾: >From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that 。 In summary, it is wiser 。 In short。 5. 哪位能帮我批改一篇初中英语作文,表达一定要地道一点哦 1. If you miss a lesson ,you may have some questions left(遗漏下问题) .you"d better solve them by yourself ,then you can make progress! 2. We only remember that right one.The more you speak ,the more you want to speak and the better you speak . 改为,try to express youself in English,the more you speak ,the more you want to speak and the better you speak .。 6. 四级快到了 When asked about college students should live alone or live with roommates ,different students will have different preferences.Some students choose to live alone ,while others would rather live with roommates.(用while的时候尽量保持两个句子的时态一致,因为while有隐含的同时发生的意思,但这是个小问题)Those students who make the former choice believe (书面语中最好不要省略that,因为要引导句子)living alone can make them enjoy more peace and quiet.(没有错误但是有些拗口,can,make这样的动词范围太大,适当换成更为精致的动词) Besides,they argue(that) ,under such peaceful conditions ,they can focus their attention on their own study easily ,learning(与前后动词保持平行用learn) efficiently and gain more knowledge .However ,still other students choose to live with roommates.From their perspectives ,college career includes not only learning but also how to cope with other people.(英语讲求美的平行,not only..but also。 后面接平行的形式会使句子更为漂亮,如not only how to。but also how to。) In addition ,they(这个代词指代得也太远了~直接用名词更好) hold the point that living with roommates is convenient for them(指代不清楚,有指代roommates的歧义) to make friends with each other.(用other clas *** ates更清晰)As to me ,I am inclined to live with roommates since I am not good at fitting in with other peers and dorm life may benefit me .Furthermore ,I can get immediate help from students around me when I alone can not handle a matter(alone放到句末) .Given these factors ,I think I"d better live with roommates.很大的问题没有.如果是四级的话应该是还可以的吧.个人觉得代词用得太多,使得中间部分很模糊,说了那么多他们他们他们,谁知道指的是什么呢?能用名词的时候尽量用名词要显得清楚简洁得多.恩.。


这是源自拉丁文 exempli gratia 的缩写。


for instance,...coming to this, there are several examples...many cases can prove this, like...

地毯用英语怎么说 地毯的英语表达

1、地毯的英语表达为carpet/rug,例如:A coffee carpet(咖啡色的地毯)、wall-to-wall carpet(全屋地毯)、a hooked rug(钩针编结地毯)。 2、参考例句: (1)The carpeting for the entrance lobby needs to be renewed.大厅入口处的地毯需要更换。 (2)I cant get these coffee stains out of the carpet.我弄不掉地毯上的咖啡污迹. (3)The skimpy rug Barely covers the floor.不够大的地毯勉强盖住了地板。 3、carpet:当名词时意思为:地毯;地毯状覆盖物,当动词时意思为:在…上铺地毯;把花草铺在...上;斥责。 4、rug:名词,意思为:毯子。


be inferior,,,to,,,/ be junior to sb

玩不停、唱不停、乐不停等等 如果用英语表述 里面的“不停”该怎么说?


等一下英语怎么说 如何英语表达等一下

1、Just a second.例句:Just a second - Ive nearly finished.等一下——我快做完了。2、 Give me a second.例句:Sorry,give me a second.ive got a call waiting.抱歉,稍等一下,我有个电话打进来了。3、 Excuse me for a second.这句话的用途比较广泛,不仅仅可以表示“等一下”,还可以表示“抱歉”、“离开”、“失陪”等意思。例句:Would you excuse me for a minute?请原谅,我可否离开一下?

等一下英语怎么说 如何英语表达等一下

1、Just a second. 例句:Just a second - Ive nearly finished.等一下——我快做完了。 2、 Give me a second. 例句:Sorry,give me a second.ive got a call waiting.抱歉,稍等一下,我有个电话打进来了。 3、 Excuse me for a second.这句话的用途比较广泛,不仅仅可以表示“等一下”,还可以表示“抱歉”、“离开”、“失陪”等意思。 例句:Would you excuse me for a minute?请原谅,我可否离开一下?






The problem and solutions are faced with the left-over children.

六月用英语怎么说 如何英语表达六月

1、June英[du0292uu02d0n]美[du0292uu02d0n],n.六月。 2、[例句]The new sports complex is on target to open in June. 新建的体育中心将在六月份如期开放。






其实很简单,号码是多少依次翻译成英文说出来就好了。(1)说cellphone number is one three nine ...(依次念 你愿意怎么分组都好 念出停顿就可以了)(2)或者是My mobile phone Number is one three nine.......


  看电影,已经成为现代人或约会或消遣的一个娱乐活动了,很多人都很喜欢看语言是英语的电影呢。下面是我给大家整理的看电影的英语表达是什么,供大家参阅!   看电影的英语表达是什么   watch movies   看电影的英语例句   的双语例句   1. I prefer going to the cinema to watching TV.   我更喜欢看电影而不是看电视。   2. I apologise if your enjoyment of the movie was spoiled.   如果破坏了你看电影的兴致,我道歉。   3. I can"t remember the last time we went to the cinema.   我记不得上次我们去看电影是什么时候了。   4. He had complimentary tickets to take his wife to see the movie.   他有几张赠票,可以带妻子去看电影。   5. We really were afraid, not like in the cinema.   我们是真的很害怕,不是像看电影时的那种害怕。   6. I used to stay up late with my mom and watch movies.   我以前总是和妈妈一起熬夜看电影。   7. I took Moira to the cinema, where she fell asleep.   我带莫伊拉去看电影,她却在影院睡着了。   8. We"re going to the pictures tonight.   我们今晚要去看电影。   9. Everybody was downstairs watching a movie.   大家都在楼下看电影。   10. He took her to the movies.   他带她去看电影。   11. I used to go to the cinema every week.   我过去每周都去看电影。   12. Let"s go to the cinema— there"s a good film on this week.   咱们去看电影吧,本周在上映一部好片子。   13. The children wheedled me into letting them go to the film.   孩子们把我哄得同意让他们去看电影了.   14. I hate lining up in the cold to go to the cinema.   我非常讨厌在大冷天里排队等着看电影.   15. He told me that he would go to the cinema after hours.   他说下班后要去看电影.   watch movies的英语例句   1. I used to stay up late with my mom and watch movies.   我以前总是和妈妈一起熬夜看电影。   2. Do you usually watch movies at home or at a movie theater?   你通常是在家看电影还是在电影院?   3. Do you often watch movies at home or in the cinema?   你经常在家里看电影还是在电影院看电影?   4. My new notebook computer a DVD so I can watch movies anytime.   我的新笔记本电脑有DVD光驱,所以我可以在任何时间看影碟.   5. Does she often watch movies at home or in the cinema?   她经常在家里看电影还是在电影院看电影?   6. Does he often watch movies at home or in the cinema?   他经常在家里看电影还是在电影院看电影?   7. Afterward they watch movies, nap or go for walks in the woods.   午饭后布什夫妇有时看电影, 小睡一会儿或有时在林中散散步.   8. Support for subtitles - allowing you to watch movies in different languages.   支持字母 —— 你可以欣赏更多语言字母.   9. I like to watch movies.   我喜欢看电影.   10. I usually watch movies and surf the Internet.   我通常看电影,上上网.   11. Edna : I will build my own personal multi - plex so that I can watch movies anytime to.   艾德娜: 我要建一座属于我自己的豪华影院,这样我就可以随时看电影了.   12. Would you go and watch movies in the cinema if the ticket prices were greatly reduced?   如果电影票大幅度降价,你会到电影院去看电影 吗 ?   13. Anyhow, a movie in American life than a day, watch movies can also learn authentic English.   总之, 看一部电影比在美国生活一天还好, 看电影也能学到地道的英语口语.   14. First mobile player which supports subtitles - allowing you to watch movies in different languages.   智能影院支持字幕,容许使用不同的语言(字幕)进行观看.   15. I"d surely go and watch movies at the cinema if the ticket prices were greatly reduced.   如果电影票大幅度降价,我当然会去电影院看了.   

电影用英语怎么读 如何英语表达电影

1、movie读音:英 [muu02d0vi] 美 [muu02d0vi]n. 电影。 The movie was over shortly before six.电影在六点钟不到就结束了。 2、film读音:英 [fu026alm] 美 [fu026alm]n. 电影;薄膜;胶卷;vt. 把 ... 拍成电影;给 ... 覆上一薄层;拍照片;vi. 变朦胧;拍摄电影。 He made a film about Egypt.他拍了一部关于埃及的电影。


看电影的英语表达方式有:see a movie,watch a film,go to the cinema,go to a movie。扩展资料:1、英语是最多国家使用的官方语言,也是世界上最广泛的第二语言,但仅拥有世界第三位的母语使用者,少于汉语和西班牙语。上两个世纪英国和美国在文化、经济、军事、政治和科学上的领先地位使得英语成为一种国际语言。2、电影,是根据视觉原理,运用照相和录音技术把影像和声音连续摄录在胶片上,通过放映来还原影像、声音,使人能在银幕上看见连续活动的影像的一门综合性艺术。3、电影,汉译英有:film、movie、motion picture。资料参考:现代汉语大辞典,新汉英大辞典、百度百科。


1、cheers英[t???z]美[t??rz],int.(用于祝酒)干杯; 再见; 谢谢;v.欢呼; 喝彩; 鼓励; 加油; 鼓舞;cheer的第三人称单数。2、[例句]There was a cheer when it was realized that everyone was safely back. 人们意识到大家都已平安归来的时候便发出了一阵欢呼声。


My family and I have lived in Dongwan for many years. It was once a small village but now the fantastic buildings are everywhere . Now many young people are coming and finding their futures here.A new Dongwan is now shown to the world. Dongwan is now famous for its industrials which gives the city more energy and opportunity. Thanks to the development of technology, I believe its future will become more bright and beautiful!翻译我和我的家人在东莞住了很多年,它曾经是一个小村庄,但现在到处都是神奇的建筑,现在很多年轻人都来这里寻找他们的未来。一个新的东莞正在向全世界展示。东莞现在以其工业而闻名,这给了这个城市更多的能量和机会。


真的,去ABC殴美夭下基础英语看了一下,感觉他们捰程顾问还可以,有耐心,后来是s.安排我和外敎拭听 加拿大的老浉口音好标准 准备报斑咯;

考试报名 如何用英语表达?

Exam entrance applicationapply for the exam. Enter for the exam.




1. 找情侣之间爱情英文句子 I love you forever. 我永远爱你 Loving you my dear. 亲爱的,我爱你 I can"t live without you . 我不能没有你 I need you my love. 我的爱,我需要你 You are my all .你是我的全部 You are my life.你是我生命的全部 I love you more than I can say 我爱你胜过用任何言语来表达 2. 求英文表达爱意的句子 1) Do you have a map? Because I just keep losing in your eyes. 你有地图么?因为我刚在你的眼神中迷失了. 2) Meeting you was fate,and falling in love with you was out of my control. 遇见你是命运的安排而爱上你是我情不自禁. 3) No man or woman is worth your tears and the one who is,won"t make your cry. 没人值得你为ta流泪,真正爱你的人不会让你哭泣. 4) There are two reasons why I wake up in the morning: my alarm clock and you.我早上愿意醒来为两个理由: 闹钟和你. 5) You are everything to me, and I was so blessed when god sent you here for me 你是我的一切,我是如此幸运上帝让你来到我身边. 6) In spite of you and me and the silly world going to pieces around us,I love you. 哪怕是世界末日,我都会爱你. 7) If I could rearrange the alphabet,I"d put Y and I together. 如果我能重新来排列字母,我要把Y(你)跟I(我)在一起. 8) It"s not being in love that makes me happy, but is being in loving with you. 不是恋爱的感觉让我幸福而是爱上你的感觉让我幸福. 9) There are 4 steps to happiness: 1 you 2 me 3 our hearts 4 together 通过四步就能幸福1 你2 我3 我们的心4 在一起. 10) Love you so I don`t wanna go to sleep, for reality is better than a dream. 爱你,所以不想入睡,因为真实比梦境还要美丽. 1、想你,是一种美丽的忧伤的甜蜜的惆怅,心里面,却是一种用任何语言也无法表达的温馨。 It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can"t be expressed with any choice of words. 2、你知道思念一个人的滋味吗,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。 Do you understand the feeling of missing someone? It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears. 3、我知道你最喜欢这首歌,我也知道你的心思,我想你。 I know you like this song most and I know what you are thinking about ,too, I miss you . 4、常常想起曾和你在一起的那些日子。开心、快乐、幸福、失落、伤心、痛苦的所有日子。 很想你,很想你…… Those days when we were together appear in my mind time after time, because they were so joyful, happy, blest, disappointing, sad and painful. I miss you ,and miss you so much…… 5、你知道么,有个人时时想念着你,惦记你,你含笑的眼睛,象星光闪闪,缀在我的心幕上,夜夜亮晶晶。 Do you know there is someone thinking of you and caring you all the time ? Your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling stars hanging on the curtain of my heart. 6、心要让你听见,爱要让你看见,不怕承认对你有多眷恋;想你的时候,盼你能收到我的真情留言! Listening to my heart beating. Seeing how much I love you ,I dare to admit how much I love you .When thinking of you, I hope you can receive the passionate words I left for you! 7、千万个思念,在空气中凝固。 扬起风吹向你,带着我的祝福,寂寞我不在乎,你快乐我就满足,想你是我的幸福! Thousand of time I have thought of you .My heart is going high into the air and flying with my blessing towards you I don"t care loneliness. I am satisfied when you are happy and I am happy when I think of you! 8、不是因为寂寞才想你,是因为想你才寂寞。孤独的感觉之所以如此之重,只是因为太想你。 I miss you not because of my loneliness but I do feel lonely when I miss you. Only when I miss you deeply I feel so lonely. 9、长长的思念,就像风筝断了线,飘啊飘啊,飘到你的身边。 I miss you so deeply that my love just like a kite has broken its line and won"t stop flying until it reaches you at last. 10、好想,好想你!如果清风有情,请带去我对你的思念,这一生都为你牵挂;如果白云有意,请带去我对你的爱恋,生生世世都愿和你共缠绵! Oh, How much I miss you! If the passionate refreshing breeze knows my heart, it can tell you that I miss you and care you for my life"s time. If graceful white cloud knows my heart, it can tell you I love you and would be together with you forever. 11、一份不渝的友谊,执着千万个祝福,给我想念的朋友,温馨的问候。 For our ever-lasting friendship, send sincere blessings and warm greetings to my friends whom I miss so much. 12、在这快乐分享的时刻,思念好友的时刻,美梦成真的时刻,祝你—新年快乐,佳节如意! Wish you a happy new year and a good fortune in the coming year when we will share our happiness, think of our good friends, and our dreams come true! 13、但愿会在梦中再见到我心爱的女孩! Wish to meet my angle again lovely girl in my dream! 14、难道你怕一个深爱着你的痴情儿? Do you fear a love fool who is loving you so deeply? 15、我要幸福的昏倒了! I am too happy to stand faint! 16、月亮代表我的心! The moonlight stands for my heart! 17、过得好么?希望世界因你而美丽! How are you getting on ? I hope 。 3. 形容爱情的英文短句 1.You never know how strong you really are until being strong is the only choice you have。 不到没有退路之时,你永远不会知道自己有多强大。 2.You cannot change what you refuse to confront。 你不去面对又怎么能去改变呢。 3.No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn"t trying。 无论你犯了多少错,或者你进步得有多慢,你都走在了那些不曾尝试的人的前面。 4.Life isn"t about waiting for the storm to pass, it"s about learning to dance in the rain。 生活不是等待暴风雨过去,而是要学会在雨中跳舞。 5.Letting go doesn"t mean that yo u"re a quitter. It doesn"t mean that you lost. It just means that you realize in that moment that"s it"s time to let go and move on。 放手不代表放弃,不代表你输了。那只代表你知道在那一刻你该放手了,然后继续生活。 6.If you are passionate about something, pursue it, no matter what anyone else thinks. That"s how dreams are achieved。 如果你想要什么,那就勇敢地去追求,不要管别人是怎么想的,因为这就是实现梦想的方式。 7.Give up worrying about what others think of you. What they think isn"t important. What is important is how you feel about yourself。 不要为别人怎么看你而烦恼。别人的看法并不重要,重要的是你怎么看待你自己。 8.You can learn great things from your mistakes when you aren"t busy denying them。 当你不再急于否认错误时,你就学到了重要的一课。 9.Never let success get to your head, and never let failure get to your heart。 不要让成功冲昏了头脑,也不要把失败记在心里。 10.Life is short and you deserve to be happy。 生命苦短,你应该过得开心些。 4. 关于爱情的的英文短句 百度知道里的 借用仅供参考1、想你,是一种美丽的忧伤的甜蜜的惆怅,心里面,却是一种用任何语言也无法表达的温馨。 It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can"t be expressed with any choice of words。2、你知道思念一个人的滋味吗,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。 Do you understand the feeling of missing someone? It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears。3、难道你怕一个深爱着你的痴情儿?Do you fear a love fool who is loving you so deeply?4、我要幸福的昏倒了!I am too happy to stand faint!5、月亮代表我的心!The moonlight stands for my heart!6、过得好么?希望世界因你而美丽!How are you getting on? I hope that the word will become more beautiful because of you!7、你在时你是一切,你不在时一切是你!You are everything when you are with me, and everything is you when you are not。 8、人生的悲哀是你遇上了一个对你很重要的人,他是你的一切。然而,你却没有办法留住他 A sad thing about life is that when you meet someone who means a lot to you only to find out in the end that it was never bound to be and you just have to let go.9、爱情是:当感觉、热情和浪漫统统拿掉之后,你仍然珍惜对方。 Love is when you take away the feeling, the passion, the romance, and you find out you still care for that person.爱情是:当感觉、热情和浪漫统统拿掉之后,你仍然珍惜对方。Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. 纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。 To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。Don"t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn"t willing to waste their time on you. 不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。 Don"t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. 在遇到梦中人之前,上天也许会安排我们先遇到别的人;在我们终于遇见心仪的人时,便应当心存 感激。 Don"t cry because it is over, smile because it happened. 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。Life is apure flame,and we live by an invisible sun within us. 生命是一束纯净的火焰,我们依靠自己内心看不见的太阳而存在。 Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you. 在你尝试了解他人和盼望他人了解你之前,先把你变成一个更好的人和了解自己的人。I suddenly feel myself like a doll,acting all kinds of joys and sorrows. There are lots of shining siliery thread on my back,controlling all my action. 我突然就觉得自己像个华丽的木偶,演尽了所有的悲欢离合, 可是背上总是有无数闪亮的银色丝线,操纵 我的哪怕一举手一投足.I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。 No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won"t make you cry. 没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can"t have them. 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。 Never frown, even when you are sad,because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. 纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。I love you not for whom you are, but who I am when I "m by your side. 我爱你并不是因为你是谁,而是因为我在你身边的时候我是谁。 No person deserves your tears, and who deserves them won"t make you cry. 没有人值得你流泪,值得你流泪的人是不会让你哭的。Just because someone doesn"t love you as you wish,it doesn"t mean you"re not loved with all his/her being. 只因为某人不如你所愿爱你,并不意味着你不被别人所爱。 The worst way to miss someone is to be seated by his/her side and know you"ll never have him/her. 错过一个人最可怕的方式就是坐在他/她的身旁,你却知道永远都不会拥有他/她。Never stop smiling, not even when you"re sad,someone might fall in love with your smile. 永远都不要停止微笑,即使是在你难过的时候,说不定有人会因为你的笑容而爱上你。 You may only be a person in this world,but for someone,you"re the world. 你可能只是实际上的一个人,但对于某人来说,你就是全世界。Maybe God wants you to meet many 。 5. 表达爱意的英文句子有哪些 1) I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。 2) No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won"t make you cry. 没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。 3) The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can"t have them. 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。 4) Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. 纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。 5) To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。 6) Don"t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn"t willing to waste their time on you. 不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。 7) Just because someone doesn"t love you the way you want them to, doesn"t mean they don"t love you with all they have. 爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式来爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你。 8) Don"t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。 9) Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. 在遇到梦中人之前,上天也许会安排我们先遇到别的人;在我们终于遇见心仪的人时,便应当心存感激。 10) Don"t cry because it is over, smile because it happened. 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有 6. 写给女朋友的英文短语 你好,很高兴回答你的问题,我给你推荐的英文短语,望采纳 I read an artical on the internet today, and thought it was worth reading, so I put it up to share with you. Nevertheless, the love affair between Zhengning Yang and Fan Weng is so controversial, and this love letter sent by Fan might interest you greatly. Another thing that impressed me a lot is the interpretation, amazing too! So the letter is as follows: Cold here, icy cold there. You belong to neither, leaves have withered.Your face is pale and blue, a tearful smile. Something in your eyes,whispers words of last good-bye. My heart sinks down, tears surge out. 此处冷,彼处更冷。枯叶凋零,君属何人。君面惨淡忧郁,含泪而笑。君热泪盈眶,喃喃自语,难言再见。妾心沉落,泪涌似涛。 Hot summer. Cheerful Cocktail. You took my hand. We fled into another world. You sat by my side, long hair tied behind, cool and killing. Smile floating on the lemonade, soft and smooth. How I was? amazed. Your face looked like the cover of the magazine. My head spin. Youled my hand, danced along the crazy theme. 酷夏。仍忆鸡尾酒会。君执妾手,共享二人世界。君坐妾之侧,长发束于脑后,英姿勃发。笑容荡漾。妾讶君面尤类杂志封面。旋转,君执妾手,疯狂舞曲。 Light vied with wine, elegance mixed with fragrance, laughing covered by greetings, the crowed was busy at handshaking. You stood there, eyes on me. I trembled at the sparkles, brighter than the light. A masterpiece from God, I felt di. We were not near, yet we were together. 灯酒相辉,芳雅相应,祝辞笑声此起彼伏,芸芸皆劳碌于握手。君站立一旁,美目探妾。妾莹灯下颤颤而立。此必上帝之杰作,使晕眩。虽妾与君相隔甚远,然心相近。 7. 不同的表达夫妻相爱的英语句子 相敬如宾 (of husband and wife) to be always courteous to each other like "guests"; respect each other like guests; proper respect and concern between husband and wife; treat each other with the respect due to guest; 8. 英语有哪些表达爱的好短句子含蓄 After predestining in the previous life,just to change this life the one slip away. 【汉语】:前世的五百次回眸才换来今生的擦肩而过 想你,是一种美丽的忧伤的甜蜜的惆怅,心里面,却是一种用任何语言也无法表达的温馨. It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can"t be expressed with any choice of words. 你知道思念一个人的滋味吗,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪. Do you understand the feeling of missing someone? It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears.


Chengdu is located in the vicinity of Dujiangyan. Dujiangyan Irrigation Project in the west of Dujiangyan City, Sichuan Province, is the world so far, the oldest age of only retention, diversion dam is characterized by a non-ambitious water conservancy project. Dujiangyan - wisdom of the Chinese civilization, and science to create the crystal Dujiangyan with its "historical span, large-scale engineering, scientific and technological content of large irrigation range, social and economic benefits big" features renowned Chinese and foreign, were broadcast ya side in the political economically, culturally, have a very important position and role. Headworks of the three main construction projects out of the mountain in the Minjiang River. Here mountains, river stream,Magnificent and great scenery. Weir power figure, from generation to generation economy; men of letters, and more with this. Especially since the founding of the Republic and the three generations of leaders, many of the party and state leaders, foreign heads of state, politicians and experts, are here visiting, Ferris and test. This landscape is located, famous historical site like clouds, landscape with the step, it is away.Dujiangyan with her milk, feeding Xishu earth, created a "heaven, earth, human, water" shining example of harmony and common prosperity. Across the human in the 21st century the great process, the Dujiangyan will show her new look even more brilliant.翻译:成都位于都江堰附近。在四川省都江堰市,西部的都江堰水利工程,是世界上最古老的年龄到目前为止,只保留,以无坝引水为特征的宏伟的水利工程。都江堰-中国文明和科学的智慧,以其“历史跨度大,造成晶体都江堰大型工程,大型灌区范围科技含量高,经济效益和社会效益大”的特点享誉中外,名播遐方,在政治上、经济上,文化上,有着十分重要的地位和作用。这三个主要建设项目工程的山在闽江河。这里的山脉,河流,辉煌的伟大的风景。堰功图,一代一代经济;文人,以及这种。特别是自建国以来,三代领导人,许多党和国家领导人,外国国家元首,政治家和专家,在这里参观,费里斯和测试。该景观位于,胜迹如云,用步进的景观,它是远。都江堰用她的乳汁,哺育西蜀大地,创造了一个“天,地,人,水“和谐共荣的光辉典范。在人类第二十一个世纪的伟大进程中,都江堰将更加辉煌的展示她的新面貌。


1、shorts英[???ts]美[???rts],n.短裤;short的复数。2、[例句]There was so much blood it had soaked through my boxer shorts血流得太多,渗透了我的平脚短裤。


没关系: 1. It doesn"t matter. 2. Never mind 3. That"s OK 4. it"s all right Examples: 1. 价格没关系。 It doesn"t matter about the price. 2. 如果我赶不上火车,那也没关系。 It doesn"t matter if I miss my train. 3. 没关系。有什么事? It doesn"t matter. What"s up? 4. 这鞋刚穿时要是有点紧没关系, 这种皮子很有延展性. Don"t worry if the shoes seem a bit tight at first; the leather has plenty of give in it. 没关系 All Right 没关系。 Don"t worry about that. 这没关系。 Never mind about that. 根本没关系。 It was nothing at all. 这没关系。 It doesn"t matter. 一点儿没关系。 It doesn"t matter at all. 一点儿没关系。 It do not matter at all. 没关系,谢谢。 thanks anyway. 可以,没关系。 Yes,that"s all right.


Saturday is the last day of a week.


没关系:that is all right1.It doesn"t matter.2.It"s nothing.3.That"s all right.4.Never mind. 1. That"s OK! 没关系! 2. That"s alright! 没关系! 3. Don"t worry about it! 不用担心! 4. It"s nothing! 没什么! 5. Never mind! 别放在心上! 6. It doesn"t matter! 无所谓! 7. No problem! 没问题! 这七个表达法表达“没关系”时,在语气和意义上没有什么大的不同,所以用哪一个都可以了。不客气的英文翻译1.to be rude to; to be hard on; to be unkind2.frank; candid; straight forward3.[Polite] you"re welcome; don"t mention it; my pleasure4.unkindly5.unkindness You are welcome" (发音:由 阿 外奥卡姆) 是"你不要客气"的意思,一般在对方很友好的道谢的时候回答. http://www.wanRM.com"That is all right." (发音:rai 吃 奥 ruai 特) 是在对方不小心干了什么不好的事道歉的时候回答的. "Not at all"的意思是" (发音:闹太淘) 完全不",是在对方申请干什么事征求你的同意时回答的. "It"s my pleasure.(发音:诶 吃 买 铺来弱儿) "是"这是我应该做的"的意思,一般是在你做好事之后别人道谢时回答的,和第一句的意思相近.


译: A accounts for 12.7 percent of B.或 The proportion of A is 12.7% in B. 还有其它表达.如下 参与资料: girl students accounted for 47.3 percent of total primary school enrollment. 女在校生比例占47.3%. The proportion of working women now stands at forty percent. 现在劳动妇女的比例占40%. The natural reserves should cover around 10% of the territory of the city. 自然保护区总面积占全市国土面积比例达到10%. All these proportions surpass 8 percent which is the proportion covered by the population of the minority nationalities in the total population of the country. 这些比例全都高于少数民族总人口占全国总人口8%的比例. Fairly great changes have also taken place in the rural residents" food structure.Of their staple food,the proportion of refined and coarse food grains made up 50 percent each in 1978.In 1997,however,the proportion of the former reached 81.2 percent. 农村居民的食品结构也发生了较大变化,在其主食结构中,1978年粗、细粮消费比例各为50%,到1997年,细粮消费所占比重已高达81.2%; In the NPC and the CPPCC National Committee of successive terms,the percentage of ethnic minority representatives has far exceeded the proportion of the ethnic minority population in the national population,and each of the 55 ethnic minorities,no matter what their populations,has its own representatives. 在历届全国人大、政协中,少数民族代表和委员所占的百分比,都大大超过少数民族在全国人口中所占的比例;55个少数民族不论人口多少都有自己的代表和委员. It wasn"t an overwhelming percentage,but close to 65%. 女性比例虽没有占压倒优势,但接近65%.


Head of the class


英语表示美丽的单词是:beautiful; beautiful: adj.美丽的;美好的;很好的;出色的;巧妙的 比较级: more beautiful 最高级: most beautiful 扩展资料   It"s such a beautiful day!   天气多么好哇!   He has photographed some of the world"s most beautiful women.   他为几位倾世佳丽拍过照片。   The plant has a beautiful bright red flower.   这株植物开了一朵美丽鲜红的花。   I like to surround myself with beautiful things.   我喜欢身边老有漂亮的东西。   She looked beautiful on her wedding day.   她在自己的婚礼那天看上去很漂亮。   The last time I went to Scotland was in May, when the weather was beautiful.   我上次去苏格兰是在五月份,那时的天气好极了。   The beautiful poetry was ruined by her poor delivery.   这优美的诗被她拙劣的朗诵给糟蹋了。


in accordance with, to be qualified for, meet the requirement of...


notice ), notification is superior to subordinate, organization of members or between parallel unit deployment, convey things or meetings and other application author. Notification requirements, concise and comprehensive, timely and appropriate wording time.According to the following the content, write a notice.NoticeThis Friday ( September 10th) teachers, all teachers to rest one day, please tell each other.2, description is to write, Notepad, shaped as the main content, with narration and description for the expression of the article.To write the people oriented description, should pay attention to the portrait description, description of linguistic description, action, psychological description and details description, should be based on the requirements of writing, flexibility, outstanding key

对不起用英语怎么说 如何用英语表达对不起

1、一般的情况是sorry或者I am sorry。 2、如果你在打扰别人的时候就应该说ExcuseMe也是打扰的意思;在书信方面可能会用到Apologise的。 3、sorry是英国等西方国家的一种语言,意思为对不起,一般用于跟对方表达歉意时。 4、sorry是个用法比较复杂的常用词。即使以英语为母语的人也常常因为其不同含义而产生争议,遑论我等外国人了。 5、首先要掌握单音的发音要领。单音不要搞得太细,因为单音发得再准,如果没有让英语本族人听着顺耳的腔也不能算地道地表达。“腔”指的是英语单词音节的轻重和在话语中高低的变化。


1、delicious读法:英 [d?l???s] 美 [d?l???s]释义:adj. 美味的;可口的。例句:The bannock is delicious.这种薄饼很可口。2、tasty读法:英 [te?st?] 美 [testi],释义:adj. 美味的;高雅的;有趣的;n. 可口的东西;引人入胜的东西。例句:These pancakes made by my mother are really tasty.我妈妈做的这些煎饼非常好吃。


1、delicious英[d??l???s]美[d??l???s],adj.美味的; 可口的; 芬芳的; 令人愉快的; 令人开心的; 宜人的。2、[例句]These mushrooms would make a delicious side dish.这些蘑菇将会是一道美味的佐菜。
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