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what does he Look Like??作文

Mike is my best friend.Let me tell you what he looks like.First of all,he is very tall and handsome.He has straight brown hair and he doesn"t wear glasses.He likes wear jean,a T-shirt and sprot shoes.I like him because he is very cool and fun,and he is good at soccer.

What does he look like?是关于什么提问?是长相?还是职业啊?谢谢了


What does he look like 意思是?

没错,what be.... like? what do..look like? 都是要求对方描述某人或某事的外貌,性格等。 What does he look like? 他长什么样?(多指外貌) What is he like? (多指性格等)

What does he look like 意思?


what does he look like的标准翻译?

"what does he look like?"标准用法,地球人都知道是询问某人长相的意思.回答:He has straight hair.关于"how does he look like?"需要好好分析一下语法结构。一,He looks like a soldier的问句--->"he looks like what"--->What does he look like? 二,He looks like his father的问句--->"he looks like who"---->Who does he look like? 三,He looks well. He looks sick.的问句--->"he looks how"----> How does he look?所以从‘三"的可以看出由于he looks like sick不是标准英语,所以"how does he look like?"也不是标准的英语。所以我认为,‘how does he look like?"是不地道的英语。 *********************************************************************再补充一下:A person "looks like" something or someone. 或者A person "looks" somehow .但A person can"t "look like" somehow.

what does he look like用法区别是什么?

what does he look like和how does he look like的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、指代不同1、what does he look like:他长什么样儿。2、how does he look like:他看起来怎么样。二、用法不同1、what does he look like:what用作疑问代词时,其基本意思是“什么,什么东西,什么事情”,用作疑问句,为特殊疑问句的一个标志。what作关系代词时,其含意是“所…的事(物)”。可用来引导主语从句,表语从句,宾语从句或同位语从句。2、how does he look like:how作“怎样,怎么样”解时,主要是指做某事或某事发生的方式或方法,还可以引导从句或动词不定式,在句中作宾语,引导的从句在句中还可作定语。三、侧重点不同1、what does he look like:侧重于询问长相。2、how does he look like:侧重于询问近况。

what does he look like是什么意思

What does he look like?他看起来长什么样?问外貌

what does he look like?等于how does he look like ?吗

what does he look like?"标准用法,地球人都知道是询问某人长相的意思.回答:He has straight hair.关于"how does he look like?"需要好好分析一下语法结构.一,He looks like a soldier的问句--->"he looks like what"--->What does he look like?二,He looks like his father的问句--->"he looks like who"---->Who does he look like?三,He looks well.He looks sick.的问句--->"he looks how"---->How does he look?所以从‘三"的可以看出由于he looks like sick不是标准英语,所以"how does he look like?"也不是标准的英语.所以我认为,‘how does he look like?"是不地道的英语.再补充一下:A person "looks like" something or someone.或者A person "looks" somehow .但A person can"t "look like" somehow.

what does he look like是什么意思


what does he look like和how does he look like的区别

what does he look like?一般问长啥样。 He has a big face,with a long beard.how does he look like? 一般问穿这件衣服看起来如何Oh, great! That T-shirt suits him very well.

what does he look like的翻译是什么?

He Is tall. he has a big nose

What dose he look like.what he looks like.的区别

What dose he look like.是特殊疑问句. what he looks like 是陈述句语序,一般用于从句中. 例如: Can you tell me what he looks like? 你能告诉我他长得什么样吗?

What does he look like为什么用的是助动词而不是be动词

因为已经后边有动词look。用be动词是这种情况:What is he like?(他像什么)。原文的意思他看起来像什么?

what is he like等于what does he look like??为何?


what does he like , what is he like , what does he look like 之间的区别是什么?

what does he like?表示他喜欢什么?what is he like?表示他性格怎样?what does he look like?表示他长得怎样?



what does he look like 改写

How is he like?

what does he look 后面必须加like吗?

是的,要加。What does he look like 他长什么样儿; 他长得怎么样; 他长得怎样; [例句]Oh, really? What does he look like?喔,真的吗?他长得什么样子?

what does he look like 怎么回答 快快我的作业

He is helpful and polite

what does he look like 用法

因为look是动词所以用助动词来提问,而这句话的意思是“他看起来怎样”,回答“他怎样....”用“he is.....”是be动词。你也可以回答“he looks like....”

what does he like , what is he like , what does he look like 之间的区别是什么?


what does he look like

他长得什么样的意思. 是让描述这个人的外貌形象

英语中,"what does he look like?"这句话为什么要加does?


回答what does he look like的时候可以不加he is吗?

what does he look like?回答的时候一般用谓语动词 looks like 而不是系动词is。 例如:What he looks like?He looks like a movie star.

初中英语短文What does he look like


What does he look like ? 等于 ?


What does he look like ? 写篇小作文

Mike is my best friend.Let me tell you what he looks like.First of all,he is very tall and handsome.He has straight brown hair and he doesn"t wear glasses.He likes wear jean,a T-shirt and sprot shoes.I like him because he is very cool and fun,and he is good at soccer."望采纳惹╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

what does he look like为什么用does不用is


为什么不是what is he look like?而是what does he look like?呢

这里因为look 是一个动词原形,前面必须是一个助动词,助动词加动词原形,假如是be动词is的话,动词look应该是looking

what does he look like?怎么回答?

What does she look like? 她看起来怎么样? She is beautiful and slim. 她漂亮又苗条。

what does he look like?什么意思

答案是:他是什么样子的?(询问外貌,回答时可以用:heistallwithshort hair) u261e u2667手工翻译u2600尊重劳动u2600欢迎提问u2600感谢采纳u2667 u261c

what does he look like 用法


what does he look like?等于how does he look like ?吗

不等于。whatdoeshelooklike?他看起来怎么样?howdoeshelooklike是一种错误的说法。语法:What does sblook like?用于提问人的长相、外貌,意思是“他长得什么样?”,其中like是介词。例句:Q:WhatdoesCathylooklike? 卡西长得什么样?A:She"stall,andshehasblackhair.她个子很高,一头黑发。

what is he like?与what does he look like?的区别


what does he look like翻译

没错,what be.like?what do..look like?都是要求对方描述某人或某事的外貌,性格等. What does he look like?他长什么样?(多指外貌) What is he like?(多指性格等)

what does he look like是什么意思


What does he look like 意思?


what does he look like?怎么回答?


what does he look like?什么意思?

答案是:他是什么样子的?(询问外貌,回答时可以用:heistallwithshort hair) u261e u2667手工翻译u2600尊重劳动u2600欢迎提问u2600感谢采纳u2667 u261c

what does he look like的正确答案是what does he look like?

"what does he look like?"标准用法,地球人都知道是询问某人长相的意思.回答:He has straight hair.关于"how does he look like?"需要好好分析一下语法结构。一,He looks like a soldier的问句--->"he looks like what"--->What does he look like? 二,He looks like his father的问句--->"he looks like who"---->Who does he look like? 三,He looks well. He looks sick.的问句--->"he looks how"----> How does he look?所以从‘三"的可以看出由于he looks like sick不是标准英语,所以"how does he look like?"也不是标准的英语。所以我认为,‘how does he look like?"是不地道的英语。 *********************************************************************再补充一下:A person "looks like" something or someone. 或者A person "looks" somehow .但A person can"t "look like" somehow.

what does he look like什么意思


what is he like,what does he like和what does he look like的区别

What is he like: 他是什么样的人? 他怎么样?What does he like: 他喜欢什么?What does he look like? 他长的怎么样?他的长相如何?

what does he look like是什么意思?

what does he look like和how does he look like的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、指代不同1、what does he look like:他长什么样儿。2、how does he look like:他看起来怎么样。二、用法不同1、what does he look like:what用作疑问代词时,其基本意思是“什么,什么东西,什么事情”,用作疑问句,为特殊疑问句的一个标志。what作关系代词时,其含意是“所…的事(物)”。可用来引导主语从句,表语从句,宾语从句或同位语从句。2、how does he look like:how作“怎样,怎么样”解时,主要是指做某事或某事发生的方式或方法,还可以引导从句或动词不定式,在句中作宾语,引导的从句在句中还可作定语。三、侧重点不同1、what does he look like:侧重于询问长相。2、how does he look like:侧重于询问近况。

philip was among the first to settle in what os now a beautiful city,什么意


英文what happen的意思是什么


what happened,happened!和what happened happened! 有什么区别 用于口语中分别是什么意思 谢谢!


what has happened什么意思?

区别如下:1、意思what happens,如:Do you want to know what happens every day?意即“你想知道每天发生什么事吗?”what happened,如:Can you tell me what happened yesterday/just now?意即“你能告诉我昨天/刚才发生什么事了吗?”。2、时态what happens这种表达就是表示一般现在时;what happened 表示过去时。3、用法:what看作第三人称单数形式。句子是一般现在时,那么happen要加s,如果是一般过去时就要加ed。扩展资料what happens表示一般现在时,比如:Do you want to know what happens every day?意即“你想知道每天发生什么事吗?” ,what happened表示过去时,当然还有what has / had happened,分别表示一般完成时和过去完成时,根据具体语境来决定.还有就是happen 没有被动时,这点要注意.如果表示过去发生了什么,就是what happened,比如:Can you tell me what happened yesterday/just now?意即“你能告诉我昨天/刚才发生什么事了吗?”除此以外,我们还可以说what has happened或者写成what"s happened(一定要注意不是what is happened),表示已经发生了什么事,比如:Do you know what has happened so far?

what happened和happen的区别是什么?

1、意思what happens,如:Do you want to know what happens every day?意即“你想知道每天发生什么事吗?”what happened,如:Can you tell me what happened yesterday/just now?意即“你能告诉我昨天/刚才发生什么事了吗?”。2、时态what happens这种表达就是表示一般现在时;what happened 表示过去时。3、用法:what看作第三人称单数形式。句子是一般现在时,那么happen要加s,如果是一般过去时就要加ed。扩展资料what happens表示一般现在时,比如:Do you want to know what happens every day?意即“你想知道每天发生什么事吗?” ,what happened表示过去时,当然还有what has / had happened,分别表示一般完成时和过去完成时,根据具体语境来决定.还有就是happen 没有被动时,这点要注意.如果表示过去发生了什么,就是what happened,比如:Can you tell me what happened yesterday/just now?意即“你能告诉我昨天/刚才发生什么事了吗?”除此以外,我们还可以说what has happened或者写成what"s happened(一定要注意不是what is happened),表示已经发生了什么事,比如:Do you know what has happened so far?

英语what happened怎么

what happened意思是:发生了什么事。

“what happened”是什么意思?


what happened happened! 和what happened,happened! 有什么区别,在口语中有什么意思?


What is solar energy? How does it work (answer in Eng)

Solar power is the technology of obtaining usable energy from the light of the Sun. Solar energy has been used in many traditional technologies for centuries and has e into widespread use where other power supplies are absent such as in remote locations and in space. Solar energy is currently used in a number of applications: Heat (hot water building heat cooking) Electricity generation (photovoltaics heat engines) Desalination of seawater. Its application is spreading as the environmental costs and limited supply of other power sources such as fossil fuels are realized. Contents 1 Energy from the Sun 1.1 Types of technologies 1.2 Solar design in architecture 1.3 Solar heating systems 1.4 Solar cooking 1.5 Solar lighting 1.6 Photovoltaics 1.7 Solar thermal electric power plants 1.7.1 Power towers 1.7.2 Concentrating collector with steam engine 1.7.3 Concentrating collector with Stirling engine 1.7.4 Solar updraft tower 1.7.5 Energy tower 1.8 Solar pond 1.9 Solar chemical 1.10 Biofuels 2 Classifications of solar power technology 2.1 Direct or Indirect 2.2 Passive or active 2.3 Concentrating or non-concentrating 3 Advantages and disadvantages of solar power 3.1 Advantages 3.2 Disadvantages 4 Availability of solar energy 5 Energy storage 6 Development & deployment of solar power 参考: en. *** /wiki/Solar_energy Solar Panels COLLECT SOLAR ENERGY from the sun. If we place the solar panels on the roof of a building solar energy can be collected to use. In a solar power station solar energy is used to BOIL WATER INTO STEAM. The STEAM DRIVES THE TURBINE in a steam engine which in turn DRIVES THE GENERATOR to produce electricity. Light and heat energy CHANGE TO Kiic energy CHANGE TO electrical energy 参考: IS textbook

It,s big blue.Birds fly in it.What is it.


What kind of___(programme)为什么programme不加s


i see a blue butterfly in the sky为什么用what do来提问?

你好!此题如果划线部分是a blue butterfly,此时要用what do提问。因为see是一个感官动词,后面要借助do来提问。所以问天空有什么,用what do。如果划线部分是in the sky,那么此时用Where do you see the blue butterfly?来提问希望能够帮到你。

What kind of___(programme)为什么programme不加s

programme,作节目来说时,是可数名词,如果指多个节目那就得加s. What kind of programme来提问时,是问什么类型的节目,并没有涉及到多个节目,所以用单数. 比如:what kind of programme are you watching?你正在观看什么类型的节目? 这里就是问你所看的这个节目是什么类型的,并没有涉及到多个节目,所以用单数.

What Up Dog? 歌词

歌曲名:What Up Dog?歌手:was (not was)专辑:The CollectionNatasha Thomas - What UpAlbum: Playin With FireWritten: N. Thomas/G. Mackenzie/Jens Gad/ T. Stenzel/Rap: MaximumI know you like that girly popWant me to be somethin" that I"m notWon"t catch me at the candyshopLickin" on a lollipopDiggin" on that cutie teenComin" out your tv screenSure your thoughts would cause a sceneA dirty boy that"s squeeky cleanWhat up, what upI ain"t mad at youI do my thingDo what you gotta doMusic"s pumpin"I"m lovin" the beatDon"t you step to meWhat up, what upI ain"t dissin" youI do my thingJust ain"t feelin" youMusic"s playin"Turnin" up the heatYou won"t get to meNo need to get fresh with meI"m just playin" babyCan"t you seeWhat you got ain"t workin" for meI want the cake not just the creamCan"t give me what you haven"t gotWant me to taste itBut I"d rather notIf you don"t get itLet me sum it upTake your job and blow it upWhat up, what upI ain"t mad at youI do my thingDo what you gotta doMusic"s pumpin"I"m lovin" the beatDon"t you step to meWhat up, what upI ain"t dissin" youI do my thingJust ain"t feelin" youMusic"s playin"Turnin" up the heatYou won"t get to meWhat up, what upI ain"t mad at youI do my thingDo what you gotta doMusic"s pumpin"I"m lovin" the beatDon"t you step to meWhat up, what upI ain"t dissin" youI do my thingJust ain"t feelin" youMusic"s playin"Turnin" up the heatYou won"t get to meWhat up, what upI ain"t mad at youI do my thingDo what you gotta doMusic"s pumpin"I"m lovin" the beatDon"t you step to meWhat up, what upI ain"t dissin" youI do my thingJust ain"t feelin" youMusic"s playin"Turnin" up the heatYou won"t get to me<END>http://music.baidu.com/song/7532618

what is body language的资料,要英文版的

Body language is non-verbal communication, which includes body posture, gestures, facial expressions, and eye movements. Humans subconsciously send and interpret these signals.Scientists believe that a large part of human communication is through body language and only a small percentage consists of words. This is the reason why eye contact and gestures are very important when communicating with people.

求avril的what the hell ,wish you were here , black star , push 完整版mp3,最好带歌词


NO rest,NO mercy,NO matter what.是什么意思


wonder与wonderful作形容词时有什么不同???比如说What do you think


What do you neet ____an art class? A.for B.in



What do we need for the trip?大意:我们旅行需要什么?

What are Easter Eggs?


是how good friends!还是what good friends!


what makesgood friends.什么意思


请以 What a good friend should be like 为题 写一篇英语作文 80词左右

I think a good friend is somebody who you can trust and tell secrets to,and never lies to you. A good friend is someone who listens to you without complaining,keeps in contact even though you may be far apart and has things in common with you!A good friend will always be there for you no matter what. To me a good friend is someone you can share your beliefs and passions with A friend should be there for you all the time,not just when they want to be.They should also except who you are and not try to change you. I think that a friend should be there when you feel down or when ever you need them.

介绍what make good friends作文

Everyone need friendship and everyone ,makes friends in their lives,but not all of the friends are good friends.And what makes a good friend?Now let me tell you.First,you should choose the right person who are similar to you.For instance,the things you both like,or the habby you both have and soon on.Second,you should often talk with your friends that can help you get close with your friend.Thirdly,you should say sorry to your friend when you injury your friends and do something that can make your friend happy.For example,you can buy a present or write a letter to your friend.If you do this follow me,you can make a good friend and you will feel happiness in your life.

以"what are good friends" 为话题的英语作文

what are good friendsWhat are good friends? Different people maybe have different answers. About this problem, I have my own opinion as following:Firstly, good friends should know you more and care for you very much;Secondly, good friends should give you more advice to you, those advice may be about study, or life, or work, and so on;Thirdly, good friends should have rich life experience which can help you to widen your eyes;Fourth, good friends can have some common interests with you.Fifth, good friends have a broad mind to forgive you when you make some mistakes.In a word, everyone has their good friends according to their judgement and standard about good friends. It may be easy to find a good friend, but it will be difficult to keep good friends with one friend all the life. So we should chirsh our good friends when we have found.


u3000One possible versionu3000u3000What makes me a good friend?u3000u3000I am a boy easy to get along with. I never get angry easily. Thatu2019s the most important reason that makes me so popular.u3000u3000Iu2019m always ready to help others. Whenever my friends meet with troubles, I will give them a hand without even a momentu2019s thought.u3000u3000Besides, Iu2019m quite humorous. I can always tell some jokes or funny stories to make my friends laugh. They say time spent with me is full of fun.u3000u3000Iu2019m honest. I never tell lies. So Iu2019m a friend worth trusting.

what makes me a good friend?英语作文

What Makes a Good Friend What makes a good friend? A good friend can be described as a group of people with common interests in their daily life. Different people have different opinions about how to become a good friend. Nevertheless in general, a good friend may possess the following characteristics. On the one hand, a good friend should share joys and sorrows. When one of them wins a prize, the others never provide for jealous, but they are as happy as the prizewinner. Similarly, whenever someone is in trouble, the others lend one"s a helping hand. On the other hand, a good friend should not say bad things about another person behind one"s back. That does not mean you are unaware of your friend"s disadvantages and never talk about them. It means you should focus on the positive in such a way as if the person were present. As far as I concerned, I think a good friend should have the same hobbies. They can do something what they both like. For example, reading books, go shopping and listening to music. Also, a good friend gives us a feeling of security and warmth. In the end, I hope I can become one"s friend like this.

求一篇英语作文"what is a good friend"

Friendship is one of the best things a person can enjoy. It"s very difficult to find a better word to describe friendship. A true friend shares pleasure in our joy and sorrow in our sadness. In times of danger, he or she is always at our side to give us his or her help.Friendship is very important to everyone. We should be very careful in our choice of friends. A friend should be confident, like to do good things, and like to help others. If a person won"t try to help when you are in trouble, he is not a good friend.1A true friend can always be trusted, loved and respected. If you tell a friend your secrets, he or she won"t tell anyone else. Friends share each other"s joys and sorrows. They help each other when they are in trouble, and encourage each other when they are sad. The most important thing is that a friend tries to understand you. When you have made a good friend, don"t forget him or her no matter what happens.FriendsA life without a friend is a life without a sun. Friendship is one of the most important things in everyone"s life. Friends are who changes your life just by being a part of it, who makes you believe that there really is good in the world, who convinces you that there really is an unlock door just waiting for you to open it. When you"re down, friends lift you up. When you lose your way, friends guide you and cheer you on. So cherish your friend, Do not save your loving speeches, for your friends till they are dead Do not write them on their tombstones, speak them rather now insteadriends.A life without a friend is a life without a sun. Friendship is one of the most important things in everyone"s life. Friends are who changes your life just by being a part of it, who makes you believe that there really is good in the world, who convinces you that there really is an unlock door just waiting for you to open it. When you"re down, friends lift you up. When you lose your way, friends guide you and cheer you on.

What is resources? Resources是什么意思呢?

Resources 是资源的意思~绝对是的!

What is resources?


no matter和whatever有什么区别?

no matter是不论 你说的应该是no matter what还有whatever 它们还是有些区别的,就是引导的从句不同 whatever可以引导状语从句和名词性从句 而no matter what只可以引导状语从句

请问whatever和no matter有什么区别,请举例子说明,谢谢

在名词性从句中不能使用no matter whatI don"t know whatever he says.在状语从句中可以互换.No matter what/Whatever he did, I will still love him.



whar makes a good ads英语作文什么是广告成功的关键

whar makes a good ads什么是一个好的广告

what are the features of the headline?英语简答

It is always short,exact and it is the summary of the passage.

what makes an effective advertisement?

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