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求一首歌歌名,英文,女声.歌词第二句为i can hear what you say其中还有nothing to lose..far away很多遍

far away from home?

do you know what an oxen is?有语法错误吗?

貌似没有 what引导宾语从句,其中what作为宾语从句中的宾语



what have you done什么意思


成都哪里有stella luna和what for的专柜?


云南哪里有stella luna或what for专卖店?

what for专卖店-----昆明王府井百货、昆明柏联百盛购物中心、昆明新西南百盛购物中心stella luna专卖店-----昆明金龙金格百货、昆明顺城王府井、昆明西南百盛、昆明柏联百盛购物中心、昆明南亚金鹰购物中心

Have decided( ) on winter vacation? 这个句子括号中为什么不能用what to do?

你的句子明显成分不足,主语缺失!谁已经决定在寒假做.....?请把正确的句子给我们,以便解答。比如:Have you decided to travel on winter vacation?你已经决定在寒假旅游了吗?

long vacation 插曲what will i do的中文翻译


what is the pen pal from?

unit 1 pen pal 笔友 Australia 澳洲 Japan 日本 Canada 加拿大 France 法国 the United States 美国 Singapore 新加坡 the United Kingdom 英国 country 国家 Sydney 悉尼 New York 纽约 Paris 巴黎 Toronto 多伦多 Tokyo 东京 live 住 lauguage 语言 world 世界 in English 用英语 Japanese 日本人 French 法语 any 任何一个 dislike 不喜欢 Jodie 朱迪 Andrew 安德鲁 Lucy 露西 King 金(姓) Sam 萨姆 Julie 朱丽 unit 2 post 邮件 office 办公室 post office 邮局 restaurrant 餐馆 library 图书馆 supermarket 超市 bank 银行 park 公园 pay 付钱 pay phone 投币式公用电话 street 街道 center 中央 mail 邮件 near 近 across 在对面 across from 在...对面 between 介于两者之间 front 前面 in front of 在...之前 behind 在...之后 there 在那里 avenue 大街 excuse 原谅 neighborhood 在附近 staight 一直 turn 转弯 left 向左 right 向右 down 向下 open 开着的 clean 清洁的 quiet 安静的 dirty 脏的 market 市场 house 房子 garden 花园 district 区域 enjoy 欣赏 walk 散步 through 通过 beginning 开始 tour 旅行 visit 拜访 place 地方 have fun 玩得开心 if 如果 hungry 饥饿的 arrive 到达 taxi 的士 airport 私人飞机 pass 通过 hope 希望 yours 用在信末署名前,做客套语 Nancy 南希 unit 3 koala 树袋熊 zoo 动物园 panda 熊猫 cute 可爱的 map 地图 tiger 老虎 elephant 大象 dolphin 海豚 lion 狮子 penguin 企鹅 giraffe 长颈鹿 smart 漂亮的 animal 动物 box 方格 kind of 有几分 Africa 非洲 bingo 宾戈 ugly 丑陋的 friendly 友好的 clever 聪明的 beautiful 美丽的 other 其他的 dog 狗 grass 草 so 因而 sleep 睡觉 during 在...期间 she"s=she is meat 肉 leaf 树叶 lazy 懒惰的 relax 放松 Henry 亨利 Molly 莫莉 Larry 拉里 unit 4 actor 演员 assistant 助手 shop assistant 店员 doctor 医生 reporter 记者 policeman 男警察 waiter 侍者 bank clerk 银行职员 hospital 医院 policewoman 女警察 nurse 护士 money 钱 give 给 wear 穿 uniform 制服 sometimes 有时 dangerous 危险的 thief 小偷 TV station 电视台 police 警方 station 局 police station 警局 talk 说话 out 在外 newspaper 报纸 hard 辛苦的 as 作为 summer 夏天 story 故事 magazine 杂志 young 年轻的 play 戏剧 school play 校园剧 news 新闻 international 国际的 coach 教练 skill 技能 sir 先生 madam 夫人 Susan 苏珊 Betty 贝蒂 Karen 卡伦 Frank 弗兰克 unit 5 clean 打扫 read 读 happy 快乐的 apartment 公寓 TV show 电视节目 sure 当然 wait 等 toy 玩具 shopping 购物 mall 商业街 pool 水塘 camera 照相机 bird 小鸟 Steve 史蒂夫 unit 6 rain 下雨 windy 有风的 cloudy 多云的 sunny 阳光充足的 snow 下雪 weather 天气 Moscow 莫斯科 Boston 波士顿 cook 煮 study 学习 how"s=how is bad 坏的 terrible 可怕的 pretty 很 hot 热的 cold 冷的 cool 酷的 warm 暖的 humid 湿润的 vacantion 假期 lying 躺 beach 沙滩 group 组 beach volleyball 沙滩排球 surprised 感到惊讶的 heat 热 relaxed 放松的 winter 冬季 scarf 围巾 everyone 每人 man 男人 like 象 Review of units 1-6 blank空白 London 伦敦 direction 方向 describe 描述 found find的过去式 unit 单元 most 最 following 下列的 in order to 为了 improve 改进 Kelly 凯莉 Kate 凯特

what is business commmunication ?

Business Communication:communication used to promote a product, service, or organization; relay information within the business; or deal with legal and similar issues. It is also a means of relying between a supply chain, for example the consumer and manufacturer.Business Communication is known simply as "Communications." It encompasses a variety of topics, including Marketing, Branding, Customer relations, Consumer behaviour, Advertising, Public relations, Corporate communication, Community engagement, Research & Measurement, Reputation management, Interpersonal communication, Employee engagement, Online communication, and Event management. It is closely related to the fields of professional communication and technical communication.In business, the term communications encompasses various channels of communication, including the Internet, Print (Publications), Radio, Television, Ambient media, Outdoor, and Word of mouth.Business Communication can also refer to internal communication. A communications director will typically manage internal communication and craft messages sent to employees. It is vital that internal communications are managed properly because a poorly crafted or managed message could foster distrust or hostility from employees.[1]Business Communication is a common topic included in the curricula of Masters of Business Administration (MBA) programs of many universities. AS well, many community colleges and universities offer degrees in Communications.There are several methods of business communication, including:Web-based communication - for better and improved communication, anytime anywhere ... e-mails, which provide an instantaneous medium of written communication worldwide; Reports - important in documenting the activities of any department; Presentations - very popular method of communication in all types of organizations, usually involving audiovisual material, like copies of reports, or material prepared in Microsoft PowerPoint or Adobe Flash; telephoned meetings, which allow for long distance speech; forum boards, which allow people to instantly post information at a centralized location; and face-to-face meetings, which are personal and should be succeeded by a written followup

what can vitamin c do for you

【分析】 1-2. 由help make energy and set it free可知,维生素B可以帮助增加能量;根据Vitamin B in green vegetables with leaves helps...可知,绿叶蔬菜中含有丰富的维生素B。 3-4. 由prevent your skin from ultraviolet light可知,维生素E可以减少紫外线对皮肤的伤害。根据Sunflower seeds are the richest in Vitamin E.可知,补充维生素E应该多吃向日葵籽。 5-6. 根据be great for night eyesight可知,患有夜盲症的人应该多补充维生素A,而含有较多维生素A的食物是胡萝卜。 7-8. 骨头疼痛,牙齿疏松可以补充维生素D,因为它可以帮助钙质的吸收,让骨骼和牙齿变得更强壮。牛奶中含有维生素D。 9-10. 根据Vitamin C in oranges helps your body get well soon if you get a cut.可知,橘子中含有丰富的维生素C,它可以帮助伤口迅速愈合。

what a lucky guy you are!句子结构

How lucky you were!What a lucky person you were!What a lucky dog you were!

whata lucky guy you are!句子成分?

答:What a lucky guy you are!这个句子的成分分析如下:you 是主语;are+a lucky guy是(系动词+名词短语),用作表语。what是用来强调感叹句中的名词或者名词短语的。

别人说what a lucky guy你该说什么?

Thank you(不知道对不对)

what i lucky guy 什么意思

是不是what a lucky guy?

________lucky guy! [  ] A.What a B.How a C.What an D.How an

答案:A 提示: 感叹句中心词为名词时用what;guy是单数可数名词,故用what a;lucky为辅音音素开头故不能用what an.

我想找一首歌,歌词里有so what do you say,歌曲很空灵,mv里面歌手是白色的短头发


-I think the parks are lovely.-so ( ) I.A.How B.Why C.What

C what so what的意思是 那又怎样 -我认为这公园真美 -那又怎样 表示说话人的不屑 有问题欢迎追问~

what is software?

softwares aer written programs or procedures or rules and associated documentation pertaining to the operation of a computer system and that are stored in read/write memory

“The thinner, the better?” You are free to exchange your views on beauty. (What is your viewpoint


what it contained

本句的主要结构主干句:Little Johnny felt the bag 形容词短语充当的伴随状语:curious to know what itcontained伴随状语相当于一个并列句的语法功能,因此这里也可以改写为and he was curious to know what it contained.可见,此处相当于 “系表结构(be+形容词表语)+ 不定式”,即 “处于…状态下做某事”,另如:be glad to do sth.高兴做某事 be sorry to do sth.后悔做某事本句状语部分的结构为——系表结构+不定式:be curiousto know很想知道 宾语从句:what it contained 它装的是什么 参考译文:小约翰尼摸了摸那个袋子,特别想知道里面装的是什么.

Little Johnny felt the bag, curious to know what it ____.A. collected B. contained C. loaded Dsaved

load 有两个词性 n 和vt vt里有接受或装载 的意思 例如 we loaded the car ten minutes ago.也就是说如果此题用load 至少也得是what it was loaded(with).而且一般load 用于船只、马车等东西的装载。而contain,有“装有,有”的意思。例如,she carried a basket containing groceries.

what four approaches does Cognosis use to analyse a business 语法讲解请问为什么不在What后面加Are

分析一个疑问句只需要把提前的部分还原就行了。还原之后是cognosis does use four approaches to analyse a business 你所说的what are的句型的话句子的主语是are后面的部分,但是这里不是,这里提问的部分是宾语而不是主语。

what i want to share is my approaches这里为什么用is


Love, I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you, not o


求一首英文摇滚歌曲~高潮歌词是~bad boy bad boy what you gonna do .......

Watcha Gon Do

…who has what he described…中what的语法作用

what 做describe这个动词的宾语。句子的类型包括:主+谓;主+谓+宾等等及物动词后面一定要接宾语,记住,从句也是句子,成分也必须完整,这里相当于who has 后面加了一个宾语从句,从句的主语是he, 谓语是described, 又因为describe是及物动词,后面要加sth做宾语,没有sth,所以用what代替,这里what相当于连接词,故放到主语he前面。举个同类型的句子:I couldn"t understand what you said just now.希望能帮到你~ 望采纳哟! 精~~~~~~锐

What is represented by this figure below?这句话甚么意思? 下边是:C I T Y

以下数字代表什么? figure还有其他意思,要看上下文

绝地战警2电影结束时2位男主角唱的“bad boy bad boy what you gonna do”是什么歌曲,名字是什么

inner circle这个人 唱的bad boys 准确无误

download whatsapp什么意思

正版 Whats App 安装教程如下:第一步:百度搜索:商汇粹;第二步:在主页找到APP下载专区;第三步:在下载专区中根据自己设备类型相对应的版本,比如:安卓机下载安卓版本的第四部:找到点击下载按钮进行下载即可。温馨提示:记得注意下载跟自己使用的设备版本相对应的版本奥

有首欢快的英文歌,里面有句“everyone or everyong what are you going to do”

曲名:Oh Aaron 歌手:Aaron Carter 专辑:Come Get It The Very Best Of Aaron Carter 试听添加查看歌曲链接 歌词链接 复制歌词 查看LRC歌词 已成功复制歌词 Oh AaronWell I guess the best wayFor me to begin isThe other dayI was hangin" with some friendsGoin" round the roomTalkin" "bout our favourite noiseI said I had a brotherIn the Backstreet BoysSo everyone screamedHey is this some kinda trick?Yeah, which one is it?The blond one, NickThen the cutest girl saidI have to see their showBut I have no ticket, AaronHow can I go?Your wish is my commandSee it"s no problem, honIn fact, I"ll get some ticketsHere for everyoneAll I gotta doIs just pick up the cellyAnd it"s a done dealLet me call Nick and tell himBy the way, Aaron,If you could while you"re at itCould you hook up some seatsFor my friends and my parents?So I said to myself"Well, heck, why notThere"s nothing that can beatThe connnection I got"Aaron, oh AaronWhat are you going to do?You"re making up promises oh so bigHow can you make it come trueAaron, oh AaronWhat are we going to with youAlways are making a bigger mistakeHow can you make it come trueHelloHey Nick, I need a favourFrom you, dudeI promised people ticketsSo you gotta come throughSure, broHow many do you need?One, two, uh 3003?What?I can get youMaybe a dozenYou can"t promise seatsTo everyone and their cousinWhat did you do?How"d you get in this mess?I was talkin" to this girl andHold ya breath I know the restGuess you better get youselfA whole lotta moneyFor 3000 tickets?Man, that isn"t funnyHow am I supposed toPull that offIn so little time?You got me, AaronThat"s your problemNot mineAaron, oh AaronWhat are you going to do?You"re making up promises oh so bigHow can you make it come trueAaron, oh AaronWhat are we going to with youAlways are making a bigger mistakeAlways are making the foolHow in the worldCould he do that to me?I thought we were budsI thought we were familyWe"re gettin" to the showAnd we"re gettin" good seatsI"m tellin" you guys,Once we get to the gateHe can never say noWhen he looks at my faceHook me up, NickMan I swear, I"ll pay you backCome to think aboutWe need an opening actWhat do you want me to do?Tell jokesDance or actNahI want you onstageI want you to rapAnd if you don"tYou"re gonna have someDisappointed friendsAnd by the wayYou"re on at eightThat"s when the show beginsAaron, oh AaronWhat are you going to do?You"re making up promises oh so bigHow can you make it come trueAaron, oh AaronWhat are we going to with youYou always are making a bigger mistakeAlways are making the foolAaron, oh AaronWhat are you going to do?You"re making up promises oh so bigHow can you make it come trueAaron, oh AaronWhat are we going to with youYou always are making a bigger mistakeHow can you make it come trueNow opening upFor the Backstreet BoysHere"sAaron Carter本站歌词来自互联网

英语大侠们!请以what makes a person wise这个为题目写一片英语作文出来好吗?

题目是什么意思? 人们因什么而智慧?

hi sam .this is ____. what are you doing?I am talking for you.空里可以填什么?

填个自己的名字。比如,this is Joe

what do pomelos represent?

what do pomelos represent?意思是:柚子代表什么?pomelos[ˈpɔmiləuz] n. 柚子,文旦( pomelo的名词复数 );represent英 [ˌreprɪˈzent] 美 [ˌrɛprɪˈzɛnt] vt. 表现,象征; 代表,代理; 扮演; 作为示范vi. 代表; 提出异议;过去式: represented 过去分词: represented 现在分词: representing 第三人称单数: represents

语法问题 what you looking for 和what are you looking for ????


英文作文《what winning means》

Directions:Some people say winning means being rich, some people say winning means being powerful, and other people say winning means being happy. Please write a paragraph of about 120 words about YOUR understanding of winning. Sample 1Some people say that winning means being rich, some say winning means being powerful, and others think winning means being happy. I think winning means doing what you should do and being good at it. Most of us can only live in this world for no more than 70 or 80 years. We shouldn"t think too much about what we can get from this world. Instead, we should think about what we can leave in this world. The one who can make more contributions to the world is a real winner. For example, cleaning the street is a humble job in many people"s eyes, but in my opinion, street cleaners can also be great winners. They make our city more beautiful. They give us a better environment and consequently a better life. On the contrary, some people make money at the cost of the environment. Some are even worse: They cheat or kill others in order to gain power or earn money. Winners or losers? It"s time to give it a second thought.The quadrennial choice for president is the only time all Americans vote on the same question. At the same time we do that, we also elect one-third of the Senators and the entire House of Representatives, but in smaller geographic units.It used to be that, if the winning side in an election did not have enough of a majority to pass its legislation, it knew it needed to compromise with the losing side. And the losers knew that they could influence the legislative outcome because the winners needed their votes. But, having lost the election, they tended to accept the fact that the winners got to set the agenda and the framework for the legislative solutions to problems and that their own role was to tweak - sometimes in important ways - the legislation.Now that the 2012 election is behind us, the first big question is whether or not the Republicans, having lost the White House and the Senate, will follow that tradition. Even more, it is whether John Boehner, as Speaker of the House can keep the members on his rightward fringe in check and be able both to craft compromises with the Democrats and to deliver enough votes that, when added to those of House Democrats, legislation can pass that moves the country forward on the many problems we face. If he cannot, How will the President respond? And what will he be able to do on his own, without legislation, to address those vexing problems.On one such issue, Barack Obama made it clear during the campaign that to get our fiscal house in order would require increased revenue as well as cuts in spending. More specifically, he argued that the megarich should pay more in taxes, the rest of us were already paying enough, and what money we had was needed to enable us to buy things and, thus, support demand that could, in turn, fuel the economic recovery. Mitt Romney, the Republican candidate, made a case for a different approach. The president won. And Mr. Romney and the Republicans, not able to persuade the voters of their position, lost. Yet, today, even though Republicans lost a number of winnable Senate seats and have a smaller caucus than in the last Congress, Mitch McConnell, their leader in the Senate, said he would not permit taxes to be raised on anyone. Will the president call his bluff and let all the Bush tax cuts expire - including those on the 99 percent - and then make the case to the country that Republicans insisted that taxes go up for everyone in order to keep the richest one percent from having to pay a higher share?On Medicare, both candidates proposed cutting spending - they even agreed on the amount. But the president, wanting to preserve the program"s value for seniors and others who depend on Medicare, proposed doing it without reducing benefits. Instead, he would save millions by ending the windfall that private insurers earn from the Medicare Advantage program and by reducing payments to some providers. He would also use Medicare policy to stimulate providers of services to find ways to improve the quality of care and keep down the costs. Republicans defined the Medicare problem more simply. They just want to limit federal spending, which they would do by capping it at a fixed amount and distributing those funds to Medicare beneficiaries in the form of vouchers. Then, the beneficiaries would apply the vouchers toward the purchase of coverage in the private health insurance marketplace. The main problem, of course, is that Republicans cannot guarantee that the voucher would cover all the services people need or that it would keep up with the rising cost of insurance. Inevitably, beneficiaries would wind up with less coverage than they have now.It is fair to say that, to the extent that voters focused on policy issues like these, the majority voted for the president"s proposals and rejected those of Governor Romney and his fellow Republicans. So, why doesn"t the election result entitle the president to act on these matters as he said he would? And, to the extent that the Congress must act (e.g., on tax and spending legislation), why doesn"t it leave members of the House and Senate to make adjustments around the edges? Isn"t that what winning means?这是大学作文

what does winning mean to you

For me. winning mean a new beginning,


whathappened 意思是:出什么事了。

what ____(发生) while we were having an English class yesterday? 为何填写happened不是happening


“what’s happening?”这个说法可以吗?听说happen不能用进行...

what happened?

为什么有what happened却没有what happening,而只能是what is happening,两个动词能叠加一起?


what happening? 是对的吗?如果错了,解释以下what happened?为什么不能改为what did happen?

是what is happening or what"s happening .因为事情已经发生了所以HAPPEN 要变过去式

what is happening可翻成什么事将要发生吗

What happen 是刚才发生了什么事 ? What"s happening 是现在在发生什么事? 1,What"s happen? 错误句子.is 和 happen 都是动词,作谓语,一个简单句不能出现两个谓语. 2,What happen? 错误句子.注意主谓一致及时态.“发生” 可能有三种情况,即过去发生(+ed),正在发生(+ing),将来发生(will),所以要有对应的时态. 3,What happened? 发生了什么事?指过去.问的是已经发生的. 4,What"s happening? 发生了什么事?指现在,问的是正在发生的事,相当于 What"s going on?

what was happening? happening词性


What happen还是What is happen?

你提到的两种用法都不对,想问“发生什么”,可以有三种说法: what happened?发生了什么事 what"s happening?什么正在发生? what has happened?(也可以缩写成what"s happened?)已经发生了什么?

what is happening是什么意思


what about love中文歌词



Apple watch一共有三个版本,分别是标准版、运动版、和黄金版。Apple watch一共有三个版本,分别是标准版(Apple watch)、运动版(Apple watch sport)和黄金版(Apple watch Edition)。区别表现在外壳、表面、表背、表带。库克在发布会上宣布,Apple Watch起价 为349美元,2015年年初上市。在功能上,Apple Watch可以实现如接打电话、Siri 语音、信息、日历、地图等功能,通过手表可以调节iPhone 的GPS。

高分悬赏!求一首英文歌曲里面我记得开头是钢琴曲,有点伤感,歌词里有what are you goi

Yesterday Once More?

What do you have on Fridays?怎么回答

We have tomatoes αnd fⅰsh.



what do you have on fridays?中friday为什么加s?

on FridayOn Fridays两者均可,含义一样祝你进步!



What do you think of his proposal that improvements____in the old type of vacuum cleaner?


What do you think of his proposal that improvements____in th?

A 这是一个同位语从句,proposal为先行词,that后引导的从句用(should)+V原 desire,advise,remend,mand,direct,order,ask,demand,request,require,insist,maintain,move,propose,prefer,urge,vote等以及它们的派生词也一样,1,What do you think of his proposal that improvements____in the old type of vacuum cleaner? A.be made B.will be made C.would be made D.will have to be made 怎么选啊?为什么啊?

What would you like to drink Fridays?这个句子是对的吗?


What do you do on Fridays? Fridays为什么要加“S”


what do you have on fridays? 回答



1How wonderful a football match is .What a wonderful football match it is. 2How tall Yao Ming is(第二句应该是Yao Ming is very tall)What a tall Yao Ming is.3How closely Danied lived to me.What close Danied lived to me.4How difficult a exam iis.What a difficult exam it is.5How great your music sounds.What a great your music it sounds.6How lovely dog i gave to you.What a lovely dog i gave to you.7How big the fire is.What a big fire it is.8How busy some ants i met on my way home.What busy ants i met on my way home.9How good time they had yesterday.What a good time they had yesterday.10How round the ball is ,What a round ball it is.

What kinds of friends should i make?后加不加with

不用加with,因为make friend是固定搭配,不需要用with.


英文:What"s in the sky? 中文:在天空中是什么?sky 英[skau026a] 美[skau026a] n. 天(空) vt. 将…击向空中; 将…高挂; [网络] 天空; 天,天空; 天蓝色; [例句]The sky and the water seem to merge.天连水,水连天。[其他] 第三人称单数:skies 复数:skies 现在分词:skying 过去式:skied过去分词:skied

把下列句子改为一般现在时或现在进行时。 1.What is Mr Sawyer doing?

Mr. Sawyer is watching TVSophie is staying at homeShe drinks tea in the gardenThey does their homework如果解决了你的问题,记得采纳哦新的问题请重新提问

what is mr sawyer doing改为一般现在时

What does Me Sawyer do?

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水前精华,在洁面之后 化妆水之前使用,使用后接正常护肤

what matter most是什么用法和意思?what这里起什么作用?


英语what is the matter是啥意思


what tv show do you think is the most boring 还是what do you think is the most boring tv show?

1 第一个对2.It is necessary to know what the class think about thrillers

what matter可以单独使用吗

  What matters 通常不单独使用,常作主语、表语等。  如:主语:What matters is that you should study hard.  表语:Studying hard is what matters.  注:What 不定代词看作单数,所以 matters 用作单数。matters 在此为不及物动词。除此外,matter 也具有名词词性。

当"what matters "做主语时,谓语动词应用单数吗?为什么?

谓语用单数的道理其实很简单,因为 matters 本身就是动词单三形式 What matters? It matters. What matters is what you promise. 同义句:"It is " what you promise that matters.

一首英文歌的开头歌词是这样的:you think you own whatever you land you land on

Colours of the Wind (Pocahontas)_Vanessa Williamsyou think you own whatever land you land on the earth is just a dead thing you can claim but i know every rock and tree and creature has a life has a spirit has a name you think the only people who are people are the people who look and think like you but if you walk the footsteps of a stranger you"ll learn things you never knew you never knew have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned can you sing with all the voices of mountain can you paint with all the colors of the wind can you paint with all the colors of the wind come run the hidden pine trails of the forest come taste the sun-sweet berries of the earth come roll in all the riches all around you and for once never wonder what they"re worth the rainstorm and the river are my brothers the heron and otter are my friends and we are all connected to each other in a circle in a hoop that never ends have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon or let the earle tell you where he"s been can you sing with all the voices of mountain can you paint with all the colors of the wind can you paint with all the colors of the wind how high does the sycamore grow if you cut it down then you"ll never know and you"ll never hear the wolf cry to the blue corn moon for whether we are white of copper-skinned we need to sing with all the voices of mountain we need to paint with all the colors of the wind you can own the earth and still all you"ll own is earth until you can paint with all the colors of the wind

姨姨中午给我出的英语翻译,求帮忙翻译成汉语:Good peach blossom is what we all yearn for?

桃花运是我们都向往的,尤其是单身朋友,这意味着更多的机会与异性接触,增加脱单的概率。每个人都有自己的桃花年,也就是说,在这一年里,桃花会盛开,这样可以吸引异性的注意,也有更多的表达自己的机会。属狗的人是可靠的,忠诚的和热情的。他们是非常值得信赖的情人和朋友。如果你的生肖是一只狗,或者你周围的人属狗,你必须知道狗的运势。让我们了解更多:1、 狗的桃花年是2021年,也就是今年。今年是狗人的桃花盛开的一年,又是桃花盛开的一年,所以命运会遇见他们的伴侣。我们不仅可以谈一段甜蜜的爱情,还可以得到正确的结果,成功进入另一段算算准网生命的阶段。但当这些桃花盛开的时候,我们应该仔细甄别,选择最合适的人。将来,我们可以避免更多的麻烦。如果两个人的性格和三种观点完全不同,那么即使相互吸引可以走到一起,最终的关系也不会长久。如果你在学校里是一只狗,大多数人都是你周围的同学。只要你们确定彼此的愿望并大胆追求,你们就更有可能在2021年脱单。特别是下半年,另一半会有更多的选择。如果你是一个已经进入社会的养狗人,他们中的大多数都会出现在工作中。只要你们及时抓住机会,就能战胜对方。总之,2021年是狗人桃花盛开的一年。2) 2023年是兔年。兔和狗是十二宫的六星座,所以狗人在兔年是幸运的,桃花也不例外。一年四季都有忏悔。特别是对于古女来说,2023年,她将同时受到几个异性恋者的追捧。在这个过程中,我们要仔细擦亮眼睛,不要被对方的外表所迷惑。在择偶时,我们应该优先考虑对方的内心世界。如果你是一个狗主人,你有一个很大的机会在2023年的成功。只要你在这个过程中表现得更自然,不要显得太刻意,你就能轻易赢得对方的心。

What measures should we take to prevent drunk driving?教教我该怎么回答这个问题 要英文的

There are several ways to prevent drunk driving.First, you can eat some steamed bread before drinking, so that to prevent the absorption of drinking things.Second, you can go to some milk to form the protection film.Third, you can also have some greasy food which will also form a protection film.and there is also another tips, that is don"t mix the wines. anyway, the best way to prevent drunk is never drinking.

what flowers have two lips

你好!what flowers have two lips什么花有两个嘴唇

少儿英语故事带翻译:What Animals are the sea

What Animals are the sea? There are all kinds of animals in the sea. Look! They are coming. This is an octopus. The octopus is spraying ink. This is a shark. The shark has sharp teeth. This is a whale. The whale shoots water into the air. This is a sea turtle. The sea turtle has a hard shell. These are starfishes. The starfishes have five legs. These are angelfishes. The angelfishes have beautiful colors. This is a lobster. The lobster has strong claws. This is a jellyfish. The jellyfish has a soft body. They are different. But all of them live in the sea. 海里有什么动物 在海洋里有各种各样的动物。 看!他们过来了。 这时一条章鱼,章鱼在喷墨。 这是一条鲨鱼,鲨鱼有锐利的牙齿。 这是一只鲸鱼,鲸把水喷射到空中。 这时一直海龟,海龟有坚硬的壳。 这些是海星,海星有五条腿。 这些是扁蛟鱼,扁姣鱼有美丽的花纹。 这是一只龙虾,龙虾有强壮的爪子。 这是一个水母,水母有一个柔软的身体。 他们各不相同,但他们都居住在海洋里。

He went on talking while i tried to figure out what it mean?正确翻译



你好,很高兴为你解答:你想干什么,吉姆词汇释义What什么; …的事物; 无论什么; 凡是…的事物; 多么; 真; 太do you你愿意吗want要; 想要; 希望; 需要; 需要…在场; 需要的东西; 想望的东西; 缺少; 缺乏; 不足; 贫穷; 贫困; 匮乏Jim吉姆

What is happiness?什么是幸福

What is happiness? Different people have different opinions. Some believe that happiness is that they have much money so that they can live a better life. However, others regard happiness as having a good job or making a progress. Actually, happiness is a true feeling from our inner heart!We can consider carefully what our feeling is when we are in the following situations.First, we help an elderly across the road, or give some solutions to our classmates" learning problems.Second, we get some help from others when we are in need.Third, we make new friends, or have a meal with families, or have a conversation with parents and so on. Everyone would appreciate the people who give us a hand. What"s more, we are glad when we stay with friends and families. All of these stand for we are happy. Happiness is just simple like these!幸福是什么?不同的人有不同的看法。有些人认为幸福就是他们有很多的钱,让他们过上更好的生活。然而,其他人则认为幸福是有一份好的工作或者进步。实际上,幸福就是来自内心的真实感受!我们可以认真想想当我们遇到下面的情形时我们的感受是怎么样的。首先,我们帮助老人过马路的时候,或者帮助同学解决学习上的问题。第二,在我们需要帮助的时候得到他人的帮助。第三,我们交新朋友,和家人吃东西,或者和父母聊聊天等。大家都会很感激那些曾经给予我们帮助的人。而且,和父母或者朋友呆在一起我们也会很开心。所有这些都说明了我们很幸福。幸福就是那么的简单!

关于一篇What Is Happiness的演讲稿

Many people believe that having a lot of money is the greatest happiness in life. But I don"t agree with them, because money is not everything. Money can"t make us a true man.很多人认为拥有很多钱是人生最大的幸福。但我不同意他们的想法,因为钱不是一切。金钱不能使我们成为一个真正的男人。The way I see it, good health is much better than a lot of wealth. No matter how much money we have, we"ll not feel happy at all if we are in poor health. In order to be healthy, we must keep a positive attitude and have a good living habit.在我看来,健康比财富更重要。如果不健康,不管有多少钱,我们都不会快乐。为了保持健康,我们必须要保持积极的态度,形成良好的生活习惯。Apart from good health, we must be diligent at work. As long as we work hard, we cannot just make a good living, but enrich our minds.除了良好的健康,我们必须勤奋工作。只要我们努力工作,我们不仅可以过上好生活,而且还可以丰富思想。Additionally, we ought to give our helpful hands to others when they are in need. While helping others, we can own a good fame as well as get more social experience. It"s really a good way to kill two birds with one stone. Only by doing so can we enjoy the happiest life.此外,我们应该在别人需要帮助的时候帮助别人。在帮助他人的同时,我们可以拥有一个好名声,并获得更多的社会经验。这真是一举两得的好方法。只有这样我们才能享受幸福的生活。

找一首英文歌,男声,歌词有what I am doing, true love , to be around you, whatever I do.....


帮忙找一首英文歌,开头大致是 Hey Go ,What You ……

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