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宾语从句 在句子中起宾语作用的从句叫做宾语从句.宾语从句分为三类:动词的宾语从句,介词的宾语从句和形容词的宾语从句. 1.宾语从句的连接词 从属连词连接宾语从句的从属连词主要有that,if,whether. that引导表示陈述句的宾语从句,而if和whether引导表示“是否”的宾语从句. He told that he would go to the college the next year 他告诉我他下一年上大学. I don"t know if there will be a bus any more. 我不知道是否还会有公交车. Nobody knew whether he could pass the exam. 没人知道他是否会通过考试. 连接代词 连接代词主要有who, whom ,whose ,what ,whoever ,whomever ,whosever, whatever, whichever等. 连接代词一般指疑问,但what, whatever除了指疑问外,也可以指陈述. Do you know who has won Red Alert game? 你知道谁赢了这一局红警游戏吗? I don"t know whom you should depend on. 我不知道你该依靠谁. The book will show you what the best CEOs know. 这本书会告诉你最好的执行总裁该了解些什么. Have you determined whichever you should buy,a Motorola or Nokia cell phone? 你决定好是买诺基亚还是摩托罗拉的电话了吗? 连接副词连接副词主要有when,where,why,how,whenever,wherever,however等. He didn"t tell me when we should meet again. 他没有告诉我什么时候我们能再见面. Could you please tell me how you read the new panel? 你能展示给我怎么用这个新的操作盘吗? None of us knows where these new parts can be bought. 没有人知道这些的新的零件能在哪里买到. 2.动词的宾语从句 大多数动词都可以带宾语从句 We all expect that they will win , for members of their team are stronger. 我们都预料他们会赢,因为他们的队员更强壮. He told us that they would help us though the whole work. 他告诉我们在整个工作中,他都会帮忙的. 部分“动词+副词”结构也可以带宾语从句 I have found out that all the tickets for the concert have been sold out. 我发现这场音乐会的所有票都买光了. Can you work out how much we will spend during the trip? 你能计算出这次旅行我们将花费多少钱吗? 动词短语也可以带宾语从句 常见的这些词有: make sure确保 make up one"s mind下决心 keep in mind牢记 Make sure that there are no mistakes in your papers before you turn them in. 在上交试卷前确保没有任何错误. 可运用形式宾语it代替的宾语从句 ①动词find,feel,consider,make,believe等后面有宾语补足语的时候,则需要用it做形式宾语而将that宾语从句后置. I think it necessary that we take plenty of hot water every day . 我认为每天多喝开水是有必要的. I feel it a pity that I haven"t been to the get-together. 我没去聚会,感觉非常遗憾. I have made it a rule that I keep diaries. 我每天写日记成了习惯. We all find it important that we (should) make a quick decision about this mater. 我们都认为对这件事马上做出决定很重要. ②有些动词带宾语从句时寻要在宾语与从句前加it 这类动词主要有:hate, take , owe, have, see to. I hate it when they with their mouths full of food. 我讨厌他们满嘴食物时说话. He will have it that our plan is really practical. 他会认为我们的计划确实可行. I take it that you will agree with us. 我们认为你会同意我们的. When you start the engine, you must see to it that car is it neutral. 开启发动机时, 一定要使汽车的离合器处于空挡位置. ③若宾语从句是wh-类,则不可用it代替 We all consider what you said to be unbelievable. 我们都认为你所说的是不可信的. We discovered what we had learned to be valuable. 我们发现我们所学到的东西都是有用的. 3.介词的宾语从句 用wh-类的介词宾语从句 We are talking about whether we amdit students into our club. 我们正在讨论是否让学生加入我们的俱乐部. The new book is about how Shenzhou 6 manned spaceship was sent up into space. 这本新书是关于神州6号载人航天飞船是如何升如太空的. 用that,if引导的介词宾语从句 有时候except,but,besides三个介词后可见到that引导的宾语从句 I know nothing about my new neighbor except that he used to work with a company. 对于我的新邻居我只知道他曾在一家公司上班,其他一无所知. 4.形容词的宾语从句 常用来引导宾语从句的形容词有: sure,certain,glad,please,happy,sorry,afraid,satisfied,surprised I am sure I will pass the exam. 我确信我会通过考试. I am sorry that I have troubled you so long. 很抱歉我这么长时间在打扰你. He is glad that Li Ming went to see him when he was ill. 他很高兴在他生病的时候李明能去看望他. 5.if,wheter在宾语从句中的区别 ①if和whether在作“是否”解时,引导宾语从句常放在动词know,ask,care,wonder,find out等之后,介词后一般不用if ②少数动词,如:leave,put,discuss,doubt后的宾语从句常用whether. ③whether后可以加or not,但是if不可以. ④在不定式前只能用whether. ⑤避免歧异时,我们常用whether而不用if. 6.哪些宾语从句不可以省略引导词that 当that作learn,suggest,explain,agree,wonder,prove,mean,state,feel,hold等动词的宾语时; 当宾语从句较长时; 当主语状语置于主句尾,宾语从句之前时; 当主语谓语动词(包括非谓语动词)与宾语从句之间有插入语时; 当一个动词带有两个或两个以上宾语从句时,此时第一个that可以省略,第二个that不可以省略; 当宾语从句中的主语是this,that或this,that做主语的定语时; 当宾语从句是双宾语中的直接宾语时; 当宾语从句的主语是非谓语动词或主语从句时; 当主语中的谓语动词是固定词组时; 当宾语从句有it做其先行词时; 在直接引语中,转述分句把宾语从句隔开时. 7.宾语从句的否定转移 主句是谓语动词是think,believe,imagine,suppose,consider,espect,fancy,guess等,并且主句的主语是第一人称而且为一般现在时,从句的否定词一般要转移到主句上来,其反义疑问句一般与宾语从句一致. I don"t think he will come to my party.而不能说成I think he won"t come to my party. 我认为他不会来我的舞会. I don"t believe that man is killed by Jim,is he? 我认为那个人不是Jim所杀的,是不是? 如果宾语从句中有某个含有否定意义的形容词或副词,其反义疑问句要用肯定形式. We find that he never listens to the teacher carefully,does he? 我们发现他从来不仔细听老师讲课,是不是? 8.宾语从句的时态和语序 当主句为现在时或将来时的时候,宾语从句的时候一般不受主句的时态所影响. 当主句为过去时的时候 ①从句用一般过去时或过去进行时表示与主句谓语动词动作同时发生 I only knew he was studying in a western country,but I didn"t know what country he was in. 我只知道他当时在西方的一个国家读书,可不知道是哪个国家. He asked me if I was reading the story The Old Man and the Sea when he was in. 他问我他进来的时候我是否在读<老人与海>. ②从句过去完成时表示该动作发生在主句谓语动作之前 He told me that he had told Mary about the meeting already. 他告诉我他已经把有关会议的事情告诉的了Mary. ③从句谓语用过去将来时表示该动作发生在主句谓语动作之后 The reporter asked if the government would take necessary measures to put down the to-do. 记者问政府是否会采取必要的措施镇压骚乱. 如果从句是一个客观真理,那么从句的时候不根据主句的时态而变化 The teacher said that the moon goes around the earth yesterday. 老师昨天说月亮绕着地球转. 当宾语从句的引导词是who,which,what,when,where,how,why等表疑问时,不能按正常语序安排,经常将这类引导词置于句首 Who do you think the public might choose as their favorite singer this year? 你认为今年公众会选谁为他们最喜欢的歌手.




共有两种用法:1, 作特殊疑问词运用,如:What does Stanley cook on Sunday ? 2, 作从句关系词运用,如:You mostly like to do what your interest is on Saturday.

求忍者神龟this is what we do的原文歌词

this is what we do(do it do it do it do it do it)this is what we do(do it do it do it do it)this is what we do(do it do it do it do it do it)this is what we do(do it do it do it do it)watch thismy body its my bodytake it where i want to(pump it up party)my time its my timethe way that it usually comes out of my mindits truefrom me to youi make my own decisions do what i wanna dono time to sit and waitwe do what we do and what we do can"t waitthis is what we do(do it do it do it do it do it)this is what we do(do it do it do it do it)this is what we do(do it do it do it do it do it)this is what we do(do it do it do it do it)watch thisi tax and wax slam hard don"t relaxthe hype is in my eye(and the posse has got your back)i intend to win so let the fun beginchilling at the top and no suckers can get ina chance is an chance an chance to takei step i move i bend i don"t breaki do i dive i duck you"re stuckwe do what we do and what we do is too muchthis is what we do(do it do it do it do it do it)this is what we do(do it do it do it do it)this is what we do(do it do it do it do it do it)this is what we do(do it do it do it do it)get hyped and do itwave your hands and do it (this is what we do)pump your body and do it (do it do it) (this is what we do) [x2]watch thisdancethats what we doeverybody in the posse everybody in the crewthe way you love itand then get highyou know what time it is when the hammer is on the micso moveto the hype of the nightthe crowd is getting busy and the feeling is rightwhats that?(body heat on you)pump it up partythis is what we do(do it do it do it do it do it)this is what we do(do it do it do it do it)this is what we do(do it do it do it do it do it)this is what we do(do it do it do it do it)get hyped and do itwave your hands and do it (this is what we do)pump your body and do it (do it do it) (this is what we do) [x2]watch thisthis is what we do(do it do it do it do it do it)this is what we do(do it do it do it do it)this is what we do(do it do it do it do it do it)this is what we do(do it do it do it do it)get hyped and do itwave your hands and do it (this is what we do)pump your body and do it (do it do it) (this is what we do) [x2]watch thisd d diss meyou try and diss memakes no difference cos the people are with mei approveyou guys schooledim running things where you wanna rulethe night is divine where the hammer is in viewyou wanna know how just watch what i doi do i do i do get throughbusting your bubble thats what we dothis is what we do(do it do it do it do it do it)this is what we do(do it do it do it do it)this is what we do(do it do it do it do it do it)this is what we do(do it do it do it do it)get hyped and do itwave your hands and do it (this is what we do)pump your body and do it (do it do it) (this is what we do) [x2]watch thisthis is what we do(do it do it do it do it do it)this is what we do(do it do it do it do it)this is what we do(do it do it do it do it do it)this is what we do(do it do it do it do it)get hyped and do itwave your hands and do it (this is what we do)pump your body and do it (do it do it) (this is what we do) [x2]watch this



this is what you came for百度云

有的,This is what you came for.mp3,高品质

歌词大概what i am waitting for 噔噔噔 噔 噔噔噔 噔是类似电音的,女声?

what you waitting forGwen stefani的

求歌曲this is what you came for,mp3的资源,拜托了~


问一首歌:以下是歌词 ~ Baby this is what you came for 宝贝 这就

this is what you

求蕾哈娜的this is what you came for 谢谢!!!

中英双语Baby this is what you came for宝贝 这就是你出现的原因Lightning strikes every time she moves她的一举一动仿如闪电划过天际And everybody"s watching her所有人都注视着她But she"s looking at you oh oh而她的目光却投向你You oh oh you oh oh投向你 你 你You oh oh you oh oh投向你 你 你You oh oh oh oh投向你Lightning this is what you came for像是一道闪电 这就是你来的目的Lightning strikes every time she moves她的一举一动仿如闪电划过天际And everybody"s watching her所有人都注视着她But she"s looking at you oh oh而她的目光却投向你You oh oh you oh oh投向你 你 你You oh oh you oh oh投向你 你 你You oh oh oh oh投向你You oh oh you oh oh投向你 你 你You oh oh you oh oh投向你 你 你You oh oh you oh oh投向你 你 你Oh oh哦哦We go fast "til they can"t replay我们很快离开 他们还来不及回放重播Who knows why it"s gotta be this way谁知道为什么会变成这样We say nothing more than we need我们不会过多奢求I say your place when we leave我们离开时我说去你的家Lightning this is what you came for像是一道闪电 这就是你来的目的Lightning strikes every time she moves她的一举一动仿如闪电划过天际And everybody"s watching her所有人都注视着她But she"s looking at you oh oh而她的目光却投向你You oh oh you oh oh投向你 你 你You oh oh you oh oh投向你 你 你You oh oh oh oh投向你You oh oh you oh oh投向你 你 你You oh oh you oh oh投向你 你 你You oh oh you oh oh投向你 你 你Oh oh哦哦Baby this is what you came for宝贝 这就是你出现的原因Lightning strikes every time she moves她的一举一动仿如闪电划过天际Lightning this is what you came for像是一道闪电 这就是你来的目的Lightning strikes every time she moves她的一举一动仿如闪电划过天际And everybody"s watching her所有人都注视着她But she"s looking at you oh oh而她的目光却投向你You oh oh you oh oh投向你 你 你You oh oh you oh oh投向你 你 你You oh oh oh oh投向你You oh oh you oh oh投向你 你 你You oh oh you oh oh投向你 你 你You oh oh you oh oh投向你 你 你Oh oh哦哦

求rihannRihanna的this is what you came for这首歌!

This Is What You Came For - Calvin Harris & Rihanna Baby this is what you came for 宝贝 这就是你出现的原因 Lightning strikes every time she moves 她的一举一动仿如闪电划过天际 And everybody"s watching her 所有人都注视着她 But she"s looking at you oh oh 而她的目光却投向你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh oh oh 投向你 Lightning this is what you came for 像是一道闪电 这就是你来的目的 Lightning strikes every time she moves 她的一举一动仿如闪电划过天际 And everybody"s watching her 所有人都注视着她 But she"s looking at you oh oh 而她的目光却投向你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh oh oh 投向你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 Oh oh 哦哦 We go fast "til they can"t replay 我们很快离开 他们还来不及回放重播 Who knows why it"s gotta be this way 谁知道为什么会变成这样 We say nothing more than we need 我们不会过多奢求 I say your place when we leave 我们离开时我说去你的家 Lightning this is what you came for 像是一道闪电 这就是你来的目的 Lightning strikes every time she moves 她的一举一动仿如闪电划过天际 And everybody"s watching her 所有人都注视着她 But she"s looking at you oh oh 而她的目光却投向你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh oh oh 投向你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 Oh oh 哦哦 Baby this is what you came for 宝贝 这就是你出现的原因 Lightning strikes every time she moves 她的一举一动仿如闪电划过天际 Lightning this is what you came for 像是一道闪电 这就是你来的目的 Lightning strikes every time she moves 她的一举一动仿如闪电划过天际 And everybody"s watching her 所有人都注视着她 But she"s looking at you oh oh 而她的目光却投向你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh oh oh 投向你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 Oh oh 哦哦

this is what you came for的音标怎么拼读

even though I was busy with my homework,


what从句用法总结如下:1、主语从句。What is beautiful is not always good.美的东西并不总内是好的。2、宾语从句。I could hardly believe what he had told me.我简直不敢相信他所告诉我的。3、表语从句。Books are what we need most.书是容我们最需要的东西。4、同位语从句。I have no idea what he is doing.我不知道他正在做什么。what的常见用法。what只引导主从,宾从,表从,不能引导定从和同位从,即what前面不能有名词。既起连接作用,又在从句中充当主、宾、表语的成分。即:what+不完整句子,做主从,宾从,表从。what连接代词,必须代替从句中的主/宾/表语,意为“什么”。例:I don"t know what to do。作为疑问代词,what在句中起名词性词组的作用,例如:I can"t make out what he is driving。What,比较明显的是,of的从句是作worthy of的宾语,而引导词又是作宾语从句中谓语were doing的宾语,所以只能用what。

this is what是什么从句

This is what we"re gonna call it This is sth.sth.是表语 现在这里的表语sth.是由整个句子what we"re gonna call it 来充当,整个从句叫表语从句,而且是由what引导的表语从句 然后这个从句里面what we"re gonna call it,句子的正常语序是we"re gonna call it sth.我们即将把它命名为. 现在what是充当了sth.,在这句子当中是作为宾语补足语 因为主语是we 谓语 are gonna call 宾语 it 所以 sth.是宾语补足语,来补充说明我们把它命名为什么 总的来说 This is what we"re gonna call it. 这就是我们即将为它取的名字 what引导表语从句,而what在从句中充当宾语补足语~

泰勒斯威夫特的《look what you make me do》MV里到底有多少个梗


this is what you came for求这首歌下载的链接谢了


Calvin Harris&Rihanna Baby的this is what you came for下载链接

链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1XRZagU5kfcux2oWMGMid0w 密码:67xj歌曲名: This Is What You Came For演唱者:Calvin Harris、Rihanna

this is what you came for霉霉有唱吗

This is what you came for这首歌是calvin harris和rihiana唱的

— What’s the matter with you?— Oh, once again I had my best friend ___, because the expression

C 这题第一空考查have +宾语+done“遭受”,had my best friend hurt“伤了我最好的朋友”,第二空是填谓语动词,句意是:--你怎么了?--我又伤了最好的朋友,因为他脸上的表情出卖了他的愤怒。选C。

Thi Is what You came for说了一个怎样的故事?

《This Is What You Came For》这首歌2016年发行,“你为何而来//你现身的原因”。这应该是作为作者的一位girl对男友“baby”移情别恋与另一位girl"she"有丝丝暧昧、甚为相欢的一种事实指责或无奈的倾诉吧。后面是整个的歌词lyrics:Baby, this is what you came forLightning strikes every time she movesAnd everybody"s watching herBut she"s looking at you, oh, ohYou, oh, oh, you, oh, ohYou, oh, oh, you, oh, ohYou, oh, oh, oh, ohBaby, this is what you came forLightning strikes every time she movesAnd everybody"s watching herBut she"s looking at you, oh, ohYou, oh, oh, you, oh, ohYou, oh, oh, you, oh, ohYou, oh, oh, oh, ohWe go fast with the game we playWho knows why it"s gotta be this wayWe say nothing more than we needI say your place when we leaveBaby, this is what you came forLightning strikes every time she movesAnd everybody"s watching herBut she"s looking at you, oh, ohYou, oh, oh, you, oh, ohYou, oh, oh, you, oh, ohYou, oh, oh, oh, ohBaby, this is what you came forLightning strikes every time she movesYeahBaby, this is what you came forLightning strikes every time she movesAnd everybody"s watching herBut she"s looking at you, oh, ohYou, oh, oh, you, oh, ohYou, oh, oh, you, oh, ohYou, oh, oh, oh, oh

thisiswhatyoucamefof 啥意思

你好!this is what you came of 这就是你来的

this ls what you came for 是什么意思


this is what you came for 跪求!!


this is what you came for歌词中文音译

This Is What You Came For歌手:Calvin Harris / Rihanna所属专辑:This Is What You Came ForBaby, this is what you came for亲爱的,这不就是你所期待的Lightning strikes every time she moves她的每个举动,都在放出闪电,势不可挡And everybody"s watching her她生来万众瞩目But she"s looking at you, oh, oh可她却只心系于你You, oh, oh, you, oh, oh只有你,她眼中只有你Oh, ohLightening, this is what you came for她比闪电更耀眼Lightening strikes every time she moves她的每个举动,都在放出闪电,势不可挡And everybody"s watching her她生来万众瞩目But she"s looking at you, oh, oh可她却只心系于你You, oh, oh, you, oh, oh只有你,她眼中只有你You, oh, oh, you, oh, oh眼波流转只为你You, oh, oh, you, oh, oh只有你oh, ohWe go fast "til they can"t replay风驰电掣般的生活,令人目不暇接Who knows why it"s gotta be this way谁能料到,我们会到如此地步We say nothing more than we need我们口出狂言,好似拥有整个世界I say “your place” when we leave每一寸,都是你的领地Lightening, this is what you came for她比闪电更耀眼Lightening strikes every time she moves她的每个举动,都在放出闪电,势不可挡And everybody"s watching her她生来万众瞩目But she"s looking at you, oh, oh可她却只心系于你You, oh, oh, you, oh, oh只有你,她眼中只有你Oh, ohYou, oh, oh, you, oh, oh眼波流转只为你You, oh, oh只有你Baby, this is what you came for亲爱的,这不就是你所期待的Lightning strikes every time she moves她的每个举动,都在放出闪电,势不可挡YeahLightening, this is what you came for她比闪电更耀眼Lightening strikes every time she moves她的每个举动,都在放出闪电,势不可挡And everybody"s watching her她生来万众瞩目But she"s looking at you, oh, oh可她却只心系于你You, oh, oh, you, oh, oh只有你,她眼中只有你You, oh, oh, you, oh, oh眼波流转只为你You, oh, oh, you, oh, oh只有你,她只爱你oh, oh

what are the seven days of the week怎么回答


求What’s A Man To Do歌词翻译!!!

我要成为一个说谎者,如果我告诉你,我没有看到它未来更多的谎言,如果我说,嘿,我并没有想成为东西你应得的好得多,为爱你共享我知道你不会相信它的女孩,但我发誓大桥我得到的爱你,大爱你甚至当我绊倒事实仍然是,你将永远是我的宝宝,我的宝宝但挖掘真相,婴儿挖真相我不能隐藏我的感受尤其是当整个世界可以看到, 合唱团我的心在两个不同的地方我得到你在我的生活和我想要做的权利但它的努力,让它去当我的爱有两种不同的面孔我不能断交,造成他们都看的权利有人告诉我什么的一名男子做当他的爱好2 他不想说谎但他无法说出真相什么的一名男子做当他的爱好2 但他无法保持他的心在两个不同的地方,在两个不同的地方诗我知道你觉得它为您带来的声明有更多的故事但我要一个傻瓜说,我相信她和我一直gunna爱她您知道您不想听到它我一直生活在边缘的婴儿所以我刚才说,雅婴儿她不是没有,但她是真正的但为什么她通过它大桥当我仍然爱你,大爱你甚至当我绊倒事实仍然是,你将永远是我的宝宝,我的宝宝但挖掘真相,婴儿挖真相我不能隐藏我的感受尤其是当整个世界可以看到, 合唱团我的心在两个不同的地方我得到你在我的生活和我想要做的权利但它的努力,让它去当我的爱有两种不同的面孔我不能断交,造成他们都看的权利有人告诉我什么的一名男子做当他的爱好他不想说谎但他无法说出真相什么的一名男子做当他的爱好但他无法保持他的心在两个不同的地方,而不是在两个不同的地方分项我想告诉你它的超过我是没有思想的她我想真正的意思,它我想你看到它我真的想离开她的背后和我试着不要让你哭我想告诉你,我是不是在玩游戏我专门接收改变但是,当我看到在镜子里,它的相同岁男子合唱团我的心在两个不同的地方我得到你在我的生活和我想要做的权利但它的努力,让它去当我的爱有两种不同的面孔我不能断交,造成他们都看的权利有人告诉我什么的一名男子做当他的爱好他不想说谎但他无法说出真相什么的一名男子做当他的爱好2 但他无法保持他的心在两个不同的地方,而不是在两个不同的地方不是在两个不同的地方 哈哈,这个翻译真好玩……

the very hot的两种提问方式what和how

感叹句通常有what,how引导,表示赞美、惊叹、喜 悦、等感情. what修饰名词,how 修饰形容词,副词或动词,感叹句结构主要有以下几种: 掌握它的搭配,即掌握了感叹句的重点. How +形容词+ a +名词+ 陈述语序 How+形容词或副词+ 陈述语序 What +名词+ 陈述语序 What+a+形容词+名词+ 陈述语序 What+ 形容词+复数名词+ 陈述语序 What+ 形容词+不可数名词+ 陈述语序 How clever a boy he is! How lovely the baby is! What noise they are making! What a clever boy he is! What wonderful ideas (we have)! What cold weather it is! 感叹句的省略形式为: What a clever boy (he is)! 看是这些是不是以后这类题都会了呢,所以你这就话的答案是: How hard these students study! What hard studying students are!

Can you make sense out of what this book says? 中的out of是不是可以用from替换?

不能1.实际上这里用到了一个词组:make A (out) of B 。out 倒是经常见到省略。2.你也可以把其当成固定词组,即:make sense of sth: 理解,领悟。如: I can"t make sense of it.另外,make sense 还可以这样用:(sth ) make sense.如: 这件事讲不通、不合理:It doesn"t make sense。/ It makes no sense.

What You Make It (Da Da Da Da) 歌词

歌曲名:What You Make It (Da Da Da Da)歌手:Sharon Shannon专辑:LibertangoJonessa - What You Make ItLove is what you make ityou can"t expect it to be the greatestcause if you do when it goes badyou wanna go ahead and start againso just take it slow, let it flow, keep it moving.Love is what you make ityou can"t expect it to be the greatestcause if you do when it goes badyou wanna go ahead and start againso just take it slow, let it flow, keep it moving.I put myself in this position where I"m hurting and I"m tripping and just don"t know and i just move onyou had me thinking we was moving in directions that would lead into this great love, but it wasn"t soI"m finding reasons why we finished ain"t expecting cuz I"m in it deep and i just, i cant let goLets make this easy, when you see me, just don"t see me cuhs behind these eyes you know, you"re invisibleI"m only emotionalcuhs they told me you were trying to do me the way you did all the other onesBut i had to learn this one on my own, and now that i did, i see thatLove is what you make ityou can"t expect it to be the greatestcause if you do when it goes badyou wanna go ahead and start againso just take it slow, let it flow, keep it moving.Love is what you make ityou can"t expect it to be the greatestcause if you do when it goes badyou wanna go ahead and start againso just take it slow, let it flow, keep it moving.You got me sitting "round here thinking how to fix it when inside i know that i tried, giving all i hadbut thats just me being a woman i cant help it i just wanna be your side, and it hurts so badbut dont you worry cuhs im moving while you losing out on everything that we build, so long agoaint no more crying or denying im realizing now that everything that we had is already goneI"m only emotionalcuhs they told me you were trying to do me the way you did all the other onesBut i had to learn this one on my own, and now that i did, i see thatLove is what you make ityou can"t expect it to be the greatestcause if you do when it goes badyou wanna go ahead and start againso just take it slow, let it flow, keep it moving.Love is what you make ityou can"t expect it to be the greatestcause if you do when it goes badyou wanna go ahead and start againso just take it slow, let it flow, keep it moving.Baby, if you looked inside and showed me that you could change for the better,try to keep us together then i would try to look deeper than what you showed me.But baby, it seems like you"re not even trying,so when i gave you all i had in now, now it rains.Love is what you make ityou can"t expect it to be the greatestcause if you do when it goes badyou wanna go ahead and start againso just take it slow, let it flow, keep it moving.Love is what you make ityou can"t expect it to be the greatestcause if you do when it goes badyou wanna go ahead and start againso just take it slow, let it flow, keep it moving.……http://music.baidu.com/song/10280430

一首歌的歌词,开头是can you feel what i feel,can you feel cause i feel,男歌手,求

正确的歌词是“can you feel me, oh tell me you do”,出自歌曲《Oh Father》外文名称:Oh Father所属专辑:Oh My God! 发行时间:2006年 歌词:When I woke up this morningfeeling closer than ever to godwish he"d sent me a warningbut he forgot, now I feel so badcan you keep it, this dirty secret?can you feel me, oh tell me you do?can you heal me, cos I"m a believer?and I"ll be waiting here till you do...oh fatherI"ve been having these thoughts and I"m sorrysay a prayer you know what I needoh fatherI"ve been touching myself and I"m worriedis heaven still open for me?it was not my intentionthought he was from heaven sentso here"s my confessionI know I made a fool of myselfcan you do it, can you forgive me?can you make it, make it undone?can you heal me, cos I"m a believer?and I"ll be waiting here till you do...oh fatherI"ve been having these thoughts and I"m sorrysay a prayer you know what I needoh fatherI"ve been touching myself and I"m worriedis heaven still open for me?could you guide me all the way toparadise and brighter days?I"ll do anything, if you know what I mean,I don"t wanna go downoh fatherI"ve been having these thoughts and I"m sorrysay a prayer you know what I needoh fatherI"ve been touching myself and I"m worriedis heaven still open for me?oh fatherI"ve been having these thoughts and I"m sorrysay a prayer you know what I needoh fatherI"ve been touching myself and I"m worriedis heaven still open for me?中文歌词噢,天父当我今早醒来的时候感觉比以往更靠近上帝了本希望他给我一个警示但他忘了,现在我感到如此悲伤您可不可以保守这个犯了忌的秘密?您能感受到我么,噢 告诉我吧?您能治好我么,因为我是个信徒?我将一直在此等侯直到您能...噢,天父我一直有这样的想法,对不起做个祷告,你知道我需要什么噢,天父我一直在触摸我自己,我担心是否天堂仍为我开启?那不是我的意图尽管他是生自天堂所以这是我的忏悔我知道我愚弄了自己您能做到么,您能原谅我么?您能办到么,使它挽回?您能治好我么,因为我是个信徒?我将一直在此等侯直到您能...您可以一路指引我到天堂和快活的日子么?我将作任何事,如果您懂我的意思我不想沉沦噢,天父...

what you make it--eritza 歌词

[ti: What You Make It][钛:什么使你][ar: Jonessa]jonessa[:][al: ]铝:[][by: 爪哇龟] 爪哇龟[:][00:-07.52]Jonessa - What You Make It [00-7.52 ]jonessa-什么您做它[00:-03.52](lyrics by 爪哇龟@MaxRNB)[00- 3.52 ](歌词爪哇龟@maxrnb)[00:-00.52]Maximal r&b - The Freshest & Hottest R&B/ Hip-Hop Music!最大蓝调-最新鲜、最热门的说唱/嘻哈音乐![00:-00.02] [00- 0.02 ][00:05.78]Love is what you make it [爱是什么您做它[00:07.96]you can"t expect it to be the greatest 你不能指望它是最大的[00:11.20]cause if you do when it goes bad 如果你当它变坏[00:13.76]you wanna go ahead and start again 你想继续和重新开始[00:15.34]so just take it slow, let it flow, keep it moving. 所以慢慢来,让它流动,保持移动。[00:18.57][00:18.57][00:18.81]Love is what you make it 爱是什么您做它[00:20.93]you can"t expect it to be the greatest 你不能指望它是最大的[00:24.15]cause if you do when it goes bad 如果你当它变坏[00:26.65]you wanna go ahead and start again 你想继续和重新开始[00:28.11]so just take it slow, let it flow, keep it moving. 所以慢慢来,让它流动,保持移动。[00:31.55][00:31.55][00:32.38]I put myself in this position where I"m hurting and I"m tripping and just don"t know and i just move on 我自己放在这样的位置上,我受伤了,我跳不知道我刚才的举动[00:38.65]you had me thinking we was moving in directions that would lead into this great love, but it wasn"t so 你让我以为我们是移动方向,带领这伟大的爱,但它不是如此[00:45.03]I"m finding reasons why we finished ain"t expecting cuz I"m in it deep and i just, i cant let go 我找到原因,为什么我们不希望因为我完成它深,我只是,我不能让去[00:51.47]Lets make this easy, when you see me, just don"t see me cuhs behind these eyes you know, you"re invisible 让我们使这个容易,当你看到我,别看我只是在这些眼睛,你知道,你是看不见的[00:58.22][00:58.22][00:58.44]I"m only emotional 我的情感[01:00.07]cuhs they told me you were trying to do me the way you did all the other ones 只是他们告诉我你想做我的方式你做了所有其他的人[01:04.62]But i had to learn this one on my own, and now that i did, i see that 但我学会了自己,现在我,我知道[01:11.08][01:11.08][01:11.32]Love is what you make it 爱是什么您做它[01:13.38]you can"t expect it to be the greatest 你不能指望它是最大的[01:16.61]cause if you do when it goes bad 如果你当它变坏[01:19.23]you wanna go ahead and start again 你想继续和重新开始[01:20.77]so just take it slow, let it flow, keep it moving. 所以慢慢来,让它流动,保持移动。[01:24.00][01:24.00][01:24.27]Love is what you make it 爱是什么您做它[01:26.43]you can"t expect it to be the greatest 你不能指望它是最大的[01:29.90]cause if you do when it goes bad 如果你当它变坏[01:32.54]you wanna go ahead and start again 你想继续和重新开始[01:34.01]so just take it slow, let it flow, keep it moving. 所以慢慢来,让它流动,保持移动。[01:37.35][01:37.35][01:37.65]You got me sitting "round here thinking how to fix it when inside i know that i tried, giving all i had 你让我坐在这里的想法如何解决它的时候我知道我努力,给我的所有[01:43.99]but thats just me being a woman i cant help it i just wanna be your side, and it hurts so bad 但那只是我是一个女人,我不能帮助它我只想做你的身边,和如此的疼[01:50.47]but dont you worry cuhs im moving while you losing out on everything that we build, so long ago 但你不担心你把我移动而失去了一切,我们建立,很久以前[01:57.18]aint no more crying or denying im realizing now that everything that we had is already gone 不是不再哭泣或否认我现在认识,我们曾经的一切已经消失[02:03.81][02:03.81][02:04.04]I"m only emotional 我的情感[02:05.35]cuhs they told me you were trying to do me the way you did all the other ones 只是他们告诉我你想做我的方式你做了所有其他的人[02:10.29]But i had to learn this one on my own, and now that i did, i see that 但我学会了自己,现在我,我知道[02:16.64][02:16.64][02:16.81]Love is what you make it 爱是什么您做它[02:19.02]you can"t expect it to be the greatest 你不能指望它是最大的[02:22.48]cause if you do when it goes bad 如果你当它变坏[02:24.74]you wanna go ahead and start again你想继续和重新开始[02:26.44]so just take it slow, let it flow, keep it moving. 所以慢慢来,让它流动,保持移动。[02:29.73][02:29.73][02:30.01]Love is what you make it 爱是什么您做它[02:32.13]you can"t expect it to be the greatest 你不能指望它是最大的[02:35.44]cause if you do when it goes bad 如果你当它变坏[02:37.81]you wanna go ahead and start again 你想继续和重新开始[02:39.60]so just take it slow, let it flow, keep it moving. 所以慢慢来,让它流动,保持移动。[02:43.06][02:43.06][02:43.32]Baby, if you looked inside and showed me that you could change for the better, 宝贝,如果你看在我、告诉我你可以变的更好,[02:50.04]try to keep us together then i would try to look deeper than what you showed me. 尝试让我们在一起我会尝试看看比你给我。[02:55.87]But baby, it seems like you"re not even trying, 但是亲爱的,看起来你甚至没有尝试,[03:01.20]so when i gave you all i had in now, now it rains. 当我给你所有我曾在现在,现在下雨。[03:08.72][03:08.72][03:09.30]Love is what you make it 爱是什么您做它[03:11.62]you can"t expect it to be the greatest 你不能指望它是最大的[03:14.76]cause if you do when it goes bad 如果你当它变坏[03:17.17]you wanna go ahead and start again你想继续和重新开始[03:18.90]so just take it slow, let it flow, keep it moving. 所以慢慢来,让它流动,保持移动。[03:22.32][03:22.32][03:22.60]Love is what you make it 爱是什么您做它[03:24.60]you can"t expect it to be the greatest 你不能指望它是最大的[03:27.97]cause if you do when it goes bad 如果你当它变坏[03:30.33]you wanna go ahead and start again 你想继续和重新开始[03:32.09]so just take it slow, let it flow, keep it moving. 所以慢慢来,让它流动,保持移动。[03:35.67]……03:35.67......[]

what you make it是什么意思?

There"s not a day I don"t wake up 没有哪一天我不是一早起来 Thinking about the one I love (就)想着我爱的那个人 Now that you "re here I don"t kown what 现在你在这我却什么都不知道 Almost afraid to even touch you Because my heart is bleeding so fast I cant bearly breath 因为我的心在流血,而我几乎不能呼吸了 If this is real then why am I dreaming now 如果这是真的为什么我现在还在做梦 (I kown) I kown that we can just hold on (我知道)我知道我们可以就这样坚持着 (I kown) that wen can just stay strong (我知道)我们的爱可以很牢固 (I kown)we can make it last (yeah yeah yeah ) (我知道)我们可以让爱一直持续 And I know , I know if we keep this thing together forever 我也知道,我知道如果我们能一起让爱持续到永久 We can so make this moment go forever 我们就可以让这一时刻持续到永久 If we just hold on I know that we can make it last 如果我们就这样坚持下去我们一定能让它延续下去 (OH yeah yeah yeah) There is not a night I don"t think about 没有哪一个晚上我不是在想着 The way I feel when you "re around 当你在我身边时我的感受 And I can "t believe it"s going down 而我却不敢相信这种感觉在慢慢消失 God knows my head is spinning round 只有上帝知道我的感觉,天旋地转 And round and in and out 不停地旋转 MY soul is lifting off the ground 我的灵魂离开地面升上了天空 If this is real then why am I dreaming now 如果这是真的为什么我现在还在做梦 (I kown) I kown that we can just hold on (我知道)我知道我们可以就这样坚持着 (I kown) that wen can just stay strong (我知道)我们的爱可以很牢固 (I kown)we can make it last (yeah yeah yeah ) (我知道)我们可以让爱一直持续 And I know , I know if we keep this thing together forever 我也知道,我知道如果我们能一起让爱持续到永久 We can so make this moment go forever 我们就可以让这一时刻持续到永久 Lets freeze this moment ,let"s stop time ((We can make this) 让我们冻结这一刻,让时间停止下来(我们可以做到) Forever yours ,forever mine 让你的成为永远,让我的也成为永久 And I know that we can make it last (yeah) 我知道我们可以做到 (I kown) I kown that we can just hold on (我知道)我知道我们可以就这样坚持着 (I kown) that wen can just stay strong (我知道)我们的爱可以很牢固 (I kown)we can make it last (yeah yeah yeah ) (我知道)我们可以让爱一直持续 And I know , I know if we keep this thing together forever 我也知道,我知道如果我们能一起让爱持续到永久 We can so make this moment go forever 我们就可以让这一时刻持续到永久 If WE JUst know ,just hold on .... 只要我们知道,只要我们坚持。。。。

what a bad day中文翻译是什么?

What a bad day.多么糟糕的一天啊!


What a bad day today!意思是:今天是多么糟糕的一天!

what a bad day的英文是什么?

What a bad day.多糟糕的一天啊。是省略了主谓的简单句

what are you for halloween歌词


What he told me to do was____I should get fully prepare before the interview


What items are welcomed in the interview office?

What items are welcomed in the interview office? A.Resume. B.Switched-off cellphone. C.A cup of coffee. D.Proper makeup. 正确答案:ABD

提问fee用什么疑问词?是how much 还是what is

Find out how much your surveyor"s and solicitor"s fees will be. 弄清你要向鉴定员和律师支付多少费用。

英文歌歌词i am a new girl .but i like what i found

new soul New Soul - Yael NaimI"m a new soul I came to this strange world伴随着一颗纯洁的心灵来到这个陌生的世界hoping I could learn a bit about how to give and take期盼着能学到如何付出与收获But since I came here但自从来到这里Felt the joy and the fear体验了快乐与恐惧Finding myself making every possible mistake发觉自己正在犯着所有可能的错误La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la...啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦...La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la...啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦...I"m a young soul in this very strange world hoping瞧在如此陌生的世界里我有着一颗年轻的灵魂I could learn a bit about what is true and fake期盼着能学到辨别真假的能力

What is a Smart Grid 什么是智能电网

直接百科查不就得了 智能电网就是电网的智能化(智电电力),也被称为“电网2.0”,它是建立在集成的、高速双向通信网络的基础上,通过先进的传感和测量技术、先进的设备技术、先进的控制方法以及先进的决策支持系统技术的应用,实现电网的可靠、安全、经济、高效、环境友好和使用安全的目标,其主要特征包括自愈、激励和包括用户、抵御攻击、提供满足21世纪用户需求的电能质量、容许各种不同发电形式的接入、启动电力市场以及资产的优化高效运行。

找一首女的唱的英文歌,歌词开始大概是oh ring my phone,和中间you can do what want dose

歌手:Ashanti 曲名:To The Club (Remix)

what does he think of the rock music


what bill said was ______apparent than real


whatever i dont care 请翻译下这句的汉语意思是什么?


一首女生唱的 高潮一个拐音 唱I don`t know what to say…… I don`t care 其他记不住了 找了好久

http://blizardstory.webs.com/2ne1_-_i_dont_care.mp3有可能是这个,《i don"t care》 2ne1

一首英文歌,男的唱的,其中一句歌词是i dont care what you done where are you no

i dont care what you done where are you no 释义:我不在乎你做了什么你不歌名:as long as you love meAthough loneliness has always been a friend of mine. 孤独一直是我的朋友  I"m leaving my life in your hands. 自从你离开我的生活  People say I"m crazy and I am blind. 朋友说我疯了太盲目  Risking it all in a glance. 激情总是短暂的  How you got me blind is still a mystery.你为何能使我如此盲目仍是个谜  I can"t get you out of my head. 我就是无法忘了你  Don"t care what is written in your history.我不在乎你过去的种种  As long as you"re here with me. 只要你陪在我身边  I don"t care who you are. 我不在乎你是怎样个人  Where you"re from.你从哪里来  What you did.你做过什么  As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好  Who you are.你是怎样个人  Where you"re from.你从哪里来  Don"t care what you did.我不在乎你做过什么  As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好  Every little thing that you"ve said and done.所有你说过的话和做过的事  Feels like it"s deep within me.都深深的烙印在我心里  Doesn"t really matter if you"re on the run.我甚至于不在乎你是否就要逃开  It seems like we"re meant to be.我以为我们是一对的  I don"t care who you are.我不在乎你是怎样个人  Where you "re from.你从那里来  What you did.你做过什么  As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好  Who you are.你是怎样个人  Where you "re from.你从那里来  Don"t care what you did.我不在乎你做过什么  As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好  As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好  As long as youlove me.只要你爱我就好  I"ve tried to hide it so that no one knows.我试着把感情隐藏起来不让任何人知道  But I guess it shows.但我无法不流露真情  When you look in to my eyes.当你凝视着我时  What you did and where you"re coming from.你做过什么从哪里来  I don"t care As long as you love me,baby!我不在乎,只要你爱我就好,宝贝!  I don"t care who you are.我不在乎你是怎样个人  Where you"re from.你从那里来  What you did.你做过什么  As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好  Who you are.你是怎样个人  Where you"re from.你从那里来  Don"t care what you did.我不在乎你做过什么  As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好  Who you are.你是怎样个人  Where you"re from.你从那里来  What you did.我不在乎你做过什么  As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好  Who you are.你是怎样个人  Where you"re from.你从那里来  As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好  Who you are.你是怎样个人  As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好  What you did.你做过什么  I don"t care.我不在乎  As long as you love me.只要你爱我就好

领标是K·Y(应该是Y吧?,吊牌是SO WHAT BASIC 1985(应该是1985...),是什么牌子的衣服?


他们是什么关系?一父子关系。一what is ()()? 一They are father and son.

What is (their) (relations) ?一They are father and son.relations:指有血统或婚烟关系的亲戚。如不确定其关系时,也可用relatives~希望对你有帮助~

Whatever I have will be yours sooner or later


用英语回答Inyouropinion,whatroles does a language play?

Language plays the role of communication in our life

What I did wrong, God is not fair的意思是什么?



What roles does a tour a guy play in his her a job?导游在他的工作中扮演什么角色?

What is fiction? 能否用英语告诉我什么是小说?

Fiction is a branch of literature which deals,in part or in whole,with temporally contrafactual events.

what roles

译:在这个游戏里,什么(人或物)扮演重要的角色? what 之后用plays只能说明what是第三人称 而roles用复数应该表示有多个重要角色,不只有一个,所以,两者并不矛盾.

what roles 谓语动词用单数还是复数?


what is "X-factor"?


求几首好听的歌,歌的风格如同be what you wanna be和you were my everything等等

When You Believe Mariah Carey On My Way Home ENYA By My Side 林一峰 let me love you Mario Because I love you Shakins Stevens I Want To Know What Love Is Foreigner - Baby One More Time BritneySpears Better man Robbie Williams Heal the world Michael jackson Scarborough fair 世界排名前十经典英文歌曲Promises don"t come easy Moon River Over the rianbow Nothing"s gonna change my love for you Because I love you I will always love you Scarbourgh fair Sound of Silence yestoday once more The one you love 今年大多数人爱听的:1)Avril-girlfriend: Avril在中国的名气还是不小的,今年到处都在放girlfriend...你要说你没听过我也没话说... 2)Ne yo-Because Of You: Neyo在So Sick之后的节奏感相当强的美声说唱 3)Akon-Sorry,Blame It On Me: 不要一提到Akon就想起Dont Matter,这首歌是Akon在一次对歌迷的暴力行为后的道歉,旋律相当的诚恳,可以听下. 4)Beyonce-Irreplaceable: 在美国的大街小巷,连小孩都会插着腰哼"You must not know about me, You must not know about me",你怎么能不听一下这首07年度全球最火的RNB呢? 5)Daughtry-Home: Chris Daughtry将抒情摇滚走向了极致,虽然声音不沙哑,但应该是远远超越Hinder的Lips Of An Angle了. 6)Maroon 5-Wont Go Home Without You: 轻而易举一个优美的假声,再加上轻松舒适的旋律,主唱性感的光头造型,这就是Maroon 5. 7)Fergie-Big Girls Dont Cry: 这是黑眼豆豆主唱Fergie的一首比较柔和的歌,同样推荐这张专辑里的Glamorous. 8)Alicia Keys-No One: 舒缓而又强烈的节奏,简单的歌词,哑而不沙的声线,再也找不到第二个Alicia Keys了. 9)Carrie Underwood-Before He Cheats: 乡村女王,感谢AI提拔了这个人才. 10)Amy Winehouse-Back to Black: 许多人都预计,Amy会凭着这首歌在今年的Grammy上大红大紫. 11)Keith Urban-I told you s 就是我常提起的那个进戒毒所的孩子...这是首牛仔味十足的乡村,相当有意思. 12)Rascal Flatts-Me And My Gang: 提到乡村不能不提RF,十分年轻,十分有活力. 13)Taylor Swift-Our Song: 十七岁出道,自己写歌的乡村才女. 14)Jordin Sparks-Tatt 此人同样来自AI,人们都说Tatto有模仿Irreplaceable的嫌疑.但是不能否认这首歌很好听. 15)Rihanna , Jay-Z-Umbrella 16)Justin Timberlake-What goes around 17)Elliott Yamin-Wait For You 18)Blake Lewis-I got U 19)The Hoosier-Worried About Ray 20)Soujia Boy-Crank That:歌倒不怎么样,这段舞全球出名. 21)Plain White Ts-Hey There Delilah: 很慢很干净 22)Leona Lewis-Bleeding Love: X Factor第一届冠军,历程与Kelly Clarkson极其相似,特别是当她唱A moment Like This的时候 23)Shayne Ward-No U Hang Up: 人很帅,这首歌表现的是热恋中的孩子们的缠绵,打电话时"你先挂""不,你先挂" 24)Craig David-Hot Stuff 25)Kelly Clarkson-Never Again:除了这首歌,她这张专辑里几乎没什么动听的了...和前两张专辑根本不能比. 26)Linkin Park-what Ive done: 本来一听以为是变形金刚主题曲,一查真的是,听说Minutes To Midnight卖得很好...鄙人认为觉得这张专辑很吵,这个组合一直很吵,还不是很舒服的那种吵,同学告诉我这是灵魂的呐喊,还能听着这入睡呢...神阿...喜欢LP的可以下了听 27)GreenDay-Working Class Her 由于上学期有个叫徐深灵的孩子有一段时间天天循环播放Wake me up when september ends,那以后本人对Greenday已经没有好感了,但这首歌拯救了他们在我心目中的地位. 28)Kanye West-Stronger 29)Britney Spears-Gimme More: 很有感觉的快歌,本人更喜欢这张专辑里Toy Soldier,把鼓发挥到了极致. 30)Beyonce , Shakira-Beautiful Liar: 很建议去下这首歌的MV,只能说这两个女人都很拉美,都很性感. 劲舞团里的英文歌曲:上帝是个女孩倾我所有起立瓶中精灵今晚,我感觉离你很近YearTomorrowThrillerThe Day You Went AwayShut UpPretty BoyOne LoveNumbNobody"s FoolNo WorriesMy LoveLet"s Get Loud-usLet"s Get It StartedI Want It That WayI need youEverbodyEnd RollDragostea Din TeiDistanceCorazon De MelaoBreaking The Habitblue_all riseBlack Blck HeartBecause Of YouBaby One More TimeAutomaticAs Long As You Love MeYellowWe Will Rock Youup downTwist KingTrickTonighttime lessSweet Dreamsuper starSteal AwaySo Sicksk8er_boiShinysex bombSay good byeRuntoyouOne Summer NightOhSunnyOh my ladyNight SongMagic carpet ridelove songLove AgainLalala love songJAMPIt is rainIn Da ClubI


参考答案 快乐的微笑是保持生命康健的唯一药石,它的价值千万,却不要花费一文钱。--奈斯比特

3. what is cold war and what events became the m


what makes a good job? 请用英文多给一些大致内容就够了!

What makes a good job? Interest. When you are doing something interesting for you, you"ll enjoy your work and get a chance of great achievement. Ability. Ability comes from your knowledge and diligent practice. More ability, higher position. Teamwork spirit. You couldn"t achieve a great course only by yourself. You have to co-operate with other people and good teamwork-spirit makes you get well along with others. Attitude. Always be positive, optimistic, and encouraging. People like to co-work and follow a person with these qualities. All in all, a good job is not from what you do, but who you are.

what makes a good job? 请用英文多给一些大致内容就够了!

What makes a good job? Interest. When you are doing something interesting for you, you"ll enjoy your work and get a chance of great achievement. Ability. Ability comes from your knowledge and diligent practice. More ability, higher position. Teamwork spirit. You couldn"t achieve a great course only by yourself. You have to co-operate with other people and good teamwork-spirit makes you get well along with others. Attitude. Always be positive, optimistic, and encouraging. People like to co-work and follow a person with these qualities. All in all, a good job is not from what you do, but who you are.

口头禅:Good job! Exactly! Whatever!

口头禅:Good job! Exactly! Whatever!   讲两句地道的口头禅可是你英语地道的标志之一。收了下面这些口头禅,英语不在话下哦。   1. Good job! Buddy.   老兄,干得好。   只要你跟别人一起做事,good job 这个说法决跑不掉。例如两人一起讨论功课,别人先解出来了,你就可以说 "Good job." 或是 "Nice job." 来鼓励别人。这句话本来应该是 "Youu2019ve done a good job." 只不过很少有老美会说那么长的一串句子。   另外当别人有什么精彩演出的时候,例如打棒球时有人挥出了一支全垒打,这时候你可以说 "Good job!" 或是 "Nice play!"。只不过 "Nice play!" 多半指别人的演出很精彩,有些情况像是讨论功课,你就不能说 "Nice play!" 了。   2. Exactly. Thatu2019s what Iu2019m talking about.   一点也没错,我就是这个意思。   要附和别人讲的一句话,老美最常用的有几个词,例如像是 "Exactly!","Definitely!" (一点也没错!) "Absolutely!" (无庸置疑的) 或是 "Obviously!" 及 "Apparently!" (很明显的)。使用的"时机就是在别人说了一句肯定的话时,你就可以接这些字眼。举个例子,那天我去吃晚饭回来遇到我的一个好朋友,我就跟她说 "I just had a chili dog for my dinner!" (我刚吃了一个热狗三明治当晚餐。)结果她一直笑一直笑,说 "Apparently, you got dinner on your face." (很明显啊! 你的晚餐都在你脸上了。)天啊! 原来我吃完东西忘了擦嘴,这下可贻笑大方了!   特别注意的是,以上所介绍的 exactly,absolutely,obviously 和 apparently 都是放在句首,而且是附和对方的肯定句。要是对方问你"Is there any...? " 或是 "Do you know...?" 这时候你就要回答 Yes or No 而不能回答这些附和的话,不然听来会很奇怪的。   3. Guess what? He is going to publish a book.   你知道吗?他要出书了。   当老美要叙述一件会令人感到惊讶的事时,他们习惯在句首加上"Guess what?" 或是 "You know what?" 来增强自己的语气。当然,"Guess what?" 从字面上来看是"猜猜看发生了什么事"的意思,但实际上人家绝不是要你去猜发生了什么事, 只要想要给听者一个惊喜。 这就如同中文"你知道吗?" 是一样的。当然你还没说别人怎么会知道呢? 所以这种用法纯粹是加强语气用的。例如你刚找到一份工作,你就可以说 "Guess what? I got a job offer."。   如果你有意卖个关子,则你可以只说 "Guess what?" (猜猜发生了什么事?)那别人一定不知道你葫芦里卖的是什么药,他就会回答 "What?" (注意语气要下沉),这时候你再把你发生的事告诉人家,就有卖关子的效果了。   4. Whatever!   随便。    Whatever 在口语上的意思就是"随便,无所谓"。例如别人问你 "Do you like apple or banana?" (你喜欢苹果还是香蕉?)要是你并没有什么特别嗜好的话,就可以说 "Whatever!"。不过这句话使用上要小心,因为有一次我去速食店点餐,店员问我要什么附餐 (side dishes),我答 "Whatever." 他就楞在那儿,不知如何是好。其实自己后来想想也蛮好笑的,真的难为了这位可怜的店员,他怎么会知道我喜欢吃什么呢。 如果你这时要强调真的什么都可以的话,还可以用一个词 "Whatsoever." 来表示你真的无所谓。但请不要说成 "I donu2019t care.",这样听来是很不礼貌的。   有时候 Whatever 放在句尾也有 Who cares? 的意思。例如老美会说 "I totally have no idea how to file my tax return, whatever."(我完全不知道该怎么报税,唉,随便啦。)最后那个 whatever 是老美在讲话时很喜欢加的,就是"随便,反正我也不担心的意思。" ;

what is loveuff1f

Love is smileif smile is made by your heartthat is rightthat is love

Busta Rhymes的《what it is》 歌词

歌曲名:what it is歌手:Busta Rhymes专辑:GenesisYeahFlipmodeNeptunes niggaWhat you want nigga, yeahWhat you want bitchesKeep it goin, c"monKeep it goin, c"monKeep it goin, c"monC"mon, c"monWho be the father to thisBounce right here niggas be followin thisModelin bitches be frontin and be swallowin thisCarry on and yellin, screamin, be hollerin thisFlipmode co-signed to be the sponsor for thisWhat? To conquer this you need to march on for thisWhat? Ha, bitches just shake it and wiggleAnd start to bake and just giggleAnd then get naked a little and shitSweat drippin off they face and they nipple and shitNiggas wildin til they be all tired and crippled and shitYeah you buggin on how we be doin it to yaTil you hate our niggas and shit just like bullets was travelin through yaNow, from right to left with a capital FWe gon" keep this shit hot to death and we stoppin your breathDrinkin and buggin and fuckin with them hoes againBut it"s nothing cuz y"all niggas know we "bout to blow againKelis and BustaBusta, what it is right nowYeahBusta, what it is right nowEh-heh, eh-hehBusta, what it is right nowYeah, eh-heh, eh-hehBusta, what it is right nowWhat you want? Eh-heh, eh-hehBusta, what it is right nowYeah, eh-heh, eh-heh, eh-hehBusta, what it is right nowYeah, what-chu...Busta, what it is right nowWhat you want nowBusta, what it is right nowFlipmode, c"mon, c"monLet me show you what it is right nowLet me... step up and handle my biz right nowNiggas don"t even know what it is right nowGot "em mad as if I was bonin they wiz right nowSo let me dig right now all in your ass way she bouncin got my...Bubbly startin to fizz right nowAyo, fuck it shit is feeling kinda big right nowGot "em ready to split a couple of wigs doin tricks wit her assShoulda seen what shorty did right nowGot me stuck on just takin her back to my crib right nowC"mon, the way shorty throwin that ass all over the placeWhy shorty dizzy tryin to throw it all up in my faceOooh... so what you got right nowCuz we comin to blow the whole entire spot right nowNigga we hot right now, all you other niggas move your shit overBecause we comin take your slot right nowThis be the beat to rock for the streetMore hot shit we givin you more heatFeelin that bounce bangin the concreteBangin in the club and bangin it in your jeepFlipmode Squad 2001Wave your hands and rep where you fromWe keepin it street cuz that"s how we liveIt"s what it is baby, it"s what it is babyC"monSee what it is is that we smokin got you open my niggaReppin til the very last word is spoken my niggaThink we jokin we be makin niggas soakin they clothesWhile niggas is runnin and wildin busy scopin these hoesBitches is runnin and wildin scopin niggas wit doughWhile we keepin niggas open like we smokin the "droHeh, see what it is is that we create a ruckusCuz that"s what we love to do muh"fuckas, c"monFlipmode nigga, c"monViolator muh"fucka, c"monWe got Kelis muh"fucka, c"monNeptunes muh"fucka, c"mon, yeahBus-A-Bus muh"fucka, c"mon , yeahEverybody in the spot, c"mon, yeahWhat it is right now, c"monBus"ll tell ya what it is right now, c"monBus"ll tell ya what it is right now, c"mon2001 hot shit, c"monHot shit, hot shit, hot shit, c"monhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14510069

What is subordinateu2019s rhyme?

与subordinate押韵的 单词很多,如果你准备创作歌曲,诗词,和英语说唱,把subordinate这个单词输入英语韵律网站,会找到很多。一,押全韵:Pure Rhymes – 1 rhyme如:co-ordinatessu-bordinate二,押尾韵:End Rhymes – 286 rhymes如:dominatesubordinate下面更多:以上资料,来源于wikirhymer【维基韵律】网站。

Busta Rhymes的《What Up》 歌词

歌曲名:What Up歌手:Busta Rhymes专辑:It Ain"T Safe No More. . .Natasha Thomas - What UpAlbum: Playin With FireWritten: N. Thomas/G. Mackenzie/Jens Gad/ T. Stenzel/Rap: MaximumI know you like that girly popWant me to be somethin" that I"m notWon"t catch me at the candyshopLickin" on a lollipopDiggin" on that cutie teenComin" out your tv screenSure your thoughts would cause a sceneA dirty boy that"s squeeky cleanWhat up, what upI ain"t mad at youI do my thingDo what you gotta doMusic"s pumpin"I"m lovin" the beatDon"t you step to meWhat up, what upI ain"t dissin" youI do my thingJust ain"t feelin" youMusic"s playin"Turnin" up the heatYou won"t get to meNo need to get fresh with meI"m just playin" babyCan"t you seeWhat you got ain"t workin" for meI want the cake not just the creamCan"t give me what you haven"t gotWant me to taste itBut I"d rather notIf you don"t get itLet me sum it upTake your job and blow it upWhat up, what upI ain"t mad at youI do my thingDo what you gotta doMusic"s pumpin"I"m lovin" the beatDon"t you step to meWhat up, what upI ain"t dissin" youI do my thingJust ain"t feelin" youMusic"s playin"Turnin" up the heatYou won"t get to meWhat up, what upI ain"t mad at youI do my thingDo what you gotta doMusic"s pumpin"I"m lovin" the beatDon"t you step to meWhat up, what upI ain"t dissin" youI do my thingJust ain"t feelin" youMusic"s playin"Turnin" up the heatYou won"t get to meWhat up, what upI ain"t mad at youI do my thingDo what you gotta doMusic"s pumpin"I"m lovin" the beatDon"t you step to meWhat up, what upI ain"t dissin" youI do my thingJust ain"t feelin" youMusic"s playin"Turnin" up the heatYou won"t get to me<END>http://music.baidu.com/song/8008758

what if she is an angle

If She"s An Angel. 乡村歌星Tommy Shane Steiner的首张音乐专辑 这里可以下载哦:)~ http://fs6.139.com/1/1315/yuhonggaoqing/sound/2006510205853516.wmaWhat If She"s An Angel There"s a man standing on the corner With a sign sayin "will work for food" You know the man You see him every morning The one you never give your money to You can sit there with your window rolled up Wondering when the lights going to turn green Never knowing what a couple more bucks In his pocket might mean What if he"s an angel sent here from Heaven And he"s making certain that you"re doing your best To take the time to help one another Brother are you going to pass that test You can go on with your day to day Trying to forget what you saw in his face Knowing deep down it could have been his saving grace What if he"s an angel There"s a man There"s a woman Living right above you in apartment G There"s alot of noise coming from the ceiling And it don"t sound like harmony You can sit there with your TV turned up While the words and his anger fly Come tomorrow when you see her with her shades on Can you look her in the eye What if she"s an angel sent here from heaven And she"s making certain that you"re doing your best To take the time to help one another Brother are you going to pass that test You can go on with your day to day Trying to forget what you saw in her face Knowing deep down it could have been her saving grace What if she"s an angel A little girl on daddy"s lap Hiding her disease with a baseball cap You can turn the channel Most people do But what if you were sitting in her daddy"s shoes Maybe she"s an angel Sent here from Heaven And she"s making certain you"re doing your best To take the time to help one another Brother are you going to pass that test You can go on with your day to day Trying to forget what you saw in her face Knowing deep down it could have been her saving grace What if she"s an angel 中文翻译: 一个男子站在街角 身边的标示告之 他已失去了工作 你每天清晨都能见到他 只是你从不施舍 你安逸的坐在窗前 寻思着何时黄昏来临 却不曾考虑 那男子口袋中的几元钱对他的意义 倘若他是天使 从天间下凡 观察你是否用心尽力去帮助另一个人 兄弟 你会通过这个测试吗 你可以一如既往的打发日子 并抹去那张脸在你脑海中记忆 但你深知自己曾有过帮助他的机会 倘若他是天使 你的公寓楼上居住着一对夫妻 透过天花板 你能听到争执声此起彼伏 当他的怒吼声传来 你可以安然的坐在屋内开响电视的音量 而次日 当看着她受伤的印记 你是否还有勇气注视她的眼睛 倘若她是天使 从天间下凡 观察你是否用心尽力去帮助另一个人 兄弟 你会通过这个测试吗 你可以一如既往的打发日子 并抹去那张脸在你脑海中记忆 但你深知自己曾有过帮助她的机会 倘若她是天使 一个小女孩坐在父亲的膝上 她的棒球帽 遮掩住她病痛的模样 你可以象其他很多人那样转换频道 但是 倘若你是女孩的父亲 你会如何感受

歌词副歌有两遍what are you waiting for…… 男生唱的 摇滚乐应该是 求歌名


What if this is all there is to our life? there be 句子能做定语?这句子有省略吗,怎么翻译的

there be 如果是定语从句 就能作定语。本句中there is就是定语what if 是固定句型。也可以把what看作是省略的主句=what should we do.本句意思:如果我们生活只有这些 又如何?

英语作文Do you agree that “Money talks”? What are the things that money cannot buy?

it depends.we can"t live without money,but it doesn"t mean money is everything .money is just a tool we need to survive.money can"t buy happiness.it can buy beautiful houses,but it can"t buy the happiness that you stay with you have,it is just a state of mind,we can"t smell or see it ,only feel it.

给下列问句选择正确的答语。What animal can run very fast??

(1)句意:什么动物跑得很快?根据问句询问什么动物跑得很快,回答动物。故答案为B. (2)句意:什么使他感到悲伤?根据问句询问什么使他感到悲伤,回答某事发生。故答案为E. (3)句意:艾米昨晚做了-一个好梦吗?根据问句由did引导的一 般疑问句,回答主语+did。 故答案为D. (4)句意:动物园里有很多熊猫吗?根据问句由there be句型的一般疑问句,回答也用there be句型。故答案为A. ,7, 给下列问句选择正确的答语。⑴What animal can run very fast? ________ A. Yes, there were. ⑵What makes him feel sad? ________ B. A cheetah. ⑶Did Amy have a good dream last night? ________ C. Because he hurt his leg. ⑷Were there many pandas in the zoo? ________ D. Yes, she did.

how 和what的用法有什么区别

在英语中,how是个疑问副词,what是个疑问代词。在它们引起的句式中,有时可以互相换用,来表达相同或相似的意思。一、问天气:How…?=What…like? 如:How was the weather yesterday? 昨天的天气怎么样?What was the weather like yesterday?二、征求意见或建议:How about…?=What about…?如:How about going skating?What about going skating?去滑冰怎么样?三、问年龄:How old…?=What…the age…?你多大岁数了?四、问看法:How…like…?=What…think of/about…? 如:How do you like this film? 你认为这部影片怎么样?What do you think of this film?五、问价钱:How much…?=What…the price 价钱)of…?如:How much is the book?What"s the price of the book? 这书多少钱?六、“how/what+可数名词单数”构成感叹句:How + adj. + a/ an+ n…!=What + a/an +adj.+n. …! 如:How clever a girl she is! 她是个多么聪明的女孩子啊!What a clever girl she is!七、“how/what+可数名词复数或不可数名词”构成感叹句,句子结构有所不同,汉语意思也稍有差异。如:How high the mountains are!这些山多高啊!What high mountains they are!多高的山啊!当然,有些由how引起的感叹句是不能用what进行转换的,如下列句子中的how不宜换用what。How fast he is running!他跑得多快啊!How time flies!光阴似箭!

what a beautiful day in shanghai today语法对吗?

"What a beautiful day in Shanghai today" 的语法是正确的。这是一个完整的句子,包含主语、谓语和宾语。其中,主语是 "day",谓语是 "is"(省略了),宾语是 "beautiful"。句子用感叹句的形式表达了今天上海的美好天气。

辩题thbt it is wrong to eat whales and sharks什么意思


以to protect whales为题,写一篇英语作文

Nowadays, the whales is in danger. Bec ause many countries kill them for differe nt use, they are dying out. To protect ou r earth and ocean, especially the diversit y of creatures. we must realize that we s hould take effective measures to protect them. If the whales died out, it would ha ve an important influence on other anim als in the sea. Also, the environment will be changed. I sincerely hope that we ca n make our effort to save them!


1.what 后必须有一个名词,这个名词是可数名词且是单数时用what a,名词前也可加形容词.如:What beuatiful weather(it is)!/What a beutiful day(it is)!同样是说“多美好的天气啊!”前一句中 weather不可数,所以无“a”,后一句“day”可数,有“a”.句子中的核心词是名词.2.how后则必须有一个形容词或副词,如How beautiful the weather is!How beautiful the day is!感叹句中没有how a 的用法是因为这里的核心词是形容词或副词,只有名词前面采用a/an不定冠词.简言之他们的句子结构是:what+(a/an)+adj.+n.+主语+谓语+(it is).How+adj.(adv.)+主语+谓语

the whale和whales的区别



whale/weIl[名] 鲸鱼


Whales are very huge animals that live in the sea.Most of them wear a blue coat and some kinds have teeth.Whales eat a lot of *** all fiah and other sea life so that they are so huge.They can jump high out of the water and sing songs. However,whales are in danger now.The main reason is that humans catch whales for meat,fat and oil and some of whale parts are sold to make things like candles and soap.Other problems including water pollution and weather conditions also cause the number of whales to reduce.Now,whales are already one of the endangered animals. In older to protect them,we should learn more about whales and stop putting rubbish into the sea.Government also should make rules on whale protection. Everyone should play a part in protecting whales and other endangered wild animals.
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