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what is octopus

释义 n.[C] 1. 章鱼 2. 像章鱼般触角伸向四处的事物 octopus 名复: octopuses octopi 释义 n.[C] 1. 章鱼 2. 像章鱼般触角伸向四处的事物 octopus 名复: octopuses octopi 章鱼 or 八达通 参考: me Sea-animals with a soft body and eight long arms with suckers on them what is octopus? 八达通 2007-10-13 11:55:27 补充: 八达通资料Also known as the ‘Devil-Fish" due to the terror their strange appearance caused early sea-farers the Octopus or “Eight Footed” cephalopod refers to the Genus Octopi which are members of the Phylum Mollusca of the class Cephalopoda order and family Octopoda. 2007-10-13 11:55:46 补充: Each of the octopus"s arms have o rows of suction cups each of which has ‘taste sensors" to allow it to identify food. With the ability to regenerate lost arms and an eye on each side of its head Octopi are hardy predators with unique self defence mechani *** s and very good eyesight. 2007-10-13 11:56:19 补充: Most Octopi have a globe-shaped ‘head" or mantle that contains all the vital and mouth which hold a sharp beak which is used to kill and decimate prey. but many are able to change colors by contracting skin cells filled with pigments to allow it to hide when hunting for prey. 2007-10-13 11:56:31 补充: With life sp of approximately o years Octopus are often confused with squid another Cephalopoda which has o longer arms called ‘tentacles" – in an octopus all eight appendages are of a similar length and are called ‘arms" not legs. 2007-10-13 11:57:51 补充: Living primarily which provide refuge from predators including other various fish their staple consists primarily such as crabs and scallops. They access to shelled prey either by pulling it apart or by drilling through the shell and secreting a toxin to dissolve the connective tissues. 2007-10-13 11:58:26 补充: There are over 160 different species of Octopusu2022 Cirrata: Finned octopi that live at depths beeen 1 000 and 24 000 feetu2022 Incirrata: non-finned shallow water dwellers 2007-10-13 12:00:00 补充: beside八达通octopus also mean 八爪鱼sor 2007-10-13 12:00:22 补充: hope i can help you 章鱼 八达通公司

what什么fine day it is today

选C,(What a ) fine day it is today!---Yes,it is.是个感叹句及其肯定回答. 本句是对名词day 感叹.用句型:What a/an adj 名词+ 主语+ 谓语+状语! 如果是对形容词或副词感叹,就用句型:How adj./adv.+ 主语+ 谓语+状语!



what a nice day 和what a fine day哪个正确1

  都是正确的,fine和nice都可以形容day,意思都是多么好的一天!  满意请采纳,谢谢

What+名词词组+主语+谓语! 如: What a fine day it is


what a fine day today


what which that who whose在单项选择中 怎么区别


问 求 What a fine day it is! 这句感叹句 详细解释 为什么意思是 多好的天啊! 各个词代表什么意思

正常语序本来是It is a fine day. 但英语中的感叹句用到what和how时,固定的搭配是What+名词词组+主语+谓语!和How+形容词(副词)+主语+谓语!(所以例句可改为How fine the day is!),what和how在感叹句中可以理解为"多么,如此"的意思,a fine day意思是好天气,it is常用于表示时间和天气之类句子的开头,如It is 2:30 now.(现在时间是2点。) It is sunny today.(今天天气阳光灿烂。)it is得根据句子所要表达的意思来选择主语。

what do the students of No.5Middle school do in their spare time?

具体的翻译如下:What do the students of No.5 Middle school do in their spare time? Last month, we conducted a survey on our school"s extracurricular activities. The answer is exercise, surfing the Internet and watching TV. Here is the specific result.五中的学生,他们课余时间都做些什么?上个月我们就我们学校的所进行的课外活动进行了调查,答案是锻炼,上网和看电视,这里就是具体的结果。We found in the survey that only 15% of the students exercise every day, 45% of the students exercise 4 to 6 times a week, 20% of the students only exercise 1 to 3 times a week, and 20% of the students never exercise!我们在调查中发现只有15%的学生每天进行锻炼,45%的学生每星期锻炼4到6次,20%的人每星期只锻炼1到3次,并且有20%的学生从来都不锻炼!We know that many students often surf the Internet, but we are surprised to find that 99% of the students surf the Internet every day. The other 10% of the students surf the Internet at least three or four times a week, and most of them only use their computers for entertainment rather than study.我们知道很多同学经常上网,但我们惊奇地发现99%的学生每天都上网。而其它的10%的学生会每周上网至少3或4次,大多数人只把电脑用于娱乐而不用于学习。As for our question about watching TV, the students" answers are also quite interesting. Only 2% of the students watch TV once to three times a week, 13% of the students watch TV at least three to four times a week, Although many students like to watch sports programs, all kinds of "show" programs are the most popular.关于我们提出的有观看电视的问题,学生们的回答也是蛮有趣的,只有2%的学生每周看1次至3次电视,13%的学生每周至少看3-4次电视,85%的学生每天都看电视!尽管很多学生喜欢看体育节目,但各类“秀”的节目却是最流行的。Although surfing the Internet and watching TV are good ways to relax, physical exercise is the best way to relax. Physical exercise is good for both physical and mental health.虽说上网和看电视是很好的放松方式,但体育锻炼确实是最好的放松方法。体育锻炼对于身心健康都大有益处。Sports such as football - when you play football with friends or family, you will feel very happy. Remember this sentence: "old habits can last longer." it"s not too late to start exercising now!运动如踢足球~当你和朋友或家人一起踢球时,你会感到特快乐。记住这句话:“老的习惯才能更长久的存在”,现在就开始锻炼也为时未晚!这部分内容主要考察的是宾语从句的知识点:置于动词、介词等词性后面起宾语作用,宾语从句的语序必须是陈述语序。谓语动词、介词、动词不定式、动词现在分词、过去式、过去分词后面都能带宾语从句。有些形容词(afraid,sure,glad等)之后也可以带宾语从句。whether 和 if 都可引导宾语从句,但 whether后可紧跟or not;whether从句可作介词的宾语。当if/whether引导宾语从句时,在从句中不做任何成分,但有具体的含义,意为“是否”。if/whether不能省略。

是How还是What a find day!

what a.fine day.it is的同义句

What a fine day it is!同义句:How fine the day is!多么晴朗的一天啊!

what fine day

如果用HOW 应该是 How fine the day is ! HOW 强调的是形容词/副词; WHAT强调的是名词,记住下列句型: 1. How +形容词+ a +名词+ 陈述语序(主语+谓语+……)!  2. How+形容词或副词+ 陈述语序(主语+谓语+……)!  3. What+a/an +形容词+单数名词+ 陈述语序(主语+谓语+……)!  4. What+ 形容词+复数名词+ 陈述语序(主语+谓语+……)!  5. What+ 形容词+不可数名词+ 陈述语序(主语+谓语+……)!  加油!不明白再问!如果帮到你,请采纳,谢谢!

who what when where why是什么意思



whatafineday用中文指好天气。What day is it today? 今天星期几? What a day! 多么糟糕的一天!

( )fine day!括号里为什么填what a 而不用how?

因为 what 是跟名词的.如果是修饰形容词或副词的,就要用how.比如: What a fine day! How nice is it today!

( ) fine day today!填什么啊!!! 急急急急~~~~~~~~~~~~ A.What B.How C.What a D.How a


what a fine day!是什么意思?


in the world与onthewhat的区别在哪里?

1、人称不同in the world 指的是全世界上,多用于第一人称。on the world 指的是这个世上、这个世界,多用于第三人称。例如:Every place in the world.在这世界的每一个地方。We were born in this world.我们诞生在这个世界。They have set their sights on the world record.她用教鞭敲了敲世界地图。2、运用场景不同in the world你可以用来形容这个世界上存在的任何东西,相当于on earth,而且自带最高级意思。如果你想说这个世界上的,一般都是in。例如:He is the nicest man in the world.on the world一般在指在某某的世界方面,world后面一般加东西的,比如 map,record。3、用法不同in the world译成汉语为在世界上,一般不怎么使用on the world. 主要区别存在于介词的使用,on 在表面,in 在其中。 我们并不是在这个广义世界的表面,而是在里面。例句:Giving something of yourself without the desire for anything in return is one of the most beautiful things in the world.世界上最美好的存在之一是付出而不求回报。

No matter what happens,I will always be there for


what sort of 后面加单数

what types of 后面接名词复数 what kind/sort of 单数

what sort of和what kind of区别

kind指性质相同,且有极相似之物质,在分类中可作为一类者。 What kind of cake do you like best?你最喜欢哪一种饼? sort可与kind互换使用,但较为含混,有时只表示大概此种而已。Sort有时有轻蔑的意味,相反kind要庄重得多。 He makes friends with all sorts of people.他同各种各样的人交朋友。

what sort of和what kind of区别

区别其实就是sort和kind的区别。kind表示的种类属于中性,sort则带有贬义。I never do that sort of thing 贬义i never do that kind of thing 中性 不带感情色彩

What are you good at sort of things这句话对吗

What are you good at sort of things?这句话存在语法错误,是不正确的。What are you good at 的意思是你擅长做什么事情, sort of things的意思是诸如此类。正确的句子应该是:What kind of things are you good at?意思为:你擅长做什么诸如此类的事情。

what is all

all 释义 a. 1. 一切的 所有的 Our aim is that all children plete secondary education. 我们的宗旨是让所有孩子完成中等教育。 2. 整个的 全部的 The strike paralyzed all Paris that day. 该日 *** 使整个巴黎陷于瘫痪。 3. 尽量的 尽可能的 Lanny was all attention. 兰尼全神贯注。 ad. 1. 完全地;全然地 She is all in favor of my suggestion. 她完全赞同我的建议。 2. 【口】很 极其 He was all excited. 他万分激动。 3. (与the+比较级连用)更加 She hated him all the more. 她更加恨他了。 4. (比分等)双方相等 The score is one all. 比分为一比一。 pron. 1. 全体 一切 全部[G] I know that all is well with her. 我知道她一切都好。 n. 1. 所有一切;全部财产 John Brown gave his all in the struggle for freedom. 约翰u2027布朗为争取自由而献出自己的一切。 all 同义: a.全部的 全面的 entire whole total integral plete full every n.整体 所有 全部 whole total sum sum total entirety integer allness prehensiveness totality everything ad.所有地 统统地 wholly entirely pletely altogether quite 同义参见: everyone exclusive 反义: a.一切的;全部的 some several 什么是所有/全部? all a. 1. 一切的 所有的 Our aim is that all children plete secondary education. 我们的宗旨是让所有孩子完成中等教育。 2. 整个的 全部的 The strike paralyzed all Paris that day. 该日 *** 使整个巴黎陷于瘫痪。 3. 尽量的 尽可能的 Lanny was all attention. 兰尼全神贯注。 ad. 1. 完全地;全然地 She is all in favor of my suggestion. 她完全赞同我的建议。 2. 【口】很 极其 He was all excited. 他万分激动。 3. (与the+比较级连用)更加 She hated him all the more. 她更加恨他了。 4. (比分等)双方相等 The score is one all. 比分为一比一。 pron. 1. 全体 一切 全部[G] I know that all is well with her. 我知道她一切都好。 n. 1. 所有一切;全部财产 John Brown gave his all in the struggle for freedom. 约翰u2027布朗为争取自由而献出自己的一切。 所有的;尽可能的;全体;所有;宇宙 副 完全;极;每;正当 ie. all along 始终,一直,一贯 all around 在四面八方 all at once 突然;同时;一起 all but 几乎,差一点 all day 整天,一天到晚 all in all 总的说来;头等重要的 all kinds of 各种各样的 all night long 整夜 all of a sudden 突然,冷不防 all out 竭尽全力 all over 遍及...的每一部分 all over again 再一次,重新 all over the country 遍及全国 all over the world 全世界 all ready 一切就绪 all right 好;行;不错 all round (在…)周围,处处 all sorts of 各种各样的 all the same 尽管如此;仍然;然而 all the time 一直; 始终 all the while 一直地 all the years round 一年到头 all through 自始至终 this is a marketing problem. what you need to think about this is : what is your target customer and what is their needs on your book ?? why they need your book ? what is the different of your book pare with the similar in the market ? what is their purchasing behaviour ?? without all these you cannot define who you should talk to ? (where) what is the right channel to municate with your target customer when to promote ? what to emphasis and how to tell them the advantage of your product over others...... if you really need to wer your question you need to work more... think more... free feel to email and discuss. 所有的;尽可能的;全体;所有;宇宙 副 完全;极;每;正当 ie. all along 始终,一直,一贯 all around 在四面八方 all at once 突然;同时;一起 all but 几乎,差一点 all day 整天,一天到晚 all in all 总的说来;头等重要的 all kinds of 各种各样的 all night long 整夜 all of a sudden 突然,冷不防 all out 竭尽全力 all over 遍及...的每一部分 all over again 再一次,重新 all over the country 遍及全国 all over the world 全世界 all ready 一切就绪 all right 好;行;不错 all round (在…)周围,处处 all sorts of 各种各样的 all the same 尽管如此;仍然;然而 all the time 一直; 始终 all the while 一直地 all the years round 一年到头 all through 自始至终

somewhat与kind of和sort of表示“有点儿…”有区别吗?望高手详解!谢谢!

somewhat 是书面用语,一般我们论文中会使用。kind of 和 sort of 则用于口语,正式的文章中不予适用。它们可以交替使用。

What do you think time is money?


what time is the class over .和What time does the class begin.为什么一个用is ,一个用does呢?

因为is后面跟形容词,而over是形容词。does后面跟动词,begin 是动词。



What time is school over?完整的答句。答句的中文意思是我们大约5点放学。我

Our school is over about 5 o"clock.

是what time is class over还是what time is the class over

what time is the class over

what time is it over 意思

片名:你那边几点?法文名:Et là-bas, quelle heure est-il?英文名:What Time Is It There?导演:蔡明亮Tsai Ming-liang主演:李康生Lee Kang-sheng 陈湘琪Chen Shiang-chyi 让-皮埃尔·利奥德Jean-Pierre Léaud 苗天Tien Miao片长:116分钟年代:2001年出品:台湾/法国类型:剧情

"What time is school over?"的回答


是what time is class over还是what time is the class over

What time is the class over? 什么时候下课?

what time is it over 意思


what do you do inthe morning

1. I get up in the morning. 2. I go to school after breakfast. 3. I do my homework in the evening. 4. I go to bed after I do my homework. 答案不唯一


句子成分划分如下: What疑问代词, 作谓语动词do的宾语。第一个do是助动词,帮助构成疑问句。you 主语, in the morning 介词短语作状语。 全句汉语意思: 你们上午做什么?




  翻译:你早上吃些什么?  满意请采纳,谢谢


whalecum和welcome谐音.whale:鲸鱼。 cum:粗俗语,精子

what is your favourite athlete作文80字

my favourite athlete---yaomingBasketball is my favourite sport.My favourite star is YaoMing.He is a great basketball player.YaoMing was born in Shanghai, China.His parents both played for Chinese National Teams.He is the tallest basketball player in the NBA.He went to Shanghai Shart Sports College,and played basketball with his classmates.I like YaoMing very much so I want to be just like him when I grow up.Basketball is my favourite sport.My favourite star is YaoMing.He is a great basketball player.YaoMing was born in Shanghai, China.His parents both played for Chinese National Teams.He is the tallest basketball player in the NBA.He went to Shanghai Shart Sports College,and played basketball with his classmates.I like YaoMing very much so I want to be just like him when I grow up.

英语句子分析,请问这个后面的who know what.怎么分析啊?


who knows what it is?用英语怎么回答


Who knows what the future holds for us是什么意思


you have to do what is right for yourself,nobody else is walking in your shoes,什么意思


Love Me For What I Am 歌词

歌曲名:Love Me For What I Am歌手:Lobo专辑:The Best Of LoboLove me for what i amI wore the clothes you likedYou said they gave me that lookI even tried to like the foodI know you like to cookI parted my hair on the leftI carried your arm on the rightI slept late in the morningAnd I stayed out late at night.I can"t give any more of my soul awayAnd still look myself in the mirror everydayI can"t change any moreof what makes me be myselfAnd still have enough leftnot to be somebody elseI"m not demanding as a manJust asking you - love me for what I am.I tried hard not to saythe things you don"t like to hearAnd when to you it was aproposI nibbled on your earI opened the door up for youI kept my big mouth shutWell I"ve been going downWhile you"ve been going upI can"t give any more of my soul awayAnd still look myself in the mirror everydayI can"t change any moreof what makes me be myselfAnd still have enough leftnot to be somebody elseI"m not demanding as a manJust asking you - love me for what I amI can"t give any more of my soul awayAnd still look myself in the mirror everydayI can"t change any moreof what makes me be myselfAnd still have enough leftnot to be somebody elseI"m not demanding as a manJust asking you - love me for what I amoh~love me for what I amoh~love me for what I amhttp://music.baidu.com/song/54915444



歌曲What Women Want什么意思?

卡迪碧wap歌词大意是:创作者对于爱情的惶恐与无奈之情。这首歌用词大胆,而wap这首歌的MV也有很多值得琢磨的地方。卡迪碧把wap这首歌发出来以后评论两极分化,有男人的指责,也有女人的追捧,卡迪碧把女性的心声唱了出来。所以卡迪碧就被称作是浦西女王。卡迪碧wap歌词如下:Whores in this houseThere"re some whores in this houseThere"re some whores in this houseThere"re some?whores?in this house(Hold up)I said certified freak, seven days a weekWet-ass Pus*y, make that pullout game weak, woo(Ah)Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahYeah, you f**kin" with some wet-ass Pus*yBring a bucket and a mop for this wet-ass Pus*yGive me everything you got for this wet-ass Pus*yBeat it up, nigga, catch a chargeExtra large and extra hardPut this Pus*y right in your faceSwipe your nose like a credit cardHop on top, I wanna rideI do a kegel while it"s insideSpit in my mouth, look in my eyesThis Pus*y is wet, come take a diveTie me up like I"m surprisedLet"s roleplay, I"ll wear a disguiseI want you to park that big Mack truck right in this little garageMake it cream, make me screamOut in public, make a sceneI don"t cook, I don"t cleanBut let me tell you how I got this ring(Ayy, ayy)Gobble me, swallow me, drip down the side of me(Yeah)Quick, jump out "fore you let it get inside of me(Yeah)I tell him where to put it, never tell him where I"m "bout to be(Huh)I"ll run down on him "fore I have a nigga runnin" me(Pow, pow, pow)Talk your shit, bite your lip(Yeah)Ask for a car while you ride that ****(While you ride that ****)You really ain"t never gotta **** him for a thing(Yeah)He already made his mind up "fore he came(Ayy, ah)Now get your boots and your coat for this wet-ass Pus*y(Ah, ah, ah)He bought a phone just for pictures of this wet-ass Pus*y(Click, click, click)Pay my tuition just to kiss me on this wet-ass Pus*y(Mwah, mwah, mwah)Now make it rain if you wanna see some wet-ass Pus*y(Yeah, yeah)Look, I need a hard hitter, need a deep strokerNeed a Henny drinker, need a weed smokerNot a garden snake, I need a king cobraWith a hook in it, hope it lean overHe got some money, then that"s where I"m headedPus*y A1 just like his creditHe got a beard, well, I"m tryna wet itI let him taste it, now he diabeticI don"t wanna spit, I wanna gulpI wanna gag, I wanna chokeI want you to touch that lil" dangly thing that swing in the back of my throatMy head game is fire, punani DasaniIt"s goin" in dry and it"s comin" out soggyI ride on that thing like the cops is behind me(Yeah, ah)I spit on his mic and now he tryna sign me, wooYour honor, I"m a freak Pus*y, handcuffs, leashesSwitch my wig, make him feel like he cheatin"Put him on his knees, give him somethin" to believe inNever lost a fight, but I"m lookin" for a beatin"In the food chain, I"m the one that eat yaIf he ate my ass, he"s a bottom-feederBig D stand for big demeanorI could make ya bust before I ever meet yaIf it don"t hang, then he can"t bangYou can"t hurt my feelings, but I like painIf he **** me and ask“Whose is it?”When I ride the ****, I"ma spell my name, ahYeah, yeah, yeahYeah, you f**kin" with some wet-ass Pus*yBring a bucket and a mop for this wet-ass Pus*yGive me everything you got for this wet-ass Pus*yNow from the top, make it drop, that"s some wet-ass Pus*yNow get a bucket and a mop, that"s some wet-ass Pus*yI"m talkin" wap, wap, wap, that"s some wet-ass Pus*yMacaroni in a pot, that"s some wet-ass Pus*y, huhThere"s some whores in this houseThere"s some whores in this houseThere"s some whores in this houseThere"s some whores in this houseThere"s some whores in this houseThere"s some whores in this houseThere"s some whores in this houseThere"s some whores in this houseThere"s some whores in this houseThere"s some whores in this house

Look What You Made Me Do歌词中文


you is to me what water is to fish 的语法有错误吗

特殊句型,不能去套clause正:You are to me what water is to fish

更正下面句子的错误,每题仅有一处错误 In this chapter i will attempt explaining what led up to the

应该是这么说吧。In this champter I will attempt to explain what lead up to the revolution.


What do you want to rush out for?

求一首英文歌 其中说唱有一句歌词是whatever happens happens

《Whatever happens》

what is the day today?不是问天气的么??


what is today? what is the day?各怎么回答

what is today? 要回答星期几,几月几日。 例如:It"s Saturday, January 24th. what is the day? 要回答什么节日。 例如:It"s Teachers" Day. what is the date? 要回答几月几日。 例如:It"s January 24th. 满意请及时采纳,谢谢

帮忙翻译下这是什么意思What day is the day



一般不会用第二种说法. What is the day today?Today is Sunday. What is the date today?Today is Dec.16th.

what is today,what is the day什么意思

what"s the day today? 今天星期几 ?What"s the date today?今天几号?

What did you do yesterday?怎么答


What are you going to do on sunday

1,what are you going to do on Sunday?2ehh...a good question?1I am going hiking.2WOW! Cool! Then where are you going?1, blue bridge mountain.2 who is gonna go with you?1, li, anna, john....2, wow, can I join you guys?1, yes, of course. we gonna leave at 7:30pm2: ok, what do i need to take with me?1, some cash, sleeping bag, that"s all. do notworry about the food and water. we "ve had everything in our van. but... you know, we do really need split the charge if you wanna come with us... not too much, just 5 dollars.2, oh! that"s cool. i would like to.see you guys sunday morning

do you like what you see?

Do you like what you see?你喜欢你所看见的吗?

雅思作文 what to learn in university

 Some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes. Others believe that going to classes should be optional for students. Which point of view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.  Some people may believe that going to classes should be optional, but I disagree. I don"t understand how university students can expect to learn anything if they don"t attend classes. Personal experience can help people learn about themselves and the world outside the classroom, but when it comes to learning about academic subjects, students need to be in class.  In class they receive the benefit of the teacher"s knowledge. The best teachers do more than just go over the material in than class textbook. They draw their students into discussion of the material. They present opposing points of view. They schedule guest speakers to come, give the students additional information, or show documentary films on the subject.  Also, attending classes on any subject teaches more than just facts. It teaches students how to learn, how to absorb information and then apply what they"ve learned to other situations. Their teacher is the best one to help them with these skills. They can"t learn them just by reading the textbook.  Going to class also teaches students how to work with the other members of the class. Many times students will be given group assignments. This is different from what they did in secondary school. Here they"re with people from different backgrounds and experiences. In this situation, they learn how to handle working with people different from themselves to achieve a common goal.  Going to class also teaches students responsibility and discipline. Having to be at a particular place at a particular time prepares them for getting a job. Being at a place on time with an assignment completed prepares them for a career.  In short, by going to class students learn more than just information from the teacher. They also learn how to learn, how to work with others, and how to work responsibly. These are not optional skills in life, so attending classes should not be optional in college.

What are the best outdoor activities to do in Vancouver?

As an language model, I do not have personal experiences, but here are some popular outdoor activities to do in Vancouver:1. Hiking in the mountns - Vancouver is surrounded by mountns with some of the best hiking trls. Grouse Grind, Stawamus Chief, and Lynn Canyon are some popular ones.2. Cycling around Stanley Park - Stanley Park is a vast park with numerous scenic cycling paths, beautiful beaches and dining options.3. Kayaking in False Creek - Rent a kayak or join a tour to explore the beautiful waters and enjoy spectacular views of the city.4. Skiing and snowboarding in local mountns - Vancouver is home to spectacular ski resorts like Whistler Blackcomb and Cypress Mountn that attract ski enthusiasts throughout the year.5. Beachcombing and swimming- Kitsilano Beach, English Bay, and Spanish Banks offer beautiful sandy beaches, where visitors can sunbathe, swim, and enjoy water sports.6. Island hopping - There are several islands off the coast of Vancouver, such as Bowen Island and Galiano Island, which can be accessed by ferry and offer unique experiences.

What do you have for summer?根据实际回答问题

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