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—Were you sick after six hours’ journey on the coach?—Of course. I &nb...

C get up起身, get on 上车,get off 下车,get to 到达,句意:做了六个小时的长途客车后你感到不舒服吗?——当然了。车一停我就快速地下来了。结合语境可知选C。


  【Cornflowers】If I had , Oh, if I only had a proper cuntI would be delighted to lift my skirt for you.I would gladly take your hard cock in my handsand bury it, ever so deeply, in the darkness of my tomb.Come, my handsome ghost of lust, and masturbate for meI promise, it will get you out of your miseryI have been sleeping on the flours for days to keep myself from dreaming,a punishment for things delayed and maybe for disbelieving.Don"t scare away the old crows in the field,walking in lumberthrough rows and rows of corn.I am madly in love with a sad illusion, don"t you seebut, then again, aren"t we all He will build a temple, a temple for your Schwanz,and he will build it with his mouth.He will chant the poetry, words of heartfelt longing,all through the lonely midnight hours.If I had a proper cunt, I"d lift my skirt for you,I"d take your hard cock in my hands and bury it deeply in my tomb.


cornflower,英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时译为“矢车菊”。cornflower blue 矢车菊蓝 ; 菊蓝色 ; 浅蓝色 ; 矢车菊色



fresh flower什么意思

Fresh flower翻译成中文可以表示"新鲜的花"。新鲜的花通常指的是刚刚采摘的花朵,还没有经过太多处理或加工的花卉。它们可能会被包装在束或盒子里,以便更方便地存储和运输。新鲜的花朵常常被送给其他人作为礼物,表达爱意、感谢或祝福等情感。此外,它们还被广泛用于庆祝场合,例如,结婚典礼、毕业典礼、生日派对等活动。新鲜的花朵有多种品种,每一种花都有自己的特殊含义和用途。例如,红玫瑰通常被认为代表着爱和浪漫,而白合花则表示清新和纯洁。不同的花语也传达了不同的意思,例如,用康乃馨代表着感恩,用紫罗兰代表着希望等。因此,在选择花束时应根据不同的情况和用途选择适当的花种和花语。总之,"fresh flower"是指新鲜的花朵,它们被广泛用于礼物、庆祝等场合,不同的花种和花语代表着不同的含义和情感。资料扩展:花(英文名:Flower),常被称为花朵,是被子植物的繁殖器官。花的形状千姿百态,通常由花梗、花托、花被、雄蕊群和雌蕊群组成。有些学者认为裸子植物的孢子叶球也是“花”。花冠位于花萼的里面,是花瓣的总称。由于组成花冠的花瓣形状、大小及连合程度的不同,形成了各种形状的花冠。花序是轴及其着生在上面的花的通称,也可特指花在花轴上不同形式的序列,如圆锥花序,穗状花序等。花序常作为被子植物分类鉴定的一种依据。花朵的颜色不仅使自然界显得五彩缤纷,更主要的是具有吸引昆虫传送花粉的作用。其生物学功能是结合雄性精细胞与雌性卵细胞以产生种子。



orbit tower slide什么意思

你好,很高兴为你解答解答 :orbit tower slide轨道塔滑orbit 英[u02c8u0254:bu026at] 美[u02c8u0254:rbu026at] n. 轨道; 眼眶; 势力范围; (人生的) 旅程,生活过程; vt. 在…轨道上运行,环绕轨道运行; vi. 盘旋; 绕轨道运行; [网络] 环绕; 旋转; 轨道; [例句]Mars and Earth have orbits which change with time.火星与地球的运行轨道随着时间而变化。[其他] 第三人称单数:orbits 复数:orbits 现在分词:orbiting 过去式:orbited过去分词:orbited 欢迎追问,希望能帮到你,手输不易,求采纳!!你的采纳是我答题的动力

where were you going和where did u go有什么区别

where were you going 你那时正在干什么呢?I was reading. 我那时正在读书。。。where did u go 你去哪里了?I went to the library. 我去图书馆了

网申is your gender the gender you were assigned at birth 什么意思

is your gender the gender you were assigned at birth 你的性别是你的性别在出生时被分配双语对照例句:1.You were assigned to civil defense at the 12th district? 你被分配到第十二街区的民防部队了?

TwinPower Turbo引擎什么意思




Everybody knows the famous building—the Eiffel Tower, which was 【 小题1】 (建成) in Paris, Franc

小题1:built小题2:tallest/highest小题3:appeared小题4:tourists/travelers/visitors小题5:first/firstly小题6:lunch小题7:million小题8:choose小题9:delicious/yummy/tasty/nice/good小题10:eating 试题分析:短文大意:这篇短文主要讲述了埃菲尔铁塔及埃菲尔铁塔作为世界著名景点的旅游情况。小题1:结合语境可知本句指的是,埃菲尔铁塔是在1889年,在法国巴黎建成的。本句主语是动作对象,故用被动语态,根据汉语提示,可知填过去分词built,建造。小题2:结合语境及汉语提示,可知填形容词最高级tallest/highest。小题3:句意:直到1930年,当克莱斯勒大厦出现时。结合语境可知本句描述的是过去某时发生的动作,故用一般过去时态。根据汉语提示,可知填过去式动词appeared,出现。小题4:根据前文修饰词more及汉语提示,可知填复数名词tourists/travelers/visitors。小题5:句意:当它最初完成时,结合语境可知填副词first/firstly,做状语。小题6:根据汉语提示,可知填名词lunch,抽象名词,不可数,故用原形即可。小题7:当数词和基数词搭配使用时,一般用单数,根据汉语提示,可知填million。小题8:根据前文时间状语every year 可知本句描述的是经常性动作,故用一般现在时态。主语some表示复数含义,故谓语动词用原形。根据汉语提示,可知填原形动词choose。小题9:根据汉语提示,可知填形容词delicious/yummy/tasty/nice/good,作定语。小题10:enjoy后面一般接名词或者动名词作宾语,enjoy doing sth喜欢做某事,根据汉语提示,可知填动名词eating。


tower的读音是:英["ta??(r)]。tower的读音是:英["ta??(r)]。tower的例句是用作名词(n.)There is a sonorous bell in the tower.塔里有一口洪亮的钟。tower的词语用法是n.(名词)tower用作名词的基本意思是“塔”,也可指细而高的建筑物,还可指一堆叠得很高的塔状物。tower有时还可引申指“塔台的指挥人员”。一、详尽释义点此查看tower的详细内容n.(名词)塔,高楼,塔楼,楼塔堡垒,城堡,碉堡监狱铁路信号房,铁路信号所高柜发射塔高架子建筑物的塔形部份主心骨可依靠的人v.(动词)高耸,屹立,耸立,竖着翱翔,高飞高高升起,笔直飞上去超过,胜过高于,凌驾,高高地俯瞰二、英英释义Noun:a structure taller than its diameter; can stand alone or be attached to a larger buildinganything that approximates the shape of a column or tower;"the test tube held a column of white powder""a tower of dust rose above the horizon""a thin pillar of smoke betrayed their campsite"a powerful small boat designed to pull or push larger shipsVerb:appear very large or occupy a commanding position;"The huge sculpture predominates over the fountain""Large shadows loomed on the canyon wall"三、网络解释1. 塔楼:包括城墙(Wall)、塔楼(Tower)、门楼(Gatehouse)、行政署(Prefecture)、军事基地(Fort)、军事学院(Military academy)和兵营(Barracks)共七项. 城墙最好建两层以上,可以更好的阻挡敌人的进攻,也为塔楼守卫巡逻提供了空间.2. 兴建防卫塔:马厩(Stable)BM兴建市场(Market)BN兴建市镇中心(Town Center)BP兴建寺庙(Temple)BS兴建仓库转运站(Storage Pit)BT兴建防卫塔(Tower)BW兴建城墙(Wall)BY兴建学院(Academy)3.部队生产(必须先用鼠标选择相关的建筑物)在游戏中,3. 立式:机架最佳化、5U高度的 PowerVault 770N,目前已可同时提供作为机架(rack)和直立式(tower)的IT环境中使用. PowerVault 725N 是唯一使用Intel Pentium 4 处理器以及ServerWorks技术的NAS等级产品,将能够满足企业对于储存效能与扩充性的迫切需求.四、例句There is a sonorous bell in the tower.塔里有一口洪亮的钟。The tower was blown to atoms by the force of the explosion.爆炸的力量把塔炸得粉碎。The bell tower is the emblem of this city.这座钟楼是这个城市的象征。Above the victorian houses and shops tower the monster office blocks of the redeveloped center.高耸于维多利亚时代房屋店铺之上的是新开发的市中心高大的办公楼群。Shakespeare towers above all other Elizabethan dramatists.莎士比亚远超过伊丽莎白时代所有的剧作家。五、常用短语用作名词(n.)tower of strength可信赖的人; 支柱 comfort用作动词(v.)tower above〔over〕( v.+prep. )远远超过… be much greater than (others or a standard) in ability, quality, or character六、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)名词+~bell tower钟楼church tower教堂塔楼concrete tower混凝土塔楼control tower(机场的)控制塔distillation tower蒸馏塔signal tower信号塔the Eiffel T-艾菲尔铁塔TV tower电视塔watch tower观望楼water tower水塔~+介词the T- of London伦敦塔a small tower of luggage叠得高高的一小堆行李the Leaning T- of Pisa比萨斜塔the T- of Babel巴别塔tower of strength可信赖的人,支柱用作动词 (v.)~+副词tower gigantically远远地高出tower magnificently高大雄伟tower massively大大地高过tower prodigiously奇妙地高出tower up高耸~+介词tower above比…高tower over比…高tower to高达…七、词语用法n.(名词)tower用作名词的基本意思是“塔”,也可指细而高的建筑物,还可指一堆叠得很高的塔状物。tower有时还可引申指“塔台的指挥人员”。tower还常用于构成专有名词。v.(动词)tower用作名词时意思是“塔”,转化成动词意思是“远远高于〔超过〕”,可指在身高上比别人高,也可指在某些方面能力比别人强或比别人更胜任某一件事。tower一般用作不及物动词,常与介词 above 〔over〕连用,意思是“比…高”或“(在能力、名声、品质等方面)超过(某人)”。tower的相关近义词bastion、castle、column、fort、fortress、pillar、ascend、dominate、exceed、overlook、overtop、surpasstower的相关临近词town、towel、towers、towery、towered、towerman、towering、tower leg、tower chi、towerless、tower man、tower top点此查看更多关于tower的详细信息


towerKK: []DJ: []n.[C]1. 塔;塔楼;高楼That"s a television tower.那是电视转播台。2. 堡垒;监狱3. 铁路信号房vi.1. 高耸,屹立;高高升起[(+above/over)]The skyscraper towers into the sky.该摩天大楼高耸入云。2. 超过,胜过[(+above/over)]The tall building towers above all the others.这高楼高出其他所有的建筑。3. 高飞,翱翔以上结果由 Dr.eye译典通字典 提供根据描述,建议尝试以下操作解决:1、您可以进入设置--更多设置--应用程序--全部--找到该程序点击进入信息界面--清除数据试试。2、尝试重启手机的哦。3、建议您可以将该程序卸载之后重新下载最新版本使用的。4、若手机系统不是最新,将手机升级到最新版本试试,您可以进入设置--更多设置--系统升级--立即检查更新,根据提示下载升级包,点击校验并安装,手机会重启自动进入升级模式。5、建议您可以试试清除所有数据,点击设置--更多设置--恢复出厂设置--清除手机数据,清除手机数据会将您的手机格式化,所以此项操作前可以将手机数据备份一下,包括联系人,照片之类的。


boy in the tower简介

boy in the tower塔里的男孩《塔里的男孩》,是由陈升作词作曲并演唱的一首华语歌曲,收录于专辑《鱼说》中。tower英 [ˈtaʊə(r)] 美 [ˈtaʊɚ] n.塔,楼塔;要害地;〈罕〉(负伤鸟的)笔直向上飞;〈美〉铁路信号所vi.远远高于,远远超过;高耸,超越The tower collapsed in a heap of ruin. 这座塔倒塌了,成为一堆废墟。Saw Big Ben and Tower Bridge. 我见到了大本钟和塔桥。

建筑工程英语中 tower什么意思



tower读作:英 ["tau028au0259(r)], 美 ["tau028au0259r]。一、含义n. (名词)1、塔,高楼,塔楼,楼塔2、堡垒,城堡,碉堡v. (动词)1、高耸,屹立,耸立,竖着2、翱翔,高飞二、例句:1、There is a sonorous bell in the tower.塔里有一口洪亮的钟。2、The tower was blown to atoms by the force of the explosion.爆炸的力量把塔炸得粉碎。扩展资料:词汇用法:一、n. (名词)tower用作名词的基本意思是“塔”,也可指细而高的建筑物,还可指一堆叠得很高的塔状物。tower有时还可引申指“塔台的指挥人员”。tower还常用于构成专有名词。二、v. (动词)tower用作名词时意思是“塔”,转化成动词意思是“远远高于〔超过〕”,可指在身高上比别人高,也可指在某些方面能力比别人强或比别人更胜任某一件事。


tower [英]["tau028au0259(r)][美][u02c8tau028au025a] n. 塔,楼塔;要害地;〈罕〉(负伤鸟的)笔直向上飞;〈美〉铁路信号所 vi. 远远高于,远远超过;高耸,超越 na. “Towers“的变体 复数:towers 第三人称单数:towers 过去式:towered 过去分词:towered 现在分词:towering 双语例句 1. The tower of Pisa leans at an angle . 比萨斜塔塔身倾斜. 2. Bells were clanging in the tower. 塔楼上的钟当当地敲响了. 3. The old houses were dwarfed by the huge new tower blocks. 这些旧房子在新建的高楼大厦的映衬下显得十分矮小. 4. She lives in a tower block on an estate in London. 她住在伦敦某住宅区的一栋高楼里. 5. an impressive building with a huge tower 有高塔的壮观建筑



THE TOWER 这首歌的歌词是什么意思

the one who survives by making the lives of others worthwhile   she"s coming apart right before my eyes   不再依照他人的意愿活着   在我眼前,她慢慢崩溃      the one who depends on the services she renders   to those who come knocking   她放弃她依靠而活的那个人      she"s seeing too clearly that she can"t be   what understanding defies   她看得十分清楚   她无力改变拒绝这一切      she says I need not to need   or else a love with intuition   someone who reaches out to my weakness and won"t let go   她说,我不需要什么   只要能够感触到的爱情   一个能抚摸到我的脆弱   不离不弃的人      I need not to need   I"ve always been the tower   but now I feel like I"m the flower trying to bloom in snow   我不需要什么   我一直都很坚强   但是现在我感觉自己像是努力在雪地里绽放的花朵      she turns out the light anticipating night falling   tenderly around her   and watches the dusk   the words won"t come   她预见到黑夜将要来临   她关上灯,柔和夜雾环绕   注视着薄暮 无言      she carries the act so convincingly the fact is   sometimes she believes it   that she can be happy the way things are   be happy with the things she"s done   凭诚实的信念而行事   有时事实正如她所相信   能感到快乐的方法   就是对自己的所为感到满足      reach out   but hold back   where is safety   reach out   and hold back   where is the one who can change me   where is the one   the one   the one   前进 退缩 哪里才安全   前进 退缩 能改变我的那个人身在何方   在那里      reach out   but hold back   where is safety   reach out   and hold back   where is the one who can save me   where is the one   the one   the one   前进 退缩 哪里才安全   前进 退缩 能拯救我的那个人身在何方   在那里


tower 英[u02c8tauu0259] 美[u02c8tau028au025a] 过去式:towered 过去分词:towered 现在分词:towering 复数:towers n. 1.塔, 高楼 2.高柜;高架子 3.(电视或无线电信号的)发射塔 vi. 1.远远高于, 远远超过 vt. 1.(在能力、品德、名声等方面)胜过,远远超过(其他人) 名词 n.1.塔, 高楼 The tower is fifty feet in height.塔高五十英尺。The tower ordered the plane to taxi the full length of the runway.塔台指挥人员命令该机在跑道上滑行全程。2.高柜;高架子3.(电视或无线电信号的)发射塔 不及物动词 vi.1.远远高于, 远远超过 The peak towers up into the clouds.那座山峰高耸入云。及物动词 vt.1.(在能力、品德、名声等方面)胜过,远远超过(其他人)

the tower 的歌词翻译


the Tower的中文歌词……

The one who survives by the lives of others worthwhile she"s coming apart right before my eyes 她为了别人而生存,在我眼里她已支离破碎。 the one who depends on the services she renders to those who come knocking she"s seeing too clearly what she can"t be what understanding defies 她靠出卖自己的身体生存,她明白她已不能再做什么。 she says I need not to need or else a love with intuition someone who reaches out to my weakness and won"t let go 她说我不需要需要,或者一个凭直觉的爱,有些人抓住我的弱点不让我走。 I need not to need I"ve always been the tower but now I feel like I"m the flower trying to bloom in snow 我不需要需要,我一直是塔,但我现在感觉我像一株试图在雪中盛开的花 she turns out the light anticipating night falling 她打开灯预知夜晚即将来临 tenderly around her ,and watches the dusk the words won"t come 温柔的环抱着她,注视着黄昏,没有言语。 she carries the act so convincingly the fact is sometimes she believes it that she can be happy the way things are be happy with the things she"s done 她伪装着她的角色,事实上她可以做其他让她觉得幸福的事 reach out but hold back where is safety 伸出去 但是退缩回来 哪里是安全的 reach out and hold back 伸出去 但是退缩回来 where is the one who can change me where is the one the one the one 哪里有那个可以改变我的人 哪里有那个人 那个人 那个人 reach out but hold back where is safety 伸出去 但是退缩回来 哪里是安全的 reach out and hold back 伸出去 但是退缩回来 where is the one who can save me where is the one the one the one 哪里有那个可以救我的人 哪里有那个人 那个人 那个人这个楼上的是两个版本。喜欢哪个自己挑。

The tower 中文歌词

  曲名:TheTower歌手:ViennaTeng  theonewhosurvivesbymakingthelives  ofothersworthwhile  she"scomingapart  rightbeforemyeyes  theonewhodependsontheservices  sherenderstothosewhocomeknocking  she"sseeingtooclearlywhatshecan"tbe  whatunderstandingdefies  shesaysIneednottoneed  orelsealovewithintuition  someonewhoreachesouttomyweakness  andwon"tletgo  Ineednottoneed  I"vealwaysbeenthetower  butnowIfeellikeI"mtheflower  tryingtobloominsnow  sheturnsoutthelight  anticipatingnightfalling  tenderlyaroundher  andwatchesthedusk  thewordswon"tcome  shecarriestheactsoconvincinglythefactis  sometimesshebelievesit  thatshecanbehappythewaythingsare  behappywiththethingsshe"sdone  shesaysIneednottoneed  orelsealovewithintuition  someonewhoreachesouttomyweakness  andwon"tletgo  Ineednottoneed  I"vealwaysbeenthetower  butnowIfeellikeI"mtheflower  tryingtobloominsnow  reachout  butholdback  whereissafety  reachout  andholdback  whereistheonewhocanchangeme  whereistheone  theone  reachout  butholdback  whereissafety  reachout  andholdback  whereistheonewhocansaveme  whereistheone  theone  shesaysIneednottoneed  orelsealovewithintuition  someonewhoreachesouttomyweakness  andwon"tletgo  Ineednottoneed  I"vealwaysbeenthetower  butnowIfeellikeI"mtheflower  tryingtobloominsnow


The one who survives by the lives of others worthwhile she"s coming apart right before my eyes 以他人生命作为代价而活了下来 她就这样在我面前离我而去 the one who depends on the services she renders to those who come knocking she"s seeing too clearly what she can"t be what understanding defies 离开需要她的人,应了叩门的人 她看透了自己不能变成怎样的人 拒绝相信 she says I need not to need or else a love with intuition someone who reaches out to my weakness and won"t let go 她说我不需要 靠直觉建立起来的爱 只会让我暴露弱点,无法自拔 I need not to need I"ve always been the tower but now I feel like I"m the flower trying to bloom in snow 我是不需要 我从来都是高塔 可是现在却像雪中努力绽放的小花 she turns out the light anticipating night falling tenderly around her 她关了灯,等待夜幕降临在自己的身边 and watches the dusk the words won"t come 放眼望那傍晚的景色 说不出的话 she carries the act so convincingly the fact is sometimes she believes it that she can be happy the way things are be happy with the things she"s done 她是如此自信的做着这一切 有时她相信自己很满足 对自己所做的一切都高兴 reach out but hold back where is safety 去吧 却又踌躇 哪里是安全的地方 reach out and hold back where is the one who can change me where is the one the one the one 去吧 却又踌躇 那个可以将我改变的人 那个人 那个人 reach out but hold back where is safety 去吧 却又踌躇 哪里是安全的地方 reach out and hold back where is the one who can save me where is the one the one the one 去吧 却又踌躇 那个可以将我拯救的人 那个人 那个人

the Tower的中文歌词

the towerthe one who survives by making the lives of others worthwhileshe"s coming apart right before my eyes 不再依照他人的意愿活着在我眼前,她慢慢崩溃the one who depends on the services she renders to those who come knocking她放弃她依靠而活的那个人she"s seeing too clearly that she can"t be what understanding defies 她看得十分清楚她无力改变拒绝这一切she says I need not to need or else a love with intuition someone who reaches out to my weakness and won"t let go 她说,我不需要什么只要能够感触到的爱情一个能抚摸到我的脆弱不离不弃的人I need not to need I"ve always been the tower but now I feel like I"m the flower trying to bloom in snow我不需要什么我一直都很坚强但是现在我感觉自己像是努力在雪地里绽放的花朵she turns out the light anticipating night falling tenderly around her and watches the dusk the words won"t come 她预见到黑夜将要来临她关上灯,柔和夜雾环绕注视着薄暮 无言she carries the act so convincingly the fact is sometimes she believes it that she can be happy the way things are be happy with the things she"s done 凭诚实的信念而行事有时事实正如她所相信能感到快乐的方法就是对自己的所为感到满足reach out but hold back where is safety reach out and hold back where is the one who can change me where is the one the onethe one前进 退缩 哪里才安全前进 退缩 能改变我的那个人身在何方在那里reach outbut hold backwhere is safetyreach out and hold backwhere is the one who can save me where is the one the onethe one前进 退缩 哪里才安全前进 退缩 能拯救我的那个人身在何方在那里

Ludovico Einaudi的《The Tower》 歌词

歌曲名:The Tower歌手:Ludovico Einaudi专辑:The Royal Albert Hall ConcertThe TowerWhere do I go?Never had a very real dream before.Now I got a vision of an open door.Guiding me home, where I belong,dreamland I have come.Oh where do I go?Never had a flesh and blood like this before.Got a new appearance when I passed the door.Is it a dream I am withing? Oh what"s going on?Down, down, downGo down, go down, go downI roam into nowhere.Don"t see an end: eternal wastelands.And I hear the voice, the voice, the voice, the voice...Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah...Never been a fighter,neber been a man.But I must help Vandroiy, he"s my only friend.Nowhere to go but I know that he knows howwe will get her out...Magic of transcendencebrought me to this placeVandroiy in reality lead me on my race.Told me to bring back the sealbut still I don"t know where I shall go.Can"t you "feel" the voice?You don"t have a choice.What a kind of life:Freedom in flesh - shackles on your mind...Go all the way to the tower!Find out the secrets behind!Go all the way to the tower!For all the wisdom of ages doesn"t die.Men have good intentionson their way to the light.But som of them are venaland end up in the night.Maybe it"s better for you, mankind,not to know what"s going on.Sometimes we must goways that seem to be wrong.What a kind of life: Freedom in flesh,shackles on your mind...Go all the way to the tower!Find out the secrets behind!Go all the way to the tower!Find out the name of the onewho reigns from inside...You have come the long way through agesto bring me the seven parts of the seal.So now throw it over the walls of the tower.Throw the seal!But first Godfather, what about the prophecy? Whatabout your reward: The ultimate illumination, thegnosis and the power to defend your kingdom onearth with a strong hand?What about the prophecy?I realize...For the glory, for the glory, for the glory,For the glory. Oh - what is going on?For the glory, for the glory, for the glory,For the glory. Oh - what is going on?Gabriel I can feel:You have it back - book and seal.Still no war is won, we have just begun...Go all the way to the tower!Long for the secrets behind!Go all the way to the tower!Found out the name of the onewho reigns from inside...Go all the way to the tower!Long for the secrets behind!Go all the way to the tower!Found out the name of the one,Of the one...Oh, how could the stranger steal the seal away?Was it my fault?Or was it no one"s fault at all?http://music.baidu.com/song/18212177

the tower——Vienna Teng的中文歌词

Vienna Teng - <the tower> the one who survives by making the lives of others worthwhile she"s coming apart right before my eyes the one who depends on the services she renders to those who come knocking she"s seeing too clearly what she can"t be what understanding defies she says I need not to need or else a love with intuition someone who reaches out to my weakness and won"t let go I need not to need I"ve always been the tower but now I feel like I"m the flower trying to bloom in snow she turns out the light anticipating night falling tenderly around her and watches the dusk the words won"t come she carries the act so convincingly the fact is sometimes she believes it that she can be happy the way things are be happy with the things she"s done reach out but hold back where is safety reach out and hold back where is the one who can change me where is the one the one the one reach out but hold back where is safety reach out and hold back where is the one who can save me where is the one the one the one参考资料:http://www.newoo.com/club/dispbbs.asp?boardid=70&id=45284

Pina的《The Tower》 歌词

歌曲名:The Tower歌手:Pina专辑:Quick LookThe TowerWhere do I go?Never had a very real dream before.Now I got a vision of an open door.Guiding me home, where I belong,dreamland I have come.Oh where do I go?Never had a flesh and blood like this before.Got a new appearance when I passed the door.Is it a dream I am withing? Oh what"s going on?Down, down, downGo down, go down, go downI roam into nowhere.Don"t see an end: eternal wastelands.And I hear the voice, the voice, the voice, the voice...Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah...Never been a fighter,neber been a man.But I must help Vandroiy, he"s my only friend.Nowhere to go but I know that he knows howwe will get her out...Magic of transcendencebrought me to this placeVandroiy in reality lead me on my race.Told me to bring back the sealbut still I don"t know where I shall go.Can"t you "feel" the voice?You don"t have a choice.What a kind of life:Freedom in flesh - shackles on your mind...Go all the way to the tower!Find out the secrets behind!Go all the way to the tower!For all the wisdom of ages doesn"t die.Men have good intentionson their way to the light.But som of them are venaland end up in the night.Maybe it"s better for you, mankind,not to know what"s going on.Sometimes we must goways that seem to be wrong.What a kind of life: Freedom in flesh,shackles on your mind...Go all the way to the tower!Find out the secrets behind!Go all the way to the tower!Find out the name of the onewho reigns from inside...You have come the long way through agesto bring me the seven parts of the seal.So now throw it over the walls of the tower.Throw the seal!But first Godfather, what about the prophecy? Whatabout your reward: The ultimate illumination, thegnosis and the power to defend your kingdom onearth with a strong hand?What about the prophecy?I realize...For the glory, for the glory, for the glory,For the glory. Oh - what is going on?For the glory, for the glory, for the glory,For the glory. Oh - what is going on?Gabriel I can feel:You have it back - book and seal.Still no war is won, we have just begun...Go all the way to the tower!Long for the secrets behind!Go all the way to the tower!Found out the name of the onewho reigns from inside...Go all the way to the tower!Long for the secrets behind!Go all the way to the tower!Found out the name of the one,Of the one...Oh, how could the stranger steal the seal away?Was it my fault?Or was it no one"s fault at all?http://music.baidu.com/song/2639798

The Tower中英文歌词对照

the towerthe one who survives by making the lives of others worthwhile she"s coming apart right before my eyes 不再依照他人的意愿活着 在我眼前,她慢慢崩溃 the one who depends on the services she renders to those who come knocking 她放弃她依靠而活的那个人 she"s seeing too clearly that she can"t be what understanding defies 她看得十分清楚 她无力改变拒绝这一切 she says I need not to need or else a love with intuition someone who reaches out to my weakness and won"t let go 她说,我不需要什么 只要能够感触到的爱情 一个能抚摸到我的脆弱 不离不弃的人 I need not to need I"ve always been the tower but now I feel like I"m the flower trying to bloom in snow 我不需要什么 我一直都很坚强 但是现在我感觉自己像是努力在雪地里绽放的花朵 she turns out the light anticipating night falling tenderly around her and watches the dusk the words won"t come 她预见到黑夜将要来临 她关上灯,柔和夜雾环绕 注视着薄暮 无言 she carries the act so convincingly the fact is sometimes she believes it that she can be happy the way things are be happy with the things she"s done 凭诚实的信念而行事 有时事实正如她所相信 能感到快乐的方法 就是对自己的所为感到满足 reach out but hold back where is safety reach out and hold back where is the one who can change me where is the one the one the one 前进 退缩 哪里才安全 前进 退缩 能改变我的那个人身在何方 在那里 reach out but hold back where is safety reach out and hold back where is the one who can save me where is the one the one the one 前进 退缩 哪里才安全 前进 退缩 能拯救我的那个人身在何方 在那里


the one who survives by making the lives of others worthwhile she"s coming apart right before my eyes 不再依照他人的意愿活着 在我眼前,她慢慢崩溃 the one who depends on the services she renders to those who come knocking 她放弃她依靠而活的那个人 she"s seeing too clearly that she can"t be what understanding defies 她看得十分清楚 她无力改变拒绝这一切 she says I need not to need or else a love with intuition someone who reaches out to my weakness and won"t let go 她说,我不需要什么 只要能够感触到的爱情 一个能抚摸到我的脆弱 不离不弃的人 I need not to need I"ve always been the tower but now I feel like I"m the flower trying to bloom in snow 我不需要什么 我一直都很坚强 但是现在我感觉自己像是努力在雪地里绽放的花朵 she turns out the light anticipating night falling tenderly around her and watches the dusk the words won"t come 她预见到黑夜将要来临 她关上灯,柔和夜雾环绕 注视着薄暮 无言 she carries the act so convincingly the fact is sometimes she believes it that she can be happy the way things are be happy with the things she"s done 凭诚实的信念而行事 有时事实正如她所相信 能感到快乐的方法 就是对自己的所为感到满足 reach out but hold back where is safety reach out and hold back where is the one who can change me where is the one the one the one 前进 退缩 哪里才安全 前进 退缩 能改变我的那个人身在何方 在那里 reach out but hold back where is safety reach out and hold back where is the one who can save me where is the one the one the one 前进 退缩 哪里才安全 前进 退缩 能拯救我的那个人身在何方 在那里the one who survives by making the lives of others worthwhile she"s coming apart right before my eyes 不再依照他人的意愿活着 在我眼前,她慢慢崩溃 the one who depends on the services she renders to those who come knocking 她放弃她依靠而活的那个人 she"s seeing too clearly that she can"t be what understanding defies 她看得十分清楚 她无力改变拒绝这一切 she says I need not to need or else a love with intuition someone who reaches out to my weakness and won"t let go 她说,我不需要什么 只要能够感触到的爱情 一个能抚摸到我的脆弱 不离不弃的人 I need not to need I"ve always been the tower but now I feel like I"m the flower trying to bloom in snow 我不需要什么 我一直都很坚强 但是现在我感觉自己像是努力在雪地里绽放的花朵 she turns out the light anticipating night falling tenderly around her and watches the dusk the words won"t come 她预见到黑夜将要来临 她关上灯,柔和夜雾环绕 注视着薄暮 无言 she carries the act so convincingly the fact is sometimes she believes it that she can be happy the way things are be happy with the things she"s done 凭诚实的信念而行事 有时事实正如她所相信 能感到快乐的方法 就是对自己的所为感到满足 reach out but hold back where is safety reach out and hold back where is the one who can change me where is the one the one the one 前进 退缩 哪里才安全 前进 退缩 能改变我的那个人身在何方 在那里 reach out but hold back where is safety reach out and hold back where is the one who can save me where is the one the one the one 前进 退缩 哪里才安全 前进 退缩 能拯救我的那个人身在何方 在那里

ivory tower歌词

Blackmore"s Night 的《Ivory tower》 歌词: I stood upon the Ivory Tower As far as I could see The winds that grew from out of the trees were calling out to me Curtains blew in the Ivory Tower Willows start to bend The ravens flew to escape the fury as the storm descends... I followed fortune "round the tower Searching in vain For through the mist "round the old stone tower I only found rain And though the cold,cold Ivory Tower was stony through and through I laid and dreamed on a featherbed,my dream was of you My dream was of you... All time waiting As the sun doth set in the haze All time waiting Every hour feels like a day...oh... I feared not in the Ivory Tower Imprisonment you"ll find Lies within your heart your soul,your spirit and your mind It lies within your heart,your soul ,your spirit and your mind...

There are a light bulb and a screwdriver in the drawer.

复数才用are比如:There are some matches there. 抽屉里面有一个灯泡和一把螺丝刀。

Wild Flowers 歌词

歌曲名:Wild Flowers歌手:All About Eve专辑:Winter Words - Hits And Rareties【Bonnie Pink-Wildflower】【作词:BONNIE PINK 作曲:BONNIE PINK】I"m not a teacher, nor a preacherI think I"m street wiseBut I trip all the timeMy lips are too small and you"re too tallHard for me to stroke your hairand do clear the airI wanna feel we"re the same under the skinHow can I be a queen without the King?It"s never easy to form a ringI"d do anything to be your batteryI can be anything to make you happyI swear to GodI was there when your heart was brokenI was there when you blamed yourselfI was there when you were giving upWish I"d had a word to extendWe live in a zoo, woodering who trusts whoYes, sometimes they are flakyand too greedyI"m not a vower, but trying to be a wildflowersupposed to keep your peace of mindbut to leave you behindI wanna feel we"re the same as peas in a podFor me to stay away from you is oddI see a long path we"ve trodI"d do anything if you want me toYou"re the rain to make me bloomSo you"re allowed to cryI was there when your heart was brokenI was there when you were under cloudsI was there when you were raving at the worldI was there for youI"ve been watching you become tougherNow the rainy season is overI"m scared, to tell the truthCause you"re so free to fly awayI was there when your heart was brokenI was there when you were looking downI was there when you lost your wayWish I"d had a word to extendDid you know?http://music.baidu.com/song/8543275

Wild Flowers 歌词

歌曲名:Wild Flowers歌手:Ryan Adams专辑:Gold【Bonnie Pink-Wildflower】【作词:BONNIE PINK 作曲:BONNIE PINK】I"m not a teacher, nor a preacherI think I"m street wiseBut I trip all the timeMy lips are too small and you"re too tallHard for me to stroke your hairand do clear the airI wanna feel we"re the same under the skinHow can I be a queen without the King?It"s never easy to form a ringI"d do anything to be your batteryI can be anything to make you happyI swear to GodI was there when your heart was brokenI was there when you blamed yourselfI was there when you were giving upWish I"d had a word to extendWe live in a zoo, woodering who trusts whoYes, sometimes they are flakyand too greedyI"m not a vower, but trying to be a wildflowersupposed to keep your peace of mindbut to leave you behindI wanna feel we"re the same as peas in a podFor me to stay away from you is oddI see a long path we"ve trodI"d do anything if you want me toYou"re the rain to make me bloomSo you"re allowed to cryI was there when your heart was brokenI was there when you were under cloudsI was there when you were raving at the worldI was there for youI"ve been watching you become tougherNow the rainy season is overI"m scared, to tell the truthCause you"re so free to fly awayI was there when your heart was brokenI was there when you were looking downI was there when you lost your wayWish I"d had a word to extendDid you know?http://music.baidu.com/song/8200880

你知道“ the subscriber you dialed is power off”怎么

“您所拨打的电话已关机”翻译成英文是:The subscriber you dialed is power off.例句:对不起,您所拨打的电话已关机,请稍后再拨!Sorry, the subscriber you are dialing is power off, please dial it later.另一种翻译:The number you dialed is turned off.重点词汇:拨打:dial ; Calling ; call电话:telephone ; phone ; telephone system ; telephony关机:turn off a machine

职权的英文用哪个? power还是right

所谓职权是指组织中的职位所固有的发布命令和希望命令得到执行的一种权力所以 我以“ 职+权”解构的结果就是 Authority and power。所以我建议你用power



前几天买了一个佛雷斯的球拍型号是Spring power spll,在官网上查了没这个型号啊,会不会是假货啊?

蓝白相间的颜色。特  性:(网上查到) a:窄边方头低断面设计.甜点区增大. b:加长握把,增加球拍控制范围. c:前套专利Vibration Cap避震,减少25%震动 d:高级坚实的头框前段WAVE波浪系统,它提供球拍线更好的传送力,增加其POWER及扭力稳性. e:方形拍头 与传统球拍相比,均等化方形拍头能提供额外多32%的有效击球面积(击球甜区)即使是偏离球拍线床中心区的连续式扣杀也能保持相应的精确和速度。 f:前半段框采用拱形线槽 传统球拍的承线系统中,拍线被直接支撑在尖锐的线孔胶粒边缘上,拉线后拍线与胶粒的两个接触点会产生应力集中现象,导致拍线疲劳,张力严重下降。新的波浪形结构系统将拍线支撑在圆拱形的线槽上,两个接触点被连接为一段接触弧面,不但有效消除应力,而且形成的紧密接触弧面大大增强了拍线与拍框的整体效应,从而增强了拍线与拍框的整体效应,从而增强球拍的整体稳定性和力量性能。

柯南13剧场版里的TOHTO TOWER是东都铁塔吗? 在哪里?


东京塔(Tokyo Tower)的简介。

20世纪60年代,那时候我三岁。半夜,我突然被喝醉的爸爸踢门的巨大声响吓醒,而且他还用烤鸡肉串的棍打了妈妈……这是爸爸、妈妈和我在故乡小仓生活时短暂而又幸福的回忆。 爸离家出走,妈带着我回筑丰的老家。妈一边在妹妹的小料理屋帮忙,一边养育着我。妈每天晚上爬起来搅拌着酱菜的米糠。每天吃着老妈精心制作的米饭,我逐渐长大。昭和煤矿坑中的手推车变成了我们游玩的道具。 妈有时和住在附近的邻居玩着纸牌打发时间。最近好像也交了男朋友,因为妈还是个很年轻的女人。学校放长假的时候,我会偷偷去爸住的地方。有一次爸帮我把船的模型做好了,那时还是未完成品。 70年代,筑丰的煤矿坑和小仓的制铁场,当烟囱都不再升起烟的时候。那时我上中学三年级,非常想离开这个萧条的城市。妈也想早点自由。当大分的美术高中合格时,春天,我开始一个人过寄宿的生活。妈到车站给我送行,还帮我准备了一个包,里面有新的内衣和便当盒,而且暗藏了一封信,里面放着一万日元的纸币。在火车上,吃着老妈做的饭团和酱菜,15岁的我哭了起来。 春天的东京,像吸尘器一般不断地吸入垃圾一样地把日本各地的年轻人聚集到这里。黑暗的小软管,像是通往梦想到未来的隧道。可是穿过隧道的话,可是那里积蓄的是垃圾。 80年代,来到了憧憬的东京成为美大生的我,想成为追求现代的年轻人,但每天却过着昏昏噩噩的堕落日子。“如果在这样下去就毕不了业了!”我对每天操劳工作为了供我上学的妈妈这样坦白地说。可是妈还是很坚强的说:“还有一年,妈会努力的工作。你一定要好好地读到毕业。” 为了留级而向妈撒娇,让妈高兴而想办法毕业,但是我对以后的人生道路却没有考虑。当然完全没有就业的想法也不能告诉妈,只好和爸商量。“什么都不尝试看看,五年后也是完全一样不是吗?”原本游手好闲的爸却说出最有影响力的话。 90年代,因为一直没有工作而积欠了债务,也找不到工作,我不知道什么时候作为插画家兼专栏作家才能有饭吃。 我从阿姨那儿得知“妈得了癌症,住院去做手术。”手术成功了,不过妈还没痊愈。只有持续用药控制癌细胞。尽管如此妈还是留在那个萧条的乡下打算工作着。为了回避她我到了东京。从十五岁离开她之后又过了十五年,我和妈在东京的杂居大楼,又开始二人生活。妈拿来世世代代继承的米糠,我像从前一样地每天吃着妈煮的饭。不久我的女友和朋友、同事等,为了吃我老妈亲手煮的菜而聚集到我家来。自从来了东京第一次才觉得每天是幸福快乐的。 2001年4月1日,樱花盛开的季节却飘起了雪花。透过医院的玻璃窗,我和妈妈遥望着东京塔……

急!求Tokyo Tower的英文介绍,100词以上.再附加英文地理位置介绍。

东京铁塔[Location]: Tokyo Tower in Tokyo, Shiba Park, Minato-west, located at longitude 139 ° 44u0026#39;55 u0026quot;, latitude 35 ° 39u0026#39;20u0026quot;

Snap的《The Power》 歌词

歌曲名:The Power歌手:Snap专辑:Coyote Ugly (2000 Film)《snap-The power》by anbooo(Dialogue in Russian)I"ve got the power!I"ve got the power!Hey, yeah!Like the crack of a whip, I snap attackFront to back in this thing called "rap."Diggin" like a shovel wound double on the heavenly levelBrighten the bass, turn up the trebleRadical mind, day and night, all the timeSeven, fourteen, wise divineManiac, Brainiac, winner of the gameI"m the lyrical Jesse JamesQuality, I possessSome say I"m freshWith my voice close to the meshOf the microphone that I am holdin"Copy written lyrics so they can"t be stolenIf they are: Snap!Don"t need the policeDon"t try to say them, your voice"ll sinkSo please, stay off my backOr I will attack, and you don"t want that!I"ve got the power!I"ve got the power!I"ve got the power!I"ve got the power!It"s gettin", it"s gettin" it"s gettin" kinda hecticIt"s gettin", it"s gettin" it"s gettin" kinda hecticIt"s gettin", it"s gettin" it"s gettin" kinda hecticIt"s gettin", it"s gettin" it"s gettin" kinda hecticIt"s gettin", it"s gettin" it"s gettin" kinda hecticIt"s gettin", it"s gettin" it"s gettin" kinda hecticIt"s gettin", it"s gettin" it"s gettin" kinda hecticIt"s gettin", it"s gettin" it"s gettin" kinda hecticI"ve got the power!I"ve got the power!I"ve got the power!http://music.baidu.com/song/18637148

his affections, like ivy, were the growth of time, they implied no aptness in the object.


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定语从句It was such an easy question as they could answer 的as能换成which吗


If We Were A Movie 歌词

歌曲名:If We Were A Movie歌手:Corbin Bleu&hannah montana专辑:Hannah Montana 3Hannah Montana - If We Were A Movie (Remix)Uh ohThere you go again talking cinematicYeah, youYou"re charmingGot everybody star struckI know how you always seem to goFor the obvious instead of meBut get a ticket and you"ll seeIf we were a movieYou"d be the right guyAnd I"d be the best friendThat you fall in love withIn the end we"d be laughingWatching the sunsetFade to black, show the namesPlay the happy songYeah, yeahWhen you call meI can hear it in your voiceOh, sureWanna see me and tell me all about herLa laI"ll be acting through my tearsGuess you"ll never know that I should winAn Oscar for this scene I"m inIf we were a movieYou"d be the right guyAnd I"d be the best friendThat you fall in love withIn the end we"d be laughingWatching the sunsetFade to black, show the namesPlay the happy songWish I could tell you there"s a twistSome kind of hero in disguiseAnd we"re togetherIt"s for real, no playingWish I could tell you there"s a kissLike something more than in my mindI see it could be amazingIf we were a movieYou"d be the right guyAnd I"d be the best friendThat you fall in love withIn the end we"d be laughingWatching the sunsetFade to black, show the namesPlay the happy songIf we were a movieYou"d be the right guyAnd I"d be the best friendThat you fall in love withIn the end we"d be laughingWatching the sunsetFade to black, show the namesPlay the happy songIf we were a movieYou"d be the right guyAnd I"d be the best friendThat you fall in love withIn the end we"d be laughingWatching the sunsetFade to black, show the namesPlay the happy songhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8197894


were是are的过去式,given是give的过去分词,结构就是be+过去分词,是过去时的被动语态而given 仅仅是give的过去分词

On Sundays there were a lot of children playing in the park...以下是完整题,学霸们大神们快来~

park 后面是不是有一个逗号?而且这个seated是定语,joking才是那个非谓动词

12/3 Nema 5-15P 25 ft power cord 是什么意思啊?

NEMA 12 / 3 5 15p 25英尺电源线

为什么treated是非谓语,were treated是谓语


以If I Were the Head Teacher为题写的英语作文


win7开机后出现gnu grub version 0.97(639k lower/523264

出现grub的原因是丢失主引导。解决的办法:做一个U盘启动盘,老毛桃或者大白菜的即可1. 开机进BIOS设置U盘启动2. 重启后进入u盘系统的界面,并在界面中选择pe并回车进入。3. 在pe系统中打开DiskGenius软件,在diskgenius软件中选中系统盘,然后单击菜单栏中的硬盘下的“重建主引导记录(MBR)”此项。4. 重建时会提示一些警告,这时直接选择是。5. 完成后,单击软件左上角的保存,保存后,电脑重启即可生效并能成功进入系统,不再会出现grub>而无法进入系统的情况了。

SAT 填空题: I wonder what the world would be like if people were by nature incapable of being.....



Tower Limit 模式攻略之前已经提到,游戏中Tower Limit模式限制是非常宽松的,为了增加一些趣味,我们的目标是使用最少数量的防御塔。这跟在数量限制内达到最高的分数有一些矛盾,前者是在拿到金牌的前提下,使用最少的塔;而后者是在限制范围内获得最多分数,事实上一般塔的数量越多,升级开销越少,分数也就越高。所以我们并不追求极限分数,只要达到金牌标准即可。游戏对卖塔是有统计的,在本攻略中,以建造过的防御塔数量为准,也就是说不卖塔。至于初期没钱造高级防御塔,甚至无法形成防线怎么办?这个我会在操作篇里面提出解决办法,基本上有Tower Limit模式的关卡,都能找到完美的造塔顺序。策略篇:按照以往的策略,我们习惯勾画出一条很长很长很长的线路,让异形进去就再别想出来。可这样的代价是要使用很多防御塔才能构成目标路线,所以是不现实的。在Tower Limit模式中,我们有两个选择:1. 用最少的塔设计出足够长的路线,所有的塔都用来堵口,长度刚好可以消灭全部异形即可。第8关视频就是这个思路,小提示:最后一关也是用这个方法,大家试试看几塔可以通关~2. 设立强火力点,路线设置在火力点附近,思路是用最少的塔达到最强的火力。第7关视频是这个策略的代表作。关于路线的选择:1. 好的路线最重要的是能够设立1-2个高质量的火力点,长度不太短就可以了,切忌为了拉长路线而使火力分散。2. 在有多条路径选择的情况下,优先选择U型路线其次是S型路线。3. 在异形到达基地之后有两种可能:一种是原路返回,另一种是从另一条路抵达出口。一般,我们希望看到的是前者,这样基地附近的防御塔就被异形经过2次,从而使防御效果大幅提升。但是也有缺点,一旦有异形将基地的Cores带出来并且跟下一波异形接头,那么后一波异形就会绕过基地附近的防御塔直奔出口。所以如果选择前者,就要尽量避灭这种情况发生。一般的做法是在入口和出口之间尽可能不放置防御塔,然后将基地设计为死胡同,所有的防御塔都设置在基地和出入口之间。火力点的布置:1. 一个完美的火力点至少要包含1个减速塔1个激光塔和1个震荡塔,简称三合一。这里我向大家介绍一个万金油定律:任何异形部队的地面组合,先用加农炮或者火球将护盾打掉,然后用三合一虐待一番,剩下的就只有BOSS级的异形了,再用加农炮/火球塔就可以完全消灭。大部分关卡我用的都是这个策略,只不过根据实际情况有一些调整。因为,防御塔的AI有时并不能令人满意,比如我希望前面的炮塔攻击护盾,但结果是优先攻击跑在前面的异形,所以震荡塔有时只能生吃掉群体护盾之后才能消灭它们。2. 减速塔要放置在火力覆盖最集中的地方,没必要为了完全覆盖路线而放置多个减速塔,每个火力点最多用一个减速,并且一般配合至少3个其他类型的防御塔。有个例外就是:震荡塔附近必须配备减速塔,无视任何原则。3. 激光塔主要作用是处理BOSS和高速异形,激光塔的优势是攻击力强和频率高,用来弥补加农炮的缺点非常合适。对于任何一个火力点,放置1激光+1加农炮都要比2激光要好,所以每个火力点只需要1个激光。4. 可以批量放置的防御塔中,性价比最高的是加农炮,然后是火球塔,其实他们差别不大,虽然火球射程和爆炸范围都很大,但是它的AI太差了,经常攻击落单的目标,所以输给加农炮。实战中一般根据地形和射程选择。另外造太多火球塔会比较卡,可能是因为特效太华丽了吧,这是我在录制视频的时候发现的。5. 火球塔和激光攻击群怪的效果远好于加农炮,初期先造火球和激光,一般5-10回合的时候加农炮的优势才会体现出来。6. 防御塔的位置尽可能覆盖多条路径,如果位置无法改变(比如用于堵口的防御塔),可以根据覆盖路线尽可能多的原则,选择不同射程的防御塔,激光、加农炮、火球塔等等关于空军:有空军的关卡一般我都会造一个导弹防御塔,根据空军的强度决定升到2级还是3级,一个3级导弹防御塔的作用相当于一群3级加农炮,完全用加农炮处理最后一波空军是不现实的,即便能挺过去,也会有更少塔的方案。但因此放置多个导弹塔是完全没必要的,尤其是两个放在一起会造成浪费,它们会同时攻击同一个目标。操作篇:这里主要解决初期缺钱无法布置路线的问题。在我的视频中,只有2关用到了机枪塔,一个是因为单纯为了堵口,另一个是因为没钱。可见初期资源的消耗是非常大的,怎么才能用不到1000块建造高级的防御塔,同时又能顶住前期的进攻呢?下面有几个解决办法。1. 尽量晚造防御塔。能不造就先不造,能不升级就不升级,游戏中资源是有利息的,所以晚花钱可以得到额外的利息。当然,这是有底线的,如果早点造一个防御塔,可以让异形碰不到基地那当然是值得的,因为基地中Cores的数量决定了利率。为了晚花钱,而让Cores落入异形的手中是得不偿失的,所以底线就是不让异形碰到基地。2. 优先建造激光和火球塔。对于前4波异形,激光和火球的优势是加农炮不可比拟的,前者频率高,后者射程远而且范围杀伤。所以在每个火力点先造好激光和火球,可以花最少的钱,顶住最多的异形。3. 先造二级震荡塔。算上利息,很多关卡可以在第一回合之前出一个二级震荡塔。基本上一个二级震荡塔,完全可以顶住第一波攻击,同时给后面几波异形造成极大伤害。所以先出一个二级震荡塔,同时配合激光塔度过前期,也是一个不错的选择。4. 利用造塔对敌人进行围追堵截。异形一般是按照最短路线前进的,如果在某个时刻,你造塔将路口封住,使得最短路线变化了,那么异形会立刻掉头走新的路线。利用这个方法,我们可以让前几波异形在无数次掉头后倒下,同时完成初期路线的布置。5. 将敌人一分为二,第4条的升级版。用防御塔将一队异形截断,将一半的异形放过去,迫使另一半回头绕路,这样一波异形就被分成了两波,原本顶不住的异形只需要用一半防御塔就可以完全消灭了。这里要注意放过去异形的数量,不能让他们接触到基地,否则会引发Cores接力的效果,实战中可能会放走1/3,堵住2/3等等。6. 第5条的升级版。在处理最后一波异形的时候使用此法,区别是用Cores将其一分为二。做法是先不完全升级防御塔,勉强可以杀掉倒数第二波异形,此时Cores会掉得满大街都是,然后将防御塔升满级。等最后一波异形冲过来的时候,一半拿到Cores直奔出口,另一半直奔基地,这样可以最大限度的减轻最后一波异形的压力。7. 拆塔。理论上,反复造塔拆塔可以让异形无限制的做往返运动。不过本攻略只考虑不拆塔的情况,所以视频没有使用。8. 卫星炮。前期可以用卫星炮消灭顶不住的异形,最后一波也可以用。不过,能否顶住最后一波异形,是衡量防御塔群性能的指标。后期用卫星炮有消极游戏的嫌疑,所以非常不推荐。前期的话,在我的尝试中,所有Tower Limit模式前期都不需要用到卫星炮,所以用了只会减少杀怪的收入。防御塔特性分析:1. GUN,机枪塔。不得不说这是防御阵型设计中的一大败笔,移除机枪塔也许会让游戏更有意思一点。言归正传,大部分的关卡都可以只用机枪塔无脑通关。就是造很多很多机枪塔,异形走到哪就造到哪,只要有空地就造个机枪塔,很多高分都是这么打出来的。100块的造价,你甚至可以造到将地图完全封死,因为异形选择路线首先是穿越最少的塔,在这个前提下,走最短路线。所以留些空隙给异形就可以了,其他地方全造机枪,想刷极限分数就这么干,几百万就是这么来的。不过机枪塔性价比没加农炮高,只要不缺钱不刷分,完全被加农炮替代。2. Inferno,火焰喷射塔。前几个地图用来烧小兵比较不错,可惜攻击力太低,性价比更低,激光出现后完全被替代。3. Laser,激光塔。攻击频率极高,几乎可以实时更换目标,附加烧伤效果,地面攻击力最强的防御塔,AI也不错。可惜多个激光塔同时攻击同一目标,攻击力会大幅衰减,所以每个火力范围最多用一个。激光塔用于攻击群怪和BOSS怪效果很好,一般在高级群怪和红色级别异形到来之前升级。克星是护盾,对护盾攻击几乎没有效果,需要配合加农炮和火球塔消除护盾。总体来说属于必备防御塔之一。推荐放在U型、L型转角处,还有桥下。4. Temporal,减速塔。放置减速塔可以使杀伤效果翻倍,除非火力点非常分散,基本算是必备的防御塔。一般出到2级或者3级减速塔才好用,每个火力点1个就够了。推荐放在U型、S型、多层结构路线附近。5. Meteor,陨石?我喜欢叫它 - 火球塔。射程最远的防御塔,攻击力单次攻击伤害仅次于加农炮,而且杀伤范围较大,附加烧伤效果。当然价格也是很贵的,高出加农炮25%,仅次于震荡塔。用于对付群怪比加农炮效果要好,只是实战中AI不足,优先攻击威胁高的异形,通常只能攻击到1-2个目标。射程范围内,基本火球能落到的位置都能攻击到,对视野和地形依赖非常小,只要别放在桥正下方就行,会被盖帽。对于性价比而言,如果无视地形,加农炮略高一些,否则根据地形、视野和射程选择火球塔或者加农炮。一般用于堵口,别无选择而位置又差的时候,优先放火球塔。6. Cannon,加农炮。单体攻击的主力军,据说是范围杀伤,不过貌似杀伤范围很小。射程比激光大一些,同激光塔一样,目标必须在视野内才会被攻击到,不能有遮掩物。攻击频率在所有防御塔中是最低的,3级加农炮是3连射,就是3跑都打在同一个目标上,单次攻击力是最高的,单体伤害仅次于激光。加农炮一般用于消灭漏网的BOSS级异形和消除各种护盾,无地形障碍一般优先使用加农炮,其次是火球塔。推荐放置在平台边缘,视野开阔的地方。7. Tesla,电磁塔。(红警 - -||)攻击力太低了,射程也惨不忍睹。1级完全没用,3级的感觉也没啥用。如果补漏的话,放一个火球塔或者激光塔都是完胜电磁塔。价格介于火焰喷射塔和激光塔之间,估计刷分也用不上。8. Missile,导弹发射塔。有空军就造一个,可以将加农炮和机枪塔解放出来,造一个3级导弹塔几乎可以应付所有空军。如果要造2个2级的注意要拉开距离,否则会造成严重浪费。9. Concussion,震荡塔。最贵的防御塔,刷分的克星。但是对付群怪异常有效,配合减速塔使用。一个2级震荡塔可以消灭初期异形大部分血量,而后期1个3级震荡塔的攻击力相当于多个加农炮。缺点是射程短,需要地形配合,克星是后期的群体护盾,事实上对于初期,2个3级震荡塔(或者经过两次)可以消掉群体护盾之后再消灭大部分被保护的异形。仅限20波以前,因为血量是随着回合数增加的。震荡塔的另一个作用就是用于对付隐形怪,基本上算是控制塔的半个替代品。除非是防御数量塔过剩,震荡塔一般属于必造的防御塔。推荐放在L型、U型转角处,或者多层结构路线附近(例如桥上桥下),配合减速塔使用。第18关最后1波,有数量超多血也很多的高速异形,在桥下设置一个震荡塔可完美解决。10. Command,控制塔。可反隐,增加收入,范围比减速塔稍大。1级基本没用,一般直接出3级。可是反隐基本上不是问题,合理布置其他防御塔都能解决隐形怪的麻烦。实战中,能造控制塔的时候,钱应该也不会成问题了,只能是刷分专用吧。

Get off the boat at Tower Bridge.是什么意思


what shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has used up?

Water is the source of life. Human survival needs water, our lives and the functioning of economic and social systems can not do without water, the basic material. Water (H2O) is a hydrogen and oxygen are two elements of inorganic, in the ambient temperature and pressure for the odorless, colorless and transparent liquid. Water is the survival of all life, including humans, an important resource, is the organism The most important component. Water in the evolution of life also played an important role. Water is industry, agriculture, the lifeblood of the service industry. Back the origin of human civilization, no doubt, bred and brought up water The four ancient civilizations. Water history of civilization and world civilization Shi Miqie related. Earth"s water is constantly circulating and change. But it is not inexhaustible, but the most precious and irreplaceable natural resources. Look at the Earth from space, it seems to be a " Water polo. "Because 71% of the earth"s surface area is covered by water, with a total volume of 1.368 billion cubic kilometers (1 cubic kilometer = 10 billion cubic meters). However, most of which are sea water, accounting for the total amount of water 96.5%. The distribution of fresh water on land, only about 048 million cubic kilometers, accounting for 3.5% of the total amount of water. Therefore, the Earth"s available fresh water resources are extremely scarce. In daily life, we have a screw tap water to continuously flow out, the less water they may have no sense of crisis. But in fact, our survival as water, are increasingly a shortage. At present, the There are more than one billion world"s population lack access to clean water, human beings every year 3.1 million people were drinking dirty water, disease and death. China"s per capita water resources in the amount of 2173 cubic meters, only the world average of 1 / 4. In the water at the same time, due to economic development and population growth, China"s water consumption is increasing, water emissions are also increasing. Members have varying degrees aware of the life of the natural environment is constantly Changes in mankind"s survival of the rivers, wetlands and other ecosystems is also dramatic changes in some ecosystem degradation problems are shocking. Many parts of China facing "water are dry, water All dirt, "and" wetlands degradation, river drying up, groundwater overexploitation, reduced into the sea "and other serious water challenges. Facing the global water scarcity, the 47th United Nations General Assembly established March 22 every year as World Water Day. March 22, 2007, the first 15 World Water Day under the theme "Coping with Water Scarcity" in the hope Everyone to pay attention to water shortages. "No small streams converge into a river without." When we receive the water baptism day, when we enjoy the benefits of water to human beings at the same time, please do not forget the good faith "Thank you." Everyone Should cherish a heart of love and gratitude, we must cherish the fear of the water of the heart, from the start bit by bit, water, love of water, their water resources, protection of water resources, protect our beautiful world to live. Life-saving tips A clean cooking utensils, cutlery, if the oil too heavy, you can wipe grease paper first and then rinse. 2 with Wash rice in water, cook noodles soup, tea and spend the night cleaning bowls and chopsticks, you can go to the oil, saving water and detergent pollution. 3 wash dirt or grease stain at crowded places, you can first use the used tea bag (crossed and dried) some trace of mature oil painting dirty office, and then re-use the cloth with a detergent wipe, easy decontamination. 4 wash vegetables, do not directly under the faucet to wash, try to put into containers that hold water in, and adjust the cleaning sequence, such as: can be the first to have the skin peeled vegetables to mud, and then Cleaning; cleaning of leaf, fruit and vegetables, and then wash root vegetables. 5 do not use water to help thaw food. 6 with the device to replace the egg with a pot of water to egg. 7 hands, wash face, brush your teeth when you do not always lead to open, it should be intermittent drainage. Such as: Wash hands and face with soap should be closed when playing the lead, brushing should take at least a glass of water, close the Faucet. Bath to reduce the number of eight, each bath, the control release of water, about one-third of the water bath can be. 9 to collect for the preheating of the release of the water, for washing clothes. 10 bath or shower, stand in a collection container, collection of used water for flushing toilets or grazing. Do not open the nozzle a long time, should first be wet body and hair, and then close the nozzle, and The use of bath and shampoo, the last cleaning. 11 sub-files can be adjusted using the size of a water-saving faucet. 12 focus on clean clothes, less laundry times. 13 to reduce the use of washing machines as far as possible not to use full own patterns, and hand wash small pieces of clothing. 14 rinsing small items of clothing, it will be a small screw tap with flowing water rinse, and left empty pots in the following collection of used water rather than take Jipen water, rinsing several times. This will not only easy to drift net, but also reduce the Total water use, but also will collect the water recycling. 15 After rinsing water can be used as the next laundry washing water, or for grazing. 16 laundry detergent should be added when appropriate, and choose phosphate-free detergent to reduce pollution. 17, if conditions permit, please use a new type of water-saving toilet. 18 If you are using old-fashioned non-water-saving toilet can be a drink bottle filled with water into the toilet tank to reduce the volume of flushing water. (Note: This method should be careful not to impede body of water within the tank Movement. ) 19 toilet is not a trash can, not to the toilet and other debris dumped leftovers, avoid washing the debris caused by waste. 20 to collect laundry, vegetables, bath and other flush toilet. Tank equipment, periodic inspection and timely replacement or repair, and not to detergent and other cleaning materials into a water tank, which may result in a water tank rubber, pad of aging, leading to leakage, thereby making To waste. 21 eating out, as little as possible replacement plate, restaurant dishes to reduce the amount of washing, thus reducing water use. 22 develop a good habit of readily off the tap. 23 Use of water in cleaner cars. 24 education of children to save water and encourage them to not play water games. 25 do not waste left over to drink tea and mineral water used to water the flower. 26 do not readily drained before filling thermos bottle inside the leftover water can be collected together with other re-use of recycled water. 27 to teach children is not a water fight, do not waste a drop of water 28 selection of plants wax waterless car washing, water is also beneficial to both the vehicle maintenance. 29 Winter attention to the outdoor water pipes to deal with anti-Frost Crack. 30 to collect rainwater and use it. 31 outings, meetings, bring their own cup or small capacity of bottled water, bottled water, reducing the remaining waste. 32 called for municipal, residential construction to use permeable paving. Shrub planting trees to replace the large area of lawn. 33 appeals to the collective bathroom, Kai Shuifang, use bath and water billing cards. 34 not to rivers, lakes, garbage disposal, chaos is still used batteries to prevent the pollution of natural water resources. 35 washed their hands with a wash basin with the Flows of the method is more than the savings in water, washing fruits and vegetables or washing dishes even when the same non-stop open the tap water rinse is very charges, intermittent flush can save water. To keep down the water used can also be used again. If human beings are not from now on water conservation, environmental protection, human to see the last drop of water will be tears of his own 提供更好的翻译建议 感谢您为 Google 翻译提供翻译建议。 可以进行翻译的语言:阿尔巴尼亚语阿拉伯语爱尔兰语爱沙尼亚语白俄罗斯语保加利亚语冰岛语波兰语波斯语布尔文(南非荷兰语)丹麦语德语俄语法语菲律宾语芬兰语海地克里奥尔语韩语荷兰语加利西亚语加泰罗尼亚语捷克语克罗地亚语拉脱维亚语立陶宛语罗马尼亚语马耳他语马来语马其顿语挪威语葡萄牙语日语瑞典语塞尔维亚语斯洛伐克语斯洛文尼亚语斯瓦希里语泰语土耳其语威尔士语乌克兰语西班牙语希伯来语希腊语匈牙利语意大利语意第绪语印地语印尼语英语越南语中文

最近想购买轮滑鞋 powerslide s4和SEBA HV那个比较好一些?


英语里go up to the tower 与 go up the tower 有什么区别,up是介词还是副词?

前者:走到、、、up是副词后者:向上走(不一定到) up是介词

英语中go up to 和 go up 有什么区别?? 比如:go up to the tower 和 go up the tower


英语中go up to 和 go up 有什么区别?? 比如:go up to the tower 和 go up the tower

如果是在上下方面,godown肯定是向下。一般当这两个词在表示沿着路走的时候没有多大区别,真要细分的话,godown指向南(上北下南嘛,外国也这样),goalong则都可以而goup表示的是 上升 增长 指上坡或者北上;godown指下坡或者往南走(上北下南)goalong沿着...走. 或返指沿着...走

由i see and i were let see,and i﹉fellow的那首dj音乐叫什么名字啊,我记不住歌词

看看是不是...歌曲名:Don"t Forget About Us 歌手名:Mariah Carey 专辑名:The Emancipation Of Mimi 匹配时间为: 03 分 51 秒 的歌曲 Mariah Carey - Don"t Forget About Us (Don"t forget about us) Don"t baby, don"t baby, don"t let it go No baby, no baby, no baby no Don"t baby, don"t baby, don"t let it go My baby boy... Just let it die With no goodbyes Details don"t matter We both paid the price Tears in my eyes You know sometimes It"d be like that baby Now everytime I see you I pretend I"m fine When I wanna reach out to you But I turn and I walk and I let it ride Baby I must confess We were bigger than anything Remember us at our best And don"t forget about Late nights, playin" in the dark And wakin" up inside my arms Boy, you"ll always be in my heart and I can see it in your eyes You still want it So don"t forget about us I"m just speaking from experience Nothing can compare to your first true love So I hope this will remind you When it"s for real, it"s forever So don"t forget about us Oh they say That you"re in a new relationship But we both know Nothing comes close to What we had, it perseveres That we both can"t forget it How good we used to get it There"s only one me and you And how we used to shine No matter what you go through We are one, that"s a fact That you can"t deny So baby we just can"t let The fire pass us by Forever we"d both regret So don"t forget about Late nights, playin" in the dark And wakin" up inside my arms Boy, you"ll always be in my heart and I can see it in your eyes You still want it So don"t forget about us I"m just speaking from experience Nothing can compare to your first true love So I hope this will remind you When it"s for real, it"s forever So don"t forget about us And if she"s got your head all messed up now That"s the trickery She"ll wanna have like you know how this lovin" used to be I bet she can"t do like me She"ll never be MC Baby don"t you, don"t you forget about us Late nights, playin" in the dark And wakin" up inside my arms Boy, you"ll always be in my heart and I can see it in your eyes You still want it So don"t forget about us I"m just speaking from experience Nothing can compare to your first true love So I hope this will remind you When it"s for real, it"s forever So don"t forget about us Don"t baby, don"t baby, don"t let it go No baby, no baby, no baby no Don"t baby, don"t baby, don"t let it go When it"s for real, it"s forever So don"t forget about us感觉不对哦,直接忽略吧~~~

歌词开头you were the shadow to my light(你是我生命之光中的一道暗影) 什么










MotorsportsYLPHY POWERED BY是什么意思?


If you were a tear In my eye;For fear of losing you ;I will never cry.


帮忙翻一下If you were a teardrop in my eye.for fear of losing you,I would never cry.


If you were a teardrop in my eye, for fear of losing you, I would never cry.


If you were a teardorp in my eyes,For fear of losing you ,I would never cry.出自哪里?

是一首诗,If you were a teardrop, In my eye, For fear of losing you, I would never cry, And if the golden sun, Should cease to shine its light, Just one smile from you, Would make my whole world bright. 如果你是我眼里的; 一滴泪; 为了不失去你; 我将永不哭泣; 如果金色的阳光; 停止了它耀眼的光芒; 你的一个微笑; 将照亮我的整个世界。好象是位英国诗人的作品哈。

do not power off是什么意思

不要关闭电源双语对照例句:1.Do not show off power, loves hard-won. 别逞强、爱来之不易。如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!!

在ANSYS中power graphic怎么关闭


CelineDion的 the power of love歌词(英文)

中文大意请对照这个视频:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTUxNTc3NjA0.html 英文歌词:Celine Dion - The Power Of LoveThe whispers in the morningOf lovers sleeping tightAre rolling by like thunder nowAs I look in your eyesI hold on to your bodyAnd feel each move you makeYour voice is warm and tenderA love that I could not forsake(chorus)"Cause I"m your ladyAnd you are my manWhenever you reach for meI"ll do all that I canThust is how I"m feelingLying in your armswhen the world sends to much to takeThat all ends when I am with youEven though there may be timesIt seems I"m farther awayNever wonder where I am"Cause I am always by your side(2nd chorus)"Cause I am your ladyAnd you are my manWhenever you reach for meI"ll do all that I canWe"re heading for somethingSomewhere I"ve never beenSometimes I am frightenedBut I"m ready to learnOf the power of loveThe sound of your heart beatingMade it clear suddenly the feeling that I can"t go onIs a light years away(2nd chorus)"Cause I am your ladyAnd you are my manWhenever you reach for meI"ll do all that I canWe"re heading for somethingSomewhere I"ve never beenSometimes I am frightenedBut I"m ready to learnOf the power of lovethe power of love ooh ooh ooohsometimes i am frightened by im ready to learntthe power of love

one kiss , one answer 什么意思?


power overwhelming的意思!

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