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If you were a tear In my eye;For fear of losing you ;I will never cry.

2023-07-22 03:52:16










2023-07-22 00:26:371


在启用开发者控制台里。打开方法一:1、打开游戏设置选项-游戏设置。2、打开【启用开发者控制台】,然后按“~”,即可调出控制台。方法二:1、Steam-库-右键游戏属性-常规选项卡-设置启动选项,然后输入-console 这个参数即可。“CryofFear”一般是指“半条命:恐惧之泣”,《半条命:恐惧之泣》是一款根据半条命(Half-Life) 模组设计的第一人称射击游戏(FPS)。游戏支持四人联机模式。 这是一个来自Half-Life 模组的巅峰恐怖之作。作者在大约14岁时制作了当时的Half-Life恐怖模组佳作《AOM:DC》。经过4年的制作,模组大小大约1.6G的大容量的《Cry of Fear》在2012.2.22发布了1.0版本。这是一个非常出色的半条命模组,研究了4年,保留了《AOMDC》的大量恐怖元素。 
2023-07-22 00:26:441


在游戏里>2D菜单>高级选项>最上面有一个默认名为 UNKNOW 的那个选项,把UNKNOW改为自己的名字即可。游戏介绍《Cry of Fear》别名:《恐惧之泣》, 这是一个来自半条命模组的巅峰恐怖之作。作者在大约14岁时制作了当时的半条命恐怖模组佳作《AOM:DC》。经过4年的制作,模组大小大约16G的大容量的《Cry of Fear》在2012年发布了1.0版本。这是一个非常出色的半条命模组,研究了4年,保留了《AOMDC》的大量恐怖元素 [1] 。游戏模组支持4人联机,使用完整的 半条命1 即可运行。游戏将带你进入黑暗与恐惧的边缘,不适合心脏脆弱和对恐怖惧怕的人群。儿童请在大人陪同下游戏。恐惧之泣已不再是半条命的一个模组,而是成为了一款独立的,免费的游戏,可以在Steam平台上免费下载《恐惧之泣V16》西蒙从小就非常孤僻,他喜欢学校里遇到的苏菲,却被拒绝,对此十分痛苦。在一个月黑风高的夜晚,西蒙在救助一个受伤老奶奶时被突然汽车启动的一辆拖拉机撞了。西蒙在一个寒冷的夜晚醒来,周围没有一个人,在这座已死的城市里,西蒙拿起了刀,与那些他从来没有遇到的病人作战。“我在哪里?他们是谁?”这些问题困扰着西蒙,但西蒙的心中只有一个念头:回家等到西蒙历经千辛万苦回到家里时,发现了一本书,找到了英语答案。
2023-07-22 00:26:511


2023-07-22 00:26:581


2023-07-22 00:27:061


2023-07-22 00:27:131


2023-07-22 00:27:201

cry of fear如何改名字

cry(名词) of fear 害怕的叫喊声cry(动词) in fear(害怕地)【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】
2023-07-22 00:27:302

恐惧之泣Cry of Fear如何联机

ip直连,你创建个房间,认识的好友控制台输入connect空格ip。或者游戏平台:1 启动游戏平台,找到半条命 或者CS 游戏专区2 启动设置中[浏览]找到游戏中的hl.exe启动程序3 启动参数将“-game cryoffear”添加进输入框即可记得后面要与原有参数 空格 隔开即可如“-game cryoffear -conels ....进去创建房间就是了,出现四个头像,等别人都进来了按鼠标左键开始。这游戏很冷清,玩的人少的可怜,除非你认识的人一起联机,否则没人会联机的我是玩不起了,256m集成显卡卡的很晃,调整亮度后,按w前进键居然会老是往右拐弯,不走直线,无奈。。
2023-07-22 00:27:391


2023-07-22 00:27:461

《恐惧之泣》《cry of fear》 问题,如何双持(左手持刀 右手持手机)

按tab 然后点菜单倒数第二个,再点你要双持的两件物品,或者把装备放到快捷栏,如手枪第一格,手机第二格,然后回到游戏同时按1和2
2023-07-22 00:28:051

恐惧之泣 Cry of Fear 怎么开始游戏哈,我点了NEW GAME 然后PLAY 没反应啊~

2023-07-22 00:28:122


2023-07-22 00:28:234


2023-07-22 00:28:301

Cry of Fear 为什么玩不了

2023-07-22 00:28:392

cry of fear第一章锁的密码怎么输入

2023-07-22 00:28:471

steam上面的cry of fear恐惧之泣启动不了。。是电脑配置问题吗

2023-07-22 00:28:563

谁知道恐惧之泣(cry of fear)的那把MP9冲锋枪怎么拿?

Very Important Person
2023-07-22 00:29:032

急!!! 恐惧之泣第一关 lost in the city 怎么解 遇到了一个密码门 出不去??

在冠希相机关卡过去后来到第一章:被车撞迷糊的主角从地上爬起来,发现自己到了一个陌生的地方,2话不说先走两步看看情况。往前走可以发现一个黑影消失在拐角处,发现的第一道门在一周目的时候是打不开的,2周目在此可以拿到解锁的物品和解锁的服装。沿路前行会发现另一道门,可是有密码,暂时不管它,一直往前走,中间天上会出现闪电和鬼影。。按tab键可以打开菜单,装备手机后点击左键可以开启照明,右键则是拳击,同时按下小刀和手机的快捷键可以实现双持,这是个很重要的技巧。走到广场后先去搜索广场左边的场景,会得到2张线索纸条,记录下纸条上的文字后进入广场右边的酒吧,在酒吧中的电脑上输入2张纸条上的密码和账号(一般情况下是密码长账号短,账号输入在第一行密码输入在第二行),输入正确后电脑会显示一串4位数字,记下这个数字后原路返回开始遇到的那个密码门,输入密码开门。提示:游戏中凡是显示the door wont budge的门都是永远打不开的,除非是剧情有怪破门而入。进入密码门后走一段会发生剧情,当屏幕左上角出现一个信封的时候就要换上手机看看,剧情后进入右边的门,看到一个像是录像机的东西,那就是存档点,存档后继续前进就会触发剧情,第一次遭遇抽搐者。。这种普通僵尸被第一次攻击的时候会出现硬直,立刻上去爆揍之,掌握攻击规律后用方向键+alt闪避攻击后反击,游戏中所有抽搐者都是脑残儿童,AI有时候会卡在原地不动。。推倒之后捡起前方地上的针管,这是玩家游戏中的唯一治疗手段。。在用针管的时候会发现主角的手腕上满是割腕过的痕迹。。。尽量在血最少的时候使用针管,因为针管在游戏中的获取量有限。拾取针管后在前面的梯子处按E下去,2个拐角分别消灭2个僵尸后继续爬梯,上去看到存档点习惯性的存个档,开门,小心左边和右边都会出现僵尸,杀死后发现中间的路有道门阻挡,于是走右边有水的路,这里拐角会突然冒出个僵尸需要小心。。最里面发现开关后使用开关,再去刚才有门阻挡的地方发现门已经被打开了,继续前行会来到公寓,收到求救信息后经过一番跳跃进入公寓内部,这里会发现一张纸条,上面乱七八糟写了一些东西,进入纸条右边正数第二道门,前行会遇到熊孩子一只,熊孩子是双持武器,不过也是个脑残,容易卡在原地,3刀解决后通过阳台的木板来到2楼,这里上去4楼可以发现一个针管,前行出现幻觉,幻觉过后熊孩子袭来,砍翻后进入熊孩子出现地点右边的那道门,调查纸条后进入纸条左边的门,发现墙上贴的全是照片,地上拾取钥匙后去开门,但是。。门被人锁住了,突然玻璃被打碎!门外传来脚步声!等脚步声消失后门就可以打开,开门后别被那群熊孩子的幻像吓到,立刻右转,一个大头怪在等着你,这大头怪的攻击方式就是自爆,困难模式下费血不少,不过其本身也相当脆弱,在它自爆后还可以发现头里有个钻头。。。照例砍翻后开门,直接对对门使用钥匙,杀死浴室里的熊孩子,钻过墙上破开的洞,这里要小心床下会钻出个僵尸,不过这里10次有9次僵尸钻出来后会原地不动,立毙之,前行杀死熊孩子后拾取桌上的针管,这时候听到声巨响,刚才好好的墙又不知道被哪个拆迁办的人给打了个洞,钻过洞看到天花板上有一只手抓着一把clock,调查后获得clock,在旁边还有一个弹夹别忘记捡,开门后往左直走用钥匙开启通往楼梯口的大门,小心开门后迎面而来的2只大头鬼,这里可以先通过楼梯下到一楼,进入一楼的大门,进入正数右边第二道门,小房间的左边杀死僵尸后可以在角落发现一套HLC服装,通关可以解锁,小房间的右边则是存档点,从小房间出来后小心熊孩子偷袭,然后朝着熊孩子出现的方向前进可以发现亮着的电梯,乘坐电梯来到4楼,调查纸条前进后会收到“就在这里”的消息,进入全是血的门后触发剧情,获得地下室的钥匙,先存档,后进入阳台再次触发剧情,剧情结束后立刻回头,洋娃娃破门而出!洋娃娃比熊孩子和僵尸都要凶猛的多,而且叫声也很恐怖。。依旧采用回避反击的方法砍翻后进入洋娃娃破门的地方会看到一段绳子,拾取绳子后来到阳台使用,再对绳子按E下到2楼杀死房间里的洋娃娃,开门后需要注意右边会有只洋娃娃飞奔过来,击杀后进入旁边的门回到刚才看到很多熊孩子幽灵的房间,那间全是照片的小房间会有只洋娃娃破门而出,阳台上也有只洋娃娃,依次解决后回到2楼,开门后请迅速往右移动躲开左边突然出现的洋娃娃,杀掉他们后进入带血的门后穿洞,小心破门的洋娃娃,然后进入大门来到楼梯口,下到1楼的时候要慢点,会出现一个非主流榔头男,这货动作敏捷,造型拉风,不过智商还是硬伤。。这里遇到他十有八九他会像前面那些脑残一样原地围观主角。。简单模式下clock点头部一枪他就西去了。现在1楼的环境发生了变化,场景充满了水,进入大门后直行,小心破门的洋娃娃(貌似这洋娃娃是游戏里破坏门次数最多的怪。。。)顺着路进入地下室,照例先存档,前面在浴缸里得到的钥匙开门,这里建议换上小刀,理由后面再说。。。纯手打。。累死了快。。。先休息一会再继续发吧。。
2023-07-22 00:29:101


已阅,总体感觉不错,不过还是有些不足之处,大体有三: 一,时态没有完全保持一致,很多地方该用过去时的都成了一般现在时.1.倒数第十段的run应为ran;2.倒数第八段的run同样应为ran;3.倒数第四段的bee应为became(根据你后文的lived来看) 二,句子连结过渡间还有些生硬.1.第一段第三个逗号可以去掉,有点累赘;2.第五段第一个逗号应该为句号,因为前后句子讲的是两件事了;3.第六段“The third day”前因该加一个“in”;第七段“a cry of fear”前面最好加一个“letting out”,我懂你是说前面的scream是一个cry of fear,但直接在动作后面加名词会让人看不懂的,用letting out这个延续性的连接能够顺利过渡;4.倒数第八段“the following days”前面还是应该有个“in”. 三,词汇运用不准确.这应该是因为你学英语还没多久,词汇选择少造成的吧.1.倒数第八段的“sunk”最好换成“was buried”.sink意为“沉没”有主动意味,bury是“掩埋”,用被动语态更合适;2.还是那一段,“almost couldn"t”可以考虑换为“could hardly”意思差不多只是读起来更上口. 这些就是比较明显的错误了,其实最大的不足是没有太多文采,直接表现在句式单调,全文没看到一个从句.很多句子如果用从句会更漂亮的.我也不为难你了哈,改了你看不懂也是白搭.等你把从句学过了,掌握好了自然就知道如何改了. 加油吧.,3,写得不错,稍做改动如下 Friends Once upon a time, in a far-away place, there was a big beautiful ranch, at the foot of a mountain. A boy named Jed worked in it. He was interested in different kinds of ho...,2,1.Once upon a time, in a far away(away 去掉) place 2.often went up to(went to) the mountains nearby to capture them. was the(a) blackest and biggest horse that he had never seen 4.So h...,2,worked in it 改为worked there he liked horses and often captured them. it rained改为 it was raining run down改为 ran down after a while, some terrible things happened改为suddenly run to it with worry改为 ran to it worriedly bee改为became the best friends your heart he or she,2,我写了一篇英文短文,觉的哪些表达不地道,有语法错误的都要提出来有, Friends Once upon a time,in a far away place,there was a big beautiful ranch,at the foot of a mountain.A boy named Jed worked in it.He was interested in different kinds of horses and often went up to the mountains nearby to capture them. It was a fine day,the sun was shining brightly.Jed climbed to the top of the mountain,then he saw a horse,it was the blackest and biggest horse that he had never seen.He liked it so much..So he followed the horse in the after two days.The third day,the weather changed a lot,suddenly it rained heavily,the sky was full of black clouds.The horse screamed loudly,a cry of fear.Then,it run down to the mountain,after a while,some terrible things happened; tons of big rocks fell down from the mountain… The black horse sunk in the mud,and almost couldn"t move.Jed run to it with worry.The following days,he stayed with the horse,and tried his best to help it get out of the mud.His hands were torn,face was tired,and clothes were dirty… Everything es to him who waits[功夫不负有心人].At last,he saved the horse,they bee best friends,and they lived happily ever after… Through the story,I found that if you want to make friends with others,you need to send you heart to your friends first,even he or her is not an out-going person; he or she will be moved by you. 呵呵,请大家最好把我错的理由该出来下,因为我水平比较不是很好,
2023-07-22 00:29:171


  第三篇:   There have never been many adventurers. You van read stories about men called adventures. But they were really businessmen. There was something they wanted----- a lady, or money, or a country, or honor. And so they got it. But a true adventure is different. He starts without any special purpose. He is ready for anything he may meet.   There have been many half-adventurers. And they were great men. History is rich with their stories. But each of them had a special purpose. They were not followers of true adventure.   In the big city of New York, Romance and Adventure are always waiting.   As we walk along the street, they are watching us. We look up suddenly and see a face in a window. The face seems to interest us strangely. Or in a quiet street, we hear a cry of fear and pain coming from a house where no one lives. A car takes us to a strange door, instead of to our own. The door opens and we are asked to enter. At every corner, eyes look toward us, or hands are raised, or fingers point. Adventure is offered.   But few of us are ready to accept. We are ready to do only the things we do every day. We wish to do only the things that everyone else does. We move on; and some day we come to the end of a long quiet life. Then we begin to think. Then, when it is too late, we are sorry that we have never known true Romance and Adventure.   1. In the authoru2019s opinion, there are ____ true adventures.   A. many B. few C. no D. a few   2. In what way does the author say a true adventure is different from a business man?   A. He is ready for anything he may meet.   B. He is not interested in money.   C. He enjoys excitement while a business man does not.   D. A true adventure is romantic, while a businessman is dull.   3. According to the passage, a cry of fear and pain coming from a house where no one lives in a quiet street means____.   A. a number B. a fight C. wealth D. adventure   4. The passage doesnu2019t mention it, but we can infer from the passage that when most people meet an offer of adventure, they will ____.   A. grow angry but curious   B. accept the offer   C. grow embarrassed and reject the offer   D. be frightened and cry for help.   5. When do most people wish that they had known romance and adventure?   A. When they are young.   B. When it involves a beautiful lady or handsome man.   C. When something interests them strangely.   D. When they reach the end of a long quiet life.   >>>>>>参考答案<<<<<<   第一篇:参考答案与解析:   【文章大意】通常而言,为儿童制定法律是件好事。100多年前,在工业国家,7岁大的孩子在工厂一天要工作18小时,工厂的老板可以打小孩,家长和老师们也可以这样做。今天世界上有很多保护儿童的法律。有些人认为儿童应该遵纪守法,否则就要受到惩罚。其他人则不同,爱斯基摩人从不惩罚儿童。如果孩子们做得太过份了,父母亲用开玩笑的方式来惩罚他们。在其他地方则不同,美国的家长可以在家打孩子的屁股,但老师不能在学校打学生。德国跟美国一样。但在瑞士任何人都不能打孩子,并有专门的`政府部门来维护孩子们的权利。   16. They were treated very badly.   17. Do something too much.   18. No, he canu2019t.   19. None can do that.   20. A plan for ending the childrenu2019s relationship with their parents.   第二篇:参考答案与解析:   【文章大意】这是一篇介绍悉尼的文章,分别从历史、气候、建筑、港口和居民等方面阐述了悉尼的迷人之处。   21. Itu2019s just over 200 years old.   22. Itu2019s not too cold during the winter and not too hot during the summer. Itu2019s very good.   23. Itu2019s 305 meters tall.   24. Sydney is famous for its deep harbor.   25. They love to go swimming and sailing.   第三篇:B A D C D
2023-07-22 00:29:361

cry of fear 玩不了

下载NET 4.0 就可以了。搞定给分
2023-07-22 00:29:431


OF指数   COF指数是指游戏DNF(地下城与勇士)中,常会出现高等级角色带低级角色进行组队刷地下城的情况。该情况在DNF中会以"带刷指数"来
2023-07-22 00:29:512


【 #英语资源# 导语】在日复一日的学习、工作或生活中,大家一定都接触过作文吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,以下是 考 网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.爱的细节英语作文   Inadvertently, the sky blue umbrella, which has become dim due to the passage of time, leads my thoughts to the past   I remember it was a dark evening, surrounded by a dark and terrible atmosphere. Suddenly, the sound of "boom", coupled with the exciting lightning, scared me half to death. Then, the sky was like a big "hole" and pouring rain. I couldn"t help crying with a cry of fear. I thought: Oh, it"s such a heavy rain that my mother can"t come! When I was more and more sad, a familiar figure was mixed in the wind and rain, and the hair was "Dancing". In the lightning, I saw it more clearly. It was my mother!   I was very excited. I saw my mother waving to me not far away. I rushed towards her recklessly. Seeing that my clothes were wet, she scolded painfully: "Oh, you little girl, if you don"t know how to protect yourself, you will catch a cold!" Then she held my little hand tightly. I looked up and said to my mother, "Mom, the umbrella is crooked!"“ No, hey, speed up! " Mother"s vague answer made me seriously point to the umbrella with my tender and short fingers: "Mom! It"s really crooked! " Mother still stubbornly said, "it"s not crooked, it"s on!" He picked me up with one hand and walked home with big steps. It rained more and more heavily, and I trembled with fear. Mother stroked my head and said gently, "don"t be afraid, mother is here!" Her loving eyes calmed me down gradually.   When I got home, I clearly saw that my clothes were almost dry, and my mother"s clothes were wet. I smiled proudly and said, "Oh, I said my umbrella was crooked? You don"t believe me! " Mother smiled quietly, but did not speak.   Now that I have grown up, I finally understand my mother"s intention, and this sky blue umbrella has become a bridge for me to understand my mother"s details. That bunch of loving eyes, that pair of warm hands, that encouraging words, anxious tears when I was ill... All the details of love are only due to my mother"s fiery heart. Tears, unknowingly across my face, are so warm.   Details are not remarkable in life, but the best way to transfer love between people. It is so unknown, but only for each other to live happily and happily. How great this subtle move is!   Now, this little umbrella has lost its luster in the past, and my mother is no longer young with the passage of years, but the only constant is my mother"s love, because I read her details! 2.爱的细节英语作文   When we were young, our parents often accompanied us. Sometimes our parents doted on us, sometimes kindly taught us, and sometimes seriously criticized us.   When we went out as children, our parents always told us to pay attention to safety on the road, get along well with our classmates and study hard according to the teacher. At that time, we thought our parents were nagging. Mom increases or decreases our clothes according to the changes of the four seasons, and often buys us delicious and beautiful clothes. Dad often sends us to school. On the way to school, we ask Dad some strange questions and want dad to hold us. In winter, after riding a bike, my father or mother let us put our hands in their pockets. It"s very warm!   But years are like running water. We grow up slowly and begin to rebel. My mother wants to add clothes to us for warmth, but we are not obedient for beauty. In winter, my parents let us put our hands into our pockets. We think that such behavior is very childish, so we grabbed our parents" cotton gloves. When we arrived at school, our parents" hands were red, but smiled and said to us that it was all right. We didn"t care too much. When we had dinner, when mom and dad put food in the bowl, we were angry and took it back. When we didn"t do well in the exam, our parents" eyes made us ashamed. Sometimes our parents" blame would make us angry and talk back.   As a middle school student, there are many assignments, teachers are strict and subjects increase. Let us begin to recall childhood, childhood carefree and freedom is what we yearn for. Parents" words, actions and eyes... Scenes are replayed in our minds. Now we finally know that everything of our parents is for our good. We regret that we didn"t study hard and listen to our parents when we were young. Think of our back talk at that time, we blame ourselves. Looking at the white hair on our parents" heads, our noses are sour and tears flow down. In middle school, everything is at a new starting point. We will come on! Study hard and repay your parents with your grades! 3.爱的细节英语作文   "Then I"ll go out first. You write slowly. I won"t disturb you." Before I could answer, my father walked out of my bedroom quickly and gently and closed the door. I looked back at the door and looked at the place wet with tears on my homework book. I felt guilty.   It was Monday, more than a day before the mid-term exam. I got several test papers "given" by the teacher. I watched as the time passed. The questions on the paper jumped out one by one, jumped onto the table and laughed at my stupidity. It was gloomy outside the window. Occasionally, a few pedestrians or cars passed by. The sound of footsteps stepping in the puddle and the sound of the body piercing the cold wind were clear to my ears.   For a long time, it was quiet.   I patted myself on the face and was ready to give up this problem. When I went to the cram school to ask the teacher tomorrow, a clear sound of opening the door sounded. When I turned back, my father came in with my cup, because there was no cup cover and the water was poured. It was a little full. He walked over carefully. When he saw me looking, he smiled back, "I don"t drink water for most of the day. I still have to have a rest if I have more homework." Take a look at the cup - medlar and cassia seed, "eye protection, drink more." Dad reminded me. I was a little impatient and went to get another assignment.   "How did your classmates finish it so quickly? You see, all the photos have been taken in the group. How much homework do you have? " The father who didn"t go out of the door looked at his cell phone and asked again. I"m too lazy to answer, "Hmm" means I heard it and there was no other response.   Dad probably didn"t hear it. He repeated it again. I couldn"t help it. My voice was louder: "I know! It"s none of my business if they finish writing! " Dad was obviously shocked by my reaction. His eyes were full of surprise. He turned to apologize. He was stunned for a few seconds and replied softly: "I... I just want you to write faster and go to bed earlier."   "I want to! I... i... i... I... Write fast enough! You... "In a hurry, I cried out and said a lot. There was only one meaning, that is, I wanted to break out. Finally, I roared and directly lay on the table and began to cry loudly.   I haven"t cried many times since I was a child. It"s easy to coax me every time, but this time it may be a long-term resentment. The river will never lift it. The sleeve under my face soon got wet. My father was also flustered. He wanted to comfort me, but I patted him away. He stood helpless aside, neither walking nor staying, holding his hand in his pocket, nor taking it out to pat me, He had to keep pacing back and forth and comforting: "well, don"t cry, I won"t say that, okay? Don"t cry. "   I quietly raised my head while crying, but it happened to be opposite my father"s eyes. The fragility and worry in his eyes were clear. I immediately trembled, but my mouth didn"t listen to me and said, "you go out..." my father frowned and looked more worried, but finally walked out, "then I"ll go out first." There were not too many words. It was like a fallen leaf falling to the ground. The subtle but thunderous sound of closing the door was silent. I listened to the movement and looked at the dense folds on my homework book because of tears being wet and roughly wiped away. My heart was very complex.   I regret it. I regret it when I catch vulnerability in my father"s eyes. However, because I die to save face, I firmly fought with my father to the end of the cold war, broke the heart of the people who love me most, and felt that I was the victim. I spit on myself, but I feel more guilty about my father. When I recall the details of the scenes just now, I suddenly realized that people who are usually careless and careless become careful at this time. Why? It"s a father"s love that I"ve always ignored and taken for granted.   Drop the last stroke of homework, close the pen cover, get up, open the door and hug.
2023-07-22 00:30:111

半条命:恐惧之泣 联机时如何ZUO弊,注意是联机时

2023-07-22 00:30:182


2023-07-22 00:30:261

Big girls cry中英对照歌词

歌曲:《Big Girls Cry》歌曲时长:3:31歌手:Sia专辑:1000 Forms Of Fear英中歌词:Tough girl in the fast lane坚强的女孩在快车道No time for love没时间爱No time for hate没时间恨No drama没时间装No time for games没时间玩Tough girl whose soul坚强的女孩带着灵魂的伤痛Act like poem, on my own, took my phone独自在家检查未接电话Nothing more, I build thee没有漏接但还是装作很忙的样子You order in pay TV打开付费电视It"s agony其实是种折磨I may cry ruining my make up我会哭,哪怕毁了妆容Wash away all the things you"ve taken让泪水带走我所承受的And I don"t care if I don"t look pretty我不在乎是否我会不那么漂亮Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking坚强的女孩们哭了她们的心很受伤Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking坚强的女孩们哭了她们的心很受伤Big girl cry when their heart is breaking坚强的女孩们哭了她们的心很受伤Tough girl坚强的女孩I"m in pain我还沉迷在痛苦中Don"t let the dark这是种高处不胜寒Block out, and air pains暂时让自己短路I still pour you a glass of champagne给自己倒了一大杯香槟Tough girl Whose so Act like poem, 坚强的女孩带着灵魂的伤痛on my own, took my phone独自在家检查未接电话Nothing more, I build thee没有漏接 但还是装作很忙的样子You order in pay TV打开 付费电视It"s agony其实是种折磨I may cry ruining my make up我会哭哪怕毁了妆容wash away all the things you"ve taken让泪水带走我所承受的And I don"t care if I don"t look pretty我不在乎是否我会不那么漂亮Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking坚强的女孩们哭了她们的心很受伤Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking坚强的女孩们哭了她们的心很受伤Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking坚强的女孩们哭了她们的心很受伤I wake up I wake up I wake up I wake up醒来吧 醒来吧 醒来吧醒来吧I wake up I wake up I wake up I wake up醒来吧 醒来吧 醒来吧醒来吧I wake up I wake up I wake up I wake up醒来吧 醒来吧 醒来吧醒来吧I wake up I wake up I wake up I wake up醒来吧 醒来吧 醒来吧醒来吧I may cry ruining my make up我会哭,哪怕毁了妆容Wash away all the things you"ve taken让泪水带走我所承受的And I don"t care if I don"t look pretty我不在乎是否我会不那么漂亮Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking坚强的女孩们哭了她们的心很受伤Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking坚强的女孩们哭了她们的心很受伤Big girl cry when their heart is breaking坚强的女孩们哭了她们的心很受伤
2023-07-22 00:30:342


《Ghost Riders in the Sky》还有,《灵魂战车》不是这部电影的原名,原名就是《恶灵骑士》
2023-07-22 00:31:182

If you were a teardrop in my eye, for fear of losing you, I would never cry.出自哪首诗哪个作者

出自 《如果你是我眼里的一滴泪》 作者不清楚/ 恩 就这样 最佳答案吧
2023-07-22 00:31:292

If you were a teardrop in my eye, for fear of losing you, I would never cry什么意思

2023-07-22 00:31:581

shoutout to 什么意思

shout out to 全部释义和例句>>大声喊shout out to 全部释义和例句>>大声喊shout out to 全部释义和例句>>大声喊shout out to 全部释义和例句>>大声喊
2023-07-22 00:32:073

cry of fear怎么联机

ip直连,你创建个房间,认识的好友控制台输入connect空格ip。或者游戏平台:1 启动游戏平台,找到半条命 或者CS 游戏专区2 启动设置中[浏览]找到游戏中的hl.exe启动程序3 启动参数将“-game cryoffear”添加进输入框即可记得后面要与原有参数 空格 隔开即可如“-game cryoffear -conels ....进去创建房间就是了,出现四个头像,等别人都进来了按鼠标左键开始。这游戏很冷清,玩的人少的可怜,除非你认识的人一起联机,否则没人会联机的我是玩不起了,256m集成显卡卡的很晃,调整亮度后,按w前进键居然会老是往右拐弯,不走直线,无奈。。
2023-07-22 00:32:401

cry of fear怎么退出游戏

2023-07-22 00:32:461

恐惧之泣(cry of fear)如何进入游戏?

2023-07-22 00:32:564


2023-07-22 00:33:051


A hedge between keeps friendship green.After the rain comes the sunshine.As bright as sunshine.A blessing in disguise.A friend in need is a friend indeed.Action speaks louder than words.Are you single? Let"s mingle!A drop in the ocean.A man is known by the company he keeps.A lazy youth a lousy age.A lone feeling crept over my mind.Anger is a thief who steals away the nice moments.Business is business.Black sheep.Barking dogs never bite.Be good and you will be lonely.Character determines destiny.Don"t trouble troubles until troubles trouble you.Darkness closed around us.Don"t hesitate to make the decisions, or you will miss the rare opportunities.Give me a place to stand and I can move the world.The black sheep of the family.There is no royal road to learning.They are dying to love.To see is to believe.To the world, you are the one, but to me, you are the whole world.The sun is for day, the moon is for night, but you forever.The citizens learn to remove the masks from their faces.To save time is to length your life.Look before you leap.(Think you before you leap.)Let"s go straight to the point.Love makes the world go around.Laziness is the wind which blows away the lamp of our mind.It is better to light a candle then to curse the darkness.It"s wrong for men to play with women"s affection.It"s more than I can tell you.It"s long long journey to success.It"s none of your business. This is my privacy!The sun rises and the sun sets.The stars glitter and the stars vanish.They made a silent exchange of smiles.Walls have ears.You look like a million dollars.Honesty is the best policy.Honest is virtue.Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.Handsome is as handsome does.His bark is worse than bite.He is still the bright boy who will be always in my mind forever.His visit brought a ray of sunshine into my life.Until we meet again.The outside world is exciting.Take off your hat to your yesterday.There is no absolute standard for beauty.The young man are all tired of doing the same thing again and again.The memory which I recollected is what I could not forget.The past can hurt,I think you either run from it or learn from it.Knowledge is power.The love of money is the root of all evils.The day when we stop learning is the day when we die.The friendship between gentlemen is as pure as crystal.Single is simple, double is trouble.Sustainable developmentDon"t judge a person by his appearance. (Don"t judge a book by its cover.)Serve the people heart and soul.I love you heart and soul.I found you with great difficult because I love you more than I can say.If you were a tear drop in my eye, I would never cry for fear of losing you.If I could rearrange the alphabet,I"d put U and I together.If the sun were to rise in the west, I would accept your proposal.I am sympathetic with you,yet I can do nothing.Studies serve for delight, for ornament, for ability.I want to live my life with you, have childen with you and grow old with you.I cant resist the temptation fall in love with him.First come, first served.Our parents always give us the most selfless love, yet they never need any in return.From zero to hero.I expect Addison to take part in the CCTV SPRING FESTIVAL GALA of 2010.I"m a thief and I"m here to steal your heartStrive for the best, prepare for the worst.A big fish in a little pool.Wisdom is more precious than wealth.When a men is wrapped all by himself, he will make very little package.Nothing can rock my mind to stand behind you.Nothing can hold me back from success.No one can hold back the wheel of history.False alarmFriends are the mirror reflection the truth of who we are.False friends are worse than bitter enemies.It"s a win-win situation.Raise the roof.My heart is losing to you.Marvelous singers.Most of the successful men are the ones who do more listening than talking.Sit on one"s hands.See off the old and welcome the new.Follow the crowd.Strike while the iron is hot. (Hoist your sail when the wind in fair.)The way to success.One good turn deservers another.A warm welcome.I will always be proud of my parents all my life.As proud as peacock.I"m very proud to stand here and give all of you a short/brief self-introduction.Farewell, my girl.It"s time for me to say goodbye to my love.I will love you till the end.You should cherish it if the occasion arises.First love is an unforgettable experience for everybody.Experience is the mother of wisdom.Experience is a good teacher but fool will learn nothing from it.Youth is so precious that it is crime waste it.Failure is the mother of success.If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars.If you have enough courage to pursue your dreams, all of them can come true.If you dream it, you can do it.As long as you keep/persist, you will succeed.As long as you stand up to difficulties, there is none that cannot be overcome.Just right place, right time!You will never get anywhere without goals.Let life be beautiful like summer flowers, death like autumn leaves.Youth is not a time of life, it"s a state of life.You smile is the most fabulous view which I have never been seen before. Look on the bright side.Love at the first time.When in Rome do as Romans do.What you believe, you can achieve. Out of sight, out of mind.嘿嘿,OK嘛?
2023-07-22 00:33:131

James Blunt的《Cry》 歌词

歌曲名:Cry歌手:James Blunt专辑:Chasing Time: The Bedlam SessionsJames Blunt - CryI have seen peace. I have seen pain,Resting on the shoulders of your name.Do you see the truth through all their lies?Do you see the world through troubled eyes?And if you want to talk about it anymore,Lie here on the floor and cry on my shoulder,I"m a friend.I have seen birth. I have seen death.Lived to see a lover"s final breath.Do you see my guilt? Should I feel fright?Is the fire of hesitation burning bright?And if you want to talk about it once again,On you I depend. I"ll cry on your shoulder.You"re a friend.You and I have been through many things.I"ll hold on to your heart.I wouldn"t cry for anything,But don"t go tearing your life apart.I have seen fear. I have seen faith.Seen the look of anger on your face.And if you want to talk about what will be,Come and sit with me, and cry on my shoulder,I"m a friend.And if you want to talk about it anymore,Lie here on the floorand cry on my shoulder once again,cry on my shoulder,I"m a friend.
2023-07-22 00:33:201

Fear The Fear 歌词

歌曲名:Fear The Fear歌手:Turisas专辑:Stand Up and Fight标题:Fear The Fear 艺术家:TurisasBraveryAs we"ve all seen on TVExplosions and swordsHot girls in rewardAnd in the games you playYou are the hero of the dayBut outside that landYour head"s in the sandAnd you think you are bold, and you think you are braveWhen push comes to show, you know it"s a feignYou"re better off if you choose to abstainYour fear is your true graveTurn your headFrom all the things you dreadIt will keep you aliveAt least for a whileAnd all your sympathyIs like flowers and teaSent by the manWho betrayed your clanYou have covered your eyes, you have covered your earsSo easy to hide from confronting your fearsSooner or later it will all end in tearsThe cry that no-one hearsGood morning world, this is your wake-up callIt"s not your war you say, while you turn your head awayA thousand deaths for you to die before you fallMayday, Mayday, S.M.S. u2012 Save My Soul, forget the restGood morning world, this is your wake-up callu2012 Those who stand for nothing at all, for anything are bound to fallA thousand deaths for you to die before you fallu2012 Your lame excuses you can spare, they only live who dare!Coins you tossWeighted by your fear of lossBoth sides are headsThe tails between your legsAnd just as well as IYou know what you should do and whyBut just falter onAnd hope it"d goneAnd you think you are bold, and you think you are braveWhen push comes to show, you know it"s a feignYou"re better off if you choose to abstainYour fear is your true graveGood morning world, this is your wake-up callIt"s not your war you say, while you turn your head awayA thousand deaths for you to die before you fallMayday, Mayday, S.M.S. u2012 Save My Soul, forget the restGood morning world, this is your wake-up callu2012 Those who stand for nothing at all, for anything are bound to fallA thousand deaths for you to die before you fallu2012 Your lame excuses you can spare, they only live who dare!Die! Die you sucker die!Let me go! Let me free motherfucker!Die! Die you sucker die!Let the coward die!Time stands stillFor you to write your willWhat"s left behindNo way to rewind 金属梦:66032164
2023-07-22 00:33:281


  是这个。<fly>-nicki minaj feat.rihanna(很好听的)  I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive  I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise  to fly  to fly  I wish today it will rain all day  maybe that will kinda make the pain go away  trying to forgive you for abandoning me  praying but I think I"m still an angel away  angel away, yeah strange in a way  maybe that is why I chase strangers away  they got their guns out aiming at me  but I become near when they aiming at me  me, me, me against them  me against enemies, me against friends  somehow they both seem to become one  A sea full of sharks and they all see blood  they start coming and I start rising  must be surprising, I"m just summising  win, thrive, soar, higher, higher, higher  more fire  I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive  I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise  to fly  to fly  Everybody wanna try to box me in  suffocating everytime it locks me in  paint they own pictures than they crop me in  but I will remain where the top begins  cause I am not a word, I am not a line  I am not a girl that can every be defined  I am not fly, I am levitation  I represent an entire generation  I hear the criticism loud and clear  that is how I know that the time is near  so we become alive in a time of fear  and I aint got no muthaf-cking time to spare  cry my eyes out for days upon days  such a heavy burden placed upon me  but when you go hard your nay"s become yay"s  Yankee Stadium with Jay"s and Kanye"s  I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive  I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise  to fly  to fly  Get ready for it  get ready for it  get ready for it  I came to win  get ready for it  get ready for it  I came to win  I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive  I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise  to fly  to fly
2023-07-22 00:33:361


2023-07-22 00:33:431


在爱的怀抱-----你有像蓝宝石一样蓝色的眼睛吸引住所有的目光使我的防备松懈 直击我的灵魂到遥远的地方告诉我,我将永远不会孤单因为你就在那里我们的爱太冒险像航海中的风暴随着海浪把我们冲过去我们正在逆流而上你是我救赎的灯塔我是你的星光所以不要为爱哭泣哭也是喜悦的泪水因为你活在爱的怀抱里所以不要为爱哭泣哭也是喜悦的泪水因为你活再爱的怀抱里我一直保持对你的爱 玩着这个游戏现在我把它一直携带者我知道这只是一滴眼泪从地球母亲坠落但我能听到一只海豚唱歌告诉我我将永远不会孤单我知道你就在那里有火仍在燃烧着如此明亮我想凝视你的光亮如果我能在这里看见我的财富你知道火能催眠我我颤抖着说出你的名字 因为会听起来像一个情人所以不要为爱哭泣哭也是喜悦的泪水因为你活在爱的怀抱所以不要为爱哭泣哭也是喜悦的泪水因为你活在爱的怀抱PS 纯自己翻译 没靠机器 望采纳
2023-07-22 00:34:024

high and cry的寓意

2023-07-22 00:34:443


When i see you i just lose myself in your eyes.
2023-07-22 00:34:565

98度的because of yuo 的歌词

歌名:《Because Of You》演唱:98度填词:98 Degrees所属专辑:《BillBoard Top 100 Of 1998》发行时间:1998-01-01 发行公司:Jade Music歌词:It"s all... it"s all... it"s all...You"re my sunshine after the rainYou"re the cure against my fear and my painCause I"m losing my mindWhen you"re not aroundIt"s all... it"s all...It"s all because of youYou"re my sunshineOh yeah...Baby I really know by nowSince we met that dayYou showed me the wayI felt it then you gave me loveI cant describeHow much I feel for youI said baby I should have known by nowShould have been right thereWhenever you gave me loveAnd if only you were hereI"ll tell you, yes I"ll tell youOh yeah...You"re my sunshine after the rainYou"re the cure against my fear and my painCause I"m losing my mindWhen you"re not aroundIt"s all... it"s all...It"s all because of youHonestly, could it be you and meLike it was beforeNeither less or moreCause when I close my eyesAt night I realize that no one elseCould ever take your placeI still can feel and its so unrealWhen you"re touching me, kisses end lesslyIt"s just a place in the sunWhere our loves begunI miss you... yes I miss you oh babyYou"re my sunshine after the rainYou"re the cure against my fear and my painCause I"m losing my mindWhen you"re not aroundIt"s all... it"s all...It"s all because of youIf I knew how to tell youWhats on my mindMake you understandThen I"d always be thereRight by your sideYou"re my sunshine after the rainYou"re the cure against my fear and my painCause I"m losing my mindWhen you"re not aroundIt"s all... it"s all...It"s all because of youYou"re my sunshine after the rainYou"re the cure against my fear and my painCause I"m losing my mindWhen you"re not aroundIt"s all... it"s all...It"s all because of youYou"re my sunshine after the rainYou"re the cure against my fear and my painCause I"m losing my mindWhen you"re not aroundIt"s all... it"s all...It"s all because of youYou"re my sunshine after the rainYou"re the cure against my fear and my painCause I"m losing my mindWhen you"re not aroundIt"s all... it"s all...It"s all because of youYou"re my sunshine after the rainCause I"m losing my mindWhen you"re not aroundIt"s all... it"s all...It"s all because of you
2023-07-22 00:35:142


2023-07-22 00:35:259


nobody knows what will come after darkness, often tears alone in the darkness, because I"m afraid, afraid of nothing will be the same again in the next second,wish time would stop at the afternoon I spend with my dearestbut all of these are illusive and impossible
2023-07-22 00:35:556

有没有 be fear of 这个词组?

用be afraid of
2023-07-22 00:36:115


1、一个女人要是不幸聪明得什么都懂,那就必须同时懂得怎么伪装成什么都不懂。 If a woman is unfortunately *** art enough to know everything, she must also know how to pretend that she knows nothing. 2、我的世界,真的很小,小到一转身就看到了你幸福的样子。 My world is really *** all. When I turn around, I can see your happiness. 3、唯一不会背叛自己的,除了自己的影子,还有谁。 The only one who won"t betray himself is his shadow. 4、所谓的无底线,就是不断的原谅伤害过你的人。 The so-called bottom line is to constantly five those who hurt you. 5、与其到处找借口,不如直接说一句我不爱了。 It"s better to say I don"t love you directly than to find excuses everywhere. 6、不管曾经与否,现在幸福就好,我倒转了沙漏,就可以改写春秋。 Whether it used to be or not, happiness is good now. If I turn the hourglass upside down, I can rewrite the Spring and Autumn Period. 7、你笑,全世界都跟着你笑。你哭,全世界只有你一个人哭。 You laugh, and the whole world laughs with you. You cry, you are the only one in the world to cry. 8、世界真的很小,好像一转身,就不知道会遇见谁。 The world is really *** all. It seems that once you turn around, you don"t know who you will meet. 9、你只看得到我对你的微笑。却不知道那些对我意味着什么。 You can only see my *** ile on you. But I don"t know what that means to me. 10、一个人自以为刻骨铭心的回忆,别人早已已经忘记了。 A person thinks that his memory is unfettable, others have already fotten it. 11、像个笨蛋一样,一直相信着你。 Like a fool, always believe in you. 12、全世界都可以不懂,如果你也不懂,我还有什么话可说。 The whole world can not understand, if you do not understand, I have nothing to say. 13、心,在等待那淡淡的美丽。雪却冻结着心的跳动,爱因为心的冻结而死去。 Heart, waiting for the faint beauty. The snow freezes the beating of the heart, and love dies because of the freezing of the heart. 14、能够说出的委屈,便不算委屈,能够抢走的爱人,便不算爱人。 The grievance that can be said is not grievance, the lover that can be taken away is not love. 15、有些人,一旦遇见,便一眼万年;有些心动,一旦开始,便覆水难收。 Some people, once met, will be a million years; some heartbeat, once started, will be covered with water. 16、你是我猜不到的不知所措,我是你想不到的无关痛痒。 You"re at a loss I can"t guess. I"m a pain you can"t imagine. 17、人最幸福的时刻,就是找对了人,他纵容你的习惯,并爱着你的一切。 The happiest moment for a man is to find the right person, who indulges in your habits and loves everything about you. 18、坚强,不代表不能哭。坚强是当你哭泣之时依然不放弃。 Being strong doesn"t mean you can"t cry. Strong is when you cry and still don"t give up. 19、我胖的唯一原因,是太小的身体容纳不了我饱满的性格。 The only reason I"m fat is that my *** all body can"t acmodate my full personality. 20、才发现、原来自始至终的我、都只是一个人。 Only then discovered, originally from beginning to end I, are only one person. 21、岁月带走的是记忆,但回忆会越来越清晰。 Years take away memories, but memories will bee clearer and clearer. 22、我喜欢看迪迦奥特曼。因为每一集都会死一城市的人。 I like to watch Dija Ottoman. Because every episode will kill a city"s people. 23、爱情不属于固定的两个人,而是合适的两个人。 Love does not belong to o fixed persons, but to o suitable persons. 24、我没时间去讨厌那些讨厌我的人,因为我在忙着爱那些爱着我的人。 I have no time to hate those who hate me, because I am busy loving those who love me. 25、我们数到三就一起远走,直到天涯海角的尽头,忘记忧愁,携手永久。 We count to three and go away together until the end of the world, fetting the sadness, hand in hand forever. 26、温暖是奢侈的东西,奢侈到需要用很深的寒冷和疼痛才能体现。 Warmth is luxury, luxury can only be reflected by deep cold and pain. 27、守着孤独的心,望着漆黑的夜,抽着寂寞的烟,聆听着思念你的心跳声。 Watching the lonely heart, watching the dark night, *** oking the lonely *** oke, listening to the heartbeat of missing you. 28、真正的遗忘并不是指永远忘记,而是在偶尔想起时能够心中毫无波澜。 True fetfulness does not mean to fet forever, but to be able to remember occasionally without any waves in your heart. 29、为你生,为你死。为你改变,为你奔走天涯。 Live for you, die for you. Change for you, run for you. 30、我心疼你,疼到忽略自己。我相信你,信到怀疑自己。 I love you so much that I neglect myself. I believe in you and doubt myself. 31、是否退出就会有幸福,是不是遗忘就可以是全部。 Whether to quit will have happiness, whether to fet can be all. 32、假如有一天世界背叛了你,至少还有我为你背叛这个世界。 If one day the world betrayed you, at least I betrayed the world for you. 33、你让我下不了台,我让你连上台的机会都没有。 You can"t get me off stage. I can"t even get you on stage. 34、不要为旧的悲伤,浪费新的眼泪。 Don"t waste new tears on old grief. 35、如果你想拥有你从未有过的东西,那么你必须去做你从未做过的事情。 If you want something you"ve never had, you have to do something you"ve never done. 36、每段青春都会苍老,但我希望记忆里的你一直都好。 Every youth will be old, but I hope you will always be good in my memory. 37、有时候,我在乎的不是你所说的,而是那些你没有说的。 Sometimes, what I care about is not what you say, but what you don"t say. 38、下辈子,做国家保护动物。起码,那样,会有人关心。 In the next life, be a national animal protection. At least, then, someone will care. 39、有些人是你一辈子也不会爱上的,也有些人是一辈子也不会爱上你的。 Some people will not fall in love with you for a lifetime, and some people will not fall in love with you for a lifetime. 40、女人敢走,是看准男人会回头。男人头也不回,是看准女人不敢走。 Women dare to go, is to see that men will turn back. Men don"t look back. They just look at women and don"t dare to leave. 41、你陪我在时光的一端,走向另一端。最后苍者为你,我却心老。 You acpany me at one end of time, to the other end. Finally, the God is for you, but I am old-hearted. 42、奢望的幸福,总是简简单单,安安静静的。 Luxurious happiness is always simple and quiet. 43、取悦男人不如取悦自己。只取悦自己的女人注定可以倾倒世人。 It"s better to please a man than to please himself. A woman who only pleases herself is doomed to overthrow the world. 44、所有事都成定局,再怎样努力都回不了过去,这种痛无法言喻。 Everything is a foregone conclusion, no matter how hard you try, you can"t go back to the past. The pain is indescribable. 45、告诉自己不能哭,不难过,可是为什么眼泪还是一样往下掉! Tell yourself not to cry, not sad, but why the tears still fall! 46、别人都在假装正经,那我就只有假装不正经。 Others are pretending to be serious, so I have to pretend not to be serious. 47、如果有一天我不爱你了,就会轮到你明白了。 If one day I don"t love you, it"s your turn to understand. 48、要么没有,要么全部。要么现在,要么永不。 Either not, or all. Either now or never. 49、我会好好过等你再爱我、可是、我等得到么?等到的是他爱上别的女人。 I will wait for you to love me again, but, can I wait for it? Wait until he falls in love with another woman.
2023-07-22 00:36:252

“害怕做某事”一种表达是不是:have a fear of doing sth. ?

fear可做动词也可做名词,have a fear of dojng sth.是名词用法
2023-07-22 00:36:354

Fear The Fear 歌词

歌曲名:Fear The Fear歌手:Turisas专辑:Stand Up and Fight标题:Fear The Fear 艺术家:TurisasBraveryAs we"ve all seen on TVExplosions and swordsHot girls in rewardAnd in the games you playYou are the hero of the dayBut outside that landYour head"s in the sandAnd you think you are bold, and you think you are braveWhen push comes to show, you know it"s a feignYou"re better off if you choose to abstainYour fear is your true graveTurn your headFrom all the things you dreadIt will keep you aliveAt least for a whileAnd all your sympathyIs like flowers and teaSent by the manWho betrayed your clanYou have covered your eyes, you have covered your earsSo easy to hide from confronting your fearsSooner or later it will all end in tearsThe cry that no-one hearsGood morning world, this is your wake-up callIt"s not your war you say, while you turn your head awayA thousand deaths for you to die before you fallMayday, Mayday, S.M.S. u2012 Save My Soul, forget the restGood morning world, this is your wake-up callu2012 Those who stand for nothing at all, for anything are bound to fallA thousand deaths for you to die before you fallu2012 Your lame excuses you can spare, they only live who dare!Coins you tossWeighted by your fear of lossBoth sides are headsThe tails between your legsAnd just as well as IYou know what you should do and whyBut just falter onAnd hope it"d goneAnd you think you are bold, and you think you are braveWhen push comes to show, you know it"s a feignYou"re better off if you choose to abstainYour fear is your true graveGood morning world, this is your wake-up callIt"s not your war you say, while you turn your head awayA thousand deaths for you to die before you fallMayday, Mayday, S.M.S. u2012 Save My Soul, forget the restGood morning world, this is your wake-up callu2012 Those who stand for nothing at all, for anything are bound to fallA thousand deaths for you to die before you fallu2012 Your lame excuses you can spare, they only live who dare!Die! Die you sucker die!Let me go! Let me free motherfucker!Die! Die you sucker die!Let the coward die!Time stands stillFor you to write your willWhat"s left behindNo way to rewind 金属梦:66032164
2023-07-22 00:37:061