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As there was no answer,l______(write)to him agai

As there was no answer,l__din not write____(write)to him agai

the man smiles with no answer

C 请及时采纳,不懂继续问( 天天在线 )

---I called you yesterday evening, but there was no answer. ----- Oh, I’m sorry. I __...


I no have the answer. 这句话对吗

I don"t have the answer. 或者 I have no answer.

描述 已知鸡和兔的总数量为n,总腿数为m。输入n和m,依次输出鸡和兔的数目,如果无解,则输出“No answer”(

哎,你参考这里。http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/428694536.html?seed=0只要把unsigned long int a,b,c,d;改成long int a,b,c,d; 就ok啦

There is no answer的同义句是什么

There isn"t any answer.祝学习进步! 如不明白请追问,满意多谢顺手采纳! 手机提问者请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可!

make no answer是什么意思

make no answer没有回答,没有答话。不予答复。She make no answer, as though she had heard nothing. 她没有答话,仿佛她什么也不知道。



-----I called you last night, but there was no answer. ------I’m sorry, I _______dinner with my..

C 试题分析:句意:我昨晚给你打电话,但没人接。对不起,我和朋友在外面吃饭了。根据题意可知,吃饭是在打电话的时候,故用过去进行时。所以本题选C。

The person we spoke to () no answer at first

前面不是已经有一个SPOKE了?再说后面那个at first也可以看出来这件事情已经发生了吖。

急需 no3b answer 的歌词 之前的都不详细 歌词 已经找到 麻烦帮我标注平假名

仆(ぼく)にはそれがひとつのAnswer bo ku ni wa so re ga hi to tsu no Answer 永远(えいえん)に君(きみ)を守(まも)りたいんだ e i e n ni ki mi wo ma mo ri ta i n da 近(ちか)くにいるそれだけで chi ka ku ni i ru so re da ke de 胸(むね)を苦(くる)しくさせるものは何(なん)だろう? mu ne wo ku ru shi ku sa se ru mo no wa na n da ro u ? 言叶(ことば)では伝(つた)わらない ko to ba de wa tsu ta wa ra na i こんな热(あつ)い気持(きも)ちは初(はじ)めてなんだ ko n na a tsu i ki mo chi ha ha ji me te na n da でも 君(きみ)は知(し)らない (ずっと) de mo ki mi wa shi ra na i ( zu tto ) 风(かぜ)がただ吹(ふ)いてるだけ ka ze ga ta da fu i te ru da ke いつかのために爱(あい)があるなら i tsu ka no ta me ni a i ga a ru na ra その日(ひ)が来(く)るまでこのままでいい so no ni chi ga ku ru ma de ko no ma ma de i i 君(きみ)の心(こころ)が折(お)れそうな时(とき) ki mi no ko ko ro ga o re so u na to ki 永远(えいえん)のようにこの手(て) 伸(の)ばそう e i e n no you ni ko no te no ba so u 仆(ぼく)にはそれがひとつのAnswer bo ku ni ha so re ga hi to tsu no Answer 気(き)づかせたくない切(せつ)なさの距离(きょり)ki du ka se ta ku nai se tsu na sa no kyo ri平假名+罗马音~~大爱的歌~~~



鸡兔同笼 描述 已知鸡和兔的总数量为n,总腿数为m,输入n和m,输出兔的数目。如果无解,则输出“No answer


there was no answer to

where did you go?表示具体动作,意思是“你去过哪里?”强调“去”的具体动作; where were you?表示状态,意思是“你在哪里?”强调“在哪里”,一种状态. 根据问题“昨天我打你电话的时候,没人接,你人在哪里?”所以不能说“你去过哪里”.故不能选A.

描述 已知鸡和兔的总数量为n,总腿数为m。输入n和m,依次输出鸡和兔的数目,如果无解,则输出“No answer”(

#include<iostream>using namespace std;int main(){ int a; int rabit; int hen; int m; int n; cin>>a; if(0<a&&a<10) { while (a--) { cout<<"输入数量:"<<endl; cin>>n; cout<<"腿数"<<endl; cin>>m; if(m>0&&n<100) { rabit=m/2-n; hen=n-rabit; if(hen>=0&&rabit>=0&&hen+rabit==n&&2*hen+4*rabit==m) { cout<<rabit<<" "<<hen<<endl; } else { cout<<"No answer"<<endl; } } else { cout<<"No answer"<<endl; }}} else { cout<<"No answer"<<endl; } return 0;}

no answer from nethasp license manager

1、这段英语的意思就是:网络加密许可证管理器没有响应2、这是 mastercam 授权错误的反馈信息,表示本次安装没有正确的授权文件,或安装步骤不正确,需要重新按要求进行正确安装。3、如果是暴力安装的话(就是使用非法破解工具了哈),可能破解步骤或破解工具失效或损坏,建议重新下载完整且有效的破解工具。



英语谚语:No answer is also answer 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: No answer is also answer 中文意思: 不回答也是一种回答。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: The morning sun never lasts a day 好景不常。 The morning to the mountain the evening to the fountain 凡是都有一定时间。 The most busiest men find (or have) the most leisure (or time) 最忙碌的人有最多的空闲。 The most useful learning in the world is that which teches us how to die well 世界上最有用的学问是告诉我们怎样死得其所。 The most utterly lost of all days is that in which you have not once laughed 完全虚度的日子是你一次也没有笑过的日子。 The mother"s heart is the child"s schoolroom 母亲的心肠是孩子的课堂。 The mountain has brought forth a mouse 虎头蛇尾。 The mouse that hath but one hole is quickly taken 狡兔三窟。 The mouth of a wise man is in his heart; the heart of a fool is in his mouth 聪明人的嘴在心里,蠢人的心在嘴上。 The nearer the bone the sweeter the flesh 骨肉越亲,恩情越深。 英语谚语: No answer is also answer 中文意思: 不回答也是一种回答。

there was no answer为什么用no,不能用not


如果无解,则输出"No answer"[C语言]

设个标记。有解为1,无解为0。#include <stdio.h>main(){int n,m;int ren,mao;int i,j;int flag =0;printf("input n m ");scanf("%d %d",&n,&m);for (i=0;i<=n;i++){ren=i;mao=n-ren;if (ren * 2+ mao * 4 == m){ flag = 1; printf("human number: %d, cat number: %d ",ren,mao);};};if (flag==0) printf("No answer ");return 0;}



三星SCX-4521F一体机传真机发过来的传真总显示没有no answer怎么办?

no answer直接翻译为没有答案。具体看说明书。

中岛美嘉的《NO ANSWER》 歌词

歌曲名:NO ANSWER歌手:中岛美嘉专辑:STAR「No Answer」作词∶中岛美嘉作曲∶竹本健一歌∶中岛美嘉前に进むためには伤付ける强さも必要ってそんな事よくきくけどどうも格好つけられない梦を追って何か舍てるなんて 选べない焦って今选択しなくても必ずその时が来る仆が君の记忆になる切り取った日々を过ごしてく今目の前にぶつかる壁长い旅路のごく一部不安な今を乗り切ったら思い出话と笑ってるこのドラマのエンディングは全部君が决められるよ no answer过去を忘れるためには孤独になる覚悟 必要ってそんな事よく闻くけどどうも勇気が出せない弱いやつだと思われてたってかまわない全てを分かって笑ってくれる仆には君がいるから君の侧に居れるだけで强くなれた気がしているよ仆はきっとこの世界で一番ひ弱なヒーローだけど君を守るためになんだってするつもりだからこのドラマのエンディングは2人で笑いあってたいno answer君の言叶1つが君の想い1つが君の时间1つが仆の全てになれ収録:Over Load発売日:2009/05/13http://music.baidu.com/song/52951573

传真出来的No Answer是什么意思

类似提示是对方传真机无应答的意思,有可能是信号延迟了或是电话线有故障导致传送失败。 可以尝试稍后重试传送。 或与其它电话号码的传真传送将。如果还是一样的话就将真机连接到另一个普通电话线上重新发送文件。 如果使用新的电话线能实现传真传送,则原来的线路有问题。 那就要检查您电话线路了。

the man smiles with no answer该怎样理解 no answer 这里该怎

no answer 没有答案the man smiles with no answer 那人笑了笑,没有给出任何答案。

打电话没有回应怎么说 no reply 还是no answer




电气中differential指什么,比如differential power supply 和differential switch

differential 形容词,差动的意思differential power supply 差动电源differential switch 差动开关

swimming is a potentially powerful way to

你好,很高兴为你解答:游泳是一种潜在的强有力的方法,可以快速而专业地缓解压力词汇释义swimming游泳; 游泳运动; 游水; 游; 游动; swim的现在分词potentially潜在地powerful有权势的; 有影响力的; 强有力的; 力量大的; 很有效的; 有强烈作用的,效力大的relieve stress释放压力quickly迅速地; 很快地; 不久; 立即pro从事某职业的人; 职业运动员; 职业选手; 老手; 职业的; 专业的; 赞成; 支持

Feel free to ask me anything on______tour around the Old Tower.(today)

Feel free to ask me anything on today"s tour around the Old Tower.. 在今天的老塔游中,大家尽管问我任何问题,不要拘束。填名词所有格 today"s作定语 今天的



dead flowers的中文翻译,头一句诗:I feel like the flowers in the vase。我要的整首歌的翻译

Dead Flowers死去的鲜花翻译:V维爱无边VI feel like the flowers in this vase.我感觉像瓷器中的鲜花He just brought them home one day.有一天他将她们买下带回家中"Ain"t they beautiful" he said“她们真美”他说道They been here in the kitchen 她们久久放置在餐厅and the waters turning grey.瓶里的水分渐渐浑浊There sittin" in the vase, but now there dead.她们站在瓷器花瓶中却已死亡Dead flowers.凋败的鲜花I feel like this long string of lights.我感觉像这些纤长的光束They lit up our whole house on Christmas day.在圣诞节时点亮我们的房子Now it"s January and the bulbs are all burned out,而现在是一月所有的灯都已经燃尽but still they hang, like dead flowers.但它们仍在飘荡,就像死亡的鲜花He ain"t feeling anything.他感受不到任何事My love, my hurt,我的爱情和我的伤or the sting of this rain.或者是这雨落的敲击声And I"m living in a hurricane而我像暴风雨一般地离去All he can say is 他所能说的只是"Man ain"t it such a nice day."“嘿这难道不是个晴天么”Yeah, yeah是,是啊I feel like the tires on this car.我感觉像车下的轮胎You said they won"t go far, 你说它们无法走得太远but we"re still rolling.但我们仍在滚动着前行I look in the rear view我凝视着汽车的后视镜and I see dead flowers in the yard我看见院子中死去的鲜花and that string of lights.以及那纤长的光束And it aint glowing, like dead flowers.却不再发光,就如死去的鲜花Like dead flowers如死去的鲜花He ain"t feeling anything.他感受不到任何事My love, my hurt,我的爱情和我的伤or the sting of this rain.或者是这雨落的敲击声And I"m living in a hurricane而我像暴风雨一般地离去All he can say is 他所能说的只是"Man ain"t it such a nice day."“嘿这难道不是个晴天么”Hey I guess it"ll just go to waste,like dead flowers.嘿我猜这些都将化为荒芜,如死去的鲜花Like dead flowers如死去的鲜花Dead flowers死去的鲜花—The End—

Power Point 中找不到shock wave flash object 控件?


Politics__one of the subjects that I study Aare B is C were D was

is 学科名词

求anika moa的flowers for you的歌词。

It"s a lovely dayA lovely dayIt"s a pretty old flowerRed and blueIt"s the same old typical scenarioTake me away from your terrible liesTake me away from it allShow me I"m useful to steal for a whileShow me how to rule the world[Chorus]No more flowers for youI could not sacrificeAnd he"s twisted alongAnd he"s running down the roadTo find his lost sideIf it takes you awayI could ask you to stayI can"t change who I amBe forgiven, understandDoes anyone want to replyDoes anyone want to replyA crazy old man you areYou work your charmExperience all of the aboveLightning would fall with those all around youJust because you smiledTake me to the sea where the sun birds all flyTake me away there foreverShow me your father and the apple in his eyeShow me his spirit lives onNo more flowers for youI could not sacrificeAnd he"s twisted alongAnd he"s running down the roadTo find his lost sideAnd if it takes you awayI could ask you to stayI can"t change who I amBe forgiven, understandDoes anyone want to replyWoahI adore youAnd you conform don"t youTo things that aren"t really thereOh I know you"re not really thereNo more flowers for youI could not sacrificeAnd he"s twisted alongAnd he"s running down the roadTo find his lost sideAnd if it takes you away (takes you away)I could ask you to stay (ask you to stay)I can"t change who I amBe forgiven, understandDoes anyone want to replyDoes anyone want to reply…

If I Were A Boy (Remix)(featuring. R.Kelly )中英文歌词

Beyonce - If I Were A BoyIf I were a boyEven just for a dayI"d roll outta bed in the morningAnd throw on what I wanted then goDrink beer with the guysAnd chase after girlsI"d kick it with who I watedAnd I"d never get confronted for it.Cause they"d stick up for me.If I were a boyI think I could understandHow it feels to love a girlI swear I"d be a better man.I"d listen to herCause I know how it hurtsWhen you lose the one you wantedCause he"s taken you for grantedAnd everything you had got destroyedIf I were a boyI could turn off my phoneTell everyone it"s brokenSo they"d think that I was sleepin" aloneI"d put myself firstAnd make the rules as I goCause I know that she"d be faithfulWaitin" for me to come home (to come home)If I were a boyI think I could understandHow it feels to love a girlI swear I"d be a better man.I"d listen to herCause I know how it hurtsWhen you lose the one you wantedCause he"s taken you for grantedAnd everything you had got destroyedIt"s a little too late for you to come backSay its just a mistakeThink I"d forgive you like thatIf you thought I would wait for youYou thought wrongBut you"re just a boyYou don"t understandYeah you don"t understandHow it feels to love a girl somedayYou wish you were a better manYou don"t listen to herYou don"t care how it hurtsUntil you lose the one you wantedCause you"ve taken her for grantedAnd everything you have got destroyedBut you"re just a boy 碧昂丝——如果我是一个男孩  如果我是一个男孩  即使只是一天  我在早上从床上滚  我想要的是什么,再涂上然后去  喝啤酒的家伙  和追逐女孩  我与我wated踢它  和我从来都没得到面对它。  因为他们会支持我。  如果我是一个男孩  我想我能理解  感觉爱一个女孩  我发誓我将是一个更好的男人。  我听她的  因为我知道这会伤害  当你失去你的希望  

The power of your actions这篇文章翻译?

行动的力量The Power of Your ActionsGraduation day arrived — I saw Kyle and he looked great. He was one of those guys that really found himself during high school. He filled out and actually looked good in glasses. He had more dates than me and all the girls loved him!Boy, sometimes I was jealous. Today was one of those days. I could see that he was nervous about his speech. So, I smacked him on the back and said, "Hey, big guy, you" ll be great!"He looked at me with one of those looks (the really grateful one) and smiled. "Thanks," he said. As he started his speech, he cleared his throat, and began. "Graduation is a time to thank those who helped you make it through those tough years. Your parents, your teachers, your siblings, maybe a coach... but mostly your friends. I am here to tell all of you that being a friend to someone is the best gift you can give them. I am going to tell you a story."I stared at my friend in disbelief as he told the story of the first day we met. He had planned to kill himself over the weekend. He talked of how he had cleaned out his locker so his Mom wouldn" t have to do it later and was carrying his stuff home. He looked hard at me and gave me a little smile. "Thankfully, I was saved. My friend saved me from doing the unspeakable."I heard the gasp go through the crowd as this handsome, popular boy told us all about his weakest moment. I saw his Mom and dad looking at me and smiling that same grateful smile. Not until that moment did I realize its depth.Never underestimate the power of your actions. With one small gesture you can change a person" s life. For better or for worse. God puts us all in each other" s lives to impact one another in some way. Look for God in others."Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly."There is no beginning or end... Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery. Today is a gift.

The story was so (move) that all of us were moved to tears.

moving令人感动的 moved感动的

to answer correctly is more

To answer correctly is more important than _____. 【答案】选C ----to finish quickly 【释义】答得对要比答得快要重要. 【解析】 "to do sth“,这是不定式的结构,表目的; 这里 to 不能省略! To see is to believe!眼见为实!

Whichever of you all answers the questions correctly will be given a prize.


until you were gone歌词

Oh whoa oh oh oh oh oh ohOh whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh (C.M)Oh whoa oh oh oh oh oh ohOh whoa oh oh oh oh oh ohCheckIf I had all the money in the worldI still couldn"t buy me a brand new girl (you can"t buy love)Too much clubbing, not enough lovingToo much shopping, too busy chasing the skrillaand know look i lost me a winnerSitting there singing this song likeYou never know what you"ve got "til it"s gone likeDamn, I wish I would"ve seen it comingCause I blink for a second and you caught me slipping, Oh, Oh, OhNow we"re done before we even startedDidn"t know how much I missed you(Didn"t know how much I would miss youI messed up the perfect picture)Until You Were Gone, gone, goneUntil You Were Gone, gone, goneUntil You Were Gone, gone, goneI didn"t know how much I missed youOh whoa oh oh oh oh oh ohOh whoa oh oh oh oh oh-ohLet me go, YeahAnd look still I"m hereShe left me with no ideaI just don"t get it, it"s kinda weirdHow you took off quicker than my career. it"s kinda rarefor a man to admit when he"s in the wrongStill can"t do it, I just put it in a songSo don"t correct me, I know that I"m wrong(I just need love)I"m too stuck in my ways,And I know this ain"t helping me changeAnd I"m sitting here singing this song likeYou never know what you"ve got "til it"s gone likeDamn, I wish I would"ve seen it comingCause I blink for a second and you caught me slipping, Oh, Oh, OhNow we"re done before we even startedDidn"t know how much I missed you(Didn"t know how much I would miss youI messed up the perfect picture)Until You Were Gone, gone, goneUntil You Were Gone, gone, goneUntil You Were Gone, gone, goneI didn"t know how much I missed youOh whoa oh oh oh oh oh ohOh whoa oh oh oh oh oh-oh (Whooa)Let me go, YeahI"m too stressed and I"m trying not to flipI close my eyes and you"re inside my lidsSo I try not to blink for one split secCus showboating, and got my ship wreckedSince you left, nothing ain"t rightTwo different waves, we have to part tidesI had a long sighted vision, It ain"t the same with you missingDidn"t know how much I missed you until you were gone, gone, goneuntil you were gone, gone, goneuntil you were gone, gone, goneuntil you were gone, gone, goneI didn"t know how much I missed you(Didn"t know how much I would miss youI messed up the perfect picture)Damn, I wish I would"ve seen it comingCause I blink for a second and you caught me slipping, Oh, Oh, OhNow we"re done before we even startedI didn"t know how much I missed youUntil You Were Gone, gone, goneUntil You Were Gone, gone, goneUntil You Were Gone, gone, goneI didn"t know how much I missed you(Didn"t know how much I would miss youI messed up the perfect picture)

anywere 与somewhere 的用法区别

everywhere / somewhere / anywhere都与“某地”有关,它们的用法及区别如下:(1) everywhere意为“在各个地方;处处”,相当于here and there,一般用于肯定句中。(2) somewhere意为“在/到某处”,一般用于肯定句中。但在预料会得到肯定回答的疑问句中仍用somewhere。如:—It"s very cold here. Can we go somewhere warm? 这儿很冷。我们能不能去个暖和的地方?—OK. 好吧。(3) anywhere表示“在/到某处”时,一般用在否定句或疑问句中;当表示“任何地方”时,则可以用在肯定句中。如:Put the chair down anywhere. 把椅子随便放在哪儿都可以。

anywere 与somewhere 的用法区别


They were running through thickly forested country,and nervousness began to mount in the car.后半句

您好,楼主!!mount是动词 蔓延的意思


1.energy意为“能量”,尤指人在做某事并为完成该事所表现出的生机勃勃的力,多用作不可数名词。You are always full of energy.表示“你总是精力充沛”。power意为“能力”,词义丰富,可指内在的或外加的力、潜在的或活动的力、具体的或抽象的力、身体的或精神的力等。.He has much ~ . 他精力充沛 eg.develop one"s energies to a task.致力于工作 2.strength意为“体力”,常指人体或物体内存在的力,如气力、耐力、抵抗力,有时也可指进行某种活动的推动力,是不可数名词。 strength 使个人的行为,行动变为可能的力量 power(物理上或自然具备的)力量,能力[of] the power of nature 自然力 to the best of one";s power 尽最大力量 do all in one";s power 尽力而为 I did all in my power to save the boy from drowning 我尽全力去救那个男孩使他免於溺水 He has the power of holding his audience 他具有吸引住听众的能力 b. [the power]<做…的>力量,能力 She is said to have the power to foretell the future 据说她有预测未来的能力 2 [powers](身体上,精神上的自然)能力,体力,智力 His powers were failing 他的体力在衰退 lose one";s powers 丧失体力;衰老 a man of great mental powers [ 才智横溢]的人 3 (U)权力,势力,控制力;政权 the party in power 执政党 come to [into] power 掌权;得势 rise to [fall from] power 取得[失去]权力 be in a person";s power 在某人之掌握中[控制下] have a person in one";s power 可随意操纵[支使]某人 have power over ... 控制...



secure the favor of overruling powers. 意思为什么是保证支持统治权利?

整句话如下:Religious associations began, for example, in the desire to secure the favor of overruling powers and to ward off evil influences; family life in the desire to gratify appetites and secure family perpetuity; systematic labor, for the most part, because of enslavement to others, etc.意思是:这些宗教机构希望得到拥有否决权利的特权

power在数学里是指函数的结果还是过程 如 5∧2中 power是25还是5*5

the power in expression 5^2 is 2Powers are a process of repeated multiplication, in much the same way that multiplication is a process of repeated addition.所以取决于上下文, the context matters

power 的全部意思

n?(1)体能;智能;能力?(2)力量?(3)势力;影响力?(4)权力?(5)权限;权力范围?(6)有权力的人;强国?(7)神;神仙;神祗?(8)力?(9)动力;功率?(10)〈数〉乘方;幂?(11)(透镜的)放大率 (12)大量?(13)More power to your elbow! 祝你成功!?(14)power behind the throne 幕后掌权者?vt?(1)给…提供动力,用动力发动?(2)提高…出力,降低…出力(常与up、down连用)


power[英]["pauu0259]pow er .ow读au


power /04pa0305(r)/ DJ /"pau06/ KK noun the ability to control people or things 控制力;影响力;操纵力 uncountable ~ (over sb/sth) ~ (to do sth) The aim is to give people more power over their own lives. 目的是让人们更能主宰自己的生命。 He has the power to make things very unpleasant for us. 他掌握着我们的命运,可以把我们搞得狼狈不堪。 to have sb in your power(= to be able to do what you like with sb) 能支配某人 political control of a country or an area 统治;政权 uncountable to take/seize/lose power 掌握/夺取/失掉政权 The present regime has been in power for two years. 现政权已经执政两年了。 The party came to power at the last election. 这个政党是在上次大选中当选执政的。 They are hoping to return to power. 他们希望重掌政权。 a power struggle between rival factions within the party 党内对立派别之间的权力斗争 in people 人的 the ability or opportunity to do sth 能力;机会 uncountable It is not within my power(= I am unable or not in a position)to help you. 我是爱莫能助啊。 I will do everything in my power to help you. 我将尽全力帮助你。 a particular ability of the body or mind (身体、心智的)某种能力 uncountable plural He had lost the power of speech. 他丧失了语言能力。 The drug may affect your powers of concentration. 这种药可能会影响你的注意力集中。 He had to use all his powers of persuasion. 他只好使出说服人的全部本领。 Alternate: powers also all the abilities of a person"s body or mind (全部)体力,智力 plural Sufferers from the disease have failing mental powers and poor memories. 患这种病的人会智力下降,记忆力差。 At 26, he is at the height of his powers and ranked fourth in the world. 26 岁时,他处于巅峰状态,排名世界第四。 Alternate: powers the right or authority of a person or group to do sth 权力;职权;权势 uncountable countable usually plural ~ (to do sth) The Secretary of State has the power to approve the proposals. 国务卿有权批准这些提议。 The powers of the police must be clearly defined. 警察的职权必须明确界定。 The president has the power of veto over all new legislation. 总统有权否决一切新法规。 a country with a lot of influence in world affairs, or with great military strength 有影响力的大国;军事强国 countable world powers 世界列强 an allied/enemy power 同盟/敌对国 strength or influence in a particular area of activity 某方面的力量(或影响);实力 uncountable military/economic power 军事/经济实力 air/sea power(= military strength in the air/ at sea) 空中/海上军事力量 purchasing/earning power 购买力;赚钱能力 the influence of a particular thing or group within society (某事物或社会集团的)影响力,势力 uncountable the power of television/the media 电视/新闻媒体的影响力 parent power 父母的影响力 the strength or energy contained in sth 力;力量;能量 uncountable The ship was helpless against the power of the storm. 那艘船只能任凭强大的暴风雨肆虐。 It was a performance of great power. 那是巨大能量的作用。 energy that can be collected and used to operate a machine, to make electricity, etc. 能;能量;功率 uncountable nuclear/wind/solar power 核/风/太阳能 engine power 发动机的功率 the public supply of electricity 电力供应 uncountable They"ve switched off the power. 他们关掉了电源。 a power failure 停电 the number of times that an amount is to be multiplied by itself 乘方;幂 countable usually singular 4to the power of3 is 406 (= 465×65465×65465=6564). 4 的 3 次方是 406。 the amount by which a lens can make objects appear larger 放大倍数;放大率 uncountable the power of a microscope/telescope 显微镜/望远镜的放大率 a good or evil spirit that controls the lives of others 正义(或邪恶)力量 countable the powers of darkness(= the forces of evil) 黑暗势力 Idiom: do sb a power of good old-fashioned, informal to be very good for sb"s physical or mental health 对身心大为有益 Idiom: more power to sb"s elbow old-fashioned, British English, informal used to express support or encouragement for sb to do sth (表示支持或鼓励)再加把劲,加油,祝…成功 Idiom: the (real) power behind the throne the person who really controls an organization, a country, etc. in contrast to the person who is legally in charge 太上皇;幕后操纵者 Idiom: the powers that be often, ironic the people who control an organization, a country, etc. 当权派;权力集团 verb to supply a machine or vehicle with the energy that makes it work 驱动,推动(机器或车辆) VN usually passive The aircraft is powered by a jet engine. 这架飞机由喷气发动机驱动。 to move or move sth very quickly and with great power in a particular direction (使)迅猛移动,快速前进 VN + adv./prep. He powered through the water. 他在水中迅速游动。 V She powered her way into the lead. 她迅速用力冲到最前面。 VN He powered his header past the goalie. 他用力把球顶过了守门员。 Phrasal: power sth62up to prepare a machine to start working by supplying it with electricity, etc. 给…供电(等);使(机器)启动


power主要指动力,功率,电力,权利。energy主要指精力,能量。 力(用途最广,用于各种身的,心的,隐蔽的,外显的力,暗示能动的意思) energy n. ⑴精力,活力(不可数) eg.He has much ~ . 他精力充沛 ⑵活动力,能力(常用复数) eg.develop one"s energies to a task.致力于工作 ⑶能,能量(不可数) eg.atomic ~. 原子能



power 的用法

名词 n. 1.权,政权;权力;势力[S][(+over)]2.职权;权限[C][U][+to-v]The president has the power to veto bills. 总统有权否决议案。 3.能力,本领[the S][(+of)]She lost her power of speech. 她失去了说话的能力。 4.力,力量;动力,电力;功率[U]The shortage of power dimmed the streets. 由于电力不足,街道昏暗。 5.(光学上)放大率[U]6.(有时大写)有权力的人;有影响的机构;强国,大国[C]The world powers will meet in Paris this summer. 今夏世界上的大国将在巴黎聚会。 7.【数】幂,次方[C]10 to the power of 3 is 1000. 十的三次方是一千。 8.【口】许多,大量[S][(+of)]及物动词 vt. 1.给...提供动力[H]The tractor is powered by a diesel engine. 这台牵引机是用柴油机发动的。 不及物动词 vi. 1.【口】快速前进[Q]形容词 a. 1.借影响有权势人物以操纵权力的power politics 权力政治 power lunch 权力午餐;巨头午餐会 power breakfast 权力早餐;巨头早餐会 希望我的回答可以令您满意。




能量 力量





Kanye West的《Power》 歌词

歌曲名:Power歌手:Kanye West专辑:check the resumeKanye West - PowerI"m livin" in the 21st centuryDoin" something mean to itDo it better than anybody you ever seen do itScreams from the "80s, got a nice ring to itI guess every superhero need his own theme musicNo one man should have all that powerThe clock"s tickin", I just count the hoursStop trippin", I"m trippin" off the power(21st century schizoid man)The system broken, the schools closed, the prisons openWe ain"t got nothin" to lose, ma"fucka, we rollin"Huh? Ma"fucka, we rollin"With some light-skinned girls and some Kelly RowlandsIn this white man world, we the ones chosenSo goodnight, cruel world, I see you in the mornin"Huh? I see you in the mornin"This is way too much, I need a momentNo one man should have all that powerThe clock"s tickin", I just count the hoursStop trippin", I"m trippin" off the power"Til then, fuck that, the world"s oursAnd then they (Go)And then theyAnd then they (Go)And then theyAnd then they (Go)And then they (21st century schizoid man)Fuck SNL and the whole castTell "em Yeezy said they can kiss my whole assMore specifically, they can kiss my assholeI"m an asshole? You niggas got jugsYou short-minded niggas" thoughts is NapoleonMy furs is Mongolian, my ice, brought the Dodies inNow I embody every characteristic of the egotisticHe know, he so, fuckin" giftedI just needed time alone, with my own thoughtsGot treasures in my mind, but couldn"t open up my own vaultMy childlike creativity, purity and honestyIs honestly being prodded by these grown thoughtsReality is catchin" up with meTakin" my inner child, I"m fighting for it, custodyWith these responsibilities that they entrusted meAs I look down at my dia-mond-encrusted pieceNigga, no one man should have all that powerThe clock"s tickin", I just count the hoursStop trippin", I"m trippin" off the power"Til then, fuck that, the world"s oursAnd then they (Go)And then theyAnd then they (Go)And then theyAnd then they (Go)And then they (21st century schizoid man)Holy, powers, Austin, PowersLost in translation with a whole fuckin" nationThey say I was the obamanation of Obama"s nationWell, that"s a pretty bad way to start the conversationAt the end of day, goddammit, I"m killin" this shitI know damn well y"all feelin" this shitI don"t need yo" pussy, bitch, I"m on my own dickI ain"t gotta power trip, who you goin" home with?How "Ye doin"? I"m survivin"I was drinkin" earlier, now I"m drivin"Where the bad bitches, huh? Where ya hidin"?I got the power, make yo" life so excitin" (So excitin)Now this"ll be a beautiful deathJumpin" out the windowLettin" everything goLettin" everything goNow this"ll be a beautiful deathJumpin" out the windowLettin" everything goLettin" everything goNow this"ll be a beautiful deathJumpin" out the windowLettin" everything goLettin" everything goYou got the power to let power come(21st century schizoid man)http://music.baidu.com/song/28312304


别怪我答非所问啊 一次偶然 在我玩西游记释厄传2的时候 发现角色在拣血的时候 屏幕上出现大大的POWER power有力量的意思 当然还有其他的意想不到的意思 至于短语 自然也是如此 哈哈,,,,不推荐采纳!!!


《power》的歌词是:歌名:power(黑道圣徒3主题曲)I"m livin" in the 21st centuryDoin" something mean to itDo it better than anybody you ever seen do itScreams from the "80s, got a nice ring to itI guess every superhero need his own theme musicNo one man should have all that powerThe clock"s tickin", I just count the hoursStop trippin", I"m trippin" off the power(21st century schizoid man)The system broken, the schools closed, the prisons openWe ain"t got nothin" to lose, ma"fucka, we rollin"Huh? Ma"f*cka, we rollin"With some light-skinned girls and some Kelly RowlandsIn this white man world, we the ones chosenSo goodnight, cruel world, I see you in the mornin"Huh? I see you in the mornin"This is way too much, I need a momentNo one man should have all that powerThe clock"s tickin", I just count the hoursStop trippin", I"m trippin" off the power‘Til then, fuck that, the world"s oursAnd then theyAnd then theyAnd then theyAnd then they(21st century schizoid man)F*ck SNL and the whole castTell ‘em Yeezy said they can kiss my whole assMore specifically, they can kiss my assholeI"m an asshole? You n*ggas got jugsYou short-minded n*ggas" thoughts is NapoleonMy furs is Mongolian, my ice, brought the Dodies inNow I embody every characteristic of the egotisticHe know, he so, f*ckin" giftedI just needed time alone, with my own thoughtsGot treasures in my mind, but couldn"t open up my own vaultMy childlike creativity, purity and honestyIs honestly being prodded by these grown thoughtsReality is catchin" up with meTakin" my inner child, I"m fighting for it, custodyWith these responsibilities that they entrusted meAs I look down at my dia-mond-encrusted pieceN*gga, no one man should have all that powerThe clock"s tickin", I just count the hoursStop trippin", I"m trippin" off the power‘Til then, f*ck that, the world"s oursAnd then theyAnd then theyAnd then theyAnd then theyAnd then theyAnd then they(21st century schizoid man)Holy, powers, Austin, PowersLost in translation with a whole f*ckin" nationThey say I was the obamanation of Obama"s nationWell, that"s a pretty bad way to start the conversationAt the end of day, goddammit, I"m killin" this sh*tI know damn well y"all feelin" this shitI don"t need yo" p*ssy, b*tch, I"m on my own d*ckI ain"t gotta power trip, who you goin" home with?How ‘Ye doin"? I"m survivin"I was drinkin" earlier, now I"m drivin"Where the bad b*tches, huh? Where ya hidin"?I got the power, make yo" life so excitin" (So excitin")Now this"ll be a beautiful deathJumpin" out the windowLettin" everything goLettin" everything goNow this"ll be a beautiful deathJumpin" out the windowLettin" everything goLettin" everything goNow this"ll be a beautiful deathJumpin" out the windowLettin" everything goLettin" everything goNow this"ll be a beautiful deathJumpin" out the windowLettin" everything goLettin" everything goYou got the power to let power come




1.energy意为“能量”,尤指人在做某事并为完成该事所表现出的生机勃勃的力,多用作不可数名词。You are always full of energy.表示“你总是精力充沛”。power意为“能力”,词义丰富,可指内在的或外加的力、潜在的或活动的力、具体的或抽象的力、身体的或精神的力等。.He has much ~ . 他精力充沛 eg.develop one"s energies to a task.致力于工作 2.strength意为“体力”,常指人体或物体内存在的力,如气力、耐力、抵抗力,有时也可指进行某种活动的推动力,是不可数名词。 strength 使个人的行为,行动变为可能的力量 power(物理上或自然具备的)力量,能力[of] the power of nature 自然力 to the best of one";s power 尽最大力量 do all in one";s power 尽力而为 I did all in my power to save the boy from drowning 我尽全力去救那个男孩使他免於溺水 He has the power of holding his audience 他具有吸引住听众的能力 b. [the power]力量,能力 She is said to have the power to foretell the future 据说她有预测未来的能力 2 [powers](身体上,精神上的自然)能力,体力,智力 His powers were failing 他的体力在衰退 lose one";s powers 丧失体力;衰老 a man of great mental powers [ 才智横溢]的人 3 (U)权力,势力,控制力;政权 the party in power 执政党 come to [into] power 掌权;得势 rise to [fall from] power 取得[失去]权力 be in a person";s power 在某人之掌握中[控制下] have a person in one";s power 可随意操纵[支使]某人 have power over ... 控制...



stand power什么意思?

stand power是《u200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cJOJO的奇妙冒险:星尘斗士》的一句梗,意思是:替身之力。《u200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cJOJO的奇妙冒险:星尘斗士》中反派人物DIO在与流氓少年空条承太郎的决战中,“Stand Power”(即:替身之力)一句的空耳。重点词汇:Power。英['pau028au0259(r)]释义:n.控制力,操控力;权力,职权;统治,政权;有影响力的人(或组织);军事强国,有影响力的大国。v.驱动,推动(机器或车辆);快速前进,迅猛移动;猛力踢(或推、顶)(尤指球)。adj.电力的,电能的;电动的;强大的;有重要人士参与的;(服装)礼服的,显示权势的。[复数:powers;第三人称单数:powers;现在分词:powering;过去式:powered;过去分词:powered]短语:power station[电]发电厂;发电站。词语使用变化:powern.(名词)1、power的基本意思是“力,力量”,可指人的体力、思维能力,也可指机器的功力、动力或功率,还可指人或国家甚至是某个机构的权力、势力或影响力。这种权力或影响力可由法律、规章所赋予,也可由于本身力量的强大而自然产生的。power作“强国”解时,一般指在政治、经济或军事等方面对世界有一定影响的大国或强国。power还可用于数学方面,作“幂,乘方”解。2、power作“权”“权力”“势力”“政权”“功力〔率〕”解是不可数名词;表示“强国”“幂,乘方”时是可数名词;表示“能力”时有时可用于复数形式,表示“体力,力量”解时通常用作不可数名词。

stand power是什么意思?




stand power是什么梗

stand power是《u200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cJOJO的奇妙冒险:星尘斗士》的一句梗,意思是:替身之力。《u200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cu200cJOJO的奇妙冒险:星尘斗士》中反派人物DIO在与流氓少年空条承太郎的决战中,“Stand Power”(即:替身之力)一句的空耳。重点词汇:Power。英['pau028au0259(r)]释义:n.控制力,操控力;权力,职权;统治,政权;有影响力的人(或组织);军事强国,有影响力的大国。v.驱动,推动(机器或车辆);快速前进,迅猛移动;猛力踢(或推、顶)(尤指球)。adj.电力的,电能的;电动的;强大的;有重要人士参与的;(服装)礼服的,显示权势的。[复数:powers;第三人称单数:powers;现在分词:powering;过去式:powered;过去分词:powered]短语:power station[电]发电厂;发电站。词语使用变化:powern.(名词)1、power的基本意思是“力,力量”,可指人的体力、思维能力,也可指机器的功力、动力或功率,还可指人或国家甚至是某个机构的权力、势力或影响力。这种权力或影响力可由法律、规章所赋予,也可由于本身力量的强大而自然产生的。power作“强国”解时,一般指在政治、经济或军事等方面对世界有一定影响的大国或强国。power还可用于数学方面,作“幂,乘方”解。2、power作“权”“权力”“势力”“政权”“功力〔率〕”解是不可数名词;表示“强国”“幂,乘方”时是可数名词;表示“能力”时有时可用于复数形式,表示“体力,力量”解时通常用作不可数名词。


power outlet意思是:电源插座.重点词汇:power英['pau028au0259(r)]释义:n.力量,能力;电力,功率,性能;政权,势力;[数]幂vt.激励;供以动力;使…有力量vi.快速前进adj.借影响有权势人物以操纵权力的n.(Power)人名;(英、葡)鲍尔[复数:powers;第三人称单数:powers;现在分词:powering;过去式:powered;过去分词:powered]短语:power station[电]发电厂;发电站词语辨析:power,force,strength这组名词都有力量的意思。1、power指身体上、精神上或心理上的力量,不管是表现出来的还是潜在的。2、force指运用或发挥出来的力量,可以克服阻力,使人或物按要求方向运动。3、strength指内部固有的力量,表示物质力量时,着重体格或构造健全、完善等方面的力量,如体力强度等;表示精神力量时,指持久、坚定、无畏、坚韧等。


power是什么意思power 英[u02c8pau028au0259(r)]美[u02c8pau028au025a]n. 力量; [机] 动力,功率; 政权,权力; 强国,大国;vt. 运转; 用发动机发动; 使…有力量;vi. 靠动力行进; 快速行进;[例句]She interviewed six women who have reached positions of great power and influence她采访了6名身居高位,并且颇具影响力的女士。[其他] 第三人称单数:powers 复数:powers 现在分词:powering 过去式:powered 过去分词:powered


  power表示动力,功率; 力量的意思,能够和power搭配成 短语 的词汇有很多,接下来我为大家整理了power短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   power的短语   do someone/thing a power of good   1. (非正式)对(人,物)大有好处   in the power of   1. 在u2026的控制下,受u2026支配   more power to your elbow!   1. (英)(表示鼓励、赞同)祝一帆风顺!祝你成功!   power behind the throne   1. 幕后操纵者,垂帘听政者   the powers that be   1. 当权者   powers that be   1. 掌权者:在某一系统或职位中掌握实权的人   被掌权者们否决了的计划   a plan vetoed by the powers that be.   power相关 同义词 辨析   energy, force, power, might, strength, vigour   这些名词均有"力"之意。   energy : 用于人时,指工作时焕发出的精力或干劲。   force : 着重指克服障碍,推动人或物朝所要求的方向运动或能产生明显效应的力量。   power : 最普通用词,泛指一切力量或能力等。   might : 多指巨大或超人的力量。   strength : 指机体内部的能力,是依靠身体组织而存在的力,经使用就变为force。   vigour : 指由生命元气的存在所产生的活力、精力。   nation, state, country, land, power   这些名词均含"国家"之意。   nation : 普通用词,指在某一国土定居的人民、民族,强调人民。   state : 正式用词,指政治概念上的国家,即由政府所代表的国家。   country : 普通用词,侧重国土与人民。   land : 常用于文学中,侧重国土,带感情色彩。   power : 特指拥有强大军事力量,在国际事务中有较强权威或影响的国家,即强国、大国。   power的短语例句   1. Generosity is its own form of power.   别低估了慷慨的力量。   2. The military regime in power was unpopular and repressive.   当权的军政府压制人民,不得人心。   3. Many of the leaders have become hooked on power and money.   很多领导人都变得贪恋权力和金钱。   4. Army officers plotted a failed attempt yesterday to seize power.   军官们昨天夺权未遂。   5. The money to build the power station ought to have been sufficient.   建设电站的资金本该足够了。   6. High winds have knocked down trees and power lines.   大风刮倒了树木和电线。   7. The power stations burn coal from the Ruhr region.   发电站烧的煤产自鲁尔地区。   8. Fathers have the power to dominate children and young people.   父辈们有能力支配孩子们和年轻人的生活。   9. The old-timers and established families clutched the reins of power.   久居此地的居民和根基稳固的家族牢牢掌控着权力。   10. The unemployed cannot withdraw their labour — they have no power.   失业者没法罢工——他们没有这种实力。   11. Anthony sometimes felt that his mistress was his superior in will-power.   有时安东尼感觉他的情妇比他更有意志力。   12. Foreigners must use their power to nudge the country towards greater tolerance.   外国人必须动用他们的力量促使这个国家变得更加宽容。   13. The banks have the power to pull the plug on the project.   银行有能力让该工程终止。   14. He scares teams to death with his pace and power.   他的速度之快、力量之大让其他队胆战不已。   15. This figure has long been held to possess miraculous power.   这个数字长时间以来都被认为拥有神奇的力量。 猜你喜欢: 1. kind的同义词 2. come的同义词 3. get的同义词 4. also的同义词 5. power的同义词 6. power的用法

T.j. Powers身高



power本身也作名词。读音:英[u02c8pau028au0259r],美[u02c8pau028au0259r]。释义:n.力量,能力;电力,功率,性能;政权,势力。v.激励;供以动力;使…有力量;快速前进。adj.借影响有权势人物以操纵权力的。变形:过去式powered,过去分词powered,现在分词powering,第三人称单数powers,复数powers。词源:1300年左右进入英语,直接源自盎格鲁法语的pouair;最初源自拉丁语的potis,意为强有力的。近义词energy读音:英[u02c8enu0259du0292i],美[u02c8enu0259rdu0292i]。释义:n. [物]能量;精力;活力;精神。复数:energies。用法:energy的基本意思是“活力”“干劲”“能力”,多用作不可数名词,在指人的“精力”时多用复数形式。引申可表示“能”“能量”“能源”。energy作“能力”解时,其后面可用动词不定式作定语,但不可用v -ing形式。




power英 [u02c8pau028au0259(r)] 美 [u02c8pau028au025a] n.力量;[机]动力,功率;政权,权力;强国,大国vt.运转;用发动机发动;使…有力量vi.靠动力行进;快速行进adj.权力的;机械能的,电动的;用电力(或动力)发动的第三人称单数: powers 复数: powers 现在分词: powering 过去式: powered 过去分词: powered




1 n.能力,力量,动力,权力,[数]幂,[物]功率vt.使...有力量,供以动力,激励 2 动词过去式:powered 过去分词:powered 现在分词:powering 第三人称单数:powers 3 习惯用法 1.a power of [口]大量,许多2.be beyond one"s powers 不能胜任,力所不及3.out of one"s powers 不能胜任,力所不及4.black power 黑人权力5.By (all) the powers!(=Merciful powers!) [口]我的天呀!仁慈的上帝呀!6.come to power (开始)掌权,上台7.come into power (开始)掌权,上台




名词:能量 或 电力 或 电能 或 能源,或某种动力源泉;形容词:有力的、力量型、强而有力的。


意思是:力量,能力。英['pau028au0259(r)]释义:n.力量,能力;电力,功率,性能;政权,势力;[数]幂vt.激励;供以动力;使…有力量vi.快速前进adj.借影响有权势人物以操纵权力的n.(Power)人名;(英、葡)鲍尔[复数:powers;第三人称单数:powers;现在分词:powering;过去式:powered;过去分词:powered]短语:power station[电]发电厂;发电站扩展资料:词语辨析:power,force,strength这组名词都有力量的意思。1、power指身体上、精神上或心理上的力量,不管是表现出来的还是潜在的。2、force指运用或发挥出来的力量,可以克服阻力,使人或物按要求方向运动。3、strength指内部固有的力量,表示物质力量时,着重体格或构造健全、完善等方面的力量,如体力强度等;表示精神力量时,指持久、坚定、无畏、坚韧等。
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