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星际争霸中的power overwhelming是什么意思?





PowerPoint是一个专门编制电子文稿的软件,由它制作的电子文稿,其核心是一套可以在计算机屏幕上演示的幻灯片。这些幻灯片集可以按一定顺序播放,因此这是一种电子幻灯片。 当你利用PowerPoint软件设计制作完该文稿后,可以将这种文稿制成实际35mm的幻灯片,也可以制成投影片,在通用的幻灯机上使用,当然也可以在与计算机相连的大屏幕投影仪上直接演示,甚至可以通过网络会议的形式进行交流。总之,丰富多彩的幻灯片能使人们接收您所表达的信息的效率得到大幅度的提高,有助于听众了解您的意向,从而使您得到广泛的支持。 (1)PowerPoint的特点: * 可视化界面:学习简单,操作快捷 * 交互性强:可直观表达某种观点、演示工作成果、传达各种信息 * 丰富的媒体支持:可方便地加入图像和声音、电影 * 支持WEB页功能:可以插入超级链接

People invited to the town hall were mostly foreign professors working in the city

补全省略成分后如下:People (who were) invited to the towm hall were mostly foreign professors (those who are)working in the city.

求类似于flower dance的纯音乐,好听的话加悬赏

我比较喜欢一个音乐 the glorious death。。听一下,应该还挺……不过这和你说的偏差还真的挺大,,嘿嘿

solar power是什么意思

solar power意思如下:英/u02c8su0259u028alu0259(r) u02c8pau028au0259(r)/。美/u02c8sou028alu0259r u02c8pau028au0259r/。太阳能。太阳能指太阳内部发生热核反应释放出来的能量。太阳是一颗硕大、炽热的恒星,不断进行着热核反应,辐射出大量的能量,其中一部分能量到达地球。太阳到达地球的能量很大,一部分为植物利用,转化为生物能,一部分则作用于水的蒸发,转化为水能,还有很多能量被白白浪费掉。太阳是巨大的天然能源,利用太阳能具有广阔的前景。为了更有效地利用太阳能,把太阳光转换成热、电、化学能等,科学家们研究用大面积光装置将太阳能集中起来,转化为水能或电能,已经设计制造了多种太阳能设备。太阳能发电是一种清洁型能源系统,可直接利用太阳光发电。几乎适用于任何地方——大型建筑物、工厂和住宅楼。商业和个人用户均能享受到太阳能发电的好处。太阳能发电是一种清洁型能源系统,可直接利用太阳光发电。几乎适用于任何地方——大型建筑物、工厂和住宅楼。商业和个人用户均能享受到太阳能发电的好处。太阳能发电是一种清洁型能源系统,可直接利用太阳光发电。几乎适用于任何地方——大型建筑物、工厂和住宅楼。商业和个人用户均能享受到太阳能发电的好处。太阳的能源问题一向很吸引人。最早有人提出太阳能量是由其自身物质向中心收缩产生的。然而,这样的能源只可维持大约3000万年,而地球上最古老的岩石年龄已有38亿年了。此后的一些假说,同样难以自圆其说。后来人们才知道,太阳能源来自它直径不到50万千米的核心部分,其核心温度极高,压力极大,发生了热核反应:每4个氢原子核结合成一个氦原子核,同时释放出巨大的能量。这一过程足足可以进行100亿年。太阳能指太阳内部发生热核反应释放出来的能量。太阳是一颗硕大、炽热的恒星,不断进行着热核反应,辐射出大量的能量,其中一部分能量到达地球。太阳到达地球的能量很大,一部分为植物利用,转化为生物能,一部分则作用于水的蒸发,转化为水能,还有很多能量被白白浪费掉。太阳是巨大的天然能源,利用太阳能具有广阔的前景。为了更有效地利用太阳能,把太阳光转换成热、电、化学能等,科学家们研究用大面积光装置将太阳能集中起来,转化为水能或电能,已经设计制造了多种太阳能设备。



solar power

adventages lack of pollution given off by solar panels when generating electricity cheaper disadventages solar panels are expensive to build difficult to storing solar energy until it is needed Ocean Park warms to benefits of solar power Ocean Park pl to power with solar energy some of the new facilities in its HK$5.5 billion expion theme park chairman Allan Zeman has disclosed. He said the park is discussing with several panies worldwide the possibility of designing environmentally friendly buildings using solar energy for their cooling and water purification systems. Zeman said he wants to bring in new technologies to enhance Ocean Park"s reputation as an environmentally friendly theme park while at the same time help visitors learn more about conserving energy. Friends of the Earth director Mei Ng Fong Siu-mei weled the idea. "Theme parks like Ocean Park and Hong Kong Disneyland should utilize more green technology " Ng said. "They should not only concentrate on making money." Andrew Leung Yee-tak a building and construction professor at City University of Hong Kong said the use of solar energy has already been tested by the Science and Technology Park which has installed solar energy panels on the side of one building. Leung believes Ocean Park is an ideal venue for the use of solar energy because it is spacious and exposed to sunshine. He said a 0.37-meter-square photovoltaic panel is able to generate light equivalent to 40 watts meaning a 35 000 sq ft area will provide enough energy for 10 000 lights. Leung said the theme park could also use solar energy for some of its rides not to mention the expanded water world that Zeman promised and which will include such marine specimens as white whales polar bears penguins walruses and sharks.

(Believed You Were) Lucky 歌词

歌曲名:(Believed You Were) Lucky歌手:"Til Tuesday专辑:Coming Up Close: A Retrospective林俊杰&张婧 - Luckymusic...Do you hear me,I"m talking to youAcross the water across the deep blue oceanUnder the open sky, oh my, baby I"m tryingBoy I hear you in my dreamsI feel your whisper across the seaI keep you with me in my heartYou make it easier when life gets hardI"m lucky I"m in love with my best friendLucky to have been where I have beenLucky to be coming home againOoohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh oohThey don"t know how long it takesWaiting for a love like thisEvery time we say goodbyeI wish we had one more kissI"ll wait for you I promise you, I willI"m lucky I"m in love with my best friendLucky to have been where I have beenLucky to be coming home againLucky we"re in love every wayLucky to have stayed where we have stayedLucky to be coming home somedayAnd so I"m sailing through the seaTo an island where we"ll meetYou"ll hear the music fill the airI"ll put a flower in your hairThough the breezes through treesMove so pretty you"re all I seeAs the world keeps spinning roundYou hold me right here right nowI"m lucky I"m in love with my best friendLucky to have been where I have beenLucky to be coming home againI"m lucky we"re in love every wayLucky to have stayed where we have stayedLucky to be coming home somedayOoohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh oohOoooh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh oohhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8459839

高手辨别下lee牛仔裤的真假,泰国曼谷king power免税店lee专柜买的,折合人民币450

king power绝对不会卖假货!放心好了。

was和were,has been 和have been这两组分别用法?


提供一下《Hate》的歌词,好象是Cat Power 或Tori Amos唱的,一个女歌手。谢谢了…

hate 应该是cat power的吧!



二手市场带软驱的苹果笔记本电脑PowerBook 100卖100元值不值?


PowerPC G4 这个是什么处理器

由苹果、摩托罗拉、IBM三家公司共同开发的PowerPC G4处理器,是第一种能够持续以1 gigaflop(每秒钟至少进行10 亿次浮点运算的工作能力)以上速度运行的超级计算机处理器。一部1GHz速度的Powerbook G4就已经突破了7.5gigaflops大关。这是在引擎的运行速度上不同于Wintel架构处理器的地方。PowerPC G4之所以能达到如此高的速度,原因之一就是它内藏的"极速引擎"处理单元。极速引擎可以每次处理128位长度的数据区段,远大于传统处理器的32位或64位区段(这也就是通常在科学用超级电脑上所使用的128位向量处理技术,而且我们还额外增加了162道新的指令来提升运算速度)。此外,PowerPC G4还可以在一次循环中运行4次(有时8次)32位浮点运算--这是通常PC机处理器运算速度的二至四倍。还有在抢占式多任务的处理,OpenGL的速度表现,操作系统Mac OS X Jaguar与PowerPC G4的完美组合也都是为了给你带来最佳效能。   虽然如此,有着“极速引擎”PowerPC的处理器在主频上一直是没有太大的突破。12寸的Powerbook G4,主频为1GHz,二级缓存为512K,总线速率为133MHz。在三款Powerbook G4的处理器里面,二级缓存皆为512K,而系统总线速率略有不同,主频为1.25GHz的15寸与1.33GHz的17寸的Powerbook G4处理系统总线达到了167MHz.

苹果笔记本powerbook G4,型号A1025,生产日期2002年,请问操作系统去哪儿下载


小弟现在POWERBOOK G4笔记本一台,但因系统坏了,想重新安装一个苹果的系统,但不知用那一个好!

苹果自己的雪豹 买张D版就行了


Power Book G4是PPC的处理器,系统最高只能支持到Mac OS 10.4,无法支持windows系统;QQ可以下载老的版本,支持PPC的版本才可以,其它软件也必须是支持PPC或者Universal的才能用。所有软件,只要是支持的都不需要什么助理软件,直接可以安装。

apple air电脑里的power nap什么作用

关于 Power Nap 功能处于睡眠状态时,您的 Mac 能通过 Power Nap 功能执行定期检查新邮件、日历及其他 iCloud 更新之类的操作。接通交流电源后,借助 Power Nap 功能,还可以在 Mac 进入睡眠状态后执行备份到 AirPort Time Capsule 的 Time Machine 备份和下载 OS X 软件更新之类的操作。当兼容的 Mac 进入睡眠时,Power Nap 仍会执行以下操作:邮件 - 接收新邮件。通讯录 - 通讯录会随着您可能已在其他设备上所做的任何更改而更新。日历 - 接收新邀请及日历更新。提醒事项 - 提醒事项会随着您可能已在其他设备上所做的任何更改而更新。备忘录 - 备忘录会随着您可能已在其他设备上所做的任何更改而更新。您 iCloud 帐户中的文稿 - iCloud 会将您对文稿所做的任何编辑推送至您的 Mac 笔记本电脑。照片流 - 照片流会更新来自 iPhone、iPad 或 iPod touch 的新照片。查找我的 Mac - 定位丢失的 Mac 笔记本电脑,即使它处于睡眠状态也能找到。请求 VPN 域 - 公司电子邮件会安全地更新。移动设备管理 - 远程锁定和擦除电脑。 将 Mac 插入交流电源插座时,Power Nap 可执行更多操作:下载软件更新使用 Time Machine 进行备份执行 Spotlight 索引编制继续在后台下载 Mac App Store 项目,包括软件更新更新“帮助中心”内容Apple 无线支持和第三方无线基站时唤醒可以使用 Power Nap 功能的 Mac以下 Mac 电脑可以使用 Power Nap 功能。其中某些电脑可能需要安装 SMC 更新才能使用此功能。笔记本电脑需要安装 OS X Mountain Lion v10.8 或更高版本。台式电脑需要安装 OS X Mavericks v10.9 或更高版本。

在家中翻出苹果powerbook 5300,将近20年前的笔记本电脑了,有收藏价值吗?还有改装成现代化配置值不值?

这个收藏价值是有一点的,改装成现代化配置就不值了。现在电子产品更新换代很快,科技在进步啊,你的苹果powerbook 5300绝对是老爷机了,留着进博物馆吧。计算机(俗称电脑)是20世纪最伟大的科学技术发明之一,1946年2月14日,由美国军方定制的世界上第一台电子计算机“电子数字积分计算机”(ENIAC Eletronic Numerical And Calculator)在美国宾夕法尼亚大学问世。1.第1代计算机:电子管数字计算机(1946—1958年) 2.第2代计算机:晶体管数字计算机(1958—1964年)3.第3代计算机:集成电路数字计算机(1964—1970年)4.第4代计算机:大规模集成电路计算机(1970年至今)

苹果power book g4是哪年生产的

推出时间起码在10年前,记得2003年我就见过了网上论坛看到以下描述:苹果首席执行官Steve Jobs在2001年MacWorld Conference & Expo会议上介绍了钛制PowerBook G4笔记本,后来还赢得了“钛书”的称号。不过苹果在2003年旧金山Macworld大会上推出的铝制PowerBook G4笔记本以其背光键盘和多尺寸设计更是赢得了不少的赞誉。铝制PowerBook G4笔记本也是最后一款PowerBook系列笔记本,当初推出时有12寸和17寸两种款式,其中12寸版使用867MHz处理器,并配备了USB、以太网和Firewire接口。 而17寸版PowerBook G4被认为是最接近台式机性能的一款,1.0GHzPowerPC 7455处理器,256K二级缓存,1MB三级缓存,分辨率1440 X 900。随着IntelX86架构的使用,PowerBook G4在2006年10月停止了销售,不过其外观设计一直延续到了后来的MacBook Pro。

powerbook g4重装系统抹掉账号

powerbook g4重装系统抹掉账号如下要重装系统/清除账号上被加的密码,你需要一个U盘,至少4G,一台能用的电脑(在你电脑被锁的情况下就只能用别人的了,所以还是在没有被锁的情况下就做好准备吧)。打开电脑,连上网络,再打开浏览器,搜索“电脑店”(,插入优盘(这里添加一项:不一定要U盘,读卡器内存卡也行,只不过这样读取速度可能会受到一定影响,而且读卡器寿命不长,容易坏)。点击“U盘启动”静静等待,等进度条涨满了,一个引导U盘就新鲜出炉了。不过现在这个U盘只是个微型系统,还不能给你装系统在电脑上,你还需要一个系统包。清除登陆密码:就打开“登录密码清除”,打开软件后如下然后直接点击右上角的“打开”,他就会搜索出你电脑里的系统上的所有账户名,显示在左下角的框框中。选中你要清除密码的账户,点击“清除密码”就OK,然后重启就没有密码了重装系统:点击“电脑店PE一键装机”,:最上面一排选中还原分区,路径框里默认选择U盘里放的系统,它没有找到就自己去找,点“更多”,准备就绪后选中你的系统盘("C 盘"),然后点击确定,等进度条涨满后就可以拔掉U盘重启了。期间电脑自己会再重启一遍,不要担心。进入系统后所有驱动都没有装,或者系统里集成了万能驱动,能用但不能发挥电脑的最佳性能,这时候有驱动光盘的就拿出来放进光驱装驱动,没有光驱的就网上下载一个“驱动精灵”,用驱动精灵自己打驱动。



百晓生如何翻译?肯定不是xiaosheng bai,怎么也应该是konwer之类的。

这只能用意译的了,最贴切的大概就是 Mr.(或Dr.) Know-it-all 了。

有一首歌的歌词前面是you u2006were the shadow to my life。一个女生唱的英文


找一首英文歌 沙哑的女声 歌词how long were i need you 是对我而言 可爱

Ellie Goulding的How Long Will I Love You ?

英语演讲稿THE POWER OF ...

Thank you! Chief Justice Rehnquist, President Carter, President Bush , President Clinton, distinguished guests and my fellow citizens, the peaceful transfer of authority is rare in history, yet common in our country. With a simple oath, we affirm old traditions and make new beginnings. As I begin, I thank President Clinton for his service to our nation. And I thank Vice President Gore for a contest conducted with spirit and ended with grace. I am honored and humbled to stand here, where so many of America"s leaders have come before me, and so many will follow. We have a place, all of us, in a long story -- a story we continue, but whose end we will not see. It is the story of a new world that became a friend and liberator of the old, a story of a slave-holding society that became a servant of freedom, the story of a power that went into the world to protect but not possess, to defend but not to conquer. It is the American story -- a story of flawed and fallible people, united across the generations by grand and enduring ideals. The grandest of these ideals is an unfolding American promise that everyone belongs, that everyone deserves a chance, that no insignificant person was ever born. Americans are called to enact this promise in our lives and in our laws. And though our nation has sometimes halted, and sometimes delayed, we must follow no other course. Through much of the last century, America"s faith in freedom and democracy was a rock in a raging sea. Now it is a seed upon the wind, taking root in many nations. Our democratic faith is more than the creed of our country, it is the inborn hope of our humanity, an ideal we carry but do not own, a trust we bear and pass along. And even after nearly 225 years, we have a long way yet to travel. While many of our citizens prosper, others doubt the promise, even the justice, of our own country. The ambitions of some Americans are limited by failing schools and hidden prejudice and the circumstances of their birth. And sometimes our differences run so deep, it seems we share a continent, but not a country. We do not accept this, and we will not allow it. Our unity, our union, is the serious work of leaders and citizens in every generation. And this is my solemn pledge: I will work to build a single nation of justice and opportunity. I know this is in our reach because we are guided by a power larger than our selves who creates us equal in His image. And we are confident in principles that unite and lead us onward. America has never been united by blood or birth or soil. We are bound by ideals that move us beyond our backgrounds, lift us above our interests and teach us what it means to be citizens. Every child must be taught these principles. Every citizen must uphold them. And every immigrant, by embracing these ideals, makes our country more, not less, American. Today, we affirm a new commitment to live out our nation"s promise through civility, courage, compassion and character. America, at its best, matches a commitment to principle with a concern for civility. A civil society demands from each of us good will and respect, fair dealing and forgiveness. Some seem to believe that our politics can afford to be petty because, in a time of peace, the stakes of our debates appear small. But the stakes for America are never small. If our country does not lead the cause of freedom, it will not be led. If we do not turn the hearts of children toward knowledge and character, we will lose their gifts and undermine their idealism. If we permit our economy to drift and decline, the vulnerable will suffer most. We must live up to the calling we share. Civility is not a tactic or a sentiment. It is the determined choice of trust over cynicism, of community over chaos. And this commitment, if we keep it, is a way to shared accomplishment. America, at its best, is also courageous. Our national courage has been clear in times of depression and war, when defending common dangers defined our common good. Now we must choose if the example of our fathers and mothers will inspire us or condemn us. We must show courage in a time of blessing by confronting problems instead of passing them on to future generations. Together, we will reclaim America"s schools, before ignorance and apathy claim more young lives. We will reform Social Security and Medicare, sparing our children from struggles we have the power to prevent. And we will reduce taxes, to recover the momentum of our economy and reward the effort and enterprise of working Americans. We will build our defenses beyond challenge, lest weakness invite challenge. We will confront weapons of mass destruction, so that a new century is spared new horrors. The enemies of liberty and our country should make no mistake: America remains engaged in the world by history and by choice, shaping a balance of power thatf avors freedom. We will defend our allies and our interests. We will show purpose without arrogance. We will meet aggression and bad faith with resolve and strength. And to all nations, we will speak for the values that gave our nation birth. America, at its best, is compassionate. In the quiet of American conscience, we know that deep, persistent poverty is unworthy of our nation"s promise. And whatever our views of its cause, we can agree that children at risk are not at fault. Abandonment and abuse are not acts of God, they are failures of love. And the proliferation of prisons, however necessary, is no substitute for hope and order in our souls. Where there is suffering, there is duty. Americans in need are not strangers, they are citizens, not problems, but priorities. And all of us are diminished when any are hopeless. Government has great responsibilities for public safety and public health, for civil rights and common schools. Yet compassion is the work of a nation, not just a government. And some needs and hurts are so deep they will only respond to a mentor"s touch or a pastor"s prayer. Church and charity, synagogue and mosque lend our communities their humanity, and they will have an honored place in our plans and in our laws. Many in our country do not know the pain of poverty, but we can listen to those who do. And I can pledge our nation to a goal: When we see that wounded traveler on the road to Jericho, we will not pass to the other side. America, at its best, is a place where personal responsibility is valued and expected. Encouraging responsibility is not a search for scapegoats, it is a call to conscience. And though it requires sacrifice, it brings a deeper fulfillment. We find the fullness of life not only in options, but in commitments. And we find that children and community are the commitments that set us free. Our public interest depends on private character, on civic duty and family bonds and basic fairness, on uncounted, unhonored acts of decency which give direction to our freedom. Sometimes in life we are called to do great things. But as a saint of our times has said, every day we are called to do small things with great love. The most important tasks of a democracy are done by everyone. I will live and lead by these principles: to advance my convictions with civility, to pursue the public interest with courage, to speak for greater justice and compassion, to call for responsibility and try to live it as well. In all these ways, I will bring the values of our history to the care of our times. What you do is as important as anything government does. I ask you to seek a common good beyond your comfort; to defend needed reforms against easy attacks; to serve your nation, beginning with your neighbor. I ask you to be citizens: citizens, not spectators; citizens, not subjects; responsible citizens, building communities of service and a nation of character. Americans are generous and strong and decent, not because we believe in ourselves, but because we hold beliefs beyond ourselves. When this spirit of citizenship is missing, no government program can replace it. When this spirit is present, no wrong can stand against it. After the Declaration of Independence was signed, Virginia statesman John Page wrote to Thomas Jefferson: "We know the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong. Do you not think an angel rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm?" Much time has passed since Jefferson arrived for his inauguration. The yearsand changes accumulate. But the themes of this day he would know: our nation"s grand story of courage and its simple dream of dignity. We are not this story"s author, who fills time and eternity with his purpose. Yet his purpose is achieved in our duty, and our duty is fulfilled in service to one another. Never tiring, never yielding, never finishing, we renew that purpose today, to make our country more just and generous, to affirm the dignity of our lives and every life. This work continues. This story goes on. And an angel still rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm. God bless you all, and God bless America.

sear tower是哪里

芝加哥的美国第一高塔,希尔斯大厦(SEAR TOWER),在芝加哥的闹市区



网站打不开出现这个:The website you were trying to reach is temporarily unavailable.什么原因?



  Sears Tower (Sears Tower) is the highest in North America and the world"s third tallest building, the first floor features 103 viewing hall, take the elevator is only 55 seconds away. Best viewing time Sears Tower observation hall is at 15:00 later.  Chicago is the cradle of modern skyscrapers over 200 meters high building has 22, including three ranked in the world"s tallest 20 buildings. Chicago high-rise building styles emphasize, if you look around the expo is the high-rise building, a number of skyscrapers is the classic textbook of modern architecture. Where to Chicago sightseeing tourists, all for the urban areas that row upon row of skyscrapers mix of admiration.  西尔斯大厦(Sears Tower)是北美最高和世界第三高的大楼,第103层设有观景厅,乘电梯仅55秒钟即可到达。西尔斯大厦观景厅的最佳观赏时间是在下午3时以后。芝加哥是现代摩天大楼的摇篮,超过200米高的建筑有22栋,其中有3栋位列于世界最高的20栋建筑。芝加哥强调高层建筑的风格各异,放眼看去就是高层建筑的博览会,一些摩天大楼是现代建筑学的经典教材。凡到芝加哥观光旅游的游客,无不为市区那鳞次栉比、千姿百态的摩天大楼所叹服。

sears tower是什么意思


sears tower是什么意思

西尔斯大厦(Sears Tower)是北美最高和世界第三高的大楼,第103层设有观景厅,乘电梯仅55秒钟即可到达。西尔斯大厦观景厅的最佳观赏时间是在下午3时以后。芝加哥是现代摩天大楼的摇篮,超过200米高的建筑有22栋,其中有3栋位列于世界最高的20栋建筑。芝加哥强调高层建筑的风格各异,放眼看去就是高层建筑的博览会,一些摩天大楼是现代建筑学的经典教材。凡到芝加哥观光旅游的游客,无不为市区那鳞次栉比、千姿百态的摩天大楼所叹服。

power converter是什么意思

power converter 大功率变换器;电力变换机 电源转换器;变流器;功率转换器例句筛选1.It will be the largest power converter system of this type ever built.这将是该类型有史以来建成的最大的电源转换系统。2.Study on Commutation Technique of Single - phase Matrix Power Converter单相矩阵式电力变换器换流技术研究

beyonce的《if i were a boy》中文翻译

你把英文歌词给我 我给你翻译

碧昂丝《if i were a boy》歌词(一句中文,一句英文)

if i were a boy even just for a day 哪怕仅仅只有一天,如果我是一个男孩,i"d roll out of bed in the morning 我会在清晨翻身下床,and throw on what i wanted and go 出门,并且想穿什么就穿什么。drink beer with the guys 和那群哥们儿大灌啤酒,and chase after girls 然后跟在女孩们屁股后头。i"d kick it with who i wanted 追求我喜欢的那个妞儿,and i"d never get confronted for it 并且对谁都逢场作戏,"cause they stick up for me 否则她们会粘着我。if i were a boy 如果我是一个男孩,i think i could understand 我想我会明白,how it feels to love a girl 爱上一个女孩会是怎样的感觉,i swear i"d be a better man 我会发誓我要做一个好男人。i"d listen to her 我会倾听她的诉说,"cause i know how it hurts 因为我懂得那是怎样的伤害:when you lose the one you wanted 当你失去你爱的人,"cause he"s taking you for granted 因为他把你的爱视为理所当然,and everything you had got destroyed 于是你曾得到的一切终于被破坏。if i were a boy 如果我是一个男孩,i would turn off my phone 我会挂掉我的电话,tell everyone it"s broken 告诉所有人它坏了,so they"d think that i was sleeping alone 然后让他们觉得我独自躺在床上做梦。i"d put myself first 我会把自己放在第一位,and make the rules as i go 特立独行,按我的规矩走。"cause i know that she"d be faithful 因为我知道她的忠诚,waiting for me to come home, to come home 等着我回家,一直等着我。if i were a boy 如果我是一个男孩,i think i could understand 我想我会明白,how it feels to love a girl 爱上一个女孩会是怎样的感觉,i swear i"d be a better man 我会发誓我要做一个好男人。i"d listen to her 我会倾听她的诉说,"cause i know how it hurts 因为我懂得那是怎样的伤害:when you lose the one you wanted 当你失去你爱的人,"cause he"s taking you for granted 因为他把你的爱视为理所当然,and everything you had got destroyed 于是你曾得到的一切终于被破坏。it"s a little too late for you to come back 太晚了,虽然现在你又想回来,say it"s just a mistake 轻描淡写那只是出了一点点错,think i"d forgive you like that 觉得我会像以往那样原谅你?if you thought i would wait for you 如果你以为我会等下去,you thought wrong 你的想法大错特错。but you"re just a boy 可你只是个男孩,and you don"t understand, oh 所以你根本就不明白,how it feels to love a girl 爱上一个女孩会是怎样的感觉,someday you wish you were a better man 然后有一天你希望自己能成为一个好男人。you don"t listen to her 你从不倾听她的诉说,you don"t care how it hurts 你并不在乎她有多受伤,until you lose the one you wanted 直到你终于失去你的最爱,"cause you"re taking her for granted 只因为你把她的爱视为理所当然,and everything you had got destroyed 于是你曾得到的一切终于被破坏。but you"re just a boy 因为你只是个男孩。

(Unfortunately) they were out when out when we called.这里unfortunate为什么用副词?


在找一首英文歌名字忘了,内容好像是you were everything to me

blue的one loveYou"re my everythin" I don"t wanna give up I don"t wanna give in Everybody sing One love for the mother"s pride One love for the times we cried One love gotta stay alive...I will survive One love for the city streets One love for the hip hop beats One love oh I do believe One love is all we need

求the power of a broken heart的歌词

"The Power of Broken Heart" - Luis Fonsi & Christina Valemi Slowly my days are passing by So far away from everything I loved But I know that I"ll hold them to my pride(my pride) And the memory of you inside my heart There is a place on which far beyond the stars Where all my kingdom is lying in your arms Where all my dreams and my wishes will come true And thats where I have to keep to stay forever with you With the power of the broken heart And the courage of an endless love I will fight for everything I"ve lost And no matter when we"ll come I won"t give up With the power of the broken heart I won"t stop until I leave behind Every moment spent away from you In the distance of the last goodbye After the daylight comes to night And I look at the moon that shines for you and me Seems alike she tells me with her smile(her smile) With together we are ment to be There is a place on which far beyond the stars Where all my kingdom is lying in your arms Where all my dreams and my wishes will come true And thats where I have to keep to stay forever with you With the power of the broken heart And the courage of an endless love I will fight for everything I"ve lost And no matter when we"ll come I won"t give up With the power of the broken heart I won"t stop until I leave behind Every moment spent away from you And the distance of a last goodbye So many shattered dreams along the way This is a price we have to pay for cruel and be shamed But I believed that we will make it through Because our love can never die With the power of the broken heart And the courage of an endless love I will fight for everything I"ve lost And no matter when we"ll come I won"t give up With the power of the broken heart I won"t stop until I leave behind Every moment spent away from you In the distance of a last goodbye With the power of the broken heart And the courage of an endless love I will fight for everything I love

歌词中包括we were run run running to the sun的歌名......

Run Into The Sun演唱:Yoomiii

answer 的近义词


请问reply to和answer的区别

reply to回复(比如回信给发信人)answer回答(比如回答问题)

answer=reply to还是reply?

answer既可以做动词也可以做名次replyto 是动词回答reply既可以做动词也可以做名次三个次都有回答的意思

reply reply to answer to answer for的区别与用法


powerbuilder 如何实现窗口间磁性吸附



Powerlite X39流明3500;分辨率1024x768 (XGA);屏幕比例4:3。Powerlite X39教室投影仪,提供卓越的色彩精度,爱普生投影仪提供高色彩亮度。 Powerlite X39可靠且用户友好,具有3500流明的彩色/白色亮度,加上XGA分辨率。 其灯具经久耐用,在ECO模式下可提供长达12,000小时的时间,从而降低了维护成本。爱普生是全球技术领先企业,总部位于日本,目前全球年销售额超过1万亿日元。爱普生通过原创的”省、小、精技术”和”数字技术”,致力于共同创建一个将人、物与信息互联的可持续发展的社会,让世界变得更加和谐美好。在办公和家庭打印、商业和工业打印、制造、视觉、生活方式等领域持续创新,爱普生力争到2050年实现碳负排放及地下资源零消耗(消除对石油和金属等可枯竭地下资源的使用)。

The Power Of Orange Knickers 歌词

歌曲名:The Power Of Orange Knickers歌手:Tori Amos专辑:Paramount Theatre, Denver, Co 4/19/05Tori Amos - The Power of Orange KnickersFeaturing Damien RiceThe power of orange knickersThe power of orange knickersThe power of orange knickersUnder my petty coatThe power of listening to whatYou don"t want me to knowCan somebody tell me now who is this terroristThose girls that smile kindly then rip your life to pieces?Can somebody tell me nwo am I alone with thisThis little pill in my hand and with this secret kissAm I alone in this...A matter of complicationWhen you become a twistFor their latest drinkAs they"re transitioningCan somebody tell me now who is this terroristThis little pill in my hand that keeps the pain laughin"Can somebody tell me now a way out of this -That sacred pipe of red stone could blow me out of this kissAm I alone in this...The power of orange knickersUnder my petty coatThe power of listening to whatYou don"t want me to knowShame shame time to leave me nowShame shame you"ve had your funShame shame for letting me think that I would be the oneCan somebody tell me now who is this terroristThis little pill in my hand or this secret kissAm I alone in this kissAm I alone in this kisshttp://music.baidu.com/song/8459692


//简单示例如下:treeviewitem ltviltvi.children=false//设置节点是否有子节点ltvi.data= "mydata"//设置节点的数据ltvi.label= "mylabel"//设置节点的文本long item_pos//节点要插入的位置,如果想在根节点下插入,设置0即可tv_1.insertitemlast(item_pos,ltvi)//这个的返回值就是插入好的节点的位置,如果要在这个节点下继续插入节点,让item_pos再等于这个的返回值,再继续插入。

open your eyes for the right aswer 什么意思啊


英语to strengthen willpower怎么翻译?

威尔泡挖 差不多就是这么念的。

Hurricanes are killer windsuff0cand theiruff08destructionuff09power lies in the physical damage they can do

应该用形容词 因为作定语 有的也用名词作定语如apple tree

传真机提示来传真,机器是自动接收,可是放进去纸总是提示warming up,power save.接收不了传真,怎么办?

那是节电模使用节电模式时,当打印机完成打印任务后,打印机在等待预先选择的时间长度后,就转为待机模式,从而节约能源。 1当您从应用软件变更打印设置时,访问打印机属性。见5.1页访问打印机属性。 2点击选项(option)选项卡,从节电模式(power save mode)的下列菜单中选择所需的时间长度。 如果打印机始终需使用,选择关(off),这样就使打印机保持就绪状态,能以最短的预热时间进行打印。这需要使用较多的能源来保持打印机预热和就绪的状态。3点击确定(ok)

3 On the wall___-_two large portraits(B) A hangs B hang C hanged D are hanging 4 What were you do

3C 4B

in the 100 years,humans will have fewer things to do中human应怎么填

human[英]["hju:mu0259nz][美]["hju:mu0259nz]n.人,人类 in the 100 years,humans will have fewer things to do就是用humans ,因为后面用的是haveIn these 100 years, there will be fewer things to be done.

power coated 就是喷塑的意思吗 ?

power coated喷涂

power flow 与 power injection是什么? 电力系统

前者翻译成“潮流” 在电气工程中,潮流指电力系统中各节点电压、各支路有功功率、无功功率的分布. 后者高压注入

power coated 就是喷塑的意思吗

power coated 就是镀锌的意思

宋岳庭life is a struggle的power paper respect什么意思,。

我觉得大概可以意会为权力,金钱,声望。paper 应该有money 的意思吧,喜欢这首歌,你研究还蛮仔细的嘛,以前我都没想过,呵呵。





华硕b360 提示cpu power enhancement 是什么意思


sika power这种胶经过高温的加热和铁的气温融合在一起对人体的危害性有多大?

sika power胶是一种专门用于汽车工业焊装车间的一种为下沉淀材料准备的金属胶。是一种需要高温下变成液体的胶。这种胶的气味非常的独特。这种胶叫西卡密封胶来自瑞士。你工作的时候有一把焊接用的枪吧。这把枪是有辐射的,当然意思对身体也不好。焊接时一定要带上耳塞,防止长时间工作,对听力产生影响! 你提问到的铁如果过大或者过量的话也是会中毒的,摄入过量可溶性铁盐导致的急性铁中毒表现为胃肠道损伤,代谢性酸中毒,休克和中毒性肝炎。这种胶在高温下会跑出来的气体是叫金属烟,由吸入金属烟所致的以骤起体温升高和外周血白细胞计数增多为主要表现的全身性疾病,常在接触金属氧化物烟后6一12小时[8]起发病,有头晕、乏力、胸闷、气急、肌肉关节酸痛,以后发热,白细胞增多,重者有畏寒、寒颤。 焊烟尘中的锰、铝、铅等有密不可分的联系。采用WHO.NCTB测试,结果行为功能总分与尿锰存在负相关,提示神经行为功能的变化可作为预防锰中毒的早期指标之一。国外研究有电焊作业工人行为功能总分反而较对照组升高的报告,作者分析可能是工人健康效应和工作相关技能训练效应所致[。电焊作业对工人副交感神经调查功能的影响也有报道。国外尚有报道帕金氏综合症在电焊工人群中的发病年龄明显提前[平均46岁,对照组平均63岁),提示电焊作业是帕金氏综合症的危险因素之一。 生殖毒性的结局意义重大,故近10年来国内外开展了一些关于电焊作业生殖毒性的研究,主要涉及男工精液质量、女工生殖结局及损害机制。研究表明:电焊女工月经的经量增加、周期缩短、经期延长、白带增加,自然流产、早产、痛经、均较对照组高,锰中毒男工精液外观呈均匀灰白色,PH值正常,平均液化时间比对照组延长。检验结果证明,锰中毒男工平均一次射精量、精子总数、精子存活率及活动精子率均比对照组下降,锰中毒男工精子畸形率明显高于对照组,认为金属锰能够影响男工生精系统,对精子的发育有直接毒作用,并能杀伤精子,从而引起男性精液质量的改变。工作时要戴好口罩·手套,且工作后要洗手;如果长时间的焊接要定期的进行身体检查,在工作中做到有张有持,就像我们晒太阳,晒久了也会对人身体不好的。 为预防电光性眼炎,电焊工人操作时一定要戴上防护面罩或眼镜。此外,高原、雪地或沙漠日光反射后的紫外线也可使人发生电光性眼炎,因此也需戴上防护眼镜。 对此我回答的只能这些了,建议你对待自己的身体,不要到最后挣钱全都买药了。祝愿你能有一个健康的身体。有革命的本钱,

单片机的power-down 和idle模式,请解释一下?

它们都是单片机的低功耗运行方式. power-down也就是掉电工作模式,你一但进入了掉电模式,单片机内部的振荡器就会停止工作,也就是说.时钟被冻结了,这时所有功能都无法实现,但有一点,芯片内部RAM的内容是保持不变的.什么功能都被冻结,功耗当然小,此时,只要用2V左右的电源就可以了,耗电电流也降到了微安级. idle也就是待机模式,进入该模式,片内振荡器并没被冻结,冻结的是CPU,时钟信号依然能提供给中断逻辑,串行口和定时器,由于中断逻辑没被冻结,所以只要有任何一个允许的中断请求被响应,芯片内部马上强制退出待机模式,进入中断服务. 我们是通过改写特殊功能寄存器PCON的控制字来进入掉电和待机模式的,PCON.0和PCON.1分别代表idle和powerdown,今它们置1即可~~~

I used to do that when you were a little girl 这句是宾语从句 对吧

I used to do that when you were a little girl 这句是宾语从句 I used to do that when you were a litt...的中文翻译_百度翻译I used to do that when you were a little girl 当你还是个小女孩的时候,我常常这样做全部释义和例句试试人工翻译


powershell-无法加载文件,因为在此系统中禁止执行脚本。写了一个powershell脚本测试脚本,结果执行的时候报错 $a=Get-Content C:script.txt | select-string -pattern "ora" if ( $a -eq $null ) { write-host "error" } else { write-host "OK" } PS D:> .pshell.ps1 无法加载文件 D:pshell.ps1,因为在此系统中禁止执行脚本。有关详细信息,请参阅 "get-help about_signing"。 所在位置 行:1 字符: 13 + .pshell.ps1 <<<< + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], PSSecurityException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : RuntimeException 查明了原因是由于操作系统默认禁止执行脚本,执行一次set-executionpolicy remotesigned后脚本顺利执行 关于Set-ExecutionPolicy详细信息 Set-ExecutionPolicy 可更改 Windows PowerShell 执行策略的用户首选项。要在 Windows Vista、Windows Server 2008 和 Windows 的更高版本上运行此命令,必须使用"以管理员身份运行"选项启动 Windows PowerShell,即使您是计算机上 Administrators 组的成员,执行策略是 Windows PowerShell 安全策略的一部分。它确定是否可以加载配置文件(包括 Windows PowerShell 配置文件)和运行脚本,并且确定哪些脚本(如果有)在运行之前必须进行数字签名。

Nobody _the answer.


If you answer no, there was a reason why这句话对吗?

不对。If you don"t agree. please give me yourreason for it.

Eat No Fish的《Answer》 歌词

歌曲名:Answer歌手:Eat No Fish专辑:Greedy For Life「ANSWER」作词∶黒崎真音作/编曲:井内舞子歌∶黒崎真音终わりの无い迷路を彷徨い続けた停止した时间は何処へ向かうのだろう见上げた红い空は空虚な异次元(スベース)现れた绝望は自分自身の影见ているだけじゃ失うだけ 何も始まらない闘いは不可欠(ネセサリー)I got to try to find the ANSWER.cause wanna be myself keep on fighting.どんな暗闇だって意味を持っているから 全て必然「结论(こたえ)」はいつだって自ら作り上げるモノ仆は二度と 谛めない自分の影に负けないようにココロに入り込んで侵食されても选択の行方は「进む」以外は无い嫌なモノから 逃れる为の言い訳の结界(バリア)全て抹消(リセット)してDon"t ever give up and find the ANSWER.If lose something then get another.揺らぐ事无い思いチカラに変えていけるレベル0でも「结论(こたえ)」を谁もが探し求め生きてるなら仆は二度 逃げはしないこの胸に解る その时まで伪りの姿 创り上げてもそれは「强さ」じゃないDon"t ever give up and find the ANSWER.If lose something then get another.行き着く先で何度路に迷ったとしても「结论(こたえ)」は一つI got to try to find the ANSWER.cause wanna be myself keep on fighting.どんな暗闇だって意味を持っているから 全て必然「结论(こたえ)」はいつだって自ら作り上げるモノ仆は二度と 谛めない自分の影に もう负けない!【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/2717262


Answer(日文罗马中文对照歌词)仆にはそれがひとつのAnswerboku nihasoregahitotsuno Answer对于我来说 那是唯一的答案永远に君を守りたいんだeien ni kimi wo mamo ritainda希望能够永远守护你近くにいるそれだけでchika kuniirusoredakede只是近近在你身边胸を苦しくさせる物はなんだろう?mune wo ku shikusaseru mono hanandarou ?为什么有心疼的感觉言叶では伝わらないkotoba deha duta waranai那种用语言无法表达的こんな热い気持ちは 初めてなんだkonna atsu i kimo chiha haji metenanda第一次的炙热的情感でも君は知らない ずっとdemo kimi ha shi ranai zutto然而你 却一直不知道风がただ吹いてるだけkaze gatada fu I te ru da ke只有那 微风轻轻拂过いつかのために 爱があるならItsu kano ta me ni ai gaa ru na ra假若说爱的存在 只是要为了将来その日が来るまで このままでいいsono hi ga ku rumade konomamadeii那天来到为止就保持这样吧君の心が折れそうな时kimi no kokoro ga o resouna toki当你遇到了挫折 心里如同被刀割运命のようにこの手伸ばそうunmei no youniko noteno basou命运女神一样的我将会对你伸出手【Romaji(Only) by 0taburiss@sosg】そのまま女子の向こうにはsonomama joshi no mu kouniha在这样的女孩对面时に悲しい景色toki ni kana shii keshiki偶尔会有见到悲伤的风景见える日もあるmi eru hi moaru被见到的日子慰めちゃ埋められないnagusa mecha u merarenai无法被埋没的安慰そんな震える肩をsonna furu eru kata wo那微微颤栗的肩膀抱きしめていいよna kishimeteiiyo轻轻抱住就很好なぜ君はひとりで いるの?naze kimi hahitoride iruno ?为什么你只有你一人在这?风に立ち向かうのだろうkaze ni ta chi mu kaunodarou迎着风儿孤独站立仆がいること気づかなくてもboku gairukoto ki dukanakutemo就算没有注意我的存在両手を広げてバリアになろうryoute wo hiro gete baria ninarou我还是会张开双臂作为你的屏障君を伤つけ苦しめるものkimi wo kizu tsuke ku shimerumono你的伤痛和痛苦仆が身代わりに全て受けようboku ga mika warini sube te u keyou全部由我代你受风にいま教えられたkaze niima oshi erareta现在风教会了我这一切いつかのために 爱があるならItsukanotameni ai gaarunara假若说爱的存在 只是要为了将来その日が来るまで このままでいいsono hi ga ku rumade konomamadeii那么在那一天到来之前就这样就好君の心が折れそうな时kimi no kokoro ga o resouna toki当你遇到了挫折 心里如同被刀割运命のようにこの手伸ばそうunmei noyouniko no teno basou命运女神一样的我将会对你伸出手与えるだけの 爱があるんだata erudakeno ai gaarunda有些爱就是用来给予的なんにも知らずに微笑めばいいnannimo shi razuni hohoe mebaii什么也不用知道 只要微笑就很好仆にはそれがひとつのAnswerboku nihasoregahitotsuno Answer对于我 那是唯一的答案気づかせたくない切なさの距离ki dukasetakunai setsu nasa no kyori不想被察觉的让人悲伤的距离

The answer is __.A.no B.not 应选哪个


____you gave were correct.A.no one answers B.no and answer C.none answersD.none of the answers


take no for an answer是什么意思


take no for an answer是什么意思

take no for an answer不作回答双语例句1She is tough, unwilling to take no for an answer.她很强硬,不达目的誓不罢休。2But, uh, this year I will not take no for an answer.但是,呃,今年肯定要走了。

there is no answer to this question 为什么to不可以用abo

介词to表示相对关系,比如答案对问题,钥匙对房门,这种情况下的介词用to。the key to the door意思是:门上的钥匙。the answer to the question 意思是:问题的答案。

take no for an answer是什么意思

take no for an answer英语短语,意思是:不许回答不字;take no for an answer通过不同语境可以有多方面的理解,比如意思可以是:不作回答、誓不罢休、坚持己见。take no for an answer例句:双语例句①She is tough, unwilling to take no for an answer 她很强硬,不达目的誓不罢休。②He would never take no for an answer. 他从来都坚持己见。③I will not take no for an answer. 我不会采取任何一个回答。相似短语:①press for an answer催答复, 催人答复②take no thought for忧伤③take an aversion forv.对...反感④take sb for an airing领某人去散步

求:「Answer」 - ノースリーブス/no3b(AKB48)的罗马音歌词

キスの流星歌:ノースリーブス(from AKB48)一度きりのそのキスは 夜空横切って流星ichido kirinosono kisu ha yozora yokogitte ryuusei何か祈る 余裕も无いくらい儚くnanika inoru yoyuu mo nai kurai bou ku一度きりのそのキスは 胸がときめいて流星ichido kirinosono kisu ha mune gatokimeite ryuusei梦のように一瞬で终わった偶然 爱の奇迹yume noyouni isshun de owa tta guuzen ai no kisekiずっと友达でいようなんて やさしさを取り违えてzutto tomodachi deiyounante yasashisawo torichigae teゆるり离したあなたの手が 余计に寂しくさせるからyururi hanashi taanatano tega yokei ni sabishi kusaserukara潮风が冷たくて いじわるをされたみたいshiokaze ga tsumeta kute ijiwaruwosaretamitaiここまで来たのに砂浜の足迹を 波が消す 何もなかったかのようにkokomade kita noni sunahama no sokuseki wo nami ga kesu nanimo nakattakanoyouni触れたはずの唇は どこか消えていく流星fureta hazuno kuchibiru ha dokoka kie teiku ryuusei记忆の中 光をひきながら切なくkioku no naka hikari wohikinagara setsuna ku触れたはずの唇は どこか消えていく流星fureta hazuno kuchibiru ha dokoka kie teiku ryuusei美しくて思い出にならない幻 爱の痛みutsukushi kute omoide ninaranai maboroshi ai no itami向かい合うことを避けるなんて これ以上近づけないmukai au kotowo sake runante kore ijou chikadu kenai何を心配しているの あなたに伤つけられてもいいnaniwo shinpai shiteiruno anatani kizutsu keraretemoii瞬いた街のひと あなたから见られているshun ita machi nohito anatakara mira reteiru爱していること 感情の高鸣りと冲动に 何をためらったのでしょうitoshi teirukoto kanjou no takanari to shoudou ni naniwo tamerattanodeshou一度きりのそのキスは 夜空横切って流星ichido kirinosono kisu ha yozora yokogitte ryuusei何か祈る 余裕も无いくらい儚くnanika inoru yoyuu mo nai kurai bou ku一度きりのそのキスは 胸がときめいて流星ichido kirinosono kisu ha mune gatokimeite ryuusei梦のように一瞬で终わった偶然 爱の奇迹yume noyouni isshun de owa tta guuzen ai no kisekiもう一度この空に落ちていく星を 见つけたらすぐ抱きしめてmou ichido kono sora ni ochi teiku hoshi wo mitsu ketarasugu daki shimeteキスのつづきしてね 绝対kisu notsudukishitene zettai一度きりのそのキスは 夜空横切って流星ichido kirinosono kisu ha yozora yokogitte ryuusei何か祈る 余裕も无いくらい儚くnanika inoru yoyuu mo nai kurai bou ku触れたはずの唇は どこか消えていく流星fureta hazuno kuchibiru ha dokoka kie teiku ryuusei记忆の中 光をひきながら切なくkioku no naka hikari wohikinagara setsuna ku触れたはずの唇は どこか消えていく流星fureta hazuno kuchibiru ha dokoka kie teiku ryuusei美しくて思い出にならない幻 爱の痛みutsukushi kute omoide ninaranai maboroshi ai no itami


Answer仆にはそれがひとつのAnswerboku nihasoregahitotsuno Answer对于我来说 那是唯一的答案永远に君を守りたいんだeien ni kimi wo mamo ritainda希望能够永远守护你近くにいるそれだけでchika kuniirusoredakede只是近近在你身边胸を苦しくさせる物はなんだろう?mune wo ku shikusaseru mono hanandarou ?为什么有心疼的感觉言叶では伝わらないkotoba deha duta waranai那种用语言无法表达的こんな热い気持ちは 初めてなんだkonna atsu i kimo chiha haji metenanda第一次的炙热的情感でも君は知らない ずっとdemo kimi ha shi ranai zutto然而你 却一直不知道风がただ吹いてるだけkaze gatada fu I te ru da ke只有那 微风轻轻拂过いつかのために 爱があるならItsu kano ta me ni ai gaa ru na ra假若说爱的存在 只是要为了将来その日が来るまで このままでいいsono hi ga ku rumade konomamadeii那天来到为止就保持这样吧君の心が折れそうな时kimi no kokoro ga o resouna toki当你遇到了挫折 心里如同被刀割运命のようにこの手伸ばそうunmei no youniko noteno basou命运女神一样的我将会对你伸出手【Romaji(Only) by 0taburiss@sosg】そのまま女子の向こうにはsonomama joshi no mu kouniha在这样的女孩对面时に悲しい景色toki ni kana shii keshiki偶尔会有见到悲伤的风景见える日もあるmi eru hi moaru被见到的日子慰めちゃ埋められないnagusa mecha u merarenai无法被埋没的安慰そんな震える肩をsonna furu eru kata wo那微微颤栗的肩膀抱きしめていいよna kishimeteiiyo轻轻抱住就很好なぜ君はひとりで いるの?naze kimi hahitoride iruno ?为什么你只有你一人在这?风に立ち向かうのだろうkaze ni ta chi mu kaunodarou迎着风儿孤独站立仆がいること気づかなくてもboku gairukoto ki dukanakutemo就算没有注意我的存在両手を広げてバリアになろうryoute wo hiro gete baria ninarou我还是会张开双臂作为你的屏障君を伤つけ苦しめるものkimi wo kizu tsuke ku shimerumono你的伤痛和痛苦仆が身代わりに全て受けようboku ga mika warini sube te u keyou全部由我代你受风にいま教えられたkaze niima oshi erareta现在风教会了我这一切いつかのために 爱があるならItsukanotameni ai gaarunara假若说爱的存在 只是要为了将来その日が来るまで このままでいいsono hi ga ku rumade konomamadeii那么在那一天到来之前就这样就好君の心が折れそうな时kimi no kokoro ga o resouna toki当你遇到了挫折 心里如同被刀割运命のようにこの手伸ばそうunmei noyouniko no teno basou命运女神一样的我将会对你伸出手与えるだけの 爱があるんだata erudakeno ai gaarunda有些爱就是用来给予的なんにも知らずに微笑めばいいnannimo shi razuni hohoe mebaii什么也不用知道 只要微笑就很好仆にはそれがひとつのAnswerboku nihasoregahitotsuno Answer对于我 那是唯一的答案気づかせたくない切なさの距离ki dukasetakunai setsu nasa no kyori不想被察觉的让人悲伤的距离-End-

恶魔奶爸片尾曲《Answer》歌词 日文 罗马音 中文

仆にはそれがひとつのAnswer永远に君を守りたいんだ对我来说 那是唯一的答案(Answer)就是永远的守护著你近くにいるそれだけで胸を苦しくさせるものは何だろう?言叶では伝わらないこんな热い気持ちは初めてなんだ只要你在身边 单是那样就令内心痛苦起来的东西 究竟是甚麼单靠说话并不能解释这样热炽的感觉 是我第一次感受到でも 君は知らない(ずっと)风がただ吹いているだけ但是 你还不知道(一直如此)你只感到清风在吹送而已いつかのために爱があるならその日が来るまでこのままでいい君の心が折れそうな时运命のようにこの手 伸ばそう要是为了某一天 准备好这份爱那直到那天来临之前 就这样埋藏著好了当你感到灰心的时候才像命运安排一样 将这手伸出来その眼差しの向こうには时に悲しい景色 见える日もある慰めじゃ埋められないそんな震える肩を抱きしめたいよ在你眼帘前出现的有时候会是悲伤的景色只是安慰的说话 并不能掩盖你的失落很想拥抱你那颤抖的双肩なぜ 君は一人で(今も)风に立ち向かうのだろう?为何 你总是一个人(现在如是)独个儿去面对迎来的强风?仆がいること 気づかなくても両手を広げて バリアになろう君を伤つけ苦しめるもの仆が身代わりにすべて 受けよう我的存在 即使你察觉不到我也会伸开两手 做你的防护罩那伤害你的 痛苦的东西由我来代替你 全部承受下来吧风に今 教えられた现在我跟清风学会了いつかのために爱があるならその日が来るまでこのままでいい君の心が折れそうな时运命のようにこの手 伸ばそう要是为了某一天 准备好这份爱那直到那天来临之前 就这样埋藏著好了当你感到灰心的时候才像命运安排一样 将这手伸出来与えるだけの爱があるんだ何も知らずに微笑めばいい仆にはそれがひとつのAnswer気づかせたくない切なさの距离世上有只是付出的爱你不要知道些甚麼 只要就这样微笑就好了对我来说 那就是唯一的答案(Answer)不想让你察觉到 这痛苦思念的距离 boku ni wa sore ga hitosu no Answereien ni kimi wo mamoritaindachikaku ni iru sore dake demune wo kurushiku saseru mono wa nani darou?kotoba de wa tsutawaranaikonna atsui kimochi wa hajimete nandademo kimi wa shiranai(zutto)kaze ga tada fuiteru dakeitsuka no tame ni ai ga aru narasono hi ga kuru made kono mama de iikimi no kokoro ga oresou na tokiunmei no you ni ko no te noba sousono manazashi no mukou ni watoki ni kanashii keshiki mieru hi mo arunagusame ja umerarenaisonna furueru kata wo dakishimetai yonaze kimi wa hitori de(ima mo)kaze ni tachi mukau no darou?boku ga iru koto kizuka nakute moryoute wo hirogete BARIA ni naroukimi wo kizutsuke kurushimeru monoboku ga mikawari ni subete ukeyoukaze ni ima oshieraretaitsuka no tame ni ai ga aru narasono hi ga kuru made kono mama de iikimi no kokoro ga oresou na tokiunmei no you ni ko no te noba soufueru dake no ai ga arundananni mo shirazu ni hohoemeba iiboku ni wa sore ga hitotsu no Answerkizuka setakunai setsuna sa no kyori

As there was no answer,I_______(write)to him aga

As there was no answer,I__wrote_____(write)to him again.使用过去式

---I called you yesterday evening, but there was no answer.     ----- Oh, I’m sorry. I __...

C 考查时态。句意:昨天晚上我给你打电话,但是没人接。噢,很抱歉,我当时正在饭馆吃饭。根据题中的时间状语at that time 时过去进行时的语法标志之一,所以选C。
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