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找一首和solid base-you and me 高潮部分相似的英文歌,是女的唱的 were are...


Microsoft Office PowerPoint 97-2003 Slide Show 格式文件怎么编辑啊?

方法1:把扩展名 PPS 修改成 PPT,双击即可编辑。方法2:右键单击该文件,选“新建”,即可打开文件编辑。

MicroSoft PowerPoint Slide show是什么意思


法拉利推出LaFerrari Power服务计划 进一步拓展售后服务范围

易车讯 近日,法拉利正式推出全新LaFerrari Power服务计划,专为LaFerrari和LaFerrari Aperta 超跑车主提供延长保修和定期保养服务。这也是法拉利首次针对跃马限量版超跑推出此类服务。LaFerrari Power是一项可续订的两年服务计划,并不受跑车生产年份的限制,车主可前往任何一家法拉利官方经销商处激活此项服务。LaFerrari Power服务计划的内容包括为LaFerrari或LaFerrari Aperta提供延长原厂保修服务,其中包括对HY-KERS系统和高压电池等部件的维护。LaFerrari Power服务计划还包括提供年度定期养护。在此期间,受训于马拉内罗的技术人员会对跑车进行全方位的检查和保养,确保其达到最佳车况。

When Anna ____ the room, a group of young men were talking eagerly round the table


powerdesigner16.5破解版 哪里有

软件介绍:powerdesigner16.5破解版是一款专业的建模和数据库设计的软件,它能采用模型驱动方法,将业务与IT结合起来,可帮助部署有效的企业体系架构,并为研发生命周期管理提供强大的分析与设计技术。所需工具:点击下载 powerdesigner16.5 汉化破解版powerdesigner16.5破解教程1、下载本站的powerdesigner16.5破解版的压缩包,并将其解压2、打开文件点击"PowerDesigner165_Evaluation.exe"进行安装3、点击next进行安装4、之后下拉选择hong kong,再接受协议点击下一步安装5、选择安装目录6、选择插件,可以根据自己的需要进行勾选7、勾选添加属性文件8、之后一路回车安装就好,安装需要一点时间,耐心等待一会就好9、打开破解文件,把破解补丁复制到安装目录里10、在安装目录打开"PdShell16.exe"就破解好了的啦!功能介绍1、Data Architect这是一个强大的数据库设计工具,使用Data Architect可利用实体-关系图为一个信息系统创建"概念数据模型"-CDM(Conceptual Data Model)。并且可根据CDM产生基于某一特定数据库管理系统的"物理数据模型"-PDM(Physical Data Model)。还可优化PDM,产生为特定DBMS创建数据库的SQL语句并可以文件形式存储以便在其他时刻运行这些SQL语句创建数据库。另外,Data Architect还可根据已存在的数据库反向生成PDM、CDM及创建数据库的SQL脚本。2、Process Analyst这部分用于创建功能模型和数据流图,创建“处理层次关系”。3、App Modeler为客户/服务器应用程序创建应用模型。4、ODBC Administrator此部分用来管理系统的各种数据源。新功能1、重构模型报告编辑器powerdesigner16.5破解版的模型报告编辑器被重构,在编辑单模型和多模型报告时,提供更加强大的图形化编辑工具。powerdesigner16.5破解版提供全新的格式和编辑模式,继续支持传统的编辑方式,但是将在未来的版本中删除。允许设计人员使用全新的或旧有的格式创建模型报告,并提供简单的一键升级功能,使设计人员使用新的格式转换现有的模型报告。2、导入XML文件可以从一个XML文件中定义的元素之间的映射导入对象,导入文件的格式定义在一个外部文件中,可以被仓库中的所有用户使用,可执行“File”→“Import”→导入文件名称命令来访问,XML文件导入。3、增强对象生成功能在powerdesigner16.5破解版中可以定义高级的对象生成功能,从一个或多个类型的对象生成任何其他类型的对象,并提供对所有属性的完全控制、组成子对象和聚合相关的对象来生成对象的属性。生成映射定义在外部文件中,可以被仓库中的所有用户使用,可执行“Tools”→“Generate Objects”→生成文件名称命令来生成对象。4、增强版本分支功能1)在浏览器模式的分支过滤器。2)每个分支的模型权限。5、增强Power Designer门户功能powerdesigner16.5破解版门户增强功能包括:1)分支过滤器中的资源管理器。2)变更列表支持。6、仓库本地模型缓存在工作区域的新本地缓存用来提供加速检查模型。功能模型1、企业架构模型(EAM)企业架构模型(Enterprise Architecture Model,EAM)帮助设计人员分析并文档化组织结构、业务功能,包括对实现时的物理架构中应用程序和系统的支持。它以图形方式展现企业架构,从而取代文字描述;以偏向非技术性的表达方式,从不同层面表达不同的图示结果。2、需求模型(RQM)需求模型(Requirements Model,RQM)是一种文档式模型,它用来帮助相关人员分析任何一种文档需求,并能链接其他模型中的设计对象。一般使用RQM来表示任何结构化的文档,如需求规格说明书、功能说明书、测试计划和业务目标等,并能将其导出为MS Word或从MS Word导入。3、业务处理模型(BPM)业务处理模型(Business Process Model,BPM)帮助设计人员识别、描述和分解业务处理过程,设计人员可以使用不同粒度分析系统。BPM描述活动从开始到结束在时间或者空间上的顺序,以及输入和输出数据,可以选用BPEL、BPMN或其他的业务流程语言进行分析和处理。4、概念数据模型(CDM)概念数据模型(Conceptual Data Model,CDM)简称概念模型,是面向数据库用户的实现世界的模型,主要用来描述世界的概念化结构,它将现实世界抽象为信息世界。它使数据库的设计人员在设计的初始阶段,摆脱计算机系统及DBMS的具体技术问题,集中精力分析数据以及数据之间的联系等。5、逻辑数据模型(LDM)逻辑数据模型(Logical Data Model,LDM)是CDM的延伸,主要用于表示概念之间的逻辑次序,是属于方法层次的模型。LDM既显示实体、实体属性,以及实体之间的关系,又将继承得到的父实体属性、关联对象的联合主标识符等在实体属性中展示。6、物理数据模型(PDM)物理数据模型(Physical Data Model,PDM)帮助用户分析表、视图和数据库的其他对象,包括数据仓库需要的一些复杂的对象,如存储函数、存储过程等。PDM比CDM和LDM更加具体,用户可以在Power Designer中进行建模、反向工程操作,生成大多数流行的数据库管理系统的数据库。7、XML模型(XSM)XML模型(XML Model,XSM)帮助用户分析XML的Schema定义(XML Schemas Definition ,XSD)、文档类型定义(Document Type Definition,DTD)和XML数据简化(XML-Data Reduced,XDR)文件。用户能进行XML模型建模,以及逆向生成XSD、DTD和XDR格式的文件。8、面向对象模型(OOM)面向对象模型(Object-Oriented Model,OOM)通过用例图、部署图、结构或行为的相关分析图等,利用统一建模语言(Unified Modeling Language,UML)来分析系统信息,使用户可以创建模型,或通过反向工程来生成Java、.NET或者其他语言的代码。9、数据移动模型(DDM)数据移动模型(Data Movement Model,DDM)在组织中提供一个全局性的信息运动模型。设计人员可以分析和记录数据来源,并可对数据进行移动、转换、复制、抽取和清洗等操作。10、自由模型(FEM)自由模型(Free Model,FEM)可以为任何类型的对象或系统建模提供上下文环境,允许自定义概念和图形符号,如可以创建一个自由模型来表示模型和文档之间的相互关系等。

Were you a pianist?回答为什么用was

Were you a pianist ?肯定 回答:Yes, I was . (因为主语是I)



rain,cloud,storm,shower,ice,wind,snow 这几个单词哪些不可数哪些可数,哪些有动词形式?

你好,可数名词: cloud,storm,shower,不可数名词:rain,ice,wind,snowrain解释为雨季时,往往用复数。这些词都可以作动词。

were the world mine的歌词

I see their knavery.This is to make an ass of me.To fright me, if they could.But I will not stir from this place, do what they can.I will work, up and down here.And I will sing, that they shall hear.That I am not, I am not afraid.I am not afraid.I know not by what power I"m made bold.But still you flout my insufficiency.The more my prayer, the lesser is my grace.My ear should catch your voice, my eye your eye.My tongue should catch your tongue"s sweet melody.My tongue, your tongue, were the world mine.And I will sing, that they shall hear. That I am not, I am not afraid.I am not afraid!Faeries away! Fetch me that flower...Up and down, and up and down,I will lead them abandon.Faeries away! Swift as a shadow...Up and down, and up and down,I will lead them abandon!Oh why rebuke, you him that loves you so?!Lay breath so bitter, on your bitter foe.On your bitter foe!What angel wakes me from my flowery bed? I pray thee gentle mortal, sing again.I pray thee gentle mortal, sing again.Mine ear is much enamour"d of thy note.So is mine eye enthralled into thy shape,I"ll follow thee, I"ll follow thee,and make a Heaven of Hell...I"ll follow thee, I"ll follow thee,and make a Heaven of Hell...And make a Heaven of Hell! Faeries away! Fetch me that flower...Up and down, and up and down,I will lead them abandon.Faeries away! Swift as a shadow...Up and down, and up and down,I will lead them abandon!Faeries away! Fetch me that flower...Up and down, and up and down,I will lead them aband-...Faeries away! Swift as a shadow...Up and down, and up and down,I will lead them abandon!My ear should catch your voice...My eye should catch your eye...My tongue, your tongue...Were the world mine...

were doing是什么时态怎么翻译

were doing是过去进行时。 were doing表示在做的意思。 例句: They were doing 70 miles an hour. 他们每小时达到70英里。 Vendors were doing a brisk trade in souvenirs. 小贩们的纪念品生意很兴隆。 扩展资料   He said the protesters were doing a disservice to the nation.   他表示,抗议者们的行为正对国家造成危害。   He should have been aware of what his junior officers were doing.   他本该意识到自己部下在做什么。   They were doing just fine.   他们做得很好。

bap power 中文歌词

power容国:你们捂住耳朵,闭上嘴巴忙着填饱你肚子的roledecalcomanie一般金钱权力名誉永不变的role是时候行动了,打破强者和弱者的局面anthem革命,这是guernica flow因此所有人keep your head up力灿:再也没有了,正义也没有了这是个在金钱面前屈服的世界钟业:在力量者的阴影下没有力量的人就会死亡永才:不对不对啊,不对不对啊no no no,真的不该是这样的大贤:我来了,我们来了,stop合:we got the power,I got the power永才:在那面前你不要屈服别这样,展露你的头脚吧合:we got the power大贤:面对他应战吧不要用天使的脸庞,这样看着我全部都是谎言啊warning warning warning warning warning warning warning warning warning warning warning warning warning warning warning warning aare you ready?everybody say! hate youone more say! hate youeverybody say! hate youone more say!one shot火,挡住明亮的光的那群人们的蛮横two shot恶魔引导这相似的人每天制造着虚情假意three shot带上正义的假面,与之抗争是我的egofour shot跟着节奏,无人知晓地把所有规则都给破坏掉(whoa)现在到了行动的时间(b.a.p)move the crowd action我们要在这世界上引起新的风潮全部跟着我们来,要么就滚开我们是弱者的It"s all passion钟业:真是够了,是虚情假意的吧靠着恶劣的自满生存的世界啊力灿:TV里和我的笑脸践踏了幼小的灵魂永才:不对不对啊,不对不对啊no no no,真的不该是这样的大贤:我来了,我们来了,stop合:we got the power,I got the power永才:在那面前你不要屈服别这样,展露你的头脚吧合:we got the power大贤:面对他应战吧不要用天使的脸庞,这样看着我全部都是谎言啊warning warning warning warning warning warning warning warningeverybody say! hate youone more say! hate youeverybody say! hate youone more say!bomb bomb follow me带着一切力量follow mebomb bomb follow menananana lalalabomb bomb follow me所有人合为一体bomb bomb follow menananana lalala合:we got the power,I got the power永才:在那面前你不要屈服别这样,展露你的头脚吧合:we got the power大贤:面对他应战吧不要用天使的脸庞,这样看着我全部都是谎言啊

the flower of life的歌词是什么?

ShindeitaAsa niTomorai noYuki ga furuHagure inu noTouboeGeta noOtokishimuIin na naomosaMitsumete arukuYami wo dakishimeruJanomeno kasa hitotsuInochi no michi woYuku onnaNamida wa tooniSutemashitaFurimuitaKawa niToozakaruTabinohimaItteta tsuru waUgokasuNaitaAme to kazeKieta mizu mo niHotsure ga miutsushiNamida sae misenaiJanomeno kasa hitotsuUrami no michi woYuku onnaKokoro wa tooniSutemashitaGiri mo nasake moNamida mo yume noKinou mo ashita moHenno nai kotobaUrami no kawa niMi wo yudaneteHonma wa tooniSutemashitaTranslation: Begrieving snow falls in the dead morningStray dog"s howls and the footsteops of Geta pierce the airI walk with the weight of the Milky Way on my shouldersbut an umbrella that holds onto the darkness is all there is.I"m a woman who walks at the brink of life and death who"s emptied my tears many moons ago.All the compassion tears and dreams The snowy nights and tomorrow hold no meaningI"ve immersed my body in the river of veneganceand thrown away my womanhood many moons agoOn the behalf of heaven, they"re our soldiers, the loyal, invincible and brave.Now it"s time for them to leave the country of theirparents their hearts buoyed by encouraging voices.They are solemnly resolved not to return alive, without victory.Here at home, the citizens wait for you.In foreign lands, the brave troopsInstead of kindness from someoneI do not care aboutI rather prefer selifshness from you my beloved.Oh, it the world a dream or an illusion?I am all alone in jail.

Most of the artists_________ to the party were from South Africa.


Most of the artists ______ to the party were from South Africa. A.to be invited B.invited .

B 试题分析:考查分词做定语。本题中的名词artist与动词invite之间构成被动的关系,故使用过去分词的形式做定语,修饰名词就相当于定语从句who were invited to the party。句意:被邀请来参加会议的大多数艺术家都是来自于南非。故B正确。考点:考查分词做定语点评:当名词与动词构成主动关系的时候,使用现在分词做定语;如果二者构成被动关系,使用过去分词做定语。

有谁知道you were my everthingMP3地址?

i don"t know^-^

once upon a time,some children were完形填空及翻译

21. Bran away 逃跑/跑开22. Cwould like to do sth 想要做某事23. C一般过去时,got后面缺少to24. A感谢当然需要一道大餐25. A得到回报,当然是高兴glad26. C句意为转折:我给你两个箱子,但是你只能打开一个27. B从海里面回到家home中,一般过去时28. B一箱金子当然是使他成为富人rich29. C两者中的另外一个用the other








werwer 释 义--------------------------------------------------------- 钓鱼偶像 SHIMANO 冰箱 18L - 交易广场 - F...... 钓鱼格言 :ewrewr钓鱼偶像 :werwer钓鱼师傅 :werwe ... 您是不是要找: werner:n.维尔纳(男子名)

帮忙找一下money power respect 的歌词 谢谢

Money, Power, Respect (Feat.Lil Kim & Dmx) - Lox(Lil Kim)See I believe in money, power, and respect.First You get the money.Then you get the muthafuckin, power.After you get the fuckin" power muthafuckas will respect you.(Chorus [Lil Kim])It"s the key to life.Money, power, and respect.Whatchu" need in life.Money, power, and respect.When you eatin" right.Money, power, and respect.Help you sleep at night.You"ll see the light.It"s the key to life.Money, power, and respect.Whatchu" need in life.Money, power, and respect.When you eatin" right.Money, power, and respect.Money, power, and respect.Money, power, and respect.(Sheek)Ayo my whole clique bout it, bout it.We take yours while you pout about it.Truck, step out the whore"s wanna" crowd around it.You could see me on optimum TV.Go in your bathroom turn the light out. Scream!Bloody Mary, 1, 2, 3. Sheek ain"t your usual friend.About to setchu" up like Kaiser and walk straight at the end.I"m done wit" ice and charms.I"m tryin" my whole casket when I"m gone.Pull up wit" class on the don".Once I meet em" I greet em".Kiss his feet for freedom.Tell em" thank you lord.Cuz on Earth I was gettin" bored.Now resurrect me back to this cat called Sheek.So I can make this album.And get back the cats that"s weak.Two thirty, six two.Me bust for you that"s like a cat vs. a pitbull.Gun, know clip full, keep hunger.And plan for the future, cuz you figureyou gon" be olderway longer than you gon" be younger.(Chorus [Lil Kim])It"s the key to life.Money, power, and respect.Whatchu" need in life.Money, power, and respect.When you eatin" right.Money, power, and respect.Help you sleep at night.You"ll see the light.It"s the key to life.Money, power, and respect.Whatchu" need in life.Money, power, and respect.When you eatin" right.Money, power, and respect.Money, power, and respect.Money, power, and respect.It"s the key to life.(Styles)Only time could tell how the clock ticks.I"m really loved here but I"m still a hostage.Two personalities check the posture.Smoke out the mouth clear out the nostrils.You think of death but the life seem scary.I"m past the graveyard seein" people Hail MaryI ain"t chillin til" I"m out parachutin".Race my man in mountain climbin" for about ten diamonds.Twenty five thousand a piece.Fuck streets!Tryin" to own the island.Forget about wilin".Try ridin" in the car that be glidin".If I showed you where I lived you would think I was hidin".Sling dick to chicks that don"t speak English.Wake up in Trinidad, like fuckin" em rich.Come back. Private jetlive on set.If you could shit gold like you split the decks.(Chorus [Lil Kim])It"s the key to life.Money, power, and respect.Whatchu" need in life.Money, power, and respect.When you eatin" right.Money, power, and respect.Help you sleep at night.You"ll see the light.It"s the key to life.Money, power, and respect.Whatchu" need in life.Money, power, and respect.When you eatin" right.Money, power, and respect.Money, power, and respect.Money, power, and respect.(JadaKiss)Yo nutin" but the hotness.Whenever we drop this.Monotonous for ya"ll to keep hatin",cuz ya"ll never gon" stop us.I keep my rocks spotless,and my hoes topless.Take time try to figure out who tha Lox is.Fear no one.Kick rhymes like Shoguns.You scared to blow one.Get robbed wit" your own gun.If I don"t respect you I"m ah check you.And if I don"t kiss you I"m a peck you,right before I wet" chu.I sneeze on tracks an" bless you.I"m special. And if you like workin" out,then I"m gon" stretch you.Husslin" is dead but we still get red.Turn the spots in the bakeries to get back bread.And ya"ll said my monies spent.But it"s in the Bent".So when the feds come the dogs can"t get a scent.For my story, self-explanatory that I"m the hottest thing on the street.An" yall ain"t got nutin" for me(Chorus [Lil Kim])It"s the key to life.Money, power, and respect.Whatchu" need in life.Money, power, and respect.When you eatin" right.Money, power, and respect.Help you sleep at night.You"ll see the light.It"s the key to life.Money, power, and respect.Whatchu" need in life.Money, power, and respect.When you eatin" right.Money, power, and respect.Money, power, and respect.Money, power, and respect.(DMX)Bark! Bark!This is a beat that I can freak tojust drop the reals.Plus a nigga wit" the ill.Ya"ll niggas know my skills.Ass from the grills get em" up,split em" up, wet em" up.And watch em" come get em" up,Set em" up.When you do dirt, you get dirt.Bitch, I"ll make your shit hurt.Step back like I did worse.This ain"t no fucking game.You think I"m playin, till you layin.To where? The junkyard decayin".Mom"s at home prayin"that chu comin" home.But chu not, cuz you sittin up in the trunkstartin to rot.And hell is hot, I know because I"m here now Baby.It"s goin" down baby.Get the full pound baby.And let off up in a nigga,especially if he think he bigga"than my muthafuckin" trigga".Did I?Can I get my?Is it gone?DMX represent for one time.Tthen iIt"s on.(Chorus [Lil Kim])It"s the key to life.Money, power, and respect.Whatchu" need in life.Money, power, and respect.When you eatin" right.Money, power, and respect.Help you sleep at night.You"ll see the light.It"s the key to life.Money, power, and respect.Whatchu" need in life.Money, power, and respect.When you eatin" right.Money, power, and respect.Money, power, and respect.Money, power, and respect.

they were passing the time by playing cards是被动语态吗?为什么是were passing?为

were passing 是过去进行时态。 by playing cards 是介词短语,作方式状语。playing是动名词,作名词用。


在powerpoint中页面设置可以设置幻灯片大小:包括比例、长、宽、编号起始值;幻灯片方向:纵向、横向;备注、讲义和大纲。    PPT(MicrosoftOfficePowerPoint)是微软公司推出的一个演示文稿软件,是MicrosoftOffice系统中的其中一个组件。PPT适用于工作汇报、企业宣传、产品推介、婚礼庆典、项目竞标、管理咨询、教育培训等领域,并具有相册制作、文稿合并、运用母板、图片运动、动画控制等功能。    一套完整的PPT文件一般包含:片头、动画、PPT封面、前言、目录、过渡页、图表页、图片页、文字页、封底、片尾动画等;所采用的素材有:文字、图片、图表、动画、声音、影片等;国际领先的PPT设计公司有:themegallery、poweredtemplates、presentationload等;中国的PPT应用水平逐步提高,应用领域越来越广;PPT正成为人们工作生活的重要组成部分,在工作汇报、企业宣传、产品推介、婚礼庆典、项目竞标、管理咨询、教育培训等领域占着举足轻重的地位。?


powerpoint本来并不叫这个名字,他也不是源自微软,它原来是由一个叫Bob Gaskins的人提出的设想,为了方便演示一些图片.1984年此人加入了一个软件公司,并聘请了一个软件开发人员叫Dennis Austin(丹尼斯奥斯汀),丹尼斯奥斯汀把这个想法实现了,为了演示一些图片,他开发了一个叫Presenter的软件,后来因为避免版权问题,改名叫powerpoint.1987年powerpoint1.0发布在苹果电脑上,当时它只有黑白两色,可以生成文字和图片结合的网页,然后由打印机打印到透明胶片上,做成在传统幻灯机上使用的幻灯片.1987年稍晚,微软收购了PowerPoint,1988年,第一个windows和DOS版本的PowerPoint制作完成.从此PowerPoint成了微软office办公套件的必备组建.综上所述,有人说,为什么取这个名字你去问微软.这是错的,名字不是微软取的,你问它也没用.一般认为PowerPoint这个词中的Power可以翻译为强力,Point可以翻译为观点.大致是"make your point powerfully"你可以吧它的名字理解为,使你的观点很有效地,强力的,直观的表达.






C、大纲Microsoft Office PowerPoint是指微软公司的演示文稿软件。用户可以在投影仪或者计算机上进行演示,也可以将演示文稿打印出来,制作成胶片,以便应用到更广泛的领域中。利用Microsoft Office PowerPoint不仅可以创建演示文稿,还可以在互联网上召开面对面会议、远程会议或在网上给观众展示演示文稿。扩展资料一套完整的PPT文件一般包含:片头、动画、PPT封面、前言、目录、过渡页、图表页、图片页、文字页、封底、片尾动画等;所采用的素材有:文字、图片、图表、动画、声音、影片等;国际领先的PPT设计公司有:themegallery、poweredtemplates、presentationload等。中国的PPT应用水平逐步提高,应用领域越来越广;PPT正成为人们工作生活的重要组成部分,在工作汇报、企业宣传、产品推介、婚礼庆典、项目竞标、管理咨询、教育培训等领域占着举足轻重的地位。


powerpoint最新版是2021年的版本。Microsoft Office PowerPoint是指微软公司的演示文稿软件。用户可以在投影仪或者计算机上进行演示,也可以将演示文稿打印出来,制作成胶片,以便应用到更广泛的领域中。利用Microsoft Office PowerPoint不仅可以创建演示文稿,还可以在互联网上召开面对面会议、远程会议或在网上给观众展示演示文稿。内容应用一套完整的PPT文件一般包含:片头、动画、PPT封面、前言、目录、过渡页、图表页、图片页、文字页、封底、片尾动画等;所采用的素材有:文字、图片、图表、动画、声音、影片等;国际领先的PPT设计公司有:themegallery、poweredtemplates、presentationload等。


PPT的基本功能有以下几个方面:1、幻灯片放映:PPT的放映操作功能。在这里可以设计幻灯片自动播放还是人工演示。还有一个功能“使用演示者视图”,就是在投影仪演示的时候,可以通过电脑看到备注和下一页内容,方便彩排,构思演讲语言表达。2、动画:动画功能用的好会起到画龙点睛的作用。例如在一些教学里面,可以用这个做动画展示,起到很多的演示作用。3、切换:每一个幻灯片与下一个幻灯片之间的切换效果。看场合适当使用会起到一定的作用,例如结婚相册、企业介绍、团队介绍等。4、设计模板:每个版本PPT都有的功能,可以快速的调用相应的设计模板,能够让整个PPT的设计都能达到统一的效果。但是因为是PPT自带的,版式较为固定,没有新意。5、插入:基本上可以将用户想放到PPT里面进行展示的东西都可以插入,例如文字、图片、视频、音频、表格、教学用的公式、页码、超链接。扩展资料:PPT的内容和作用:一套完整的PPT文件一般包含:片头、动画、PPT封面、前言、目录、过渡页、图表页、图片页、文字页、封底、片尾动画等。所采用的素材有:文字、图片、图表、动画、声音、影片等;国际领先的PPT设计公司有:themegallery、poweredtemplates、presentationload等。随着PPT应用水平逐步提高,应用领域越来越广,PPT正成为人们工作生活的重要组成部分,在工作汇报、企业宣传、产品推介、婚礼庆典、项目竞标、管理咨询、教育培训等领域占着举足轻重的地位。参考资料来源:百度百科-Microsoft Office PowerPoint


1、PowerPoint的视图包括A、普通视图,B、幻灯片浏览视图,C、大纲视图,D、幻灯片视图E、幻灯片放映视图;2、Microsoft Office PowerPoint是指微软公司的演示文稿软件;3、用户可以在投影仪或者计算机上进行演示,也可以将演示文稿打印出来,制作成胶片,以便应用到更广泛的领域中。扩展资料:一套完整的PPT文件一般包含:片头、动画、PPT封面、前言、目录、过渡页、图表页、图片页、文字页、封底、片尾动画等;所采用的素材有:文字、图片、图表、动画、声音、影片等。国际领先的PPT设计公司有:themegallery、poweredtemplates、presentationload等;中国的PPT应用水平逐步提高,应用领域越来越广。参考资料来源:百度百科-PowerPoint


PowerPoint软件是收费的,是集成在office办公软件内的。Microsoft Office PowerPoint是指微软公司的演示文稿软件。用户可以在投影仪或者计算机上进行演示,也可以将演示文稿打印出来,制作成胶片,以便应用到更广泛的领域中。利用Microsoft Office PowerPoint不仅可以创建演示文稿,还可以在互联网上召开面对面会议、远程会议或在网上给观众展示演示文稿。一套完整的PPT文件一般包含:片头、动画、PPT封面、前言、目录、过渡页、图表页、图片页、文字页、封底、片尾动画等;所采用的素材有:文字、图片、图表、动画、声音、影片等;国际领先的PPT设计公司有:themegallery、poweredtemplates、presentationload等。


游戏简介收起游戏简介Flowers春Flowers夏Flowers秋Flowers冬文字冒险视觉小说游戏FLOWERS秋目前已经在steam平台正式发售,本作四季为同一世界观的连续剧情,下面来看看flowers春夏秋冬的故事剧情详解游戏简介《FLOWERS》是由Innocent Grey制作的清水百合向游戏系列作品,由《FLOWERS -Le volume sur printemps-》《FLOWERS -Le volume sur été-》《FLOWERS -Le volume sur automne-》《FLOWERS -Le volume sur hiver-》四部曲组成。此外还有四季的合集《FLOWERS -Les quatre saisons-》游戏类型:百合解密ADV初春,一位少女为了改变自身而决意入读拥有“amitié制度”的圣彗星兰学院。在这里,她将与形形色色的人相遇、相识、相知,也或许会有许多复杂、迷离的事件、谜团挡在她面前,等待着她去推理、去解决。那么,生性胆怯的少女能否在这所学院里如愿地获得珍贵的友谊;在各自的季节里,命运交织的少女们又能否彼此救赎,最终寻觅到自己梦寐以求的“归属”呢?如花四散,余香绕指,心中的裂痕亦能被填补。简而言之,这是“一个少女们与季节一起成长的故事The tale of the girls who grow with a season”——(来自萌娘百科)Flowers海外版由万年不打折的鸽王JAST USA发行,STEAM有官中,但只有春夏已经上架,春2016年8月上架,夏2018年7月上架,秋预计2020年下半年,冬预计2022年下半年,但也可能就这么鸽了。春夏有STEAM官中,秋有圣彗星兰学院汉化版,本来是没授权自己偷偷翻译的汉化组。在翻译完秋篇后被JAST USA收为官方汉化组。作为官方汉化组自然就不能发布盗版冬篇汉化了。所以冬篇中文得等到STEAM正版上线才有。顺带一提,如果各位没玩过游戏就想看剧透的话,请先看秋,因为春夏的题材并不适合看剧透,春的主线讲起来非常无趣,夏主要是发糖,剧情比较简单。如果想玩游戏可以先从夏秋里挑一个玩,夏篇主要发糖,秋篇重剧情,先玩春容易被劝退。

the Spice Girls are also out there to tell us the meaning of the Girl Power翻译


Power Of Two 歌词

歌曲名:Power Of Two歌手:Indigo Girls专辑:1200 CurfewsPOWER OF TWOIndigo GirlsNow the parking lot is emptyEveryone"s gone someplaceI pick you up and in the trunk I"ve packed00:28.50A cooler and a 2-day suitcase"Cause there"s a place we like to driveWay out in the countryFive miles out of the city limit we"re singingAnd your hand"s upon my kneeSo we"re okayWe"re fineBaby I"m here to stop your cryingChase all the ghosts from your head(I"m) stronger than the monster beneath your bedSmarter than the tricks played on your heartWe"ll look at them together then we"ll take them apartAdding up the total of a love that"s trueMultiply life by the power of twoYou know the things that I am afraid ofI"m not afraid to tell(And) if we ever leave a legacyIt"s that we loved each other well"Cause I"ve seen the shadows of so many peopleTrying on the treasures of youthBut a road that fancy and fastEnds in a fatal crashAnd i"m glad we got offTo tell you the truth"Cause we"re okayWe"re fineBaby I"m here to stop your cryingChase all the ghosts from your headI"m stronger than the monster beneath your bedSmarter than the tricks played on your heartWe"ll look at them together then we"ll take them apartAdding up the total of a love that"s trueMultiply life by the power of twoAll the shiny little trinkets of temptation(Make new friends)Something new instead of something old(But keep the old)All you gotta do is scratch beneath the surface(But remember what is gold)And it"s fools gold(What is gold)Fools gold(What is gold)Fools goldNow we"re talking about a difficult thingAnd your eyes are getting wetI took us for better and I took us for worseDon"t you ever forget itNow the steel bars between me and a promiseSuddenly bend with easeThe closer I"m bound in love to youThe closer I am to freeSo we"re okayWe"re fineBaby I"m here to stop your cryingChase all the ghosts from your headI"m stronger than the monster beneath your bedSmarter than the tricks played on your heartWe"ll look at them together then we"ll take them apartAdding up the total of a love that"s trueMultiply life by the power of twohttp://music.baidu.com/song/8759635

The Power of Love 歌词

歌曲名:The Power of Love歌手:Gabrielle Aplin专辑:English RainGabrielle Aplin - The Power Of LoveAye... hmmm...Dreams are like angelsThey keep bad at bayLove is the lightScaring darkness awayI"m so in love with youMake love your goalThe power of loveA force from aboveCleaning my soulFlame on burn desireLove with tongues of firePurge the soulMake love your goalI"ll protect you from the hooded clawKeep the vampires from your doorWhen the chips are down I"ll be aroundWith my undying death defying love for youEnvy will hurt itselfLet yourself be beautifulSparkling light, flowers and pearls and pretty girlsLove is like an energyRushing in, rushing inside of me, hmmm...The power of loveA force from aboveCleaning my soulFlame on burn desireLove with tongues of firePurge the soulMake love your goalThis time we go sublimeLovers entwined divine divineLove is danger, love is pleasureLove is pure, the only treasureI"m so in love with youMake love your goalThe power of loveA force from aboveCleaning my soulThe power of loveA force from aboveA sky scraping doveFlame on burn desireLove with tongues of firePurge the soulMake love your goalMake love your goal【END】http://music.baidu.com/song/44639840

girls power 女团论坛地址???

啊啊啊 我也正在找啊 谢谢楼上的亲啊

kara girls power 中文译音歌词,不要罗马的!(高分悬赏)

Let"s go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! 莫闹苦老闹吗几扫麦带一科 呀哇来噶那 hi咋 西豆萨苦来一楼 新扩kiu 无 哟苦里西嘚 萨啊打来西ki色子 打啦无耨 ki他苦塞你 胡路外带 Everyday 一吗丝古 哦哇林你西要 头ki米苦有康哦 哈豆你哟豆子没扣嘚 卡尅打丝耨哟哟哇ki那哇打西 一吗 Change Oh Oh I Just Wanna Be The One 丝吗一了嘚哈西里打搜 啦米打胡一打啦 开西尅打起吗起呀咋哟看你乃路哟 卡开噶哎乃一吗 米丝共 西恰一看乃一哟乃 咱无要苦嘚 Go 一起豆ki里耨 My Life Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! 一次某头 哦里耨啦修啊哇啊 求我豆与组大尅豆某哇海一gi 带丝无ki乃kiao Q哦ki一嘚 哈明gi丝来吧ki不无哇 OK 一胡啦卡噶米你耨噶啊嘚Promise 平几哇抢丝你西哟 豆嗯豆嗯与ki噶 哈豆一白胡苦浪嘚 头哇啦那一哟 哦够塞抢无康某米啦开 Oh Oh I Just Wanna Be The One 丝吗一了嘚哈西里打搜 西嗯几哟我某豆哈皮哇一几不嘚 子苦来路某耨大嘚康帮带kiu哦 后没嘚啊该啦来路哟我你 一子打啊带哎苦嘚一苦哟 Myself 他耨西吗那苦恰Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah 卡那西 托ki噶萨哇啦哇哦 Sha la la la la la la 吗哟带 那呀嗯带搜来带某 Never give up 搜来噶 一gi路 带够豆 噶噶啦 Oh Oh I Just Wanna Be A Super Girl 丝吗一了嘚哈西里打搜 啦米打胡一打啦 开西尅打起吗起呀咋哟看你乃路哟 卡开噶哎乃一吗 米丝共 西恰一看乃一哟乃 咱无要苦嘚 Go 一起豆ki里耨 My Life Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!


女孩力量(girl power),或译女生力量,就是认为女性应主宰自己的事业和生活的观念。这个词源自二十世纪九十年代的早期和中期,由女权主义骚动而引起的“女孩力量运动”。 grlpwr意思是:女孩的力量。"grlpwr”是英文girl power的缩写。girl是女孩的意思; power的意思是杀伤力,力量,支配权。

使用Powershell配置Windows Failover Cluster群集

前面有几篇文章介绍了Windows Failver Cluster集群的相关知识和实际案例,请参考如下: 接下来,我们将尝试如何通过Powershell来更高效的部署和管理Windows故障转移群集。实验环境所用的系统版本为Windows Server 2012,但应适用于更高版本。 本文实验环境为两台Windows Server 2012 R2 如上图,出现报错,这是因为我们的每个节点有两块网卡,分别连接不同的网络( 和192.168.199.0/24),如果集群需要向两个网段同时提供服务或者两个节点来自不同的网段,则可以提供多个虚拟IP如下例;如不需要则可以添加-ignorenetwork参数忽略掉 New-Cluster -Name TestClusterA -Node node1,node2 -StaticAddress, 如果我们集群的地址涉及地址都开启DHCP自动获取IP,我们也可以用下面命令创建 New-Cluster -Name TestClusterA -Node node1,node2 创建集群时,我们还可以指定它创建后所在的AD的OU,比如下面的命令 New-Cluster -Name "CN=TestClusterA,OU=Cluster,DC=buffallos,DC=com" -Node node1,node2 -StaticAddress 本例将使用比较常用的方式,只指定静态地址和(的虚拟IP 集群创建成功 对应的计算机和DNS记录已经创建. 小知识 : 6.将创建好的iSCSI磁盘添加进群集 TestClusterA 2.将创建好的iSCSI磁盘添加进群集 TestClusterA 如果像设置为节点共享文件夹多数仲裁,可以使用如下命令 PS C:> Set-ClusterQuorum -NodeAndFileShareMajority \DCClusterFSW 4.为了方便日后运维,资源可以更改名字,下面我们将加"群集磁盘1"更改为 Witness 用户被分配管理权限后,可以在用户所用的计算机上安装RSAT进行远程管理群集,但是为了安全,不建议将此用户添加到Domain Admins组。 移除某个用户的群集管理权限可以使用 Remove-ClusterAccess PS C:> Remove-ClusterAccess -Cluster TestClusterA BuffallosClusterAdmin 但是这种方式移除用户后,并不能保证该用户已经没有群集权限,因为有可能该用户所隶属的组可能有管理权限,因此如果想明确某个用户不能拥有群集权限可以使用 Block-ClusterAccess ,如下,明确 ClusterAdmin 不能有集群权限 Block-ClusterAccess -Cluster TestClusterA -user buffallosClusterAdmin 7.下面我们将使用powershell快速创建一个群集文件服务角色( Windows 故障转移群集 Part 3 中详述了图形化创建过程),然后再了解下群集组。 执行上面的函数后,结果如下,我们可以看到, 群集磁盘 3 容量最大,我们将它作为文件服务器存储 我们把磁盘3名称改为F_Disk,方便区分 创建文件服务器FileA并创建共享文件夹E:Data 默认情况下,群集组类型只有群集组和可用存储组,但是在我们创建了文件服务器后,与文件服务器相关的资源都被放在了FileA这个群集组中,如下 我们定义集群组,其目的就是为了方便管理,一般会把所提供服务或应用所用到的资源归为一组,每当需要管理其相关资源时,可以通过组方式筛选 依赖关系还可以添加,下面我们将FileA组中的闲置磁盘添加文件服务器FileA依存关系,使其被后者依赖 注意:添加的依赖逻辑操作符均为逻辑与(AND),即所有被依赖的资源上线后,依赖者才能上线,下线顺序相反

:Nuclear power is not a best option作文?

Nowadays, there is a popular argument that we should massively use nuclear energy to meet the expanding requirement of power in an age of overpopulation. Personally, I believe this assertion is problematic because it underestimates the uncertain risks resulting from this energy. The dangers of nuclear energy cannot be ignored. Leaks and explosions at nuclear power plants produce severe radiation, which can cause illness and death. A prime example is the Chernobyl nuclear accident in Ukraine, which killed tens of thousands of people and caused the abandonment of an entire city.In conclusion, nuclear power is not a best option for the security of human beings.以上仅供参考!谢谢!

VRML viewer

Microsoft VRML 2.0 Viewer 在http://www.xunlei.com里搜索


怪人:奇怪的人you"re a weirdo

求bigbang的flower road百度云


如何评价Bigbang特别单曲Flower Road(花路)?


libera的You Were There的歌词是?最好有中文翻译

Ye Islands bathe in the sun"s bright rays Distant tales wear a shroud of Grey One holy breeze whispers in the trees So lays ancient history Fleeting memories rise From the shadows of my mind Say no more worry, endless corridor Say no more worry, hopeless warrior You were there You were there Am I forever dreaming All to the pain that we are feeling You were there A decision that we all see You were there Though forgotten the promises that we keep Slaves to our destiny I recall a memory Sing no more worry, through the secret door Say no more worry, for the things in store You were there You were there Happiness and sorrow Only believing in tomorrow You were there Countless battles we fought in the deep You were there Though forgotten all promises we keep Ye island bathes in the sun"s bright rays Distant hills wear a shroud of grey The lonely breeze whispers in the trees Sole key to this mystery 中译参考: 你就在那里 那沐浴在太阳光线中的岛屿 远方的传说被一片灰白所遮蔽 一缕圣洁的微风在那树里低吟着 因此平置的古老历史 短暂的记忆逐渐复苏 从我意志的隐蔽处 不用再烦恼了,无尽的回廊 不用再烦恼了,绝望的勇士 你就在那里 你就在那里 我会永远的做梦吗? 对于我们所感知到的所有痛苦 你就在那里 一个我们全部都看见的决心 你就在那里 尽管忘记了全部的诺言,但是我们依然坚信 在我们的命运来到前辛勤努力着 我呼唤起一个记忆 不用再烦恼的歌唱了,穿过那隐秘的门 不用再烦恼了,为了事态而准备着 你就在那里 你就在那里 愉快和悲哀 仅仅相信明天 你就在那里 在深处我们为数不尽的战役而奋斗 你就在那里 尽管忘记了全部的诺言,但是我们依然坚信 那沐浴在太阳光线中的岛屿 远方的传说被一片灰白所遮蔽 一缕圣洁的微风在那树里低吟着 这个神秘事物的唯一答案


editor权力大。Editor-in-chief, 总主编,有最高决策权、对期刊质量、方向、发展负责。

libera的You Were There的歌词是?最好有中文翻译

You were there Solo:Tom Cully 翻译:吹笛到天明(百度贴吧ID)You were there in everything I knew 有你守护,于我熟知的万物From the moment I began 从我诞生之初Always there in everywhere I go 永久予我庇护,无论我去向何处Saved me falling, held my hand 与我携手相扶,不让我失足You are shelter from the storm 风暴中你是我避难的归属The shadows fade away, all cares pass away 消除忧虑,驱散迷雾As hour by hour and day by day 时间流逐,日夜交复Your love lightens up the sky 你爱的光芒穿越黑暗As it shines across the night 点亮穹庐Ave regina caelorum decora 万安,圣母Virgo gloriosa, ave 圣母,万福And when the end of day is come 当白昼落下帷幕Stay with me through the dark and bring me home 你伴我度过黑暗,踏上归途You are there whichever way I go 你在守护,无论我踏上何路Keep me safely night and day 佑我平安,朝朝暮暮Always there, whenever I"m alone 当我孤寂的时候,予我呵护Hear me calling, show the way 倾听我的呼唤,指引前路You are shelter from the storm 风暴中你是我避难的归属The shadows fade away, all cares pass away 消除忧虑,驱散迷雾As hour by hour and day by day 时间流逐,日夜交复Your love lightens up the sky 你爱的光芒穿越黑暗As it shines across the night 点亮穹庐Ave regina caelorum decora 万安,圣母Virgo gloriosa, ave 圣母,万福And when the end of day is come 当白昼落下帷幕Stay with me through the dark and bring me home 你伴我度过黑暗,踏上归途Stay with me through the dark and bring me home 你伴我度过黑暗,踏上归途这个不是新歌了。



Power cord 和power code 是什么意思啊?请 翻译这两句话: Parts sre Power cord?


the teacher asked the ___________ students from the left to answer the question(four)麻烦解释一下

the four students,那四个学生



求海贼王OP super powers 罗马音

Fushigi na kōfun ga nakama o tsunaguKenmei ni ikiru kotoBōken to yobō kaYes! We"ve got super powersYes! We"ve got super powersYes! We"ve got super powers(Super powers)Yes! We"ve got super powers(Super powers)Yes! We"ve got super powersKimi no yume wa monsutā-kyū deMune no ori bukkowashite waTobikomu yo "Go to Hell" toKaita paradaisuItsu datteDangerous! Dangerous!"We like it!"Serious! Serious!"Oh!"Kizu-darake ni natta yume wa itsu kaDaiji na takaramono ni naru saFushigi na kōfun ga nakama o tsunaguKenmei ni ikiru kotoBōken to yobō kaYes! We"ve got super powersSaikō no yume shinjiauRaibaru to no kizunaShippai mo myō ni chāminguYes! We"ve got super powers(Super powers)Yes! We"ve got super powers(Super powers)Yes! We"ve got super powersHikari no naka hikizuru kage waJōnetsu to yūutsu no metafāKanashimi ga korogaru machi deBoku-tachi waOdoru n daMarvelous! Marvelous!"What"s happened!"Glorious! Glorious! "Oh!"Hitori ja miushinau asu no boku niKoko da to kimi ga te o futteruGanko na unmei ni michibikarete iruDai senkai shite mo mataOnnaji mirai eYes! We"ve got super powersAi ga namida to mazaru hoshi niSotto mirai wa asa o hakobiOroka de itoshī boku-tachi no sekai terasu yoTatakae! saikyō no teki wa jibun saEien niFushigi na kōfun ga nakama o tsunaguKenmei ni ikiru kotoBōken to yobō kaYes! We"ve got super powersSaikō no yume shinjiauRaibaru to no kizunaShippai mo myō ni chāminguYes! We"ve got super powers(Super powers)Yes! We"re the super powers(Super powers)Yes! We"re the super powers(Super powers)Yes! We"re the super powers(Super powers)Yes! We"re the super powers

The flowers in the garden__________sweet smellsyesterdayuff0e

【答案】:A[A]。考查固定搭配。9ive out发出(声音、气味等);give in屈服;come out出来(其后要跟介词0f后 才能再跟宾语)。

I like that day,we were very happy.这个句子有拼写错误吗



Authorware和PowerPoint是两种常用的课件制作软件,Authorware功能强大,交互性强,而PowerPoint在制作字幕和图像处理方面较为方便,这两者结合能够制作出使用更加灵活、操作更加方便的多媒体课件。笔者在制作课件的过程中总结出在Authorware 5.0文件中插入PowerPoint演示文稿的方法,下面介绍其操作步骤。1.打开PowerPoint,制作一个用于链接到AuthorWare中的演示文稿文件,取名为a1.ppt。2.在AuthorWare中插入PowerPoint文件。(1) 打开Authorware,拉一个显示图标到流程线上,双击该显示图标打开展示窗口。(2) 单击“Insert”选单,选择“OLE Object...”选单项。显示“Insert Object...”(如图1)对话框。选择“从文件创建”,输入框中输入文件的路径或单击“浏览”按钮找到要插入的PowerPoint文件,选中其下的“链接”选项。(3) 单击“确定”按钮可将a1.ppt插入到当前文件中,展示窗口中会出现a1.ppt幻灯片的第一屏。3.设置放映方式。(1) 单击Edit选单,选择“Linked 演示文稿 OLE Object ”选单项,在出现的六个选项中,选择“Attributes”选项,屏幕上会出现“Object Attributes”(如图2)对话框。(2) 在第一个下拉选单“Activation Trigger”中选择“Single click”项,在第二个下拉选单“Trigger verb”中选择“放映”项。在对话框的下端选中“Package as OLE object”项。(3) 单击“确定”按钮即可设定放映的方式为单击放映。用这一方法制作成的多媒体课件,同时具有Authorware和PowerPoint两种软件的优点,所插入的幻灯片如需修改、增添内容,只需对插入的幻灯片对象(_.ppt)直接进行修改即可。

英雄联盟 瑞文连招 qwer还有九头 比如q的中间插什么技能的。。 还有ew和e九头


我玩英雄联盟 什么轴机械键盘好 我有个黑轴感觉技能衔接按不出来 本来QWER. 就按出来QWR


求黄老板的supermarket flowers歌词中文英译 实在不会英文啊 谢谢大佬了



powern. 力量, 力, 能力, 权力v. 使有力量v. 给 ... 提供动力adj. 电力的adj. 权力的n. [数]幂energyn. 精力, 活力, 能源



请问Power DVD和pot player哪个好?我现在用的是终极解码,感觉还不是太清晰~



按 CTRL+O 出现选项 --1.打开媒体文件(指的光驱里的文件)--2.打开硬盘上DVD文件(指的是保存在硬盘上的DVD的文件,只要找到相应的路径就可以了)








上电 加电

【送分题】the plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning.


The detectives were (A)valuabie parcel of diamonds.

C.expecting for

求《wish you were here》的中文歌词

中文歌词:登机口他俩不舍得吻别着她说:“如果你再不走的话你就要误点了”。他依然紧紧的抱着她,说道,“晚上我会打电话给你,让你放心我不会有事的”。他买了张明信片,在开头说的是一幅关于天堂里浩淼的海洋以及沙滩的图画他写下写给她的只言片语写的都是那些他深爱着她,以及若他双臂再次将她环绕,他会如何紧抱不放多盼望能有你在这,多盼望你能看见此处多盼望能有你在身旁,我多么盼望能够轻抚你的脸庞在这阳光明媚,四季如夏宜人的天堂还有好些你我熟识的亲人他们说,“好么,我很想念你,多盼望能有你在这”那晚她接到了电话但却不是来自他的刹那间沮丧占据了她的一切,ma"am航班的飞机失事了……我们的搜救人员寻遍了所有的区域她缓缓的听着听筒里话语“没有寻获任何生还者”但她却从他寄来的信中收到了这张明信片那张开头说的是一幅关于天堂里浩淼的海洋以及沙滩的图画以及他写给她的只言片语那些他深爱着她,以及若他双臂再次将她环绕,他会如何紧抱不放诸如此类的话多盼望能有你在这,多盼望你能看见此处多盼望能有你在身旁,我多么盼望还能够轻抚你的脸庞在这阳光明媚,四季如夏宜人的天堂还有好些你我熟识的亲人他们说,“好么,我很想念你,多盼望能有你在这”在这阳光明媚,四季如夏宜人的天堂还有好些你我熟识的亲人他们说,“好么,我很想念你,多盼望能有你在这……”多盼望能有你在这……英文歌词:They kissed goodbye at the terminal gateShe said, "You"re gonna be late if you don"t go"He held her tight, said, "I"ll be alrightI"ll call you tonight to let you know"He bought a postcard, on the front it just said HeavenWith a picture of the ocean and the beachAnd the simple words he wrote herSaid he loved her and they told herHow he"d hold her if his arms would reachWish you were here, wish you could see this placeWish you were near, I wish I could touch your faceThe weather"s nice, it"s paradiseIt"s summertime all year and there"s some folks we knowThey say, "Hello, I miss you so, wish you were here"She got a call that night but it wasn"t from himIt didn"t sink in right away, ma"am the plane went down……Our crews have searched the groundNo survivors found she heard him sayBut somehow she got a postcard in the mailThat just said Heaven with a picture of the ocean and the beachAnd the simple words he wrote herSaid he loves and they told herHow he"d hold her if his arms would reachWish you were here, wish you could see this placeWish you were near, I wish I could touch your faceThe weather"s nice, it"s paradiseIt"s summertime all year and there"s some folks we knowThey say, "Hello, I miss you so, wish you were here"The weather"s nice, in paradiseIt"s summertime all year and all the folks we knowThey say, "Hello, I miss you so, wish you were here"Wish you were here……

i wish you were here歌词(最好是有中英对照的)谢谢啦

I Wish You Were Here歌词so,so you think you can tell heaven from hell,blue skies from pain.can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail?a smile from a veil?do you think you can tell?and did they get you to trade your hores for ghosts?hot ashes for trees?hot air for a cool breeze?cold comfort for change?and did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?how i wish,how i wish you were here.we"re just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl,year after year,running over the same old ground.what have we found?the same old fears,wish you were here. 这么看来,你觉得你可以分辨天堂和地狱 蓝天和痛楚你能分辨绿色的原野和冰冷的铁轨?真诚的微笑和面纱掩盖的伪善?你觉得你能分辨? 他们是否与你交易让你以尸横遍野的代价换取成为英雄?用炙热灰烬换取林木用沸腾的空气换取凉爽的微风用苍白的安慰 换取物是人非?你是否 以奋战前线的士兵的生命 换取领袖的虚职我是多么的希望 希望你在这里我们只是两只徘徊鱼缸之中的失落游魂年复一年疲惫的奔跑在亘古不变的大地 我们找到了什么?(不过是)那同样古老的恐惧 多么的希望 你能在这里

一首英文歌 男的唱的 声音很沧桑 开头是一段电吉他 颇有摇滚味 歌词中有Oh how I wish you were here ,

Pink Floyd: Wish You Were HereSo, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell, blue skies from pain.Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail, A smile from a veil?Do you think you can tell?And did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts, Hot ashes for trees?Hot air for a cool breeze? Cold comfort for change?And did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?How I wish, how I wish you were here.Were just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year,Running over the same old ground.What have you found? The same old fears.

How i wish you were here. 翻译


How i wish i were ten years younger 这句话是虚拟语气吗


one by one前面动词用单数还是复数 they each answer还是answers the question one by one.

they each (answer) the question one by one.they 后的each是对they起强调作用的,但是主语还是they,所以动词用原形. 还有,one by one 是修饰动词answer的副词,副词不能决定动词用原形还是第三人陈单数的形式,只有动词的主语才能决定动词的单、复数形式.





新概念英语3第一篇课文中 Paw prints were seen in a number of places and puma fur was f

这是新概念英语第三册第一课里的这里是被动语态Paw prints (爪印)是被看到的,所以用 were seen是人们看到爪印的欢迎追问,新概念好好学,很有用

oj上显示wrong answer什么原因

oj上显示wrong answer最常见的原因是边界数据没考虑,低估数据强度,漏看数据范围。其次是编译器差异。然后是系统差异。正式比赛选手机器跟判题都是同配置同软件版本,平时训练很难保证。总之看AC率和绝对数:AC绝对数越多坑的几率越低。AC率越高,犯低级错误的概率越高。扩展资料:OJ作为一种在编程竞赛中用来测试参赛程序的在线系统,也可以用于平时练习。许多OJ网站会自发组织一些竞赛。OJ系统能够编译并执行代码,使用预设的数据对这些程序进行测试。提交的代码一般会在受限的环境下运行,包括时间限制、内存限制、安全限制等。代码的输出会被OJ系统捕获,与标准答案进行比较后返回结果。OJ网站会对用户进行排名,以用户的提交答案通过数多少或某个题目执行时间快慢为排名依据。
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