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I can guess you were in a hurry.You _______ your sweater inside out.


求推荐一些类似flower dance、moon flow、luv letter等有流行风格的钢琴曲,不要钢琴独奏和世界名曲

cut in love , 碎月(钢琴版), さくらの季节

answers 最终幻想14主题曲 中文歌词



Both of them were helpful.



MOTUL/摩特踏板摩托车机油全合成 绵羊专用 SCOOTER POWER 跑多少公里换油!!!!!





Update 是「更新」,Upgrade 才是「升级」。 Renew 也可以有「更新」的意思,但多用于「续签」(合约),「续订」(杂志),有重新续的意思。


Hydropower offers advantages over other energy sources but faces unique environmental challenges. 1. Advantages 1.1 Hydropower is a fueled by water so it"s a clean fuel source. Hydropower doesn"t pollute the air like power plants that burn fossil fuels such as coal or natural gas. 1.2 Hydropower is a domestic source of energy in some countries (say produced in the United States) 1.3 Hydropower relies on the water cycle which is driven by the sun thus it"s a renewable power source. 1.4 Hydropower is generally available as needed; engineers can control the flow of water through the turbines to produce electricity on demand. 1.5 Hydropower plants provide benefits in addition to clean electricity. Impoundment hydropower creates reservoirs that offer a variety of recreational opportunities notably fishing swimming and boating. Most hydropower installations are required to provide some public access to the reservoir to allow the public to take advantage of these opportunities. 1.6 Other benefits may include water supply and flood control. 2. Disadvantages 2.1 Fish populations can be impacted if fish cannot migrate upstream past impoundment dams to spawning grounds or if they cannot migrate downstream to the ocean. Upstream fish passage can be aided using fish ladders or elevators or by trapping and hauling the fish upstream by truck. Downstream fish passage is aided by diverting fish from turbine intakes using screens or racks or even underwater lights and sounds and by maintaining a minimum spill flow past the turbine. 2.2 Hydropower can impact water quality and flow. Hydropower plants can cause low dissolved oxygen levels in the water a problem that is harmful to riparian (riverbank) habitats and is addressed using various aeration techniques which oxygenate the water. Maintaining minimum flows of water downstream of a hydropower installation is also critical for the survival of riparian habitats. 2.3 Hydropower plants can be impacted by drought. When water is not available the hydropower plants can"t produce electricity. 2.4 New hydropower facilities impact the local environment and may pete with other uses for the land. Those alternative uses may be more highly valued than electricity generation. Hum flora and fauna may lose their natural habitat. Local cultures and historical sites may be impinged upon. Some older hydropower facilities may have historic value so renovations of these facilities must also be sensitive to such preservation concerns and to impacts on plant and animal life. 参考: U.S. Department of Energy - Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (1.eere.energy/windandhydro/printable_versions/hydro_ad) the hydropower is a clean the power but it"s expensive advantage it is renewable energy source which would not be used up. reduce the reliance on fossil fuel produce less pollutants solve flooding problem disadvantage building dam is costly damge the ecosystem the conservation of dam is also costly the supply of electricity would not be constant wherever there is drought flooding and other extremely weather 参考: myself In addition to the problems mentioned above there is a major problem about the foundation construction. If your "hydropower" refers to building a a big dam to retain a huge amount of water the potential risk is that the rock stratum right under the dam will got a very huge bearing/pressive stress. Some earthquake scientists believe such a high stress could simulate earthquake to happen. It is because whether an earthquake can happen depending on how much stress “stored” in the rock. 参考: me


如下:1、worktile,任务管理、即时沟通、日程、网盘、审批,跟明道有点相似但比起明道缺一点精细度。2、明道,支持打卡、审批、即时沟通、通讯录、项目任务管理、日程、动态发布、网盘知识管理,优点是功能比较齐全精细,缺点的话,项目管理缺点意思。3、Teambition在项目管理方面既出色又全面,适用于公司级的项目管理,不过对于公司考勤、审批等需求,无法满足或很好地满足。4、Tower的项目管理功能比较专业,同时精简轻便,带有强烈的产品个性,非常适合聚焦于完成项目的小型团队或小组。介绍Worktile是企业协作办公平台, 解决 30-1000 人规模公司的协作、办公和管理痛点,帮助企业实施项目管理、规范流程、搭建知识库以及辅助管理决策。主要功能包括:项目管理、消息、任务、日历、网盘、工作汇报、审批、目标管理、CRM等应用 。



如何评价《冰与火之歌》的主题曲《 power of the throne 》


如何评价《冰与火之歌》的主题曲《 power of the throne 》

前奏是非常激昂的,有些许碰撞声,配合着画面中的太阳上的艺术浮雕,似乎把上古时代在维斯特洛大陆上发生过的各种纷争做了一个快速的讲解。当镜头由太阳移向维斯特洛大陆的各条故事线发生的地点时(00:10),我们冰火世界的旅程正式开始,这时音乐出现了3个重复的段落,富有节奏感和规律性,都是由缓和逐渐过渡到激昂。这时候画面中也出现了剧集中各条重要的故事线发生的地点,这3段曲子以一种排比句的感觉在引导观众以上帝的视角全面的观察大陆各方领主、各方势力间的或明或暗的勾心斗角、尔虞我诈。其中第3段(00:43-00:10)最为激昂,同时有大提琴、小提琴共同演奏,仿佛描述着大陆各方势力斗争的白热化和高潮。然而在01:00时刻调子变换另外一种节奏,并且强烈的节奏感持续到(01:16),颇有些柳暗花明又一村之感,仿佛暗示着,陷于分裂混战中的维斯特洛大陆,终会被一位君王再次统一。在此之后音乐中出现女声合唱,调子有些走向乐观,仿佛暗示着这场权力的斗争终会有胜者出现(01:17-01:24),然而后面的调子又变得有些低沉(01:25-01:30),女声合唱声也变得低沉,仿佛意味着这场权力斗争的结束不意味着权力的游戏就该结束了。前后要表达的意思感觉是权力的游戏里输赢是反复无常的,并且权力的游戏永远不会结束。之后乐曲出现了音量渐强的、大家熟悉的”6-3-4-5-6-3-4-5-6-3-4-5-6“,似乎就像戏剧里面主角即将登台的节奏,而这时通常画面出现了那个四个角有代表拜拉席恩、坦格利安、史塔克和兰尼斯特家族(权力的游戏四大家族)的四个动物头像、中间写着”Game of Thrones“的标志性片名,01:34之时,刚才渐快的节奏突然转变成来自某种乐器的独奏,似乎像一位来自旧镇的学者在回顾整段历史之后的掩卷沉思,又仿佛在说……扣人心弦的故事要开始了,历史很可能将从现在开始改写!P.S. 耳朵好累……

why were you last for scholl?翻译

应该是 Why were you late for school?吧。你再核对下。是:为啥上学迟到的意思


PPT常用快捷键如下: PPT最大化PPT程序窗口快捷键——【Alt+F10】 PPT还原PPT程序窗口大小快捷键——【Alt+F5】 PPT显示/隐藏参考线快捷键——【Alt+F9】PPT幻灯片布局快捷键——【Alt+N】 PPT幻灯片设计快捷键——【Alt+S】 PPT图形快捷键——【Alt+U】 PPT屏幕黑屏快捷键——【B】 PPT减小字号快捷键——【Ctrl+[】 PPT增大字号快捷键——【Ctrl+]】 PPT选择全部对象或幻灯片快捷键——【Ctrl+A】 PPT添加/删除文本加粗快捷键——【Ctrl+B】 PPT复制快捷键——【Ctrl+C】 PPT生成对象或幻灯片副本快捷键——【Ctrl+D】 PPT段落居中对齐快捷键——【Ctrl+E】 PPT打开“查找”对话框快捷键——【Ctrl+F】 PPT最大化当前演示文件窗口快捷键——【Ctrl+F10】 PPT关闭程序快捷键——【Ctrl+F4】 PPT还原当前演示窗口大小快捷键——【Ctrl+F5】 PPT移动到下一个窗口快捷键——【Ctrl+F6】 PPT最小化当前演示文件窗口快捷键——【Ctrl+F9】 PPT打开“网格参考线”对话框快捷键——【Ctrl+G】 PPT打开“替换”对话框快捷键——【Ctrl+H】 PPT添加/删除文本倾斜快捷键——【Ctrl+I】 PPT段落两端对齐快捷键——【Ctrl+J】 PPT插入超链接快捷键——【Ctrl+K】 PPT段落左对齐快捷键——【Ctrl+L】 PPT插入新幻灯片快捷键——【Ctrl+M】 PPT生成新PPT文件快捷键——【Ctrl+N】 PPT打开PPT文件快捷键——【Ctrl+O】 PPT打开“打印”对话框快捷键——【Ctrl+P】 PPT将指针更改为注释笔快捷键——【Ctrl+P】 PPT关闭程序快捷键——【Ctrl+Q】 PPT段落右对齐快捷键——【Ctrl+R】 PPT保存当前文件快捷键——【Ctrl+S】 PPT复制对象格式快捷键——【Ctrl+Shift+C】 PPT更改字体快捷键——【Ctrl+Shift+F】 PPT组合对象快捷键——【Ctrl+Shift+G】 PPT解除组合快捷键——【Ctrl+Shift+H】 PPT更改字号快捷键——【Ctrl+Shift+P】 PPT粘贴对象格式快捷键——【Ctrl+Shift+V】 PPT打开“文字”对话框快捷键——【Ctrl+T】 PPT添加/删除文本下划线快捷键——【Ctrl+U】 PPT粘贴快捷键——【Ctrl+V】 PPT关闭当前文件快捷键——【Ctrl+W】 PPT剪切快捷键——【Ctrl+X】 PPT重复最后操作快捷键——【Ctrl+Y】 PPT撤销操作快捷键——【Ctrl+Z】 PPT擦除屏幕上的注释快捷键——【E】 PPT执行“另存为”命令快捷键——【F12】 PPT在图形和图形内文本间切换快捷键——【F2】 PPT重复最后一次操作快捷键——【F4】 PPT开始放映幻灯片快捷键——【F5】 PPT显示右键快捷菜单快捷键——【Shift+F10】 PPT更改字母大小写快捷键——【Shift+F3】 PPT重复最后一次查找快捷键——【Shift+F4】 PPT从当前幻灯片开始放映快捷键——【Shift+F5】 PPT显示/隐藏网格线快捷键——【Shift+F9】

芯片手册中提到的Bypass和power down都是令其不工作的意思吗






There were five students in the classroom just now.改为否定句

答案是:Therewerenot fivestudentsintheclassroomjustnow.u261eu2667手工翻译u2600尊重劳动u2600欢迎提问u2600感谢采纳u2667u261c

king power金尊是什么意思

king power 王者至尊;皇权免税店;皇权免税中心例句筛选1.The king"s power extends over the whole country.国王的势力扩大到全国。2.The king seized power one year ago, blaming the previous government forfailing to stop a nearly decade-long Maoist insurgency.贾南德拉国王一年前夺取政权,指责前政府没有能够阻止延续十年的毛派反叛活动。

求歌名!是一首韩英混合歌,英文歌词是if i were you ,......i will st

uc724ub300uc7a5 - If I Were U(Feat. uc694ub098) Yoon Dae Jang Feat Yona - If I Were U=== 韩文歌词 ===verse 1)If i were you i think about you all day all night longub09c uac89uc73cub85cub9cc uce5cuad6c ud2f0ub97c ub0b4 ub9d8 uc228uae30ub824uace0 ud234ud234ub300uc9c0ub9cc ub0b4uac8cuc788uc5b4ub10c ud56duc0c1 So cool I"m a hustle man but I"m a looser manuac04ubcf4uace0 uc544ub2c8ub2e4 uc2f6uc74c ubc14ub85c ub4a4ub85c ube7c ub09c uc785uc774 ubb34uae30uc778ub370 uc774ub7f0uc801 uc5c6ub294ub370uc65c ub0b4uac00 uc774ub807uac8c ub42bub294uc9c0 ub098ub3c4 uad81uae08ud574 blah uac11uc790uae30 ub9d0uc744 ub354ub4ecuc5b4ub809uac78ub9b0 ucef4ud4e8ud130ucc98ub7fc ub354ub354ub354 ub354ub4ecuc5b4 uc774uc720ub294 ubc14ub85c ub108 uc55euc5d0ub9ccuc11cuba74ubc8cubc8cubc8c ub5a8uc5b4 uc62cub77cuac04 ub0b4 ub208uaf2cub9acub9c8uc800ub3c4 uae30uc8fduc5b4 uc6d0ub798 ub09c ucc28uac00uc6ccub9e4uc815ud574 like ice uc9c0uae08 ub09c ub530ub73bud574uc84cuc5b4 So nice ub9d0ub3c4 ubabbud558ub294 ubc14ubcf4uac19uc740 ub188uc774ub77cuc11c ub354 ub2a6uae30uc804uc5d0 ub110 uac00uc9c8ub798 ub9e4uc77cubc24 uafc8uc5d0uc11c ucc98ub7fcchorus)If i were you If i were you ub9d0ud560ub798 be ma girluc9c0uae08uc774ub77cub3c4 ub2a6uc9c0uc54auc558uc5b4 babeub0b4uac8cub85c uc640 tonightuac00uc838ubd10 ub0b4 ub9d8uc744ub10c uc774ubbf8 ucda9ubd84ud558uc796uc544I will stay with youi belong to youhook)Oh oh oh oh feel so highand i love you boyOh oh oh oh feel so rightOh oh oh oh feel so highand i love you boyuae30ub2e4ub838uc5b4 uc5b4uc0c9ud558uc9c0ub9cc helloshow me what you got you got some you knowverse 2)ub098ub3c4 ub0b4uac00 ub2f5ub2f5ud574 ub354ub7ecuc6b4 ubb35uc740ub54cucc98ub7fc uc2f9 ubc97uaca8ub0b4uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 uc774ucc38uc5d0ubc18uc751ud558uc9c0 ub108uc758 uc2dcuc120 ud558ub098ud558ub098uc5d0 uc218ub9ceuc740 uc5ecuc790ub4e4uc774 uc549uc544uc788ub294uc774 uae4cud398uc548uc5d0uc11c uc624uc9c1 ub108ub9ccubcf4uc5ec Zoom in ub418 uc6b0uc5f0uc774ucc99 ub9ccub098ub824ub2e4uac00ub3d9ub124uc8fcubbfcub418 uc774uac78ub85cub294 ubd80uc871ud574 Cuz you"re so beatiful ubb50ub784uae4cub10c ucacc special uc774ub784uae4cchorus)If i were you If i were you ub9d0ud560ub798 be ma girluc9c0uae08uc774ub77cub3c4 ub2a6uc9c0uc54auc558uc5b4 babeub0b4uac8cub85c uc640 tonightuac00uc838ubd10 ub0b4 ub9d8uc744ub10c uc774ubbf8 ucda9ubd84ud558uc796uc544I will stay with youi belong to youbridge)uc220ub85c ub2ecub798uae30ub294 ub108ubb34 uc2ebuc5b4ud640ub85cuc788ub294 ubc24uc774 ub108ubb34 uae38uc5b4ub124uac8c ub09c ubcc4ub85c ub77cub294uac78 uc54cuc5b4ud22d ud22d ud138uc5b4ub118uaca8 drink ituc220ub85c ub2ecub798uae30ub294 ub108ubb34 uc2ebuc5b4uc624ub298 ub098ub294 ub108ub97c uae30ub2e4ub824uae30ub2e4ub838uc5b4 uc5b4uc0c9ud558uc9c0ub9cc helloshow me what you got you got some you knowchorus)If i were you If i were you ub9d0ud560ub798 be ma girluc9c0uae08uc774ub77cub3c4 ub2a6uc9c0uc54auc558uc5b4 babeub0b4uac8cub85c uc640 tonightuac00uc838ubd10 ub0b4 ub9d8uc744ub10c uc774ubbf8 ucda9ubd84ud558uc796uc544I will stay with youi belong to youhook)Oh oh oh oh feel so highand i love you boyOh oh oh oh feel so rightOh oh oh oh feel so highand i love you boyuae30ub2e4ub838uc5b4 uc5b4uc0c9ud558uc9c0ub9cc helloshow me what you got you got some you know===罗马拼音===verse 1If i were you i think about you all day all night longnan geoteuroman chingu tireul nae mam sumgiryeogo tultuldaejiman naegeisseoneon hangsang So cool I"m a hustle man but I"m a looser manganbogo anida sipeum baro dwiro ppae nan ibi mugiinde ireonjeok eomneundewae naega ireoke doetneunji nado gunggeumhae blah gapjagi mareul deodeumeorekgeollin keompyuteocheoreom deodeodeo deodeumeo iyuneun baro neo apemanseomyeonbeolbeolbeol tteoreo ollagan nae nunkkorimajeodo gijugeo wollae nan chagawomaejeonghae like ice jigeum nan ttatteutaejyeosseo So nice maldo motaneun babogateun nomiraseo deo neutgijeone neol gajillae maeilbam kkumeseo cheoreomchorusIf i were you If i were you malhallae be ma girljigeumirado neutjianhasseo babenaegero wa tonightgajyeobwa nae mameulneon imi chungbunhajanhaI will stay with youi belong to youhookOh oh oh oh feel so highand i love you boyOh oh oh oh feel so rightOh oh oh oh feel so highand i love you boygidaryeosseo eosaekhajiman helloshow me what you got you got some you knowverse 2nado naega dapdaphae deoreoun mugeunttaecheoreom ssak beotgyeonaego sipeo ichamebaneunghaji neoui siseon hanahanae sumanheun yeojadeuri anjainneuni kkapeaneseo ojik neomanboyeo Zoom in doe uyeonicheok mannaryeodagadongnejumindoe igeolloneun bujokhae Cuz you"re so beatiful mworalkkaneon jjom special iralkkachorusIf i were you If i were you malhallae be ma girljigeumirado neutjianhasseo babenaegero wa tonightgajyeobwa nae mameulneon imi chungbunhajanhaI will stay with youi belong to youbridgesullo dallaegineun neomu sirheoholloinneun bami neomu gireonege nan byeollo raneungeol areotuk tuk teoreoneomgyeo drink itsullo dallaegineun neomu sirheooneul naneun neoreul gidaryeogidaryeosseo eosaekhajiman helloshow me what you got you got some you knowchorusIf i were you If i were you malhallae be ma girljigeumirado neutjianhasseo babenaegero wa tonightgajyeobwa nae mameulneon imi chungbunhajanhaI will stay with youi belong to youhook)hookOh oh oh oh feel so highand i love you boyOh oh oh oh feel so rightOh oh oh oh feel so highand i love you boygidaryeosseo eosaekhajiman helloshow me what you got you got some you know

What is peace of mind you are the answer是什么意思?

意思是: 我想要的宁静, 你便是那答案.

The power of persuasion

Advertising follows us everywhere. Whenever we turn on the television, listen to the radio or open a newspaper or magazine, we are bombarded with advertisements. They invite us to try a new type of orange juice, wear X-brand jeans or watch the latest film. They beg us to notice the difference and discover the advantages.They exist to make us want what they are selling. Strangely,the more we are exposed to advertising the less we notice it. We get so used to seeing advertisements everywhere that they become largely invisible, as if they were another part of our everyday lives. But does that mean that we are no longer affected by them? One advertising expert believes that the special power of advertising lies in the fact that we do not pay much attention to it. Dr.Herbert Krugman,who was head of research for a major advertising company for many years, says that the less we notice ads, the more we are affected by them. Dr.Krugman believes that when we stop noticing advertisements, we lower our defenses, allowing the messages of the adverrisements to be taken in and stored, ready to be triggered into action at the right moment. He says that the effects of advertising on the individual are small, but over a period of time they have a powerful effect on the masses.

The crew was made up of accomplished sailors and thus were highly paid to do the work on the ship.

thus 作为副词.全体船员组成的技术精练的水手,因为如此,他们都能得到高收入的船上工作came out 出来的意思




automated 的意思是自动化的,automatic 的意思是自动的,无意识的,机械的。或是作为名词,自动机械,自动装置automated 多用于自动化系统, 更多形容大型装置。而automatic 的意思多用于小型方面,多用于日常生活,相对于automated更简单易懂,如我们可以说,这是一部自动化(automated)轿车,它的挂档系统是自动的(automatic)。

flowers bloom 歌词

歌曲名:flowers bloom歌手:Boyz II Men专辑:winter/reflectionsFlowers BloomBoyz II MenWinter/reflectionsFlowers BloomBoyz II MenThere is nothing glamorous in this simple townBut there"s this special flower that can only bloom right hereAnd all the heavy burdens in our heart,Get carried awayThe wind can smooth the wrinkles of the pastLike a dazzling reflection in the skyI hear the distant calling of the ancient ripples of the seaAnd I realise that your laughter reminds meOf the soothing sound of the gentle oceanAnd your heart can"t cover up the look of lonelinessYou don"t have to reveal it to meBut anytime you need itThese faces so familiar in your heartWait for you to reach to their handsI want to know if that placeThat I"ve been once beforeHasn"t ever changedAnd remains the place that always will be there for meTill the last goodbye ill cherish itAnd I can"t stop looking back to seeThat you"re smiling waving back at meGonna bite my lips not to cryAnd I"m trying to fight this feelingBut the tears may get so hard to seeIll be waiting for the dayWe can reunite againWhere the flowers bloomFor Just me and youThere is something that the shadows can"t explainSomething so simple and so obvious, that we forgetBehind the cloudy surface of it all, if we look up aboveWe"ll see the sun shine illuminate everything we seeAll the past and present faces here are all to stayEach prayer wishes new memoriesIm proud to have it allThese memories alive inside my heartBlossoming vividly one by oneAfter the rain the roads are muddy and there"s puddles everywhereAnd we clearly see all the footsteps in this journey thru this life we leadAnd I pray these tears can find a way and breathe life back into the dayWhen the weltered petals in my heart once again blossomingAnd ill whisper to the ocean breeze and my wish will soar above the seasAnd a rainbow in the sky will appear for you and iGlistening in the sun, shine for everyoneHey, the only place where the flowers bloomThe only place where this wind can blowThe only place you can hear this songThe only place you can see these signHey, the only place where the flowers bloomThe only place where this wind can blowI want to know if that placeThat I"ve been once beforeHasn"t ever changedAnd remains the place that always will be there for meAnd ill try to fight this feelingBut the tears may get so hard to seeIll be waiting for the dayWe can reunite againAfter the rain the roads are muddy and there"s puddles everywhereAnd we clearly see the footsteps in this journey thru this life we leadI try to fight this lonelinessBut the tears may get so hard to seeEven thru the scars and memoriesI won"t forget you and meSo radiantly shining thruThe horizon as it rises highAnd the wind carries it star beneath the memoriesOoh still im waiting for youEndEdit by Narutohttp://music.baidu.com/song/351023

every flower is a soul blossoming in nature翻译为 什么意


power station steam turbine是什么意思

power station steam turbine[英][u02c8pauu0259 u02c8steiu0283u0259n sti:m u02c8tu0259:bin][美][u02c8pau028au025a u02c8steu0283u0259n stim u02c8tu025abu026an]电站汽轮机; 双语例句1A new method and algorithm of functional reliability simulation for steam turbine is proposed and the degeneration model is established based on the degeneration laws of the steam turbine. By taking power station steam turbine as an example, the turbine ′ s functional reliability is simulated.以电站汽轮机为例,研究探讨了设备的功能可靠性仿真方法,根据该设备的性能退化规律,建立了其性能退化模型,开发了功能可靠性仿真算法,并对其进行了功能可靠性仿真。2In power station, the steam turbine unit of big capacity is a complicated electricity and machine system. It features the high rate of fault and the graveness of harm.大容量汽轮机组是一个复杂的机电系统,具有故障率高和故障危害性大的特点。3In nuclear power station, the mission of steam turbine governing system is to insure the quality and quality of electrical power.在核电站中,汽轮机调节系统是保证供电数量和质量的关键设备,调节系统发生故障可能导致毁机事故,更甚者可能波及到电网。

power consumption是什么意思

power consumption 功率消耗; 功耗; 消耗功率; 耗电量consumption 英[ku0259nu02c8su028cmpu0283n] 美[ku0259nu02c8su028cmpu0283u0259n] n. 消费; 肺病; 耗尽; [医学] 消耗性疾病; [例句]The laws have led to a reduction in fuel consumption in the US.这些法律已经使美国燃料消费量有所减少。

1.I did not work again for twenty years until Mr Nelson Mandela and the ANC come to power in1994.

1.I did not work again for twenty years until Mr Nelson Mandela and the ANC come to power in1994直到尼尔森·曼德拉和非洲民族会议在1994年当权,我有20年没有工作了。2.They said that the job and the pay from the new South Africa government were my reward after working all my life for equal rights for the Blacks.他们说,在我为黑人获得平等权奉献我的毕生精力后,从新南非政府获得的这个工作与报酬是对我的奖赏。



Sorcery的《Power Mad》 歌词

歌曲名:Power Mad歌手:Sorcery专辑:StuntrockPower - 夏韶声You主流 新歌词铺--制作人 David碧咸这一天实行过往每个信念只想有这日将这忧郁不欢不再延没有理睬世上虚假的诺言忠于信念逐个将它一一的撕开今晚夜完成过往这个志愿跟我一样跨过艰辛悲哀走向前每一日我都珍惜目前更珍惜音乐换我今天的知音欣赏充满力量 找出方向这个力量令我从没退让你有无想过过往你的错忏悔心里眠我我我有讲过志向不想错处世逼我锻鍊充满力量 摇滚方向这个力量永冲击我这个力量在紧握我充满力量从没话退让You主流 新歌词铺--制作人 David碧咸http://music.baidu.com/song/15295943

i am hope you were not heaven sent 出自哪首歌

Why Would I Ever-Sam Watters why would i ever, why would i ever why would i ever think of leaving you why would i ever, why would i ever why would i ever think of leaving you wait a minute baby tell me whatu2019s up lately i been knowin you too long why you hidin something thought we was through with frontin i can tell that somethingu2019s wrong how could you even think that i wouldn"thave your back it"s me and you against the world no matter what we go through i"m a always roll with you i promise i"ll be your girl chorus: why would i ever why would i ever why would i ever think of leaving you (somebody say) why would i ever baby iu2019d never cuz i just wouldnu2019t know how to get through (somebody say) cuz you put together every piece of me and baby youu2026you know exactly what i need to be (talk to me) why would i ever, why would i ever why would i ever think of leaving you wait a minute hold up jsaid when you rolled up you was yellin off the chain get mad when i canu2019t make time shoulda known that iu2019m on my grind babe you know itu2019s all in your brain now we been through some problems trust me we can solve them we got too mjuch in it to lose youu2019ve always been my best friend stop placin your bets when baby i not leaving you why would i ever why would i ever why would i ever think of leaving you (somebody say) why would i ever baby iu2019d never cuz i just wouldnu2019t know how to get through (somebody say) cuz you put together every piece of me and baby youu2026you know exactly what i need to be (talk to me) why would i ever, why would i ever why would i ever think of leaving you chorus tell me why did you ever (questionquestion everything we stand for) between us (we got that) have you seen us (we got that love) we got that love why would i ever why would i ever why would i ever think of leaving you (somebody say) why would i ever baby iu2019d never cuz i just wouldnu2019t know how to get through (somebody say) cuz you put together every piece of me and baby youu2026you know exactly what i need to be (talk to me) why would i ever, why would i ever why would i ever think of leaving you i"m not leaving you i"m not leaving you i won"t leave you in acold i"m not leaving you i"m not leaving you baby you know i love you why would i ever , why would i ever why would i ever think of leaving you

reference. 商务英语里什么意思 如 Interviewer should

推荐 自荐 简历




这是用来打开 Tekla Structures 输出的网页模型,可以查看模型、批注等等

Microsoft Powerpoint 2007

更新1: plz help me~ 由于Microsoft Powerpoint是付费软件 不能贴出来提供下载 不过本人建议你使用Open Office 功能与Microsoft一样 而且更容易使用 (我现在也在用Open Office 极力推荐) 「OpenOffice」是什么? OpenOffice 是一套跨平台的办公室软件套件,能在 Windows、Linux、MacOS X (X11)、和 Solaris 等操作系统上执行。它与各个主要的办公室软件套件兼容。OpenOffice 是自由软件,任何人都可以免费下载、使用、及推广它。下列是 OpenOffice 的主要模块: 图片参考:zh.openoffice/new/pic/Writer-32c Writer 文本文档 图片参考:zh.openoffice/new/pic/Calc-32c Calc 电子表格 图片参考:zh.openoffice/new/pic/Impress-32c Impress 演示文稿 图片参考:zh.openoffice/new/pic/Math-32c Math 公式 图片参考:zh.openoffice/new/pic/Draw-32c Draw 绘图 图片参考:zh.openoffice/new/pic/Base-32c Base 数据库 套件的优势 OpenOffice 不仅是六大组件的组合,而且与同类产品不同的是,本套件不是软件模块形式创建的,从一开始,它就被设计成一个完整的办公软件包。 所有的包有类似的外观,易于使用,如「样式」等「一次学会到处使用」的工具。OpenOffice 保持与您的电脑类似的外观——您一旦改变您的桌面,OpenOffice 也会相应改变。 组件间的相同工具用法相同——例如, Writer 里面使用的绘图工具在 Impress 和 Draw 里面您也能用到。 您不必知道哪个应用程序用于创建哪个特殊文件——您使用「文件」就可以「打开」任何 OpenOffice 文件,正确的应用程序将会运行。 所有的包共享一个拼写检查工具,如果您改变一个组件包里面的「选项」,在其他组件包里也会同时改变。 所有组件间资料可以轻松转移。 所有的组件文件可储存为 OpenDocument 格式(新的办公文档国际标准),这种基于 XML 的格式相比同类产品的格式,磁盘存储更合理,任何兼容 OpenDocument 标准的软件均可以访问您的数据。 使用安装程序,所有组件可以一次性安装。 所有发布的版本都基于相同的开放许可证——没有隐性费用 您所需要的全都在一个办公室生产力软件套件之中——现在就请下载吧! Windows [中文繁体版] [繁体(含JRE)] [中文简体版] [简体(含JRE)] Linux [中文繁体版] [繁体(含JRE)] [中文简体版] [简体(含JRE)] Solaris (Intel) [中文繁体版] [繁体(含JRE)] [中文简体版] [简体(含JRE)] Solaris (Sparc) [中文繁体版] [繁体(含JRE)] [中文简体版] [简体(含JRE)] Microsoft Powerpoint系冇免费下载既!你只好用呢个方法: ( 1 ) 先去呢个网站 zh.openoffice/downloads 度 download OpenOffice,先后再用OpenOffice Impress ,佢既功能同Microsoft PowerPoint 差唔多,大家都系可以做简报,投影片 ,而且仲系免费既! 做完之后 save返做microsoft office既模式就可以ga la! ( 2 ) 去下面果个微软网站度 download最新版本既Microsoft Office 2007(60日试用版)用住先,里面有Word、PowerPoint、Excel,应该可以帮到你。 ( 60日试用版)既下载link: us7.trymicrosoftoffice/defaultx?re_ms=oo&culture=en-US ----------------------------------------希望可以帮到你-----------------------------------------

有一首英文歌 有一句是 day other day 还有一句是 where were you go 跪求!!

Any Other Day 吧

手机更新系统出现volume up/down to move highlight power button to select咋办? 15 是r


The Power Of Orange Knickers 歌词

歌曲名:The Power Of Orange Knickers歌手:Tori Amos Featuring Damien Rice专辑:The BeekeeperTori Amos - The Power of Orange KnickersFeaturing Damien RiceThe power of orange knickersThe power of orange knickersThe power of orange knickersUnder my petty coatThe power of listening to whatYou don"t want me to knowCan somebody tell me now who is this terroristThose girls that smile kindly then rip your life to pieces?Can somebody tell me nwo am I alone with thisThis little pill in my hand and with this secret kissAm I alone in this...A matter of complicationWhen you become a twistFor their latest drinkAs they"re transitioningCan somebody tell me now who is this terroristThis little pill in my hand that keeps the pain laughin"Can somebody tell me now a way out of this -That sacred pipe of red stone could blow me out of this kissAm I alone in this...The power of orange knickersUnder my petty coatThe power of listening to whatYou don"t want me to knowShame shame time to leave me nowShame shame you"ve had your funShame shame for letting me think that I would be the oneCan somebody tell me now who is this terroristThis little pill in my hand or this secret kissAm I alone in this kissAm I alone in this kisshttp://music.baidu.com/song/9280844

如何评价《Word Power Made Easy》这本书

  先说说看书的感受 目前这本书我看完了Part One Getting Off To A Good Start,而且学习效果也还不错。大部分的词汇都能比较轻松地记住。目前来看书中词语不是很难:由于我平常对英语比较感兴趣,但是在班里的话基本上没有人看全英文的书,所以也没有针对性的比较,大概可以把难度理解为大学英语的水平?这个我不是很确定。对我而言80%左右的句子是理解无碍的,其他的查查字典也都可以大致解决。除了这个,这本书给我一个很深刻的印象:英语语言中的元素,词语也好、句子也好,都是相互连通的。许多时候这本书中的东西都是前后照应的:比如在第一章中出现的extrovert(名词,外向的人),在第七章中介绍gregarious(形容词,喜欢社交的)的时候就有一句:  Extroverts are of course gregarious - they prefer human contact, conversation, laughter, interrelationships, to solitude.外向的人当然喜欢社交——相对于孤独,他们更喜欢人与人之间的交流、欢笑和人际关系。(翻译真的是个大坑,翻得不到位请原谅)  再如:在第三章介绍-logy(science, study,科学研究)这个词根以后,在后面几个章节中都有这个词根,达到了很好的复习效果,我也由此看到了英语词汇之间联系的普遍性。 看书有什么感觉还是因人而异吧,所以我还是不要再暴露自己了,毕竟言多必失。===============================================================下面说说这本书的具体内容。 封面上写有书名、作者等基本信息,大概意思就是宣传这本书的效果(也值得这样的称赞)。有关作者的简介看这里:Norman Lewis (grammarian)。维基百科只有英文版,而且也比较简单,不过基本信息都有。翻开书的第一页可能会被吓到(反正我感觉如此),因为第一页就是测词汇量的……当初刚刚买来的时候只认得前面几个词,然后觉得这本书肯定很难~不过翻到后来就也还好。然后就发现其实第一页是后面第一章的节选。然后是目录。不得不说的是这本书的目录真的很良心,除了每章的的标题都用了粗体,其下还有该章内容的简介,既方便preview,也方便review。等会我会介绍到那个BRIEF INTERMISSIONS(简略隔断,翻译有点直白了,见谅),所以这里不再详述。 书的一开头介绍的就是看这本书的主要方法(How To Use This Book For Maximum Benefit,如何使用这本书以获得最大化的益处)。这里主要是介绍了这本书中会出现的练习的形式,当然最重要的还是亲身参与这本书的学习。里面说:  Don"t read this book!Instead, work with it. Write in it, talk aloud to it, talk back to it - use your pen or pencil, your voice, not just your eyes and mind.不要仅仅阅读这本书!反而,与它一起工作。在里面写上改写的内容,跟它大声谈话,回复它的问题——使用你的笔,你的声音,而不只是你的眼睛和意志。  然后就是掌握发音系统。这本书的音标系统不是我们在中学课本里或者是我的牛津字典中的那种,而是用比较贴近英文词汇中音节的符号来标音。有些人说不是很习惯,但是我感觉还好,尽管有时候容易忘记,应该是没有及时复习的缘故。这里提供了大量的例句和例词来解释音标,总体上可以完全让人明白是怎么回事。 第四项是了解etymology(词源学)的一些基本概念。第五项则是为还不知道动词、名词、形容词的人们做了一些简介,最后是一些具体的建议。不得不说的是,这些具体建议不仅仅适用于学习英语,对我高中的学习也有一些帮助。 然后是正文部分。正文分为三个部分,正如前文所述,我目前只看完了第一部分(学业紧张ing)。因此,我只想大概介绍一下这本书的内容安排(书中也有介绍)。首先是测试当前的词汇水平。一开始就在阐述作为一个孩童时我们是如何学习词汇的:  Once, as a child, you were an expert, an accomplished viruoso, at learning new words. Today, by comparison, you are a rank and bumbling amateur.曾经,作为一个孩子,你在学习新的单词方面是一位专家,一个卓有成就的大师。相比之下,如今你只是一个新手、一个笨手笨脚的业余人员。  除此之外还介绍了一些扩充词汇的好处,然后就是开头的时候那个词汇测试。在刚刚开始的时候我只认得这个列表上不到十个单词,但是学完第一部分再回头,会发现自己的进步真的很大。之后是测试反应能力的。不过有一个测试真的让我感觉很头痛:在三分钟内写出能够想到的所有以D开头的词语,而且一个词的不同变体还不算数。当初我花了得有5分钟,还是只写了几十个(一共是有125个空格)。在本章的最后,作者谈了词汇与成功的关系。对于我这样的学生而言,英语学习在很大意义上就是扩充词汇。目前高中英语基本上涵盖了能用到(以及用不到的)的所有语法,但是一个句子只有结构上的意义肯定是远远不够的。词汇才是传递语言意思的根本。很多时候一个结构简单的句子充满的却全都是不熟悉的词汇。我越来越感觉到扩充词汇的必要性,或许这也是我买下这本书的一个重要原因。 接下来,第二章是介绍如何开始扩充词汇。第三章开始,有关词汇的教学就开始了。下面我想以本章为例,介绍一下这本书的大致内容组成。首先是标题,其中涵盖了本单元第一个session中词汇的主题。如本章,HOW TO TALK ABOUT PERSONALITY TYPES(如何谈论各种性格类型)。标题下部是TEASER PREVIEW(难点预览),介绍的也是本章第一个session中的词汇的大致意思。比如在这一章中:  What word best describes your personality if you:  are interested solely in your own welfare?  constantly talk about yourself?  ...  每章的难点预览基本上都是这样的形式,用提问的方式激发兴趣并且导入情景。Session 1则是这一章的核心内容,介绍10个主题单词;这些主题单词所蕴含的词根、词缀等等都是下面几个Session所要讨论的。这样,作者把围绕一个中心的单词都拿出来放在一起讨论,记单词的效果在我个人看来要比从A背到Z要好得多。在Session 1中介绍的十个单词的释义并非直接给出,而是通过IDEAS(想法)的形式。比如在本章中作者使用了第二人称,假设“你”就是所列举出的各类人:egoist(名词,以自我为中心的人), egotist(名词,狂妄自大的人), altruist(名词,乐于助人的人)等等,有时看到与自己的性格相似之处,还是挺有代入感的。这种“代入感”目前来看贯穿全书,因为作者介绍的基本上都是与日常生活或者个人性格相关的词汇。这可能也是记单词比较准的原因之一。USING THE WORDS(使用单词)的部分每个Session都有,首先是特殊音标系统的发音,这部分需要大声朗读(个人经验);然后是一系列的巩固练习。如果感觉前面的IDEAS部分比较熟悉,但是单词的具体拼法还没有记住,可以多巩固发音部分,并且尝试在纸上多写几遍各个单词。最后的巩固练习是根据意思拼写单词,在此之前的一些练习也是巩固拼写的重要部分。Sessions 2-3(每章的Session数目不同)则是ORIGINS AND RELATED WORDS(词源与相关词汇),介绍Session 1中各个词汇的源头(大部分词根来自拉丁语和希腊语,如ego来自拉丁语,意思是I,我;misein来自希腊语,意思是to hate,恨等等)。这时会有这样的感觉:一大波新词正在涌入。不过别担心,我觉得在新单词中混有学过的旧单词,背单词的效率不减反升。Session的末尾,正如Session 1,会有一些练习。所有的Session都学习完毕以后,CHAPTER REVIEW就登场了。在每章最后,会有TEASER QUESTIONS FOR AMATEUR ETYMOLOGIST(对业余语源学者较难的问题),让你利用本章已有的知识,再利用所给的材料组成新词。所有的答案都在第十八章。接下来说说BREIF INTERMISSION。个人感觉这本书除了词汇之外比较精华的部分就在这里了。这里介绍了当时时兴的语法,以及正确单词的选用,还有正确的拼写技能。在这里所有的建议都很中肯,可以考虑在学习之余看一看,可以学到很多有用的知识。比如说如何避免成为一个PURIST(只追求语法上的绝对正确),或者是如何正确地拼写一个英语单词。就英语语法的变化,就像在INTERMISSION THREE中提到的:  In grammar, however, since the facts are highly suspectible to change, we have to keep an eye peeled for trends.但是,在语法中,既然事实非常容易变化,我们就必须注意变化的走向。  以上是对本书的大概介绍。================================================================下面说说个人的总结和评价(题目就是评价,所以我刚才一直在跑题)1. 对上文中个人感觉的大概总结(仅供参考,个人看法)  英语语言中的元素,词语也好、句子也好,都是相互连通的。  对于我这样的学生而言,英语学习在很大意义上就是扩充词汇。  大声朗读所学内容,以及用纸笔记下所学的IDEAS有助于本书的学习。  感觉新旧单词一起记效果更好。  2. 对这本书的总体评价  总体上书中所介绍的内容与方法仍有实用价值。比如书中的许多词根词缀都是可以沿用到日常阅读当中的,而且让人对英语新内容更加敏感。  

这英语句子 该如何解释?其中的 were relatively small parts,主语是什么


relativly low 和 relatively lower 哪个是对的?

relatively 是程度副词,已经有比较意思,后面是跟原级 low。但是,句子中要是明确写出了比较的对象,那么用比较级。

P990 的四种键盘: QWERTY, QWERTZ, AZERTY 和 Russian ,是什么意思?


Brake Power和Indicated Power有什么区别?(汽车)

brake power是因为在台架上测试,用"刹车"做负载,测出来的实际功率,所以叫brake power,对应的还有brake torque

Mark the corresponding letter on your answer sheet.是什么意思


This indicates that the actors were _____1_______


投影仪上power temp lamp红灯都亮是什么原因






请问audience ,viewer ,watcher ,spectator有什么区别?

上面四词均有观众之意:但各自所代表的含义有所不同,audience用于在那种听众和主讲人双方都清楚的情况下,即双方都知道对方的存在;而且一般都 限于人 的观众; viewer的对象可以是人也可以是人以外的物,而且被观察者 未必知道viewer的存在; watcher 强调于对于正在运动活动的对象,而且对象人和物皆可; spectator一般只限于对象为人.其他地方 与audience类似,但有一点区别 audience一般被观察人只有一人,而spectator的对象可同时多人

请问audience ,viewer ,watcher ,spectator有什么区别?

上面四词均有观众之意:但各自所代表的含义有所不同,audience用于在那种听众和主讲人双方都清楚的情况下,即双方都知道对方的存在;而且一般都 限于人 的观众; viewer的对象可以是人也可以是人以外的物,而且被观察者 未必知道viewer的存在; watcher 强调于对于正在运动活动的对象,而且对象人和物皆可; spectator一般只限于对象为人.其他地方 与audience类似,但有一点区别 audience一般被观察人只有一人,而spectator的对象可同时多人

东方神起的flower lady的歌词

flower lady la … ta … chal lan han jo hae sarui ban jjagim han ga ron ba ram naui gyo tul maem dol tae boin un mo dun pung gyon ge sum yo dun no rul chat ge dwae oj jom i ro ke hyang gi roun ji ma chi kum gyol chorom Like flowers my Lady odi do gal su opge nae shim jang ane puri rul nae ryo so *Stay with me nomu a rum daun Shine your leaves ga duk piona jullae na man bol su it ge Stay You stay Always la … ta … la … chok chok han ne ko chip moa da ma sa rang ul so ksa gi nun ip sure na er yoan ja ga duk han nae yol jon gul ne ge jon hae ju go pa jol dae ma ru ji an hul na ui i sa rang ul Baby Like flower my Lady shing gu ron ne mom jit do hwan han mi so do bu duron ip sul do **Stay with me ojik nae gyo te so Blow my Heart maeil piona jul lae pyong saeng nae ga sume Stay You stay Always ba rame hut nalli nun nal do na rul hyang ha gi rul nol hwal jjak ut ge hanun hae sal nae ga doe gil ga du kha gil dong hwa sok orin wang ja cho rom gil dull yo gag il gu jo sa rang ape… So stay

shower gel 是什么东西?

1)Sweet Pea/ Pois de senteur - 香豌豆2)shower gel /gel de douche - 沐浴凝胶(洗身体的),相当于于浴液3)with Lavender Extract hand cream /creme pour les mains -含有熏衣草精华素的护手霜4)bubble bath /bain moussant - 泡澡液(倒进浴盆里泡澡起泡用的)5)body lotion/lotion pour le corps - 护肤霜 (浴后涂到身上的)6)ingredients:sodium sulfate,sodium carbonate,sodium bicarbonate,citric aciid,hydroxypropyl cellulose,fragrance,may contain FD 这个是来自加拿大淋浴的一套用品

gel douche et bain bath and shower gel

翻译为:gel douche et bain bath and shower gel凝胶冲洗等贝恩沐浴露

英语好的帮忙翻译一下:Gel Douche et Bain Bath and Shower Get是洗面奶还是沐浴液啊??


Bath & shower yel with sea salt是啥意思


shower gel和shower cream分别是什么意思?有什么不同?


bath and shower gel 是干什么用的

bath and shower gel 沐浴露洗澡用

While the lights were changing to red ,a car sudd


Bath Shower Gel是什么意思

沐浴露双语对照例句:1.At the side of the bath is what appears to be a single bottle of shampoo or shower gel. 2.Ignite end up putting honey in their bubble bath and soap, while Empire have seaweed intheir soap and shower gel

bath shower gel是什么意思


Bath Shower Gel是什么意思

Bath Shower Gel全部释义和例句>> 沐浴露

luxury shower & bath gel中文什么意思

没看懂你的题!luxury是奢侈的意思。shower 洗澡的意思。。。。



body wash和bath&shower gel的区别




bvlgari gel douche et bain bath and shower gel


急求cream bath和shower gel的区别是什么?

“cream bath”和“shower gel”都是洗澡用的清洁用品,但它们在使用方式和功效上存在一些区别。1. 外观和使用方式:cream bath是不透明的乳液或雪花膏状,通常在盆浴时使用,也就是我们常说的“泡澡”。而shower gel通常是透明的啫哩膏状,适用于淋浴,也就是我们常说的“洗澡”。2. 功效:在功能上,cream bath和shower gel有细微的差别。cream bath可以留有皮肤天然保护膜,使肌肤滋润,同时抵御细菌及毒物的侵袭。而shower gel的pH值中性,对肌肤没有刺激,清洗后能帮助皮肤保持天然保护膜,使肌肤滋润,同时帮助抵御细菌及毒物的侵袭。总的来说,cream bath和shower gel在外观、使用方式和功效上存在一些差异。您可以根据自己的皮肤类型和喜好来选择使用哪种清洁用品。

朋友给我带了两瓶美国用的产品全是英文看不明白!谁给翻译下bubble bath 与shower gel分别是什么意思啊!


A treated B were treated C would treated


The wheat____ cut three days ago A、were B、has been C、had D、was


The wheat____ cut three days ago A、were B、has been C、had D、was


There were tears in your eyes.跪求出自哪首首,求大神解答~

歌手:Demi Lovato《Give Your Heart A Break》

求个kendrick lamar这首hiii power的中英歌词 以及这首歌的歌词讲述的大概内容

[Intro]Everybody put three fingers in the airThe sky is falling, the wind is callingStand for something or die in the morningSection 80, HiiiPower[Verse 1]Visions of Martin Luther staring at meMalcolm X put a hex on my future, someone catch meI"m falling victim to a revolutionary song, the Serengeti"s cloneBack to put you backstabbers back on your spinal boneYou slipped your disc when I slid you my discYou wanted to diss but jumped on my dickGrown men never should bite their tongueUnless you eating pussy that smell like it"s a stale plumI got my finger on the mothafuckin" pistolAiming it at a pig, Charlotte"s web is going to miss youMy issue isn"t televised, and you ain"t gotta tell the wiseHow to stay on beat, because our life"s an instrumentalThis is physical and mental, I won"t sugar coat itYou"d die from diabetes if these other niggas wrote itAnd everything on TV just a figment of imaginationI don"t want plastic nation, dread that like a HaitianWhile you mothafuckas waiting, I be off the slave shipBuilding pyramids, writing my own hieroglyphs[Hook]Just call the shit HiiiPowerNigga nothing less than HiiiPowerFive-star dishes, food for thought bitchesI mean the shit is, Huey Newton going stupidYou can"t resist his HiiiPowerThrow your hands up for HiiiPower[Verse 2]Visions of Martin Luther staring at meIf I see it how he seen it, that would make my parents happySorry mama, I can"t turn the other cheekThey wanna knock me off the edge like




attorney和lawyer指代的群体不同。lawyer是指从法律学院毕业的,拥有法学相关学位的个人。他们接受过法学相关的教育,但是还没有取得法律执业的相关认证。attorney是指接受过正规法学教育,取得了法学学位,同时取得了法律执业证明的个人。 扩展资料   1、从事的具体工作不同   lawyer:一般只给出一些法律上的建议。   attorney:不仅给客户法律上的建议,还在重要场合代表客户出席。如签订合同,在法庭上提供证据等。   2、词汇来源不同   lawyer:是古挪威语law的衍生词汇,代表从事法律工作的人。   attorney:源自于古法语,本意为代理人,代表人。   3、使用的.场景不同   lawyer:多在日常生活,普通法律场景中使用。如法律咨询,民事法律援助等。   attorney:更多的在政府活动,正式的法庭诉讼中使用。如代表政府的律师等。




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